ill: gaftianan' CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 17, 1SC4. GONE to TVaR. On Monday mornin? last three young men, Samuel V. Shop?, Window Lrtnich and Jacob Sttne. left tin; place for WaterforcL where they intend to enlist for three years. Promoted. V.'e learn that our friend P.ter A.Uaulin, of French villa. h been promoted to a Captaincy in fhe 5Jbt nn a liegiment. We wish the Captain success in his new position. , , Amos RoV ha, al l1 Captain of company r, .-., u - and Thomas Liddell as 2d Lieut. uotter-i EW Goods. The first prxxls of the serf son have just been opened at Boynton & Showers' in Clearfield. The members of thu firm are clever and accommodating gen tlemen, and do their utmost to cater to the wants of the public always ready, and al ways willing to wait upon customers. Their pre-ent stock of goods embraces the latest and most fk-sbionable styles, and will be sold at vejy reasonable rates. See their adver tisement in another column. Shof.t Aoaix. It seenn to be our for tune to be left short of workmen very fre iuent!y during the progress of the war. On JlmJay morning 8. ' Shope, one of our hanls, left for Waterford to enlist in the army of the Union. This is the fourth young man that has gone into the military service of his country, out of the Journal offioe. Whether this exit is the re-u!t of our precepts, or not, we ieave our readers tojadpe. . R. Fent Ward. This gentleman, and soVlier, was home on a fchort visit la-t week, and looked well. Fent enlisted in the 1st I'enn'a Rides (old Bvcktails). at the break ing out of the war, a a private was after wards promoted to a 1st Lieutcnantcy, and, we are infurmed, is now commissioned as Captain of company K, of that famous old regiment. The Captain has our Lest wihes Ibr his future welfare, and may he ever ,rove true and faithful to his country and the cause which he has espoused, and wear with honor the merited distinction which has been conferred npori him. The Weather. It would seem ihnt the "fcroudd-h"g" didn't tis. up the weather! very permanently this season, or, at least, j it has been of rather a tickle nature during i the pat wek. Home snow fell, but t he warm sun ana mild air did rot permit it to miiaiti iontr. ferhaps his hoghip "niiulii ed " in a little ''laer," or some other --t'.iii-u'enr, on the 2d of February, winch may Lave had the e fleet f obscuring hi vision, and caused him to lo-Jc in a: gutter in-to:id vi'ieturning to his burrow according to :m-e.t-nr custom and, as a consequence, tlie weather has leei in a '"reeling" condition too. Mr. Ground hog had better look to his laurels as a "weather indicator" or he will lose his former reputation. P. S. Yesterday (Tuc-day'i we had snow, t low, freece, thaw, and sun-hice. and it was iuite cold doling the past night. and this ii:Mi'.riti. That "weather indicator" mav suiier up" and give small ''spell yet to partially redeem his recitation ; but we liave mtle faith m his promises. OfR Qi"t'fA. We have frequently refer- f you had taken that eminent statesman, that rod to the matter of raising the quota of j only for a '"i .o agre majority" of one hun (Jlearficid by volunteers, but it scorns our j dred thouan ! word I Lave- been Governor of suggestions have been unheeded. And what Ohio, with you ; and then have had tliat is the result of this neglect? .Simply, that other 'Jniisr that came so ni-h 'only fif we are daily losing men out of the county, j tin thousand short j boiur fJoveinor of the tt ii.'i drilif in u.h .Mnik.M.... .....1 . l. .K .f . I O! ) . ! ... . . t , v in cum ii'uiiLH..., dim auirut.;i i ia ! j ay the largest local bonuries leaving this ..uuiy to furni-h her full quota by a draft. This should not be so! Our citizens .should i'lllow the example of those of other coun ties. They should make a united effort to procure volunteers, ami thus prevent the ; icaiit unbeuclicial exit from this county. From information received from different t-iwuships we have no heitoney in saying, wc believe, that at least oilmen have : It our county within the last three- weeks, to obtain the bounties ofrered in other local lot's. How is this drawing off of our popu lation to be. r rt-ventedi' It can be done in l'Vo :V:y-. First, by the county authorities Serine a local bounty ; and 2d, by the citi t n of the several sub-districts raising such b.unty. Or. if neither of these proposi- i jyiis bedeenied feaaibie, let there be aeom ' !;i .-J mi scriptioi) )y the county and citi zens, which in the -ageregate would equal "lie amount that woufd have to be appropri ate! by them seperately. This latter sug-go.-uoii would, pt-rh ips, be preferable, as 'it ""ouid uot fall so heavy on individuals as if titrate subscriptions were alone resorted to. -o as this is a matter that interests every uiua. woman, and child in the county, anil js the time tor the draft is rapidly approach jjib". we hoj.e there will be no furtlier delay to ilm taking of proper measures to fill the quota of Clearfield county by volun-!-, and thereby prevent the draining otf par war-goiug population without bene tttiir oureouiitv in the kast. We have ''hen reeun-ed'to this subjeet of late, that -' had nine de'.iey in doing so now ; but if "tUnni? it iiltr .111,,- n.'! Ua -.C tlie neojile of the county to a subject of such "ytal niiionance to all, we once more direct "tir attention thereto. And now, the onlv istion that remains, is Will vou make n eaurt to raise the quota oi" Clearfield Mty by volunteers and thus retain those t," are straying off, or do vou desire that t .e whole number be made up by a draft? Arkansas. When the Arkansas Conven tion took the State out of the union in 1S61, f -Uurphy. of Montgnmerv countv, who p'J tn elected as a Unionist, held to hi. a"h, inj aloDe of sixtv-one members voted pmst Recession. lie was abused and -..reatetied in even- shameful manner. His J reply was. "I am a slaveholder; but ssioi will kill slaverv. ' ' He has lived to thrr S-the truth of thiremark. He is now 1 lm,on candidate for Governor of Arkan- na ready to finish the work which Se loo has begun. wo,1j?A.VE, fellow the young man who &n- -,'?racf''' tne copperhead con ban l thl3 P'ace allowing one of its V t0 int the 'Abolition' army," ftherV lett" grace the alt very armv, v. -n, 1 n w-gace the Union army, with jour hSrtTi6' YUr ShUld bS Wbere flalT enDtit, is a patriotic town. Her tcliS3 the caU was s and 25 Lave COEfiESPONBENCE 0? TS JOUi.SAL. Letter frou Philipour, Pa. Philipsrcro. Pa., Feb. loth, 1864. Pear Journal : are now in the; mid.-t of the season when Cupid shoots his . arrows in countless numbers, . and Jcirs uio ': wounded seriously, mortudy, siltrut'y, and some fatally nor.n escape; without a se;atdi 1'rom this winged messenger's lovely dart.-, i Time honored St. Valentine, is nearly '"play-1 ed out " in these modern times. '1 he time' was, not many years ago either; that the 14th of lebruary was anxiously and patiently waited for. "by the lover, the rival, the ene my and all the names and styles and titles of man and women kind, from the twelve year old Miss and young America up to the old maid anil bachelor of half a century's growth. All took a turn through that kind and generous medium, Uncle Sam's P. (. arrangement, to give vent to their love, ani mosity, or scandal, in the form of a valen tine. But .since the old Gent put forth the decree that all letters thould be prepaid, The joke of sending a valentine lias feil into a rapid decline ; especially with those who improved the oc casion to make the recipients pay lor their own rebuke. Ourtown boyswhohavediUinedthe '"Ker sey" of Father Abraham .still keep coming home on furlough, iriaiited thorn Ly reason of re-en o.-Ltiieu Til; nt.'nioe". . of Co. 45thlieirt. 1. V. lJi Armv Corns, arrived on Ti;e-d:y They look line, noble, manly, and al! ibe att:ili:?es that I elong to the American .mailer are clearly depicted on the gai'arit toys. Tiie 4;"th Iteg't. has seen Kie hard service. ' They are just front the fie Ms whore thev won laurels that Will nev er f;i aue. Tl jo manv heroic an i daring deeds done bv the 'Jth Army ( i ps wiii ever a ao.l its liicmbers e'eneratioiH as he dorn the pa-c ol' hi.-f;:y, be pointed out by future roes ot many a hard fought, battle. Wel come, thrice wi.eonie home, ye brave and gallant sons. God uianr that you may find the b'c:sing of health an 1 ha;piii"s among vour fathers, nsot be:. wives. ehi!(iren..-i.-ter., and brothers, an 1 when yon sixain go forth for another tenu, to lUbt the l aities vi' our g'oiioiis countij'. n. ay it Le the will of an .!l-wie and just God, to protect you fnun the fatalities of war, and that you may safe ly return to yeur hoim-.. ani live to a rije oIl age find enjoy th- of nuir own brave and no!) lu-arts, a restored I'nion. And stiil they come yet another ciiusioii in the eohnnus oi' your couiemporary. on the good elioets of tlu: viins contained in the cop'perheads, from the fluctuating pen I ;l that sitge of snails, Ihedriek hxline. True in his brae developed bumn of insta bility. Ihediiek has abau loned the awft-ra-tani-de- ham-ciinniivj -epistolary prfidtt.-tion on tin natural hi.-toiy of ,-naiks, and !'? throning Morphi-uj mounts the throne of that ancient. roil atid wenrls his way to the dominions f Limn. Alas! for DioJiiek ; the truth of smph.-iou is fast coming about, flis ino-t sanguino ftien b h;tve thought for ,ne time pa-t. that fair Cynthia was draw ing him softly, but slo.v and surely into her t;i sei n a t i n ; c u 1 1 ra e. Pa rt i c n! a rl v w I le n t h a t tjneen or mtnt was making the tour oi her (vie(i,i! o;!,ir. in full ejuij'age. No won der his balloon became unmanageable, infla ted with such miserable. trets,,,ai,le, relN-I-l'mus. copperhead gas, as he let off while aointr ".ji Ami then such ballast: -naik- y, iletum-t, away back before the davs of the subtil-- invader of Paradise. Oh ' ' -.t voi jfsioiie. witar an l nreroM in" iIoiol'.i- tion to tne moon it would have been. Put Piedriek why did you not stay with Luna? "i ou might have had a few editions of your dream struck olf and sent tin m down to 'Bobby' of canine nr.vsib,,,,t.foi- graTitutions distribution among the fairhful. The same trouble must have existed there, that does terra lirma. I presume you soon learned that there was a "cruel war' iroing on. and to gain a membership in good standing, you would be required to smell burnt gunpowder. But you had conscientious scruples, of a strong copper tendency, against 1-earing arms, so you concluded to comeback to your ''lader land' and send greeting, to all cop perheads in good faith, your "wonderful dream" a true and faithful explanation of the doctrine of Copperheads. Wonderful prolific brain I "Ye Gods, it doth amaze me." A snaik of such treasonable temper should J to get the start of this venomous nest And bear the virus all alone." aye to isMie such a lengthy dream, to un fold the unhidden mysteries of the past, covering a period of seventy-two years, and all told except the administration of an ob scure individual bearing the name of Bu chanan, a name now obsolete in the short space of three and a half columns of a news paper. I do not wonder that the doinsrs of! the administration, above mentioned, were not "consideied in."' for Piedrick's motto seems to be "prolixity is the soul" of cop perheads, and it would h ave been but a speck towards recording the stealing by 1-ioyd. to say nothing of the delay of "Oid Buck " to fulfil the obligation, of the oath " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the oiliee of President of the United States, and will, totlubestof my ability, rrxrrct: jirnttrt. and ihfe:i1 the Constitution of the United States." Poor, old "Utick !" hi . ability, like Diedrick's, had got so low that he could not carry out the words oi tlie oath defend,'-' 1 partieu'arh pre-l'Vfl pr.ilcct aii'l ! tacon. tisn, riour. aait ; mow, stone and; kst)' without in- ! '''-. and .stoves. .suit in." hi.-i friends, JeiT llavisi Co. Di'J- rick, dream azain. iiesiLrti vourselt to vour virtuous couch at an early hoar and you may ! hams. Chintz.''Kerchief . .Nubias. Sont.igs. X a Ji be al'ie to take in those lour year, th lt .VOU ; kin. Lawns. Einen. Luce Edgings. Collars. Trim hoppe.1 over. J.eaiu o i ! Oh. vis- j ming. Bfaldn. Vai:, etc ions of snalL- iiin-r ntfi'inl vou ! UF UAKBWABE. be has axes. saws, chisels. hnow, linui. nn-hino. wind. hat!. sIoelknvu3 l:,rks- .locl!"- ninge.. screws, auzers, C , . i , ii -1 i j; J trec-ze. Meet, hail, v:im. .siiiilimo, liuid. t snow, freeze, is the register of each twentv four liours since ' "Ground d:iy. Dut a better time is cominsr. and lumbermen are confident that it will tnow. That's the question. "When? Leroe Mossop sells the cheapest goods in the county. Buy your goods at Mossop's. PRESERVE YOFR BFAUTY-Symmctry of form your halth and mental powers, by using that Safe. Pleasant. Popular, and Specific Ketned.v known as Ilclmbold s extract Encbu. Read the Advertisement in mother column, and profit by it diseases nnd symptoms enumerated. Cut it out and preserve ir. You" may not now require it, but may at some Future Day. 'It gives health and vigor to the fraini, And b!Km to the pallid cheek.'.' It Saves Long Suffering and exposure. Be ware of Counterfiets ! Cares Guaranteed " - ' LAHHE STOOK OF OLASS, paints.'nils, whre lead. etc.. at , E. A. IRVIVS FOnilLUCl'TTEKS of a superior make for saje at reasonable prices, at MEURELL and BIHLEii'S. Clearfield. Pa. rrUVENTV-FIVE Til MIKED ACHES 1 Of LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. extending to the mouth of the Moshnnnon. An eligable property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of H. UrCHEK aWDOl'E. Decl9-tf, Attorney at Law Clearfield P IVOTICi: TO SCHOOL DIltEC TORS 1 1 The School Directors of the different Town ships in C.earfield County, are hereby notified to return, to the Commissioners of Clearfield County, he number of mill ussei-sed for School pu. poses for the year A. D. ISfiJ .t HS3, duly, signed by tbe President and attested by the secretary. Jan. 27. Ey order of Commissioners W S. BRADLEY Clerk. WOiiOltlTFFsi M PORTANT WEATI1 IT KK l.NPICATOK.-Krm Messrn Munn fc Co.. of tbe Srientjie. im-rirai) '. -From the eon slrnetion of fhls itisti unietit . as well a. frrnn the Ample t4-jtiitioiils. 1-oih of prnotin;il furmers a oJ men of we are FMti-fied ttHt it is really n gooil. prnerieahlu IS trutifti-r To ho seen at Jude h.-trretlji. uti'l oth is in CieiirfklJ. Airent t lesofiohl Co . II. ! Wiur.uT, who will pupply iiitrnuirtit on short notice . Jan V7 IsMl. V .S -LK. The lit ih-riogried will sell it public 8nle. on jfliirJiiy. Fetnuiirv 27iU. the foiiio,4 property, si u;tte iu New Millport. 0!e;o field eouu ty. Ph.. to wit. 'i!e Sfenti: S:iw-mill; n 'Iri.'t ltitM i h o r e mi he run either l-y steiou or w.oer or wu'o the two cm billed ; two g"od jweilins; houses, one new tti'li u large kiteheu attHehed ; u new Store loiue Is l.y "( feet, anil about ion neres of hind, wiih ir.xtd barn an I o'.licr out- buibon,.? thereon Al..-ut "o nert-s of the hind is cleared and under g-ood cul livntion. the b;il;inee is ell tiuibeicd A well of exuellein water is near the dour of the houe "nnd the w:iter jiowcr is a good one. Any person desirous ol pureloisin a prop ty of this" description is invited tocallund see the premises. The terms will be made to suit the pur. h.iM r Al. O, tsi'IUK. New Miliport. F'cc .''.0. 1 Sl':!. Q W. CARPE.NTKU'. II KMSZi:V&C'0S. VlOlcsale Drug & Chemical Warehouse A.7:i7 Hu.i-t Strxtt, f'hr.f.r.rp'iia, The Fuli-cribcr- keVp cotistanty on hand u large so.ek of )?. .If-row. C't " !. I' preparations. ;oid every oilinr nrtic.'o. "hi-h ;ipprtions I the business; embracing the most extensive variety also. i.'v. 0v. ;o.d (i',tx of eveiv ileseriptioii. All articles purchased from us can bf lelied on n? ht-in of tne most superior quality. :ind at as low nn'ees as ilieV C-m he had We ean offer such ItnliiBenients us will iimke it the int'-rest of iiirelinser t lay in their "applies from us and sive us their fuuire pall oioiie. and invite all. who visit the eiiy. t- u.iil at our est ib lishuici.t All oidurc udilrcssed to us by mail will meet with pro" pt atention. ;i:). V. OAUl'KN I Uli. HEN?ZEV A Co Feb. 3.-3 m 737 Maiket Street. Philadelphia. Jcr tiie Iruit.. "Flower and Kitchen Grdea. lsiU THU ! C AIIDKN CIIVS JI(.'M1LY. W (i P. I l.t-M;. Pii! !i.-h. r. ( nee : 2:!d North si.vth St.. Philadelphia Terms-SI 60 a year Kiiited by Thomas Aleehati- The Month ly contents, lire : llisis flower (lardeti and Pleasure-iJround ; Fruit iJarden ; Vegetable llardea ; Window (iar tleiiinij. CommiM' ATIOns Foihacin the views of the writers on Hiirnl Affairs. FoiTouiAL Hiving the Editor's views on the itnpoi la nt Horticultural improvements .SvHAi'S ami L"K'(ii.;s Xkiv Kkits Ni;w Plants lJoJitsTO- avi Foiikigx Intcli.igk.vcj? foiiMOX Cotoir.siovr-ENcj; lioi,Tirn.Tti!AL No ticks. U'4th each liepartaient handsomely illustrated. These genenil leatures will be retained, and the publisher pledges himself that no labor or ex pense shall be spared to render the succeeding issues of the Magazine every way worthy of the favor wi:h which his prev ions wfforts have beeti amply rewarded vSeLj for a specimen I rsT j: k f k i v i: n at rifw-ft CUE A P. I EWE I.I! V STOKE. r4f?t iJr.ihaiu s How. Clearfield . P.i , n 6ne nssorimeiit ol WATCHES JEWELKV. ic.. Ac, lo which wo in vite intention. !old and Silver bunting ar.d open f iced watch es. to be had at NAl:il.E'S. The American Lever of different quaiitiws. ean be hail al . N A I lILE S. Fine setts of Jewelry, sueh ns (.'aineo. Coral. En va .Ictt. Curbunele. liarnelt. Opal, f lorentine Mo sain, tjold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac., or single pieces at N A U1 EE'S. Piatugold Creastpins. Eardrops. Hoop Earrings, chililreii'seardiopsand ringsat .N'AUil EE'S. (lold sea's, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUJI.E'S. tients breast pins, sleeve outtons. shirt smds. fot buckles and guard slide ut NAlUiLE'S. A Kne assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles aud Quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, uud ail urtiele? in his line, ou baud Ht N A L'U EE'.S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and coujhioii Clocks, aud Fancy Time-pieces, from l.2o to 15 dolIaTS nt NAlTtJLE'S. Old (lold uiid Silver will be taken in exchange forgoodsat NAl'tiEE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAL'iiLE'S. If you wish your watches put iu pair and warrante.l. take tm - S. " WHAT IS IT?' GREAT EXCITEMENT IN GIBS HOPS, PA. KVKIiVBonr SKEUS PLEASED. An.l Wl.v ShoiiH Thev Not lie? . - ?nrefy. t!io people in that section of Clearfield county have great reason to be rejoiced owr fhe pleasing announcement that JOHN ROBSON has just opened in his New Store Boom, the larg est and best selc-toJ sto rk of good ever brought to that part of the county of Clearfield. NEW 8TJ..K A 4I NEW GOODS. The undersigned having removed his store to his New liuihling on Pii.e .street, (lien Hope, op posite thu "Union Mouse. is now opening andof-' feriiig to the. public the largest aud best selected stock of fcasuiiahlc goods ever off red in this place ami neighborhood, and will be sold at pri ces to suit the limes iiU Slock ciuUraces Dry-tJooJs. Notions. Hard ware. Queens-ware. Boots. .hocs. Hats and Cans. Keudy biade clothing Painr. Oils. Nail Jl mil iiiH'D.-s, ne tins ..iotus. i assi mers. sat linetts. Tweeds. Vestings," Flannels. Shirtings. tiauimers. nans, spites. Cloves oi various patterns . n.i,,aofo OF GROCERIES, he bs coffee, sugar, molas ses, teas, rice, pepper cinmuon, cloves, Flour, hams, sides, shoulders', fish. etc. OF QL'EEN'SWAliE, he has tea sets, cups and saucers, cream jurs. ten and coffee pots, pitchers, bowls, plates, dishes, etc. . . OF CLOTJUIMi. he has coats, pants, vesta, nn dershiru, sniru. i3rwers. neck-ties, gloves, socks, hats, citps. boots, shoes, etc All the above, and numerous other articles, for sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kinds of lumber and country produce Remember, that I am receiving goods weekly from Baltimore. Philadelphia. Xew York and Pittsburg, nnd that any goods can be furr.whed on very short notice. Cull and exaiuine the goods and prices and sat isfy yourselves of the utility of buying at JOHN KOBSON'S. GUn Hope, December 23, "1863. : RECKIPTS AM) KXPENDITURFSOF CLEARFIELD COUJiiY, FOR A. D. 1663.. JosErii Shaw, Esq . Treasurer of Clearfield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account with said county, from the fith day of Jan , A l.l63,until the fith day of Jan., A. D.1864. KKBTOR To amount received from Collectors for !So3. and previous years.includini; percentage. l 1717 tit To amount received from Unseated lands. 6o4 t3 To amount from Commissioners' book. aoi 73 To am'tdueat last settlementby Treas'r 6GS 6 CREDIT. By Election expenses, J $1476 OS , . Py Assessors wages. G!l 14 Py f oi and Wild cat probates, 143 8 Py Justices costs. Py Jurors waires 33 00 Ihla 74 12IS 42 37S CO 17 4i 17o0 0( laO 37 111 99 134 OS 37'.t 00 72 45 3!) o; 47 25 88 07 10 (10 335 70 10 00 1 !v4 00 115 00 43 Si 2'iii 00 117 M 8-S 63 By Interest oi. orders. liy Lithograph orders, Py Const ..les' costs. By t'onrt-house contract, By District Attorney's fees, Py Prolhonotary fees, lty Sheriff's fees". By Printing. Py Jailors fees. By Janitors lees, By Court crier, By Triquesig. By Pratt new township. By Commonwealth costs. By 'Aud' Froth y Kcgistersac't By Privy contract, By 'I reasurers safe, liy Western Penitentiary, By t! round for Court-house. i Py Wood and eoal coutr ct. l.y Pc-pairs. By Commissioners wnzes t'..S"j 64 By Cf.iniiiissioiicts clerks w.-nrcs. 2'! '2 80 j By Pockcts-'tatioiiury 4 postage. 2"0 li t By Office rent, 7 I 1 a '-.v r.-xpress and ircight. I.i 4H Py ounsel fees for lsti2 and '63, 2:'0 00 By Miscellaneous, 207 C7 By Merchandise, 147, I S By P.oad views. ' ?Ss 09 By Percentage to collectors, 4'J7 50 By Exonerations. . By Perecnliige paying out, 17? IS By Percentage receiving. 2(10 00 Bal due Treasurer Shaw. 4 71 Total 5 1 33 Pi s2 513313 82 Bouu y Tuni. Joskpii Shaw, l-.'sq , Treasurer of Clearfield county, in il.o CoiiouonueaUh of Peniifylvania. iu a.-couut wiih iJolllt3 l"ui,d,lor the year loi3 iki:iou To am't ree d from Collectors for 1S53, including percentage. oUi-i 6(1 To am t rcii U from 1'isseated lands, 231 97 rilKlltT. By Bounty Tionds redeeMieuV. 2475 00 Py Interest on Bounty bonds. ti:J.l 55 By Percentage to collectors. 311 10. iy Exonora;ion.s. 5'J 9i. By T re us" i 'percentage pay ing out. 77 73 iiy Treas'r percentage iccoi ving, !H liai d'lo Treasur Shaw, 13 fi5 Total 53.14". 22 S.'151'J 22 Kelief Fund. Joseph Shaw. Esq.. Treasurer of Cleaifield county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, iu account with F,.elief f in,d. for the year lb:i3. lo.t-.rui: To am't ree'd from Collectors for lb'53, including percentage, j;7 21 To ain't ree'd from Unseats J lands, 116 Uri To am't ree'd from l.iiotia fund, 1038 15 To um't lec'd Commissioners booki. IIS Oil CRKD1T. V,y amount of Relief orders, 22:10 11 Py Percentage to Collectors, 155 93 By Exonurations. 31 12 Py Treas'rs percentage receiving. 75 78 Ey Tieas'rs percentage paying out 56 01 Bal due fund by Treas'r, 419 45 Total 302 51 S3029 01 Beceived January 22d 1S(14. of Joseph Shaw. Esq.. late Treasurer of Clearfield county. Four hundred and forty nine dollars and forty-five cents, it being the balance due Belief Fund as above C. Kkatek, Treasurer. Due from Collectors. Amount of County, ."Mate and .Militia taxes due from collectors for ISU4 and previous years. Towu'ps. Ccl'rs 'ames. County. Ftate. Militia. tor I Hal. Jordan. Pike, Pike, I. Williams. 53,15 For 1803. J. Caldwell. Eor 1S04. T. K. McClure. 2.02 For 1800. 5S:29 4 72 16.94 S7:t0 7,54 17.80 19.08 20.62 21.50 CoM'ngt'in, J. Barmot. tor IHoii. G Kephart, 63,89 111.09 For 160S. R Danvers. For IsoO. becatur, Pcnn, Fox, J. Mulkirs. 13.55 For 1SIH. W. T. Tborp. 3.S.3 For 1802. J X McCracken. 11.13 15,25 1.92 39.19 19.77 5,37 14 00 B.39 12.69 8,05 1.60 24.15 9.02 3.30 5.2s 4 56 7.S7 Bell, Fox. Huston. Eawrencc -Morris. N. Brock way, AV. 1). Woodward E. Ardery. l.eo. Ardcrr. 4 t.03 3.31 50.37 13.03 Wuudwurd.J. M. Chase. For 1863. Bell. Wm Bell. . J. Diiueling, Lewis Wood, Edmund Dale, '. K. Arnold, 201 44 102.7S 30.42 37.5S 294. SO 43.29 21 02 12'J 72 20.75 20 69 18.53 8-S.17 97.8S 2o,0l 70.07 29.40 22.87 3.4. , . .i.i i 20.12 3.05 4.27 15.07 42.27 1 1 .30 ?:S.72 12.35 0.07 Bloom, Bradford, Brady. rsuruside, J. L. Xett, Chctrt. J. Westover, Covington. Francis Coudreit Ciearlield. 11 . Swoope, urwensv. John JlcXaul. Ferguson, Nelson Hatch, Fox. C. A. Wileoi, Uoshen. R K.'Flegal. lirallam. Clark A. Eale. (iueheb. (1. W. McCully, Huston, Arnold Bliss, Jordan. H.J Johnson. Karthaus. John iJilliland, Knox. James Caihcari, Lawrence Koht. Wriglcy, -Morris. Peter S warts, New W. Jacob Breth. Pcnn. Thos. Kafferty, Pike. Jas A. Bloom. I'nion. J. II. Po'ter. jr Wood ward. Kobt. Heudersn. 7fi7.()4 302.31 133.45 40,03 214.05 43.0'l 12.87 21.02 12.sil 41.02 141.72 2-1.00 1I2.3S 37.2 5 193.07 12.11 270. 3S 5.2; S5.7 tiS.OH 10.00 22.11 15.29 50.33 12.31 50.55 34.S 02.04 1S.SS OS 91 7 Oi S5. 25 17.S7 23(57 7.32 27 0.77 C.sO lfi.02 1 1. 10 2n 42 2. si 13.50 15.42 Oi 18,02 Total $ !3;9.ii3 I4y;i,49 483.92 Amount of Relief and Bounty taxes due from collectors for lrt3 Towu'ps. Coi rs Names Relief. lor lSi)3. Bell. Wm Bel! 7S.34 Boggs. J. Diuieling, 53,S Bloom. Lewis Bloom. 21.25 Bradford, Edmund Dale, . 72.01 Brady. F K. Arnold, 0S.25 Huruide, Jos. L. Neil". 23.07 Chet. Jos V.'estover. 32.08 Covington.. Frsnois Coutlreit, 51 .S7 Clearlild. II. B. Swoope. 253. 17 Curwensv. John McNaul. 41.17 Ferguoou, .elson Match. 05.12 Fox. C. A. Wilcox, tiosben. R. K. F'egal, 1 l.l'O Bounty. 191.01 101.77 42.02 10:i.45 2.10.02 24,41 00.20 117.0f W5.o7 !.('.' j i.raham. C A. Dale. 2S.20 51.10 (iuelich, ii W..MoCu:iy, 42.4S 77.00 Huston. Arnold I! iss. 12.81 2.'M Jordan.- K J. Johnson 09.11 - 117, SO Karth.ius, John Oilliland. . 2S.4 70.2s Kn-.x. James Catbcarr, 4S 03 95.97 Lawrence, Robert Wrigley, 64.55 147.S.S .Morris. Peter Swarts. .01.34 127. t5 New W. Jacob Er-th. 14.70 30,33 Penn, Thos. R.fferty, 50 02 9i.20 Pike, J. A. Bloom. 100.79 197.90 t nion. J. H. Potter, ir. 29.12 20.04 Woodward, Robert Henderson, l,Ul .40.00 Total 1301,70 S2$I3,93 . County Financn. Aggregate amount of outstanding coun ty orders A ggregate amount of outstanding eourt honrs orders. Aggregate amount of outstanding comi- 27S3 41 31 ?l 50 house bonls. 18500 00 Amount due Treasurer ?baw, . 4 71 Aggregate xaonut due. from j Collcclors. 338 63 Aggregate amount dua from Ensealed lands, 5S27 45 Agirregate amount du4 from judgments Ac.' 14 '100rt 00 Indebtedness cf county. 12112 5:s Total S22i'S'J 66 S22&3 66 Bounty Fund. Aggregsteamonntof outstanding bonds Amount due Treasurr. Aggregato air.ocnt due from Collectors. 231S 95 Aggregato amount d-Be from Unseated lands. 23S3 90 Indebtedness, - 1450 80 6S70 00 13 65 $66!53 65 6us3 65 Jostth Shaw, Esq , Treasurer of Clearfield county in ftc't with different t'ps for Koad ISI52-63. IEBTOR To am't due Fps from Bwt settlement, SI3IH.23 To am treed from unsoafart lauds. 135,08 CREDIT. Am"t .dtp"s. JJal (iae tp's S73.SS . 52.3 T2 M.21 " 24.73 Townships. Beccaria, Bell, lioggs. Biooin. Bradford. Prady. -Burtiside. Chest. Covington, lecatur . f erguson, fox, i irard, Uoshen, t-Jraham, C-uli-h, Huston, Jordau, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Piko. Union. iV ood ward. Bal due tp's. Total 40;00 17.8 6141 720 18.70 79,12 80.30 10.00 90 02 4ti.l 10,78 151.02 45.00 947 89 16 43 213.22 122.90 27.63 61.45 11.14 101.90 115.02 4rt.i0 21 ;,5l 11,05 17.59 51,53 40.25 9 12 $2701.29 Keeeivyd January 22d. . o Joseph Shaw, Esq.. late- Treasurer of Clearfield county. Two hundred and fourteen dollars and tit'tv-one ceuto, it being the balauce due road fund as'above. C. Kratzer. Treaeurer. Jos urn Shaw. Esq .Treasurer of Clearfield county, in ac t with diflerent tp's for Schw. for lsivi2-63 " llEBTOK- To am't duo tp's from last settlement. S2479.77 To uni t reo'd from unseated lauds, 1075,55 CKKIilr. Ain't pdtp s. Bal. due tp's. $110.7 115.37 20,62 Townships. Eeccarf, Hell, Hoggs, Bloom. Brad tird, Brady. Burnside. Chest, Covington, I'eoalur. Ferguson, Fox, (iiMrd. oshen. (irabain, Giielich, Huston. Karthaus, Knui, Eawrence, Morris; Perm, .Pike. Union. Wood ward, Bal duo tp's. Total 54 61.91 36.20 .'.S.55 298.09 117 43 H9 44 36.y 74.27 51.01 35.57 22(1 35 106,34 1104.00 244.38 93.06 47.97 40.05 16 54 63 56 70.62 25.37 -17.06 6,08 10,94 S3000.32 53055.32 Received Jno. try 22i, A. D. 1SS1, of Joseph f haw. Esq . late Treasurer of Clearfield county. Seventeen d"llr3and tifty sir cents, it being the balance due school fund as above. C. Kkatzeu. Treasurer. "We. the Commissioners of Clarfie!J county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ex Hiuined the accounts of Joseph .Shaw. Esq., late Treasurer of tbe couuty of Clearfield, for the year A 1. ISfi.'i. do certify that we find the account ol Joseph .Shaw. Esq . as follows: The amount due the county to be fen thousand One hundred and Ninety-seven dollars and eight cents. W also find the amount ol outstanding orders to be Twenty-two thousand Six hundred and eighty-four dol lars anil ninety-five cents, of which Sixteen thou sand live hundred o!!sr are Court-house bonds. '1 he balance due Treasurer is Foci dollars and seventy-one cents The amount duo the Bounty Fund is Five thousand two hundred and two dol lars and eighty-Bve cents. The amount of out standing Bounty bonds is Six thousand six hun dred and seventy dollars. The balance due Treasurer is Thirteen dollarn and sixiy-five cents. The amount due Relief fund including Militia is Four hundred and forty-nine dollars and foitv- five cents. Witness our h.inds this 22d day cf January A. I). Is5i. JACOB KUXTZ THOS DOUGHERTY-, Attest. AMOS READ. Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk. Comm'rs. We, the Auditors of Clearfield county, having examined the accounts of Joseph Shaw, Esq., Ule Treasurer of the county of Clearfield for the year A. D. 1803 do report that the accounts ardas a bove statvid. -The amount due the Road lund by the Treasurer is Two hundred and fourteen dol lars and fifty one cents. The amount due the School lund by the Treasurer is seventeen dollar and lifty-six cents Tbe amount of outstanding orders is Tenly-two thousand six hundred and eighty-four dollars and ninety-five cents oi which sixteen thousand five hundred dollars are C'onjt-H house bonds. Witness our hands this 22J day of January A D. ISO!. C. S WORK ELL. HIRAM WOODWARD, Attest. F. F. COLTREIT. Wm. S. Cradlej". Clerk. Auditors. All persons are hertby caution J ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, now in the possession of An drew of Decatur township, to wit : one Orey horse and one Orey mare, as the same be long to ijs and have only been left with said An .drew icvpbart on loan, and are t,ubjeci to our ol der at any time. WM. ALBERT i Bro's. Bradtor J !p., February 3, IR04.-pd 4 I CTION. The undersigned having beenl.i- j. aceio-cd an auctioneer would inform the i;Ul zens ot Clearfield County, that he will attend t calling s.-ile iu any part of ibe County whuuev called upon. Chart".- Moderate. Address . J M. SMITH, llegartys X Roads, Clearfield Co.. Pa February .".d IstU er ' i SI ..; j pt.VTIO.. All persons are hereby camion 12.'). fU ; ed aiain.'t purclj.isir.g or in any wav mel- ! dl'.ng wirh tho following property, now in tho possession of David Kephart of Decatur township. io wn . or c puiroi urown norses, as ui same belong 'o lis and have only beeu left with said David Kephart on loatr.i-nd are subject to our or der at any time WM (LbKRT. k Pro's. Bradford tp .February. 3, lst4. jd. IV THE COURT pf Common Pleas of Clear 1 field County, '-Setting Equi- l-.uianein, ly by her next friend, Ep bra m Fulmer, v. A P. Neff. No. 42 March Term 1SS3. ''Subptena Sur Divorce." Th undersigned, who was duly appointed by tbe Court, Commissioner to take testimony in the abov3 case, will attend to tbe duties of his apoint ment at his office in tbe Borough of Clearfield, on Friday the Uth day of March, A. D. 18t4. at 10 o'clock, a. it. of said day, when and where all per sons interested may attend and cross-em m ice, ic , if they see proper. T.J. McCULLOUGH, Clearfield, Feb, 3, 1864 Commissioner NOT ALCOHOLIC. A Highly Concentrated VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PUKE TONIC. DOCTOR IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BV Dr. CL M. Jackson, FhUad'a, Pa. Will effectually cure Liyer Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic ct Nervous Debility, Dis eases of tbe Kidneys, and all diseases'ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach, such asCocstipa;kn. Inward Piles. Fulness or blood to the Head. Acidity of the .s'tomach.Nnubea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight io the btoinach. Poor Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of tbe Stomach, Swimming cf the Head. Harried . and Difficult Ereiithing.Flut tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision. Dots or Webs before ihe ight.r ver and Dull Pain in the Head. Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yellow . nefs of tbe Skin and Eyes, fain in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, io.. Sodden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depressiunxf Spirits. Frnvi Rev f. Xrwto'i li onfn, D. D Elitor ef ini EiicyciopeJSa of Knigtons Kilotcledg. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines ia general, through distrust of their ingredients andeifects; I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a roan may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to hare received from any simple preparation in tbe hope thathe in:ij thus contribute to th benefit of others. 1 do this the more readily in regard to Hoof laud's German Litters, prepared ty D. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainsttbem for many years, under the impres sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. l aw iudebted to wy friend Robert Shoemaker, Etq , for the removal of tais prejudice by proper tests, and f r enconritgoTnent to try tbein. when suffering from grata;iU long continued debilitr. 1 he use of tbiee battles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present vertr. was followed by evi iect relief, and restoration to a degree of bod, ily and mental vigor which I "had notf!t for six months before, and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank liod and my fried for directing me to the use cf them. Philad'a., June, 23, lb5t. J. Newto Brows. FARTICI'LAI! NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the nam ot bitters put up in quart bottles, compoun ded of the cheapest whiskey urcotnaion rum. cos ting Irotn 23 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste dis guised by Aniso or Curiauder Seol. Th is c lass of Ri iters has cause-! and will contin ue to. cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to tiie tlie death of the driirkar-I. By their ure theys:ein is kept continually under the influ ence of Alcoholic frtiuinlanisoi" tbe worst kind. tte desira for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all the horreri attendant upon a drunk ard's life and death. Korthoe who desire nnd will have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get Our B'ttte. HoDlli-nd's Gennrn' litftsr and mi. with Thrrr. Quarts ot' Goof B rami if or Wlnsiej. and the result will be a preparation that will Jut txect in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark et, and will cost much less. You i!l have all the virtues of Uooduud s Bitters in connection with a good article of a much less prioe ihn these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND- TIIE FRIEMDS OF SOLDIERS. We eU the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that -UoorLA.i&'a German Bitters'' w ill cure tine tenths of the dis eases induced by exposures aud privations inoi dent toeanip life. In tbe lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on tbe arrival of tbe sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor tion are suffering from debility. . Every case of that kind cii be readily cared by lloo2;ujd 's Ger man liitiers. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation iu stating that. "if these Hitters were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that oiherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one tho natiou's heroes, whore life, toubebis own Ian guage, '-has been sved by the liitters :-' Ilaoeuhia. August 23rd. 1S62. Mxsr..Ttixfit E&JHs. Well. geDtlemeu,your Hoofland's German Bitters has saved my lif. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose name are appended, and who were fully cognirantcf all the circumstances of my case. I am. and have been tor the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated batterv. and under the Im mediate command of Capt. K Ji. Ayres.- Throneh Io Cipo sure attendant upon my duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from tbe White House, and sent to this city on board the Stealer -Stae of M jine,'froiB which I landed on the 2Sth of June. Since that time l have been about as low as any one ooald be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it wai immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glnss cf waier on my stomach. Life could not last under these circum stances; and. accordingly, the physieians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rescue me from the grasp ef the dread Archer, frankly told me they oocld do no more for me. and advised me to see a clervmaE. an;! to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth below Areh Street, advised me. as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking tbein th gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now thank God for it. getting better. Though I have taKtn hut two botiles. h:ivo gained ten pounds, and I feci eanguire of being permitted to-rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have beard nothing for eighteen mouths: for. gentlemen, I ain a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front .Royal. To your invaluable Ei'ters I owe the er-t.-iinty of life which has taken place of vague feare to your Bitters will 1 owe the glorious privi lege of again clasping to my bosom these woo r dearest to me ic life. Very truly years, Isaac Miixwe. We "fully concur in the truth of the above state ' we had despaired cf seein n i-nrrA- I Xt. Malone. restored to benith. ' Jou.- Cuddle back. 1st New York Battery Geo. A. Ackley. Co. C 1 Ith Maine. LtWIS C1IEVUER. S2vl cw Yoilt. r. E. Spencer, li?t Artillery, Batter ?. J. B. Farewell, Co. E. Si Vermont. Hen'hy B. Jkrome. Co. B. ad Vermont. - Hknhy T. Mauhonalu, Co. C. 6lh -aine. Jobs F. tt'jivD. Co. E. ith JJi.e Hekmas Ilocn. Co. il. 72d New Yrk. NATnANir-u B. Tu.iMAS, Co. F. S'.lh Pono'a Andrew J. Kivuam.. Co. A. Zd Vt-rmont Jobs Jenkins, Co. B, IU3:L I tcn'a BE WAKE OF COl'XTEKFEITS : See that the riguature of -CM. Jacksun," iirp the torapjfr of each bottle, PRICE PUR BOTTLJC 7i CEXT?, OR 1IAI.I-' DOZ. FOR S4 00. Should your nearest druggist not b79',jj0 tide, do not be j ut off by auy of the ir ,; j preparations that may Ins offered in i9 piace j send to us, and we will forward, tw T,,-v-'' by express. r Principal Office and Macufacv,ry gj rev Street. JOX'-j 4 EVAN'S (Successors to C M, Jackson 1 Co.,) Proprietors CFor Sale by Ilartsw sk X iiuson,CJearSe!d. Penn'a and Druggistii a-jd jjleri jD inthetmtedajes. Ji.ly8.ls83 pOOS STOVF;s and ParJor 9t0TM f eUior VS ? ..'rt00' Md 8tore P' for cheap, for cash at th, store of J-.D. THOMPSON. RmrwuarlU "