Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, February 10, 1864, Image 3

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    THE' "&&PT3ffl)A!$?8. .OiElJ
CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB. 10, 164.
Oa our outside wilH)e found the letter of
resignation of Ma.j. White.
Mev. Wallace and Boyer will accept our
thanks for additional documentary favors.
Wc are indebted to Governor Curtin for a
pamphlet copy ofhu late inaugural addict.
The Pennsylvania Faer GaRD
nfr ifai iuenter.-l ujx theMXth volume.
' It uiWtotio" to every farmer
"ho dJfres to conduct his matters sc.ennU
Slv, and the Jo price at winch it ispub
IM per anum, places it wuhiu the
reach of every farmer. See advertisement
W. S. Yomi? & Co. publishers. i2 .North
jjisthSt., l hil'a.
Revival. During the past two weeks
preaching lias been had in the Methodist
church in this plaee, -every evening, and
quite a numlter ot persons have professed
conversion during that time. Much interest
continues to be manifested by those in at
tendance, and it is to be hoped that much
wore good may be done, and that many may
be added to the church.
Magnificent Improvement. The new
building erected by our friend Dr. A. 31.
iliils during the pa.it summer, is a great ad
dition to the locality in which it is situated.
The Doctor U rather a tSL-ty nan, of which
ire have an ocular demonstration in the 0
rection of his new; building. Much work
yet remains to be done about the grounds,
but when that is finished our friend will have
one of the most pleutaut residences in our
borough. -
The W father and Ground Hog Day.
We neglected to notice last week that his
"hoirship" had an opportunity to see his
shadow on the 2d instant which indicates
severe winter weather, according to tradi
tion. Since then the weather has been quite
changeable. Some snow fell on several
night.', but the warm sun during the day
caused it soon to disappear. On Monday
last it was cold and stormy and freezing, and
a little snow fell.
1'l.ANtxn Mill. The new planing mill
of Me-vs. S pack man and Birch field is
j.cw iifTul! operation, llns is an enterprise
that sr-eaks well lor tr.e partie c-ng:
its erc; ti n. The engine is a beautiful one.
and of MiiTicicnt power to drive all the
i!i:n hinery at the same time. The building
i-: i:rt e and commodious and makes quite an
ad-l'tion to that portion of our borough in
v.lilh it located. We wish the owners m.ic-tt'-.;
in their enterprise.
The AiH'iicaa Jls4:h'ri:e "f 7iVr"c.' for
Jimmry. has come to hand, and is replete
w'irh interest. Am-nu the contents inav !
f..und -ThcRateofTiitert." 'Tall Mall."
-The Field of Gettysburg Aftertlie Battle."
'"War Charges and War Payments,'' )Mor
mr.n Legislation t'iiiircli Temporalities."
'"Mining and Met alio Production in the U
idted States i Quicksilver) ' 'Commer
cial Fairs of the Medieval Aires': "Insu
rance, Patent and Monetary Departments,"
Y It fully sustain the hieh character it
h;is Iiif hei-to mainiained in the commercial
world Price. a year. Address. Whi
tintr & Co.. Pol -li -hers, No. 521 Chestnut
Street, lhilade'phia, Pa.
The '"Lady's Friexd." The February
imnibcr of thU new monthly is received,
and excels the January number, in the num
ber and beauty of its illustration, to av
ii 'thing Oi its literary contents. I he Syl
van Retreat" is a Ix-antiful steel plate, and
is a Cue specimen of art. The double fash
i'vi p'lite contains ix fieures. beautifully
"lorcd. "Kind friends are near her," is
i excellent now piece ol mu;c. lut-Rics,
in monitor contain I. pacesot eneravinirs.
I'jv ited to the Fashio"1-. Work-table. Xov-P-.
Flowers, Sec. The Friend is worthy
tlie patron-tge of the Ladies. Price. S2 a
n.ir. Addiess. Deacon Jfc Peterson. 319
VtY.uit street, Phil'a.
Of Interest to Soldiers.
Editors of newspajers throughout the
I iiiie I Slates will doubtless confer a favor
"!i the soldier in the field, as veil as their
irii'iuls at
home, by fiiviti;
j publicity
to tl
I in jwiiig :
Pi-bmc No. 4.
A'.i a.'t to amend the law prescribing the ar
ticles to be admitted into the mails of the
I'nitcd States :
bf. it t ted In tlie S'iiat'! ctnd House of
V.'-i'r.o-t,,ti,rj ,,f the fiiitcd States of A
'"(,". in Con'jrcss ax.ciiiiLxl, that arti
's of clothing, leing manufactured of
'jol. cotton, or linen, and comprised iu a
:i' k:iL'e not exceeding two pounds in weight,
a Mres-cl to any non-commissioned oHieeror
I -ivate serving in the armies of the United
Nat--s. yniy be transmitted in the mails of
tl't' I lilted States at the rate of eight cents,
1 I"' in all cases prepaid, for every four
utvres. or any fraction thereof, subject to
Mich regulations as the Post master (renend
may prescribe. Approved Jan. 1804.
IV'ST Ovkk i: Departmknt, Jan. 15, 1804.
Die foregoing law is published for the in
tormation of the public, and especially for
lx jandanee of postmaster, and is thought
t" lc o full and plain that no one can mis
Lao its meaning. Postmasters will, howev
bear iu mind that packages of clothing
l?t:il to pass in the mails, four ovnr.es for
"must be manufactured from
oi'.tun. or linen, aud not exceeding two
Minds iu weight, must be addressee! to a
M)-ccmiiiiissioiied officer or private serving
a tae armies cf the United States. Con--ViU'Cntly,
a package addressed to a cum mi. -oliictr,
or composed of other materi
than as above specified, such as boots,
&c, if sent by mail. iniw be prepaid
staitips at letter rates, viz : three cents
,jr every half ounce or fraction thereof.
M. Blair, Postmaster General.
Jt:'ow we give a table, which we have
reared for the convenience of Postmast-
tr7 oi rates chargeable under the fore
f'jiiig lar:
4 ounces or less, 8 cents.
(er 4 oz. and less than 8 oz. IC cent?.
,v.er oz- and less than 12 oz. 24 cents.
(k !" Pz- anJ ,ess taan 16 oz- 32 CGnti
A er i6 oz. and less than 20 oz. 40 cents. .
i ) v- iess man z-i oz. cents.
-er24 oz. and We ihn i
OZ. and ss than n-z
56 cents.
64 cents.
er 23 oz. and less than 32 oz.
t. V F'Janoa, or 32 ounces, is the limit, m1-
1 AH 1 ......
Tl in U. v:. l :u e ...
tjfrt ' wueu vvui tuM oi reaw !
, .
i Letter froM East Virginia. .
' ARjIV of I :otomao," Jan. 27 tL, SG-t.
1 Mk. Kpitoii : Sir: As we are lying in a
! slate of masterly inactivity, and th-j chances
are that we will not in.) e very mo;i, ueitce,
n break the monotony ! camp iife a little,
I will endeavor to give jou ave;-y faint idea,
of how we pasour tituo i:i t his once glorious
OM Dominion. It may not prove uninterest
ing to many of your readers, who have no
loved on in "the army to write, them a
sketch of the trials and viciiitudes incident
to camp life, to read a description from an
untutored soldier. So I will endeavor to
portray our mode of getting along here, iu
Dixie. ' '
Our regiment, the GTth Perm a volun
teers, John F. Mauntuii Colonel command
ing,came here after oui-Jdoriou-t advance and
incoi n p re! ie n .sib! (with on t acco m pi i sh i n g
anything j retreat across the Kapidan. We
occupv the quarters kindly built, but not fur
nished, bv our "mutual brothers," the
Johnny Iiebs. We find that the Johnny's,
if they do fight like the Satan and "en
dure unheard of hardships for their beloved
institution," as some of the Peace Copper
head papers tell us, though we (in the vul
gar parlance of the day) "don't see it"
have a feiluw feeling fur their comfort and
convenience, that puts to shame some of our
pampered, well-clad-and-shod, and over-led
mud sills of the poor ignorant north. The
huts are ranged With streets between them,
and everything appertaining to camp life is
in order, o that the camp of a regiment re
minds one of a miniature town. When we
came here, our quarters were in the heart
of a magnificent wood of white oak timber.
Now there is not a vestige of a tree w ithin
one mile of the camp, except the splintered
stumps. As the pioneer axe is a relentless
destroyer and a night in camp with the
mercury considerably below "iVeezo," with a
corresponding fall in a soldiers romantic feed
ings "Woodman spare that tree" falls on the
ear unheeded ; and when Spring arrives not
one of the 'monarch of the forest' will be left
to U 1: the tale of their former grandeur, or
the cau-e of their destruction. You will, per
haps, think me growing 'too poetical Ibr a
soldier living in an S by 10 hut with clapboard
roof, and a chimney bigger, by fur, than
the largest Dutch oven in Clcarik-M count j-.
Pardon ! the feelings of a soldier. We were
human once, ami sad remembrance brings
back thoughts of the past which don't cor
respond with our Hff cabins, and.it grieves
me to see such wholesale destruction among
these old tree. But then, put in the same
balance the lives of thousands of persons
whose souls have been sent to .Eternity by
the same caue, and oh ! how despicable
the simile. If only the poor ignorant and
despised (by the soldiers! ffin'siion Copper
head of the .North. vh;-e cowardice will
not permit, and whose mean and penurious
tout revolts at the idea of the sacrifice of so
much lucre, would permit himself to visit at
least (10 miles of the country along the Or
ange and Alexandria 1'ailroad he necll not
get out oi the cars. tn. the mud-sill Union
soldiers won't let a guerrilla .shoot him he
would see enough in the destruction of prop
erty to make him on his return home, if a
young man, a truly loyal person. Yea, he
would receive the greeting from his old
Dutch father, "Why, Bom T believes dey
make one tarn UiacK lwpuoiiean nut you
down dere" on seeing the thoughtful and
sorrowful and much changed countenance ol
his returned son.
It is very discouraging to us who endure
ail the hardships and dangers of this terrible
rehf'iion. to know th
it the;
e are those who
ti.i-pie and aUu-e us the half-frozen picket-,
and soldiers who are protecting them
and their property from destruction whilst
their avaricious souls are enjoying their com
fortable fireside. Oh, the base ingratitude
of soine of our Northern "friends !"' Yet,
it is really amusing to read some of the let
ters that come from some of these anxious
and Xij,ip'itl,!.-iu,rj Copperhead friends in the
north wondering whether "this cruel war
will not soon be over,'7 and why we veteran
"don't reenlist" as we are "old soldiers
and can stand it better than new ones."
e generally try to keep ourselves protty
clean. yet somes time we paitialiy fail; but
such son ping wont take, out dear Copper
head friends, for it hurts our eyes. We
"e'ant see it" lor the soap. Three hundred
of our regiment have re-enlWted for three
years or during the war. The whole regi
ment would have done so eii-masse bad it
not been for one thing. 31 any say, "If I
re-enlist it will help to fill up the quota ot
our enmity, and it would not look well, in
print, to allow the copperheads to sit at home
and blackguard us for three years more."
3Iy dear 1'riend. this higic has more truth
than poetry in it ; and it is not only tlie
ieeling in our regiment, but in the whole
army. A not very learned but somewhat
eccentric individual once remarked, on see
ing the stars fall, '"Times ain't as they used
to was," and some of our Copperhead
''friends" will find this out too, 1 think, be
fore many months. This is not meant as a
menace, but conies as an advice from one
whose only wish is the welfare of his 'country,
and the happiness of all its citizens, without
regard to party (of course Copperheads are
excepted) creed.
Some of the expressions in this letter may
sound very harsh to some of your readers,
but when we know that we have worse ene
mies at our homes, enjoying themselves in
security and peace, than the open armed foe
ill our front, you certainly cannot censure
me for speaking the truth. Every stddier
in the Army ot the Potomac has more true
respect for the most ragged, abject soldier
in the rebel army, than lie has for the cow
ardly, miserable serf of party, who will Heat
home in security and grumble, w hile the sol
dier and patriot is willing to lay down his
life to keep him in that security. We hope
soon to hear "that the stray sheep have re
turned to the fold." If we could only re
ceive from home the tidings that "all is
well," and Copperheads one of the tu'ns
that were, w hat joy it would intuse into the
heart of the poor soldier. His form would
straiehten his step become more firm
and he would rush to brave and noble deed
with the conviction in his heart that he
does not Leave a thankless and ungrateful
"friend" at home, at least. Oh. think of
it ye Copperheads. Thousands of the young
are heart-willing to throw their lives into the
breach to protett you aud yours, if ye will
but gpeak the word of encouragement.
Shame ! shame ! that such base ingratitude
as is exhibited by some in the north hhould
exist in "the land of the free and the houie
of the brave." I remain with respect,
Your obedient servant, N. n.
Corporal, Co. E 67th. Pa. Vol.
' Letter from Philipslrarg, Pa.
PuiLIPsuuru, Pa., Feb. sth, 1?C4.
Leak Jouiojal : This war has produced
more changes, in this part of the gigantic
North, than would have been produced in
times of peace iu twenty-live years. At the
commencement of the war, lumber manufac
tured, was selling for $7 (o s per 31., and
not very ready sale at those figures, excepu
at certain seasons of the year. It now sells
at prices ranging from 81 ti to $20 pier 31.,
owing to the situation of the mill from the
rail road. Coal has advanced to double the
former prices. The black diamonds are be
ing removed from their beds at the rate of
many tons per day. This, how ever, is but
a speck on the horizon, to what it will le
when the coal operators get rightly under
way. There is but one set of mines in any
thing like full operation the mines at
Powelton. The farmer of these farms in
old Decatur, that kill-decrs used to have to
carry a knapsack over, are doing a tilling
thing for the repletion of their cherished ia
stitution, the "root of all evil." Tisstrango
too, passing strange, ' w hat a rapacity they
have for Father Abraham's greenbacks, and
yet to hear some of them give vent to their
pent up Democratic par-t ee grief, one would
suppose they would a.s soon, and with more
propriety, handle a copperhead, than one ol
those same greenbacks.
The farmer, take him all in all, is adverse
to the law "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
He never regrets to hear ot prices going up,
when he has' anything to sell, but he deep
ly, sorrowfully, laments the upward tenden
ty of the article's he must purchase, and
curtails to a fearful tension, the grocery ex
penses of his household. They are doing a
sweeping business now selling their hay wild
grass, briars, young bushes 4 inches at the
but, and dry pine stump roots suita ble for cul
inary purposes, included at the pioderate
sum of ioO ; rye straw, prospective, at 50
ets per bundle, 2S straws to comprise a bun
dle ; butter ad uiiijiitinn ets, and eggs out
of reach of cents, f Jut the farmer is as pleas
ant a .Miss Clementine Shoddy was at .the
"Kussian Pall." The lord of the soil as
sumes a decidedly different .phiz, though,
when he pays his blacksmith, wheelright or
grocer the "advance they ask. ' Then is the
time to tell where his "pulsating organ is lo
cated. If for the welfare of bis country,
the restoration of the Union, anel for .sus
taining the administration, in putting down
this rebellion, then you may rest as-ureel
that his heart is not out of its place and he
will pay the advance without a murmur;
but if he goes on to expound the Constitu
tion, the habeas corpus act, the Emancipa
tion pioclamai ion (a t itter piil) andiheaboli
tionists, then you may bet vonr existence,
and otl'er, safeiy, 1H) to t, that his heart is
in that defunct institution once known by
the name of Democratic -par-roe, and he
will howl at the high price. Happily for
the country, though, there, are not. many of
the farmers but w hat see the rebellion in the
right light, and will do all they can to help
the authorities put it down. Once in a
while one of the old war horses of democra
cy comes along with the new addition. CojT
perheadism. added to his text ; but the ad
dition has so completely taken possession of
the old stager, thst there is not a vestig.? of
the old principle 'left, except the prejudice
of party.
Hangout your banner on the outward
pace of the "Jlepubliean. " The ci v is still
liev' come
Nestor."' the
chamjiion of copperheads in the secluded
jungles of Beccaria. All hail, to ''Young
N ester. "
'Oh ! Nature's noblest gift my grey goose quill!
.Slave of my thoughts, obedient to my will ;
Torn trom thy parent bird to form u peu.
.That mighty instrument of little men!
The pen ! IV redooiuM to aid the menial throe?
Of brains that labor, big with vrse ur prose:"
, Like this "Voting Xester ' of Bei-caria.
And is it possible that this champion of
C'opperheadism has gone to his hole that
with bis last C'll'u.-ioir on this "cruel war" he
is going to wind up his snakeship entire.
No wonder the Ne.ster "inaik" of the Bec
caria nest did nt like'to sound the solemn
km-.il ot the dead snaiks. Oh ! that he had
my "supernatural, ink-corroded pen." to
write bis valedictory. But I am happy to
know that he has sung his last ieuium so
faithfully correct. Never since the era of
Copperheads was inaugurated, bus there
been a more truthful article penned, than
the letter from this craliaut stiaik oi the - st
ult. ibereitis laid down as plain as Jeff
Davis it Co. could possibly desire. I low
will the last amalgamation of the copper
head dynasty in Congress on the 4th int. suit
the virus of "Young Nester?" Wake up
yo snaiks. and hear the death knell of Cop
perheadisin. Why stir up the dusty rec
ords, books, and pamphlets ofOt her days.
Now is the time now is the hour. Strike
at the present and not fret and f iam for
hours searching " Helper" for a quotation to
help out your siiaikship, with a promulga
tion of your virus. Take a elose of Frank
Blair and the Woods's, the radicals and cop
perheads uniting to vote down the Union
delegations. I have always contended that
there was: no difference between a copper
head and a radical. See the boat how it
glides down the stream now a radical at
the helm, copperheads pulling the oars.
' 'Young Ncster" you would make a capi
tal bows-man for that craft. However, if
you do go and of course you will, tor that
is the road all copperheads that are impreg
nated with the virus as you are must trav
el. Do not by any means forget to take a
copy of Helper with you it will serve you
a jrood iuriose. And if you should bap-
pen to get in as much of a hurry while let- J
ting on your gas, as you aid when your gas
ometer was expanding on your valedictory,
and your thoughts become blended and cou
fused, as you say they did, then, turn to
Helped and it will help you out.
Hold ! ye spirits from the mighty deep
a' commission from tho Grahamtou "nest"
to kill snaiks. Oh! a resolution, passed
that venomous t;nest" to i;raise that swamp
amrcl at Fhilipsburg a peg higher." For
this high mark of respect coming from such
a venomous source, I tender to all the snaiks
who voted for the resolution my sincere
thanks and kindest regards promising them
thJt when I start out on my mission, in the
spring, to kill -'snaiks,'-' that Will put
them out of their misery, first, as a compli
ment for the distinguished honor conferred
bv that snaikv nestT And to the best of my
ability, without fear, favor, affection or any
retrard to "snaiks," perform faithfully the
duties of the "lg." r LEttOI.
The Lewistown Suspension Bridge across
the Niagara River was blown down by a se
vere gale on the 1 st instant.
white lead, etc, at , , . f . A. IBVIN'S
, MARRIED: - 1
On Feb. 7th, by Rev. G. Leidv, Serg't.
Ft. II. Walk, Co. D. 5th Keg't.,'P. R. C, I
to 3Iiss FiMF.LlNE'A. Kei'Hart, of Decatur j
tp. Clearfield Co., Pa. j
On the 23th January, by D. Drossier, Esq.,
Mr C. S. Gelxett, to Miss Julia Ann
Fry, both of Brady township.
died ;
At Woodland, Bradford tp. , Cloariiekl
Co., H. Grkkly Albert, only son of Wm.
and Nancy 31. Albert, aged 4 years and 17
days. .. .
V Go to thy rest, my child.
Go to thy dreamlesg bed, '
(Jen tie and undefiled,
. - With blessings on thy head.
At her late residence iu . Lock Haven, on
Monday evening February 1st. 3Irs. Eliza
beth Irwin, widow of the late Andrew Ir
win, in the 90th year of her age.
your health and menial powers, by asin that
c-afe. Hleasnnt. Popular, and Specific KeraeUy
known as llc-lmbold's extract Duehu. Kead the
Ad vertisimcnt in another column, and profit by
it diseases and symptoms enumerated. Gut it
nut and preserve it. You'iuay not now require it,
but may at some Future Day.
"It gives health and vigor to the frame,
And bloom to the pallid cheek."'
It Saves Lons PuiiViiiig and exposure. Be
ware of CuunterGets ! Cures Guaranteed
FODDER CUTTKKS of a superior make
fir sale nt reasonable prices, at MKKKELL
and BltJLEK'Si, Clourfield, Pa.
rilEACTIEKS WANTED Twoor three free
X School teachers w ill find imployment in this
riistrict.to whom good waives will be given, for four
(nonius term. Apply to II B. Wriuht, Secretary
of Beccaria. Township, by letter or otherwise.
January 27th, l-f-t-St
01" LAND AT PRIVATE SALE, extending
to the mouth of the Moshannon. An eligable
property; ou reasonable terms. Inquire of
Dec19-tf. Attorney at Law Clearfield. P
nKIIKiE ELECTION'. The stockholders
-Id in the CurwenviU bridsre. are notified that
an elce'tion will bo held on Thursday, February
llth. at 2 o'clock P. M., at tho store of J. F. Ir
vin in Ciirwenvilic, for the purpose of electing
Managers for the ensuing year
Jan. 27. ISC-!. WM. 1RYIK, Trcs't
U K N P I K E E I, E T I f X . T h e st ock 1. ol d e rs
of the Philipsburg and t'usquhanna T.P U
Co. will take notice that an Election will be held at
the)ffice of "ail Company at Philipsburg. on
Monday the 7th of March next, for the purpose of
electing live jManuge.-i tor the cTisuinsr vear.
Jaiiu iry 20, lsiit President.
11 Tlie School Directors of the different Tora
ships in ClearSuld County, are hereby notificf to
return, to the e'oiumiisioiiei s of Clearlie'Id County
'he number ot mi'.H assessed for school ptopofes
for the year A. D. IS'jJ .t lV:t, e'uty ngried by
the President and attested by the secretary.
Jan. 27. Bv order of Commissioners
T EH INDICATOR. From Messrs Muim
it Co.. of the Sriritti? A.-ni rirun ; - I'rorii the con
struction of thisiuetrutneut. as well m from the
ample testimonials, both of practical farmers and
men of Science, we are satisfied that it is really
a good, practicable huroiiffr. ' 1 o be seen at
.luuge LlarreUs. and others in Clearfield Aent
for Clearfield Co.. II. B Wkicht, who will supply
instruments on siiort notice. Jan ISiil.
f SALE. The utdersigned will fell nt public
sale, on !turday. rcbrnary 2ith. the following
property, situate in New Millport. Clearfield eonn
ty. l'j.."to it. Ono S-team sjaw-uiill; a linst
it'iillthat can be run ciihrr by steam or watcr.or w ic!i
the two combined ; two good dwelling houses,
ono new with a large kitchen attached : a new
Sore house ISbv : feet, and about !l0 acres of
land, wih a good barn and other out buildings
thereon. About DO aerio-of (he land is cleared
and under good cultivation, the balance is well
timbered "4 well of excellent water is near the
door of the house, and ihe water power is a good
one. Any person desirous of purchasing a prop
ty of this description is invited tocillaud .ee
the premises. The terms will be made to suit tho
purchaser. M.O, STIKK.
New Millport. Iec. 80. lf3. .
Vholcsale Drng & Chemical Warehouse
The sub
. 737 Market Strrft, Pitilule-lphia.
scriber keep constantly on hand a large
stock of Drus'-i. (if ins. Cheiiii c tl. Piiarmarm
lirnl preparations, and every other article, which
appertains t the business; embracing the most
extensive variety also. A;, Oils, and (iL,i-s of
j every description. All articles purchased from us
can lie renea on hi teuist ol tn most superior
iiality, nnd at us low prices as they can be hud
We can offer such inducements as will make ii
the interest of purchasers to lay in their supplies
from us and jive its their future patronage, and
invite, all, who visit, the city, to call ut our estab
lishment All orders addressed 10 us by mail
will meet with prompt attention.
l;b. 3,-3 m "37 Market Ftreet. Philadelphia.
For tie Fruit, Flower and Sitchea Garden.
Jsot THE is.f4
;arden EUS .MONTHLY,
MG. P. tRIXCKI OK. I'ubii.-bir. Cfiice : 23d
North sixlh .St., Philadelphia Terms-l 50 a
year. Ed ited by Thomas Meghan. The Month
ly contents, are :
Hints Flower Garden and IMcasure-Ground ;
Fruit Garden ; Vegetable Garden ; Window Gar
dening. ' "
Comsh'mcatiovs Embacing the views of the
writers on Horticulture, it Kural Affairs.-.
Ei'iT'iKi.M, (Jiving the Editor's views on tho
important Horticultural improvements
"Scraps and Qcekie Xkw Fkits Xkw
Plants Tiomkstic and Foreig.v IsTEt.Licscr.
With each Department handsomely illustrated.
These general features will be retained, and
the publisher pledges himself that no labor or ex
pense shall bo sparedto render the succeeding
issues of the Magazine every way worthy of the
favor with whi'-li his previous etTorts have been
amply rewarded Send for a specimen.
1 1ST K E C E I V E D AT
Graham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a One assortment ol
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver bunting and open faced watch
es. to be had at NAUGEE'S.
The American Lever of different qualitis, can
be had at . NAUGLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, euch as Cameo, Coral, La
va Jett, Carbuncle, Garnett. Opal, Florentine Mo
aic. Gold stone Mosaic, Poroeiain painting. Ac,
or single pieces at iS'AUGLE'a.
Plain gold Breast pins. Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings,
children's ear drops and ritigs at NAL'GLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breastpins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
- A fine assortment of gold finder rings of differ
nt styles and quality, jjoli lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and
com in on Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25
to I dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold aud Silver will be taken in exchange
for goods at ' NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good pair
ud warranted, take thew its . JSAlLL'b.
Ill A prime rtt-
clecferoand !utu salt.
t ut up in patent
saoKs. at 3 25 j or saoK. at the ciieiip cash store cf
Novomt'r "7 - K. MOSSOP.
OUR W ANTED. A good sooer. ir.dustri-
DDI iouri.evuiHii, Cabinet maker. can find con
stant einnloyment, at good wsge. by applying
soon to : JOHN (H ELlOir, .
Sept. 15, 1$6"... . Clearfield. Pa.
Miss E. A. P. Kyndcr,
Teacher of Piano-Forte, Melodean, Guitar, Har
mony, and Vocal Music
Isis'y piivt, and twelve class lessons included
in one term. Rooms with Mrs. H. 1. Welsh.
Clearfield, July 1. 18U3.
TTIOR KENT The subscriber
wishes to rent
JL or lease his
farm lying in Woodward, town
ship. Clearfield couuty. Pa. The improvements
consist of about one hundred and ten acres of land
iu a good stale of cultivation, a large beariDg or
chard of choice fruit, a large and commodious
plaiik house with a ncvcrfailing spring of water
convenient to the door, a log barn and other out
buildings Any person wishing to renta farm for
a number of years, applying soon and being well
iccomuiended, w ill got a .rood bargain.
A Fire! Class Farmers' Magazine for Penn'a.
Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and P.a
ral affairs. Edited and Published by Win. S.
Young A Co.. h'i North Siith Street, Philadelphia.
Terms : One Dollar a Year.
The Sixth Volume commences with January
Having obtained the services of eminent and
practical Agriculturists. Horticulturists. Stock
Breeders and Bee-keeper g.we confidently offer the
Current Volume as one of the best ever issued,
for originality, practical thought and reliable in
formation. Send for a copy .
Keep constantly on hand a large and well select
ed stock of
Perfumery,-Toilet Goods
And a general assortment of rariaties and fancy
articles We respectfully invite a call, feeling
confident that we can supply the wants of all ou
terms to their satisfaction.
April 29, 1H63.
?t LA It. LOCI 'ST, Ac The undersigned is
about extending his Lumber business to fill a
needed gap in the trade of Philadelphia by mak
ing a speciality cf the rovprr-storL trail, and now
desires lo make arrangements to secure supplies.
The city coopers, shippers. &v , owing to the im
possibility of obtaiuing them in Philadelphia,
now depend largely on other markets for tt'eir
staves, ic. Willi proper encouragement by the
manufacturers, the undersigned hopes to stop this
diversion of trade by keeping on band a large
stock in every variety of quality and size. l!y
giving this branch of trade particular attention
he hopes to make more early returns to consign
ments and establish for the manufacturers a more
valuuhle euiuuiuuicatiun with purchasers than is
tonsible by those who trade mainly in more heavy
Lumber. Manufacturers and others, who can fur
nish (particularly eimliitnou supplies) either by
contract, purchase or on commission. Staves,
Heading, Hoop Poles. ic. Address
Ciillowhill St. Wharf, Philadelphia. Pa.
Large supplies always wanted of Locust Tim
ber, tlak Kuees, and frequently loDg Oak Plank.
(Ink r.ud Yollow Pine limber, S.C. Also now o
peninga Irude in and wanting supplies of T?UIX
tiLLS, Waiuut. Cherry. Poplar aioi Ash Lumber.
Rni'K.RESt:K. Alex. (J. Cattell A Co., Pbil'a.
Thos. Kichard.son A Co., Phil'a. Jan. 20 it.
ES FATE. liy virtue of an order of the
Orphans' Court of Clearfield county. Pa., dated
the 2d day of October, A.I) 1S03 tb-'ro will be
exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry at
PKNXVILLK, in Penn township. Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., on FU1DAY tho 2STH day of FEBRUA
RY, A.D. JSdl, at 2 o'clock, P. M. that certain
messuage, farm or real estate, situate in Bloom
township, County aforesaid late the Estate of
Thomas Cleaver dcu'd, and whereon he lived at
time of his death, comprising about 121 a.-res,
Bounded on the North by Heaver Dams, on the
South by land of. Lewis Wood, on tho East by
land of Bilger, mid on tho West by land of Goff
and Anderson, having about 50 acres cluarod, and
under cultivation . the balance Woodland and a
portion of it covered with good pine and other
timber, a good trainc barn nearly new, a frame
dwelling house with an excellent spring of water
e.'oie to the daor. and a3-ourig beai ing orchard of
choice apples. The Glen Hope and Little Laid
Eagle turnpike passes through the premises iJp
ir.g the same tiatof land conveyed to said Thom
as Cleaver from Josiah W. Smith A wife, by deed
dated March lth. 1451, recorded in Deed Book
T. page 227, for 12(5 acres, 153 perches,, except 50
acres since sold out of the South West corner to
Aaron Punworth by Thomas Cleaver.
Terms, tine third Cash at confimation of the
sale, one third in six months, and tho balance in
one year thereafter with interest, to be secured
by hand and mortgage. ELIZA CLEAVER.
January 27.4SU. Administratrix.
ill PAVERS. All persons residing in Clear
field County who are liable to tax by assessment
under the -United States Internal Revenue, or
Excise Law, ;' approved July 1st 1SC3, are hereby
notified that sucli taxes ordutieshve become due
and payable, and that 1 will attend to receive the
same at the follow ing times and places in said
County, to wit :
For all the tax payers to whom it will bo most
convenient, in the Borough ot Luthersburg, at
the Hotel of William bchwera on the loth day
of February ls"6t.
For all the payers to whom it will be most conve
nient, in the Korough of Curwensvillo. t the Ho
tel of W illiam A. Mason on the 16th day of Febru
ary lSfli.
For All tax payers to whom it will be most con
venient, in the Borough of Clearfield, at the Hotel
of David Johnson, on the 17th and 18th days of
February 1 11)4.
For all tax payers to whom it will be most con
venient, iu the Borough of New Washington, at
the Hotel of David S. Plotner on the 19th day of
February 1S61.
And all persons who shall noglect to pay the
duties and taxes so as aforesaid assessed upon them
to the Collection, witbiii the time specified, shall
be liable t o pay ten per centum additional upon
the amount thereof, collections to be ntade by
This notice applies to all persons hale to take
out Licenses, to tax on Income, as wall as to oth
er taxes under said Excise Laws.
All Distillers, Brewers and Manufacturers, arc
hereby required to pay any tax that may be duo
to me . at the foregoing times and place-.
All Distillers and Brewers at the time ofreceiv.
ing their Licenses, will be required to enter into
a bond in double the amount of their probable
monthly tax. with two sufficient sureties condi
tioned for a faithful compliance with said Act of
Congress of July 1 st 1
All payment must b made in V. S. funds
com or note The penalties of the law will be en
forced in every instance where neglect to pay as
above specified exists. -
The undersigned ho pes therefore, that a punc
tual response will be made to the above appoint
ments, as it will be much more pleasant to both
parties, ta avoid enforcement of collections.
Dcptutv Collector of Internal Revenue 19th
District Pa. January 27th 1S61. '
A Highly Concentrated
Dr. C. M.Jackson, Piiilad'a, Ta.
Will effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis
eases of the Kidneys and all diseases ari
sing from a disordered Liver or soui
ach. such as Constipation. Inward
Piles. Fulness or blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach,Nausea. Heartburn.
. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight iu tha
Momnch. Sour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,
Swimming of the Read. Hurried
and Difficult Breathing Flut
tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen
sations when in a lying posture, Dimness of
Vision, Dots or Webs before t So Sieht.Fe
ver sud Dull Pain in the" Read. Defi-
ciency of Perspiration. Y'cliow- '
ness of the Bkin and Eyes.
Pain in the Side; Back. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sodden
Flushes of 11 oat, turning in the Flesh.
Constant Imaginings (f Evil, and
great Depression of Spirits.
Yrnm, Rv. J. Nfwloit Hmutit, D. I). Eli Cor of
tli EncirlaptJin of Religions Knowledge.
Although cot disposed to. favor or recommend
Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of
thoir ingredient and effects ; I yet know of no
sufficient re.isons why a man may not testify to
the benefits he believes himself to have received
from any simple preparation in the hope that he
may thus contribute to the benefit of others..
I do this the more readily iu regard to Hoof,
land's Ueruian JBittr, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this city, because 1 was prejudiced a
gaitjtt them for many yenrs, under the impres
sion that they were chiflly an alcoholic mixture.
I am iudobtd to my friond Robert Shoemaker.
Ksq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from roit and lug r?ninu;l debility.
1 he nse of three bettles -f these Bitters, at the
beginning of the present year, was followed bv
evident relief, and restoration tn a degree of bod
ily and icnta! vigor which I had not felt for aix
months before, and had almost despaired of re
gaining. I therefore tiiank (tod. and my friond
for directing me to tho 'ise of tlie.a.
Philad'a., June, 23, ISol. J. N&wioV Dhovn.
There are many preparations sold under the
nam ot Litters put up in quart bottles, compoun
ded of the cheapest whiskey or common rum. cos
ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, tbo taste dis
guised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of iiuters b:iscaused and will ccntin
uo to cnu.se. as Ion? as thev can be sold, hundred
to die the death of the drunkard. Py their use
toe system is kept continually under the influ
ence of Alcoholic Stiuiutanlsof the worst kind. tbo
desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the
result is all toe horrors attendant upen a drunk
ard's life. arid death.
For those who desire an i trif h.iv a: Liquor
Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get
Onr H-itrln HooflntHt's ficrmttt Kilter and mix
with Three Quarts cf Good Brandt) or WlJirg.
and the result will be a preparation that will tar
e.rrrl in medicinal virtues and true excellence
any of the numerous Liquor Pitters in the mark
et, and will cost much less. You will have alt
the virtues of Hootl ind's Bitters in connection
with a good urtiele of Liquor.at a much less price
than these inferior preparations will cost you.
We call the attention of all having relations or
friends in the aimy to the fact th3t -Hoofunh's.
Gorman Bitters'-' will cure nine tenths of the dis
eases induced by exposures' arid privations inci
dent to curnp life. In the lints. publUbed almost
daily in the newspapers, en the arrival of tho
sick, it will bo notfcod that ul very large propor
tion are sctTcring f roiii debility. Every case of
that kind can be readily cured by Iloofiand's Ger
man Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders
of the digestive organs are speedily removed. V e
havo no hesitation in stating that, if these Pitlers
worefrtcly Used among our soldiers, hundreds of
lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call particular attention to the following re
markable and well authenticated cure of one thu
nation's heroes, whose life, to use bis own lan
guage, -has bon snved by the Litter : ' -
. Pail u-ELPHii. August 2rd. IS"2.
Mrs. Jones ir Ev.nts. Well.gentlemen.your
Hoofland's German Bitters has saved, my life.'
There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for
by numbers of my comrades, some of whose name
are appended, and who were fully cognizant of
all tbo circumstances of my cas5. f am. and
have been tor the last four year.-', a member cf
Shermsn's celebrated battery, and under the im
mediate command of Cpt. K B. Ayres. Through
tiic expo sure attendant upon my duties, I wa
attacked in-NovcmbT last with inflammation of
the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in th
hospital. This was followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then
removed from the White House, and sont to thin
t-ity on board the Steainer State of Maine.'Trom
w hich I landed on the 28th of June. Since that
time 1 have been about as low a. any one eon!d
be and still rttaina spark ef vitality. For
week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any
thing, nnd if I did force a morsel down, it was
immediately thrown up again.
1 could not even keep a glass of water on my
stomach. Life could not last under these circum
stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who
had been working faithfully, though unsuccess
fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread '
Archer, frankly told me they could do no morn
for mo. aud advised me to see a clergyman, and
to make such disposition of my limited funds as
best suited me. An acquaintance who visited m
at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stoinborn. of Sixth
below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope,
to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle
From the time I commenced taking them tb
gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now.
thank God for it. getting better Though I have
tKon but two bottles. 1 have gained ten pounds,
and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin
my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen mouths: for. gentlemen. I
am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front
tioyal. lo your invaluable Bitters I owe the ce-r-t.iinty
of life which has takon place of vague foara
to your Diners will 1 owe the glorious privi
lege of again clasping to my bosom those who are
dearest to rac in li'Je.
Very truly yours, Isaac Malose.
Wc fullj- concur in the truth of the above state
ment. as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,
Mr. jIalone, restored to health.
John Ccdileback. 1st New York Battery.
Geo. A. Acklev, Co. C, llth Maine.
Lewis Chevalier. 92d New York.
I. K. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Eattcrv F.
J. B. Fasew eluCo. B, 3d Vermont".
Hkvuy B. Jerome, Co. B,3d Vermont.
Hevrj- T. Macron alb, Co. C, 6th Maine.
Jons F. Warp. Co. K, 5t'u Maine.
Herman Kocn. Co. H, 72d New Ynrk.
Natbamv l 15. Thomas.Co.F, 95th Penn'a.
Andrew J. Kiheall. Co. A, 3d Vermont.
Joti-t Jenkins, Co. li 106th Penn'a.
See that the signature of "CM. Jacksox,'' i-on
the wrapper ot each Lottie.
Should your nearest druggist not h&v the ar
ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating
preparations that may be offered in its place, bu'
send to us, and we will forward, teouxely packed .
by express.
Principal Office auJ Manufactory. No. 631 Arch.
Street. - JONES A EVANS.
(Successor to C. M. Jackson Co.,) Proprietors
C"For Sale by Hartswick A Huston,Clearfie!d
Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in evorv town
in the United States. July 8. J8o3.
COOK STOVES and Parlor rtoves, (for eitb. r
coal or wood,) nd stove pipe, for sale eheapi
for cash at tho store ff .
J. D. THOMPSON. Carwensville