Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 27, 1864, Image 3

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Itofteman'g journal
rLEARFfELD. PA., JAN. 27, 1864.
At Home our friend Wm. E. Brown, on
a thirty days furlough, he having re-enlifi-ted
in the veteran corps.
Look out ! School Directors. -A no
tice appears in our advertising columns,
which it would be well for School Director
to read.
The 5-20 Loan. -This pre-emaiently pop
ular loan was exhausted on Thursday, Jan.
21st the five hundred millions caving been
principally takenbyjVpe
A verV destructive fire occurred in Belle
fSr tP nn Wednesdav the 20th involving a
Tof pQeX over-STO.WO. Mr. Broker
hoof was one of the heaviest lookers by the
Accident. We learn ihat Isaiah McMul
liu, son of N. K. MeMuliin of Lawrence
township, had his arm broken near the wrist,
by being thrown against a fence a team
which lie was driving, having run away with
him.. His arm is getting better.
Acknowledgments. Our
herel-v tendered to Hon. G
thanks are
W. ScoSeld,
,.ur member of Coueress, for a copy of the
Ik-port of the Commissioner of Agriculture
tor Hb.
Wallace of the State Senate, and Boyer
of the House will accept our thanks for pub
lic favora. - '
Admitted. We neglected to notice the
iaot that Jame3 M. Galloway was admitted
to the bar at the recent term of our Court.
Mr. Galloway is possessed of a good educa
tion, of strict business habits, and is not
wanting in legal acquirements to make him
a ijood counsellor. We wish him success in
bis new calling.
The Weather. We had quite a chanire
in the weather, 'n this reeion. within the
last ten davs. Becrinin? ot last week it was
cold, with a considerable quantity of snow
iind ice on the ground ; but on Fridav eve
ning the air became quite warm, and during
the night most of the snow melted. At
present the ground is bare and the roads
getting quite muddy, much to the discom
fiture of our lumbermen, as it retards their
operations very much.
That ' OuTRAnEl" Two weeks since we
trablished a statement, in reference to the
putting out of a house, in Curweusvilie, of
a 31r. fctarr. H e cave tne story, as relate i
to us as a mere news item, and thought the
matter would end here, as legal proceedings
v.ere instituted. Last week, however, we
x.i re called upnn to publish a letter giving
ancther account of the affair, which it ap
pears is not satisfactory to some of the citi
zens of Cvrwensville, nnd hence we pTve
room to still another version of the affair
thi.i week-iijt holding ourselves responsi
ble for the contents of either communication.
A? we hava now giver, both sides an oppor
tunity of making their statements, we hope
they. will drop the matter here, especially,
if a legal investigation is to be had. State
ments pro and enn are only calculated to
prejudice the public. Better wait until the
facts are 1 gaily developed.
The CLambersburg Jiejjonitort, coniincn
tii. upr.tt Gov. t.'-irtin's 3le?-ajv; sjivs :
The i-u.uic that will attract most atten
tion. i his recommendation that the inter
est on our public debi be paid in .-.' rieiicy
instead of coin. Bat for the express i-rovis-
i hi ol tin; i:i'w autlmrizin? (he utL(, i-'.-'jii ing
t fit- paymt-ut ni'tue interest in ?;ii. there
c .alJ Ur no divi.Mi-n in sentiment ;u to the
:, '-.! ..hange ; but the f.stablijhed pra--ui'iits
uf o.Jtfr tJoveriitnefii-, wliii driven to
-.i-'m by exhaust:.
anrt tiie
i!"-v t-.u ..-;: to every .undid
u.c- t?;a;e cannot hope to continue to pay
in duuug tile protracted suspension we
hj.e ju-t entered upn. fully warrant the
l-'i'.euttve retomniendation for the adop-t:-"t
if enrre.s'V payments et once. If Eng
lind tonid be justified in a suspension of a
'4'iar!er of a century because of her continen
war a suspension that applied to her
"'.vii securities as well as to all private tritns
vti'Ms surely the States ntu.st stand acquit
ted Wore tlu nations of the world, in yield
i:i tit a su pension now, when the resources
"' tli-? cviuKry ;u t- -jo severely taxed to main
' -yi ur y:ci-vA existence.
j lie bill oi'htst -esion provided fir the
Hwiient of the interest in coin by depleting
iie vanh- fthe banks. It was in no re-
xt -i cult able to the State to abstract, by
. !! iii-birrury luw. the specie from the Banks
:i tu. ,-, nt, iitteret. to keep up a sem
'''iict! of .-.jKcMicy before the w.-rlf, audit
vi:l i!..t Ik? attempted atrain. The law in
':-vti..n took oiie-lifth the coin of the Bank
' CliuiiiU'rsbnrg to pay the 3ntere.-t for one
.Var. and the Bank- of the "State were gen
';:l'y d-'pletej in alout the same nronor-
a It v. -u'd require but simple rules of
.uiuetie to ascertain liow long our frtnte
'J'1' 1'ay .-b'.cie by such a ptm-es.. The
'noiii,,ot meet the wants of the Ftate.
iiDthini remains but tt resort to curren
'r t. . ,ay 1 ,;,((), uoo iiitere-t in-l'ebruarj
"If a "'ke or greater sum in Aucrust. instead
sl.no,,.!Hi. Xhe cost of coin, in addition
i the interest, would not be less than one
imliicii a year for many years to come, ibr
?ne iTt-sent susftension cannot be recovered
,r,m. in our judgment, for ten vears. if even
-m.i, a that. AVe are glad, therefore,
::it I(,v. f'iirtin advises a resort to eurron
O 'tk.re the f-tate is exhausted. Bvthis
"'an.s we caa ren;i!ie muoh earlier than if
y.:hwe(i ..nr coin to le abstracted in a
niitif-.v uffoitto keep up. specie payments.
' e luight do so for a year or two, but sus
pension is inevitable, and when certain it
"aiinot be accepted too soon.
- hu residence in Bridgeport, Clearfield
tnimy. Pa., on the 14th instant James
"-"Encer m the 51st year of his age.
At the residence of her son in Glen Hope,
,rn -" iiiii i-aiiuary 1 4 til, loot,
M u? t1s-' rs" 'l;LIA Dickinson, wife
-'ni Diekinson. asel C,t vpnrs ami Q
Dickinson, aged CAi years and 9
la I
wretieu towmhip, on Thursday eve-
January 21st, MARGARET PrisCILLA,
tT Ol l 1 1 VI 'I. .
fc.'i;AV:' 4 months and 2G days. "Suf-
. ' u--'niMren to come unto me. and ibr-
Margaret has gone to the blessed
' 4U1 111 " M il ! Ill IV I I I ""I 1 I II II 111
SjV;' !;r"1 where her Fpirit can praise the
of .na,n throughout the ceaseless ages
i-nitv. Let jjg,. jeuiaijjj jn peaoe
Headquarters of Provost Mauphal, )
.Nineteenth District, Pennsylvania, v
.Waterford, Erie Co., Jan. 11, 'oi.
The following instructions relative to en
listments and credits Lave been issued by tho
Acting Assistant Pro ost Marshal General
ibr the guidano-e of Provost Mar:shals,wb.ich
is published for the information of the pub
lic. H. S. Campbkll.
Capt. and Pro. Marshall 19th Disk Pa.
State op Pennsylvania,
OSce of the A. A. Pro. Marshal Gen'l,
Harrisburg, January 5th, 18G4.
Circular, No. 87. In establishing cred
its to sub-districts for men enlisted and mus
tered into the service of the United States
since the draft of lt63, and which have not
been 'credited on that draft, the following
principles will govern, viz :
1. Men Eniisted upon local bounty will
be credited to the sub-district from which
such bounty was paid.
2. Men enlisted without local bounty will
be credited to the place (sub-district) in
which they are reported by the mustering
officer to have been enlisted evidence to be
taken from muster in (muster and descrip
tive) rolls.
3. As to men mustered in by Provost
Marshals, the latter must decide for them
selves upon the proof necessary to establish
the aforesaid facts. As to other men not
$f mentioned by a Provost Marshal, the evi
dence of these facts will be established at
these headquarters, and any case of this na
ture, if brought before a Provost Marshal,
should be reported by him to these head
quarters, with ail the details necessary, for
further action.
4. Provost Marshals will do everything
in their power to facilitate a just establish
ment of the credits in accordance with the
former principles, but the assignment, deci
sion; announcement, and bestowal of the
credits will I; either by the l'rovo.-t Marshal
General, or under his direction by the Act
inir Assistant Provost Marshal General. Any
orders, directions or intruci'ons, that may
have been triven heretofore from this office,
in towtra lictirn with the principles herein
statcu: are hereby rescinded.
J. V. HoMFoiin.
Lieut. Col. lfith U. S. Infantry,
A. A. Pro. Marshal Gen.
A Sensation.
Adah Isaacs Menken, the erratic wife of
the '"Benieia JJoy, " isnow playing "'Mazep
pa" in San Francisco, and. from all we can
learn, no one who has ever appeared theie
Lis created such a sc n-atiun. One of the
papers, speaking ot her, .State's that she is
considerable more undressed than any actress
who has ever appeared n the American
stage, and describes her costume in 'Mazep
pa'' as consisting of "a fl sh fitting suit,
with the little end cf a dimity nothing fast
ened to the waist." "She mounts her
steed." says the same paper, "in the fash
ion adopted by Lady Hester Stanhope and
the ladieS who crossed the Isthmus in '49.
and enters into a champaign against Poland,
still with 'nothing to wear,' not even the ad
ditions of the Georgian costume "a shirt
collar and a pair of spurs. " Another paper
says : A number of ladies were present.
determined to know if the performance was
a proper one lor them to behold. One
Frem-h lady who was not there being
asked if she should attend responded : ' Vat
you go see the voomau vat years for costume
van feathair?' " Adah has had a chequer
ed career, but she appears to have struck
the right vein this Lime, as no one ever drew
such hous-cs in California before. The peo
ple there seem to believe that ''beauty un
adorned is adorned the more," and are con
sequently lavish in their patronage. A few
years ago she played in the eastern cities,
and had not enough to buy a calico dress.
Xow she counts her wealth by thousands.
Such is life.
On th? 10th of'.Taiiuarv. 1SG1. by the Ilev.
J. J (iurley, Mr. . W. Lixdlky, of
Ciearfield county, t Miss Martha I). Sciiu
tEst oi' Haliinioie, Md.
Well, Lindley pecins to be a lucky fellow,
lie 'c-l't this county in ('apt. J owler's compa
ny, and was connected with the 4th I'enn'a
Cavalry until he received an appointment on
(riMif-rnl fiiriTw!.1l..' stnif in f h. .itv nt
W., 1 .; 1, , .1.. .. 1 t :.. 11
has deserted the cavalry ami joinedan infant
ry eiirps. we are not int'ormed, but we antici
pate .'1 much. Nevertheless, the happy
couple have our best wishes for their future
welfare, and may they march along the
thorny pathway f life undaunted, and to
the swjpot music of '"Union" and love.
On Sund.iy the lGth inst, by D. S. Moore,
Ks., Mr. llirnAKD Danver of IVnn tp.,
to Mrs. Askkv. formerly of Pike tp.
On Sunday Evening the 24th int, by
the rauie,at the residence of the brides fath
er, 3Ir. J SO. .NEWCOMER, to -U1SS JjlZZIE
Smith, all of Penn tp.
Oa the same evening, bv the same, Mr
Henry Davis, of Lumber City to Miss
Rctii Thompson, of Uell tp.
'Squire Moore seems to bequite a ''Marry -ing
man." Well, we wish him good speed
and good fees, while engaged in that bu
siness. At Philipsburg, on January 22, 1S64,
by A. A. Bradin. Esq.., Mr. IIakrv Van
derpool to Mi.s Makriet IIeeman, both
of Jlush township, Centre count', Pa.
IIOSTETTER'S IUTTERS Have received the
warmest encomiums from the press and people
throughout the I'nien as a valuable tonic for the
cure of Dyspepsia. Flatulence, Constipation, and
general nervous debility, it cannot be approached,
livery day new cases of its great effect are chron
icled through our principal journals. Thero is
nothing equal to the emploj-ment to that which
the afflicted experience when using this valuable
specific. Its miid tone, its sure and vigorous ao
tion upon a disordered stomach, and the cleans
ing of the entire human body should recommend
it to all classes of our community. S"See ad
Tertisement.jST For sale by Druggists and deal-,
era generally everywhere.
Madame Porter's Ccrativb Balsam has long
tested the truth that there are first principles in
Medicine as there is in Science, and this Medi
cine is compounded on principles suited to the
manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds is in
keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle in
ternal warmth, and this is caused by the use of
this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based
on its power to assist the healthy and vigorous
circulation of blood through the lung, it enli
vens the muscles and assists the skin to perform
its duties of regulating the heatol the system. and
in gently throwing off the waste substance from
the surface of the body It is not a violent rem
edy, but emollient, warming, searching and effec
tive. Sold by all druggist at I ana zj cia a tratue.
A LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils,
white lead. etc.. f E. A. IRVIN'S
COXVUsrCATED. Pulmonary consumption a eur
ablt disease t ! ! A card.
To Consumptives. The undersigned having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by ve
ry siflaple remedy, sfter having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it- he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same. which they
will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser
ia sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflic
ted, and spread information which he conceives to
be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre
set iption will please address
Sept.23-4m. Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N.Y.
Raftsman's Journal Almanac-18G4
g H jl H !) . Z-S--
H i! on
o- S. &
o S
c 5 a- c
, b 3 t a
oa -- .
5 J
1S64 g -g
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1 2 JcLr. 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9; 34 5 6 7ft 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16, 10 1112 13 14 15 16
17 13 19 20 21 22 23' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 2 27 28 29 30 24 25 25 27 2S 29 30
31 I 3t
1 2 3 4 5 6 Aug. 1 2 3 4 5 6
7.8 9 10 11 12 131 7 3 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 2u 27
28 29
21 22 2:t 21 25 26 27
2S 29 30 31
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1 2 3
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1 2 Oct
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23j
24 25 20 27 28 29 30!
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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25 21 27 23 29 30
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1 17 18 l'j 20 21 22
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5 7, Nov.
30 31
2 3
1 2 3 4 5
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15 16 17 18 19 20 211
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Jcne. I 2 3 4 Dec
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19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1
13 14 15 16 17 IS 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 23 29 30
1 2 3
4 5 7 3 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 23 27 23 29 30 31
Seasonable Goods
The undersigned has just received from the East
ern cities a li'rge aii'i well selected stock of the
niobt seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at
ttia reasonable prices, it 19 friends and custom
ers are invited to examine his stock of goods, and
ascertain the prices before purchating elsewhere
na he leels iiereunded none undersell him. 11 in
stock embraces a well selected assortment of
Ha rd ware , Q u e e ns ware,
011 001: II IKS,
Schodl Books and Stationary,
And a reat variety of other useful articles, all
which will be sold cheap fur cash, or ex
changed for approved produce.
Goto the "cheap cash store" if you want to buy
goods at lair prices.
January 1. 1864. WM F.IRWIN.
J71U1". Kt. 1 . the subscriber wish-s to rent
. or lease his farm lying ii. Woodward town
ship. Clearfield county. I'a. The imiirovemeiiU
consist of about one hundred and ten acres of laud
in a girnd state of cultivation, a large beariuj- or
chard of choice fruit, a large and commodious
plank house Avith a ncverfailing spring of water
convenient to the door, a lojr barn and other out
buildings Any person wish ing to rent a farm for
a number of years, applj ing soon and being well
recommended, will get a irood bar-rain.
Jan 0 1854. WM. B. ALEXANDER.
J. P. KRATZER. has just received the largest as
tortmcnt of Dress Goods for Ladies, now in
the county, consisting in part of
1863 Cashmeres. Merinos. It ep-delains. plaids.
; parmetto. Brilliant, Poplins, Alpacca,
iJerege, Lawns, fruits, fcilks, Jluster
clothc. Ginghams, Nankeen, Lin
en. Lace. Edging. Velvet-trim-
-si 1
u 1- I
c ining.l;o!lerette.l5r:nd.Ketr.j.
"2 fe Drefs-butions, Hosiery. Veils. Nets. Cor-
-3 !
o; sets, tuimrs. uoous, uonia. scarps.
! Mantles, turs, .Notions, Bonnets,
jL j Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes.
a :Such asCloths.Cassimere. SatinettFlan
yvi nel. Jean, Tweed. Cottonade, Muslin,
Italian cloth. Velvet. Plush, Check,
Ticking. Drilling. Linen Crash,
Serge, canvass. Padding Lincy,
Vestinjrs, Coats. Pants. Vests
Over-coats. Shawls. Boys Jackets. Over
alls, Drawers, Cassmcre shirt?. Lin
er-Shirts, Boots and Shoes,
JJats and laps, Ac, A
e 5
Such as Carpet, Oil-cloth, Blinds. Cur-ljf'?
.Hi..l.lJIl.l.'.- - ' 1 1 , I X 1 . I . . . .
o a I
11ns. lasgeis, tyni, viocita. iooKing
glasses. Lamps, Churns, Tubs. Buck
ets.Brooms.Brushes. Baskets. Wash-
bonrds. Butter-bowls. Seives.
Flat-irons. Coffee-mill, Bed-
Z "A 'cords. Bags. Wall-paper, Carpet-chain.
Cotton yarn. Candle-wics. Work-bas-
' kets, Lanters, Umbrellas, Buffalo
Robes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ax
es, and Augers. Ac, Ae.f Ac.
Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes.
A a.
-1 1
p p
t te
o o
i-3 h- -Queensware. Glassware. Stoneware. Gro
ceries, Drugs, Conlectionaries. ilea
ieines, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt,
T. -r.
2- 2.
Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Fndings,
School Books, Nails and Spikes, Glass
and Putty. Oil. Vinegar. Tobacco,
Sogars, Candles, Spices, Powder,
Shot, Lead, Grind-stones, Raft
1 -
4 4
isg Rope, et., eto , etc., '
All of which will be sold on the most reasonablo
terms and the highest market Pee paid for all
kinds of country propuce J- P. KRATZER.
October SI, iood. viearneia, reun .
E STRAY. Came trespassing on the premises
of the subscriber in Burnside township,
Clearfield Co., about the 23 of Nor.. A stray Boar
about 28 years old, with long sandy and a short
tail The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and take him away
or he will be disposed ot according to law.
January 20, 1&64. MICHAEL YIN (J LING.
TURNPIKE ELETION. The stockholders
of the Philipsburg and Susquhanna T. P. R.
Co. will take notice that an Election will be held at
the office of said Company at Philipsburg, on
Monday the 7th of March next, for the purpose of
electing five Managers for the ensuing Tear.
January 20. 1884 President.
TVXJTICE. By a resolution of the Managers of
1 1 the Philipsburg and Susquehanna Turnpiko
Road Company, it was resolved to tnfoice the law
on any person, or persons, that would obstruct
said road by laying or leaving timber, or any
other obstruction, so as to interfere with the gen
eral travel. B. HARTSHORN. President.
Attest, E. F. Lloyd, Sec'y. Jan. 6, 1S84.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of
the Estate of Ebenezer King, late of Law
rence township, deceased : The undersigned who
was duly appointed to audit and distribute the
money remaining in the hands of A. C. Tate, Ad
ministrator, will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment, athis office in the Borough of Clear
field, on Monday the 8th day of February, 1S54, at
2 o'clock P. M.. when and where all persons inter
ested may attend. R. J. WALLACE.
January 20th, 1864 pd Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho matter of
the Estate of Jacob Fisher, lato ef Wood
ward township, deceased: The undersigned who
was duly appointed to audit and distribute the
money remaining in the hands of Joseph Fiscus.
Administrators, will attend to the duties of his
appointment, at his office in the Borough of Clear
field, on Tuesday th 9th day ot February. 1861,
at 2 o'clock P. M.. when and where all persons in
terested may attend. R.J.WALLACE.
January 20, lS64.-pd. Auditor.
CJTKAV IIEIFEEK Came tresspassing
1-3 on the premises of the subscriber in Burnside
township, about the 9th of September last, a black
heiffer with white back and white belly, a swallow-fork
in right ear and a crop out of the under
part ot the let t. and is supposed to have been two
years old last Spring. The owner is requested to
come lorward. prove property, pay cDarges aua
take Ler away or she will be sold as the law di
January 5, 1364-pd.
1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters Testa
i mcntarv on the Estate of John Patchin
late of Burnside township. Clearfield county. Pa.,
uec d, having been granted to the undersigned ;
all nersons iudebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate pnvment. and those having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated lor settlement
January 1, 1583. Executors.
T VATESALK. The undersigned wi!I dis
pose of, at private sale, the following described
properly, situate in New "Millport, Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., to wit. One "Me a m r-nw-unil: a drist-
milhhat can be run either b3-steam or water.or with
the two combined; two good dwelling houses,
one new with a large kitchen attached ; a iiew
Store house Is by 3j feet, and about 100 aeros of
land, with a good barn and oiher out buildings
thereon. About 30 acres of the land is cleared
and under good cultivation, the balance is well
timbered. A well of excellent water is near the
door of the house and the wate power is a good
one. Any person desirous ol purchasing a prop-
ty of this description is invited to call and ii;e
the premises. The terms will be made to suit the
purchaser. M. U, &11KK.
.New .Millport. Dec 30. 1 R63. -
T . LAK. LOCUST. Ao. The undersigned is
about extending his Lumber business to till a
needed gap in the trade ot Philadelphia by mak
ing a speciality of the rooprr-stock trade, and now
desires te make arrangements to secure supplies.
Tbe city coopers, shippers. ic , owing to the im
possibility of obtaining tbem in Philadelphia,
now defend largely on other markets for their
staves. Ac. With proper encouragement by tbo
manufacturers, the undersigned hopes to stop this
diversion of trade by keepini; on hand a large
stock in every variety of quality and size. By
giving this branch of trade particular attention
he hopes to make more early returns to consign
ments and establish for the manufacturers a more
valuable communication with purchasers than is
possible by those who trade mainly in moige heavy
Lumber. Manufacturers and others, who can fur
nish (particularly continuous supplies) either by
contract, purchase or on coiuunissiou, Maves,
Heading, Hoop Poles. Ac. Address
Vi . A. LI. V i-lil .Mi.
Callowhill St. Wharf. Philadelphia. Pa.
Larce snpplies always wanted of Locust Tim
ber, Oak Knees, and frequently long Oak Plank.
Oak and Yellow Pine Timber. Ac. Also now o-
peninga trade in and wanting supplies of SHIN
GLES, Walnut. Cherry, Poplar and Ash Lumber.
KEFI.P.E.VCE.-. Alex. (i. Catteil fc Co., Phu a.
Thos. Richardson A Co.. Phii'a. Jan. 20-4t.
r 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
Ji Office at Clearfield, Pa., on January 1st. 1864
Broadhead, Mrs H.
Brunaul. Etienna
Haney, Miss Sophia
Henry, L'lias
Hawthorn. Miss Ann
Irwin. Miss Helen E.
.Kcttner. Rev. Lambert
Luther. Wm.
Mitchell. Miss Sophia
Moore, Jacob
Marvin. Henry
ltedaker, II
Ross, Dr J. M.
Campbell, John
Dixon. Miss Sarah
Dixon. Miss R. E.
Dunahue, Miss Mary A.
Fry. Ely
Francis, Charles
Forsee, Mrs. Mariab B
Forcee. Wm. L.
Gibson, Joseph II.
Persons calling for any of above letters, will say
they are advertised. One cent is due on each let
ter advertised. M A. FRANK, P. M.
CTAT E .! E N T of the Clearfield County Bank
o for the month endins Deo. 31 st, 1863.
Bills discounted. ::::::: S-96,993 35
Pennsylvania State loans, : : : ; 58.99-' 41
specie. ::::::.: : : : : 6.877 81
Due from other banks. ::::: 8,852 43
Notes of other banks. :::::: 6.053 00
U. S. Demand and Legal Tender notes. J .5.239 00
Checks, drafts. Ac. ::.:::: 1.763 26
Over drafts, :::::.::: 200 72
furniture. :::::::::: 72a 00
Expense of plate engraving. c. : 764 75
L mted ttates Kcvenue stamps, : : -lo i.
Due Commonwealth, (special! : : : : 400 00
Loss and Expenses, :;:::: 25 19
Total amount of assets, : : : : $197.463 14
Capital stock, paid in, : : : : : $50,000 00
Notes in circulation, ::::; 42.762 00
Due depositors. :::::::: 84-434 61
Due certificates of deposit, : : : : 13.011 95
Due Commonwealth, :::.::: 315 00
Due Banks. :::::::.:: 2.135 30
Interest and exchange, . , ; : : : 4.779 23
Total amount of liabilities, : : : : : 5197,468 14
JAMES B. (il'AlIAM, Cashier.
Clearfield. Pa., Dec. 31. 1663.
iWhile walking through the streets of
Curwensville. my attention was drawn
to a vast crowd of people passing and repassing,
each and all with an immense load of merchan
dise ; and there meeting an acquaintance, I made
the inquiry '-What does this mean." The answer
was '-Have you not been at the cheap Store of J.
D; Thompson," who has just come from the East
with the largest stock of goods offered to the
community at lower figures than any other bouse
in the country, '-My advice to you is to call and
see for yourself" and then exclaim "The half was
not told me."
TO Til E PUBLIC A. H. Pierce 4 Brother
would respecfully inform the public that they
continue to oa y on the Lumbering and Milling
business at theiSld stand in Chest township where
they keep on hand and for sale all kinds of grain
and feed at market prices, and will pay the cash
! for all grain delivered at the Mill. They alaa
J , : t; t I .. , v
uoBt iu cnweii lumuer auuoquaro nuioer.. 1
oepi. j ipo. -pa.
A Ilighlr Concern mted
a rvnv. toxic.
Dr. C. M. Jackson, rhilad'a, Pa.
Will effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis
eases of the Kidneys, and alldiseaaes ari
sing from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach, such asConstipation. Inward
Piles. Fulness or blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn.
Disgust for Food, Ful ness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,
Swimming of the Head, Hurried
and Difficult Breathing. C lut
tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen
sations when in a lying posture, Dimness of
Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight.Fe
ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellow
ness of the Skin and Eyes,
Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh.
Constant Imaginings of Evil, and
great Depression of Spirits.
From Rev. J. iVeteto Brown, 1) . D Eli tor of
the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
Although not disposed to favor or recommend
Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of
their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no
sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to
the benefits he believes himself to have received
from any simple preparation in the hope that he
may thus contribute to the benefit of others.
I do this the more readily in regard to Hoof
land's German Bitters; prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a
gainxt them for many years, under the impres
sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture.
I am indebtd to my friend Robert Shoemaker,
Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tesis, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from great and long continued debility.
The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the
beginning of the present year, was followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod
ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six
months before, and had almost despaired of re
gaining. I therefore thank liod and my friend
for directing me to the use of them.
Philad'a., June, 23, 1361. J. Newrov Brows.
There are many preparations sold under the
nam ot Bitters put up in quart bottles, compoun
ded of the cheapest whiskey orcommon rum, cos
ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste dis
guised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters has caused and will contin
ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds
to die the death of the drunkard. By their use
the system is kept continually under the influ
ence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind. the
desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the
result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunk
ard's lite and death.
ror those who desire and mill hive a Liquor
Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get
One Jiott'f Hoofffiiui I verm n. Hitters and mix
with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whislev.
and tho result will be a preparation that will far
ex.cd in medicinal virtues and true oxcellence
any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark
et, and will cost much les.. You will have all
the virtues of Hoofland's Bitters in connection
with a good article of Liquor. at a muph less price
thin these inferior preparations will cost you.
We call tho attention of all having relations or
friends in the army to the fact that Hooft.Asn's
lierman Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the dis
eases induced by exposures and privations inci
dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost
daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the
sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor
tion are suffering from debility. Every case of
that kind can be readily cured by Hooflind 's tier
man L'itters. Diseases resulting from disorders
of the digestive organs are speedily removed'. We
have no hesitation in staring that, if tSese Bitters
were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of
lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost-
We call particular attention to the following re
markable and well authenticated cure of one the
nation's heroes, whose life, to uso his own lan
guage, - has been sqvod by th Bitters : '
P.unPELPiiiA. August 23rd. 1852.
Mtxir.i. Jones tr Ec ins. Well, gentlemen.your
Hoofland's German Bitters has saved mv life
There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for
by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names
are appended, and who were fully cognizant of
all the circumstances of my case. I am. and
have been tor the lust four years, a member of
Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the -immediate
command of Capt. K B. Ay res. Through
the expo sure attendant upon my duties. I was
attacked in November last with inflammation of
the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the
hospital. This was followed by great'debility.
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then
removed from the White House, and w-nt to this
city on board the Steamer "-State of Maine,' 'from
which I landed on the 2Sth of June. Since thn
time 1 have been about as low as any one could
be and still retain a spark of vitaliry. For a
week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any
thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it was
immediately thrown up again.
1 could not even keep a glass of water on my
stomach. . Life coold not last under these circum
stances; and. accordingly, the physicians who
had been working faithfully, though unTUccess
fuIIyTto rescue me from the grasp of the dread
Archer, frankly told me they could do no more
for me. and advised me to see a clergyman, and
to make such disposition of my limited funds as
best suited me. An acquaintance who-visited me
at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth
below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope,
to try your Litters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking them the
gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am uow
thank God for it. getting better. Though 1 have
taKen but two botiies. I have gained ten pounds,
and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin
my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen, I
am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front
Royal. Toyour invaluable Bitters I owe the cer
tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears
10 jour Diners win 1 owe me glorious privi
lege of again clasping tomy bosom those who are
dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours. Isaac M alone.
We fully concur in the truth of the above state
ment. as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,
ir. Jiaione, restored to health.
Jons Ci-ppLEBAOK. 1st New York Battery.
Geo. A. Acklet, Co. C, 1 1th Maine.
Lewis Cbevalier. i2d New York.
I. K. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Fasewell. Co. B. 3d Vermont.
Henrv B. Jkhomb, Co. B. 3d Vermont.
Henry T. Macponald. Co. C kh Mains.
Johs F. Ward. Co. E.oth Maine.
Hbhma.v Koch. Co. U, 7 2d New York.
Nathaniel B. Thou as, Co. F, ihith Penn'a.
Ani'kew J. Kikball, Co. A, 3d Vermont.
John Jenkins, Co. B, liloth Penn'iv.
See that the signature of O.M. JACKSOf," is on
the wrapper of each bottle.
Should your nearest druggist not have the ar
ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating
preparations that mtv be offered in its place, but
send to us, and we will forward, securely packed,
by express.
"Principal Office and Manufactory. No. B31 Arch
(Successors to C. M. Jackson 4 Co.,) Proprietors".
EPFor Sale by Ilartswick Huston. Clearfield,
Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in every town
in the United States. l-July 8, I8fi3.
COOK STOVES and Parlor stoves, (for either
coal or wood,) and stove pipe, for ale cheap
for cash at the store of
. .. J. D. Tao;iF50NrUTWe0gtin, .
FODDER CUTTERS of a superior make
for sale at reasonable prices, at MEKKKLL
and BIQLEK'S, Clearfield, Pa.
TOUR WANTED. A good wber, industrl-
I ' ous journeyman. Cabinet maker, can find con
I sunt employment, at good wages, by applying
Sept. 16, 1863. Clearfield. Pa .
Miss E. A. P. Ryndeiy
Teacher of Piano-Fote, MelodeantGaitir, Har
mony, and Vocal Masio.
Sixty private, anl twelve class lessons included
in one term. Rooms with Mr. H. D. Welsh.
Clearfield. July 1. 1663.
field county Agricultural Society for the Jar
ending 11th January 164.
Amount in bands of Treasurer at last settle
ment. $ 51,30
Received from membtrship nd tt gate
during the Fair.
917. S
County order for 13:53.
' 100.09
S 1068.55
S 5,00
Ij C9
44 75
102.' fl
Amount paid to Marshal.
Amount paid to Gate Keeper.
Amount paid to Ticket Agents.
Amount paid to Police,
Amount paid to Music.
Amount paid to Secretary,
Amount paid to Work done on groun.ll,
Amount paid to Printing.
Amount paid to Ground rent 2 year
Amount paid to Premiums.
$ 753.73
." 314.S2
Sec re tary
Balance in bands of Treaurr
January S. 1 St.
T he War i n C u r we n s v i lie J
New Goods Extremely Love.
rille were wounded. 'lis true, that I wm "shot
at. but missed' but I have procured another new
and large assortment of goods from the city, which
T am disposing of at lower rates than auy other
house in the county.
READ.'.' READ"! READ ..".'
Among tho Ladies' dress goods will be fouad
Poplins, sballios. detains, lawns, and a variety cf
other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri
ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest,
ment should call and examine my stock.
Rye. oats and oorn for sale. Also, bacon, fish,
etc. at very low figures.
Best sugar at from 12 to 15 cents per pound
Bost Syrup at 90 cents per gallon. Ail otber
groceries at the same rate. Boots and nhoia, and
Shoe fii'ndiiige, cheap.
Now is the time to buy, when goods are plenty ;
and all I ask is, for persons to examino my goods
and I feel persuaded they will not go away with
out purchasing J. D. THOMPSON.
Curwensville. May 20th, !StS3-ial.
Excitement in Lumber-City, Pa.
Better time was never eihievod'. than that mad
by tho citizens of Lumber City and vicinity, on'
the announcement that Kirk Spescer had just
received and were opening at their new store room,
the largest and. best srle.ctnl stoct of goods eve
brought to this section of the country ; and that
they were selling them at astonishingly low prices
The bigb price heretofore paid for goods, bad
well nigh caused tho people to dispair. bat relief
came; and the running commenced; ""Greiiit-baci-s.''
Jong hoarded away. 'mid. ''sighi for better
uays," were speeaily brought forth, swiftly con
veyed to theJvew Store, and converted into 5,20"
times cheaper goods than can be bad elsewhere in
the county.
The public may confidently expect the running
to continue from day to day. as they are deter
mined to sell goods cheaper than any 'body else.
Their stock will be found to' comprise every
thing thut the people my desire Dry goods. Gro
ceries Hardware. Queensware. Drugs; Medicines.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Brooms, Buckets.
Rope 4c, Ac.
Ready Mini cf.OTHiso. particular attention ia
directi-d to this department, as they defy compe
tition in regard to finality and prices.
The Ltrdirs ate particularly requested to call
and examine their large and' varied stock ofdrest
good 'and trimiiitigs. shawls, coats, font a 5.
scarfs, nubia, hoods, gloves hv-.xiery 4e.
Lumbermen are invited to call, as it is their in
tention to keep constantly On hand, everything
tbatwill secure to them a complete outfit
In fact, everybody can be exactly suited by ca'l
iug at Kirk A Spencer's New and Cheap. atore.
Their motto is --Quick Sales and Small Profits,
for Cash or ready pay " Timber. Bohrdg, Shio
gles, and all kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for goods-.
Up Rreer Lumbermen can btf supplied, without
rr'eiiing 10 any --.iecca 01 liumougery.
Lumber city. Pa . December 9th 1863.
i3Ac kirk. ::::.::: h w 6pencer.
And Why Should They Not Be ?
Surely, tho people in that section of Clearfield1
county have great reason to be rejoiced over
the pleasing announcement that
has just opened in hitf New Store Room, the larg
est aud beat selected stock of goods ever brought
to-that part of the county of Ciearfield.
The undersigned having removed his store to'
his New Building on Tine Street, lilen Hope, op
posite the '-Union House," is now opening and of
fering to the public the largest and best selected
ftock of seasonable good.-i ever offered in this
place and neighborhood, and will be soid at pri
ces to suit the times.
Hw Stock embraces Dry-floods, Notions, Hard
ware. Queens-ware, Boots; Shoes, Hats and Capa,
Ready made clothing. Paints. Oils, Glass, Nails',
Bacon. Fi-h. Klour, "alt; Wills-w, Stone and Earthen-ware,
and Stoves.
OF DRY-GOODS, he has Cloths. Cassimers, Sat
tiuetts. Tweeds, Yestings, Flannels. Shirtings,
Prints, Coburg cloth. Alpacas, De Laines. Ging
hams, Chintz. Kerchief . Nubian, Sontags, Nan
kin, Lawns-, Linen. Lace Edgings, Collars. Trim-
miugs, urai'ia. ai;s, ero.
OF HARDWARE, he ha? axes, saws, chisels,
knives and forks, locks', hinges, screws, augers,
hammers, nailg, spikes, Stovea of various pattern
and sizes, flat irons, eto
OF GROCERIES. Be has coffee, augar. molas
ses, tea, rice, pepper, cinamon, elovea. Flour,
Sams, sides, shoulders, fish, etc.
OF QUEENSWARE, he has tea sets, Cups and
saucers, cream jugs, tea and coffee pots, pitchers,
bowls. plates,Hishes, eto. v
OF CLOTHING, he has coats. panU. rest, in.
dershrrts, shirts, drawers, neck-ties, gloves, socks,
hats, eaps, boots, shoes, eto.
All the above, and numerous other articles, for
sale cheap for cash, or exchanged for all kind of
lumber and country produce.
Remember, that I am receiving gooda weekly
from Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and
Pittsburg, and that any goods can be famished
on very short notice.
Call and exanine tho goods and prices and sat
isfy y ourselve of the utility of baying at ,
... .rOUN ROBSON'S -.
Gla Hope, December 23, ,
- '-' .