Haftsmim's I BT 3. J. ROW. OLEABFIELD, PA., JAS. 27, 1854. THE 7AE SEWS. Capt. Ekin, a stag" oiHcer from Knoxrille. brings information that Longjtreet has been reinforced with 26,000 men, and was advan cing on Knoxviile, pushing Gen. Granger's force3 before htin. It was thought that our army will be compelled to fall back to the entrenchments at Knoxville. A southern letter writer says tho news from Charleston U discouraging. Beaure gard has expressed the opinion that he could not hold Charleston much longer, as Gill more has guns in position by which he could red ace the city to ashe3 in a few hours if he felt inclined to do so. It is reported that John Morgan, at the heal of 5,000 cavalry, will make a movement to cut o3f the communication between Knox ville and Chattanooga in a raid into Ken tucky. John Morgan has bean given the com mand of Magruder"s array, but will be no more successful than the latter was. Bread riots oceur almost daily in the south and the Southern people are evidently get ting tired of the war. I The writer concludes by saying "the oays ! of the Confederacy are numbered, and its backbone u broken. " ! The Bf. Y. Custom House Frauds. The New York Evening Post, of Satur day the 19th January, contains a copy of a letter from Collector Barney, to the Secreta ry of the Treasurj', in regard to the late frauds in the Custom House in that city. The Collector says he has evidence that frauds have been practiced upon the Government in the entry of goods for a number of years, and involving persons within and without the Custom House.. Tho full amount of the frauds have not as ye! been ascertained, nor all th2 persons connected with them. He says the investigations have reached a point rendering it advisable that the immediate law officers of the Treasurj-, by his advice and counsel, should participate in them, and therefore requests that the Solicitor of the Treasury may be directed to come here for that purpose. We hone that these frauds will be fully exposed, and the guilty parties receive their just punishment. That frauds exists, no more will deny ; but it is a source of gratification to know that the National Administration is possessd of the honety and the nerve to investigate all alleged pe culations, and bring to justice the offending parties. Me3saga cf Governor Parker. The Message of Governor Parker, of New Jersey, delivered on Wednesday a week, discusses the question of pacification. lie says the war should be pro.-ccuted by all con stitutional mcan.- to destroy the power of the rel?llion, and l-e-esiablishim-nt of the national authority over the whole country. He disapproves of. the plan of the Presi dent's amnesty proclamation, arguing for con ciliatory measure.- and a restoration of State governments as they existed before the rebel lion. He also disapproves of the emancipa tion proclamation as an obstacle in the way of peace, etc The Governor is one of the ' "Conservative Peace Pemoeratc' ' stripe, and hence no .surprise need be felt at his op position to the measumisof the Administra tion in suppressing the rebellion. m l The President Endorsed in Maryland. The following resolution was offered in the Maryland State Senate on Wednesday the 10th January : "HesohrJ, By the General Assembly of Maryland, that the administration jf AnttA HAM LiNCOLX deserves and receives our hearty approval, ami will secure the cordial co-operation of the General AemWy. That this General Assembly approve the policy of the Administration in the conduct of the war, and especially on the subject of the restoration of the seceded Slates; ap- Jiroves of the amnesty proclamation of the 'resident, and of the conditions there laid lown as wise, necessary, practicable and essential to the future safety of the country, and that the General Assembly declares that the re-election of Abraham Lixcolv to the the Presidency of the United States is the earnest desire of a vast majority of the loyal people of Maryland.'' Prospects ra the Future. It is no longer to be doubted that the ar my, or rather armies, with which the Uni ted States will next spring resume active operations will be the largest and best the world will have et?u in modern times, while those with which they will have to contend will be vastly less numerous and less effec tive than the armies with vhich the rebel conspirators have operated up to this time. These important facts are now' so patent ihatall well-informed persons realize them in their full force. In view of the fact of he large-and efficient armies now organiz ing, we look for a final crushing out of the rebellion at an early day after active opera rkaj will have commenced in the .spring. THE OPPOSITION AO SLAVEEY. Gen. GantT, of Arkansas, formerly of the rebel army, but now a thorough Union man, declared, m his speech at Cincinnati, that the people of Arkansas "turn from Slavery with loath-iny indescribable." and with great indignation adverted to the fact that "while we who are so much interested pray fbr deliverance from this curse, there is a" sneaking party in the North who would force us to keep the curse with us." It is indeed astonishing that men in the North, who never saw a slave, and who have not a dollar's worth of interest in the institution, are so much more concerned for the fate of Slavery than they in whose .social system it had closely interwoven itself, and who had property in it to the extent of hundreds ol millions. The chief stimulous of the opposition par ty of the North against the Administration is its Anti-Slavery war policy. It is the Emancipation Proclamation, and the other measures connected with it, that form their great grievance. They pieteud that these acts of President Lincoln are the great barriers to the speedy termination of the war, and peaceable restoration of the Union. They insist upon this though they are con stantly confronted with new manifestations of directly the opposite feeling upon the part of the resurgent Unionism of the South. Hardly a day elaspses that we do not get tidings of new accessions to the Union cause in some part of the South within our lines. But there has been hardly a tingle instance of a Southern man of any character, thus onverted. who has borne testimony that the Anti-Slavery acts of the Administration are standing in the way of the restoration of the Union. On the other hand, they all bear witness that Slavery is the greatest of all barriers to any such restoration, and they are the most impatient of all men for its summary annihilation. Gen. Gantt tells the Cincinnati people : "You would think, if you visited us, that the seat of Abolition ism had been transferred from New-England to Arkansas," The whole develop ment of Unionism everywhere tends to just that farm. Now, we should like to see this accounted for on any theory consistent with the asser tion of the Anti-Administration party of the North, that President Lincoln's policy to ward Slavery has been bad policy for the Union. Are not these Union men of the South better acquainted, than they, with the Southern disposition ? Having lived in the midst of the rebellion for months, and many of them, in fact, al most up to the present time, can it be said that they don't understand, as well as those five hundred or a thousand miles away, where its vulnerable point lies, and what the best way to reach it? Or are these men hypocrites?. Do they pretend to be Union men when in fact they are not ? And do they thus advocate the extremest Anti-Slavery policy, not as they say because it is best calculated to restore the Union, but surest of all methods to make an end of it forever? The supposition is monstrous No men in the country hate the rebellion so intensely, or have so jjreat reason to hate it It has subjected them to losses and to .sunoring.-, immeasurably beyond anything known here in the North. Their love for the Union is not, as with us, a mere sentiment; it is a passion, fiercely inflamed by a sense of per sonal wrocg. But those .Southern men who declare at once for the Union and for the annihilation of Slavery, are in no respect of a different mold from Southern men generally. There is no earthly reason why they should identi fy restoration and emancipation, and not others, wherever those others are brought within the protection of our advancing ar mies. Intact, the causes which have pro duced this, will only' work with all the grea ter energy in the .States yet to be recovered. The reaction against the rebellion will be all the greater the longer and harder the rebel lion is pressed. If the sufferings inflicted by the rebellion in Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas have wrought there such hostility to slavery its cause, the sufferings in Miss issippi, Alabama and Georgia, far more prolonged, and therefore far severer, must generate a still intenser hatred of it in these States. Our Northern "Conservatives," as they style themselves, will find that the interval between them and the Southern Unionists will be continually growing wider as territory is redeemed from the "Confeder acy. They will find that they will have to change their ground in spite of themselves, or else become the laughing-stock of the world stickling for what they call Southern Pro-Slavery rights in the Union, when the prime concern of every Union man in the South will le to get clear of Slavery as an unmitigated curse, and an object of "inde scribable lothiug. " The truth is that this concern of the Anti Administration party of the. North for Sla very comes mainlv from old political predju dices in favor of tne institution, with little or no regard fr the vast changes wrought by the war. It was their doctrine once thai, the safety of the Union lay in a religious care for the interests of Slavery, and an unquestion ing compliance with all of its demands ; and they blindly cherish the idea that there can be no -true Unionism now which docs not have a similar spirit. Their "one idea" is that to bolster up Slavery is to bolster up this Union, and that the two are inseparable. hatever room there might once have been for this belief, it is now absurd. The rebel lion has wrought a complete change of rela tions, and there is no applicability of old ide as to the new order of things. The very policy, in respect to Slavery, which once might have been the most conservative ot the Union, is now the most hostile to it. .Southern Unionists understand this fact, and mereiy accommodate themselves to it. It is high time that the Anti- Ad ministra tion men of the North, who still call them selves Unionists, should begin, to learn of them. A most exciting scene is said to have ta ken place in the French Senate a short time since on the discussion upon the address to the Emperor. The Marquis de Boissy crit icised the conduct ot the tjrovenmient. m a manner that so astounded M. Troplong, the President, and the Ministers, that they al most lost their senses, and quite lost their presence of mind. The Marquis undertook to warn the Emperor that as Louis XVI. did not leave the crown to his son. as the "Kin? of. Rome" did not succeed to the first Emperor of France, as the crown of his ancestors did not descend to the Duke of Bordeaux, and as the Count of Paris still lives in exile where Louis Phillippe died, so the Prince -imperial would not succeed to thellsrona of Napoleon III., unless that sovereign """ere better advised. A SW0ED PEESEXTATIOIT. Ctrwensville, Pa., Jan. 23, 1863. Mr. Bow : I received the enclosed just as I was about to leave home. You will please pubish the same, as per request, and oblige Yours, B. Hartshorn. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 14, 1864. Mr, Benj'n Hastsuorn: Dear Sat: Pardon me for the privilege I have taken in addressing you, an entire stranger. A few days ago our Captain, James 31. Welch, was presented with a sword and belt. Enclosed please find a notice of the presentation and the remarks made on the occasion, which you will have inserted in your county paper 2 ha Raftsman s Journal, and you will confer a favor on me. Having seen Capt. Welch ex press a box to you, I learned your address ; and by that kuew you to le personal friend of his. I thnutdit best to request you to have the enclosed inserted, as I have done this unknown to my Captain. Hopimr that you will be pleased to know that 'apt. . is held in such high estimation by the soldiers of his command, you will grant the request of one of them. Should you deem proper to give the name of your authority you ma' do so, but I would rather give the initials only. I am. sir, very respectfully, Your unknown friend, David II. Magek. A Handsome Sword Presentation. Ou Suturda, January Oth, 1804, Captain James M. Vy ckh. formerly of company K 1st i'enn a titles, now commander of com pany D 2(Jth Kegiment. Invalid Corps, sta tioned at Lafayette liarrucks. Baltimore, Md. , wu-sthe recipient of a very handsome sword and belt. The blade is of the finest Italian steel, and the handle of solid .-diver and is finely figured. The scabbard is made of solid silver, surmounted with heavy and beauiiful't'iiibellishnients, and bearing the IWllowine inscription: "Presented to Capt. James M. Welch by the members of com pany J 20th Re.g't Invalid Corps-" The Belt is of moreeo and handsomely finished. The sword and b-lt exhibits a very beautiful specimen of workmanship. The presenta tion was made by 1st Scrg't Lyman P. War ner in the following appropriate remarks : "Captain! It affords me great pleasure to present to you, in behalf of company D 20ih Beg't Invalid Corps, this sword and belt. We deem it a senee of duty to show you our gratitude for the nianv favors ex- lenoeo. ana lor the gentlemanly conduct i you have manifested as an officer towards ! us. We are happy to know we have an of ficer so worthy to receive our respect, and to prove our esteem nd gratitude we have chosen that which is more substantial than words something thai will in after years, when peace and tranquility is unci; more re stored to us and we are permitted to enjoy the society of home and friends, and when we rest after our arduous duties and priva- iiona ana suiKiiugs m tne service or our country, !e looked upon a a mirk of es teem of men who art-, happy to know they serve under such an excellent officer. What can we say lor ourselves. Nothing more than we always tried to do our duty. Many a long march have we accomplished ; many a severe battle have we fought ; and many have been our trials, our fatigues and our hardships, but during all these we can say with pride never have we served under a more kind, generous and judicious officer ; ever ready to supply our wants; ever pleas ing and of an affable disposition. Yes! take it, and would that we were more able to pre sent something more worthy our esteem and respect for you." After Captain W. received the sword, he replied in the following words: "Sfroeant! 1 take it! But I nin at a loss of language to ex press my gratitude and feelings in being the recipient of such a handsome present. Why have 1 merited this ? I will look upon this gift with delight, and never until my latest ciay will I forget j on. Yea. veterans! with whom 1 am as sociated and have the pleasure to command, 1 i' el that I am unworthy to wear such a splendid sword. But it shall ! preserved with care, and whenever occasions render it necessary to be worn, it will be with a hap py remembrance of you. You, war-worn veterans, the donors, remember you will ev er bcthouttht of: and whe.i we part to go to o'ir loved friends and homes (as many of you will in a very short time), bear in mind that yon cany with you my everlasting grat itude. I am proud to be the commander of such d'-votc j me'n. Not only to me. but to your country and its rights and its liberties, should it ever be necessary for you to go forth again in its defence, may you tarry with you the same true devotion that now inherits your bosoms. I am proud of you as a company. Your gentlemanly conduct, your soldier-like appearance, and the man ner in which you have always done your du ty, has not only commanded my respect but that of all your superior officers. Allow me to excuse myself !eing almost forced by you to present myself before the companj". when I was made aware that I was to be the recipient of such a beautiful gift. My feelincs will not allow me to express my thanks in the manner I could wish, and I hope that by actions I shall prove myself the worthy recipient of your munificent gift.' "A short time ago Capt. Welch was the re cipient of a very fine silken sash. We hope that the friends of this brave soldier, who has suffered even-thing but death in his country's cause, will feel proud that he is held in such high esteem by men who a few months ago were entire strangers to him. Would that every- officer who to-day has the command of men in his country's cause, would conduct himself in the manner our noble Captain has done. He is worthy the devotion of true and loyal patriots, and we have perfect confidence in him in any case of danger or emergency. We are happ' that we were put under command of Capt. W. His company represents no less than eight different Begiments and as many States : and every one is a war-worn veter an, who has been rendered unfit for field du ties by wounds received in the discharge of that duty they held in such holy estimation. David II. Magee, One of the members of the company. f BY AUTHOEITY. 1 Headquarters of Provost Marshal, Nineteenth District. Pennsylvania, y WaterforJ, Erie Co., Jan. 14, '64. ) All persons drafted wbo reported at these headquarters, and signed receipt rolls for ex penses can. by forwarding their Post-Office address to this offiee.can receive saidexpenses by return mail. II. S. Casipbell, Pro. Marshall 19th Dist Penn'a. At the present depreciated rates of rebel currency, their soldier's pay is but 55 cent per month, in gold. COSEESPOffDEffOS OF TEE J0UE1TAL. Letter from Curwensville. CCRWENSVILLE, Pa., J AN. 23, 1S64. Mr. Editor: I noticed in your last pa per that some one interested in the "out rage" which took place in this town some few weeks ago would like to smooth the oc currence over as much as possible,. and my intention in writing this is to state the mat ter as it really occurred. The property alluded to belongs to Mrs. . Sometime last fall M r. Starr made applica tion to her husband for the privilege of the house for one year, which was granted ; af ter which the husband went to the man w ith whom the keys were left and told him to give them to Mr. Starr when he called for them. And, I may here ask the question, Why does 'ieitrii leave out this important fact, leaving the impression on the public mind that Mr. Starr had no grant of the house at all V Mrs. learning that her hus band Lad rented the house declared that Starr should never go into it alleging as her reason that he was an "Abolitionist and voted for Curtin" and sent and had a pad lock put on the door. The next day Starr came with his goods to take possession of the house and found it locked, when he was adviswi by several to force the door open, which was done. Starr was shortly after warned out, and immediately rented another house where he intended moving as soon as Mrs. Starr would be able to go, for, though her babe is three months old, she had never been out of the hojnse since its birth, except when they moved and then she has to be brought in her bod. When her physician was consulted as to the propriety of moving her, he told them that it might be followed by serious, if not fatal results that she had been worse from the effects of her first removal, and it was more than likely to be again, which has been the case. Mrs. not K'ing willing to wait, came on the Oth of January, about 4 o'clock in the evening, ac companied by her two brothers, and told Mrs. Starr that she had authority from a lutritr to put her in the street, and she was going to do it. Mrs. Starr plead for the privilege of remaining until the next day when she would send for her husband, who was away from home, and they would go out at all hazards. Mrs. refused, and toid the woman that she had got to go then ot her furniture would be pitched into the street, and her with it at the same time seizing a stand and throwing it out of the door. Mrs. Starr left and was tis-isted by a neighbor lady to her house, whi'e the '"trio' went ahead throwing out the goods bring ing upon themselves the indignation of eve ry one who saw it. Even the children. when Mrs. started to go home, hissed and snow balled her out of town their parents be! ug too indignant at the outrage to prevent them. 1 forgot to add that Mrs. Starr's babe was also very sick at the time. When the cradle was set cut one of the men who was assisting exclaimed. "My God! Lizze! that looks too hard ! let us stop this." And he has been heard to say since "that it w as too mean a trick for any white man to be guilty of. and he would give five hundred dollars to be out of the scrape." These, Mr. Editor, are the plain facts, which will be sustained by all who saw it. But I would just say, in justice to the Dem ocratic parly, that 'not one of them in any way justified the act, but all united in de nouncing it as an inhuman act. The Whole Tkuth. Letter fronj Philipsbur. Pmi.n sui'kg, Pa.. Jan. 2."T'h. 186!. D.KAR Joi.-knal : We are drifting down the sireain of time slowly, but s'ureiy to the end we must arrives sooner or later. Tbcri comes 'the tug of war' then comes the hour when we look back over the channel and see what a wonder it v.a-s that we had not "stove " long ere w e reached this poit. But we are "snubbed" now, and ail nicely "tied up,'! so we can take things ousy. llov hap py a ll-llow foels, wh?a he has gone through some great trouble and has had a fellow to stick to him, to come out safe and Had his friend s;t his elbow, not implorir.g him for a lew of his "greenbacks," but finding him there ever ready to'assist him. Friendship, 'tis easj-spoken, and often as easily perform ed, and yet claimed as friendship. True friends are few, too few alas ! for the mis sion of humanity in this cold friendless and uncharitable world. So long as we sail a long under a spanking breeze and uuder ev ery inch of eauvass, all is well and we have troops of friends. But the first gale, yea squaii, and the number is reduced ; yet some stand to the storm, though hoping that it will not last long, until the musts are gone and then they lash themselves to the life boat" and -nobly al grandly strike out lor the shore. It sometimes happens that one out of the whole troop .stands ta.-t and firm and determined to share your fate. Weil may we claim hi to as a true friend, and ona that I would confide in, notwithstanding the saying of the Prophet, "Trust ye not ia a friend, put ye imt confidence in a guide; keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lfeth in thy bosom. " l et as a general thing it would be weli to listen to the words of the Prophet, most especially the last admoni tion, one at least that 1 shall strictly adhere to when Hymen descends from his throne to give me a pass; to the state of matrimony. Oh! horrid future ! Of all the unthankful acts humanity is rewarded with, there is none so cutting, keen and sharp, as those to whom we have done a kindness, assisted and helped them struggle up the hill, and when we have got them to the top they turn about and hit us a kick t hat seeds us reeling to. the valley from whence we started them. "Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, That dost not bite so nigh, -V? benefits forgot ; Though thou the waters warp, Thy sting is not so sharp, As friends remembered not." . It seems that material for Assistant Post masters is getting to a low ebb in some parts of Uncle Samuel's loyal domain. The Post office at Powelton, Centre county, Penn'a is most especially "hard up" for an assistant, so much so indeed that they have been o bliged to exhume The High Royal Arch Grand Rabbi of Copperheads from the soli tary banks of LYeh Lomond to fill the va cancy. "Necessity makes strange bed-fellows," but this caps the climax of "necessi ty being the mother of invention." It seems to be almost an impossibility that this Grand "snaik" would take up a mail-boy birth under the administration of Father A braham. I shall certainly report him to the Grahamton nest, as that appears to be the Executive nest of this Jungle. If they do not expel him for transcending the Consti tution, then I shall conclude that their whole combination is about immigrating to the dominions ot Jeff Davis & Co., and that tney are allowing the H. R. A. G. Rabbi to learn the modus operandi of the P. O. so that he can conduct theirs down in Dixie. Say, Mr. P. M. at Powelton, incline your ear this way a moment. Would it not be much better for you to emplov one of the many heroes who have fought for their coun try nobly fought for the" preservation of that protection which you now enjoy and probably lost a leg or an arm, or has become disabled in some way in battle or frcm en during the hardships of a soldiers life, rath er than this man who has done all he could, without really taking up arms, against the prosecution of the war. There are hundreds of soldiers as fully competent to act as As sistant Postmaster- as this same man. If there are any men to have the offices in the gift of tlie government, I say, in God s name, give them to the men who have gone forth and done battle for fieir country. 'The noblest and best blood thar-courses through the veins of men, is that blood that sustains the life of a natson's soldierv. see the voung men in and around our towns robust, healthy and apparently genuine Americans. But scan their phiz a little closer and some thing is lacking, is plainly visible. The ste.rn, determined countenance is absent,aud a fom nine look takes its place a look more fitted to he a doll fbr acting the beau than to smell gun-powder. Humbug on such young men, and humbug is the lady that tolerates su-h dolls. The true, genuine American lady would soon give him the "mitten" and tell him to go and gallant the Stars and Stripe; through this war, and then I will allow you not only to be my beau but. that is if yon do your duty as a soldier, be the partner of my iocs, troubles and sorrow., so long as you shall live. King Sol has knocked the sleighing into a sea of mud. Lo;r men's faces are as long as the moral law. Horses and ejuines gener ally nod assent. White hose prevail; wed turned ankles are numerous, and developed cops attract the attention of Leroi. Letter from Fort P.eno, Va. Fort Reno, Va., Jan. 1 6th, 114. Di.ar Row : lu my last I tre-pas-ed con fiderbly upon your time anlspaee; a.;d for ought I know, more upon voor oaiicnce. and sis you had mv promise then 'hat 1 would i not do so again, you will see by this howwcll j my promise has been kept : if it were not : that I am'anxious to let you know tb.nt we! "siiliiive" in this neck of woods, I should nof r.o'v claim your indulgence. ' During tiie past three or lour ".e"ks the! weather has been decidedly wuuerish. and ' overcoat.- and fires here received their due shore of attention, as well as much partHiity from the majority of us. We have, been very fortunate in this department, in regard to comfort. Being spared the toil and ex posure mciuetit to active campaigning, we i have taken "time by the forelock " and the j numerous log LaMns ot every snapo, size and order which h.ivo sprung up like mushrooms, abundantly attest the industry and provision of the soldier for his individ ual comfort. Gui. Butler's famous order No. 49 has failed in some cases, more espe cially in the country, and it is made a mat ter of interest to each one of us to know where and w ho they are ; for if our fuel is taken from the land of those who have in good faith taken the oath of allegiance, we are only allowed the Regulation allowance of one-sixth of a cord per month ro t he man, whereas, if we sret it from those who refuse to take the oath prescrilied. we get as much as we need' The reison is this ; in the for mer case the Government contemplates pay ing for the woo.;, while in the latter it does not, requiring the disloyal, in so mo shape or other, to contribute to the comfort, at least, of those1 whoaredefondiug their Conn try's honor. Military news in this section is below par. a'd anything deviating from the routine that has so long held sway here would be quite a curiosity. We b?ve. how ever, during the pa-t week, bad some chnn 'es in command of the different pjj't- in the Department. Gen Gt'r, Comi-undinc: the Ud Division Is; b Corps in front of Ports mouth, has Lc -n relieved from biscomiearid and tie Ileekmnn takes G Barnes, in command of the forces in and a round Norfolk, his been uceeded by Gn. Wild. It seem? that Gen. Butler means to have men to command it: bis Department, more after his own nj''d.l.ftnd more identified w ith his ideas of dealing with traitors. The Old Seeesh around here have vented male dictions loud aud deep upon the name of Butler; and he, in turn, seems to haunt their views like a spectre from the spirit land, for let them do as they may, and resort to ever' subterfuge their ingenuity can invent, and still the General is ahead of them every time, And woe be t ) e'ther the man or wo man who assumes obligations with a view to deceive him. Lip service wi-iit answer: and several have been detected in their faithless ness, and punished for tl ierent wavs. -some nave occii sent; n von- the lines, and others have b 'en put at hard labor for different periods. Recently, one of this sort has been sentenced to bar lalor for one year clearing the streets of Norfolk, with a twenty-four pound b:d! attached to his leg with a three feet chain. Serves th iin riabt ! let them suffer for tl-.cir treason. "The 8th Connecticut has left for home,, in a body, last Monday. they having a'!, with the exception of about twenty, (excepting the conscripts) re-eidis'e 1 in a body, and gone home to recruit. I have often thought what buoyant spirits mairy of them would experience in traveling towards their homes, which they have nut- seen for nearly three 3-ears. But, while thre will Ik; joy and happiness around many hearthstone, as many more will, perhaps, be shrouded ia f.orrow for the loss of loved ones, who, but a coin paritively short time ago, left their homes and their firesides and all the pleasures of their peaceful avocations to avenge the in sults heaped upon the. banner of Liberty ; but who now, alas ! lie mouldering beneath the clods of many a battle-field. Let not their memory bo committed alono to maible that perisheth. but let their heroic deeds be indelibly stamjied upon the hearts of their countrymen, to be remembered by succeed ing generations, till the name of liberty shall be deprived of a temple and a home. There are quite a number of the members of the old regiments re-enlisting and goinghome in squads to enjoy their thirty days Furlough. 1 havejust noticed that the resolution exten ding the time of reenlisting,as also the boun ties heretofore given, has been approved, and I think that uiany who were too late making up their minds for the fifth of Jan uary will now avail themselves of the oppor tunity. I trust Clearfield County will not be unmindful of her interests, but will at once take steps to raise the quota required and thus avoid the draft. w. r. b. lo insure attention, the CASH mutt iT ILll- V ?H0WV-AU Caution. Strays, CI: Audi tori' notice. i so- w trator.'andExecutor.'notice.$Vo:eacld all other transient Notices at the earn. Oth er a1 ver tiseraent s at 81 per sq are, for 3 r . insertions. Twelve lines (or less count a sqtu npKACHERS WAXTfjTZxt A School teachers will find imptoTiueiit in th; Dimct.to whom good wages will be g'ivn.for fa. v months t-rm .PPlj to U B. M'rjoht, Secret", of Boccan Township, by letter or otherwUe January 27th. IS4-.3t " " - BRIDGE ELECTION .-The ockb, lntheCurwensviUe bridjr. are r.oiififJ (h.I n election will bo held on fiorsda-r F.r.,. l?th. at 2 o'clock P. M, at the sreVj ?T V'n m Curwenville. for the purpose of elcc'tir Managers for the ensuing yar TVOTICK TO SCHOOL hiufctorV" IA The school Hirecrorerf ,h differ?S." .h.p. in Clearfield Conm,. are berebv B0 ,fie", return, to the tomnusMoners of C esrneM rv. . he number of mills aeed for Schoo tT,-T-for the yMr A . V. JsC2 t ISM. dl the Preaid.nl and attend by the ' iLBRA KfT Clerk M ER IXDICATOK.-,,; SAJ"' & Co.tOttbeSneHrJScAver.raH . Fro th: UDD otruotion of this instrument, a: w.u a3 fn'mlh' Hinfila testimonials, both f THa.-tu-sl f., ? men of fcciecce. we are aufii that it i rll a good, practicable ISirorirtrr ' To be . Juu,:e Barretts. and others in rarfiei4 ; f,r Ciennleld Co . li. B WmwHt, ho win .ufj?l iumuinenia on thort notio.n. Ja.a. ij A First Class Farmers' Magazine for Pe- , . 161 THE PENNSYLVANIA f4 FA R M K R A N D ; A R DEN ER . Pevoted to A?ricnltur, Horticulture, icj fi rs! sffiirs. Edited and Published br Vtm s" Young A Co., 52 North Sixth Strrf t. PhiNdelphu The Sixth Voiume ci'iumencos wiib JiDatrT enraber. , Having obtained the services of eminent aM rractical Agriculturists. Horticulturist. Stock breeder and Lee-keepert. wo confident! offer th Cu rrcnt olurue & one of th? best ever issu1 i' r originality, practical thought and re ub:e i fortriTion. Send for a copy. Tor the Fruit. FJotcer end Kitchen Ottdrn !J THE i,4 tr K 11 E F. K 'S MO NTH I, V . W ; p. miNCKLOE. r..lli.-tr. tfft.e : ?;i N"or:h fix'h m., Philadelphia lVran-SI Mi re.ir Edited bv Thoinx Me-ehan. Too Month Jy mnicr.tj, ro : Hixt Fiowrr "iardeu and Plrtsuro-'mo'H ; Fmjt .ardcn ; Vegetable iSardra ; Windnw ir' diiin. CuMw t'xirjiTi.ciftFmbncins: thr rips f lb writers on Horticulture. Knral Affnr EniTOBiAi. tSiving 'he FditorV riw3 on 1b important Horticultural imrrovfnint4 An erics New Fmm r Pj.ASTS Pontine ANB FoKFIGS Intklligotf FnR KIM CoKKWSI-O.MO N K Ij'oHTIi-l I TTHL Nl- tices V.'ith oaoh rVpsrtraent faan.lsnnnly i)!u.-tra!e4 Tl.e general feature will be retained, an! the publisher p!edi;e?liiinfelf tbt no labor or i pene shall be ypured to render the -succeeding issues nf the Magazine every way worthy of thi fitv-or with which his previous efforts have b-fn in: ply rewarded Send for a specimen SALE OF THOS. CLE AVER'S REAL ES l'AT:. By virtue of an order of th Orphans' Court .f Clearfield eonntv. Pa., i!tf the 2d day of Oct 'ber. A. I) "there ill v.o tfxpon"d to sale by public vendue or outcry at PENNV1LLF;. in Penn township. Clearfield coun ty. Pa., ..n Fit ID AY the 23TU d:iv of FERKl'A KY A. I). Isot, at 2 o'clock, P. M. that certain messuage, farm or real eftate. iituatc in E!yn townsdiip. County aforesaid late lfc Estate rf Thomas Cleaver dw'd, and whereon Leii-o-l a tune of his dea h. conipminj about 12' u rc, Bounded on the North by Bcucr lm.. .n th Sutb by land of Lewis Wood, on the 1 at b land of Gilder, end on the Wjst by land ot tiolf and Ander.-on. ha ing about ai aereclaard. ar. I under cultivation, the balance Woodiaiid and 'portion of it covered with good pine ar.d otb-r timber, a ood trains barn nearly new. a fraa: d welling house with an excellent spring of wt-r close to the d.ir. and a young bearing orcharl f i-l.oice apples. The (5 Ion Hope aid Little H.-il l Eale turnpike parses through the premises P inj: the nine lra?tof land conveyed tnsaid Thom as Cleaver from .Tni;ih W. Smith A wife, by dl dated March Ifi'h !Sil . roniwd in Deed lto..k T. pagw 227. for 1 25 bt-.'J l.'.s ierche. exc-pt acrca irioe sold out of the South West corner ! Aaron I'unnortb by 1 horuaa Cleaver Terra. One third JCasbf at eonfimiition of i!n saie. one third in six monibs. and tb balance in one year thereafter with interest, to be isncuri-i by baud and mortgage. ELIZA CLEAVER. January 27. 184. Adinini.-trsitrix VTILM-: TO l'.MTi:i) STATES TAX i PAVERS. All persons residing in Clear field County whe are liable to tax by assessment u.iaer the -United States Internal ilevtnuo. or Excise Law,''pproved July 1st IS63, are hereby notiu. d that such taxes or duties have become Jua and payable, and that I will attend to receive th biiEeatlbe follow ing times and places in sai l County, ti wit : For all the tax payers to whom it will be most eoiiveuient. in the Doroujrh ot Luthersburg. at ti e Hotel of William Sehweni on the 16th d. of February 1-61. For all the payers to whom it a ill be most conve nient . iu lb e fcorotigh of Curwensville, at the Ho tel of W illiam A. Mason on the Mthdavof Feliu ary For All tax pnyes t"; whom it w ill b most cr venient, in the Borough of Clearfield, at the Hjtel r.f David Johnson, on the 17th' and l-t'n days of F'ebruary ICG4. For n!l tax paycra to whom it will be most con venient, in the Eoroujh of New Washington. t the Hotel uf David S. Plotneron the 19ih dayof February 1S64. And all persons who shall nleet to pay th duties and taxes so as aforesaid assessed upon thorn to tbe Collection, within the time specified, shall be liable to pay ten per rrnki additional upo" the amount thereof, collections to be made ty distraint. This notice applies to a.l persons Hale to tk out Lict-nses. to tax on Income, as well as to oili er taxes undersold Exoise Laws. All Distillers. Brewers and Manufacturers sr hereby required to pay any tax that may be do to n e. at the foregoing times and plaee. All 1'istillera and Brewers at the time of receiv ing their Licenses, will bo required to enter'0';'' a bond in double the amount of their probata monthly tax, with two sufficient sureties coodi tioned for a faithful compliance with said Act ot Congress of July 1st 1SS2. , All payments must be made in U. R. fun roin or iteur TbefpenaUies of the Isw will be f forced in every instance where neglect to pJ above specified exists. The undersigned he pes therefore, that a puns tual response will be made to the above appoi n' meets, as it will be much more pleasant to bota parlies, to avoid enforcement of collections. DA ID tAsu.' Deptuty Collector of Internal Kevtnue 19th District Pa. January 2bH5. SALT ! SALT !! SALT !!! 1 V ,rU't cle of ground alum. salt, put up in pate" saKS, at $3.25 per saoK, at the cheao ca-h store oi Novetaher 27: R. .VO. DISSOLUTION OF FAKTNEKSniP-"-The partnership heretofore existing between DeninarK A Spencer in the Foundry DUS,De . Lumber-city, was dissolved bv mutual consent o the 24th day of November, 1 363. The b?",.;'T maiu in the hands of J.M Spencer for ej ef,1- D J DKXM li'"" Jsnuary, 13, ISo4.-pd. J M. SPENCER. SALT a good article, and rerr cheap store of WM.F.IRWlS.CIearferf