Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 27, 1864, Image 1

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u in n II 0 u iir mi nu. ii in ro n jil ii r -.n. n . in; -iv i n in in ir .11;
VOL. 10.-NO. 22.
The Ram' Jourkal is published on Wed
TiMdar at SI 0 per annum in advance Auveb
TisEvi.N" inserted at SI. 00 per square, for three
,,r less insertions-Twelve lines (or less,) counting a
uuare For every additional insertion 2a cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers
Sitfinrgs gliwctorj.
1RVIX BROTHERS, Dealers in Square A Sawed
Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Grain,
4tf.4e.,BurniideP., Sept. 23, 18f,3.
t-REIERICK LKITZINGER, Manufacturer of
II kiuds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or
der.' solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1,1363
KAN'S A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear
(J Add, Pa. May 13, 1S6.1.
r) OHERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
t fiold. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
rret, opposite N'augle's jewelry store. May 2 .
HF. XAL'GLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Graham 'd row, Market street. Xov. 10.
-i j liVCHER SWOOrE. Attorney at Law, Clear
X 1. fitld.Fa. Offict in Graham's Row, fourdoo s
nrdt of tJraham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
rP. RRATZER Merchant, and dealer in
. Boards and Shinies, Grain and Produce.
Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. Ijl2
17ALLACE t HALL, Attorneys at Law. Clear
V field, Pa. . December 17, 1SS2.
t.illiam a. Wallace. :::::::: joh.no. hall.
-M A FLEMM1XG, Cnrwensville. Pa., N'ur.ery
P man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and t-hrubbory. All or
drs by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
-iTyjlXIAM V. IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield,
P., Dealer in Foreign and boiaeatic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family arJoles jieuerally. Suv- 1Q-
0IIXGITELICU. Manufacturer of all kinds ol
r.un.i..p. Vntlift trft. Clearfield. Pa.
Ue iUu makes to oraer -omns. onsuon
:tnds fuuerais with a hearse. Aprl0,'o9.
Dr. M. WOODS, Practicing Physician-, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
uf::e, Suu'.b-weit corner of Second and Cherry
i ..r t, Clearftold. Pa. January 21. 18S.1.
"IIT W. SHAW. M. D.. Las resumed the prac
Y . ticeof Medicine and SurRcry in Shawsville,
Iviiu'a, where he still ropcctu;lly foliniis a con
l.Mittuce of pubii; patronage. May 27, US".
B M'EN'ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
I'jt. ns'-tict-a in Cierneia una aujoiuiug
u 11.06: u new oncK Doiiauiui ja-
tv.ii. 21 i-rc-.-t, one door south of Lauieh's Hotel.
I" I C H A 111 MOSSOP. Dealer in Foreignand Do
IV meitic Drv Goods, tiroceries. Flour. Bacon,
J.i..u.ir- tc. iltirn, on Market street, s. few doors
r-t of J,jnrrt"t)jftrr. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
r I THOMPSON'. A WATSN. lcnlers in Timber
I Saw Logs. Hoards and Shingles, Marysville,
A - - -
CiearEeld county, Ptnn'a
August 11. lt-6.1.
1AKKIMEJI A TEivT, Attorneys at Law.Clear
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to :til legid
:.d .ithcr business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August rj, 1S06.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL. offrg his professional
services to the citizens of Mosbannou and vi
emity. He ean be consulted at his reiidence at
ti'uios. unless absent on professional business.
I.jh.lunon, Centre eo., l'a., May 13, lo;i3.
TM. ALBERT A BRU'S, Dealers in Dry Gocds,
I, i . ii
i rh'eries. iiuraware, viuceuswarc, riuur.
n. etc.. Woodland Clearfield county. Penn'a.
. rxtt-nive dealers in all kiudsof sawed luui
iLinles. and square timber. Orders solioi
i oodland. Aug. l'Jih. l5t3.
fllHOMAs J. M CCLLOUGH, Attorney at Law.
L Clcarfie'd. Pa. Office, east of the -Clearfield
cj. F.aiik. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
:rd with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
i ErsH. :::::::: t.j.m'cullolgh
Colleltms Ofkick. Clkarfikld. Pen.n'a.
TR. LfTCIPS MEDICI.N ES. A fresh sup
xJ ply of the!e invaluable Family Medicines
are Tor sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
U Pain Currr; Rrjtlorative. a great cure for colds
and cough; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They have
ieen thuroughly tested in this community, and
highly approved. Trvthev.
i The undersigned having located in the bor
vjjfh of Clearfield, at the shop formerly occupied
fcv U Welch as a jewelry sbep.) is prepared to
J-wuiit of ail kinds on the most reasonable terms,
'liiecash will positively be expected when the
u,rk ii" delivered. He is confident that hecau-t-ul
beeic. lled by any workmen in town orcounty.
- o,it .' rotrtr all to the Hien of the Bitt Wattk.
April y62-ly-pd. S. U. LAUCHLIN.
Vl'CTION EER. The undersigned having
been Liceu.rd g Auctioneer, would inform
ti-eoiiUens of Clearfield county that he will at
'nl to calling sales, in any part of the county,
"iituever called upon. Charges moderate
Uy 11 Bower Po., Clearfield co.. Pa.
X. H. Perjons calling Eales without a proper li-
iie are subjeet to a penalty of SoO, which pro
'lou will be enforced against those who may vi
u.ate the same.
' ,n,eJ rB-"peetfully informs the people of Clear
"d and adjuining counties that he has the agen
"! the above patent and will sell individual,
.ur.t7 or township rights for its use The luin
r dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet-,-r-
is easier on tools, and requires less time in
"fjing than any ether process ktiown. drying I
'J iouiber perfectly in 35 hours better than
-&ty months under the old system using the
'"amount of fuel per day that a common kiln
Maaies. The certificate of a number of resi
j'nt "'eehanics well known in this community is
!v sufficient to convince the most sceptical of
ntility. Persons desirous of puiehasing rights
""'ddress JOHN L. CUTTLE,
-i0!!!! Cearfield. Penn'a.
IV, J'lES of Clearfield and vicinity that he
I ha opened a Millinery. Kotion and Trim
Vg. mingstrtre. on Second Street, next door to
lu Xn- Lanich's Hotel, where she will be
"id V t0 reeeit'e orders for either work or goods.
iBjpJ,B"u,nJover into the latest New York
, Phi sty'es, on short notice. By pur-
ins often she will always have on hand the
'io m 8,yes'f Pre Trimmings. Hats, Nu
.f.u CoIla"- Sleeves, Ac., which she will
.lJ?e, ?Inlle9 possible profit for cub.
-' '-'., Pa. Nov. IS. 1583.
Here's a healh to merry Molly,
With her pretty face and jolly.
When with whom 'twere sheerest folly,
E'en to dream of melancholy !
With her manners eo coquettish
Half persuading and half pettish,
And her airs so self-relying,
T hat she seems mankkid defying.
She's a dangerous, witching creature
Mischief lurks in every feature,
And her laughing eye expresses
More than lip or tongue confesses !
Coin or Currency Mr. Brooks' Proposition.
Mr. James Brooks introduced into a
caucus of the Democratic ami Conservative
nieuibersof Congress, on the Oth of January,
in the capital, the following resolutions,
which were unanimously adopted :
Whereas, Gold or silver is paid our Minister.-,
Consuls and Comtssioners representing
the nation in foreign countries, and gold and
silver are received from the people at the
Ciistoiu-hoii.se in payment of duties; and
w hereas, the people are taxed to pay capital
ists their interest in specie in their invest
ments in the national debt ; therefore
Be it J.'ewlred, That the officers, and sol
diers and sailors in the army and navy
should be paid in gold and silver or their
equivalents in amount ; and
Be it alio J'csohecf, That the Chairman
of this meeting be instructed to prepare
amendments to the army and navy bills to
this affect."
We need hardly say that the standard
which ought to regulate the wages of volun
teer soldiers in any country, in which com
mon sense and common prudence exercise
any influence on public affairs, is the" rate of
wages in the labor market. They ought to
receive not only w hat they could receive in
anj' other imployment, but as much more as
may be considered a compensation for en
countering the greater hardships and dan
gers of a military life. When a man enlists,
he therebv declares that he considers the
terms satisfactory, and as far as the mere
bargain goes, this ends or ought to end the
matter. Jiut we believe tliereis no uisposi
t it ii on the nart ol our uuWic to Bold our
soldiers to the letter of an agreement w hich
a chance in circumstances has rendered less
advantageous to them than when they enter
ed into it. Prices have all risen since the
pay of the troops was fixed, and it is, there
fore, but just and fair that their pay should
also be raised until it bears the proportion
above indicated to the rate of wages in the la
bor market at home. More than this,we be
lieve there is no disposition on the part of
anybody to haggle about the price of our
nationality and independence. Kverybody
is disposed to pay the soldiers anything in
reason and that we ean otford to pay, and
there hav-e never been any soldiers in the
world half as well paid, or clad or fed as ours
have been, and there has not been the
slightest murmur against it from amr quarter.
What everyone desires now is that thir
wages should be wised to atiy point which
fair in.puiry shall find to Ini ju t and suitable.
The bounties, we need hardly say, are al
ready so high that they are working mischief
and spreading demoralization.
.So that in so far as the ".Democratic and
Conservative" caucus seeks such an increase
of the soldier's pay, as shall make it bear the
same proportion to the prices of commodi
ties which it bore when the war broke out;
or even such further increase as shall induce
men to inlist in such numbers as we want
them, we are entirely with them. But the
resolutions which they passed on Saturday
night have an entirely different object in view.
A glance at them is sufficient to show that
their main purpose is first to embarrass the
Government and shake the public credit,
and the nest, to sow the seeds of discontent
in the army. There was not a single man
who voted for them who desires to make the
military service either more attractive to
those who are not in it, or more satisfactory
to those who are. The great aim of Hon.
James Brooks and his associates during
the past, two years has been to dissuade
men from enlisting, and to indnce those who
are enlisting not to fight, or to tight badly.
They have made so little attempt to conceal
their aim, that we doubt if there are ten men
in the community who wtll be so ignorant
or so stupid as to suppose these resolutions
were dictated by the smallest particle of soli
citude touching either the condition of the
soldier or of his family.
The preamble is a complete revelation of
their purpose, and it is a model piece of
absurdity ; it does not rise to the rank of
sophistry. The fact that our Ministers
abroad are paid in gold coin, and the customs
duties are received in gold, and the interests
on the national debt is paid in gold, is no
more a reason, though it is given as such,
for paying our soldiers in gold, or its equiva
lent, than forquarterina com pan v of infant
ry in Mr. Brooks' house in New-York.
It is all but impossible to sell drafts in Eu
rope at present payable in the United States
in anything but gold. Owing to the varia
tions in the exchange, nobody will buy a draft
but will take his chance of whatever he may
get in currency. Moreover, the salariesof all
our Ministers and Consuls are fixed, not
since the war began, but many years before
it hefran. and were then notoriously insuf
ficient. They were ill adapted to .a scale of
rriees which prevailed at that time. They
were so ill adapted to those which prevail at
present through Europe that it is well known
that American representatives are the worst
paid members of the diplomatic body, and
the lea-st able to cut the figure that the Eu
ropean public expects from the agents of a 1
first-class Power. To compel them to draw
their salaries now in currency, and then buy
gold with it to supply their wants, would
be equivalent to cutting down their rar W
over one-third. This done, not one of them
wdio was not able and willing to live on his
private means could stay at his post. We
shall say nothing of the loss of an American
Minister hawking bills for his salary about
among the brokers, payable in a species of
currency which it is the fashion in Europe to
decry and distrust. Considerations of this
sort have long ceased to have much force in
the eyes of American "Conservatives;" their
greatest delight in these latter days seems, to
consist in seeing their couutry the butt and
laughing-stock of foreign cynics and buffoons.
The argument that the soldiers should be
paid in coin, because the duties are collected
and the interest on the national debt paid
in it, is simply a very barefaced suggestion
that the Government should commit a very
gross fraud. A large portion of the money
that it now owes was lent to it on the ex
press condition that the interest should be
paid in gold, and that, in order that there
might be sure to be gold enough for the pur
pose, the duties should be collected in gold;
so that this, so far from furnishing a reason
fur paying the soldiers in coin, is a reason of
the strongest kind for not doing so. To con
tract any other obligations payable in gold
titan those already contracted, of course
would be to increase the difficulty of fulfill
ing the latter, or, in other words, to in
crease the probability of a breach of faith
toward the public creditors. Any such
breach, in the present condition of our af
fairs, would, we need hardly say, be the sig
nal for a financial catastrophe of the first
The insinuaticn at the close of the Brooks
preamble, that the public debt has been in
curred for the benefit of the "capitalists,"
and that "the people" are taxed in order to
carry out agreements in which they have no
interest, bears on it the marks of that detes
table demagogic unscrupulousness w hich was
long the curse and disgrace of American pol
itics which long made our system of gov
ernment the grief and scandal of all friends
of liberty, and which came very near working
our own ruin. We may all be thankful as
we reflect that the powers of mischief of the
men who for so many years made it their
stock in trade are now limited to the passage
of resolutions in a caucus composed of reck
less partisans, without either weight, influ
ence or authority. Ar. Y. Times
from the Sew York Evening Post. J
The Pottsville Miners Journal for. Janu
ary 2d announces that the miners in five
mines belonging to Messrs. Ileckscher & Co.
have stopped work, coerced thereto by cer
tain "leaders" aud "committee-men," who
take it upon theiu.sclves to force honest
workmen to lay down tHeir industry and
leave their families to suffer, at their arbi
trary command.
Recently this firm found it neccessary to
close one of their six mines, which there is
no demand at this season of the year.
Thereupon the "committee-men" ordered
the woismcii to stop woik in the other five,
under the penalty of summary and severe
punishment. The Miner s Journal says:
'The great majority of the men employed
at these collieriss are much incensed against
the leaders and committee-men, who, by
their sy.-tem of threats and bullyism, have
so frequently deprived them of employment
.during the last season, and now also expose
so many families to want during the winter
If the people of Pennsylvania do not put
down these lawless combinations, they will
in a very short time see the ruin of one of
their most important industries. The ruf
fians who call themselves "committee-men"
have now for nearly eighteen months defied
and violated the law with impunity. They
are not punished : every week they grow
more formidable ami mors arbitrary.
Messrs. Ileckscher & Co. ought to set an
example to their fellow-citizens ; the' ought
at once to vindicate fiteir rights, and
bring to justice the ruffians who injure them
and their workmen. They owe this not on
ly their own interests and those of their em
ployees, but to the general welfare, which
is stabbed through them. Their course is
doubtless not without difficulties ; the sher
iff of the county, to whom lies their first
appeal against riotous violence, is, we un
derstand," a copperhead, and has refused to
act before in similar cases. But they must
appeal to him formally ; if he refuses, let
him be indicted as oue of the conspirators,
aud let the Governor act. lie at least is a
man of energy and a respecter of law. It
will not do to trifle or compromise with such
villains as these committee-meu and their
tools. An example must be made now of
naif a dozen ringleaders ; then the mob will
slink away, and order will be restored. But
every day these wretches are premitted to
have their way will strengthen them and
make their power more formidable.
Because we tolerated mobs in the South,
which tarred and feathered, hanged, and
robbed, and exiled honest citizens, we have
in- . , i ..i ii
now a rebellion to ueai wun. recause
Judge Hoar was driven out from Charleston,
and no one was found to appeal to law ; be
cause hundreds of other American citizans,
of le?s note but with equally sacred rights,
were imprisoned, beaten, robbed, tarred and
leathered, and expelled from Southern
States, an"i no appeal was made for justice
nmiinsr, such -violence and outrage there
fore our brot hers are dying on Southern fields.
Let the people of Pennsylvania take warn
ing in time : no civilized community can ex
ist which tolerates lawless men. Comfortable
citizens, whose property and persons are not
edansered to-day, may say "it do not concern
us ;" but they will find resenty that it
does concern them, and very nearly to. The
peaceable citizens ot Pennsylvania are ureeu-
mg an insurrection ; they are fattening a
monster which will presently attempt to throt
tle the State. It concerns the lite an a toe
pocket of every honest man, from Philadel
phia to Pittsburg, to crush this monster at
congratulate you ou the success of th
cy of the National Administration, ai
Pennsylvania in Favor of the Ee-Election of
Abraham Lincoln!
To his Exeelkncy, Abraham Lincoln, Ires
ident of the United States :
Dear Sik: The undersigned, Members
of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, thus
early in the session of that 'body, hasten to
the poli-
ind the
auspicious circumstances under which the
second Congress of your term has been or
ganized. Wrhen it is fairly considered that
the policy of your Administration was made
the issue in the late elections when it is
known that in the contest for the most im
portant State, as well as the most insignifi
cant municipal office, the issue involved all
the essential principles of the policy of your
Administration, the result must be the more
highly appreciated by the friends of free
dom abroad, and cheering to the defenders
of freedom, the Union and the Constitution
at home. Ye would be unmindful of the
duty we owe our country, if we hesitated to
acknowledge the force of that policy in the
elections which placed us in our present leg
islative positions. When fearlessly advoca
ted and set before the people, it won us vic
tory in the face of the most persistent and
bitter opposition from the foes of free gov
ernment. You need not be reminded of the
effect which the late election in Pennsylva
nia had on the destiny of the nation. The
triumph at the ballot-box aroused the"ardor,
and seemed to breath fresh valor into the
hearts of our soldiers, for the achievement
of victory on the battle-field. And if the
voice of Pennsylvania became thus poten
tial in endorsing the policy of your Admin
istration, we consider that, as the represen
tatives of those who have so completely en
dorsed your official course, we tire only re
sponding to their demands when we thus
publicly announce our unshaken preference
for your re-election to the presidency in lt64.
The hope and the life of the American
people are now centered in the purpose and
the effort of the Government to crush re
bellion. In more than two years of struggle
we have discovered that the rebellion is con
tinued for an object more important than
that of redressing even a real w rong. It is
waged for the establishment of a dogma and
the recognition of a barbarism. It is car
ried on against the Government for its abso
lute destruction. In such a struggle there
canbenocompromi.se devised to offer or
considered for acceptance. One or the oth
er of the contending parties must triumph.
Justice must be vindicated by the full recog
nition and operation of the Government in
all the States or the claims of the traitors
will le maintained, this maguilicent struct
ure of our Government destroyed, and the
rights ot men lorever ignored, do make a
change in the Administration, until its au
thority has been full v re-established in the
revolted States, would be to give the enemies
of the Government abroad the pretext for
a-.-erting that the Government had failed at
home. To change the policy now in opera
tion, to crush rebellion and restore the land
to peace, would be to afford the traitors in
arms time to gather new strength, if not for
immediate victor', at least for ultimate suc
cess in their efforts permanently to dissolve
the Union. Having a firm faith in the log
ic and the retison of these positions, we are
frank in our endeavors thus to urge on you
the acceptance of a re-election to the Presi
dency. We lelieve that the policy of your
Administration rendered us victorious at the
last election, and we now insist that that
policy, if represented by yourself in all the
States, would give the victory to the Gov
ernment in November, and thus forever put
an end to all hope of the success of treason.
We do not make this communication at
this time to elicit from you any expressions
of opinion from you on the subject. Hav
ing confidence in your patriotism, we be
lieve that you will abide the decision,
of the iriends of the Union aud yield
a consent to any honorable use which
they may deem proper to make of your
name, in order to secure the greatest good
to the country, and the speediest success
to our arms. Pennsylvania has always wiel
ded a potent influence in the politics of the
country. Her preferences have always been
tantamount to the success of the statesman
to whom she attaches herself and her voice
has never failed to give the victory to the
right. And while we, the representatives
of the great majority of the masses of the
Commonwealth, thus avow our confidence
and reliance in your official action and ca
pacity, we feel that we are responding to the
clearly expressed preferences of those mass
es, and that Pennsylvania would hail your
re-election as the omen of complete victory
to the Government. Expressing what we
feel to be the language not only of our own
constituents, but also of the people of all
the loyal States, we claim to indulge the ex
pectation that you will yield to the prefer
ence which has already made you the peo
ple's candidate for President in 1864.
Hoping, sir, that you may live to see the
full triumph of your efforts to rescue your
country from rebellion, and enjoy many years
thereafter of its tranquil peace and prosper
ity, we remain your friends and fellow citi
zens. Respectfully,
Henry C. Johnson, "N m. Burgwin,
John D. Watson,
William Foster,
W. W. Watt,
James N. Kerns,
LukeV. Sutphin,
Edwin G. Lee,
T. J. Bigham,
R. A. M'Murtrie,
James Miller,
Isaac II. O'llarra,
S. S. Pancoast, . !
lhos. Cochran,
Nathaniel Maeyer,
II. B. Bowman,
Wni. Windle,
Edward A. Price,
C. C. Stanberger,
R. R. Reed,
J. W. Huston,
P. Frazer Smith.
Win. T. Brown,
Geo. II Wells,
Daniel Etnier,
Alfred Slack,
Wm. Haslctt,
J. R. Cochran.
Bryan S. Hill, '
J ames R. Kelly,
Hans B. Herrou,
John P. Glass,
Isaiah White,
Edward K. Smith,
Robert L. M:Clellan:
C. C. Mussleman,
II. C. AHeman,
John Balsbach,
Samuel H. Orwig,
Charles A. Barnett,
I). Lilly,
Joseph II. Marsh,
J ohn W. Guernsey,
A. G. Olmstead.
Daniel Keiser.
I do hereby certify that the above letter
is signed by every Union member of the
House of Representatives of Pennsylvania,
and I cheerfully concur with them and wish
to unite with tlleni in the same.
A. W. Benedict,
Chief Clerk House Representatives.
Jeremiah Nichols
Henry Johnson,
Thomas Hoge,
M. B LowTy,
William J. Turrell,
Stephen F. Wilson,
James L. Graham,
J acob E. Ridgway,
Charles M'Candless,
W. Worthington.
(1. W. Householder,
D. Fleming,
B. Champneys,
J. M. Dunlap,
George Connell,
J.P.Penny, oea r.
G. Dawson Coleman, W. II. Denmson,
William F. Smith, Esaias Billingfelt,
John IL Negly, Charles Koonce,
I do certify that the above letter is signed
by every Union Member of the Senate of
Pennsylvania, (except Senator Harry White,
of Indiana county, who is a prisoner in
Richmond,) and I cheerfully concur with
them and wish to unite with them in the
same. Geo. W. Hammerslev,
Clerk of the Senate.
Probably Two Thousand Five Hundred Per
sons Roasted to Death in a Church.
Correspondence of the N. Y Times.
A catastrophe gigantic, horrible, unexam
pled in the annals of our country and per
haps of the world, has absorbed every one's
mind for many days past. We will use the
utmost brevity in relating the calamity to our
foreign readers.
Eversiuce the newly invented mystery of
the Immaculate Conception of Mar' was de
clared at Rome, in 1857, the Church of the
Codijiojii. fbrmerly belonging to the Jesuits,
had become the focus of devotion of a vast
Sisterhood called the Daughters of Mary, in
which, ou payment of so much a year, al
most all the women of our capital where en
rolled. Every year, from th 8th of November to
the 8th of December, the day of the Immacu
late Conception, lasted a splendid festival
in which orchestral music, singing and an
astonishing prodigality of inceuse, of lights
of oil, liqtiid gas, wax and every luminous
combustible in the world, glittered and Hash
ed in every part, in the cornices, in the ceil
ing and particularly on the high alter. Ev
ery night the church blazed with 'a sea of
flame and fluttered with clouds of muslin
and gauze draperies. It could only be light
ed up in time by beginning in the middle of
the afternoon and the work of extinguishing
was ended when the nigh thad far advanced.
In 1858 they thought of adopting hydrogen
gxi, but the engineer's plan, though conve
nient and safe, was rejected.
A priest named Uearte, whose mind ma
riolatry had marked for its own, headed that
Sisterhood from the beginning and worked
his way down to such a depth of supersti
tion that one of his least extravagances was
the invention of a Celestial J 'oat-ojflce trick,
by which the l)nn;hters of Mary might
correspond with the Virgin in writing. At
the entrance of the temple the Virgin's letter-box
was constantly open, and there per
sons of a robust faith deposited in sealed
letters their wishes ana their prayers.
Every Wednesday t hat letter-box for Eter
nity was placed before the high alter, and U
garte, who acted as postman between the
Mother of God and her daughters, exist
ed to the Divinity those offerings, of course
keeping that singular correspondence to him
self. This same mountebank got up a reli
gious raffle for the favor of the Virgin in
a recent instance two prizes being drawn by
a skeptical Minister of State, and a woman
whoso character was not duhiovs. The old
times of pagan idolitary had resusciated in
the centre of exaggerated Catholicism.
The church of the Company, built the
latter half of the seventeenth century, pos
sessed a spacious nave, but a roof that da-
ted only from 15 years ago, of painted tim
ber. The only door of easy access to the
congregation was the principle one in the
centre, the small doors leading into the
aisles being opened only halfway, obstruct
ed by screens. Near the high alter there
was a little door communicating . with the
A few minutes before 7 o'clock in the
evening of Tuesday, the 8th of December,
more than 3.000 women and a few hundred
men knelt in that church, crammed to over
flowing. However, that did not prevent a
compact mass of fanatics from attempting to
the last night of the Month of Mary, and no
one could bear to lose the closing sermon of
the priest Ugarte, who always succeeded by
his exciting declarations in drowning in tears
that place so soon to be a sea of fire. Then
Eizaguirre, the apostolic Nuncio and favor
ite of Pius IX., the founder of the Ameri
can college at Rome, was to preach also. It
is said that Ugarte, wounded in his feelings
as chaplain of the Daughters ot .Mary,
because Eizaguirre had told him that the il
luminations of his church could not be com
pared with what he had seen in Rome, ex-
clarmed with enthusiasm, "I will give him
when he comes to preach, such an illumina
tion as the world has never seen !" Nobody
can deny that Ugarte has kept his word !
Indeed, never hau such pyrotechny been
seen before 20,000 lights. m long festoons of
colored globes, blazed the church into a hall
of fire. The lighting of all the lamps and
candles was hardly finished, when the liquid
gas m a transparency on the high alter, at the
foot of the gigantic image of the Virgin
Mary, set on hre its woodworks and wrap
ped in "flame a kind of tabernacle, wholly
composed of canvas, pasteboard and wood.
Tl ,1 ' .1 1. 1 -
in less tnan two minutes tne aner, aroui
23 yards high and 10 broad, was an uncx
tinguishable bonfire.
The advance of the fire was perhaps even
more rapid than the panic of the audience.
When the fire had flowu from the alter to
the roof,',the dense mass of women, frighten
ed out of their senses, numbers faihting, and
all entangled in their long sweling dressese.
rushed, as those who knew death was at
their heels, to the principal door, which
soon became choked up. Those near the
lateral doors were able to escape at the first
alarm ; others, and particularly the men',
gained the little door of the sacristy ; and
lastly, those near the chief -outlef forced
the.ir way through the throng, even still
struggling to get in, and, indeed, part of
which did get in, even in the face of the
fire, stimulated by the desire of getting a
good jilace, which, on this occasion, meant a
good place to die in. Then, the llames hav
ing crept along the whole roof, and, conse
quently, released the lamps or oil and liquid
gas from thj cornices to which thy were
strung, a rain of liquid, blue fire poured
down upon the entangled throngs below.
A new and more horrible conflagration
broke out then in that dense, living mass,
appalling the affrighted gaze with pictures
tenfold more awful than those where in the
Catholic imagination has labored to give an
idea of the tortures of the damned. In less
than a quarter of an hour about two thou
sand human beings had perished, including
many children, but very few men.
Although many heroic men performed
prodigies of daring and strength, in tearing
some, from the death-grasp of the phalanx
of death that choked the door, in some cases
literally tearing off their arms, without being
able to extricate them,the number of the sav
ed by this means falls short of fifty. More
than five hundred persons of our highest so
ciety have perished the greater part young
girls of 15 to 20 years. One mother has
perished with her five daughters. Two
thirds of the victims were servants, and
there are many houses in which not one has
escaped. Several houses have been noted
by the police as empty, because all its in
habitants, have perished.
The people think of nothing but the vic
tims and their obsequies. All with one
voice demand the demolition of the ruinous
walls of the fatal temple and the offering of
a monument, to the dear memory of the mar
tyrs. The Municipal body solicited this by
the medium of a commission oh the 12th,
and the Government is resolved on compli
ance. Resistance is threatened on the part
of the clergy, but such exasperating and in
decorous folly would infallibly call forth a
general rising of the people.
The past fortnight has produced no other
occurrences worth chronicling, and even if it
had, they would not seem deserving of men
tion in this night of heavy anguish. Du
ring the last week the tribunals and the
Government itself have susjtended their
labors. The people onJv weep, and their
public writers could only offer tears to the
nation's mourning. I enclose you a list of
2,074 persons known to have been burned
the victims of a fanatacism.
Heroic nets of subline daring have not
been wanting. Enduring gratitude has been
excited in every Chilian heart by the gallant
effort ol' Mr. Nelson the Minister of the
United States, and his countryman Mr.
Meigs, and several other foreigners.
Twice within twenty ears havejthe walls of
this fatal temple b.een blackened with the
smoke of calamities that have carried des
olation and mourning throughout the na
tion. ...
Santiago is the capital of Chile, and con
tains 110.000 inhabitants. Mixed marria
ges of Catholics and Protestants are not
sanctioned by ecclesiastical law, and the
priests have always had pretty much their
own way in the whota of the Republic, ex
cept in Valparaiso, where foreigners have
much influence. Of the children born in
Santiago one-fifth are illegitimte, but this
is probably no larger proportion than in
most purely Catholic countries.
The Anns-Bearing Fopulation.
The proportion which the losses bear to
the gains in the population subject to serve
in the army is a difficult question to settle,
though an important one. Superintendent
Kennedy has been making some computa
tions, based upon the census of I860, and
the statistics of immigration for the pur
pose of approximating towards a solution.
The population between eighteen and forty
five years in the whole country in 1SC0, ac-
cording to the census, was 5,fi24,065. Upon
this basis it is estimated that during the
year 1861 alout277,500 male whites reached
and passed the age ol eighteen and 128,
oOO arrived at and passed the age of forty
five, leaving a difference of 1 4S,900 enter
ing upon the military age.
The deaths, from natural cauies, of the
military class of the population, would a-i-iount
to 57,000 during the year, leaving the
annual home increase 91.900. To this add
the gain from immigration in the year 1861
the proportion of arms-bearing popula
tion, which was 31,500, and the total in
crease of arms-bearing population' of the
country is 123,400. This is the increase in
a state of peace, to w hich must be added
the losses in war. This is computed at 92,
000 for deaths after service, and 31,000 for
disability and deaths in the service, so that
the total increase about makes up the losses.
As the gain from immigration is about one
fourth of the losses in the whole population,"
the loyal States have a greater proportion
of increase than the rebellious ones, for the
immigration is entirely on their side.
The St. Louis Union has placed the name
of Abraham Lincoln at the head, of its col
umns as its candidate for President in 1864..
Hon. Mr. Harris, member of Congress
from Maryland, died in Baltimore on the
11th instant, of virulent small poi.
Many hands make light work.
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