Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 20, 1864, Image 1

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V. iriF ygr v ' 'www w
. BY S. X EO.W.
VOL. io.-m 21,
The Kptsm.' JounsAL is published on Wed
nesday at Sl,oO per annum id advance Auveb
TisBeTS inserted at SI. 00 per square, for three
or less insertioni Twelve Hues (or les counting a
square, For every additional insertion 25 cents.
A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers.
3ju.0inc5i.ci 'jjivcftovy.
1KVIS BKOTHKRS. Dealers in Square Sawed
Lumber, Dry G'Kidg. Groceries. Flour, Grain,
,io , Ac, Rurnside Pa., Sept. 23, 1803.
11KEPERICK LKiTZlNGKK. Manufacturer of
II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or
.Jeriaolicited wholesale or retail. ' Jan. 1, lhfi.'J
C1UANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear-
field, Pa. May 13. lsG.1.
t. crass. .:::::: w.u.ter babrett.
TjOUERTJ. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
J i field. Pa Office in Shaw'o new row. Market
ireot, opposite Naugle'S jewelry store. May 20.
HF. N AUG LE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in
liraham's row, Market street. Xov. 10.
II RUCIIER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law, Clear
1 . field. Pa. OEei in Graham's Row, fourdoo 8
vest of Graham A Boynton'a utore. Nov. 10.
P KRATZER Merchant, arid dealer in
Boards and Shingles, Grain' and Produce.
',....1 v. .1 tl... flanul,! Pa I ii 2
U7" ALL ACE A HALL. Attorneys nt Law, Clear
field, Pa December 17, 18o2.
wili.uk i.trAi.ucR. ::::::: : joii.vo. hai l.
m A rLEM.MIXG. Curwensvillo. Pa.. Nur.ery
1 . man ai:d Pealer in all kind. of Fruit and
Ornamental Trce. Plants and hrahbory All or
ders by mall promptly attended to. May 13.
rlI.LIAM F. IUW" IX. Market street. Clearfield,
Pa , Healer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware. Queenaware, Groceries, and
1 tin ily articles generally. Nov. 10.
ynHNGl ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market afreet, Clearfield. Pa.
J!e also makes to order Coffins onshort notice, and
ntreiids t'uneraN with a henMe. April!. 'ill.
I f Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
'tFi'V. South-west Ci.tr.er of SWoud and Cherry
Street. Clt-arfiell, Pa. January 21. ISOil.
it 7" . SH AW. M. I . has resumed the prne
V . tie.-: of Medicine ami Surst'-ry in hawsville.
V:m n. whrrr he ?till re-peclfully solicits a con
tiiiUHiioe'nf public pi'.n.nage. May 27. l.-M.
M'UNALLV. Atr.rnev at Law. Clearfield.
Pa. Pis'iiiocs in Clearfield and adjoining
roil:, I i. -a. oi'.oeiii iiw DrioK DH! !iin 01 .1 . nnyn
t iii. 21 ffrc.-f. one door south of Lanicb's Hotel.
I IC11AKU MOSSUP. I'ta'er in Foreign and l)o
I i nic.tiic Dry Goods. Groceries, flour. P.acon,
2.1-juow. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
te-t .f Juiirwtl tjjfirr., Clearfield, l'a. Apr27.
f MU0.MP.S0N. A WATSOX. Dealers in Timber
J. S.m Logs. Boards and Shingles. Maryvillc,
iearftfld county, Peiin'a August II.
.t. w. Tiiovpto.s : : : : : jas. k. watson.
1AKKIMER A TEnT, Atturr.eys at Law. Clcnr
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all logul
ii. other liusine.is entrusted to their care in Clear
field mid udjoiiiiiig i'oii.:ties. Augmt i. IS.ifi.
j vi! WM. CAMPBELL offers bis f-rofessional
I setiee to the ciii.ens of Mosbamion anil vi
vihity lie can be Consulted at bis residence at
nil t in.en. unless absent on professional business.
M.isli union. Centre co . Pa.. May 1."!. ISSlo.
ir .M ALBERT A BUM'S. De iters in Dry (ioods.
Uroeeries. Hardware, "ueensware. Flour,
l:r. hi. eic . Woodlan-. Clearfield county. Penn'a.
Alio extensive dealers in .ill kindsof sawed luni
)tr iiiu.lr.s. and souare timber. Orders solici
t' J Wood.'siid. Aug. 10th. I8C3.
MlI'iMAS J. M'CULLL'II. Attorney at Law.
'li-.uticid. Pa. t'Ciee, east of the '-Clearfield
c-. I'.fti.k. leeds and other legal instrumentspre-
1'iretl with proinplni-ss and sccuracy. July
i' . d bpsh. :::::::: t.j.m ciii.loi.uh
'.'oli.ki:tiov e'KFicR. Clkarpibld. Pens'a.
DR. MTCJiS MEOKJIM l.S.A fresb supt
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
mr for sale by M. A. Frank. Cleirfield, consisting
! I' tin Cnrri ; Tlixlorai'Vi , a greateure for coMj
:i:.J rough ; .m l Anli-Ijuiohs I'hysir. They have
'ten thoroughly tested in this community, and
a:i- lii-tiiy approved. TllVTHEU.
r.tt w.vf Fm & .1 f.w eLITv stokh.-
t Tli uiidersigned having located in the bor
"nh of Clearfield, (at tjie shop formerly occupied
fcv It Welch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to
Ki wu.-k of all kinds on the most reasonable terms,
"he cvli will positively be expected when the
"rit is delivered. He 'is confident that hecan
imt beex.-elli d by any workmen in town oreonnty
Came nve' finnrall ttJte&ien of the Hi if Watrh
April.-62-ly-p.l. ! It. LALC1ILIN.
4 I'CTIO.NEEK. The undersigned having
J been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the piti2pns of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, in any part of the county,
"''merer called npon. Charges moderate
V May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield eo., Pa.
V B. Persons calling sales without a proper !i
"O'e are subject to a penalty of 5Q, which pro
Tj'ion will be enforced against those who tnay'vi
"'ate the ame.
Hi' SI PKRHKATF.l) STEAM. The under
'.'gned respectfully informs the people of Clear
1ld and adjoining counties that he has the agen
'7 of the abov? patent and will sell individual,
ur,ty or township rights for it,s use The lnm
'r dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet
is easier on tools, and requires loss time in
"fyin thau any other proees known, drying I
r,cil lumber perfectly in 3fl hours better than
anJ months under' the old system using the
"iie amount of fuel per day that a common kiln
'onauiae. The certificate of a number of resi
st mechanics well known in this community is
wnply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of
x. "tiltty. Persons desirous of purchasing rights
, Jlress JOHN' L. CUTTLE.
Jii. 13r.3 Cearfield. Peun'a.
mF.a of Clearfield and vicinity thafshe
I haj opened a Millinery. Notion'and Trim
toing store, on Second Street, next door to
t T .,- . , ... ,
. ...la. i.uicu a noiei, wnero ane win db
bid 17 t0 rece've ordert for either work or goods,
nod pv0net' maJe over into the latest New York
a Philadelphia stylo, on short notice. By pur
...Z1"!! ften she will alwavs have on hand the
J.T ?test Btye! of Dre Trimmings. Hats, Nn
sU . ?ds- ColIar- Sleeves. 4e.. which she will
' n . tallest possible profit for cash .
Afield, p, SoV 18. 1S63.
Oh ! be not the first to discover
A blot on the fame of a friend,
A flaw on the laith of a lover,
Whose heart may prove true to the end.
"We. none of us know one another, '
And oft into error we fall ;
Then let us speak well of our brother,
Or speak not about him at all.
A smile or a sign may awaken
Suspicion most falpe and undue;
And thud our belief may be phuken
lu hearts that are honest and true.
JIow often tho Hht smile of gladness
Is worn by the triends that we meet,
To cover a soul full of sadness.
Too proud to acknowledge defeat.
How often the eigh of dejection j
IS heaved from the hypocrite's breast,
To parody truth and affection,
Or lull a suspicion to rest.
How often the friends we love dearest,
Their noblest emotions conceal ;
And bosoms the purest, siucorext.
Have eocrets they cannot reveal.
Leave base minds to harbor suspicion.
And small ones to trace our defects
Let ours be a noble ambition.
For base is the mind that suspects.
Vie. none of us know one another,
And oft into error we fall ;
Then let us speak well of our brother,
Or speak not about him at all
From the Scalpel
There are fow subjects about which more
stujiidiy iil-natnrfil leiuarks liave been made
by tlioughtltirij I'eopio, than that simple de
vice tor woman a coiuturt the hooped tkirt.
We always thought i'avoiably of hoops from
early association witlj that glorious race of
women, our revolutionary grandmothers,
when we listened to the description of one
of lii se stately minuets given in honor of
the inauguration of General Washington as
rrc.-ih-nt of the United States. Hoops
were invariably worn on all occasions vi cer
emony ; 'tis true, we then had no omnibus
or railroad cars in which Women of bad breed
ing, and of t u wf)ie temper, could display
these accomplishments, by mistaking the
vehicle ibr their own private carriage, should
any hurried or wearied pedestrian seek a
Hc-at Lsii'Je them ; ii'-ir ttus It" ihcu v-iimary
to go to market or shopping in an evening
or ball dress : even on grand occasions, the
train was looped up on one or both sides ;
because the wearer bad tin' good sense to
see that an apartment was of limited space,
and a man could not annihilate himself for
her convenience ; but the hoops were am
ple, and grAndly did they become the weax
eri. for they too were grand and ample wo
men ; we have seen the co.-tly brocades and
the high-heeled slippers, but the hoops lung
since went into the oven or great Franklin
or Ten Kate that warmed 1 1:" parlor or cook
ed the dinner in tho-e primitive r.ml anti
shoddy days. The hoops were made ofui
stantial hickory; and we have oi'ien trapped
rabbits on the very spot where some of them
grew. The ladies were usually content with
three circle-", so disposed tmit they gave the
most eh-cant and article; -disposition of the
ich and in-.tv
v iabi
iies, wi.ich. umi.-:e most
of the modern material, would almo-t tand
alone v.ithoat either the wearer or the
In those days when most of the wearers
Auic irw 1 iiiv. i ."5 i ni .t o iui'.rv. nut liic
n-room or bread-trav, thoo ennninsh' devis
ed little springy circlets that now give such
an exqui-ite and Vemss-like curve to the
tournure as it sweejis downward and fails
into (lie grand mid loop-iikc folds of the
skirts, were entirely unknown. You may
completely clothe a barrel with the stoutest
hickory without impairing its excellence ;
but we should be loth to wail?, with a part
ner thus arrayed, even if our ardur in the
dance would permit us to ignore the con
tact of the lower cirtles with our tibia and fi
bula, cv (breathe it softly) our shins.
Truth to speak, however, dear ladies,
the smaller circles were quite unnecessary ;
for women in those primitive days had a
fairer chance for life and beauty. Muscle
and a superb outline, were not considered
vulgar, nor did she of the acuminated elbows
and anatomized bust and hips, have a coad
jutor in the crochet-needle and the vinegar
bottle, in her malicious ridicule of a young
women whom nature had formed as woman
ought to be formed, with the vital organs,
breasts and pelvis, adapted to the grand end
and object of her creation the crowning
glory of her pcx a family of heathy chil
dren. We consider the modern hooped skirt one
of the most admirably artistic and health
giving devices of our time ; and no sensible
person can fail to appreciate its benefit to
the young girl or woman; we will give our
reasons ior" this opinion; of course they
will be entirely professional, for w-e are no
It is conceded by all correct observers, and
fully recognized by our anatomists and gym
nastic teachers,that the nmsele3 of the thorax
and its appendages, the arms ami abdomen,
are not used more than one fourth as much
by our modern women as they are compell
ed to use those of the legs ; nearly all the
movements which our unfortunate young
people are premitted to perform by the in
exorable fiat of Japonicadom are what may
be called passive ; her hands must be rev
erentlv and lovingly folded across her chest
in order that their whiteness may not suffer
bv permitting the least motion ; the lungs,
of course, must be kept quiet, not only be
cause she is not allowed to walk fast enough
to require much air, but because the posi
tion of the arms and the weight of the fore-
The negroes sold them in Washington, or as
it was then called. Bear Market. A lady might
often be seen carrying them home oa her arm,
with the family dinner following her on that of
her servant. : ' V - ' " '
arm and hand resting upon the lower ribs,
will not allow their elevation so that the air
tan euter the lower part of the lungs at all;
at best, but a sixth part of those hlegiving
organs are used, and only their upper part
fully inflated ; now if the hooped tkirt Ihj
hooked to the jacket in four places, at least,
and not left to rest upon tho hips, the read
er will perceive that the backbone and all
the muscles which inclose and etoady both
the great cavities of the body, and keep
them elegantly erect upon the hips,, must
carry both the hoops and the skirt ; then
these may be made both light and elegant,
or heavy and grand as the seasons may re
quire ; while drawers of material adapted to
our tevero winters, may be so artistically
adjusted, and supported by suspenders, as
completely . to protect and clothe the limbs,
without the necessity of the .skirts fco girding
the body by drawn cords to keep them and
the drawers in place, as not only seriously to
crippie all the viscera, but to interrupt the
healthful action of the muscles of the abdo
men, and worse than this, to compress all
the veins that carry back the blood from the
lower liinbs to the heart forpuriiieatioi!, and
often, as we have seen, to render the integ
ument, below this girdle of many cords,
very perceptibly dropsical. Every lady if
she will u.-e her eyes, can see this for her
self ; the '"horrid marks" that they cause,
she often laments. Now, readers, if the
lungs are only used one sixth part, the mus
cles of the body scarcely at all, and the ven
ous blood from the lower limbs, prevented
from returning at the full rate of five sixths
of the speed intended by Nature, when you
are walking even at the snail's pace you are
allowed to, what must be the result on the
nutrition of the muscles of these ? for you
know they act and grow by blood alone ; de
pend upon it, though you may make them
dropsical and deceptive in size, the3" will not
help yon to dance as well, or to go up and
down stairs.
And this brings us to another great evil ;
if we will sacrifice so much to brown stone
fronts and the fancied necessity of fashiona
ble streets ; if we must live in houses furnace-warmed,
and eighteen feet by live sto
ries high,"for pity's sake let us so distribute
the load of dress our climate requires, as to
allow every part of the bodv to be used to
carry it up-stairs. let the jacket or the shoulder-strap
give the chest its share of the
work ; in a word, let our wives and daugh
ters shoulder their loads, J f thnv would havr
their (.dys prolonged m tle land.
If the ladies will pardon us, we will ven
ture a hint on the dimensions of the skirt :
its most excellent end is to insure the unres
tricted use of the limbs in walking ; it must,
therefore, be of sufficient diameter to allow
a full step and the necessary space for the
under-clothing ; if it restrict the stp in the
lea-t degree, it is too small ; no woman
should be ambitious of a short step ; the
longer the step the more breath required,
an i the greater development of the thorax
and lurm-s ; quick and energetic walkiinr,
wjh the shoulders thrown bark, will do as
much for the growth of the vital organs a
singing ; woman must dress warmly, keep
her feet dry, walk more, and eat more, or
she will never fulfill the great object of her
Jnvida View of Sebeldora.
The original letter here copied is in our
possession. The Quartermaster General, to
whom it is addressed, was at the time at
Lynchburg, Ya. JST. V. Tribune.
coxfedeuatf, statks of amf.btca,
War. Dk.part.uext.
Richmond, Ya., November 14, 1803.
(jtT.nkral : Your letter enclosing a com
munication from Larkin Smith, Assistant
Quartermaster General stating that many
of the farmers of Warren. Franklin, and
Johnson counties, N. (J., refuse to pay the
tax in kind by delivering the Government's
tenth at the depots established by you, and
that many others are known to have conceal
ed a portion of their grain and productions,
and attempted to destroy all evidence of the
amount produced by them, has been received.
It is true the law requires farmers to de
liver their tenth at depots not more thau
eight miles from the place of production ;
but your published order requesting them
for the purpose of supplying the immediate
wants of the army to deliver at the depots
named, although at a greater than eight
miles, and offering to pay for the transport
ation in excess of that distance, is so reason
able that no good citizen would refuse to
comply with it.
You will, therefore, promulgate an addi
tion to your foimer order, requiring producers-to
deliver their quotas at the depots
nearest to them by a specified day, and noti
fying them that in case of their refusal or
neglect to comply therewith the Govern
ment will provide the necessary transporta
tion at the expenses of delinquents, and col
lect said expenses by an immediate levy
on their value at the rates allowed in cases
of impressment.
If it becomes necessary to furnish trans
portation, the necessary teams, teamsters,
&C must be impressed a in ordinary eases.
All persons detected in secreting articles
subject to the tax, or in deceiving as to the
quantity produced by them, should be made
to suffer the confisca tion of all such proper
ty found belonging to them. .
- TLp nponle in the counties named, and in
fact nearly (ill the western coun ties of that
State, hare, ever evinced a ' disposition to caril
at, and even resist, the measures of Gorern
meiit, and it is quite time they, , and all
others similar disposed, should be dealt by
with becoming rigor. Now that our ener
gies are taxed to the utmost to pubsist our
armies, it will not do to be defrauded of this
much-needed tax. If necessary force must
be employed for its collection. - Let striking
examples be made of a few of the rogues,
and I think the rest will respond promptly.
Yours, &c, James A. Seddon, .
- ;. ;- ... , : Secretary of war. j
- General A. C. 31 vers. "'"'
It is one of the mysteries of human nature
that mankind abuse themselves in some re
spects worse than they would animals. The
careful farmer sees that his stock has every
thing needful to health and comfort, that
it is under shelter, and has enough, but not
too much, to eat ; and from this prudent
provision for his own pocket's sake, the far
mer goes straightway to his own table and
eats greasy fried meats, vegetables sodden in
uutter, ami pastry or pudding as a make
weight to keep the load down ; the fanner
is only the representative of a class, for ma
sons of all conditions in life are guilty of
similar practices. As this performance is
solely a matter of individual concern the
law has no risrht to interfere. but.V shunl.!
like to know why a man in such a case is not
equally a suicide with him who saps th
foundation of life with slow but subtle nar
cotics laudanum, opium in other forms,
auu me immoderate use ot tobacco r
Perhaps we erred in drawing ;m Hliist.
tion between a man and his beasts, because
tne latter seldom or never exceed the bounds
of the instinct which nature has provided
them with; but this trait being removed in
the sentient being man he gorges himself
to repletion, auu sooner or later his or her
posterity fall victims to the abuse of the
stomach. Some digestive organs are "strong
fortresses. Fifteen-inch shot in the shape
of huge, doughs', apple dumplings. Greek
fire in the semblance of scalding liquids,
followed by deluges of ice water at the same
meal, rifle shot and Mime bullets, disguised
as pickles and sharp spices, have no appa
rent effect. ' 'Pshaw, ' ' says the robust read
er, "mj' stomach can stand anything. I
never was sick in mv life." All that is
oolite probable: but the strongest fortifica
tion in the world cannot resist the slow ad
vance of rifle-pit, sap, mine and parallel,
and the engineer knows full well that when
he puts spade into the ground the strong
hold is virtually his.. The comparison holds
good with the stomachs of men : although
for a time the individuals who compose gen
erations of families may defy disease of the
peculiar nature discussed, their posterity
will le enfeebled until they are literally
swept off" the face of the earth entirely, or
their blood absorbed into new and healthier
organizations. Thus we see races, or rather
families, die out; so great names perish.
In some cases drink has destroyed the coat-
-iir-tiie MmiaCA,. Ill OtllHii ii!ii living
and dissipation generally, kept up through
a series of s'ears, are the sap and mine of
which we spoke previously.
To paraphrase Patrick Henry, "Is money
so dear and ease so sweet as to be purchased
at the sacrifice of life and health?" Far
better, in a physical sense, the humblest la
Ixner, with his simple fare and regular hab
its, than the millionaire and his disordered
constitution. The latter is of no more use
to civilization as regards re-populating the
world with healthy human beings than a
wooden puppet.
1 he great social vice of the American peo
ple is eating too much and too fast. We
are as a race natural!' nervous in tempera
ment. and this added to the evils first-mentioned
' results in the long, lean physiogno
mies characteristic of the nation. When an
American business man takes dinner he
does so generally with over-eagerness and
a sort of gulping choke, as if it were an un
pleasant duty which is painful to witness.
In all probability his mind is actively en
gaged in calculating his profits aud losses,
w hen he should be wholly at ease and cheer
ful. Now, every one must know that such
practices are wrong that they are not what
nature entended. The organs of the human
bod', particular the digestive ones, are deli
cate in the extreme, and when used rudely
nature revolts aud disease results. If it is
disputed that stomachs are naturally deli
cate, we may take the case of a hardy out
door worker ; confine him to a sedentary or
partially sedentary life and require him to
overload his stomach as too man' men do,
and then mark the result. He will as assur
edly become dyspeptic as any one else.
The punishment inflicted on such infrac
tions of common sense are severe but justly
imposed, and the remedy is as simple as
obvious. Of all the ills that fle.-h is heir to
there are none more ' distressing than those
which arise from indigestion. We are not
of that class who put faith in nostrums, bit
ters, purges and the whole nauseus category
of the pharmacopoeia for the reduction of
the disease in question. When the system
is already enfeebled we are to sustain it, not
debilitate it; and this can only be done by
food of the proper kind, taken in the right
way at certain times. Wc are not going to
run a raid against doctors or poach over
their field ; but we do think that patients
afflicted with dyspepsia have the means of
cure within their own reach. We have no
recipes to furnish, as we are not exactly in
the medical line of business ; but we feel it
incumbent to lift up our voices asrainst the
universal abuse of the stomach and digestive
organs which prevails so extensively. Ad
vice is very cheap, and those who fear the
approach of a disordered condition of the
parts mentioned, should take . measures in
time to prevent the real attack. . Nature
makes feints in every part of the system :
she hangs out he'ad aches and stomach aches,
pains in the back and limbs, horrible lassi
tude and inanity generally over the whole
system, as warnings that ere long the grand
attack which cannot be repulsed will take
place. Eat slowly, and even solemnly, if
you must, reader ; but be cheerful and merry
"if you can ; eat slowly ; make your teeth do
what nature intended they should, and do
not delegate their work to the stomach ; it
has no teeth and is intended for another
than nmstii'jition. Live temperately
and avoid excitement ; eschew quack medi
cines : eat only the best and simplestfood.and
if jou do not recover wholly you will at least
be improved, and certainly will be living in c
bedience, not only to the laws of nature, but
to those of prudence and common sense: i .
itftjSttum'js journal
Letter from Philipsburg.
PiiiUi'sbcro, Pa., Jan. 11th, 1SG4.
Dear Journal. How tliankful we so
journers on this terrestrial tcrrnfinna should
he, that the (treat Dispenser ot all coodne
has permitted us to eujov the blessings of
civilization. I love to seethe day of rest
for all man and beast kind, come its weekly
round, and men lay aside the roltes of their
avocations, aud wend their wav to church.
to hear the words of that cosnel as handed
dowil from generation to generation for
oigntcen Hundred and sixty-three years.
And vet. another fright meets our ee. See
the children, their faces learning with hap
py smiles and joy depicted on every leature
gaily trip alouu towards that srreatest ch ili
zerof the nineteenth eentun-, the Sunday
.yuooi. j nippy cnudren! long may yon
Jive to enjoy the blessed privilege ot wor
shiping Him. who said "suffer little chil
dren to come unto Me," according to the
dictates of your own conscience ; or at least
.1. -J. -1 .
uiar oi your parents.
When I look around and see business flour
"shine; on every side, the busv hum of indus
try wafted on every gale, 1 pause to hear the
thundering of cannon, the roir of musket
ry, and the clash ot steel. None is heard
All are moving on the even tenor of their
way, as though gnm-visaged mars was not
on this continent. Put alas! for the sad
ixurn ; see tnat nie oi veterans pass, mev
seem joyf ul and happy. Ask these heroes
of Gettysburg, whether all is peace, happi
ness and joy down on the Kapidan afar
ditferenfc sight is presented. I hey answer,
"where one bloomed the fruitful fields of
the old dominion, is now a wide, desolate
and apparently sterile waste. In the valleys,
on the hill-sides, (he mountain-tops and
down their slopes, lay the Ixmes of manjT a
brave soldier, bleaching, to mark the sad re
membrance ot this unhappy war." Put
The day, the jr;eat avenging day.
When this rebellion in the Aunt shall lay.
And the rebel's power and the rebels self shall
fall, -
And one prodigious ruin swallow all,
is not far in the distance. God-'gpeed the
imr'wwn" Is hist assuming the busincrm
activity of a great commercial centre.
W here m the name ot com, does all the
corn go to that is hauled from the cars at
tins point, isince the railroad has been
completed this far, and freight cars run.
(which is only about a month) at least 50,-
U00 bushels of corn came over the rails. If
there is any corn-fed critters in Clearfield
count', that never seen a nubbin in their
lives before, the' will certainly get a nil) of
Geres this waiter. As to the start of hie it
is utterably impossible to give any guess
how much has arrived at this depot. It is
just as natural to see a wagou with at least
one oarrel ot the great preserver m tne end,
as it is to see a horse as the motive power
revolvimr the said wagon onward towards
the machines that are to finish the journey
of the said staff in this vale of. consumers.
The running of the cars from Sandy
llidge down to our town is a great advantage
to tlie lumbermen, and consumers of grain
and flour generally. The company deliver
a car at this place for ten dollars from San
dy Fudge that is much cheaper than they
could wagon it down. A -double or eight
wheeled box car will hold six hundred bush
els of ears of corn it is six greyhound miles
to Sandy Ridge by the "pike" a two horse
team could haul seventy-live bushels of ears
of corn, and it would take at least fix days
to haul it. At $4 per day is s?21. Here is
a saving of $14, besides expenses. Oh, the
rail road is a great institution ; and t he more
so, as it saves the "greenbacks." It makes
a great difference to the "wagoners of the
Alleghanics" from what the old regime wa.s.
The same trip that only a few years, yes. in
deed, months ago, required from four to five
days, and an indefinite number of "break
downs," is now accomplished in one day.
So we go, steadily, slowly, but sure, on, on f
Our obliging and worthy conductor, Wood,
of the passenger train, has shuffled off his
insignia, and ascended one rung higher in
the ladder of rail road fame. He now holds
the reins of assistant Superintcndant of both
the Tyrone &, Clearfield, andTyrone & Lock
Haven Ilail lloads. Dan is a good fellow,
and I hope he may "go up." 3Ir. Caleb
Tipton succeeds Mr. Voodr as conductor.
He was baggage-master previously, on the
same train. He is a kind, generous and o
bliging young man ever ready and willing
to give passengers any information in refer
ence to the running of trains. I congratu
late the passengers, who .may take a "ride
on a rail ' over the Tyrone & Clearfield Kail
Pioad, on being in. the care of conductor
Tipton. . '
The cold snap continues. Boreas is play
ing some fantastic capers with Balmorals,
and in some cases has transcended the con
stitution. The Weighing it improving, and
the bovs and girls are improving thesleigh
ing. Greenbacks are plenty inflated "cops"
are patiently awaiting the panic. They have
recovered from the shock they received in
October. When will they see its like again ?
Why next November ! Leroi.
Thoughts on Hew Year's Day.
Mr. Editor. To-day we are permitted
to haU the dawn, and beginning of another
year. The year eighteen nundred and sixty
three has passed and gone ; and to day it is
numbered with the things that were. Not
only has another jcar passed away, but with
it many of our dear associations. Many du
ring the past s-ear, have been deprived by
the relentless hand of death of a dear friend
or associate. True, this may not have been
the lot of all. yet it is nevertheless an undis
puted fact, that the past, year has brought;
sorrow to the hearts of many, and mourning
to many happy homes. Some who one year
ago hailed with delight the beginning of the
New Year, to day live only in the memory
of kind friends. On last New Years day
they were as cheerful and happy as we are
to-day. Whore are they now 'i ' They have
passed leyond that lurne from whence no
traveller returns. The bleak and chilling
winds of winter sweeps o'er their graves, and 1
sings a mournful reouium to their memory.
Their places arc vacant at the family fire
side.. Others, who on that day stood fear-:
lessly between us and a vindictive foe, in
defence of our noble country, now quietly
sleep beneath tho blood-stained sward of
some long to be remembered battle-field.
Not only is the past year to be remember
ed on account of the sorrow occasioned by
death, but it is a year which will never lo '
forgotten by the American people. The e
yents which transpired during the past year
in the United States of America, will be re
corded in histu-y, to be read by after gene
rations with feelings of deepest interest.
During the silnimer of eighteen hundred
and sixty-three, the martial tread of hostile
armies have been heard on the fair plains of
the old Keystone State. The roar of artil
lery has made the hills of Pennsylvania to
tremble, and her soil has leen stained with
the blood of patriots and rebels. ' Yet, amid
all the conflicts of the past year, iU joys and
its sorrows, many of us have passed safely,
and surrounded by friends we pass the first
day of" the New Year pleasantly. And as
we sit in our comfortable dwellings anil hear
the howling winds of winter without, should
we not rememlicr those who are far away
upon the tented plains who are deprived
of the blessings of home and the society of
friends who arc ieriliiig their lives in our
defence, and in defence of liberty and the
Union. Yes, to-day, feelings of gratitude
and sympathy should swell up in everv loy
al heart toward the noble soldiers. We are
now about to enter upon r he duties of an
other year, and ere it shall close to give
place-to another, many changes will have
occurred. Some of us will doubtless have
gone the wav of all living, and those of us. '
who may be permitted to witness the begin-
mngoi anot ner year, win know that we are .
a year nearer eternity. e. l.-
Chestnut Ridge, l'a. Jan. 1, 18f4.
Dnrinff Rolert Hellers late brilliant, Vn.-
h-ncToi,,).iir vnokmtfaTt(imW''&i:
classes of people the musical and refined,
the milionaire aud merchant prince, the -mechanic
and the artizan, in fact, even-class
of society found its representat ives within
the theatre, each night of his performance.
Une evening a gentine specimen ot tho
genus verdant, with his girl on his arm. pre
sented themselves at the box office, and de
manded. "What's the tax to the show ?"
"Fifty cents," politely answered the tick
et seller.
"Well, I guess I won't back out anyhow
here's your tin."
Receiving his tickets, greeny cutered.
draging the young lady by the hand. Thi
peculiarity and the oddity of their dress,
soon made them the observed of all obser
vers. Heller shortly after commenced hi
illusions, which were wondered at with eyes
and mouth wide open by our rustic pair lie
occasionally ejaeuiatted in pretty loud tones,
"Thunder," while she would exclaim "Mer
cy ain't it queer ?"
Feat alter feat was presented, aud receiv
ed with the plaudits of the audience, until
the introduction of the ' "Aerial Bell," a
glass I ell suspended by a simple cord from
the centre of the ceiling, and used in an
swering questions. After, a usual perfor
mance with it, the question was asked :
"Is anybody in the houso in love and
wihes to get married ?"
"IVay tell in what part of the house they
areV' .
The bell immediately designated our rus
tics, who looking atoneannotheras a pair of
doves, apparently in their own happiness
oblivious to all surroundings.
"Ae they engaged ?"
"Will they cvct be ?'
"When will it take place ?"
During these questions and answers, our
rustic liad been gradually opening himself
out like a jack-knife, and now attained his
full attitude ; w hen pulling up his bhirtcol-:
lar, and stirring up his crop of flax colored
hair, lie exclaimed, breathless with joy, and
excitement : ,
"Say, say, you mister ! jest ax that' thing
if Nancy Jane and me is to be spliced togeth
er, and if he say yes, I'll give you the best
horse in Butler county, and call our first boy
after you."
Shouts.yellsand peals of laughter followed
this announcement, and Nancy Jane suffus
ed with blushes, pulled his coat-tail, and
begged him in her most entreating man
ner : . ' . ... k
"Now do, Ike, please sit down, wont you,
now?" . .
Ike, however, too much elated with his
success, and unmindfull of all around
stretched his body as far as possible over the
balustrade, and in a voice audible in every,
corner of the house, cried out ; . ;
"Dod rot it, mister, do jest get that thing :
to say yes, and dog my cats and buttons if I
don't call all my babies boys and girls, after
you, and lick anybody that says grass to you,
tO boot", ' . ,
. You can readily imagine the entertain
ment was short that night, and when over,1 .
the happy couple mere made still happier, ,
as the minister made them one for- life, io j
the presence of Robert Heller. . . .. ;
Tell a man ta a single word that he took a'
late breakfast. At ten. u.ate.V ' . "-,' , .