Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, January 13, 1864, Image 1
ill BY S. X KOW. CLEAKFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1864. VOL 10.-NO. 20. ;3 0 i 5-.1 1 li TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raptsmas's Jocrkal ia published on Wed nesday at $!,: V" annum in advance Auter tihemcnis iDSrted at $1.00 per square, for three or lets insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 25 cents. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. . - IRVIN BROTHERS, Dealers in Square 4 Sawed Lumber, Lrj Goods, Uroceries. Flour, Grain, Ao , Ac., Burngide Pa., Sept. 23, 1863. I FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Manufacturer of ; . 11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield, Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, lSf3 CRANS A BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear field, Pa. May 13. 1S63. l.j. crass. :::::: Walter barrett. , ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market treet, opposite Naugle's jewolry store. May 26. HF. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HRTJCITER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law,Clear . field, Pa. Offict inGraham's Row, fourdoo s west of Graham A Boynton's store. 2ov. 10. X P KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in pi . Boards and Shinties. Grain and Produce Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. Ijl2 ATTALLACR A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear- V field, Pa. December 17. 1S(S2. williax a. wallack. :::::::: joun a. hall. 171 A FLEMMIXG, Curwensville, Pa., Xursery- . man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery. All or ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13. WILLIAM F.IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield, Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware. Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. JOHN Gl'ELICH, Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. Jie alaomakes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attend funerals with a hearse. Aprl(Vo9. OR. M. WOOLS. Practicing Piivsiciax, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions, Office. South-west eorner of Soyond and Cherry Street. Clearfield, Pa. January 21, ISSj. WW. SHAW. M. 1) , baa resumed the prac . tiee of Medicine and Surgery in Shawarille, Venn a. where he still respectfully solicits a con tinuance of public patronage. May 27, It 63. J.", M'EX .LLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, Pa. Prvtices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. '.Pjee:n new brick funding ot .. Hoya un.2d street, one door south of Lauich's Hotel. "1 ICHARD MOSSOP. Healer in Foreign and Do .11; mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors. Ae. Room, on Market street, a few doors el of Jourwil Ojjirr,, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. mllOMPSX. A WATSON. Dealer in Timber L Saw Logs, Boards and-Shingles. Maryeville, Clearfield county, Pcnn'a August II, lSfl:i. . w. Thompson : : : : : jau. e. wathos. LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. lSifi. D R. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizens' of Mo.shannon and vi cinity. He can be consulted at bis residences all times, unless absent on professional business .Mo.-hannon. Centre CO., Ph., May 13. ISii.'i. "Upl. ALBERT A BRO S. Dealers in Dry Good IT Groceries. Hardware, Queensware. Flour. Bacon, etc.. Woodlnn-', Clearfield conntv, Penn'a Also, extensive dealers in all kindsof pawed lum ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici ted. Woodland, Aug. 19th. 18R3. milOMAS J. MXTLLOCttH, Attorney at Law X Clearfield. Pa. Oflice, east of the ' Clearfield c. Eai.k. Detds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3 n. a BfsH. :::::::: t.j.m ccllocgh BUSH A M'CULLOUGH'S CoLLECTIOX OVFICE. CLE ARF!ELt. PkSS'A. TYC. LITt'irS MEDICINES. A fresh sua- XJ ;ly of these invaluable Family Medicines rc tor sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting "1 Fiiii Lurer; Rr.itorattvf. a greatcure for colds and cough; and Anti-Bilious Phytic. They have wen tnorougnly tested in this community, and arihiirhly approved. Trttbeh. TVF.W WATCH & JEWELRY STOKE. A'r he undersigned having located in the bor ings of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied ny k elch as a jewelry shop.) is prepared to woi-k ot all kinds on the most reasonable terms. ioecash will positively be expected when the "rki3 delivered. He is confident that he can ot be excelled by any workmen in townor county I one one ! couie all to the Sinn of the Big Watrk Airs! 9 "i52-ly.pd. S. II. LAUClILIN. I ,. li I ,U t. : '."-farmers 1st me your , Land. The subscriber would inform the r iti.. . ....... . larmers of Clearfield county, that he keeps con antiy on hand at the Jones Kiln at Tyrone a ,lrge stock of lime, and will furnish on contrast i"-T quantity at the terminus of the Tyrone and -"ipsourg Kailroad. -Wch Id. 1862. WM. n. ROBERTSON. Y B l.ii.-.-i u j u j St. aiion.on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. 1 I'LK LEY'S PATENT Ll'MBER DRIED Hi St" PER II KATE 1 1 STEAM Th imr. sfd respectfully informs the people of Clear djoining counties that be has the agen J of the above patent and will sell individual. ttnty or township righu for its use. The lum r dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet-r- is easier on tools, and requires less time in ; T'nK an any other process known, drying I & lumber perfectly in 36 hours better than n7 months under the old system using the vemrjunt of fuel per day that a common kiln , "unes. The certificate of a number of resi- Anil Vail kiiAnn S n ! Za AAmmrlTlIfv if , f J?, uficient to convince the most sceptical of 'i'!' 'rons desirous of purchasing rights J.t 1? JOHX L. CUTTLE. Jace2l las? r. ILLIXERY & FANCY STORE. E MS. H. D.WELSH, 'PE"?CLLY ANNOUNCES TO THE LA jt-o oi ciearneld and vicinity that she na opened a Millinery, Notion and Trim O'tig store, on Second Street, next door to I,. t-anich'a Hotel, where she will be Old V receive orders for either work or goods, od Ph Tiei naade ovr into the latest New York hta; Pnl sty'M. on nort notice. By pur rr i5, tn,hewni always have on hand the h syles of JDre8S Trimmings, Hata, Nu- !! At o?:"' Co'Iars- Sleeves, Ae,, which she will Cu,ti!,!!In2Ue!t PMible Profit for cash- detect 3?0Ctrjj. ON A CUSL OF CHILD'S HAIE. 'Ti but a curl of soft brown hair, A simple, common thing to see ; But you, who only call it fair. Dream not of what it is to me ! You take it in your hands and praise Its glossy, smoothness o'er and o'er ; But, oh ! to you it pictures not The childish face it shades no more '. You smile to see how goldenly Its hue, like sunlight, meets the eye ; But. Oh ! through tears I only see The brow whereon it used to lie The temples fair it clustered round, The loving eyes it often hid ; Those fair, cold" temples, blossom crowned Resting beneath the coffin-lid I . The childish voice so sadly 6weet. The lisped words, to love so plain, The echoing eonnd of childish feet. At sight of this come back again. Oh ! gather up the shining links, And lay them softly, gently by; Oh ! place them where they may not meet .The careless gaze of every eye. So silently so mournfully They speak of what the grave has won ; The idol of a loving heart, The early called the only one ! The Increase of Immigration. The English press and public are greatly distressed at the mimensly increasing emi gration from Ireland to this country. The weekly returns here show that Europe is throwing the most stalwart, and possibly the most valuable portion of her population into our- cities by thousands. For years immigration has not leen so large as it is now. The demand for labor, consequent upon the war; the vacant places to be filled in the work shops, farms and factories throughout tliland, from which thousands have gone forth to battle tor the Union, and the advanced rate of wages w hich labor commands, are no doubt, the inducements which ha vequickened emigration. And it is only beginning; for when the secessionists have succeeded in exterminating the black race, as thev are rapidly doing, and when the war is over, there wiil be an illimitable field for European laborers in the South. In the course of a year or two there will be room and abundant employment for some three, or four millions of foreign laborers. and, of course, according to the system of demand and supply, thy will come here. We are, therefore, but in the infancy of an immense immigration of thews and sinews. quick brains, brave hearts and industrious habits, for it. Is only men possessing these qualities who have the enterprise to make a start in a new country and take opportunity when it comes. A Keal Friend. A FRIEND a real, true hearted friend is more rare than he should he. Whv is it that selfishness predominates in the heart? that lie only is considered a friend who has money and influence! In the higher walks of life, h.uv rarely is a true friend found one who will act as he feels, and speak us he thinks. Hut anions the humble and pure, you will occasionally find the genu pure ineudship. Ye who have found a true j'riend. appreciate his worth. If lie labors to benefit, you. say not a word, perform not an act, that will send a thrill of pain to his or her bosom. If there is a crime that betrays a Vile heart, it is the wounding of pure af fection. .Many a one has seen when too late the error of his course. When the grave has concealed his best friend, he felt ah ! words will not describe the feeling. Ye who 17 L it. . 1" 1 i I . 1 are surrouiiueu oy iiid Kinu ana gooa tue watchful and truehearted appreciate them we pray you. Love them in return fur their Kindness, and to the close of life they will continue to guard and bless you. McClellan and the Soldiers. The editor of the Dvtaware Conntv Repub lican- recently asked a soldier of the Army of the f otomac, what the men there now think of McClellan. 'Why," says he, "he is never mentioned but bv the rankest kind of copperhead. He's played out. His Wood ward letter was the finishing stroke. The men who once would have followed him anywhere now look on him with suspicion and regard his loyalty with distrust." the factor it is that the pro-slavery pro- egandist, or he who would make the Union subservient to slavery, carries with him but very little of nubli sympathy. He is no lon ger sustained by the people or army. Down m lnxie ia his true sphere and not in the tree ort h. Brutal Prize Fight. The late arrivals from Europe bring intelligence of a prize fight between John C Heenan and Tom. King. I Teenan was born in this country, while King is the champion of English heavyweights." The fight took place at Tunbribdge, on the 10th ult Twenty-five rounds were fought, in thirty-one minutes, King winning. Heenan. it is said, was badly punished. The London Times, in concluding its account of the affair, says that prize fighting is more revolting than bull fighting, ought to be discouraged. The Times is seldom good authority on any sub ject, but in this instance it is right. Prize fighting is a relic ot a barbarous age ; it is demoralizing and brutal. A Bit of Rebel Humor. The Virginia rebels occasionally enliven the doom and monotony of their condition bv bits of fa- cetia never elswhere presented. Recently endeavoring to persuade their readers to be the President of the Virginia Senate has lieve that those who are in favor of emanci- ordered a special election to be held in the city of Norfolk to fill a vacancy in the sen-1 atorial representation from that city. The thing was done with the utmost gravity, j and apparently in entire unconsciousness of , the existence of General Butler. But the j outlaw" will no doubt have a finger in the pie, notwithstanding. THE PEESIDENOY. It is well attested in the political history of the country, that, while Pennsylvania has contributed less men to the Presidency than anv of the original thirteen Mates she has nevertheless made more men Presi dent than any of the States of the Union. "As goes Pennsylvania so goes the Union, is an old and true political axiom. iShe is the Warwick of the States ; not only mak ing rulers, but Governments. constructing and sustaining When Pennsylvania casts her influence for a measure or a man, success is certain to follow. On this account, we are convinced that the re-nomination of A braham Lincoln is a fixed fact. Pennsylva nia. throush the recrular channels from which a knowledge of public opinion is de rived, is speaking out boldly in favor of this re-nomination. Indeed, we know ot no op position to Abraham Lincoln in the Key stone fetate, unless it be such as emanates from small cliques of jobby politicians, or from those who oppose every man and nieas- ure calculated to benefit the national cause, The Philadelphia North American, refer- ring to the subject or the 1'residency, de- clares thus emphatically in favor of the re- nomination of Abraham Lincoln : ' "Aside from and in addition to these things, there are reasons and influences with Jir. Jjincoin wnicn are not possessed Dy any of those who might be named in opposition to him. Mere military candidates would en counter some objections, in some sections, springing from the very nature of their eiu mence, which might not involve other qual ifications even more desirable. Civilians, unacquainted altogether with military mat ters, would, or might be, deficient in that military7 knowledge which is now, and will, for a greater or lesser period, continue to be useful. Air. Ijincom comprises that degree of military knowledge which is needful, with out that amount which renders its possessor principally a military man. He knows the history already written the objects now sought the means which are possible the objections which can be urged. And he knows these things Ironi no circumscribed field, but from the very highest standpoint. Can more be said for one ? Undoubtedly, the most unanimous opinion Possible is the reqitiirement for the ensuing election.- Our remarks seek to indicate only some of the reasons which can be adduced in behalf of a nomination which seems to us most natural of all, and which we think would unite the popular feeling throughout the loyal States. There is a sufficiency of time in which to dis cuss this matter before the National Con vention shall be assembled. It only re quires that the matter be opened pro and con, and all opinions digested in the light of le most so'ind.and patriotic feelings, to reach a conclusion whose correctness will be verified by the people's verdict. Gen. Grant may, possibly, have warmer friends in some portions of the west. Gen. Banks may be more potentially urged in New En- giani. is mere any man who wul com mand more of the confidence of the people anywhere, any man wbo-se mere nomination will make a greater weight in behalf of the Union ; any man who will more assuredly sacrifice individual interests to the general good ; any man who will command a higher degree ot lureign respect than that one which has superadded to some of the most excellent characteristics ot Jackson, others which Jackson was never called upon to ex hibit. The Peace Democracy. The Peace Democracy of this and other States are constantly praying for peace, as serting the duty of the authorities to make even-com nrnse for peace, and when thev desire to clinch their sophistries on this sub ject, arrogantly claiming that there is ho treason in desiring speedy peace. But all good men believe that there is treason in the position assumed on this subject by the .1 . 1 .1 X- ,1 'l . .1 uougn-iaces in tne vorin, in wnicu they pray ior, nope ror and work lor peace either treason or idiotic folly, 1 he dough face leaders know that there can be no peace except by the suppression of the rebel lion. 1 eace can only come by the triumph of the Federal arms. The men who oppose the war, as the dough-face3 do, in order to secure ieace, are doing more for the rebel cause than the rebels themselves. Every word uttered for peace short of the full tri umph of our arms, is an argument in favor of treason, and of course those who thus sneak are little better than traitors. Hence the men who clamor for peace, either do not know what they are thinking about, or they are in favor of a peace based on a de molition of the Union and tliat is treason ! A Good J oke was perpetrated by a rebel prisoner captured at Ghickamauga. The rebel was looking at one of our guns, and remarked that he "didirt think that the Yanks would use them big guns much lon ger. " hy not : inquired the Jr ed-s. "Because," said he' "the Confederacy is getting so narrow that you'll fire clear over ri. i u:. ... . i i : j i 1L juiu uil juui men kiii iub uiuei ciuc A few evenings since, a widow, who was known by the entire congregation to be greatly in want of a husband, was praying with great fervency. "Oh ! thou knowest what is the desire of my heart ! ' ' she ex claimed. "A-m-a-n!' responded a brother, in a broad accent. It was wicked, but we are quite sure that several grave members smiled on the occasion. Some of our copperhead exchanges are nation, are also in favor of amalgamation, Will they also tell their readers which side of "Mason and Dixon's line the fathers of mulatto children ere generally found?" - 1 ' . The phrase "down in the mouth,, is said to have been originated by Jonah about tne time the whale b wallowed him. "BOSSES" AND WORKMEN. As a theme for an essay, the relation of Juabor to Capital, or the reverse, aflords an opportunity for many finely-drawn theories concerning the duty of each. The real na ture of the relations which should exist be tween labor and capital appear to us to con sist in combining; as far as possible, the two interests, and making both work together for mutual advantage. Uoth are tormina hlf and exert an immense influence for good or evil. The injurious effect which capital can produce on the weltare ot the community is well shown by the combinations which from time to time take place in certain branches of trade; where by, the accumulation of large sums for specific purposes, speculators are enabled to force the market prices of ar ticles far beyond their actual value. So also when capitalists coalesce for the purpose of cueaiiug uie laoorer oi ms nire, by depress ing wages below the standards of value, or so that the necessaries of life cannot be uro- cured, another example is furnished of the unjust and general banetul enect which capi- tal may produce on the people. Jabor is also exacting m its demands, at times, and when it fancies it has the sweep of the market, so to speak, takes advantage of the circumstance like other speculators, and m some instances is enabled to carry out its oujucts, in otners not ; depending pnnei pally upon the ability of Capital to with stand the demand made. 2s ow when we have two great forces giv en, the problem is how to employ them to the best advantage. If a man builds dou ble-cylinder engines he does not set them so that the power of one shall act against the other, but he connects both to the same shaft with the crank at right-angles, opens the throttle and away they go. Thus it should be with "bosses" and workmen : let each pull on the same shaft : each is a mighty shaft singly, but when their conjoint relations are deranged, they shake the whole world. An earthquake does not exhibit more disastrous physical effects than do strikes or monopolies, upon the social sys terns ot civilized nations. 1 rades whose in terests conflict with those of capitalists, or are made so to do by the ierversity or short- ... t, . signtedness ot the members composing them, find that in the course of time their wages decrease instead of increase, and that their social standing is diminished. Some trades are afflicted with chronic strike, and appear to be at continual variance with their employers. Jtmay be in such cases mat the wages are too small to live upon, or the want of harmony may proceed from other causes too complicated to be discussed at present whatever the reason, it is certain that trades continually on the strike cannot get on, be cause the attention of the members compos ing them is turned from the trade to other objects. Oursympathies are with the work ing classes, male and female, because capi talists are quite able to take careoi them selves, and even it their business is destroy ed can fall back upon other resources. But with the laborer no such course is possible his capital is his hands and skill, and it is lor this reason that we deplore strikes anc the results which spring from them. These results are briefly destitution of the strik ers, bad feeling engendered between the bosses and men, and disorganization andde rangement generally antagonistic to the best interests ot the men themselves. There are doubtless times when trades are justified and compelled in self-defence to rebel against the terms ottered by employers : but as a gene ral rule labor is better paid in this country tfian anywhere else on the globe, and a skill ed workman can always command a hand some remuneration for his services. The relations of labor and capital are bound up in three words they are identical and they should work together for mutual advantage, "NW Orleans is filling up with a North era population. Two steamer from New York recently arrived with 452 passengers. The New Orleans Times, of the 27th ult., says Every vessel that comes from the North reaches us freigated withthe wives and chil dren of those who have come here to reside very inany or them permanently a mong us. They are in a bad fix down in dixie. If the people are fed the armv must starve; if the army starves what will become of the people ? On the other hand, if the army is ted the people will starve ; it the people starve what is the use of the army ? The best remedy will be for them all to repent and receive pardon from father Abraham. A wreath was exhibited at a fair in Glou cester, on Christmasjweek, is composed of the hair of one hundred different residents of the town, none of whom is under 70 years of age, while ten ot them are over yo, and one is a centenarian. The lady who made it is 59, and has been four years about it. The total indebtedness of the State of Georgia is $1 4, 149,410. This is forty-seven dollars of indebtedness for every white male inhabitant of the State. Including the white population, male and female, every individual owes about twenty-four dollars. Secession is proving a costly operation. "Father, ain't you opposed to monopo ly ?" cried a little fellow, as his parent took up the brandy bottle. Yes, boy,' was the reply. "Then give me a drink, too. " The father broke the bottle on the floor, and has not tasted liquor since. Speaking of coffee "hurting one," said an old tar, "I know it does, because "1 seen a bag full fall on a man once, and kill him. In sich caces as these 'ere, 'tis very un healthy." Should'nt wonder if it was. Accept what is good, no matter from what source. Elijah would have been a fool to . refuse his food because a raven brought it to him. MB. LINCOLN'S C0UESE. The enemies of Abraham Lincoln, North and South, condemn him for the persistency with which he has carried on the war against the rebels. They condemned the policy of coercion oeiore any coercion was attempted. They did not condemn the coercion rwiliov. when the Southerners began to coerce the Government into a surrender of all it owned at the South. But coercion by the Pr dent ot the United States, for the sake of saving the nation, was a dreadful sin in the eyes ot traitors everywhere. 4J . 41 1 X" , 1 ouimose jfYDranam Jjincom nad been a weak man like James Buchanan ; had been persuaded, as he was, that coercion was both wrong and impracticable, and had adopted the policy that it was best to dis solve the Union peaceably and to submit to all that the South demanded, he would have been the most despicable human being that ever lived. Even the Southern people would have despised him utterly for his mean and abject failure to do his sworn duty, lhe loyal people of the country would have been so incensed at his infamous betrayal of them, that thev would have risen and driven him from Washington, and he would probably have suffered death at the hands ot a mob. In pursuing a course directly the onosite of the one we havn in dicated, and employing the whole power of the nation to suppress the rebellion, Mr. Lincoln is entitled to the admiration of foes as well as friend. They could only have despised him had he done otherwise. Now they may hate him, but they also respect and rear him. H.acli seperate act ot the President to wards the rebels has been simply an act of his duty as the elected and sworn head of the nation. At first, owing to the treachery that n lied Washington, he was able to do but little. But as time went on, and he got nonest men to serve him, the power and resources of the people were developed, and he has used them wisely and effectively. When he found the measures adopted were msumcaent, he tried new and stronger ones V hen military or naval commanders proved too slow, too weak or too timid, he employed others. When he found that negroes were employed by the rebels, he authorized their employment, not only as servants and la borers, but as soldiers. When it became clear that the continued existence of the in stitution of slavery was incompatible with the safety or the honor of the nation, he first proposed gradual emanciption, and finally proclaimed freedom to the slaves in 11 .1 CI. . 1 11- m. au tne estates in rebellion, mere are signs of progress in these and all other acts of 1 resident Lincoln m reference to the rebel lion. At first he was not able to employ any but cautious and comparatively mud measures, and of course they were ineffec tual. But now he is strong, aud he has gained in energy and determination, as well as in strength. Soothing syrup is not of much use when the subject it is adminis tered to is a monster. The President does not want to appease and comfort the rebel uon, nut ne wants to destroy it ; so he is treating it with strong drugs like overjKw- enng armies and fleets ; with black-drop, like negro enlistments ; hating nrst ex tracted its teeth and removed its venom by proclaiming freedom to the slaves. It seems really providential that the pro cess of subduing the rebellion should have been slow instead of fast, as was at first predicted. Had it been ended in three or six months, the South would have been as arrogant as ever, and slavery would have been firmly established in manv States. though possibly its territorial extent might have been limited. JJut the obstinate re sistance made by the rebels has compelled PreaHent Lincoln to strike at the very root. and,'seeing that the existence and honor of the Lnion cannot be maintained Avith slavery, he has resolved to destroy slavery, in oroer to preserve me u nion. lie has a little more than a year left of his term, during which time we believe that he will restore the Union, and we trust that slavery li...... ,i ... . win in tnat time be brougnt to an end. .A Presidential term, ending thus! gloriously. will be forever memorable in history. The President that does all this will be entitled to a new term, in which he may enjoy peacefully the fruits of the stormy four years of civil war through which he trium phantly carried thenation. hulhtia. Taken at Ms Offer. At the Ladies' Fair recently held in Col umbus, Ohio, a pretty Indian girl was ob served exerting her persuasive powers to their utmost tension, trying to induce a cer tain military gent, who ranks as Captain, to buy a bead ba-ket, or some other ornament she had in her possession. As the gallant Captain had been gouged an unlimited num ber of times during the evening, he didn't see it ; but, thinking to startle the maiden, said, jokingly, "Don't want to buy your trin- iets but 1 11 give you fave dollars tor a kiss. lhe maiden reflected a moment she wa.s laboring in a noble cause, for the soldiers' good "surely in such a case there's no harm ;" so, in the twinkling of the eye, she said : "Done, sir !' and, as he expressed it, she gave him a whopper right on the cheek. Military drew back, abashed. The crowd saw it and laughed. There was but one way of escape he pulled out his some what depleted wallet and forked over a V. le then rushed Irantically up stairs and drowned his sorrow in a flowing bowl of oys ter soup. The maiden, in the meantime. maintained her accustomed tranquility, and et survives, a fitting monment to woman s patriotic spirit Gorden just returned from a certain dis tance in the country, says that ploughs have no sale there. The hogs are so long-snout ed that farmers plant a corn cob on side of j a field and piggy at the other, and by the time the latter reaches the cob there is a splendid furrow. If a stump happens in he way it is split. THE JAPANESE, "A traveller," in a letter to the London Timel says : "I can assure you, if we go to war with the J apanese, we must not blind ourselves witn the uehet we shall have a second Chinese affair. They are bold, courageous, proud, and eager for every kind of knowledge. A friend of mine gave s workman a Bramah lock to put on a box ; it was not discovered until some time after ward and only then by the absence of the name, that the lock had been imitated, and as the workman confessed, the original kept as a pattern. I have been on board a steam er (paddle) which used three years ago to run between Nagasaki andJeddo, six hun dred miles, whose engines and boilers, and every part of her machinery, were made of copper. She was built by a doctor in Jeddo, whose only guide was a dutch description of a steam engine, translated into J apanese. An American gunnery officer was sent over in 1859, iu the Powhattan, to teach them gunnery. He was courteously received, and then taken over the arsenal at Jeddo. He returned to the ship saying, "he had been taught a lesson instead of having to teach." "In many of the arts and manufactures they excel us ; their beautiful castings in bronze would puzzle the most experienced European workman. I have shown speci mens to good workmen who confessed they could not imitate them. I have seen exam ples that would rival in brilliancy any made in England. The French Minister had a large ball, so clear and of such perfect color that he believed it to be a gigantic sapphire aiid bought it for a good round sum. Their paper imitations of leather are perfect ; their paper water-proof coats are bought by the captains of ships for exposed loats' crew : their own clocks are good, and they have imitated our watches; they walk about with 'pedometers' attached to their belts, and they are not backward in copperplate en graving and perspective. Their china is far superior to the Chinese. The country a lounds with coal, though they only use that round close to the surface ; but even that a sort of bituminous shale, is good. In gold and silver, I believe they could rival Mexico and Australia ; iron, copper and tin are found in prolusion. A friend of mine at Yokoha ma gave a Japanese a piece of Engslih cot ton shirting ; m a tew days t he man brought back two pieces, and my friend had much difficulty in saying which was lu, so close ly had it been imitated. In fact, they are a people who want for nothing but teachers. ' ' Mysterious Development. On the corner of Wall and front sts. , ia the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, says the Louisville Journal, stands an ancient brick building, which was used in the olden times as a hotel. Of this building we have heard many romantic tales, and traditions of every hue and character are associated with it by the old citizens of the place. It was once the rendezvous of a desperate class of people, and many dark and bloody crimen afe known to have been committed within its walls. Manv innocent, and iinsii.crwotinir girls have been lured to that house and their ruin accomplished, it is believed that not a few of these unfortunate victims have met with violent deaths by their seducers. The building is in a very dilapidated conditon. but was purchased a few days since by the Jeffersonville Rairoad Company, on account ot the room it affords lor offices. In repair- lnor f li i In 1 1 li 1 1 n rr f Ktt irrtrtraon Wil- nn ilta old floor, and to their astonishment, discov ered the remains of several of the young la dies supposed to have been murdered in the house years ago, together with the skeleton of an infant, wraped in cloth. The remains ot the unfortunate creatures have reposed for. perhaps.hipwards of thirty years beneath the floor of this notorious house ,and until very recently it has been occupied by different persons during this entire period. Tho maidens whose skeletons are exhumed, had they lived would now be in the meridian of lite. In all probability their murderers have ere this passed from earth, and render ed their account to that Great Tribunal that visits justice upon all who escape the penal ty of their crimes in this world. A. young lady in llichmond.writing to her friends in Baltimore, says that the gayeties of society in that city, consists chiefly of what are called" starvation parties, "at which peo pie meet in each others houses, and have music and dancing, but nothing to cat or drink. The whole number of schools in Boston is 277, and of teachers 578. The average num lerof nuuils belonging to schools of all grades duringthepast yearwas 26,051 : aver- age attendance of pupils, 24,516 ; whole amount expended for school purposes, $534, US 7 14. A wag purchased a very fine "horse. Re turning from a ride a few days afterward?, he said he had discovered a oualitv is his 'animal which added a few pounds to his value he shied at a lawyer f Longstreet is destined to eoeedilv become a Shortstreet, if he makes another assault on Burnside'8 forces. . All honor to brave old Burn say we. An amiable voung women is in prison in London for getting her mother's life hand somely insured and then poisoning the old lady wiih arsenic. ' An old lady dowu in Boston refused to touch a riaoer colftaining the President's mes sage because Mr. Lincoln had had the small pox. ' The rebel pickets on theRapidan the other day, characterized Jeff. Davis "annual mes sage" as a "funeral oration." - If a man is chased by a dog, the race may be "nip and tuck," but the man will proba bly get the "nip." ir