Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 23, 1863, Image 3

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aftsmau's Journal
CLEARFIELD, PA., DEC. 23, 1863.
A Fact. Mossop is just receiving anoth
er large assortment of gooda, which are for
sale cheap. Call and learn the fact
Jcst IN TIME the new good arriving
atBoynton& Showera. Call and see their
goods and if Joe does not sell them to you,
then we miss our guess, that' all.
We learn that Archy Mason of Curwens
ville has been appointed by Capt. Campbell,
the Provost Marshal, to assist Captain M'
Kiernan in the arresting of deserters.
Errata. On our first page, in the letter
of our correspondent W. R. ., in the 17th
line of the 3d paragraph the reader will
please substitute the word eiercise for that
of excuse.
New Goods. By refererce to our col
umn of new advertisements it will be seen
that Col. E. A. Irvin has just received a
seeond supply of winter goods. Call and
see them.
Important to the Public It is with
Insure we announce the arrival of another
nwck of new goods at W. F. Irwin's. Give
if win a call, for he generally sells goods at
the lowest prices.
Snow. Several inches of snow fell on
Wednesday and ThuriJiay of hist week. The
io.ii! doing in tolerable order, our lutnlier
mi'ii will, ii'j duiiht. convey large quantities
of tiuilji-r U the stivams.
New Store. Our Glen Hope friends
are referred to (he advertisement of John
ikobsnii, which appears in to-day's Journal.
The faet tliat J$Jin advertises, is a sufficient
guarantee that "lie will .sell srooJs at very
reasonable nites.
Enrolled Men may appear before the
Hoard of Enrollment, and have their names
stricken "IT the lit, if they can show that
they are not Jiul to military duty on ae
rnnt of 1st, AlWiage; 2d, Non-resi donee ;
:.., l:usuiiablonea.s oftige; 4th, Manifest,
irsonS.L -physical debility. A pplication to
) made on or 'In fore Dee. oUth, lSCJ.
The Pitts wro Gazette. This old and
."launch lieprtblk.n pajer comes to us great
ly enlarged, and much improved in appear
:inie. The (lazette i -the oldest newspaper
j.'jblislied in Western Pennsylvania, and
always contains the latest and niot reliable
news of thedfy. anHeuce deserves the con
fidence and patronage eff he-reading public.
Hon. Olkxni W. i ofielb We see,
1 y the IL-t of the SUnctr.g Coniuiittees of
the House, that the r-ew member from our
J'istrii-t occupies a place upon the highly
important Commu tee f.n c'tctions. From a
private source we leani that Mr. Seofield is
1-kely to si ion become known in the Xation
:i! Legislal ure as otie jf the m.ist talented
suid useful me'nibers of that body, ami one
of horn hl.i con.Mitueijts will ha e good rea--'U
t. feel Proud.
Ox a Visit. Capt. A. M. Smith, f tl
f.tu IVnii a llesenes, yesterday reai hed hi;
1: -me. m tins county, on a visit to his fanii
iy and friends. The captain ltok fine, and
understand, i)as stood campaigning r
iiuikably we!!, lie is a brave, patriotic am
. i' t t . .
i ,uj:..if nt omcer, i,a reinarK fiat cppiiOs
..nerady to the Cl-.-ar'ie!ders who are in the
Army. ) and enjoys the esteem ur.l con
tien-je of all who know him, particularly triafc
i li:s men under his command, which is de
. idly the nio.t important and highly com
At IIomf. Mai. W. Ross liartsl.orri ant
' - iit. John Irvin are home on a short leave
t alienee, vitiilng their friends at Cur-
nviile. They !oth lxk well, and are do?
ins well particularly the Major, for hy a
K an e at the notices under the marriage
tea-ling the reader will discover that he has
wtely made a friendly 4irs.id" into the peace
iu. village of Academia and carried otf a
f'r '"priritT"' for life. Whether the Cap
tairt out on a similar "reconnoisance," we
ar not informed, but, if so, we hope he may
r'" be k-ss successful than his friend, the
1;iJ"r. i;Sojuoteit be.''
Wi'R New TrrE. It is scarcely neccpsa-
r.; wr us to draw the attention of our read
"r-i to the fact that our paper this .week ap
lrs m new type the improvement shows
a 'i -peaks fjr itself. With the great ad
uiiv ni the price of printing paper, we
arci ly frit ourselves justified at this time
Ul purchasing new materials ; bat feeling
s?-t:sSe that our patrons would projerly ap-
rrwiate our efforts to print a neat, as well
z 'infill sheet, we have ventured to incur
r".' ,i:t'e expense to improve the appearance
f J''riui1. We trust, therefore, that
i;l 'li- Rre in arrears will, during the com
" S Court week, call and pay up. Although
'"T nthcr branch of business, daring the
fa-t year or two, has been running up pri-
' s e still retain our old terms, and if
i -rortipt raymentsarc made, we hope to be
r"J' 'i continue them. We, however, will
' fmpclled to charge strictly according
mr ailvertised rates after the January
l T" II WU1, tliererore to tte interest
tirae "r ratron,i to laare aecouots at that
otWE MSS?K-T IT Boldly. There are no
6-,. Medicines so reliable, effectual and
al "Vf r,lentjas Uolloway's PiUs & Ointment,
tr.thp oeyfornse- Tliey are invaluable
r, l"e Soldiers errwvjprl r W.nrlc ;
, the
!,fn7 Bowel complabta; Thev never
'Jnly 25 cents per box cr not. '. '229
per box cr pot. : U29
! Le tter from Piulipshurg.
PiiiLiPSBURo, Dec. 1 0 :.
Dear Journal: Now is the wkeLIng
time of the year, that in our boyhood days,
we were gay ai.d happy and full of expecta
tions, and wondering what our bachelor Un
cles and old maid Aunts, were fpg to pre
sent us on Christmas. Happy reason or the
year; it makes mel'eelas if thetifih-of acentu
ry had suddenly shifted off its mortal coil and
transported me back to the enjoyment of a
"merry Christmas." How natural it is for
mankind, when they have attained that age
when man suspects himself a fool, and per
haps womankind, though I am not aware of
any definite age for woman suspecting her
self a fool, but generally supposed to be, at
a much later period in life than man, for the
scenes, occurrences, incidents and "times"
of former holidays to come to their memory,
at the return of them, years afterwards.
And how strange it seems, that we so much
more distinctly remember wh at occurred du
ring the holidays, than at any other season
of the year. At the return of Christmas,
the conversation is always where and what
each one was doing last Christmas. Ah !
what a lonely day for the noble, brave and
true soldier, as he sets wrapped in deep med
itation in his "winter quarters" away down
on the banks of the Rappahannock or tramps
his wean' rounds of sentineJ. The wind
moans around the corners and through the
chinks of his "winter Quarters." his face is
buried in his hands, and his elbows resting
on his knee-1. One by one the scenes of his
once happy home rise up visibly to his im
agination, lhere sits Annie on tue home
made raar-carnet nlavirnr with the "Christ
mas presents" from her grandma ; he watch
es her closciv, for when he firt sot out for
the tented field, Annie had not made her !.
but on this "great stage of. fools and cried
that she had come." Poor soldier," he al-
not becomes leaious ot granunia s presents.
for his darling little babe is so deeply inter
ested with them, that it takes no notice of
this soa of Mars. He concludes to chamre
his base, there sits his better half, she has
just trave the turkev a look. " lis roasting
meeiyrslie says, as she resumes her chair
The soldier yawns, and casts u slv glance at
Annie, and talis back on the recital of the
la.-t battle (13tJi l)i 'fiil urevJons to hi'
being granted a furlough. Tfow many thou-
sands of these brave and veteran soldiers of
that great, grand, and victorious army of the
Potomac, will think fondiv. affectionate! v
and lovinely of the dear ones at home, next
Thursday" and Friday evenings. Uut alas !
how many have ceased to thir.k, that enjoy-
ed that power a year ago. See the moth-
ers and children 'that only "one short year
ago, were in the enjoyment of life. No
thoughts then that their gay and fancy dress-
es would, ere the return of Christmas, be
changed for the sable garb that too plainly
tells of the death of him, who they fondly
1 11,, .1 .
nopeiv,ouiu t-e at nome tnis ennstmas, to
Jiut He that iides on hiirh doeth all things
well. Though that Great and Peniticent
Uoii has seen lit to take from this world a
widow, the child or the sister. And he for
whom yon mourn has yielded up his life in
o ,w.lJrt ..oc u e k. i x
goverument that ever existed beneath the I
canopy ot Heaven. hether that life was
yielded up on the battle field amid the roar
ot cannon, the peals ot musketry and clash j
of steel, or on the deck of a man-of-war, or j
m lus bertn, or
in the hospital, 'tis all the J
ame, lie died whne in the service ot his
country, died a glorious and honorable death.
4 1 ..1.1
uo.i grant tliar. ion-' ere another Christmas
Mini ana loving husmih, a iotm latner, or Usceola saw last feummer m one of lhe pns- is tho time to subscribe. The terms fori SG4
dear brother,!! is will be done. !fe that tern- ons ot the fcouth sven ivansas soldiers in r f '
pew the wind to the shorn lamb, will also irons, and he understood thev were to be "rC fo.Uows : "e COpy -VOar' l
temper the ways of adversity to vou the nut to death, as others had 'been Sur-h iwo copies, one year, So. Three copies,
comes its annual round, t his war may he gress, from the Secretary of tate. Ad
ended, the Stars and Stripes floating thnmgh- journed. Is the IIocsk, a resolution was
out the length and breadth of our wide do adopted instructing the Committee on Mili-
mam ; peace, Happiness, prosperity and the
hum ot industry resume its former great-
ue;s ; our union restorea ana Americans
learn to war no more.
1 am at long last enabled to indite to all
Tne passenger tram commenced runnintr on I
its regular schedule to this place on Thurs-1
day 17th inst. The freiirht trains do not I
come any tartiier than Sandy liidsre Station,
nor will not, as 1 am creditably informed,
l.r c... l, : ..e : 'tu I
ucn.ni; iuu u minis ' BMiiuir. auere may
be some special fit ight trains come this far, I
between now and then, but none runnin? on
regular schedules.
1 am very glad to intorm the travelling J
community that the accommodating and j
urbane conductor l aniel J . H ood, is still
in charce of the passenger train. Dan is a
whole-souled fellow, and just the man for
the place, as he was once an adopted citizen
ot the wilds ot Clearneld, and knows how to
be useful. Passengers desiring any inlorma- la
with all the assumed dignity and gruffucs:
we used to receive from the conductors on
ii.., 11 i i t AT- U.
ine i 1'iiu t iv. it-. x uuvuiuu liuui i'ii. i
111 ".I
v . v. i . I , i'..iw...i I., j. t , Y , i .'.'.in rmy tt-'iii , r i
" awicuuiv; . wi .......
iioiy urns. ui:au; j.iuih; o.T-.xi. i'i., luu- i
wi.i,., I I .... . V. W III I I Y I
t. -i-., , i . t-, ..
uii.K iu... x uuai.ciii.ud a..-. . ..ui.
1'" iiuin.-, ,-ic.i, aiiu o. j.-ji , ......
-... . . .1 in.. , , - . -. ,.,.! -i.i. 11.1,1 i i i .
rasi , arrive ai x iiinpsiiurg n.iu, .u., in
cave at 2 1 . 1., arriving at iyrone at 4,o0
: .,.,;i t:,. Vtv, r,g i
M., amlJExpres-s Train East, 10. 13 P. M.
Wearein-adua virettinffnntot the woods,
and we Phllipsburgers can halloo for we are
out, but j'ou Clearfielders must be content
a n i a .
wiiq t.ue j.roys aim vuirconi-s mr bialc-l-u i
milvrta'iWikvft" Wishino-th tfld-
i"lt t i tt nu . l I
ers of the Journal a Happy Christmas, and
ots of good things, 1 remain your friend
tOVERNMEnt Arms. The Government
which had not half a million muskets in all
the armories at the commencement of the
rebellion, now has in addition to the million
Clearfield and the rest of the "wild cat d is- House and the consignment of the offenders There's a vessel there going to California, main st8ekt, crRWEssviat, pa.
triet" that the rail-road has become a per- to the condemnation the Ahninhty. 5s" u- -'iat'H go the same way with the Chcsa-
iuanent "institution" to the growing me- merous other resolutions were introduced, Pe." On reaching the city the gentle- UNDKRSWXED haying taken th stocK
tropohs of this '.'Ancient village '' and we among thetn one ; by Air. Itolhns of 31a, dd rmation before Collector 4 c? have juft ltLI$i
are now within eight hours ot Philadelphia, elating "That this House is prompted by J ''omps. A visit was paid to a certain ves- ,,finr
four of Ilarrisburg and six of Pittsburgh, .iast Patriotism in favorintr thn edfis iw.s... 1, and sure enough the identical Irish wo- fcfcAMJNABLIi bOODS,
tion in regard to connecting of trains, will be release, for the sum of 53,000, of two pris
gl&dly informed by asking conductor Wood, oners of the Old Capital. Prom informa
Thev need have no fear of being answered tion received from a Senator, he was led to
and a halt placed in the hanus ot the men ot I
mr armies, enougn remsninew equip eignt,
hundred thousand men. lhere areaccou-
trements enough lor eighteen nundrea thoa-
sand men. It is not likely that, as a nation, disabilities received In the line of their du
we shall ever hereafter be caught unprepared t;es the saW pensions as are allowed to
w,. Anmw.nt nPfPlsit'lPS hav dp-
veloned all the resources which are required
-1 " In i'T" "V:rk"
supply the materials of war.
The hvnocritc is worse than the atheist ;
latter makes only a light jest ot religion,
former a sober one.
Read the new advertisements.
Dec. 15. In tqe Senate. 3Ir. Laue of
Khnj-i ;nirfiw.,i l.;n-w- i
t.?lT:h'1V.',J-''P. six at,on
land for colleges. The Message was referred
to the proper Committee. Garret Davis
called up his resolutions concerning exchange
ot prisoners, and made an onslaught upon
the Administration, denouncing its policy,
and callimr it the reisn of Abraham the First.
His speech was full of professions of hatred
for Secession and Abolitionism, and of bitter
denunciation or the policy or protecting black
soldiers. Keverdy Johnson replied, taking
ail and developed the iavonte beeess.on
doctrine ot the helplessness lot the lederal
Government (Irom our. brief reiort we
judire that 3Ir. Davis was in a hijrh state of
excitemen t. ) Mr. Hale denounced the Ken
tucky Senator's chanres as infamous. The
discussion was stopped bv referring the reso
lutions to the Military Committee. After
Kxecutive session, . the Senate adjourned.
In the House, the President recommended
John Iiogers, who captured the ringal,
have thanks or Congress and be promoted.
One of the soi-dlnuiit members from Louisi
ana (Mr. Cottman) sent in a resignation,
As his name was not on the roll, the paper
was not presented. 1 he v ays and Means
Committee reported a bill for t lie payment
of the invalid and other jiensions, and also a
bill tor the support ot the .Military Academy.
Some debate ensued upon the reference of
the President's Message, which went to the
usuaU ommittees, except . so much as relates
to the duty ot the Cnited states to guaran-
tee to every State a republican form of gov-
eminent, and to those tetates m which the
(government has been abrogated or over-
thrown, which was referred to abelect Com-
init tee of nme to report the bill necessary to
rry into eflect this duty, l he seven ad-
national standing Conimiftees, apointvd
under rule No. 1U2, were directed at once to
examine into the state of the accounts and
expenditures of the several Departments,
and report particularly, and said Committees
have all the powers of Committees of Invcs-
titration. The resolution calling for GeiK
McClellan's report was adopted,
Dec. l.v the Senate, Mj". Wilson
reported back a joint resolution tendering
the thanks of Congress to Major-General
Grant and to tie? officers and men of his
. . ..
eommanu, with a recommendation tor us
resolution of in..irv rel.-.tivp th tmt.
ment : by the llebels of our Kansas prisoners.
He made a statement that Capt. Brown of
had also been the course pursued by Quan-
trell and others in their raids in the vieinitv
..c i' i..i..x: 1.. i v f
son reported the back nav and bounty bill
with amendments. Mr. Sumner esJLv! km
the resolution relative to tk codmeioii of
the public laws. Adopted. The House
joint resolution f..r the adiournmcnt over the
holidays beinsr called un. it. w.-n l. wt hv Vi:n.
4 ; JSays, 25. A message was received from
the 1 resident, coniiuuiucatin.tr a statement,
in answer to a resolution of th last. Cm-
tary Allans to inquire into the alleged in-
humanity of the enemy toward our wounded
lers on
a resolution was a-
dopted declaring that the starvmar of our
prisoners deserves the execration of the
I tlWkL.Ul
cntion of the -war. whi h iniHnnirtn.l
bv the disunionists : that it is the "tlntv nf
the Jovcrnment. to nmsmMito 'the rnr iifil J
oliedience to the Constitution and the T.;iws I
are secured, and that the war shall not be
. i i . i n I
nrosecuieu lor ine nurnose oi eonnnest or t
subiuiration." Mr. Loveiov moved to lae (
the resolution on the table. The motion
was lost by 50 to 1 14. Debate arisimr on
the resolution, it was laid over. The House
then resolved that when it adjourned on
U ednesday, it be till the 5th of January.
Dec. 17. Is the Senate, Mr. Hale
made a personal explanation in regard to a
newspaper paragraph charging with bribery
Senator ot rvew-hnsrland, in securing the
l..i;.- W nt..l ..,o u
ded to. He had defended such prisoners,
- i. i : i .. . ,.u i
uui oiiiy iu ins eapaeii y us A oracticing law-
1 T ,,,, . . I
if.. Aim. nl.i.1 I . . .... -..t. ....... . . . 1 ..... . i
- ww.v ,Jy a. icwiuuuii iiMtc
ii.c !uii cti iuvwn.san.-u u.y ine i uuiciui v
x n. t..il. , . . , ... . , . I t... il... I J . .. - I
. . - . . . - . . i
vumiui wo. passi-u iu in-
i, . i". . ,,-iijir i . y. 'ti.iiri.i.i.ii x. i , i . . . . . , . . . . . . i .
n""'-i auuuiuucu i i is aic iitoicu
imlthuvc uej;iruiienis, ana as to ine pro-
pnety cl making the new military route to
tv ..A' ..j i i..
called for all official information about the
work mar of armored vesse s or monitors, r,
The Bounty Pay hill referred to the
Military Committee. The Const Survey re-
n.ist. Siirvev re- "
i 1 Tl. i :.i i j. I
uuri. was icuuiveu. j.iiu x lusiucni rt:iiL in .
h Wter iiddross,.,! to him bv thft fWd-
4 i cs " - i i-
men s Aid boc eties proposing a bureau for
The Committee on the Invalid Pensions
were instructed to inquire whether legisla-
r.cQrw e,v,nni th
ega representatives of persons who have
j;fi or . hereafter die. after discharced
fmm rniiit.irv service, from wounds or
.i ' rr-t . n 1 T
otneF - wnimime 01 ruunc uU3
was instructed to inquire and report necessa-
ry legislation to enable persons in the naval
and military service to avail themselves of
the benefit of the Homestead law. The
fVimmir.tPA nn TLmda and Canals were in-
uvery or luu payment oown on everv trans- Vn r C. To ti,. tw; TmT
action, under penalty of SI, 000 to 10.000 J'' ?r - 6 1 bliU
fine, one half to the informer TAbil was .3Ir;,Edert." offered resolutwns
offered granting land to a northern ii ihe S"t
railway and telegraph. Another (laM over) Vfr V . A i ' i ??' 7V t
to codify and simplify the public s atutes ZT' ?enr r,ffoItl0n' .ch
a i i. n i..;,.-i "'"" as adopted, instructing the Committee on
... iuauj-w-jni. jjuniMue resolution was i 1, 1 1 . .
o :Jr into the expc
; Z improving the Upper Kapids
t-'iii ii ii.i i it i . a ii iiii i i n: i i nil" ii it li 1 1 im t 'i l i i i i' i.i. , j - . - - . .
trrnnnil in f -i vri t Yrtsn .tin r It L-nl.lwiru oiJ 1
t V;i T 1 n T ii lownsl"Ps, wards, cities, and municipal cor-
oi the fight to use all men and all means to porations Jtll m ;1 hv fh
save the country Mr. Davis replied that tivdy for bonnties to volunteers in the li
the 1 resident had no power to raise men at n;nn -r- -...i e ..,...!..
the business of that branch ot sen-ice. Ad- 17 p j , " " ";vv"" .
journed to Monday. In the House, the ufw nd Aoy- ln.th
Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill "JV to l" the Gty
" , . . i ii Ti,..i.a - ot angels and redeemed spirits, in mansions
reJ- of unclouded IkhL Sweet be thv rest. Fa-
VOteu to uapi. ooiiii xiouj;rrs in tne xavy.
Structed to inquire; into the expediency and j Cut it out, and send for the Medicine at once. Ui
necessity of constructing and enlarging the of Qotmurnts. ; , v ,
J Northern Canals, in such a way aa mav be
, necessary to connect the waters of thellnd-
euuttuu .Mississippi wiui me great iaices,
toreport l.v bill ir otherwise. Mr. lUrr
sinni. with leave to report bv bill
or otherwise. On motion of Mr. McClurg,
a resolution was adopted calling for a copy
of the report of the Commissioners appoin
ted by the President to examine into the ac
counts ot the officers and men employed in
the Western or Missouri Department of the
Armv. Mr. Kogers gave notice of a bill to
increase the pay of privates and non-coni-niissioned
officers of the army; also a joint
resolution to refund to the States, counties.
tions declaring, first, that the only hope of
eaviiig the oow'ntrv is bv the most vigorous
proswutioil of wa'r t;,rt'he Constitution and
laws are obeyed in all parts or the country ;
declining all propositions for peace bv medi
tation or intervention, so long as a Rebel is
found in arms, and that there are only two
parties patriots and traitors; and second,
declaring it the dutv of Comness to nass all
necessary laws, and the people to render all
the aid in their power in crushing the Re
bellion, and briniriuff the leaders to condiirn
punishment; and third, thanking the sol
diers in the field for defending the principles
uoar to every American. Mr. Cravens
moved to lav the first resolution art tlie lul tle.
Negatived, 00 against 1W. The resolution
was then adopted 93 against 64. The
second resolution was adopted only one
vote being cast acainst it (Harris of" Md.l
was passctl with rtR5 ob;oction (Harris
afrnin 1 fiiVmr.,,l
)Fn IS. Ivrnr. Sfvitt Mr TT-,Knff
introduced a bill authorizing the PrcMilciit
() ,,0L,ot; ;ltft treaties with om-tn l.nn.lj nf
Tni;-ia nv nm..n At-
i,atk vvith .ltllendment? 'the llountv law.
Aho the bill amendatory of the Knrollment
act with amendments, one of them renealina-
tiie . JtM) commutation, and as to that he had
very serious doubts. Mr. Dixon offered an
amendment exempting clergymen from the
tlra It.
GoDEY's JiADY'S BOOK.: The January
number of Godey is before u, and contains
two extension fashion plate's, Wsides an al-
mnct ,..:f.r .C ,.,.u:. n,i
...v .u.iuj v.! ..y.c-iL. uuucj
knows the wants ot the ladies, and never
fails to please their fancies, nor to eratifv
thcir ehlre- lhe present numlier is urc
to admired by the ladies, and the only
wonder is that so many are without it. Now
one year, $G. Four copies, one year, $
F;,- nnn A ...
the person sending the club, $10. flight
comes, one year, ana an extra copy to the
person sendimr cluh, $15. Eleven copies.
one j-ear, and an extra copy to the person I
sending club, $'20. Address, L. A. Godey,
23 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
. .. . .. T .1 c
New York mi Tuesday the I5th, had a seat
. , a .... a Llil . - , iv 1 11 Si. VII ,11'. Hi I
oesiue nn irisit women, whose appearance
showed her to have been drinkintr too freelv
.... I
lie was discussing the capture of the Chesa
peake with another gentleman, when the
women scornfully interrupted. "That isn't
all, neither. There's things going on in
J liiladelphia that 11 surprise you still worse
wan was found on board her. Beyond this
ifc s only necessary to add, that any set of
bueeaneers who cut a vessel out of this port
w,u have their Jiands liul. Collector Ihoni-
shas tne means to avert any such attempt.
On the 15th Pec. bv Key. Dr. Thomn-
son, Maj. W. Ross IlARTsnoRN, of Cur-
wensville, to Miss ALICE U RAZEE, of Aca-
ueinia, 'a.
On the 15th instant, at the residence of
the bride s father in Beccaria tn.. bv Itev.
J. S. Lee, Mr. Lewis A. Stoneroad, of
iewistown, i'a., to 3liss Dannie 11. Shoff,
oi LiearneJd county.
On the 27th of Oct last, at the Methodist
parsonage in Cnrwensville, bv the Kev. L
31. Gardner, 3Ir. J. A. Stixe, of M'Vev
tnn.n 1).. Al: V..... T e OI
1."?"' ,A. "J.-xisa .ujia iui ui iear
' "'
v i-. . . . . .
ln iirard township, on the 12th instant.
' .... . L
t xivb k'r i m-nnTTT .1 ,..
.'wilh UI.1.J,, villa, euu ui iLicAduici aim
isaiUa Murray, aed 1 year, 3 months, and
. , - i .
,,.8 i
tt. -i
Happy beyond description art thou, our
v... f 1 ' , '
nine orotner.
lhy absence IS felt; but, we
u'7,ru nocjor ,l f n i
Our loss is
- '? " -
! S
, " "v"v"- J'" "V e-"
ana anectionate little sister, wno lias nut a
pm , ; 1- l
? mnths preceded thee, to the climes of
KnlSS. tione Iromeartn to Heaven : happv
- ha- , Aavanfm1fa'fVZ
ther, mother, brothers, sisters, all grieve at
thy absence, our Elmer, but we shall meet
again, never to seperate in that rest prepar
ed lor the people ol Uod. URoriiEa T. h.
In Bojtets tn..on the 15th ult. Henrietta.
daughter of Francis V., and llosanah Cam
bell, aged 3 years, 10 months, and 15 days.
hembold's extract buchu.
The great diuretic.
The great diuretic.
Heubold's extract bdcho
Uehbold's extract bpchu.- Thbsbbat diuretic.
And a pogitiyaand Specific Remedy for Diseases
"7 i?
0an. cl i j. Cofniiill
FODDERCPTTERS of a superior make
for C reitfonalj's rrlces, at MEKRELL
and MtJLEllV, CleartielJ, Pa. "
SALT ! SA LT !! SALT III A prUije arti
clo t.f frronod xlum salt, 4it up in patent
ewKs. t 53.2j per acK, at the cle;r eni'a store of
Aioveoti'er li li. JUUfSOJ.
OUit WANTEJ . A good 8oWr, indastri-
stant eiiiplojmeut, at ood waeK. bv applyla;
soon to JOHN GCELIC1I.
Sept. 10, 1853. Clearfield. Pa.
UTKAY BULL. Cauio trcsipassins on the
3 premises of the subscriber in Cheat township,
about the 16th of November last, a bull, one year
old, past, with a white stripe along the back, strip
el sides, blotchy face and short horns ; the own
er is requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take him away or he will be sold
as the law directs. A. T. BOWERS
December 9. 1353-pd
Al CTIO. ELR. The undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield count that. h. ..-in t.
tend to calling sales, in any part of the county,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
May 13 Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li-
cense are subject to a penalty of $0, which pro
vision will be enforced against those who may vi
olate the same.
Clr.arfirhi County, s: In the matter of
irir j the appraisement of Real Estate of
-7Q' Benjamin Yinelkiir. deceased, setting
out to the widow 5300. her claim wan nn thn Srlt
day of September 18H.1 read and confirmed Ni Si
ana ordered that publication be made in one
newspaper published in said County notifying all
persons interested that unless exceptions are filed
nn or before the first day of next term will be con-
nrmea ansoluteiy. isy the Court.
JNov. IS. IS6.5. 1. ii. UAHijEK. Clerk of O. C.
f Cl ear field Comity, xs : In tho mat
1 1 ter tf the Estate of Isaac Kline.
S deceased, the appraisement of the
Personal Kstate of said deceased, set out to the
widow on her claim of SJOO, was on the 2d day of
November 1S.6:!, read and confirmed Ki Si and the
Court ordered that publication be made in one
newspaper published in said County notifying all
persons interested that unless exceptions are tiled
on or before the first day of the next term the
Eine will be confirmed absolutely. I5y the Court.
Nov. 23. loij.1. I. a BARtiEK, Clerk of 0. C.
HIES of Clearfield and vicinity that she
has opened a Millinery, Notion and Trim
ming store, on Second Street, next door to
I happy to receive orders for either work or coods.
'dd rj
I chasing often she will alwayahavo on hand the
verJ latest styles ot Uress iriuimings. Hats, Nu
bias ,Uoods, Collars .Sleeves , Ac., which she will I
I sell at the smallest possible profit for cash.
eicarueia, ra. jmov. is. iso.j.
All tho Merchants ia the neighborhood of Cur
wensville, because I have hjought on and opened
a targe ana wen assorted stock ot
which I am selling at extremely low prices for
casn. my siock ernoraces an tue vanotv usualiv
rept.'.D .f coan,rJ store. and elected with an eye
suit these
I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the artf
c t K,eeP.: .8n.(i tl!e,r labnl,usy low prices
and examined for yourselves, you will exclaim, in
iae ,anSuaSe oi tue viueen ot tno bouta
1 will merely say, come and see for yonrsclve3
iur i irei enuaueu luniou suit your lasies as
J- r C -1 . :. tl 1 .1 r - :i . .
wit I nQ 1 1 m, r..
Lumber and ail kinds of produce also taken in
exenange tor goods,
J-1 Ml t V a.
Curwensville. Oct. 22, 1862. J. P. IRVIN.
comprisins Groceries, Dmsrs. Oueensware.
Boots and iShoes, Clothing. Muslins, l)o Laines
Prints, S-attinets, flannels, etc,, whiah
they offer at low prices
Grain, Poric, Shingles jiad Boards, tasen in ex-
change for goods. We respectfnliy asK a share
ot patronage. Uall and examine our stocK.
Curwensville. JLec. 11. lilrFLE 4 FAUST.
N u. The accounts of Patton, Jlinclo A Co.. are
n our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav
ing unsettled aeconnts. to call and settle the same
as we desire to have the booKs closed.
December 11, 1861. IIIPPLE A FAUST.
a 'chase" after 'gkee.vbacks'' !
Excitement in Lumber-City, I'a,
Better time was never achieved , than that made
by the citizens of Lumber City and vicinity, oh
the announcement that Kirk & Spbscer had iust
received and were opening at their new store room,
tho largest and lent neleeted start: of goods ever
brought to this section of the -,n,tA, :a,ul that
mey were selling tnem at astonishingly low nrices
, ,,. ., ... -
rWRii IF pr'ae .,eretof'e P;!1 fr goods, bad
camo; and the ruonins commenced: Gm.
lPns bn"d away 'u , '
"'"i v"r' f
'Ke ia
the countv.
The public may confidently expect the running
. ! . . , J r." """"o
to continue from day today, as the y are d.ter-
minea lo sen gooas cheaper than any body else
ThAll. .tt wilt b L,i , ,ni.r.nL
Their etoak will be fonnd to comprise every
thing that the people my desire Dry goods. Gro
ceries Hardware. Queensware, Drugs, Jiedicines,
Mats ana caps, JbooU ana a noes, croonvs, buckets,
Rope Ao., Ac.
Kbady made clothisg, particulaj attention is
directed to this department, as they defy compe
tition in regard to quality and prices.
The Ladies are particularly teoue.ated to call
and examine their large and -varied stock of dress
goods and trimmings, shawls, coats, gontags,
scarts, nuoias. nooas, lovea hosiery Ac.
Lumbermen are invited o call. a iti their in
tention to keep constantly on band, everything
tbatwill secure to them a complete outfit.
arr.everybody can be exactly suited by call
ing at itri 4- Spencer's New and Cheap Store.
Their motto is "Quick bales and Small Profit.
for Cash or ready pay " Timber, Boards, Shin
gles, and alt kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for goods. .
Up River Lumbermen can be supplied, without
travelling to any ' Mecca of Hombugory."
Lumber city, Pa , December 9th 1S6.V
isaac kirk. : : : : : :. : : : h. w-srsscER.
ED LANDS. In pursuateo of an Act of
Assembly passed the 13th day of March, 1815, en
titled an act to amend as act directing the mode
of selling unseated land for taxes, and for other
purposes. : ,
The Commissioners cf Clearfield County, Tm ,
will disposo of the following lands at the Court
house on Tuesday the 12th day of January, A. D.
ISol, to wit:
Ac" Pcr- Warrantee. Township.
4179 1001 Jamea Wilson, 1 Fox.
r 4ft . Kratxer,FultooInich Bradford.
15(1 Edward Shoemaker, Burnside.
1 60 in .Tnhn Mz-CUIUnil nu.tn.
1033 103' James Barns. ' Karthaua.
:y VVm. Biier, I'eon.
V) Brown A Boy Won,' Beccaria.
3l Henry Mussr, Burn tde.
15s l"hiHpThomw, do do
12t Wcorge Boss, do do
223 Jacob Alussersmith do do
lii. John Cunningham, do do
9S John Graff. d do
170 Paul Zantiingvr, do - d.
100 .Matthias Plough', Mo Id..
2I'J Jacob Graff. ff' do
433 133 Uavid Evans. Chest.
400 Joseph Ruper, . Ilecaror
100 Benjamin HulM,
30fl John 1'oughtoii, I'ergusou.
30 Phtletus Clark, Fox
30ft Wm. Wilson, .lordan
22ft .lohn Morgan. Morris.
;i4. Christopher Baker, do do
t'3 Andrew Douglas, do do
200 Andrew Kci.-s, Perm.
300 .1. Morgan. Woodward.
100 R Whitehead. do do
By order of the Conihiissmners.
Nov. 23. 1863. WM. S. BRAftl.KV. Clerk
New (roods ExtreineTv l-'ow.'
ville were wonnded. 'Tis true, that f wa '-shot
at, trot missed," but I have prtn;urei nibr ew
and largo assortment of gowld f the eitr. which
I am disposing of at lower rates than any other
huuso in the county, . ,
READ!! HUM)!!! READ!!'!
Among the Ladies' dress goods will be found
Poplins, shallies, detains, lawns, and a variety of
other seasonable articles, at tho lowest war pri
ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest
ment should call and examine my stock.
Rye. oats and corn for sale. Also, bacon, fish,
etc., at very low figures.
Tcst sugar at from 12 to 15 cents per pound
Best Syrup at 510 cents per gallon. All other
groceries at the same rate. Boot and fhocs, al
Shoe iirndings, cheap..
Now is the time to btiy, when goods ar4 pleaty ;
and all I ask is, for persons to examino .my grtods
and I feel persuadod they will not go awav with
out purchasing .1. I. THOMPSON.
CurwensviIle, May 20th. ISfi3-j.iT.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goodg, Groceri g.
Lumber, Shingles, &c.
ruTLirsBvnn, centhe cokstv, texxa.
CARLISLE A CO., liave received ad are just
opening the largest assortment of tho
and moat seasonable goods ever birougfit this
section of country, consisting of
Notions, Hardware aiit .Queerisware
Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop
ekirts ; Hats, Caps, Boot and Shoes ;
Ready-made Clothing latest styles;
School Books and Stationary ;
Rice-flour, Farina and Com Starch;
Drugs, Oils, Paipts. Putty and Glass : Coal-oil
Lamps, Wood and VVillow ware ;
Pipes, Tobacco and .Seears; Fish. Salt, Nail,
Coal and Linseed Oils; t lour. Feed and
Provisions; and nil articles usual
ly kept in a country store
All of which will be sold CHE A P FOR CASH
or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles.
Nor IS. 18l3-tf CARLISLE, A CO.
J. P. KRATZER. has jut received the largest as
sortment oi uress xoods ror Ladies, now in
the county, consisting in part of
186:5 Cashmeres. Merinos. Rep-delaiue.plald8.tl&n:t
parmeuo. tsriiliant, foplins, Alpacca,
i T i x r . - . . . . .
jsjj uereg8,ijwni, 1 rint. .-iiKS,l.osicr-
clothe. Ginghams, ankeen. Lin
en, Laoe, Edging. Velvet-trim-
o I ining.Collerette.Iiraid, Kelts,
. e l'ress-onttons, Hosiery, v eils, .sc'ji, Cor
s e
o c
sr. J"
ri., voiiara, iiooub, iuttia. ejarps,
Jloop-Skirts.lialmorals.Coiit j.Shawts,
Afantles. Furs, Notions, Bonnets,
Hats, Ribbons, Flowery Piuiues.
MEN'S V, EAn. :
Such asClothg.Cassini'jre, SatinttFlan-
4 S
nei,.iean, iweci, tottonifie, Muslin.
Italian-cloth. Velvet. Plusli. 'Check,
Ticking, Drilling, Linen Crash,
Serge, caBvues. Podding .incy,
Vesting. Coats. Pant. Vests
Over-coats, fc.hawls. Boys Jackets, Over
o n
alls. Drawers, Casimierc fhirt. Lin
er. -ShirU, Boots snd Shoes, .
II .its and Caps, ic , Ac.
Such as Carpet, Oil-cloth. Blinds, Cur-
tirig. TasseLs, Cora. Clocks, Looking
g lasses, Lamps, Chnrns,Tubs. Luck
ets,Brooms.Bnihes,Baskets, Wash
boards. Butter-bowls, Seives,
Flat-irons, Coffee-mill, Bed
cords. Bags, Wall-paper. Carpet-ohain
Cotton yarn, Candle-wicx. Work-baskets,
Lanters, Umbrellas, Buffalo
Robes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ax
es, cad Augers, Ac, 4c, c.
"Such as Violins, Flutes and. Fifes.
s o
O o
t t
e b
a tf.
3 C
m tm
o a
iu6s, vuuicouohwim, Med
icines, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt,
ft. ft-
2 2 iC'iag Trimmings, ' Shoe Fndingg
M dooks, nans and Spines. Glass
and Putty, OLi. Vinegar. Tobacco,
Segars, Candles, Spices, Powder,
Shot, Lead, Grind-stones, Raft
ing Rope, etc., etc, etc.,
All of whioh will be gold on the most reasonable
terms and the highest market price paid for all
kinds of country propuce J P. KRATZER
October 21, 1863. Clearfield. Pena'a.
Marj3ville, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber, ?
'Boards. Paw Logs or Shinglrg.
Oct. II, 1363. - JAMES E. WATSONS