Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, December 02, 1863, Image 2

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    Raftsman s Journal
CLEARFIELD. PA.. DEC. 3. 1863.
made's Asanr movino.
The Dews from the Army of ibe Potomac is
good. Our men hava crossed the Rapidan,
nd with very little resistance. The Rebels
lowly fall back, and contract their lines.
Heavy cannonading was heard nearly all day
on Friday, but no particulars have been re
ceived ofthe cause or the result. It was sup
posed to be along the plank road near Orange
Court House, the probable battle-field if Lee
fights at ail in his present position. Moseby
made a dash on Thursday night and captured
one of our forage-trains. Lec is supposed to
have not more than 50,000 men. Ewe 11 has
been compelled to give Vp his command in
consequence of his wound breaking out afresh,
nd Early takes bis place. The Rebel cavalry
is less than 6,000 in number. Meade's army
is full ot enthusiasm, and eager for a brush.
Later. On Friday our forces advanced
from the fords at wWcb they crossed the Rapi
daa, and formed Une'df battle. At 1 o'clock
p. m., a contest began r-n the road leading to
ward Orange Court-IIouse, but the euemy did
not reply with artillery. At 4 r. ., nill'i
Corps approached our center, and at 4 heavy
musketry was heard, proving that our Third
Corps was eugaged. Up to 6 o'clock our
casualties In tba center were few. The battle
ground was in a wood, and it was difficult to
ascertain positions. On Thursday afternoon
Gen. "Gregg's cavalry drovo the Rebel cavalry
back -upon their supports, and then himself
retired bis loss is said to bo 250, which is
very large. But then our 5th Corps came up
and forced -the enemy back. In the mean
litre, ea. Frcucn, with the 31 Corp, had a
conflect with Ewell (on our right). Ho held
his position, though losing severely, and re
ports the capture of 900 Rebels. On Friday
morning, it was found that the Rebels had fal
len back two miles from our center toward
Orange Court-House. This day skirmishing
opened briskly, with considerable artillery
righting along our whole line up to 1 P. m.,
when :t became very severe on both sides, and
o continued until dark. On Saturday opera
tions began at day break, Gen. Meade advan-
Mnir tn Iho front Pibt 6it iinl
until noon, and it was thought that the enemy
would slowly retreat and decline any general
engagement. Thus far our losses are not
heavy, and the Rebels seem to be unablw or
unwilling to make a determined stand ; but it
is guessed they will do so at or near Orange
The details of the great victory over tha
Rebels at Chattanooga, which we publish to
day, are received with joy, everywhere. Tha
victory is decisive. The rebels have been
driven from their strong bold. Their army is
put to flight, and our victorious troops are in
hot pursuit of the broken and disheartened
rebel columns, who are fleeing towards Altan
ta, Georgia. Abandoned wagon?, caissons,
cannons, stragglers, the burning of bridges
and army stores along the road of retreat, at
test the utter rout of the rebel army. We
have captured a large number of prisoners,
fifty-two caQnons, Uve thousand email arms,
camp and garrison equipage, and ten flags.
This glorious victory over the enemy and his
flight towards Atlanta relieves Burnside's
beleaguered force at Knoxville, and Long
street's isolated corps will have to abandon
the siege and seek other quarters (or safety.
There was no fighting by Grant's army on
Friday. Bragg'a forces were concentrating
near Dalton and -below there, intending to
make a stand. An order from Bragg on the
26th recalled Longstreet from before Knox
ville, and be is now trying to gel lo Dalton by
a roundabout road. The situation all the way
from Knoxville to Bridgeport is all that our
aide cao desire. News from Buruside is to
he 25th. The north part of Knoxville bad
toea burned. Geo. Burnsid was cbeerfui
and confident.
John Morgan, and six of his offices Capts
Bennett, Taylor, Sheldon, Raines, Hocker
smith, and Mageo escaped from the Ohio
Penitentiary on Saturday morning, between
xwo o'clock and daylight. John Morgan, on
retiring, changed with Lis brother Dick from
the iop cell to the lower tier, and dug their
way out under the wall of the jail.
Costihektal Mosthly. This truly bigh
toned Monthly for December is before us
spirited and spicy as usual. . Tbe cation,'
the leading article, and that on 'Reconstruc
tion," will be read with much interest. The
'Continental" ia deserving of a liberal pat
ronage. Price, $3 a year. Address, John F.
Trow, 50 Greene St., N. Y.
An Acknowledgement. The editors of the
Clearfield Republican, in their last issue, give
os much praise lor one "truthful sentiment"
on the subject of the war" a compliment,
which we acknowledge, but cannot return for
.want of the tact.
Voli'xteebs, Attention ! For the derange
menu of the system incidental to the change
ot diet wounds, Eruptions, and exposures
which every Volunteer is liable to, there are
do remedies so safe, convenient ,and reliable as
Heljoway'a PHI and Oiotmont, 26 cents per
box. 209
Two cases have been determined by the
general court martial which possess a national
interest. William T. Smitbson, a banker of
Washington, and John K. Stetler, a merchant
of Philadelphia, have been tried for serious of
fences against the Government, and sentenced
to five years, imprisonment in the Albany
Penitentiary. Mr. Smitbson and Mr. Stetler
each belong to a representative class and
their punishment will produce good results.
The former was found guilty of hording treas
onable correspondence with the rebels the
latter accepted a contract for furnishing the
army with coffee, and gave instead an adulter
ated article. The offence of Mr. Smithson
was particularly heinous. There is a class of
men living under the protection ot the Gen
eral Government who take pride in boasting
of their disloyalty ; rejoicing over every de
feat, and weeping dVor every victory. In
Washington city this class is particularly
large. Before the war broke out there were
certain citizens of tb.at metropolis who deem
ed it fashionable to be Southern in their ideas,
and to sneer at everything Northern. When
the war began, their fashion became offensive
and insolent. The most honorable among
theui quietly touk up their beds and walked
within the limits of the Southern army, con
tent to cast their lot with the rebellion in
which they believed. It was not so with oth
ers. They had lived under the Government
for years. They hid enjoyed its patronage,
and made mouey out of its necessities. They
were content to continue making money, and
all this while to oppose, denounce, and en
deavor to destroy the Government. Mr.
Smithsou's opposition was of the most serious
nature, He was a banker, and stood high in
the society ot Washington. He had many
opportunities of obtaining information, and of
gaining access to the secret counsels of the
Government. All the information thus gain
ed be diligently communicated to the enemies
ofthe Government. The result was that -cur
enemies Mere thoroughly apjrised of what we
were doing, and were enabled to strike their
blows with vigor and effect.
Mr. Stetler sinned as deeply as Mr. Smith
son, lie professed to be a loyal man. His
business was th preparation and sale of cof
fee, and the Government entered into a con
tract with him to furnish the army with large
quantities. He received his own price a fair
price, which enabled hiui to make an abun
dant profit. It was a pure business transac
tion ; and had .Mr. Stetler been a reasonable
man he might have retained bis self-respect,
the good opinion of friends, and prospered.
He went beyond this, however, and, for the
purpose of gaia, adulterated the cofiee with
delelerio'us substances. He was detected,
tried, aud punished. Men guilty of the. of
fences charged upon Mr. Stetler have brought
more scandal and shame upon this Govern
ment than any other class. Thousands of
dollars have been unlawfully obtained by
these practices. Nor did rh vii nJ
Our brave soldiers bave suffered. The war
has other rigors added to those tbat necessa
rily accompany it, aud men have gained wealth
by the unnecessary miseries of our friends
and brothers. We are glad tiiat examples
have been made of Mr. Stetlerand Mr. Smith-
son, lneir offences can have no possible ex
cuse, and we trust that all who si a likewise
shall likewise bo punished.
Once more wc appeal, says the TbiTa
Enquirer, to the southern sympathizers in the
loyal States. Again we inquire if they have
no bowels of compassion lor the oppressed be
yond the Potomac 1 They burled fieree, if
not eloquent invective against the Govern
ment tor the oiidnigut arrest ot Vallandiq
h am j why do they not hurl as noisy thunders
against the military despot who invaded the
honse of John Minor Butts iu the dead of
night 7 Is a man who goes about making
violent harrangtics against bis Government,- in
the loyal States, more to their taste than a
Union mau in the South, who stays quietly at
bis heme atteuding to his own affairs? Is
the bouse of the Northern agitatorand malcon
tent more sacred than the home efthe orderly
and quiet Southern patriot ? Jf these are not
the views of the sympathizers, why are they
not heard from on the sutject of the cruel
treatment of Mr. Botts 1
The contrast between the course of Mr.
Botts and that of Valiandigh am is as broad aa
the diflerence between the light ' of day and
midnight.. The latter was a brawler and mis
chief maker, fomenting divisions among a
people who should bg united in their efforts to
avert a olow aimed at the life of the Republic.
The other is the victim of the greatest crime
ever perpetrated agatust humanity yet, being
-within the lines of the conspirators, he main
tained a discreet and dignitied silence, giving
them no just causa to persecute bitu. Val
iaspicham was arrested on charges, fried and
convicted. Mr. Botts was arrested on a mil
itary warrant.without provocation.at the mere
wbim of an upstart Rebel General, for bav
iugventertainod General M it ads at dinner.
Hence it would appear, to an unsophisticated
mind, tbat the men who went iuto spasms
over the arrest of Vallanpiguam should have
some indignation to bestow ou the persecutors
of Mr. Botts, But nothing of the kind is
beard. 'That," as Ephraim Smooth says,
'-isaotatall in their line."
Major White, State Senator elect, now a
prisoner at Richmond, came to City Point
with the Surgeons, when a dispatch was re
ceived from Richmond ordering the M3jor to
be returned to prison, which was done-
The siegeof Charleston continues uointorup
ted. Gen. Gilmore has been throwing soma
shell into the city, but with what effect is not
known. Rebel accounts say tbat but little
damage was done.
It Is said that tbe rebels bave 2,000,000
bales of cotton accumulated at Atlanta', Geo. .
In our issue of the 18th November we pub
lished an article headed "The Quota ot Penn
sylvania," in which we remarked that "should
the matter ot filling up the Union ranks be
placed upon the ground of patriotism" instead
ot trying to arouse "political prejudices a
gainst that system" (volunteering), "there
would ba little difficulty in raising Pennsylva
nia's quota by volunteers" providing "the
proper encouragement (was) giveu by the
press and people throughout the country, in
connection with the large bounties now offer
ed by the Government."
The editors of the Clearfield Republican, in
their issue ot November 25th, comment at
some length upon vhat we then said. Read
the following extracts from their article, iU
which they define their position on the sub
ject of recruiting the Union armies:
"We certainly feel under a deep obligation to
our neighbor for this unqualified endorsement of
the position we have held ever since the President
threw off all disguise committed himself body
and soul to the Abolitionist, and consented to
make this ma.T,notfor the restoration of th U
nioit .but fur the extermination of nesrro slarrry."
'We are not, a? our neighbor insinuates, in fa
vor of a draft. By no mmwx. The whole ma
chinery ofthe draft is in the hands of the Aboli
tion is-ts; and even if we were sure that the Demo
crats would be fairly treated in every instance,
we would like it none the better, for the reason
that 'patriotism cjih take none of litem them as
long us it is a war for the extermination of States
aud State institution."
Now, we conceive the plain tnglish of the
above to be, that thejeditors of the Clearfield
Republican are averse to filling up the Union
ranks, and for two reasons the first, because
they imagine that the war is "for the exter
mination of Slavery" and second, because
of their opposition to a draft.
Then first : Is this war "for the destruction
of slavery, or the restoration ol the Union "
We leave Governor Bramlette, of Kentucky,
answer this question. In a letter dated No
vember 7th, 1863, in reply to a citizen of that
State, who asserted that "the o' ject of the
war is not for the purpose of restoring the U
nion, but for the overthrow of the institu
tion of Slavery," (and . reiterated by the Re
publican), Governor Bramlette says :
But you say the object of the war is to destroy
Slavery aud bankrupt the slaveholders. Tha"t
the destruction of Slavery may be a result ofthe
war seeing now a strong probability ; but such if
not the object . . Rebels made war or dismem
berment an absolute necessity. We had to sub
mit to the destruction of ourGoveruuieot, or fight
to preserve its life."
This is the testimony of a Kentucky slave
holder, lie 'unqualifiedly declares that the
destruction of slavery is not the object ot the
war, but lo preserve the life of the Government.
Which will you believe, Governor Bramlette
or the editors of the Republican f The one a
loyal Southern Slaveholder, the other North
ern Copperheads. The former openly thauks
God, "though he has sustained loss of prop
erty by this Rebellion, I bave not lost my Gcv
ernmeut" whilst the latter secretly sympa
thise with the rebels and openly condemn ev
ery messurtt of the Administration to peserve
the lifo of the Nation.
ine second position, that the editors of the
Republican are opposed to filling up tbe Uuion
ranks, "because; of their opposition lo a
draft," needs no special comment, tor they
positively declare ", We areas in favor of a
'draft; by no means," and they "would
"like it none tbe better, even if we (they)
"were sure that the Democrats would be
"fairly treated in every instance." And why
this oppositiou t They answer, "For tbe
reason lhat patriotism' can take none of them
there" so long as they can make their readers
believe it is "a war for the nigger." But is
this patriotic war, 'a war for tbe nigger V
Lot us hear what Governor Bramlette thinks ol
the putriotlun ol those, who make such special
pleas as "this is a war, not lor tha restoration
of the Union, but for the extermination of ne
gro slavery." In the letter referred to above,
he says ;
Did it ever occur to you how closely allied is
the patriotism of those who are not willing to save
the Union without Slavery, and those who are
not willing to save it with Slavery t
The patriotism of these two classes is exactly
tbe same. It is a low grade of patriotism, and I
confess I see no preference between them.
Though twin sentiments. they are in constant dis
pute. So nhort is the vision and feeble the grasp
of their Unionism, that they neither see nor can
they grasp any object or thought of a great free
government. Tbe '-.nigger" bounds the horizon
of their vision of free government. What, to
aucb,is the grand progression of our race ? What
care they for the growth, the prosperity, the hap
piness ad development of the Anglo-American ?
What care they for that grand nationality which,
tbe Union secures, and which, like the Providence
of God, covers us "at home and abroad, on the
laud r the sea V What, to such, is the great
fundamental idea of the sovereignty of man in
free government ? Withrt government --lives,
moves, and, has its being" in "the nigger."
A magnificant photograph of the editors of
the Republican, is that. Their song by day
and by night is "nigger, nigger, Digger."
Governor Bramlette must have had the editors
of the Republican iu his mind's eye when be
penned the above paragraph, for certain he
could not by accident bit upon so good a pic
ture. He must bave bad tbe originals before
Next, the Governor characterizes those who are
continually finding fault with the measures adop
ted to suppress the rebellioni&s a thorn "rankling
in the body politic," who irritate and keep alive
the rebellion. He remedy he gives is "tbe sup
pression of the rebellion." And bow is this to be
done ? By throwing obstacles in the way of filling
up the Union ranks? Xayl For the Governor
says '-If we refuse to sustain our armies in the
" field, we help the rebellion." Are the editors
ot the. Republican free from such faults? That
they are perfect fanatics in the business of faalt
finding. we presume no one will deny. And how
about filling up the Union armies ? Do they real
ly desire this to be done when they call on their
political opponents, exclusively, to enlist, and de
nounce ths conscripting of men a"hirgkfand un
fair, arid unconstitutional, and despotic" ? Do
they wish to fill up the Union ranks when they in
sinuate that if any -Democrats' are drafted here
after, '-fairly" or not. that the "patriotism" of
our brave boys who are now fighting the battles of
the Union 'rv7 tale none of them there" ? Sure
ly, such expressions are not patriotio nor will they
benefit the Union cause Nay ; according to Gov.
Bramlette, they "help the Rebellion." What do
you think, reader? ' -
Read the new advertisements-
Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga Val
ley and Missionary Ridge Taken.
3,000 Prisoners, 5,000 Small Anns, 52
Cannons, and 10 Flags captured.
Our Troops in Pursuit.
On the 23d November, at 11, 30 a. m., Gen.
Grant ordered a demonstration against Mis
sionary Ridge to devvlope the force holding
It. The troops marched out, formed in order
aud advanced in Hue of battle as if on parade.
The object of the movement was not only to
ascertain the strength of the enemy, but to oc
cupy the two bold knolls situated in front of
our left, half way between our Hues and Mis
sionary Ridge.
The troops moved out of their position just
belore 1 o'clock, p. m. and remained in line
lor three quarters of an hour, in full view of
the enemy. At last everything being ready,
Gen. Granger gave the order to advance, and
Gens. Hazeii and Willick rushed out simulta
neously. The rebels watched the formation and move
ment from their picket lines and rifle pits,
aud from the summit of Missionary Ridge,
tiv hundred feet above us, and thought it was
a review aud drill ; bo openly, so deliberately
aud so regularly was it all done as the line ad
vanced, preceded by skirmishers, and at 2
o'clock, p. m., reached our picket lines.
They opened a rattling volley upon the reb
el pickets, who returned it, and ran into their
advanced lines of rifle pits. After them went
our skirmishers, into them, along theoHntie
of the line ol 2,500 troops, which Gen. Thom
as bad so quietly displayed, until we opened
Prisoners assert that tltey thought the wholi
movement was a review and general drill, and
that it was too late to bend to tbe4- c itupK oc
reinforcements, and th.it tliey were iii-.-r-whelmed
by lorce of numbers. It was a sur
prise in open daylight.
At 3 p. it., the important advanced posit?!"-)
of Orchard Knob, and the lines and b-ft.
were in our possession, and an-.inemeni?.
were ordered for holding ttieui dining the
On the 24th, at daylight, Gen. Thomas h id
5,000 men across the Tennessee and e.-tabii-li-ed
on its south bank, and commenced tint
construction of a pontoon bridge about tix
miles above Chattanooga.
The rebel steamer Dunbar, repaired at the
right moment, rendered effective uidint.iis
crossing, carrying over 0,000 men.
By night fall Gen. Thomas hd seized the
extremity of it isiotiaiy Ridge, lan.e.st the
river, and was entrenching liimeii. (Jen.
Howard with a brigade upened coin nuii ieal iu
with him fiom Cliauauo'ga uu iuc ouutli side
of the river.
Skirmishing and cannonading continued all
the day on the left and centre.
Gen. Hooker scaicd Ibis tops of Lookout
Mountain lrom the Valley of Lookout Creek,
drove the rebels around the Point, captured
some 2,000 prisoneis, and established liims.ill
high up the mountainside, iu full iow ol
Chattauooga. ;
Thi- the biocKaae, and now steamers
were ordered from Bridgeport toChattanooga.
Tbey had before jnly run to Kelley's Ford, i
whence ten miles of hauling over the mountain
roads, and twice across the Tennessee on poll
toOB bridges, brought us our supplies.
All night the front of Missionary Ridge, on
the extreme left, and the side ot Lookout
Mountain, on the estreme right, blazed with
the camp tires of loyal troops.
Ibe day hud been one of dense miats and
rains, and much of General Hooker's battle
had been fought above the clouds, whiah coti
cealed bim from our view, but from which his
musketry was heard.
At nightfall the sky cleared, and tbe foil
moon (the traitor's doom) shone upon the
beautilul scene until 1 a. m. Twinkling
sparks upon the mountain side showed tbat
picket skirmishing was going ou ; thou it
A brigade si-ut from Chattanonga crorsed
the Chattanooga Creek, and opened communi
cation with Hooker.
Gen. Grant's headquarters during the after- .
noon of the 23d and the diy ol the 21th were
in Woods' redoubt, except when, in the
course of the day, he rode along the advanced
line, visiting the headquarters of the several
commanders in the Chattanooga Vallev.
At daylight on the 25th the stars and stripes
were descried on tho peak of Lookout. The
rebels had evacuated the mountain. General
Hooker moved to descend tne mountain and
striking Missionary Ridge at the Rossville
Gap, to sweep on both sides and on its summit.
The rebel troops were seen as soon as it was
light enough, streaming by regiment and bri
gade along the narrow summit ot Missionary
Ridge, either concentrating on the right to
overwhelm Sherman or marching for the rail
load and raising the siege.
They had evacuated the valley of Chatta
nooga. Would they abandon that of a Chick
amauga? The twenty pounders and rided
guns of Woods' redoubt opened on Missionary
Ridge. Orchard Knob sent its compliments
to tbe Ridge, which wiib rifled Parrotts hii
swered, and the cannonade thus commenced
and continued al I day. Shot and she II screamed
lrom Orchard Knob to Missionary Ridge, and
from Missionary Ridge to Orchard Kuoo, and
from Woods' Redoubt over the head of Gens.
Grant and Thomas and stall, who wem with
us in this favorable position, where the. whole
battle could be seen as in an amphitheatre.
The headquarters were under fire all dav
long. Cannonading and musketry were heard
from General Sherman. General Howard
marched the 11th Army Corps to join him.
Thomas, sent out skirmishers, -w bo drove iu
the rebel pickets, and chased them into their
entrenchments, and at tho fool of tbe Mission
ary Ridge General Shermiu made an assault
against Uragg's right, entrenched on a high
knob next to that on which General Sherman
lay fortified.
Tho assault was gallantly made. They
reached the edge of the crust, and held their
ground, for, it seemed to me, au hour, but
were bloodily repulsed by the reserves.
A general advance was ordered, acd a strong
line ot skirmishers, followed by a deployed
line of battle some two miles in length. At
tbe signal of bis laeden shots from the head
quarters on Orchard Knob, they moved rapid
ly and orderly forward. The rebel pickets
discharged their muskets and ran into their
rifle pits. Our skirmishers followed on tbe If
heels. The line of battle was not far behind,
and we saw the gray rebels swarm out of the
ledge line of rifle pits, iu numbers which sur
prised us. and over the base of the bill. A
few turned their pieces, but the greater num
ber collected into tbe many roads which cross
obliquely up its steep face, and went on to
the top.
Some regiments pressed in and swarmed up
the steep aides of the Ridge. Here and there
a color was advanced beyond the lines. The
attempt appears to be most dangerous, bat
tho advance was supported and the whole line
i ordered to storm the heights, upon which not
r less than frty pieces of artillery, and no one
j knew how many muskets, 6tod ready to
j blaughter the assailants. W ith cheers snswer
j ing tu cheers the men swarmed upwards ; they
gathered to the points least didieult of ascent
. and the line was -broken Color al fer color
was planted on the summit, while musket and
cannon vomuea trieir tnunder upon trierL.
A well directi;d shot from Orchard Knob ex
ploded a rebel caisson on the Summit, and the
cun was seen galinping to tbe right, its driver
lashing Ms horses. A party of oursoldiets in
tercepted them, and the gun w.ts captured with
A fitrce musketry Ght broke out to the left,
w here,' between Gens. Thomas and Sherman, a
luiieortwo of the Ridge uas ktili occupied by
the rebels.
l3ryTr left the bouse in which h had held
his headquarters, and rode to the rar as our
troops crowded the hill ou either side ot hira.
Gen. Grant proceeded to the summit, aud
there did wj only know its height.
Soiiie of the captured arrtiliery was put in
position, and the arrtiileriats etit for to work
the guns, and caisocs were searched for am
munition. The isbel I05 breastworks were torn to
pieces, and 'carried to the other s:de of the
ridge, arid used in forming barricades.
A strong line of infantry was formed in the
rear of B.iird's line, who was hotly engaged
in a musketry contest with the rebels to the
left, ami a secure lodgment was soon effected.
The other as-smlt U th ; right of our centre
gained the summit, and the rebels threw down
their arms and fled.
General Hooker coming in
tios, swept the lightollhe
tured many prisoners.
a favorable posi
ridge, and cap-
bragg s remaining troops left early in the
night, andthe baUie of Chattanooga, after
three bays of manoeuvering mid fighting, was
Tho strength ofthe Rebellion, in the con
test, was brokea, Iiurnside relieved from dan
ger, E.ist Tennessee, Kentucky and Tennessee
rescued, Geoigia and the South East threat
ened in the rear, and another victory adde'l to
the chapter ol U.NCOXMTIOXAI. Sl'KRt KUfctt
i'o night th?estimate of c 'pti-.res is several
tlwn;a:id prisoners, an I tniity pi -ces of artil
leiy. f he loss for so great a victory is not
si-v i -re.
Jirui-g is firing the railroad as he n treats
It..el3 ballon. Sherman is in hot pursuit.
I'o-day 1 viewed the b.itiie field, which cx
tei.tis for six miles along Missi.ni.i-y Ridge,
and lor seveial in iles on Lookout .Mountain.
Probably not so well directed orsoueil or l r
ed a battle, has been deliveid during the
"sr. Rut one assault was repulsed ; but that
assault, by ciliiug to that point the rebel
reserves, prevented them repulsing a:.y ol
tilv.- i tilers.
A fjw days since Gen. Brags; sent lo Gen.
Grant a flag ot truce, advising Li u in at it
Mould be prudent to remove any iiuii c"in!tt
uiits v bo might still t-j in Chattanooga. Ni
r. ply has returned, but the comb.t'ants tiav::,
removed from this vicinity, it is probable, tl.it J
non combatants cau icuiiin without impru
The I'liiiadeip.iia AVfi .irnei ic srives some
excellent advicj to tbosj w:ij wimi to invest
money. It is well for all w.io are in fua Is to
heed tile counsel: "
'Though money has been temporarily scarce.
Capital -continues aOtilidant ; aud the recent
tumble in the stock market his biouti! capi
talists to a realizing a nise of the unreliable
character of many of tho securities dealt in.
It greatly to the credit of the Govci noienl
that its loans, of all the securities daily Ueait
In ou tbe market, have maintained their integ
rity of price better than almost anything else.
ii live-Twenty -year six percent, loan," tbe
itit.-icst ou winch is promptly paid in gold,
has been subscribed to, all through the pres
sure in the money market, at au average of
more than two millions prr day. And what
is uot tbe least grat ily iug Tact in connection
wiih the daily Urge subscript ions to this pop.
ular loan, scarcely any of it ia returned to the
market lor sale. It is taken tor investment,
and isJield with unfaltering confidence
iu its reliability. And wljy should it not be 1
It is seen that the Government now, after two
years ol the most icantic war that tbe world
has ever known, vxpei letices no difiiculty in
commanding tho lieoessaiy mentis to prosecute
it, or iu paying regularly the interest in gold
as it falls due. If this can be done w bile the
war ia being wagea, who can anticip4to any
difficulty in readily accomplishing it when the
war shall bo ended ? Whit better investment
then, for capital, than the '-Five-Twenty "
Government loan ? But If any doubt, let bim
refer to the statistics furnished by the census
tables of toe various nations of tbe woild.
Tho facts wiiich they piesent will prove the"
most satis! ictory mode of dispelling the num
berless gloomy apprehensions which are being
continually conjured up by those who are dis
posed to exaggerate tho extent of tbe calami
ty occasioned by our -rebellion. A reference
to tho state of most of tho prosperous nations
ot tho old world clearly disproves such a po
sition, and shows that the highest conditions
of national advancement have not been mate
rially aflected by the extended wars in which
those nations have immemorially engaged,
i.ndthata heavy national indebieduets has
not proved an unmitigated evil.
"For instance, Great Britain, France and the
Netherlands will undoubtedly lie conceded to
(represent the highest prosperity that has been
attainea by any or the Luropean nations. And
yet no nations have been called upou to en
dure fiercer or more prolonged wars, domes
tic and foreign, than they. The effect has
been, unquestionably, to incur an enormous
national indebtedness ; bnt neither their wars
nor their indebtedness have had the effect to
destroy their elasticity, nor to check the pro
gress of their general prosperity. Tho result
would have been different, probably, if these
nations had been falling into decay, instead of
being, as they reaily were, in a state of de
velopment j and in this respect their case re
sembles our own, with enormous advantages in
our favor. These nations, while undergo
ing the trials of war, were oppressed by the
evils of an immense exodus of tneir people,
caused by the density of their population,
the impossibility to provide occupation for
them, the low price of labor, and the scarc
ity of territory. Compared with our own
country, they possessed slight room for fu
ture development ; they were settled in ev
ery part, and no vast terrfory lay invitingly
open to encourage enterprise and settlement.
Their great problem has ever been what to do
with their surplus population, which, In its
turn, has sought new fields for adventure and
self-support in countries like our own, where
an illimitable territory waits to be developed,
and where incalculable resources invite indus
try and energy. The encouragement to be
derived from these facts and comparisons of
circumstances is very great, and to the mind
of any dispassionate reasoner is conclusive
that the course of this great country is on
ward and upward, and that its credit will live
unimpaired to tbe end."
Cold asd Snow. On Monday morning last
the ground was lroze quite liard. We also
had a light fall ot snow, but it was only suffi
cient to whitsu tha ground.
A.J .
iiri,rmeHtetntlarsrftu ; w, ,, , -
ntyUn-ill bechjTZHtdoithle pa
nhiepnee for spareorn'Z'.'
1 o insure attention, the CASH EsTaT
ny notices, as folWi! an "trr--..
Strays, SI; Auditors' notijes. S1.50- a-'--trators
aud Executors' notices, Sl,50: each"
jptAl riOV As my son Samuel left a
J out any just cause, I herebv caution h'i r'""
soi.9 against harboring or emploving hirr.
per. harboring or employing bim nithout"'1
consent, will beheld accountable tor such . '
of waes as.he is aole to earn ; and no delus t"'
tracted by him will be paid bv we unless c j""
pt'.led by due course of law. WM.CALDWF! r'a"
Pe-t mber 2. it63 -3t-p L
RELXEF NOTICE.-Tb board ..fv7,
for Oe comity of Clearfield, will meet & ''''
Commi?sioi.ers' office in Clearfield, on Wei-""
day and Thursday, the 23d and 24th dal'.
December, A. T. 1.S.13. -
The It nurd m' Rti if li A i r,.u.) 1 1. , .
ui me tKi-uer mvi appear ceiure tb bonrJ
roiuce her Bwor.i statement, detailing nsn e '
tidier, regiment and company, and when eoli'
;d ; the number of children, with aze H-d r
t-.moot enlistment, anJ their pr -wit riia'i
and that sha is without the means of ,.,,,... '
herself and children wbo ;;re Jeueuiieut UIH)11 j,'.
Two witnesses of credibility from tee iodu.,
in which he resides, must al-ia le prad uee.l
criimcnio is.iurn 10 oeiore in liO.lr l of
must tMit forth that the applicant is ifce j'-rsu i'
represents herself to be. that til's siatemt-i.t of til"
number anl age of hr tVjii'y is rru-. lull he T
in destitute circumstances and her family "ia
tu;d want, and that all th facts set fouli in fcPr"
application are eorreet and true.
Forms containing these requisition enn b ob
tained at the UfUce ofthe lioaH of Kelief. vst.tu
application is made and tbe witnivai- appear
X. K. II lue-s ofthe applicant, properly pnrta
will excuse personal attendance
Nov 4. lSii.'t. VM. S HIIAII,XY. irierk
U. S. 5-20;s77 "
The Srci:et.rv of the Thkasiky hug
given notice of any intention to wiTijJniw tL-.i
popular Loan frota Sale at 1'ar. uul unwl tei,
days notice is given, the undersign." J. as - Uese:,
au t-BsciuiTlos Aet." mill coiitiuue tu Dupjii
tbe public.
"The whole amount of the I. .an autL .r cl ;
Five Umpired .ViUius of liollars Nuri.y Ki i h.
j!r.IKKIl Mrl.LloNS HAk'B REK.N AI.IUMDr fri-lY!-
HKr r !!i asp i-Aio into tiik TufAsrar. m-j.;.-tuhintlie
last seven months. The large demari
from abroad, acd tfce rapi lfy increasing hotiu
demand t.-.r uo as the basis for eireuiMti'n br
2!iii ii:il H.ii.kioc; Associatiurs now organizing iii
ail pait.s of the country, will, in a ve.-v in.r .
period . absorb . Hie i'.ilunce. Ha!e have l,it.-lv
raugc'l f rmii ten to fifteen million weeklv.fr -.
quently exceeding three million dail y. ami aa :t
i well kn-iwn that the Secretary of the Treiu-urv
has ample aud unfailing reiource in the 1 u l ; -
ou Imports an.i internal ilevsune.-i. and in the is
sue of the Interest bearing I.eg il Tender T.i-i-Kiiry
Notes, it is almost a certainty th.it Lo i I
nut find it iif-cec-ary. for a lonn time tocota. I ,
berk x market for any other long .r Jji-iui liu-i.;
Loans. Ttir. lSTtr.sT j.y.'j rziscivxL'jf n::ku Ar.a
pa acut: IN VI.!.
i l -ru'leiice ana .elt tntere.-t tnt'.st fore-the mil. it
i of those contemplating tbefofinntioiiufXaiioi.it!
j U:ti.kit;g Associations, as well in the miinis of a
aim Lave i.iie money ou tlu.ir hanJs. to tim
rronipt eoTj'-'.UMou that tbey si. !;!..' Jj-v no tiiu
iu subi" tbing to (bis it popular 1-onn It mill
pooa be beyotd their rea.;h. ai.u .iJvai.ci- to a
hnnjsoiiie premium, ad wa.-i tbe ro.-ult with th-t
"Seven 'lnirty"' Loan, when it was all mid and
could no longer be subscribed for at p.tr.
Iris a six i-r.R Ci;iiT Loan, tiik lsiKkit ami
PnlSfU'AI. PA.VABLK IN Coin, luis t if.i.MM; o v K ...
Nine pr.n Cfc.vT 1-fcK alii at the present rate i
premium ou coin.
Tbe Government requires all duties on impiirn
to be paid i n Coin ; these iutie buve fur a Ion -lime
p;i..si amounted to oier a Quarter..!' Mil u.-i
of Dollars daily . a iuiu uenrly three tiiii'.-s r. at. r
than that requiiel ia th" pnymenl of the intcre.
on all the j--U's aud 0'ber peiinauent Losu . o
that it ii hoped that the rfurpiu C"i;i in tt.e Trea
sury, at nu distant day. vi;l enublu the L'l.it.'J
Statci lo resume speoiiJ p.iy uieuU upon nil ii:it.i--itics.
Tbe Loin is called 5-2" from the fact that hi!-
the Loroia may run for 21 years yet the iJcver.,
ment has a riht to py then off in Gold at pi.r.
at any time after o years.
first days of November and May
'Sul.scriberc cau have Coupon liondi. which ar
payable to bearer, and are Sjo, i on. $ jcii. .. 1
S10U0; or Registered Honds of same denomina
tions, and in addition. .iuui'. and SiO.OOl).
hanking purpose and for investments of Trus.
monif.s the liegistered LouJs are preferable.
These i-20's cannot bo taxed by States. eit;e,
t'wns or coatrieS. an 1 the Government luta
them is only one-and-a-half per cent, on the -mouniof
income, when the inauuio of the holder
exceeds Six Hundred dollars peraunuiu ; aljother
investments, such as income from Mortgage',
Railroad Stcok aud Boudj. etc.. inust p iy frou.
three to five per cent tax on the income.
Hanks and Bankers throughout tbo l.ounlry
will continue to uispose of the lionds: anl ad
orders by mail.orotherwise. promptly attended to.
The inconvenience of a few days' delay in the
delivery of the Bonds is unavoidable, the 'ic maud
being so great ; but as interest commences from
the day of subscription, no loss is occasioned, and
every effort is being made to diminish the doUv
JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent.
114 South Third Street. Philadelphia.
Philadelphia- November 25. 1S63.
DIES of Clearfield and vicinity tbut l
has opened a Millinery. Notion and Trini
ming store, on becond street, next doorto
v. ... . i . ;.l I...
iurs. L.anicQ s netci. wnere sue m "
happy to reeeive orders for either work or god
Old bonjiets made over into tbe latest New i'oric
and Philadelphia styles, on short notice. l!yp"r'
chasing often she will always bave on hand th
very latent styles of DretM Trimming, llats. Xu
bias. Hoods, Collars. Sloeva. Ac, which she will
sell St the smallest possible profit for c&ah.
Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 18. Ibfi3.
New Goods Extremely Low.
Oiasr aivtrtiseraen's at $1 per square for L -V
issartiocs. Twelve lines (or less) count a M
villa were wounded. 'Tis true, that I ' 'sh6t
at. but missed," but I bave procured another b
and large assortment of goods from the city.
I am disposing of at lower rate than any ouw
house in tbe county.
Among tho Ladies' dress goods will be foo
Poplins, bhallies, detains, lawns, and a variety ot
other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri
ces. Ladies who wish to make a good inveat
ment should call and examine my stock.
Rye, oats and corn for sale. Also, bacon- fisb
etc, at very low figures.
Best sugar at from 12 to 16 cents per Pou"d
Best Syrup at 0 cents per gallon AU other
groceries at the same rate. Boots and hor
bhoa fundings, cheap.
Now is tbe time to bay, when goods ar plenty i
aud all I ask is, for persons to examino m.v g0.??
aud I feel persuaded they will not go ?"'
out purchasing J . D. Til0MPa0-
Curwenaville, May 20th, 1563 jal.
COOK STOVES and Parlor stoves, (for eitbef
coal or wood,) nd stova pipe, for sale cow
for cash at tba store of
J p. 'I HOMrSON.. Curweaiub