Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 18, 1863, Image 2

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    toe mftsimps w&imtu
aftsmim's fotmtai
CLEARFIELD, PA., NOV. 18, 1863.
In the Supreme Court on Monday the 9th
day of November, Judge 'Lowrie, decided
that the law, for enforcing a draft to recruit
the Union armies, was unconstitutional,
which opinion was sustained by Judges Wood
ward and Thompson. His argument rests
mainly on the assumption that the law in
question seeks to abolish the militia system
of the States, In that it gtres power to "raise
and support armies" in a way not warranted by
the Constitution of the United States ; and is
practically a plea lor that species of "State
Rights" doctrine promulgated by John C.
Calhoun, and contended for by Jeff Davis.
This decision by a majorty of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania, two of them defeated
politicians, astounded the loyal people every
where. They would not have dared to make
such a decision before the recent election.
Their making it now clearly proves that they
would have done all in their power to embar
rass the National Government had they been
elected ; and, no doubt, is a part of the grand
programme of the Northern sympathisers with
the rebellion to stop the war. But we opine
that this decision will be short-lived. In a
ew weeks more, the place now occupied by
Judge Lowrie,will be filled by Judge Agnew.
Then a majority of the Court will be compos
ed of loyal men. And as Jndie Strong, a loy
al and honest Democrat, has already given a
dissenting opinion, concurred in by Judge
Reed, wo hope to see the decision ol Lowrie
& Co., reversed at an early day.
The opinion of Judge Strong i. a sound,
clear and conclusive argument, and speak's
well of its author. We will publish it next
Day by day the reports come in of the suf
ferings of our brave men whom the fortune of
war put into the hands of the monsters who
administer the slave-mongers' tyranny in
Richmond. The ingenious disguise and meth
od of escape lrom the Libby prison of Major
Iloustain, of the 132d New Tork regiment,
and Lieut. Von Weltrien, of Scott's cavalry,
who were captured in North Carolina a year
ago, was announced. They have now reached
Washington, and have Riven some details of
tli terrible prison-life from which they were
so fortunate as to escape. They say the Un
ion prisoners in 'the Libby prison have been
gradually reduced to a state of starvation,
boing furnished with a small piece of bread,
one loaf to sixteen men meat in the same
proportion, and a little wishy-washy soup,once
a day. The scenes which occur among the
prisoners are heart-rending in the extreme.
The cries for food are piteous, and the ravings
of the men rendered insane, in many instances
by the pangs of hunger, 3oun i through the
building night and day. Men are dying daily,
and the horrors of the Jersey prison ship are
revived in the treatment of our poor incarcera
ted soldiers. One of the men in the room
with Major Iloustain was o prostrated by
vant of food that, when piece of bread was
thrown to him by his brutal jailor, he had
not the strength to eat it, and died with the
scrap in his hand, clutching in death the very
staff of life. Even the slender meal rations
has now been cut off.
'We 8 ay to all those who are opposed to
another draft to all those who want the war
policy placed upon a nation.il footing, so that
our armies can be filled wilh volunteers, and all
thoso odious Conscription laws mf be dis
pensed with .... we say your only hope is
to vote for Woodward, Lowrie, and the whole
Democratic ticket," Clearfield Republican,
Oct. 7, 1863.
We hope the men who, previous to the
late election, were in favor of Curtin and no
draft, will now volunteer. Turn out, ye boas
ting loyalists, and practice what you preach.'
Clearfield Republican, Nov. 11, 1803.
Both these extracts, it will bo observed, are
taken from the Clearfield Republican the one,
urging Woodward as favorable to volunteer
ing ; the other, charging the friends of Cur
tin as the exclusive advocates of that policy.
The former ts from an article in which they
labor to show that if Curtin is elected there
will be "another., and another draft, until the
last man capableof bearing arms is mustered
" into the service," and then follows the
above quoted appeal to those opposed to a
draft to "vote for Woodward" as their "only
hope" of filling up our armies "with volun
teers." Were these Copperhead editors sin
cere when they published that article? Are
they acting consistent when they, in the sec
ond article quoted from, ask the friends of
Curtin exclusively to "torn out." Did not the
editors of the Republican before the election
"preach" that the "only hope" to avoid a draft,
and fill ftp our armies with volunteers was to
vote for Woodward 1 Why, then, do they not
now appeal to their friends to volunteer In
stead of to the friends of Curtin f Is it be
cause a draft is more popular now than before
the recent election f Or was their former ap
peal a mere political trick to secure the votes
of the unwary for their semi-secession candi
dates I . We leave the reader to answer these
questions for -himself.
rjThe Honse of Delegates, of Maryland,
will stand 58 Union to 16 Democrats.
The brilliant victories which have so re
cently been achieved by the Union party in
the loyal States are a source of great gratifi
cation to loyal men everywhere. This is
proper and right ; but amidst their rejoicings
the members of that party should remember
that the credit of defeating the sympathisers
with rebellion doe not belong to any former
political organization exclusively, but to the
united effort of the truly loyal masses in the
several States in which elections have been
held, and hence, no individual, or party,
should lay claim to having exerted any pecu
liar influence in bringing about this glorious
victory over the enemies of our country to
the exclusion of all others. Indeed, many
who have heretofore been opposed to the par
ty which elevated the present National Execu
tive to his high position, are entitled to
much of the credit of the recent triumph of
the Union party, and hence deserving of the
thanks of all loyal men, for their truly patri
otic course in laying aside party affiliations
and uniting with their former political oppo-.
nents in electing men to positions of trust
whose loyalty is above suspicion. Such a
surrender of party prejudico is, perhaps, with
out a parallel in our country's history. But
the momentous events of the times demanded
the sacrifice, and it was Ireely and nobly made.
This breaking loose from party affiliations,
too, proves one fact. No matter how stren
uously party may be adhered to in times of
peace, when imminent danger threatens our
Republican liberties, then the masses are
ready to stand by those institutions, to the
annihilation of all past political associations,
and political dictators are no longer regarded
bythem as demi-Gods, but as mere tricksters
to advance self-interest.
In the recent elections to which we refer,
those who forgot party for country have proved
themselves free men, indeed ; and as such
they will bo regarded by the friends of liberty
everywhere. It is well for our country that
the sentiments of ow people have such a no.
ble and patriotic tendency. Public interest
demands a unanimity of opinion. The people,
despite the machinations of political dema
gogues, have shown that they understand their
own interests, that they aro sovereign and
have the power and the will to maintain and
develop the glory of our country, and of our
free institutions, that they are united in
this the hour of their country's greatest peril
upon one common platform, the Union aDd
that they will maintain that glorious inheri
tance intact, and at all hazards. But to do
this, they must be a unit. They must not
suffer themselves again to be cut up into frag
ments to advance the interests of mere poli
ticians. They have a higher and a more no
ble mission than to Ciiter to the desires of
pbee seekers. They have their country to
save. To accomplish this object they trust
be true to themselves, and their organization.
They want no dissensions thrust int3 their
midst on any subject, in the language of a
cotemporary they want no jealousies created
in relerenco to individuals. They cannot af
ford to divide themselves to settle the claims
of any man for office. They must. ho unbro
ken and undisturbed by any influence, because
all these are demanded by'higher objects than
those which cluster around the ambition of
any man. The interest or aspiration which
intrudes itself into the ranks of loyal men, to
create dissensions and jealousies, should be
regarded and denounced as worse than the in
fluence which is struggling to trample the
rights and the interests of all loyal men into
the dust.' In fact, he who seeks to sever the
bonds of that organization which is now en
gaged with a w icked conspiracy, merely that
he may gratify a far-reaching ambition for
personal renown and personal po'sition, is
worse than a traitor, and unworthy of associa
tion with those who are in armed rebellion
against our Government. We caution the
loyal and true to be on their guard. We warn
the masses throughout our land the men
who fill up our armies-r-the heroes who sup
port the. Government with their labor, and de
fend it with their lives, not to be misled by
any man or set of men. We cannot afford to
barter away our days of glorious victory to a
loyal cause, to thoso whoso only aim is profit
and plunder. The office should seek the man,
and not the man the office. Then our good
cause would not be impaired by ambitious ri
vals, and our glorious hope frustrated by the
passions of the demagogue and political
trickster. The country which we love, and
the principles which we cherish and defend
aro too sacred to be sacrificed to such unholy
ambition, for UDder tiem we must flourish
and live, or perish with them.
Then, in conclusion we would say, be uni
ted, be firm, be patriotic, be true, and the ro
bult will be the complete and permanent over
throw of the enemies of our Government,
both North and South ; and then we will
emerge from this intestine strife purified, a
niore powerful, a more honored, and a more
glorious and patriotic people, a nation that
will bo respected for ages to come.
have now in tho United States at least
two hundred and thirty-five general hospitals
for the use of the soldiers, containing about
eighty thousand patients. To show on what
a largo scale our battles have been fought, as
we do everything else, it seems that during
tour months of 1862 there were treated at our
hospitals twenty thousand nine hundred and
thirty cases of gunshot wounds. The wounded
of the whole British army in the Crimean war
was only a little over twelve thousand, aud
their entire hospital accommodations in the
tLree years would not have sufficed for the
wounded at either of the battles of Shiloh, An
tietam or Gettysburg.
TX7California papers represent that the Lib
eral army in Mexico will saon be much stron
ger than that of the French. Over seventy
guerrilla bauds, of about two hundred men
each, harass the roads leading to the capitol.
The renegade Mexicans are rapidly deserting
the French.
Pennsylvania's quota, under the last call of
the President for 300,000 men, is 3S,26S. Tho
question arises, how shall the required num
ber of men be raised by volunteering, or by
draft? Judging from the tone of the so-called
Democratic papers, they desire the quota
of Pennsylvania to be raised by a draft, and
not by volunteering. If such is not their wish,
then we do not understand their partisan arti
cles, in which they call upon the Union men
exclusively, to volunteer. In proof of what
we say, read tho following extract from the
ClccrfieLl.Republican of September 1 1th, 1863:
A glorious opportunity is now offered to
the loyal braggarts who have been boasting of
their excessive loyalty-to the 'Government'
for the past two years. Gov. Curtin now ad
vertises for 38,268 of these fellow s. The Gov
ernor wants none but 'loyal citizens,' to fall
in, and fill up the ranks, but we feir this test
will prove that tho people of our country are
all disloyal, as we can find no one willing to
This Is a fair specimen of tho appeals put
forth, by a certain class of papers in this State,
to discourage volunteering lor the Union ar
my. If such partisan subterluges are longer
indulged in, then, indeed, is volunteering at
an end. However, should tho matter of fill
ing up the Union ranks, bo placed upon the
ground of patriotism, as was the case during
the first year of the rebellion, and the proper
encouragement given by the press and the
people throughout tho country, in connexion
with the large bounties now offered by the
Government, there would be little difficulty
in raising Pennsylvania's quota by volunteers,
four-fifths of whom, no doubt, would come
from the Union ranks, but, if partisan ap
peals, like the paragraph quoted above, are to
be used to arouse the political prejudices of
the people against that system, then we would
favor the closing of all tho recruiting offices
in the State and await the draft leaving our
friends run their chances of being dralted.
We are decidedly in favor ot the volunteer
system ; and we hope that the loyal people of
the State will give tho subject of raisiug Penu
sylvania's quota by volunteers their attention.
The time for doing so is limited to the 6th
day of January, 1861. After that date, the
deficiency will be made up by a draft. Which
are you in favor of volunteering, or a draft ?
In this war the American people have re
alized the truth that the destinies of the hu
man race are so bound together that all must
suffer for the injuries of any portion. In this
country we made ourselves accessory to slave
holding, (lie greatest crime against humanity.
All moral and religions sentiment was debas
ed to make this sum of all wrongs sacred.
Even Northern politicians talked as if the Bi
ble was only a slavery ordinance, and the Con
stitution only a thing for perpetuating Slavery.
For it the right of habeas corpus, trial by juiy,
liberty of speech and of press and the free
dom of public mails were suppressed. For it
the citizens of the North submitted to be de
prived of all protection of law in the South.
For it our courts and legal principles were de
graded, and Slavery became tho end and su
preme object ot all law. For it the people of
theFreeStates submitted to he deprived of their
equal rights in the Government, and to hold
subordinate places in it upon condition of put
ting their necks in the Pro-Slavery yoke.
For it no northern man was permitted to hold
any position in the Government, at home or
abroad, civil cr military, unless he was an a
vowed supporter ot slavery.
We thought anothet race were the only suf
ferers by this wrong, and we were magnani
mous in conceding their souls aud bodies, and
in putting them beyond the pale of human
sympathies. We called our indifference to
the freedom of another people apraisoworthy
regard lor the Constitution. But tho crime
which we have abetted against an inferior race
has in the meantime robbed ns of our politi
cal rights, anil at hist has plunged us into a
bioody war. The serpent we have nourished
has turned to sting the nation to death.
It is vain to think that crime can be at
peace. It is at war with all mankind, and it
is a necessity that it should fortify itself by
more crimes. Slavery recognize in every
human rightan enemy. and declares war with it.
To strengthen its hold on the men of color, it
demands absolute political power over the
whites. Nor could it stop there. It regards
every free laboring man as an accusing enemy,
and declares war against him.
We have tried to live at peace with this
wrong by debasing our Constitution, laws and
administrations, and by conceding to it our
political rights. So long as it controlled our
elections, it permitted us to go through the
forms of voting. But at length it has been
defeated by the popular vote, and now it has
plainly declared that it has hitherto tolerated
popular government only because the slave
power controlled it, aud that because the
slave jiower has lost the coutrol, the Govern
ment shall exist no longer.
Why should the people of the free States
hesitate to meet the issue forced upon them !
Should they not welcome it, and rejoice that
in fighting for their own political rights, and
for constitutional Government, they carry with
them the cause of universal justice; and that
in putting down a crime against our own race,
wo are delivering another from the most mon
strous crime known to humanity. Columbia
Wo see it stated, that Governor Curtin is
now at Washington endeavoring to have an
arrangement made by which our State's quo
ta, under the last call of the President for
300,000 men, will be received in new regi
ments. The Governor is of opinion that if
the old mode of encouraging active officers to
get up new companies and new regiments is
allowed, that our qnota can be made up by
volunteers ; but if these men are to be sent to
fill up the old regiments, then a new draft is
The Governors of Illinois and Michigan,
and other distinguished guests were entertain
ed by the lady managers of the Soldiers' Fair,
Chicago, on Thursday, at a dinner. Fifty
youug girls served as waiters, their costume
consisting of a white skirt, with red stripes
running from top to bottom, blue Spanish
waist, tarletan breakfast caps, and on the left
shoulder a rosette of red, white aud blue. In
the evening, addresses were made by several
of the honorable guests.
CCThe Military Court of Inquiry, in the
case ot Gen. Buell,has honorably acquitted him
of all the charges preferred, and it is probable
that he will be assigned to an important command.
Movements in East Virginia.
Gen. Meade's Detailed Report of the
JJattle at Gettysburg.
From Biirnside's Armv The Siecre at
Charleston, S. C, etc.
On the 10th, Gen. Meade was awaiting sup
plies. The Culpepper Railroad isadandoned,
and Acqnia Creek, will be his future base of
supplies. Seventeen hundred muskets have
been gathered up as mementoes of the recent
fight between Meade's advance and the rebels,
most of them bearing the Tower stamp, Lon
don, 1861. Two of the cannon captured were
10-poutider Parrotts and two 12-poundor Na
poleons, with caissons, limbers, andjall com
plete. Scouts report that the rebel army was
retreating towards Richmond. They also
state that Lee is in command of Bragg's ar
my at Chattanooga, aud that the rebel Cabinet
had decided in favor of abandoning Virginia.
On the 12th, detachments of infantry and
cavalry thrashed Stuart's cavalry near Mitch
ell's Station, three miles south-west of Cul
pepper. We now hold all the ground in Cul
pepper county that we held six weeks ago.
From indications in the new rebel camps on
the south side of the Rappahannock it is be
lieved that Lee's army is well fed. Numerous
tin cans are scattered about which were once
filled with prepared meats and vegetables, and
having Baltimore and New York labels on
them. Shoes and clothing are, however, be
lieved to be scarce with them, as no old rem
nants were found about the camps.
Washington, Nov. 11. Gen. Meade's de
tailed report of the battle of Getty sbutg, da
ted the 1st of October, was officially announc
ed to-day. He gives as a reason for the delay
in making it, the failure, till then, of the sev
eral corps and division commanders, who were
severely wounded in the battle, and says the
result'of the campaign may be briefly stated,
as the defeat of the enemy at Gettysburg,
their compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania
and Maryland and withdrawal from the upper
valley of the Shenandoah, and in the capture
of 3 guns, 141 standards an 1 13,621 prisoners.
Twenty-four thousand nine hundred aud seventy-eight
small arms were collected on the
battle field. Our own losses were very se
vere, amounting, as will be seen by the ac
companying return, to 2,834 killed, 13,709
wounded aud 0,643 missing in all 23,186
lie adds his tribute to the heroic bearing ol
the whole army, officers and men.
Capt. A. II. Ryan, Chief ol Staff to General
Steele, has arrived from Little Rock, bring
ing intelligence of the capturo of Arkadelphia
by a part of Gen. Davidson's cavalry, under
command of Lieut. Col. Caldwell, on the 2Sth
of October. Col. Caldwell with about 700
men, entered Aikadelphia on the morning of
the 28th, and found the rear guard of Price's
forces just leaving town. Our forces immedi
ately attacked and routed them, capturing a
large number of their wagons and taking sev
eral hundred prisoners. Col. Caldwell then
desttoyed a large powder mill and an immense
amount of ammunition aud stores. Alter
temporarily falling back, here occupied the
town and now holds it. Arkadelphia was the
main depot of the rebels in Arkansas, Missouri
and Louisiana, selected oa account of its
remote position in the interior, south of the
Arkansas river. Here the rebels had estab
lished all their military work-shops, but ac
counts furnished by deserters informed Gen.
Steele that these shops had been removed to
Marshall, Texas, and that the place was ouly
held by cava!ry, tho remainder of the army
having retreated to the Red River. It was
upon this information, no doubt, that Steele
made his recent advance to Arkadelphia,
which has proved the correctness of reports,
and shown that Marmaduke's attack on Pine
Blulf was a more feint to conceal the retreat
of Price and Holmes to Red River.
At a Union meeting held at Little Rock,
Arkansas, on the 30th ultimo, resolutions
were passed expressive of cordial suport and
loyalty to the United States, and pledging
the utmost support to uphold the supremacy of
the Government. The Arkansians are or
ganizing to joiu the Federals. Over 2,000
went into the army before the expedition to
Little Rock, and five more regiments and four
companies of artillery are being enlisted, and
mustered into the army.
Letters from the blockading squadron off
Tampa, Florida, announce the destruction by
a federal naval expedition of the steamers
Scottish Chief and the yacht Kate Dale, loaded
with cotton, the former vessel having one
hundred and sixty bales on board, on Hillsboro
river, within four miles of Tampa. The rebel
blockade-running steamer the Mail, which
was partly burnt by the rebels at Bayport to
escape destruction by our forces, having been
repaired, tried to run the blockade, but was
captured on the 15th by the United States
steamer IlonSuras and tender Fox of the flag
ship San Jacinto. She had one hundred and
seventy-five bales of cotton on board, all good
Sea Island.
In our last issue we noticed a report relative
to one of Gen. Burnside's outposts having been
attacked, and part of the garrison captured.
Official information gives the scene of disas
ter at Rodgersville, in Hawkins county, Ten
nessee. This placo is the termination of tho
branch of the East Tennessee and Virginia
Railroad, and is distant about 15 miles from
Knoxville. The rebels attacked the placo
with overwhelming forces, and succeeded in
capturing about 500 men, 4 pieces of artillery
and 36 wagons. Most of the men captured be
longed to the 2d Tennesse loyal regiment and
the 117th Ohio volunteers. Gen. Burnsid
considers his position impregnable, and is
perfectly satisfied with bis situation. His
troops are iu good spirits.
On tho Gth and 7ih, a flght took place at
Droop mountain, near LewUburg, between
Generals Averill and Dufield's command and
the enemy under "Mud wall Jackson." The
enemy were rout ed and driven down the val
ley ,east of the Green-Brier Mountains.through
the town of Lewisburg. The rout was so com
plete that the rebels abandoned their supplies,
guns, colors, etc., and fled in dismay, leaving
their dead and wounded on the field. The
rebel force engaged was over 4,000, and they
acknowledge a loss of 300 killed and 'wounded.
Gen. Averill took over 1,000 prisoners, inclu
ding field officers, one stand of colors, three
pieces of artillery , a large number of arms,
camp equippago and wagons. Gen. Duffield,
who drove tho rebels through Lewisburg, cap
tured the enemy's camp, tents, knapsacks,
provisions, one caisson and upwards of one
hundred head of cattle. This is considered
one of the most brilliant victories of the war.
Our loss in killed and wounded is about one
Advices from Gen. Banks' expedition, to
the 9th iust , have been received. The expe
dition landed safely on the Texas shore of the
Rio Grande, after losing one or two vessels in
a norther ; but no lives. A Boat's crew and
seven soldiers were however drownded while
disembaiking. The rebels evacuated Fort
Brown after setting fire to the works there.
Brownsville was also set on fire by the lew
rebel cavalry there, but the Union men turn
ed out to extinguish it, when the rebel caval
ry were joined by the secessionists in the town,
and a terrific street fight was goin on while
the houses were burning around them. The
First Maine regiment was immediately order
ed to march on the place. A Maine regiment
was the first to land on the Texas coast, and
an Iowa regiment almost immediately after
them. Their regimental flags were hoisted
almost siraultaneouslv.
From Newbern wo learn that refugees from
Dixie continue to arrive there in large num
bers ; they are chiefly young men or r.ither
boys flying from the iron conscription of D.i
vis;manyof them eagerly enter the Union
service. They all tell of sever.! destitution
in Rebeldon. A small body of Union cavalry
under Lieut. Nicoll, attacked a rebel picket
station near Washington, N. C, on the 1st inst.
There were thirteen men at the station, five of
whom were killed and the remainder made
prisoners. In the affair, Lieut. NicnII was
killed by being shot through the head.
The Richmond papers state that the fire on
Sumter Is continued slowly that fifty-eight
rifled shot were fired against the southwest
angle of the fort on the night of the 8th, and
60 from the monitors on the 9th and that
the whole number of shots and shell fired at
Sumter during the bombardment is 9, 316. of
which 7,700 struck. Our own advises are tip
to the 11th, at which time th fort was com
pletely demolished.. The rebels, however, put
up their fl.ig every night, w hich is shot away
every day.
One of the most intelligent members of
the last House, w ho has just returned from a
tour of observation in Mississippi, represents
to the Administration that not 50,000 bales of
cotton will be raised unless the Government
immediately sets to work to save the labor of
the slaves, who are threatened with destruc
tion by starvation and exposure. Not less
than eighteen hundred thousand field negroes
are penned in Georgia and Alabam i driven
from the outer Slave States.
The steamer Allen Comonier was recently
attacked by gnerrllas a short distance bf low
Helena, and brought to shore. The passen
gers and crew were robbed, and the boat burn
ed to the waters edge. The boat was owned in
Memphis, and was valued at $15,000.
A fight occurred on Little Tennesseo river
on Monday, the 9th, in which a rebel regi
ment was repulsed, with a loss of fifty killed
and forty captured.
Advertisements set mlargetype, cuts, or out of usual
sty) 'f will be charged double price for spaeeneenpied.
Xo insure attention, the CASH must accompa
ny notices, as follows: All Cautions with 51,
Strays, SI; Auditors' notises, Sl,50; Adminis
trators' and Executors' notices, Sl,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the same ra'es.
Other aivertisemen's at SI per square, for 3 or Isss
insertions. Tvelve lines tor less) couut a square.
A CHANGE The erectors of the several
townships of this County will take notice that
an Act of Assembly was passed last winter chang
ing the time of holding the Spring elections in
the several townships of this County from the third
Friday of February to the last Friday of Decem
ber.annually, (being Christmas day for this year).
Constables and other township ouleers will please
take notice. The Commissioners of the county
will be in session on the Tuesday following the
eleetion for tho purpose of paying off the return
judges. By order of the Board.
Nov. 13. 1863-at. W. S. BRADLEY, Clerk.
(- DIES of Clearfield and vicinity that she
& has opened a Millinery, Notion and Trim
nsing store, on Second Street, next door to
Mrs. Lanich's Hotel, where she will be
happy to receive orders for either work or goods.
Old bonnets made over into tho latest New York
and Philadelphia styles, on short notiee. By pur
chasing often she will always have on hand the
very latest styles of Dress Trimming, Hats, Nu
bian, Hoods, Collars. Slcevs, Ac., which she will
sell at the smallest possible proGt for cash.
Clearfield, Pa. Nov. IS. lhC3.
pa.d for information that win let.
prehension and conviction of the person. .. "P
son who set fire to and burned dow
the tenecs on the premises of the subscr k 'tf
8d.n? ,n Brady township, on Saturday
veinberllth. ANDREW VEry
Brady township Nov. ife i;;. ltiASr.
rruiE estate or fredeuTck VTJT
A Kit, DECEASED: Flsrj.
' -Cl'iir field Comity, si ; Jn t, .
( ) appraisement of the 1 eal vMer nf
3- Frederick Fish er.deceased sit. 1
toth widow S30O, her claim was on'th.
September 1S3 read and confirmed Ni "s .1 of
dered by the Court that publication be n.?i -r"
one newspaper published in said County TV"
ang all persons interested that unless ex.J ?'
are filed on or before the 1st day of next t.-P
be confirmed nhanlntol v u- it. ' erin ill
Nov. 1ft. I SH3 I. U . C A KKClerlr 0f 0 C.
rrwiE estate of joiin BruTrr
TTt C!larW County, ; ln ,he
( ZIt ) the appraisement of the 1U.1 hi , of
John liurguudcr.deceJed settin ef
to the widow 5300, her claim won' th" Zl
September read aud confirmed Ni Si and , T
by the Court that publication be made tl
newspaper published in said County notify;
persons interested that unle.a exceptions
on or before the first day of next item will? !ed
finned absolutely. By the Co.rt '" keco"-
Nov.18 1803. I-ti.BAK'jKR.CIerlrnfn c
fFS""''fxi J e matter
VT benjamin Yingling. dece.
out to the widow 5-.W0. her claim was on the -N.h
day of September l.xi3 read and confirmed i s;
and ordered that r.uhli.' ft r in n Ka m M .1
newspaper published in said County notifviD alt
persons interested that unless exception a're I'd
on or before the first day of next term will be ci.n
finned absolutely. By the Court.
Nov. IS. lSri-'f. I. (!. JJABtiFK. Clerk or (i.e.
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Grocfri i
Lumber, Slingles, &c. '
111 1 LliS 111 KG, CENTI1E fOV.XTV. PENNA.
CAKLISLK h CO.. have received and are just
opening the largest assortment of the
and most seasonable goods ever brought to this
section of country, consisting of
Notions, Ilnrihvare :uil Queensware;
Hoods. Nubias. Sontags. Balmoral and Hoop
skirts ; Hats, Caps, Boitg and Shoes;
lica'ly-'.na.le Clutliins latest stvlt-s;
School Books and Stationary;
llict'-iloiir, Farina ami Corn Starch:
I-rugs, Oils. Paints. Putty and (J lass : Coal-oil
Lamps, Wood and Willow ware ;
Pipes, Tobacco nud Se.nars; Fish. Salt, Nails,
Coal and Linseed Oils: Flour, Feed and
Provisions; and all articles usual
lj- kept in a country store
All of which will be sold CHEAP '. CASH
or approved produce, Lumber or Shingles.
Nov IS, 1 S;:-tf CARLISLE, A CO.
7".VNTEI. A man to dig and put out 3 to
T 4. (Hill bushels of coal Highest eush priot
will be paid by IKVIX Bit' t'l'HE K.-. "
. Sct-t. 2A. lfcR:?.-3 PnT!.-i,l- Pa
TDl'R WANTED. A good sober, industri
es ons journeyman. Cabinet maker. can find con
stant employ merit, at good wages, bv Hpi:viir
soon to JOHN (H E Id Oil
'.'pt. 1. lo.i. Clearfield. I'a.
4 rCTrbNEE!!. ILe undersigned havinj
j V been Lb-eused an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of C!":irfield cyimty that he will at
tend to exiling sales, in tiny part of the county,
whenever called npou. Charges m'Mlernte
Addioss, J-)HN M'fH 'ILK. f.
Jlay lo Bower 1., Clearfield Co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sale without n proper li
cense are subject to a penary of StH, which pro
vision will be enforced ag.iiiiit those who may vi
olate the same.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons in
terested are hereby notified, that Letters
Testcmentary o: the estate of Hon. James Fer
guson, late of Lumber city deceased, have thi
day been issued to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment, aud those having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated, for settle
ment. ELIZA FEIIUUSON, Executrix.
October, 27, ISt53 -pd
is hereby given to all persons interested, that
letters of Administration havethisday been gran
ted to the undorsigied on the estate of Isaac Kline,
bite of Bradford township, deceased. Those in
debted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against it, will pre
sent them duly authenticated lor settlement to the
undersigned, or to H. B. Swoope Esq. ber attorney
Clearfield, Oct. 24, lSf3.-pd
Marysville, Clearfield County, 1'enn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber,
Boards. Saw Logs or Shingles.
Oct. 11, 188.3. JAMES E. WATSON'.
il persons interested are hereby notified that
Petition was presented to the Court of Commo"
Pleas of Clearfield county, at September Term
1S63. praying the incorporation of the --New Wb
ington Methodist Episcopal Church." and that if
no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, the
prayer of the said petition will be granted.
the ensuing January Term of said Court, in '
cordanco with the provisions of the Act of A
seinbly in such case made and provided.
By order of the Court, 1). F. ETZWEILLR,
October 21, 1603 -3t ProthonoUry.
A New Lot of Goods.
, .
rpiIE UNDERSIGNED having taken the ft-
A of merchandize of the late firm of Fatten.
Hippie A Co., have just added a fresh supply ot
comprising Groceries, Drugs, Queensware,
Boots and Shoes. Clothing, Muslins, le Lain"
Prints, SattineU. Flannels, etc,, wbish
they offer at low prices
Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, tasen ieI"
change fur goods. We respectfuliy ass a shr
of patronage. Call and examine our stocK.
Curwensville, Dec. 1 1. HIPPLE A FA I si-
N B. The accounts of Patton. Hippie Co
in our hands, and we hereby notify persons n
ing unsettled accounts, to call and sttle th"11
as we desire to have the books closed .
December 11, 1861. UIPPLE t FAl -1