Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 11, 1863, Image 3

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Two letters remain in McGarvey. Post-office
for Benjamin Xewcome.
For Sale. A good parlor wood stove for
sale low. Inquire at Journal office.
Ssoxr. The first snow' of the season fell on
Monday morning iast,but the quantity was so
..mall as merely to show on the ground. We
may however, soon expect "old Winter,"
with his "hoary locks," to pay us a regular
visit. Well, we expect the -"lads and lassies"
will welcome him, for with his annual re-appearance
conies "fun and frolic," and the et
Our friends, in other parts of the State, are
conietimcs st a loss to understand how it comes
that Gov. Curtin, who is admitted 10 be per
sonally popular at home, was beaten in this
count v 314 votes at the recent election, al
though lie carried it in I860 by 311. The rea
Mn i obvious, and Is at once creditable both"
M Gov. Curtin and his friends. The town
ships which gave majorities for him in 1SG0,
have laS- .soldiers under arms, while those
which went against him have sent but 403,
although they poll more than half tho Demo
cratic vote of t he county. Our ranks are do
fiiimtcd at home only because they are so full
the lield, and we point w ith pride arid tri
umph t" the record. We should have blushed
it C.if"'s house h.id stood serene and flourished
in a civil war." Bcllefonle Press.
Awarded by the Clearfield Comity Agricultu
ral Society, :it the third annual Fair, held
on the -2'Uli. '2Ut, 2'iud and 23rd days of
Class So. 1 No. 1, best bull, to Hoss Ueed,
SS OO; No 4. 1M best, to .Villon Drown, 4.
Class 2 No. li, bjst cow lor milch, to Jo
Mj.li Irvin, No. 3. 2d ie.it, cow for
Milch, to Levi F. Irviu, $u,00 ; No. I, best
all to Ezra Brown. 2,00.
Cla ? best oxen, to John Cessna, 5,00 ;
;M hest oxen, to Jolm .Morgan, $2,00.
Class 4 No. I, lat cow, to Mitchell Kline,
Si. 00.
Class 5 No. 8, bust stallion to Robert Me
liafly, $10,00 j No. 4, 2d best stallion, to Jo-M-I'h
Peters, 5 00.
Class 0 No. ;i, best family horse, tt 11. .
Smith. $2,00 ; No. Ii4. best saddle horse, to
J R. McMuiiy, S.3.IM); No. 42, best matched
oiriage horses, to U. 0. Bowman, $2,00 ; No.
I'.-, best cult, under 2 years old to Moses Wise,
:-:.im: No. 11. lust 1.H hi horses or mares to
Reed. 3 00; No. 47, best ni ne or pel
ilii'i lor w ork over 4 ears old to II ugh Orr,
.',00: N 511, fiect colt three years old to
Win. Ca:dwell. $2.00.
Class 7 trolling, $75 00; Philip Blanchard,
.S:.ite or M line, 2,10, 2.47. 2 43 ; Forrest wi'li
!ran; Cuminas, 2.4 I. 2.43, 212 ; J. Evans,
B. McClellan,2 41,2 ;5'J,2.41.i; 1). Blancli
:nd, 2 "7. 2 f9i ; Evaus the wining horse.
Class tf J. P. Nel.-on. pacimr, 3.0-5, 2.55J,
S 10.00; Forrest. 8,03 ; Davi.i Dressier, walk-i'l-z
horse ' of mile, 3 40. $1.00.
("lass t trotting. I'hiiip Blanchard, 3,1G,
I'. j'l. 30.0i ; Forrest 3,30, 3,15. Track veiy
C.'is 10 trotting 11. Shaw Jr. 3.35. 3.27,
20.no : Eh Bloom. 3,3'J, 3.30; II. B.
Svvoope, 4.12.
Class 11 No. 1, best buck sheep to Joseph
i.iuu-l.ery. $2 (Ml; No. 2. 1 it sheep, to J. L.
Klieeiii, $1.00 ; No. 4, best lambs, to Jacob
Giiehch. SI. 00.
Class 12 not returned.
Class 13 N. 2, liest display of chickens, to
J lines McClelland : No. 0. best and heaviest
turkey, A tuns Keed ; No. 5. is a tjrie displiv
f spring turke s 8 in no. of superior jn 1 1 : r I
and size and the Judges reroinetid a D'pb'iua
in uh; owner, Amos A. lieed. A fine displ.iv
f pigeons is on exhibition but the Judge
!. v- no power to award anything for I hem but
t!a-committer awarded a Diploma.
Class 15 not returned.
Class 16- No. 1, best grain cradle, Thomas
Mills. $1-00.
Class 17 No. 21. best Genesee wheat, Jo-i-'-pli
Ounes. American Agriculturist and SI ;
Ni'. 1. best white blue stem wheat, Elisha Ar
'rry, American Agriculturist and $1,00; No.
I"), b.-st spring wheat Lewis Bloom, American
Agriculturist ; No. 24, best 3 acres of buck
'Wieat 30 bushel to acre Win. Bigler. Ameri
can Agriculturist, and $1,00; No. 22, best
bi!iel rye, to Jacob Guelich, SI, 00; No. 13,
'tst J acre beans J. II. Howies, American
-Agriculturist, and SI 00 ; No. 10, best bushel
Jfilow corn ears to Lewis Bloom, American
Agriculturist : No. 27, best 'bushel corn
'iil'!ed gourd seed from Centre county, to
'"!'h lddings, Dip; No. 7, best bushel
i:mplcd corn gourd seed, raised in Clearfield
' , H. B. .Shaw, American Agriculturist ;
11. best lushel corn, York State yellow
'o M,ir?:n Nicholas Jr., American Agricultur
; Xo. 13. best - bushel globe flat turnips to
'v. Bigl.-r, American Agriculturist.
Class t riot returned.
Class If 3, oest r, I,S
;'l Dressier. S 1.00; No. 5,
Liuzhhn. :i 111!
butter, to Mrs.
best cheese, to
Ciass 2') iTo. 1. best wheat flour, to Elisha
Ar'J.-ry. i-IJH); No. 3. best buckwheat flour,
Eiiiba ArJerv, $100; Xu. 2, best com
to-Zluha Arderv, $1.00.
!(C:hm 21N. Jl, best hex honey, to J. S.
'"MiSlOO; Xh..'J, best jar jireserved peach
f G. K. Barrett. Djo. or 50 cts ; No. 3,
7r Jr of f10iey. to John Shaw, $1,00; No.
l-st jJr ofpiek; to )ils3 ,gSie Flant-
Hip. or 50 cts.
, I"'s 22 No. 10, -lost wcoIeD chain carpet
" Vrs. George Birgcr, S 1,00 ; Xo. 8, best
f' I , aln "'.'"t, .- Mrs. Win. Spackman,
- t.. U--,t wofllcn cloth, to Mrs. Jas.
' "C'cy, SIX"); No. fc, liest -woolen blagkets,
;' James WrigSey, S1,0(); No. 1, best
'"' nut. to Margaret.J. liheetti, SO cts ; No.
.'"st sewing tliread, to Mrs. Elias Kishel,
c'": N'o. 17, htiit pavr fringed mittens, to
'zWitieCaWwril, nnder 12 years dd,50c ;
- 10, best hllneh r.f G ,yv V , r ,t o
, Oest bunch of fax. to Mariraret Wa-
V ' vCls; "-2C, best slocKing varn. to
'' -Nancy Barkley, "60 cts; No. 29. best
"3eg c uth Mrf Ti; u.ai.ul Cl fill
oiien meets. 4 cis ; o. zo, nest
ft, made l.y Miss under 12 vears of age,
c',!u .,leir, So ct.; No. 12, best table
t ' s. -jOcti; No. . best stocking, bv Miss
a ., ' age, Garonne liloom. o'J cts ;
i uomeslic Mllhroiderpfl rotfnn
8. to Mrs. David Dressier. 50 cts ; No.
SI 'Sir larf e Kl.'L iro-a Ia Uri Wm V
Tr '""St i
nt. :,il .o . v- i . , . .
i 'tr. . ' 4 1 osl wooien coverlet,
Spackman. S1.00: No. lfi.
r'?'e,r5!:toMis9 Esther Ogden, $1,00:
E ' p-JT" 1. best lamp mat, to Miss
wk Ry,,(1tT, Dip. or 50 cts ; No. 22, best
v. P..joir, to Mrs. W. W. Bet(s, Dip. or 50 c ;
- bin ' cUir cuhiD. to M'9s Mary Sack
:i'u7ft; No. 15. liest sofa cushion,
" - U. Biri-cit, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 29,
best toilet, Mrs. Doctor Foster. Dip or 50 cts ;
No. 47, bet glass card basket, to M iss Kail
Woods, Dip .r 5') cts; Xo. C, best che-ieill
slippers, to Mrs. J. B. Steadmati, Dip i r oO c ;
No. 1, best worked slippers, to Mrs. J. II
Fulfotd, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 35. worsted liovv
ets, toMiss Is ibulla Mitchell, Dip or 50 cts ;
No. 31, best h:ir flowers and basket, to Miss
Isabella .Mitchell, Dip or5)cts; No. 40. best
book mark, by Miss under 5 years of age Jliss
D.J.Robeson, Dip or 50 cts; No. 5, best
stool, by Mrs. J. B. Steadman, Dip or 50 cts ;
No. S, best coral basket, by Mrs. J. B. Stead
man, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 7. best worsted toi
let cushion, by Mrs. J. B. Steadman, Dip or
50 cts; No. 21, best bra.ded cushion, bv Miss
Bertha Wright, Dip or 50 cts; No. 23, best
bouquet straw flowers, by Mrs. Doctor Foster,
Dip or 50 cts ; No. S3, best shirt made by
Miss under 12 tears of age, Nancy Forter,
Dip or 50 cts; No. 43, best silk cushion, by
Miss Flora Graham, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 2, best
embroidered skirt, by Mrs. J. II. Fulford, Dip
or 50 cts ; No. 9, best embroidered flaiinell
skirt, by Mrs. J. B. Steadman, Dip or 50 cts;
No. 10, best embroidered collar, by Mrs. J.
B. Steadman, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 10, best col
lar, by Mrs. J. B. Steadman, Dip or 50 cts ;
No. 14, best biaided slippers, by'Miss Alice
Barrett, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 17, best tufted
lamp mat, by Miss Cornelia Shaw. Dip or 50
cts; No. 18, biaided sack, by Miss Sophia
Barrett, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 19, bestembroi'd
handkerchief, by Miss Issabella Mitchell, Dip
or 50 cts; No. 41, best bead mat, by Miss
Flora Graham, Dip or 50 cts; No. 11, best
woolen crochet mat, by Miss Julia Smith, Dip
or 50 cis; No. 12, bust crochet tidv. bv Mrs.
Judge Leonard, Dip or 50. cts ; No. 24, best
chair seat in wool, by Mrs. Doctor Foster,
Dp or 50 cts; No. 25, best ottaman by Mrs.
Doctor Foster, Dip or 50 cts; No. 23. best
tufted ottaman, by Mrs. Doctor Foster, Dip or
50 cts ; No. 20, best chair tidy, by Mrs. Doctor
Foster, Dip or 50 cts ; best braided apron, by
Miss Mary Sackef, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 31, best
pressed flowers, by Mrs. Doctor Foster Dip or
50 cts ; No. 30, best boquet of tressed flowers,
by Mrs. Doctor Foster, Dip or 50 cts; best
needle work, by Miss under 12 years of age.
Miss D. J. Kobesoe, Dip or 50 cts ; No. 27,
best worsteil slippers by Mrs. Doctor Foster,
Dip or 50 cts ; No. 20, best shell work picture,
by Mrs. J. B. Graham, Dip or 50 cts; No. 45,
best lump mat, by Miss Ellen Reed, Dip or 50
cts; No. 3y, best braided sack, by Miss Flora
Grahjm, Dip or 50 cts; No. 4, best moss
house, by MissFannv Barrett. Dir or 50 cts:
No. 3i, best crochet tidy, by Miss M. J. Shaw,
Dip or 50 cts; No. 13, best bed quilt, by Mrs.
Caroline McGaugliey. Dip. or 50 cts; No. 33,
best shirt made by .Miss tinder 12 years of uge
Miss Nancy Porter, Dip or 50 cts.
Class 24 No. 1, best box of bats, by Miss
Kate Keed.
Class 25 not returned.
Class 20 No. 4, best design for bridge, by
Harrison Miller, S3,00.
Class 27--No. 1, horse shoeing, by G. C.
I'assuiore. S2.00 ; No. 3, best gun ' smitliiug
by John Moore, $3.00.
Class 28 not returned.
Class 20 No. 1, best bed stead, by C. L.
Barrett, SI. CO.
Class 30 No. 1, best window blind by B.
Class 31 No. 42, best pumpkins, by Elisha
Fenton, Dip: No. 21 and 22. best variety of
melons, by Jacob Guelich, SOcts ; No. 49, best
rutabagas, by Wm. Bigler, 50 cts ; No. 29,
best radishes by James Orden. D'l) : No. 7.
best J bushel beets, by Hamilton Reed, Dip ;
No. 41, best canlrabi, by Edgar Goodfellow.
Dip; No. 30. best gourds, by Miss Eliza Reed,
Dip ; No 39, lest grafted potatoes, by Charles
Sloan, Dip; No. 45, best sweet potatoes, by
Joseph Idlings. Dip; No. 1, best Michigan
long potatoes, by G. Thorn, Dip ; No. 14,
best poplar root potatoes, by G. "Thorn, Dip ;
No. 33. round blue potatoes, by A. Spencer,
Dip; No. 3, best shelbark potatoes, by James
McClelland, Dip ; No. 40, best peacn blows,
n John rorter, Dip; No. li, best qt Windsor
oeans, oy j. ijrtielicn, tup; x0. o0 & 51, best
cabbage, Wm. Bigler, Dip;
(.lass 30 No. 2, best bottle vinegar, by
m irgaret bptckman, oO cts; No. 4, best
soap vet". good, by Miss Sarah Wallace, Dip.
CI iss ;,i N o. 1, best fish, trout, by Simon
(j.iriis, Diploma.
Class 3S N . G, best suit of minerals of
Clearfield County, by Joseph Irvin, $2,00;
IN o. i. hest lime stone, by Jos Irvin, 50 cts
No. 8, best burnt lime, by Jos. Irvin, SI. 00.
Clii.ss.j9 NO. x, best displav and greatest
vartefy of apples, by Geo. Thorn, $3.00 ; No.
, best display an l greatest variety of pears
by G. Shorn, S2.00 ; No. 18, best I. bushel of
apples, by Wm. Wallace. 50 cts ; No. 4, & 5
best toreign grapes, Muscat of Alexandria and
Black Hamburg, by Wm. Bigler, 50 cts ; N
!, best American grapes, by Lucien Ward,
I 00 cts; No. 20. nest currant wine, by Mrs
v m. Bigler, Dip ; No. 21. two bottles black
berry wine, by Mrs. Gov. Bigler ; No. 7, best
Isaabella grape wine, by Mrs. G. R. Brrrett
No. 8, best strawberry cordial, bv Mrs. G. R.
Barrett; No. 6, best foreign grape wine, by
Mrs. G. R. Barrett, the shove three specimen
of wines all very grood and should be noticed
by the Committee , Dip.
Class 40 No. 1, best nursery with descrip
tion of 00 varieties of apples, with a large va
riety of all other fruits and shrubery by J. D.
Wright, $3.00.
Class 42 General list No. 1. best minafnre
elephant, by Mrs. Wm. M. McCullongh, Dip ;
No. 2. white pelican heal stuffed, by J. II.
Fulford, Dip.
There being some of the class books in the
hands of the Judges who are hereby respect
fully requested to return them without delay
to the Secretary at the Prothonotarys' office
at Clearfield. By the Executive Committee.
D. F. Etzweiler, Secretary.
Bears. David Brown, Jacob Confer and
othei Nimrods living at Canoe Creek, killed
four bears on Thursday October 29th. They
(the bears) came down from the mountain
probably in search of food, and crossed the
turnpike a few rods from Mr. Brown's house,
where they weie perceived and the dogs star
ted after them. They were soon treed, one
after another, and shot. They are thought to
be the same "crittars" which a day or two
after the election chased Georgo W.Reed, on
his way home from this place with the returns.
Flollidayxburg Register.
Bad LrcK. A gentleman in Hannibal, Mo.,
having seven hundred dollars in greenbacks,
w-hich he wished to save for winter use, secre
ted it in an old stove, thinking it the safest
place about the premises. A few evenings
ago his wife had occasion to use the stove, and
therefore had it set tip and a good fire built in
it. Her husband's feelings can be better im
gined than described, when, on returning
home, he found his treasuro consumed.
What an Amocnt of Suffering and disease
among the Volunteers would be prevented by
the tree use of Holloway's Pills And Oint
ment. For Wounds, Sores and Scurvy, the
Ointment fa a certain cure, and for Bowel com
plaints, Fevers, Small Pox, &c'., the Pills are
the best medicine ia the world. Only 25
cents per box or pot. 220
The report that Gen. John W. Geary was
captured by the rebels at Colliorsville, Al., is
contradicted. It is said that a rebel officer by
the name of Geary was captured at that place,
and hence the report.
rCTThp Richmond City Council has appro
priated S50.000 lor the relief of the poor.
CtPTarrot himself is on Morris Island su
perintending the firing of his six mile shells.
Dillon. John M. Bolts, lias been again ar
rested by the rebels stud ent to Richmond
' tx7"At a coin sale ia New York last week a
silver dollar of 1794 brought the absurd price
of $285.
CT-Joseph Detweiler. a farmer of York
county, is on trial at Philadelphia for evading
the income tax.
GThe Selinsgrqvo Times calls the Provost
Marshal's soldiers " dogs." This is decided
ly the latest democratic invention.
CT7"A Youth of sixty years has been arrest
ed in Rhode Island lor whipping bis mother.
lie said the old lady's morals were bad.
CSGen. Garfield, while sol-akinsr for tho
cnion, tn a strong slave-holding locality, in
Maryland, was mobbed by a crowd of copper-
CSOver S100.000 worth of property has
been condemned and confiscated bv the Uni
ted States Court at Nashville, being the prop
erty of rebels.
C?"One man in Poushkeensie has been
very unfortunate during the past tew weeks.
Within that time he has been drafted, married
and burned out.
Otitis said that Woodward has been en
gaged by Artemus Ward to travel with his
show and sine t he jiathetic balad. -Oh ! I'm
a Used up man."
(X7"A Frenchman wishing to say of a young
ladv that she whs as irentle as a lamb, thus
expressed himself; 'She be mooch tame, like
the petite mouton."
fT7"In Newport, R. I, a poor man found
-5'.T, ana upon restoring it to us owner a
well-to-do farmer, the generous man gave him
the extraordinary sum ot'Jire cents !
CFA confederate dollar is now worth onlv
six cents on the gold dollar, and, at the pres
ent rate of depreciation, will not soon bo
much more than two cents on the dollar.
liAn English laborer and his wile poi
soned themselves with Prussic acid, and left
an explanatory epistle., saying: 'e were
too lovin' to live together in this world."
C"The Zanesvillo Courier says an order
was sent to that citv the other day for a tomb
stone for William Dunbar, late of Wuterford
Washington county, Ohio, aged one hundred
and twelve years. He was an old Revolution
ary soldier.
T7"Maj. (Jen. Butler has been assigned to
the command of the Department of Virginia
and North Carolina (Gen. Foster's.) This
change is believed to indicate a disposition to
prosecute the war with renewed vigor in that
especial section.
H7"Another of the ncble family of Ellets,
who have so distinguished themselves in con
nection with naval operations on the Mis
sissippi, is dead. Charles R. Ellet, commas
ding the Mississippi Marine brigade, died
suddenly on' Thursday last, at Bunker Hill,
LGI he largest fire in San Francisco, for
many years, occurred there a short time since.
1 he loss was about $2o0,000. without much
tnsurance. The business part o( the town of
Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne county, was destroy
ed by fire on the 20th ult. Loss about
rjAn immense amount of counterfeit fifty
cent postal currency notes is being manufac
tured in the .State of New York. These
counterfeits to the amount of 40,000, were
in Buffalo two weeks ago, and the officers of
that city are on the alert for the venders of
(he trash.
D5Ihe London court Journal says: "It has
transpired that Lord Palmcrxton came to
London and had an interview of two hours'
duration with Prince Napoleon . who. before
he left England, also saw Earl Russel at Wo
burn ; so that there is no doubt that, nfter all,
the Prince's mission was political."
CC?It is oiTIci.ily stated tint 4.000 refugees
from northern Alabama and Georgia have ar
rived in Nashville since last August, and been
variously provided for by the Government.
Most of them b.ive boon sent North. Thev
were in a deplorably destitute condition, hav
ing been robbed of evetythmg by the rebels.
The A br est or Deserters.
The business
of apprehending deserters
from the army has
d profitable. The
necoine quite extensive anrl pr.
Government now pays thirty dollars a bead for
deserters, and "detectives" are quite numer
ous. Every citizen is authorized to appre
hend deserters, and the pay is the same as re
ceived by regularly authorized agents. - Many
men will do for lucre what they never would
do from motives of patriotism, and in the pres
ent emergency the Government is wise in of
fering large rewards.
A few days before the late election, Gen.
McGlellan wrote a letter endorsing Woodward,
alleging that the Judge and bini perfectly a
g reed in their views! As might have bex-n
expected, McClellau has lost many warm
friends through it, among others the Haiti
more American, one of his most ardent sup
porters, but which now, for the first time
thanks the President lor not reinstating hiiu
in bis command.
There is in Nova Scotia a young woman. sev
enteen years of age, whoj's seven feet two in
ches in height. She measures forty-three in
ches round the waist, thirty-three inches from
her armpit to the tip of her fingers, weight two
hundred and seventy-four pounds, and has a
foot thirteen inchesllong. She is good-looking
and quite social, although diffident, not being
accustomed tosee the public, and her name is
Anna Swan.
The devotion of the East Tennesseeans to
the "old flag" is graphically described by a
son of Senator Harris, who accompanied Gen
eral Burnside. He says, "The old flag has
been hidden in matfiasses and under carpels.
It now floats to the breeze from every staff in
East Tennessee. Ladies wear it. Little chil
dren clap their hands and kiss it."
At his residence in Burnside- township,
Cleartield County, on Friday morning, Octo
ber 30th, 1863, Benjamin Yin-cling, aged 23
years, 1 1 montns ana e aays. ine deceased
had just returned from Wateriord, whither he
had gone to pay his commutation money, being
one of the drafted men. He was sick when
be reached his home, and died suddenly and
unexpectedly. His death is a great affliction
to his widowed mother, ana is sincerely la
mented by brothers, sisters, aud a large circle
of attached friends. Peaca to bis remains. M
DTIoHidaysburg and Bedford papers ara
requested to copy.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons in
terested are hereby notified, that Letters
Testementary on the estate of Hon. James Fer
guson, late of Lumber city deceased, have this
day been issued to tho uudersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate will make immediato pay
ment, and those having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated, for settle
ment. ELIZA FERGUSON, Exceutrii.
October, 27, 1363.-pd
ZerjWhile walkine through the streets i.f
-w CnrwenSville. II1V attonlii.n mi-ms ilnitnt
... ..KicrowQ oi people passing and repa-smg,
eacn and all with an Immense load of merchan
dise; and there meeting an acquaintance, I made
the inquiry ' What does this mean." The answer
was -Have you not been at tho cheap ttore of J.
.?mps0n'" who ha3 J'ust oome frm the East
witn the largest .stock of goods offered to the
community at lower figures than any other house
in the country. "My advice to you"is to call and
sco for yourself and then exclaim -The half was
not told me."
.-HAKE AND BURN ! Shako and burn'
Shake and bum!!! This is the life of agony en
dured by the sufferer from Fever and Ague, lie
wanders liko an uncertain shadow, never know
ing what miitirir. 1ia'i. k ... .1 .
- ; . -' '... u jit u , ana
tueretore disinclined to givounv serious attention
to business. This is the condition of thousands
in town and country. It is no exageration to say
toatlever and Ague kills more people than any
twenty other diseases in America. For a sure
and speedy cure of this terrible affliction, we take
great pleasure in recommending IIostetter's
toTOMAcit BiTTF.ns. which have already achieved a
wide reputation for rapid and powerful effects in
renovating the system prostrated by this disease,
tor sale by Druggist and dealers generally, ev
erywhere, a j, '
tatI"w,,EtPo?TE?'s Clrat,ve Balsam has long
tested the truth that there are first principles in
-Meuieme as there is in Science, and this Medi
cine 13 compounded on principles suited to tho
manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds is in
keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle in
ternal warmth, and this is caused by tho use of
this Medicine. Its remedial qualities aro based
on its power to assi.st the hnuitW 0...1 ;
circulation of blood through the lun. it onli.
vens tho muscles find nssisij thn r
..... . .in iv i'clorui
us auties of regulating the heat ot the svstcni.and
111 irenfly throwing o(T th u-xm mil.ut.,n r.
the surface of the hodv Ti U nnl u ;i,., ...
., - - - -r - t ...hi. 11 u 11U1U
J - - kUIV.UU 1 V 111
euy, but emollient, warming, searching and effec-
11 e. cotu bv all drui'ist at 13 nnd -is i.,.,,i
tniToi: of journal: DkaiiSir: Witt, Tii.rr-
mission I wish to say to the readers of your paper
that I will send by return mail to all who wish it.
tireej a necipc. with lull directions for making
and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef
fectually remove, in 10 days. Pimples. Blotches,
Tim I Von lr lo.. .1 11 r." .. . '
nn, 1 an impurities or rne Kin.
leaving the same soft.clca'r, smooth and beautiful.
j. iu aiso man lroe to those havmz Bald Heads
or .bare laces, siinole ilirc,.ii..iw !,,,) ;i. ,,,;....
that will enable them tn start n full I
j.uxuriaiit nair. H tuskers, or . Miii.hd i.i.
, . ... .... . " ' ' 1 ... , L H V) 1
mj.11 .tu aays All applications answered by re
turn mail without charge. i:ftsner.tf.ill
July 22,18r3.-3mo. No. 831 Broad wa v.New York
coMMr.MCATEn. Pulmonary consttutption a rrtr
aid distant 1! ! a caiid.
To Consumptives. Tho undersigned havinir
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same.which thev
will find a sure euro for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. The only object of tho advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflic
ted, and spread information which he conceives to
be invaluable, and he hones everv sufferer will
4 -
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho pre-
scuptiou will please address
Sept. 2.1-lin. Williainsburgh, Kings Co., N.Y.
WANTED. A man to dig and put out 3 to
4, 0!)0 bushels of coal. Highest cash price
win oe paia ov
Sent. 23. lM.-3r
I'nrnsid e Pa.
TTOl'K WAITED). A good sober, industri-
J ous journeyman. Cabinet maker. can find con
stant employ-incut, at good wages, by applying
eoou to JOHN J LELICll.
Septal KCiX Clearfield. Pa.
J. m. is hereby jriven to all persons interested, that
letters of Administration have this dav been gran
ted to the undersigned.on the estate of Isaac Kline,
tare 01 urautord township, deceased. Iboso in
debted to said estate will make immediate pay
ment, ana 'Hose na.vinr claims against it, will pre
sent them duly authenticated 1 or settlement to the
undersigned, or to II. li. !Swoone Esq. her atto rne v.
? AU AH H1UNE, Adm r
Clearfield. f)ct. 24, 1863.. pd
Msirysjville, Clearfield Countv, Pcnn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber,
Boards. Saw Logs or Shingles.
Oct. 11, 1833. JAMES E. WATSOV
(JliblKi iMJIICE The Board of Relief
JL tor the county of Clearfield, will meet at thn
Commissioners' office in Cleartield. on Wednes
day and ihursday, the 25th and 2iith days of
oeinocr, .1. v. 1000.
1 ,r....o
The Board of Relief have directed that tho wife
of the soldier must appear before the board, and
produce her sworn statement, detailing name of
soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis
ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of
eacn ; the township 111 which they resided at the
timept enlistment, and their present residence. :
and that she is without the means of support for
uerseu ana cn no ren wuo arc dependentupon her.
Two witnesses of credibility from the township
in which she resides, must also bo produced. hna
certificate (sworn to before the Loard of Relief)
must set forth that the applicant is the person sh
represents herself to be, that the statement of tho
number and ago of her family is true, that she is
in destitute circumstances and her fauiilv in ac
tual want, and that all tho facts set forth in her
application are correct and true.
Forms containing these requisitions can be ob
tained at tho Office of tho Loard of Relief, when
application is made and tho witnesses annenr.
N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly proven,
win excuse personal nttenaance
Nov- 4. 1S0.3. - WM. S LRADLEY. Clerk.
Dark Blue,
light Blue.
French Bine,
Claret Brown
Dark Brown,
Light Brown,
Snuff Brown,
Dark Drab,
Light Drab,
Dark Green,
Royal Purp. j
Light Ureen.
I or Dyeing SilkWoolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls,
Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons.Gloves, Bonncts.Hats,
Feathers.Kid Gloves. Children's Clothing,
and all kinds of Wearing Apparel.
For 25 cents you can eolor as many -goods as
would otherwise cost five times that sum. Vari
ous shades can be produced from the samo Dye.
The process is simple, and any one can use the
Dye with perfect success.
Directions in English, French and German, in
side of each package.
For farther information in Dying, and giving a
perfect-knowledgo what colors are bast adapted to
dye over others, (with many valuable reeeipos.)
purchase Howe & Stephens. Treatise on Dyeing
and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price,
10 cents.
Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS,
2fi0 Broadway, Bostojj.
For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally.
Loston, November 4th. lS63.-6m.
AUCTIONEER. Tho undersigned having
been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to culling sales, in any part of the county,
w henever called upon. Charges moderate
Address, JOHN" M'QL'ILKIN.
May 13 Bower IV, Clc irlleld co., Pa.
X. JJ. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense rre subject to n penalty of Slit), which pro
vision will bu enforced agaiast those who may vi
olate tac same.
PA. The subscriber having purchased tho
furniture and interest from II. . Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sicnt and permanent boarders. Kvery depart
ment connected with his establishment will bo
conducred second to none in tho county. He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, 18ti0.-y. (1E0. N. C0L15UKN.
11 persons interested are hereby untitled that a
Petition was presented to the Court of Common
BJeas of Clearfield county, at September Term
lSOS.praying the incorporation of the -New Wash
ington Methodist Episcopal Church," and that if
no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary, the
prayer of tho said petition will bo granted, at
the ensuing January Term of said Court, in ac
cordance with the provisions of the Act of As
sembly in such case made and provided.
By order of the Court, 1). F. KTZWKILEH,
October 21 , ISS: -3t Prothonotary.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ
ot Fieri Faria, issued out of tho Court of
Common 1'lcas ot Clearfield county, and to me di-
i-ecica, mere win be exposed to t'ublie Sale, at the
.ourt Jiouse, 111 the borough of Clearfield, ou
Thursday, November 12th. at I oclock, 1". M., the
loiiowing described Ileal Estate, to wit :
tne toliowing piece of land wilh all the im
provements thereon erected, situated intiirard
townsuip. Clearheld county. State of Pa., being a
part of No. 1U 17. warranted t. K.iliert M
Walter steward, ajid described as follows: begin-
1 n r. t ...... .11 : 1 , . . . "
culm, jiluu pine oeing 1. a. Lavcrgood,
J r s corner thence north on line of larger survey
one hundred and forty eight perches to an old
blazed hemlock corner.' thence east 00 perches to
a post, thence south 142 perches to a stone corner
on line ot I . A Ltvcrgood, thence southeM) de-
groes west fc2 perches to pitch pine and place of
ocining. containing ntty acres and allowanco,
Laving erected thereon a plank house and other
out buililings.with about forty acres cleared land
J-eueu, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Henry Hitc
EDWAUD PEKKfs. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 2S, Sii3
A New Lot of Goods.
'I'iil I'.Mir.jiMU.MLU having taken the stocK
J. of merchandize of the late firm of Pattoii.
Hippie t Co., have just added a fresh supply of
comprising Groceries, Drue. Oueensware.
boots and fchoes. Clothing, Muslins, Do Lainct
l nuts, sattinets, .tlunnels. etc., which
they, offer at low prices
urain, rorit, .nmgics anu lioarcls. taKcn in ex
change for goods. We respectful iy osk a share
r. 1, l',- 1 v. .
of patronage. Call and examine our stocK.
Lurwensville. Dec. 1 1. H1ITLE A FAUST
N 1J. The accounts of Putton. Hinrdo & Co.. are
in our nanus, ana wo nereny notily persons hav
ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same
as we desire to have the boons closed.
December 11, ISbl. HIPPLE & FAUST
HERIFF'S SALIXS. Dv virtue of a writ
of Levari Farias issued out of the Court
ot Common L'leas of Clearfield county, and tome
directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale,
at tne tourt House, in tne borough ot Clearfield,
on eunesday the llth day of November, A. 1
IMS.t. at 1 o clock. 1". the following described
Keal Estate, viz :
All those certain two tracts or Pieces of land
situate in icarneld countv. One of them survev
ed in pursuance of a warrant irranted to John
licycruatea tne sixteenth day of May, A. D 1793.
beginning at a post, thence by Nicholsons survev
eoum miriy nine ucgrecs west two hundred and
sixty perches to a post.thcnce bv lands of Nathan
iel Donald south forty degrees east two hundred
and eighty perches to a post, thence by vacant
land north thirty nine degrees east two hundred
and sixty perches to a post, and thence by Chris
tain Gettlngs land north forty desrrees west two
uunare-i ana eighty perches to the place of be
ginning, containing Four Hundred and Thirty
jNine acres and eleven perches and allowance, be
tne same more or less.
And the other, surveyed on a warrant trrantcd
to Nathaniel Donald, dated tho sixteenth dav of
May, A. D. 179.'!. beginning at a post, thence by
Nicholsons survey south 39 deg .wesf 2ort perches
to a post, thence by lauds of John Drimrburst
south 40 deg east 2Ml perches to a post, thence by
vacant land north 39 deg east 2o0 perches to a
post, ana ttiencc by lands ot John Hovers north
40 degrees west 2-0 perches to the place of begin
mug. containing 4.5a acres ana 1 I perches and al
Iowanccs be the same uioro or less. " Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to be sold as the property
01 Lewis jomiioii ana ioren a. r.nsworth.
Sheriffs Office. Clearfield. Pa., Oct. 21, lbfi3
J. P. KRATZER, has just received the largest n
lortment of Dross Goods for Ladies, now in
the county, consistinsr in part of
ISM Cashmeres, Merinos. Rcp-dclaius.plaids 'ISfi.t
parmeito. uriuiant, foplins, Alpacea,
Lcrege, Lawns. Prints, Silks, Dustcr
cloihe. Uinirhains. Nnnbipn l.in.
g a
"j en, Lace, Edging, Velvot-trim-
! ming.Collerette,Lr.-iid.Eetts,
j ' ' ........ .1,., . nvi j , tiia, j.1 cut, (.ui-
seis. ninars, noous, iNuoias. Scarps,
; mantles, furs. JNotions, J'onnets,
.9 : lr.. i,:ul i T.-i in
j 'ja jiiais, uiuuuus, x lowers, i iumes.
k t. !
Such as Cloths.Cassimere, SatincttFlan-
VS! ncl, Jean, Tweed, Cottonade, Muslin.
Over-coats, Shawls, Boys Jackets. Ovor-
afls. Drawers, Cassmere shirts, Lin
er-Shirts. Coots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Ac., &a.
Such as Carpet, Oil-cloth. Blinds, Cur
tins. Tassels, Cord, Clocks, Looking
glassos, Lamps, Chnrns, Tubs. Buck-ets.Brooms.Brushes.Baskets.Wash-.
boards. Butter-bowls, Seives,
Flat-irons. Coffee-mill, Bed
cords, Bags, Wall-paper, Carpet-chain.
Cotton yarn, Candle-wiejj. Work-baskets.
Lantcrs, Umbrellas, Buffalo
Robes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ax
es, and Angers, Ac, tc, &e.
Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes.
12 V.
e o
4 3
1-5 "S
Quccnsware. Glassware. Stoneware. Gro
ceries, Drugs, Confectionanes, Med
icines, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt,
2 2
"3 "5 (Carriage Trimmings, Shoe Fndingi
frcnooi books, iNailsand S-pikes, Glass
and Putty, Oil, Vinegar, Tobacco,
Segars, Candles, Spices, Powder,
Shot, Lead, Grind-stones, Raft
-X n
, mg Kope, etc., etc , etc.,
All of which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms and the highest market price paid for all
kinds of country propuo J P. KRAT&ER.
October 21, 1363. Clearfield, Penn'a.
Italian-cloth, elvet, I'lush, Check,
Ticking, Drilling, Linen Crash,
Serge, canvass. Padding Lincy,
. . i Vestings. Coats. Pants. Vests
-V Ilurliiy Concentratel
Dr. C. M. Jacksoiy riiilatla, Ta.
Will effectually euro Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
"-"""" vu-rnuio ur jscrvoua i'ebili y, Dis
eases of tho Kidneys, and all diseases ari
sing from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach, such as Constipation. Inward
Piles, Fulness or blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stoinach,N.iusca. Heartburn,
Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in tho
Stomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking r
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,
Swimming of the Head. Hurried
and Ditiicult Droathhig. Flut
tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sen
sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of
Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fe
ver and Dull I'ain in tho Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellow
ness of the Skin and Eyes.
Pain in the Side. Rack. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Suddeu
Flushes of Heat, L'uming in the Flesh.
Constant Imaginings of Evil, aud
great Depression of Spirits.
b.oia Kfv. J. X. icton Jiroicu, I). . lZ.lilorot'
tut JjiirirojKjia of Kejigioitx Knoiclngr .
Although not dispused to favor or recommend
I atent Medicines in general, through distrust of
their ingredients and effects ; I yet know of no
sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to
the benefits he believes himself to have received
from auy simple preparation in (be hope that he
ul OA- thus contribute to the benefit of others.
f do this the more readily in regard to Hoof
laud s German Litters, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a
gainst them for many years, under the impres
sion that they wereehiefly an alcoholic mixture.
I am iudebtttd to my friend Rohcrt Shoemaker.
Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try tbem. when
suffering from great and long continued debility.
The use of three lettles of these Liners, at the
beginning of the present year. was. followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a dtgree of bod
ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six
months before, and had almost despaired of re
gaining. I therefore thank (lod and my friend
for directing mo to the use of thorn.
Philad'a., June, 23, ISiil. J. NtittroN Luowx.
There aro many preparations sold under tho
nam ot Litters put up 111 nuart bottles, cmiin.nin.
ded of the cheapest whiskey oreommon rum. cos
ting from 20 to 4(1 cents per gallon, tho taste dis
guised by Anise or Coriander Seed.
lhis class of Litters h .is caused ami will contin
ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundred
to die the death of the drunkard. Lv their us
thesystein is kept continually under the influ.
eneeof Alcoholic Stimulantsof tho worstkind
desire for Liouoris created and kept up, and the
result is all tne horrors attendant upon a drunk
ard's life and death.
For thosu who desire ami irit 1,-inr. a 1.
Litters, we publish tho following receint. tl, t
Our, Bottle Jloiit.iil'l ' I re r in nil liilterx in ii , I v
with Three Quarts of Gnod Himi.lu or W List, a
and tho result will b a preparation that will far
errtl in medicinal virtues and true excellence
any of the numerous Liquor Litters in the mark
et, and will cost much less. You will have all
the virtues of Hoofland's Litters in nmnn-tinn
with a good article of Liouor.at a mueb less orii-.
than these inferior preparation will cost you.
We call the attention of all bavin? relations ..r-
friends in tho army to the fact that -HoofLANn's
German Litters" will cure nine tenths of the dis
eases induced by exposures and privations inci
dent to camp life. In the lists, published almo.-t
daily in the newspapers, on tho arrival of the
sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor
tion aro suffering from debility. Every case of
that kind can ho readily cured by IIooDand'sGer
ni an Litters. Diseases resulting from disorders
of the digestive orcans arc sncedilv removed. Wn
havo no hesitation in stating that, if these Litters
were freely used anion? our soldiers, hundreds of
lives mijrlit bo saved that otherwise will be lost.
We call particular attention to the following re
markable aud well authenticated cure of one the
nation's heroes, whose life, to uso his own lan
guage, ' has been saved by the Litters :'
Pailapelfuia, August 2'ird, 1S02.
Mxsr. Jo tut ir JZciim. Well, rrcntlemen.vonr
Hooflands German Bitters has saved my life.
There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for
by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names
arc appended, and who were fully cognizant of
all the circumstances of my case. I am, and
have been lor the last four years, a member of
Sherman's celebrated battery, and nnder the im
mediate command ofCapt. 11 L. Ayros. Through
the expo sure attendant upon mv duties. I wa
attacked in November last with inflammation of
tho lungs, and was for scventv-two days in tho
hospital. This was followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dyscnicry. I was then
removed from the Whito House, and sent to this
city on board tho Steaiacr State of Maine,"froui
which 1 landed on the 2nth of dune. Since that
time 1 have been about as low as any one could
be and still retain a spark of vitality. F'or a
week or more I was scarcely ablo to swallow anv-
thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it was
mmcdiatcly thrown up aain.
1 1 could not even keep a class of water on mv
stomach. Life could not last under these circum
stances; aud, according! v. the physicians who.
had been working faithfully, though unsuccess
fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread
Archer, frankly told mc thev could do no more
for mc, and advised me to see a clergyman, and
to make such disposition of my limited funds as
best suited me. An acquaintance who visited mo
lit tho hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth
below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope.
te try your Litters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking them tho
gloomy shadow of death receded, and I urn now
thank God for it. eettinz better. Thou'rh 1 have
taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds,
and I feel sanguine of being permittod to rejoin
my no ana uaughter, Irom whom 1 have heard
nothing for eighteen months: for. eentlcmen. I
am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front
Royal. To your invaluable Litters I owe the cer
tainty of life which has taken place of vajrue fears
to your Litters will 1 owe the glorious privi
lege of again clasping to my bosom thoso who aro
dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours, Isaac Maloxb.
We fully concur in the truth of the above state
ment, as we had despaired of seeing our comrade
Mr. Malonc, restored to health. '
Jons Cupdleback. 1st New York Battery.
Geo. A. Acklev, Co. C, llth Maine.
Lbwis Chevalier. U2d New York.
I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Battery F
J. B. Fasewell, Co. B, 3d Vermont
Henkv B. Jerome, Co. B. 3d Vermont
Henry T. Macposalo, Co. C, 6th Maine
Joh.v F. Wakd. Co. E, 5th Maine.
Herma Kocn. Co. II, 72d New York
Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F, 95th Pcnn'a
AxDitEw J. Kimball. Co. A, 3d Vermont
Joux Jenkins, Co. B, 106th Penn'a.
Sco that the signature of -C M.Jirisiiv." ii
the tcrapter of each bottle.
OJZ HALF DOZ. l-OIl S4 tin
Should your nearest dru-ririst not hav thn .
tide, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating
preparations that ma bo offered in ita r)ta. t.n?
send to us, and we will forward, securely packed.
Principal Office and Manufactorr. NV R3I k
(Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co.,) Proprietors.
!?Tor Salo br Hartswick k Huston n..ri;.ia
Penn a. and Druzirists and betlan , J
in the United States. JulvK lKrt.1
f - -
SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti
cle of ground alum salt.
saKfi. at $3.25 per sock, at the cheap cash tore.