Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 11, 1863, Image 1

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VOL. 10.-WO. 11.
u -
Father, when Life's journey's ended,
When Life's weary cares are crer,
Will your hand be first extended
To receive ine on that 3hre,
Where no shade of carts can hover,
Where no storm of strife can rave.
Where the -'sting of death" is over,
And the "vict'ry of the grave?"'
isball I seo thee, father, standing
Down beside Death's troubled tide,
When my slender bark is landing
Over on the '-other side ?"
Shall I feel your arms around me.
When I reach the Heavenly realm.
. An J tfce angel guards have crowned me
With the holy diadem !
From the Chicago I'ost.
Beaa Hackett as a Fashion Reporter.
1 was fowling in tho marshes of Calumet
uheii 1 received your note. I was preying
remorselessly upon the feathered tribe gener
aiv, with a double-barreled shot gun. My
ammunition was about exhausted. I had
started with a quart bottle full of powder in
my breast pocket, but that was all gone ex
crj)t a "suit." My shot pouch was almost
empty, too, but I did not care for that. A
rn tii can hunt well enough without shot if he
only has plenty of powder the kind that
flies to the head.
Your message arrived in good time to be
headed. I had just got a splendid duck by
falling off a log into a stream of muddy water.
I felt so much elated by my success that 1
was ready" to quit. Only a tew hours previous
to that I had slain a dozen of the plumpest
ducks I ever saw. Before I bad time to col
lect t htm together the owner appeared upon
the Held of carnage, and informed me that
they were his ducks, and were not wild, and
m-ver had been. The owner's name was Drake.
You can imagine how I felt when I learned
jli.it my ducks were all Drake's. I gave them
up, like a reasonable man, and charged him
i. nihing tor killing them. lean be generous
whenever I want to.
Alter so many repeated successes it is not
strange that I felt ready to leave the field. I
read the cabalistic line of your message,
"come up and do the openings." I wanted
to come bad enough, but I had no idea what
the missive mean. There are so many
pening in the world, so many things that
cjn be opened. There are" letters, for in
Mance ; letters that belong to you and letters
that dott't ; and there is champagne that can
1 e opened j so on ink bottles, so can a bank,
so can oysters can oysters). When I arrived
:it oysters 1 stopped awhile, and it occured to
me that I had caught your idea. Somebody
va. going to open a can of oysters (the first of
t!ie reason, maybe), and you wanted me to re
l.itrt the atlair. Accordingly I came to the
rity in (Meat haste, my speed being accelera
ted by a knowledge of the tact that my pow
der was a!l gone, and there is no good pewder
nlide of Chicago. I was disappointed, not
disagreeably, however, when I was informed
tii.it the grand season of opening millinery
at j .-straw goods bad arrived, and that I was
wanted to make a tour of Lake street, and
make an article on the fall fashions.
I feit complimented when I was toM that I
was the man f'ui the position, because I had a
taote intimate acquaintance with milliners,
and could g'd information lrom the fnir sex
better than anybody else. I am susceptible
of flattery, a little, and I felt complimented,
lint I mistrusted my ability, i have not had
liiuch experience in reporting. 1 wrote local
items tor three (lays on a country newspaper
.six years ago, and some of them are going the
roiiuds of the pre."S yet. I ought to have h;id
tUeiu copyrighted for they are never credited
to me. I will give you one of th-m the first
1 ever wrote and which is reproduced in the
papers every month or two. Jt i. pretty good,
ami will give you an inkling of my style :
'AcciDtxT. l'esterdiy a team attached to
a waou rushed madly down one of our prin
cipil streets a distance of a nile mr two, and
were only prevented from running away by a
gentleman who, at the hazard of his life,
M-ized them bv the reins and stopped them.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made."
If you hear of anybody tnat wants to engage
a man to write that sort of items all the time,
J ih you would let me know it.
I commenced at the foot of Lake street to
do the fashions. I went through the great
I r.iou depot from one end to the other, and
tip stairs and down, but I could find no mil
linery store th-re. I then struck out boldly
tp Lake stret, and came to a large house
uarly opposite a large house on the opposite
Me of the street. I am thus precise in gfv
ir? localities that the public may know where
'.e W-st millinery store is to be found. A re
lii'jle gentleman, to whom truth is a greater
"tringer than fiction, told me that the second
s'"ry of the large house on the opposite side
f tiie street was a bonnet and straw goods
'ri!!iment. That was the information I
ws locking for, and I bounded up stairs
Like a wild gazelle,"
if I may be allowed to institute a comparison.
At tbis time I was absorbed in deep mcdifa
7;i'iK thinking how I should begin uiy article,
and who! her I should puff anybody. I was
attracted. I think, and I sailed up the stair
lw with my- body bent forward about nineteen
tje;Tees froro the perjiendicular, a pencil un
der my arm and a reporter's book over my
.TV'1 Mr" 1 reached the head of tho stairs
-'u't'Ietily inasmuch as I was going very rapid
Jiand, as a consequence of my abstracted
fte, or something else, I drove my head
1'inmp into a bonnet that the proprietress was
'.jnS to a customer. "I was terribly
;rigfi5ened, and tried to stammer an apology,
fit U was uo go.
The proprietress looked reaping machines
nje. I threw my pencil down and begged
!,on lor smoking in her presence, thinking
las a cigar. Told her I honed I hadn't
ntu anythintr, and she smiled a little and
j1" I,iain't- Then I felt' better, and told
I was a reporter. Then she looked milder
an ever, and said, "Oh, indeed !" and im
- ui.a;ey afterward she became insufferably
asKea me a volley of
hall into a large room occupied by about twen
ty bonnets and sixty niiIiners,saleNWomen,etc.
I did not look at the bonnets for the first half
hour but devoted myself exclusively to tak
ing an inventory of the young ladies.
"This is a charming bonnet goiden dnn
Maria Stuart front," said the lady in chief.
"les, sne is," I rep neu : "but ner nair is
a little too red."
I discovered my mistake when it was too
late to correct it. That's my luck.
As soon as the divine little milliners learned
who I was. they gathered around me in a cir
cle, and all were anxious to see who could say
the most and best things. One wasdiscant
ing upon the beauties of a chip bonnet, and
another handed me a bunch of grapes to ex
amine. I bit one of the grapes, and got my
month full of broken glass. Then 1 thought I
would rather report a camp meeting than a
millinary store; then I thought I wouldn't.and
I mustered my courage and made another
note in mv note book, (grapes, not sour, but
Miarp.) My tongue bled fearfully, and I spoil
ed my best embroidered handkerchief wiping
away the blood. The circle diminished, and
the crowd (perhaps I should say bevy) came
closer. I began to want fresh air severely.
Too many females in a close room render the
atmosphere oppressive.
"This is beaii'itul," said a charming crea
ture with pearly eyes and black teeth, "this is
a dear duck of a bonnet."
"Is it a wild duck ?" said I,"l've had enough
of wild ducks, especially if they belong to a
man by the name of Drake."
"Trice, seventy-five dollars," she continu
ed paying about as little attention to me as a i
man ot my qualifications could expect.
I asked her if she would sell it in small lots,
and how much one of the straws would come
to, but before I bad finished the question she
was blowing me something else.
The ladies became less timid as they became
more acquainted, and approached so near me
when they wanted to give me a bonnet to
look at, that my ruffles were in danger
of being crushed. They piled bonnets upon
mo till I bad both arms lull and the top ones
began to fall oil, and every time I stooped to
picK up one I dropped two. It required some
skillful engineenug to keep from being en
gulphed in the ocean of crinoline that sur
rounded me ; and in making a desperate effort
to escape from one particular billow that came
fearfully near me, I plunged both feet into a
magnificent French chip bonnet (that was the
name of it, J with a Marie Stuart or Louisa
Jane Susan Smith front, I forget which.
There was another crash of glass artificials, a
bunch of wheat was crushed to flour, and a
fine blush rose blushed for the last time
Trie milliners all screamed the circle was
broken ; some rushed one way and some an
other, and some rushed in an opposite direc
tion. I rushed to a window and measured tho
distance to the ground with my mathematical
eye. I had not made up mv mind exactly when
a ten year old whom I had not seen "before
(I think she was an apprentice) sung out in a
shrill voice, "Ma says if you don't pay her for ,
the last shirt she made for you she'll prosecute
j-ou in the court house."
I should have been proul to know that I
had an acquaintance there it I had net been
in a hurry. I threw myself out upon the side
walk without breaking a bone, and I still
live. When next 1 go to report a millinery
iiilair I shall go in a full suit of armor.
I am feelingly, Beau IIacket.
Now that the election in Pennsylvania is o
ver, it behooves us to look about and see what
new work there is for us to do. The discus-
sioD produced by the contest for Governor of
Pennsylvania has brought to light many im
portant facts, and has given an index to the
future of the contestant parties.
The Union party, under the lead of Gov.
Ctirtin, has for three years steadily adhered
to the national policy to maintain the govern
ment and restore peace to the country. The
earnest with which the support of Pennsylva
nia to the national cause has been rendered by
our State Executive only promises what will
be the future course and policy of The LTnion
party to maintain the national integrity, pre
serve our institutions and privileges, and by
crushing out treason .restore the country to
permanent peace. This is a broad platform,
sustaining the very principles of our govern
ment, and the only one which promises per
petuity to our nationality.
But it is to the opposition policy that we de
sire to direct public attention. That party
which has sought, in the late contest In this
State, and in the contest in Ohio, thj election
of Woodward and Vallaudigham to the Chief
Executive offices of these two great States,
are wedded to a policy in direct antagonism
to that of the Union party. The Democratic
State Central Committee's Address to the peo
pie of Pennsylvania, last year, of which Com
mittee Frank W. Hughes was Chairman, ar.
raigned the North as the party in rebellion a
gaiust the Constitution of the United States,
and said that the war could only be termina
ted by making war upon Abolition. Col. Bid
dies Address, this year, reiteiates tho same
thing. These Addresses regard the Sonthurn
people in arms fighting agaiust Abolition and
lor tho .National Constitution. 1'hey endorse
an ineir views against tne anti-slavery seuti-
ment of the North, and join in their hue and
cry that it is an Abolition war; that the se
cession of the rebel States was caused bv the
anti-slavery agitation at the .North, and in
deed all over the country. They do not, how
ever, recognize the fact that this agitation did
not contemplato in interference with tho in
stitutious ot the Mates, but only sought to
educate the public muid against giving sane
tion to the spread of slavery. Judze Wood
ward, tho representative man of the Democra
cy in Pennsylvania, has pronounced his oppo
sition to slavery-aggression the "malignant
fanaticism that caused Secession." That tbis
is the application he desires to be made of
this idea, though taken by itself jt is some
what ambiguous, is evident from the follow
ing extracts from his Independence Square
spoecn, at tne commencement ot the war :
"Everywhere in the south the people are
beginning to look out for the means of self-defence.
Could it be expected that they would
oe inaiiiereoi io sucn scenes as have occurred!
that they would stand idle and see measures
concerted and carried forward for the annihi
lation, sooner or later, of their property in
slaves? Such' expectations, if indulged. ar
are acting in self-defence, and are justifiable
in their course; and it is upon this principle
that Woodward was selected as the-party stan
dard bearer, and it is in behalf of this princi
ple that J. Glancy Jones tells us "there is
nothing left us but rebellion" in case ot de
feat, i
Now, it is gratifying to know that the par
ty which has promulgated these monstrous
sentiments has been defeated in the contest
on the second Tuesday of October not that
we court the horrors of rebellion in oor midst
out mat our Mate presents to the world the
nooie spectacle of patriotism rising above fear,
above avarice, above poltroonery, in defense
ot me glorious cause of the nation and her
own iree institutions.
put we have wandered far enough on this
point. Let us now call special attention to
inc. tnreat of J. Glancy Jones, that "nothing
.3 .c, us out reoeinou." This may,or it may
not, be an idle boast. It may be the foreshad
owing of what has been determined on by these
base, wicked men. Rebellion, in caso of d-
feat, is the logical sequence of the doctrines
taught by the leaders of the Democratic par
ty in me xsorth. The eflort mav be made
here in Pennsylvania to eive rhvivil ni.l i
me Southern Rebellion. This is the point to
be watched. Let the Union men remember
mat "eternal vigilance istho t.rir.? of lihriv
and as they have at tho late election declared
in favor of Curtin and the Union, let them
not relax their endeavors to uphold tho Gov-
trnment and the nation's cause. Our duty to
i..e vjovernmeni is the same underall circunw
stances of State policy or Statu action. We
must guard the temple of our liberties against
assaults from whatever source and should re
oeuion do attempted in this State, k-t every
Joyal man be ready to aid in its suppression.
At the great Union meeting in tho Cooper
Institute, New York, on Thursday evening,
Governor Yates, of Illinois, said he had been
born in a slave State, (Kentucky,) and now
declared that slavery stood in the path - of
tho republic. He had found fault with
Mr. Lincoln because ho was too slow for him.
lie was himself thankful for the compliment
ol being called a radical ; there is no compro
mise between falsehood and.truth. He ad
ded :
"When free schools and the true aristocra
cy of this land free labor is established, we
shall again have a true Uniou and a glorious
country. But there will bo no peace until sla
very is desiioycd, and the glorious flag of our
country is carried by our brave boys through
the fields of Georgia, and floats over Charles
ton and Richmond. Lou I cheers. And,
after all, be had found that Mr. Lincoln could
not move faster than God ani Providence
permitted. When he telegraphed to President
Jjincoln nis hery dispatch fof confiscation and
emancipation, -Old Abo telegraphed back
"Dick, hold still and see tho salvation of
God." Tremendous cheering. There has
been great complaint that we have interfered
with men's rights, but when a traitor is con
victed and hunghe is only getting his rights.
They only have, the right to be bung on this
earth, and the divine right to bo d d forever
after. Cheets. WTe will not give up this
land to traitors ; they in the West wero ready
to swear that the Mississippi river shall run
blood before the great outlet shall be given to
traitors. We cannot get tid of thjs war by
compromise compromise is played out.
Laughter and cheers. He wanted peace,
but a solid and lasting peace, and the only
way is to carry this war through, ana to crush
treason both North and South. Cries of
"Bravo." The only way is to tight tho war
out. The rebels say they will not submit
they will have three-fourths of the country ;
he would swear by Almighty God that they
shall not have an inch."
Je fiuestions. and fitf.,l at tnu oil ih
n;o. as tt,..i,K ,.i ... . . ,..
in my breastpin, or
ny shirt ruffles, or the links in my watch
u-ain np i. i.-ti. . . .
ar,v,. ,uc oriwanis
"".g else you like.
fckeii 00 lonShand Of short hand V sho
1 nHhetbJr'" 9a'd 1 5 "l m new hand' nd
gt, ' ti8li've the business, as- far as I've
'fietross conducted me through a long
The Richmond papers are ravenous for the
possession of East Tennessee. The Examiner
says the value of Vicksburg was nothing com
pared with that of East Tennessee. Vicks
burg afforded nothing to the rele!s in the way
of supplies, while from East Tennessee and
the adjacent counties of North Carolina and
Virginia they are to draw the meat upon which
the armies are to be fed during tile current
and the coming years.
Affaies is San Domixgo. The last ac
counts from San Domgo state that the revolu
tion against the Spaniards has extended to
the whole country. The story is repeated
that the town of Puerto Plata has been de
stroyed by tho insurgents. Spain, it is said
will bo obliged to send an array of 60,000 men
and spend millions of dollars to conquer San
The French iron-clads aro impregnable
water. They can never cross tho ocean.
not reasonable
"When you combine all in one glowing pic
ture oi national prosperity. remember that cot
ton, the produce of slave labor, has been one
ot the indispensiblo elements of all this pros
perity it must be an indispensible element in
all our luture prosperity. I say it must be."
"lhe law of self-defence includes rights of
property as well as person, and it appears to
me there must be a time in the progress of this
conflict, H it indeed is irrepressible, wheu
slaveholders may lawfully lall back- on their
natural rights, and employ in defence of their
property whatever means of protection they
possess or can command. They who push on
this conflict have convinced one or more south
ern Stales that it has already come."
"I he providence of that good Being who
has watched over us from the beginning and
sived us lrom external foes, has so ordered
our internal relations as to make negro slavery
an incalculable blessing to ns. Whoever wiil
study the Patriarchal and Levitical institu
tions will see the principle of human bondage
divinely sanctioned if not divinely ordained."
These extracts dispel the sophism of the
charge of "malignant fanaticism" made by
Mr. Justice Woodward against the opposition
to slavery. But, to make the matter still
more clear, let us again quote from the same
speech :
"We must arouse ourselves and assert the
rights of the slaveholder, and add such guaran
tees to our Constitui ion as will protect his pro
perty from the spoliation of religious bigotry
anu persecution, or eiso we must give up our
Constitution and Union. Events are placing
the alternative plainly before us Constitution
al Union and liberty, according to American
law, or else uxtinction of slave property, negro
freedom, dissolution of the union, ana auar
chy and confusion."
Is not all this plain ? The "malignant fan
aticism" of the North in opposing, by the pow
er of reason, the spread of that "incalculable
blessing," human slavery, is a violation of
the Constitution; and the southern rebels
who first sought to spread this "divinely sanc
tioned, if not divinely ordained" institution
over free territory, and then rebelled against
the government because they could not a
chieve their ends by peaceful means, are act
ing strictly upon Constitutional grounds. This
is the argument. Now for the means of giv
ing to these Rebels their rights, which Judge
Woodward tells us we must assert. Less thin
a year ago, he said to Judgo Cunningham, of
Beaver county :
"I am in favor of, and if I had the power, I
would raise the blockade of the Southern
ports, and withdraw the armies of the United
states from every portion of the soil of the
South bring them this side of Mason & Dix
on's line, and then offer terms of compromise
or peace to the Southern men."
So much for Wood wart. Seymour of New
York, Seymour of Connect icut,Vallandigham of
Ohio, and others who are claimed as represen
tative men of the Democracy, have persistent
ly oppostd the war,and still oppose it. These
men tell us that the South cannot be conquer
ed that we must coax them back into the U
nion. Other leaders ot the sham Democracy
tell ns that the election of Curtin in Pennsyl
vania will close the line of Governors in this
State; and J. Glancey Jones, a Woodward
Democrat, in a speech in Amity township,
Berks county, Oct. 3, 18G3, said :
"If wo cannot carry the election this fall,
then there is nothing left ns but rebellion."
Hero, then, we have in the assertion ot J.
Glancy Jones the positive avowal of the de
terminate result lor which the Democracy aro
laboring. George W. Woodward says we
must assort the rights of the South ; that they
In one of the wars in Germany, a captain of
cavalry was ordered out on a foraging expe-
wmuii. put niiHseif at the head of his
troops and marched to tho quarter assigned
Dim. Jt was a solitary valley, iu which hardly
niiuiug uiiiwnoat could be seen. In the
midst oi it stood a little cottage. On perceiv
ing it, lie went up and knocked at the door.
Anancient Hern hunter, (which denotes a Mo
ravian,) with a beard silvered with age, came
"Father," said the officer, "show me a field-
wnere J. can set my troops a foraging."
"Presently," replied the Hernhunter.
The gor d man walked before, and p.on.Inpt.
ed them out of the valley. After a quarter of
an hour's march, thov found fin.. fin .,r
"This is the very thiog we want." said the
"Have patience for a few minntps " s.ti.l
the guide, "you shall be satisfied."
1 hey went on, and at the distance of about
a quarter of a league further, they arrived at
another field of barley. The troops immedi
ately dismounted, cut down the grain, trussed
it up, and remounted. The officer then said
to his conducter
"F ather, you have given to vourself and us
unnecessary trouble ; tho first field was much
better than this."
"Very true, sir," replied the good old man,
but it was not mine."
The Nashville Union of the 27th savs : A
very respectable slaveholder from Kentucky
informs us that, within three weeks uast. a
change seems to have come over the negroes
iu the southern counties of that State, and
large numbers of them are runniiiir off. He s.ivs
mm over one nunureu ana titty have escaped
jioiu one county . ana tn troubla is lnrro irxr
r "
in spue ot tho enormous prices which the
great Kentucky staple (tobacco) is bringing,
aiaves nave aepreciatea greatly in valne. A
very large portion of the slaveowners sav that
eiavery is nopeiessiy destroyed, and that they
a:e willing to aCQUiesce in anr diannnilinn
"'"" uiaj uv iii.iuo oi iue siaves. mis sen
timent is rapidly spreading amone the neonle.
The Union men are almost unanimously on.
posed to the factious and sellish course of the
proslavery bigots at Louisville and Frank
I From the North American 1
There are some facts connected with the re
cent astonishing vote in Pennsylvania which
are aeservmg of rather more than a passing
notice, i ne ngures we have already given re
specting the extraordinary increase of the
vote in Berks county are sufficient to arouse
investigation. But the facts show that what
is true of Berks county applies to the whole
vote of the State, as tho subjoined comparison
win illustrate :
Curtin. Foster.
1860. 23,3'J7 230,2(39
Curtin. Woodward,
18G3. 2G0.40G 254,171
Gain, C.009 23J02
IT -. . .
nere it is suown that, with an ficrcreirate
493, GCG
Tho Washington corresuondent of tho N. Y
Evening Post writes :
The President disclaims anv connection
with the statements against General Rose-
cran's character as a man or soldier. He was
satisfied with his conduct at Chickamnmra.
General Rosecrans was removed, as he him
self has said in a public speech, "because of
a military necessity." General Grant was tho
only man who could command the consolida
ted armies, and for a year the personal rela
tions of General Grant and General R oserrans
have not been pleasant. Rosecrans could not
well serve tinder Grant he did not like to do
so, tor their relations could not be amicable.
This fact is well knoivn by military men in the
Southwest tho government knew it. and it
therefore relieved General Rosecrans temno-
rarily from command.
It is stated that the workmen who have
Crawford's Statue of American Liberty in
charge expect to place it in its position on
the dome of the Capitol by the 1st of Decem
ber. The scaffolding which they have raised
to facilitate their efforts is now seventy-five
feet higher than the dome, and as the men eo
to and fro upon tho beams,thy look more like
mice than human bipeds. For the work they
are now performing, the workmen are to re
ceive double their usual pay; and surely no
one will object to the emolument, when the
danger is considered.
gain ot ju.'JII votes over tho great total of
18G0, the Union gain is only GOO'J, while that
oi me democrats is 23,902. Since that general
'"y oi ioou was maue, the State sent into
tne Held 103,000 soldiers recruited for the
inree years' service. Of tho 200,000 men re
ported oy General f ry as having been dis
charged for physical disability, probably one-
tenth were from these 103,000, so that by that
cause some io, im) have been returned home.
Of tho 88,000 deserters, perlups.the same pro
portion were from these 1G3.000 men, so that
here are 8800 men returned home. The num
ber of men sent home in cousequence of dis
abling wounds we cannot estimate, but it
would be safe to suppose them about 10,000
from this same foice. Allowing for the di
minution of the force by other causes, perhaps
30,000 would altogether cover its returned
men who were permnently at home to vote, and
about 9000 still in the service were f tirloughed
and voted at the late election, inaking alto
gether less than 40,000. Now of these men
not one in ten voted the Democratic ticket at
the late election this fall, and yet the Demo
cratic vote is increased 23,902. It did not
come from the Union ranks, for the lines have
been very strongly drawn all over the State.
and the chauges are just tho other way.
lnacrd the statistics of the election show
that the Union party, eo far from having lost
any since 1800, has gained in the asrcrreirate.
v e poiien z6,6'Jt votes m l&au, and wo lull
ed 2G9.10G in 18G3. Where, then, did the
Uemocratic increase of 23,902 come from ?
Of the 163,000 troops raised iu the State, lor
three years the Democrats must have contrib
uted at least one-fourth, or some 40,700,
which, taken trom their vote of 18G0, would
leave about 189,300 remaining voters of that
party. Let us snppose that of the returned
soldiers they had what we have allowed them
above one in ten still voting with them that
would be 4000 men, increasing I heir vote to
i)o,6W. jvow the natural increase of popu
latiou would hardly keep up the strength of
the party beyond this figure, when we consid
er the steady drain of the malo population for
soldiers and sailors, and the far greater drain
of the Democratic ranks caused by the changes
to the Union side. These conversions are
numbered by thousands, and no one ever hears
of any the other way.
Above we have the real strength of the
Democratic party, estimated at about 193.300.
let Woodward polled in 18G3 no less than
234,171 votes. How is this difference of about
53,700 to be accounted for? Unless we be
lieve that no Democrats enlisted in the army
or navy, that no conversions to the Union
side have taken place, and that the party
strength of ISbO was all at home intact, and
that the increase of population among Demo
crats did not contribute a man to either army
or navy, there is no other way of explaining
this immense aggregate than by attributing it
to tne most outrageous and systematic frauds
Io render the matter clear we append a com
parative tablo showing the increased Demo
cratic vote in certain counties :
1860 18G3
Berks, 10,381 12.627
Luzurne, 6916 9808
Northampton 5249 6538
Schuylkill, 7067 8547
York, 6G65 8069
Aggregate increase 9374
Hero is an increase of 9,374 in'only five
counties, ami the rest of the increase was not
distributed throughout the State, as might be
supposed, but in the Democratic strongholds,
as win be seen below :
1863 Increase,
3000 417
2898 810
2483 443
1911 208
3342 .756
4075 359
3794 322
2960 271
1737 272
5526 970
3865 831
2712 549
3356 401
1184 341
3152 615
5581 C05
Tho town of Greenville, Tenn., is a flourish
ing place, situated seventy-five miles east of
Knoxville, twent-fi vo miles northwest of Jones-
boro, twenty-five miles from Newport, and
forty-three miles from Dandridge. It is the
home of Andrew Johnson, Military Governor
of Tennessee, and for that reason have the
inhabitants been the recipients of all manner
of cruelties at the hands of the rebels. At
last the place has been liberated, and is now
within Bcbnside'8 department.
Charles Lamb's opinion of water cure "It
is neither new nor wonderful, for it is as old
as the delnge, when, in my opinion it killed
more than it cured 1"
Labor is tho parent of all the lasting won
ders of this world, whether iu verso or stone,
whether poetry or pyramids.
Aggregate increase,
In these two calculations we find that of the
23,000 Democratic increase, over 16,000 is in
these Democratic counties in places where.
lh election officers being Democratic, frauds
may be perpetrated with impunity. If we had
tne space we might carry the calculation still
lurtner, aud show that this heavy increase is
in the precincts and townships where the
Democrats have usually polled their strongest
votes and where they control the'assessments
and election officers. But without occupying
time to do so, we will merely call the atten
tion of our readers to the fact that tho in
crease of f he Democratic vote in Philadelphia
is in the Founb, Fifth, Sixth, Eleventh and
Seventeenth wards chiefly, where the heavy
majorities of the Copperheads came from.
Tho Mobile Register says: "The negro is no
longer an object of small talk in the South.
The people of the South have a place for them,
and that is in the army. There should be no
distinction in colot when a mania willing to
fight for his home and master."
Sometimes a girl says no, to an offer, when
it is as plain as the nose on her face, that she
means yes, The best way to judge whether
she is in earnest or not, is to look straight in
to her eyes and never mind her nott.
The Legislature of Alabama has passed a
law that any man who sells salt for more than
$15 per bushel, shall be at once placed in the
active class of the militia of the State.
A Correspondent ot tho Philadelphia Inqui
rer gives the following description of a visit to
the late Bull Run battlo-Seld :
On Monday night I rested with a part of tho
army that pitched their tents on the section of
the old Bull Run battle-field adjacent to tho
Warrentou Pike. A poet might find here iu
the suggestive relics ot the deadly strife the
theme of an epic ; orapaintor might illus
trate on canvass the horrors of war lrom tho
mementoes hero left of its ruthless work.
Bullets are picked up and exhibited by tho
haudlul, and soldiers who participated in the
fray, aro comparing at the same time their
gathered mementoes ahd their personal recol-
lecuoiis oi tne moody neld. In the long, lux
uriant grass, one strikes his toot aeainst skulls
and bones, mingled with the dead I v missiles
that brought them to the earth. Ilo'llow skulls
lie contiguous to hernisDheres of pxnloded
shells. The shallow graves rise hero and there '
above the grass, sometimes in rows
times alone, or scattered at irregular intervals.
Through the thin layer of soil that hide
tho nameless hero who gave his life tor his
couutry, one sees the protruding ribs, whence
me rain lias washed their covering, a loot or
an arm reached out beyond its earthern b..rt ?
and onco I saw one of these long sleepers cov
ered snugly up to the chin, but with th -n.
tire lace exposed and turned np to the passer
by ; one could imagine him a soldier Ivinz on
the field wrapped iid iu his blanket, but that
tholilanket was of clay and the face was flesh-
less and eyeless. v
In one case a foot protruded with th flsh
still partiaely preserved ; in another case an
entire skeleton lay exposed upon the snrfaco
iwiout any covering whatever. Tho tattara
ol what had been his uniform showed that he
had been a cavalryman. The flesh was, ot
course, decomposed ; but the tanned and
shriveled skin still incased the bony frame
work of the body, and even tho finger-nails,
weie in their places. Tho ligaments that fas
ten the joints must have been preserved, for
hi was lifted by tho belt which was still a
round the waist, and not a bone fell out of it
pi ice. When found be lay in the attitude ot
calm repose, like one who had fallen asleep
from weariness. This was in the camp of the 9
Massachustets regiment. He was buried, as
were many more that night who had, waited a
long fourteen months , for their funeral rites.
In fact the different pioneers corps were en
gaged for some time in paying tbis. last tri
bute to the gallant dead, whose fragmentary
remains were scattered rounJ onr camp.
The Pennsylvania Reserves bivouacked for
the night on the ground where they them
selves were engaged in deadly strife:n the bat
tle of fourteen months ago, and the skulls and
bones of some of their former companions in
arms lay around within tho light of their'
camp-fire. It may even have happened that
men pitched their tents over tho grave of a
lost comrade, and again unwittingly rested un
der the same shelter with one who had often
before shared their conch on the tented field.
A soldier of the 1st regiment struck his foot
against a catridge-box near his tent, and pick
ing it up read on it the name of an old asso
ciate, who had been among the missing, and
whose death was only known from his prolong
ed absence. His resting place had at length
been found, for near the box was a small
mound of earth that doubtless contained bis
mouldering bones.
An officer of my acquaintance recognized
tho spot where his tent was located as one
near which ho was severely wounded, and
where he lay through a long, weary night by
the side of a dead captain. The painful re
miniscences which the place called up ren
dered it anything but an agreeable camping
ground to him.
The ravages caused by the war in Ten
nessee are thus graphically described : "There
is a portion of this State so devastated by the
civil war as to be practically abandoned by
the foot of man. The men are slumbering at
Shiloh, Corinth and Stone River ; the servants
have gained their freedom ; the women aud
children have fled to mora remote and quiet
precincts. Falling in behind the retiring foot
steps of humanity come the four-tooted beasts
and creeping things. The fox makes his
burrow under the ruined dwellings where a
happy people once dwelt. The serpent crawls
under the floor of the church and school-hous.
The squirrel chatters and builds his nest upon
the locust tree in the old yard, once noisy
with the mirth oi children. The gum is rot
ting in the cool spring the partridge whistles
from the ridge-pole of tho cabin. Tne-wild
bee seeks a store-house for his honey, fearless
oi detection by the human eye. All is
turning to a state of nature. What
ument of the ravages of war.'-'
A Relic ok the Last Century. In May
last, while workmen were engaged in digging
a cellar on a spot formerly occupied by an old
honse, situated on a farm in Montgomery
county, near Phoe-nixvillo, and within three
hundred yards of tho banks of the rivpr
Schuylkill, they discovered, at the depth of
two feet, what proved to bo a heavy plated
silver ink stand, abont two and a half inches
square, having on the bottom, an appartraent
screwen thereto, containing a beautifully
executed likeness of a getleman. set in a fin
gold medallion frame. Of whom the picture
is a portrait, or how the same came to the
locality where it was found, is not known.
Judges who have seen the ink-stand state
that the same must have been in the cround
over seventy years. The relic is in Tn.ir,
of Judgo Joseph IIcnsickeb. -
A Handsome yonng lady, namd Panltin..
Cushman, said to be a member of the secret
army police, stopped a few days at New Haven
last weeK. ane nas had adventures of the
most varied" and exciting descrintion. She
has crossed the army lines on several occasions,
has been in Richmond two or three times,
once as a prisoner: has visited Nashville.
Chattanooga, and Huntsville, Alabama; was
once taken prisoner by John Morgan, and ad
vertised to be hung in Nashville as a Federal
spy, from all which perils she escaped by sin
gular cunning, daring, and courage. She Is
an adept at drawing, and has frequently ob- -
tamed sketches of the enemy's works.
Chattanooga is the Cherokee for hawk's.
nest. The town was formerly the head
quarters of John Rocs, the Cherokee 'chief.-'
Russia ha in its regular and irreenUr
armies 36,614 officers, and 1,161,958 privates.
:. It "