Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 04, 1863, Image 3

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Polrt. An adjoruned court is now in ses
sion in this place, and a number of causes
have been disposed of. . The court is to con
tinue two weeks. ?
Governor Curtio has issued a Proclamation
culling upon tho citizens of the State, to furn
1SU Fenusylvania's quota of volunteers under
,t,e recent call ol the President. Our quota
js 38,208, and it is to be hoped that the res
ponse may be so pronibt as to preclude the
necessity of another draft in this State.
For once, we take' pleasure in calling tho
attention of our readers to an advertisement
that of Howe & Stevens "Family Dyo Col
ors " in this day's paper. These Dyes have
hecomo a household necessity, and so general
in their use that many a well dressed lady
tinds that many an article once rejected as out
ot dale, is, by tliu aid ol these Dyes, made as
good as now.
Thanksgiving Proclamation. On our first
juge will be found the Proclamation of tho
president of tho United States, recommen
cing the observance of the last Thursday" in
November, as a day of praise and tlranks to
God for the manifold hlessings vouchsafed to
us as a people. Gov. Curtin has also issued a
proclamation calling upon the people of Penn
sylvania to pay due respect to the request of
l)lC Chief Magistrate of the National TJuion.
Tits Vote for Assemblt. Below we pub
lish the oflicial vote for Assembly, of the sev
eral counties composing this district :
Mahatiey. Bell
Boyer. Benton.
2.470 2.473
1,703 1,708
786 788
621 625
Total, : ' 4,342 4,852 5.580 5,592
4,342 4 352
1,238 1,240
Distressing . Accident. On Thursday
morning the 15th ultimo, Samuel Sebring,
Esq., of New Washington in this county, was
threshing his grain. A youth named Wm.
Kattoo, about sixteen years of age, was in the
mow throwing the straw from tho machine.
He ascended the heap to tramp it down, leav
ing his fork slip from bis hand when ascend
ing. It lodged with the handle against th"e side
..f the mow, leaving the prongs with the con
vex side down, thus throwing the points up.
In descending.be jumped playfully, designing
to alight on his hands and knees, but forget
ting tho position of the fork, he jumped upon
it, one prong enteiing his right breast and
pissing through his lungs. The machine was
brought to quietness as soon as possible, and
be carried out of the barn. Every exertion,
which love could command, was made to save
his lifi, but in about ha' I an hour he breathed
his last. lie had been found by Mr. Sebring,
when a very little b'y, in a small log shanty,
clad in the garments of extreme poverty, and
na wretched condition. Me was brought to
the S'uires home, clothed aud cared for as a
son, and by his distress-ing death Mr. Sebring
und his kind hearted companion have been
deeply alliicted. D . . .
Washington, Nov. 1. The following im
portant decision has just been madu by Pro
vost Marshal General Fry :
To Col. Robert NiuK r, A-. A. PovostMar
mial General. N. Y.
The representations made by Dean Ilich
moiid and Peter digger, in a printed circular
laud Oct. 27th, 18G3, in respect to the action
et the Provost Marshal General, are untrue.
ii is not true that the State of New York is
thaigt-d as with a deficiency for every citizen
li has paid the three hundred dollars oia
imitation money receiving no credit ttwsrelor.
u the contrary, the State receives the same
tredit for a man who has paid commutation,
as ii tho drafted citizen had gooe iri person
l-r furnished a substitute, and in like manner
t'mus which have raised the money to pay their
quotas recoive tho bauio credit as if acual sub
stitutes had been furnished ; and the Presi
dent has ordered that every citizen who has
paid the three hundred dollars commutation
shall receive the same credit therefor as if he
had furnished a substitute and was exonerated
from the military service for the time (or which
he was drafted, to wit -. for three years. As
'he misrepresentations of Dean Richmond and
i'etter Cagger have boon published and cireu
I'lid, therefore it is proper that you give
tlam immediate correction.
(Signed) Jaues B. Frt,
Provost Marshal General.
w lien Secretary Seward's complimentary
'oast to Prince Gortscbakoff was read at the
Russian banquet in New York, it was receiv
ed witn six hearty cheers, and Baron Stoekel,
the Ambassador of the Czar, responded to it
s follows :
''1 can hardly express my feelings of grati
tude lor the sentiment ottered my illustrious
'hiet. 1 can assure you, gentlemen, that a
rnong the eminent statesmen of Europe the
American people have no stronger friend or
warmer admirer. The eompliment will be
re appreciated by Prince (iortscliakoff that
t conies trom a statesman who stands so high,
not only in Lis own country, but in the whole
political world, aud for whom Prince Gort-x-'hakoll
has the highest esteem and .consider
ation. During the last three years I had the
session to know and appreciate the. high po
litical qualities of your Secretary of State, as
eh" as his invariable" affability 10 his private
"'tercourse, and before t sit down allow me
lo tier, in the name of the government whose
representative I have the honor to be, and ia
,he name of my countrymen here present, and
'n ,ue name of my country, my deepest grati
'"oe f it the kind demonstration made in favor
the officers of our fleet,and particularly for
ce kind feelings presiding throughout."
Tie trunks 4 two trees have been sent from
"ie battie-n-eW Gettysburg for the Massa
chusetts and Pennsylvania Historical Socie
ties: They will attest tlie fierceness of the
conflict there, one of thwn having two faun
i aad fifty bullet holes in tho space of
tenty-one feet, and the other iaing one
-red and u-n in the same space. Sad
:tainderb they m Lo 0 hozolc dead.
JXChohrra kills fivo hundred men a day
in Shaughia.
ODuring tho war, the navy lias cajrtored
S30,OOO;0uO worth or property.
Q"Tlie rebels lately received large invwices
of warm jackets and stout shoes both British.
r7""Mr. George Peahody has presented Vale
College with, a geological cabinet worth
(Ep-Tbe farmer is a conqueror who wins
victories -upon important fields at the point
ol the plow share.
C7The Kussian officers pay Admiral Faragut
many compliments, even calling him tbe best
naval officer of the age.
f7"In the city of New York alone there
are over 20,000 girls who get their living by
the manufacture of hoop skirts.
CMrs. Warbler who advertised in Maino
for a husband, has received over seventy
applications, and still warbles for more.
CCF"Steward will sell thirty millions of
goods this year. The September sales of
cloths for men's wear aloue were $700,000.
ff7"The vote in Mt. Carrael borough was 74
for Curtin, Woodward, 1. The Uuion men
should buy out that one copperhead and ship
C7 Admiral Farragnt has recently stated
that he should go to sea in a few days, but
Charleston is not supposed to be the point of
his debt illation.
Cy"A number of citizens along the Orange
and Alexandria Railroad; charged with harbor
ing guerrillas, have been arrested and taken
to Washington.
CTTute, the editor of the Columbia Demo
crat, in order to inform those of his patrons
who cannot read how the election went, put
in the rooster on his back.
KThe cultivation ofsugar in Sandwich Is
lands will have to be discontinued on account
of trie scarcity of labor. Mauy plantations
ure idle lrotu this cause.
ETho copperheads have been obliged to
give it up at last. They died hard. Cut up a
snake as much as you please, and the story is
that they will wriggle till sundown.
I7"Thero was one place in Ohio where Val
landigiiam received an almost unanimous vote.
The rebel prisoners at Camp Chase took a vote
lor Govenor and the result was, Vallandighatu
1,081, Brough 2. They know their frieuds.
CE7"Judge M'Culniont was defeated for Assem
bly in Venango county by 250 majority. A de
served rebuke loa man who after coming back
lrotu the Army, gives his support to the oppo
sers both ot the Government and that Army.
Washington county, Ohio, in which
John Brough was born, gave him iu tbe late
election a majority of eight hundred and
sixty-five, and four hundred aud eighty-one
more votes than President Liucoln received.
KFThe Nashville Union says that Jeff.
Davis suspei.ded tho writ ot Habeas corpus
over the whole of Kebeldoui over twelve
months ago. He did it by private orders
the judiciary and the order has never been
published. .
K7""G'orge E. Pugh, the Copperhead can
didate for Lieut. Governor of Ohio some time
ago declared that Vallandigham would be
elected by at least 50,000 majority, and that
he would be eci ted into the State by 100,000
armed men. Vallandigham is patiently wait
ing for tho escort.
0C?A party of four gentlemen returned
from a five days' hunt in the vicinity of Fran
cisville, Indiana, on Saturday .last, bringing
100 wild ducks. 2ti wild geese, 9 sand-bill
cranes, 25 prairie chickens, and 30 quails. It
took a two horse wagon to transport the game
to the railway station.
K7It is laughable t recall the gas of Cop
perhead orators aud editors hoping to excite
the people about "fighting the way over
bayonets to the polls !" Their lying nonsense
and base elTorts to mislead are all dissipated by
the facts that the election was never so full
and never more peaceful.
England is again threatened with war in In
dia. The Punjaub, or north-western portion
of British India, has beeu invaded by 7,000
men, beaded by the sous of Dost Mohammed,
one of the' most renowned chieftains of Cen
tral Asia, who died at the beginning ot the
present year. It was feared that this force
was only the van-guard of a larger army ; and,
consequently, British troops were hastened to
the seat of hostilities, and other precautions
taken for repulsing the invaders and what in
India must be dreaded in case of any foreign
invasion the outbreak of an insurrection.
The news of these troubles has, of course,
attracted in England considerable attention,
tor it w well and generally known by the En
glish peoplo that among all the loreign depen
dencies ot England there is none whose loyal
ty can be less depended upon than India.
There are now living in India, under British
rule, nearly 190,000.000 of the people,goveru
ed and kept in Check by a small tody of Eu
ropean troops and officers.
Outside of the native Europeans, there are
only small portions of the native population
on whose loyalty England can depend; these
are the native Christians, the Parsees.the East
Indians, or descendants of Europeans and na
tives; but together they number not more than
tour or five million inhabitants. The re
mainder are all doubtful. Large portions of
the native population, especially among the
Mohammedans, are fanatically opposed to the
continuance of British rule, and only waiting
for a favorable opportunity to rise in insurrec
tion. The memory of the horrors of the Sepoy
rebellion is still trunk in the minds of every
Englishman ; and tbe breaking out of a new
Indian war will jeopard not only English rule,
but endanger the lives of all his countrymen
iu India. Neua Sahib, the bloodthirsty chief
ot tbe Sepoys, is still at large lor the recent
report ot bis capture turns out to be errone
ous. He meditates vengeance, and may be
expected to avail himself of tbe first opportu
uiiy to raise again the standard of revolt.
The English, therefore, wait with intense
anxiety for further news from their Indian
possessions aod their countrymen in tbe East.
The late Stephen A. Douglas, whose memory
is warmly cherished by alt loyal Democrats,
once remarked that "patriotism emanates
from the heart, fills the soul, infuses itself in
to the whole man, and speaks and acts the
same language. A friend ot bis country in
war will feel, speak and act for bis country,
revere his country's cause and bate bis coun
try's enemies. America wants no friend,
acknowledges the fidelity of no citizen who.
after war is declared, condemns the justice of
her causa and sympathizes with the enemy.
All such are traitors in their hearts." These
noble sentiments are a fiat rebuke of the so
called Democracy of the day, who, now that
their country is at war with that most bitter
of all enemies, a domestic foe, not only do
not "feel and act and speak" agaiutl tho Gov
ernment, and do all that lies in their power to
embarrass Its eflorts to put down its enemies.
Alas! that tbe name of Democrat, in which
the great Democratic leader of Illinois took
so much pride .aud delight, should bo thus
disgraced by being prostituted to tho service
of rebellion. How are the aiighty fallen J
Particulars of their detection and arrest
Cincinnati, Nov. 2. Considerable stir was
made in this city, on Saturday night, by the
arrest of Samuel P. Thomas, his wife ; James
P. Patton, of Covington, Ky. ; Ruth McDon
ald, of Newport, Ky., aud a Mrs. Parmenter,
charged, on tbe affidavit of Malor lieany, of
General Cox's staff, with conspiring to release
five thousand rebel prisoners in Camp Chase,
two hundred rebel officers in tbe Ohio peni
tentiary, and as many more in M'Lean Bar
racks, in this city,,
The arrests were made' by detachments ot
United States troops, under tbe direction of
United States Marshal Sands, and the parties
were held in $10,000 each, for a hearing on
Wednesday before UnitedStates Commissioner
llolliday. Geo. E. Pugh is counsel for the
On Sunday the Marshal went to Columbus
on a special train and arrested the late State
Commissioner, Cathcart ; J. D. Crisop, former
partner of Thomas; a Mr. Slade, formerly a
rebel prisoner, and a Dr. Lazele, who stands
high. among the Copperheads. Lazele was put
in the pen itentiary,and the others were brought
in irons to this city, and transferred to the
county jail.
Mrs. Parmenter was a washerwoman at the
United Strtes barracks in Newport, and a go
between of tho prisoners and outside emissa
ries. Tho detectives gained her confidence
and that of Mrs. McDonald and became par
ties to their plans. They all met frequently
at Thomas's house.- Thomas furnished money
to buy axes and chloroform to release tho
prisoners, and furnished a disguise to tho de
tective who traveled between the Columbus
and Cincinnati confederates. He visited Co
lumbus frequently and conferred with Cath
cart and others there, and was in conference
with bim when arrested.
The plan of release at Camp Chase was as
follows : When the prisoners saw a beacon
light at a certain point, they should be ready.
The guard would be shot by their outside
friends, and axes thrown over to them.
Once'out, with axes and arras provided, they
were to storm the penitentiary, release Mor
gan and the other officers, and start for the
Ohio river and cross near Maysville. Cathcart
was to go along, receiving a commission in
the rebel army for his reward.
Cathcart was arrested at Rev. Sabiu Hough's
bouse. Hough is the secessionist to whom
Vallandigham wrote in 1801 that "the Union
was hopelessly divided. ". Cathcart was from
Dayton and one of Vallandigham's particular
friends and admirers.
Wild as the scheme is, there seems to be
abundant evidence that it was to have been
tried a week ago, but tbe plans miscarried
then. Other-arrests are to be made. It is not
known bow xtensive the organization for
this infernal business was.
Wb learn that Mr. John N. Buck has been
hung by guerrillas in Holmes county. Miss.
He has always been a strong Union man, and
formerly took refuge in Memphis. He had
been instrumental in aiding the Union troops
in Central Mississippi, and for this cause bo
met his cruel fate.
Soldiers, Attention ! Pain, disease and
exposure, with a hot climate, muddy water
and bad diet will be unavoidable, but armed
with Holloway's Purifying & Strengthening
Pills you can endure all these and still retain
good health. Only 25 cents per box. : 220
On September 16th 18C3, J. Deforest, son
of S. and M. Whipple, aged 4 months and 10
On the 20th inst., at the Parsonage in Phil
ipsbu rg, by Rev.F.H.Switzer, Mr. Moses Owens,
to Mrs. F&inois A. Hall.
By the same, on the 26th inst. at the resi
dence of the Bride's father, Mr. Leasder
Greist, to Miss Maggie Hartman.
M.inAMK Porter's Ccrative Balsam has long
tested the truth that there are first principles in
Medicine as there is iu tcience, and this Medi
cine is compounded on principles suited to the
manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds is in
keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle in
ternal warmth, aud this is caused by the use of
this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based
on its power to assist the healthy and vigorous
circulation of blood through the lungs, it enli
vens the muscles and assists the skin to perform
its duties of regulating the heatot the systcui.aad
in gently throwing off the waste substance from
the surface of the body It u not a violent rem
edy, but emollient, warming, searching and effec
tive. Sold by all druggist at 13 aad 25 cts a bottle.
EmTOR or JorsiSAL : Dear Sir: With your per
mission I wish to say to the readers of your paper
that I will send by return mail to all who wish it,
(free) a Kccipe, with full directions for making
and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef
fectually remove, in 10 dajrs, l'iuiplet. Blotches,
Tan. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin,
leaving the same soft. clear, smooth and beautiful.
I will ftlco mail freo to those having Bald Heads
or Bare Faces, simple directions and information
that will enable them to start a full grawth of
Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less
than 30 days All applications answered by re
turn mail without charge. Respectfully yours,
iilOS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist,
Jufy 22,lS63.-3mo. No. 31 Broadway ,Jfew York.
COsmnjiicATED.l Pulmonary consumption a eur
ahln disease !! !, , ACAE.O.
To Consumptives. The undersigned having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
To all who desire it. be will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which they
will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit trie afflic
ted, and spread information which be conceives ta
be invaluable, and be hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tho prc
eciiption will please address
ScpL23-4m. Williainsburgh, Kings Co., N.Y.
4 LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, ous,
J whiu. lead, etc., at J2. A. l&VLS'b
A rC'TlONEER. The undersigned having
- ueen Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform
the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at
tend to calling sales, ia any part of the county,
whenever called upon. Charges moderate
May 13 . Bower Po., Clearfield co., Pa.
N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li
cense are subject to a penalty of S60, which pro
vision will be enforeed against those who may vi
olate the same.
PA. The subscriber laving purchased the
furniture and interest from K. II. Morrow, in said
House, is now prepared for the reception of tran
sient and permanent boarders. Every depart
ment connected with his establishment will be
conducted second to none in the county. He res
pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.
July 11, lS60.-y. GEO. N. COLBLRN.
persons interested are hereby notified that a
Petition was presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of Clearfield county, at September Term
lS03.prayin(r the incorporation of the "New Wash
ington Methodist Episcopal Church," and that if
uu fcuuicient reason be ebown to tbe contrary, the
prayer of the said petition will be granted, at
the ensuing January Term of said Court, in ac
cordance with the provisions of the Act of As
sembly in such case made and provided.
By order of the Court, D. F. ETZWEILER,
October 21, 1S63 -3t Prothonotary.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ
of Fieri Farias, issued out of the Court of
Common I'leus of Clearfield county, and to me di
rected, there will be exposed to Public Sale, attfco
Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, on
Thursday, November 12th. at 1 oclock, P. M., the
following described Real Estate, to wit:
The following piece of land with all the im
provements thereon erected, situated in (Jirard
township, Clearfield county. State of Pa., being a
part of No. 1917, warranted to Robert Morris and
Walter Steward, and described as follows: begin
ing at a small pitch pine being P. A. Livergood,
Jr's corner thence north on line of larger survey
one hundred and forty eight perches to an old
blazed hemlock corner, thence east 6(1 perches to
a post, thence south 142 perches to a stone corner
on line of P. A. Livergood, thence south SO de
grees west S2 perches to pitch pine and place of
begining, containing fifty acres and allowance,
having erected thereon a plank house and other
out buildings. with about forty acres cleared land.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Ueury Uito
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield. Pa., Ost. 28, 1863
A New Lot of Goods.
milE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocs:
X of merchandize of the late firm of Patton,
Hippie & Co., have just added a fresh supply of
comprising Groceries, Drags, Quoensware,
Boots Hud Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Laincs
Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc,, whieh
they offer at low prices
Grain, Poric, Shingles and Boards, taKen in ex
change for goods. We rcspectfuliy asK a share
of patronage. Call and examine our stocK.
Curwensville. Doc. 11. HIPl'LE & FAUST.
N B. The accounts of Patton. Hippie A Co., are
in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav
ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle tbe same
as we desire to have the boons closed.
December 11, 1S01. HIPPLE A FAUST.
SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of writ
of Levari Facias issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and to rue
directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale,
at the Court House, ia the borough of Clearfield,
on Wednesday the 1 1th day of November, A. D.
IS03. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described
Real Estate, vis :
All those certain two tracts or pieces of land
situate in Clearfield county. One of them survey
ed in pursuance of a warrant granted to John
Eeyer dated the sixteenth day of May. A. D 1793,
beginning at a post, thenoe by Nicholsons survey
south thirty nine degrees west two hundred and
sixty perches to a post.thence by lands of Nathan
iel Donald south forty degrees east two hundred
and eighty perebes to a post, thenee by vacant
land north thirty nine degrees oast two hundred
and sixty perches to a post, and thence by Chris- 1
tain Gettings land north forty degrees west two
hundred and eighty perches to tho place of' bo
ginning, containing Four Hundred and Thirty
Nino acres and eleven perches and allowance, be
the same more or less.
And tho other, surveyed on a warrant granted
to Nathaniel .Donald, dated the sixteenth day of
May, A. D. 1793, beginning at a post, thence by
Nicholsons survey suwth 39 deg west 280 perches
to a post, thenoe by lands of John Bringhurst
south 40 deg east 280 perches to a post, thence by
vacant land north 39 deg east 200 perches to a
post, and tbence by lands of John Beyers norm
40 degrees west 280 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing 439 acres and 11 perches and al
lowances be the same more or less. Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to bo sold as the property
of Lewis Jamison and Lorcn A. Ensworth.
Sheriff's Office. Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 21, 1803
' . DEALER 1-"
J. P. KRATZER, has just received the largest as
fortmcnt of I'ress Goods for Ladies, now in
the county, consisting in part of
1S03 Cashmeres Merinos. Rep-delains.plaids,
parmetto. Brilliant, Poplins, Alpacca
Berege, Lawn?. Prints. Silks, Duster
elothe, Ginghams, Nankeen, Lin
en, Laee, Edging, Velvet-trimming.
9 o
Dress-buttens, Hosiery, Veils, Nets, Cor
o o
sets, Collars, Hoods, Nubias, Searps,
Mantles. Furs, Notions, Bonnets,
Haiti, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes.
O 5
Sueh as Cloths. Cassimerc, SatincttFlan
nel. Jean, Tweed, Cottanade, Muslin.
Italian-cloth, Velvet, Plush, Chock,
Ticking, Drilling, Linen Crash,
Scrgo, canvass. Padding, Lincy,
Vestinjrs, Coats. Pants, Vests
!Over-coats, Shawls, Boys Jackets, Over
alls, Drawers, Cassmere shirt;, Lin-,
en -Shirts, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Ac., Ac.
p p
t9 at
Sueh as Carpet, Oil-el oth. Blind. Cur-
tins. Tassels, Cord, UlocRs. iiooking
gl asses, Lamps, Charns, Tubs. Buck-ts.Brooms.Bru8be8.Baskets,Wash-boards.
Butter-bowls. Scives,
Flat-irons, Coffee-mill, Bed-
curds, Bags, Wall-paper, CarpeUehain,
Cotton yarn, Candle-wic. worlt-bas-kete,
Lanters. Umbrellas, Buffalo
Robos, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ax
es, and Augers, Ae., Ao., Ac.
Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifes.
-4 -J
Queensware. Glassware. Stoneware. Gro
ceries, Drugs, Confeetienaries. Med
ioines, Flour, Bacon, Pish, Salt, -
2, c
2 0
ft. tm
o o
Carriage Trimmings, Shoe FndiBge,
behool Books, JNails aad i-piKes, uiaes
and Putty, OiL Vinegar, Tobacco,
Segars, Candles, Spices, Powder,
Shot,-Lead, Grind-stones, Raft '.
ine Rone, etc., etc, etc.,
All of which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms and the highest market price paid for all
kinds of country propuce
J Y. KltAIibrv
October 21, lbW.-;j
Clearfield, Penn'a
A Ilighlv Concentrated'
Dr. C. M. Jackson, Tlnlad'a, Ta.
Will effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
Jaundice. Chronio or Nervous Debility, Dis
eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases ari
sing from a disordered Liver or Stom
ach, such as Constipation, Inward
Piles, Fulness or blood to the
Head, Acidity of the Stotnach.Nausea. Heartburn,
Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the
Stomaoh. Sour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,
Swimming of the Head, Hurried
and Difficult Breathing. Flut
tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen
sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of
Vision. Dots or Websbcfore the Sight.Ke
ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Deti
. ciency of Perspiration, Yellow
ness of the Skin and Eyes,
Pain in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Burning in the F'lesh.
Constant Imaginings of Evil, and
great Depression of Spirits.
From Kev. J. Neintou IlrowH, D. D. Editor of
the Kit cyclopedia of LI elisions Knowledge.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend
Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of
their ingredienu and effects ; I yet know of no
sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to
the benefits he believes himself to have received
from any simple preparation in the hope that be
may thus contribute to the benefit of others.
I do this the more readily in regard to Hoof
land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a
gainst them for many years, under the impres
sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture.
I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker,
Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tests, and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from great and long continued debility.
The use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the
beginning of the present year, was followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod
ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six
months before, and had almost despaired of re
gaining. I therefore thank Jod aud my friend
for directing me to the use of them.
Philad'a., June, 23, IStil. J. Newtos Buow.n.
There are many preparations sold under the
nam ot Bitters. put up in quart bottles, compoun
ded of the cheapest whiskey orcommon rum, coa
ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the tasto dis
guised by Aniso or Coriander Seed. , ';
This class of Bitters has caused and will contin
ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds
to die the death of the drunkard. By their use
the system is kopt continually under the influ
ence of Alcoholic Stimulantsof the worst kind, tho
desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and tho
result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunk
anl's life and death.
For those who desire and will kice a Liquor
Bitters, wo publish the following reeeipt. Jot
On. linttle HoojlttntTs German. Jiittera and mix
with Tkres Quarts of Good Brandy or WUiskcif.
and the result will be a preparation that will far
excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence
any of tbe numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark
et, and will cost much less. You will have all
the virtues of Uoofiand's Bitters in connection
with a good article of Liquor.at a much less priee
than these inferior preparations will cost you.
We call the attention of all baring relations or
friends in the army to the fact that -Hooplano's
Oernian Bitters" will cure nine tenths of the dis
eases induced by exposures and privations inci
dent to enmp life, in the lists, published almost
dailv in tbe newspapers, on the arrival of the
sick, it will be noticed that a very largo propor
tion are fullering Iroin debility. Every case of
that kind can he readily eared by J toofland s Ger
man Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders
of the digestive organs ara speedily removed. We
Lave no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters
were freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of
lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost.
Wo call particular attention to the following re
markablo and well authenticated cure of one the
nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own lan
guage, '-has been saved by the Bitters :''
Pailaoeli'hia, August 23rd. 1882.
Messrs. Jones Evans. Well , gentlemen. your
Hootland's German Bitters has saved my life.
There is no mistake in this. It is vouehed for
by numbers of mjr comrades, soma of whose names
are appended, aud who were fully cognisant of
all the circumstances of my case. I am, and
have been tor the last four years, a member of
Sherman's celebrated battery, and under the im
mediate command of Capt. R. B. Ayres. Through
the expo sure attendant upon my duties, I was
attacked in November last with inflammation of
the lungs, and was for soventy-two days in tbe
hospital. Ibis was followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then
removed from the White House and seut to this
city on board the Steanscr '-State of Maine,"from
which I landed on tke 28th of June. Since that
time 1 have been about as low as any one could
be and still retain a cpark of vitality. For a
week or more I wa scarcely able to swallow any
thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it was
iinuiodUtely thrown up again.
1 could not even keep a glass of water on xaj
stomach. Life could not last under the.oo circum
stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who
had been working faithfully, though unsuccess
fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread
Archer, frankly told me they could do no more
for me, and advised me to see u clergyman, and
to make such disposition of my limited funds as
best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me
at the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth
below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hopo,
to try your Litters, and kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking them the
gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now,
thank God for it. getting better. Though 1 have
taken but two bottles, f have gained ten pounds,
and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin
my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen, I
am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front
Hoyal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer
tainl.7 of life which has taken ptaee of vague fears
to your Bitters will 1 owe the glorious privi
lege of again clasping to my bosom those who arc
dearest to me in life.
Very truly yours, Isaac Malose.
We fully concur in tho truth of the above state
ment.as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,
Jlr. Malone. restored to health.
John CunnLEBACK: 1st New York Battery.
(Juo. A. Acklkt, Co. C, 11th Maine.
Lewis Chevalier. 92u New York.
I. E. Sesceh, 1st Artillery, Battery F.
J. IS. Faskwecl. Co. B, 3d Vermont. '
Hesry B. Jerome, Co. B,3d Vermont. '
IIesrv T. Macdosald, Co. C 6th Maine.
" Johs F. Wari, Co. E, 5th Maine.
: ' Herman Koch. Co. H, 73d Nw York.
Nathaniel B. Thomas, Co. F, 95th Peun'a.
' AxBitew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont.
Johk Jenkins, Co. B, 106th Penn'a. -
See that the signature of -'CM. Jacksox," is on
tie wrapjter of eaah bottle.
Should your nearest druggist not have tho ar
ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating
preparations that may be offered in its place, but
send to us, and we will forward, securely packed,
by express. -. '
- Principal Office and Man u factory. N. 631 Arch
Street. JONES & EVANS,
Successors to C. M. Jackson t Co.,) Proprietors.
E3F"For Sale by Hartswick & Huston.CIearfield,
Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in every town
in the United States. July 8, 1863.
CJ ALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti-
cle of grouud alum salt, put up in patent
eaKs. at S3.25 per sacK, at the cheap cash stor0f
November 27. . R,MJSS0P.
The Raftsman's Journal is published on Wed
nesday at S1,0 per annum in advance Adver
tisements inserted at SI .00 per square, for three
or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) collating a
square. For every additional insertion 2i cents.
A deduction will ba mad to yearly advertiser.
IRVIN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square Sawed
Lumber. Dry Goods, Groceries. Floor, Grain,
Ac . Ac. Burnsi Je Pa., . Sopt 23 1863.
I FREDERICK I.EITZ1NGER. Manufacturer of
. 11 kinds of Stone-ware, ClearSeld. Pa. Or-
ders solicited wfrolcsalo or retail. Jan. 1,1863
CHANS BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear
Seld. Pa. May 13. 1S3.
l.j. crass, i i r : : r w alter barrett.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
fiord. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposke Naugte's jewotry store. May 26.
HF.NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Wa tehee, Jewelry, Ao. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. - Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attoraoy at Law.Clear
. field. Pa. OfEct in Graham's Row, four d 00 s
west of Graham A Boyaton's store., Nov. 10.
BK. SIIOPE. Cabinent Maker. Cherry Street,
. Clearfield. Pa. Makes to order every des
cription of Furniture on short notico. Jau.21'63
TP. KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in
. Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce
Front St, above the Academy, Ctrarficld, Pa. JJ!2
t 7ALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Cloar
V field, Pa. December 17, 1S2.
William a. Wallace. :::::::: joun u. mall.
17t A FTjEMMINi, Curwensville, Pa.. Xurecry
man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees, Plants and Shrubbery. All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
WILLIAM F. IRW IN, Marketntreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Denier in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Quceusware, Groceries, aud
family articles generally. Nov. 10. -
JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ot
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins, ou short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearso. Aprl0,Totf.
DR. M. WOODS, Pbactici.nc PnrsictAX, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21. 1863.
WW. SHAW. M. D., has returned the prac
. tice of Medicine and Surgery in Shawsville,
Penn'a. where be still respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public patronage. May 27, It 64.
JB M'EXALLY, Attorney at Law, ClearfieU.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boya
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanivh's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Baton,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journil Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
THOMPSON, A WATSON. Dalrs in Timber
Saw Logs, Boards and Sbiivgles, Marysville,
Clearfield county, Penn'a August II. 1863.
s. w. Thompson : : : : : ja,s- watson.
X ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear-
xj uciu, x a. iii oiiona promptly to all legal
and other business entrust ad to Lhoireare in Clear
neid and adjoining counties. August 6, leofi.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers bis professional
services to the citizens of Mosbannon and vi
cinity. He can bs consulted at his residence at
u.U times, aniens absent on profvisioual business.
Mosbannon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, 1SB3.
1TTM. Al.RKRT A. ItltO'S Twl-a ; n il,,l.
. J t w j " msi j . "vu a.
It OroeeneB, Hardware, Queencvaro. Flour,
Bacon, etc.- Woodlan-1, Clearfield county, Penn'a.
Also, extensive dealers in all kinds of sawed lum
ber, shingles, and square timber. Orders solici
tcd. Woodland, Aug. 19th. 1863.
THOMAS J. M'CULLOCGII, Attorney at Law,
Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the "Clearfield
co. Eank. Heeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
n. g. bush. J : : : : : : - t.j.mxcllocqh
Collection Office. Clearfield. Pen s 'a.
Wbilo walking through the streets of
Curwensville. lav attention w Jnsn
to a vast crowd of people passing and repassing,
each and all with an immens 0ad of merchan
dise; and there meeting an acquaintance, I made
the inquiry - What does this mean." The answer
was "Have you not been at tho cheap Store of J.
D. Thompson," who has just come from ue East
with the largest stock' of goods offered u the
community at lower figures than any other hoe
in the country. "My advice to you is to call and
6ee for yourself ' and then exclaim "The half ws
not told me."
ilarysville, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber,
Boards, Saw Logs or Shinglf.
Oct. 14, 1S63. JAMES E. WATSON.
JOUR WANTED. A good aobor. Industri
ous journeyman. Cabinet maker. can find con
stant employment, at good wages, by applying
soon to J0IIN1UELICH.
Sept. 16. 1M63. Clearfield. Pa.
male teachers wanted, to take charge of the
Union township schools, for the term of three
months. Good wages will be paid. Application,
to be made soon.
Address. J. W. NELSON. Secretary.
Oct. 17 1S63. Rock ton. Clearfiold co.. Pa. -
1TnTinK in Ilia tiw-lrVw.t.lara nf thn M a."
iV and Osceola Tvrnpiko and Plank Koadleos '
An election loromcers win 00 ncia ai ineir rxnee
in Osceola on Monday. November the 2nd. 1863.
By order of the President.
W. J. LONG, Secretary."
Oct. 20th 1RR5.
ESTKAV Caua tresspassing on the premi
ses of the subscriber, in Pike township, abot
the 1st of Sept. last, a Red Cow with, spots eo
Lips, star ia the forehead, small bell on, ai4 a
bout six yoara old. ' The owner is requested to.
come forward prove property, pay charges, and
take her away, or she will be told sis tbe . law di
rects. . , WM. CALUWEUL.
October. 11, 1863. .
is hereby given to all persons interested, tbai
letters of Administration bavo tb'.gday been gran
ted to the undersigned ;on the estate of Isaac Kline,
late of Bradford township, deceased. Those in
debted to said estate will mr.ka immediate pay
ment, and those having elainjs against it, will pre
sent them duly authenticated f or settlement to the
undersigned, or to U.B. Swr,peEsq.her attorney.
, S-'R All KLINE, Adm'r
Clearfield, Oct. 24, lSfi' .pd
mentary on roe Estate of Henry Eisenhower,
late of Burnside township. Clearfield county. Pa.,
dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned :
all persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make 'immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present then duly
authe nticated for settlement
Srjpj. 16, 1S63. ABR M EISENHOWER. Ex'ra.
A man to dig and put out 3 to
4,000 bushels of coal
coal. Highest caafc price
will be paid by - ,
Sept. 2i.