Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 04, 1863, Image 2

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CLEARFIELD. PA.. SOV. 4, 1863.
October 29 The unusual quiet of the past
broken vesterdav hv Gill-
more's new batteries, which opened on Fort
Sumter and on Fort Moultrie and Johnson
and the batteries about those works. The
rebels replied to our fire, but with little accur
acy. Oar fire, has been quite sharp and toler-
ni.ir effective. The bricks on Fort burater
flew In clouds, and it was the epiniou of one
of our general officers that it was quite as safe
to be outside of that work as inside. It must
have been very hot for the inmates ot tbo fort,
if fragments of shot and shell, bricks, mortar
. and splinters can bring about such a state of
affairs. The fire upon Moultrie and Johnson
had the desired effect. The rebels fired fee
bty and inaccurately. Not a casualty occured
on our side during the day.
Our Farrotts are talking as loudly as ever,
but with what results have not been learned.
. One thing is certain, the rebels have Leon
checked in anv efforts they may havo made
to erect a battery within the work, and the
rhacces are that such a work is already de
stroyed by the shot and shell now raining in
to the fort. The scene daily witnessed is in
no ways different from the one described.
Perhaps heavier masses -of -masonry are de
tached, and more brick dust is thrown in the
air by our heavy projectiles, than in the first
bombardment, because the range is nearly
two-thirds shorter than before, and the force
of impact is correspondingly increased. Sum.
iter has not replied, nor is it likely that the
enemy can much longer maintain possession
of the work. But we 6ha!l see in due time
what is to be accomplished. The weather is
now cool and bracing. We are looking for
the first irost with a good deal of anxiety, as
by it alone shall we get rid of malarial diseas
ea, which prevail among the command. One
of our guns was firing upon the city ol
Charleston when the Arago sailed, with what
result cannot yet be stated. St. Michael's t
-spire is the target for onr fire.
A gallant and successful movement has
taken place at Chattanooga. A detachment of
the 11th Ohio, under Col. Stanly, succeeded
in floating fifty -pontoons down the river in
face oi the -enemy, when Gen. Ilazen, with
2,000 of Gen. Palmer's division, attacked the
Rebels on Lookout Mountain, and drove them
irorn their position. Our loss was only five
killed and fifteen wouuded. Communication
was thus secured with Bridgeport, along the
Chattanooga River. Gen. Palmer has been
assigned to the command of the Fourteenth
Army Corps.
Lookout Mounta-iB ts ours. Ttie -enemy has
fallen uack wKherit resistance. The river and
railroad is unmolested. Oar troops hold the
south side of the river from Bridgeport to
Chattanooga. Gen. Hooker on the 28tb, at
midnight, was attacked by the enemy, lie
repulsed them at every point and fonght till
4 o .clock a. m. This movement relieves the
army ot the Cumberland from obstruction to
communications by the opening of the river
to Chattanooga.
Wk see by our exchanges, tbat that stern
soldier and sterling patriot, Brig. General
Steadhan, of Ohio, lias been indulging in a
characteristic speech in Toledo, in which he
paid particular attention to the Copperhead,
reiterating at the same time the praiseworthy
principles of the war Democrats. Gen, Steab
ji an ha3 long been knowu to the Ohioans, as a
xuan of "irrepressible temperament" what be
.say 8 be means, exactly, and his band is swrft
o clinch his word in hearty honest practice.
The General talks as well as he fights with an
earnestness not to be. gainsaid, or misunder
stood even for a moment. Pillsb Commercial.
Tosvicted. John R. Forrest, whoso arrest,
.with that of his wife, for robbing the mails at
Perrine, Mercer county. Pa., we noticed a
few weeks ago, was tried at the October term
of the United States District Court at Pitts
burg, was found guilty, and sentenced to ten
year's imprisonment in the Western Peniten
tiary -ot Pennsylvania. Hi8 wife was acquit
ted on the ground of acting under the presum
ed .coercion of her husband. . - , .
. The contract lor disinterring the bodies of
our Boldiers on the Gettysburg battlefield ,and
.at tbo hospitals there,' and again interring
.them in the Soldier's National Cemetry, has
bean awarded to John fJoke and Frank lin Bie
eecker.of Gettysburg.at $1 59 per body. The
jvork is to be commenced immediately.
Gev. Cortih. A report gained circulation
a few days ago that Gov. Curtin had died.
There is no truth in the report. On the con
trary, be must" be in good health, judging
from the.Tact"T3e" addressed a large Union
jmeeting at Elmira, X.'.Y-, on Friday evening,
mi ob Saturday addressed another at Buffalo.
' The 5-20 Boxfcs. On Saturday last the sale
. "of 5-20 Bonds amounted to $16,500,000, mak
ing total sales of the week $oG,000,00Q. But
150,000,000 of the bonds remain unsold. '
' 'West 'Virginia follows. Pennsylvania and
Ohio, and elects by ; large t majorities Blair,
Brown- and : Whaley, -unconditional Unioa
en, to the next Congress
The cry of "proscription" has always been
a favorite one with the orgaus of the so-call
ed Democratic party, and yet tho fact is that
they are themselves guilty of that which
they affect to denounce and deprecate. Nor
is there any one more virulent fa this res
pect than the Clearfield Republican, the
Copperhead organ in thra place. In its is
sue of June 10th will be found a leading
editorial, grossly abusive of, and advising the
patrons of that delectable .sheet to withdraw
material support from a respectable clergy
man, for preaching a sermon in which he urg
ed upon his hearers ebedieuce to the pow
ers that be." The editors of the Republican,
in that article say : .
The only way to reach this class of crea
tures is to stop their pay, and stay away from
these .gatherings, and allow the Abolitionists
"to -make up their quarterage. Short pay is
tho sorest affliction you can visit upon an ab
olition clergyman. It robs him of his con
science and his commission to commit evil
under guise of a Godly carb and renders hiaa
a fit suliject for an army Chaplain, or a reviler
of the christian religion, in both of which ca
pacities he can be properly avoided and thus
rendered incompetent to commit wrong uaoier
the cloak of religion."
Base as is the slur that a man devoid of
conscience and a "reviler of the christian re
ligion" is "a fit subject for an army chaplain,"
it accords well with the character of editors
who advise their friends to "stop the pay" of
clergymen because tho latter do not contend,
like themselves, that slavery is "divinely
sanctioned, if not divinely ordained," and ex
tend the aid of their sympathy at least to tho
Rebels of the South.
Again iu the Republican of September 16tb
is an editorial item setting forth that Mr. A
II. Franciscns, of Philadelphia, discontinued
bis advertisement in the Johnstown Democrat,
because bo did not consider it a loyal sheet,
and advising the "Democratic merchants ef
Clearfield county" to stop dealing with him.
"Of course," say the editors of the Repub
lican, "Mr. Franciscus wants none but Aboli
tion customers, cone but Abolition money
and this is fair notice to the many Democratic
merchants of Clearfk-M county who havo
dealt with him that their custom is no longer
desired by him."
And yet. in the very next sentence, after
advising their political friends' to proscribe
Mr. Franciscus in his business, they pharasai
cally turn round and prate about "proscrip
tion." Every honest raau ia our county
Democrat as well as Kepublican will, we
have no doubt, readily penetrate, and treat
accordingly, such transparent political hypoc
risy. The eflort of the editors of the Copperhead
organ to explain away their attack upon Mr.
Galer, of Fhilipsburg, does not help the mat
ter a tittle. In their pitiful defence they do
not pretend to say that they would not pro
scribe Mr. Galer in his business if he bad ta
ken any part in putting up the flag which gave
them such mortal offence; for they simply
transfer their enmity to Mr. E. W. Hale,
who voluntarily assumes the responsibility of
the act. Here is what they say about the
matter :
"A Mr. Halo, it seems by the tfollowing
card, assumes the whole responsibility, total
ly exhohorating Mr. Galer -from all blame.
t'or thi ho deserves credit. But for the act
itself he deserves the contempt of all fair
minded men and should he permitted to sell
his store-goods to Abolitionists alone."
This language is plain and -cannot " be mis
understood. Our Copperhead neighbors here
advise the withdrawal of ''Democratic" cus
tom from Mr. Hale, just as they did from Mr.
Franciscus, and as they had previously done
in regard to Mr. Galer.
Nor are they content with endeavoring to
injure men in their bneiness because they see
fit to entertain political and religious views
differing with their cwn. They also attempt
to carry their proscriptrve ideas sto the so
cial circle, and hence we find in the Republi
can of the 19th of October, what jrurports to
be a communication, written at "Crooked
Run," (a rather signiScarrt name,) which is as
follows :
"Messrs. Editors . Sirs : It is reported in
this vicinity that the Republican Ladies of
your town held a meeting the other evening
and passed a resolution that they would not
associate with Democrats, or "Copperheads,"
anv more. Now: if that report is tree, we
would like to know it, so as not to insu It the
dignity of any person in that place by try
ing to associate with them. Yours, &c, R."
Crooked Run, Oct. 10, 18C3.
The editors of the Copperhead organ knew
that.no such meeting had boeu hold that, If
such a report was in circulation, it was a
mere fabrication. And yet, they unblushing
ly give countenance to, if they are nJt them
selves the authors of this low, dirty effort to
stir up strife and ill-focling amongst our citi
zens, by alleging that they bad "heard similar
" reports ; and farther, That such display of
" 'dignity' was not confined to the 'weaker
sex'." Far as they have gone -to injure men
in their business, we were not prepared to find
them so utterly and hopelessly devoid of a41
sense of shame and manhood as they have
shown themselves in this last pitiful, dis
graceful attempt to disturb tho kindly social
relations which Lave heretofore prevailed
among the citizens of our own town to an
eminent degree.
It will thus be eeen that they have carried
their politics into religion,into business, and
into the social -circle broadly advocating the
proscription of all who -see proper conscien
tiously to differ from them . Preachers, busi
ness men, and ladies, who are not of their ilk.,
are alike unworthy of the countenance, pat
ronage, and association of "Democrats," ac
cording to Copperhead ethics.. It is time that
people who havo regard . for the prosperity,
peace and quiet of the oomtauuity, skoold o
pen their eyes to the fact of this persistent ef
fort upon the part of these Copperhead odU
tors, to carry politics hi to every department
of social, religious, and business life, and t
stir up strife, opposition and trouble among
every class of our citizens. They may possi
bly persist io their etiort until retaliation up
oa the part of those proscribed will become a
necessity, in which event they may find that
their practice had better have corresponded
with their theory. -
WU,it seems that we have "gone and done
it." We have again oRended the amiable ed
itors of the Copper-bead organ ia this place,
and caused thou te wriggle and cont-wrt ia a
style that does honor to the snake tribe gen
erally. We confess, however, that we did it
accidentally, and hence claim no particular
credit for this performance. The cause of of
fence was an article, in our issue of Oct. 21st,
in which we exposed the conduct of the New.)
Washington Election Board, who refused to
allow certain persens to vote who had been
regularly assessed aud paid taxes, incidentally
using the name of the Assessor, Mr Russell
M'Murray. This is construed by thexe astute
Copperhead editors to bo a "very mean" aud
"viliaintms assault" upon the Assessor. Here
is what they say :
"The last issue of the Journal contained a
very mean assault upon Mr.Russell M'Murray,
Assessor of New Washington, charging him,
at least by implication, with purposely refusing
to make timely return of the names of two
persons on the "ten days" assessment of that
borough. This assault is villainous, simply
because the writer knew Mr. M'Murray to be
one of our most respectable, upright, honest
and conscientious citizens, and no political or
mercenary influence could sway him from tbe
path of rectitude. Mr. M'Murray did not re
fuse to make the proper return. This we as
ert on our knowledge of the man. If, how
ever, through negligence, or any cause, he
failed to do what the law required -at hwa, he
is amenable to tho law but not to a fiu lt-tad -
ing blackguard newspaper scribbler."
That, we shou-ld thiak, was expressing ideas
in the vernacular, and we would consider our
selves precious bad fellows if the charges here
preferred were true. But it so happens that
tiie allegations of tho editors of the copper
head organ are basely false. We did uot, e
ven "by implication," charge Mr. M'Murray
with "purposely refusing to make timely re
turns" of the names of certain persons. What
we did say was in these exact words :
"Ten days before the election a number of
Union men applied to Russell M'Murray, tho
Assessor, and were regularly assessed, and
paid their taxes to the Collector. When they
came to the polls to vote, they were refused,
because M'Murray had not relumed the list to
the Commissioners eight days before the election!
Two Woodward ites, who were on the same
list," assessed ia tho same way, were permitted
to vote."
Any man, with a grain of common sense,,
can thus see that we found no fault with Mr.
M'Murray. We said, in so tcai:y words, that
a number of persons were "regularly assessed'
by Mr. M'Murray, and that when they came to
the polls tovote.they weie refused; By whom?
By Thomas Mehafley,Keubeii Neioieu aud Jo
seph Broth, a copperhead Election Board;
For uhal reason ? "Because Mr. M'Murray baS
not returned the list to tho Commissioners
eight days before the election 1" It was the
action of the Election Eard, in refusing to al
low persons to vote who were "regularly as
sessed," that we complained of, and not of
anything Mr. M'Murray did or failed to do.
The charge, by "implication" ol "purposely
relusiug" to make return of the ten-day's as-
sessment,was made by the Election Board, for
the purpose of preventing men, justly and le
gally entitled to vote, from exercising that
right, aud tire individual who is guilty of dis
torting our language, as it has been distorted
by the writer of the article in the last Copper
head organ, and expects his version to be be
lieved, must place a very low estimate upon
the intelligence of the people of this county.
The last Copperhead oraa tells a story a
bout the hlection Board in Burnside township,
Miich it is almost a pity to spoil by correcting
its misstatements. It sets forth that a Mr.
"Clear," who expressed his belief that he had
no lawful right to vote, was challenged, and
that whilst the Election Board were consult
ing on the subject, "a leading Abolitionist"
ordered the "Abolition Inspector to put the
tickets into the box" and that this he did, be
fore tho Beard had come to a conclusion.
This is, substant!aKysth3 story of the Copper
head organ. The facts aro simply thus Mr.
John Cleary.son of Rev. Jas. Cleary, was tho
soldier who offered to vote. When he was chal
lenged, a copy of the Patriot and Union, con
taining Judge Woodward's decision, relative
to the right of soldier's to vote, was handed
the Board, and w-hi'Ist they were endeavoring
to gain such light from this precious docu
ment as might guide thera in the Caee before
them, the tickets, which were lying on 'the
box, were pushed in by Othello Smead, tbo
Copperhead Inspector, he supposing it to -be a
Woodward ticket. These are the facts as eta
ted to ns by a responsible gentleman, who was
present ard saw tho whole trausaction. When
the "suaiks" over the way hereafter attempt
to make capital out of an affair f this kind,
they had better take care to see that none of
their own friends are as deeply implicated as
ibey are in this instance. . -
Who is He ! On the fluid of Gettysburg,
alter tbo battles, the dead body of a Union
soldier was found, holding in his clasped
baiwls an ambrotype of three children, a girl
and two boys, aged apparently about nine,
seven and five years. In tho picture, tho
youngest child, a boy, is seated in a high
chatr, between his elder brother and his
-sister, while tho dresses ot the two latter
are made el the same material. The soldier
was buried on the field where ho fell, and his
grave is marked, but his name could, not be
ascertained. It is hoped, however, that he
aiay yet be identified by means of the ambro
type of tbo children found in his hands when
his body was discovered. The picture is now
ia possession of Dr. Bourns, 1104 Spring Gar
den street, Philadelphia, who can be called
upon or addressed in reference to it.
it is estimated that the mineral wealth ot
Nevada territory will be sufficient to pay a
national debt of $20,000,000,000,to give every
returning soldier a musKet or silver and to
furnish all our iron clads with a plating of sil
ver thicker than their present covering of irou.
At that rale, baukruptcy doesn't seotu to be
Brig. Gen. Steadman, of th Army of the
Cumberland, arrived in Clearfield on Wednes
day last, on a visit to bis wife and son, who
have been spending the summer in our town.
The General looks well, notwithstanding the
hardships through which he has so recently
passed. As all our readers know, he has be
haved with distinguished gallantry from the
commencement of the present war, and es
pecially in the lato battle of Chickamauga,
aud has won lor himself a proud uamo in the
galaxy of our country's heroes.
On Thursday evening, a number of our
most respectable citizens, having improvised
a baud for the occasion, proceeded to serenade
the General. Alter the band had played
several -tunes, iu response to repeated calls
General Steadmen made his appearance, and
was received with three hearty cheers. He
spoke, substantially, as follows :
Ftixow Citizens: I thank you for this
compliment. To receive such a compliment
from any portion ot the citizens ot my coun
try, is gratify ing, but it is especially so.com-
iug from citizens of Pennsj lvania, tho State
in which I was born, and ol which I have so
just reason to feel proud. For,iu the great
contest in which we are engaged, the Keystone
State has not disgraced herself. She has borne
a noble, loyal liout, and her sons have shed
lustre upou the National arms on every battle
I cannot be expected to make you a speech
1 am but an humble soldier, whoso highest
aspiration is to discharge the duty devolving
upon hiiu from his connexion with tho army
ot the Country. I am absent from that army
but fur a brief season (my furlough being
only for twenty days) to teek repose with
my family and friends. 1 sijalLsouu return to
the tented field whither duty calls me, aud
it is, therefore, Hot my province U discuss
any ot the political questions that divide tho
community at Louie. We, iu the army, do
not discuss those questious. We hear of your
diviaiMtns, wUich we deprecate aud deeply re
greU We are anxious tbat this wur should bo
brought to a speedy aud successful termina
tion, and hence we desire the people to he
united and harmonious in assisting us to ac
complish this great object. Wo know that
our friends at home, who are watching, with
anxiety aud solicitude our fate, belong to
diSereut parlies and divisions, but we would
have them, like us in tho army, though made
up of representatives lrom every political
party, united in the one great work of crush
ing out the rebellion.
1 think we in the army, have moro confi
dence in tho accomplishment of this great ob
ject, thau.you have at home. We believe our
selves competeut to perform the task we have
undertaken, and have no doubts whatever, as
to the ultimate result. If the people at home,
were equally united and confident, that result
would not be so lax distaut.
I thiak I fcee now above the horizon a little
cloud, not a black one,but a white cloud
that will do more to purify our atmosphere,1
and produce such a healthy coudition ot
thiugs as will bring our iuternal strife to a
speedy termination, than any other circum
stance that has occurred during the history of
our str-He. I think I see Louis Napoleon
preparlog to stick his long nose into our af
fairs, and if be does so, he will most assuredly
get it broken. From this cloud of threatened
foreign intervention, I anticipate tle happiest j
results. You know when a family gets to
quarrelling, and the neighbors begin to inter- ,
lerehe family universally drops its own quar-
tel to punish the neighbors. Just so,we have
reason to believe, it will be with i orign In
tervention. Tho dissensions aud divisions;
among us will speedily end. Party will be for
gotten in a common effort against the common
enemy. ith our country on a war tooting un
paralellcd in the history of the world able to
whiten every sea with our extensive navies
and send thousands of privateers to prey upon
their commerce 'foreign intervention' anil
domestic war will lie f but short duration.
Our country will eotuo ut of tho contest tri
umphant. The mighty oak over which thei
storm has past, may be stripped of its leaves and '
branches, but tbe trunk is still alive, and very
soon its growth, freshness, and beauty Will be
more laxurient than ever. And thus though
this storm which is now passing over our laud, 1
will leave its scars and traces though many
of the cation's gallant heroes will havo fallen,
but a short time will eiapso, until stronger,
mightier, grsnder than ever, she will leap for
ward in the career of g'lory and prosperity
that lies before her, until her flag shall float
in triumph over an almost boundless continent.
Coming so recently from the field of Chick
amauga, you will doubtless expect to hear
lrom mo some account of the battle, and of
the scenes through which I passed. But tho
details have already been published in tho
press of the country. Maeh has beeu pub
lished, it is true, that will never pass into his
tory, but the leading features of the contest,
and ol tho achievements of the army ot the
Cumberlaud, have been given, and yem can
read the account tor yourselves. There is one
misapprehension existing iu the public mind,
however, which I will take this opportunity to
correct. It is supposed by many persons.ttiat
Gen. Rojecrans occupied Chattanooga, ad
vanced from there to Chickamauga, was de
feated, and forced to fall back to Chattanooga.
This is oot tho case. Tho army of General
Rosecrans never occupied Chittanooga at all,
until after tho battle of Chickaiauga. Tho
army of the CunberlanJ advanced, with its
lett wing touching Chattanooga, its centre
crossing Lookout Mountain, through Frick's
Gap until it rested at Chickamauga Hills.
Bragg finding that he would be surrounded,
abandoned Chattanooga, and retreated to tbe
East Chickamauga, where ho was reinforc
ed by Longstreet's corps, from the army
of tho Potomac 20,000, by Buckner, lrom
East Tennessee, ,000, Breckinridge and
Hindman from Jo. Johnston's army 12,000,
two Brigades from Charleston, and 15,000
Ueorgia btato JUUitia. Huh Ins combined
forces he delivered battle at Chickamauga.
There is no disguising the fact, that our right
aud left wings were successively broken, and
compelled to retreat, but the centre main
tained its ground. withstood tbe attack of
the entire Rebel host, and saved the Federal
army lrom disaster aud defeat. For at least
a day md. a half after the battle, our a-rmy re
mained on Mission Ridge, awaitine another
attack ot the combined, and greatly superior
jorces or the enemy, but awaited it in vain
Then, and net till then, Gen. Rosecrans re
tired to Chattanooga, and occupied it, that
being the object of his mission tho original
design of the campaign. I can assure you
that there was nothing done on the field of
Chickamauga of which any loyal citizen need
be asnamed.
Thanking you again for the compliment vou
have paid me, I bid you, fellow cUUeos, god
The General's remarks wero interrupted by
frequent and enthusiastic applause. At tho
close, the crowd, gave him . three cheers, and
quietly dispersed. " .
' It is stated that the income of the Gov
ernment from alt sources is aow equal to tho
aggregate expenditure..
1st District Jeremiah Nichols, U., C. M.
Dovao. D., Jacob Ridgeway, U., George Con
m;H, U.
- 2d. Chester and Delaware V. Worthing
ton,U. id. Montgomery J. C. Smith, D.
4th. Bucks Win. Kinsey, D.
5th. Lehigh and Northampton G. W.
Stein, D.
Cth. Berks Ileister Clymer, D.
7th. Schuylkill Bernard Reilly, I).
8th. Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne II.
Beardsley, D.
.9th. Bradford, Susquehanna, Sullivan aud
Wyomiug W. J. Turrell, U.
10th. Luzerne J. B. Stark, I).
11th. Tioga, Potter, McKean and Warrcu
S. F.Wilson, U.
12th. Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and Uaiou
Henry Johnson, D.
13th. Suyder, Montour, Northumberland
and Columbia David Montgomery, D.
11th. Cumberlaud aud Perry George H.
15th. Dauphin & Lebanon I). Fleming, U.
ICth. Lancaster Benjamin Champneys, U.
John M. Duulap, U.
17th. York A. Hiestaud Glatz, D.
18th. Adams, Franklin and Fulton Wil
liam M cS berry, D.
19th. Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon
G. W- Householder, U.
20th. Blair, Camwia aud Clearfield W. A.
Wallace, D.
21st. Indiana aud Armstrong Harry
White, U.
22d. Westmoreland and Fayette John Lat
ta, D.
23d Washington and Greene William Uop
k ins, D.
24th. Allegheny John P. Penny, U., J. L.
Graham, U.
25th. Beaver Sc Butler C C. McCandless,U.
iitjtli. Lawrence, Alereer, aud Veuaugo
Tims. Hoge, U.
27th. Erie aud Crawfurd Morrow B. Low
ry, U.
2Sth. Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and Elk
C. L. Lamberton, D.
Uniou Senators. :: ::;:::: 17
Democratic Senators. : i : : : : l(i
Union majority.
: 1
Keiubers of the House.
1st District i II iam Foster, U.
2d " T. J. Baiger, D.
3d Samuel Josephs, J).
4th " Johu D. Watson, U.
5th ' William W.Watt, U.
Cth " J. H. O'Hara, U.
7th " Tlioma.i Cochrati, U.
Sth James M. Kerns, U.
9th " George A. Quigley, D.
10th " S. S. Pancoast, U.
11th " J. IV. U-upkius, D.
12th - L. V. Sutphin,U.
18th Frauk McMauus, D.
11th " Albeit R. Schofield, D.
loth " William F. Smith, U.
ICth " Ed. G. Lee, U.
17th James Miller, U.
Adams James II. Marshall, D.
Allegheny Thomas J. Bigham, U., Alfred
Slack, U., W. II. Deuuison, U., Johu P. Glass,
U,. H.B. Heron. U.
Armstrong and Westmoreland J. B- Cham
bers. D., Johu Hsrguett, D., John W. Rid
die. D.
Beaver and Lawrence Wru. Henry, U-,
Josiah White, U.
Bedford -B. F. Myers, D.
Berks C. A. Eikie, D., Wra. Pottes'ger, j
D., John Missimer, D.
Blair R. A. McXurtrae, U.
Bradford DummerLi.ly, U-, Jos. Marsh. U.
Bucks L. B. Labar. D-. J. R. Boileau, D.
Butler Wm. Haslett, U., J. II. Negley, U.
Cambria C. L. Pershing, D.
Carbon and Lehigh XjelunuU Long, Hi.,
Nelson Weiser, D.
Ceutre Cyru T. Alexander. D.
Chester P. Frailer Smith, U., Robert L.
McClellan, U., Wm Windle. U. i
Clarion and Forest Wm. T. Alexander, 1).
Clearliold, Jelferson. Mckean and Elk T.
J. Boyer, D.. A. W. Benton, D.
Clinton and Lycomiug A. C. N oyes, I)., J.
Beck, I).
Columbia, Montnr, Wyoming and Sullivan
George D. Jacksen, D.-4-Tiiii C Ellis, 13.
Crawford and Warren H.C. Johnson, U.,
W. D. Brown, U.
Cumberland John Bowman. D.
Daiipbiu 11. C. Alleman, U., Dan'l Kci-
zer, U.
Delaware Edward A. Price, U.
Erie Byrou Hill, U., John Cochrane, U.
Fayette T. A- Searight,D.
Franklin and FuKtou T. McD. Sharpe, D.,
William Horton.D.
Greene Alexander 1'atton, D.
Huntingdon David Etneir, U.
Indiana J. W. Huston, U.
Juniata, Union, and Snyder Johu Bals
bach, U., Samel U. Orwig, U.
Lancaster 11. B. Bowman, U., Nathaniel
Maeyer,U.,D. Billingtolt, U., E. K. Smub,U.
Lebanon (J- Dawson Coleman, U.
Luzerne Peter Walsh, D., Jacob Robin
sou D., Harry Hakes, D.
Mercer and Venango Charles Koouce, U-,
Wm. Bergwin, U.
Mifflin S. Stauborger, U.
Monroe and Pike Peter Gilbeit. D.
Montgomery Geo. W. Wimly, D., ' Joseph
Uex, D., II. C. Hoover, D.
Northampton S. C- Shimer, D-, Owon
Rice, D.
Northumberland T. 11. Purdy, D.
Pel ry Chas. R Barnett, U.
Potter aud Tioga B. G. Olmstead, U., Jno.
W. Guernsey, U.
Schuylkill Edward Kerns, D., Conrad
Graber. D., Michael Weaver, D.
Susquehanna George H. Wells, U.,
Somerset C. G. Musselman, U.
Washington Robert R. Reed, U., James
J2. Kelly, U.
Wavne m. M. ielson, D.
York Daniel Reiif, D., Spangler. D.
Union members.
Democratic members- : :
' Union majority. : : :
Union. Dem.
Senators. :::::: 17 1C
House. : : : : : .- : 52 43
Democrats. : : i : : 04
Union majority on joint ballot 5 1 .
The work of re-c-r-uiiiiig iu East Tennessee is
progressing finely, and we shall soon have 15,
U00 natives Teuaeseeann, and 5,000 North
Carolians added to our army. This is one of
tho most important features ol our achieve
ments in that quarter. The loyal mountain
eers wno nave lougnt secession so long, aro
oot only ready but anxious now to fight for
tne union.
Gov. Ramsey, of Minnesota, in his treaty
with the Indians, 'succeeded Jn purchasing a
tract of land of the Indians 180uailes in length
and from 120 to 125 in breadth. This com
prises the land on both sides of tbe Red river
aud will secure llw trades of tho Red river val
BALrioB.E,Oct.S0.-Tbe followiBg ,t.r
was received this morning bv the ?Lw
from a responsible correspondent '
Asnpoi.18, Mo Oct. 2G.-The flag-or trur
boat New York arrived at the Naval Sc " ,,
warf this morning trom City point, with s.
paroled men. Light ot tho number died .,
the boat, on tho way hither, having been
tually starved to death. Never iu the tl"
course of my life, have I ever aoeu such .
scene as these meu presented ; they were Li
ing skeletons ; evety man ot them had to 1
sent to the hospitals, and the surgeon's vptt
ion is that more than one third of them n,Us
die, being beyond tho reach or norislinieut
and medicines. I questioned several or them
and they all state that their condition j,,'
been brought on by tho treatment they hav,.
received at the hands ot the rebels. Tln-v
have been kept without food , and exposed a
large portion of tho time without heler of
any kiud. To look at these poor men and hear
their tales of woe how they havo beeu truated
one woaki uot supuose that they had tKI,
into the hands of the Southern chivalry, hi t
rather into the bands of savage barbariaijs
debtUito or all humanity or reeling. '
Our readers will rcuiiber that at tho i,rc
en t session of a Court Martial, held in tliu
city, over which Col. D. B. Morris preside
one Richard S. Espy was tried for desertion'
Espy was a resident of Brookville, Jefleru
cousty, where he has a wife residiug. le WJJ
a captaiu in the three mouths vice, and
subsequently a lieutenant in the nine mouths
service. During tlic recent draft he enlisted
as a substitute, after which deserted.
The trial of Espy lasted several days, ,n,j
was ably conducted throughout. Alter a fajr
aud impartial investigation, he wa convicted
f the crime charged, and was sentenced
shot. The papers in tho case have bee ior.
warded to headquarters at Washington for an.
proval, d if approved, Richard J. Expy Wh
be made au example of. The execution f
the condemned, we presume will take plat,
in this city. PitUburg Commercial, Oct. 3D.
The public inturet in party success is ex
tinguished by e bigher interest iu the suc
cess -ot. the war, and nothing is more encoura
ging to the friends of the Union than this Tact.
The recent electious demoiisfrafe it clearly,
and we have now no fear that party ambition
will again endanget the rwtvgrity or the na
tion. We look not to Republicans, Demo
crats, or Whigs for the victory in this strug
gle ; it cui only come by the unanmi ity of
the Union parly the concerted action ot the
loyal American people. The best Republican
is bow powerless to help it he appears ii a
pirtisan; the. best Democrat, befare givih,;
efficient aid must abandon hfcs jxilHical preju
dices. All loyal men aiut give op :;irlivm
jiriBC'n.le and unite with that great n.il hm(
.rganiKalion which has for its sole pnrpos,
the destruction of the rebellion is. the shortest
Ex-GovERsoa Packer, CorrtRiiKAo. W,.
;arn from a friend that when Ex-Go.. Patk
r visited the noils at Willi.-i
he boastfully held up his ticket, eicl. iiniii"'
. IT T - - . - F i - .
nereis a iiai.er xciiicn is Uopficr all crrr '
Immediately beWnd Packer came a jolly Ji
jerian. also in the wet llT Vol ill"- l&'h't nruA
out in a lusty voice, "Be jabern here is a hal-
t to kiii yoursnane .'" V e do not envy Win.
. Packer the feeliuir whilo t..vt,iv.. n,..
motive which promided him tw his vote an-l
Uia etc Inflation. The honest fusljiuau is tin
better man ad X&i urcr patriot ot the twa
i iicnij. jicnange
A' Inert is meat ssvt ' tarijrlifp' rnts.oroitt of its 'tut
ilil trill he rhutrgsd tlonhle. prtre lor sjtarfnmtpiri.
u 4Jaui o h-.iou uuu, tilt: luuab Bccomi'l.-
ny notices, as follows- All Cautions with tl.
L .. SI. PTT -
A i A 1. . .... bAwl. , W, A U IU1U.
trators' and Execut-rr1 n otiose. Si, SO, each ; and
an otner transient isetlces at tbe una ra'a.
Other atvertiaenien, at SI per q uare, for t or If sa
inter tions. Twelve lin4 (oriels) count a square.
COOK STOrES and Parlor stoves. (f..r rith-v-cual
or wood.) wl stovo irfue. fur a!c cbo:ii
for ens h at tie store of
J. 1. THOMPSON. Cumeu.-ville.
tcrerJted aro hereby notified, tfcat Lettotfi
Testamentary on the estate -of Hon. James Kn -punoii,
late of Lumber oitv deceased, have thi
day been issued to the undersigned. All ncrn
4udelited to said estate will make immediate
uient. and those having claims against Ueriw
wilt prefce-fK. tlejn duly nuthcnUeajtcd. far nettle-
went. l.LIZA FEIKilTljt X. Executrix.
October, 27, I -d
I-JELIEr XOTICE- The Board of lirfWf
A tor tbo county of Clearfield, will ment at lay-
Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Wednes
day and Thursday, tke 2itU and 26th day f
Koo.--eoifeer, A. D. lhGX
Tho Board at Kclicf have direrWa that th w.fo
of tho soldier most appear before the borL ani
produce nor sworn statement, detailing I4.a.e o;
soldier, reirimeut and company, and when culi.-
ted; the number of children, with age and aex of
each ; the t.-wnship in which they rotttded 4 too
tmio ot enlistment, aud their present retjitmce .
and that she is without the means oi .supurt fur
herself and child ren who are dc5icni:ui,u cii her
Two witnesses of credibility from tte t.wuUii'
ia whieh slie resides, must also be fxdraccd alios"
eertineato (sworn to betore the lionrd ui KtMicn
must set forth tbat the applicant u tke y en;n 'n
represents herself to be, that the ta4oucnt of ll"
number and ago of her family is true, tbat cue i
in destitute circumstances and bur f.utily in c'
tual want, and that all tbo fuels set furiii iu hcr
application are correct and true.
Forms ten tuiniug these requiitionsc.nl be ob
tained at the Office of the Board f Keiief. wh
application is made and tbe w'rtnesst appear.
N. li. Illness of the app-iieant, proirly prdveu,
will excuse personal attendance
Nov. 4.1S63. . V.-3S.. S UKAM.EY. Clerk
r..t, n
Royal I'trp.
J-ighi Siie. A5
Claret brow
Dark Brown
Light Brown,
Snuff Brown,
Dark DrabA
Light Drab,
Dark Green,
i'or Dyeing Silk.Wooten md Mixed Goods. i"Luk
bcarfs. Dresses. Kibbons.ti loves. Uonncu-n'"'
Feathors.KidGlu c8. Children's CIotLmg,
and all kinds of Wearing Apparel.
For 25 cents ywi can color as maDy g""':
would otherwise cost five times that sum
. L J t , i f .1... ?n f-
. pre-
oua euuuee chu oe prouueeu iroui r-
Tl . -i'i- j - .in ujC
n 1 I r ' u
x ui? j' i i.t:oa i o simple, sou auy uld v -Dye
with perfect success. in
Directions in English, French and fiernun '
eideof each package. . . t
For farther information in Dying, an d w
perfect knowledge what colors are best ,
dye over others, (with many valuable ""-
purchase Howe Stephens. Treatise oo yl'rZ
and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of I"1
10 cents. - . .
Manufactured by UOU'K A STEVfc-
2ri INROAD wv. bo
For sale by Druggists and Dealers ctu"'
Uoitea November 1th, ISM. Pin