sa R n-, f?, St at, a- 4 "S-"- R , tri THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., OC T'll 28, 1863. Co. C 5rn Reserves. During the fight on tho IB", near Briatow Station on the Orange and Alexandria Kail road, Corporal George W Toung and private) Bonj. F. Derrick, of this county, were killed. The other Clearfield boys escaped without injury. Godet's lTdT's Book. Th excellent Magazine is always ahead of all others-thr; November number having reached us last week. ' It contains many useful recipes, bean ti'ful patterns and engravings, choice reading matter, etc., and hence is a companion worthy f any household. Terms, 3 per year ; cr 3,50 tor the Lady's cok and Journal, one year, in advance. Thk Clearfield County Fair. Tho third Annual Exhibition of tho Clearfield County Agricultural Society was held last week. The exhibition of Agricultural products, and of manufactured articles, was not near so large as on former occasions-, yet it was creditable. The Fancy department, and the department embracing preserves, jellies, etc., was largely represented, and the ladies deserve much credit for their efforts in making the exhibi tion one of instruction as well as of interest. Tlie grain on exhibition was good, and many it the vegetables were among the finest we have ever seen. There wis a large display of cattle, uvA -' noticed some very fine blooded stock in tfie lot. The number of horses exceeded jorincr exhibitions, and mnch interest was Manifested in the f ist trotting and pacing done on the occasion. The attendance of people was much larger than wis anticipated, and. upon the whole, wo consider the Fair an entire success. We will publish the premiums awarded and the time-fables of the trotting and pacing, rest week. C0R323PDS:2.7;: 0.? THE "JOuSAL' Lettfr from I'iniijlmnr, Pa. I'iiiLirdiJcr.G, October -filh, Dear Joirxal: Our town has been honor ed bv a flying visit from Governor C'.irtin,i!ie St. Patrick" of the nineteenth century .since jy ;lt to you. The Governor appeared very Mildeitly in our niidtd on Wednesday l ist, 21st i:ist. His coming was unheralded and entire ly f a private nature. The cars made a -pe trip from Osceola, for the purpose of bring i tig Lis exeellency to the Alpine village he n:i-ir i v passed through on bis way to the CivaitieM Bar, to p!eal flio cause of his di nt, it was then Andy Cliitin ; a plain. i:no. !,.,,;li;;iis lawyer. Many years havo rolled a.v.iy since then. Tiie m irch oi improvement lus greatly chansed the appeara-ico of our i.iwn. as the (Jovet nor said in answer to a H'lvftion of one of our townsmen. He was ;..',;.(!, V...H Governor, his I'hiHpsburg im j r.'Vid any sittco you were li.;ro S-ast ? -O'l ;.c.. a great deal;" he it-plied. Vhy, you i .iw fine blick buildings, a t-plet.did !.i:i!:!:i g on the corner there (Town Hal!) Widen was fccupied by a log ciHm the last T.iiie 1 was lu re." J3ut time has made no dif-l'.-reiice i'i him, except a slight change towards t!:e '-sere and yellow l.'.if season" of life, 'lis the saniu plain Andy former ly. 2sot ithstandii g bis elevation to the hUhest gift the people -of the Old Keystone -ia give him, he comes among them as unos tentatious, as when a lawyer plodding bis way m:iid rocks and stones, stumpy aii'i roots, rain and snow and mud.tiiriipike.Sjtotl gates. mid all tlie it rtinci of a trip with a wagon, to attend court in Clearfield. iii d tys of yore. The Gov ernor and paity s it down to a sumptuous din-isi-r, (one that Lucu lius might have envied.) ut ti e Cotirad House, kept by the prince of lir.iilords, James II. Galer. The Governor uas warmly received by our citizens. All took him by the hand, and congr.itu'uted him ;:i his victorious extermination of the "sar pienis," on trie I3:h iust. A great many who voted for his opponent took him by the ex tremity of the dexter ami, and even some of the copperheads, most especially the Koyal Arch Grand Ilabbi ol the den in this '-nest." f'ne would have supposed that the sulphurous fume? of the imast, noticed in my last letter, otild have got the better of him. The Gov ernor looks as fresh and hearty as though he .-.s just stepping forth Iroin his "native l.;ath"io assume tbe reins of glorious and loy :: u'd Pennsylvania. Ills stay was very short, oniy being here a low minutes, when he de puted "ri ling on a rail," drawn by the iron I r. as he went snorting up the romantic 1 'ale of the Moshanon, having a live Governor onboard. Long may he live ! I noticed an editorial in the ''Republican" 't!ie 21st instant that does great injustice to ii:r townsman, James II. Galer, of tho Conrad HiJse. It is headed"Death to Copperheads." ni ays that Mr Galer had a flag or banner t;;ng to the breeze from his hotel on the morn :bo alter the election with the inscription 'Hedth to Copperheads inscribed on it, and as "!'. Ptniocrats arc called Copperheads it is a arniiig to all "Democrats" that Mr. G-l'-T does not want their custom." Mr. Ga- r is entirely innocent of having Bdonc any -thing of the kind. A flag bearing such an in kcri;,tioH was put up by some young men, and ""fended across the street from a rope fast ' a- l on the roof of tbe Conrad House on one a!ie, an.l to Mr Kessler's house on tho other; -Alr. GaK-r never knew that the fljg was np nn ll1 late at night, (for the flig was put up in the evening and not in the morning,) when ariem--crat came to his house and told him what was on the flag. Mr. Galer disapproved of the '"scription, and toid the gentleman, that if ft! was the case he would have the Hag taken ri in the morning and the inscription ta kea off. The next morning Mr. Galer came out saw tlxi inscription, and remarked to a e'ntlenian standing by, that '-the American a8 aa great enough within itself,aud I don't Iprovc of taking anything therefrom or add 'S tLereto,'5 aud took the flag down, took of! t ho inscription so unjustly impute-d as being flung to the breeze by h'tii, nn again hoisted the Hag to the pure- a:: 1 loyal a"r of toe AUe ghenies. Long may it wave ! God graut, that it may long in the iiire,loya! atmosphere of the Alpine village, alter fhe poor, misera ble and despicable hoinogeniotis imbecile copperhead that furnished the information, has seceded from this terrestrial clime. Mr. Galer is a true loyal man and Knows that all democrats are not copperheads, and is ever ready to accommodate the traveling public of Clearfield county, be they democrats, or what they may. I notice-this editorial from the fact of it not only doing great injustice to Mr. Galer, but to our town ; for the tenor of it is such as to induce a stranger to infer that mobs w ere the order oi the day with us. But we challenge the State for a more law-abiding people than those .f Philipsburg. As lor the adjacent metropolis of Slab Town, the resi dence of the K. A. G. Rabbi, I arn 'nix-cum-a-rous" 7icn combatant. Lehci. MAJOR GENEKAL GEO. B. M'CLELLAN. This Titanic warrior has written a letter an actual, real letter. Ontnge, N. J., is the place where ho did it : Monday, Oct. 12, 18C3, its epoch. On that day aud in 'that place the young Napoleon deliberately strip ped himself of bis sash and his epaulettes, laid aside Lis sword, his revolver and his bow ie knife, arming himself with a goose quill, rightly valiantly betook himself to epistoliz iug. The result is no ordinary eflusion ; no mouse from a mountain in labor. Far form it. It is. as was to be expected, an extraordinary production, original in its con ception, novel in its structure, and darkly clomiy in its composition. J its form it is of the" dual kind, it is partly piivate, partly public, partly particular, partly general. The Hon. Ciias. J.Biddie, the fctandaid-bearer o! tbe Pennsy 1 vaui i copperheads, is the fortu nate in-dividual who is tendered immortal by its being addressed to him. But while it was addressed to him as an individual, it was not intended to abide with him, but l ptits out through him to all the world u::d the res,t of juaiidkiud. Little Mac did not tike to tha goose quill willingly, but on compulsion. Jt came about in this v ise. John W. Forney, a pestilent Phiiauelphian, bad caused it to be published in a newspaper o I that pretentions city that if the l"tung Napoleon voted at or spake in con- I i;eci'it ttiiii iia: i-ie;iiiii men neat ui uami in Pennsylvania, he wonl-.t vote and speak in l i. vor ol Governor Ctirtui ; other son-; of Belilal, if was tol l to George, had made similar asser tions ail linontrii the length and breadth of the Keystone State : ami it thereupon became iuan;k-t t the Great Ditcher' lint bj could i:"t longer maintain silence under such M isi e pies- illations," but must foitily himself against them. Audit was this that stai ted the oui.g hero'' to writing. The adage has it that the ruling passion is strong in death." George, thong i not in rxtmnit when be panned h:s epi.-tle. but only in a pet, exemplified this with remarkable clearness. Tiie a aioe p-issioii for iudijcri'iiiiiatc slaught ering that ruled him so strongly as a warrior clung to him with equal force as a writer ; the only utflerence was that in the former case the victim was I. is own army, while in the latter it wh ttio Queen's English. Young Xapoleon denies positively, peremp tory, passionately, that be cot:ld, under any coiieeu" at.le cotuUiuatiuii of circumstances, be caught lioing so i:ncoppct headisli a thing as voting for or speaking hi b'.-half ofliov. Ci'R ris. O i the contrary, he, Littie Mac, then and there desired to state, clearly and distinc !y, to the Hon. Oiiar! J. Iliiidle, and through him to tho universal public, that h iving some lew days before had a full conversation with Judge V.'oo-Jwaid, be L.cad that tiie Judge's views ar;d bis agreed, and tiu refoie he regar ded the Ji'.dge's elecrio'i as tvet nor of Penn sylvania cailed for i y. the interests of tho na tion. Tiiis, as trio the Irishman told the Yankee when h, eatiod hi:n a liar a:;d a thiel. is "explisit" language. There if no misun derstanding it no mistaking its meaning. The rabiilest ruithir: that disgraced New York during the late riots in that city, and yet dis graces it with bis presence, might read it as be runs niter the trembling, flying darkeys ; and, reading it, would be forced to admit that our --young hero" was worth' of bis warm est admiration, his heartiest plaudits, ami would be constrained to turn asuio with his fellow rii ters to serenade hiin. Lilt h; Mac has hitherto been rather cau tious ia divulging his political views. In deed he has shrown a manirest dispositon to keep the public in the dark with regard lo them. Ei.t now lie has given us a clue to them, by which we can ascertain what they are without risk of falling into error or i i s take. Altera full conicrniiiott with Judge Woodward, he finds that his aud the Judge's views agree. All we have to do, therefore, to get l'oung Napoleon's views is. to get those of Judge Woodward ; and we have got his in full tale from- his own lips aud letters. Here are somo of Judge Wiodward's views, lie denounces the administration ajjd the war In very strong and .decided terms. In this Little Mac, judged by his own testimony, r grees with him. He say it is an unconstitu tional war. In this Little Mac agrees with liir.i. He says it is an abolition war. In this Little Mac agrees with him. .He says he has no interest whatever in the result of the war, Jet that lesii It be what it may. In this Little Mac agrees with him. He says he has nosymptby with the Government in its strug gle with rebels, nor with those who are sacri ficing tlieir lives in putting down the rebellion. In this Little Mac agrees w ith him. He says that in this war the north will gain no credit, and this will be the verdict of history. In this Little Mac agecs with him. lie says that if ho had control of matters be would w ithdraw every one of our soldiers from Southern soil, every one of our ships from Southern waters, and having giving up to the rebels all the ter ritory, forts and harbors which we hold, and all the public property which we have south of Mason and Dixon's line, be would then make peace with them on tho best terms he conid. In this Little Mac agrees with him.' lie says under the providence of the good Being, Af rican slaver)" has been an invaluable blessing to this country. In this Little Mac agrees with him. He say that human bondage is divinely sanctioned, if not divinely ordained. In this Little Mac agrees "with him. He says that o oppose the extension of such bondage in the way the people of the North have been doing is a malignant fanaticism that can find no favor with him. In this Little Mac agrees with him. Madamk Pokteb's CritATivE Balsam lias long tested the trnth that thero are first principles in Medicine as there is in Science, aij this Medi cine is compounded oa principles suited to the manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds ia in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle in ternal warmth, and this is caused by tho use of this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based on its power to assist tho healthy and vigorous circulation of blood through the lungs, it enli vens tho muscles and assis-ta the skin to perform its duties of regular in? the heat of the system. and in gently throwing otf the waste substance from tho eurfaco of the body It ia not a violent rem edy, but emollient, warming, searching and effec tive. t?ld by all druggist at 13 and 2j cts a bottle. f CLIPPINGS AKD SCEIEELINCS. iT7Uouiid for "Salt River" the Copper j heau'.s. ! C7Gost 517-3 a pair of boots, in. Rich ' mond. dfThe invalid corps has been organized Into sixteen regiments. CC7Tue Navy Department needs men. kWhere are you, sailor boys 1. DOn the 11th inst., fever was still pre vailing among the shipping at Tensacola. C7One man in New Hampshire has fent 30,000 wild pigeons to market this seas-jnr CE7"LTfmnimousIy i ejected a peace resolu tion, in the Richmond House of Delegates. rT7""ery similar kissing and apples. "They should never be tasted without paring. CC7"A Paris paper says a son of tho fa muos Viuocq is in priso'n there lor stealing shirts. G"Must enjoy drinking people with lo;ig necks, as the liquor is tasted all the way down, as it goes. nP"Fact ? the "Snaix" have crawled into their holes. They usually do about this time of the year. C5Tue receipts of the Illinois Central rail road Company amounted in September to SlC6,yi;,lG. K"We are not fighting the Southern States, or any State. We are fighting the rebels. That's all. C7Although ail Copperheads call them selves Democrats, nevertheless, all Democrats are not Copperheads. CC7Why is James Buchanan like a poultice? Because lie is the application which drew tbe rebellion to a head. CJ7"In demand Suiir Kroul, on account of the immense immigration to Salt River, from Penu&i lvania and Ohio. rrTOwiN'J to his shocking bad hat Vice President Himiiu was recently mistaken lor one el' JeiT Davis's guerrillas. C3The Hnntiugdon J.mratl and the Clar ion fioiifr have hoisted the name of Abra ham Lincoln for President in liitil. K7"JcJl Davis lately ordered Gen. Bragg not to shoot so in any of his men. Soin?Uody Miould order him not to shoot so many -of ours. r7Vhat is a swell t A professor of mu sic who pretends to know even thing about the science, while lie cannot conceal bi own ignorance, C?"jJ:yant savs "the groves vveie God's first temples. " A good many romantic young lovers unquestionably find them delightful meeting houses. C7-Therc is no merit in accomplishing a thing unless it is accomplished well. Of what avail are hotj vollo for br aktaat when liiey arc sour and heavy T7The Mobile Register doubts whether tho rebels ought to make even exchanges of pris oners. No doubt the rebels are sore in need of something to bout- GITMick to their delusion some of the small-fry copperheads, that Woodward is e leeted Governor of Pennsylvania. None are so blind as they who will not see. Editor of Joi kxal: Dkau Sin : With your per mission I wish to fay to tho readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all w ho wi.-h it. (free) a Reeipe. with full directions for making and aeing a simple Vegetable H.ilin. that will ef fectually remove, in 10 days, rimplrr. Ekitches, Tnn. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the ?::me stt.elear. smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having ilabl Heads or Hare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, ora Moustache, iuless than :irt days All applications answered by re turn mail without charge. ltrspcetftilly vours, l IIOS. !'. CHAPMAN. Chemist. July 22.1 siti.'l -l!mo. No. 8"! liroad way. New York. 0o",i i nk" ATr.n. i'uliuoitary cuiistt iii jl on a eitr ahl,: tlixeii..". ! '. '. Au;:. To CoSsr-.ti'Ti vks. The undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve ry aim pie remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung aCt'ectlon. and that dread disease, consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers tho means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy ef the prescription used (free of chargo), with the diree tior, for preparing ami using the same. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser in tending the Prescription is to benefit the afflic ted, aud spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Tarties wishing the pre sciipiion will please address Iiev. EDWARD A. Wlf.S'JN, Sept.23-4in. Willinmsburgh. Kings 0o.,N.Y. DIED: On October 11th, of djsentery, Jaxe M. Phenmx, daughter of Wm. and Margaret Phe nix, of Graham tp. in the 0th year of her ago. Also, on October 10th, John, son of same parents, iu the 2d year of his age. Of dysentery, recently, the following nam ed childrer. of John and -Mary A. Falls resi ding near Grahamton : On October 3d, Mary A., aged I year, 10 months and 17 days. Oil October 4th, Samuel A., aged 3 years. 2 months and 2'J days. On October 4th ,JotiN',nged 5 years, 7 months and 17 days. On October 11th, Dasiel, aged 0 years, 11 months and 23 days. T7VSTKAY Came tresspassing on tho premi ses of the subscriber, in Pike township, about tho 1st of Sept. Inst, a Red Cow with spots on hips, star in the forehead, small boll on. and a bout sis j-ears old. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take her away, orsho will bo sold us the law di rects. WM. CALDWELL. October, II, 1S83. GO AND SEE TIIE NEW GOODS AT J. E. WATSON'S, .IavTSville, Clearfield County, Penn'a. Cheap for cash or exchanged for Timber, Boards. Saw Logs or Shingles. Oct. I t, 1803. " JAMES E. WATSON. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Tos Office at Clearfield, Oct. 1st, lSGli. Coylc, John A. Esq., Irvin, M ithew L. Esq . Cowdcr. J. C. Jacobs. Joseph Chase. Miss Cornelia, Kyllr, Miss Emma Case, Miss Ellen Rephart. Miis Libbie Dotts, George Kerns, .las. N. Esq., Detwiler, John 2 Lewis, Miss Kliaa C. Davison. J. i. . Lancaster, Wiu. Foster, Miss Jano Milton. Smith Farley, Albert U. 2 Moore, Nathan Fottcr, John Mullen. Miss Constant G i bony, Isaac S. MoClosky.J. C. Esq., Garman, Peter Martin, J. K. Esq., Gregory, George Ismeth. Mrs. Cass Hare, James T. Esq , . Seyler, Miss Linie J Ilileburu.MissEliz. 2 . Scyler, Miss E. J. Ono cent duo on each letter advertised. Pcr aous calling for anv of above letters, will say they arc advertised. " . M. A. FRANK, P. M. 4 I'CTIONEEK.The undersigned having J- been Licensed tin Auctioneer, would irfortu the citizens of Clearfield county that he will at tend to calling sales, in any part of the couuty, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address. JOHN M'OI ' fTTC TN. I Ma13 , Bower Po., Clcarticld co.,I'a. N. 11. Persons calling sales without a proper li censo are Fnbjoct to a penalty of $!50, which pro vision will bo enforced against those who may vi ojate the saiae. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE-Lctters Testa mentary on the Estate of Joseph 11. Cordate ot GucJich township, Cleartield county, Ponn'a, deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed; all persons indebted to iaid estate are're-. quested to make immediate payment, and thoso having claims against the sanie will present them duly authenticated for settlement GEO. W. M'CULLY, H'pt. 2. 1663.-pd. Executor. CLEAIIFIEL1) HOUSE, CLEAKFIELD, PA. The subscriber having purchased the furniture and interest from J. H. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for tho reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with bis establishment will be conducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully Bolicita a f hare of public patronage July 11, l&lO.-y. GEO. N. COLULHN. TVOTICE OF INCORPORATION7. All . persons interested arc hereby notified that a Petition was presented to tho Court of Common Pe3 of Clearfield county, at September Term 1SG.'!.praying tho incorporation of the "New "Wash ington -Meihoilist Episcopal Church." and thit if no sutiicient reason bo shown tu the contrary, the prajrerof the said petition will bo granted, at the ensuing January Term of said Court, ia ac cordance with the provisions of tho Act of As sembly in such case made and provided. By order of the Court, I). F. ETZWEILEU, October 21, IS!",.", -3t Prothonotary. $H EUIEIS SALES. Dy virtue of a writ of levari Farias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and tome directed, there will bo exposed to Public sJale, at the Court House, i-i tho borough of Clearfield, on' Wednesday the llth day ef November, A. I). i ';. ut 1 o'clock, P. M., the fullowing described Ileal Kstat';. viz : All those certain tvro tracts r piece of land y'tuafein Clearfield comity. One of :ht m survey ed in pur.-iiii'nco of a warrant gran'.od t Joiin bever dated the sixteeuth day of May. A. 1) ITU!, beginning at a post, thence by Nicholsons survey S )iit!i thirty nine degrees west two hundred and sixty perches to a by lauds of Nathan iel Donald south forty degrees east two hundred and eighty perches to a post, thence by vacant Jami north thirty nine degrees oast two hundred and sixty ptrclws to a post, and by Chris tain Genua'? land ii'-rib forty degrees west two ,hujiuroJ aiid eighty pen-hos tn the place of be ginning, containing lour Jiuudred and Thirty Nine acres and eleven perches and allowar,cc: be tiie same more or less. And the other, snrroye.l on a warrant granted to Xafhaiii'l Donald, dated the sixteenth day ef May A. 1. 179;'., beginning at a post, thence by Ni.-iiolscns survey south Si) deg west 2 it) perches to r po.-t. thence by lands of John Criiighnrst south 4:) deg cast 2M) perches to a post, tbeiico by vacant land north ,1;) deg eat perches to a post, and thence by lands of John Peyers north lit decrees west 2m) perches to tho place of begin ning, containing acres and 1! perches and al lowances be the same more or less. Seize.!, ta ken in execution, and to be fold as the property of Lewis Jamison and Loren A. Ensworth. EIiWAUL' PEItKS, Sheriff. beriJTs Office, Ciearriold, Pa.. Oct. 21, lso.3 E XLt'UTOIl'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. The uudor.-igned. Executors of tho last will and testament of Joiiies Thompson. decd. will expose to public Side, on Wednesday the 4th day of November, A. D. P5G3. at the house of L. S. Plotner iu the Porough of New Washington, the f illowhig described real estate (lato tho prop erly of the said deceased) to wit: Two adjoining tracts of land, situate iu Chest township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of Jonathan Wtstover, other lands of Jnme9 Thomp son dee'd, lands of George Christ, and lands of the heir of John Irvin dee'd, having a frame dwelling house and Jog barn elected thereon , the one trace containing oS acres and 10 perches: the other containing 12o acres uiid 40 perches Three tracts will be toid together or separately to suit purchasers Also one other tract situate in Chest township, Clearfield county. Penn'a. beginning tt a po.-t, thence north S2 dog west ICS perches to a white oak. thence south .S3 deg west 3- perches to a cherr3- tree, thence north 74 deg west lo perches to a post, thence west '.'! perches to a maple. thence by lands of David Kuwlan l rorth 0 deg west fiii perches to a white oak, thcucu uorih 11 dog east 4 I perches to a hicl'ory. thence north 51 deg east !Ui perches to a post by a white oak, thence south U7 deg cast 3i perches to a post 101 bank of Cheat crcrk, thence south i4i dc-g cast CO perches to ii do wood, ther.ce south 1 1 deg east 7 perches to ;i m:ipIo. thence north 73i deg east 43 perches to a maple, theacc east 50 pcrcht-3 to a small hemlock, containing 220 acres and Hi) perches ; having erected thereon a dwelling house, burn, sawmill, tenant house and two frrmo stables. Tr.Krs 1-third cash in hand balance in two cxual ar.nunl payments with interest, secured by Judgment Ponds and persona! security. , WILLIAM FKAT11, , Oct. 2!, 1303. JAMES M'EWE.V. j lx rs. J. P. KRATZER, 1IKALKR IS F0UFIG.N AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, AC. FitO.NT STREET, (ABOVE THE ACADEMY",) CLEAKFIELD, PA. J. P. KRATZER. has just received the largest as fortment of Dress Goods for Ladies, now in tho county, consisting in part of 1 SG3 Cashmeres. Aterinos. Rep-delains.plaids", ; parmetto. Brilliant, Poplins, Alpucca, .k Beresce, Lawns. Prints, Silks, Duster s' S '" clothe, tlinghams, Nankeen, Lin en. Lace. Edging. Vclvet-trim-1 ming.Collerctte.Brni l.Betts, t. j. Dress-buttons, Hosiery, Veils. Nets. Cor 3 : sets. Collars. Hoods, Nubias. Scarps, 13G3 a o -I -X n ! J loop-SKirrs.iiiimorais,coars.tna wis. Mantles. Furs, Notions, Bonnets, liats. Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes. MEN'S V, ARE, Ac., Such as Cloths.Cassimere, SatinettFlan- ncl, Jean, Tweed. Cottonndc, Muslin, j Italian-oloth. Velvet. Plush, Check, I Ticking. Drilling, Linen Crash, Serge, caavass, Fadding Lincy, . . 1 Vesting., Coats. Pants. Vests Over-coats. Shawls, Boys Jackets, Ovcr ! alls, Drawers, Cassmere shirts. Lin b ! ec-Shirts. Boots and ?hoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, Ac. & I 3-3 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. ' ;Such as Carpet. Oil-cloth. Blinds, Cnr 3 I tin. Tassels, Cord, Clocks. Looking-'-n'J' glase?. Lamps, C'hnrns, Tubs. Puck- o j ets.Brooms.Bruyhcs.Uiiskcts.Wash--2 j boards. Putter-bowls. Scires, C C j Flat-irons. Coffee-mill, Eed- inrrtq ltsi'Ti AVnll-nanor. C:irriotphai -1 C3 a e c o H , i Cotton yarn. Candle-wicif, Vrork-bas-kets. Lanters, Umbrellas, Buffalo Robes. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ax es, and Augers, Ac, Ac, Ac. MUSICAL GOODS, Such as Violins, Flutes and Fifeg. r? -1 N 5" a o 1 1 2. . ft"1 o e t a a 5 HARDWARE. "-"-5 jQueensware, Glassware. Stoneware. Gro ceries. Drug3, Confectionaries, Med icines, Flour, Bacon, Msh, Salt, GRAIN, FRUIT, 3 jCarriaze Trimmings, Shoe Fndings. 4 1 School Books, Nails and Spikes, GlaoS ! and rutty. Oil, Vinegar, lobacco, 1 Segars. Candles, Spices, Powder, Shot. Lead, Grind-stonea, Raft ine Ropo, etc., tc , etc, All of which will be sold on tho most reasonable terms and the highest market price paid for all kinds of country rroruce J P. KRATZEIi. 'Jctobcr 21, 1W3. ' ' ' Clearfield, Ponu'a. NOT ALCOHOLIC. A Highly Control tr:ito.l VEGETAB LE EICTIIACT. A PI-RE TONTIC. . Doctor 3 loorj. ANivs GERMAN BITTERS, PliEPAKED TY Dr. C. M. Jackson, riiilad'a. Pa. . "Will effectually euro Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, aud all diseases ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach, such asCoustipation. Inward Piles. Fulness or blood to tlie Head. Acidity of the Ptoinnch,Nausca, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in tho Stomach, Sour Uructations, Sinking or Fluttering ut the Pit of the Stem; t'u, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and DiUicuItBreathimr. Flut tering at tho Heart, Choking or Suifocatiug Sen sations when in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Ke ver and Dull Pain in tho Head, L'eu ciency of Per?piration, yellow ness of the Skin and Pyes, Pain in tho Side. Back. Chtst, Liiabs. Ac, Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in tbe Flesh. Constant Imaginings' of Evil, and groat Depression of Spirits. ; Front I? r. J. Nfirt.m- iirtiril, 1). li. Fdilnrvf the FiiryclojKi i- f lie'.iftioivi , ICtunefeitge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines iu general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects ; I yet know of 110 sufficient reasons why a man may not testify," to the benefits ho bcliovtus himself to have received from auy simple preparation iu the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily iu regard to Hoof land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst thera for many years, under fho impres sion that they were chieily an alcoholic mixture. Tuiti iudobtvd to my friend Hubert Shoemaker, Esq., for (ho removal of this prejudice hy proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three battles of -these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod ily and mental vigor which I had not felt f r sis months liel'ore. otd had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank G od and my friend for directing ims to tho use of them. Philad'a., Juuc, 2-5, 13ol. J. Newto.i Bttows. l'AUTICl' LA 11 NOTICE. There nre many preparations sold -jnder the nam ot Litter-put up in quart bottles, compoun ded of the cheapest whUkcy orcoinmoa ram, cos ting front 2J to 40 cents per gaiion, tho t.wte dis guised by AniQ or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters hascaused and will contin ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their 110 the fysiem is kept continually under the influ ence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind. tho desire for Liquor u created and kept up, and the result is nil tLo horrors attendant upon a drunk ard's life aud death. For those wh dciiro an l Wi' h-tvn a Lbjaor Bitters, we publish tho following receipt. Get Out lioltlr llnotl wl's (lor mo, 1 litltii -! and mix with 'F.'iyr Ji tr1 uf Good Jreni,.'i t,r tl iii!c if. und the result will be a preparation that will J'.ir rrcrl in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of tbe numerous Lhjiior Hitlers iu the mark et, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Jlooiland's Bitters iu connection with a good article of Liquor. at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTENTION, SOLD1EUS ! AND . THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. "' We call the attention of all having relations or friends in tho army to the fact ttmt -IIuoplaxd's German Bitlers:' will cure nine tenths of the dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci-. dent toc-ainp life. In thu lists, published almost daily iu the newspapers, ou the arrival of iho sick, it will be noticed that a very larjje propor tion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can bo readily cured by Hoofland'sGer man Bitters, Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We hava no hesitation in stating that, if theso Bitters worn freely used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. Wo call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of ono the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own lan guage, ' has been sived by the Litters : ' PAir.AiiELriiiA. August 23rd. IS'12. Ttl-wsrs. Jon- 4' 12o-m . Well, gentlemon.your Hooiland's German Bitters has i-ared my life There is r.o mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whoso names nre appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am. aud have been for the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, anl under tho im mediate command of Capt. It B. Ayres. Through the expo sure attendant upon my duties, I was attacked in November last witii inflammation of the lungs, r.'.td was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery . I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board tbe Steamer 4iSratc of Maine. ''from which I landed on the 2Sth of June. Since that time 1 havo been about as.low as any one couM be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week ormorel was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I d I force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under theso circum stances; aud, accordingly, tho physicians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rcsvao mc from the grasp of the dread Archer, frankly told me they couid do no more for mc, and advised me to see a clergyman, tiiid to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited lae at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Stcinborn. of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hoe. to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them tho gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now, thank God for it. getting better. Though 1 hare taken. but two bottles, I have gained ten pound?, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I hare heard nothing for eighteen months: for. rcmtleuien, I am a loyal A'irginian, from tho vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tainty of life which has taken place of raguo fears to your Bitters v.ill 1 owe the glorious privi lege of again clasping to my bosom thoso who aro dearest to me in life. Very truly yours,' Isaac Malone. Wo fully concur in the truth of the above state ment. as we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone. restored, to health. John Clcolkcack. 1st New York Battery. Geo. A. Acklev, Co. C, 1 1 th Maine. Lewis Cuevalibu. S)2u New Yoik. 1. E. SrEXCEit, 1st Artillery, Buttery F. J. B. Faseivkll, Co. B, SJ Vermont. IIkxuv B. Jkuove. Co. B, 3d Vermont. liKXHV T. Macdonald. Co. C, Cih Maiuo. Joax F. Wxun. Co. P., ith Maine. Herman Kocn. Co. II, 72d New York. 'N ATHAXifiL B. Thoxas. Co. F. Uiitli Penna. Axbucw J. Kimball, Co. A, od Vermont. John Jenkins, Co. 1, 100th Penn'a. UEWAKE Of COIUNTEIIFEITS ! -See that the signature of -CM. Jackson,'' is on tho wrapper of each bottie. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OK HALF DOZ. FOR Si 00. Should your nearest druggist not have tho ar ticle, do not be put otx by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be otferej in its place, but send to us, anl we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal OlSco and Manufactory. No. 631 Arch Street. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co.,) Proprietors. . For Sale by Hartswick & Huston, ClearCeld, Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in vcry town in the United States. I July &, 1533. SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime, arti cle of ground alum salt, put up iu patent sa"KS, at per saeK, at the cheap cash etorecf November 27. , r . -' - HMOivjOP. TERMS OF THE JO V UNA L. Tho BaftsSa Vs Jot' it x AC is published on Wed nesday at SI.60 per annum in advance. AniKit tisejjents inserted at il.OO per square, for threo or less insertion Twelve lines' (orless counting a laare. For every additional insertion I'j Cuiits. A deduction will be uiado to yearly advertisers. PE0TESSI0XAL& BUSINESS CAEDS. 1K IN BROTHERS. Dealers in Square A Pawed Lumber, Dry Goods, Groceries. Flonr. Grain, Ac , Ac, Bnrnside Pa., - Popt. 2S 1SC3. IKEDEIUCK LKITZINvJSli. Manut'.tcurcr vf L - II kind of Stone-war. Ciiarlield. Pa. Or derssolicitod wholesale cr retail. Jan. I, ld63 CHANS A BAUitETT, Attorneys c.t Lw. Clear-ficlJil,f- May 13, 1S6$. L- J. CHANS. WALri-:a uaukktt. ROBKKT.I. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field. Fa OlHee in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naujrle's jewelry store. May 2v HF. NAPGLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer iu Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Koom in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HBl'CHEIt SWOOPE. Attorney at Law, Clear . field. Pa. Otliet in Graham's Bow, four doo s wot of Graham .t Boy n ton's store. Nov. 10. 1 K. SIlOPE. C:ibi!i.-nt Maker. Cherry Street. y, Cleartield. P;i Makes to order every des cription ef Furniture ou short notice. Jan. 21 (:'! T P KKATni'V: Merchant, and dealer in ) . Board and Shingles. Grain and Produce. Front St. abvo the Academy. Clearfield, Pa. jl 2 AyALLACK &. HALL. Attorneys at Law, Clear- V held. Pa Dceemiier 17. 1S..2. w ili.iam a. v At. lack. :::::;:: .1011: c iiai.l. 11 A FLEMMING. Cnrwensrillo. Pa., Nur7rv 1 . man nnd Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Plardsand Shrubbery All or ders by mail promptly attended to. - AIy 13. "V fli.LIAM F.IRWIXIarkTteetTciT-rfitdd, It Pa., Dealer iu Foreign -and Mer ciiandise. hardware, Quecnswaro, (JrecToi, aad family articicsgcucrally. Nov. 10. yOilN GI ELIC1I. Manufacturer of ull kinds ot f Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, "Pa. lie nl-o makes to order C tl'.ns. on .-hoi t notice, aud attends funerals with a hearse. April), DK. M. WO'.MS, Pa v.?ticixo PnvsirTvx, '"and Examining Surgeon fur Pensions, Olfice. South-west corner of Sccrrnd and Cherry Street, Clearfield, Ps. January 21. 1 ;::!. XF W' '1,AV- D , has resumed the IV . tico of Medicine and Surgcrv in Khnwsvi'.lc, Poim-a. where bo still respectf nil y solicit.' a con tiiiuaueo of publij patronage. May 27, ltG3 X B M'ENALLV, Attorney at Law. Clrnrficld. fj . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. OfCcein new brick building of J.Boyn toii,2d street, ono door south of Lauich's Hotel. T-) rCIIAUI.i .MOSSOP, lralcr in Foreign and Do it lues tic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Koom, on Market street, a few doors west of .limn,;! ' Ojirs, Cleartield, Fa. Apr27. MViOMPSON, & WATSON. Dealers Tn Timber L Saw Logs, Boards and Shingles, Marysvilic, Clearfield county, Penn'a August 11, lSi53. s. w. raoMi'soN : : ; : : j as. c. watson. y APKIMEil V TEST, Attorneys at Law.CIear field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear-. 'field ami adjoining countivs. August 6. 18uti. JAS. II. LAHRIULB.' 1SKAEL TEST. DP- WM. CAMPBELL, ofTer bis profcssiiml service? to the citizens of Moshannon and vi cinity, lie can be consulted at bis re?idenoo at ull times, unless absent on professional bos'iucs. Jlo.'hannoii, Centre co., Pa.. May IX, 18ti3. T 7"M. ALBEliT .t BKO S. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qticcnsware, Flour, Bacon, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pcnna. Also, extensive dealers in 11 11 kinds of sawed lum ber, thiugic3, and squaro timber. Orders solici tcd1 Woodland. Aug. 19th. IHrS i. . rilHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, J Clearfield. Pa. Otfico, cast of the '"-Clearfield co. Bank. Dcedsand other legn I insfrumcr.ts pre pared r.ith projeptiiess aul accuracy. . July 3. D. . Etrsii. :' : : : : T.j.M'ct.'Ll.ot.(ju BPSil L M'CTLLOUGil'S Collection Oitick; Oi,RArriCLH. Penn'a. STRAY CALVES. Came trespassing on tho premises of th3 subsoriber residing in Giraid township, bont the last of May, two calves. 0110 red nr.a white steer, and tho other red and brown heifior. and were about one year old last sjiring. The owner is requested to eonio forward, provo property, pay charges and take them away or thty will be sold as the law directs. r-cptumbvrSO, 13-.13. GtouoB Smith. JOl'lt WANTED Agool sober, industri ous journeyman, Cabinet maker, can find con stant employment, at good wages, by applying soon to John gullich. Sept. 15, f bfi.3. fflc-nrficll. Pa. 4 TTKNTION FAKML'ftS ! Tiik Exokl 2. siou Wtvn-MiLL. One of the best Windwills ever ir. vented is now being offered totheeitijimsoi ClearSeld county. The undersigned Aent is now inthisplaoo for tho purpose of offering a first class mill to thopublic Hoonly asks a fair trial, to insure its successful iutrounciion. Farmers are especially invited U call and exumino them before purchasing elsewhere W. HANCOCK ' June 1 ith. ISti'S. Agent. A O.'UNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters 1- of Administration on the estato of Geo. H. Mullin, late of Lawrence tow'p, Clearfield county, Penn'a, dee'd. having been granted to tho under signed, all persons indebted to said estate aro re-due.-tedto make immediate payment, and thoso having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ccp. , i-jo.i. l.z.v, j. i;.-ujJij.N.Aiim rs. rt- , rue wntKing tnrougn mo streets or LS1- -l"1' Curwensville. my attention Was drawn to a vat crowd of people passing nnd repassing, each und all with en immense load of merchan dise; aud there meeting an acquaintance, I made the inquiry ' What does this mean." The answer was -Have you not been at the cheap fc'iore of J. D. Thompson, :: who has just come from tho East with thu largest stock of goods otic red to tho oonmiunity at lower figures than any other house in the country. '-.My advice to you is to call and see for yourself and then exclaim "The half was not told mo." r-M-.'LIKF NOTICE. The Board of Relief it for the county of Clearfield, will meet at tho Commissioners' o3iee in Clearfield, on Wednes day and Thursday, tho 21st and 22J dayof Oct.. A D. 16'i. , f' Tbe Board of Relief have directed that tho wife of the soldier mut appear before tho board, and prodaco Ler sworn statement, detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the township in -which they resi led at tho time ot enlistment, and thoir . present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for herself iind children who are dependent upon her. Two witnesses of credibility from the township in which she resides, must also be produced.-whoso certificate (sworn to before tho Board of Kclief) must set forth that tbo applicant is the person sho represents herself to bo. that the statement of tho number and age of her family is true, that sho is in destitute circumstances and her family in ae-v tual want, and that all tho tacts tet forth in her application are correct and true. ' Forms containing hoo requisitions can be ob tained at thoOtSco of tho Board of Relief, when application is made and the witnesses appear. ' N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly proven, will excuse personal attendance Oct. 7.1o53. YM. S BP ADLEY. Clerk. SALT a good article, and ry ebeap store.of WM. F. lKWIN, Clean at tie Clearfield. 5IIOTOllUAFniC ALJirv",-?r sale at . Hftrtwiek itu ; : , , t .-.'