JUI 0 lit i J 4 l-l BY S. J. BOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1863. VOL. 10. WO. 8. 5 I TERMS OF THE JOUKJVAL. The Uaftssias's JornxAL is published on Wed nesday at 5 per annum in advance. Advek vkkuksts inserted at Sl.Otl per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a r.itiare. for every additional insertion cents A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. COUNT V DIKECTOItY. COUNTY AND DISTHCT OFFICERS. Jres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Uellefonte. As'te.Judes Hob. J. It. Thompson, Curwensvillo lion. James IjIooui, jorrcst Sheriff. . . Edward Perks, l'riithonotnry, 1. F. titzweiler, . He. A Uec. . Isaiah (5. Larger . Insirict Att'y, Ierael Test, . . . Treasurer. . . Joseph Shaw, . . Co. Surveyor, 11. 11. Wright, Cuuiuiiis'n"rs, S. C. Thompson, Jacob Kuntz, . . Tho8. lioughorty, . Auditors. . .. L". C Uownian, . Chas Worrell, . . II Woodward, ' . I'omncr. ... J. AV. Potter . . C'o.Supcrind't C. U. Sandford, . Clearfield . Glen Hope. Morrisdale. . Luthersburg. (Jr. Hills. , Clearfield. N.Wash'gton . Pennfield. Lecontes Mill Clsarfield. TIME OF HOLDING COUKT. 21 Monday in January, 3d Monday in June, M " in March, 1 4th " in Sept'm'r. Of each year, and continue, two week.i if necessary. LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Tomnlav. Name of P.O. Name of P.M. lieccuria, - - len Hope, - - AViu. S. Wright. - - - t'tahville, - - - Theodore Weld " Hegarty'sX Itoads Sjunuel Hcgarty Bell, - - - Dower, - - W M'Craeken. " - - - - Chest, .... Thos.A. M'lihce, " - - - Cush, --- - J.W Campbell .... Ostend. .... II. L. Henderson Bloom, - Forrest. .... Jaiucs iilooin. liogs. --. Clearfield Bridge, - Jag. Forrest. Bradford, - Williams' Urove, - Jas. E. Watson. Jirady, - - - Luthersburg, - H. 11. Moore. ' ... Troutville, - - Charles Sloppy. - Jefferson Line. - John Hebcrlin. Burnsidc, NewAVashington - James (iallaher. Burnside, - v. c. irvin. - Jack Patchin. Jacob Boico. - U . Tozer, jr. - XV m. McHarvey - S. A. Farber. - M. A. Frank - P. A. Gaulin. - J. F.W. Schnarr - T. W. Fleming. " ... Patchinville, -" ... t.twt Hidge, Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - - ... McGarvcy, - - " ... AVesiover, - - Clearfield, - Clearfield. - - Covington, Frenchvillc, - - - Karthaua, - - Curwensville Curwensvillo, - Decatur, - Philipsburs, Centre county, Pa. - - West Decatur, - - Sophie Kadebacb .! . . O.-ceohi Mills, - T. Jr Boalich Ferguson, - Marron, .... Edm. Williams. J'ox, --- - llellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. uirard, - - - Leconte's Mills, - U. iHignot. " - . - Bald Hills, - -Goshen, - Shawsville, - -Graham, - - (Jraharoton.- Ouolich.- --Smith's Mills, - .... Mauera, - -Jlujton, - - Tyler. - - " ... Pennfield, - -Jord.m, - - Ansonrille, - -Karthaus. - Salt Lick. -Knox, ... New Millport, -Morris. - - - Kylertown, - -... Morrisdale. - -Pcnn. --- Lumber City.t - ' --- - Grampian Hills, J'ike, Curwensville, - .... Bloomingville, -I'nion, -- Roekton, - - . M'oodward. Jeffries, - - - William Carr. - A. B. Shaw. - Thos. II. Forcee. - A. a. Fox. - Chas. J. Pusey. - David Tyler. - II . Woodward - Eliza Chaso. (5eo. Heckadorn - M. 0. Stirk, J as. Thompson. - J. C Brenner. - II W. Spencer. - A. C. Moore. - T. W. Fleming. - Benj. F. bale. - D. E. Brubaker, - James Lockett. $ This Post Office will do for Chest township. 'Will answer for Fergi.son township. " STATE & V. STATES DIRECTORY. ' OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA, '"overnor. - - - A.G. Curtin, - Centre county Sec y of Com. Eli Slifer. - - - . Union county i p Secretary, S. B. Thomas, - -.Auditor Gen. - Isatc Slenker, - - Union county Purveyor Gen. - Jas. P. Barr. - - - Pittsburg. Att orney Gen. - AV. 11. Meredith, Philadelphia -'ljut.int (ien. - A V l.ussell. - -Mine Treasurer, AV. 3. MHJrath, -Sup. Cum. Sch's T. II Burrows. - - Lancaster co. l'epnty Sup't, - S. P. xiates. - - - Crawford co Mate Librarian, .ev. AV. DeAVitt, - Harrisburg. Srri:KK CornT -i b'ef Justice. AY. If. Lowrie. Associates. Geo W AVoodward, Jas Thompson, wn. Strong. J. M. heed. Sessions. Philadelphia In Monday of January. Harrisbnrg 4th .Monday "f April. Sunbury 1st Monday of October, and in 1'itiiburg on the 3d Monday of October. OFFrCLRS OF THE UNITED STATES, ''resident. - - - Abraham Lincoln, Of Illinois. A ice President, Hannibal Hamlin, Of Maine, N.C. cf State. - AVm. II. Seward, - Now York. 'see of Treas'y S. P. Chase, - - - Ohio. vtc.i,i War. - E. M. Stanton, - - Pennsylvania Svc. of Navy (iideon AVelles. - - Connecticut. '-ii.- ui interior l.uae L . Usher, - - Indiana. 1' .u.uuu. - . Jiontir. Jiiair. ... niarvianu. AUjrneylJcn.- Edward Bates, - - Missouri, Sitrkmk Cot nr Chief Justice. Roger B. Ta-J"fv- of Maryland. Associate Justice) Samuel .Se'ison id' New York, Robert C. Urier of Pennsyl vania Ji.hu M. AVayne of Georgia. John Catron of K-micssec. Nathan Clifford of Maine, Caleb B. Nuiih of Indiana. Meets in Washington city oa l"e 1st Monday of December f""7AVliiIo walking through tho streets of ""v- Curwensville. my attention was drawn t'i a va.-t crowd of people passing and repassing, iWh and all with an immense load of iuerchan-'''-'; and there meeting an acquaintance, I made lue inquiry -What does this moan." The nnswer A "'lave you not been at tho cheap Store of J. f"'nipsou," who has just come from tho Eat "- w.e largest stock of goods ollorea nimunity at lower figures than any othc "i the countrv. -My advice to you is to -c for yourself and then exclaim "Tho 1 "- w.e largest stock of goods ollorea to tne iicr house i call and half was "i win nie. ' rAXTEl. A man to dig and put out 3 to " 4.(i00 bushels of coal. Highest cash price '. be paid by III YIN BROTHERS, tpt. 23, lsi;:i.-3tp. Burnaide Pa. IOI K WANTED. A good sober, industri ' tu, journeyman, Cabinet maker, can findcon "'ant employment, at good wages, by applying i0"nt JOHN GUELICII, JfrTt. 1ft. lfi3. Clearfield, Pa. ATTENTION FARMERS ! Tun Excel sior Wixn-MiLL. One of the best Afindwills )r invented is now beingoffered to the citizens oi 'earfiulj county. The undersigned Agent is now tnis p:ica for the purpose of offering a first l'Uiill to the public lie only asks a fair trial, luiure it successful introduction. Farmers " especially invited to call and examine them ""re purchasing elsewhere. AV. HANCOCK, with, 1803 Agent. ousted to make immediate payment, a a , 1Eo c'aims against the same will pres "J authenticated fnr wttlomcnt are re- and those ent them uthenticated for settlement. CECELIA MULLIN, LEAVIS C. qARD0N,Adm3. S1- 2. 1S63 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters AVr Administration on the estate of Geo. II. i'en j f Lawrence tow'p, Clearfield county, 'dcc'd' having been granted to the under- THE MASONIC LEVEL AND SQUARE. AVe meet upon the level and we part upon tho square AVhat words of precious meaning thoso words Ma sonic are ! Come let us contemplate them they are worthy of a tnousut AVith the highest and the lowest and the rarest they are fraught. AVe meet upon the level, tho' from every station come, The king from out his palace, and the poor man from his home. For tho one must Icavo his diadem outside the Mason's door, And tho other finds his true respect upon the checkered floor. AVe part upon the square, for the whole world must have its due, AVe mingle with its multitude, a cold, unfriendly crew ; But the influence of our gatherings in memory is green, And we long upon tho level to renew the happy scene. There's a world where all are equal ; we are hur rying toward it fast. AVe shall meet upon the level there when the gates ol death are past, AATe shall stand before the Orient, and our Master wilr be there To try the blocks we offer Vith His own unerring square. AVe shall meet upon tho level there, but never thence depart: There's a Mansion 'tis all ready for each trust ing, faithful heart ; There's a Mansion and a welcome, and a multi tude is thero AVho have met upon tho level and been tried up on the square. Let us meet upon the level, then, while laboring patient here, Let us meet and let us labor, tho' the labor bo se vere ; Already in the AVestern sky tho signs bid U3 pre paro To gather up our working tools and be tried upon the square. Hands round, ye faithful Masons all, tho bright fraternal chain ; Ye part upon the square below to meet in heaven nguin ; Oh ! what words of precious meaning those words Masonic are, AVe meet upon the level and part upon the square ! AN HOUE IHt A BALL ROOM. A STORY FOR MOTHERS. I went to the ball. My hair was dressed with moss-roses. The effect was very beauti ful. That conceited Mrs. Marsh was there all rouge all false entirely made up. T t X l r . n . i mei pretty Mrs. mossing mere, ane is a fresh, beautiful creature, hut she flirted des perately. Her husband, poor fellow ! ho is jealous I fear not without cause. An old major complimented me on my ap pearance. It is so laughable to see an aged dandy !. His rilled shirt and grey hairs his finger rings and wrinkels his perlumed nanfiKercUiel and shrunken form his white waistcoat and pumps, ha ! ha ! And there's l : . . . . t i - .... ma oiiv.cr ; a love oi juvenility runs in tho family, bne can't bo far from fifty yet, shade of delicacy ! she wears her dresses low in the neck, and her sleeves the breadth of a new cent piece. She rouges and pads. Ev ery tress on her head is paid for. Once or twice my curls got caught in her artificial flowers. Changing my slippers in the drawing-ioom I overheard the following. "It's abominable- George ! You 1 havo danced with her three times, and followed her like a shadow, while I've been alotiu most all eveuing. Little flirtiusr wretch ! I hate her." ".Now, my dear, don't make a lool of your self." "A fool of myself!" (spitefully,) "you would have been glad to keep meat home this evening, hugging tho heath-stone ! But I'd have come if my head had split open just to thwart you, cruel that you are. Oh ! go, by all Tiieaus go, by all means : see, she is looking for you." Another case of jealousy, thought I. "I'm so tired !" and little Cordelia llartly smiled languidly as she spoke to me, aside, while her brother was leading her from tho drawing-room. "And, to crown all, Harry keeps scolding me for coughiug. I'm shure I can t help it I wish I could," she added drowsily, sinking back on the luxurious cush ions. "What made you come, Delia 1 You look sick," 1 said gently. "Oh ! I can't tell" smothering a yawn, unless I get tired of the house. I've only been there half a day, too .'" she continued, with a smile and a spasmodic cough, "for I was at Ellen Gray's party last night till three this morning, and stayed with Ellen till two this afternoon. Let me see; I've been to one, two, three, why I've been to a ball or party positively every night this week !" and she sank back more languidly and closed ber eyes. "Delia.Delia ! Oh ! here's the child Come, darling," said her mother, panting as she hur ried towards her, "that splendid fortune. Au gustus Boynton, wants to be introduced to you. I overheard him say to Harry you were the most beautiful girl in the room. Come, come do exert yourself a little. Somebody else will secure him ; everybody is crazy af ter him on ! come, darling he said you were so beautiful !" Delia'aeyes lighted up, sparkled for a mo ment, then she grew suddenly languid again, and coughed out, Oh ! mamma, I can't, in deed I can't, I'ru so tired of dancing and maybe I shall cough in his face; it comes so suddenly." "Pooh, pooh ! that cough is only a whim of yours, child. Qh ! Pelia, you ar3 ruining that lovely dress'" (heartless contrast) Come, here's my vinaigrette. I declare you are so obstinate ! Such a chance you may never have !" ner mother whispered something that seem ed to restore her animation, so getting.mp and smoothing her rich dress, she bent down coughed with all the force she could muster, and thrust her handkerchief in one corner of the lounge. I happened, accidentally, to see it afterward, and was shocked more than I can tell at tho sight of a spot of fresh blood. That poor victim ! Delia will never be married. Delia will fill a spot in the church-yard before an other ,y ear. 'You will kill yourself," 1 whispered, when I met her again her cheeks were un earthly red ; I never saw her look more beau tiful. I was startled at her reply in cilm, low tones. . "I mean to." I caught her hands. "Delia, you are not in earnest ?" "You knew they had sent Willie off ? AVil ho was a clerk of her father's. "Yes, but you certainly would never have married him." "I would have died for him," she exclaim ed, wildly," though in an undertone, and clutching at my hand so that she left the finger-marks in red spots. " I shall die for him. They drag me round, night after night, and 1 cough and cough, and cough, night after night. I know what ails me ," she continued, in a reckless manner "I am just coughing my way to the church-yard ; and I don't care much what becomes of me, body or soul." Poor child ! more to bo pitied than blamed. They have crushed her heart sent away a no ble young man whose only crime was poverty. They think to secure her a splcnded match they will wake up to their folly alas ! over tho coffin. But not all mirthful, foolish, or sad, was this pleasure. loving company. There was fairy Mabel Summers betrothed to the man of her choice, and the handsomestgentleman in the room beautiful, distinguished, rich she flashed on the sight a creature of joy and beauty. . There were Louisa and John Grant so beautifully devoted to each other ! Better that, though they drew tho attention of many better that than the heartless indiff eranco of somo married people I beheld. Thero were present also, old grand-father AVyuuo and his wife dear old souls ! to look on and enjoy tho scene though they would never have come but for the sake of their little pale grandchild, Geraldine, who is never allowed to go alone w ith her gallant to parties of pleasure. As for myself, I came home with a bad head ache and almost as bad a heartache. Tho lace of Delia Hartley is ever before me. I wish I could but save her. Give ni.w A Tuade. If education is the great buckler and shield of liberty, well developed industry is equally the buckler and shield of individual independence. As an un failing resource through life give your son, equal with a good education, a good honest trade. Better any trade than none, though there is ample room for adoption of every inclina tion in this respect. Learned profession and speculative employments may fail a man; but an honest handicraft tradt) seldom or never il its possessor chooses to exercise it. Let him feel, too, that honest labor crafts are honora ble and, noble. The men of trades the real creator of whatever i3 most csential to the necessities and welfare of mankind, above all others, in whatever repute they have been held by their most fastidious fellows, must work at the ore of human progress or all is lost. But few brown handed trade workers think of this or appreciate tho real power and position they compass. Uivo your son a trade, no matter what fortune he may have or seem likely to Inherit .Give him a trade.rio can always battle with temporal want with this, and can always be independent. Life's Happiest Period. Kingsley gives his evidence on this disputed point. Ile-thus declares : "There is no pleasure that 1 have experi enced like a child's midsummer holliday the time, I mean, when two or three of us used to go away up tho brook, and take our dinners with us, come home at night tired, dirty, hap py, scratched beyond recognition,with a greasy nosegay, three little trout, and one shoe ; the other having beeD used for a boat, till it had gone down with all bands out of soundings. How poor our Derby days,our Greenwich din ners, our evening parties, where there are plenty of nice girls, after that ! Depend upon it, a man never experiences such pleasures or grief after fourteen as he does before, unless, in some cases, in his first love-making when the sensation Is new to him." ' Man goes forth like the day, and straight way arises the roar of busy toil, the sound of human voices, and the rush and tumult of active life the ministrations of woman are like those of the quiet night, when the dews fall upon the drooping leaves and flowers, and in holy stillness the stars "come out to watch the tired, slumbering earth. Chapman. It has been ascertained that tho man who hold on to tho last, was a shoe-maker . THE NATIONAL DEBT. There have been three periods when the Na tionaldebt of the United States ran np to hig figures. The first of these was in 1791, when it amounted to about 71,000,000, and bore the proportion of about 14 percent, to the ag gregate taxable property of the country. Be tween that period and the war of 1812-15 this revolutionary debt was reduced to less than one-half. Tn TUli: 1 .t- .1 i . . . . . . wiv, numi me ueot oi me last mention ed war was funded, the aggregate amount was upwards of $127,000,000, which bore a pro portion to the then aggregate taxable valua tion of tho country of about 10 per cent Both these debts were held principally by for eigner, and consequently the paymentjjf in terest was a perpetual drain upon tho coin of tho country. At those periods wo had no mines of gold from which to replenish the ex Lausted channels of circulation, and but little export trade to maintain a financial equilihri uni with Europe. We had then hardly any manufactures, but were dependent upon Eu rope and India, and upon the good old family spinning wheel, for all our clothing, and upon foreigners for almost every article of comfort luxury and convenience. Under such circcm stances, and In such conditions of national in austry ana commerce, a national debt due mainly to foreigners, was a crushing burden ana public sentiment sternly demanded its liquidation, which work was begun by Mr Monroe, and was completed during the second term of Genera 1 Jackson's administration The war with Mexico created another small national debt ; but the amount was so trifling compared with the national resources, that it is not worth mentioning in this connection Then, again, under the rascally financiering that prevailed during Mr. Buhcanan's admin istration, money was borrowed to replenish the national coffers at the enormous rate of 12 per cent., and another little debt created But as it was the policy of the democrats ho had about him to bankrupt the treasury and ruin the nation, it is hardly worth while to mention his national debt in this connection. We now come to the great debt, created by the present war, and which is still increasing Its aggregate is over twelve hundred millions ; and before wo are through it may swell up even to two thousand millions. But let us speak of it as it is,not as it may be. At pres cnt it bears a proportion of about 9 per cent to the aggregate valuation of the property of the loyal States, and consequently is about 17 per cent, less, relatively, than was the debt of 1816, aud not much more than half as oner ous as was tho revolutionary debt of 1791. But our present debt is altogether unlike the former great debts of the nation. The na tional bonds were then, as already intimated, principally in the hands of foreign bankers, while those of the present are held by our own people; and thus tho semi-annual interest, in stead of being carried in large masses of coin to Europe, never to feturn,flow through thou sands of channels among our own poople,caus- ing, instead of a depleting and exhausting urain, a wnoiesome and vivifying current of sound circulation, stimulating every kind of business, and aflording a basis for a safe and abundant currency. Its weight, like that of tho all-sui rounding atmosphere, is great, yet unfelt imparting buoyancy, not causing de pression. There aro many advantages arising from this domestic debt. It binds thousands and thousands of influential citizens to the Gov ernment, and insures their fidelity to it, by the strong bonds of private, individual inter est, and secures all their influence and activi ty in the maintenance of its integrity, power and credit. Another is, that it secures a perpetual pro tection to the manufacturer; and rescues his interest and capital from the vicissitudes to which they have long been exposed from par ty changes and the whims, caprices and ill digested theories of politicians. If it would maintain itself, the government is bound to sustain the great industrial interests of the country. Another benefit will be that men will be more carefull in tho selection of the agents into whose hands they commit the interests of the nation; for they will feel that they have more at stake than they ever had before. AVhatever else wo may fear in these troub lesomo times, we may dismiss all apprehen sions on account of the national debt, so long as that debt is held by our own people not by our banKers and huge capitalists, but by our own people, our workers, our voters. It is our great anchor, and already we are feeling its beneficent power, as the vessel of State tosses on the surging billows. Pitts. Gazette. How soon we Forget. A leaf is torn from the tree by a rude gale, and borne away to some desert spot to' perish. Who misses it from amongst its fellows 1 Who is sad that it has gone ? Thus it is with human life. There are dear friends, perhaps, who are stricken with grief when a loved one is taken ; and for many days the grave is watered with tears of anguish. But by and by the cbristal fountain is drawn dry ; the last drop oozes out ; the stern gates of forgetfulness fold back upon the exhausted spring ; and Time, the blessed heal er of sorrows,walks over the closed sepulchre without waking a single echo by her footsteps. FREAKS OF A LUNATIC. At three o'clock Sunday morning.Oct.llth, a lunatic named Robertson, a resident of Brush Valley, Indiana county, escaped from his room in Dixmont Hospital, by biting through a portion of the window casing, by which means ho was enabled to remove tho sash. He had been in the habit of tearing bis clothing from his person, and had to bo kept almost nude. When he got the window sash removed, it became necessary lor him to clothe himself in some way before ho would start home as that was his intention. A large blanket was obtained, and with this sin- glo article ho dressed himsell from top to toe. AVith his-teeth and hands ho tore a hole in the blanket, at one end, large enough to ad- mit his head. Two holes were then made at proper distances, through which he thrust his arms. He then tore the blanket up the cen- tre, and with each half covered his lees bv binding tho blanket around them with strips torn off for that purpose. Ills w hole body was covered in this way even to his feet, over which a portion of the blanket had been turn. ed and tied. He had taken off his shirt, of red flannel, of which he made a most comical looking cap, or turban. It was kept in shape by weeds, which he had inserted for that pur- pose. In this wild and fantastic costume hoi left the hospital, before daylight, and took over the hills towards Allegheny. On the way up, and after wandering about for sever al hours, he got very hungry, and stopped at a little log house for breakfast. He frighten ed tho people almost to death, and they bar red their doors against him. He then wont to one of the windows, and in order to get rid of him they handed out a large hunk of bread, with which he made off. Towards the middle of tho day ho reached Allegheny, and the sen sation which he created may be better imag ined than described. lie was soon after ta ken in custody by officer McKain, and detain ed In tho Mayor's office until the afternoon, when he was conveyed to his old quarters at Dixmont. Whilo in tho office he related his adventures in a very rational and connected manner, and was very much amused at tho trepidation exhibited by the people to whom he applied for breakfast. He showed no vi- ciousness whatever, and although willing to go back he declared he would not remain there, as there was nothing at alPthe matter with him. Pittsburg Gazette. THE HOUSE THAT JEFF BUILT. Tho Hartford Post perpetrates the following, with an introduction thus : The following history of tho celebrated edi- fice erected by J. Davis, Esq., Is authentic, duct is too loathsome for the touch of an hon It was.written for the purpose of giving infant I est man. And yet We want tho record to stand, politicians a clear, concise, and truthful de scription of the habitations and tho fortunes and misfortunes aud doings of the inmates I. Tho Southern Confederacy. This is the house that Jeff built. ll. ihe Ethiopian. This is the maltthat lay in the house that Jeff built. in- -mo j uuergrounu jtauroaa. mis is if T n-1. - it i i i . . ... . . tho rat that eat the malt that lay in the house that Jell built IV. Tho Fugitive Slave Law. This is tho cat that killed the rat that eat the malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. V. The Personal Liberty Bill. This is the dog that worried the cat that killed tho rat that eat tho malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. VI. Chief Justico Tanny. This is the cow with crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed tho rat that eat tho malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. VII. James Buchanan. This is the maiden all forlorn thatnilked tho cow with crumpled horn that tossod the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that eat the malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. VIII. C. Cesh. This is tho man all tatter ed and torn that married the maiden all for lorn that milked the cow with crumnled horn hat tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that eat the malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. I IX. Plunder. This is the priest all shaven and shorn that married tho man all tattered and torn to the maiden all forlorn that milked tho cow with crumpled horn that tossed the og that worried the cat that killed the rat that cat tho malt that lay in the house that Jeff built. I Humah Toil. The sentence of toll and the promise of glory had issued from the same throne. Even our troubles here may make the material of enjoyments above the circum scription of the earth. All are agents in the restorative mercy of Great Disposer ; all, turn into discipline. The obstacles to knowledge, of the heart, the thousand roughnesses of the common path of man, are converted into mus cular force of the mind We are but sowing in the winter ot our nature the seed which shall flourish in immortality. Dr. Ctoly. An Irishman once said to another. "And yo havo taken tho teetotal pledge, have ye J" lndade I have, and am not ashamed of it, aither." , "And did not Paul tell Timothy to take a I Iittlo wine for his stomach's sake ?" "So he did, but my name is not Timothy, and there Is nothing tbo matter with my stomach." I From the Harrisburg Telegraph, Oct. 15,1S53. GEORGE B- M CLELLAN. I " If ever any one man had a sincere friend and I patron in another, Major General Georgo B. I McClellan had such a friend and patron in An- "few G. Curtin. From tho hour that McClel- I Ian was placed at the head of the Army of tho - ! Potomac, to the moment when liis utter inca- pacity to handle such vast bodies of men with anv practical effect became apparent, Andrew Curtin stood by George B. McClellan as a I brother stands by a brother; as a father sup- Iorts ail(i defends a child. Gov. Cartln left no opportunity pass, to bolster, uphold and maintain the character of McClellan. He de- fendt;d him in tho face of tho protests of his own Mends. He sustained him while his rep- utation was toppling and falling to the ground, ana even wnen McClellan went into retire- Inent the voico of Andrew G. Curtiu followed ,linl there, to cheer and sustain him in his fall. How has George B. McClellan repaid this generosity 1 How has tho man whom his friends claimed was among tho greatest of living soldiers, treated his best friend, tho man who is to-day among tho most popular of American statesmen 1 AVe will answer. Whilo Andrew G Curtin was grappling with the cne- I mic8 of the country while he was meeting tuo PeoP'o of Pennsylvania, frankly discuss- inS tl,e great issues involved in the political contest forGovernor while this glorious man was being assailed with slander, traduced and maligned, George B. McClellan stood aloof, never deigning to como to tho rescue of his faithful friend, either with a voice to cheer or a word to defend. But wo could have over looked this silent indifference, and attribute it to the lack of feeling which is peculiar to cold-hearted and over-ambitions men, had Mc Clellan maintained his reticence throughout the campaign and until after the election. This, however, he did not do. In obedience to the dictation of such men as lieverdy John son, of Maryland, a bitter sympathizer with treason, and Fitz John Porter, a convicted traitor, George B. McClellan allowed his name to be appended to a letter written by Johnson, intended to deceivo tho honest men of Penn sylvania, and thus defeat and disgraco Andrew G. Curtin. That letter was held back until tue evo of tho election. Then it was sprung uI'on the pcoplo as tho rebellion was precipi- tated when the treacherous men engaged In tbe P,ot imagined It could not be counteract ed, and when it would accomplish the most I mischief. This is the ingratitude ot Georgo B. McClellan. This is the style in which ho I repays those who defend him. We have no I comments to offer upon tho subject. Tho con- if only to show how low the influence of mod ern Democracy can debase i man. Before McClellan gave himself up to tho uses of a band of New York politicians, ho had somo manhood in him. Yet under the manipula tions of tho bad men of the Democratic party, the quality of manhood has been entirely worked out of McClellan. But, wo are will ing to let him alone with his friends. Tue Celestial State. Old Rickets was a man of labor, and had little or co time to de vote to speculation as to the future. Ho was withal, rather uncouth in the use of language. One day,while engaged in stopping'np bog DoIea about his place he was approached by a colporteur, and piescnted with a tract. "What's this all about?" demanded Rickets. "That, sir,is a book describing tho celestial state," was the reply. "Celestial State," said Rickets, "wbero the deuce is that ?" "My worthy friend, I fear that you havo not" "Well nevermind," interrupted Rickets, "I don't want to hear about any better Stato than old Pennsylvania. I intend to livo and die right hero if I can only keep them darned nogs out. A Great Cchiosity. On Saturday last, as one of tho masons at the West Harrisburg Market House was dressing ono of the stone of which tho building was constructed, upon chipping off a block,ho found a large petrified rattlesnake in the insid(e. The snake is iu a wonderful state of preservation. The scales are perfect. The backbone is clearly defined, and it is one of the most interesting speci- mens of petrification probably ever discover ed. The gentlemanly superintendent of tho work, Mr. Charles Swartz, Esq., has posses sion of the reptile at present. Harrisburg Telegraph, Oct. Zlh. A stranger in a printing office asked tho youngest apprentice what his rule of punctua tion was. "I set up as long as I can hold my breath, then I put in a comma; when I gapo I insert a semicolon ; and when I want a chaw of tobacco, I make a paragraph." A student, in the course of examination, was asked, "Pray, Mr. C, how would you dis cover a fool T" "By tho questions ho would ask," said Mr. E. Gen. Logan says that "there wero hun dreds of rebels who had never seen an Amer- ican flag until they saw it carried victorious! into Vicksburg. There is a man who is such a tremendous hater of monarchy, that ho will not even wear a crown in his bat. li nr T