Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 14, 1863, Image 2

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laftsman's journal:
CXEAKFIELO. PA.j OCT. 14. 1863.
Tbe newt from tbo army of the Potomac U
exciting. For several days past a movement
baa been going oa In the Rebel Army which
can ed considerable anxiety. Early on Sat
urday morning oce of Gen. Kilpat.-ick'a cav
alry brigades attempted a re-connoistance on
tbe aoutb side of Robertson's River, when
they were met by a large body of Stuart'a
Cavalry. After fighting an hour Killpatrick
was obliged to fall back upon our Inf.intry re
serves. Another severe contest ensued when
the infantry was also obliged to give way
losing a considerable number of prisoners.
A detachment of our Cavalry then made a gal
lant dasb at the enemy and recaptured all
bat 15 or 20 of our lost men. The whole of
our force, fiowever was pushed back towards
Culpepper, contesting every foot of the
ground. Heavy Bring was heard in the after
noon, indicating that tbe contest had been re
sumed. It is believed that the Rebels have
been changing their line, with a view to mak
ing a demonstration upon our right rear and
cut ofl our railroad communication. It is
aid that Gen. lleade is fully prepared fur
any movement, and ready to receive them at
any point. they may choose to attack.
Thi Nashville Press denies the burning of
the bridge by tbe rebels, over Stewart's Creek.
It says that Wheeler crossed the river atWash
!ngton,last Thursday morning, 13 miles above
Chattanooga, and passed down the Sequatchie
Valley. Tee rebels captured 60 wagons of
one of oar trains at the foot of the moun
tains near Anderson's Cross Roads, burning a
number of them, and killing about 300 horses
and mules. The train was loaded with ammu
nition, clothing, and ration. 'Forty of tbe
wagons were carry; ng medical and sanitary
stores. About fifty sutler's teams were also
lost. Gen. Mitchell with the Union cavalry,
as soon as he learned of the crossing of the
rebels, pursued them, and on Friday and Sat
urday killed and wounded 70 Rebels, took
200 prisoners and recaptnred 250 mule. 'On
reaching Walnut range tbe rebels shot 200
mules to prevent their falling into onr hands.
A more definite dispatch concerning the at
tack on Gen. Blunt and bis escort below Fort
Scott is received from Leavenworth. He was
attacked by 300 Rebels in Union uniform near
the encampment of Lieut- Pond. II is escort
broke, and ont of 100 men 78 were killed all
shot through the head, evidently after they
were captured. Gen. Blunt escaped, and,
meeting re-enforcements, took command of
them and started in pnrsuit. Gen. Schotield
telegraphed to Leavenworth that from 1.000
to 8,000 Rebels, coder Qu&ntrell, Curiae, Gor
don and Uunter, were marching on Fort
Scott, and that he had ordered Culnel Wier
to move all tbe furce Le could raise to the lat
ter place.
Lient. Commander Dobson, of tbe United
States gunboat' Seneca, reported to the Navy
Department under date, Dobay Sound, Septem
ber 24tb, that on the night of the 22d- ult. he
sent an armed boat crew up the Altamaha riv
er, and destroyed the Hudson Place Sail
Works, near Darien.Ga., entirely demolishing
boilers, engines and woiks of James II. Lock
wood. Tbe superintendent, It is two children,
a force of negroes and other employees and
two visitors, fled at the approach of our force.
Tbe works are situated within two miles from
the encampment of the rebels, and whose
pickets came very near tbe works, but they
did not discover or resist an attack.
One of the prisoners states tfeat they have a
report to tbe effect that we are raising 100.000
cavalrymen, and adds.it this is so tbo Confed
eracy is gone np.
New YoRK.Ocr.8 Intelligence from Mar
tinaburg is to the effect that there are no reb
els in the Shenandoah Valley, except a few
guerrillas skulking in the mountains. Our
cavalry have scoured the Valley as far as Stras
burg and Front Royal, without flndi ig spy
traces of rebels. Information has also been
received that there is no movement on the
. part of the enemy's cavalry towards Western
Virginia, as reported a few lava slnco.
Among tbe captures by our troops at Cum
berland Gap, was a large rebel mail bag, the
contents of which have afiorded both amuse
ment and instruction to those who have ex
mined them. Among other things, the let
ters confirmed beyond all question that the
Georgia troops are aa dissatisfied as any in
tbe Confederate service. Out of the large
number of Georgia letters in the mall, but two
placed any confidence whatever in the rebel
cause.; One gentleman wrote home for bis
wife not to sell his two pigs for Confederate
money, as it was entirely worthless. Another
ays : "if this wir aint closed soon, there wilj
be no men left. We can't fight a worldiul of
men ; tbe Sout.a can't stand it much longer
--our men are all deserting." Another ia
more explicit : "I have never seen men ao out
of heart. You had better set your house in
order, for by Christmas we shall be back in
tbe Union. If peace don't come soon.we wfll
II desert." This is tbe spirit -displayed in
U, or nearly all these Jotters a spirit of ot
ter despair for the rebel cause, and a willing
oess to take tbe Union on any terms, so ft
rings peso
we give returns of tbe election in this
county as far as beard from up to the time of
our going to press. If the districts not in,
give a proportionate vote, tbe Copperhead ma
jority will be about 930. This i loss than
tbe leaders of that party claimed, and when
all things are taken into consideration, is as
favorable a result for the Union cause a? could
reasonably have been expected. A more vir
ulent canvass never was made of this county.
Falsehood and misrepresentation of the gros
sest character were indulged in by the Cop
perhead organ and oratorG the Government
was assailed in the most outrageous manner
the President denounced as a de.'pot and ty
rant the fears of the timid and the prejudices
of the ignorant were appealed to by brow
beating and whisky not a few were induced to
vote tbe Woodward ticket, acd at least two
deserters were slipped through back alleys
to and from the polls to swell their vote.
Having a majority on the election Boards
in many of the Districts, the Copperheads had
things pretty much their own way. Mr. Twist
and five others, (Union men) not withstand
ing the fact that they had been twice enroll
ed In Knox township, (the latter claiming
them as Iter's.) were, not allowed to vote be
cause some slimy creature made oath that they
were living in Boggs. On the other hand, in
this Borough, a supporter of Woodward was
permitted to vote after be hsd stated, on
oath, that he was a married man and that bis
wife resided in Snider county whilst theLaw
rence township Board, giving ear to a fellow
stupid with liquor, who read only a portion of
the 44th section of the election hws, for a
lung time hesitated about taking tbu votes ot
two men who were qualified that they were
residents of the district and had paid taxes
within the time prescribed by the Act. These
are well-known facts which cannot be truth
fully contradicted, and will give persons a
broad an idea of how the contest was carried
on, and the election conducted by the Copper
heads in Clearfield county.
9 3 r
o S 5
o a-
Districts. " ' -
Clearfield Boro., 70 109 69 110
Lawrence, 81 234 82 233
Curwensville Bor., 52 83 52 33
Decatur, 68 93 68 93
Penn, 46 83 45 84
Pike 93 98 94 98
Graham, 11 ll2 00 000
Covington, 23 102 23 101
Girard, 80 45 30 45
Bradtoid, 98 203 00 000
Goshen, 13 52 13 52
Karthaus, 81 61 81 61
Brady, 64 264 62 265
Bloum, 17 46 17 46
Mortis, 46 127 00 000
Boggs, 83 84 00 00
Uni.m, 88 29 Q0 00
Jordan, 80 89 00 00
Knox, 60 maj.
Bcccaria, 64 maj.
The following Circular is published for tbe
information of all concerned.
State or Pennsylvania,
Office or the A. A. Pro. Marshal Gen
Harrisbcbo, Sept. 28tii, 1863
L-ibcclab. Ho. 52.
In accordance with instructions from the
Provost Marbhal General, of this date Provost
Marshal are notified that any paroled soldiers
absent from C.nnp Parolu, who report to Pio
vost Marshals on or before October fifteenth,
(15) 1863. will not be treat'-d as deserters.
Signefl, J. V. Bomfobd,
Lieut. Col.. lCili U. S. Infantry,
A. A. Pro. Marshal Gen., ot Penn'a.
Persons interested in the above and within
the boundaries of this Congressional District,
are irioruied that reporting to any of the fol
lowing named Deputies or to the undersigned
on or before th-j loth inst., will bring them
within the provisions ol above order and save
them from the penalties of Desertion.
John S. McKeirnan, Cleat field, Penn'a, Dep
uty for CI arlield county.
Simon B. Benson, Brookville, Penn'a, Dep
uty fur Jefferson county.
John-J. Taylor, Warren, Penn'a, Deputy of
Warren county.
Sylvanus Holmes, Bradford, rer.n'a, Depu
ty ot McKean and Cameron counties.
Andrew B. McLain, Ridgeway ,Penn'a, Dep
uty of Elk and Forest counties.
II. S. Campbell,
Provost Marshal, 19th Dit. Penn'a.
Waterlord, Erie Co., Oct. S, 1863.
A Sword to Gen. Thma. We learn that
the Fourth Kentucky Infantry, Col. Croxton,
have determined to present to Gen. Thomas
a sp tended Bworc., as a token of their appre
ciation of him as a man and an officer. Tbe
sword has already been fowarded to Tennes
see. The scabbard is of solid silver, heavily
plated with gold, and very richly ornament
ed. The General's initials are set in the hilt
in diamonds. The following ia the insription
upon the scabbard : "Persented to Major
General George H. Thomas, by the enlisted
men of the Fourth Rentncky Regular Volun
teer Infantry ;" and on the blade, which is of
the finest steel, and perfectly tempered, is
this inscription : "Mill Springs, Kentucky,
January 19. 1862. the first victory won by the
Union Army." No man is more worthy of
such a tuark of esteem than Gen. Thomas.
" ACi'Bi'cs Svit. A woman in Chicago lias
sued a landlord of that city for damages in
the loss of her husband -tnd child under very
peculiar circumstances The family hired a
house belongingto the above mentioned land
lord, the former occupants of which had sick
ened and died of small pox. The family had
oily been in the house a week or two when
the father and child were fatally attacked by
the disease. No measures had been taken to
remove tbe infection, and for tbia neglect and
its latal results the law of Illinois holds tbe
landlord liable to action.
Seven Hcndrsd Volunteers Sick in Camp!
Young men. be warned in time, supply
yourselves with Holloway'a Pills & Ointment.
They are guaranteed to cure the worst cases of
Sores, Ulcers, Scurvy, Fevers & Bowell com
plainte. Only 25 cents por box or pot. 218
The roost frigbtlul occurrence iu many years
took place in Nevada Territory, reeen:ly,and
is thus related by tbe Territorial Enterprise :
Among thj- employees of Mr. Russell, the
tnilltnan at Austin, wan an emigrant named
Cornell, a peaceful, quiet person, aud very
well liked by such as knew him. For the past
three weeks be bad shown symptoms of insan
ity, and, although these were not of a nature
to excite much attention, it was deemed best
to deaf with liiiu with caution. He went to
bed cn Saturday night last about eight orcl-ck,
and about ten o'clock his tent mate followed
his example. Fearful of exciting Cornell if
he entered his tout abruptly, the man first a
wakened bim, by calling him softly by name;
he then drew aside the curtain and was in the
act of stepping in, when Cornell struck him
a blow with ao axe, which cut his none and
forehead badly, and almost lelled bim to the
ground. Recovering in a moment, however,
he ran for his life, and Cornell alter him ; but
the latter stumbled over aTope and fell, and
the accident enabled his victim to escape.
The madman ran down into the midst ot the
town, entered a crowded saloon, and began to
lay about bim with bis axe, bestowing blows
on any that came in hW way.
The first cut a man's arm badly ; the second
severed anoiher's hand from the wrist ; the
third inflicted a wound upon a bystander's
head; also smashing the chandelier, shroud
ing the saloon in total darkness in a moment.
The invisible scene that ensued was of the
wildest description. The crowd broke with
one impulse toward the door, making chaos of
chairs, tables, and i-vcry thing that was sus
ceptible of being dismembered, and were met
there by another crowd, attracted to the spot
by the shrieks and shouts of the wounded,
who appeared as anxious to get into the sa
loon as their brethren were to g-et out. Some
body in the saloon, in the hope of dispersing
the new comers by the wholesome fear of fire
arms, discharged a pistol, which had the effect
of increasing the panic at least. But, iu the
meantime, the crazy man had escaped. .
As the news spread 'abroad, the citizens, by
common .consent, took shelter behind bolted
doors, and awaited the coining ol t hedeatroy
er with whatever of comfort the circumstan
ces permitted. After a while a man came
running from the direction of Clinton, with a
ghastly wound in the side of his head, which
had almost taken off one of his ears. He on
ly begged for water, and was too much stun
ned io answer questions intelligently. When
somewhat recovered, he said that, as he was
coming from Clinton, a man came running up,
struck him with an axe, and continued his
flight without slopping. The man, wose
name Mr. Frankenthral had forgotten, will
probably recover. A posse of citizens, arm
ed with revolvers, started at once in pursuit,
but they were too late. Cornell had slaught
ered three foot passengers already between
Austin and Clinton.
Nothing more was seen of him till early the
next morning, when bis body was found alout
ball a mile beyond the village, with his throat
cut frpm ear to ear in tact, the head was sev
ered Irom the body, the wind pipe was cut in
two, the back of the head crushed in, and a
bout the heart were five stabs, either one of
wbicb was, perhaps, sufficient to eause death.
Incident on the Battle Field. One u.ty
not long since, among ttie relics ot the dread
ful fight at Gettysburg, there was picked up
by a soldier, and presented to a lady acquain
tance, a small paper, which contained' two
seperate locks of hair attached thereto di
rected to Mr. Wellerford, from Lousiana, by
his wife, in beautiful handwriting. Below
one lock was Enny Wellerford. ImIow the
other Richard Wellerford, and below both
'Our darlingt I" These tender mementoes
of his home and children bad been sunt to
cheer his heart in the far distant land to
which the fortunes of war had brought bini ;
and probably he wore tbe tender testimon ials
near his heart when the fntal missile of deal!;
seperated bim from those he loved in his far
off Southern home. Strangers now possess
the tender relic, and he rests beneath the
c'ods of a Northern valley, his grave propably
unmarked and undistinguished from hundreds
around him who met their death on the bloody
field of Gettysburg, and wife and children for
look in vain tbe return of tbe loved husband
and father.
A Co ip prom the Old Block. A son of
"Old Ben Wade," nineteen years of age, and
in the army of the Potomac, was sent some
weeks since as bearer of dispatches to Gen.
Buford. He rode all night, and in the morn
ing a squad of Moseby's cavalry came upon
bis track, and six of them with fresh horses
pursued him. One of them having the fleet
eat horse outstripped the rest in the chase un
der the ambition of having the glory of his
capture. Arriving within striking distance,
be halted young Wade, but not being honored
in the challenge, tbe rebel fired five or six
times at him, when getting near enough, young
Wade whirled abont, shot the rel el through
the head, leaped from bis own jaded horse,
mounted that ef the fallen ioe, and bore on in
triumph with his dispatches.
We have some particulars of Gen. Sully's
expedition iip the Missouri, against the Indi
ans.and the fight atWbite Stone Hills. After
three days' fighting S00 Indians were killed,
and a Urge number wounded, when the re
mainder fled, leaving everything they possess
ed behind, even tbeir squaw and children.
The Indians fought like demons, but the
steady fire of our troops was too much for
toeru. . ,
The Nashville Union says that although
greenbacks have not yet obtained a general
circulation in East Tennessee, and the people
refuse Confederate enrrency, and the Georgia
and South Carolina money, ef which there is
much in circulation, has gone down to twenty
five and filty cents on tbe dollar. The prices
of all kinds of goods tav dropped proportionately.
Defeat of tbe Rebel Cavalry near
Shell!) jvillc. '
Washington. Oct. 10.
The Republican extra says the Government
has received dispatches from Gen. Rosecrans
dated Chattanooga, Oct. 9, (yesterday,) and
from other officers on duty at his headquar
ters ; also, dispatches from Nashvil!e,all con
taining reports most encouraging for the Na
tional cause.
The forces under Gen Mitchell overtook the
re Ik I cavalry on the Gth inst., below ShelU.y
villeaud a battle immediately ensued, result
ing in a complete rout i t the enemy,' who did j
not stop for his wounded. Over one hundred
of the enemy were left on the field aud also a
large number of wounded.
General Mitchell sent a force after the fly
ing rebels, who scattered panic stricken, that
teing tho only means of escaping the great
military ccrdon established by General Rose
crans. The railroads torn tip by the raiders have
been repaired, and the telegraph communica
tion is re establinhed. The sacking ot Shell
byville was as cowardly and disgraceful to the
rebel arms as was that of Lawrence by
rebel Quantrell. We had neither torces nor
stores there, beyond those of the inhabitants,
many of them secessionists, and they weie
robbed and their house burned. They were
without protection, hence the disgrace to the
Confederates, who made such an utiuiilitary
onslaught upon the place.
Braggs' bombardment of Chattanooga was a
complete failure, so far as any damage what
ever being done to the defences or to our gal
lant army. A few women and children were
frightened and a few dwellings burned.
Louisville, Ky., October 9.
General Crook, coiniiiaiidi'ii; a brigade of
cavalry, twelve miles beyond Franklin, eNter
daj afternoon, came up with a portion of
Wharton's rebel cavalry. A sharp lighten
sued, resulting in 12-3 rebels being killed and
wounded and 300 prisoners and 4 cannon cap
tured. The rebels were ia full retreat and our
forces pursuing. No casualties o the Feder
als aro repotted. The telegraph to Chattan
ooga has been working since yestt-rday, and
the railroad will be iu running order to Bridge
port to-morrow.
With the exception of Dick M'Cann and 30
of his men, all the rebel prisoners are confined
in Louisville.
Coli-mbls. Ky , Oct. 9.
Three negroes concerned in the niurdir of
the Becknian family were hung to day. De
tachments of the Hth atd lth regirneiits col
ored troops witnessed the execution. Three
others indirectly connected with the murder,
were sentenced to imprisonment for rive years
and one for one year. The three were sent to
Nashville under guard to-day.
The arrival of a Russian squadron in Amer
ican waters reminds us of tho condition of the
Russian navy. The Baltic nVet consists ot
sixty four vessels, sail and steam, mounting a
bout twelve hundred guns; the hVet station
ed in the Armor contains twenty seven vessels,
mounting together aboii'. one hundred and
fifty guns ; the White Sea fleet consists of
Bve Kteamers. carrying about thirty gun.- ;
the fleet in the Caspian, live vessels, with fit
ty-two guns ; the force on the Lake of Aral
contains two steamer. ith but small arma
ments. Total, one hundred and forty-live
vessels, with about sixteen hundred and thir
ty guns. Kxchangt.
Immigration at the Port of Nkw York.
Thj New York Tribune, of Tuesday, sys :
Th immigration ;it this point n!on tor the
year 18f3, up to d tte.'ls computed at ltj0,0")0,
whilrt that for 1S02, dtning a corresponding
period, was 76.0'JJ, miking an increase of 81.
000, or 8.000 more ti.an the entire total for
lu.stye.tr. Between the 1st and SOt'a ultimo
of the present year, 1 1 ,384 i -migrant s airived
in this cit.v, in twenty-nine .sailir.- vessels and
seventeen steamers. Of thes.e 10,781 were
bondable passenger", and 513 were not bon
dable. During the sa.ne month last year, 8,
462 emigrants arrived in forty three sailing
vessels and nine steamers. The arrivals on
Friday and Saturday numbered 2.659 person?..
Fortunate Discover. An English lady
was recently walk ing through the streets of
Sydney, Australia, when she di.-covered in a
jeweller's window a necklace which she recou
ped as one stoled from her in England two
years before. She Entered the store; and
seizing the necklace touched a secret spring,
and beheld two curls belonging to her deceas
ed children. She claimed the prize and the
jeweler gave it up, asking as a favor that she
would not mention it but she did, amf led to
the discovery that for many years the thieves
of Paris and London have been in the habit
of sending their stolen goods to Australia.
Mast. reLels, in order to secure the value
ot their slaves property, have quietly seut
their chatties to Cuba ; but this deruiet resort
bas failed them, as, through the instrumental
ity of Mr. Sivage, our able Consul, many of
these slaves have been set free. It is a law
of Spain that any slave brought from the con
tinent or adjoining tales becomes free the
moment he touches the soil of Cuba. It ia
the same in the case of a siave being taken
from Cuba to Spain, notwithttanding the Colo
Dial relations.
Antipodal. In Australia it is summer in
January and winter in July. It is noon there
when it is midnight in Europe. The long
est day U in December. Th heat comes from
the North, the cold from the South, and is
hottest on the mountain tops. The swans are
black, the eagles are white ; the bees do not
sting and the birds do not sing. Thecberries
have no stones , the trees give- no shadow, for
their leaves turn edgeways to the sun, and
some ef its quadrupeds hare a beak "and !iy
A Good Word for the Skcnk. The ,1meri.
can jlgricullurist says of the aknnk : "All
summer. long he roatus your pastures at night,
pickirg tip beetles and grubs, poking with his
nose in potato hills where many worms are at
work. He is alter the grubs, not the tubers.
He takes possession of the apartment of the
woodohuek, who has quartered himself and
fans i !r nt-on your clover field or eardens, and
makes short work with all the domestic ar-
rarie.-nieiils of that unmitigated nniamce.
...... .
With this white-backed sentinel around, yon
can raise clover in peace, and the youns turn-
ips will flotiri
ish. Your beans will not be pre -
tna:urely snapped, and your guden sauce will
free from other vermin. The mot car-
less observation t his habits shows that hoi
lives almost exclusively upon insects. While
you sleep he is busy doing your work, help
ing to destroy your enemies. In any fair ac-
count kept with bim, the balance must bei
struck in his favor. Thus wo often find
friends under the most unpromising appear
ances, and badly abused men are oot unfre
quently the benefactors of society." Bu t then
Call him by any name you will,
A polecat is a polecat still.
A CcRiors Theokt of niK Dckation or
tub War Tbe Rev. John Gilbert, ot Clay
county, Keutucky, writes to a frien.lin Frank-
fort, giving a curious theory with regard to
tbe duration of the present war. In his let
ter he siys :
During tiie Revolutionary War corn blades
bad ti-vfii points to them, that is, the blade
grew in such a manner as to have seven dis
tinct points or ends corresponding with the
sharu tioint Ol the blari. Thi.ni, mci-oii tioinln
indicated the duration of the Revolutionary
War. Now there are but three seperite- and
(!i.Xtin-f IKiifit In in mv r,r thu l.1.rl..u
,,. , , , . - .' .
this indicates, very clearly to my mind, that
the dtu ttion of tho present war will be three
years the points of the blades representing
SroR-ttxt;. The Crawford JoKma. publish- j
eo 1 1 Meadvil'.o, gives the following intclli- J
reiu'o Htiiefi w iti be interesting to our sport
ing fiiett-ii : Another very snccehsf ol squir- !
rel hunt tool; pi.,ce in (he neighborhood ol E- j
van!..ir-4 !.it Weilres.iav. Two souady of sev-
eti tneii each, utiiic-r the coiumaud ol Captain
Phi?. W. Mi:!-r an i F)r. Ti.tyer, k i iled R'S
. .-. . , . I'ti j
M)u!!i.-.s. . pt. Mu!er s squad ki t-d ofcd
MjLiMfvi.i. .it-.d Dr. ! Siayer's -ill. I).ici;s -re
abundant at Cuansnut Lake. Our sportinff
i ; i i- . u- r -.. i i
friend, Piiil. . M uler, brought three dezen
to town on l ist Saturday.
Thk Leavenworth Cotiscrcaiive sya that
the Kantas cotton crop has been a complete
.success, and it i no longer doubtful that the
climate and soil of that state are such '.hat
cotton can be protiia'uiv raised there. The
green-seed cotton has been succe:lii 1 ia al
most every instance, while the varieties sent
from Washington and from down the Missis
sippi have invariably failed The green-seed
cotton is the kind raised in Maryland and
Kentucky, and it has neverMail-d during tho
six years in which it ha been tried.
Alverttrmrntssrt i ,i tar- tup', ;.., or out of usual
Kiyleteilt he rnargrt -Jo utile price for sp,irenrctt pied.
To insure a'.tsntion, the CASK must accompa
ny noti-ies, u follows : All Cau'tona -yh SI,
Strays, 1; Auditors' notises. 1,50; Adailnis.
traiors'tona lixecutors notices, il. :C, eaci ; and I
an Ouiier transient Notices at tie 8a.in- razes.
Othera-.v-rtisenea'satSlpersqiHi-ro, for3Tl-si
ine;tions. Twelve lines lor less) count a iuare.
ISTRAV Came tresspassing on th premi
i tea of the subscriber, in Pike towr phir,. nhut
the 1st of e"pt. last, a lied Cow wi:h spots on
lnt.B. star iu the fornheaii. small bMl un. an. I n
bout fix yosrs old. Tne owner is r-'-iuesre l to
come forwar.l prove property, pay charges and
ttkd Let away, or she will bo sold a tho ui-ran-
October 14. l'v"..t.
Marysvillo, CL-arlieLl County, Penu 'a.
Cheap f,r esh or exchanged for Timber,
Ikiaids. Sar Logs or hirig.
Oct. U, 1663. JAMES E. WATSOX.
J" ISr Ol' LETTERS remaining in the PoU
J utuce at Clearheld. Uet. 1st. Mis:t.
Coylc.Jobn A. Esq.,
Irvin. Mntbew L. Esq
Jacobs. Joseph
Kyler, lli.s i.mnm
Cowdcr. J. C.
Chase. Miss Cornelia,
Cii!e. Mis Ellen
IVuts. George
Detwiler, John 2
l'avidon. J. (J
Ko?ter, Miss Jane
Farley, Albert O. 2
Fi'tter, John
(iihony. l;iao S.
Gxrinau, Peter
Kephart. Mis l.ihbie i
Jverns. Js. N. Esq.,
Lewis. Miss Eliza 0.
Lancaster, Win.
Milton. Smith
Moore. Nathan
Muilen. Miss Constant
MeClouky. J. C. Esq.,
Msrtiu. J. K. E.a ,
(iregury, George
Hare. Jauit T Esq ,
uiein. jirs. tass
Seyler, Miss Lizzie J.
It : i .. I ; ... t i : a t- . . -
m.uru.11!.LHi.i .-eyier. 31IM E J.
One cent due on each letter advertised. Ter-
aons calling for any of above letters, will say they
are advertised. M. A. FRANK. P. 51.
R,7, ..,., .L "
bLILF -NOTICE The Board of Relief
tor the couuty of Clearfield, will meet at the
Comiui?sioners' offiee in Clearfield, on H ed
A...- u.wl Tl,,..-.!.... .U- n. . ,
""J "-Vi iuc man iiii uays tt
d.v f
the wife
rd. and
Tbe Hoard of Relief have directed that the
of tbe soldier mii.tr a r.rtc-j kui..
prod uee her sworn sutemeuL detailing u iuie of
cornier, reziuient and -oi
ted the number .f children, with age and ses of , L S. Ueuiai.d and Leial Tender cote. f
eaeh ; the t. wnship iu whieh they resided at the , Clicks drifts. Ao. i . . : : ?; IT
lime ot enlistment, and their present residence ; Over drafts -aud
that she is without the
t ,f . .... . . -rr"--"""
Herself and children who are dependent upon her.
. w 1 "'esses ot credibility from the township
in which she resides, must iilso be produced. hoee
certificate (sworn to before the Hoard of Relief)
inust set furth that the unnlirant U ik. r.-ms... .k.
renresentj hprplf m l. ih.ii ri.. ............... ,.-.-... I
number and ago of ber family is true, that she is
luuCTiuuw circumstances ana tier lamiiy in ae-
tual want, and that all the facts set forth in ber
application are correet and true.
Forms containiog these requisitions cun beob-
lain.r U- kiT. - e . U T - 1 - r, , - e t
vuiiiij oi ioe Duaru 01 aenei, wnen
application is made and the witnesses appear.
N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly proven,
wilT excuse personal attendance
Oct. 7. 1833. VM. S BRADLEF, Clerk.
or four Femsla Teachers wanted to Ukecharjce
of tbe (Jirard township schools. Good wages will
be Paid. Application to bo made soon
Address Peter Lamx, fiec'y,
Leeontes Mills. Ps "
Clearfield Co., P Sept. 30, 163
ED. A. I R VlX's
Irviifs Corner Store" '
! n. ott.minn rh.... ;. ..h'. j .l .
toe i&rf
well selected stock of
i , , .
! -N 1' ALL. GOODS,
BOW arriving at the '-Corner Store,"
; aad 8(1!inS ,ow Pr cash and country p.oa-H
-ur in meeounty
PliriIiHa.ra r- 7 . 1 A.. ... .. I 1 . , 1
u v .cn io okii ana 'tim-a.
goods and prices, E. A. IRI.-
Ciirweosville. Sept. 30. 1363.
.,, , "
Boards and Shingles, and the cheapest govt,
sold, by E. A. Irvin.
At tbe '-corner Jto.-o." in Curwinavilie.
groceries ol .ell kinds, selling very low ,t
the store of E. A. Irvin, Curweoville.
' Q.udstOUes of t.11 sites and Bsturc t
Irvio'a corner tore.'
Qaoking stoves for sale t the eaj,
"corner store," In Curwensvi ile, P..
j fing lot ol good old tobacco of si,' j,
bcnptions, segars and pipe in variaty, it.
A- Irviij'tf curiicr store.
I fum COatS, pants and g loves, a Uik"
burttuent, for sale at Irviu's cheap store.
gole Leather for -ie by E. A.. In u, t
the 'corner store, Cmv etianilo, I'u.
jpjoutle tnd tiagls harness, for lc .t
the cttp Coiner.
' blocks, LvOCkiilg-glaESCe, ud woodcu
i and willow ware ol every descrlptic cii
i u ; i i '
1 ;
' A new Two Lorse wagoa, tot by
! j
j E. A. Irvin, Cureus ilee, Sepi- 0.
! and eee E- A.. Irvio'a uc stock of
Clothing, just received at the corner.
JJouble and single Pulley blocks, -f
all sizes at E. A. Irvin'a ''corner store."
usar cured Hams and Ehcuersni.
at Irvin's Store.
Ji'Oad LVXS, ol several j.wllri;.9, aid ciu
ping axes o! dl3erc!i! mke.
A. IlVin's tock of Ladies dre g' c-
ciiii nut fail to pleitic, and those whw ti
amine will atwa in a Ho a seleciwu.
T nriips and Childraiia liuoUj, fcunuiri,
j Nubiaaund everv descriutioa of win;
wear, iu grout vi ty.
fJTaO Oilly Complete at oca, ot (Jeuls a
ucl tind cassiniere shirts, at Irvin's store-.
JarpelS v-",y ' at the "Corner stole,
E. A. Irviu, Curwf-asvile, Pa.
; JtoUT couBtciitly ou baud, iu large quutt!r,
j irvja's "corner store."
"TTT7. ... i.i.t,-i. .. .1 tie
j corner store, Cui wensvillo, Pa.
' Ai ails Glas3. paints, oils, veiy !
E. A. Irvin's siore.
rakea Plantation Bitters, Ut"K':
ters stomach bitters at the-coruer store.
Staple Dry Goods tor sale very lo
ibe piectf or yard. . A. in-
I ," H Ir,.),., or meJJlinl' wi'li
i ,7 ti,. ol
v ---;-- ... . . . A if red II-
' Kuapp, of Eerjjuiou township, lo wit: Oca
-boisa wagou. a the same belongs to oxi
has only been left wiih said Knapp ou I"; .
i tfepteuabet SO, 16SS -pd. SAMX SEBHi
i CJT ATEHEN T of tbe C!arfild County B
nrc nenv. ujn 111 lust uauua ui
as.-.IS. 7!
. Bills discounted. ::::::: S1"-5:;'
j peuDsylvauia State loans, : : : :
; -joocie. :::::::::: Ii
, i,'uef,om olher bunks. : : : : : 3' -',f,i
21 '
1 ruruiture. ; . i . ; . .
! ExoeDe of plate euirravine. 40.
704 Ti
fciJ 06
. WW
' r.med Stat. Rvi.n tnr.i.
Loss atid Expenses,
Total amount of assets. : :
' Capital stock, patd ia,
, .
! fu ePflio. : : : : :
I Va certificates of deposit, :
! ilue ommocwesllh, : : : :
f lJa Hunk - -
: is:
' sji'j u
Due Banks
Interest and exohanjs, . . :
Total aiuountof liiibilttie, : :
Clearfield. Pa.. Sept. So. 1463.
WA.MED.-A l :ge lot of Flax ed-,'fs '
change for Goods at the Cheap Store
"T7" M. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney atL,C
V. field. Pa. Offiae, itli L 3 Crs.J'
m toood Sir J'y 5- 1