i-1 tsjt Hi- vr i r v. vsj cj cm ifi.tfi t?-i f?, isi as ?i -a w?r m - - - Ml, m BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1863. VOL 10. AT0. 7. ii i. i '7H ft i H li-i ra 11 11:11 8 1111 1. THS MAIDEN'S PKAY2U. She rose from her Jelioious sleep. And put away her soft brown hair. And in a tone as low aud deep As love's firnt whisper breathed a prayer ; Ber enow-wbite hands together pressed. Her blue eye sheltered in the iid, The folded linen on her breast Juat swelling with the charms it Lid. And from her long and flowing dress, Kgoaped a bare and snowy foot, Whose step upon the earth did rress tike a sweet snow-flake soft and mute ; And then from slumbers soft aud warm. L'tit voiiiig spirit fresh from Heaven. Fbe bowed that young and rn -itchlc form, And humbly prayed to be forgiven. Ob. Ood ! if soula as pure as these Need daiiy mercy from thy throne If he upon her bended knees, !'ur holiest and purest one ; jih with a lace so clear and bright. Wedem herome stray child of light; If sbc. with those soft eyes and tears, Day after day in her young years, Jllu.-t kneel and piav for grace from thee, How iardly , ii ebe win not heaver, Will out wild errors bo forgiven. THE BODY AND THS MIITD. the exercise of a very little reflection e siiall discover that the mind and the body re both dependent on each other. The mind, mre especially, upon tho physic ii structure: for without stimulation from bodily vigor, the hmin refuses lo work and thought is parahz These are truisms, Hind are not put forth einnodying any new and atari ii';g d oetrine. Tiiey are so frue thai all thinking men kno- the force ot tho lemarks, but Jail to lake any uteps to practice what is suggested by them -x lur'when a man is told that his mind is weak, It implies bodily waste, and he must or neces- n:y recruit the one to improve the other. Tills article fx no plea for j ninasi.i, or other f ii.ii ir institutions ; in fact we look upon t ,'-se as the lit resort for retorinjr lost :ini- i.iii strength, and invigorating the wasted tis- ui- and muscles of Urn body. Hither do we ftk in these lines to impress upon every p.r- in i.-.gag.l in sedentary pursuits, the ahso. !.;; need that exists lor seiieible and diverting ba.Jily activity. How does the case stand : how do men in K-iiti spetiu tne tew nours ttiey Cin p-ire Iti.rn business 1 Let the reader look around a ti ong ids acquaintance, or ask himself, and he can see clearly that few persons give the at ifntinn they oughHo this snlij ;ct. Oie in (livid jal forinstiinct' stands all d iy in hUMme, b'-nds over his desk, and wearies out his body and mind by close attention to business. I -sihly, st five o'clock lie goes home, bee ruse lie can't stand the sfriin any longer: what dni-s he do then He plays five minutes uh his baby, or else doses in the corner i'W a newspaper, ail doubled up like a jack-knife- Still other men of business match a Usty minute to dine, and come home at ryht, only to pore over ledgers and busites -o.utits without end. Tfese plans may be nriiriii ones 10 Jiei riClles liy. lint tticre re demands d the body to be attended to, ::irh neglect!, alt the wealth in the world Ci:r..ot cotnpenstte lor- The obvious remedy i to give each function and organ of the body i-- proper degree ol care. The millionaire M n consent that his horses shall stand iiio in the stable, for he knows that by so do they lose in beauty and spirit ; yet lie de '' to his own body what he recognizes as i -.ip.'nsaL,le for ihe animal, and si!7urs his TTgies to wast for want of use. The me ct amc who I. as an overabundance of muscular vrciie, requires intellectual food, that ids Wins may dev. lop and bis ideas We enlarged; o. iietlie reverse is true of literary men. in the beginning of this article we mention "i g rut! asia, and their influence; we think ifitor.e great feature in developing our rjtr-.es Is t ton overlooked, and that is d-T tee of interest or sympathy an indi Ins. in hisefjatts to become robust. I'lis.nis will concede that if a man forces "ie!f to walk about in a pen, open to sir "'i u,iigt, for a certan period, be will not "Ciariiv present a picture of perfecrthealth; ' 1 that mere tramping over a slated number ''ilisinav not v. i.ri i.; in ,t.ri, i ' -"Wains nf you'h. But let niiure inspire ' t.,e I' "em ol man with all her beautiful sights ! id sounds ; lot him feel the sweet influences ' t e landscape tilling his heart with joy and Srj!!!l"ie ; s:id then a walk of half a mile is u,'er i(ir hi, D.dy than five miles under oth c.rcutnstances. il ' "r so much w hat we f'Tti.e restoration of lost physical ttiergy, " "c,r elo it. Active exercise is in fact 'J nntber name for recreation : and that "s" imperatively necessary to a Iieilthy all will admit. Outraged nature inflicts " present pun i.diment upon men for their '"S'ect of this iaw, as well as future nrdiappi rS. in a line of degenerated and figurative '-T Osculated defendants. Ta THorcHTLE.ss Mother "Mother," delicate little girl, I hare broken your "fell, you are a careless, troublesome lit- ttnng, alway, jn 8me tniMhief ; go up '"nd stay in the closet till I send for you." n,l this was a Christian mother's answer to terf little culprit who had Mmgled with u"nqUtre1 ,,le ten'P,atiun false- 'o screen the fault. "b "appointed, disheartened, and sad- 'ook, the child obeyed, and at that tno "lent . . tow v,USI,e in l.er little heart the sweet I totir1111' )erhal'8 ncer again in after i - revived to lite, A TEAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM, The comfort, convenience, and economy of social life depends very often upon a knowl edge of the elementary principles of science. Thus acoustics, s exemplified in the speak ing tubes ; tlieriii-t: ics, or the laws relating to heat ; pneumatics, or the rxcltr ton of drafts and the inlroduci ion of a proper amount of fresh air to our dwellings ; these and kindred branches of science are all laid under contri bution to furnish forth our homes in Inxtirv and refinement. The mere lact of the exist ence of fixed laws and principles confers no esjn-ci.il bem fit upon hum initv, and it is on ly when one's brain frels active through breathing fresh air, or tin.- body is warmed bv the radiation of he it from a comfortable stove, that we acknow ledge the hen. -firs science is capable of conferring, and realize th.-m in a practicable manner. Therefore, to be of ser vice to man, the hints ullorded by even the sim plest ray of lite tit should not be neglected. We sjeak ol Iijjiil, liecaii.se that is tin most inestimable ol all gilts conferred upon man. The lirst iiit of lh-. Creator was "Let there l-e light ;'" and from that Lour to Ibis man kind struggles and prays for it, and pine away when dpiived of iis genial life giving rays. In too many of the homes cf Iho land snn- l.ean s are as riggidly excluded as if they carried some death dea'ing miasma or subtle pois n, instead of bearing, as they do, balm and healing to every house. Dark comers and close litte rooms abound, from which every beam is shut out ; and human beings wili in such places as surely as a plant will under similar conditions. A very simple wav to obviate such trouble is to erect reflectors totiitow light obliquely where it cannot enter directly. If men wit' .resist In so building their apartui' tits tliat direct illumination enn nothernide. the following simple arrange ment will e fleet i thorough reform in this im portant piiitieular : i'rocure a small iron rod, say ha'f an inch :n diameter and three feet long, and fisten it to the side rf a wii.dow-i'ranie bv suitable brackets, so that it will turn eailv like blind : ii this ro 1 rivit (1 a birs of hoop-iron Z leet long, at riyht angles with it. Over this framework stretch a whi'e cotton cloth, and the it Hector is ready fur use. It is easy to see that any side light sti iking upon Ibis cloth will be reflected into the apartment where is erecieii. wun mi intensity Varying accor ding to the angie it is h.:d at. If tin be sub. stituted lor cloth, the iitipnivenienl will be very great. If the apartment is more easily lighted from above, thtf rcfl ctor must be fas- leiii'u o c r tae Kip. jveiicctors are used m many places in large cities, but they are Iil ferently made and have greater illuminating power. Such an apparatus as is hero descri bed will be found nseful in pi ices where oth I t rs :ire t:n i: t i in i'M-t. GIRLS' IDEAi OF JIEjf At s'xteen, a girl considers no man good enough to be her husband. She must have a real, live archangel, with -'humid orbs," a "marble b 'mv," on which '-cluster wavy tress es, black as the raven's wing;" a moustache of silken softness, and ebon hue ; in a word, no human being, of flesh and blood qualities, hut an altogether sweet and lovely and ideal creature, in purple and linen with plenty of money and no small vices. Unfortunately, no such person exists. He is a pleas mt myth of the butter thunder school of rnmnTice.and has no maternal form in this world o! corner lots, dry goods and gas bills. At eighteen, I he girl discovers that tin wholesome truth, aud chan ges her view accordingly. She is probably in love by that time with so Tie decent looking and senibie young fellow, who, though hard ly an archangel, does very well to idealize. Then it must be agre.it man. A Judge of the Supreme Court might do; a great general would he very acceptable; the President of the United States would lie just the thing ; or a foreign Prince or Count might Gud a wcl- come ifcenuiiiu. I3ut Tom or Harry utterly 'uses to become either a judge, a general, a president, or a foreign nobleman. He remains S""d looking, penniless and cievi-r. and the aspiring young lady loves him us much as ever. Finally ,w hen the affair is settled. she either weds him at twenty, settles down into nn ex cellent niuron, and enjoys her life; or breaks her heart, ind in rries a ta'low chandler. bald, but wealthy-, at twenty-five, and regrets it at her leisure. Such is the general history of maidens who set forth with the idea ofmirry itig nothing short of a novelesque hero. Libebal Counties The enrollment boards ot some of the districts in this State, and doubtless also in other States, have received orders from the War Depar ment to open re cruiting offices, and to pay to all recruits the bounties now authorized by the Government, namely, $402 for veterans, or men who have been in the service for a period of nine months or more. and have been honorably discharged ; and $300 for new recruits, or men w ho have been in iuo service lor a less period than nine months. It would seem by this that the payment of $42 to veteran volunteers, which expired by lnnitati n on th2otii ult., is (o be revived and continued. The plan is a sensi ble one. . t ; -. Man and ife ar like a pir of scissors, so long as they are together, but they become daggers as soon as they are dis-united. From the Washington (Pa.) Reporter 4 Tribune. COL.H. A. PUfiVIANCE. The licporlfr and Tribune contains th sad announcement that Col. II. A. Purviance, one of its editors and proprietors, had fallen at his jiost on Morris Island while operating at the head of his regiment against the rebel stronghold, Fort Wagner. The circumstances attending his desth are, in brief, about these: On ttis SOth of August, w hile our forces were operat ing 'agninst the rebel fortress which may fairly ho denomina ted the Sebastopol of America, it was the for tune of Colonel Purviance to occupy the ex treme advance, and as our batteries were at the time engaged in whit is no uncommon mode of operation firing at th.3 enemy over the heads of our own men he was killed by a shell from one of our own guns. He was in the extreme front, watching the movements of the enemy, when a shell from our own bat teries exploded immediately above him, car rying away the whole back pirt of his bead, sending one of the fragments through the body in the immediate region of the heart, ard lac erating the right arm in a most horrible man ner. Of course he as killed instantly. The melancholy mishap is ascribed to the fac: that the powder with which the shell was filled was somewhat damp, on account nf which the fuse was cut short, and, as might naturally be expected, a wrong calculation seeins to h ive been made either in respect to the length of the fuse or the state of the powder with the untoward result we have indicated. Colonel Purviance was the son of Parker C. Purvi w:ce, Esq., now of Ivittanning," Pa., a native of our own town. and a n imesake Of the celebrated Parker Cam be I!, one of the most distinguished lawyers of Western Pennsylva nia in the early part of the present century. The subject of oar brief sketch was boru in Butler, Pa., in tl.e month of May, 3831, and was, consequently, in the S3! year of his age at the time of his decease. At an early age lie developed tho-e traits of character which in after life marked him out as the man of ex quisite taste and of high literary attaititueiits. Unlike fnost men, he miy be said to have had no childhood, so soon did he manifest a dispo sition to prefer the society of his books and pen to.the childish sports and amusements of his youthful companions. J3y the time he had attained his eighth year he had accustomed himself to write short articles for the villag paper, one of which a poem on the death of ayouthfnl friend and companion attracted considerable interest and excited n little as tonisoment that -j youth of snch fender vears should exhibit, such extraordinary command of language and vigor of thought. The only education which lie received was such as the village school and the academy of his native place could furnish. As might be expected ho eagerly availed himself of the advantages afforded by these, and of course made most rapid progress in his studios. His father be ing engaged in the publication of a paper at the time, he entered the office at the age of thirteen, and with the most wonderful facility acquiring a thorough knowledge of the art, rendering the most important and valuable as sistance in the various departments of the concern. His connection with ths office af forded him ample opportunity to indulge his taste for varied and extensive reading. of which he did not fail to take advantage, thus storing his mind with a copious fund of useful knowl edge, upon which he was enabled to draw to good purpose in after life. lie continued to follow his occupation as a printer without much interruption nnfil he attained the age of nineteen, at which tirm; he married, and soon after engaged for a brief period in the Da guerrean business, an occupation which affor ded him the requisite leisure to indulge his irrepressible taste for reading and study.. Du ring the few years of his experience as an ar tist, he devoted himself with .more than his oidinary assiduity to literary pursuits, and his productions were sought after bv such noted ournalists as George D. Prentice. From iuie to time his effusions graced the columns of the most respectable journals of the coun try, all of which readily gave place to his ar ticles, and were glad to number him among their regular contributors. In the midst of these pursuits,he still found some time to devote to public affairs. Hav ing taken up his residence in Allegheny city, he took a prominent part in the political con tests of the day, and was actively engaged on the smmp in Allegheny county during the Presidential canvass of 3856. After the close of that struggle, he devoted himself to his lit erary labors, with a determination to connect himself with the press so soon as an opportu nity presented itself, and accordingly in June 1858, in connection with Col. Armstrong, he purchased the Tribune of this place, and from that time until the breaking out of the rebel lion was actively engaged in our midst in the performance of his editorial duties. In res ponse to the President's call lor troops, after the fall of Sumter, he enlisted in the first com pany that left our county, and passed through the three months' service as a private. On his return home he took the tie Id and recruit ed a company of his own and attached himself to the Sotu Pa. Regiment, under command of Col. Howell. Having trained himself to do thoroughly whatever he undertook, he devoted himself entirely to the profession of arm$,aod soon displayed those rare qualities which marked him for promol ion. So completely had be won the confidence of bis companions in arms that upon the resignation of Lieut. Col. M'Giffin on account of ill health, be was chosen to fill "the place, thus leaping at a sin gle bound, from a captain's place to the sec ond position in the! regiment. He had com mand of the regin ent for the last year, Col. Howell having been acting in the capacity of Brigadier General during that length of time. He. had passed safely throggh sixteen battles pud fkirmishes, with tire exception of a se vere wound which he leceived in the leg in the memorable conflict at Fair Oaks, and it seems melancholy that one who had so often escaped the bullets.of '.he enemy, should at last have been taken anay by a deadly missile from our own ranks. This simple and imperfect sketch of his somewhat eventful career, has spun out to such a length that we have little space left in which to dwell on those traits of character that endeared him to so large a circle or friends. Asa writer and speaker Col. Purvi ance s style. II1OU2I1 somewhut riiflnQ.. i- vigorous and elegint, the readers always be it g captivated by the brilliancy of his thought as well as the mellifluous flow of bis words His intellect being strongly imbued with the poetic element, his copious imagery impart ed a freshness and lustre even to the mo. common place ideas, wiiile the more grave and stately conceptions of his mind were made to appear like "apples of gold in pictures of silver." As a public journalist, it is scarcely neccssa ry to speak of him ; the readers ot this pap who have so often enj .yed his weekly visits through our editorial columns, and who have so often been ciiaimed with the letters he from time to time contributed from the camp know how to appieciafe the loss they and we have sustained by his fill. Whatever he un derlook he did with his might ; and whatever cause he espoused, he labored for with all the earnestness of his nature, regardless alike of threats or blandishments. As a patriot bis record is before us,and the blood he has so freely poured out in. defence of the Union of our fathers, fells, in more forcible language than any mere words of ours,' how well he loved, and ho-.v faithfully he served the coun try that bore hur. But though he has been stricken down in the prime of his manhood and in the vigor of his usefulness, he has 'eft liehind him a name to be remembered in after years in connection with that of a Lyon, an Ellsworth, a Baker, and the lon. ciUiogue of worthies who have gladly yielded tip their lives for the cause of free government. "Howr sleep the brave, who sink to rest, J5y all :heir country's wishes blest ! When Spring, with dewy fingers coll. Heturns to deck their halio-Vd mould, hhe there shall dress a sweeter sod, Than Fancy's feet have ever trod. "Hy Fairy bRnds their knell is rung, J5y forms unseen their dirge is sung ; There Honor comes, a pilgrim grey, lo bless the turf that wrsps their clay, And Freedom shall awhile repair. To dwell a weeping hermit there !" NEW USE FOR APPLE JUICE. It appears from the following statement, which we find in several of tho English jour nals, tba t the people of that country are threat ened with a cider famine ; Dot from the fail ures of the apples, although a partial crop,but because they are likely to be applied to a more profitable purpose, so far as the growers are concerned, than in making a household beve rage. , It seems that tho Manchester calico dyers and printers have discovered that apple juices supply a desideratum Jong wanted in making fast colors for their printed cottons, and num bers of them have been into Devonshire, buy ing up all the apples they can get. and giving such price for them as in the dearest years hitherto known has not been offered. We know of one farmer in Devonshire who has a large orchard, lor tho produce of which he never before received more than i."2G0,and yet he has sold it this year to a Manchester man for X360. There can be no doobt that the discovery will create a revolution in the apple trade; and we may add that it will give an impetus to the cultivation of this hardy fruit. Strange things happen in these days, nnd in a few years the manufacturers ot England may be as anxious to obtain American apples as they are now to get our cotton. IIow to Select Flocr. First, look to the color; if it is white.with a yellowish or straw- colored tint, buy it. If it is very white, with a bluish cast, or wi:h white specks in it.refuse Second, examine its adhesiveness ; wet and knead a lit! le of it between your fingers ; if it works soft and sticky.it is poor. Thlrd.throw a little lump of dry flour against a dry , smooth, perpendicular sntface ; if it falls like powder it is bad. Fourth, squeeze some of the flonr in your hand ; if it retains tho shape given by the pressi.re.it is a good sign. Flour that will s'and these tests, it is safe to buy. These modes are given by, flour, dealers, and they pertain to a matter that concerns everybody namely, the staff of life. ' Pat. Doolan, .at Gettysburg, bowed his head to a cannon ball, which whizzed past six inches axve!his bearskin.' Faith," saya Pat, "one sever, losestnything bypoliteneM.' 'THE HAND IS DEAD." AX INCIDENT IX THE TOCR OF GOV. CURTIS. The panorama of life, in times such as these, is thrillingly varied, intensively enthusiastic, wonderfully attractive and dectdedlv interes ting. In thus speaking, we allude particular ly to that class of public men who occupy an exalted and proud position In State or Xatlon-' al aflairs. Of this class.Gov. Andrew G. Cur tin has a prominent plice before the people of the State in fact.we may truly siy the world. In his recent tour, an incident occurred that caused a tear or sympathy to start in the eye of the Governor. He had addressed a large meeting at Catassauqna, In the mountain re gion. As the sun was fast receding behind the mountain-top, and casting a long shade In the valley, the Governor took passage In the train bound for more level regions, ne arri ved in Philadelphia in due time, having been met half way by Col. W. B. Mann, and by him and two other warm admirers, was conducted to the Continental, where be sought repose. His nature was well nieh exhansfrt. Th want of ..leen.the faMVn.- of tril th iui scenes ol his Iife,th3 universal hard shak ings, the surrounding crowds,the vivacity and vociferations of the thronging multitude, all of which he had so recently passed through, made It neceisary for retirement. ne was to stare the next day on some busi ness relative to the detence and protection of the State, in case of another rebel raid, which seemed to be projected. About ten o'clock in the morning there ap peared in the vestibule of the Continental a welt dressmj young lady. She was by herself. Her face betokened hard usage, that had add ed in he'r appearance ten years to her natural lile. She attracted rather more than ordinary attention of The throng moving to and fro through the main avenneof that palatial build ir.g. She maintained her siljiice,and appear ed wrapped in deep thought. Presently Col. Wm. B. Mann came down tho largo winding marble steps ; a slight tap on the shoulder caused him to stop. The young woman stood before him, and said : Sir, you are Wm. B. Mann, I believe." "I am, madame, what do you wish 1" I desire to see Governor Curtin." "Well, madame, he is very much engaged at present j is your business pressing is it of a public nature T" 'I desire to See him ; I have come all the way from Ohio for the purpose, i have been to Catassauqua, but the train was too late ; I arrived in the city this morning and must see him ; be is the only dear friend I have on earth." . Such an appeal was resistless. The gallant ry of Colonel Mann, as well as his business could brook no delay. He retired lor a mo ment, and presently ushered the strange lady into the presence of the Governor 'OIj ! Governor, I am so glad to see you," said she, as she placed her left arm upon his shoulder and imprinted a kiss upon his manly loreneaa "Madame," said he, quite overcome, "to what am I indebted for this unexpected salu tion?" 'Sir, do you not know me " "Take a chair," said the Governor, bland ly, at the same time extending one of the nan.isome.8t in the parlor. r.ni M-,.r. 1 ., .. " .cw Bo...,eujeQ present at once became interested in the scene, and snonwy iooneu on "Shortly after the battle of Antietam you were upon that bloody field," said she to the Governor. "I was," replied the Governor, thoughtful ly, with a sigh, as the fearful scenes of car nage were thus unexpectedly brought to his memory. "lou administered to the wants of the wounded and dy ing." It was my duty, as a feeling man." " I on did your duty well. Heaven alone will rewird yon, sir.for in this life there is no reward adequately expressive of the merit due you. lou, sir, imparted consolation and re vived the hopes of a dying soldier of the 28th Ohio. He was badly woonded in the arm you n.iea nira into an atnhnlance, and, the blood Gripping from him, stained your hands I and your clothing. That soldier was as dear .to me as life itself." "A husband i" said the Governor "No, sir." "A brother, perhaps 1" 'Nn, sir." "A father T" "No, sir." "A son 1" "No, sir." "A lover V 'So. sir." The little party around were more interes- ted than ever. If not a husband, father. broth- I er, son, or lover, who, then.could it be 1 lemrih i,akino the silence- "thu u . . 6 un iu mo. i iMroc1(iiaiu more aooui megai- lant soldier of Ohio." Well, sir, that soldier gave yon a ring C- E. D. were the letters engraved on the in-1 terior. That is the ring now upon yonr little nneer. He tola yoa to wear It. and caretuMv hnnA A a A J . I Un'o JUU 4UaJ; 0J t : - -- i The Governor nnlled the rin- ff Vnrf .n ' - I -ww Cuis.. .ucr ieiitrr wero mers. - .. 1.-., . L. -it j i The flaget that naed to wear that ring will never wear it any more. The' hand i dead. but the soldier still lives, thanks to your kind attention on that bloody battle field.", , . . The whole scene was yet problem, that even .the sagacity . of Col. : Mano could not Solve. . - The Governor was now more Interested lhan ever. "Well madame," stiid het "tell tne all about it. Is this ring yours I Was ft' given to you by a soldier whom you loved ?' "I loved him as I loved my life ; but h never returned that love he had more lov for bis country than for tne ; I honor him for ' It. That soldier who placed that little ring r upon your finger stands before you." So say ing, the strange lady arose from her chalr,and stood before the Governor. The scene that now ensued e leave to the imagination of our readers. A happy bonr -passed. The girl that had thus introduced herself was Catherine E. Davidson, of Shef field, Ohio. She was engaged to b married, but her future husband responded to the call of the President, ai d she followed bira by i jinInS mother regiment. He wss killed in the same battl where she fell wounded. She is alone in the world.' Her father and moth-" er having departed this life years ego. She was the soldier of the 28th Ohio who had pla ced the ring upon the fiogrof Governor Cur tin, for the kind attention given her upon tba Moody battle field of Antietaro. Tl.e right arm had been amputated abont half way between the elbow and shoulder. The interview finally ended, and having at last seen her benefactor, she bade him and his friends adieu, taking with her an order, bearing the bold signature of A. G. Curtly for one of Palmer's patent arms. ! We had an interview with the heroine. She was modest, although she had led the life of a "bold Soldier boy." She Was loud in: her praise of Gov. Curtin, and is firm io the belief that through his hardworking energy', he saved the lives of ten thousand soldiers, many of whom still live to bless his name as one of the "few immortal, not boru to die."1 Phil' a. Press. THE NEW CURRENCY. The old issue of the currency for fractional paits of a dollar is rapidly disappearing. Preparations are made to place the new issue in circulat-on at as early a period as possible. The new differs in design and color from the old. The fifty cent note is printed on paper of a peculiar quality, in two colors. Theprin cipal color Is black, with a gill stamp in the centre, surround ing. the portrait of Washing ton. At the tour corners, and on each side of the head of Washington, appear the figures "50." whiie "Fifty cents" is inscribed above the figure of Washington, and ."Fractional Currency" is printed below. 'At the top aro the words, "Furnished only by the Assistant Treasurer and designated depositories of the Uuited States." At the botton, "Re ceivable for all United States Stamps. Act approved March 3, 1S03." The main part of the face is occ npied with a picture of steam boats, locomotives, cotton bales, &c, very delicately shaded. The reveres of the fifty cent note is mainly red in color. A large "50' appears in the centre of a shield. . A- round it are the words. ''Exchaneahlu for TT- uiIed tates notes bv the Aa.iatmt Tr.nr., ... des,:rnated deoositorie, of ih TT.,i, " states, in sums not less than three dollar. Receivable In payment of all dues to the U- niied States less than five dollars, except customs." A very large "50"gilt in outline also appears on the reverse. Unmarried Ladies. The single state is ntf diminution of the beauties and the utilities of tho female character ; on the contrary, our present life would lose many of the comforts, and much likewise of what is absolutely es sentia! to th well-being of every part of soci ety, and even of the private home,without the unmarried female. The single woman is as important an element of sacial and private happiness as the married woman.' The utili-" ties of each are different ; but it is vulgar non sense, unworthy of manly feeling.and discred itable to everv iast one. to depreciate the un- married female. Read Gestlemas. A waiter was examined the other day before one of our courts. Wb annex his testimony: "Your name is Flnnky, I believe ?" Tea sir; Robert Flunky." "Well, Mr.-Flunky, you say the defendant fa no gentleman. What makes you ' think so J" "cause, sir, be always says "Thank yon," when I hand him a mutton chop, or even a.bit of bread. Now, a real gentleman never does this, tut hollers out, 'Here, Bill. get me a mutton ' chop, or I will throw this pepper-box at yonr head.' Ton can't de- ceive me with a gentleman, your worship I have associated with too Canse why 7 many of them at the racs-conrfe." . . " ? UIGHER.A gin. uurteen years old, was dyinz. Llftinz ber eves toward me ceiling, said, softly. Lift me hie-her ! lift me trladier i Her parent, raised ber ap with pillow., boi ..Vt . .k.Vi ! .- V..jl i --j. u. iiul a.ua aut iiicin i mtemin innvinir earnestly towards Heaven, where her happy new a lew momenta later, on her eriva- atsnA fftuflA WSa4tt ap maa. . 1 . - gieuu -" iw tan CVA f j . s "Jane B .aged thirteen.: Lrm Hi- , . A beantff nHrl of frln. an It t Lifted Higher ! 7 "inr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers