3 TUB RAraffl&B'S'ilOTBKAfc 111! 111 M 11 CLEARFIELD, SEPT. 9, 1863. SOT ALCOHOLIC. A Highly Concentrated VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TONIC. DOCTOR HOOFLAND'S . GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philad'a, Pa. V- ill effectually cure Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Chronic of Servous Debility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach, such as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or blood to the Head, Aciditvof the Stoniach.Xauaea. Heartburn. Disgust for" I'ood, Fulness or Weight in the btomach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, flurried and Difficult Breath iug. Flut tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lying posture, amuiuc w Visioa. Dots or Webs before the Sight. e ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden Flushes of Heat, fiurning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and eroat Depression of Spirits. FrnmRev. J. Norton Brown, D. D. Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Koof lacd's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst them for many years, under the impres sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend .Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three battles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of re gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the nse of them. Philad'a., June, 23, lst51. J. Newton Brows. PARTICULAR NOTICE. There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters put up in quart bottles. compoun ded of the cheapest whisltey orcommon rum. cos ting from 20 to 40 cents per galiou, the taste dis guised by Anise or Coriander Seed. This class of Bitters has caused and will contin ue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the druukari. By their use the system is kept continually under the influ ence ef Alcoholic Stimulants of the worstkind.the desire for Liu uor is created und kept up, and the result i all the horrors attendant upon a drunk ard's life and death. For those who desire and irill have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Honjtand's German Bitter and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whiskey, and the result will be a preparation that will far excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark et, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoofland's Bitters in connection with a good article of Liqur.at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS ! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to tbe fact that -Uooflasd s German Bitters' will cure nine tenths of the dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor tion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Jioonand sixer man Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders ef the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters werefrneiy used among our soldiers, hundreds of lives might be saved that otherwise will be lost. We eali particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own lan- SuaEe "has been sived by the Bitters :' Philadelphia, August 23rd. lSt',2. Messrs. J ones if Evans. Weil, gentlemen, y our Hoofland's German Bitters has saved my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by .numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am. and have been tor the last four years, a member of Sherman's celebrated battery, and under tbe im mediate command of Capt. 11 B. Ayres. Through the expo sure attendant upon my duties, I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in the hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I wasthen removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer "State of Maine,"from which I lauded on the 24th of June. Since that time 1 have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and it I did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. I could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under these circum stances; and. accordingly, the physicians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rescue me from the grasp of tbe dread Archer, frankly told me they could do no more for me. and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now thank God for it, getting better. Though 1 have taken but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen. I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the cer tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears to your Bitters will 1 owe tbe glorious privi lege of again elasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours, Isaac Malonf.. We fully ooncnr iu the truth of tbe above state ments we had despaired of seeing our comrade, Mr. Malone. restored to health. Johs Ccddlsback. 1st New York Battery. Gbo. A. Acklet, Co. C. 11th Maine. Lewis Chbvalisb. 92d New York. I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery, Battery F. J. B. Fasbwelc Co. B, 3d Vermont. Hssrt B. Jerome. Co. B. 3d Vermont. He.nrt T. Macdo.nald, Co. C, 6th Maine. Johs F. Ward. Co. E, Mh Maine Herman Koch. Co. H, 72d New York. Nathasiel B. Thomas, Co. F, 95th Penn'a. Andrew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont. John Jeskiss, Co. B, lo6ih Penn'a. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I . See that the signature of -4C.M. Jack son," is on the wrapper ot each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS. OR HALF DOZ. FOR S4 00. Should your uearect druggist not have the ar ticle, do not be put off by any of tbe intoxicating preparations that mi be offered in its place, but send to us, and we mil forward, securoly packed, by express. ' Principal Office and Manufactory. No. 631 Arch Street. JONES & EVANS, - Successors to C. M. Jackson A Co.,) Proprietors. t""For Sale by Hartswick A Huston.Clear field, Penn'a, and Druggists and Dealers in every town in the United States. July 8, 1863. CM UN SON, baa Rye. Corn, and good Family Floor, for Sale at Philipsbnrg. Also, Rye and Corn, at D. Ayers' Mill. June 3, 1863-3m. A JOINT RESOLUTION' PROPOSING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CON STITUTION. Be it resolved by thr. Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth aiticle thereof: Thereshall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows : Section 4. Whenever any of the qualified elec tors of this Commonwealth shall be in any actual military service, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, sucb electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citi zens, under such regulations as are, or shall be, prescribed by law. as lully as if they were pres ent at their usual place of election. There shall be two. additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be desig nated as sections eight, and nine, as follows: Section 8. No bill shall be parsed by the Legis lature, containing more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in tbe title, except ap propriation bills. Section- 9. No bill shall be passed by the Legis lature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hereafter be. con ferred upon the courts of this'Comnionwealth. JOHN CESSNA, Speaier of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate. Ofuce op the Secr'v op the Commonwealth, j Harhisbi rg, July 1. 18t3. i PENNSYLVANIA. SS : L I do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a full. true and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resolutio t propo sing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains on file in this office. Is Testimo.st whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of tbe Secretary's of fice to be affix6d, the day and year above writ ten ELI SL1FER. Secretary of the Commonwealth. CI I U H N S A N D W A S II 1 N G - M A C 1 1 1 N E S The undersigned has on hand a number of Flyer's Patent Churus, and Clement's Wahiig Machines, which he desires to dispose of. They are good, and perform their work well. JOHN GUELICH. November 19, 1862. Clearfield. Pa. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July 1st. 1863. the priviloge of converting the present issue of Legal Tender notes into the National Six per cent. Loan (commonly called '-Five-Twenties'' will cease. All who wish to invest in the Five-Twenty Lo:m must, therefore, apply before the 1st of July next JAY. COOKE, Scbscbiptios Agent. No 114 S. Thirl St., Philadelphia AUCTIONEER. The undersigned having been Licensed an Auctioneer, would inform the citizens ot Clearlield cuuuty that he will at tend to cailing sales, in any part of the county, whenever called upon. Charges moderate Address, JOU AiyUiL,Ht.N. May 13 Bower Po., Cleai fiel J o.. Pa. N. B. Persons calling sales without a proper li cense are subject to a penalty of 530, which pro vision will be enforced against those who miy vi olate the same. A VALUABLE TAVERN STAND FOR SALE. The undersigned will dispose of his property, called the "Blue Ball Hotel." situate in Decatur township, Clearfield county, Penn'a. 4 miles west of Philipsburg. 12 east of Clearfield and 14 east of Curwensville. lying in the forks of the two turnpikes leading to the last named pla ces. The location is a very pleasant one. and is one of the best country Tavern Stands in the county. 1 here is connected with the house 23 acres ot laud, with a good stream of water run ning through it making it one of the best loca tions in tbe country for a grist mill, the water power being sufficient tor that purpose. The prop erty will be sold cheap for cash. Any person de siring to purchase can obtain further information by applying to the subscriber livingon the prem ises, or by addressing JOHN S. RADEBACH, West Decatur P. O.. May 27. 1853 Clearfield county. Penn'a. -w . ro'v, -r t V' 1 r c r T I i?l IV u Hi a A J NAUGLE'S i CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. Graham's Row. Clearfield, Pa., a flue assortment ot WATCHES JEWELRY, 4c, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be had at " NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be bad at NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La va Jutt. Carbuncle, Garnett; Opal, Florentine Mo saic. Gold Stone Mosaic. Porcelain paintings. Ac, or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Breast pins, Eardrops, Hoop Ear rings, children s eardrops and rings at NAUGLE'S. Gold sialg, keys and peuciis, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ eut styles and quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in bis line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received. a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange for goods at NAUGLE'S. Ali goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S. LINDSEY ' S BLOOD SEARCHER. In renewing of my acquaintance with the many friends of ray medicine. 1 deem it proper to cau tion them and the public, generally, against the use of an article prepared and sold by a man call ing himself -'Geo. H. Keyser, Pittsbury, P who nas tnc impudence to call it LISDSEY'S IMPROVE! BLOOD SEARCHER ana states mat it is raaae irom my recipe, and. as if to carry out a regular game of 'Stop Thief." he tells the public that "there is a counterfeit in the market." to see that his name is over thecork of every bottle" Ac He also publishes the nioxt extravagant certificate headed "A Blind Man Cured" '-A Bad Sore Leg Cured," Ac. 1 allowed him to proceed in this way for nearly twelve months, knowing that those who had either used or sold my article would have nothing to do with his, but 1 fciund there was a number unacquaint ed with mine who were induced from the above statements to give his a trial The consequence was disappointment to them and injury to me. as they would at once pronounce Liudsey s Blood Searcher a humbug, without knowing that mine was the ONLY GENUINE BLOOD SEARCHER which has proved iuelf to be invaluable in the cure of Scrofula, Cancerous formations. Cutaneous dis eases. Erysipelas. Boils. Pimples on the face, Sore eyes. Scald Head, Tetter affections, Old and stubborn Ulcers, Rheumatic Disorders. Dyspepsia, Costiveness. Jaundice, bait Rheum, Mercurial diseases, Gen eral debility. Liver complaint, Loss of appe tite, Low spirits. Foul stomach, Female complaints. Together with all other disorders from an improper con dition of the circulatory system. As a general Ton ic, its effects are most benignant, and cannot fail to benefit, where usei persevering!-, and according to directions. Those desiring my genuine Blood Searcher must be careful iu purchasing, as counterfeit med icine is like counterfeit money, it can be afforded at low prices which ia a sufficient inducement with some to endeavor to palm it off for genuine; Buy only from Respectable Dealers Ask Dig tinctly for the RLOOD SEARCHER prepared by ME, and tale no other. For sale by J. R. MuMurray, New Washington, and H. T. Henderson A Co., Bethlehem, and all good druggists and storekeepers throughout the country. J. M LINDSEY, M D. Hollidaysburg, Pa. D. R. & P. Kinports, wholesale and retail gents. Cherry tree. Indiana coucty. Pa., Simon Johnson, Pittsburg, Pa-, cole cnt July SO, 1862. ly. RIED FRUIT of all kinds just received at the ''CORNER STORE," Curwensville. LARGE STOOK OF GLASS, paints, oils. l. white lead, etc.. at E. A. IRVIN'S rOOD AND WILLOW-WARE in great variety at the '-C'UUiNtlt tsiUUfc. ' NEW GOODS! "w."S7"E now offer at the "corner store" in Cur f T wensville a large assortment of splended NEW GOODS. Customers will find a complete stock from which to select, while prices cannot fail to be satisfacto ry. Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Queens ware, Drugs, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc , we have in great variety. May 27. 1863 E. A.IRVIN. J YDE HOUSE, R1DGWAY, PENN'A. " S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in all respects a first class house. February 6. 1861. TlieWarinCurwensville! New Gooils Extremely Low. STILL A GRAM) MISTAKE ! ! I THAT ALL THE MERCHANTS AT CURWENS ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was ''shot at. but missed," but I have procured another new and large assortment of goods from the city, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in the county. READ.'.' 'READ!'.! READ!!!! Among the Ladies' dress goods will be found Poplins, shailies, detains, lawns, and a variety of other seasonable articles, at the lowest war pri ces. Ladies who wish to make a good invest ment should call and examine my stock. CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES!!! Rye. oats an 1 corn for sale Also, bacon, fish, etc, at very low figures. Best sugar ut from 12 to 15 cents per pound: Best Syrup at i0 cents per gallon. All other groceries at the same rate. Boots and shoos, and Show liindings, cheap. Now is the time to buy, when goods are plenty ; and all I csk is, for persons to examine my goods and I feel persuaded they will not go away with out purchasing .1. D. THOMPSON. Curwensville. May 20th. lHrt.'5-jal. OUTSAT REDUCTION!! E W GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. The Old Stock to be SoW at a Re duction to Correspond with the New Goods. J. 1J. KRATZER. Has just received ano:hcr general assortment of Dry-Goods, Dress Goods, Dry-Goods, Dress Goods, Bonnets & Shawls, Bonnets k Florence, Bonnets & Shawls, Bonnets & Ribbons, Trimmings, Trimmings, Etc., Etc., Etc., Ete., Clothing, Hard-ware, Queens-ware and Tin-ware, Clothing, Hard-ware, Queens-wnre and Tin-ware GROCERIES. Tea, coffee, molasses, sugar, salt, candles. riC3. to bacco, Flour, bacon, fish, crackers, vinegar, etc HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Buckets .tubs, brooms, oil cloth, looking glasses, churns, wash boards, wall paper, window blinds, coal oil lamps, umbrellas bed cords, crooks, hair for mattresses, brushes and every thing of For eign and Domestic manufacture, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and the high est market prices paid for grain, wood and ull kindsof produce. J if. KRATZKR. Front St., above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. NOW lb THE TIME! RICHARD MOSSO P, MALIK IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &.C.. MABKET STREET, CLKAKFItLD, PA. ReiA the. following list of goods and profit thereby. CU'ip rOS THE LADIES. - tf,ooi? Chtnp Al.way8 large stock of La-j ChrJp die. goouB-euch asLoburgUoth, Uo0tU Clt nop Che.l,, Cheap Cheap Prints, chintz. Kerchiefs, Nu bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. r i FOR GENTLEMEN, tf'4 ft Go oils Cheap. Alwaj'S on hand Black, Blue. Brown ;CroW. Cheap' and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Goods Cheap Cnsimeios. Sattinets, Cassinets, 'Goods Che:p Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Goods Cheap 'ngs. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. iGoodi Cheap READY-MADE, Guodt Cheap Suck as Coats, Paiits. Vests, Under-Goods Cheap, shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Goods CUerp' Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Neck- .Goods Chep ties. Gum Boots and Shoes. and Goods Cheap a variety of other articles. Goods Cheap HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Goods Such as Unbleached and Bleached (foi' Cheap Chrap Cheap CUetp Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen Y. and Cf.ttnn rnhle.lntho ftillr.th iUOOUS Linen and hemp towls. car j Gootls pets, curtains, iriuge, etc Goods 'Goods Cheap' Cheap ,If yu want Nail or spikes. Manure Qoots Cheap' or uluer k'i ks. caw-miu or otner Q.00JX Cirap Silws Smoothing irons. Locks. -.Good Cheap, Hmge5 etc.. go to Mossop's Goods Cheap where you can buy cheap 'Goods Cheap, IF YOU WANT Goods Cheap linives and forks. Butcher Knives, Goods Cheap', fchoe and Stjve hlaek ing. Manilla Goods Cheap and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or 'Goods Cheap Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods Cheap, etc., buy them at Mussyp's. GonJi Cheap IF Y0U WANT Goods Cheap shoe Last or Pegs. Palm. or Fancy Goods Cheap Koap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- .Goods Cheap dow Shades. Lamps, Lump tubes .Goods Cheap, or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Geods Cheup, Mossop's cheap cash store. 'Goods isieap TL, V(-irT wiVT Goods Cheap "-J';, Goods Cheap at Mus3P 8 eheaP for caih- l s CheP IF YOU WANT Cheap, Tallow caudles, fine or coarse salt, -Goods Ctteap Syrup r ui oi asses, cheese, dried Goods Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- iGoods Cheap do eracKers, call at Mossop's .Goods Cheap where you can buy cheap. -Goods Cheap, if you WANT 'Goods Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen-t Goods Cheap tal uses. Sw et wine, old Monon- Goods Cheap, gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry Gool Cheap and Cognac brandy, buy at Goods Cheap' Mossop s cheap cash store. 'Goods Cheap, IF you WANT Goods Cheap ,Raisong) Fi?g Prunes or dried Cur- oods f,jp rants; filberts, cream, pecin or T"( i'AFt Sround nuts, candies. Liquorice G"d pj'1! or Liquorice root, buy them ,Gools nr?l at Mossop's cheap and good. Goods IF YOU WANT g"f Cheap."10 by y other article cheap, be GoZd, Cheap Bure to go to Mossop, for he sell? Goe,l. Cheap', cheaper for cash than any other IgooJs Cheap person in Clearfield county. u-JLj. Ckeay November 27. 1361. ap27'59. qu Approved country produce of every kind tal en at the Hjttal mariet prices in czeliange for goods. D ChZv iinhl "fafamiiy Flour, White or Cheap' ,rowu 'SM hams, shoulders or , sides, coflee; Imperial, Younz .,T,, ineapi ,, .. i " floods ALT a good article, and very cheap at the store of WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia for the relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medi cal advice given gratis by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, and other diseases of the Sexual Or gans, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associa tion. No 2 South Ninth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. July 23. 1862. BULKLEY'S PATENT LUMBERDRIED BY SUPERHEATED STEAM. The under signed respectfully informs the people of Clear field and adjoining counties that he has the agen cy of the above patent and will sell individual, county or township rights for its use. The lum ber dried by this process is stronger, finishes bet ter, is easier on tools, and requires less time in drying than any other process ktfcwn. drying 1 inch lumber perfectly in 35 hours better than many months under the old system using the same amount of fuel per day that a common kiln consumes. . The certificate of a number of resi dent mechanics well known in this community is amply sufficient to convince the most sceptical of its utility. Persons desirous of purchasing rights will address JOHN L. CUTTLE. June 24. 1B3 Ccarfield. Penn'a. 7-ALlTABLE TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. The attention of persons desirous of purchasing valuable Timber Lands is irvited to tbe following tracts ot lind situate in Keating township, Clinton county. Pa., known as the Lo raine lands, viz : A certain traat being No. 3169 warranted in ' the name of Thomas Willing, con taining about 1 11)0 acres, situata on Birch Island Run, at the distance of 3i miles from the river, beiug well timbered with Pine and Oak. Also, another smaller tract of land, situate at the mouth of Birch Island Run. on the west side of the river, containing 73 acres and allowance and having a good rafting beach thereon. For -terms apply to G. L. REED. I P , July 30, 1S62. J. B. GRAHAM, ( t-xecutors- Furniture ! Furniture !! JO "FIX GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order sueh furniture as may bo desir ed, in good style and at cheap rate's for cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Fui niture Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAl'S AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardtobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor. Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny- liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. RockingandArmCliairs, Spring-seat. Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-fi LASSES Of every description on hand, and now glasses for ola trames. wbicu wiir be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes lo order, Hair. Corn-husk. Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFIN'S, OF EVERY RIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers che.ip for cash or exchanged far ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the busi ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on MarKet street. Clear field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4, HSl JOHN GUELICH. F RIENItS AND RELATIVES OF THE BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends and Relatives in the Ar my and Navy should take especial care that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment : and where the brave Soldieis and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet ter present can be sent tbeui by their Friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing friend in the hour of 'need Coughs and Colds Affecting Troops, Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are at tached to each Pot or Box. Sick Hcdache and Want of Appetite, Inciden tal to Soldiers. These feelings which so sadden us usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira tion, or eating and drinking whatever is unwhole some, thus disturbing the healthful action of the Livei and Stomach. These organs must bo reliev ed, if you desire to be well. The P.lls taken ac cording to the printeu instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both Liver and Stom ach, and as a natural consequence, a clear head and good appetite Weakness or Debility Induced by Over FatLjue Will soon disappear by the use of these invalua ble Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire ad ditional strength Never let the Bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon It may seem strange, that Holloway's Pills should be recom mended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct tbe Liver and Stomach, and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength fol low as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of tho Bowels so sure as this medicine. Volunteers, Attention '.-Indissretions of Youth. Sores and Ulcers. Blotches a ud Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Piiis are .taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed instructions. If treated in any other manner, they dry up in one part to break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from thesystem, and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man. It will require a little perseverance ia bad cases to insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either o:casioned by the Bayonet, Sabre, or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, To which every Soldier or Sailor are liable, there arc no medicines so safe, sure, and convenient, as Holloway's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounds edand almost dying sufferer might have hiswound dressod immediately, if he would only provide himself with this matchlessOintment. which should be thrust in!o the wound and smeared all around it. then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a liandkeri-iiiof Taking, night and morning. 6 or Pills, to cool me system ana prevent mnammation. Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provided with these valuable remedies. CAITTION. None are genuine unless the words -Hollowav. New Ycrk ad Lo.vbo," are discernable as a Watek-mabs; in every leaf of toe book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leap to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medicines or vending the same, know ing them to be spurious. ,"Sold at the manufactory of Professor Hol iowav, 8rt Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicinen. throughoar the civilized wrld. in boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and S I each. 'here is considerable saving by taking the larger sixes. . B- Directions for the guidance of patient in every disorder are affixed to each box. New York, Januaiy 7, 1363 " y rjDealers in my well known medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars. Ac, sent them, fbeb op expense, by addressing Thomas Hollowiy 80 slaidsn Lane, New York. . s SWEET'S INFALLIBLE THE GREAT REMEDY For Rheumatism, Gout, Xeuralgia, Lumbago, Stijf Xeck and Joints, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Piles. Head-Ache, and all Rheumatic and Xervous Disorders, For all of which it is a speedy and cer tain remedy, and never fails. This Lin inient is prepared Irom the recine of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bne set ter, and has been used in his practice for more than Twenty years with the most aston ishing effect. As an Alleviator of Pain, it is un rivalled by any preparation he lore the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinc ed by a single trial. This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Kheimiiitic Disord -is of every kind, and in thousands of c;tes where it ha been used it has never b-.:en known to fail. For Neuralgia, it wilt afford immediate re lief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cises of Headache in three mintiiesand is warranted to do it. Toothache, also, will it cure instantly. For Xercous Debility and General Lassitude, arising from imprudence or excess, this Lini ment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim to this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to aflord immediate relief, and in a majority of cases it will effect a radical cure. Quinsy and Sore Throat are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this liniment will not fail to cure Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints in liable to occin if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. Bruises. Cuts, Wounds. Sores. Ulcers, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing properties of Dr. Sa-ecf's Infallible Liniment, when used accord ing to directions. Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Bites and stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, the Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is kDowu all over the Uoited States. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the author ot 'Dr. Sweets infallible Liniment." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment affords im mediate relief lot Piles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Tooth ace in one minute. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best remedy for sores in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment has been used by more than a million of people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment taken inter nally cures Cholic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera A Friend in Need Try it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, as an ex ternal remedy, is without a rival, and will al leviate pain more speedily than any other pre paration. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Dis orders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c, its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and aston ishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures perlormed by it within the last two years, attest tbe fact. To Horse (5wners. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Hor?cs is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lame ness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrench ing, its effect is musical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mangee, &c, it will also cure speedily, tspivm and KingUone may be easilv urevented and cured in thuir inciuient staees. but confirmed cases are tw- yoiui the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, howevei, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Lin ment, and its faithful application will always remove the Lameness, an! en.ible the horse to travel with comparative ease. Every Horse Owner Should have this remedy at hand, for its time ly use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable dis eases, to which all horses are liable, and which render.so many otherwise valuable hor ses nearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, 18 THE SOLDIERS' FRIEND, And thousands have found it TRULY A FRIEND IN NEED. CAUTION. . To avoid imposition, observe the Signature and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also -'Stephen Sweet's Infallible Liniment'" blown in tiro glass of each bottle, without which uone are genuine. RICHARDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct, MORGAN & ALLEN. General Agenta, 43 Cliff Street, New York. ttSold by all dealers everywhere. New Tork, April 27tb, y D II large stock of lime, an will fur ? " T' any quantity at the terminus ef the l" S"'"""' Philipsburg Railroad. otes March 1. 1862. WM. II. ROBFP.Tv.v N. B. Lime constantly on hn,t , ''N JWTEW WATCH & JEWELRY STrT 11 The undersigned having iv.a KE ough of Clearfield (at th . shol Klv b' by R Welch as a jewelry shop V llT do work of all kindsontle most resieffi;!'0 ThA rAfih will v-.swi t;.,v I l. . U!C Wni " fooniTtij uo xpecffH work is delivered. He is confident that h not be excelled bv an v w.irlcm. ; nec'1o- not be excelled by any workmen in i . . i2om.fi nut 9 fn n y ntall totheSign or the. B, April 9,'2-ly-pd. &. LAUCHLlt Seriously Wounded!! All the Merchants in tbe neigh borh ood of r, wensville, because I have brou-bt on and 1 f a large and well assorted stocVof f""rf NEW GOODS, which I am selling at extremely 'low Prie, f cash. My stock embraces all the varied c.f kept in a coun'ry etore. and selected with to suit these 1U1,: WARTIMES- I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the cleslkecp; and their fabulously low i.ri . which I might do-but after you will have .7 and examined for yourselves, you will excu ,n7 the language of the Queen of the Souih ' "HALF HAS 0T BEEN lOLI) " J will merely say, come and see for yoars:t , for I feci sauced that I can suit your Uv' ' well as your purses ' J Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken i exchange f.ir goods. B 18 Curwensville. Oct. 22. 1SB2. J. F. IRV;T HARTSWICK k HUSTON, M ARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, Keep constantly on hand a large and well jt-Uoi-ed stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Perfumery, Toilet Goods BLANK BOOKS & STATIONARY, TOBACCO & SEGARS, And a general assortment of varieties and faikj artk-les We respectfully invite a call, fcelu, uinfident that we can supply the wants of all oa terms to their satisfaction. April 2. M A New Lot of Goods. THE UXDERSIGXED having taker, the jtoci of merchandize of the late 6rm of Patton Hippie A Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS. comprising Groceries, Drags. Queensware. Boots and Shoes. Clothing. Muslins. De Lair.f Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc., which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, Pors, Shingles and Boards, taken intx change for goods. We respectfaliy ass a slurs of patronage. Call and examine our stocn. -Curwensville.Dec.il. HIPPLE A FAl ST N B. The accounts of Patton. Hippie A Co . r m our hands, and wc hereby notify persons lav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same as we desire to have the books closed . December 11, 1861. HIPPLE A FAUST. Good Xews" for Buvers! A Great Roum tioti in Prices ! 40 Tcr Cent Lower tlian Ilentufon THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Seasonable Goods JUST OPENED AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. The nnderiigned has just received from the Ea ern cities a large and well selected stock of tka most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of a: a reduction of 40 per cent, compared wi:h tl; goods purchased in March. His stock embrace DRY-GOODS AND NOTION'S, Hardware, Queensware, GROCERIES, DRUGS. OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS ASD C A PS. BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all which will be sold cheap for cash, or ei changed for approved produce. Go to the "cheap cash store" if yoa want tol-ii goods at fair prices. June 10, 1SC3. WJI F. IRWIN". 7CONOMY IS WEALTn ! C IRC YOUR COl'Gfl FOR 13 CENTS!! The Best and Cheapest Household F.emciy it 'fc World. Madame Zadce Porter a ' GREAT COUGH REMEDY. Madame Zadoo Porter's Curat; -.i.m ar ranted if used according to the directions, toctre in an cases Coughs. Colds. -' ina,Whooping Cough, au l all j' feetionsof the Throat and Lur Madame Zadoc Porter's sam is prepared with all ther; quisite care and skill, fn-m ' combination of the beet rem dies the vegiiable kingdum fords, its remedial qualiiiei based on its untcrr to as?i.-1 th neauny ana vigorous circulation 01 tne mu""' thro' the Lungs. Itisnota violent remedy, b"' emolient warming, searching and effective, f be taken by tbe oldest person or youngest child- Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam has been in by the public for over 18 years, and has acquire its present sale simply by being recoinmenJeii f? those who have used it to their afflicted fri"1' and others. Most Important. Madame Zadoc Porter "it' rative Balsam issold at a price which brine" iE the reach of every one to keep it convenicatt"' use. The timely use of a single bottle wiil l11' to be worth 100 times its east NOTICE. Save rom Moset '. Do not be P,r' suaded to purchase articles at 4s tc SI wbicb notoontaii, the virtues of a 13 cent Bottle uf ' dame Porter's Curative Balsam. theotof niai"1' faeture of which is as great as that of aim MJ other medicine; and the very low price b, it is sold, makes the orofit to the seller I'P'"'' ly small. and unprincipled dealers will sometw" recommend other medicines on which their prct re larg r. unless" the customers insist upon b" ing Madame Porter's and none other. A- 'J Madame Porter's Curative Balsam, price l3e" nd in large bottles 2i cents, and take no ot If you eannot get it at one store vou can at ae ther. Sold by Druggists and Storekeep" " 13 cents, and in larger bottles at 2S cents. HALL A RPCKEL, Proprietor February 4, 166J y. Ne prI 14
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers