Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 19, 1863, Image 3

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    TO8 a
The R publican party of Clem-field county,
with all ho desire to act with them in sus
taining a policy to crnsb the rebellion, are cal
led upon to meet in County Convention, at the
Court House in Clearfield, on Thursday the
'2ih day of August, A. D. 1863. at 2 o'clock,
p. m , to select candidates for office and trans
act sncl. other business as properly belongs to
the Connty Convention. J. B. M'Exally,
Chairman of the Republican County Com
mittee, of Clearfield county, Penn'a.
The draff for Cle irti .;il county, iva are
formed, will take plaetf .m the 7th.
Lf.roi ; yonrs came to hand, bat was crowd
ed out, as well as some other articles, to
make room lor the "Circulars concerning the
Draft." '
Tue Circcs. By reference to our apvertis
ing columns, it will lie seen that Gardner and
Urmmings circus will exhibit in this place on
Monday, August 31st.
Lost On Sunday evening, 2Gth ult. be
wen Curwensville and ClearSeid, a fine Ar.
my Blanket, one side representing a Tiger
Skin, the other black. A liberal reward will
be paid lor its return to the Store of Cel. E.
A. irvin in Curwensville.
Madame Pouter's Curative Balsam has Urn"
tested the truth that there are first principles in
Medicine ad there is in Science, and this Modi
cine is compounded on principles suited to the
manifold nature of Alan ! The cure of Colds ii in
keeping open the pore, and creatiiirn trer.tle in.
teriial warmth, aud this is caused by the use ot
this Medicine. Its remedial quaiiue are based
on its power to assist the healthy and vigorous
circulation ot Dlood through the lungs, it enli
yens tne muscles and assists the skin to perform
its duties of regulating the heat ot the system. and
ingeutly throwing oil thu waste substance from
the surface of the body It is not a violent rem
edy, out emollient, warming, searching and effec
tive. Sold by all druggist at 13 and 25 cts a bottle
j A Highly Concentrated
On our first page, to day, will Iks found the
pcech of Judge Shannon, delivered at the
C ntinental" in Philadelphia. Judge Shan
non is au old and influential Democrat, a thor
i.iih war man, and f.tvura a vigorous prosecu
tion of the war. His speech merits a careful
Camp Mektixo. G d permitting. there will
! a eanip-nieeting u the c.iinp ground situ
ated on the farm of Uro. John Norris, on
Chestnut Ridge, near Ciirwensvill.-, Clearfield
(-.utility. Pa., to commence on Thursday, Aug.
I'Tth, 1 ?;3. The brethren and Tri-nds of our
n and other churches are cordially and ear
nestly invited to attend, both of the ministry
and the laity. Come on, friends, and unite
with us in aeiving God in the leafy grove;
and may God revive his work even in lliei-e
times of troublo. J. Grant.
Curweiisville mission, Alleghany conf.
.N. li. l tie camp ground is o miles Irom
Clearfield, and 1 miles from Curwensville.
and good roads thereto from these towns.
Editou op Jocrsal : Dear Sir : With your per
mission I Wish to say to the readers of yonr paper
that I will send by return mail to all who wish it.
(free) a Recipe, with full directions for making
and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef
fectually remove, in 10 day Pimples, blotches,
Tan. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin,
leaving the same soft.clear, smooth and beautiful.
I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads
or Bare Faces, simple directions and information
that will enable them to start a full growth of
Luxuriant Hair. Whiskers, or ft Moustache, in less
than 30 days All applications answered by re
turn mail without charge. Respectfully yours.
i HO.S. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist,
July 22.1863 -3mo No 831 Broadway, New York.
TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having
been restored to healrh in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease, consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
lo all who desire it. he will send a copy of the
iirestri iiiou useu iiree ot cftario . with the di ra
tions for preparing and using the same, whieh they
will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser
in oenauig me rrescrintion is to Oeneflt the affile
ted. and spread information which heconccives to
be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try big remedy, as it will cost them nothing and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre
sciipiion will please address
Apr. 22-3m. Williumsburgh. Kings Co-.. N.T.
AH Obitaartt notices, not over six lines, inserted
gratis ; all over sir lutes, at fire, rents per line.
J". Clearfield, August 11th, or Dysen-ery,
Elmer, son of John and Caroline Met TJ ill?!)! . .
aged 3 years and 2 months.
On F.-iduy, the 7th August. Ordklia. eldest
daughter ot C l. S. C. aud Hetty I'utcl.in, in
the liili year of her age.
Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philjul'a, Pa.
Will effectually CDre Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia,
u...0, vuivun urnerroui ueoiliry. Dis
eases of the Kidneys, and all diseases ari
sing from a disordered Livet or Stom
ach, such asConatipation. Inward
Piles. Fulness or blood to the
Head. Acidity of the Stomach.Nausea, Heartburn.
Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the
Stomach, lour Eructations, Sinking or
Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach,
Swimming of the Head, Hurried
and DifiicultBreatbing. Flut
tering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sen
sations when in a lying posture Dimness of
ision. Dors or Webs before ihe Si-bt e
ver and Dull Pain in the Head. Defi-
ciencyof Perspiration, Yellow
ness of the Skin and Eyes.
Pain in the Side. Back, Chest, Limbs. Ac, Sudden
Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh,
Constant Imaginings of Evil, and
irreat Denressiftn nf Snii....
From Rev. J. Newton Brown. 7) . Ti V.dttnr nf
th Encyclopedia, of Religions Knotcleitge.
Although not disDosed to favor Or l"iiaatii r Ami
Pateut Med iciues in ireiieni.1. thrtimrh ilidi.j nr
.t,: : i: P 7 . or "' v
luvjr luxreuiunis anuenccts: 1 vet Iriw.w f .,.
. . . . n: . : . , " "
ruuiuieui. leii.-uns way u man may not testify to
iue oeuents He believes himself to have received
Irom any simple preparation in the hope that he
iuiy luus cuMinuuie to tne tienuht of others.
I do this the more readily iu regard to Hoof
land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M.
Jackson, of this city, because I whs prejudiced a
gainst them for many years, under the impres
sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture.
1 am indebted to my friend Robert .Shoemaker,
Esq , for the removal of this prejudice by proper
tesis. and for encouragement to try them, when
suffering from great and long continued debility.
'1 he use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the
beginning of the present year, was followed by
evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod
ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six
months before, and had almost despaired of ro
gaining. I therefore thank God and my friend
for directiug me to the use of them.
PWIad'a.. June, 2:. 13:51. J. Newtox Brown
pflOTOGRAPniC ALBUMS, for sale at
-flartwiuk A Huston's. Clearfield. Pa. ;
AMITEI. ITEGARTV, wholesale and re
tail deafer m 1-nrpt.Tn a ...j t, . - ,
.i;i ti I , X, iumesiic iUercnan
"e. Hegarty's x Roads, Clearfield county. Pa ,
keeps constantly all articles in his line of busi
noss which he will sell cheap for eash or exchange
IZa Wed country produce. Lumber of all
J " " exenane lor goods. March 4, 1S03.
r)U. LITCII 'S MEDICI N ES.-Ifr7s7r7up
Ply of these invaluable Family Medicine
are for gale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting
ot aiii Carer; Restorative, a great cure for colds
ana Crtmrh - a..; r?:r n i n, ,
- , ni-t(iwn, j ttijsir. i nev nave
"ecu inorougniy tested
- -V-lf?n,y approved
V . , i,1-" Aorrey at Law. Clear
if. i
field. Pa.
on Second Street.
Office, with L.
i rang. tun.
July 3, IStU.
d in this community, and
Trv thpm.
X. siOR Wivn-MiLL. One of the best Windwill.
ever invented is now being offered to the citizens of
Clearfield county. The undersigned Agent is now
in this place for the purpose of offering a first
class m.ll to the public Heonly aks a flir trial
to insure its successful introdnction. Farmers
are especially invited to call and examine them
betore purchasing elsewhere W. HANCOCK
joneJ3th, Ibti3 " Agen
From the army of the Potomac we have but
liit c l ews of impoi tance. It would seem
lliat no great movements were making on ac
count of the oppressive heat. The old ngi
iii'.i.th are, however,' being filled np rapidly .
drafted men being sent forward, it is said, at
tl.e rate of one thousand per day. Gen. Meade
al Washington a few days since and had
un interview with the President and Cabinet,
and it is lint fair to infer that so soon as the
atiicr win pen ji, active campaigning will
! resumed.
A report is current at Washington, that sev
eral Texas and vther rebel regiments refused
to remain lunger in Lee's army and left. Stu
a't's cavalry were sent in pursuit, which, af
t. r a severe right, .succeeded in driving the
liimves hack inio the army . A rumor also
l'ri-uiU-d of a dilKculty between Havis and
L e. at 1 that the latter had resigned his coiu
;i.a..J. From CharWon nolhing of a definate clur
: r i known. It is said, however that Gen.
liil in. re was heavily reinforced, and that an
vs ,.iil; upon the roIiL-1 works was to take place
"ii tie ldili. Everything was brogressing
f r.. rii.y . D,,it on hind and water, and our
':l:ceiMvero con.'idnit of success when the
',,)) I be made.
- i i.iiivc tiients
IU At an Orphans' Court for the L'uimiir nf nio.r
field, Penn'a. held at Clearfield on thu 1 7tb day of
Juue, A. D. lit!.!, in the matter of the Estate of
Moses Doggs dee'd. on motion of J. B. MeKnally
Esq.. Attorney. Ac., the Court grant a rule. d"i
reuted totheheirsof Moses Itoggs. to wit : to Win
Boggs. or his leal representatives. P.obert lio"s
Margery liutxer. wife of A. liaxter. ElizabeUj
wife of John MeConkey. Martha Jane, wife of
Henry L. Ilenslev AVilhor F Kn.r
Mary, wife of William Chandler and Roland C
Jjogs. and all other persons interested, or claim
ing to De owners of said estare to be and appear
before the honorable the Judges of the said Court,
at a Court to be held at Clearfield, on the 2,ith
day of .September. A. D. ISii.;. then and there tr.
accept, or refuse the real Ks'ate of said deceden t
at the appraised valuation put upon it by the in
quest duly returned. I. . HARiiEH. '
August 12, Iht'a.-nw. Clerk Orphann' Court
ton, Sept 3d, at
appear to b;; in progress in
Southwest ; at least we have no informa
!' on t!ut our armies are on the move.
I in- othVial returns from Kentucky are not
' 1 "i, h. t the vote so far as received would
'"t'f.ite thi,t JJr;imlette, the Union candidate
' 'i.ivernor, is elected by from 40.000 !o 45,-
majority. The Congressional
'o indicate an entire Union
's ii a slorions victory. A Slave Stale de
' "ins in favor of the Union, is truly an en-
"iir.ijjing .Mn vl tne times. Surely. the peo
! "I Peiiiisyivania coiiuol so far torget their
,:' Motion to the Union, as to elect a ticket oj
!"";d l'j the Administration, when Kcntucky
1 v, nobiy sustained it.
.tfb. We have
' "" '-'3 of the 110
K'"l-ue, Union, for Governor
11 'labile. 1),
returns, mostly official,
counties in Kentucky.
has C6 270 :
h-m., it .615 : Bramlette's
The 11 counties to conic in uill
ii np to somewhere near 55,000.
C Eiii. The County Superintendent hereby
gives notice that he will meet Teachers.Directori.
and friends of education at the places and dates
named, at 9 o'clock, a. m.
Brady, bloom 4 Union, Aug. 31st, at Lulhersburp
LumberCity. Ferguson t Penn, September 1st, at
Lumber City.
Cell. September 2d. at Rower.
Burnsido. Chest &. Aew Wasiiin
New Washington.
Knox and Jordan. Sept. 4th, at Ansonville.
Curwensville and PiKe Sept Mh.at CurwensviMe
Bnirgsand Bradford. Sept. 7th. at Williams i irore!
Uraham and Murr-'s. ,ept Sth. at Kvlertowu.
Decatur and Woodward, Sept. 9th. a't Centre.
Decciiria and tiuelieh Sept. llth.attilen Hope,
liitard and Goshen. Sept. lllh. nt Surveyor Kun
Covington and Karihaus, ept. 1 th. Mul'sonbur -
Huston and fox, Sept. IHth. at Hickorv Kiivn'om
La wrence and Clearfield, Sept. 21st, at" Clearfield.
Positively no private examination will be held
except at the written request of three directors of
the district in which the applicant intends teach
ing, or to fill vacancies. C. B. SANDFOKD
Clearfield, July 2!) Co- Supt.
rilHE TEACHERS of Clearfield county are
A respectfully requested to meet at the Town
Hall, in Clearfield, on Monday the ZSlh day of
September next, at 1 0 o'clock a. m.. for the pur-
I""'- ' suiinig xcaeners insut te to con
tinue in ession one week. The object of this
meeting is, for the attainment of greater proficien
cy in the different branches of study: in the art
..nk: .. I e . 1. j - , .
ji leaguing, -mm lur iue umeussion OI SUCH topics
as relate to the advancement and interest of the
common schools.
Teachers are requested to prepare essays, or
short addresses on practical subjects connected
with the theory and art of teaching, so that the
exercises may be as interesting and attractive as
It is earnestly hoped rhjit all teachers who wish
to qualify themselves more thoroughly, and who
uesiie to Keep up itith their profession will avail
themse ves of tho advantages which this In(itute
will afford. Other citizens ladies as well as gen
tlemen, are invited to attend all the exersises of
the meeting. Lectures on
,. E,!"A III., Aug. Ill Last night Provost
rh,ii Wrati:tkef or the Ninth district, with
chinent of civa'ry, made a d. scent on a
' ! f some two hundred copperheads and
' "'lUrs in Ibei township, Fulton county,
1 ,1,!url"S len or a dozen, and as the report
M-Vs killing several of them. Great excit.
' 1 l"''v'4iled in that m-r.tion in rnnwnnonra
. f .i .. 1
' ,e "nair. It is reported that the copper
're running to arms to drive the cavalry
, ;" 'lie country.
IxrKRvuw with Morgan's Men Allow-'-
liipatch from Co I umbos, O., saya:
"im of Kentucky females, who have rebel
'iiilv''"' ,r',on in this P,ace re arriving
UJ' A" l'p'ications to the civil or mili
t r" """'"'f-'ies for interviews- with prisoners
yr ""'"cit vruera iroui me
- j i, luuoi uc m iniiuc iv un-
1rtiili, .i '
..;, no Per,on sh1" e permitted to
AnlSTlOS. Hnvncv tV..l.. .
' . wiuutvvis,wuu Li-
' " 'O retain i ... , ....
"'en ueaitn unimpairea Uuring
-,l,n'l''iii!D Wusl ee ,0 il henselvea, do
Jst to ihe Atluy Surgeons, supply' y,.ur-
F.vjj yk nu,,wy' Tills and Ointment,
ivj 'Ds'i',!, Soldier's Knaps ick contains
u"'y 25 centa per box or pot. '212
educational suhieefs
may be expected at the evening sessions An ex
amination will be held at ihe close of the Insti
tute, and permanent certificates will be grant'-d
to deserving candidates. C. B. SANDfr'OKD.
August 12th, IstiU County Sup"t.
The subscribers offer for sal; two contiguous
tracts of well timbered land situatein Morris and
Snowshoe townships, counties of Clearfield and
Centre. State of Penn'a, known as the Saw Mill
and lumbvr property of A. H. A J. Scho-dt. con
taining in all Mri7 acres and 140 perches. One tract
inereot bounded by lands of i rancis Gurney.and
Others, in the warrantee name of John Nicholson,
containing 4Xi acres and I6.J. perches. The oilier
thereof situate in the townships, counties, and
State aforesaid, bounded by lands of Jonathan
Nesbit, and others in the warrantee name of
Francis tJurney, containing 4 3 i acres and ljj
perches. 1 he buildings are composed of a Steam
saw mill capable of cutting two million feet of
lumber a year, a large two-story dwelli: g house,
three or more tenant houses, and a large barn. Ac.
From SO to 100 acres of said land are cleared and
in a good farming condition. The tract on which
the Steam saw mill is situated, will be sold seper
ately or together with the other tract to suit pur
chasers. Salo to take placo Bt the Court House in
lielicfonte, at 10 o'clock. P. M on Wednesday 2tUh
August, 18G3
Tkrms of Sale One half of the purchase mon
ey to be paid on the delivery of the dead, the res
idue to be paid one year thereafter, with interest
to he secured by bond and mortgage on the prem
Assignees of A. H. A J. Schoek.
The Raptsma.n's Journal is published on Wed
nesday at $l,:0 per annum in advance Auver
Tisr.wKNTs inserted at $1 .00 per square, for three
or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a
square. lor every additional insertion J. cents
A deduction will be made toyearIy advertisers.
2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in Juno.
3d ' in March. 4lu " in Sopt'm'r,
Of each year, and coutiuuo two week. if necessary.
There are many pren:n-ations sold under fh
name of Hitters put ur inanart bottles
ded-of the cheapest whiskey orcoiumon ruui. cos
ting from 20 to 40 cents ner sallou. the tat dis
guised oy Anise or I onander Seed.
Ihis class of Litters hascaused and will contin
ue to cause, as long as they enn be sold, hundreds
to uie-tnc death ot the drunkard. Hy their use
the system is kert c jlitinuall v under rh ii.flnl
enccof Alcoholic Stimulautsof the worst kind, the
ut.-.icior i.i.jii.m is creaie.i ana Kept up, and the
result is all ihe horrors attendant upon a druuk-
ii 'i a uie una ue:tlli.
'nr tlliwn whn ,1. .1 ....? .
- uvim ,i.riii in 1 1 ;. imum u I inn...
TMtrers. we publish the following receipt, (iet
tine nnrne jiooflnml s leer man Hitters find mf:i
i.n utrre. quarts ot IrooU Brati-la or Wkiskry.
aim me resun win oe a preparation that will far
-.rm ,,, meuicmai virtues and true excellence
any ot toe numerous Liquor Uitters in the marK
et. ana win cost much less louwill have all
...c 1MIUK.OI jioouuuu s fitters in connection
with a good article of Liquor.at a much less trice
uu uicbc iiuei iur preparations will cost you.
Wfte:ll thr. t r, f T , . ,.C nil 1 r . ..
f . , . an uviu relations or
iieii.is in me. aimy 10 ine lact that tlooPLin's
Herman Hitters' will cure nine tenths of the dis
eases in iucea ny exposures and privations inci
dent to camp life. In the lists, published almost
taiiy in ine newspapers, on the arrival of the
.-Men, n win oe noncoa tnat a very large propor
tion are suuering irom detiility. Kvery case of
nii hiiki can oe rea lity cured by lloofland 'aiier-
man outers. JJisuasos resulting from disorders
ui me oigesuvo organs are speedily removed. We
have n-. hesit.ition in stating that, if these Hitters
were treely used among our soldiers, hundreds of
i.ves rniguc oe saved tnat otherwise will be lost.
. .;iu:di aucnutin io i n e to 1 1 o w i n ar re-
marKanie ana well authenticated cure of one the
nauon s neroes. wnose Hie. to U3e his own Ian.
g""Sc, "uai oeen sived Cv the Bitters:''
Pailaoklpmh. August 2.'?rd. 1362
Jtlessrs. .oJ- JlV'tll. We 1. irentlen.ftn
U...I....J' 1 1 ... . T
ucruiiiii uiciers nas sarerf mo ift.
mere is no mistake in this. It s vnn,l,,i f.
by numbers of my comrades, some of whose nm.
are appended, aud who were fullv cocniiant f
n iuo circumsiances ot mv case r an,
nave oeen lr the la.jt four vears. a memhor nf
.-nerman s ce leorateil tiattery. and under the im
Uiedi;tto command of Capt. R B. Ay res. Thronh
ne -ajio nujc iiiieiiuaiii upon my riuucs. t was
attacked in November last with inflammation of
tne lungs, and was for seventy-two day? in the
hospital. This was followed by great debility,
heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then
removed from the White House, and sent to this
city on board the Stealer State of Maine, "from
which I landed on the '.'Sth of June. Since that
time 1 have been about as low as any one could
be and still rttaiua spark of vitality. For a
week or more I was soarcely able to swallow any
thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it was
immediately thrown up again.
I could not even keep a glass of water on my
stomach. Life could not last under these circum
stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who
had been working faithfully, though unsuccess
fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dread
Arober, frankly told me they could do no more
for me, and advised ine to see a clergyman, and
to make such disposition of my limited funds as
best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me
(it the hospital. Mr. Frederick Steinborn. of Sixth
below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope,
to try your Bitters, aud kindly procured a bottle.
From the time I commenced taking them the
gloomy shadow of death receded, and I am now
thank t.otKor it. getting better Though 1 have
lasen out two oorries. I nave gained ten pounds,
and I feel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin
my wife and daughter, froni whom I have heard
nothing for eighteen months: for. gentlemen, I
nm a loyal Virginian, from the vicinirvnf FVnnt
Royal. To your invaluable Hitters I owe the cer
tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears
to your Hitters will 1 owe the elorious nrivi-
lege of again clasping tomy bosom those who are
uearest to me in Iue.
Very truly yours. Isaac Malo.ve.
We fully concur in the truth of the above state
ment. as we had despaired of seeing our comrade,
Mr. Malone, restored to health.
John Ccudlbback. 1st New York Battery.
Geo. A. Aoklev, Co. C. 1 1th Maine.
Lkwis Chevalier. 92d New York.
I. E. Spemcek. 1st Artillery, Battery F.
J. B. Fasuwkll. Co B. 3d Vermont.
Htivitv B. Jebome. Co B. 3d Vermont.
Hbnkv T. Macdoxald, Co. O. 6th Maine.
Joun F. Wid. Co. E, 5tb Maine
Herman Koch. Co. H, 72d New York.
Nathaniel H. Thomas. Co. F. flath Penn'a.
Axikew J. Kimiiall, Co. A, 3d Vermont.
John Jkmbins, Co. B, 105th Penn'a.
lished as a w amino- and tor tlm UQn..;i K.,e.
of young men. and those who suffer with Nervous
l'uiiiry. loss ot Memory. Premature Decav. Ac ,
by one who has cured himself h .,.,! .......
after beiug put to great expense and inconveni
ence, through the use nf vnHhUc.
scribed by learned Doctors. Sinsle copies niav
De had (tree) of the author, C. A. Lambkut. Esq".,
ireuiouu, L,ong Island, by enclosing an nddres-
-nveio,,o ,.l lress. CH.VS A. LAMHEUT.
July 22.1.HiW. (irecnpoint Long Tshind.New York.
nDri.TnT,r. . , . n. n -
Il ii i - u.l.MihK. .Manufacturer of
j ii Kinas oi fttone-warc. Clearfield. Pa.
uers solicited wholesale or retail
1,1 5B3
field, Pa.
j. crass. : : :
T. Attornevs at Law. Clear
M iy 13. LS6.I.
ROBERT .1. WALLACE. Attornevat Law Clear
. field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Nauglc'a jewelry store. May 2ft.
H. AALULE. Watch and Clock
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. A
Graham's row, Market street.
Maker, and
Room in
Nov. 10.
HLLU1LR SWOOPK. Attornev at Law.Clear
. held, Pa. Offict inGraham s Row, fourdo. s
west ofUiraham A Boyntons store. Nov. 10.
R K,MHH,1 WAUk'eir C7berry StreTt",
If. Cleiirheld. Pa Make t. .;. i '
eription of Furniture on short notice. Jan.21'63'
S,JlRATZ?fc Merchant, nd'dealer in
ioards and Shint--lt .....1 t .
front St, above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. NI2
WA 4 IIALL, AUorncys at Law, Clear-'
V field. Pa December 17. 1312.
11. L. KNIGHT oc SOX,
Have removed from 2r,2 S. Second Street, to SOT
Chestnut Street, above Kighth. Philadelphia. IV.
where they have opened a well-selected stock of
Carpets. Oil Clorhs, and Mattings.
Bedding and Mattresses of everv description,
ready-made or made to order. A Iso Feathers of
various qualities always on hand.
The Manufacture and Sale of Bedding will also
he continued at 2 3 South Second Street. Phila
delphia, Pa.
I hUade!phia. June I", Mii:5 -Sin.
T.I A FLLMMING. Curwensville. Pa.. Nurery
l . man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubberv - All or
PfpOy attended to May 13.
WILLIAM V. IRWIN. Market strTeTcienrfiTld,
i ..la0,1 n Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware. Quecnsware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. kov 10
T0i' N' ELICH. ManufacdiTreToTalll kinTs "oi
J Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. Pa
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a heurse. April) i'J
th. v-,B with rnUn
NKW BAND WAuo.V, - ,
tjTd errrythin, Ele-ant in the .
irera.... and which, in n,rfnif K-....1
iu America.
u Ur;e and co iu.,ruitile, and is ,r.
mii,-;dto a to alford , nJ ,m.
lort io tiie patronn of ihi tttliu
claim particular attention, a
Jiry ore anion,- i ,i.r, al l,loodr,l.
iul bit Iraincdaniiualsin lh world.
rruniuieiu among liiu tundt Ihe
Great Talking Horse
a beautilul thomh.hrv.i Arufiian
l'liar.i-r, who mill be inirodu-rd br
Uis irainrr, Mr. DAN GAK11.N KK
Ani-jug tho Fni- will be found
CannUt, Fire Klv, frince, JuiiiU-r
UH"eJ"." s"r. Lucy LoiiS iity
The Educated Mules
UAN ;AXU pick.
will be ndrMuc d ,y n,n ;ardner,
Jn a van.ly oi Laughable JV.rl.wl
X J uiearUeld. 1'
sional business.
Praotioin-r Ph
a. Will attoufi U a.) I
corner of 2d and Locust
Jan. 2S. ISH3.
V llllvt.US I ! ! Pelafreaua Siimulatin;
vunent, or freneli Cream!!! Vnr K-.l.f
lieaas ana liare r aes '. ! ! I'h 3 celeomted -.irti.
eie is warranted to bring out a full set of Whisk
erson tne smoothest taue. or a fine growth of hair
on a Lalrt bead. in less than sit wcrt ami win ;n
no way stain or injure the skin The French
f'reaiu is manufactured by I). M. Pelatreaus. of
fans un t is the only reliable article of the kind.
i.se nil utiier. arranfed in every c.tc. One
iox wni do the work Price 51.00. Imported
im iui auic uoicsaie ami ueum nv
t-neuiist and Urugist. s;jl Broadway, New York.
i . . a l.i x ot tue Unguent sent to any address
ry return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents
lor cost age. Juy .
"W T I I IT till t l. K3 . . v . ,
m z. a i.ti r m a.-L.tt. Xlieun-
T dersii'ned will Sell his farm kvinL' o.. Chest
reeK, in (.best township. Clearfield Cuuntv. Pa
at private sale. The traet contains 270 acres, a
bout I do acres of which are cleared, the timber
bein all eut off. and in a good state of cultiva
tion, and under Rood fences. The buildings con
gist ot a large plank frame dwelling house, well
furnished ; a store house; two barns, the one 40
feet square with stalls for horses, and will hnld
about 40 tons of hay ; and all other necessary out
uuuuings. mere are also on tne premises two
tenant houses, and stabteg on the lots : a blaek-
smithshop, one of the best locations in the countv.
J he best of water is convenient to all the build
ings. Two youna apple orchards are also z row
ing on the premises : and th meadow cround is
good, ana aoout iuu ions ot hay can be cut in anv
orainary season.
1 here is also an excellent rafting ground on the
premises, wnicn win rent tor about one hundred
dollars n year; all the timber in that section of
country, known as the .North Camp region, being
nauieu lotnis ground tor raiting in.
for terms apply to the subscriber residins on the
premises, or to Wm. Irvin. Esq.. in Curwensville.
August 5, 1SI53. SIMON R iHAUAUUIl
I U. M. UOOOS, Piiacticisu Physician,
. , '""'"'""'S surgeon tor Censions.
'tlice. outh-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21. Irfb3
JB MKMLT.i, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. 1 a. 1 radices in Clearfield and adjoinins
couutivc. OPicein new brick biiil.Mn ,.f I
ton. 2d street, one door south of Lanich s Hotel.
T ICUAUK MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
J v westio Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Hacon
Liquors. c. Loom, on Market street, a few doors
w estot Joia ii'i! OJire, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
T A 11 RIM Ell .t TEsf, Attorneys at Law.Clear
JI J field. Pa. Will attend nrum ntl v tn nil Ipirnl
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. Augusts. I.'i6.
n. LAKKi.lf KR,
K. WM. CAMPliELL. offe n: Ilia nrnfesainnal
services to the citizens of Moshanrion and vi
cinity. He can be consulted at his residence at
alt times, unless absent on professional business
Moshnnnon, Centre co., Pa., May 13, lisliS.
T W. li,IAJv-M D ., has resumed the prac
II tiee of Medicine and Suro-erv in li:mi ill..
Penn'a. where he still resneetfulfv sol ie.i l pun.
tinuance of public patronage. May 27, UG3
r uiwias J. m CLLLOUGH, Attorney at Law
J Clearheld. Pa. Office, east of the "Clearfield
co. lianK. lleeds and other Iciral nutmmsnt. r, r-
l ..n.u vtuu promptness ana accuracy. July 3
" di sh. .T.j.'rri.inir.o
Collection Office. Clhakfielo, Pbnm'a.
lleiui the. fullowiitglixt of goods and jirojit tlierehu.
'.hi , , , '
vs-uaii, Trnu TWO T a niro
Cheon ,wf,ys on hand a large stock of La-
Vhea, dies goods such as Coburg Cloth,
Cheap Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams.
Uhau p rints, unintz. Kerchiefs. .u
ClteajA 'es- P'onuets, Gloves, etc.
Cheap Always on hand Hhick. Blue. Rrown
Cheap and Grey Cl"ths: Fancy and Ulaek
Cheap Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets,
Ch.'apl l weeds. Plain aud Fancy Vest
Ctieapl igs. Shirting, etc.. etc. eto.
Pee that the signature of -'CM. Jacksos," is on
the franier of each bottle.
Should your nearest druggist not have the ar
ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating
preparations that may be offered in its place, but
send to us, and we will forward, securely packed.
ty express.
Principal Office and Manufactory. Xo. 631 Arch
(Successors to C. M. Jackson A Co..) Proprietors.
LFor Sale by Hartswick & Huston. Clearfield,
Penn'a, and Drugsisfs and Dealers iu every town
in the United States. f July 8, 134.1.
("1 M US SON, has Rye. Corn, and good Family
J Flour, for Sale at Philinsbur. Also. Kva
and Corn, at D. Aycrs' Mill. Juue U, lrtrtj-m.
j (roods
I (roods
. (roods
I (rood s
! (roods
i (roods
! (xoodi
Cheap Such as Coats. Pants Wats. TTnder- I (roods
Cheap, shirts, and other Flannel shirts, (roods
Cheap Boots, Shoes, lla's. Caps, Neck- Goods
L heap ties. ( nm Hoots and .Shoes. and .Goads
Cheap, h varietv of other rliilea 'Goods
Cheap itoill- llor n t:imri Goods
''"'Vuoh as Unbleached and Bleached
Clieap , .... ... . ,. (rood
Vl. Pi anil cotton t.-lt.lnflntlia III!,. !,.K ( r.tods
f,"l' Linen and hemp towls. car-' ,"od;'
7.. V'l nei. nurtairw frin.n ,,tn (roods
Cheap ia..dA
C"tp'.- iiAiumnnr., irt. - 'Goods
Cheap1 yu want Nails or spikes. Manure nnj.
Cheap' er other torks. iaw-mill or other ctoods
C'tfftn ""wo, c-mooiuing lrous, iocks, ,(Z,.jt
Cheap. Jiiuges. etc.. go io mossop s Good
Cheap. where you can buy eheap froodi
Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods
Cheap. Knives and forks, Hutcher Knives. 'tVo-y?
Cheap Shoe aud Stove blacking. Manilla Goods
Cheap, and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Goods
Che.ap P ens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods
Cheap etc., buy thein at Mossop's. 'Goods
Cheap IF yqu WANT Goods
Cheap ,noe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Goods
Cheap Soap. Starch, W all Paper or Win- Gao ls
Cheap. Uow Shades. Lamus. Lamp tubes tGoods
- I . -J .. . u -. f J .L. ... . I .J J
("l or "'eks, coal oil, eto , go to
C teap- .Mossop's cheap eash store.
Ji'aP TP win u- Vt
Cheap t-, ,r-u;. '(roods
I ' t.r.. ' cAira miuny civur, una orv. i
brown sugar, hams, shoulders or q fj ,'
sides, coffee; Imperial. Young '
II ' ...u-i A. u (rtods
ujauu ur uiacrv ica. uur lucm ,
. t , -i c
Che-ip juossop s cueap lor casn.
Cheapii allow candles, fine or coarse saltJfT,,,
Caeap' oyrup or molasses, cheese, dried Goo-Is
Ch&tp apples or peaches, water or so-
Chmp do oraciters, call at Mossdp's
Cheap where you can bay cheap.
Clieapi ip YOU WANT
Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen
Cheap tal uses. Sw.-et wine, old Monon-
Cheap, gahela or rye whisicy. Cherry
Cheap anj c0uac brandy, buy at
Cheap Mossop"s eheap cash store.
Cheap Eaiscna VZ3 Prunes or dried Cur
Clean rail!;8' filberts, cream, pecan or
Chrao 8rou"d nuts, candies, Liquorice .
' I Ar l.innnrtia mr.i Knv I Ktairl "
at Mossop's cheap and good.
I Goods
i Goods
' Goods
i Good
j Goods
' Goods
II ' A . . . .
jiave just opened a larire and Knlandiri uaonrt
ment of
n k w a a o r s
at their old Stand in Clearfield. Penn'a.
They have the best assortment of II or. I it,,..
nas ever oeen brought to this county, which they
will sell at the most reasonable prioes. among
which will be touud a splendid lot of cuttlery. to
which they invite the special attention of rh
"n band an assortment of heavv silvpr-r.lotn.l
!.'. . . . . . .- '
' ..poons, ana Gutter Knives, of too hi
A lot of pistols of the best natterna. nnd ntlior
c - . . .1 ' --ww.
ure-arms. Also a teneral assortment of nist..l
earirmgcs; all oi which wi 11 be sold at reasona
ble prices.
1 hey continue to manufacture all kinrl.x of-ttn.
ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot
oe surpassed in this section of the state.
J hey a so have on hand Pitrsburtr Plowa a.
niong which are steel centre lever plows. Also.
I low castings, and otheragricultural implements
Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stove a n-en.
eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for sale
aireasnaoie prices
Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oil and var
nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails,
iron, and castings, a great variety ; in fact almost
anything that may be wanted by the public can
be found in their establishment, aud at prices that
cannot be beat.
Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any
thing in their line of business. Give them a call
and examine their stock, and they feel assured
that you can ba accommodated.
Kctnenibvr. their establishment is on 2d Street.
L leartield. 1'a. where you can buy goods to the
very best advantage.
Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old cast
ings will be taken in exchange for good.
Comprise tha Unrest and bent that
vr iravrlJ. on-at Kxiwni ha.
bet n ineurn-d in l.rinKin thr, .
(ellier, and ws intend lo give tln
Best Circus Entertainment
thai li is erer hwi witnewed iii Uii
Joumry. Look at the
d judire tor ynunsulvsl
Mr. Richard Hemmings,
f',,;r'';,t American Horwin.n, and
1 - "uie iMl.rer. He will appear
at ..tea entertainment in a ret
rar.cty oi'liib tlirillin I'erlorinaii'ea.
me .nu and hivonie flown. As a
KiMd k n.te ii ij.a necessary lo a Cirrna
l r. il i, n I n akCisi. ili,- 1,1,1,1,,;
li. ay mmt.-raiul.iK llieme1 upon
-i I.- Il..,.y Mill oi .MU111U at
ach entertainment.
Hie Little Kairyof Ihe Arena,
Miss Eliza Gardner.
t certainly tlic liest Keinaia Fiuea
Tian in existence. She execute. 11m
nil elesant and cl.sie niotioiiM, ci.in
blned with darilli, Lcapluit, aplendld
Darcnu, fcc., uj.on iue Latk f her
j.irited hore, while at full motion,
. oiioiii.linK- wir.i her dasliine act of
I.K.4H1AU lIlKul GM lSBallooM
Signor Wambold,
lie exiraonliuary Contortionist mt&
w..ii.ern.l Hnneleu man; his per
loriuanres an.) bo .wen lo oe Lelieved.
John Foster,
lie JVf...-' J.j..r...,int of tjm niost
uniiial and lainhabla Cluwas liit
er:r entered a ring.
The Polish Brothers.
TI.cmi ai..msliii,e Gymnasts will ap
pear in a variety of their classical and
wonderful! leau
George R. DeLouis,
a-ill apiar in hin perlonmnret. on
the Horizontal liar, and introduce I ho
in lier Amusiiu; nnd Entertaining
Incka. Jogetlier with
Mme Camille,
che fleaotiful Ktjueatrieniie.
La Petite Camille,
ihe pleading Danseuse.
Young Sam,
ihe Hocket Clowu.
"id t!ie excellent Company who lill--J
i;Ki).M3i &l lliijiir. i Auil.hi
thearre, Thiladelphia, n:slitljr, lor a
period of four months.
1 he en'.ertaininent will eoamum
with the
The IVrf-rmance will comprisa
ivery ranety ot J rick Kiding. Scene
Kidinr, luirililinif, l.yumaslic Ex.
aloiu, T-o and r our Horse Hiding
e., aii-., with Music by the Band.
ll under the immediate direction of
-nler town about 1J l-:i A, M., dur
ing which Ihe Hand will discourse
most leautiful miwie.
lwo I LRfOKMANCES each Day,
rTEK JOS ART ircsruG.
Doora ojien at Sana K M. Fer
'..rmunce to coiniuence ha. fan hour
u r.
Admission, 25 Oents.
0 UiLJ lEIlt.
CLEA1 FIELD, Monday Aus. "31st.
CTIIERSBUHG.rSaturdav Au-. 20.
HIILII'SBUKG, TucstlavS-.-nt: 1st.
H. 'iARDNER. Aent.
Cheap T buy any other article cheap, be Goods
Cheap to go w iiostiop, ior no seii ,Qof)ds
Cheap caeaper lor ca.sn tnau any omer .Goods
Cheapi person in cjearneia county. iGoods
Cheap- oveu.ber27.136t. . ap27'59. Goods
AfprotuJ country produce of every lind taken at
rki aual uiarirt prices in exchange for goods.
Having jmrchaned the entire stock of Oraham.
Boynton t Co . anil received a new assortment of
Goo.isof every description, the undersigned is
prepared to furnish to the public at the
all kinds and varieties of Dry Goods, Groceries.
Hardware. Oueensware. Provisions. lc. Ac.
Ho wduld unite especial iiUtntion to the large
and complete assortment of .
now opening, consistine of the latest fr.r?n ami
summer sty les, of tatiey Silks. Delaines. Alpacas.
Bereges. Lawns. Ginsbams. Hncals. Prints Rul.
moral gRirts. e. Also, Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnets
Shawls, Crinoline. tc.
He has also received a Iarie and well sclerfnrl
Stock of
consisting ot Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimcres.
n .. . U i. r - ..
ia.uiuccui, ayveeuo, jcacs. corauroys. rsever
Teen, Linens, te. Alio, Ilats. Cans. Hosiery.
Gloves, io. etc.
in the latest styles and of the best material.
Muslins, Irish Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawns,
Swiss, BobineU, Edgings. Ac. ,
for Ladies and Gentlemen, consisting of Top
Boots. Brogans, Gaiters, Pumps, Balmoral BooU,
Slippers, Ac
Coffee, Syrups, Bacon, Flour, Fish. Sugar Kice,
Meal. Ac. Ac: - ,
Oils. Paints. Drugs A Medicines, and in fact
every thing usually kept in a first class Store.
He invites all persons to call and examine his
stock, and hopes to give entire satisfaction, as he
will keep no books, ami sell strictly for cash, or
country produoe. D. G.IVLING
Clearfield. &lay 27. 1763. , ; . .. :
IT LOUR-A good article lor sale at tha store o
Tiaulfil WM. V TRWfV f'.ei!.
President. - - - Abraham Lincoln. Of Illinois
ice President. Hannibal Hamlin. Of Maine.
fec. of Mate. - Wm. U Seward, - New York. "
Soo of Trcas'y S. P. Chase, . . . Ohio. -
ec. ol War, - E. M. Stanton, - - Pennsylvania
see. ot Nary Gideon Welles. - - Connecticut,
hue. of Interior I.aae P. Ueher, - - Indiana.
P. M. Gen. - - Monte. Blair. ... Mumlund
AtlorncyGen.- Edward Bates, - - Missouri.
SrprtEMF. CeiiiT Chief Justice, Roger B.Ta
ney, of Maryland Associate Justices Samuel
Nelson of New York, Robert C. Grier of Pennsyl
vania, John M. Wayne of Georgia, Joha Catron of
Tennessee. Nuthan Clifford of Maine, Caleb B.
Smith of Indiana. Meets in Washington city on
the 1st Monday of December
I own f nip. Nam of P.O. Names of P.M.
Bcucuria. -
Bell, - -
Boggs, - -Bradford,
Brady, - -
Glen Hone. - Wm.S. VVnVtir
- - Utahvilie. - - - Theodore Weld.
. - Hegarty'sX Boads Samuel Hcgarty.
- Bower, - - W M Craeken.
- - Chert, - - -. - Thos.A! M'Ghee,'
- - Cush, - - - . - J. W Campbell.
- - Ostend. - - - H. L.Hendurson.
Forrest. - - - - James Bloom.
- tlearheid Kn Jga. - Jas. Forrest. -
- Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Watson.
- Luthersburg, :;, - H. H. Moore.
- Troutville - Charles Sloppy. :
Jefferson Line, - . John Heberlin "
NewWaebingtoni - James Gallaher.
' W.C. Irvin. ,
- Jack Patchin.
Jacob Boico. , .
- G. Tozer. Jr. .
- Wm. McGarvey .
- 8. A. Farber. , .
" - - - Patcbinville,
... East Ridge,
Chest,- - - - llurd, - -"
- - - McGarvey, -
- - - Westover, -Clearfield,
- Clearfield, -Covington,
- Frenchville,
; " - - - Karthaos. -
Curwensville Curwensville,
M. A. Frank
P. A. Qaulin.
J. F.W. Schnarr
T. W . Fleiminiv
Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa.
- - West Decatur, - - Sophie Radebach
' - - - Osceola Mills, - - T. F Boalich
Ferguson. - Marron, - - - . Edm. WUilamg.
rox, - - - -.nellen Fost Office, Elk county. Pa.
Girard, - - - Leconte's Mills,
- - - isaia mils, - ...
Goshen, .- - Snawsville, - -Grah
Guelich, , . Smith' Mills, -
" . - ,- - - Maoera,, - .-, -Huston,
- - TyUr, -
' ' - Pentifielil. -
Jordan, . .- Aosouville, - -
Korthaus. - Salt Lick. - -Knox,
- ' Sew Millport,' r
Morrii, - - Kylertown, -
- - - Morrisdale, , -Penn.
- - Lumber City.f :
i - - Grampian Hills.
I'Uie, - - - LurwensviUe,
C. Mijrnot.
s William Carr.
- A. B. Shaw.
- Thoa. H. Foroe.
- A.tf. Fox. -----
- Co as. J. Pssej.'
- David Tylar, '
. U. Wool ward
- EliiaCbaa.
- Go. Heekadorn
M. O. Stirk; .' -j
- Jas. Thompson.
- J. G Brennar.
- H W. Spcacer.
- A. C Moor.
-..T. W. Fleming.
- - - - Blooiaiogrille, - - Bn
uooawara. Jffne, - - . - James Lockett
le. - - Rent V !!
Union, - - - Kackton, - - . - D. . Brubaker.