Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 12, 1863, Image 3
IUL ' fc ' , . . - I II THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, FA., AUGUST 12, 1803. Bounty7 convention. Tfce Republican party of Clearfield county, with all who desire to act with them in sus taining policy to cmsb the rebellion, are cal led upon to meet in County Convention, at the Court House in Clearfield, on Thursday the 27tb day of August, A. D. 1863. at 2 o'clock:, p. m., to select candidates for office and trans act suet other business as properly belongs to the County Convention. J. B. M'Enallt, Chairman of the Republican County Com mittee, of Clearfield county, Penn'a. ; School Teachers are invited to read the Advertismont of C. B. Sandford. County Su perintendent, und r the bead of New Adver tisement Thanksgiving day was observed by a goodly j .on ion of our citizens. Public services were dad in tbe Presbyterian, Methodist and Lu theran churches. The beat has been unusually oppressive in this mountain region, during the past week. We have had some excellent rains during tbe same period, ami crops promise a good return. Tbk First or the Skason. Miss Emma Barclay, of this place, on thanksgiving day, presented to us a small basket of ripe apples for which favor we tender her our sincere t buries. " agricultubat. society." I fTiTTTn -nTnTiT t Curwkmsvills, August 8, 1333. XXJLJL XVJliJjil4ljijIv7i( In accordance witb previous notice, a rueet- Froni Charleston we have information that ing of the Executive Committee of the Clear- he siege is still progression favorably, and new county Agricultural Society was held at tftat our men are all in good siiiriis. and an tbe Public house of Mr. Mas.-u, in Curwens- ticipate a glorious, victory in tha capture of ville. Josiah R.Eeed, President of the So ciety presiding. Executive Committee all present. On mo tion of Hon. J. D. Thompson, Resolved, That this Committee comply with the request of the Society as expressed by resolution unanimously adopted at its last reg an tne torts in the harbor, ere long. A seri ons accident occurred on board the Jisbant, in wbicb seven of the men were so badly seal ded that the skin peeled off. Later. Some seven or eight thousand re intorcements have reached Gen. Gilmoro at Charleston. They are all veterans. At last Killed a large rattle snake, by J. W. Smith- Esq.. on the pavement neaHm resi dence on VVednesdiy ot Inst week. It is many years since one ot these "natives" has been found within the borough limits. nlar meeting, held at Clearfield, on Monday advices they were erecting shore batteries to evening the 15th day of June, 1863?, request- bear on Sumter. Gilmore could take Fort ing the Executive Committee to make all tbe Wagner at any time, but the fire from Samter necessary arrangements for the holding of its makes it untenable, hence tbe necessity of 3d Annual Fair on the grounds prepared for I silenc ing Sumter first.' The other fortifica that purpose. Alao.tbat said Fair shall be held, tlons will be taken in due time. commencing on Tuesday, the 20th day of Oc- 1 From the Potomac army we have very little tober, 1863, and continue four days, namely, I r interest to record. Rumors have been prev Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, I lcnt that Lee bad been reinlo-ced, ana that (the 20th, 21st, 22d and 23d days of Oct. 1863) he had sent troops to Fredericksburg, but provided persons having stock on exhibition there is nothing definite in regard to these shall be permitted to remove it on the third movements. Gen. Meade is still represented day of said Fair by applying to the Executive I 9 being in close proximity to the rebel army, Committee. . . land that a collision may occur at any time. The Executive Committee would also state A fight took place at Brandy Station last week that since the last Fair, tbe track upon said bet ween some cavalry. The rebels were drove ofIafterabrf.sk engagement. The news from tbe west is very meagre. grounds has been very much Improved, and persons desirous of riding or driving on said track can do so by calling at the bouse of Mr. I Roeencrans seems to be lying still, except McGaughey for the key to the grounds. makng reconnotsancea with cavalry. The in l ne committee would also verv fespectfully I ,ormaMon lr"m tne reoei army is encourag suggest to the members of this Societv. that I inB 11 ,s 8a,J tn1 nt ,east 10,000 men have in view of the benefits to be derived by their j deserted Bragg since the fall of Vicksbnrg more ftftiinnte associations upon such an oc- The Union sentiment Is gaining ground in casion, and exhibition of the products of the j Mississippi ; in fact, it is reported that se farm, the garden, and tbe sIiod : and with a cret organizations are forming all over the prospect of a bountiful yield ot those grains State, hich have for their object a speedy Lost On Sunday evening, 2Gtii ult. be ' 8d, plan Is and fruits, &c, that have con- return to the Union. tprn rnrw.-nsvill,. am! n...irfi. l! fin A p. ! tnbuted to make their former exhibitions sn A collision occurred recently lie t ween the my Blanket, on aide represent inz a Ti'er successful, and as tbe Committee have 'entered copperhe ids and Union men, at South Eng- upon their arduous dutits and nromise to con. I , keokuk county, Iowa. About fiftv Ji tAn Per8nsare positively forbid-R.-v "rbor. rst or marry my daughter wL V'"50"' ged 15 roars, as she bas left nn?? w'outauy cause. , I wilt pay no debts contracted by said Rachl ROB'T CARSON, Wow! ward tw p July 17. 133 p A HMY INTELLIGENCE. Any pe desiring intelligence of or from their frit rson friends a, f.l.t: - - th. a, . n - f rmy OI tne or any of , -ti"io. vu iccoiyb information c v aadressmir w I cciKn . ' enclosing one dollar. ,i j . - ... ....... ...... iovouo information ov addre,slng yf l.REALSH, Washington, D C encl08ino linn ,)..?!,- i I . .. -i IJune in, iat3-3tp. One 2-Horse Carriage An, AND ONE DEARBORN WAGON. oany new, lor sale cheap, by r. a. PnOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, for sale at Hartwjjk A Huston g. Clearfield. Pa. SAMUEL II EG ARTY, wholesale and re tail dealer in Foreign and Doatestio Merchan die, Hegarty's m Roads, Clearfield county. Pa , keeps constantly all articles in his line of busi ness, wbicb he will soli cheap for eash or exchange for approved country produce. Lumber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. March 4, 18C3. DR. L ITCH'S MEDICIN ES. A fresh sup ply of tbese invaluable Family Medicines ara for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting of Pain Carer; Rrttorative, a greatcure for colds and cough ; and Attti-Bihov Phyir. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Tby trejt. J- B. GRAHAM. Clearfield, Pa. fTOR SALE. The TavernStand atBridgport " ; I - on the Erie and Waterford turnpike, west of Miss E. A. P. Rjnder, mony, and Vocal Music. ; kit. : . .... in one term. Rooms with M. TT n wik Clearfield, Jnly 1, 1863. " PROFESSIOiyAL ft BTXSDTESS CARDS. WM. M'CTJLLOrjQH, Arrerwy at Law, Clear . field. Pa. Office, with IV. J Cnaa. a on beeondStrtet , ,. July , if? ' FREDERICK LEITZLNGER. Manufactarw of II kinds of Stone-wara. Clearfield. Pa. Or aers soliuuod wholesale or retail. , . Jan 1,J83 C)AS v BA1ETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear V .fiLd'P - ' i - May 13, 1863.. L. J. CRAN8. WALTER BABRCTT. RTCV" W,A1LACE' At,orne J Law- Clear field. Pa iffice in Shaw's new row. Market street, oppoeite Naugle7s jewtlry store. May 26. terms.- Anv neraon dtunrimr iranA inriLtinn fnr eoping a pa oiio bouse, will to call and examine the prem fore purchasing elsewhere. MARY SPENCER July H, l63.-4t. HF. NAU.1LK. W?tch and Clock Mker, and . dealer .n Hatches, Jewelry. 4. Kooaa in urahams row, Market street.. , JTov.10. Curwenrville, is offered for sale on reasonable if finT.heTra nteret R SSSPS V H 01'"' emies and situation be- J$i&-?l?a How, fourdoo a xdufiV011'5 TICE.-Leers Rhule "S" . ... 01 Administration on the ext&te nf Irii I p.n.'. i Weaver, late of ihr. Rnmn.i. ,,. , . , - ""6" ui vurwensvuie, M A DMIJilSTRATORS NOTICE Letters jT of Administration on (he estate of S. D. tvouie, Penn'a, signed. All persons indebted to aiu estate are AHA I'l 1 . --w . t "vjro. uicarueiu cuu ni. on thA AutatA r 1 1 i 1 iAnnr. 3 -i i : , ... J ' - - " " i u, uuu5 oi!8o graniea to the under- iicutuio, siguou. nu persons inaeotea to aia estate i iving been requested to make immediate payment, and th. is indebted having claims against the same will present tb immediate duly authenticated for settlement, at the rc same will present them anWri. " "7 " " i ...:2wV.Vn..?5m Bf,P: wx,t of Graham t Boynton's store. Jfov. 10. BK. SH0PE. Cabinent Maker. Cherry Street. . Clearfield. Pa Makes to order ATArr ti As cription of Furniture on short notice. ; Jan.2r63 T P KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in v. m a wuiukiw. irrain ina rman .n-tedta -1?C d- bS f1-td to make immediate payment, Tnd U.S Front M, above the Academy,Cl,arfield. Pa. IJ12 r " 0'"-"'." persons maeoted naving claims against the same will re8nt th.. to said estate nVA i' il."? "mc"leu " '"S eimsagain tne gam uu S.UVSO uaving ci Aims fn aaviAM ' a f''ij utiit-nuoaiea I June ino.j u,y laD'i- Administrator. A TTENTION FARM at the resi shin. JOHN W. WRIGHT, Adm'r. 1TALLACE A UALLxAttornoys at Law. Clear field, Pa December 17, 1 862. WILLIAM A. WALLACE JOHN G. HALL. 8ioa Wind-Mill. One MERS !-Thf Excpl- 7 A FLEMMr,?- Curwensville. Pa., Nursery- JL-"id D".a'er in .11 kinds of Fn.it and nirr..i fik" -V.V. " r ' ire.., nanu.nd Shrubbery. All oi- May 13. Skin, the other black. A liberal reward will le paid for its return to tlii Store of Cal. E. A. Itvin in Curenivi!!e. "That Same Old Tvxe." Tbe editors of the Copperhead organ in this place, us often as they Bud tbeinsolves cornered," or get hard run lor arguments, repeat the stale compl.iint that we do not write our own editorials. . V snbmit whether Mich a charge does not come with ill grace from a concern which has a per. feci host of scribblers ex Governors, Sena tirs, lawyers, doctors, cordwainers, blowers, ptifTers, and what else we shall not pretend to guess! The Junta alone can till. Camp Meeti.nc (Jo1 permitting, there will be a camp-meeting on the camp ground situ ated on the farm of Br.. John . Norris, on Chestnut Ridge, near Curwensville, Clearfield county, Pa., to commenc. on Thursday, Aug mi, loos. ne ore uiren ana triends of our own snd other churches are cordially and ear nestly invited to attend, both of the ministry and the laity. Come on, friends, and unite with us in serving God in the leafy grov? ; and may God revive his work even in these times of trouble. J. Grant. Curwensville mission, Alleghany conf. X. B. The camp ground is 5 miles from Clearfield, and miles from Curwensville, and good roads tlierelo from these towns. Rktibsed. Capt. Swoope's company rc tuniujl tu this place on last Monday, having rein discharc.fj fiom lurther service ou Satur 'a) ,-tt l!ui,iiiigli-n. The company was in -rioe live weeks, in Huntingdon and Bed rl coiiutii-s. It mini Itered seventy-one men, ll but six of wboin were from this county. They roarcried in ou Monday and iooi the fou i;y surprise. The men seemed fo have l-ccit writ pleased with the service and with their lEcers. nd all aiinear willintr In r, turn wtwnever it is deemed necessary. They look ed ell in uniform, and moved with military precision in ranks. We are inloimed that du ling the perioa of the service there were four l -serters, as follows: John Mclnfyre. and J Woodward Stewart who enlisted at Tyrone. tuo. B. Kemtningcr who enlisted at Philips burg and Ira Shaffer who enlisted at Curwens ville. Keiuininger, went into the three years -rv.ee, but was returned asadeserter,because he unfitted to get his discharge and papers. The editors of the Copperhead organ are l"ite indignant, because we said a "certain Senator" had, by his vote last winter,refnj-ed, Hie Senate Chamber to Andy Johnson, Gov "right and Gen. McClellan, for defend ing" tbe anse of the Union and denouncing the Re- cliion. They term our statement a ".'e,' !'ich is no argument at all. Por the bono, lit of our readers we re publish THE REC0BD. The following is the resolution and amend "frit, and the vote, granting the use of the lull of the Penn'a State Senate to Got. Andy Johnson,-Gov. Wright, Gen. M'Clellan, and 'her friends of the Union : itesolved, That Gov. Andrew Johnson, of lennessee, and Ex-Gov. Joseph A. Wright.of "miaiia, rje and they are hereby tendered tbe 'e tf tbe ball or the Senate this afternoon, for the purpose ot addressing their lellow cit izens of Pennsylvania; and "That when General George B. M'Clellan or tny other friend of the Union, desires the use of this Hall for the purpose ot defending Jhe cause of the Union and denouncing the re Wlion, it will be cheerfully tendered." Teas Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Connell, ' uller Hsmilton, Hiestand, Johnson, Kinaey, Loary , M'Candless. Nichols, Penney Ridg wY' Robin90n. Serrill, Stutzman, Turrell, liite, Wilson and Lawrence, Speaker 20. ats Messrs. Bucber. Clymer, Donovan, . a i; L,n,berton. Mott, Smith, Stark, Stein 8d -VaIlace-10. . ho Toted a,T All are Democrats. tinue them daily with all their zeal and abili ty in purled ing the necessary arrangements; yet they feel the necessity of calling upon each individual member of this society fo respond and come up to the work nobly. The time lor preperatiou is now. Let each one begin at ouce, and not stop tu say "my articles and animals are not as good as my neighbors." And now, while the crops ot wheat, rye and oats are being harvested, call in your neigh bor, and let him measure -your field, unci when shots were fired on both sdcs,and Tolley the leader and two other copperheads were killed A later report states that about 1 500 insur gents lmve gathered together and that a fight is imminent. The Sheriff has applied for a military force to qnell the "riot." The President is determined to carry intoef feet his recent order relative to the retaliation ipon prisoners of war. He has ordered that three prisoners from South Carolina shall be held in close confinement as hostages frr three you have thiasbed your sheaves.and measuied I,1'0 eam.-n captured on the guuboat Isiac your grain, send in your certificate, or list of anicles, and have them placed upon the book, bringing specimens of the articles on exhibi tion, and thus compete for the prizi-s which are made with a disposition to liberality. The premium liot will be published next week. The Committee then compared and settled naval service shall be treated the accounts of the Treasurer ami K.i.rt. white men and adjourned to meet at fhe house of Josiah 11.1 teed in Lawrence township, upon the call of the President. J. R. Read, Pres't. D. F. L zwkilkr, Secr'y. smith, and who are now iu prison at Charles ton. All other prisoners, wether white or black, treated by the enemy in a manner not applicable to prisoners ol war, will be equally represented by Southern men. .Mr. Lincoln is determiueb that negroes in the military and the same as EXCITEMENT AT COLUMBUS. CixeixsATTi, Aug. 5. The Gazette' Colum bus dispatch says : Considerable excitement prevailed yesterday afternoon, over the tear ing down by invalid soldiers ot a flag on which VtKOiNiv. At a joint session of the West was inscribed the names of Vallandiuham and Virginia Legislature on tbe 4lh inst., Wart- Firgh. The coppetheads commenced gather- I n,i,n T 'il("J'. ard I G. Van Windte, were Volunteers for the army should not leave the city untili supplied with Ilolloway's Pills and Ointment. For Sores, Scurvy, Wounds, S nail Pox, Fevers, and Bowel Complaints, these medicines are the best in the woild. Every French Soldier uses them. Only" 25 cnts per box. 211 Election op U. S. Senators prcm West A certain Special Mail Agency appears to great eye sore to one of the editors of the Wperhead organ, over, the way. Tou houid'tit .t,ke on" so hard about it, Danny,' iti "mere moonshine" and might do jou rm. Better apply to "brother Jeffs" pteu 0 "Confederacy" for a more genial "apeciflc ho Richmond papers an nouwje. the death "' WilMsai L. Ynncy, and lerions illness of B. Floyd. ing, crying for vengeance upon the authar of the act Another invalid soldier in the crowd was badly beaten for approving of the act. All soldiers in the city were arrested and put in the guard house to prevent further disturb ance. In ihe evening a crowd assembled before the door ol the store where the flag huug. Af ter parading the streets, the crowd went back to the store and presented the owner with a now flag which will be hung out again to day. Conscription in tub South. Richardson, the rebel guerilla chief, has issued an order i e lor ted U. S. Senators, the former on the first and the latter on the sixth ifallot. T lyoRRtCTio In nuticmg the escape of two deserters from tbe county jail, we gave ihe Lame of one of them as Milton Reed, it should have been rtiineas Reed. Madame Porter's Ci:rativb Balsam bas long tested the truth that there are first principles in Medicine as there is in Science, and this Medi cine is compounded on principles suited to the manifold nature of Man ! The cure of Colds is in keeping open the pores, and creating a gentle in ternal warmth, and this is caused by the use ot this Medicine. Its remedial qualities are based on its power to assist tbe healthy and vieroroits - .. i ..;.. .. r u i 1 . i. u .u - - i t requiring all the men of West Tennessee, be- Vecs the muscles and assist! the skin to nerforui tween tbe ages of eighteen and forty-five, to report at bis camps at once, under the rebel conscription act. His orders to his men are to burn the houses and bains of all who neg lect to report themselves, and i caught they are to be shot down at once. If a man takes refuge in his house, it is to be set on fire and guarded, so that Ire may not escape death by burning. The : sarpients" who do up the dirty wnrfc of the Copperhead organ in this place, seem to be possessed of an unusual amount of wis dom and conceit "editorially." Well eir men(?) like one of the genus buo merticatd in Ef ops'- Fables, become so exceedingly cto. ceited that they imagine they are prndetot fellows, and by a system of inflation they try to make the public believe tlry possess quite mammoth proportions, wl-en. in reality, they have only the dimensions of a "toad." YALLASDIOrtAM TURNED OUT OF DOORS The Buffalo Commercial Mverliser says': "We learn that the proprietors of theClifton House, Canada, recently gave Mr. Vallandigham no tice to quit circumstances having rendered the space occupied, by that notorious individ ual preferable to his company. The "martyr," it ia said, bas taken up his abode with Sol. Davis, tbe keeper of the Museum. Jeff Davis has issued an urgent appeal to the rebel officers and soldiers to return to their various camps and corps. He complains of a want of alacrity on the part of all classes in coming forward in the most dismal hour of tbe- South. Jeff, is looking out for some one on whom to blame tbe disaster which he knows most sooner or later come to the cause of treason. The Supply of Mbskets at Sprisgfield. Tbe United States Armory at Springfield, Mass., contlnnes to tarn out about 1,000 musk ets a day, and this number will not be dimin ished at preasent. Few and small orders for muskets have been received from Washington of late, and there are 60,000 of the model of 61, and 100,000 of the model of '63, now sub jectto the demand ot tbe Government. , its duties of regulating the heat ot the system. and in gently throwing ou the waste substance from the surface of the body It is not a violent rem edy, but emollient, warmiug. searching and effec tive. Sold by all druggist at 13 and 1 cts a buttle. Editor of Joitrs al : Dear Sir : With your per mission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to ail who wish it. (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable B:ilm. that will ef fectually remove, in 10 days. Pimples. Blotches, Ian. freckles, and all Impurities of tbe iskm, leaving the same soft.clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Meads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of liixnriatit Jiair, Whiskers, or a, Moustache, in less than 30 days All applications answered by re turn mail without charge. Respectfully yours, iiiUS. . tUAralAjj, Chemist. July 22.1863.-3mo. So. 831 Broad way ,Xew York TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having neen restored to heaitn in a few weeks, bv a ve ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same. which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflic ted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre- aciiption will please address Lev EDWARD A. WILSON, Apr. 22-3m. Williamsburgh, Kings Co., U.Y. All Obituary no tires, riot over six fines, inserted gratis; all over six lines, at Jive cents per Hue. DIED : In Clearfield, Ang. 6th. of Dysentery, Edith Botnton, daogbter of Joseph and Nancy Jane BirchHeld, aged 4 years and 21 days. We would not call her back. O no! Although we mourn the sweetest rose Plucked from our garden bower, A sunbeam blotted from our sky To gild the lonely hour. We miss the voice of song, . . - - A brow no frown that wore, , A fairy footstep, from the hall. That mast return no more. . We think ot all her bliss. 1 -i The angel robe she wears; ' So early called to soar above ' ' J ' Earth's company and cares. t" j And how her warbled hymn In exstasy doth rise, --'- - ! There with tbe eyes of faith we see - - Our darling in the skies. , ' ; ;j j Clearfield, Aug 12, l!03. Mother - "VH A U IT, r k , .ii. . . hi. s w Tn TTI?ni) . r I - ... i. . . his natron. thirZtlT", S?., .uveniea is now oeing ottered to the citizens of ders bv mail ;.lV.""7:i':, r-'uui uusinesss con- I (Jiearneld oountv. I he undem rn.ri AF..t -r1-.l-.J ...OTu w. V-r33Tr--.. r.. k: u:.. I : .i.!. i , " ., -o j - il l. . ouice I m mis piace ior tne purpose of offering JTW.Vi'f'5 li .i. V Z ne i ciass mm to tne public Ua only asks ri WfcVriv . . " " una- iu insure its successful introduction - t?,,m?k protes- are especially invited to call and ex ;rI . nr iu ot oi i oeiore purcnasmg elsewhere W. It NCOCK hs accustomed places I June 18th, I8t3 AdW I" f 1 . 1 - A. a first TITILLIAM P. IRWIS. M. n'., a fair trial, Pa.. Dealer In Vrki.7l TU' . Farmer, chaodise, Hardware, QueenTware, Grocerie. and amine them I fauiilv .nu.nii. ' '.a lily articles generally. Nov. 10. TOHN tU;ELICH Manafactnrerof all kinds o1 . vJVS be found at his offi, rllll K CONFESSlOVs awn fypibi. .i- T""V f sweat, Clearfield. Fa. taPSSW oath sonthwestcor- J. ENCKOF A NERVOUS YOUNG MAN? Pah. S"!!,?'fi"WM-0Bhort sioUea, at.4 . m ner of Front and Main lished as a warning and lor the especial benefit ...m a nearse AprI0,'59 il ,t "mes. except when notice appears of young men, and those who suffer with Nervous "PvR. U. V. WILSON pr,w;,.i. du inthetown papers to the contrary. July, 1S03. Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay. Ac, JJ Clearfield. Pa .Will attend Mr"- " - bvonewhnhuji !.! h;m.if k. :...r.io. ' ; i i... : .. airona to all profes- W "1 ! y-PKta"a" . ,?- "fter to" great' P;nseJ ad Zonnl- el:" l " "d .. . nt, or French Cream ! ! ! For Bald enoe. throusrh the u of wrh i-,. ,.i!. ' " . US. Ilno.i- ...i d V. . . . T. . Mu "".uirougu me iineoi wortnicss meaici ncs pre "HI lt rt3 r ! I Hid f.lluh.nt.wf .. . : 1 art . . I I I. 1 . 1 I . . - - . - , , . .-i-iitu mi,- ciivdu vv i ijt-n j.'oeiors, mffie comes niav trVon thl'u0 rrBg Ut Vu" "0t f VVhisk ,,ad f of tb "utlr- C Lambert. EsqT, on a R.M f .1' or fine Sruwth uf hi' reenpoiut, Long Island, by enclosing an addreV on a Bald bead.in less than six weeks, and will in sed nvelo,.e Address. CIIA'S A. I.AMHKRT tTer J "fr I?'?. .T.h? 1encli 22- Greenpoiut.Lo.ig Is.aud.New York. .mt, v j ts.M. i niniritauK. oi J'ans. and is the only reliable artiule of th kin.i no ouier. warranted in every case. One Box will do the work Price SI. 00. Imported andorsale Wholesale and Retail by T -THUS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist and Druggist. iv3l Broadway. New York. P. S. A Box of tbe Onguent sent to any address by return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents for Postage. . .;uy f, lH6:i VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The on dersijrtied will sell his farm lying on Cheft creek, in Chest township. Clearfield county. Pa , at private sale. The tract contains 70 acres, a bout 160 acres of which are cleared, the timber being all cut off. and in a good btate of cultiva tion, and under good fenoes. The build in con sist of a large plank frame dwelling bouse, well mrinxneu, a store nonsu; two barns, the one 40 feet square, with stalls for horses, and will hold about 40 tons of hay; and all other uecessarv out buildings, lbere are also tin the premises two tenant bouses, and stables on the lots ; s i.ln.-W. smithshop, one or the best locations in the county. The best of water is convenient to all the build ings. I wo young apple orchards are also grow ing on the premises ; and the meadow ground is good, and about 100 tons of havean be cut in nv l: " viuuiarjr season. CARPETINttS AND BEDDING. R E M O V A L. li. L. KNIGHT &"S0N, Have removed . from 262 8. Second Street, to 807 Chestnut Street, above Eighth, Philadelphia. Pa., where they have opened a well-selected stock of Carpets. Oil Cloths, and Mattings. Bedding and Matt reuses of every description, ready-made or made to order. Also, Feathers of various qualities always on hand. DR. M. WOODS, Practicing Physicia. and Office Sooth-west corner uS Second and Cherry fetreet, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1863. J BM LVLT-r' A"7t Law. Clearfield. tJ ' . ' ,?I!"-Ucet n Clearfield and adjoininr counties OfSce :n new brick building or J Bovu ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanioh'a Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon. Liquors, Ao. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal Office. Clearfield, Pa. .pr27 LA" ER TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear field. Pa. M:ll attend promptlv to all lejral and other bueinessentruKtKd u. rh .... The Manufacture and Sale of Bcrldinp will also I Geld and adjoininc countiea. A a tasn be continued at 2'i3 South Second Street. Phila- I S. larbikeb, isd.,,!,.,' delphia.Pa. j . REEVE L. KNIGHT. HARTLEY KNIGHT. PiR' WM" CAMPBELL, offers his professional Philadelohia June 17 ISfi l tin ""V,"68 lo tn citnens of Moshannon and vi runaucipnia, June H, lh.i tin. cinity. He can be rnnanlt.H .r hi. ...m. . M - ...o roiucuVO I times, unless absent on professional business Moshannon, Centre eo., Pa., May 13, 1&33. NOAVIte THE TIME! W W." SMAW. M. D., has resumed the prao 1 . tice of Medicine and SureervinShawsvillR HICHARD MOSSOP, P-r- where" he TSYy Twu. ikalkr is ti nuance of public patronage. May 27 163 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. fc.. mabket street, cleaeficld, pa. I I r,:i ,i viggvytu, Attorney at Law, -a- "".. . . VUJUC MHl III inn -l.IMFn.lfl eu. oaiii. Deeds and Other le?al inntrnmn nrM There is also nn excellent rafting ground on thtf Ttetnl the following list ofgoodsand profit thereby : Paped with promptness and accuracy. July 3. iremi.-es, which will rent for about ono hundred CUrav dollars a year; all the timber in that section of Cheap country, known as the North Cauip reirion. bein" I Cheap li.nlul . r. : fj. . u i v. 1 1. i j i uuuu iui 111 I III " iu, I ri r it J' r or terms apply to tbe subscriber residing on the I isheap premises, or to m. Irvin. Esq., in Curwensville. I Cheap August o, 1863. SIMON R'lKABAUGH Cheap Cieap't FOR THE LADIES. Goods Goods D. 6. Busn. T.J.M ccllocob Always on hand a large stock of La-!J) oaf dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, ," , 4 I i t .- X'JOOHS Alpacas, De Laiues, Ginghams, r nnts, unints, Kercbiels, Ru bies, Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMEN, SCHOOL DIRECTORS- AMD TEACH. Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue: Brown J 1 be County Superintendent hereby Cheip a gives notice that he will meet Teachers-Directora and friends of education at the" places and dates named, at 9 o'clock, a. m. Brady, liloom t Union, Ave. 31st at Luthersbnrsr. Lumber City. Ferguson A Penn, September 1st, at Lumber City. Bell, September 2d, at Bower. Lurnside, Chest & Aew Washington, Sept 3d, at New Washington. Knox and Jordan. Sept. 4th, at Ansonville. Curwensville and Pike. Sept iith, at Curwensville. ana urnaiord.&ept. 7th. at ilhains (irove. Graham and Morris. Sept. 8th. at Kyiertown. Decatur and Woodward, Sept. 9th, at Centre, lieecaria and Guelich Sept. 11th, at GIen Hope. Girard and Goshen. Sept. 14th. at Surveyor Uun. Covington and Karthaus, Sept; 13th. Mulsonburg Huston and Fox. Sept. 18th, at Hickorv Kinroin. Lawrence and Clearfield, Sept. 21st, at Clearfield. Positively do private examination will be held xcept at the written request of three directors of the uistrict in which the applicant intends teach- iis. or to nil vacancies. U. K. SA3JDFOKD. BUSH & M'cuLirrroH's Collection Officb. Cusarfielp, Pews'a. MERRELL& BIGLER, nd Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Casimercs. Sattinets. Cassiuets, .Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vest ings. Shirting, etc., etc. eto. READY-MADE, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under- foos shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Goods Boots. Shoes. Hats, Caps, Neck- Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap isieap Cheup ilieap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap' iiAnwwArtu , U Goods Chean1! ya want Nails or spikes. Manure (znndt tics. Gum Boots and Shoes. and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ln ri a a I!nVtlaaaho1 nl P.lauAriarl Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen G,00'i."' anilllnnlikl.lll.. nM.Ulh tttJodS .". t... ...... ... u.u - II V.1V.I.1, ! , . Goods Goods Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto Cheap Cheap Cheap C heap Cheap or other forks. Saw-mill or other qouj$ Goods i Goods Goods Goods Have jut opened a large and splendid assort Goods I ment of Goods NEW GOODS , i-rOOdS I at thai r.A ni c.u r. , 'Goods T. 7 : 7 wo,"""u' raa n....j. Iheyhavethe best assortment of Hard wam ht Goods haf.eve,r been hfongbt to this county, which they oeii hi me most reasonable prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of enttlery, to which they invite the special attention of the public. ' : On hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of th best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other fire-arms. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges ; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, stove pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section of the state. They a so have on hand Pittsburjr Plows, a- Goods i Goods Goods Goodt saws, bmoothmg irons. Locks, ij,. I niong wjion are steel ventre lever plows. Also. Hinges, etc.. go to. Mossop's Ooods castings, and otberagrinottnral implements, where you can buy cheap. Goods Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen IF YOU WANT c:nnj. er! assortment, and of tbe best patterns, for sale Clearfield, July 29. 18(53. Co-Supt. CV,ea;Knives and forks. Butcher KuiveejGoods 'treasonable prices " 1 Cheap Shoe and Stuve black in??. Manilla iGoods . , ' v . " ps. paints, oils ana var- Cheapl and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Goods n,8Deg a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails. Cheap Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Goods ,ron-na eastings, a great variety ; id fact almost Cheap etc., buy them at Mossop's. Goodt f"-Vmu?. ln"1 may 06 wanted by the public can VALUABLE LUMBER PROPERTY! ASSIGNEE S SALE. The subscribers offer for sale two contiguous tracts of well timbered land situatein Morris and Snowshoe townships, counties of Clearfield and Centre, State of Penn'a. known as tbe Saw Mill and lumber property of A. H. A J. Scbock, con taining in all 867 acres and 14(5 perches. One tract thereof bounded by lands of Francis Gurncy.and others, in the warrantee name of John Nicholson, containing 433 acres and 153 perches. The other thereof situate in the townships, counties, and State aforesaid, bounded by lauds of Jonathan esbit. and others in the warrantee name of Francis Gurney. containing 433 acres and 153 perches. The buildings are composed of a Steam saw mill capable of cutting two million feet of lumber a year, a large two-story dwellii g house, three or more tenant houses, and a large barn, Ac From SO to 100 acres of said land are cleared and in a good farming condition. The tract on which the Steam saw mill is situated, will be sold seper ately or together with the other tract to suit pur chasers. Sale to take place at the Court House in Bellefonte, at 10 o'clock, P. M. on Wednesday 2dth August, 1863 Terms of Sale One half of the purchase mon ey to be paid on tbe delivery of the deed, the res idue to be paid one year thereafter, with interest ni..- . . ' " "r iUossop's cheap cash store. iJfff IF YOU WANT W S(SU ! . i . ...... " M Cheap IF YOU WANT Goods " "e.restabHshment, and at prices that Cheap ShoelLast or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Now is the VlmP tn nnR,i,. !f A Cheap, S,.rrStUrh. Wi.ll Pn, U in? Goods V0 ,3..tn? 'Pe Pnr?h ,f ' "J- Cheap', do; Shades Lamps. Lamn tubes Goods ln,PS,D lDe,r ol business. Give them a call Cheap tl Wfl red Goods I Juu iKiiuuioiiHiiiioa. Goods Reneniber. their establishment is on 2d Street f . I Clearfield. Pa., where von can hnv trnmtm Ia iK. lood extra family Flour. White or!3 very best advantage. brown sugar, hams, shoulders or r. " I Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old east ncs win oe taaen in exenanee for roods. fAn ,9 1 Oi" -I .ri.l.T. ... . Cht'p Cheap Cheap Cheap' Ute-ip sides, coffee; Imperial, Young nyson or DiacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT C?aiTallow candles, fine or coarse salt. Cueap' Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- KJhrup, uo crauaers, can ai iuossop s Cheap . where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU WANT Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramen Cheap, tal uses, Sw.et wine, old Monon- . C'Aeaj gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry Cheap . and Cognac brandy, buy at . . Cheapt Mossop cheap cash store. - Iftfap, ip Volt WANT (roods Goods Goods Goods ; Goods Goods Goods ! Goods I Goods ! Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Good Goods May 13. 1863. MERRELL A BIGLER. FROM THE FRONT!!! THE LATEST ARRIVAL! 'J.- r". to be secured by bond and mortgage on the prom- ni".J Kaisens, Figs. Prunes or dried Cur-" , ises. B. F. HIESTAND A JNO KLINE, riZ,W ranUl : n,DerU- Assignees of A. II. A J. Schock. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor, - - - A.G. Curtin, ... Centre county Sec'y of Com. Eli Slifer, - - - - Union county Dep. Secretary, S. B. Thomas, Auditor Gen. - - Igao Slenker, - - Union county Surveyor Gen. - Jas. P. Barr. - - Pittsburg, Attorney Gen. - W. al. Meredith, fbiladelphia Adjutant Gen. A V A.ussell. - State Treasurer, W. B. M'G rath, -Sup Com. Sch's T. U burrows. - Lancaster co. Deputy Sup't, - S. P. jJates, - - - Crawford eo . State Librarian, Xev. W. DeWitt, - Harrisburg. Supreme Court t,ref Justice. . II. Lowrie. Associates, Geo W Woodward, Jas. Thompson, Wm. Strong. J. M. Reed. Sessions, Philadelphia 1st Monday of January, Harrisbunf 4th Monday of April, Sunbury 1st Monday of October, and ia i'lttsburg on the 3d Monday or October. . Cheavi Chiap cream, peean or I I ground nuts, candies. Liquorice T i . i or L.iijuiric root, ouy uiein at Mossop's cheap and good. Goods Goods Goods Having purchased the entire stock of Graham, Boynton A Co , and received a new assortment of Goods of every description, tbe undersigned is prepared to furnish to tbe public at the VERY LOWEST PRICES, 7. . .1 all kinds and varieties of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Oueensware, Provisions, Ae. Ae. -" He would invite especiUattention to the large and complete assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap: Goods I now opening, consisting of tbe latest Snrinir A CluaP rv vmt ir .wT - Goods Summer styles, of fancy Silks. Delaines. Alpacas. Cheaply . " OU ttAAl 'Goods I Boreecs. Lawns, Ginzbams. Dneals. PrintI R.i. Cheap, 10 "uy any other article cheap be Goods n,orai ekirta, 40. Also, Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnets "'' " " -wp, or u senz Goods Shawls, CrinoUoe, Ac. cheaper for eash than any other He bas also received a large and . well selected person tn Clearfield eounty. Gois Stock of ovember 27,1861. ap27"59. .c.oods METTS WEAR. r ' Approved eotaury produce of every lind taken o4 consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Caasimare. t)u usual market price merchant for pood. Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, .Corduroys. Bever i inn, m.m, o. iuao, iiau, Capa. Hosiery, Gloves, Ae. Ae. . . READY MADE CLOTH IXQ i in the latest styles and of the best material. COUNT V DIRECTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in J une. 3d " in March. 1 4th " in Sept'm'r, i Of each year, and continue two week if necessary. WHITE GOODS, ., . Muslins, Irish LiBena,Cambriasr Viotoria Lawns, uwim, iwiiiuvM, ugings, ae. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. President, Abraham Lincoln, Of Illinois. Vice President, Hannibal Hamlin, Of Maine, Sec. of State. - Wm. H Seward, - New York. Sec. of Treas'y S. P. Chase, - - - Ohio. See. of War, - E. M. Stanton, - - Pennsylvania See. ot Navy Gideon Welles. - - Connecticut, i See. of Interior Isaao P. Usher, - - Indiana. P. M.Gen. - - Montg. Blair, - - - Maryland. ' Attorney Gen. - Edward Bates, - - Missouri, ' ; supreme CacBT. Chief Justice, noger v. la- BOOTS AND SHOES, COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. m ' . . r, c ,t; i . ...6v ... , for LadlOS and Rentljtmn. AonKifii9 r,T T As te.Judres Hon. J. tf. xnompson, vurwensviiie i R, n. ' b ZL'Z iZ7 , , ' 5 Hon. James Bloom. Forrest ?"ot 'Bro an8' !. Pump. Balmoral Boots, ney, of Maryland Associate Justices Samuel Nelson of New York, Robert C. Gr Sheriff. . . '. Edward Perks, Prothonotary, D. F. itweiler,Vi . "" Reg. A Roc. . Isaiah G. Barger :. District Att'y, Israel Test, . .. . . . ; Treasurer. . . Joseph Shaw,' I' ' Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, s -Comuhstt'u'rs, S. C. Thompson,' ' . Jacob Kunts, Thoa Douaherty, rier of Pennsyl- I Auditors. . , B. C Bowman, . vanta, John M. Wavne of Georgia, John Catron of J . ' Chas Worrell, . Tennessee, Nathan Clifford of Maine, Caleb B. j ' H Woodward. . Smith of Indiana. Meets in Washington eity on I Coroner -1 J W. Potter the 1st Monday of .December . i Co.ouperiad t Jesae Broomall. Clearfield 1 - M Glea Rape. ; Morriadale- . Luthersburg. Or. Hills, 4 Clearfield. N.Waab'gte Pesn field. LeooatesMill CurwensvilH Slippers, Ae - GROCERIE$.jLND PROVISION, t Coffee, Syrups, Baaaa, Flour, Fish. Sugar Riea, Meal, Ae. Ae. ' ' ' ; - Oils, Paiata, Drag A Medioinea. aad ia fact very thins nsually kept in a first olaas Store. He invites all persons to call and examiae his stook. and hopes to give entire satisfaction, as ha will hasp no books, and. sell strictly ftfir eatk, or country produca. " D. d. NIVXJNG. ' Clearfield.' May ST. 173 - . ; i a -,! " '' ' ' ' " ' 1 ' I i - ' ' i - F LOUR A good sj3a tor sn!e at tea atera v U' w?t r utwts. ciaartt. nr nr