BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 1863. VOL. 9. NO. 40. WHEEE ABE THE COPPERHEADS ! flo look upon the battle field, Where shot and shell fly fast ; '- T Where Freedom' stiring battle cry Is beard upon the blast ; Go where the lifted sabres flash, And fall on traitor crests; Wbere Southern bayonets are dim With blood from Northei n breasts ; Go search amid the loyal ranks Among the glorious dead Among them all yoa will not fiod A single Copperhead. Go. search the gunboat's bloody deck. When the dread conflict's done, The traitor's banner in the dust, And silenced every gin; While o'er the hard Hon rampart floats Our flag, yet oh ! what pain, ' 'Xeath that dear flag, since morning light, iiow many hare been slain; Among the heroes of the fight, The living and the dead Go. search among them there is not A single Copperhead. Go search the crowded hospital. Where ghastly wounds are seen, Which tell through what a struggle fierce. Those noble men bare oeen ; But look upon their faces, Io ! They smile through all their paiu ; . The scars they bear were nobly won Their honor haa no slain. Soft hands are mini4'ring ; kind words Are heard aiouad each bed ; Some soothe. .mie suffer, all are true ; There is no Vipperbead. Go where the look can scarce conceal Tha (reason of the heart; ; - -And where the tongue would willingly Iefend th.e traitor's part; Where beyuour. Wood and Voorhecs are deemed patriotic men ; Go where desertion is noeriuie. Where loyalty is dead. Where w.d disasrer gives no paiu ; 1 here is the Copperhead. Go where foul scorn i3 heaped upon Our noble bovs. who go To'stand. a wall of fire, between L'n and our traitor foe. Oo where bold Grant's rev Hers are ; Where Ilurnside is defamed ; AVL ere Hanks and Butler noble naues In Foru alone are named. Go where true patriotic pride. Honor, and truth, are dead Where our success bring hut despair; Th re is rhe Copperhead. LAW FOR CONSPIRATORS. Fr.m N. Y. Tribune Casting about lor means wherewith to nulli fy the Conscription Law and resist the Draft, disJoyal men an t newspapers seemed to have agreed with considerable unanimity on a plan for arraying the State &g-lnst - Ilia National Government by help of Habeas Corpus and the Statu Courts. It was proposed that who ever was drafted should sue out a habeas cor pus from some Cnuit presided over by a dis loyal Judge, and that upon tl:e hearing on the nt the Judge should prom. the Con.scrip. m . imKLnetMi;,.! , 1 .1 . . A i ' " w "- . lar? the conscript, who was to ffti nn Lit 1 n n n-j-icmg. ine recent mstrnctions ol 1 rovost Marshal Cencial try, in anticipation ' of this pnrpnse, direct his subordinates not to ' produce the deserter or conscript before a J -j"ii tu uucmciiuc iua writoi naiHsas , irpus.and the conspirator whose pl..t is thus lru.triied have made haste to denounce the ' instructions as an outrage upon the judici ary : nd the rights of the States. They propose iat a Marshal refusing obedience to the writ , 'ia! be proceeded against by attachment for c iptempt ; that the Sheriff serving that pro- I com ohall appeal to the State Militia to en-J "rce it, and finally that Gov. Seymour shall ut himseir at the head ol lm State troops in t'lttle array against the National forces. By : he time this is accomplished, it is expected l it a very material diversion in favor of the j .ociiion will hive been accomplished ; or in ihcr words that a Northern Rebellion shall be ' 'rgarnzed with military force. All this is .jeu upon i tie supposed respect of the peo- p e for legal forms and Constitutional rights, entangle the Courts and the State in a con nd might be in that view a very good plot but ",ct the National Government ; but you ter one consideration. The Supreme Court of 'leLnited States lias already decided the piestioii on which this issuv is to be made, ranas decided it adversely to the authority : ' !he State Courts. . country which you in vain seek to .destroy. rhec.fseof jJbletnan, agt. Booth, 21 Uow- ' - Supreme Court Reports, 508, is well 0,K op Jefp' Da718' Children Wia&m ..owD) ,oth to the legal profession and Ihe j K,5, TbeOshkosb (Wis.) Northwestern says: "Kntry, s that in which the eflort ol the Su- j "We ha?e been rmed on good authority. P'"ne Conrt ot Wisconsin to protect a citi- ! ,hat tnere 's chi,d of 3,"S' Davis ibe Pres. " of that State against Federal persecution j ldent ' ,be -ca'led Southern Confederacy, Gnally defeated. Booth was arrested on j educating "ong the Slockbridge 1 ndians, at United States Commissioner's warrant, for ,heir 9element in Shawnee connty. Davis, "'dtng.nd abetting the escape of an alleged! ft is we" kl,own'"4S stationed at Fort Win fC itive who had been arrested under tire Fu- Dobaeo aome year there formed 5'tive Slave Act of 1850. ne was discharged the ac(lnaiD,ance of the mother of. the child, roa the custody ol the V. S. Marshal by the Menomonee squaw." ' , . tZ'T rP"rt f the SUte' 6 ,hC grnnd 1 Le't our recreations be many, moderate, Mt he Fugitive Slave Act wa. unconstitu- j sea9onablet and ,awtul. your fe De seden. 'l"'c,, U,e 8ronnd OD whjch il i9 now j tary, let it be tending to the exercises ofyonr vropod that a conscript shall be discharged, bodj . it acUve more to the refreshing of r. nat the two case, are in all respects iden- your mind The se of recreatioI1 is to h r c h legalIy inthC custoly of I strengthen your labor and sweeten your rest. aeb.S. Marshal, jnst as the conscript will . . legally in the custody of the Provost-Mar- A friend in California writes as that they il. But the United States Court decides hve fire-flies so large in that interesting State, atcn!y that be sbonld not have been dis- that they use them to cook by. They hang crgd becsuae the tw was const itutibnal. a. C0ei r..rtl.x. A , . J .. - - muu ucuiarca it vu 00 lue uuiy 2 tbo Marshal not to obey the precept of the MWiVy. He is to moke known to the 'e Judg that he holds the prisoner nnder toited States process, but he Is not to pro. 'A prisoner in obedience to the writ of corpus from the State Court. This de uton is the unanimous pinion of the Sn- vmt Court of the United States, and Is pro- lAtt..a . r oanced by no less a person than Mr. Chief Jtrtfra T- v. . - . - .. . 1 Jt -cs Tioey bimself. puatic, and so completely disposes of the whole case,' that we copy the material portion ol the opinion'. Judge Taney says : ' "We do not question the authority of a j:State Court or Judge, who is authorized by i the laws of the State to issue the writ ot ha I ta as corpus, to issue it io any case where the party is imprisoned within its territorial lim its, provided It does not appear whun the ap plication is made that the person imprisoned is in custody nnder the authority ot the Uni ted States. The Court or Judge has a right to inquire, in this mode of proceeding, lor what cause and by what authority the prison-" er i confined within the territorial limits of the State sovereignty; and it is the duty of the Marshal, or other person havine the cus tody of the prisoner, to make known to the Judge or Court, by a proper return, the au thority by which he holds him In custody. This right to inquire by process of habeas cor pus, and the duty of the officer tq make a re turn.grow necessarily out of the complex char acter of our Government, and the existence of two distinct and separate sovereignties within j the ame territorial space, cacli of them re- stiicted in its powers, aud each within its ! sphere of action, prescribed by the'ConMitu ' tion .f the United States, independent ot the I other. But alter the return is made, and the i State Jiide or Court judicially apprised that , t lie party is in custody under the authority ol . the United States, they can proceed no'fur- ! ther. They then know that the nrisoner is within the dominioD and-jurisdiction of an other Government, and that neither the writ of naoeas corpus, nor any other process issued under State avlfioriy. can pass over the of dii is ion between the two sovereign'ins. He is 1hcn within the. dominion and exclusive jurisdiction I qr ine unuetl stales. II he has committed an can punish bitn. If be is wrongfully iruniis oned, then judicial tribunals can release him ana .mora Dim redress. And although, an we nave said, it is the duty of the Marshal.or oil er person notamg him, to make known by proper return the -. authority under which Ik- detains him, it it at the same time imperatively his duty to ttbey the process of the U. to hold the prisoner in custody under it. and to reus, obedience to the muriate or process of aim other government. Jlnd consequently it is his duly not io fane me prisoner, n r sujfer htin io be token before a State Judge or Court upon a hub" us cor pus issued under Mate aulhority. No State Judge or Court, after they are judicially in foimed that the party is imprisoned tinder the authority ot the United Slates, has any rieh to interfere with him, or to require him to be orougnt Detore them. And if the authority o a Stale, in the form of judicial process or oth erwt.ii, should attempt to control the Marshal or other authorised olticer or. agent of the UiiYted'Slates in any respect, in the custody or Ins prisoner, it would be his duty to resist it. and to call to his aid any force that might be necessary to maintain the authority of law a gainst illegal interference. No judicial pro -coo, nuaievcr itirui u may assume, can have any lawful authority outside of the limits o the jurisdiction of the Court or Judjre by ... t. : : . 1 , . - . . . . ' - "'""I" enimce wmyiiii is iiueaj ana an atte it ueyona these bound tries is nothing lesr. than ircsi n'ofur."-(21 H.,a-aril s. t' U..523 4." A ir, that was the law whicU the Siijireme Court of the United States announced in ur r to carry into effect tlu most infamous stat le ever passed in this or any o;her counirv- r uguive csiave act ot l- . L.niocratic papers and politicians exulted over it then when it was meant to consign to prison a cit i2(?" whose only crime that he refused t be accomplice to slave hunting nnder the ,aw - ;They may not welcome it now. w hen it serves to enforce a law vital to the safety of the Republic, but they must accept and obey It. Northern conspirators and their agents, the rioters, may as well understand now that the Government stands pledged to enforce the drift at all hazards? that it his both L iw and Force on its side, and that it will execute the one h7 help of the other.if necessary. Messrs. Seymour, Wood, Brooks & Co., you have 'Tied to incite to sedition by langnage, you ,):v created a riot which you meant to be in surrection, and you may even yet strive to 'ill fail i that effort as you have failed in the others, and yon will then stand, if possible, more openly convicted of treason, and even more heartily execrated than now, by the their kettles on their hind legs, which are "bent for the purpose, like pot hooka. One day a person pointed out a man who bad a profusion of rings on bis fingers to s cooper, "An master,' said the artizan "it's a sign of weakness when so many hoops 'are nsed. I im astonished, my dear young lady, at Tour sentiments: von make me start." "Well, air, I've bees wanting jou to start for the . . . ' . .... A Record oflnhurrian Cruelties. EEBEL BARBARITIES IK E. TENNESSEE. Innocent Men Hanged, Children Shot and Women Tortured to Death. The editor of the Memphis Bullein.nho has been Hpon a visit to Nashville, communicates the following to bis paper, in reference to the rebel rule in East Tennessee. Cof. Crawford, the gentleman from whom the facts are ob tamed; has a personal knowledge of some of the circumstance,' having left the scene of their enactment quite recently and vouches for the truth of all of them, . Last. summer three young men, brothers, named Anderson, left their homes in Hawkins county, and attempted to make their way in to Kentucky. They were arrested by a squad of rehel cavalry on Clinch river, about seven ty five miles from Knoxville, shot and thrown into the river. . Their . bodies were found float ing in the stream.litteen miles from their own forsaken homes. In the month of January, 1863, at Laurel, N. C, near the Tennessee border, all the salt was seized for distribution , by confederate comuiisbioners. Salt was selling at seventy flt'Aff-n.nt. !.J tt. . .... uus nuiiiiicu uuiiars persacK . The com missioners, declared that the. "lories should have none.'' and pos. lively refused to give Union men their portion of the quantity to be ..lairuMiiea in 1n.1t vicinity. This palpable injustice roused the Union men"; the v assein. ien ogeiner ana determined to s:iz their proportion offthe salt by force. They did so. taking at Marshall, N. C. , what they deemed to be ' their just share. Immediately alter- wards, ihe 6j:h North Carolina regiment, un der command of Lieut. Col. James Keith, was 01 tit led to Laurel to arrest the offenders. L. M. Allen was Colonel of the regiment.but h-rl kuAn n . A ...J f ... ...... suspcuueu ior six montus lor crimes and drunkenness. Many of the men engaged in the silt seizure left their homes. Those who did not participate in it became the suf ferers. Anungthoso arrested were Joseph v oou, about sixty years ot age s David Shel- ion, sixty ; James Shelton, fcfty , Roddy Shel- uimiicr, ageu .c-iucen, sons 01 iuus bhelton in all, thir teen men and boys. Nearly all of them de .....j iuhuvcuij uull )aa laKen no part appropriating the salt. They beceed f'-r a trial, asserting that tbey could prove their innocence. Colonel Allen, who was with his troops, but noi m commaud, told them they should have a trial, but they would be taken to Tennessee for that purpose . They bid farewell .to their I i es. uauguters and sisters, direct ing them i fi"u,i5 me witnesses ana tiring them to ... .1... ... 1 Ik. n. I ; T 1 I ..... , .cuessee wuero ihey sunr.osed incir trial ...nid take place. Alas! how little they dreamed what a late awaited them! The poor fellows had proceeded but a few miles when they were turned from the road into a nor so in the mountain anri haitost .- ... I unout any warning of what was to be done wim mem, nveol them were ordered to kneel down. Ten pacts in front of these five a file or soldiers were placed with loaded muskets, 1 ne tenoie reauiy nasnea upon the minds of he doomed patriots. Old man Wood (sixty jears 01 age; cried out : F..r God's sake. men, you are not going to shoot us ? If you are going to murder us give us at least time to pray.' Colonel Allen was reminded ot bis promise to give them a trial. They were in- formed that Allen had no authority ; that Koith was in command, and that there was no timeior praying. Ihe order was given to fire. ine 01a men and boys put their bands to their laces ana rent the air with agonizing cries ot despair; the soldiers wavered and hesitated to obey the command. Keith said, if tbey did not fire instautly he would make them change pia- ces with the prisoners. The soldiers raUed their guns, tbe victims suddered convulsive- ly, the word was given to fire and tbe five men lell, pierced with rebel bullets, Old man Wood and Shelton were shot in the bead, their I brains scattered upon the ground, and they died without a struggle. The uther three liv- ed only a few minutes. - . . , . Five others were ordered to kneel, among them little Billy Shelton, a mere child, only twelve years old. II implored the men not to shoot him ia the face. "You have killed- my father and brothers," said he, "you have shot my father .in the face ; do not shoot me n the face." He covered bis face with bis bands. The soldiers received tbe order to fire, and five more fell. . Poor little Billy was woun ded in both arms. He ran to an officer, clasp ed bim around the legs, and besongbt bim to spare bis life, "You have killed my old father and my three brothers ; you have shot me in both my arms 1 forgive you all this I can get well. Let me go home to my mother and sisters." What a heart of adamant the man must have who could disregard such an ap peal. The little boy was dragged back to the place of execution ; again tbe terrible word fire I" was given, and be fell dead, eight balls having entered bis body. , - Tbe ' remain ing three were murdered in tbe same manner. Those in whom lite aras .not entirely ex-. f ' t ' w 1 ' 3' lUWa falth and highly respectable, were requested place of execution, and banged bim there. St' u fi ' !v Moore'tnly-ae: Isaiah by some of the officers" to" sing and pray for The cHy Was in the hands of the rioters while a leiton, Dtteen; m. Shelton, twelve ; James them, they prayed and sang a few national this was being done, and the whole proceed- . I tC" ; Jasper ChauneI. fourteen ; Sam- airs Keith learned that, and ordered that the ines were in direct violation ot h law. of wU tuo ueaniess omcers aespached with their PjBfn- w"' . - : r . Aole was then dug, and the thirteen bod- pitneu inw u. ine grave was carcely large enough ; some of the bodies lay above the ground. A wretch named Ser geant X: B.-Dj Jay, a Virginian, but attach ed to a Tennessee company of the 65th North -Carolina Regiment, jumped upon' the. bleed I ng , bodies, and said to some of the men : "Pat Jnba for me, while I danco the camned "counarei8 aown and through hell." The grave was covered lightly with earth, and the nextday.when the wives and families of the murdered men heard of their fate, searched for. and found their graves, the hogs had root- cd p one man's body and eaten his head off. Captain Moorley, in coram aud of a cavalry lorce, and Colonel Thomas, in command of a number of Indians accompanied Keith's men- TbV? Irceded' to, Tennessee ; Keith's men returned to Laurel, and were instructed to siy that the cavalry had taken the prisoners with mem to be tried, - m accordance with the lork) of an incapacity, for government ; pledge of Colonel Allen. ' In their progress hw t H aflirai that the n tural aud undevi through the country many Union men were ting tendency of republican institutions is known tobave been killed and scalped by the towards public tumults. Of course this isun Indians. Upon the return of Keith and bis true; bnt this will not prevent its bein mn to Laurel they began systematically to torture woman of loyal men, to force them to tell where their fathers and husbands were and what part each bad taken in the salt raid. The women refused to divulge any- thing. They were then whipped with hickory switches, many of them till. the blood coursed In stream down their person to tbe ground ; aud tbe men who did this were called sold. lers Mrs Sarah Sheltou, wife of Esau Shel- ton,who escaped from the town, and Mrs. Mary Shelton, wife of Lifus Shelton, were whipped ana nung Dy ine neca till they were ali'-bt dead, but would give no information. Mar tha White, an idiotic girl was beaten and fied by the neck all day to a tree. Old Mrs Unns Biddle, aged eighty Ave years, was wnippea, Dung ana robbed of a con- siaerahie amount of money. Many others were treated with the same barbarity. And the men who did this were called soldiers! The daughters of William Shelton, a ma'n of laaies oe placed under arrest and sent to th guardhouse, where they remained all night. Old Mrs. Sallie Moore seventy years of age, was whipped with hickory rods till tbe blood ran in strean.s down her back to the ground aud the perpetrators of this were clothed in the habiliments of rebellion, and bore tbe name of soldiers. yue woman, wrio naa an miant uve or six weeks old, was tied in the snow to a tree, her child placed in the doorway in her m!it. and I - o she was informed that if she did not tell all she knew about tbe seizure of the a!t hnth . ' I herself and the ch d would lall.,wfl r...r. f S . .1. II. . . su. xiouses were ournea ana torn down. All kinds of property was destroyed orcariied ofl. All the women and children of tbe Union men mho were shot, and of those who escaped, were ordered by Gen. Alfred E. Jackson, head- f quarters at Jonesboro, to be sent through the "nes "S way of Knoxville. When the first of tt,em arrived at this place.the officer in charge applied totren. Uonelson(foriuerly speaker ol ,nt ouse 01 Kepresetitatives at Nashville) to know by which route they should be sent from "--re, whether . by Cumberland Gap or Nach- vine. Gen. Donelson immediatelv ordprod J 1 them to be released and sent borne, saying that such a tbin was unknown iu civilized countries. They were then sent home, and 11 he refugees met on-the road were also turned back, On the 14th of February, 1863, a squad of soldiers were sent to conscript James M Col- lum Greene county, Tennessee, a very re- spectable, industrious man, thirty-five years ofage. They found him feeding his cattle, When be saw some of them be ran to the back of his bain. Others were posted behind tbe barn, and without halting or attempting to forest hire, one of them shot him through tbe I neck, killing him instantly. Ilia three little children, who saw it, ran to the house and j told their motlrer, She came out, wringing her hands in anguish and screaming with ter- ror and dismay. , Tbe soldiers were sitting on the fence. Tbey laughed at ber agony. and said tbey bad ouly killed a "d n tory The murdered man was highly esteemed by bis neighbors, and was a firm Union man. - In April last two rebel soldiers named Wood and Ingole went to tbe house of Mrs. Ruth Ann Rhes, living on the waters of Lick creek, Green county, to conscript her son. Tbe old lady was partially deranged ; she commanded the soldiers to leave her bonse, and raised a stick to strike one ef them. He told ber U she struck him be would run ber through with his bayonet ;. she gave tbe blow and he shot her through tbe breast. In tbe same month Jesse Price, an o.ld man sixty years of age, two sons and two neph ews, were arrested in Johnson county, Ten nessee, bordering on Virginia, by Col. Fouke'a cavalry composed of Tennessee and North Carolina men. Tbey were taken to Ash Conn ty, North Carolina, to be tried for disloyalty to Jeff. Davis & co- The old man had been pre viously arrested, taken to Knoxville ,tried and t acquitted. W hen the five, nrinnnr. .rriri j I " . - - . I Ash rmintr a r.r I , - w i - nrqrer proposeu treat Fouke's men to eiebt llon. f hmndv they would hang the old man, . bis son and nephews, without a .trial. The bargain was struck and the five unloruoate men were bang ea without further ceremony. The brand v was furnished, and some ; of it drank before the tragedy, tbe rest afterwards. EI0TS IN ENGLAND AND HOW THEY AEE SUPPRESSED.-- We may safely calculate on a terrific out- burst of abuse, reproach, exultation, and sneers when the mail steamer China, which le" New i'ork on Sundav. reach.. Fnland h particulars of the riots in the largest citv ol our vast empire, the rnetroDolis of Amm. can commerce, the seat of -vast industrv wit, and enterprise. .. We know, as well aa ,be article' was. bfore us in priut. bow the Times--will inflict humiliating pity upon this country j how it will accuse us (because of J strongly stated and fanatically believed. Joln Bull will complacently chuckle over tbe mo,o in our eye, self-ignorant ol the beam in his own. Englishmen will shudder over the details of the bad work in New York just as ucfl things were the rule with us, and not j tnu exception. Our historic records are pat- ent to the world, and show, we confidently af firm, less rioting within the period of our ex- isteuceas a nation, than has occurred in any foreign country with a like population. On the other hand, the frequency of riots in England, is very remarkable. Without going very far back, we can point out many very serious instances which agitated the couutry at the time, and disgrace its annals. In 1736, the noted Porteous riots occurred 1 at Edinburgh, as described with vivid power n Scott's "Heart of Mid Lothian." A police officer had rendered himself obnoxious to th mob, who broke iuto the prison where be was i - confined, dragged bim out, took bim to tbe ! man and God. I 1753, there were riots in many parts of England, on account of the excessive price of food aud the great exactions of toll8 upon tbe turnpike roads. Tbe very safety of the Gov- ernment was threatened, and it was considsr ed necessary to reduce the cost of bread and lessen the number of toll-bars. In 1765, when the English Parliament re- jected a bill which was intended to act as Iirollihi torv on the ion ni rnniitn suit t . f - protectative of the manufacture of English silks. th Siitsfilda u. .?...-. ,j,i.. t 1 ' r.rin in LnnHnn iho' raii;i.,. i.- . 1, 0 "Hlll.lJ uu .u ,It employed to disperse them, it was on that occasion that the first Lord Holland shrewdly said, "What evil an artful man might do witb these mobs." The full details are to be found in "IJorace Walnole's Memoirs." la 1780 occurred the "No Popery" riots of which the best ' description is to be found in Dicken's "Barnaby Kudge," A young man, Lord George Gordon, son of a duke, himself a member ot Parliament, and unlortunately ao feeble-minded that his insanity was never doubted, constituted himself chamnion of th cause fifnltrj.Pmiuotanm ;n P,nni..n.t 1 a - . vf .v s. , uu lam 1 (ill , lirOU' ed.tbe Protestant Association, and after bav- ing encouraged a multitude of idle, quarrel- some and rascally persons of both sexes, was unable to control them when thev broke into riot. London was at their mercy, the civic magistrates not daring to enforce tbn law a-j gainst them. The Government itself was par- aiyzed for some-davs. during which ranine and even worse crimes were rampant in the capital of the kingdom. Prisons were burn- ed to the ground and their inmates liberated; churches were destroyed ; private dwellings gutted, plundered, and demolished. In fact. for several days the mob ruled and reveled, audacious and cruel, such of. them as were not incapacitated by drink applying them- selves to tbe business of pillage and murder. In 1811, there were' the Luddite riots iu Notts and Derby; in 1816, the celebrated Spa Fields' riots, when London was a?ain i at the mercy of the mob; and, in 1830. tbe ag ricultural machine-destroying riots,, iu Sur rey, Kent, and Sussex. In 1831, while tho Reform Bill was under discussion, -the mob used violent means to io- timidate the peers known, or supposed to be, hostile to the meaure,assaulted tbe Duke of Wellington in tbe atreets of London, grew tu- multuous in Derby, where tbey attacked tbe prison and liberated all tbe prisoners, burned tbe Castle of Nottingham, and plundered the dwelling houses of neighboring peers and country gentlemen. In the city of Bristol, tbe mob went into even worse excesses, burn- ing and plundering the residences of the May- or, Bishop, and other obnoxious persona, as I well as tbe prisons, custom house, excise of fice, and other public buildings, wholly de stroying Queen Square, and, forty-two private bouses and warehouses, causing tbe destruc tion of property to tbe value at $2,500,000. Next to (be Gordon riots of 1780, this was I in . h- mn. h,....,. .,k.v r . .... i.i..g.iv.vilWltM VI UIVU IIUICIWV :., n . 10 1 ever Known in cnguDa. I ne -KeDecca riots if .,f 1S4S .hiAi. .....t .i!.. i iv.r. .-a mainly directed to tbe demolition of torn-, Dikes, too numerous in the nuor airrU-nltnrat - country of South Wales, and which for a long time defied all the efforts of the Government to suppress them, may close tbis catalogue. From this enumeration, which might readi ly be 'extended, for we have not mentioned the Peterloo massacre and Ihe many other lo cal riots of Manchester, Rochdale, Oldham, and other places it is obvious that public riots such as recently came off in New York are of frequent occurrence in England. There, as well as here, tbey are readily put down by the law, provided that the miscreants concern ed in tbetu are certain that the law will ot enfor ced, f resisted. It is folly, in such cases, to indulge in mercy, a virtue then so feeble tbst its existence often becomes criminal. A mob directiug iu, evil energies, to murder plun der, and arson, deserves no mercy. Let that be given to their victims. To quell a riot re- quires as much moral courage. as phiaic! force ; there is much virtue in a few files of soldiers, with loaded weapons, and a command to tire low, so as to intimidate tbe rioters, and cause tbera to retreat and disperse, in England, where rioting is frequent, that plan is invariably adopted now, and it is the mott merciful, as well as the most effective, action in the end. - Beautifui. Extract. Wben tbe summer of our youth is slowly wasting Iuto the nightfall of age, and the shadows of t tie past years grow deeper, as if lifi; were ou lis is pleasant to look back through the vista of time npoa the sorrows aud felicities ot years. If we have a home to chelter ns, and friends '. hav len gathered together by our fireside,5 and then the rough places of wayfaring will have been smoothed away in the twilgbtht of life, while tbe sunny spots we have passed through will gorw brighter and more beautiful. ; Hap py, indeed, are those whose intercourse with tbe world has not changed the tone of their holier feelings, or broken those musical cords of tbe heart, whose vibrations are so melodi ous, so touching to the evening of age, . . Stort or a Mississippi Landlord. Printed bills of fare were provided, yet the landlord stood at the head "of tbe table, at dinner and I in a loud voice read oil the list of articles in a J rhyming way : "Ilere boiled bam, and rasp- I berry jam baked potatoes and cooked toma- I toes; turnips smashed and, squashes fOttajAerf." j nd ao on. A stringer asked him, afterward. why be read it aloud when printed copies I-were on the table. "Force of habil," replied I the landlord; "got ao nsed to it I can't beln I 't. You see I commenced business down here at Jackeoo," (the capitol of Mississippi) "and I most all tbo legislature honrdnri with m I . - . There wasn't a man of 'cm could read, so ( bad to read tbe bill of fare to 'em," A good looking fellow was charged with having stolen a watch. It was his first of fence, and he was ready to plead guilty. The magistrate asked bim what bad iuduced him to commit the theft. The young man replied, that "having been ill for some time, the doctor advised him to take something, which he accordingly did." The magistrate was rather pleased with tbe humor of the thiug, and asked bim what Jed bim to select a watch. "Why," said the prisoner, I thought if I only took time, that Nature would work a cure !" 7 - , . "Get up ; get up," aair a watchman tbe other night to a chap who bad fallen a trade below the doorstep, and who bad taken lodff- ment 'n the gutter. "You must not lie here." "Lie! you're another ! y-y on lie youraelf ! not lie ber t I tell yon wh-what, old fe-fe!-' low, that may do to t-t-tell in tbem slave States, but I I'll lot you know," said the agrarian, sputtering a mouthful of mud into the watchman's face, "'that this is free tile !' J 11 in ii mW9 ' m "Slavery is a divine institution,", said. George Francis Train, while delivering a ; speech, in New fork. "So is hell 1" shout ed an old man in tbe andiance, and tbe boose' came down -with terrible cheers. An honest Irishman, fresh from Hibernia caught a bumble bee in bis band, supposing it to be a bumming bird. Ob," he exclaim ed, "Devil burn I how hot bis little fut ia." "Mamma, may I go a fishing V "Yes, lad. oul -on't go near tbe water. And recollect, ir foa ara drowned, I shall akin you as sure as you arealive." A witty editor of a uennv ranar t.k ki. motto, "The price of liberty is eternal vlgf. lance tbe price of the Star only one cent1 Sum for tbb Bots. If a newspaper editor "stops tbe press to an nounce," mbat sbsH be do to a pound 1 " '. J, Manv men esnouse a oartv aa an Indus . 1 do,,. - . wife not to serve It. h m.v. t serve tbem. The man who kept bit word, gave serioes offence to Webster who wanted it for b!a de , tionary. ..... Why la ac old Jemon like aa'old ssli f Be- ? cause it isnt worth squeezing. Si 1 .hi ''ill is so rcii ana em-, last tionr. - - - - if fi nr ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers