Trrj TfTTTJ TVT r H r, I I I I I K, l rL I J. ,u CLEARFIELD, PA., JULY 22, Qodst ron AcgcsT. This excellent work . hfore us, and contains its usual variety of ia berore us, ;ii.,.trations and matter. Godey, certainly, deserves great praise for his indefatigable ef- j forts to produce the best Lady's magazine citant. ' Wm. L. Ajctes. It Is with much satisfac tion that we announce the fact, that our friend Wm.L. Antes who was reported killed, was rtill alive and in the hospital at Gettysburg on the 9tb. Uis wounds were severe, but be as doing well at the time stated above, and (.me h yr were entertained that he would recover. Tu Continental Monthly. This work tinuri to maintain in position among the j ulr periodicals of the times. It is devo- y .u con iuopi ...r ii Literature and National policy the Utter being the most interesting feature of 'the magazine. It deserves a wide circulation. B'ricef year. Address, Johu F. Trow, No. 51) Greene Street X. V. ToCoRRKsposKtsTS -"Union," yours is to bind. As we published the principal facts to abicn you reler several weeks sicce, yours will not appear. "X" yours is a day after '-the fair," and hence we decline its pnttlicatic n. "A Friend," yours needs revising; and therefore we defet its appearance. We hope our friends will court brevity in their communications, s 'c ar5 generally much crowded. Be sure also to write plain. m it ia very difficult betimes to decipher the hieroglyphics ilutt cmo"lo hand. Alii. II . Stu .. Uu the first page of to day's Jotij-unl will lie f'und an extract fioiii a apfttfch, delivered by Alex. H. Stevens in 18CU, before tbe Convention which was called to de termine whetli'-r Gewrgi.i should secede from the Union. It la a remark iblo document, and ktinald be read by every una iu the laud. Mr. Stevens depicted the results and ctusni icii co oi Secession so clearly that it amounts nearly to a prophecy. We hope that onr friends will read this speech carefully, and preserve the copy, as a matter f reference; and should you at any tim hear a "peace' Democrat declaim loudly upon the causes of our present unhappy troubles, just ak him to trad the spjech rtf Alexander II; Stevens, who is now Vice IVi'sidei.t ! the Re.NI Ci u lederacy ; and we ojiine, that you will hear nothing more in reference to the causes of the ar. Is. RtvEstK OrriCE. 19th Dis. of Pfss'a, Erik. July loth, 1863. J Ma. Ehitoe : Dear Sik : I would have ap pointed a day fiir each County in the District, totuecl drafted perotis at their county towns lor their convenience ; but each drafted per son having ten days after he is notified of the draft, to appear and claim his exemption be lure the Provi st Marshal, and it being impos lhle that all in any otie County should be no tified on the same day, it was beyond my pow rr to fix a certain time. Besides I am inform al by the I'rovost Marshal, that all persons (limine exemption, whether by receipt for the payment of the $30O. or oMierwise, will have to ieT and make the claim liefore htm ct i'i riice. in Waterford Doroiigh, E:ie county. My office in the City of Erie. is but a little dis tance out ot the route to iVaieiford from oth- r parts ol the District. 1 presume that thT would be no objection on Hie part of the Trovost Marshal, if airy number of ! raited persons should make sniiic f of their tinmluT the bearwr of their receipts for the comma tution money ($3()U) "and that I'e wiiuM recogtiie. ti e claim so m.-idc as valid. This would save a large aggregate of rxpehsc and trouble, that must necessarily be occfioned in travelling, &c. Yours respectfully. J. W. DorjGLASs. , Col. of In. Kev. and Receiver of Commuta tion Money, l'Jth, District, Penn'a. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE "JOURNAL " Philipmh-ro, July 18. 18G3. Ptia Jot'RN4L: Since my lat letter to vim. there has Ixseii stirring times in our good M Stale. A clash of arms occurred on our oil lor the first time since the days of '76, and firttyshurg is now made classic along with Valley Fcrge, Braddock's Field, Paoli and Wyoming. But none of the la'ter were so frrataa the battle field of Get'y sbnrg. It was hard loiiglii, but gloriously victorious battle tortlie brave soldiers wuo are fighting tor the ttitor.itiun of the best government beneath the Creator's eye. And I am proud to say, tful the brave and gallant boys of Philipsburg did their whole duty as the bloody record 1'l.iinly show. The wounded of Company D, Vd IViura Volunteers, are Wm. Dolph, left arm i. IT above tne ellow ; Peter Weber, bund; John E. White, hand and atoniach. since dead ; inCoraparty II, USth Fenn'a Volunteers, Jas. B-aU. arm ot above the elbow. John E. While, died of his wounds on tbe Oth jn Uu, and leaves a wife and four small children rooi;rn his death. He was as brave a sol dier ai evtr shouldered a musket. His broth vr Jackson was killed at the battle of An-'ii-tam, and was the only brother. John de 'Titiined that he would take Jackson's place "i the rank of Company D, 53d Penn'a Vol onieers. and it possible, use the muxket that brother did. He lelt all and repaired to 'lie tented fi.ld, was at the battle tr Chancel Iwsviile hut came out sound. At Gettysburg Hounded aud died as above stated. l'hihpuurg has as brave a reputation in the army of the Potomac, as any other town in the State. They have been in all the battles 'Bee the commencement of McCIellan cam paignalways in the front. Our town can boast of its soldier and its Wiea. There is no town in the State can do ht or ladies accomplised last Saturday. ()l Friday the newscime that clothing was nted tor tbe wounded. A meeting was cal d, nd men appointed to collect money and 'er:al, and tbe ladies to assemble at the Toa Hall the next afternoon. Saturday af 'erooon came, and with it came the patriotic ?"!unK f rl. bundles, sewing machines, xl everything necessary fordoing something. rnj some eause the meeting was moved to Ganoe's, mod such a gay and happy" ig. as met i i that room, we neer saw, lr' Udies seemed like so many angels. The 'hg machines were buzzing as if tbe good 1 days of Spinning-Jennies bad suddenly from the spirit land, revised, regenerated .? '""proved. Tbe incredible amount of near iafee him,. .a .i. n .u ...:..! .. .... : uwwais unu ui uiniri a I "ad j eoorse of manufacture into shirts, drawers, ' . P"!, &c. Oh ! could the wuUuded i ,lrJ bLt havti een how earnestly. those la- i f wortiag u relieve tbcai. Their hearts werp It the nn:ive Metier.. as ladies. :"-s to you we evei ii i,. it, ln the hour . of distress, j, i lies of I'hilips'.'u'g, 1 mi to know H; t V4.;ir ne.rts licit rcpun.MVc t.i a ..II. .1131 l , . IV 933131 I II me gllrlOU3 cause. L"ng may von live to t-i:joy I lie Mcs- sings of In, iit.orty an. I happiness. ! I tjer,I a ...hing" i.. tbe -Republic ,n of ihe 15lh mst., piirp,.rrins to emanate from a .;,,.. ... .hix ..... . . v. ,. ,,..,., ,,,. u came, from Pbilipsburg, for it is in toto with me coppernoaa piationu, as adopted by tbe order in this community. That is the doc trine preached ever since the first squad of men left our place for the war; aud it is now used to contradict the assertion. I made in I ruy last, about discouraging men from enlist ing. I lie poor dupe had not foresight to see that he was telling publicly on his nest. That is their language, and had he tried, he could not have written it more plain. The truth of the master is, that his tongue has got in such a habit of abusing everything but Jeff Davis and the south, that he can say Dothing else. Time after time have thev asserted the low, grovelling, cowardly, treacherous, traitorous at"I ignorant, indecent words used in the said ,et . They. the poor cowardly dopes, can stand in the ir aoors and tell their wives and children that tbe men who go to war, are robbers of hen roosts and consumers of Jersey lightning; but when asked by young America, "Fa, why don't you go and get some chick ens' They reply "Oh ! Fa can buy them ; he has lots of greenbacks." The wife blushes at her husband's cowardice ; but he gets around it by relating some horrible deed, or bovine massacre, that some brother copperhead rela ted to him. or he read it in the "World," 'Patriot & Union'' or "Age." The male, and female copperheads, of our town are the most inconsistent set ol- snakes ever read of in Gibon. They snarl, bite, and hiss, at everything said against tbem. Until my last letter appeared in yonr columns, I had no idea that the den was so numerous. .Many that 1 never dreamed of, put the shoe on, it appeared to fit atlmirably. There are 1 uly copperheads ill our town, who arc of the I most violet;'. I beard of a oung ladv who found great fault wirh the Rev. Creighton.dll ring last winter, fcr his devotion to the Union The Kev. was a whole union man, and deliver ed some impressive and eloquent prayers for the preservation of the Union. liiia young lady "dyed in the auburn hir" a coppei head, remarked to a friend as they were coming home f rom cliurch. one Sunday evening just alter the Fredericksburg battle ol December 13th, 1S62, that she'did wish, Jir. Cieighfon would quit praying for the union ; she often thought she would not go to hear him any more." Xow, this young lady mores among the ee,but evidently is possessed of no small amount of ignorance. I have seen copper head men, and hive heard of copperhead wo men, who have vi!ied our soldiers ni'gbt all I I. ; 11 . , . t- ... .... oc nuieu, wiai iney won ia llirow open Ilieir houses to the rebels and treat them with all the !i..pii.i!ity .it their command ; tmt a union soldier, they would see him starve see him with his tongue hanging out at its full length, before they would give him a drink of water. And yet, tiicy ale Ihia moment sul sisiing on "green backs," paid their hushanas for services in the army. Men who call our soldiers roblcrs, thieves, drunkards, and iie gro lovers ; men who say that our paper mon ey is worthless ; every man that goes to war is a bluck abUit ionist.and then quote that the leaders of the soldiers say the Consiitntinn is a covenant with death and an agreement with bell,' that the union can never be re stored by such soldiers. Wh it are they Who is he that would make such an assertion f Is he a fit companion for the devil 1 Is there any place or condit ion ou this earth that is suitable for him ? No! Th-Devil would not trust hire with a piece of brimstone as large as a pin's head. Nay more, he would not let him be a --citizen" of his realm. And if he is a "Citizen" ol this place. Company D should find him out and bajiisu him to Rutherocks Island,atid compel him to subsist ou the bones of departed hor-es, who were mare f iiihful to their master than he is to his country. Vouis respectfully, Lekui. Thk CofPFRUEAi3 have been wofnlly bine for several days just, at the success of the U nion troops in the South west, but the victo ries of the New Vork Democracy give tone and tempi-r'to their present feeling, and at most any hour of the day, we can hear "the copperheads congratulating themselvrs on the splen-'id upiising ol the icoe-of New York. So the copperheads havo at last had a victory. jy Telerapk. It is a bad sign to see a man with his hat oft at midti'ght, explaining the theory and principles of true democracy to a lampiost. MARRIED: On June SOth, by S. K.. Ilegarty, E q., Mr. Wm. O. Ricuabds to Miss Rebecca Juboa.n, all ot Beccaria tp. On July Oth, by S. K. Ilegarty, Esq. Mr. Joiix H. SMlftt of Beccaria tp, to Miss Febt ParrtRsos, of Jordan tp. DIED : - On the 1 y Ii instant, iu Lawrence township, Oats Hoyt, aged 70 ear and 10 days. On the 13th instant, Mrs. Axs Elizabeth Hoover, wife ot Gary B. Hoover.nged -7 years and li" days. The deceased was' an affection ate and beloved wife ; and departing at this eariy period of life leaves a disconsolate hus band alone in the world to mourn her loss. '-'The dead alone are blest. While they are here clouds mar the day And bitter snow-falls nip their .May ; Jlut when the tempest time is done. The light and heat of heaven s owe sun Brood o'er their land of rest."' OBITUARY. Died, on June 4th. 1S63, on board the U. S. Gunboat Alabama, on her passage from St. Thomas to Havanna, Cuba, West Indies.jACfB Haiss. marine, of Pbilipsburg, Centre county. Pa. The deceased was one w hose heart beat responsive to the supremacy of the Stars and Stripes, fie loved his country and his flag with all tbe ardor and enthusiasm that any man did, that ever pulled a halyard beneath its folds. He enlisted as a landsman on board the Columbus, Capt. Wyman, Pacific squad ron, commanded by Commodore Biddle, May 15th, 1316, for 3 years. He was on board that vessel for three years and nine months, was honorably discharged at Norfolk, Va , and has since lived in this community. Ho had often lesolvea to join tbe navy alter this war broke out, but always gave way to the entrea ties of his wife and family, to stay at heme. Bnt w hen the depredations of tbe --290," alias Alabama, reached bis ear, he lockeal up his shop, leaving his wife and children, to tight the battles for that flag which had ever waved over him in triumph. He was as true Amer ican tar as ever lore that name, that is honor ed bv all the navies ot the world. The writer of this brief tribute to. bis memory was so .it- listed that he had every means oi Knowing his friendship. He was generous and kind, rfiv and willinz to do a good act. But t.. h tr'ona ; eotie. I hope, to that world where ill is peace. Farewell, then, departed, and mav the biasing of God rest upon toy wife and children. -Peace be to his ashes. FbiiipsburPa., July ltb, 1533. a.a. b. IIow the Rebels Treat Abolition Editors The Editor of tne Fulton Republican pub lished at McCotmelsburg says, that while the rebels occupied that town his office was poin ted out to tbem by the copperheads as an ab olition concern. Several of the officers called upon him and asked to see his files. After examining tbem, the Lieutenant in command said, "I see, sir, this is a Republican paper ; you advocate a vigorous prosecution of tbe war, and are in favor of sustaining your Gov ernment in everything. - I like to see a man one thing or the. other." Taking several copies of tbe paper, they left without molesting any thing in the office, to the great indignation of tbe copperheads ot that place. The telegraph reports that Thad Stephens' iron mills at Gettysburg have been burned to tbe ground, Mr. S. loosing at least $100,000, nearly all his fortune. ' I don't remember having seen you before, as the lawyer said to his conscience. Mean souls, like mean pictures, are ofteu found in good-look lag frames. THE EEC0KD. Tbe following is the resolution and amend ment, and the vote, granting the use of tbo Hall of the Penn'a State Senate to Gov. Andy Johnson, Gov. Vright, Gen. M'Clellan, and other friends of tbe Union : Jtesolred, That Gov. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, and Ex-Gov. Joseph A. Wright,of Indiana, be and they are hereby tendered tbe use of tbe ball of the Senate this afternoon, for the purpose ot addressing their fellow cit izens of Pennsylvania. "That when General George B. MCleIlan or tny other friend of the Union, desires tbe use ol this Hall for the rmroose ol defending the cause of the Union and denouncing the re bellion, it will be cheerfully tendered." Yeas Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Connell, Fuller, Hamilton. Hiestand, Johnson. Kinsey, Lowry. .M'Caudluss, Nichols, Pet cey Kidg way, Kohinsou, Serrill, Stutzman. Turrell, White, Wilson and Lawrt nce, Speaker 20. Nats Messrs. Bncher. Clyrner. Donovan, GMz, Lamberton, Mott, Smith, Stark, Stein and i allace 1J. . Who voted nat t All are Democrats. C3pp3r!ieai3-0riginof tlieTerm-What itKen "S ton after the outbreak of th-J rebellion, the Springfield (O.) Itepnblir, published a com munication in which the writer noticed the railltsuuke at the rmb'nn of the South CiroUnn relets, and state1 Ibat the rattlesnake was a more magnanimous repiile thn the copper head snake, as the former gives notice before he strikes, while thelatter, Ix'sides being more insidiioiis, strikes you without giving you any warning; and applied the tern copperheads to all the traitors and sympathizers with the rebels in the tree States. Other papers soon adopt ed the term, and it has become very general, but some people do not See the point; and in Indiana I see some use the term copperbot toms, but 1 cannot see the point of copperbot toms. Cojrperhearis is a very apropriate name for our free State rebels at heart." Editor of Jotrval : Dear Sir : With yovt per mission I wish to say to the readers of yonr paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it. (free) a Recipe, wilh full directions for making and u?ing a simple Vegetable Balm, that will ef fectually remove, in 10 days. Pimples- Llotcbeg, Tan. Freckles. anJ all Impurities of the J"kin. leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will alfo mail free to those having Bald Beads or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in lass than .'!( days All applications answered By re turn mail without charge. Kespectfully yours. IIOS. F. CHAPMAN. Chemist. July 22.181)3. -.".mo. No. MI Drond wayew York Wnonrisfi-coi gh on CR-rp. however severe may be alleviated and cured by the ne of jSLviame '..islor Pvrtrr's Ct'ralirr Balsam. This invalua ble Medicine possesses the extraordinary power of relieving immediately IVIinopin g roii t. Hour nrst. Difficnti: of lirealkius. Hulit'x. and Tickling in the Throat. It loosens the Phlegm, aiA will be found very ngreeable to the ta.-te. It is not a violent reineJy. but emollient warming, searching and effective. Can be taken by tbe oldest person or youngest child. For sale by all Uruggists. at 13 and 25 cents per bottle. feb4 V- TO COXSUMPTIVLS. The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever al years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it- he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the saine.which they will find a ture cure for Consumption, Asthma, T'runchitis, ete. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to beudfittbe afflic ted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, aud he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy., as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre sciiptiou will please address Kev EDWARD A. WILSON, Apr. 22-3m. WiUiauisburgh. Kings Co., N.Y. F LOUK A good article tor sale at the store of (janlfil WM. F. I1UV1N. Clearfield. SAMUEL II EG ART V, wholesale and re tail dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mercban diae, Hegarty's Roads, Clearfield county, l'a , keeps constantly all articles in his line of busi ness, which he will sell cheap for cash or exchange for approved country produce. Lumber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. March 4, 1863. DK. LITCII'S MEDICI N ES. A fresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines arc for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting ot Pain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and couch: and Ami-Bilious Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and j 1 " li.- 1 T , are DigoiJ apfirvvuu. xiw iti&a. A DMIMSTKATOR'S NOTICE Letters xjL of Administration on the estate of Daniel M. Weaver, late of the Boroagh of Curwensvillc. Clearfield county. Penn'a, dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. J. H. LYTLE. July 1, 1863. . Administrator. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioR ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, now in the possession of John Coulter, in Woodward twnp. to wit: $ horses, 2 cows, 2 spring calves. 4 bead of young cattle, 9 sheep. 6 hogs. I plow, i narrow, i log enaiu, i wind mill, 1 threshing machine, 4 acres wheat in the ground. 2 acres rye. 2 aores oats, a lot of house-bold and kitchen furniture, ete.. as the same belongs to ma and have only been left with said Coulter on loan, and are subjeet to my order. July I. iS63.-p FRANCIS BUSH. ri)ITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of it., out. f iha Raul Eat te of John Rickets a !... r ;tt. hi k Khriff of Clearfield CO. au'i omv ,iv.v " j Th undersigned Auditor appointed in opeu court to uistribate the proceeds of said sale, to those le gally eiititled-to the same, will attend to the du ties of his appointment, at his office in tha Bor ough of Clearfield, on Thursday the 24d day of July A 1). I853. at 10 o'clock, a. in. of said day. when and where all persons interested may attend if thev see prcoer. TUO S J. M CULL'H 'U. July l,lo63." - Auditor 2sT0T ALCOHOLIC. A Highly Conceutrated VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TONIC. DOCTOR nOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, FBEPAKED BY Dr. C. Mi Jackson, rhilad'a, Ta, Will effectually cure Liver Com plaint. Pyspensia. Jaundice. Chronic or Nervous Debility, Dis eases of the Kidneys, aud all diseases ari sing from a disordered Liver or Stom ach.such as Constipation, Inward Piles. Fulness or blood to the Head. Acidify of the Stomach-Nausea. Ileartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Momach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, bwimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sen sations when in a lyiDg posture Dimness of lsion. Dots or Webs before the Sight.tfe ver and Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Vellow- ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain i in the Side. Back. Chest, Limbs, to.. Sudden flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits. tram K,P. J. W,ou Brawn, T) . D . Eli tor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Kiowledet. TAIthoozh not disnnseil tn tic. j Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their m-rredients and effect : I t ,.r sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes hiinselfjo have received from any simple preparation in tbe hope that ho may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hoof Jand s German Bitters, r.n'nnrcl h n- r- m Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced a gainst them for many years, under the impres sion that they were chie3y an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Lsq , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to trr l,n, suffering from great and long continued debilitv. J he use of three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the. present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bod ily and menu! vigor which I had not felt for six i months before, and had almost d ennui rail ttf r I gaining. therefore thank God aud my friend for directing me to the use of them. Philad'a., Jane, 1Z, IStil. J. Newtos Brows. PARTICULAR NOTICE. inereare many preparations sold underathe name of Bitters.put up in quart bottles, compoun ded of thecbeapest whiskey or common rum. cos ting from 20 to 40 cents per gallon, the taste dis- guiseu oy auisc or Coriander eeed. This class of Bitters ha? caused and will contin ue to eause, as long as they can bo sold, hundreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continuallv under the influ ence of Alcoholic Stimulants of the worst kind .the desire for Liquor is created and kept up. and the result is all the horrors attendant upon a drunk ard's life and death. For those who desire and will have a Liquor Hitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Buttle lloojlatid's German liittrrs and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or WUisley. and the result will be a preparation that will far creel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of tbe numerous Liquor Bitters in the mark et, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoofland's Bitters in connection with a good article of a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS X AND) THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call the attention of all having relations or friends in the army to the fact that -Hooplas n's German Bitters' will cure nine tenths of the dis eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life, ln the lists, published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large propor tion are suffering from debility. Every case of that kind can be readily cured by Hoofland's Gor man Bitters. Diseases resulting from disorders of the digestive organs are speedily removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if these Bitters were freely used amnngour soldiers, hundreds of lives uiiiit be saved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the following re markable and well authenticated cure of one the nation's heroes, whose life, to use his own lan guage, -has been saved by the Bitters :' PailaI'ELI'HIA, August 2'ird. ISP2. STrsrs. Jones Eviin. Well, gent lemen.y our Hoo&aud's German Bitters has .-Ted my life. There is no mistake in this. It is vouched for by numbers of my comrades, some of whose names are appended, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my case. I am. and have been fur the last four years, a member of Shermsn's celebrated battery, and under tbe im mediate command of Capt. R B. Ayres. Through the. expo sure attendant upon my duties. I was attacked in November last with inflammation of the lungs, and was for seventy-two days in tbe hospital. This was followed by great debility, heightened by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed from the White House, and sent to this city on board the Steamer -State of Maine,'"from which I landed on the 2th of June. Since that time 1 have been about as low as any one could be and still retain a spark of vitality. For a week or more I was scarcely able to swallow any thing, and if I did force a morsel down, it was immediately thrown up again. 1 could not even keep a glass of water on my stomach. Life could not last under these circum stances; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been working faithfully, though unsuccess fully, to rescue me from tbo grasp of the dread Archer, frai,kly told uie they could do no more for me. and advised ine to seo a clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limited funds as best suited me. An acquaintance who visited me at the hospital, Mr. Frederick etc in born, of Sixth below Arch Street, advised me, as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitters, and kindly procured a bottle. From the time I commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of death receded, and I aiu now. thank Ged for it. getting better. Though I have tafcen but two bottles, I have gained ten pounds, and Ifeel sanguine of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daughter, from whom I have heard nothing for eighteen months : for. gentlemen, I am a loyal Virginian, from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe tbe cer tainty of life which has taken place of vague fears to your Bitters will 1 owe the glorious privi lege of again clasping to my bosom those who are dearest to me in life. Very truly yours. Isaac Maloxe. We fully concur in the truth of the above state ment. as we had despaired of seeing onr comrade, Mr. Malone, restored to health. Johs CunttLGBACK. 1st New York Battery.. Geo. A. Acklev, Co. C, I Ith Maine. Lewis Chevalikb. 92d New York. I. E. Spencer, 1st Artillery. Battery F. J. B. Farewell, Co B, 3d Vermont. IIexhv B. Jekoke, Co. B. 3d Vermont. Ue.nbt T. Macdonald, Co. C, oiii Maine. John F. Ward. Co. . 5th Maine. - Heehas Koch. Co. H. 72d New York. , Nathaxiel B. Thomas, Co. F, 95th Penn'a. Asmsew J. Kimball, Co. A, 3d Vermont. Jonx Jenkins, Co. B, I06th Penn'a BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! - See that the signature of "C. M. Jacksos,'' ison the wrapper ot each bottle. PRICE PER. BOTTLE 75 CENTS, OR HALF POZ. FOR S4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the ar ticle, do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that mi) be offered in its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory. N. 631 Arch Street. JONES A EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson 4 Co..) Proprietors. CjfFor Sale by Hartswick 4 Huston.Clearfiold, Penn'a. and Druggists and Dealers in every town in tbe Tnited States. fJnly 8. fS3. CI M UN SON, has Rye. Corn, and good Family Flour, for Sale at Pbilipsburg. Also. Rye and Corn, at I). Ayers MiU. J una 3, 1 So3-3m . RELIEF .VOTICE. The Board of Relief for tbe connty of Clearfield, will meet at the Commissioners' office in Clew field, on Wednes day and Thursday, the 29Ui aud 30th days of July. A D. 8'i3. lhe Hoard of Belief Save directed that tbe wifa of the soldier must pear before the board, and produce her a worn statement, detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted ; the number of children, wilh age and sex of each : the t. wr,.hip in which they Tesided at the time ot enlistment, aud their present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for herself and children who are dependent upon her. Two witnesses of credibility from the township in which she resides, must also be produced. w hose certificate sworn to before the Board of Belief) must set forth that the applicant is the person she tepresents herself to be, that the statement of the number and age of her family is true, that she is in destitute circumstances and her family in ac tual want, aud tht all the facts set forth in her application are correct and true. Forms contuiniug these requisitions can be ob tained at the Office of the Board of Belief, when application is made and the witnesses appear. N. li. Illness of the applicant, properly preven, will excuse personal attendance July 8. 1SC3. WM. S BRADLEY. Clerk. JOTlCE. -I have this day sold and trans 11 ferred the store owned by me. to my son, E. a., inm. togetner witn tbe book accounts rents. Ac, and authorize him to receive monies and transact business for me. WM. 1KVIN. Curwensvilie. May 18. IS63. NOTICE. All persons are notified not to med dle with a certain Bay Mare, ia possession of Samuel Curry of Knox township, as tbe same be longs to me, and is only left with said Curry on loan subject to my order. JOHN TATT0N. JuryeusviHe, Pa., Jupe 3, 1863. ARMY INTELLIGENCE. A ny person desiring intelligence of or fiom their friends or relatives in tne army of the Potomao, or any of the Army hospitals, can receive information bv addressing W. 1. REALS II, Washington. D. CT, enclosing one dollar. June 10. 18fi3-:-tp. FOR SALE. A house and lot. situate in the Borough of Lumber City, is offered for sale, 'lhe-build iugs consist of a good frame house, sta ble and other outbuildings, and a good well of water near the door. The property will be sold on reasonable terms. For further information apply to Mrs. J. L Curby residing on the premi ses June 17. lSii.'i.-nd. A DMIMSTKATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Frederick Fiehel. late of Chest townshiD. Clearfield count dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested hi inuKe immediate payment, ml tbose uaving claims against tbe same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. AUSTIN CURRY. June 17, ISM. Administrator. 4 DMIMSTKATOR'S NOTICE. Litters of Administration on tbe estate of S D. Khule, late of Glen Hope. Ciearfield county, Penn'a, dee'd. having been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to sai estate are requested to make immediate paymeut. and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, at the resi denee of the subscriber in Beccaria township. June 24. lt".3 JOHN W. WRIGHT. Adm'r. A TTENTIOX FARMERS ! Thk Evel- siok Wind-Mill. Oue of tbe best Windwills ever invented is now being offered to the citizens of Clearfield county. The undersigned Agent is now in this place for the purpose of offering a first class mill to the public He only asks a fair trial, to insure its successful introduction. Farmers are especially invited to call and examine them before purchasing elsewhefe. W. HANCOCK. June ISth, I8t3 Agent. CARPETINGS AND BEDDING. REMOVAL. R. L. KNIGHT & SOX, Have removed from 262 5: Second Street, to S07 ChestDut Street, above Eighth. Philadelphia. Pa., where they have opened a well-selected stock of Carpets. Oil Cloths, and Mattings. Bedding and Mattresses of every description, ready-made or made to order. Also. Feathers of various qualities always on hand. The Manufacture and Sale of Bedding will also be continned at 2io South Second Street, Phila delphia. Pa. KEEVE L. KNIGHT. HARTLEY KNIGHT. Philadelphia. June I", lS!"i3.-3ra. OWIS THE TIME! RICH A K D MOS-SO P5 DKALER IS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DitY GOODS, tC, MAKKET STREET, CLEAKFIELD, TA. Rwl the following list of good' and profit thr.rr)iy. Uheap, jQR ihe LADIES. ChMn 'Always on hand a largesfock of La- Goods (roods tGood Goods I Goods , Goods Good 1 dies goods such as Loburg rta Cheap Cheap Cheapi Alpacas, De Laiues, Ginghams. i'rints, Cniriti. Kcrcniets, u bies. Bonnets. Gloves, etc. Cheap FOIt GENTLEMEN, Goods Chesip' Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown. Goods Cheapi and Grey Cloths. Fancy and Black iGoods Cheap Casimeres. Sattinets. Cassinets, Goods Cltrapl Tweeds.PIaiiiandl'ancy est CAeapl iegs- Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. C7fp HEADY-MADE. CV(w;,guch as Coats, Pants. Vests. Under Chcip' shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Clirup Boots, Shoes. Hats. Caps, Neck Goods j Good Goods j Goods ! Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheapi ties. Gum Boots and Sboes.and a variety of other articles. Cheap' Cheapi ""'P Such as Unbleached and Bleached ""'f. Mus ins. Colored Muslins. Linen Good Cheap Cheap Cheapi Cheap and cotton table cloths, Oil cloth. Linen and hemp tow Is. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE, AC. 'Goods Goods j Goods Goods Goads Cheap) Cheap'11 yu waniaiisor spiKes. iuanure ,(foods Cheap Cheap i ... .. saw g. Smoothing irons. Locks, (roods Hinges, etc.. go to .uossop s .. ,(i0jj, ChrarA where you can buy cheap. Goods Goods Chea IF YOU WANT Cheap': Knives and forks. Catcher Kaives.' Goods Cheapi Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla Goods Chrap. ana nemp ropes, in, j-per or Cheapi Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, Cheap etc., buy them at Mohsop's. Cheav IF YOC WANT Good Goods Goods Goods Cheap Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm or Fancy Goods Cheap, goap. Starch, Mall Paper or Win- ,G0odr Cheap Cheap dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tabes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. TP XtTT lriVT Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Cheap Cheap Chenr(io etra family Flour. White orQoolM .,. "J brown sugar, hams, shoulders or Gaojf CheVp EiM- Imperial. Young Cheap Hyson or blaes. tea, buy them 0oodlt CheMp atMossops obeapforcah. Good, Chev IF YOU WANT Goods r"7nn Tallow candles, fine or coarse 9at,,Giods Cneap, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- Goods Goods 'Goods Goods Good . ; Goods Goods Goods Goads Goods Cheap do cracKers, call at lossop s Cheap where you can buy cheap. CIuuip IF YOU WANT Cheap Port wine for Medical or Saflramen Cheap'i tj uses, Sw-et wine, old Monon Chtap: gahela or rye wbisuy, Cherry Cheapi and Cognao brandy, buy at Cheapi Mossop's cheap eaah store. Chsap IF YOU WANT Cheap Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur- Goods Goods Goo4s Goods Goods t Goods Goods wpi rants.: filberts, cream. oejn or Cheap ground nuts, candies. Liquorice or Liquorice root, buy them . at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT Cheapi Che,yp Cheapi CKiap Goods Cheap BUre w Sn to Moasop, for be sells looja Cheap' cheaper for cash than any-other (Joos Cheap person it ClearSeid county. Goois Cheap November , toot. apZ7 v. .foods Approved country prodnee of evry kiui taken at the usual market prices iu exchange for goads. PB.0FESSI0SAL & BUSINESS CARDS. WM MCULLOrnH, Attorney at lw, Clear . . field. Pa. Office, with L.J Crana. Esq., on Second Street Jhly 3, 1S61. FREDERrCKTEITZIXGER. Manufacturer of kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1,1953 CBAKS BARRETT, Attorneys at Law. Clear field. Pa. . . May 13, 1363. 1. J. CRASS. ; J ; T . WALTER BARBETt. " R0??? V-WA LLACE.- Attorney at Law. Clear fieid. Pa Offieein Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Nauglc's jewelry store. May 28. ' HF.NALGLK. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelrv. Ao. Room in Nov. 10. HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear . fied. Pa. Ofcct in Graham's Row. fWdoo s wet of Graham 4 Boynton's store. Nov. 10. BK. SHOPS. Cabinent Maker. Cherry Street. . C"lear6e!d. Pa Makes to order everv de cription of Furniture on short notice. Jan.21'63 J. P KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in uoarus ana Mimgles, Grain and Produce St, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. jti Front tr ALLACE t HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear- V field. Pa. . December IT. 1352. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. ! J0H3 G. BALL. F.' A F LEMMING. Cnrwenst i!le Pa . Vnr.m.. man and Dealer in all kind nf Fruit url Ornamental Trees, Plants and Shrubbery All op det-s by mail prcmptly attended to. May 13. W rIcLI A M F' Market street, ClesrSebJ, J Pa - Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articlesgencrally. Nov. 10. JOHN Gl'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kind' nf Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notion, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. R. V. WILSON, Practicing Pfl vsii'lln Clearfield. Pa. Will attend to all rtrr.. sional business. Office, corner of 2d and Locust etreettf- Jan. 23, 1363. iu. M. itwi'a, l-BACTICIXG .FHrslCIAS, Purs and mining urgeon for Pensions. Office. South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfield, Pa. Januiry 21, 1303. JB M EN ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield, . Pa. Pr.t-jiices in Ciearfield and adjoining counties. Office :u uew brick building of J . Boy a" ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich'a Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do melic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors wet of Jonrn ilOJpce. Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LAB RIMER & TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. I?i6. JAS. U. LAIUtlMtK. ISKAKLttST. D1 K. WM. CAMPBELL, offers bis profession! services to the citizens of Mosbannon and vi cinity. He can be consulted at his residence at all times, unler-s absent on professional business. Moshannon, Centre co.. Pa., May 1,1, 18fl3. SHAW. M. D., has resumed the trae- ce of Medicine and Sursrerv in Shawsrille. ' Penn'a. where he still respectful! v solicits a con tinuance of public patronage. May 27, U63. rnUOMAS J. M'CULLOLGU, Attorney at Law. X Clearfield, Pa. Office, east of the -Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. r. 6. bush. :::::::: t.j.m'ccllocoh BUSH A M CULLOUGH S Collection Office. Clearfield. Pexs'a. STOVES. 50 COOKING STOVES, oif all sisea, for sale cheap for cash, by Dec. 3, Ii2. R. MOSSOP, Clearfield. MERRELL& BIGLER, Hare just opened a large and splendid assort ment of 'NEW GOODS at their old Stand ia Clearfield. Penn'a. They hare tbe best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell at the most reasonable prices, among which will be found a splendid lot of euttlery. to which they invite tbe special attention of the public. On hand nn assortment of heavy silver-plated Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best manufacture. A lot of pistols of the best patterns, ahd other fire-ins. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin ware, brass kettles, store pipe. etc.. which cannot be surpassed in this section ofthe Stat. They a so hare on hand Pittsburg Plows, a mong w'lich are steel centre lever plows. Also. Plow castings, and otheragricultural implements. Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for sale at reasonable prices Coal oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, naila, iron, and castings, a great variety; in fact almost anything that may be wanted by the public can be found in their establishment, and at prices that cannot be beat. Now is the time to purchase, if yon desire any thing in tbeir line of business. Give them acall and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you ran bs accommodated. . Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street. Clearfield. Pa., where you can buy goods to the very best advantage. - Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old cast in gs will be taken in exchange for goods. May 13, 13fi3. MKRRELL BIGLER. ; 1 FOR SALE. Tbe TavernPUnd at Bridgnort on the Erie and Waterford turnpike, west of Curwensvilie, is offered fur sale on reasonable ' terms. Any person desiring a good location for keeping a public house, will find it their interest to call and examine the premises and situation be fore purchasing elsewhere. - MARY SPENCER'. " i July 8, lS63.-4t. - ESTATE OF JAMES THOMPSON, DE CEASED Executors' Sale of Valuable tim ber land in Clearfield aud Cambria counties The Executors' of James Thompson, late of Chest tp.. -Clearfield county Penn'a, dee'd. will expose to sate by public outcry at tbe Borough of New Washington, on Friday the 31st day of July, 1863. " at 3 o'clock, p. m . of said day, the following de scribed tracts of land. v ' No. 1. 121 acres and 80 perches nett. ' Beg .ning at post on lineof Jon'a Westover'a land north 82 deg west 108 perehea to white oak, soath tbt deg west 39 perches to cherry, north 74 deg west 1&. perches to poet, west 93 perches to a maple, south 3 deg east 4S perches to post, sontb tt deg east 131 perches to maple, north Kli deg east 67 per ched to Linn on bank of Chest ereek. north 80 deg east 70 perches to post on J. Westoverliae.t&ence by came north i deg eat SIS perches te beginning, situate in Chest township. ClearfieM county. Pa. ' No. 2. 127 acres and 141 perches nett. Begin- . ning at a post thence south 6ii deg east 114 per ches to maple-Bouth 42dez east 57 perches to Linn, north SO deg east 70 perches to poet, sooth i deg. w. 76i per to post by white oak south 8 deg w. ITS perches by S. Fry to a rock oak. Berth 27 deg. w.' 22 perches by Amos Fry to poa. thenoe by Ka lends land north 7 deg west Ms peroha to he ginning, situate in Chest tp. Clearfield county, Pa, No. 3. 24 acres and 190 perohea sett, . gio ning at a post north 2 deg east Z--2 per jfce to post, thence by John Meyers north 89 deg west 106 per ches to post, thence by laed of Geoderbem aoetb 2 deg west 73 perches to pine,' Durtk 88 dog west ail per to post, thence by Nagle south iidtC west 204 perches to post, thence by Laferty and others,'" south fe!) deg east li9 perefcee te beginning, aitu- ' ate is Susquehanna tw p, Cambria evunty. Pa. Terms, l-tfaird cash, b&laacaic coeor t we years with interest. t be areured by Judgment Bond or personal seowrity. - W.M FEATH, - v -Jtly lltS$3..'. . ' JaS. J1EWEN, Execntot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers