Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 15, 1863, Image 3

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Hcar. John Troutman of this borough,
was severely hurt in a fall, on July 4th. lie
was ascending a ladder tolraake some repairs
to bis house, when a ruug broke and he fe 11
and struck his side on the rung beneath, and
fractured several of his ribs. lie is about
again however. .
Seriocslt Isjleed. On Wednesday July
Sth, George Thorn of this place was very se
riously injured, whilst at work at the house ot
H'm. Irvin, Esq, in Curwensville. Mr. Thorn
and six others were on a scaffold, when it
fcroke down and precipitated the whole party
to the grouad. When tne scaffolding gave
-war, one of the men threw a hatchet that he
:id in his hand, which struck Mr. Thorn on
the bead about two inches back of the right
r, cutting a deep gash, about five inches in
length, diagonally towards the chin, and with
in one-fotirlu of an Inch of the jugular vein.
The wound is a serious one, but not' danger
ous. The other six persons were all more or
.Jess injured in the fall.
Mjoe Hartshorn. It will be gratifying
tdihe many friends of this, youog' oflicer to
know that, though distinguished for his gal
Untry in the recent battle at Gettysburg, he
iusagain escaped nnharmed. At the battle
..( Antietani, after the fall of Col. McNiel,
Hartshorn, then Adjutant of the regiment, was
placed in command and wotfthe c special com
mendation o( Gen. Meade, then command
ing the Pennsylvania Reserves, for his gal
lantry and coolness. Iu the terrible battle of
J'lly 2d, in which the '-old Bucktails7' were
Aotly engaged, Col. Taylor fell pierced through
the heart, and Lieut. Col. Miles was borne
from the field, again M-ij. Hartshorn succeed
ed lo the command of . tba gallant old regi
ment, and again lie is complimented on the
field for his bravery and skill, by Gen. Craw
ford, Commanding the di ision. Major Harts
horn combines the impetuosity ol the young
soldier with the coolness of the veteran, and
is a fitting officer to command a reginicnl that
has the proud record of the 1st Penn'a Rifles;
who, in defence of their State, have again
fought, and have again lost iu killed and
wounded half their number none missing
nil mine taken prisoners. May the young M-ij.
and his regimentjffver show the same record.
Below we give the number of persons in
Clearfield County, who are suljeet to dralt
nnder the recent enrollment:
Bccciria township,
Hell township, ;
Bloom township,
Roggs township,
Bradford township,
Brady township,.
Itnrnside township, ' .
dust township,
Cleafcfield Iiorough,
Curwensville Borough,
Covington township,
Decatur tc wnship,
1'crgiison township,
F"x lowiibbip,
(iiieliclt township,
Cirard town.Jii,
ti'ialsen township,
tirahani township, .
Huston township,
Jordan township,
K.irthaua township,
Knox township,
Lawrence township.
Lmnlier City Borough,
.Morris township,
New Washington,
Penn township,
1'ike township,
I ii l on t.'wnship,
Woodward tourist. ip.
Numbers in classes
1st Class. 2d Class.
101 ii
80 27
litj 10
i-i 82
m 3d
111 53
120 42
87 35
fcJ 41
72 41
100 23
, 59 21
2'5 7
5", 28
o7 15
37 Hi
70 2'J
51 21
50 26
52 21
71 16
1VJ 68
25 - 8
92 , 4:1
24 7
5 1'.)
si it;
40 : IS
46 27
l'JIS W 1
draft, i . 2770
Bt l.,w we give a corrected list ot the casua
lties sustained by Company E, in the recent
h-i'tle at Gettysburg :
Killed, Sergeant, William L Antes.
" Private, James Kineliart,
" " Jimea II. Bush. '
worxotn 19.
Captain Z. C. McCullough. side, arm, and leg, j
Scrgeaut, Cornelius Owens, arm severely.
" Kob-rt A. Mitchell, band slightly.
James W. Irwin, head slightly.
Corporal, John II. Mason, leg, amputated.
Charles H. Laniiner, neck .slightly.
" William Pierce, arm, amputated.
I rate, James Lucas, shoulder, severely.
" James W. Goss, head, severely.
" Abcdiieeo Crane, hand, slightly.
" Edward Goss, face, severeiv,
" M. S.Lawhead, shoulder, slightly.
" Peter Coriy, arm and back, severely.
Michael B. Cramer, side, severely.
' Win. F. Krise", arm and leg, severely.
" John MaTumber, shoulders, slightly.
' Win. Philips, taken prisoner. . -Win.
L. Taylor, taken prisoner.
Henry p. Hummel, in body, severely.
". Frank Freel,"j the hand.
Corporal. B. Bloom McPherson.
I'nvste, Oliver H. P. Krise.
" Daniel S. Kephart.
" David Brainburnard.
" Nathan Ilaring.
" James H. West. .
John Dellass.
" George W. Ardry.
" J ison Kirk, Jr. ' - .
Trisoner. Private John H. Ogden. '
" Westley H. Sliirey, paroledl "
McCullongh . went into the 6ght at
ttjsbcrg with 41 men, of which number he
ot 33 id that engagement leaving him but
meD ""injured. Capt. McCu Hough has the
rP:tatioD ol being a brave and efficient ofB
r ho is ever ready to lead his company
fedaty requires. His company has, per
P ustained a greater proportionate loss,
bcgny ther in the engagement at Gettys-
rgeant Thos. Liddell.ia said to be a favor
c't iBcornpany E.and is represented as being
' the bravest," most cool and determin
""n in the regiment ; sever flinching from
any duty however arlnoiis i danirorons. In
fact, the Clearfi.-.ia twiys, uIicIIut ns oilier
or privates, luva done their wiiole dny.ai.d
nobly maintained the reputation of beiiig a-
mong the "bravest of the brave."
We givj be Iotv a corrected 'list, of casual-J
tins in oomrmnv H yfV,.. T.nl., ki.....i.
.J. Z,Z irr' ... !' f' '
1 ' t . v. u u no jri, 1 . nub uciug uuieia I
Uernard Adams. , YVm. Fleming.
Samuel Starr, Sam'l McClure. :
. WOUl)ED.
Capt. J. Irvin, slightly iu the head.
Moirw Farley, in the lee.
A. B. Cole, leg broken below the knee.
Sylvanus Snyder, leg. slightly.
Richard A. Curry, side, severely.
Ellis Lewis, severely in back,
Charles R. M'Masters, severely in back.
Daniel R. Davis, arm above elbew.
Samuel T. Nelson.
John Limioger, Severely arm and back.
Cotirad Barrett, shoulder, severely.
Daniel Shunkwiler, Slightly in arm.
Oscar Welsh,' in the leg. -
Robert Dixon, in the leg.
W. 17. Counell, in the leg.
George Ilugan, in the leg.
Jacob T. Lines, in the leg.
Jlsrvey McCrachen,
James McDowell,
Joseph Alexander. '
William Bard, taken prisoner. ' ,
Edward Livingston, taken prisoner.
From the above it will be seen that company
B ha? suffered a heavy loss. Nobly did theCur
wensvillo boys stand up to the work, and much
praise is due them for their daring gallantry.
Thk Cossokii'tion to ni? Enforced. The
conscription is to be enforced at once, and it
is understood thatSOO.OOU will be the number
called for, an extra dratt of 51 per cent, being
added lo cover exemptions, &c.
On June 2-jth, by Rev. J. II. Bratten, .Mr.
John Pbessxer to Mrs. Esther M. Siiaffk.
On July fth by Rev. J. II. Bratten, Mr.
S.murj Tobias to Miss Euzk Kbharo.
Tlie Rebels Reach the Potomac.
Hagorstown Occupied by Meai.lt.
Lee Retreating Toward Hancock. Md.
h:nce our last issue, we have the intelligence
ol Lee's retreat to thn Potomac. After the
battle on Friday night he commenced ret
rograde movement, passing South alonj
the east base oj the South Mountain, tow
ards Hagerstown and William port. General
Meade immediately proceeded to fall back to
wards Frederick, and from tbeuce advanced
towards Hagerfitown. ;
On the 9th, a brifk artillery and cavalry
fight took' place at the old Autietam battle
ground. - ' .
A fight commenced near Sharpsbnrg yester
day (Friday) at d aybeak, and continued till 6
o'clock iu th3 evening, when Longstreet's di
vision was thrown into confusion, and our ar
my drove them back, pursuing them tor sev
eral miles.
The engagment was brought on by Kilpat
riek, who, finding the rebels on Thursday too
strong, waited for reinforcements of infantry.
The battle was longht by only a portion of our
army .. ; . :
The rebels fought steadily at first, but wild
ly at last, as if their ammuition had expended.
Our cavalry and artillery destroyed the pon
toon bridge, to the consternation of the rebels,
as they were about crossing.
The lebel soldiers express Jittle hope of
crossing the Potomac, and were anxious about
their supplies, not having seen their train lor
four or live diys. They were much disheart
ened. . ' .. m
July 11. Yesterday the army began to take
positions, driving back, the enemy's cavalry
to near Funckstown.
Lee is strongly entreuchcil, and has a strong
natural position. ;
July 12. To-day our right wing pressed
forward ou the Boonsuoro and Hagerstown
pike, and finally entered and occupied Hagers
town, which we hold to-night. The enemy'a
force, which consited principally tf cavalry
and two regimtnts of. infantry, made no de
termined resistance. The enemy fell back
towards Williamsport, and reconnoissances
report that they are throwing up entrench
ments within two mile ol Hagerstown. The
positions they now occupy are said to be ot
great strategic strength.
A despatch frotd Greencastlc states that
the Rebels had afterwards re-occupied Ila.
gerstown. ' :
A negro who came into our lines states that
rebels were building flatboats at Williamsport,
with which they expect to effect a crossing.
July 18. A gentleman who left Waynesbo
ro yesterday at noon, famishes the following
iuterreating intelligence.
It is understood that the rebeN, in falling
to the line oT Conococheague river from An
tietani, encountered the forces of Gen. Mulli
gan, and after several skirmishes lo the vicin
ity ol Clear Spring, retired to the eastward.
This accounts no doubt for the occupation of
Hagerstown by General Ewel. ' ';.;
Hagerstown is now held by our forces.
The position of the rebel army is now redu
ced to a space of six miles by nine, in which
to mancevre. They have no naturally strong
positions left to them, and it i believed by
persons in oflicial position that they cannot
possibly escape capture or annihilation.
The report that a large number of rebels
had crossed the Potomac with a wagon train,
is believed to be entirely false, as there is
nothing to cross the river with excepting the
rope ferry '
A report is current at Washington that the
rebel Gen. Stuart was captured on last Friday
night by our cavalry.
It Js reliably reported from Hagerstown,
that at a d iMauce of a mile and a half ironi
Hagrr.siown. ..mi the road to Williamsport, the
i enemy Lave thrown up strong entrenchments
This is probably the case, for unless they are
crossing the river, their steady retreat before
i our advance can be accounted for in no other
From the best sources it is believed that
L J command not leas than 50,-
000 men. Taking the natural strategic posi
tion in possesion of the enemy, and the addi
tional advantage ol his being entrenched, Gen
eral Meade has no trivial task before him.
He is preparing for the conflict ith all
possible speed, coupled with great discretion
His engineers are industriously employed in
surveying the ground, and selecting the best
position, while our cavalry are employed in
feeling the enemy'a lines.
Capt Belcher of Maine, who was taken pris
oner at Gettysburg, has made bis escape. He
says the rebels admit a loss of 20,000 in kil
led and wounded. .
The battle on the Upper Potomac is not
likely to be much longer postponed. General
Meade has massed his .troops upon an unusu
ally short line,' and is in a position to fight if
Lee chooses or is forced to remain on this
side of the Potomac. Our troops are all in
fine spirits. : ' .
-17 AAA 'Pl-JTCJOTr'TJCJ 1. PfT T?n
- . ; t
102 Field Pieces, 30 Siege Guns, and 50,000
Stanl or Small Arms, and 57 Stand of Colors
Fall into oar hands as Trophies-
6,000 Men in the Hospitals, etc.
Vicksbcrg, July 4. Vicksburg surrender
ed this morning, alter a seigo of" fory-seven
days, terminating in negotiations lasting
twenty-four hours.
General Grant and Pemberton had an inter
view yesterday afternoon, and the last note ol
Pemberton, accepting the p roffered terms of
Gen. Grant, did not reach here till 9 o'clock
to-day. General MThersou revived the for
mal surrender.
The terms allow the officers and men to be
paroled hero, the former to retain their side
arms and horses and pergonal property. They
are to be escorted beyond our lines and fur
nished with three days provisions. General
Logan's division inarched into the city at 11
o'oloek,and at noon Lieutenant Colonel Strong
hoisted the stars and stripes over the Court
House. -
Co. Wilson is provost inarshal,and General
Logan commander of the post. We have ta
ken about 27,000 prisoners, besides about 4,
000 non combatants, 102 field pieces, 30 siege
guns, 50,000 stand uf arms, ammunition, lo
comotives, cars, a few stores, and 57 stands 6f
colors. ' " .
Arming the prisoners are Lieutenant Geu.
Pemberton,' Major Generals S. Stevenson,
Smith Forncv and Bowen ; fourteen brigadier
generals, and 130 colonels. - Tnere are 5,G0O
men in the hospitals, half of whom are woun
ded. Only 150 of the garrison are reported fit
lor duty.
The stock of provisions was almost exhaust
ed and for four days numbers had been ' eat
ing mule flush. Ol ammunition for the heavy
guns they had a lair supply, but lor the field
guiis and musketry they were short. Eislit
caps to a man were allowed. They had an ex
cess of sugar, molasses, and rice, and these
were all the supplies they had, except a little
ting! ountl corr. ' '
The capitulation wis caused by destitution
and prostration, hastened perhaps by the ex
pectation that our forces would storm the
placo to di) . , ...
It Is admitted by all that the rebels made a
gallant defence, attd the terms were under
stood to be concehsions oT General Grant
to their bravery. as well as a measure of great
public economy .
. VicksbuTg is much damaged by shells, and
hardly a house has escaped. Our soldiers
treated their late enemy with great friendship,
both sides feeling great relief from the hard
ships and sufferings of the siege.
Fifty steamers are at the landing. The
Fourth of July has never been celebrated so
strictly or so earnestly. .. .
General Pemberton denies the authorship of
the speech attributed to him about holding
out till the last dog was eaten.
Great Riot in' New' York.
Humored Murder of 13 Police.
The Legitimate Fruits of Copperhead Teachings
Nkw ToRK.July 132 p. ni. A great crowd
collected abont the office of the Third Con
gressional District this morning, where the
draft was in progress, and stated that it would
no longer be allowed to proceed in JCew York
The rioters seized the books and draft
wheel and scattered them about the street.
The Provost Marshal fled from the office. '
The crowd then took possession and imme
diately set fire to the building.
An alarm was sounded and the engines turn
ed out, but. were not allowed to approach the
building, being kept back by the crowd, while
it was entirely consumed.'
The riot is said to have assumed vast pro
portions. It is stated that the Arsenal on
Fifty-fourth street has been taken by the mob,
who armed some 400 of thajr number. 4
The polico have been baudled terribly se
vere. It is reported that ronce superinten
dent Kennedy and some fifteen ol the police
were killed and many wounded.
A squad of some thirty soldiers were order
ed to fire on the mobs, but they had their
guns taken away and were shockingly beaten
and dispersed. V ', . '-. , 4
. ,The crowd was so dense that it prevented"
the Third street cars from running. ' I r r
After the building was burned the crowd
increased to the number of 3,000. armed with
clnbs, pitchforks and revolvers and every
available style of weapon.
The mob then nrnrpprt. irt Viuty.
L ,v wj- iJiIll II V'VU-
gressional District with the intention ol de-
.irnri.,..!..!. ...
Irnrin. . k t. . . .
stroying the building occupied by the Provost
Up to this hour the rioters are still in lare
force in that district.
It is said that the Government has sent up
wiuuoauu troops to qneii the disturbance.
Important from Arkansas.
a iimlisui, ATTACK ON HELENA.
Another Victory on the 4th of July.
One Thousand Prisoner Captured.
v"'ui ""'i -loom IO.UUU rebels. unlr
Holmes, Price, and Marmaduke, made an at-
ti .i . ... ...
v,u iicieua ou uie morning ol the 4th of
juiy. iney advanced in three columns, hut
the rot.fihnessof the ground . .,h .
O mmt V
n," , ' " "J
me centre column charged in the direction of
x uu wuius, ana louil ihree lines of rifl.,.i.ii
Tl a .... . r
I lie iinlr alt-iib w.a ... .n ..! . t : i
.. " "vi, suuvessi u i, wnicn I
subjected the centre to in eritMadinir fko which
.;w.! !'.. : . . m.
, gicai uuiuuers Hiey
were soon surrounded, and one whole brigade
or what was left of it, numbering 910, fell in-'
1 1 .TP Tilt .-. i' . . . L. . . . ...
to our lianas, Wot whom arrived here this
morning. Among them are Col. Lewis, of the
Hi Missouri, Col. Johnson and Col. Bell.
Uen, 1 rentiss was aware of the coutempla-
teu attack, and was prepared. He had about
4,000 men, and was assisted by the gunboat
iyler. Ihe buttle commenced at 4 o'clock.
m. and continued till 10 a.m. We captur
ed 1,000 prisoners, -1,2K stand of arms, and
two colors. The enemy's loss was very se
vere ; not less than 2,500 in killed wounded
and prisoners. Our total loss will uot exceed
2-30. Gen. Prentiss is confident that he can
repel any assault that the rebels may attempt
IU LU.N.-L .MKli IvS. The Advertiser. hjivin
been restored to health in a few weitkg.-bv a o-
ry simple remedy, after bavin? suffered sever-
al year3 with a severe lung affection, and that
uivuu uiMiaso, confuraption is anxious to make
1.. - - t ' Otl . ..
nnunuiunis ieiiow-sunerers the means of cure.
lo all who desire it. he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charire). with the iiirc-
tions for preparing and using the same. which they
prevent the rebels from bringing up artillery. TVOT1CE All persons are notified not tomed
They attcmoted to'r.arrr th- w.L - i.., ....... i. "i1 dlf ith certain Bay Mare, in possession of
nmiiuu a sure cure ior consumption. Asthma. I "' 1 - i ;H iMi.i ; ihk rj.xeKi.
Hronchitis. eto. The only obieet of the adrnrtinpr I sioit Wixo-Mill. ine of the best Windwills
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the ataic-
leu, ana spread lnlormalion which he conceives to
be invaluable, and ho hones everv sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre-I
cuiijiuuu w it i pieuse aaaress
Apr. 22-3m. Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N.Y.
... 'Ill , , o I
X. of Administration on tho estate of Daniel
M. Weaver, late of the Borough of Curwensville.
Clearfield county, Penn'a, dee'd, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
same win present them properly authenticated
ior settlement. j. h. LY I LK.
Julyl,l8t)3. Administrator.
IHUIUK S AUT1CE.-In the matter of
cm. the sale of the Real Estateof David Mirhla
by the Sheriff of Clearfield county. The under- I
signoa. appointed in open court to distribute tho I
will attend to the duties of hi .nnnintm,.) h;,
Office ill rl)U ll.irnilU-h nf rifirfir.1,1 n P-Mnn
17th day of July A. D. 1863; at 10 o'clock a. m. of
aid day. when and where all
' l :rii . r
may uucuti ii xoey see proper.
July 1, 1803. THO'S J. M CULLOCGn, Aud'r.
- - I
UDITORfS NOTICE. In the matter of
j. m. me sale ot tne Keal J'. state Ac. of villi R. I
r.rr'.."w.UMlJ"-Xtt" "uu'.? p-
riairf;ALl - Tl J - . 3 i..
pointed in open court, to distribute the moneys
. i. i i ... . oi -a. .
a.i.ii'i, uuui uioiiio vj ine isnerin as a Dove sta- I
ted. wilt attend to thn dntina nf h,a
" ... ..... . 1 II 111. N l ,
nl klo ffi U t i. . r ni . ., ' I
at his office in the Borough of Clearfield, on Sat-
urday the ISth day of Julv A. D. 1815.1. at. 10 o'J
clock, a m. of said day, when and where all per-
sons interested may attend if they see proper.
.uv.,. ni'j o o. i iiiAitirji, Aua r.
lTDI TOR'S XOTICG.-In the matter of
XX. the sale of the Real Estate of Charles J. C.
.1. & Joseph Pusey by tho Sheriff of Clearfield Co.
The undersigned being appointed in open court,
ATDITOK'S NOTICE In the matter of
the sale of the Real Estate of J.J. Linie bv
tho Sheriff of Clearfield county. The undersign-
cd. appointed in open court, "an Auditor, to dis-
tribute the proceeds of said 8ahs to those lea-allv
nio n(ui3. wui niieiiu - uj me unties ot 1
his appointment, at his office in the Borough of
CM,. J . j ... ,
' uesnay ine zist aay ot July A u.
lSb.J, at 10 o'clock a. n., of said day, when and
where all persons interested, may attend, if they
see proper. TUO'S J. jI'CULLOLMH,
ilv l ii 1 .... .
V ' , Auaitor
A UDITOR'S NOTICE. In" tho matter of
J-. th
the sale of the Real Estate of J. Russell, by the
iff of Clearfield co. The undersigned tnnninl.
ed in open court, an Auditor to distrihute thn nriw
ceeds of said sale, to those legally eutitled to tho
game, will attend to the dutiea of his annoint
ment, at his office in the Borough of Clearfield, on
Wednesday the 22d day of July A. D. 1603. at 10
o'clock, a. iu. of said day when and where all per-
sons intorested mav attend, and be heard.
JUiy l. idn3. - THO a J M.CULLOLGU, Aud'r.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the matter of
the sale of the Real Estate of John RickeU
and Isaac Rickets by the Sheriff of Clearfield eo-
The undersigned Auditor appointed in open court
gaily entitled to the same, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment, at his office in the Bor
ough of Clearfield, on Thursday the 23d day of
July A D. 1S63, at 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day,
wnen ana wnere all persons interested mav attend
if they see proper. THO'S J. M'CULLOUGH,
Juiy i, itj:5. --. . Auditor
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, now in the possession of John
Coulter, in Woodward twn'p. to wit: 2 horses, 2
eows. 2 spring calves, 4 head of young cattle, 9
sheep, 6 hogs. I plow, 1 harrow, 1 log chain, 1
wind mill, I threshing machine. 4 acres wheat in
the ground,. 2 acres rye, 2 acres oats, a lot of
house-hold and kitchen furniture. -etc., as the
same belongs to me and have only been left with
said Coulter on loan, and are subject tomy order.
July 1, 1863,-p. . FRANCIS Bltfll..-
Hart wick & Huston's, Clearfield, Pa. -
I7LO UU A good
article tor sale at the ttor ol
WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield,
an Auunor, 10 uisiriouto me prooeeis ot sale to Cheap KF 4DV.M X iV Goorfe
tthnurga,IrVDtiUed-t0t thVV " ttCnnd t0 4 Sueh cit v J Vt., Under-I
?e?d &l. n C ClltaA irts, and other Flannel shirta, Good,
D lilM ,,! v . T r 20-d-' 0fLJu,jr A; CAmtP Boots. Shoos, Hatt. Caps, Neck- Crood
will ii -V : J saidday- wJhen Cheap-. ties.Gum Boots and Snoes.aud Gowt,
heard ' THfPs'l (fT! m-r h d ' a uf oth" rticlea- l0"1'
Z-flL'V : Auditor. Cheap . rK,0uj t,j Gooli
RELIEF iVOTICE.The Board of Relief
for tho county of Clearfield, will meet at the
Corauiisfioners' office iu Clearfield, on Wednes
day and Thursday, the 29th aud 3i)th daya of
July, A D. IS63.
The Board of Relief have direoted that the wif
of the soldier must appear before the board, and
produee her sworn statement, detailing name of
tedVTenT.ir"1 e--'.i Wh7
l ,ea 1 uuui ''vt of eh i Idren. wit h age and
1 v"v "i euuuren. wuu aire auu sea 01
each ; the t. wnship i which they resided at the
timeot enlistment, and their present residence ;
and that tho is without the means of support for
herself and children who are dependent upon her.
Two witnesses of credibility from the township
in which she resides, must also be produced. whose
lemncare (sworn to letore the Board of Kehef)
rausi set iortn that the applicant is the person sh
represents herself to be. that the sr&tm.-nt nf th
number and age of her family U true, that she is
u ucsijiuie circumstances and her family in ac
""" ""it. ana that all the facts set forth in b
application are correct and true.
iorms containing these requisitions can be ob
lainea at the Ofhoe of the Board of Relief, when
V. V?" 13 maJe ant the witnesses appear.
a. illness of the applicant, properly proven
ill excuse personal attendance
July S. !Sti3.
rl ' i Itt. I have th U .Uv i.l
a tL th 8tore bJ ? to my son, E
I A. Irvin, together with the book accounts rents
Ac. and authorisn him
ransaei business for me. M. IRVIN
f , " vwm v auvil KIIU
-?Dayu 18-
oamuei uurry of Knox township, as the same he
,onfe'8 and is only left with said Currv on
I Inn n tn n nuf m a a tattv t rr'N .-t-
A J " " "i ucl jvth.i rauuj.
curwensville. fa., June 3, lSi3.
I I '
A , 1 - 1 ''LIGECE. Any person
-f- desiring intelligence of or from theirfriends
4 orreHMiveamtire army of the Potomac, or nnv o
"'' Army hospitald. can receive information b
- , , , .. l ' r
IOK SALE. A house and lot. situate in the
Borough of Lumber City, is offered for sale.
1 he boildintrs consist nf a vn'mt rnmA linnu ct.
ble and other outbuildings, and a good well of
nmcr ner me aoor. ine property will be sold
on reasonable terms. For further information
apply to Jlis. J. h Curby resi ling on the premi-
"J:. June 17, lS3.-pd.
i. Of Administration on the PSt.ltn nf FrnrtonV lr
xisnei. late ot Lhest township. Clearfield county
dee'd. having been granted to the undersigned
persons indebted to said estate arc requested
to make immeiliaro Davment. and thnw huin.
claims against the same will present them dulv
authenticated for settlement. AL'STIXCURRY
June 17. lM. Administrator
J of Administration on the estate of s 1
Khule, late ot Ulen lloDe. Ciearfiold conntv
I fenn'a, dee'd, having been granted to the under-
I signed. All persons indebted to sai l estate are
I requested to make immediate payment, and those
I """"S cwuinugiiinwme jaraevtui present them
l.l.-l - . T .' t f .. 1
I uul . aiirncn.icaieu lor settlement, at the rest
deuce of the subscriber m I'.ecearia township,
June 2t, 18(13. JOHN W. WiU'JIiT. Adm'r.
I evcr invented is now being oflftred to thecitisensof
yruii county, xne unacrsigneu Agent is now
" this place for the purpose of offerin 2 a first
I class mill to the public lie only asks a fair trial,
'nsure. successful introdnctiou. Farmers
are especially invitea to call ana examine them
Detore purchasing elsewhere. W. HANCOCK,
June lsth, loj Agent
Have removed from 252 S. Second Street, to 807
Chestnut Street above Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa.,
where they have opened a well-selected stock of
Uarpets, Uit uiotus, and Mattings.
Bedding and Mattresses of every description
ready-mado or made to order. Also. Feathersof
various qualities always on hand.
The Manufacture and Sale of Bedding will also
be continued &t 263 touth Second Street Phil a.-
delhia, Pa.
Philadelphia. June 1, lAS3.-3m.
a rc-ft qtr rrr rM torrrn,
nfMitu Mh,ii;t ar, mgttjtr,hU.
.! '
run 1,1 l. . t Ml 1
I Irooil
Always on hand a large stock of La-ip0 .
dies goods such as Coburg Cloth, (n0f,
Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, q00,.
Prints, Chintz. Kerchiefs, Nu- 7,0'j
bics, Ronnets, Gloves, etc. iy" ',
. 1
W '
d Leap
Chixip Always on hand Black. Blue. Brownjfi:00.t
ana 'jrrey uiotns, fancy ana lilacs '(ioortx
Casimeres. Satttnets. Cassinets, 'Goois
Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Goodx
mgs. r-hirting, etc.. et. etc. GnoJ
,,F H Mnslina, Colored Muslins. Linen
V", J' and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth,
cle Linen and hemp towls. car- .uoa
(' al peta' curlain8- fringe, etc r"j.
"t"7':T- ..... .. HTUoas
Cheavi" Jaa wane smalts o- spiaes. Manure 'Good
Cheap or other forks, Saw-mill or other G0ds
chMp sws. Smoothing irons. Locks,
ChraV Hinges, ete.. goto Mossop's
ch. j where you can buy cheap.
rL7,,J . fPYMTWAT"
- r t
7,lfiTMnH f..rV. Iturhr TTnirM nJ.
Cheap Shoe and Stove hlauking. Manilla 'Goads
J,! 1 i
i r .
and hemp ropes, Ink, Paper or iGoods
Fens, roivder, Shot or Lead, Goods
etc., buy them at Mossop's. Gonds
TP Vl lf VI' i VP ' Gnndx
7,. p
""V Shoe Last or Pegs. Palm r Faneyjr'""l?
Cheap Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win- Goodt
f,,p boaP' otarcb, H all Paper or
Wt dow ShB,les' LamrMj, Lamptu
Y,,p or Wicks, coal oil, eto , go
tubes yooas
'heap Mossop's cheap cash store.
r i
Cheap " IW "Afll -
Good extra family Flour, White or
r tit w.'.r, t . - i
brown sugar, hams, shoulders or r j
sides, eoffee: Imperial. Young ',." ?
Hyson orblacs: tea, bay them r j
at Mossop's cheap for cash.
CAMrofTallow candles, fine or coarse salt
Cu'(ip Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried 'Goods
apples or peaches, wafer or so- 'Goods
do cracKers, call at Mossop s .Goods
where you can buy cheap. '-, Goods
Cheap Pari wine for Medical or Saeramon-' Goods
Cheap, tal uses, Sw.et wine, old .Motion- ,Goods
Cheap'' . eahela or rye whisKy, Cherry ..Goods
Cheap, . and Cognac brandy, buy at
Cv7m1 . . Mossop's cheap cash store.
Ch'tp, ,'"'' . . ip vnn wint
Raisens, Figs, Pranes or dried Cur-4?,0',
Cheap ra.nts: filberts, ercim. nui ,'l"ods
ground nuts, candies. Liquorice . 'iT0 ,
l - , . - A. , A . . (rntst t
nr I. nnnrimt Tnnf nnv mam !
at Mossop's cheap and good.
rheyiT, ?' bay any ether article cheap. bv2v:
: I
Cheap a"r go t" Moesop, for he sellr Goods
Chejxrt eheaper for each than any other
Cheap- person inClearfield county. tGoo-is
Cheap' November 2T. 1361. , - ap27'59 '.Goods
Approved country product of every kind raisn at '
the usual rmriet prices in. exchange for goods, ,
f M. M'CULLODGIJ, Attorney at Law, CVais
T . field. Pa. Office, with L.J Crans. Esq..
nfcecond Street. July S, 1S61.
11 kinds of Stone-ware, Clearfield. Pa, Or
der? solicited wholesalo or retail. Jan. 1, 1S63
CRA,S BARRETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear
field. Pa. , May 13. ISM. -
RTTt,J' WALLCK. Attorney at Law. Clear
held, I a Office in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Xaugle's jewelry store. May 26.
IJ i AAtULlv, atch and Clock JUk,-r, and
. ji ici iu ii iicnei, jewelry. &a
Room in
Graham's row, Market street
. , . -
Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law. Clear
. field. Pa. Office inGraham'a Row, fourdoo a
west of Graham A Boynton's store. Nov. 10.
BK.fHOPS. Cabioent Maker, Cherry Street,
. Cleartield, Pa Makes to order every des,
cription of 1'urnitureon short notice. Jan.21'63
J" P .KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in
. Boards and Shingles. Grain and " Produee.
Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. jt8
VlfALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear.
field, Pa. December 17. 1S82.
IT A FLEMMIXG, Curwensville. Pa.. Nursery
. , man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit aud
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery. AH i.iv
ders by mail promptly attended to. May 13.
WILLIAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet,Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hardware, Queeusware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. " , : Nov. 10,
TOHXtU'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of
Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa.
He also makes to order Coffins', on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59.
DH. R. V. WILSON, Practicing Physician.
Clearfield. Pa. Will attend tZ all profes
sional business. Office, corner of 2d and Locust
8treets- - . Jan. 2S, 18U3,
DR. M. WOODS, Pit.if ticivg Phvsk'ia.v, aud
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
Office, South-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21,
JB M'EXALLr, Attorney at Law. ClearScld,
. Pa. Prs'jtices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. ORiceiq new brick building of J. Boyn
ton, 2d stre-.t. one door south of Lauioh's Hotbl.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, (iroccries. Flour, Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Roum, on Market street, a few doors
west of Journal Uji re, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
IARK1MER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear.
J field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 8, 1856,
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional
services to the citizens of Moshannon and vi-
c.uity. He can he consulted at his residence at
all times, unless absent on professional business.
iuosnannon, centre co., i"a., May 13, IS03.
WW. SHAW. M. D., has resumed the prae
. tice of Medicine and Snrtrerv in Shawsville.
Penn'a. where be still respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public patronage. May 27, It 63.
mllOMAS J. M CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
J Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of th '-Clearfield
oo. Bank. Deeds and other leeal instruments nre-
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
n. g. BUS0. : : : : : : : : t.j.m'ccllocch
CoLLBCTioy Officb. Clearfield, Penx'a.
STOVES 50 COOKING STOVES, of all sizes,
for sale cheap for cash, by
Dec. 3, 1802. R. MOSSOP, Clearfield,
Have just, opened a large and splendid .assort
ment or j
at their old Stand in Clearfield. ' renn'tt, ;'
They have the best assortment of Hardware that
has ever been brought to .this county, which they
win sen at tne most reasonaoie prices. . aurong
which will be iound a splendid lot of cuttlery. to
which tbey invite the special attention of the
public :.:. c . .. ....
On hand an aisortniPnt or heavy silver-plated
Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best
manufacture. .
A lot of pistols of the best patterns, and other
fire-arms. Also a rincrul assortment of pistol
cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona
ble prices. - . - . - j
They continue to manufacture all kinds of tin.
ware, brass kettles, stove pipe, etc.. which cannot
be surpassed in this section of the state- L
They a!so have on hand rittsbunri Plows, a.
mong which are steel ocntre lever plows. Also.
Plow castings, and otbe'ragricultural implements.
Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a gen
eral assortment, and of the best patterns, for sale
at reasonable prices . j .- ;. i ... :l
Coal oil. Coal oil lamps,, paints, oils and var
nishes, a general assortment. Glass, putty, nails,
iron, stid castings, a great variety : in fact almost
anything that may be wanted by the public can
be found in their establishment, nd at Drices that
cannot be beat. . ... . , ,
Now is the time to purchase, if you desire any
thing in their line of business. Give theta a call
and examine ' their stock, and they feel assured
that you can be accommodated., . .. .. I
Remember, their establishment is on 2d StreoU
Clearfield. Pa., where yon can buy goods to. th
very best advantage. ,.!..::
Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old east
ings will be taken in exchange for goods. - -
Aiay to, in.. ail!.nrth.L,r, A BiGlJ-ill ;
FOR SALE. The TavernSUnd atRridgport
. on the Erie and Waterford turnpike, weet of
Curwensville, is offered for sale on reasonable
terms.-' Any person desiring good location for
keeping a public house, will find it their interest
to call and examine the premises and situation be.
fore purchasing elsewhere. MARY fcPENCER,. ,
July , 16B3.-4t. . . . - v. . ..
CEASED Executors' Sale of Valuable tim
ber land in Clearfield and Cambria counties The
Executors' of James Thompson, late of Chest tn..
Clearfield eounty Penn'a, dee'd, will expose in
Bale by public outcry at the Borough of New
Washington, on Friday the 31st day of July. 1863,
at 3 o'clock, p. m., of said day, the following de
scribed tratu of laud. , .. .,.. ;. -;
. No. 1. 121 acres and 90 perches nett. "Begin,
ning at post on line of Jon'a Westover's land north
62 deg west 1 OS porches to white oak, sonthiia
deg west 39 perches to cherry, north 74 deg west 15
perches to post, west 88 perches to a maple, sooth
39 deg east 43 perches to post, south 6d deg east
131 perohes to maple, north 42i deg eaal a? per
ches to Linn on bank of Chest creek, north HQ deg
east'O perch es to post on J. Westover's line.thenoa
by same north deg eat 93 perches to beginning,
situate in Chest township. Clearfield county. Pa. , f
No. 2. 127 acres and 144 perches nett. Begin,
ning at a post thence south. 68 deg east 114 per
ches to naaple.south 42 deg east 57 perohes to Lma,
north 80 deg east 70 perches to post, south i deg.
w. 75i per to post by white oak south S3 deg w. 173 .
perches by S. Fry to, a rock . oak, north 27 deg.' w,
22 perches by Amos Fry to post, thencs by Re
lands land north 7 deg west 113 perches to be
ginning, situate in Chest tp. Clearfield county,Paf
, Nc. 3. 264 acres and 100 perches pett. ' Begin?
ning at a post north 2 deg east 22 perches to post
thence by John Meyers north fi9 deg west 103 per
ches to post, thence by land of Gooderham south
2 deg west 79 perohes to pine, north 63 deg wett
50 per to post, thence by Nagle south 11 deg weal
204 poroses to post, thence by Lafferty and others,
south 89 deg eastl.'9 perches to begin sing, bi.ti
ate in Susouebanna tw'n, Cambria oounty. Pa. .
Teems, I-third cash, balance in one or two years
with interest, to be secured by. tndgmatt Bond,
or persona! security. . WM FEATH,
July 1.1553. . . . '; J.S. M'iWET,