Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 08, 1863, Image 3

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We have been informed that rather a fra-
grant affair came off at tbe school house near
Vjore'a mill, in Union township, on Saturday
evening, June 27th. It appears that some of
tl,e young men in that neighborhood have
been in the habit of meeting in the school
house, every two weeks, as a debating club
the ladies attending as spectators. On the
evening in question, they assembled as usual;
but, about tbe same time, some of tbe politi
cians, who were in the habit, of holding meet
jna at tbe mill, appeared at the school house
and organized a regular copperhead meeting
thus crowding out the debating society. Af
ter these "peace" loving individuals had per
fected their organization, they called upon the
incorruptible and pattiotic" T. Jefferson
Jover to address the meeting who, of conrse,
was on hand for the occasion. The speaker
mounted the stand, and, we are told, soon be
gin to berate the Adm inistration, the war,
etc., as usual ; and whilst he was in the midst
of his great and sublime and eloquent tirade,
a couple of eggs, (not possessed of the most
pleasant odor,) lit near the stand und broke
and bespattered the speaker and several oth
ers. Thisot course created an ejrgjciieincnt,
and some of the audience rushed to the door,
Imt no one was to lie seen exct-pt some young
Mies who were standing quietly near the
house and suspicion was at once cast upon
tiieni, as having tossed the eggs in. Alter
Hie excitement and the cfilnvia of the eggs
had somewhat suicided, th" meeting lennsem
l!ed, when the .pe.ikcr i-i represented as h.iv
.ifc used very vulgir and uugentleiuanly lan
guage towards the ladies. Thus iflairs rested
until Monday morning, when these patriotic
men issued a warrant lor th arrest of six
young girls, and four young men, and had
them bound over for their apjM-araiice at court.
As a number of iui's are likely to grow oat ol
the affair, we avoid expressing au opinion in
regard thereto.
Below wo give a lis', ot the casualties sus
tained by the Clearfield county Companies, in
tbe recent battles near Gettysburg :
Company E, 149 h Cleavfiild.
Killed, Sergeant, Wtu. L. Antes,
- ' Private, James Kinchart.
Wounded, Sergeant, Cornelius Owens.
" Corporal, .Vm. Trice,
" " John F. Mason.
" Frivate, Ed. Goss.
" William Philips,
" Peter Unrley,
" James Goss,
" James Lucas.
Missing, Sergeant, James V. Irwin.
" Corporal, Charles Larrimer, ,
B. 1. McPberson,
Westley Shirey.
Private, Oliver Krise, .
. William Krise,
William S. Taylor,
" Daniel S. Kephart,
i rank i reef,
Jmeg B ish, '
Nathan Ilarring,
T)avid Bninhrirnard,
Michael B. Cramer.
Henry P. Hummel,
James II . West.
Company B, 143th Curwens7ille.
Bernard Adams. Tra. Fleming.
dpt. J. Irvin, slightly in the head.
J!otri Furley.
A.B. Cole, leg broken below the knee.
Samuel Stein. Severely.
S) lv.inus Snyder, Slightly.
Kiehard A. Curry, mortally.
Eiiis Lewis, severely in back.
Charles P. M'Masters, severely in hack.
D.itiuiel P. Davis, arm above elbew.
Snniel T. Nelson.
John Siniinger, Severely arm and back.
Conrad Barrett, mortally.
dniel Shunkwiler, Slightly in arm.
Ma. Editor : The "Copperhead" organ of
Cieartield county has for the last two years
professed to be an especial expounder of the
Constitution ot the United States ; and the
l'resident could scarcely move in any direc
tion to thwart the intentions and hopes ot the
rebels, and of their aiders and abettors, Tint
lit the said organ would cry out, "Viola
Il"n of the Cos.stitut i"n." Having become ac
Cltr,rtcd to hear these Copperhead-editors,
nd others of the same yelhw stripe, expound
the Constitution, wc wish to be infuimed,
"heiiier t!!e invasion of Pennsvlvania by the
reMs it a violation of tL.it Cons!ituti'a. or
,:,,t J If not. then I suppose wc have no Con
"titutiotu! right to'stop Uiem 1 hope, how
l'lr, that these Noitht-rn -snaiks" wiil liegin
j realize the fact that it is an invasion, and
'hat i; win 50on ke stoi.ped. But, so long
' a certain class of nie , (pardon me, I was
g' ing to Bay nicU) reptiles," prefer to get up
Cf'i'petnesd meetings at Lome, teach others to
viiiify the Adiuiiiistrtion, and to disregard
the laws arl to resist the drift, and for such
"dvice be rotten egged by Patriotic young la
Vi; I say, if they would rather do these
,ljig than go and fight f.r their country nd
"gainst their dear Southern brethren, so long
"e must expect to be harrassed by invasions.
While I am out for information, I would al
sk, Did any ane ever ear of a Union
I'tmocrat, or of a Republican who threatened,
counseled or advised a resistance to the en
rollmect or the draft J I never have. Such
,b'ngcnly come from Copperheads.
Yours, Lbadt.
"''"e Republican was 'suppressed last week
BT order' of General Lee." Copperhead Or-
""hat a pity that General Lee- should treat
''Constitutional" frienos so ungenerously.
ul uch aru tbe fates of war, and if reports
kre trne respecting an occurrence at Chm
fturg, it would seem that Gen. Lee and his
ctrs possess very little admiration or sym
lor their "copperhead" brethren.
. Areestopthe Davtom IxckshiAby; Strck.
i line, who net the office of the f)ijtoi (0:ii)
I Journal on hrc on the occasion J the arrest of
! Mr. Val land ig haul, was arrested at the Spen-
j eer House in Indianapolis a few days since.
J He was h-indcuf!ed, and immediately hurst
: into a pission of weeum. aeknoyledcin r his
j gniu Qn hjn( were imn(1
laodigham and other Oino traitors. He said
that his brother and other persons hadlagreed
to stand by bim in this matter, but that thev
had falsified their word.
Warm Greeting, but Cold Comfort. The
Chattanooga Rebel, at the close of a fervent
and sympathizing address to the Democratic
candidate lor Governor of Ohio, with whom
the editor had just enjoyed a friendly confer
ence, says :
God speed yon, Vallandigbsm, on your
mission of peace ; and may your eyes be open
ed, should your power be equal to your vision,
to this grand fact, that u e cun never have peace
without disunion.
Where the Gold is. The advance of the
rebels has developed one fact, which has been
a mystery to the people for sonu time, viz :
What has become of tho gold coin ? Fearing
an attack, the hankers, and' others, of Pitts
burg, thought it prudent to remove their coin,
and the American Express Company deliver
ed In Cleveland, an the 15th ult., $15,000,000
in gold.and on the succeeding day $7,000,000
more, of which $050,000 was also in gold.
The Rebels Pcrchasiso Steamers at Mon
trfal. A Montreal business man writes to
his correspondent in Boston, under date of
June lyth, as follows :' "There is a man here
buying steamers, as ha says, for the United
Stales Government, hut I should not be sur
prised if th vessels were designated for tho
service of the Confederate States. He has
purchased three. He appeal s to be plentiful
ly supplied with funds."
The Women op East Ten.ves.see The wo
men of East Tennessee are full of faith in the
Union einso. Refugees report that the mat
rons and even the girls in all that suction will
stand trne to the last ; all they ask is arms
and ammunition, and they will fight their own
battles- It is said th it three Union women
recently killed two-rebels with a pitch fork
and spade, and wounded the third
XoTEWonTHT that every time the Potomac
army gaius an advantage over the rebels, the
'petce" or copperhead leaders begin to talk
about making '-propositions" to, or "compro
mising" waU the enemies of our country. So
look out for another howl, now that General
Meade has won a great victory over Lee.
Sabre Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, and all oth
er kinds of Wounds, also Sores. Ulcers aud
Scurvy, heal safely and. quickly under the
soothing influence of Hollowat's Ointment
It heals to the bone, so that tho weund nev
er opens again. Soldiers, supply yourselves
Ou'y 2-j cents per pot. 23!
From the tremendous howl set up in the
last Copperhead organ in this place, w-e infet
that our "leg.nl scribbler ' tread on somebody's
toes. Our remarks were general, but it ap
pears 'the shoes" fit our neighbors vry well,
and hence they have pulled them on.
Gov. Harding, of Utah, who reached Wash
ington city a day or two .since, gives a most
unpromising account of affairs in that territo
ry, and predicts serious troubles with the po
lyg.imists. When the polvgamists revolt, it
will afford another fine opportunity for the
copperhead Democracy to sympathize.
We congratulate our copperhead neighbors
on their good luck in ad link $23.50 to their
csh receipts, from " fonr Abolition subscri
bers." That's a very fair "'jnarte.rage" fee j
but, like honest men, they paid it.
. A report is current that Gen. Fosttr is ad
vancing upon Richmond, and that Jeff. Davis
is much alarmed for its safety.
Tho siege at Vicksburg and Port Hudson
was still progressing favorably at last accounts.
A whole team the copperhead Justice o
the Teace, who acted the part of Judge, Jury,
and Counsel in a recent Commonwealth case,
in tho western part of this county.
A loyal yuung lady in Bloomsburg, recently
turned a copperhead suitor into the street and
threw his copper badgo into the stovo.' Good
lor her.
. The Richmond papers are lull of sympathy
for Vallandigliam. So are tin: Northern Cop
peihcad papers-
Dl ED :
On Thursday morning, July '2i, at the resi
dence of Dr. Gebhard. 816 Kace street, Phila
delphia. Carrie T., wife of Samuel H. Wal
lace ol Ilarrisburg.
In Cnrwedsville.oii Friday evening July 3d,
at 8 o'clock, Edward Irvin, uged 2 years and 8
Also on Saturday morning July 4th, at 8 o'
clock, Emma Graham, aged 4 years and 6 mo.,
the beloved children of Mrs. O. Weaver:
--'flow still my children lie ! Speak low,
- You may a.wake them. Xo ; '-they sleep the sleep
Which knows no waking." What sweet repose
rests upon
The features. These pretty
Caskets are all that are left us. The jewels they
contained are gone. Gone where?
To shine forever an1 forever in the Saviour's
TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having
been restored to health in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease. consunipion i3 anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.
. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same. which they
wiil find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. The only object of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflic
ted, and spread information which heconceives to
be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre
set iption will please address
Apr. 22-3m. Willianisburgh, Kings Co., N.Y.
llartwkk X Huston's, Clearfield, Tii.
STATEMENT of the Clearfield County Batik
ior me month ending June SOth, 163.
Bills discounted, ::::::: : S92.340 18
Pennsylvania State loans, : c : :
Speeie, : : : ; : : : :.; ; ;
Due from other banks. : . : : : :
Notes of other banks, ::::::
U. S. Demand and Legal Tender notes.
Checks, drafts, Ac. :::::::
Overdrafts, :::::::::
Furniture. ::::::::::
Expense of plate engraving. e. : :
United States Revenue stamps, : : :
Loss and Expenses,
47.043 11
5.224 21
31.00$ 16
13,503 00
31,100 00
2.i4o 45
: 3! 5 21
7G4 75
: 21 U
235 75
Total amount of pssets, : :
Capital stock, paid in, : : ;
Notes in circulation, : : :
Due depositors, : : : : :
Due certificates of deposit, :
Due Commonwealth, :" : : :
Due United States. : : : :
Due Banks. :::::::
Interest and exchange, . :
$223,105 43
: 550.000 00
28.273 00
: 110,702 81
19,019 28
: 157 50
52 50
: 17,913 95
1,986 39
Total amount of liabilities.
S223.I03 43
Clearfield. Pa., June 30, 18(53.
MiSS "RAP Pvrulor
- AV
Teacher of Piano-Forte, Melodcan. Guitar, liar-
inony, and Vocal Music.
ixty private, and twelve class lessons included
in one term. Rooms with Mrs. II D. Welsh
Clearfield, July 1, 1863.
J.X. of Administration on tho estate of Daniel
M. eaver. late of the Borough of Curwensville.
tlearfield eounty, Penn'a, dee'd. havinir been
granieaio ine unaersignea. til persons indebted
10 saiu estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims asrainst the
same will present them properly authenticated
ior settlement. J. H. LY I LK.
July 1, Itati3. Administrator.
A UDITOR S -NOTICE. In the matter of
1 tne sale of the Real Estateof David Michaels
by the Mienff of Clearfield coun!y. The under
signed, appointed in open court to distribute the
proceeds ot sale now in the hands of thu Sheriff,
will attend to the duties of his aooointment at hia
ofliie in tho Borouirh of Clearfield, on Friday th
17th day of .July A. D. 18o3. at 10 o'clock a. in. of
aaiu an v, wuon ana wnere an persons interested
m;y attend if they see proper.
iu:y i, iNU. iuu & J. ju C.ILLOUGII, Aud r.
.4 UDITOR'S JVOTICE. In the matter of
IM. the sale of the Real Estate Ae.. of Ellis R.
Livergoo.I of Goshen township, bv the Sheriff of
Cleartield county. Jhe undersittn! Auditor ap
pointed in open court, to distribute the moneys
arising trotn thesnle by the r-heriff ns above sta
ted, wiil attend to the duties of his appointment,
at his office in the Boroutrh of Clearfield, on S:ir-
I ui.i.ij ui i-.in nay oi July A. li. IVi.S. at 10 O -
' ..- I ... .1. . 1 . 1 . I 1 f I . . ...
ciocK. a m. ot said day, when and where all per-
"ni imeresiea mav urienu it tney sen proper
July 1. . TIIO'S J Jl'CULLOUiUi, Aud'r.
4 ITDITOR'S NOTICE Tn the matter of
x JL the sale oi the Real Estate of Charles J. C.
.1 n Joseph t'usey by the Mieriff of Clearfield Co.
1 he undersigned being j-ppointed in open court,
an Auditor, to distribute the proceeds of sale to
those legally entitled to the sume. will attend to
the duties of his appointment at his office in Clear-
bold Borough, on Monday the 20th day of July A.
D. 18G3, nt.10 o clock a m. of said day. when and
where all persons interested may attend and be
neanl. THO S J. M CLLLOU05 If,
J uly I. 1S63. Auditor.
TIHTOK'S NOTICE. In the matter of
the sale of the Real Estate of J. J. Liniln bv
the Sheriff of Clearfield county. The undersign
ed, appointed in open court, an Auditor, to dis
tribute tbe proceeds of said sale to those legally
entitled to the same, will attend to the duties of
his appointment, at his office in thn Horoiiflph fir
'?n uy menia.y oi July a d.
loJ, at 10 o clock a. m.. of said day, when and
where all persons interested, may attend, if they
see proper. mu j. ji CULLOUGH.
July 1, loC3. Auditor
A l iJirOR S NOTICE. To the matter of
nie .-nie otioe j.eai J eiuce ol J. itussell.by the I
Sheriff nf rioo-Sl,l . T, J:
cij in open rouri. an flnaitor to distriDute the pro
cceds ot said sale, to those legally entitled to the
s;ime, will attend to the dutien of bis appoint
ment. at his office iu the Rorough of Clearfield, on
Wednesday the 22d day of July A. D. 1S53. at 10
'l....l. . r . , , , ,
o a.m. oi saiu uay wnen ana wnere all per
sons interested may attend, and i.e beard.
July 1. l-t3. TilO SJ M.CULL')U(ill. Aud'r.
I'DITOIPS NOTICE. In the matter of
Jl the sale of the Real Kstate of John Rickets
and Isaac Rickets by the Sheriff of Clearfield eo
The undersigned Auditor appointed in o)wu court
to distribute the proceeds of said sale, to tho?e le
gally entuied to the same, will attend to tbe du
ties of his appointment, at his office in the Bor
ough of Clearfield, ou Thursday the 23d day of
Juiy a i. inr.,1. at iu. o cloeR. a. m. of said day,
when and where all persons interested may attend
u tney seeproper. 1 iiU a j . il CCL.LOI GU,
J'y iS63. Auditor
"1AUTION. All persons are hereby caution-
W eil against purch:usiug or meddling with the
following property, now in the possession of John
Coulter, in Woodward twn'p. to wit: 2 horses. 2
cows, 2 spring calves, 4 head of young cattle, 9
sncep, n nogs, i plow, l narrow, 1 log chain. 1
wind mill, I threshing machine. 4 acres wheat in
the ground. 1 acres rye, 2 ueres oRts, a lot of
house-hold and kitchen furniture, etc., as the
same belongs to me and have only been left wi:b
said Coulter on loan, and are subject to my order.
Joly 1. 1833.-P FRANCIS DUt-H.
CEASED Executors' Sale of Valuable tim
ber land in Clearfield and Cambria counties The
Executors' of James Thompson, lato of Chest tp.,
Clearfield county Penn'a, dee d, will expose to
sale by public outcry at the IJoroueh of New
Washington, on 1'riday the 31st day of July. lso3,
at 3 o'clock, p. in., of said day, the following de
scribed tracts of land.
No. 1. 121 acres and 00 perches nett. Begin
ning at post on line of Jon'a Wesiover's land north
$2 Ueg west 10S perches to white oak, south SS
deg west 3'.' perches tocherry. north 74 deg west 16
perches to post, west 9rf perches to a maple, south
39 deg east 4S perches to post, south liS deg east
131 perches to maple, north 42 j deg east o7 per-
ches to Linn on bank of Chest creckTnorth fO defr
east 7(1 perches to post on J. Westover's line. thence
by samo north I deg ea t 98 perches to beginning,
Bi'tiiato in Chest townshin. Clearfield count v. Pa
situate in vuesi lownsnip. vieurneiu county, ra. I
No. 2. 127 acres and 144 perches nett. Bezin-
ning at a post thence south CS deg east 114 per-
ches to maple. south 42deg east 57 perches to Linn,
north 80 deg east 70 perches to post, south i deg.
w. 7oi per to post by white oak south S3 dog w. 17SJ
perches by S. Fry to a rock oak, north 27 deg. w.
22 porches by Amos Fry to post, thence by Ro
lands land north 7i deg west 113 perches to be
ginning, situate in Chest tp, Clearfield county.I'a.
No. 3. 2a 4 acres and lWO perches nett. Begin
nins at po3t north 2 de east 2S2 perches to post,
thence by John Meyers north 89 de; west 1U3 per
ches to post, thence by laud of -Gooderham south
2 deg west . perches to pine, north b deg west
SO per to post, thenoe by Nagle south 11 deg west
204 nerebes to post, thence by Lufferty and others.
south 89 deg east 159 perches to beginning, situ
ate in Susquehanna tw'p, Cambria county. Pa.
l Kiists, i-iniru caiu, ouiance m one or iwo years
with interest, to bo secured by .ludgmei.t Bond,
or personal security. V, M FLATI1.
July 1, 13. J va. i fcWfcN, Executors
WJMSKiLWS ! ! ! Pclatreaus Stimulating
t Oneuent. or French Cream!!! For Bald
Heals and Bare Faces !! ! This celebrated arti
cle is warranted to bring out a full set of Whisk
ers on the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair
on a Bald head, in less than six weeks, and will in
no way stain or injure the skin. ' The French
Cream is manufactured by D. M. Pelatreans. of
Paris, and is the only reliable article of the kind.
"Use no other." Warranted in every case. One
Box will do tho work Price 51.00. Imported
and forsale Wholesale and Retail by
Chemist and Druggist, 81 Broadway, New York.
P. S. A Box of the Onguent sent to any address
by return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents
for Postage. ' ' , j July I, 1363.
r R. S W E E T'S
Fl"lmatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lnmbago.
zitJT Accfc and Joints, Sprains, Bruises,
Cuts and Wonnds, Piles, Headache,
and all Rheumatic and Nervous
F or all of which it is a speedy ameer
tain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment
is prepared from fie recipe of Dr. Stephen
Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone set
ter, and has been used in his practice for
more than Twenty years with the. most aston
ishing effect.
As an Alleviator of Pain, it is nn-
rivaI'ed by any preparation before the miblTc.
of which the most sker.tieal
ed by a single trial.
1 his LiruniPTir wi'll mnl.llr
f.ll,. fK n- V I' v 11
iWy, Lheumat.c Disorders of vcry kind,
and in thousands of cases where it has been
usea it nas never been known to fail.
1, . c . ' w
v' euruLiiiu. il win arrorn immpn i..t ra
net in every case, however distressing.
r. .;ii .,. . ....
It will relieve the worst cases of Headache
in three minutes and is warranted to do it
Toothache, also, will it enre instantly
For Neriltus Debility and General Lassitude.
mam irom imprudence or excess, this Lini
ment is a moM haptiy and unfailinsr remedy.
Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it
sirengi nens ami revmHes the system, and re
stores ii to elasticity and vigor.
For Piles As an external remedy. w; claim
that it is the best known, and we challenge
tne worm to produce an equal. Every victim
fo this distressing complaint shoiil.l yive it a
iriai, ior it will not fail to afford immediate
relief, and in a majority of cases it will effect
a radical cure.
Quinsy and Sore Throat are sometimes. ex-
trenieiy malignant and danzeroiis. but a tinielv
application of this liniment will not fail to cure
Zprmns are sometimes very obstinate, and
enlargement of the joints is liable to occnt if
neglected. J. he worst case may be conquered
u ims Liiniment in two or three days.
Bruises. Cuts, Wound. Sores. Ulcers, Burns
and Scalds, yield readdy to the wonderful
Healing properties of Dr. Sicrr.r Infallible
Irimmeiii. when used according fo directions
Also, Lhllhlains. Frosted Feet, and Insect
Mites and stings.
of Connecticut, the Great Xatural Bono Setter
Dr. Stephen Sweet,of Connecticut, is known
all over tho United States.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the
author ot "Dr. Sweets infallible Liniment."
Cures Rheumatism and never fails.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Burns
and Scalds immediately
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best
known remedy for Sprains and Bruises.
I Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment affords im
mediate relief for Piles, aud seldom fails to
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Tooth-
ace in one miuu;e.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Cuts
and- Wounds immediately and leaves uo scar.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best
remedy for sores in the known world.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment has been
Tised by more than a million of people, and all
praise it.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment taken inter
nally cures Cholic.ClioIer Morbus and Cholera
A Friernl in Need Try it.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, as an ex
ternal remedy, is without a rival, and will al
leviate pain more speedily than any other pre
paration, tor all llhenmatic and Nervous Dis
orders it is truly infallible, and as a curative
lor bores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &c, its
soothing, Dealing and powerful strengthening
properties, excite the just wonder and aston
ishment ot all who have ever given it a trial.
Over one thousand certificates of remarkable
cures performed by it within the last two
years, attest t he fact.
To Horse Owners.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses
is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lame
ness, arising from Sprains. Bruises or Wrench
ing, its erlect is magical and certain. Harness
or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Mangee, &c, it
will also cure speedily. Spavin and Kinghone
may be easily prevented and cured in their
incipient Rtages, but confirmed cases aro be
yond the possibility of a radical core. No
case of the kind, however, is so desperate or
hopeless but it may be alleviated bv this Lln-
remove the LarncDess, aod enable tho horsi.
to ,ravel wi,h comparative ease.
,, ,, '
riient, and its faithful application will always
C IT r
Jbvery llOf-Se Uwnor
Should have this remedy at hand, for its time-
ly use at the first appearance ol lameness
will erJectually prevent those formidable dis- j
eases, to which all horses are liable, and
which render so many othurwise valuable hor
ses nearly worthless.
D R. S W E T S
. 13 THE
And thousands have found it
To avoid imposition, observe the Signature
and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every
label, and alRO -Stephen Sweet's Infallible
Liniment" blown in the glass of each bottle,
without which uone are genuine.
Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct,
MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents,
43 Cliff Street, New York.
3-Suld by all dealers everywhere
New York, April 27th, 1863 y
CAUTIOX. AH perfonsare hereby cautioned
against harboring or trusting my wile Fran
ces Wood Bailey. as she hasleft my bod and board
without any justcau.e of provosation, and' I will
pay no debtsofber contracting. WM C. BAILEY,
rbilipsburg. May 21. 18S3-3tp. -
TyrOnCE I have this dav sold and trans-
i J- ferred the store owned by me. to my son. E.
' A. Irvin. together wi;h the book accounts rents.
nti.. auiuurue nitu to receive monies anu
transact business for me. WM. IliVIN.
Curwcnsvilie, May 18, 1S63.
TV"OTICE. All persons are notified not to tned
11 die with a certain Bay Mare, in possession of
Samuel Curry of Knox township, as the same be
longs to me, and is only left with said Currv on
loan subject to my order. JOIIN PATTON.
nrwensTille. Pa., June 3, 1S63.
AR1Y I-Ti:LLIGKCi;. Any person
desiring intelligence of or from their friends
iT eiatlves in ,n "Tmy of the Potomac, or any of
the Army hospitals, can receive information by
addressmg W. I. KEALSH, Washington. D. C.,
-.Ci!)i''!!L-'iollar- June 10, lhtv-3fp.
li1 ALE. A hou.se and lot. situate in the
JL Borough of Lumber City, is offered for sale.
.1P6 0n''lings consist of a good frame house, sfa
"'e""11 other outbuildings, and a cood well of
water near the door. The property5 will rTe sold
on reasonable terms
For further information
apply to Mrs. J. L Curby residing on the premi-
j June 17, JSli.J.-pJ
of Administration on the estate of Frederick
mtvi i. uesi lownsnip, t learned county,
dee'd. having been eranted to the undersiVoM
aii persons lndebteU to said estate are requested
10 mane immediate payment, and those bavin
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement. AUSTIN CURRY.
.une 1,'1;lu: Administrator.
REWARD Was lost, on Tuesday .Tuno
- 2d. between Clearfield lioron -!i and Mm
resiaence ot the subscriber, in llrndrnr.l i..-r,cv,;
a largo sized pocktt book containing 2U0 dollars
in Rank Notes, of vaiious denominations. Are
ward of S23 will be paid to the finder, on leaving
uv .'uvuti uuoo. iiuu money in ine cure Ol ft. J
Row, at tbe Journal olftVe in Clearfield. Pa.
June 10, 1803. JOHN' GRAHAM.
J m oi Administration on the estate of S. D
l.huie, late of Ulen Hope. Ciearfield county.
r cim a, ueo a, uaving oeen granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to sai i est:it in
requested to make immediate payment, and thosi
having claims against the same will nresent them
duly authenticated for settlement, at the resi
dence ot the subscriber lu Heccaria township.
June 21. ISiia. JOHN W. WRIGHT, Adm'r.
sior Vixr-Mir,T.. One of the best Windwills
ever invented is no w being offered to the citizens of
Clearfield county. 1 he undersigned Agent is now
in fhijS nmrt 1'itr thfl tinrrr rP nlf.irin a Ti-of
class mill to the public He only asks a fair trial.
to ius,ure its sucee.-sful introduction. Farmers
are especially invited to call and mimiiie tlum
before purchasing elsewhere W. UANC'CK,
June lnth, It.i Agent.
The copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned in the Mercantilo business,
under the firm of Graham, Rovnton i Co., has
been dissolved by mutual consent. Persons know
ing themselves indebted to the firm are reques-
.1 A ... n ... ; . j , o: .. A.. , . . i . i . . .
counts. J. B GRAHAM.
Clearfield. May. 20.1SB3. D. G. NIVLI.N'G.
N. U. he business will be continued at the old
stand by the undersigned, who solicits a continu
ance of publie patronage. D. G.NIVLING.
E M O V A L.
Have removed from 262 S. Second Street, to 807
Chestnut Street, above Eighth. Philadelphia. Pa.,
where they have opened a wel'-selected stock of
Carpets. Oil Cloth i, and Mattings. ,
Redding and Mattresses ot every description,
ready-made or made to order. Also, Feathers of
Various qualities always on hand.
Tbe Manufacture and Sale of Bedding will also
be continued at 2o3 South Second Street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
Philadelphia. Jme 17, 13fi3.-3ni.
Tlra.i the. following list of goadsand profit threh.
Citato; ...t. Moods
Always on hand a largestock of La
dies goods such as Coburg Cloth,
i tap
Alpacas, De Laines, Ginghams, Q,JU,im
Prints, Cbmts. Kerchiefs, Nu- ' Xrao li
bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. (r,IOlf
C lie tip
Chttun Always on hand Ltl.iuk. Blue. Brown .Goods
Chenp' and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Good
Cltf,ap Casiuieres. Sattiuets. Cassiuets, 'Goods
Clteapi Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- Goods
Cheap ings. Shirtiug. etc., etc. etc. Goo-ls
Cheap READY-MADE, Godt
Cheap Such as Coats, Pants-Vcsts. Under-!oo-.T
Cheap shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Good
Cheap' Roots, Shoes. Hats. Caps, Neck- Goods
Cheap' ties. Gum Boots and Suoes.and Good
Cheap1, a variety of other articles. Goods
Cheap j;uch M Unbleached and Bleached
Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen ('
L,'faPs and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, j0'
Cheap, Uaea anJ hem towjs 0AT. foot
Cheap fJ ,..,rtai.. Gnods
Chcav- yu want Nails or spikes. Manure Goods
saws, omoouiing irons, ixwils, Cfoods
Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's
where you can ouy cneap.
Cheap KnireB and forks. Butcher Knives, Goods
Cheap' Shoe and Stove blacking, Manilla Goods
vlfap: snoe ano Move n,a
Cheap', and hemp ropes
Cheap Pens, Powder, fc
Cheap etc.. buy them a
Ink, Taper or KGood-
hot or Lead, '.Goods
Cheap etc.. buy them at .Mossop s. GooJs
Cheap, IF YOU WANT Goods
Cheap shoe Last or Tegs, Palm or Fancy Q00'1
is neap i snan. Mmnh. wall I'aner or n in-
Cheap, Jow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes
Cheap or Wicks, coal oil. etc . so to
Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store.
CI eo. i"001 extra lamily lour. hire T:Q.oajs
Citron' br.own 8"Sar hams, shoulders or Croods
I h pn n .. . . ..
sides, coffee; Imperial, Young
Hyson or biacK tea, buy them
at Mossop's cheap for cash.
... r r r ,i - ,
Cheap 'Tallow candles, fine or coarse saU.'(7ou.t
C'teap' Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried 'Goods
apples or peaches, water or so
do eracKers, can at iossop s
where you can buy cheap.
Cheap Port wine for Medical or Saeramen
Cheap tal uses, Sw et wine, old Monon
Ch'ap i
mh(ia or rvewhisKv. Cherry 'Goods
and Cognac brandy, buy at '.Gods
chititri Aush aforA .(roads
. , - -
. rooa x
Raise ns, Figs, Prunes or dried Car- Vr0''
Cheap, ground nuU, candies, Liquoriee Zood.s
Cheap , i.;r,-,.i. kn. h.,n Uooas
1 r , rantJ II inHri.4. 1 1 r ft J 111 . nfll A Ti AF i '
Cheap, fct Mossop's cheap'and good. G.oodf
Cheap; ' . iGoods
ri..n i-o oar any oiuer arucie cueap, oe n.nnj.
rr i . , . - , . T l -
Cheap- w to go to Mossop, for he sells q004,
Cheap' cheaper for cash than any other tc00ds
Cheap: .person m leameia oounry Qoods
Cheap' 0vemb6r n. lcoi. apJ7 53 'Goods ;
j Approved country produce of every kind taim as .
- the usual murierpricej in exchange for goods.
TVf M. JrCUXLOUfill, Attorney at Law. CI ear
I . field. Pa. Office, with fc. J Crans, Esq..
on 8eoond Street.
Jnly X, ISrtl.
FREDERICK l.EITZIXGER, Manufacturer of
II kinds of 8tone-ware. Clearfield. P. Or
derssolicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 16.53
PV?,-5 BAKHETT, Attorneys at Law, Clear-
field- May 13. 1863.
l . j.chans. : : : : ; : waltbr pakrett.
Rf V-WALLA CEmmey.t Law. Clear"
field. Pa Ofisce in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Xaugle's jewelry store. May 2o.
HF. NAUULE, M'atch and Clock i
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac
k Maker, and
Room in
Xov. 10.
HBUCJIEK SWOOPE. Attorney at Law.Clear
. field. Pa. OfEcc in Graham's Row. fuurdoo s
west of Graham A Hoynton's store. Nor. 10.
I) K. SHOPS, Cabinent Maker, Cherry Street,
J. Clearfield. Pa Makes to order every des
cription of Furniture on short notice. Jan.2r63
1 P KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in
ft . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce
Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. Ijl 2.
1UALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clenr
T field. Pa. December 17, 18t2.
1 A FLEMMIXG, Curwcnsvilie. Pa., Nursery
. man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees. Plants and Shrubbery All or
dersliyjuaproinptly attended to. 'May 13.
WrI;LTM P IRWI.arketStreet.Clrfield,
la., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hx rd ware. Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
T011N Gl'ELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds ot
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pn
lie also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'59.
DR. R.
V. WILSON. Practicing l'hni.i..
Clearfield, Pa. Will attend to 11 ' nrn F j
sional busiuets. Office, corner of 2d aud Locust
8tree,s- Jan. as. 18fi3.
DR. M. WOODS. Pkacticisu I'nv.iniv, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
I'lhee. South-west corner of Second and Cherry
Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, IS-jJ.
JB M'ENALI.Y, Attorney nt Law. Clearfield,
. 1 a. Pr.-jtices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office iu new brick building of J. Boy a
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lx inch's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Joitrtt il Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apri7.
LARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will-attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties.
Au 'ut 6. 1866.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his promotional
services to the citizens of Moshanuon and vi
cinity, lie can ba consulted at his residence at
all times, unless absent on professional business.
Moshaunou, Centre co., Pa., May 13, lrfr53.
Yf w.- SHAW. M. D., has resumed thiT prao
. 'ice of Medicine and Sureery in Shawsvillo.
Penn'a. where he still respectfully solicits a con
tinuance of public patronage. May 27, D63.
rpHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGJl, Attorney at Law.
JL Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of the ' Clearfielfl
co. Bank. Deeds and other leiral instruments Tire-
pared with promptness and accuracy. - July 3.
n. o. bush. ::::::;: tj.m'cullouqh
Collection Oppicb. CLEAnpiELn. Pp.ns'a.
STOVES 50 COOKING STOVES, of all siaeg,
for sale cheap for cash, by
1 K. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
Have just opened a large and splendid assort
ment of
at their old Stand iu Clearfield. Penn'a.
The- have the best assortment of Hardware rhi
has ever been brought to this counly, which they
win sen ai toe uwsi reasonable prices, anion"
which will be found splendid lot of cuttlery. to
which they invite the special attention of tha
n hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated
Forks. Spoons, and Butter knives, of the beat
A lot of pistols of the best natterns. and other
fire-nrms. Also a general assortment of ni.iiol
cartridges; all cf which will be sold at reasona
ble pri-;'s.
Ihey continue to manufactnrc all kinds of tin.
ware, brass kettle3. stove pipe, etc.- which cannot
be surpassed in this reotion of the state.
lheya eo have on hand Pittsbure Plows, n.
mong which are sieel centre lever plows. Also,
Plow eastings, and otherogrieuliural implements.
Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stoves a ffen-.
eral assortment. 'and of the best natterns for sale
at reasonable prices
t. oar oil. Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var
nishes, a eederal assortment. Glass, nutty, nail.
iron, and castings, a great variety; in fact almost
nnytning mat may be wanted by the public ean
be found in their establishment, and at prices that
cannot be beat.
Now is tho time to purchase, if you desire any
thing in their line of business. Give them aeall .
and examine their stock, and they feel assured
that you can be accommodated.
Remember, their establishment is on 2d Street
Clearfield. Pa., where you can buy goods to the
very best advantage.
Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old cast
ins will be taken in exchange for goods.
May 13. 1863. .MKRRELL A BIGLER. .
Having purchased the entire stock of Graham.
Boynton A Co , and received a new assortment of
Goods of every description, the undersigned is
prepared to furnish to the public at tho
ail kinds and varieties of Dry Goods, Groceries,"
Hardware. Gueensware. Provisions: Ao. Ao.
He would invite especial attention to the largo
and complete assortment of
now opening, consisting of the latest Spring and
Summer styles, of fancy Silks. Delaines. Alpacas,
Bereges. Lawns, Ginghams, Dueals, PrinU, Bal
moral skirts, Ac. Also, Gloves, Hosiery, Bonnets ,
Shawls, Crinoline, Ae. . . . ,
He has also received a large and well selected
Stock of
consisting ot Cloths, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres.
Cashmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys. Bever
Teen, Linens, Ac. Also. Hats, Caps, Hosiery,
Gloves, Ac. Ae. - - . : -
in tbe latest styles and of the' best material.
Muslins, Irish Linens. Cambrics, Victoria Lawns,
Swiss, Bobinets, Edgings, Ae.
for Ladies and Gentlemen; consisting of Top
Boots, Brogans, Gaiters. Pumps, Balmoral Boots,
Slippers, Ae
Coffee, Syrups, Bcon, Flour. Pibh, Sugar P.ics,
Meal, Ae. Ae.
Oils. Paints, Drag3 A Medicines, and in fact
every thing usually kept in a fi.'3t clas3 Store
He invites all person i to call and ezitiine fcia
Etock. sad hopes to give entire satisf ictioc. a da
"ill keep no books, and sell ctrirtly for eiJth, or
country produ-. P. O.
Clearfield. May 27, 1763.
i V 1L.VI,
I f