Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 17, 1863, Image 3

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Tim of Carl on Central Road, at Tyrone.
Fsst train,
MU train,
yst train,
9.55 p m.
4.25 a.m.
11. "35 a m.
10.2$ p.m.
12.10 a.m.'
11.17 p.m
5.45 a.m.
1.C2 a.m.
8.15 am. :::::: a.m.
8.30 p.m. 7.14 p.m.
7.40 p.m. ; 8 58 p.m. 5.59 p.m.
Mail train
Time of Can, Tyrone and Clearfield Branch.
le S. Ridge. 9.40 a m. Leave Torone, 7.45 p.m.
Leave S. Ridge, p.m. Leave Tyrone, 12.15 p.m.
ijj? REWARD. Was lost on Tuesday .June
' 2d. between Clearfield Borough and the
residence of the subscriber, in Bradford township,
large lited pocket book containing 260 dollars
in Bank Notes, of various denominations. A re
ward of $25 will be paid to the finder, on leaving
the pocket book and money in the cure of S. J.
How at the Journal office in Clearfield. Pa.
jane 10, 1863. JOHN GRAHAM.
Rumer were current that tho rebels had
reached Cbanibersburg, and burned the town
but thin needs conformation, as our latest
pipers gives no such accounts; ,
Stats DEreiica. -We invite especial atten
tion to the Proclamation of Got; Curtin, and
tbe Army order of Major General Couch, pub
lished in another column to-day.
Excelsior . Windmill. By reference to
our advertising columns, it will be seen that
'W. Hancock,' is now in this place, for the
purpose of selling, to oar farmers, one - of the
best Wind-mills in use. Persons wanting an
article of the kind should call and examine
them before purchasing elsewhere.
Rxsistino the Draft. We publish to-day.
In another column, the opinion of Win. Whi
ting, Esq., Solicitor of the War Department,
in reference 'to resisting the draft; etc. This
document should be read by every man in tbe
county, as it is 'one of tbe most important pa
pers that has recently been issued by tbe War
Department. :
' Tbk Enrollment. Tbe enrollment will ba
commenced in this county, within a few days
We hope that all good 'citizens will promptly
answer tbe questions of the enrolling officers,
so as to avoid all unnecessary delay, and hence
avoid all difficulties connected therewith. Tbe
matter of registering tbe names is merely pre
liminary, and no one need trouble himself a
boot bis claim to exemption until he receives
a printed cr written notice that be baa been
drafted. lie then has the privilege of appear
ing before the Board of Eurollment during ten
days after tbe reception of the notice, and
presenting tbe grounds upon which be claims
exemption.:: This will relieve the minds of
many who may be-considering tbe validity of
their right to exemption. , All citizens drafted
will be beard, and their cases carefully con
sidered, as the law provides that none tut
able-bodied -citizens ot a certain age, legally
as well as physically qnalfScd, can be taken.
Instructions to Enrolling Officers.
Boa ed of Esbollmemt, Headquarters, Prc-
:rs. Pro- )
eon's, J.
i, 1863.
osi Maisball, 19th, District, Fe
Water ford. Pa., June 10 th
1. Yon will immediately enter upon yonrdu-
ties, and complete taj enrollment of such sub-
diitrict without tbe least delay .
2. You are t enroll ati porsous subject to
military duty, .Observe the enrollment blanks,
sod carefully study the headings anddivisions
of the s.iuie. You will see thai you are re-
qnired to enter in the proper columns tbe res
idence, name, ago on July 1, 1863, complex
ion, whether whito or co!ored,rofession, oc
cupstion or trade, (in CUss 1, whether mar-
ried or single.) placo of birth, and former
military service of each person enrolled, with
such remarks in tho column appropriated to
that purpose as may apply to tbe case of any
to whom special remarks may be applicable.
3. Tba enrollment, so far as you are con
cerned, must Include all male persons be-
twptn the hges of twenty and forty-five. In
the cs?e of any person claiming exemption on
tho ground of alienage, enroll bis name, and,
under the bead of "Remarks," state your be
lie!, from what yon have known or beard,
whether or not he has filed his declaration of
intention to become a citizen.- So of other
cases of exemption. Enroll all, informing
persons claimiug exemption that this Board
will determine, when such persons shall be
presented before it in pursuance of the law,
whether or not they are 'subject to military
duty. - '
4. Tbe headings of the two kinds of euro 11
ment blanks furnished to you will indicate in
to which class all persons fall. Enroll both
classes at the same time, but upon seperate
Hit a, as indicated, and be careful to enter
each Lame upon tbe proper one of tbe two
5. You will enroll all who have their legal
domicil within your -district, though some
"isy be temporarily absent therefrom. For
Instance: students io colleges or schools,
teachers, apprentices, sailors, travellers, trav
eling merchants, and similar classes of citi
tena, mutt be enrolled in the districts in
which they have their respective domicil s.
Coder ths head of ''Remarks"', note sucb ab
lence, and where. '" ' " - ' ' ' -' '"2
6. Fou will judge of tha ages of Individuals
from the best information yon can obtain in
each case, but in every case make a decision
to whether the person in question Is be
tween the ages of twenty and forty-five ; and
tt o, enroll him in one or tbe other class, as
'be faet ot married or single may determine.
Widowers between thirty-five and forty -five
Jti of sS0 you will enroll in Class I. '
ttom the Ilarrisburg Telegaph we learn,
'cat engineers are to proceed to the erection i
w earth works and other defences opposite
aM city, and on tbe different railroads In tho i
C'oity, as a precautionary measure in aoti
"pationof a rebel raid into Pennsylvania.
Recruiting is already going on actively in
p erent Pts of the State, in response to tbe
President's call.
Wht Is If ? Rumors lu reference to rever-
ses io our arm ma aru rue, mis went, in our
town. Why such absurd falsehood are cir-
calated we cannot comprehend. Many of tltm
certainly are not calculated to encourage tbe
cause of oar Union; especially with the tim
id, and those who are not fully Informed on
passing events.
gBelow we give a list of the Enrolling offi
cers appointed In Clearfield county, to wit:
Beccaria township C. B ready.
Bell township John McQuilkin.
Bloom & Union town'ps J. W. Pauley.
Boggs township David Adams, Sr.
Bradford township William Hoover.
Brady to wDshfp Charles Sloppy.
Burnside& if. Washington S. C. Patchln.
Chest township II. H. Hurd.
Clearfield Borough & Lawrence township
Wm. McCullough, Sr.
Girard & Goshen tow'ps John Spacknian.
. Guelich & Woodward town'ps J. G. Cain.
Curwensville & Pike town'p A. T. Mason.
Decatur township Geo. W. Kepuart.
Ferguson township Martin Watts.
Fox & Huston townships Wm. Woodward.
Graham & Morris towD'ps J. P. Nelson.
Jordan township Isaac Haines.
Kartbaus & Covington tow'ps Wm. White.
Knox township D. J. Catbcart.
Lumber City & Penn town'p G. 13. Lytle
The following letter has been banded us
for publication by a trieud. The writer was
born and raised a Democrat but be, like many
other intelligent men who think more of con
try than of party, gives a hearty and uncondi
tional supportto tbe National Administration.
Tbe letter is worthy a perusal.
Stoneman's Switch, Va., May 26, 1863.
Mr Friend Johm : . . . We are in receipt
of mo.-t encouraging news from the southwest
Vicksnurg is closely invested and I suppose
ere this, it is ours; if we are to have it this
season. If Vicksburg falls, Port Hudson will
soon follow, and then the back-bone of Rebel
dom will be broken ; a kick or two on the dif
ferent sides will completely demolish tbe en
tire fabric. Where do they intend that their
lines shall be established when tbey lose tbe
Mississippi River" What kind of country
could tbey establish then ?
I learn by the "Inquirer" that there are men
in Franklin county, Penn'a, who are about to
demand the release of the traitor Vallandig
bam of Ohio. Am I too fast when I say ,haug
sucb men 1 I would at least recommend that
all such men should be sent south with bim
the northern man who would assist in sucb
an enterprise is a more vile and poisonous foe
thn the man who is engaged in tbe war a-
gainst us. Can you regard or respect sucb
men Main as fond of sucb creatures as I am
of black-snakes.
I am UDdc-r the impression that a bad feel
ing, and wrong view is prevalent in Clearfield,
regarding this Rebellion aod the shortest load
to its end. I will give vou what I think should
be their aim. In the first plaoe they ask each
other the question, "What caused this war"?
Answer, "tbe nigger." Again, "What ft the
object of the Administration 1 To free tbe
nigger and allow bim to run all over the
north 7" Now, instead of complaining about
tbe Administration and the freeing of th
nigger," why did not all men heartily sup
port the Administration aud crush the Rebel
lion before the Emancipation Proclamation 1
There was a time when it was not the object
to free the negro ; but on account of there be
ing so wauy traitors in office, everywhere, our
cau so did not prosper, when tbe object of the
war was altered ; aud now our cause is gaining
ground, both at home and abroad. Now the
questions tor all discontented men to ask
themselves is this, "What interest do we gain
by opposing the Union cause 1 Would we not
make as much money by supporting tbe Un
ion cause as we do maku I Then why not join
in With those around us ?" Do they suppose
by opposing our cause tbey are exempt from
military duty 1 ir they behave badly In the
north tbey will be sent south where tbey will
bo required to fight. Now, I think, they may
as well fight wilh us as against us. Another
thought ; while tbey are supporting us by pro
viding clothes aud rations, pay our ordnance,
without which no war would exist, why not
wish us success J They are paying tax to keep
up tbe war and then complain of that very
cause which tney, Dy tneir money, support,
aod wonder why tbe war does not end, and ac
cuse the Department and officers of failure to
do their duty. . Now what we want, is the
good wishes of all the people in tbe north,
aud for tbe want of this tbe war has beeo kept
up ! Do you believe me that our foes in the
north have kept this war up 7 Undoubtedly
they have! By sending the Rebs. supplies
tbey have been encouraged to bold out a lit
tle longer, hoping to be strengthened by their
northern friends. Now let me ask, is there
a man in the north, or say in Pennsylvania
who wishes that this Rebellion may soon end 1
Then it is his duty to assist in bunting cp all
men who are engaged in the contraband trade
and exposing them to the law. Can I tell who
in Decatur township, is doing tbis kind of bu
siness ? or can a soldier from Philadelphia
tell who in that city is engaged in it ? Now
tb is is for tbe people in the city and elsewhere
to attend to. Tbe people at borne are just as
important as the soldiers in the field ; they
have a duty to perform and a very important
one. i ueir amy is to ngni, or arrest our en
emies there, and support as bere In feeling
and Sn money. Had tba people in tbe loyal
States attended to their duty half so well as
we bave dono bere in the army, the war wonld
not exist to-day . Now.wbere a man is known
to even talk in favor of the south yon should
try, by calm conversation and good sound rea
soning, to cause him to remain docile. In
duce bim by mild andfinteHigent means to keep
qniet; say nothing if be Is disposed to injure
our cause. What benefit does be receive by (
only talking in favor with the south ? Wonld
j be not prosper as well if, he kept quiet T I
, ininn ntucn good can be aone in this way, but
( to quarrel and to try to compel a man to tarn
is entirely wrong.and tends to do barm rather
than good. ;
Uur cause is a just one and must prosper.
though th war is called an unholy one ; yet
man never engaged in a more justifiable cause
than tbe msn is engaged iu who fights in our
ranks. Tbe war ia without cause on the part
of the enemy ; but on our part, we bave a
cause, a righteous cause; a cause which will
be triumphant, and, though the war may last
for years to come, it wilt finally be ended In
favor of the Union, which will be all the more
powerful and nntarnished. We know not when
tbe war ia to end, but if it is to end soon, onr
forces will be victorious in tbe southwest. If
tbe war is not to eod soon, then our army on
the Mississippi will be driven back, which I
hope may never be. May God will lt,tbat the
enemy be discouraged and conquered, pun
ished and made to repent. Eloping to bear
from yon again. I am, respectfully, a. s.
On tbe 11th, Inst., by Rev. W. M. Burch
fleld Mr. Levi Rowles of Lawrence township,
to Miss. Mart E. Dcnlap of Knox township.
On tbe 2d inst., at the residence of the
brides father near McVeytown, Mifflin Co.,
Penn'a, by the Rev. W. M. Burchfield, Mr.
John II. Hunter of Jordan township, to Miss
JeiiKiE M. Vandtke.
WHOopwoconoH or Crocp, however severe may
be alleviated and cored by the use of Madams
Zadoe Porters Curative Balsam. Tbis invalua
ble Medicine possesses tbe extraordinary power of
relieving immediately Wkooping-ra-utrh; Hoarse
ness, Difficulty of Breathing. Husiiitsss. and
Tickling in the Throat. It loosens the Phlegm,
and will be found very agreeable to tba taste. It
is not a violent remedy, but emollient warming,
searching and effective. Can be taken by tbe
oldest person or youngest child. For sale by all
Druggists, at 13 and 2s cents per bottle. febl
il'JErreur.) I, 'John B. Ogdeii, M. I)., author
and publisher of the above work,' do hereby
promise and agree to send (free of charge) to
any young man wbo will write for it, a sample
copy for perusal. The proper study of mankind
is man. ibis valuable work is issued and seDt
forth for the benefit of suffering humanity It
treats in simple language on all the diseases of
.fc.rror( including seminal Weakness, JNervous De
bility, Indigestion. Melancholy. Insanity, Wast
ing Decay, I m potency, 4-0. to giving safe,
speedy, and effectual prescriptions for their per
manent cure, togetner witb mucb valuable infor
mation. - All who favor me with a desire to read
my work shall receive a lam pie copy by return
mail, free of charge. Address-John B. Ogdex, M.
v.. do. 00 JNassau St., Hew York.
TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, having
been restored to nealta in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lung affection, and that
oread disease, consumption is anxious to make
known to his fellow-sufferers the means of care.
To all wbo desire it. he will send a oopy of tha
prescription used (free of charge), with the diroo
tions fur. preparing and using the same. which they
will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Bronchitis, etc. . The only object of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the affiio
ted, and spread information whioh heeonceives to
be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing tbe pre
set iption will please address
Apr. 22-3m. Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N.T,
To assail the Government, traduce its au
thorities, insult its defenders, applaud its as
sailants, give aid and comfort to its bloody
foes, disfranchise those who fight its battles,
uisuuurage enlistments, encourage desertions.
incite sedition, slir up disten&ious,distract and
divide the people, depreciate the national cur
rency, encourage resistance to the collection
of the revenue, misrepresent facts, promul
gate falsehood, advocate treason, and obstruct
the Government in every way possible that
will aid or encourage tbe rebellion and protract
the war this is claimed by tbe organs and
leaders of the present bogus concern -calling
itself the Democratic party, as tbe freedom
of speech and liberty of tbe press ! And this,
too, In time of civil war, when the nation is
engaged in a life and death struggle witb a
.gigantic rebellion.
RELIEF NOTICE. At the last meeting of
the Board of Relief of the County of Clear
field, it was resolved as follows :
Sesofved, That all old, as well as new appli
cants for Relief must appear in their proper per
son before the Board on Wednesday or Thursday,
tne 1st and za days or July, A. v. imi.
Notice is .hereby eiven to those persons who
have heretofore received relief by sending the
usual certificate, must apply in person in order to
obtain Relief. By order of Board of Relief.
June 10, 1863. W. S. BRADLEY, Clerk-
Fall and Winter Goods.
The undersigned has just returned from ths
east and ia opening a large stock of seasonable
goods, at bis Store in Ansouville such as Cioaths,
Cassimeres, and Satinetts: Ladies dress zoods.
Cloth Cloaks Md Bonnets ; Ready-made clothing;
Hardware aim Groceries; Boots and Shoes; Salt
and Leather, Cooking-stoves and Stove pipe ; in
fact, a good assortment of such articles as are
needed at this season of tbe vear. Country pro
duce taken in exchange for goods Cash not re
fused. H. SWAN.
Ansonville, November 28. 1862.
Good News for Buyers !
A Great Reduction in Prices ! .
40 Per Cent Lower than Heretofore !
Seasonable Goods
The undersigned has just received from the East
ern cities a large and well selected stock of tha
most seasonable goods, which he can dispose of at
a reduction of 40 per cent,', compared with the
goods purchased in Maroh. His stock embraces
Hardware, Queensware,
School Books and Stationary, '
And a great variety of other useful articles, all of
which will be sola cneap lor oasn. or ex,-,
changed for approved produce, ,
6 0 f tb "cfioap cash atoiw" if yon want to b j
good at fairprioea.
June 10, 1863. WJJ ?. RWIJ.
J , , . J) T
... . - -
rr Jiheumattsm, Gout, A euralfia, Lumbago.
irccK siki joints, sprains, JSruists,
Cuts and Wounds, Piles, Head-Ache, .
and all Rheumatic and Nervous 1
For all of which it is a speedy and cer-1
tain remedy, and never falls. ' This Liniment
is prepared from tha recipe Of Dr. Stephen
Sweet, of Connecticut, tho farrioUs bono set
ter, ana has been used In bis practice Sot
more man Twenty yeara with tbe most aston-
As an Alleviator of Pain, it is nn-
rivaled oy any preparation before the public.
ui wuicu ine most skeptical may bo coovinc-
oy a single trial.
This Liniment will cure rapidly and
iraiiuire isisuruers 01 every Kina.
uu in (uousanas or cases whore it bas- been
usea 11 bas never been known to fail.
For Neuralgia, It will aSord Immediate re-
iiei in every case, however distressing.
It will relieve the worst cases of Headache
in tnree minutes and is warranted to do it.
; Toothache, also, will it care instantly.
For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude,
arising irora imprudence or excess, this Lini
ment is a moiit happy and unfailing remedy,
Acting directly upon tbe nervous tissues, it
strengtueus ana revivifies the system, and re
stores 11 to elasticity and vigor.
jcur x-nes as an external remeav. we claim
E T, - . . . - . .
that it is tbe best known, and we challenge
uie worm to produce an equal. Every victim
to this distressing complaint should rive it a
trial, for it will not fail to aSord immediate
relief, and in a majority ot cases it will effect
a radical care.
Quinsy and Sore Throat' are sometimes ex.
tremely malignant and daneerous, but a timelv
application of tbis liniment will not fail to cure
Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and
enlargement. of tbe joints is liable to occnt If
neglected. The worst case may be conquered
oy mis liniment m two or three days.
Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Burns
and Scalds, 'yield readily to the wonderful
Healing properties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible
.mimeni. wneu usea according to. directions.
Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect
cites and stings.
of Connecticut, tbe Great Natural gone Setter.
Dr. Stephen Sweet.of Connecticut, is known
an over tne united States.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, is the
autnor ot "Dr. Sweets infallible Liniment."
Cures Rheumatism and never fails.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Burns
and Scalds immediately. - - - -
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is the best
known remedy for Sprains and Bruises.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment affords im
mediate relief for Files, and seldom faila to
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Tooth-
ace in one minute.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment cures Cuts
and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment is tbe best j
remedy for sores in the known world.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment has been
nsed by more than a million of people, and all
praise it.
Dr. Sweef's Infallible Liniment taken inter
nally cures Cbolic,Cholera Morbus and Cholera
T - 1 V t m . ' I
a rnenam jeeu J.ry it;
ternal remedy, is without a rival, aud will al-
leviate pain more speedily than any other pre
paration. For all Rheumatic and Xervon n in-
orders it is truly, infallible, andas a curative I
ior sores, wounas, sprains, Bruises, &c, its
toothing, healing and powerful strengthening
properties, excite tbe just wonder and aston
ishment of all who bave ever given it a trial.
cures performed by it witoln the last twoltJ(jgt O 11 HI HI e T JTlintS
To Horse Owners.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment for Horses
Is unrivalled by any, aud in all cases ot Lame
ness, arising from Sprains, Bruises or wrench
ing, its eSect is magical and certain. Harness
or Saddle Galls, .Scratches, Mangee, &c., it
will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone
may be easily prevented ana cored in their
incipient stages, but confirmed cases are be
yond the possibility of a radical cure. No
case of the kindv tiowever, is to desperate of .
nopeless but it may be alleviated bv this L la
ment, and its faithful application will always
remove tbe Lameness, and enable tbe borse
to travel witb comparative ease.
Everv Horse Owner
Should bave tbis remedy at band, for its time
ly use at the first appearance of Lameness
will effectually prevent those formidable dis
eases, to which all horses are liable, and
which render so many otherwise valuable hor
ses nearly worthless.
. IS THE ,,. . .. . :
And thousands bave toand it
r caution. ; ,
: . To avoid imposition, observe the Signature
and Likeness of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every
label, and also Stephen Swaet'a Infallible
Liniment" blown in the glass of each bottle,
without which none are genuine. ';
. ' . , RICHARDSON & CO..
:y. . v , . . Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct.
MORGAN It ALLEN, General Agents,
v 4aCliS' Stret, New York.
; E-Sold oy all dealers everywhere. 7 j
New York, April 37 tb, 18$3-jr; ?; '
Fit E S II
A Superior Lot of
consisting of
Black Figured Silk,
Taffeta Silk Gloves,
Ladies Jouvins, Kid Silk Trimmings,
Head Nets of all the late Fashions.
Square-toed Shoes,
Kid and Calf Gaiters.
MUINllUi! bllOib, :
. - . j - - " -
B est Brown S ugar
Prices Suitable to Purchasers, j
Remember the Place
... AND CALL ; ;
: Before Making your Purchases
C.W. &H. W. Smjth, :
6 CUSARriELD, JUNE 3 136s'!
"ITT M. M'CULLOUaH, Attorney at Law, Clear
on Second Street.'
t ? . ueia, ra. , umce, wita
L, J Crans, Esq.,
re: a, 1001.
-fcll kinds of Stone-waxa. Clearfield. Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1363
BARRETT, Attorney. Lw, Clear
Kj field, Pa. ... May 13. 1863.
i.. j.caass. ; 1 ; ; ... t t Waataa aaaKCTr
OBKRTj; WALLAQE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa Offica is, ISbaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Mangle's Jewelry store. May 24.
I TT F. NACGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
f XI lr ' Watches, Jewelry. 4c. Room in
Urahaia'srow, alarketstreet. ifov. la.
HBUCHER 8WOOPE. Attorney at Law. Clear
. field. Pa. Offiw in Graham's Row, four doe
west of Graham k Boy n ton's store. - Nov. 10.
BK. 6H0PE. Cabinent Maker. Cherry Street
. Clearfield, Pa. Makes to ordet every des
cription of Furniture on short notice. - Jan.21'63
P. KRATZER Merchant, and dealer ia
Boards and tihinrles. Grain anil Prn.l.m.
Front St, above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. jli
WALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, CleaT
field. Pa. - December 17, 1S62.
William a. Wallace. ;::::::: john e. hall.
FA FLEMMING, Curwensville, Pa , Nursery
. man and Dealer in all kinds of Fruit and
Ornamental Trees, Plants and Shrubbery. All or
ders by mail promptly attended to. . . May 13.
WILLIAM P. IRWIN, Market .treet.CleaTficM.
ra., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and
family articles generally. Nov. 10.
TOIIN GUELICH, Manufacturer of all kind, o
Cabinet-ware, Market street, CJearfleld, Pa
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice aud
attend afuherala with a hearse. AprlO '59
VXZUI tieing Physician.
niu attend to all nrnf.
sidnal busiuess.
Office, corner of 2d and Locust
Jan. 23, 1863.
DR. M. WOODS, Peactioino Phymcias, aod
. o ."nlln"a Surgeon for Pensions,
Offioe, Southweiit corner of tieoond and Cherry
btreet, Clearlield, Pa. January 21, 1803.
JB 'EN ALLT,: Attorney at Law. Clearfield.
. Proteei in Clearfield and adjoiuinr
counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boya
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestie Dry Goods, Groceries, Floar, Bacon.
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of JournalOffiee, Clearfield, Pa. Apr2T.
LARKIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their ears io Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1858.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, oTer bis professional
services to the eitisens of Muah An mm Ami v
cinity. He can be consulted at bis residence at
all times, unless absent on professional business.
waavav wv., a m.j aUaa.jr M.'f 1CK.
SHAW, M. D., has resumed tbe nrao-
tice of Medicine and iSurfferv in rha wnvill a
Penn'a, wbere he still respeotfully solioits a con
tinuance of public patronage. May 27, U63.
mnOMAS J. M'CULUIUGH, Attorney at Law.
viearneia, r. umoe, east of tbe '-Clearfield
co. bank. - Deeds and other leral inatrumenta nn.
pared with promptness aud accuracy. . July 3.
n. s. bush, t - : : :' -t ; r.i.u'cm.t.nnau
CoLtacTioif OrriCB, Clearpield, Pswh'a.
STOVES. SO COOKiyG STO VEi, of all sises,
for sale cheap for cash, bv
Deo. 3, 1882
R. MOSSOP, Clearfield.
- .7
Have just opened a large and splendid assort-
meut ot r s
new aoons
at their old Stand In Clearfield. Penn'a.
They have the best assortment of Hard nr thai
has ever been brought to this eounty, which they
wui wm at me most reasonaoie prioes, among
which will be tound a sclendid lot ef euUlerv. tn
which they invite the special attention uf tha
public. , -
un Hand an assortment of heavy silver-plated
Fork". Spoons, and Butter knives, of the best
A lot of pistols of the best Dattorng. and othar
fire-arms. Also a general ajMnrrmnnt. f niimi
cartridges; all of which will be sold at reasona
ble prioes.
They continue to manufacture al) kinds of tin
ware, braes kettles, stove pipe. etc.. whioh oannot
be surpassed in this section of (he state.
, They also have on hand Pitteburg Plows, a
moo if which are steel eentre lever nlnwm Alan
Plow eastings, and other agricultural implement.
Cook stoves, and Parlor and Coal stores a nn.
eral assortment, and of tbe best patterus, for sala
at reasonable prices- ' . .,,
Coal oil, Coal oil lamps, paints, oils and var
nishes, a irederal assortment. Glaan.
iron;and eastings, a great variety ; in fact almost
acything.that may be wanted by the publio ean
be found in their establishment, and at nrinan iLat
cannot be beat.
Now is tbe time to ourehasa. If
thing in their line of business. ... Give them aeall
lind examine their.stock. aud they feel assured
that yon ean be accommodated.
Remember, their establishment ia on 2d Street
Clearfield, Pa where vou ean but ff-ouia tn tha
very best advantage. ,
Old Silver, copper, brass, pewter and old oast
ings will be taken in exchange for srooda.
Havtnff nurchased the entire utnrlr f 1-. v.
Boynton A Co.. and received a new assortmant of
Goods of every description, the undersigned ia
prepared to furnish to the publio at the .
all kinds and varieties of Dry Goods, Groceries.
Hardware, Queensware, Provisions, Ac. Ac.
xi e wouia invite especial attention to the large
and complete assortment of - -
now opening, consisting of the latitat
gammer styles, of faney Silks. Del ai nee. Alpacas,
oawus, uuguMu, Afnoaia. anriasa, Bal
moral skirts, Ae. Also. Glove. Hnai
Shawls, Crinoline. Ae. -. i ,. f
Ha has also received a lamra and un.ut
Stock of . . -. . ,,, , . . .. , .
i f - i- !. MEJTS WEAR, --i
eonsuUng ot Cloths, Plain and raay Caatimeres.
Cashmerete, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys. Bever
Teen, Linen Ae. ' Also. Hatit ".n. Hn.i.
Gloves, Ae. Ac ":: : : ' - r
in the latest styles and of tbe-best maUrial
Muslins, Irish. Linens. Cambrics. Ylatori
Swiss, Bobinets, Edgings, Ae. , .... ..
for Ladies and Gentlemen, -consisting of Top
Boots, BrogaBS, Gaiters. Pamps, Balmoral BooU,
blippers, Ae ' .. . .. , - . .. - j ...
Coffee, Syrups,, Baeonv; FlourrFislw.Bagar Rica,
MeaV-Ao-Ao. : ; . j -
, Oils, Paints, DragaA. Medicines, d ia fact
very thing usually kept in a first eJaas Stens.
He invites all persons to -oaU and flxasBtea'hia
stock, and hopes to give eatire aaAMfaeUoa. as b
will keB . no books, aW tell strxctiu tar ettth tn
i country- produce . . t D. &s K I VLIMO.
CleaTtJeJ(t.5tayjr.-1763..v r s: j,