Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 22, 1863, Image 3

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"cLEARFIELD, PA., APRIL 22. 1863.
Ti of Car on Central BeaA, at Tyre"-
9.54 p m.
4 .25 a.m.
1 1 35 a.m.
5 IS a en"
8.34 p.m.
7.40 p.m.
10.23 p.m.
11.17 p an
$ 45 a.m
fast tr.
6 40 a.m.
5.59 p.m.
53 p.!
ytil tram,
ef Can, Tyroua and Clearfield Branch . -
. . a Ridgs.9-4oa.sn. Leavs ToroBe, 7.4dp-.m.
Leas! Ridge, 2.5 p-m- Leave Tyrone, 1115 p.m.
ffce Loyal Citizen of Pennsylvania, without
i fiiiioa of party, who deaire cordially to
8i:e in sustain tog the Sational and State -Jd-m
sittraiidns, in their patriotic efiorta to eup
re a sectional and uuholy rebellion against
.'j of the Republic, and who desire to
import by every power f the Gorercment,
onr heroic brethren inarms, braving disease
nd tbe perils of the field to preserve the U
tcs of ear Father, are requested to select
s r.nmber of DIegatea equal to their Legist
ji:ve reprtsentatives of the State, at ancb
fiiriri snd soch maoner as will best respond to
lb spirit ol this call, to meet in Slate ftmrtm
;ea, at Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the First of
y next, st eleven o'clock, a. on said day
to nominal candidates for the offices of Cop
ismir n1 Judge of the Supreme Conrt. and to
m such measures as may be deemed necea
Mry to strengthen the Government ia this sea
io" of couiwon jeril to a common country.
CP. MtaEtE.
Cuirmac of the. Union State Central Com.
Giro. W. Hameihi, I r,.ri.
Wai. J. Howard,
Our Iriend Aaaph Kirk, "of Penn township,
w. II accent onr thanks tor the present ot a
wek of flne'apj.les.
The river is still at a good ratting stage, bnt
e presume, most of the timber haa left tbe
'upper streams, and is on Us way to tuarKi-t.
Tbe drug store of C. D. U'ataon, in this
j-lace, broken into on Saturday night last,
aud robbed of souie three to live dollars in
cxirrt, aud several pounds of candies. The
burglars forced the back door and bored the
boll out ol the inner doer.
fl publish, this week, several interesting
f-Jtcia! documents, to which we ask tbe atten
tion of the reader. On onr outside will be
lout) J "The Peninsula Campaign" from the
rr;ort ol tbe Committee on tbe Conduct of
tbe War, and on tbe inside the "Majority and
X Inorityreports" of the -Caiaeroa Ivestiga
tm Cotutbittee.
An unfortunate affair look ' place near Suf
folk between Cols. Corcoran and Kimball,
which resulted in the Utter being shot by the
former. It seems that Kimball bad arrived
with bis cum -n and near Suffolk that day and,
it i customary, stationed pickets around hit
mp. Col. Corcoran, in riding out, came np
m these pickets, who stopped him and de
manded tbe countersign, before passing. He
severer attempted to ride on without giring
it, when Col. Kimble caught bold of the bri
dle of Co!. C's horse, whereupon the latter
drsfr s revolver and fired, hitting CoL C. and
kill'Eg him almost instantly
Among tbe pers found in tbe rebel priva
irer hich was captnred just as it was leaving
San Francisco harbor, was an oath in which
tf.e party taking it bound -Diraself by bis
honor as a Southern gentleman" to keep
ecret, -er from the wile of his boaoni,"
ihe piratical scheme. A circa iar was also dia
pered providing for tbe capture of Benicia
M the two torts commanding Sao Francisco
?.W as a preliminary to the --desire of
trr Southern man" the -'withdrawal of
California from the now contemptible Union-"
When the troops of Gen. Burnside were paa.
s ng through tbe streets of Cincinnati, recent
It, thsy passed the ball where tbe Democrat
ic () Convention was in session. But not a
".out or the waving of a bat, or a haudker
chief, r arena friendly smile greeted the
taT teitews who were going under tbe itsn
td stripes to meet tbe rebels. All was silence
rt roHnnM in the "conservative" conven
hob. Such is copperhead patriotism.
Gmxt is tubib an a a a some of jtbe rebel
npUiers. They wear an old cent" on
'fce coat leppel, or hat, aa a badge of theif
Wlx-rhead procliTltiei And, we are tn-
'nne-i, that in some localities they punch out
'e-teadM on which ia the word "Liberty"
'lu problem of freedom having become ol
fr" e to tbm. Who baa not heard of To-
rrt, asd of -'black cockades" T
Jl aai.j., tiat Gen. Burnside's order to sup
yn sjapathy with the rebels, ia Kentucky.
? Ul tbe desired effect that class of trai
' r deeming it prudent to be less boisterous
- c'cir prutewions of disloyalty. According
me erder, ail spies and traitors, opon con-
tioa, slu:i sutler death ; and all persons de-
r,cf jnipathies with tbe enemy, are to be
Urond our lines.
:e aovicea from tno city of Mexico state
Hit a. rrench were" still before Puebla in
,b"r fanner position. Several skirmishes are
lo bare resulted to the discomfiture of tbe
r'ch, snd that sickness and the Mexican
-irinas were again annoy ing them. Tbey
f. however, continuing their preparations
f' an asiu It upon Puebla.
The latest advices from Moorbead city, Ji".
aasftence that Gea. Fester has succeeded
Psssing the rebel blockade, in tbe steamer
"W with tbe loss of the pilot killed, and
1 wounded. The Escort was riddled by
t terry shots. Foster was joyfully receiv-
' N'ewber, oa the night of the 15th.
The whok of the iron-clad fleet haa rH,
--!in Head in safety Admiral Dopoot ha-
"t decided iniml (h t .1 ... .
'Pf Charleston at pfWnt,
The ReptbUcana, have carried the Sf ate of
in bybont 10,000 msjoritv-an is.-
' From the Harribarg TWvgrapk
The voice of the tywUs at borne, aa ntres-1
ed in tbe. elections be id within tbe last fuor
I weeks throughout thia and other States, coo
J veys an indication of loyalty which none but
j a fool or a peralateat traitor it ill fail to heed
Tbe lesavHi which the eli-ctkins ia variou, ltcal-
ltiea inculcates, wilt leu a to otbrr re nits tnan
that ef tbe mere elevation of men to temporary
power; and it would bo well if those traitors
at home, who have so peri latently oppoawd tbe
Government, and1 mads trivial faults tbe ex
cuse of bitter assaults on tbe civil and milita
ry autboritiea of tbe nation it would be. well
for ancb aa these it they heeded the leasona of
tbe elections. Tbeae lessons are interesting to
loyal c it iaena and instructive to copperhead
Democrats. For tbe benefit of both, we pre
sent a review :
In Pennsylvania the result was eminently
cheering. . Tbe . loyal men of the State in
creased their vote in every county. If the
same increase is attained at the fall election
for Governor, tbe Union Republicans will car
ry Pennsylvania by an immense majority. It
tbe increase is tbe sara ; then,aa it was in onr
city election, we can carry .Pennsylvania by
at least fifty thousand majority. To do this,
however, we must organise at once, and agi
tate the question of loyalty wherever a traitor
presumea on tbe freedom of speech to pro
claim his tresaon. Let our "friends remem
ber that error cannot withstand agitation, and
that madern democracy alwaya fails when
tested in such an ordeal.
We repeat tbe result! as we have been able
Np cowpile !2! ?! ibv-m. in the various
1 Sbte aiiu cUica UrjoiiU our own Common
. CossrcriccT Buckingham, Republican, e
lected Governor over Tom Sej more, Copper
head, by a majority of 2,463 a Republican
rain of 400 over tbe Gubernatorial vote of
1361. Three Republican Congressmen and
oae Democratic a Republican gain of one
Representative in Congress. In tbe State
Legislature 14 .Republican to 7 Democratic
enators, and 139 Republican to 94 Democrat
ic Representatives.
St. Loci Radical Emancipation (char
coal" or "abolitkn") candidate tor Mayor e
lected by a majority of 2,647 over the Copper
bead candidate. Combined Radical and Con-
aetvative Emancipation majority over the
Copperheads, 5,166.
Ciiicixxati Union Mayor, City officers,
Judge Superior Court, etc., elected by major
ities ranging from 00 to 2,000 despite the
most desperate efforts of tbe faction of tbe
MicmoAB Republican State ticket elected
by a majority considerably increased over thai
ef iaat fall. Democratic majority in Detroit
fallen off 167 since last fall. il . - '
Clcvexaxo Entire Union ticket elected by
from 500 to 700 majority.
Toledo Union ticket, except May er, e
lected by an average majority , of 145. A
War Democrat Mayor elected In consequence
of his otter repudiation of the "Copperhead
schemes ol ilr party.' -- 1 J ' 1
O T S M . n . . -
oiidcui aeaeemeo irom oopperoeaaism,
giving a Union majority of 228 or a gain for
the Republicans of 200 since last fall.
Colcmbcs Copperheads successful, but
with a loss of 700 votes since last fall.
ChillQdthe, Fremont, Newark, Zsnesville,
Akron, Mount Vernon, Steubenvitle, and all
but Dayton, and a few of tbe stiiall towns in
Ohio have gone Union, and everywhere show.
ing a remarkable change of sentiment adverse
to the copperheads. '
Ikbiaxa Tbe township elections universal
ly show large Union gains, and an overwhelm
ing reaction against copperheads.
Date3ioit, lows The Union city ticket
elected by 400 majority a remarkable triumph
for that city. ;
Dcbiuce Copperhead ticket elected by on
ly 100 majority in the stronghold of Mahoney
iam. Four ont of five aldermen elected by tUe
UoioDUbaw-again of three.
Kcoxtat-Unioa candidates all elected by
150 majority. - '
Mos'aoirru and Froeport, III. Copperheads
very badly beaten. -
Jarrsasoa Crrx and St. Joseph, Mo. Both
carried by the Radicals, with large majorities.
Leavenworth, Kansu Whole Republican
ticket elected for tbe first time; "Radical Re
publican Mayor" by 700 majority.
K ass as Cm "Radicals." trinmpbsnt by a
majority ol 300.
Tnla record, wo believu, covers pretty folly
the elections of the week.. We recommend it,
especially, to the perusal of Copperheads, and
ask them to consider wh it It Hi-aoa.
The Nary department baa received informa
tion that monitora were much leaa seriously
injured than is genersily reported.
fjfn. J- P. Petir, ws-s elected speaker by
the Pean's-State Senatepeviots to the ad
journment of that body.
TO COSSUMPriVES The Advertiser, haviag
beea luatuieii to health in a few weeks, by a ve
ry simple remedy, after having suffered sever
al years with a severe lasg affection, and that
dreadSsiisease. consemptioM is anxioas to make
kaowa to his fellow'sufferi the meana-of ears.
T all who desire it. he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direc
tions for preparing and nsiiig tbe same.waieh they
will Cad a sarw care for Coaawmptiea, Asthma,
Broachida, ete. The oaly abject at the advertiser
ia seeding the Preseriptioti is to beaeit the aS to
ted, and spread informaUoii which heeeneeives to
ho invaluable, and ha hoes every sufferer will
try his remedy, aa it will cost theoa aothing, aad
may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the pre
set iptioa will please addrots
Apr. 22-5av Willia-ashargh, Kings Co,X.Y.
On Friday morn ing April 10 ta, of Drptb
ria. Dab el Uskbisos, of Jacob and Aon
Anspach, of 'Pike townsh ip, aged 12 years 11
mouths aa4 16 days. '
On Aoril 18th. of dvptberia. Hibam ALos-
ko, son of Jscot and A-nn Anspach. of Pike
township, aged 7 years, I month aad 23 days.
: On the 16tl ApriL Hast Am. yoangost
dsngbter ef Hemy and Rebecca Sulsbanrh of
OurwensviKe, aged years, tno s, o aays.
The LatestAXewss ;
A report was en-rent aevral days since .that
the army of the Potomac -has commenced a
forward movement ; bat onr paper of Tuesday
evening give no confirmation of t ha ad vane.
Yet, such may be the fact.',.
Accounts from the w.tat indicate an d
vance of Rosenerans. army. . Burnside is
pushing ahead towards Cumberland Gap.
Tbeso reports indicate that active operations
are about to commence. Wo may expect some
exciting news during the next week. .
Usios Hex Mobbed. A dispatch from In-
dianapolis states thst on the 15tb, a Union
meeting was broken ap in Brewn county. Indi
ana, by tbe K. G. C's. who shot several Union
men. The leader of the "Knights" was also
dangerously wounded. Another difficulty al
so occurred st Danville, in thst State, between
a party of the K. G. .C's and Union men, in
which five persons were wounded. - Ia view of
these outbreaks, Gen. Carrington has issued
an order declaring the K. G. C's to be pnblic
enemies, snd to be dealt with as such. These
are tbe fruits of the teachings of such men as
Vsllandigham, and other Copperheads.
- Tb new constitution, making West Virgi
nia a free State, has been adopted by an over
whelming majority. In thirty-four counties
beard from, the vote stands. For the amended
Constitution 27,785, against it 571.
CopperheadS'Trigin of the Term-Wh at it Me-ni.
"Soon after fbe outbreak of the rebellion,
the Spricgfidld (O.) Republic, m.lished a com
munication in which tbe writer noticed the
rattlesnake as the emblem of the Son'k Carolina
rebels, atl stated that the rattlesnake was a
more magnanimous reptile than the copper
head anake, as the former gives notice before
be strikes, while thelsttrr, besides being more
insiduoos, strikes yon without giving you any
warning; and applied the term copperheads to
mil the traitors and sympathizer tntik the rebel
in the free States. Other papers soon adopt
ed tbe term, and ft has become very geueral,
but some people do not see the point ; and in
Indiana I see some use the term coppcrbot.
toma, but I cannot see the point of eopperhot
totai. (Copperheads is a very apropriate name
for onr iree State rebel at heart."
Waoomsc-cocsH ok Cnorr, however severe may
e alleviated and cared by the im ef Midamt
Zosioe Poner's Curolir BaLiam. This invalua
ble Medieine possesses tbe extraordinary power of
relieving immediately WkoojUag-rtiirk, Hoars
iyfieaJty of Brratkiitg, Hmtitte. and
Tickling in the Throat. It loosens tbe Phlegm,
and will bo found very agreeable to the tate. 1 1
is net a violent remedy, bat emollient warming,
searching and effective. Can be taken by tbe
oldest person or youngest child. For sale by all
Druggists, st 13 snd 25 cents per bottle. feb4
SAMUEL HEGARTV. wholesale and re
tail dealer In Foreign and Domestic Mercban
dise. He party's x Roads, Clearfield county. Pa ,
keeps eonstsntly si 1 artistes ia his line of busi
ness, which he will sell eheap for cash or exchange
for - approved country prodae. Lumber of all
kinds taken io exchange for goods. Mareh 4. 185-5.
SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after July 1st. I
1&&&. the privilege of converting the present i
issue or Legal lender notes into tbe National Jfx J
per eeni. ioan (commonly eanea "five-twenties::
will eeue.
All who wigh to invert in the Five-Twenty Loin
must, therefore, auplybefore tbe 1st of Jalynext
Xo 114 S. Third tt., Philsdelpbia '
parsuance of the 43d section of tbe 'Act of S;h
May, ls54. you are hereby notified to meet in
Convention, at the Court House, in Clearfield, o ti
the first'Monday ia Msy, A. D. I&63. being tk Uk
dafof ike momth, st 1 o'clock in the afternoon,
sod select. vir core, by a majority of the whole
number present, one person of literary and scien
tific acquirements, and of skill and experience in
the art of teaching, as County Superintendent,
for the three sweeeeding years; determine the a
mount of compensation for the same ; and eertify
the result to the State Superintendent, at Harris
burg, as required by the 3Stth anl 40th sections of
said set. CHAS. B. SAXDFoRD.
April lj,1S53-3t- " Co. Snpt., of Clearfield Co.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. fly virtue of
an order of the Orphaa's Court of Clearfield
county, tbe undersigned will offer at public aUa,
at Lu:bersburg. on Thursday the 7th day -of May,
A. D. all tboae certain premise, late the es
tate of Philip Kriner. dee'd. Mtasie ia Brady tp..
Clearfield county, Penn. a ; consisting of two tracts,
one of them Beginning at tbe corner of tracts Xos
1431 A 1433; tbenee vest 153 perches to a Horn
beams, thence by land of Fred'k Reates. tract No.
639 north 137 6-10 perches to a Black oak. thence
east 135 perches to a Sugar tree, thence- along tbe
division line of the aforesaid tracts Xos. 14-11 snd
1432 south 137 6-10 perches toplaca of beginning ;
containing ln acres and 15 perebes The other
tract, containing 2 acres and 1 28 perches, com
nieccing at a Sugar tree, adjoining other iaadsof
Peoples aad said Kriner. being the same premises
conveyed to the said Philip Kriner, dee d, by
Xathaa B People.
TERMS One third Cash at the time of the sale,
aad the remainder, in one and two years thereaf
ter, with interest, the purchase money to be se
cured by Judgment Bond upon the premises.
April 8, UJ63 ELIAS RltHEL, Sr.. Trustee.
SAPAS1LLA. Xo one remedy If more need
ed ia this conn try than a reliable Alterative, but
the sick have been so outrageously cheated by the
worthless preparations of Sarsaparilla abroad
that they are disgusted even with the name. Yet
the drug cannot be blamed for the impositions
from which tbey have suffered. Most of tbe so
called Sarsaparillas ia the market contain little
of the virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else.
They are mere slops inert and worthless, while
a concentrated extract of the active variety cf
Sarsaparilla compounded with Dock, StiHingia,
Iodine, ete., is, as it ever will be. a powerful al
terative and an effectual remedy. Sash is Ayer's
Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly wonderful
ares ef the great variety of complaints which re
quire an alterative rae-liciae nave abundantly
anowa. Do not, therefore, discard this invalua
ble medicine, because you have been imposed up
on by something pretending to be Sarsaparilla,
while it 'was not. When you have ased Ayer's
then, and not till then, will you know the virtues
of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the
diseases it cares, we refer you to Ayer's American
Almanac, wowa the agent below named will far
niah gratis to ail who call for it.
Ateb's Catbabtic Pills. for the nseCostiveness,
Jaundice, Dyspepsi, Indigestion. Dysentery .Foul
Stomach. Mead acne, files. Kneumatism, Heart
burn arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, or
Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flataieocv. Loss
of Appetite. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms,
Gout, Xearalgia.and for a Dinner Pill..
Tbey are sarar-eostee, so taat the most sensi
tive eaa take them pleasantly, aad they are the
best Aperient ia the world for all the parposes of
family ph;
I Busies for SI
mo. f rick Zj cents per Box : r ire
other preparations which they make more profit
oa. Demand Aran's aad take no others. Tho
sick want the best aM there ia for them, aad they
should have it. "
Prepared by Dr. J.C. Area A Co., Lowell, Mass ,
aad sold "by .
l. a, v) atson, Clearfield, Wm. lrvaa, larwens
tr; S. Arnold, Lutkersbcrrg. KliSa Chaso. Anson
He. J.C. Roaaor, MosTTSdale.C. R. Foster. Phil-
ipiburj aud Dcalersetery where Jlsrth t-IS-
i This Hotel is nwl and farnaabari in mdm atvla.
has ample accommodations. -aad is ia all respects 1
a first class hoaae. February 8. 1S81. j
lea from tbe stable of the subscriber ia Barn
side township. Clearfield county, on the night of t
the 13th iust-, a sorrel-roan horse' i rears old in
May aext, about 15 or 16 hands high, with one i
hind foot white and star in hws face had on a i
nearly new halter, riding Bridle with hitch strap. ,
Tbe thief is supposed to be John Williams, who :
is aoout zu or 21 years of age. about j feet a or ip
iiuci cits, bu iimiU or Mamt eve aad crouk-
mouth when last aeea. wore a low black hat.
Hue knit wamns, and grey paals. and usually
wear? a comfort about bianeok is rr conceited.
The store toward will be given for the delivery
i i aorse ana uuet, or 2o tor either.
P. O. Address. Newmsn's Mills.
March IS. 1363-3p. . Indiana county. Pa.
5,000 MEN, -
Youths A Boy can be supplied with clothing A lnr
nishinggoodsat Koisensteia Bro's A Co., where it is
.:' TO BE
. Sold at prices that will induce all to be
By interest, to the clothing establishment. The
universal satisfaction which baa been given, has
induced them to enlarge their stocK. which... ia
quality and selection, is now inferior to none
at anywhere else. Come and you eaa have
All kinds and styles of clothing, at nearly one half
Trices usually asked at any other stre in the
county Clothing, good enough to suit the
... . GOVERNOR,'
Or any other man. Remember the place, oppo
site the Back, Clearfield. Pa
- r- -
RELIEF NOTICE. The Board of Relief
for the eountv of Clearfield, will meet at the
Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Wednes
day and Thursday, tha Ziih aad tfth davs of
April. JL D. 166Z.
Tbe Board of Relief have directed that the wife
of the soldier must appear before tbe board, and
produce her aworu statement, detailing name of
soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis
ted; the number of children, with age and sex of
each ; tho t. wiuhip in which tbey resided at tbe
time ot enlistment, and their present reidenoe ;
and that she is without the means of support for
herself and children who are dependent upon her;
Two witnesses of credibility from tbe townthip
in which she resides, mast also be produced. boe
certificate (sworn to betore the Board of Relief)
must set frth thst theaj. plicant is the person h
repreentherself to be. that tbe statement of the
number and age of her family is true, that she is
indelitute circumstances and her family ia ac
tual want, and that ail tbe facts set forth in her
application are correct and true.
Forms containing tbese requisitions can be ob
tained at the Office of the Board of Relief, when
application is made aad the witnesses appear.
N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly proven,
will excuse perso&ai attendance
April S, loo. - WM. 6 BRADLEY'. Clerk.
Spring Goods,
Of the Best Quality and Most Fashioii-
aole Styles, at
-c.w;&n: w;SMITHrS'T'
Selling at prices that defy competition.
- -
l Carefully peruse tbe separate lists appended be
low, for we have the best selected and most fash.
ioaable stock of Ladies' and Gents' furnishing
Goods, ever brought to fhe county. . We are sel
ling the Best 4-4 Crovs Sheetings for S7j. cents;
and Summer Prints from 20 cents upwards ; Dark
Prints from 22 to $0 sents. of the best quality and
colors " Persons favoring us with an examination
of our stock shall pot go away dissatisfied. .
" Look at the Dry Goods, to wit :
Mosambiqnes. Balaarenes, Wool DeLaines.
Do French. Bareges,
Linen Poplins. Flannels,
Lavella Cloth, . Fancy Print
Table Diaper, Chek',
Bird-eye Diaper. Ticking.
Bleached ..u.!in, Brown Drills
Unb 4-4 7-8 do Corset do
etc., etc , etc, etc ;
Kepp DeLaines,
Fancy DeLaines.
War. Ginghams,
Man. Ginghams,
French Oibgh a.
Stella Shawls,
Blk Thibet do
, etc.
Gents Furnishing GoMs:
Silk Mixed Cassimeres,
Fancy Mixed cassimeres,
B'k Ribbed eaasimcres,
' Mottled cassimeres.
Twilled ca&iimeres,
Black Cravats,
Black Silk Ties, .
Pongee Handkerchief.
Fancy Ca-s Shirts,
Msrvailles Fronts
Dom Lincea eollars.
: 1 cord Linijen collars,
. 3 cord Linen collars,
etc., ete . ets.,
Kentucky Jeans.
Fancv Sattinetts,
Wool Tweeds,
Melton Sattineits.
Double Twist do
Rubber Buttons.
Metal Button?,
Carpenter Pencils.
1'niqne Scarfs.
Linen chokers,
I'-if-er collars,
Coat Bindirga,
etc ete.
f Iook at the list of Notions,
IoBgcaoeho ps. Round cane hoops. ElegsntGori
Trail hoop-Skirts. Mi. gloves, Black cotton .
gloves Blaek si!k gloves. Mens as't'd gloves.
Mens' kid gloves. Ladies' assorted gloves, '
Black crapes. English crapes. Frenrh
crapes. Cbildrens' hose. Ladies' hose,
Ladies' black hose. Ladies' slate hose.
Books and ever. Whalebones. Psff combs, Rubber
childs combs. Cotton fringes for curtains, Man.
ribbons. Earners. Black and white Ivces, Edg
ing, Friiiges, Black shawls Stella shawU, .
Mourning vails. Mourning Hakfs. Carpet
bindings. Skirt braids of all colors, A
mericsn. Paris, Magpie and Flo wer
' ed Ruches, and Fsney Jet pins.
Mantles, Ladies' Linen collars, Ladies ruffled. 8 v
edged and lace-fluted eollars, Twilled cuffs to
match. Mourning cuffs and collars, Double
raffling, lavistble bead nets. Tassel, Croch- , .
' et. Chenille, Braid, Velvet and Fancy
head nets; Xarrow braids, Embroider
ing braids. Elastic cords. Silk cords, '
Mourning-dress buttons. Fancy old "
agate. Zouare gilt. Steeple and
Acorn buttons, aad assorted Ze
phyrs, etc., etc , etc ete.
Groceries, anions which are"
Prime Rio eonee, 6 round Rio eosTee, S. H. sugar,'
elarifiad N. O. sugar. Pure water crackers for .
iavalid,Sodacraekers, Batter crackers, T. H.
Tea. Essence coffee. Ext lye, Cream Tartar,
AH apices. Pipes, Tobacco, Indigo and er
" . ry thing belonging to Groceries Also,
"plit peas (a splendid substitute for
'beans), Best quality of brown am
1 : - - gar at 121 eenu per pound. .
F.emember the place, opposite the Preabyteriaa
church, Second street, Clearfield, Pa Examine
our stock aad judge for yourselves.
dril 8. . C. W. A H W. SMITH.
-w of Admiavrration on the estate of William
Wright, late of Beecaria town'p. Clearfield county-
P-. dee'd, haviag been granted to the ander
signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re-
2 netted to make immediate payment, and those
avieg claims against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Mareh 18.1S62-tp .. Administrators.
CAUTION. All peraoni are hereby cautioned
agaiast purchasing Or meddling with the foi
lowing property, bow in poveseioa of George Kep
hartia Desatur township, to wit : 1 Blaek horse
1 Iron-gray horse, and 4 Cows, as tbe same belongs
to me, and bate only been left with said Eephart
OB loan, and subject to say order.
March 2. 1S63-j1. W.B.MORGAN.
j c.av:&iuv. Smith:'
Call ami Examine the G"'L. April 1
t - ; f
CAl"Tlll AH persona axe hereby eaatioo
ed against purchasing a certain, note, dated
21st February. callitg for twenty dallars.
and given by the undersigned to Jack Ames ; as I
have received no value for the same. I will not
fay it unless compelled by .due course of law
Rockton, March 4.lS3-3tp . .
sr O per ernf - pr'r tatrtext- pavnltir
rrervt v,tn. it tiotd. Leonard, Finney A Co..
of Clearfield. Pa., are subscription Agents to dis
pose of this Fi-e-Twenty Years U- S. Loan.' A
tnounu can be had to suit the means- of different
individuals the Interest being payable, aiidio
bo accounted for. half-vearly in Gold. - ;
Clearfield, Aprils. 13. - -. - - "
eontaiuing 124 seres Si cleared and under
good fenoe. . A log heofio ti by 2'i. plank house 16
by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large springau J spring-hoase con
venient to hou?e The land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber: There if
aa orchard of large grafted trees, aad a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit.. It is convenient
for pasturing drovei. VLSO. one containing V0 a
eres 19 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stabls
thereon. For terms apply t9
October 13. L. J. CRAXS. Clearfield.
traction upon tho Piano. Melodeon and Gal
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Ten For pupils under six years old: Si.ftfl,
for seventy two leseons of ane half hour each :
for all pupils over six years old. SlO.oe. for aerea-ty-two
lesions of one boar each; upon Piano, Me
Iwdeon. Guitar or ia Harmony.
Payable, one-fourtb at the beginning and the
bat Dee at tbe end of the quarter.
Vocal moaie free U all Instrumental pupils.
Studied alone. $3.00 per term.
Octlso0. fc. A. P. RYXDER Teacher.
' The publisher of Godey'a Lady's Book, thank
ful to that public which has. enabled him to pub
liah a wagaxine for the lost i years ot a larger
circulation tbaa any aa America, ha madeaa ar
rangement with tbe most popular anthoreiw in this
country Marios UmuM. authoress of -Alone.'
-Hidden Path," -Mues Side." .-Nemesis.' . aad
"Miriam." who will furnih a tory fr everv num
ber of the Lady s Book for I-WV ThU alu'ne will
place the Lady's Cook ia a literary point of view
far ahead of any tier magaxine. Marion liar
land writes for no other publication- Our other
favorite wriers will all continue to furnish arti
cles throughout the year.
Sjrty-Ft.rtit ttid itjn-fTfh vo!omeS of Go
dey 's Lady's Book for I mm. will eoatain pearfy
1.111 pages of Reading matter. 24 pae-esf Muric,
12 Doeble Extension Colored Fabin Plates, equal
to 24 of other magazines, over I2Ht wood engrav
in.es. It steel engratine-s of beautiful subject. 70.
articles by the best authors in America. And ail
these will be given in IS63. at prices for which
see our extremely low elub rates. -
The oldest, the best, and ibe cheapest magailoa
in America is the Godey's Lady's Book. Tbe im
mense increase ia the circulation of Godey (hav
ing trebled itself in the last 4 years) is a convinc
ing proof of the superiority of the work, if the
work itself was not sufficient evidence. - And when
it is considered that not a bribe in the shape of a
premium has ever been offered, it shows thst Go
deys r.ad y ' Book stands first in tbe heart of A
mericaa. ladies, who. subscribe fyr,thessle of tbe
Book and not the premium. " '
The Literature of tho Lady's Book is by the first
writers in America, and has always been remark
able for its high literary and moral character.
Clergymen recommend - the Book, and ir can be
read aloud in the family circle. The matter is far
superior to that of any other magazine' having' a
healthy and instructive tone. . "-
Eight Specialities that no other magaxine has,
and only found ia Godev, to wit: 'Original Mu
sic," -Mode! Cottages, with diagrams. -Drawing
Lessons." "Original Health Department" "-Chil-dren's
Depsrtnient," ' Chemistry for the Young."
--Horticultural Department." and '-Double Exten
sion Fashion-plates" Godey's great speciality,
unparalleled and unapproached. Competition
dead in this departnieuL. Uux imitators have a
bandoned tbe attempt.
Of Steel engravings- the press have unanimous
ly pronounced Godey 's the best ever published by
any magaxine of tbe world. You tcav look ia
vain for 14 such steel engravings as were publish
ed during tbe year!r""2. and those for 1N53 will
surpass them. "tber magazines do not go to the
expense of original designs' for their steel engrav
fns. The iMoble Fashion-plate has from a to 7
full length fashions on each plate. Other lnaga
sines give but two. . Godey ia the oiily work ia (be
world that gives these immense plates, which cot
ilO.OUO more than the old vtyte. Tboe fashions
anay be relied on as correct. They are always
the latest styles, and hence ladies are not subject
to ridicule for wesring old fashions, when they
v.sit the large cities
Godey's Wood engraving Xevelties. Of these
we give doable tho number of any other maga
xine. no matter what its price may be.
Colored embroidery patterns and lingerie. Er
ery number contains patterns of sotue article for
a lady to work ottomans, backs of Chairs, slip
pers, ets
Among the articles to be continued, aad which
have been appreciated, will be Gardening for the
Ladies. Mr. H. A. Breer. tho celebrated Horti-
! culiuriKtof thueity, will assist ia this department
Our Musical department, ihreedollara wor'h
of Music is given every rear; and if it were oa'y
for the music alone, tbe Lady's Book would be
cheap at the price we aK for it. .
In tbe various cumbers for I n63. will be found
diagrams for Children's aud La iiei' dresoes ; chil
dren's samples for learning; the newest designs
for window curtains, broderie anlaise. slippers
bonnet, caps, cloaks, evening-dresses, fancy arti
cles, headdresses, bair-drcsring. robes-de-chaai-bio.
carriage dresses, bride dresses, wreaths,
mantillas, walking-dresses, morning-dresses, ri
ding habits, eollars. -chemisettes, nndersleeves.
patchwork, embroidery patterns, and crochet and
Bolting work. Our designs are received semi,
monthly from our agents in France, England, and
Germany, and every new pattern of any portion
of a lady's dress appears first ia the Lady's Book.
Drawing io all its variety, neetnl to the beginner
and tbe proficient. Fashions fromlhe establish
ment of the celebrated -'Bro-iie' will be ia every
Bumber. Also gives Model cottages.
Godey's invaluable receipts upon every subject,
indispensable to every family, worth more than
the whole eost of the Book, and a great saving of
expense to all tbtoe who take the book. Godey's
Lady's Book is also'used as a premium at nearly
very Agricultural exhibition in the United States
another testimony of its worth. . .
send in your orders soon. The best plan of
subscribing is to send y onr money direct to the
publisher. TTe recognize no subsefrptioB that is
not sent direct to .ourselves. If you pay your
moot v to any association, you must loojp to it for
your books We will not sUpjjly a copy of the
Lady's Book unless tbe money is sent direct to es.
We have no agents for whose acts wo are respon
sible. Tbrbs Cash ib Abva-tb. One copy one year,
$3 Two copies one year. 53 Three copies one
year, $6 Four copies one year. $7". - Five eopies
one year, and an extra copy to the person sending
the club, making six eopies. 10 Eight copies
one year, and aa extra eopy to the person sending
the elub. making nine copies, $15. Eleven cop
ies one year, and an extra copy to the person send
ing the elub, making twelve eopies, $29. -Any
person having sent a elub will have the privilege
of adding one or more eopies at the same elub
rates. The above Terms cannot be deviated fruiu,
no matter bow many are ordered.
How to Rr hit. Procure a draft if possible; if
not, send Treasury or Bans: nates; but let it be a
matter knows only to yourself; the fewer you let
into the Secret, the more eertaintv there Is of
your money eotaieg to hand. If you send gold,
secure it earei ully Tn Ike letter ; otharw iso it is apt
to wot k out of tho envelope. Bo eareful aad pay
the faetage on yur letter. Address
L. A. GODEY, J! ChertfcutStrct. rinavl'a.
I FREDERICK LrlTilXGER. Manufacturer f
11 kinds of tone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
d era solicited wholesale or retail. Jsts.ll'V.J
Attornev at Law snj Real Estate
J J. Agent. Clearfield. W
7 o . m. J 111!
o ifecoaa strset. c-, r-. - -Bay i6.
WX CTUrGir. Attorney alU.". He-r-.
field. Pa; Office, with L. J Crans. F ,
--"L &tre!t- - -. J eiy 3, 1 -l7
ROERt J. W A LLA CET A ttorneV . t IwTn . a7-
field. P Office in Shaw's new rw. Market
street, opposite Xaagle's jewelry store. Msv 26.
HF.NA UG I.E, Watch and Clock Maker, aad
i dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Ac. Room ia
tiraham's row, Market street. - - - Nov. 10.
H .BrCHER SWOOPe! A ttoVaey Vtli m. Cits r.
i SeKI, Pa. OtEe iaGraham'a l'.u. fiirduo
west of Graham 1 Bortrton s store.. . Xt. le. -
BK. SHOPS. Cabiaent Maker, t'fcerrr Street
. Clearfield. Pa Makes to order e verv des
cription of Furniture on. short notice. Jan 21'6S
P KTRATZER Merchant.- and dealer i
Koart an.l OinBirt. JriB and Prod
Front St. abeve the Aeadeifiv.Crearfield. Pa
"llTALLAt E A HALL, Atturnevs at Law. Clrar-
T field. Pa - acember 17. IS52.
iLUi a witui i. : ,: : : ; : j jhs bali..
J. PATTERSOX. Attorae) at Law! Crwen
aTV ville. Pa... will attend lo all business ea
trusted to his care. Office opposite the Xew
Methodist Charch. .Jaa.li.lKS2
WILLIAM F.IRWKVMarkeUtreet, Clearfield,
Fa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domejlie Mer
chandise. Hardware, gueensware. Groceries- and
family articles generally. - Sot. 1ft.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL r VtlerThls 'TrofhsiioBai
. Services tC the cititeas of Morris and adjoin
ing townships Keaiience with J. D. Denning in
Kylertowfi. Clearfield county. Msy 1 1, Ijiii.
JOHN Gl'ELIClT. Manufacturer all kTnds
Cabinet-ware. Market street, Clearfield. Pa.
He a!?.j make to Otder Coffins ous'Uorr oetice. and
attends funerals w iih a hearse. - Aprl6."i.
DR. R. V. WIIlNVfWj" ""phv'aicTan
Clearfield. Pa. Will aitoad to all 'r-rofes- '
sioaal butiue. Office. . eorser of Zd and Locu-i
stroeU. . . ; Jan. 28. 1S63
DR. M. WtXlS. PaTrctv PHv5icias. and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
tfice. Soulh-wet corner of Second and Cherrv
-Street, Clearfield, Pa. Janaarv 21, IsoS. "
JB .M'EXALLT,". Attorney at Law. Cle.rfifll.
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boya
ton,2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
ICHARD MOSSOIVDealer in Foreign and li--
. m4tt. tl" (1 .r.1. iKamm'.. f? I
- . . . . . v j . . ,iiwcuc. ciuor, xacoa.
Liquors. Ac: Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of JinrnnJOfirK Clearfield, Pa. . Apr27.
LARKIMER A TEr-r, Attorneys at Law. Clear
Cell. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care ia Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, lijio. -
"IT 7 ALTER BARRETT. Attorssv at Law. hae
11 ing resigned his commission ia tbe army,
and resumed the practice of the law. may be con
sulted on professional business at his old office aa
Second StreeL Clearfield, Pa. All business prompt
ly attended to. February ith la".
THOMAS J. M CULI1UGH, AUoreev at Law.
" Clearfield. P-a.; rOSea", ast of the Clearfed
eo. Bank. Deeds and other legalinsiruments'pre
pared with promptBcsaa aocjtracy.:. sialy l.
pjciECTtoa rrrcB. CtatitriiisiiilpKfliA.
All wbo have Friends aad Relatives in the Ar
my and Xsvy should take especial care that thev
be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment",
aad where the brave Soldiets and Sailors have
neglected to provide themselves with them, no bol
ter present can he sent them by their Friends
Ihey have been proved to bo the Soldier's aever
failing friend ia the hour of need. -
Coughs anl Colds Affecting Troop,
Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured lv
using tbes admirable medicines, and bv pavia
proper attention to the Directions which are at
tached to each Pot or Cox.
Sick Headache and Waat of Appetite, Inciden. J
tal t foldiera.
Tbee feelings which so sadden as aaually arie
from trouble ,r anncyanees. obstructed perspira
tion, or "eating and drinking whatever is unwhole
some, thus disturbing the healthful action of the
Live! and Stomach. These organs mn--t be reliev
ed, if yoo desire to be well. The P lis taken ac
cording to tha printow instructions, will nnicklv
produce a healthy action in Both Mver and St..m
ach. and as a natural eonse'icenee. a elear head
and good appetite.
Weaineas or Debiliiy Iaiuced by 0er TatLrue
Will soon dissppesr by the ue of Ih-e irralua
ble Pills, and the SoldiJr wiii qaickty acquire ad
ditional streugth Xeveriet the Bowels be either
confined or unduly acted upon It may seem
strange, that Uolloway's iili should be recom
tueuued for Dyentry and Flux, many persons
uj. posing that they uolf iacreaae tbe rsla ttiub.
This is a great mistake, for these Pill will eorfpct
the Liver and Stomach, and thus ' remove all the
acrid humor from the system. This medicine will
give tone and vigor to the whole organic systun.
however deraa .ed. whiie health aud strength fol
low as a matter of course. Nothing will stop tho
relaxation of 'he Bowel so sure as this medicine
Volunteers, At eatioa'-Indiacretiojii ef Youth.
Sores and Vlcers. Blotches snd Swellings, can
with certainty be radically curbj. ir the Pills aro
taken night and morning, aad the Ointment b
freely used as stated ia the printed in.tructior.s.
If treated In any 'other manner, they dry up in
one part to break oat in another. Whereas this
"Ointment will remove the hainors front the system,
and leave the Patient a healthy and rigorous wan.
It will require a little perseverance in bad cases
to insure a lasting cure. -
For Wcuuils either occasioned by the Sayoset,
Sabre, or the Ballet, Sores r Biciaea, -To
which every Soldier or Sailor ars liable, there
are no mediciaeS so safe. -cere, and convenient, as
Holloway's Pills and Ointment The poor woaads
edand almost dyingsufferer might bare hiswoaod
dressed immediately, if he would dnly provide
himself wila ibimaiehlesMintui?r.mbch should
be thrust into the wound aim! su.earnd all arouu 1
it. then oovered with a piece of linen from ni
knapsack Bad compressed with, a -handkerehiet
Taking, nisht and morn in r. 6 or Pill t. .i
the system aad prevent inflammatioa.-
Every Soldier's Knapsack and Seautaw's Chott
should be provided with those valuable remedies.
CAUTION. Xoae are geoulbe unless the
words -HolUwat. Xtw Ycek anb Losdov." aro
diseernable as a Wateb-bara; in every leaf of too
book of directions around each pot or box; tho
same may bo plainly seen by Bvluiss tbe itur
to tbe t.iBT A handsome reward will b given
M any one rendering such information as may load
o the detection of any parry or parties oonater.
feiting the medicines or vending the aie, know.
ing them to be Spurious. .-'
Sold at the manufactory of Professor Hol
Lowat, S8 Maiden Lace. Xew York, and by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine,
throughout the eiviliied w-rtd. in boxes at 2
cents, 2 cents, and SI each. .
Tbere is eoceidersble saving by takiuj the .
larger sixes.
hi B. liirectioas for tho guidance of pastent " "
ia every disorder are affixed to each box. .
New York. Jaeuaiy 7. I3 . j . -lj.
' CsVDealers in my well known modiciaas eaa
have s-how Cards. Circulars. Ao..seet tSam. rasa
or bxtewsb. by addrossiag Thomas Hotloway HO
Maiden Laae, Xew Yora. . ;
FLOUR A good article tor sain at tl
yam wm- r rroas.ti
tho atare (