Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 15, 1863, Image 3

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    1- -A XI
Time of Cars on Central Bo ad, at Tyrone
11.17 pan
Express, , . ,
pjt tram,
Mail train,
Express. .
rt trm.
6.45 a.m.
1.02 a.m.
1L35 a m. 12.10 a'.in.
8.16 am.
8.30 p.m.
7-40 p.m.
fl.40 a.m.
7.14 p.m.
5.59 p.m.
Mail train
0.59 p.m.
tim of Cart, Tyrone and Clearfield Branch.
T ,Tts Ridge. 9.40a m. Leave Torone, 7.40p.m.
JiaTeS. Ridgo. 2.65 p m- Leave Tyrone, 12.15 p.m.
The Loyal Citizen of Pennsylvania without
dijtintiori of party, ;wtao desire' cordially ' to
finite in sustaining the National and Slale .id
fHnittrationt, in their patriotic efforts to anp
pr(ij 1 aectiuuaj and unholy rebellion against
tbe Unity of the Republic, and who desire to
iiniport by every power of tho Government',
our heroic brethren in arms, braving disease
and the perils of the field to preserve the 17
ioaof our Fathers, are requested to select
1 nuuiber of Delegate equal to their , Legis
lative representative of the State, ut such
'times and such manner as will best respond to
tbe spirit of this call, to meet in State Conven
tion, at Pittsburg, on Wednesday, the 'First of
'July next, at eleven o'clock, a. m., on said day
to nominate candidates for the offices of Gov
trnor and Judge of. the Supreme Court, and to
take such measures as may be deemed neces
rv to strengthen, the Government in this sea
son of common peril to a common country. ;.
' C. P. MRKLE,
Chsirmir. of the Colon State Central Com.
1ko. W. Hamersly; I g
Wm. J. Howabd, S
The weather has been warm and pleasant in
this section during the, past -week, and the
river has been in good rafting condition since
.Saturday.- A large m. ruber ot rafts have pas
sed down, and we hope they may all sately
reucti tneir inienaea aesunauon. jti
Och Outbiue. On the first page of to-d.5s n
Journal will be found letters, from our corres
pondents VF.- K B." and C; E. L" and th
address ofJhe 2d .brigade. 3d division: fid
corps, Arm r of the Potomac? Also; an nrti
cle from "Wilkes' Spirit of the Times," enti
tied "The Sub-Southern Revolution..".', ..
Tbe last Copperhead organ contains a series
' ot resolutions, alleged to have been passed by
thirty five members of Oompauy E, 1 19th Rs
giuicnt IVnnV Volunteers, in which it is t
ted that tbey "cannot endorse and sustain'
the resolutions adopted by the regiment
thort time previous, and which we published
to the Journal. We-know nothing about the
wanner In which ih?ae "Company E" resolu-t
lions were gotten op. or f the means used to
get signatures to them ; ' but, as they bear tho
outward marks of being genuine, wo make
this statement In order to pluc the signers
correctly on th record before the public.
Copperheads-Origin of theTerm-What it Meant
As there seems to be a misunderstand ing as
to the meaning of tbe term 'Copperhead,' we
republi b this specimen of political neo'.ogj
as given .by a correspondent of the Cincinnati
Gazette: , , .
"Sjon after t!it outbreak of tho rebellion,
the Springfield (().) Republic, published a com
umuicaiion in which the writer noticed the
rattlesnake as the embUm of the South Carolina
rtbtts, and staled that tbe rattlesnake was
mure magnanimous reptile than tho copper.
lead snake, as the former givs notice before
tie strikes, while thelatter. besides being more
itismuiitis, strikes you without giving you any
warning; and upplied the term copperheadt to
all the traitor and sywpaihiztr vrith the rebel
in tbe tree Mates. Othe papers soon adopt
d the terra, and it has become very general,
tut some people do not St-c the point; rod iu
Jndi.ina I see sciuu use Ike term coppcrbot
lows, bi.t J cannot s,pe the jioint of copperbot-
loms. VcpperheaiU is a Very apropriate nasne
for uMfm Slle rebel at heat t." .
A Letter from Wiianinston.
Wasuinqtos, April 6th 1863.
Fuismd Row; Yesterday morning this part'
of tbe 'Sunny South' waked up six inches
under the snow ; but it was soft snow and very
'n paddled off -'down the river" where all
nosgo. ... .....
This is about the only new thing .here ex
cept onr big Union meeting wine days ago,
ttvm no longer a fresh excitement. .That was
glorious demonstration ot the District'! loy
alty. The Hall 01 the Hops was glorious to
behold when the tall form of the President ap
peared followed by part of his Cabinet and
other distinguished men. . The bngl.-s blared
tlie people shouted, the handkerchiefs waved,
"4 the old Hall rang as with the wild dixjord
"I storm at sea. Vet over it ail swelled the
"gbrr, clearer, sweeter notes of loyalty to ttip
Government and Hostility to traitors, wbenev
speaker lashed the rebels or lauded the.
honest hearted, care worn man, who sat in
root of the Speakers chair. No sentiment
1'roduced so wild a bnrat of applause a. th it
which urged the President to throttle the
'rsiiors in our midit and crosh out treason at
nine. by the strong arm of executive power.
I tLink it pesks well, sir, very well, for a
Dwtrict strongly suspected and being no more
Jklthan it should be. lie fact is, the lios
lity to cipprheaded croakers and sympathi
ser at the Xorth, is becoming more nd more
ntensiSed day by day. People begin to see
"d feel that the war must be "carried into
Arrica,"an(j loat ta8e whoae hearts are with
"'-rebels Lad better take themselves there or
"not pan" right spefdilj. ,
Tbe late glorious Republican triumph In
lode Island and the gratifying reaction in
Tor of the Union cause all over the Xorth,
Tethir with the manifest desnondt-nrr nflh I
": aml ,h sinking condition of their cause,
T Intensity to tbe loyal K-eling here.
successes continued at the polls.and the
' Congress will bo emphaticallr and snrely
a Me Government's support. With such men
control Legislation as your late membet,
Patton, onr Goal success is certain, and
complete triumph glorious. Here let roe
" Because It t tn. . . .
- . ur (fcupic ma to
' " i no man of th
e S7tb CoHgress was nor
more highly respected thu G n PaMon. His
great energy and strict slteutiou to hus'iur;
bis nnsullied iutegritj j bis devi led personal
attention to the soldiers ; bis unselfish patriot
ism and modest, genial, frank, good nature,
made him a favorite. He bad not an enemy
Id Congress. I often bear it said that no new
member of the Pennsylvania 'delegation arid
very few of the older ones, had as much influ-
et'ce at the departments, in committee and a
niong bis colleagues generally, as the member
from the "Wild-cat District," who always ac
complisbed what he undertook. His refusal to
take a second term, is very generally regret
ted in political circles here.
For some time past the authorities have
been sorely puzzled to tell how the soldiers in
Convalescent camp near Alexandria, got so
much whiskey.. - Two or three special detec
tives were detailed to smell it out. Finally
Col. Baker, the chief of that force, found a cat
bole in the side of a house near there," where
he saw two or three soldiers receive and pock
ct something and slip away. Calling at the
bouse soon alter for a glass of water, be mark
ed well tbe phiz of the lone woman who lived
there.. A day or two after be saw her at the
wharf here, embarking for Alexandria, with,
pretty wide hoops on, aud ordered her to be
arrested and conveyed to his office. Assum
ing the greatest inuocence imaginable, she de
manded to know what he wanted. ! He replied
be wanted her to "take ofl that - whiskey '
She feigned ignorance but ho quietly told ber
it was --no go" and alio hauled out, from un
der her skirls, al'out a dozen canteens, holding
a pint or more each ! Her little girl carried
several more. She bad carried on this con
traband traffic lor a long time but tbe Col.
put a stop to it. ' In this connection we note
an increased stringency in granting pisses to
snd from Gen Honker's army. The a'cesh ;
ympathizors here have the greatest difficulty
ow in communicating with their friend be-
oi-d the Potomac. It indicates a movement
in that direction just as soon as tho going
will aJruit. Had the satno strict rule . been
established at tbe beginning, it would have
been better for us.
The receptions at the' White House are o
vcr, atid-the seasou is declared ended. Tho
President and family have gone to their sum
mer residence, the Soldiers Home, some four
niilesoul of town. When I get to be President
I shall change this practice and live as well
us do business, in the big house where I hapo
you will bo sure aud call upon your aforetime
correspondent. Yours, Capitol. ;
Letter from Suffolk, Virginia. ,
: " Scppolk, Va., April 6th. 1863.
. Dear Row : I had hoped that the genial
raj s of spring, which burst so opportunely up
on us a short time sgo, was the harbinger of
continual warmer weather; but tbe last week
has been so far in tbe opposite extreme, auto
completely dispel any such fond anticipation
lor, instead of pleasant sunshine, we have bad
frowning clouds, mingled with all other kind
of disagreeable weather, mnch to the discom
fort of all. . One day we had raw, cold winds
nesf now, then rain,' and then again all the
variations combined. Yesterday rooming we
had some, four or five inches of snow on the
ground, but to day it is all gone, and we once
more have the promise of a second return o
spring.;. These sudden changes are anything
but agreeable to tbe soldier, and the sligh
protection which canvass walls afford against
tho variations of temperature, is often prejn
dicial to good health, and many are tlie colds
and indispositions arising therefrom. We have
been very much disappointed, in our theories
in regird to the weather in this latitude, for
we did not dream bnt that. here, we snotild be
at least one month iti advance of the seaso
as compared with the latitudo we were in this
tims lasr year ; but such sems. in reality
pot to ho the case, for 1 believe that we had
no weather this time one year sgo so cold as
now, as a general thing. "Bnt I will not now
longer cotnpIaiD, but submit cheerfully 10 the
weather as it comes.
We hare a -little dash now and then in this
section, which serves to remind iis that "se
cesh" is still lingering around. Last Satur
day the reKrt came from the front, thst there
ws an nnnsual movement going on within the
enemy's lines, looking towards hostile dem
onstration In this direction. A detachment
of the 2Cew York mounted rifles were sent out
immediately to reconnoitre, and when a short
istance outside of our lines, towards the
Blickwater, they suddenly and unexpectedly
fell Into an ambuscade of the enemy, and were
pened upon with shell and bhrnpnell. and Dot
nowing tho number of "rebs" that might lo
here, deemed it prudent to fall back and send
for - reinforcements. This was accordingly
one, and as soon' as the additional force ar
ived, tho rebels were driven back. What
the entire results of the skirmish were, 1 am
not able to say. . It is, however, reported that
some tbree or four of the rifles were wounded
rip the action, and also that it was ascertained
that the rebels were about twenty thousand
strong, and were contemplating a raid between
onr forces here and at A orfolk. - This latter.
report may, or may not be well founded ; hot
one thing is" certain, that Gen. Peck has a
sharp -lookout upon all their movements, and
should desperation, or any other canse tempt
the rebel leaders to at tempt a diversion in tbis
direction, tbey will doubtless meet with some
adventures they are not at preseut prepared for.
11 Tbe most excellent spirit prevails here a
mong tbe men, and the most rigid dicipline is
exacted. Add to this tbe high state ot effi
ciency to which, each command' Is being
brought by constant, daily drill, (whenever
the weather will permit) and you may form
some idea of the morale of this portion of the
army; ... Previous toonr advent here, I was led
to believor from the reports in circulation
that groat disaffection prevailed among the
Milttfa from Pennsylvania, but from carefnl
inquiry, and information obtained from vari-
ous sources, I am convinced that such la not,
Las been tho case since tboy have been
tayoned here in the face of the enemy. So
far as my limited observation extends, no finer
looking body of men is to be lonnd anywhere
in the service, and when the time arrives for
a practical demonstration of tneir patriotism,
the honor of our flag will receive no detri
ment at their hands. ......
The Corcoran Legion or as they are fa
miliarly termed here, Corcoran rs petSr are
camped close to ns. No more striking exem
plification of a devoted attachment to their
leader, can be showu, than that exhibited by
these patriotic and loyal sons of the Emerald
Isle, in the cause of this their adopted coun
try.' Corcoran is the very idol of his men,
while they in turn are the objects ol bis pride
and solicitude, and everything conducive to
their welfare aud their comfort, compatible
with the best interests of tbe service, receives
his personal and prompt attsntioo. No one
doubts either tbe ability or tho bravery of the
General tor the post be now occupies; for be
baa a record worthy of tbe confidence of every
loya'l beart. and has received for himself by
bis uncompromising hostility to secession,
and bis ; self, s-tcriflcing devotion to the cause
of humanity, a monument of undying fame.'
Through the untiring efforts ofCapt. Simp
son, our Batu-ry is now filled up, both with
men and horses, to the propt-r standard, and a
short time only will suffice to make it as effi
cient as any in this quarter!. We bad a detail
of forty one men, fruin the 13ib New Hamp
shire and 4th Rhode Island Regiments, for
service in the Battery, which swells our num
ber at present to 125 effective men. .This
evening we received 50 horses, which will fill
up all deficiencies, and give us about 20 spare
ones lor emergencies.
We have just 'received orders to muster 011
the 10th instant Tor the information and bene
fit of the Provost Marshal Genoral, to guidn
him in apportioning the proper number for the
coming draft. Our constitutional adciscrs in
Clearfield will have to keep a sharp lookout
tor the "locomotive, " and :f any unlucky in
dividual -'can't teeil'" in time, ibey must con
sole themselves with the reflection that "its all
ior me 0111011. ,auoui -tuat time, l suppose
'green-backs" will be acceptable enough, nu
leas tbe premium on gold will depre-ciate their
value so much as to make them disreputable
in trafficing for a mibMitute. At any rate
those that are fortunate enough to be elected
win nave a cnance, which thev mav never
have again, of acquiring practicul military
"tictacs," almost within talking distance ut
the ' grey-backa," and may possibly be initia
ted immediately on their arrival. a the army
may (the weather permitting) take a notion to
resume the bid cry "on to Richmond" by that
time. I wish them alltbe consolation imagip-
1 lie furlough fever is rampant, here, just
now, in consequence of orders being issued,
permitting two or three out of every hundred
men to be absent, at a time, for ten days. This
arrangement will give ns about . nine per
month, but the query is, who are to be the fa
ones, x suppose oniy inose who arc
most deserving will be attended to first, and
the others in proportion to their conduct.
; -Yours truly, , w. R. b.
On Tuesday morning, March 31st bv Rev
W. Vf. Showalter, Mr. J. Summkrfielk Ghat.
Uf Half Moon, Centre Co. to Miss. Emma
daughter ot J. J. Tats: Esq of Clearfield Co.
On Friday morning March 10th of Dypthe
ria, Daniel H arrison, son of Jacob and Ann
Anspiich.o! Pike township, aged 15 years 11
months and 16 days. The deceased was a boy
of much pioinise, and bis death is deeply
mourned by hi parents and friends. His lat
moments were calm aod serene, and hi? spirit
passed irom earth 10 Heaven, with the full as
surance of abluMsed iiiniuirf ulit v
I iVjlOOrlSO-COCGn OR CrOITP. howtvrr IKmrr mm.
bo alleviated and cured by the use of MuTime
Zmior. Portr.r 's Curative Balitam. This iuvnlua
ble Mediuiue possesses the extraordinary power of
relieving immediately Whoopins romrk. llaar.tr
was, Difficulty of Breathing.' llmhhir. and
Tickling in the Throat. It loosens the Phlegm,
and will be found very agreeable to the tajite. It
is not a violent remedy, but emollient warming,
searching and effective. Can be tukeu by the
oldest person or youngest child. For sale bv all
Druggists, at 'i and 20 cents per bottle. Ml
SAM IT -EL HEGARTV, wholesale and re
tail dealer In Foreign and Doinestic Merchan
dize. Hegarty's x Roads, Clearfield county. Pa ,
keeps constantly all articles in his line of busi
ness, which he will sell cheap for ca.h or exchanca
for approved country produce Lumber of all
kinds taken in exchange forgoods. March 4, 1863.
SPECIAL .NOTICE. On and after July 1st.
1863. the privilege of converting the present
Issue of Legal .Tender notes into the National Six
per cent. Loan (commonly called "Five-Twenties
will cease.
All who wish to invest in th'e Five-Twentv Loan
must, uiereiore. apply oeioretnelst of Julvnext
7 - vvvai., 01, BM KlFTIOa AGENT.
No 114 S. Third St., Philadelphia
LIS T OF-LETTERS remaining in the Tost
Office at Clearfield, on April 1st, 18H3.
iietrs. w ins ix. i Maize. James
Hurley, Wm. W.
Mitchell. Samuel L.
Mahaffey. Miss Maggie M
Noon, P.S. .
Xulph. Miss Mary C .
Reed, E. J. 2
Raymone. Johc
Thompson Mrs. Marv
Everen, Levi
Ellinger, George
Flemining, L. M.
Gill, David R. P.
flause. Edward,
Harman, LIi
ncuunrMiuii. oiepueo layior, o. u.
Jones. Miss Rebecca Wisor, Mrs. Mary A.
Lower. Henry Weymoth, John
One cent due on each letter advertised. Per
II .1 .1 O . 1 rw r,
sons calling for any of above letters, will say they
are advertised. M. A. FRANK. P. M.
an order of tbe Orphan's Court of Clearfield
county, the undersigned will offer at public sale,
at Lutbersburg on Thursday the 7th day of May,
A. D. 1853, all those certain premises, late the es
tate of Philip Eriner. deo'd. situate in Brady tp..
Clearfield county. Penn a ; consisting of two tracts,
one of them Beginning at the corner of tracts Xos
U31 A 1432. thence .west. 185 perches to a Horn
beams, thence by land of Fred'k Beates, tract No.
639 north 137 6-10 perches to a Black oak, thenee
east 185 perches to a Sugar tree, thence along the
division line of tbe aforesaid tracts Nog. 1431 and
1432 south 137 6-10 perches to place of beginning :
containing 150 acres and 15 perches The other
tract, containing 2 acres arm 12S perches, com
meccing at a Sugar tree, adjoining other lands of
Peoples and said Eriner. being the same premises
conveyed to the said . Philip Eriner, dee'd. by
Nathan B. Peoples. ' - .
ItKih One third Cash at the time of the sale,
nd the remaiader, in one nnd two years theretf- ! 1
... tl - A a AS . 1 A S . I
ter. with interest the purchase money to be se- I
OUrad hv Jnrfvmant T?ro.l nrLAn tVi a nrami i
April 8, 1&63 ELIASRISHEL, Sr., Trustee. 1
. -,-'. . " . - . X. I
Tnia Hotul is new, and furnished in modern style,
has ample accommodations, and is in all respects
a first class house. February 6, 1861.
len from tbe stable ot the subscriber in Bnrn
side township, Clearfield county, on the night of
the 13th. iust., a sorrel-roan horse 5 vears old in
May next, about 15 or 10 hands high, with one
hind foot white and star in his face had on a
fcearly new halter, riding Bridle with hitch strap.
The thief is supposed to be John Williams, who
is about 20 or 21 years of age. about 5 feet 9 or 10
inches high, has a small or squint "eye and crook
ed mouth when last seen, wore a low black hat.
blue knit wauius, and grey pauU. nnd usnally
!'ar) comfort about bis nook is very conceited.
The above reward will be given tor the delivery
of the horse and thief, or $25 for either.
P. O. Address. Newman's Mills.
March 18. 1863-3p. Indiana county. Pa.
5,000 MEN,
Tooths A Boys can be supplied with clothing k rur
nisbing goods at Reizenstein Bro's A Co., -where it is
Sold at prices that will induce all to be "
By interest, to the clothing establishment. The
universal satisfaction which has been given, has
induced tbem to enlarge their stocK. which, in
quality and selection, is now inferior to none
or anywhere else- Couio aud you cau have
All kinds and styles of clothing, at nearly one half
Prices n.tunlty asked at any other store in the
county Clothing, good enough to suit the
Or any other man. Remember the place,' oppo
site the ISank, Clearfield. Pa.
RELIEF NOTICE. The Board of Relief
for the county of Clearfield, will meet at the
Commissioners' office iu Clearfield, on Wednes
day and Thursday, the 2ith and 30th days of
April, A I). i6X :
The Hoard of Relief have directed that tbe wife
of the soldier mut itppe.tr before the board, and
produce ber sworn Ktaieuieut. detailing uainc of
soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis
ted ; the number of thildreu. with age and sex of
each ; the t. wnsbip in which they resided at the
time ot enlistment, aud their present residence ;
aud that she is witLout tho means of support for
herself and children who are dependent upon her.
Two witnesses of credibility from the township
in which she resides, must also be produced. w huso
certificate (sworn to before the Board of Relief)
must set forth thiU tlie applicant is the person he
represents herself to be. thai tbe statement of the
number and age of hor family is true, that she U
in destitute circumstances and her family in ac
tual want, and that all the facts set forth iu her
application are correct and true.'
: Forms con tainini; rhesc reoniditions can he ob
tained at tbe Office of the Hoard of Relief,, when
application is made and the witnesses appear.
N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly pravon,
will excuse personal attendance
April 8,-lSo3. WM. S BRADLEY. Clerk.
Spring Goods,
Of tlie 13et Quality and Most Fashion-
. . atle fctyles, at
C. V. & H. W. SMITH S,
Selling at prices tliat defy competition
Careful! y peruse tbe separate lists annendmt ho.
Ljw, for wo have tha best selected and most fash
ionable stocK of Ladies' and Gents' furnishing
tioods. ever brought to the county. Wb are sel
ling uie ie 4-4 urown Meetings for Sit cents;
sand Summer PrinU from 20 cents upwards ; Dark
from 22 to 3a cents, of tbe 6est analitv anil
colors ' Persons favortn&us with an examination
of our stock shall not go away dissatisfied.
Look at the Dry Goods, to wit :
Mozambiques. - . 'Balzarenes, Wool DeLainos.
Do French. Bareges. Repp DeLaines.
Liueu Poplios. Flannels, Fancy DeLaines.
Lavella Cloth. Fancv Prints Wair. Riixrh.m
Table Diaper. Cbek, Man. Ginghams.
ir.l-eye Diapvr. Ticking. French Gingh'a.
Bleached .i.uslin. Brown Drills Stella Shawls,
I nb 4-4 7-H do Corset do Blk Thibet do
etc., eto , etc, eto , etc. .
Gents' .Furnishing Goods : .
ilk Mixed Cassimeres. Kentucky Jeaus,
r ancy .tiixea casijimeres,
B'k Ribbed cassiin&res,
Mottled cassiineres.
Twilled cassinieres,
Black Cravats,
Black Silk Ties, m
Pongee Handkerchief,
Fancy Cass shirts.
Marseilles Fronts
Dom Linneu collar.
1 cord Linneu collars,.
3 cord Liuon collars.
Fancy Sattiuetts,
Wool Tweeds,
Melton Sattinetts.
Double Twist do
Rubber Buttons,
Metal Buttons,
Carpenter Pencils,
Unique Scarfs.
Linen chokers,
Paper collars.
Coat liiudirg.
etc., eto , etc., etc.. etc.
Look at the Ii.st of -Notion
Long cane ho ps. Rouud cane hoops, Elegant Gord
Trail hoop-Skirts. Misses gloves, Black cotton
gioes. ruaca si;k gloves. -Mens as t d gloves.
Mens1" kid glbves. Ladies' assorted gloves, .
Black cripes. English crapes. French
crapes. Childrens' hose. Ladies' hose,
Ladies' black Lose. Ladies' slato
Hooks and eyes. Whalebones. Puffcouibs. Rubber
uuiiua com os. lotton iringes Tor curtains, Man.
ribbons. Earners. Black and white Isces. Edg
ings, Fringes, Black shawls. Stella shawls.
Mourning vails, Mourning Uukfs. Carpel
bindings. Skirt braids of all colors. A-
merican. Paris. Magpie and Flower-
ed Ruches, and Fancy Jet pins.
Mantles, Ladies' Linen collars, Ladies ruffled, fly
edged and lace-fiuted collars. Twilled cuffs to
match. Mourning cuffs and collars, Double
ruffling. Invisible bead nets. Tassel. Croch
et, Chenille, Braid, Velvet and Fancy
head nets ; Narrow braids, Embroider
ing braids, Elastic cords. Silk cords,
Mourning-dress buttons, Fancy cold
. agate. Zouave gilt. Steeple aud
Acorn buttons, and assorted Ze
phyrs, etc., etc., etc., etc.
Groceries, among which are
Prime Rio coffee, Ground Rid coffee, S. II. sugar,
clarifiad N. 0. sugar, Pure water crackers for
mvatids.Soda crackers, Butter crackers. Y 11.
Tea, Essence coffee. Ext lye, Cream Tartar,
All spices, Pipes, Tobacco, Indigo and ev- ..,
. ery thing belonging to Groceries Also,
Split peas (a splendid substitute for
beans). Best quality of brown su
. gar at 121 cents per pound. '.
Remember tbe Dlace. - oooosite the Pnh,ii..
church. Second street, Clearfield, Pa. Examine
oar stock and judge for yourselves. ' - -
ru a. ... c. W. A H W. SMITH, i
J of Administration on the nfat nf Willi.n,
Wright, late of Beocaria town'p, Clearfield conn
ty Pa., dee'd, bavin? been r ranted to tha nmlr.
signed, all persons indebted to said estate -mm r-
quested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
Jgsrch 13, 1862-6tp - Administrators
CATJTIO.X. All persons a re hereby cautioned
against purchasing or meddling with the fol .
lowing property, now in possession ofGeorge Kep
hart in Decatur township, to wit : 1 Riant h
Iron-gray horse, and 4 Cows, as the ame belongs I
) V a 1 . f .. . I
to me. and have only been left with said Kephart J
On loan, anil luhlwl r. nrila. I
.Marvb 35, 180.5-pd
V, , .7.1 : . v ..." . (
OAV. &II.W. Smith.
Call nijtl Examine the Good. April 1
GAUT10. All persons ate hereby caution
ed against purchasing a certain note, dated
21 st February. 13rt3, calling for twenty dollars,
and given by tho undersigned to Jock Ames; as I
have received no value for the 'same. I will not
pay it unless compelled by due course f law
Rockton. March 4, lS63-3tp .
M. sr 6 pr cent, per annum Intrrtst ptyaht
every 6 mouth in Gold. Leonard, Fiuuey A Co.,
of Clearfield. Pa., are subscription Agents to dis
pose of this Five-Twenty Vears U. tf. Loan. A
mounfscan be had tdsuit tbe means, of differeut
individuals the Interest beiug payable, and to
be accounted for. half-vearly in tiold.
Clearfield, April 3, fu-W. :
containing 124 acres R5 cleared and under
food fence- A log house 22 by 2. plank house 16
y 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large springand Spring-house con
venient to house The land is well watered and
hag sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a y vuug or
chard on place, all choiee fruit. It is convenient
for pasturing droves.. .ALSO, one containing U0 a
cres 10 cleared and nndor fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log bouse and stable
t hereon. For terms apply to
October 13.
L. J.
CRANS. Clearfield.
v ..
struelion upon tho Piano. Melodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Termx For pupils under six years old. j,0rt,
for seventy tw les.sons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old SlU 00. for seventy-two
lessons of one hour each ; upon Piauo. Me
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at the beginuing aud thi
balance at the end of the quurter.
Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupil.
Studied alone. $3,00 per term.
Oct. 1. 1860. EA. PRYNDER. Teacher.
The publisher of ttodey'a Lady's lkiok. thank
ful to that public which has enabled him to nub
lisb a magazine for tbe last 33 years of u larger
circulation than uuy u America, has lnadeau ar
rangement with tbe most popular ant borese in luit
country MakioV Harlami. uthuress of - Alone.'
'Hidden Path."'. "Moss Side" -Nemesis," and
'Mil lain, who will furnish a story for every num
ber of tbe Lady's Book for ISfiS. Tin.- alone will
place tbe Lady's Book in a literary point of view
far ah end of any.ot.jer magazine.. .Marion Ifar-
land writes for no other pubhuatiou- Our b'tbcf
favorite writers will all continue to furnuh urti
cles throughout tbe year.
.rf y-?j-th. ami ixlti-Srrrtith volumes of Ob-
dey s Lady s Book :for JS03, will contsiu nearly
i.ou patcsoi ueaaing mutter, paes ot Mimic.
12 Double Extension Colored Fashion Plates, equal
to 24 of otber magazines, over 12HH wood engrav
ings. 14 fteel engravings of beautiful subjects. 780
articles by the best authors in America. Aud all
these will be given in IH(3. at prices for which
see our exlreumly low club rates. , .
- "The oldcs. the beat, and the cheapest magazine
in America is the Godey's Lady's Book. Theim
.mense increase in the circulation of Godey (hav
ing trebled itself in the last 4 years; is a convinc
ing proof of the superiority of the work, if the
work itself was not sufficient evidence. And when
it is considered that not a bribe in the shape of 4
premium has ever been offered, it shows that Go
dey 's Lady's Book stands first in the hearts of A
merican ladies, who subscribe for tbe sake of the
Book and not the premium. ;". , ; !. , ' ' " ;
The Literature of the Lady's Book is by the first
writers in America, and has always been remark
able for its high literary and moral character.
Clergymen recommend the Book, and it can be
read alond in the family circje. The matter is far
superior to that of any otber magazine, having a
healthy and instructive tone,
Eight Specialities that no other magazine has.
and only found in Godey, to wit:' '-Original Mil
?to," "Model Cottages, with diagrams." "Drawing
Lessons," "Original Health Department," "Chil
dren's Department," ' Chemistry for the Youug."
'Horticultural Department." and ''Double Rxten
sion Fobion-pIates " Godey's groat speciality,
unparalleled and unapproached. Competition
dead in this department. Our imitators have a
bandonod tbe attempt. .
Of Steel engravings, the press have unanimous
ly pronounced Godey's the best ever published by
any magazine of the world. You may look in
vain for 14 such steel engravings as were publish
ed during the year 1862. and those for 1803 will
surpass them. Other magazines do not go to the
expense of original desigus for their steel engrav
ings. The Double Fashion-plate has from b to 7 !
tun length tasbions ou each plate. Other maga
zines give but two. Godey is the ouly work in the
world that gives these immense plates, which cost
10,1)00 more than the old style. These fashions
may be relied on as correct. They are always
tha latest styles, and hunoc ladies are not snbieet
to ridicule for wearing old yjhions, when they
v. sit tbe large cities -
Godey's Wood engraving Novelties. Of these
we give double the number of any other maga
zine, no matter what its price may be.
Colored embroidery patterns and linsrorie. Er-
cry number contains patterns of sonic article for
a lady to work ottomans, backs of chairs, clip-
- - -
pers, etc
Among the articles to be continued, and whieh
have been appreciated, will be Gardening for the
Ladies. Mr. 11. A. Brecr. the celebrated Horti
culturist of thiscity, will assist in this department
Our Musical Department. Three dollars' worth
of Music 'is given every rear; and if it were ouly
for the music alone, the Lady's. Book would be
cheap at the price we osk for it. ,: '
In the various numbers for 1S63. will be found
diagrams for Children' and Ladies' ciresseti ; chil
dren's samples for learning; tbe newest designs
for window curtains, broderie anglaise. slippers
bonnets, caps, cloaks, eveuing-dresses. fsniy arti
cles, headdresses, hair-dressing, robes -de-'chaiu-bre,
carriage dresses, brides dres.ses, wroaths,
mantillas, walkinz-dreses, moi nine-dresses, ri
ding habits,' collars, chemisettes, underslceves.
patchwork, embroidery patterns, and crochet and
notting work. . Our designs, are received genoi
monthly from our agents in France, England, and
Germany, and every new pattern of any portion
of a lady's dress appears first in the Lady's Book.
Drawing in ail its variety, useful to tho beginner
and the proficient. Fashions from the establish
ment of the celebrated "Brodie" will be in every
number. Also gives Model cottages.
Godey's invaluable receipts upon every subject,
indispensable to every family, worth more than
the whole cost of the Book, and a great saving. of
expense to all those who take the book. Godey's
Lady's Book is also used as a premium at nearlv
very Agricultural exhibition in the United States
another testimony of its worth.
Send in your orders soon. The best p'.an of
subscribing is to send your money direct to the
publisher. We recognize no subscription that is
not sent direct to ourselves. . If yu. pay your
money to any association, you muxt look to it for
your books. Vie will not supply a oopy of the
Lady's Book unloss the money is sent direct to us.
We have no agents foe whose acts we are respon
sible. ,
Tkkms Cash cs Advaxce. One copy one year,
$3 Two copies one year. $3 Three eopios one
year, S6 Four copies one year. $7. . Five copies
one year, and an extra copy to tbe person sending
tbe cinb, making six copies, SI0 Eight copies
"J year, ana an exira copy to me person sending
Vhe club, making nine copies, $15. Eleven cop
ies one year, ana an extra copy to the person send
ing the club, making twelve copies,. 5-0. Any
person having sent a club will have the privilege
of adding one or more copies at the same elub
rates. The above Terms cannot ba deviated from,
no matter how many are' ordered
.How to Remit, Procure a draft if possible; if
not, seud Treasury or Banic notes; but let it be a
matter known only to yourself; the. fewer you let
into the secret tbe more certainty there is of
your money com i eg to band. If you send gold,
secure it carelulljy in the letter ; otherwise it isapt
to work out of the envelope. Bo careful and war
V. . . ... TmJ
twgo wn jniir leuer. -Aiarefs
L. A. GODEY, 3C3 Chestnut Street rhirVTa
-11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or
ders solicited wholesale or retair. Jan. 1,18J
I - J. CRANS, Attorney at Law and Raal Estate
J. Agent, Clearfield. Pa. Offie adjoining bis
residence, on Second street.
May 1.
V M-Y."CnLLO,!i,I Attorney at Law, CT
1 . field. P.o Office, with L. J Crans, E
on Second Street.
rano, Lsa..
July 5, mi.,
RaV- WALLACE. .Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa , offio. to, Shaw', new row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's wewolry atora. May 3.
HF.NA LOLL, Watch and ClucTldTur, and
. dealer in V atehes, Jewelry. 4c. Room in
Otraham's row, Market street. - Nor. 1.
HBUCHLR SWOOPE, Attorney at Lsw.Clcr
. field. Pa, )ffie inttruham's How, fourdoo
west of Graham it ltnysiton'i rtore. Nov. to.
BK. MIOPS. Cabinent Maker, Cberrv fitreot.
i Clearfield. P Mikes to order every d
criptiou of Faruituraon xhort notice. Jan.21'63
J P KRATZHt Merchant, and dealer in
. Board and Shingles, Grain and Produce,
trout St. abeve tho Aeudomy, Clearfield. Pa. tjll
AyfALLACE A II ALU Attoincys at LaW. cTcaT
,J field. Pa. December 17. ISu2.
:::::: johs o. uali.
)N. Attorney at La
ill attend to all t
tw. Cnrwens
busioess en-
vll. Pa . w
ruBieo 10 nis tjntt
Mutbol ist Church .
Office opposite the New
-Ian. 13, IrffiS.
iriLLIAM V! IRW IN. Marketetreet, Clearfield,
y Pa.. Dealer in Foreign aud Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware, Quceuswaro, Groceries, aad
family articles generally. . Nov. Iu.
DK. WM. C.UiPUELLrYffeaTis"p
services to tbe .'.itiifeni of Morris and adjoin
ing townships Residence with J. I Denning in
Kylertown. Clearfield county. Mav 1 l.liy.
TOIlNtiVKLlCU. MHDufa.t.urer of all kinds f
ft Cabinet-ware. Market streot. Clearfield, Pa.
He also-iuakes to order Coffins, on short uotiee. aDd
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'j.
DR. R. V. WIl-ON, Practicing Physician.
Clearfield. Pa. . Will atteud to all profes
sional bu.-incss. Office, corner of 2d and Locuxt
streets. Jan. in. IS63.
DR. M.WOODS. Pnvcncisa PnvsimAS, and
Examining Surgeon for Pensions.
!. outh-west comer of Sectfnd and Cherry
t. Clearfield. Pa. January 2 L 1303..
JB M EN ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Office iii new brick building ofJ.Boyn
tou, 2d street, one door south of Lauicb's Hotel.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealertn Foreign and Do
uicstic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon,
Liquor. Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of JoiirnitOJir. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27.
f ARK1MEK TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear
1J field. Pa. Will attend prompt! v to all legal
and other business en trusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining couctiss. August 6, 1856. "
-1I7ALTER BARRETT, Attobsbt at Law. hav
II ing resigned his commission in the army,
aud resumed the practice of tho laW. may be con
sulted on professional business at his old office oa
Second Street Clearfield, Pa. Jill business prompt
ly attended to. - February oth, l63.
THOMAS J. M CULLOL'GU, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield. Pa. Office, east of tbe -Clearfield
co. bank. . Deeds and otber legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3.
D. c. bush. : : : : r ; : r t:j m'ccllooob
All who have Friends and Relatives in the Ar
my and Navy should take especial eare that they
be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment ;
and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have
neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet
ter present can be sent them by their Friends.
They hare been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing friend in the hour of need
Coughs and Colds Affecting Troop?, '
Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured bv
using these admirable medicines, Snd by paying
proper attention to tbe Directions which .i-
tucbed to each Pot or Box.
c if V Tin AaA o-t,1 Won a. . : . . ?
f apyvntei incxaen.
tal Soldiers.
These feelings which so sadden us nnU ,u.
from trouble or anuoyances. obstructed perspira-
iiou. or eamig aim unuaiiig wnatever s unwhole
some, thus disturbing the healthful action of tbe
Livei and Stomach. These organs uiitst be reliev
ed, if you desire to be well. The P Its taken ac
cording to tbe printc. Instructions, wilt qnicbly
produce a healthy action in both Livrand Stom
ach, and as a natural cotmequonee. a clear head
and good appetite.
Weakness "or Debility Induced by Over Fatljus
Will soon disappear by the use of these invalua-
-1. awLiis uiiB af a -
oie rind, aim the SoldKr will quicklv acouiread-
ditionnl strength Never let the Bowels be either
ouiiuuuu or uuuuiy acted upon it may seem
strange, that Holiday's Fills should be recom
mended for Dysentery snd Flux, many persons
supposing that they would iasreasstha relaxation.
This is a great mistake, for these Pil!s will correct
the Liver and Stomach, and thus remove all tbe
acrid humors from the system, This medicine will
give toue and vigor to the whole organic svstetn,
however deran ed. while health and strength fol
low as a matter of course. Nothing will stop tbe
relaxatiou of the Bowels so sura as this mediaiu.
Volunteers, At'euHoal-Indisoretions of Youth.
Sores and Ulcers. Blotches and Swllin-s. can
with certainty be rsdically cured. if the Pills are
taken night aud morning, and tie Ointment b
freely used as stated in the printed iiutructious.
If treated in any other manner, thev drv nn in
one part to break out in auother. Whereas thia
Ointment will remove the humors from tbe system,
and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man!
It will require a little perseverance in bad cases
to insure a lasting cure. , ..
For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonat
Sabre, or tbe Ballet, Sores or Btnisea. . '
To which every Holdier or Sailor are liable, then
are no medicines soeafe, sure, and convenient. as
Holloway's Pills and Ointment.. The poor wounds
ed and almost dying sufferer might have hiswoupd
dressed Imniediotely. if he would only provide
biniuidf with this inatchlesaOinfmest. which should
tie thrust into the wound and smeared all around
it. then covered wih a piece of Hnnh t.:.
knapsack and cot-pressed with a handkerchief '
Taking, night and morning, 6 or 8 Pills, to cool
be system and preroct Inflammation
ET.eTSo,'Jio-r Knapsack and Seaman's Chest
should be provided with these valuable remedies.
CAUTION. None are genuine' unless the
words HoLWiwAv. NKw VVHii axd Lospo ara
discernable as a Wati-haiik in every leaf of tn
book of directions around each pot or box; tbe
soma may be plainly seen by Hoi.ni,i thx uaf
to thk light A haDdsome reward will be $iven
nT .ue rendering such information a.'- may lead
to the detection of any party or parties counter
feiting the oediaines or vending the aiue1 know- "'
ing them to be spurious. ... . , . .
sold t the manufactory of Profe&afcr Hw .
uwat, 88 Majden Lane, New York, and by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine.
throughout, the civilised world, in boxes at "
ents. 62 cents, and ?l each.'
Ther is considerable saving by taking tbe
larger six tut. , ; ... ....... .
; N B. Directions forhe goidane of patient
in every disorder ara affiled to eaeh box -Hew
York. January 7. 1865 . - - , . ': jT
v KeX Jn wWl know wedidaesVsn
hare Show Cards, Circulars, Ao.,aent them, rass
or xrfcs, by addraaaing Thomas Hoi! away, 80
Maiden Lane.-Na lork. . -
FLOUR A good article tor at the Mora f -Unli
. i'VM F. mwiS, Claarttld.