Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, April 01, 1863, Image 1
BY S. .T. 710 r. CLEARFIELD, PA.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1803. VOL. 9.-AT0. 31. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL.' ji IUftsmak's Journal is published on Wed nsiy at ?' '5" Per nnum in advance Adver TissneTS inerted at $1.00 per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a iquare. For every additional insertion J15 cents. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. CO 1ST V DIRECTORY TIME OF HOLDING COURT. " ' ' 2d Monday iu January, I 3d Monday in June. 3j iu March, 1th' " in Sept'm'r. Of each year, and continue two week if necessary. COKNTY AND DI3TKCT OFFICERS. Pres'tJudgo Hon. Samuel Linn, Eellefonte. .As'te.Juilges--lIoh.'J. D. Thompson, Curwensvillo Hon. Jame Bloom, Forrest " Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks, Clearfield ; ; Prothonotary. D. F. r.txweiler, . . ' . , J Heg. A Rec. . Isaiah 9. Barger .'' '. :-' " ' ' : JJirtrict Att'y, Israel Test, .' V.. " ''" Treasurer.. . Joseph Shaw, . . . t " ..... Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, ; . '. Olen Hope. ; touimisi'n'rs. S. C. Thompson, . Morrisdale. Jacob Kunti. : . . Luthersburg. : Thos. Dougherty,. Or. Hills. Auditors. . . B. C Bowman. . . . Clearfield. Chas Worrell, . . N.W'ajh'gton 11 Woodward, j FennSeld. Coroner. . . . J. W, Potter . . LeeonteB Mill Co.Supsrind't Jesse Broomall, . . Curwensville '' LIST OF POST-OFFICES Townships. Name of P.O. Namrsof P.M Beccaria. Olon Hope, - - Win. S. Wrixht. . I'tahville. - - - Theodore Weld. - IIegartyraX Roads Samuel Hegarty. Bower, - W M'Craeken. Ghent, - - Thos.A. M'Ghee, Cuh, - - - - J. W Campbell. - Ostend, - H. L. Henderson. Forrest. - ... James IUooui. : - Clearfield Bridge. - Jas. Forrest. -"Williams' (?rove,'- Jas. E. Watson. - Luthersburg, -' R. II. Moore. - Troutrille, . - Charles Sloppy. Jefferson Line, - . - John Hebcrlin. - New Washingtoni - James Gallaher. Bell, - Bloom, - -Hujrsjs, - -Bradford, fcrady, - - BurnsiJe, BurnsiJe, - W. C. Irvin. - Jack Patchin. - Jacob Boice. - O. Tozer, Jr.' - Wm MeOarvey. - S A. Farber. - M. A. Frank J: ! V V. A. 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Philadelphia Ut : VIcrday of January, Harrisburg 4th Monday April. Sunbury 1st Monday of October, and in Tituburg on the d Monday of October. OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES. IVeidcnt. - - - Abraham Lineoln, Of Illinois. ice I'reiident. llannibul Hamlin, Of Maine, frc. of State. - Wm. H. Seward, - New York. ' of Treas'y R. P. Chase. - - - hio. ; 1ec.nl Vr. - E. M.Stanton, - - Pennsylvania sfc. ot Xavy. - (Jideon Welles. - - Connecticut. of Interior f?aae P. Uther. - - Indiana. . P M ien. - - Montg. Blair; - - - Maryland.- Attorney (itn. - Edward Bates, - - Missouri, Sukemk CernT Chief Justice, Roger B. Ta "y. of Maryland. Associate Justices Samuel N-In of New York, Robert C. Grier of Pennsyl- John M. Wayne of Georgia, John Catron of lfnii.ee, .Nathan Clifford of M aims, Caleb B. iiith of Indiana. Meets in Washington city on U" In Monday of December. - . Rates of Domestic Postage. ;. ; Lettkks. for each half ounce, prepaid, 3 cents ; eiceptin those passing from any State or Terri irj astof the Rocky Mountains to any State or Territory west of the Rocky Mountains, and tjioso passing from any State or Territory west of tne Rocky Mountains to any State' or Territory evtofsaid mountains, which are 10 cents the ba!f ounce. All letters must be prepared by stamps or enclosed iu stamp envelopes, or they "ill not be forwardod. frai.eitut Newspapers, Periodicals, Circulars, etc., to any part 6f the United States hot weighing i'r 3 ouuees, 1 cent each, and I ct. for each addi tional oi. prepayment required. "aps. Engravings, Lithographs, or Thotogra paie r.rints, on rollers or in paper covers; books, Joutd or unbound ; phonographic paper, and let ter envelopes, not exceeding four pounds, I cent a ouuee under 1,500 miles, and two cents an ounce over 1,500 miles. 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O we're not tired of fighting yet! ... We're not the boys to frighten yet ! Whiledrumsaredrumming we'll be coming. With the ball and bayonet !: . For we can hit while tiiey canpound, l!And so let's have another round ! " ,-Secesh is bound to liok the. ground. , .1 ' t' And we'll be in their pantry yet ! ) .... O we're not tired of tramping yet, . , , ' Ot soldier life or camping yet ; And rough or level.' man or devil, - ' We are game for stamping yet. . 'We'll live through weather wet and dry. Through hail and fire without a cry, . We wouldn't freeze and couldn't fry, , And ha v'n't got through our ramping yet ! .- We hav'n't broke up the party yet. We're rouh,and tough and hearty yet; . Who talks of going pays what's owing, And there's a bill will smart ye yet ! . . , . : -Fd bang the doors, and lock 'em tight! Secesh. you've got -to make it right! ! ; We'U have a little danoe to-night; You can't begin to travel yet ! O we're not tired of fighting, yet, ; Nor ripe for disuniting yet! Before they do it, or get through it, 1 ' lucre II he gome .savage bttjngyet! Then rip hurrah for Uncle Sam ! And down with all Seeesh .and sham ! , From Davis to VALLASufciHA. They all shall rue their treason yet ! . THE C0FPRHAD3 A3TD THE SOLDIERS 1 '"The id(?a of officers and men, sent to the bntrie-flelii to Hght against an enemy in armj, turning their back.t.ipuri their enemy, and tDeir lee8 upun the men who feed them, clothe them, and who have given them all the liberties they ever had, and who, instead of mem, mean to maintain those liberties! cheers.) They cannot frighten any man who is nt 10 ot a ireeman.- ,-r thus, Vallandigham scoffed at the Union soldiers, in bis speech delivered recently fn Xsw York City. The patriotic appeals and remonstrances, which have come np from the camps, are answered with this venom. We have learned to expect almost anything in the way of malignity Irom this accomplice of trea son, Dut we were hardly prepared for this. It is the very quintessence of insolence. "Of ficers and men sent!" that is to say they are hirelings.'' "Turning their backs upon their enmy ."'that ' is to ? say they are cowards "Their faces upon the men who feed them !" that is to say they are ingrates. "Instead ot them, it; mean tornaitifafn those libertiesr' that is to say they are renegades and traitors. Such is the- meaning of the language, if it means anything, addressed by the Copper head chief to the patriots who rallied to the old flag when traitors were smiting it to the dust who, in devotion to that same "stand ard-sheet,"; for well-nigh two long years, have been encountering privation, disease, and the rage of battle, till the graves of their com rades are crowding hillside and plain. Their offence Is that they have rebuked sympathy with the enemy, and have besought their fath ers and brothers, whom they left behind, to stand firm. I or this alone are they thus re viled. ' The Copperhead leaders bave done their best to alienate the soldiers from the National cause. They have sent to them seditious speeches and papers, without price and with out stint ; they have sought to fasten upon them officers of their own sort ; they have been quick to seize every opportunity to make it appear that the Government was treating them with neglect or injustice ; they have magnified difficulties, and darkened every pros pect ; they have tried to discourage, by hold ing out that there was no chance of future re inforcement,' that enlistments were at an end and conscription impossible ; they have sought to play upon every private feeling touching Slavery and the black man, and to stir tip ev ery old political prejudice; they have, so far as they were able, presented ; every tempta tion, and afforded every facility to deseition. Never was there a more systematic or persis tent; effort to demoralize an army than his been made upon the .' National forces for the last six months. It has all beon fntile. 'The army, as a whole, has, in the sublimest man ner, kept true to the cause. 1 Nay, it has more than kept true. It has acquired a depth' of earnestness, an intensity of determination, of far more real - force and worth than their first buoyant enthusiasm. Hard experience has sobered it, but only to make it all the sterner. The blood it has poured out for the old flag has only made that flag all the more' sacred. What was before a public sentiment has now acquired something of the force of a personal passion. Private spirit is combined with pub lic spirit. Infinitely less than, ever will our soldiers willingly submit to see that flag, After the sacrifices they have made for It, lowered to the feet of traitors. '-This feeling pervades the entire army. It is its dominant emotion, its master impulse. All political influences are as nothing against this ; and so, in fact, is eVery extraneous consideration. Come what may, that flag shall float to triumph, is now, aS never before, the universal inspiration.1 The appeals and remonstrances which have been coming from so.many regiments, . have been no less remarkable for. their unanimity than their emphasis.. . . ' Baffled an J. .foiled, the Copperheads vent upon the faithful army their most rancorous spite ' They have very bitterly denounced loyal men of all classes ;' but we can recall no snch .ntterly - malignant and ; contemptuous contumely as this. It Cannot be considered merely as the wild escapade of a single indi vidual. ' The fact that it. was loudly cheered, and that it continued to receive applause as it was repeated in various forms, evinced that it was in complete harmony -with the feelings of the whole Copperhead gatherings. ; The spe cies everywhere has become infected with this hatred of the soldiers.' At the West their virulence, is even less decent than berel "Ko SECftAxs has written himself down an ass," was the jociilation of the Chicago Times which is the leading Copperhead organ of the Northwest upon the letter which thrilled ev ery , patriotic pulse in the land. - It is with these rebel sympathizers as with the rebels themselves treason to the flag develops spe cial rage against its special defenders. Were any new proof needed of the infatua tion which has snized these peace factionists, we should have' it to the full, in this unmeas ured 'heaping of iusult and abuse upon our heroic soldiers. It not only intensifies the righteous 'wrath of the army, but it kindles a fierce animosity against them in every one of the hundreds of thousands ot Northern bouse bolds to which those gallant men are bound It is, in fact, just the indiguity of all others most calculated to inflame the . popular heart at large. . They might better flout at and de file the glorious old flag itself, than thns vil ify the men who are standing by it and for it in the deadly breach. Those recreants are as insensate as they are base, and are leaving nothing undone to make their swift destruc tion sure. ' ; ". '- REBEL INHUMANITY IN LOUISIANA The New Orleans Era, of the 13th instant, publishes a uarrative of rebel barbarity in the parish of bt. Tammany, Louisiana, which iore than confirms all previous statements of the suffering among the people of the south ana the tyranny of the confederate rule. The Era derives its information . from i refugee, who, with his wife and two children, one of whom he carried in his arms, by long and weary marches, succeeded in reaching Pearl river.and bence escaped by a canoe to the sea- coast,and so reached New Orleans. We quote : ' "The people of St. Tammany have been liv ing from hand to mouth for about a year. The Conscription law has driven all the males to seek refuge in the woods, while their poor women and children are left at home, on the very verge of starvation. RebeTofficerp scour the country continually with bloodhounds, enter houses without ceremony, search every nook and corner, and If the torrifled women protest against their rudeness tbey are kicked out of their own houses and coarsely assailed and enrsed by these brutal minions of Jeff. Davis. .. . j . . "The people subsist entirely on cracked corn, which is parched and ' eaten dry for bread, and soaked in hot water for coffee. Oc casionally they get hold of a little fresh meat ; but as there is not a particle of salt to be had short of a dollar a spoonful, this meat cannot be kept, and is very unplatablo without salt. "In this stronghold of the Confederacy the notes issued by that so-called Government are not current, except as a medium for the rich men to pay their debts to the poor. The lat ter cannot use this money for anything. , Ono dealer in all sorts of little notions refused to give five cents' worth of tobacco for a ten dol Iar bill, saying the whole bill was not worth five cents. The whole country is bare of salt, sugar, molasses, flonr, butter, vegetables in fact everything except cracked corn. The families of volunteers and conscripts are represented as being entirely destitute They go wandering about from one plantation to another, begging from tho'lordly exempts a little corn meal to keep soul and body to gether. They are frequently , rudely, driven away without assistance, being told that it is wrong to encourage ; begging. For a few months a sort of bounty was paid these unfor tunate people, but that has been discontinued, and now they are left entirely destitute. "The women and children are almost with out clothes. Cotton cards cannot be had at any price. Y hilo thj women had. these they made cotton yarn, which they spun into coarse cloth, which answered very well. 'That source of 8tipply,: like almost : everything else, has been cut off". These poor, hungry, half-cloth ed women and children, having been deprived of their natural protectors by the inexorable conscription law, now wander about from place to place, subject to all the jeers and insults of the iich, who are known to entertain great contempt fr poor white trash." The tot al receipts of coffee in the U, States I for the year ending December 31, 18G2, were 98,5-38.680 pounds ; and the total consumption was 83,989,911, against a consumption in I8G1 of 187,043,786 pounds, being a decrease, of 98,005,873 pounds, or over 52 per cent. . . : ' ., The New Bedford (Mass.) Cordage Company have made a manilla-bemp hawser, 14 inches in girth, 60 feet in length and weighing S,60 pounds, to be used for hauling off the stearae: Caledonia which ia ashore on Cape Cod. . .. j In 1862 no less than 55,720,160 bushels of grain were exported from Chicago, against 49,363.381 the previous year. . , " ; One thousand years ago the Chinese built suspension bridges of more than four hundral feet span. ., t, v i Chicago, and 600,000 in Cincinnati, in 1862, UNION LEAGUES. . It was well said by Edmund Burke, in a! time of raging faction : When bad men com bine, the good must associate, else tbey will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a con temptible struggle." Tl... 1 r. r . . .. . . . . . .ic uuitj launoi tne great loyal majority of our people has been that they have neglec- ted organization, j They have left this tre mendous instrumentality almost entirely in the hands of their adversaries. The true ex planation of the alarming growth ol the Cop perhead policy throughout., the Northwest lies in the secret operations of the Knights 0f the Golden , Circle and : affiliated societies By their clandestine nd thoroughly concer ted management, they were able to get the Control of the Democratic organization, and fill up the legislature with men willing to lend themselves to any schemes, however disloyal. 1 hey completely circumvented and over sloughed the real sentiment of the people x.ji-ac outienes nave ineir Kinarea associa tion in the East somewhat inferior, perhaps, in completeness of system and secrecy of op eration, but still laboring steadily toward the same traitorous ends. The. Jacobinical club of New Fork City,' which styles itself the "Democratic Union Association" does one part of their work", and the conclaves for rais ing the wind to scatter peace speeches and papera do another part. Their associated ef forts are daily becoming more extended and effective. They have already wrought pro digious mischief ; yet, considering what they aim at, their work has just begun. They are fast going on from audacity to audacity, and even now they do not shrink from the word Revolution. Loyal men have too long given a clear field to these miscreants. They have taken it lor granted that their cause was too sacred tobeseriously injured by faction. They have 1 I. I " ; , ' : luuneu passively on ana maae no sign, or have indulged in croakings and grumblings directly calculated to strengthen the hands of the factionlsta, though not so designed Considering the untiring activity of the ene tnies of the Government on the one hand, and the ' general remissness of loyal men on the other, the wonder is, not that the popular heart is so greatly relaxed, but that it has not become completly demoralized It is not in human nature to be constantly subject to the free play of such adverse Influence without a bad effect. No cause has strength or sanctity enough to secure steady fidelity without some organized effort. Even the Christian religion itself has to organize to provide for a constant stirring np of its adheronts by way of remem brance and successful makeway ag linst its enemies. One advantage, perhaps, has resulted from the inaction of loyal men. The rebel sympa thizers have been enboldened to reveal their spirit and purposes with a fullness they other wise would have avoided, The w.ayfaring man, though a fool, needs no longer have a glimmerlngdoubt as to their essential disloy alty. ThB delay has relieved true Unionism of no small amount of trouble in smoking out its adversaries from their old coverts. Of ineir own accora tney have come out into broad daylight, and with defiant front. We know now just where to find them, and how to meet them. No blows need bo wasted. It can very soon be settled which side is to go tothewall. ; But no more time must be. lost. Union men must at once organize. ' The Union Leagues which have been started must be multiplied, until they reach every city, vil lage and hamlet between Maine and Califor nia. Latent loyalty must be fired with new devotion. Public snirit must aennire an earn estness at once profounder aud more vehe- ment. The vital principles, and the mfluite interests at stake, which have been overshad- I owed and thrust into the background by mere paity questions, must again be recognized, I and set forth, In all their imperative authori- I ty. The terrible character of the emergency must be brought closer homo to all. It should be understood, as never before that the Re public expects every one of her sons to do his whole duty in this her day of peril. The same esprit de corps the same generous ardor, the same intolerance of comolicitv with' the rebels, which prevade and rule the army, ought also ' to ; dominate outside of the ar my. Loyal men must put themselves fn a position to act in concert, wherever and how ever the' occasion may demand yea. to march shoulder to field, if need be". shoulder "to the bloody "Vallandigham "in 'his speech at Newark before the adjournment of congress declared that the Conscription bill, if Passed should be resisted, and ' the c'roa-: tures at bis baek cheered the menace. It has passed.' These wretches talk revolution just when it pleases them. It is high time they should understand there is no ' terror in : their threats that if they lift a finger in opposition to the constituted authorities of this Repub lic, swiftest retribution shall overtake them. We say again, organize Union Leagues. Bad men have combined, and thereby added a thousand fold to their power. Good men must also combine,, or be worsted. Party lines are now nothing. The onlyi difference recognized Should be the difference between loyal and-disloyal men between those Who are for carrying the war on to the submission of the rebels, and those who are for dropping the war and yielding to the rebels; That is the supreme issue ; and it determines ' the position of every man, Whatever his estimate of Administration measures or policies. Let tne men on the side of war and an undivided In ... - ttepuunc lay aside all minor differences and work together with a will for the one great onject. Let them labor to stdy up and strengthen the hands ot the Government, to cheer and stimulate our brave soldiers in the field, to compact public opinion and arm rt morai rorce mar. taction will never dare either to confront or affront. If this work be seasonably and faithfully done, the war will end in a magnificent triumph. Th Copperheads and Foreign Intervention. The New York Times I of March 6th savs: "The Copperheads,1 small in number, in both branches of Congress, refused to vote for the resolutions against foreign' interference." They all went either plumply against them or dodg ed. - This thing should be noted. It is anoth er illustration of the lack of national feeling, which marks all this creeping, cold-blooded oreea Nobody pretends that the resolutions con tained either sentiment or language calcula ted needlessly to offend foreign sensibilities Though earnest and decided, tbey were atill temperate and courteous. Thev ascribed the offers to mediate to a misunderstanding, im puguing no motives; they set forth the inhe rent impossibility of submitting the national authority to arbitration ; they expressed an unqualified determination to maintain that au thority inviolate; they declared that the only practical effect , of any - foreign proposition, however designed, was to encourage and stay up the rebellion ; and they publicly announced . i . .. . , , t ,. , ... .... mat jougresa win oe onngea to iook upon any further attempts in the same direction as an unfriendly act." Certainly the dignity and the interests of the Republic required nothing less than this plain statement. It is precisely because the Copperheads care noth ing foi the dignity or the interests of the Re public that they refused io sustain it. Mr. Powell and Mr. Saulsbury, the leaders of this faction in the Senate, both freely avowed that they would hail with joy any for eign mediation calculated to produce peace They would not only permit foreign poten tates to step in and regulate our domestic af fairs, but would thank them for it. :It is al most incredible that the same Chamber which, in other times, rang with such indignation if a European power did but presume to put its foot on one square yard of sand or bog be tween Cape Horn and the Great Lakes, should now give out these piteous whining that some good nation would be kind enough to come over and make disposition ol our very altars and firesides. It would absolutely stasrsrer belief, were it not that the factious spirit, whence this emanates, had already showed it self capable of any extent ol vilene8s. lie who has once mado up his mind to accept this rebellion as his master, is prepared to crouch before anything. There is not a power on the earth, nor in the regions under the earth, be fore which it does not feel like crawling Union Sexti.xest in Missouri. "A recent letter from Palmyra, Mo., to the Boston Jwu nal says that the prospects of that State are most promising : The rebel sympathisers are fast selling out and leaving their places to be filled by good and loyal inen. The Union sentiment in Missouri 'is intensely loyal; it recognizes but two parties, the one for the U nion, the other against it. So we think and act. We are cettinjr more lovil cvcrvHar. We noderstand the awful responsibility rest w - J J ing on the President and we will stand by bira through this fiery ordeal, and with him conquer and perish. Such are the sentiments expressed in the current thought, and in the public meetings which gather to consider the posture of affairs and the present crisis. We fear nothing for Missouri." If a man during fifty years chews very day two Inches of solid plug tobacco (and millions do it) it will amount at the end of that time to nine tnousand three hundred and aixty-six feet, or a mile and a quarter of tobacco, half an Inch thick and two inches broad, and will cwsl ''ow- ' : mif h .- : . . About sixty women in Madison,' Wisconsin j have taken the preliminary steDS to form a U- nion League, to encourage : loyalty and bring thd weight of their influence against treason. The Ancient Greeks buried their dead in jars. Hence the origin of the expression, "lie'! gone to pot." "Welcome little stranger!" as the roan said when he found a three-cent piece among a lot i of 'shinplasters. A widow, whose lands supply r:ch grazing for a thousand cattle,' is an attractive grass widow. :"'- :- ' The herb doctors think that to be healthy and vigorous, a man, like a tree, must take root." ' - . Why is a dull and plausible man like an un rifled gun 1- Because be-is a smooth bore,. .Life is a lottery ; but be who draws many corks won't be likely to draw much else. : ' J "Daily Z veiing : Mail" a (over ca llini on bis sweetheart. - - : FF0M LAKE PROVIDENCE. ' A correspondent of the New 'York" Time gives the following account of Negroes flock ing to the Army, 'and of their horrible suffer ings in the swamps in' their efforts to 'gain their freedom : ''""':' : ' ' "Every few minutes we met little gronpi of negroes who had 'escdped from their masters on the ether side of ' -Bayou Macon:' "We stopped to talk to many of these groups. They usually comprised one 'or two families men, women and children who had escaped togeth er; Many of them told ns of frightful hard ships that they had endured In their endeav ors to escape. Two families told ns that they had waded across the swamp, six 'miles -1in width, which lies on this side of "Bayou1 Ma: con," and during the two days and one Vigbt wnicb they had passed In the swamp, tbey had the greater portion 'of the time been np to their waists in mud and water, and during that time had nothing to eat. They were car rying their children mounted on their shoul ders, and in this position had carried them through the whole of those fearful two daya and night. The black faces of the little crea tures looked ashy and haggard from long fast ing and sleeplessness, and moro than one of them looked as though death had set his seal upon its pinched little features. Yet, under all this suffering, the adnlts were cheerful. They were clad in rags, were half starved, had been half drowned in mnd and water, were suf fering from the fatigue of carrying their chil dren on their shoulders, and yet their faces looked radient with joy. They had volunta rily braved the dangers of being detected and shot, willingly encountered the horrors of rhe swamp for tho one great boon of freedom. Tbey had gained It, and were happy. It seemed to me that no man who bad the least spark of human kindness in his composition, or whatever his prejudices might have been, could have looked npon their patient, trustful and joyous countenances without compassion Group after group we met, wending their way to the army at Lake Providence, until in our ride of five miles I estimated that we had met over two hundred.: We asked some of the men if tbey were willing to fight for the gov ernment if they were armed, and to die if need be, fn the cause. To Mich a question the most bf them answered in that quiet but determined manner which, though - but fer words were spoken, seems but the cover. to astern and deadly resolution. One answer ed : "Does you tink, massa, dat we would be. afraid to fight after darin to go into dat swamp V We thought not. We wore told ot one negro whom the soldiers call "Union Jim," who, on a recent scouting expedition, came across three rebels in the swamp. ..Ilo called upon them to surrender. They answer ed by firing upon him, but fortunately with out hurting him. He relumed the fire killing one of them. He then called upon them a second time to surrender, which they consid ered it discreet to do. They laid down their guns of which Jim. took possession, and marched their owners into Camp as Lis prison'' ers. "The negroes tell us that the rebel Inhab itants of Lake Providence and vicinity, whd have moved back to the other side of "Ba you Macon," have built themselves log hous es, and made quite a settlement. On this side of" Bayou Macon" a cypress swamp, six miles in width, extends for fifty : miles up and down the Bayou. Behind this swamp, impassable to any one but the negroes incited by their desire for freedom, the rebels, feel safe, for the present at least. The negroes say, also, that there are 500 rebel troops there. and three or four times that many negroes. The utmost vigilence on the part of the rebel troops is necessary to keep the negroes from rising in insurrection, or from running away; If two negroes are seen talking to each Other, they are immediately ordered to separate; If one is detected In a second offense of the kind, he is immediately shot without mercy. They are as strictly guarded as felons in the bulks, and are really more cause of anxiety to the rebel garrison of 500 than our whole army at Lake Providence. When the idea of arming and organizing them ai soldiers was first sug gested, I doubted if they possessed sufficient intelligence and pride to make goodTfcldierf, and doubted if they had the moral courage to fihtv 1 nave now been with the various ar m,es OI lne aouinwest nearly a year. I have had. 6ood opportunities for observation, and have endeavored to form an opinion of. tho average intelligence of the slave population, unprejudiced by the color of their akin.' an'd I think that no man, whose perception Is. not obscured by prejudice, could.fail trrive at the conclusion that at least two thirds of. tho men slaves would make brave and effective soldiers. The Copperheads of Berka County are se cretly organizing nnder the lead of prominent Snakes of that party, for the purpose of resist ing the ,ro Hilary Taws "passed by the last Con gress. It is said that these organizations pro vail In many other counties In this State. . Wt shall soon see of what metal they are compos ed, as the military law will be enforced in pito I of every copperhead traitor in the North. I " - : "'i A report ia current 1n the fashionable cir cles of London that the Priocess Alexandrra'a ' arrival ia to . bo the icaal for a t weWW d action of tbo ladies' skirts i 1 ,If ' A