THE JOURNAL CLEARFIELD, PA., MARCH 25, 1863. w-b of Ctn on Central Bead, at Tyroaa- AtrA. 9 55 p m. 4 S am. 11.35 a.m. TTUOIvU. 10.23 pjn. 8 15 a m 8.3d p.m. 7.4 p.m. 1119 a.m. 8.5 p.m. btst'soo. 11.17 p.m. 5.45 a.m. 1.0S 6.44 : 7.14 p.m. 5.59 p m. liyrn. tut trsia jlail triB. Express fist traia- Cr' a"1 4114 Clearfield Br aneh . T TTs p.iige.9.40a m. LeaTS Torone, 7.40 p.m. 1 i Ridi-25 P m- Tyrone, IMip m. tJI05 STATS C0SVE3TTI0. d The I Citizens of Pennsylvania, without ;s:;on of party, who desire cordil!y to '" .i.atininr the Xalional and Slate -1,1- -a!ioi, in tbeir patriotic efforts to anp- -ejas sectional and unholy rebellion against tie Cuitj f t!le 'pubiic, and who desire to a-Hrt by every power of the Government, osr'beroic brethren in arms, braving disease gad the peri's of the field to preserve the D of our Falters, are requested to select , number of Delegates equal to their Legis lative rf prrseotatives of the State, at aocb times snd such manner aa will best respond to lb spirit oi this call, to meet in Slaie Conven tion, PUSsburg, on Wednesday, the First of Jnly next, at eleven o'clock, a. at., on said day to nominate candidates for the offices of Gov ernor acd Judge of tht Supreme Court, and to uie sach measures as may be deemed neces Mry to strengthen the Government in this sea ton of common peril to a common country. CP. MtBKLE. Casirmac of the Union Stste Central Com. Geo. W. Hamckslt,- I Wm. J. Howaed, , Secretaries. As Astidote to the Copperhead poison tki Union Leagues which are rapidly spread if , at present. Anraixa to hear the fciaJcy-haired editor ot the Copperhead organ, call bia sraigM-hatred neighbor niggerhead." To Meftthm Evesixg the loyal citizens ot Clearfield and vicinity, to organize a Union League. All should be present. Catcbt a White Swax Charles Hemphill, on Tuesday morning last. It measured over seven lert from tip to tip ot wings. Ivtiefeeted by our Devil the rnysteri oas letters !!. P. C's" which were displayed in the last Copperhead organ, to be IIigb Pfessurc Copperheads." A.i Exceixest Ncmbee Godey'e Lady's B wi. tor April. The engrsviugs are msguifi cent, and canoot well be excelled. Why don't every lady subscribe for it 1 Causes a wkioolk the notice for a Usion League which we published last week, among the small fry Copperheads who at once con vened the "uaterrified" to form a Dimray cratic club." i Tat WiATHta. A warm rain set in on Moods? morning, which, with the melting itivw, has raised the river to a good ratting a:je. Quite a number of rafts left this place yesterday, (Tuesday.) F.ioocsxT the wx-eni" sketch deliver- el i-f.jre the Butternut club, on last Wednes dtv evening. Here it is "Mister President and Fellow Dimmycrats : I can git op and set down again." Tremendous applause." East Baltiuoee Cosfeeesce. We give the f lking appointment of the East Baltimore Conference, for the present year, as a matter ot a. ma interest to many of oar readers : Belief oate Diatrict Presiding Elder, B. B Haralsn. Curwensville and Clearfield, L. M. 'ja-Jier; New Washington, M. L. Drum and J.T. Crair; Glen Hope, 11. Lynn anC. A. Gnn; Karthsus, J.T.Brown; Pbilipsburg, T. II. 5-iter and G. Leidy ; Sinnemahoning, John Guts. Ao, the following Chambersburg,.Thos. Eircbart; Bedford, E. W. Kirby ; Shirleys-l-'g- C. Graham; Concord, J. M.Clarke; W;!:iimport. W. L. Spottswood and T. D. G''.:t; Mifflmburg, Charles Cleaver; Port Mi:j;da, H. M. Ash. 'injiriD the following licenses, by the Co.;rt, held in this place last week : .'nje Haines. Tavern. Beeearia town'p. Johnson. W. Aoderwn, ! S K4 abaci, va! Holaan, Maack, .'ixa. KcaiT. s P.ed. ii-wert Siewart, 'ry Lloom. "t.-jaret Lanieh Albert, 1'. 31. W,aTer. w A. Maon. i. F. Smith, H Gocdlander, R I Hainei, Petj. Snyder, odrw Croea, Fd"rd Albert, lietry Poet. p onwolat, Jc Solfridze. Leopold Bronalt, Tavern, Fli Eloom, Tavern, - w . Worrell, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, Tavern, TaveYn. Tavern, . Tavern. Tavern. Tavern. Tavern. Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tavern, Tavern. Tavern, Tarern. Tar era. Tavern, Tavern, Brady township. Union towhship. Clearfield Boro. Penn township. Deeator township. Covington tow'p Kylertewn Brady township. Lamber City. Girard tewnship. Curwensville Bor. Clearfield Bor. Bradford town" p. - Jefferson-Line. CnrwensvDle Bor. Carwensville. New Millport. Brady township. Karthans town'p. Covington tp. Boggs township. Boggs township. Decatur township Girard township. Goshen tewnship. Covington town'p. Pike township. Sewborg. Chest tp. F-hard Xoaaop. Vereaaitile, Clearfield Bor. C:andias Barmoy, Mereaaitile. Covington tp. A correspondent of the Nashville Uaioa says t!t an East Tennessee fawnter has collected aUat 8ve hundred men ia the mountains, who a pic a squirrel off the top of the tallest s. with their long rifles, and is ambuscading Use rebel cavalry at all points, whipping out We sqaaisof them witb astonishing celer ity. 6 SoLBitas, ArTTXTiox Pais, disease and iposnre, with a hot climate, muddy water "d bad diet will be unavoidable, mat armed Holloway'a Porifying and Strengthening Fills you can endure all these and still retain "i k-ralfh. tlnty 25 cents a bo. ZQ COXTKT PBOCESDIVOS. Below we give the proceedings of the Court beld last week, in this place : Road Matters. Fititioi-For a road from C. Hatsfelt's barn to intersect public road near H. Flats felt, Sr. Viewers, Boaswell Luther, F. Zelg ler. J. B. Arnold. For a road lrom Win. Irrins to Cream Hill Turnpike lt Bloom town'p. Viewers, Elisha Fenton, Wesley Horn, A. Rammer. For a private road from John Goss' farm to Moshannon creek. Viewers, J. L. Cuttle, Wm. Reams, Geo. Kepbart. To vacate road from Shawsville to Mapes' Sawmill, in Goshen tp. Viewers, Wm. L. Shaw, J. L. Flegal, Ellis Livergood. For a road from David Heberliogs in Brady township to Jefferson county line. Viewers, R. Lather, Sr., Alex. Dunlap, John Hoover. For a road from Cbes-ruut Ridge School bouae in Pike tp., to Snow Shoe and Packer vine Turnpike near Jacob Burns, dee'd. View ers, Thomas Moore, J. R. Bloom, B. Harts born, Jr. For a road from turnpike near James John son's in Jordan tp., to mouth of Com ford's run. Viewers, H. B. Wright, Jos. Patterson, David Wise. For a road from County line near X. B. Lane & Co's mill to the Hickory kingdom road. Viewers, J. L. Cuttle, James M'Clel lan, T. P. Mulkins. CoxrtBHEO Absolcte. A road from M. Ilockenbauh's to road at or near M'Pherson's farm. The petition for appointment of Ja Supervi sor, of Bloom township. Whereupon, the Court appointed James Bloom, Supervisor. A road from Plank Bridge on road from Holt's to Graham ton to Cross-cut pike. A private road from A. Lansberry's to near est point on the Lamm road. A road from Lamburn Bridge to Best's little sawmill. A rosd from turnpike near J. R. Read's to Robert Porter's corner. A road from C. & F. Schnaar'a mill to Sin nemahoning road in Kartbans township. Go-irrBMEDNi Si. A road to lead from pub lic road near H. Ream's to James Johnson's in Penn township. A road from G. W. Davis' to the Darling ton road in Gnelich township. A road from Dr. G. W. Caldwell's to steam Sawmill atRea's. A road from Glen Connell road to Westo ver's in Chest township. . A road from Glen Hope to Madera in Bee earia township. To vacate part of road from the old State road leading from the Susquehanna river to Bcccaria Mills. CoBTiacED. Order to view road from John Hoyt's shop to land of W. Fullerton. Order to view road from Bowersox's shop to late residence of A. Pierce, deceased. Order to view road from mile west of Horn's shanty to Sinnemahoning road near Reed & Weaver's shanty. Order to open road from H. A. Courtney's to nesr Sballenberger's mill in Union town'p. Order for a new township out of parts of Brady, Bell, and Penn. And the Court order ed an election to be held i rsfcrcuce to the proposed new township, cn the 24th day ot April, A. D. 1S63. Former viewers discharged and new revijw ers appointed on the following orders: To vacate road from Alex. Reads to Go shen School bouse. To vacate road from James E. Graham's to mouth of Lick run. To vacate road from Shaw's mill to Mape's Saw mill. Viewers in above three cases J. L Cuttle, M. S. Ogden, W. C. Foley. REBEL BARBARITY. Oboeks to Ha so Ceetais Fedebax Pbisox ebs. Among the prisoners recently captured, March 1st, by General John McNeil is South east Missouri, and since sent to St. Louis, is a Captain R. T. Sickel, who was rebel Provost Marshal of BloomSeld, Missouri. On the per son of Sickel was found a letter instructing him summarily to hang certain persons, in order to save expense and to prevent them from demor alizing the rebel public sentiment ! Following is the infamous letter : Orrica Pbovost Marshal, Pocahostas, I Abk., January 15, 1S33. ) Certain R. T. Sickel .- Deab Sib: The pris oner you sent op has been received, and has been duly forwarded. In future you will deal summarily with those men wbo are guilty of criminal offenses, for wbeo they are sent np to headquarters they are an expense, without being any benefit to public st-ntinient. Captain McKie says it would be better to have them hung than to put ourselves to any farther trouble. Yours, He, M. H. Kibleb, Captain, Provost Marsha, Randolph Co., ark. Tb guerrilla Captain on whom the above precious document was found, is now in a United States military prison. There are proofs that be did not fail to comply with the execrable instructions given him. Perhaps others, as well as the Arkansas Provost Mar shal, may have an idea as to what constitutes a criminal effense in war. Yet be may console himself that he will not be banged to avoid the elpense of keeping him, still less to avert bis influence upon our public sentiment. THE WAR HEWS. We ha ve from various sources some further facta and rumors about the condition of aflairs I near Vicksborg. Special dispatches from Memphis announce that the Yazoo Pass epe ; dition bad met with a check.- On Fridav 13 fb,- the Chillicothe encountered a Rebel battery at the junction of the Tallabnsba and Talla hatchie Rivers. The f ght lasted all day. One Shot from the battery entered a port-bole of the Chillicothe, killing four persons and woun ding 11. The ChilUcotbe received 1 shots, and was damaged seriously. The fleet consist ed of the Chillicothe, De &alb, five smaTT gun boats of be Mosquito fleet, and IS transports. Beside the Greenwood Battery, the enemy are said to be strongly fortified at Yazoo City and Manchester. The fleet at last accounts was three miles above the junction of the Talla hatchie and Tallabnsba Rivers.200 miles from Helena, and 150 from Yazoo City. Dispatch es to the lltb say that the Lake Providence Canal is finished, and water will soon be let in. Richmond papers state, in reference to the alleged fight at Port Hudson, that "the bom bardment commenced at 2 o'clock on the 14th. At 12 in the night a desperate engagement took place, the enemy attempting to pass our batteries under cover of the darkness. The firing was terrific. One gunboat passed in a damaged condition. The U. S. aloop-ol-war Mississippi was burned to the waters edge in front of our batteries. One large vessel was completely riddled, a third badly crippled, and tbe rest were driven back. Thirty -six men and one midshipman of the Mississippi were brought in by our cavalry, some of them severely wounded. Farragut'a Sigsbip went down the river disabled." The .Mania Confederacy eonUins an account ot a raid in North Alabama by tbe Uuioa bri gade under Col. Corwin. The expedition, accompanied by gunboats, reached Tuscumbia Feb. 22. Tbe gunboats destroyed two ferry boats at Tuscumbia, and another at Florence. Soon after dark, the Union advance guard dashed into Tuscumbia and dispersed the Rebel cavalry, wbo fled to the mountains. Col. Corwin occupied the town, and issued a proclamation levying assessment on wealthy Rebels. On the 25th ult., Col. Corwin pro ceeded into the interior, taking considerable plunder witb him. An armed schooner was captured just as the was leaving San Francisco bay, on Sunday, the Iotb, on suspicion of being intended for rebel privateering purposes a suspicion which proved to be well founded. Cannon and oth er arms were discovered on board, end some of tbe men confessed that she bad been pur chased by Secessionists, and was to bare tak en a f ull.compliment of men down the coast. A steamer bound to Mazatlao, Mexico, was to have been ber first capture, and witb this stesmcr it was boped to take tbe two treasure stesmers before the news of tbe captnre of the Mazatlan steamer was known at San Fran cisco. This well laid scheme was discovered just in time to prevent its execution. There was a cavalry fight oa tbe Rappahan nock, beyond Kelly's ford, on the 18th. The rebels were commanded by Stuart and Lee, and tbe Union troops by Gen. Averill.who de feated tbe rebels at every point. Our loss is less liian forty rebel loss about 200. This is claimed as the greatest hand-to-hand cavalry fight that has ever taken place on tbe conti nent, and only equalled by one in Europe. The number engaged was about 2.000 on each side. Averill captured a large lot horses and prisoners, among the latter Major Breckin ridge, a cousin of John C's. Reports from Gslveston state that on the I2ih the Brooklyn threw a few shells into the fort on Pelican Sound, and on the 21th into the town, setting it on fire in three places. Tbe flames were, however, soon extinguished. LTbe nirriet Lane is 70 miles up tbe river, be ing converted into sn iron clad. Advices from Port Royal state that at !he latest news from tbe .Negro Brigade, now marching into Florida, they had taken several important points, captured much ammunition, &c, and were still driving the Rebels before them. Secretary Chase has received from a cele brated banking firm in Germany an offer of a loan of $1QO.UOO,000 worth of bonds, at some thing above par in currency. MARRIED: On March 17th by J. W. Sbugart, Etq., Mr. E.VA5S VcCcllocoh to Miss IIassah Thoxas, both of Huston township. On March 13th, by J. W. Shugart, Esq , Mr. M. V. B. Owexs, to Miss Mabgaret E. Cose lis, both of Lawrence township. OIEO: On March 16, Dabiel M. 'Leaves., cf Cnr wensville, aged about 45 years. On tbe 21st March, Jobx Sbibet. Sr., ot Bradford township, aged 64 years, 1 month, and 22 davs. The loyal men in Pennsylvania must not imagine that the soldier in tbe field is alone commissioned to crush rebellion. While "lead and steel' are essential in wiping out treason, tbe proper direction ot public senti ment has much to do with tbe preservation and the enforcement of authority of tbe Gov ernment. Every man every loyal man at borne, baa a duty to perform, and he discbar ges such a duty if be only refutes, daily, a sin gle lie aa it ia set afloat by some malignant copperhead. In conversation, in business, ia public and in private, tbe interests of the na tion should never be lost sight ot should sev er be abandoned. Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inteperable, should toe the gurliag council ot at! true men. Wboopijc-ootsh oa Caorr, however severe may be alleviated and cared by th use of 'Madame Zivtoe Porter's Curatxt Bilsam. This invalua ble Medicine possesses tbe extraordinary power of relieving immediately Wkooping-fosk, Iloars nri, DiJUttlif of Breathing, Iliuflhie, and Tickling in the Throat. It loosens the Phlegm, and will be found very agreeable to the ta?te. It is not a violent remedy, out emollient warming, searching and effect! re. Can be taken by the oldest person or youngest child. For sale by all Druggists, at 13 and 26 cents pr bottle. feb4 CAUTION. All persons are hereby eantion ed against purchasing or in any way med dling with the following property, namely : Five horses, (3 bays. 1 black, and 1 gray.) four set of harness, one baggy, one robe and one blanket said property being ia the hands of John H.!?mith agent of I). W. Smith as the same belongs to as and is subject to oar order at any time. Feb 23, lo63-p THOMPaON A PATTERSON. 3fEW GOODS! At the "Corner Store' of Wm. Irvin, CUBWEXSVILLE, PA- A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels, Herring in barrels and half-barrels, Vbieb will be sold as low as at any other store, JaBsn,lM2. WM. IRVIN The Latest ews. Received by Tuesday Evening's MaiL The ofSclal report of tbe conflict, near Mil ton, Tenn., on the ISth, between Gen. Hall's brigade and1 tbe Rebels, has reached tbe War DepartmentT. Gen Roseocrans says that the Rebels numbered eight or ten regiments of Morgan's anil Breckinridge's cavalry, and that Gen. Hall, after four hours fighting, whip ped and drove tbem with a loss on our side of 7 killed and SI wounded, including one Cap tain. Tbe Rebel's loss be says, was 80 ot killed, Including 3 commissioned officers, 140 wounded, and 12 prisoners, among which are 3 commissioned officers. . From New Orleans we have tbe gratifying intelligecce that Commodore Farrago t, lead ing in tbe Hartford, passed tbe Port Hudson batteries at eleven o'clock oa the night of the 14th, with his fleet. The Steamer Mississippi ran aground, was abandoned and burned. The firing on both sides was rapid and severe. Tbe army is within five miles of the enemy's works, in good spirits and bound to win. A small rebel force was captured six miles below Port Hudson, together wita the signal book of the rebel army. On the morning of the 224,200 Union troops at Mount Sterling, Ky., were attacked by s superior rebel force, and after four hours fighting surrendered. The rebels then burned tbe town. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE ALE. The andersigned is desirous of sel ling his farm situate in Pe-.n townsaip. CJearfielc county. Pa., one mile from Pennville. on the road leading to Panxsutawney, containing one hun dred acres and allowaiee. Sixty acres of said land are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, of which 23 acres are in meadow. There is erect ed on the premises a comfortable li story dwel ling house, a good ham and other necessary ont building There is also a quantity of most ex eellent Pine and other timber on the land. A clear and indisputable title will be given Terks one fouitb in band, and the balance in three equal annual payments, secured by mortgage er judgment bonds. For farther information apply to tEesubacriber residing on the y ramises. i THOMAS .M. MARTIN. Penn tp., January 14. lto.V-3t. Shot At But Missed !! A GKA.ND MISTAKE!!! THAT ALL THE MERCHANTS OF CURWEXS ville were wounded. Tis true, that I was -shot at. but missed." and since then I hare been at the city, and procured a very large assortment of goo'ds of all descriptions, which 1 am disposing of at lower rates than any other boose in the county READ;.' READ!.'.' READ.'.'.': Best Calico, at from 13 to 19 cents per yard. Rest Muslin, at from 15 to 30 cents per yard. Best Delaine, at from 20 to 23 eents per yard. r tstjt t rt at nvnrrr-T?n rr? rr- Best Sngar at from 12i to 15 eents per pound. Best St rap at 87 cents per gallon. AU other groceries at tbe same rates. Boots and Shoes, and Shoe findings, cheap. Ladies who wish to make a good investment, should call and examine the assortment of dress goods Merinos. Saxony plaids, Plaid Brilliants, Ac, Ac. Also, Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Nubias. Sontags, Gloves, Ac, Ac. Dec. 3, 1S62. J. D. TilOiiPSON. Fall and Winter Goods. . REIZE.XSTEI.N BROTHERS ft CO. In tbe '-Mansion House" (Mr. Shaw's old Stand) Clearfield. Pa., have just received a large Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Boots, I)u. Traveling Bags, Valises and a large and well selected stock of Gents Furnishing goods YOU Can bay your Clothing, tor yourselves and yonr Boys in every variety and at low easn prices by calling at the cheap Clothing Store of Keiienstein Bro s A Co. opposite the Clearfield Co. Bank, where yoa WILL Save at least from 20 to 25 percent. All kinds of Clothing and Famishing goods, are to be Had at this Store at the lowest Cash pri ces and receive well made goods. Would it not be much better to SAVE Much valuable time by calling at once, and lay ing in year Stock of Clothing for the Winter at this Establishment, where you will cer tainly get the full valne for your MONEY. Bemensber the place. In the Mansion House, opposite Clearfield Co. Back. REIZENSTEIN BRO S A CO. f'Grain and Furs taken in exchange at the Jnzbest market rates. JABIXET EMPOEIUM! ft B. K. SHOPE, CABINET MAKER, - Would respectfully announce to the publie that he has fitted up a shp on Cherry street, near the Episcopal church, and near Kratser's store. where be intends to carry on the Cabinet-making busi ness in its different branches. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the business, and work ed as a Journeyman over six years, besides carry ing on a shop for three years, be flatters himself that he can render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. Having located in the Borough of Clearfield, he solicits a share of patronage, and it shall ever be his object to make to order, neat and substantial furniture such as French Bedsteads and common and French posts Cottage, Jenny Lind. and all other kinds of Bedsteads, with Tcctier'i Patent fastenings and Gard ner's Patent spring Bed steads. Bureaus of dif ferent kiads.Sideboards. Wardrobes, Book eases. Parlor and eentretablea. Breakfast and dining ta bles and the latest im proved Extensiontables. Work stands. Hat racks. Toilet and Wash stands, and every other kind of furni-Urs in his branch. He will always be prepared to famish to or der Rocking chairs of different kinds, and common and ether chairs. He will aim fur nish to order Hair. Husk, and hair ad cotton top Mattresses. The above named and many other articles will be made U order for eostomers, os short notice, cheap fo cash or exchanged for approved country pro dace. Don't forget the place, as I am prepared to famish ail articles at the most reasonable rates Maple. Cherry, Poplar, Pine. Unwood, and ev ery other suitable lumber, will be takes in ex change for furniture. Cash will also be paid for good Lumber. 3. K. SHOPS N. B. CoSns of the latest style made to order en short notice. Funerals attended whenever desirable. CltarJuU. Pa-, Jan. 21. IsoX WASTED. 109. Bashels Flax Seed Uea ehange for goods, at the Cheap St -re of Dee 1.1862. J. D.TIiOMPSOM. CarwenrrtOe.Pa FLOUR A rood article far sale at the store of Jjaale- WM. F. IRWUf. Clearfsli, UYDE HOCSE, RIDCWAT,PE55rA. S. J. OSGXD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel ia new, and famished in modem style, has ample accommodation, and is ia all respects a first class honse. February 6. 1S6I. AYER S COMPOUND EXTRACT SAR SAPAP.ILLA. No one remedy Is more need ed in this country than a reliable Alterative, but the sick have been 99 outrageously cheated by the worthless preparations of Sarsaparilla abroad that they are disgusted even with the name. Yet the drag cannot be blamed for the impositions from which they have suffered. Most of the so calied Sarmparillas ia the market contain little of tbe virtues of Sarsaparilla or anything else. They are mere slops inert and worthless, while a concentrated extract of the active variety cf amparilla compounded with Dock. Stillingia. Iodise, etc- is, as it ever will be. a powerfal al terative and aa effectual remedy. Sach is Ayer"s Extract of Sarsaparilla, as its truly wonderful cures of the great variety of complaints which re quire aa alterative medicine have abundantly shown. Do not, therefore, discard this invalua ble medicine, becaase yoa have baen imposed up on by something pretending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not. When yoa have nsed Ayer's then, and not till then, will you know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it cares, we refer yoa to Ayer's American I Almanac, which the agent below named will far- 1 ish gratis to all who call for it.- Aves's Cathartic PlLLS-forthe use Costive n ess. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Dysenterv. Foul Stomach. Headache. Piles. Rheumatism, Heart bum arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain, or Morbid Inaction of the Bowels. -Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint. Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and for a Dinner Pill. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, ani they are the best Aperient ia the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five Boxes for SI. 00 Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations which they make more profit on. Demand Area's and take no ethers. Tbe sick want the best aid there is for tbem. and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J.C. Area A Ce., Lowell, Mass , and sold by C. D. Watson. Clearfield Wm. Irvin, Curwens ville. S. Arnold, Luthersburg. Elisa Chase, Anson vilie. J. C. Benner, Morrisdale. C. R. Foster. Phil ipsburg. and Dealers everywhere March 4. 1S63 FROrESSrOITAL 4 BirSUfRSS CARDS. HB. WOODS, Attorney at Law. Indiana, Pa Professional business prvssptly attend j to Manufacturer ti wbolesale or retail. Jan. 1, li3 T7REDERICK LEITZINtiER. J. -11 kinds cf Stone-ware, Clearleld. Pa. uervsMX-ited- T J. CRA3S. Attorney at Law aa4 Real Estate -Ii. -Agent UmrSeU. P. residence, on Seeesd trt. tfie adjoin iag hie Sis j If. apODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1863 GUEAT LlTEEaJtT AJTD PlCTOKtAI. YEAR ! The publisher of Godey's Lady's Book, thank ful to that public which has enabled him to pub lish a magasine for the last 33 years of a larger circulation than any tn America, has made an ar rangement with the most popular authoress in this country MiRKr HakIAsd. rethoresscf '-Alone. Hidden Path.: "flsW JJie." --Nemesis." and --Miriam.7' who will famish a story for every num ber of the Lady's Book for 1S53. This alone will place the Lady's Book in a literary point of view far ahead of any otaer magasine. Marion Har- land writes for no trther publication. Oar other favorite writers will ail continue to furnish arti cles throughout the year. Siity-SixtA and Sixtf-SsrmtJi volumes of Go dey's Lady's Book for loo, will contain nearly I3o0 pages of Reading Batter. 24 pages of Moic 12 Doable Extension Colored Fashion Plates, equal to 21 cf other magazines, over 1200 wood engrav ings. 14 steel engravings of beautiful subjects. "SO articles by the best authors in America, And all thvse will be given in 1S53. at prices for which see our extremely low club rates. The oldes. the best, and the cheapest magasine in America is the Godey's Lady's Book. The im mense increase in the circulation of Godey (hav ing trebled itself in the last 4 years) is a convinc ing proof of the superiority of the work, if the work itself was not sufficient evidence. And when it is considered that not a bribe in tbe shape of a premium has ever been offered, it shows that Go dey's Lady's Book stands first in tbe hearts of A merican ladies, who subscribe for the sake of the Book and sot the premium. The Literature of the Lady's Book is by the first writers in America, and has always been remark able for its high literary and moral character. Clergymen recommend tbe Book, and it can be read aloud in the family circle. The matter is far superior to that of any other magasine, hating a healthy and instructive tone. Eight Specialities that no other msgaztne has, and only found in Godey, to wit: --Original Mu tic;r "Model Cottages, with diagrams." -Drawing Lessons." 'Original Health Department." -Children's Department," - Cbeiuistry for the Young." -Horticultural Department." and '-Double Exten sion Fashion-plates." Godey's great speciality, unparalleled and unapproache-i. Competition dead in this department. Our imitators have a bandoned the attempt. Of Steel engravings, the press have unanimous ly pronounced Godey's the best ever published by any magasine of the world. Yoa may look ia vain for 14 such steel engravings as were publish ed during the yearlS62. and those for lr63 will surpass them. Other magazines do not go to the expeci-e of original designs for their steel engrav ings. Tbe Double Fashion-plate has from j to 7 full length fashions on each plate. Other maga zines give but two. Godey is the only work in the world that gives these immense plates, which cost S10.UO0 more than the old style. These fashions may be relied on as correct. They are always the latest styles, and hence la-lies are not subject to ridicule for wearing old fashions, when they v.sit the large cities Godey s Wood engraving Novelties. Of these we give double the number of any other maga sine. no matter what its price may be. Colored embroidery patterns and lingerie. Ev ery number eontains patterns of some article for a lady to work ottomans, backs of chairs, slip pers, etc Among the articles to be continued, and which have been appreciated, will be Gardening fur tbe Ladies. Sir. 11. A. ttreer. tbe celebrated liorti cultural of this city, will assist in this department Our Musical of Music is for the miuie alone, the Lady's Book would be cheap at the price we ass for it. In the various numbers for 1C3. will be found diagrams for Children's and Ladies dresses ; chil dren's samples for learning ; the newest designs for window curtains, broderie anglaise. slippers bonnets, caps, cloaks, evening-dresses, fancy arti cles, headdresses, hair-dressing, robes-de-cham-bre. carriage dresses, brides dresses, wreaths, mantillas, walking-dresses, morning-dresses, ri ding habits, collars, chemisettes, nndersleeves, patchwork, embroidery patterns, and crochet and notrtcg work. Our designs are received semi monthly from oar agents in France, England, and Germany and every new pattern of any portion of a lady's dress appears first in the Lady's Book. Drawing in all its variety, useful to the beginner and the proficient. Fashions from the establish ment of the celebrated -Brodie" will be in every nam ber. Also gives Mode cottages. Godey's invaluable receipts upon every subject, indispensable to every family, worth more than the whole cost of the Book, and a rreat saving of expense to all those who take the book. Godey's Lady's Book is also used as a premium at nearly every Agricultural exhibition in the United States another testimony of its worth. Send id your orders soon. The best plan of subscribing is to send your money direct to the publisher We recognise no subscription that is not sent direct to ourselves. If yoa pay yonr money to anv association, you must look to it for yonr books. We will not supply a copy of the Lady's Book unless the money is sent direct to us. Vt e have no agents lor whose acts we are respon sible. Tekws Cash n Aotasci:. One copy one year, S3 Two copies one year. S3 Three copies one 1 year, $5 Four copies one year. $7. Five copies , one year,and aa extra copy te the person sending the club, making six copies. $10 Light copies one year, and as extra copy to the person sending the club, making sine copies, S la. Eleven cop ies one year, and an extra copy to the person send ing the club, making twelve copies, $20. Any person having sent a club will hav the privilege of adding one or more copies at the same elub rates. Ihe above Terms esjunot be deviated from. no matter how many are ordered How to KEarr. Procure a draft if nossibU: if not. send Treasury or Bans notes ; but let it be a matter known only to yourself; the fewer you let into the secret, the more certainty there is of your money eomisg to hand. If yea sead gold, secure it earelulrjy ia the letter; otherwise it is apt 10 woik oat er tee envelop. Be careful sum paar the rostace ea your letter. Address L A. SODET, 333 Caeste at Street, FatTa, Pa W M, arCpXOTOB, Attwaey Law, Clear- . field. Pa. 0ee,witi L J Crausl E.t oa frecond Street. , . jjy Z, Irfl. ROBERT J. WALLACE. A t!on r yr fawCI ea7 field. Pa Office ia Shaw's new rjw. Market street, opposite N angle's jewlry store. Ma y V. HF. N AUG LE. Watch and Cloek Maker, at . dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. Room ia G rah am 's row, Marifet street! No . 1. HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney af Law. Oemr . field. Pa. Offct in Graham sKow. foardo s west of Graham A Boyatun's store. Nov. 10. BK. SHOPS. Cabined Maker. Cherry StreeZ . Clearfield. Pa Makes te order everv des cription of Furniture on short aocke. Jan. Jl'63 JP KRATZER Merchant, and dealer fa . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce. Front St. above the Academy. Clearfield. Pa. fjt 2 W A LLACE A HALL. Attorney at Law. Clear' ! field. Pa December 17. 1"S2. aiLuax a. vtuuci. r . : joas a. nxt.t.. A.J. PATTERSON. Attorney at Law. Carweaa- ville. Pa., will attend to air baint ea- trasted to his care. Ufhce opposite the New Methodist Church. Jnn. li, i62. VXTILLIAM F.IRWIN, Marketstreet.CTearfiela. M Pa., Dealer ia Foreign-and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware. Qaswasware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. TR. WM. CAMPBELL, offer his professional a services to tc citizens or Siorrn an4 adieta- . 1. r -as - . m nesiisence wita J. u. L)e eater ia May 11.1SW. ing townships Kylertown, Clearfield county JOHN GUELJCH. Manufacturer r an kinds ot Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He sJsomskes to order CoSus on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,;59. R. R. V. WILSON 'a. V Office Practieinr Phvsician. Clearfield, Pa. Will attend to all nrofes- corner cf 2d and Locust Jan. 28, IS63. D sional business. streets DR. M. WOODS. Paacncrso Fbtsich, aad Examining Surgeon for Pensions. OSes, Stfsth-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, ClearSeld, Pa. January 21, 1363. JB PENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. . Pa, Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick building of J. Boya ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Motel. ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do 1 mestic Drv Goods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon. Liquors. Ac. Room, en Market street, a few doors west of Journal OjUeXm&&, Pa. Apr27. ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clear -field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear, field and adjoining conn ties. August S, lt&fl. JAS. H. LABS1H ES. ISaSEL VEST. "1TTALTER BARRETT, Attobset at Law, hav fV ing resigned his commission in the army, and resumed the practice of the law. may be con sulted on professional business at his old office on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. All business prompt ly attended te. February ink, 1363. rfUIOMAS J. M CULLOUOH, Attorney at Law. J Clearfield, Pa. Oftee, east of tbe ' Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. n. s. bcsh. :::::::? Tja'ccixocoa BUSH A M CULLOUGU S Collection Crrice. Clsabfisld. Pim't. PRtEXDS AND RELATIVES OF TITE BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ASD OI5T.nE.XT. -All who have Friends and Relatives to the Ar my and Navy should take especial care thse they be amply supplied with these Pills and Oinimeat ; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet ter present can be sent them by their Friends. They have been proved to be the Soldier's never failing friend in the hour of need Coughs and Golds Affecting Trcojt, Will be ypeedily relieved and effectually cure! by using these admira-M medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directives which are at tached to each Pot er Box. Sick Headache and Want of Appetite, Ineidsa . tal to Soldiers. These feelings which so sail en us usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed pen-pi ra tion, or eating and drinking whatever is unwhole some, thus disturbing the healthful action of the Liver and Stomach. These organs mast be reliev ed, if you desire to be welt. The P Us taken ac cording to ths pTJSleA. inftractto-ns. will quickly produce a healthy action in both Liver and Stem ach. and ss a natural ooBsefuence, a clear head and good appetite. Weakness) or Debility Induced by Over Fatigue - W ill sovB diswppear by tbe use of these invalua ble fills, and tbe collier will quickly acquire ad ditional strengta Never let tne Bowels be either ay seem recont- 'ysentery ana rlux. raanv persons supposing mat tney wouia increase tne relaxation. This is a gTeat mistake, for these Pills will correal the Liver and Stomach, and thuj remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength fol low as a matter of course. Nothing will stop tls ' relaxation of the Bowels to sure as this medicine. Volunteers, Attention I-Indiscretions of "Jouth. Sores and Ulcers. Blotches and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed instructions. If treated in any other manner, they dry p ia one part to break oat ia another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system, and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man. It will require a little perseverance ia bad cases to insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either occasioned by ths Bayonet., Sabre, or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, Te which every Soldier or Sailor art liable, there are no medicines so safe, sure, and convenient, as Holloa-ay 's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounds ed aad ai most dying sufferer might have h irwoand dressed immediately, if he would only provide himself with this matchlessOintmeat. which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it- then covered with a piece of tinea from his knapsack and compressed with a hsadkerehiet Taking, night and morning. 6 or 8 Pills, to eeol the system and prevent inflammation. Every Soldier a Knapsack and Seaman's Chest should be provtded with, these valuable remedies. CACTTOX. None are genuine unless the words -J1ollowat, New Ycbk axd Losdos." are dlscernable as a Water-vase in every leaf of tae book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holdixo tub leas' to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information aa may lead to the detection of any party er parties eoaelar. letting tbe medicines or vending the same, know ing them to be spurious. So!d at the manufactory of Professor Hot towar, SO Maiden Lane, New York, aad hr all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, tbroaghoat the civilised wr!d, in bexee at 2i cents, 62 cents, aad SI each. There is considerable saviag by taking tbe larger sizes. N B -Direct 100s for tbe faidasw ef pattest ia every disorder are eased te each hex. S Tork- Jaeaay 7. ISM ly. thiseity. will assist in this department , , tU" r1' h ical Department. Three dollars' worth F l, given every year; and if it were only J ,tr"5eI' L r.T T. P,"!shc,d A' r j - p,,v ,,1 1 ' mended for Dysentery and Flux, raanv