Raftsman's Jnimtal. r iinn . mow. CLEARFIELD. PA.. MARCH 25, 1863. UUIOW LEAGUES. The Copperheads don't like the Union Leagues which are being formed all over t"he country. In them they see the defeat of all their treasonable plans, they, therefore, at tempt to make them obnoxious by declaring that the members entertain "vastly more dan- gerous purposes than were ever contempla- ted by Knownotbingism." Not a word have they to say in condemnation of the Knights of the Golden Circle, whose oaths are of such a natnre that persons who hare repented of joining the latter decline to repeat their oaths on the "ground that they would make them selves amenable to the laws against treason. The object of the Union Leagues, if we are correctly informed, is to uphold the Govern ment of the United States. The members pledge themselves to stand by the legally con stituted authorities to maintain the Constitu tion to preserve the Union to maintain the Laws and to oppose treason in whatsoever gnise it may appear. These Union Leagues originated in the Border Slave States, and to them are we indebted for keeping Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware oat of the power of Jeff Davis and his traitor Confederacy. They were the nucleus around which the loyal men of those States gathered, and the means by which they were enabled successftiRy to counteract the poison which the emissaries ol treason were diffusing a mongst their people. These are the "dangerous purposes" of which the Copperhead editors complain. IV ell we admit that they are "dangerous," not, however, to the Federal Government and loyal citizens, but to the Rattle-snake Con federacy of J eft Davis, and his Copperhead allies at the North. And that is the ressou why the latter are so bitterly opposed to the Union Leagues. The Leagues are loyal or ganixations for loyal men, and it is expected that only such will join tbent. MB. BEEWSTER 8 SPEECH. On onr first page, to-day, will be found the speech of BeDjamin H. Brewster, Esq.", of Philadelphia, at the great Union meeting held in that city on Wednesday the 11th of March. For many years Sir. Brewster has been ranked among the most prominent Democrats in this State. He has always been considered as be longing to the ultra Class of his party, and as favoring the doctrines of the ultra men of the south. lie "was generally selected as their counsellor in the fugitive slave cases in Phil adelphia. In view of these facts, his present position is the more significent. It shows that the loyal Democrats of the country have final ly decided to anlte their voices, and "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors," with the Republicans, in a determination to uphold the Administration and the Govern ment in its struggle with the rebellion, and to maintain the Constitution and laws against treason, either North or South. Party hacks have sought to prostitute the interests of the country to the interests of party ; but the day Is at hand, when the honest and loyal men everywhere will spurn all such miserable de vices to strengthen the rebellion and injure the Union. Read the speech by all means. ABSEST OF JUDGE CONSTABLE. We noticed briefly in onr last issue that Charles H. Constable, Judge of the Fourth Ju dicial Circuit of Illinois, had been arrested for resisting the arrest of deserters. It seems that two Sergeants had arrested four deserters in Clarke county, Illinois. On their way to the cars, the Sergeants were taken into custo dy by a constable, on a charge of kidnapping, and being brought before Judge Constable, he committed them to jail, and set at liberty the four deserters. These facts coming to the knowledge of Gen. Wright, that officer order ed Col. U. B. Carrington to arrest the Judge. Col. Carrington left with 200 men for the town in which the Court was being held. Be plac ed his men at the outskirts of the town, and proceeded himself, with perhaps a dozen oth ers, to the eourt house, and made the arrest in a quiet and peaceable manner. lie imme diately proceeded to Indianapolis with the Judge, who will be tried by the United States Court. Three of the deserters were rearrest ed and also taken to Indianapolis. Tn R actios. At the late election In Au gusta, Maine, the Republicans gave their can didate for Mayor exactly the number of votes they gave for Mr. Lincoln in I860, notwith standing they have sent hundreds of volun teers to the war. Their msjerity is 114 more than in 1862. The -party, tbereaboats, does not seem to be running down. Exkctiov at ELvaaiSBUEQ. A.S. Roumfort, the copperhead candidate, was elected Mayor of Harrisbnrg, on the 20th, by 88 majority. Last fall, when be was a candidate for the Le gislate re, he carried the city by a 266 majori ty j showing a Union gain of 228 the smal lest majority ever given for Loeofoco candi date in Harrisbnrg. ; Gold has gone op to 426 per cent, ia Rich mond, and what is deemed good authority re ports private transactions to a considerable a mount at as Mgh as 600 per cent. COPPERHEAD TACTICS. The editors of the Copperhead orgin In this place, in their last issue, inde an attempt to correct our coternpOrary, the Harrisbnrg Tel rgraph, in reference to the vote in the State Senate, on the resolution granting the uso of that Hall to Gov. Andrew Johnson, and other friends of the Union, for the purpose of ad dressing the citizens of Pennsylvania on the subject of the rebellion. If the Telegraph did nogive "the full facts in this case," certainly, in our opinion, our Copperhead neighbors did not present the facts as they are on record. Mr. White of Indiana ofTered the following resolution: Rttolvtd, That Gov. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, and Er-Gov. Joseph A. Wright,of Indiana, be and they are hereby tendered the nse of ffae ball of the Senate this afternoon, for the purpose ol addressing their leHow fcrt- irena of Pennsylvania. Messrs. Lowry .White, Penney, Bound, Law rence, McCsndless, Kinsey and Turrell, spoke ia favor of this resolution; and Messrs. Cly mer, Lamberton, Donovan and Wallace.agaiW it. Mr. Lamberton then offered to amend the resolution by adding "And that the use of the Hall of the Senate he likewise extended to Major General George B. McClellan, in which to receive the hosts of his admiring friends of this, bis native State, and that the Senate in vite bini to visit the State Capitol." Mr. Ridgway offered to amend the resolution by adding the following : "That when General George B. M'Clellan or my other friend of the Union, desires the use of this Hall for the purpose of defending the cause of the Union and denouncing the re bellion, it will be cheerfully tendered." Mr. Iiidg way's amendment being first in or der, it was passed by the following vote : Yeas Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Connell. Fuller, Hamilton, Uiestand, Johnson, Kinsey, Lowry, McCandlesx, Nichols, Penney, Ridg way, Robinson, Serrill, Stulzman, Turrell, n hite, Wilson and Lawrence, Speaker 20. Nays Messrs. Bucher. Clvmer. Donovan. Glatz, Lamberton, Mott, Smith, Stark, Stein and Wallace 10. Mr. Lamberton's amendment then coming np, was defeated by Teas 11, Nays 19, Mr. Kinsey voting for it. The question then rer curringon the original resolution at amended by Mr. Ridgway, the yeas and nays were : Yeas Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Connell, Fuller, Hamilton, Uiestand, Johnson, Kinsey, Lowry, M'Candless, Nichols, Penney Ridg way, Robinson, Serrill, Stutzmtn, Turrell, White, Wilson and Lawrence, Speaker 20. Nats Messrs. Bucher, Clyruer, Donovan, GUtz, Lamberton, Mott, Smith, Stark, Stein and Wallace 10. No thinking man can fail to see, nnless be looks indistinctly '-through a fog" that our neighbors "Roll of Honor"(?) did vote against granting the use of the Senate's Hall to An dy Johnson, Joseph A. Wright, George B. J1T Clellan, or any other friend of the Union, for the purpose of defending the Union and denoun cing the rebellion. The Telegraph had the manliness to publish the proceedings in reference to the question, and then make its comments. Our neighbors, however, who some time since boasted that they preferred to give all the facts in a case, pursued a different course. Instead of pub lishing the proceedings, they merely intrude their "bare-naked" assertions upon their rea ders. Why is this? Is it because their rea ders are only "animals" who have no right to see except indistinctly "through a fog"f But, citizens of Clearfield county, "it is your duty to probe this thing fully." Acd, when doing so, remember, that wbilo these- would be pa triots are trying to deceive you, they are also endeavoring to create false impressions in the minds of our soldiers, in the hope of thereby injuring theUnion cause. But, in the language of our neighbors. we way confidently say to your friends in the army, "Soldiers of the Army of the Potomac! When you return to your homes, and exercise once again the elective franchise, we well know yon will mete out to these (Cop perheads) their just dues, and ever uphold the fair fame" of all true and loyal men 1 "THAT'S THE TALK." At a meeting of the 12th Wisconsin regi ment, at Camp Butler, Tennessee, some spirit ed resolutlun were adopted "with a hearty good will." We quote a few pithy sentences : "Clemency to the deluded and the penitent, bullets for the rebels, and ropes tor those who "kindle fires in our rear," and we do most sol emnly warn ill such, that, should duty ever call us home to quench those fires, a terrible retribution will await those who kindle them." " We do not fight to fret the slaves, but we free the slaves to stop the fight." "We do most heartily approve the conscrip tion law, under operation of which we hope to see loitering patriotism hastening to render its due support to the government that affords it protection. We hope, also, to see the "fire in the rear" men under it enjoying a clearer view of things in the sunny South, than can be obtained in the dim lodges of the K. G. C.'s." New-Hampshirk Election. Returns from all but two small towns show 28,951 for Gil more, Republican candidate for Governor; 32,794 for Eastman, Democrat ; and 4,458 for Harriman, Independent War Democrats. This gives 615 msjority against Eastman. Rollins, Rep. for Congress in the 2d district, has about 300 majority ; Patterson, Rep., in the 3d dis trict, has about 350 majority. The 1st district is not yet settled it is very close. The Coun cil stands : 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats; the Senate, 9 Republicans and 3 Democrats ; House, 187 Republicans and 142 Democrats. This secures a Republican Governor Right. A rough lesson has been taught cer tain draft-shirkera in Jersey City. In the Chemical Works a few aliens refused to be come naturalized, lest they may be called on to fight; their fellow-workmen who are natu ralized have kicked them out, and they get no more work there until tbey take out their papers. Served 'em right. Eikctio at Eric P. Metcalf, the Union candidate, was elected Mayor of Erie, Pa., on the 20tb, by a msjority of 114. THE TEEAS0NAELE PBESS. Of all the Copperhead papers in the lar.J, ttu-re is not one which has esibited more ven cm and malignity than the Cincinnati Enqui rer. Since last fall's election it has been par ticularly bnay in trying to excite dissatistac tion and desertion among the soldiers. Ho ping thus to demoralize and break up the Ar my, and to instigate hostility to any means for rrcroiting it. In its issue of the 9th March was a long and laborious effort to con vince ice sotaiers tnat tne war is carried on solely to create offices, enrich contractors aod benefit the negro. It represented the sol diers as deceived into enlisting in a war car ried on entirely for base mercenary purposes It described the Government as withholding from the soldiers their pay, and squandering the public money in the support of the ne groes. It held out to the soldiers in the field the picture of their families neglected in the midst of the fortunes accumulated by the de signing supporters of the war at home, their wives and children, their widows and orphans coming to want, while the Aid Societies were only means to prostitute their wives. In order that the soldiers, as well as the public generally, may judge for themselves in what manner these Cupperhead editors sp ;ak of them and their Wives, wo extract the f ol lowing paragraph from the , article of the En quirer . "For them there are no profitable jobs and teeming contracts, even the wages which the Government promised them for their services have been, in many cases withhotden. They, and through them their families, have been neglected. Tbey, their wives and children, their widows and orphans, are not prosperous. The negro absorbs the love ot the Adminis tration ; and there is more joy over one runa way contraband than there is sorrow when a hundred soldiers choose their last resting place in the unfriendly soil of a revolting country. They went out from among us, proud. hopeful, amid the waving of banners, the roll of drums and the cheers of stay at home crowds, each with the picture of a coun try saved imprinted on his heart and lighting up the future of his imagination ; they come back not at all, or on piles of solemn boxes npon the decks of steamers , or they steal si lently among us, broken in health, their dreams of glory all dissipated, and with an arm or leg less than hen they departed ; they come back to see their places filled, the tide of life running on unconscious of their presence and forgetful of their abscence to find their homes the things they were not before their families possibly scattered, their wives perhaps under tbe care of some charitable agent of an Aid Society, who has found that there are more ways than one to administer consolation." Is it any wonder that the soldiers find their blood boiling, and are holding meetings to denounce these slanderers of their wives. HABD ON THE COPPERHEADS. There is no better index of the popular breeze, or of the direction of tbe main cur rent of public opinion, than the New York Herald; and when tbe path of interest and patriotism are coincident, few papers are a- ble to strike more lusty blows for the right. Unfortunatety,' however, Bennett, like Fal statf, only uses his trenchent blade upon dead carcases. When the copperheads were really formidable, and threatened to become the ru ling power in the free States, he rather petted and encouraged them ; but now, after they have been "scotched," if not killed, by the men w,ho resolutely stood up for their country in tbe darkest hour, he pitches ia in a style that is highly refreshing to loyal men, and "a caution to snakes." Hear him : The issue before us is Clearly and broadly defined. We must put dovtri this rebellion by force of arms, or it will tear the country to pieces. There is no other alternative. He, therefore, who is not with the Government in this contest is with the rebellion an enemy of the Union and an ally of Davis, whatever disguises he may assume. So long, as any measure which we have deemed to be of dangerous tendencies -or doubtful utility has been undecided by Con gress we have lreely'and earnestly opposed it ; but when any such measure has become a law of the land we recognize no other alternative than that of submission to the law. There can be no departure from this course without passing into the breakers and quicksands which lead to shipwreck. Hence it is that we are called upon by every consideration of law, order and the puplic safety to denounce these Northern Copperhead peacemongers of the day as public enemies. When such reckless, bigoted, and narrow-sighted, and brawling demagogues as Vallandigham and Pendleton, of Ohio, Ben Wood, Booby Brooks and other confederates, 1-egin to preach the doctrine of resistance to President Lincoln, and the doc trine of submission to Jeff. Davis, it is at least due to the community that the tenden cies of their absurd and dangerous instructions should be exposed. They counsel resistance to the laws. Let us suppose that here and there these Copperhead apostles of mob' law succeed in securing a body of adherents re solved upon resistance to tbe conscription. The Government undertakes to enforce tho law ; a bloody collision ensues , the contagion of resistance spreads throughout the ranks of the party infected, and civil war, with all its fearful consequences, is inaugurated at our own doors. Under snch a state of things what citizen's property, home or life would be secure ? What family would be safe from night to night against tbe intrusion of a gang of hungry ruffians and a wholesale spoliation I And with tbe loyal States in this horrible condition, how would it be possible to prevent the breaking np ol our armies in tbe field, tbe occupation of tbe national capital by Jeff. Davis, and the absolute destruction of the Government of the United States 7 A reign of terror wonld inevitably follow throughout the length and breadth of the land, and peace at last would most prabably be the result of foreign arm.d intervention and a division of the broken fragments of the Union between England and France. Such are the tendencies of the treasonable doctrines of resistence to the laws preached by such silly raalignants as Vallandigham and Company. In a milder view, snch preachings are the ab surd ravings of miserable mountebanks and political charlatans. They want an armistice; they want a national peace convention ; they want a Change of the Constitution to suit the dainty stomachs ot Davis and bis confeder ates ; they even want, as a last resort, a cap itulation to Davis, Union or no Uuion, for tbe sake of peace. But to all these base expedi ents .of base and stupid peace imposters the responsible add ruling chiefs ot tbe rebellion have no other answer than that of acorn and disgust. Tbe simple truth is that "men cry peace, peace, but there is no peace," and there can be no peace short of subjugation of this rebellion. This the exact issue the suppression "o rcdloss or:h, confusion and nifu froai civil war in the N universal chaus and mob 1jw," Weca'l upo.i the President t execute the l.iws ; we call upon him to enforce tiic conscript ion act in or drr to strengthen onr armies in the field with out loss ol time. We call upon the people of loyal States to stand by 'the side of tbe Gov ernment, to Support it, and to frown down all attempts In every quarter to create riots, in surrections and bands of lawless cut-throats and robbers. The Jacobin teachings of Val landigham and Company, as we are advised, will not be much longer tolerated by the Ad--riroiStraTTOn. When refugee Unionists in the South are hunted down by bloodhounds, President Lincoln, no doubt, is inclined to believe that itinerant Northern copperheads, in pushing their opposition to the Government to blatant treason, have passed the limits of the, laws of forbearance. Major General E. V. Sumner died in Syra cuse on March 2lst, at the residence of his son-in-law, Col. Seall, of congestion of the lungs. He was sick for a few days only. WASHING TO TRAITORS Under date of March 3d 1863, tbe Governor of the State of Delaware transmitted the fol lowing Message to the Legislature. His views on the subject of a suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, and of the enforcement of the Federal Laws, stand out in brilliant relief, when compared with those of the Copperhead leaders and editors in some of the Free States. We hope the Message will be generally read. "StaTs op Delaware, Exec. Dep't. March 3d, 1863. To the Sendte and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General jJssembly met. Tbe passage by the General Assembly of the act entitled 'an act to prevent illegal arrests in this State,' renders it proper that I should briefly communicate my views and purpose in relation to it. It is with regret that I differ with the Gen eral Assembly in reference to the nolicv of the State upon any subject, or that I .should feel compelled to decline co operation with a co-ordinate branch of the Government in car rying out any measure which, in its judgment, is promotive ot tbe public welfare. My duty, however, is too plainly laid down to bo mistaken, and the obligations I have as sumed too solemn to be disregarded and too imperative tu admit of hesitation. Had I anv desire to shrink from its fulfillment, the views which 1 bad the honor to submit to rou in ruv inaugural address are too recent to have es caped my remembrance. The preamble of the act refers to the Con stitution of tbe United States, as providing that no person shall bo deprived of life, liber ty, or property without due process of law,' but it ought also to have been recollected that the same Constitution provides that in base of rebellion or invasion, the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus may be suspended when tbe puoiic satety requires it, and the dangerous persons may be arrested and held without bail or mainprise. This provision overrides the Constitution ot the State of Delaware, or any statute that may be enacted by her Legislature. 10 wnom the right to decide when the exi gency has happened requiring the exercise of the power ot suspension is a question of Con stitutional construction upon which jurists differ. That it is a necessary oower is ad mitted. That it exi3ts, there can be no doubt. Whoever is invested with the power to sus pend is the sole judge of the occasion of its exercise. : Being incidental to the general du ty of the enforcement of the law, and now called into exercise for the suppression of armed insurrection, I am satisfied that it prop erly belongs to the National Executive, and in my official acts I shall regard it as vested in the President of the Uuited Stales. The preservation of the Government is the highest duty of those charged with its aduiin- stratiou and the personal liberty of the indi vidual is only to be regarded when compati ble with its safety.- That the citizen should have the right fairly to discuss public meas ures is truu. That the people should be per mitted peaceably to assemble and petition for redress of grievances is undeniable. But there is a wide difference between the exercise of the right and the disloyal opposition which proteeds from sympathy with a public enemy. The foria.tr supposes that all parties are well affected toward tbe common Government and differ only as to tho mode of its administra tion. The latter is based upon hostility to existing institutions, and aims at their forci ble subversion. The idea that the Govern ment is bound to await tbe development of a conspiracy until the actors shall have perfect ed their plana and committed some overt act necessary to hang them within the technical definition of treason, is, to my mind, absurd. The object is not punishment but prevention. that the power is liable to abuse is true: all discretionary powers, necessarily are so. To decide against its existence because it ia on. pable of excess would destroy all human gov ernment. The best mode to avoid liability to arrest is to be faithful. No man who is truly and unequivocally loyal has ever been in dan ger of being molested by tbe National Government.- Still it is possible that arrests mav be im properly and unadvisedly made, and while it my duty to co-operate . with the General Government in the maintenance of its author ity, I will, at the same time, to the extent of my power, protect peaceful and loyal citizens, whatever may be their political sentiments. While, however, such is my purpose in rela tion to them, it is also my duty to take care that the btate ot Delaware shall not be made tbe refuge of foreign traitors or domestic con spirators. That there bag been, from the beginning of tbe rebellion, a considerable number of our people ready to participate in armed resist ance to the lawful authorities, whenever a fair opportunity should occur, I have no doubt. Sympathy with the Southern States in Insur rection is sympathy with the overthrow of the National Government. No man can hear with gratification of a reverse to our arms, who is not at neart a traitor. My predecessor, in an official communica tion, expressed the opinion that -a majority of our citizens, if not in allot our counties, at least in the two lower ones, sympathize with the South.' Without' admitting the correct ness of his estimate of numbers. I do not doubt of the existence of wide snread disaf fection. That there has been no outbreak here is the result of want of opportunity. It is tbe duty of the Executive, not oniy of the United States, but of this State, to take care that no opportunity shall be afforded. If to secure the public peace, and to prevent insur rection, it becomes necessary to arrest any in dividual within this State, whether he be a citizen or a non-resident. I will not onlv ab sent to the act, but will maintain it. Invested by the Constitution with no power of veto or review of the action ot tbe Legisla ture, the Governor has a general control over tbe operation or criminal enactments, and such control I will exercise to its uttermost extent to protect any person acting under tbe author ity of the President of the United States, or any citizen aiding such person in bringing to light any conspiracy, or in arresting any one guilty of disloyal practices or treasonable de signs against tbe Government. I shall Issue mj proclamation ia coaformi- tins rebellion is cv torce of arms, or en ty h !(1j ,Uij l fhe 'ati ol ese viewa; giving to tea people oi ol Delawate information of my in tended action. William Cannon. The following is the Proclamation referred to in the foregoing : To the people of the State of Delaware : In a special message, communicated to tbe General Assembly on the third day of March instant, I informed that body of my purpose to iiatie my Proclamation in relation to tbe act entitled "An act to prevent illegal arrests in this State," and therein briefly set forth the reasons which impelled me to this conclusion. Its provisions are at variance with the inter est of the State ; calculated to lessen the es timation m wnicti ner people are held, as faithful to the Government of the United States to embolden those who sympathize with rebellion and to discourage loyal men from tbe performance of their duty, in discov ering and thwarting the designs of the emis saries of treason. To the end, therefore, that the evil opera tion ot the enactment may be averted, and loyal cftiaens may feel secure in their efforts against foreign traitors and domestic conspi rators. I, William Cannon, Governor ol the State of Delaware, do, by this my Proclama tion, enjoin upon the good people of this State that they hold true allegiance to the Govern ment ol tbe United States as paramount to the State ol Delaware, and that they obey the constituted authorities thereof before tbe Leg islature of the State of Delaware or any other human authority whatsoever. I further enjoin, that they be vigilant in detecting any conspiracy against the National Government, and diligent in preventing aid and comfort to the public enemy that they promptly assist the National Magistracy when ever tnvoRed, and that they freely communi cate any information hich may the better en able it to suppress insurrection or to intercept supplies d -signed for those in arms against its authority, and anyone so acting, I will save harmless from the operation of the Statute aforesaid, or of any other Statute, of like ha ttire, that may be enacted, so far as it Khali be attempted to be enforced against him for faith fully discharging his duty to his country. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set Tseal.1 my han aT'd caused the Great Seal of t J tllH Haiti Stain tn h nflFiT..rl at )nr I this eleventh day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty -three,and of tbe said State tbe eighty-seventh. William Cannon. By the Governor : N. B. Smitheks, Secretary ot State. DEMOCRACY AND THE NIGGER. The Shorter Catechism on Negro Equality. Who said that all men are created equal ? Thomas Jefferson the father of democracy. Who gave negroes the right of suffrage in New York t The democratic party. Who presided over the convention which gave this privilege to negroes ? Martin Van Buren, a Democrat. Who afterwards elected Martin Van Buren President of the United States The Democratic party. Wbo made the negro a citizen in tbe State of Maine 7 An overwhelming Democratic majority. Who enacted a similar law in Massachusetts 7 An overwhelming Democratic majority. Who gave the negro the right to vote in New Hampshire 7 The Democratic party. Who permitted every negro person owning two hundred and fifty dollars, in New York, to become citizens 7 A General Assembly, purely Democratic. Wbo repealed the laws of Ohio, which re quired negroes to give bond aud security be fore settling in the State 7 ". Tbe Democratic party. Who passed a law by which in Ohio the ne gro is placed on the witness stand alongside of tbe white man 7 The Democratic party. Who decided in the supreme Court of Ohio that raulattocs had the right to vote 7 Reuben Wood, a good Democrat- Who after tbe decision, elected Reuben Wood Governer of Ohio 7 The Democratic party. Who refused, in tms State Convention of 1850, to remedy tbe evil established by this decision 7 The Democratic party. Who married a woman partly negro, and by her had mulatto children f Richard M. Johnson, a good Democrat. Who. elected Richard M. Johnson Vice Pres ident of the United States 7 The Democratic party. Who with the above facts, and many others staring them in the face, are continually yelp ing and hypocritically whining about "Nigger Suffrage" and Nigger Equality 7" The Democratic party. All these things were done by the Demo crats, and yet they deny being in favor of ne gro eqnality, and put it upon others whose ev ery action has been precisely the reverse. Jackson Standard. Tria Iowa Elections. The Republicans of Iowa have swept all before them in tbe late e lections. At Tipton, heretofore strongly Dem ocratic, they carried their entire ticket by a good majority ; at Le Claire a success equally decisive was achieved ; in Waverly .where the Copperheads supposed themselves beyond all possibility of defeat, tbe whole Union ticket was chosen ; in Farmineton the same result was reached, the Union vote being double that of their opponents. Total Abstinence General At a meet ing in Washington, Gen. Prentiss presented himself as the greatest curiosity in the army a General who never drank a glass of liquor in bis life. He stated "that rum and drunken officers, had done more to defeat and demor alize onr armies, than all rebeldom could ever do that, if the appointing power bad made temperance in Officers an indispensable quali fication, tbe War wonld have been closed be fore this time." A person wbo squanders away his fortune in rioting and profusone'ss, is neither jnst to himself or others; for, by a. conduct of this kind, his superfluities flow in an irregular channel and those that are the most unwor thy, are the greatest sharers of them ; who do not fail to censure him when his substance is exhausted. ., ,T I7EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Affvertisements set , large tvpe, cntsor omt of u." To insure attention, the CASH BnL"- ny notices, as follow; All Csut s TVT Strays, Si; Aaditors' nofisest SI 50 Id?- all other transput Notice, at the .am Other aivertisemen'B at SI persqoa-e for S i' insertion Twelvejine. (or lessfcounY a s CAUTION. All per,nsare hereby eauiion.i against purchasing or meddlii4K with the i.j Iiwing property, now in poesjion ofUeorge K, hartm Decatur township, to wit : 1 BUn-k hor' 1 Iron-erav horsn. an. I A fmrm u . . to me. and haveouly ben left with said K"cLri on loan, and subject to my order. March 25. lad.-pd. u . B. M0KUAX 1803. LOOK HERE. JSTew Spring Goods. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON, J. P. KRATZER. Has just received another general assortment a Drv-Gools, Dress GwkIs, Dry-Goods, Dress Goods, Bonnets & Shawls, Bonnet & Florem-t, Bonnets & Shawls, Bonnets & Itibbou, Trimmings, Trimmings, Etc., Etc., Etc., Ete., - Clothing, Hard-ware. Queens-ware and Tin-war. Clothing, llard-waiVQueeng-w.re and Tinw.ra' GROCERIES. Tea, coffee, molanes. sugar salt, eandles. rice to bacco, Hour, bacon, fish, crackers, vinegar, eta HOUSEHOLD UOOD.S. Bucket, .tubs, brooms, oil cloth, looking cU? , churn, wash boarJ. wall paper, window btin.ln' coal oil Unipg. umbrella bed cord. cro-k. hair for mattresnei. brushes and every thing of For eign and Domestic manufacture, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and tbe high est market prices paid for grain, wood and all kindsof produce. J p. KRATZER. Front St., above the Academy, Clearfield fa FLOUR ! ! Beat family flour, for JL' Sale at C t. A II. W. Mmth s (forinerlv 11 iV.MnitbA Co.) Tbu flour is made out of the best White western) Wheat. Being -double ex tra." we can recommend it to all nuruhuers. Clearfield, March 4. IS83. SAMUEL, HEQARTV, wholesale and re tail dealer In Foreign and Domestic Merchau dize, Hegarty's m Roads, Clearfield county. Pa, keeps constantly all articles in his line of busi ness, which he will sell cheap for cash or exchange for approved country prolu-'e. Lumber of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. March 4. 1363. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing a certain note, dated 21st February, 1SG3, calling for twenty dellar. and given by the undersigned to Jack Ames; as I nave received no value for the same, I will not pay it unless compelled by due course of law HENRY HUMMEL: Rock ton, March 4. 1863-3ip CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD; PA. The eubxeriber having purchased the furniture and interest from H. it. Morrow, in said House, is cow prepared for the reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will bo conducted second to none in the oounty. He res pectfully solicits a share of publie patronage. July II, l.S6U.-y. OEP. N. COLBCRX. EXECUTOR'S MTICE. Letters , tenia mentary having been granted to the under signed, upon the estate of U. B. Hegarty, late of Uuelich township, dece ased. All person indebt ed to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, and all persons having claims against the same are requested to make them known without delay. JAMES HEGARTY. tleooaria tp. KOB'T N. UEJARTY,OueIich tp Fehrnary 4. 1863. Executors. ESTATE OF THOMAS G. S.NYDER, DECEASED Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that Letters of Adiniointratiou have been granted on the Estate of Thomas U. Snyder, late of Clearfield county, deceased. All persons having claims again?! said extate will pre sent them duly authenticated for rettlement. and those persons indebted to the sui will make im mediate payment to MARTHA E.SNYDER. Feb 4, 1S63. Administratrix, Kylertown, Fa THREE CEBITS REWARD. Wherea. the following named soldteis, lo wit : iSainucl Smith. Andrew Kriae, William H. Miller and James U. West of company E, 149th Regiment Peun'a volunteers, having deserted tbe colors of their Regiment upon its being ordered to the field from Washington, the above reward will be paid for tbe apprehension and return of the above named deserters. Z. C. M CULLOL'GH, Feb. 2d, 1863. Capt. Co. E, 14'Jth Pa. Vol: DISSOLUTION OF PART.NERSI1IP. The copartnership heretofore existing be tween the undersigned in the Watch making and Jewelry business, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. H. LAUCHL1N. CHARLES HOLES. 3J. B. S. H. Lauchlin will etill continue the same business at the old stand and attend to sol iciting the outstanding debts of the firm. Clearfield, Feb. 14th. 1863-pd. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters 2. of Adminictrationaon the estate of Hugh Rid dle, late of the Borough of New Washington, Clearfield eounty. Penn'a. deo'd. having been granted to the, undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate' payment, and those having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES UALLAHER, March 18, 1883-Stp. Administrator. A DMIN'ISTRATORS' NOTICE Letters of Administration on tbe estate of William Wright, late of Beccaria town'p, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and thoe having claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN W. WRIGHT. HENRY B. WRIGHT. March 18. 1862-gtp. Administrators. SHERIFF SALE. Ay virtue of a writ of T'M Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre connty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to Publie Sale, on the premiMi, on'the ISth day of April next, A D. 1863, the fol lowing described Real Estate, to wit : All the right, title and interest of J. J. Liogl in the town of Osceola, situated in Decatur town ship, Clearfield connty, being the one undivided three-sixteenth, bounded and described as fol lows Bounded on the South by the Big Moshan non creek, and on the East, North and West, by lands of Andrew G. Cortin, Daniel Stone, John M. Hale and David I Prnner. Containing sbout Eighty aores. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of J J. Lingle. EDWARD PERKS, Shsriff. Sheriff's Office, March 18, 1863. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. Was sto len from the stable ot the snbsoriberin Burn side township, Clearfield county, on the night of tb. 13th iust a sorrel-roan horse 6 years old ia May next, about 15 or IA hands high, with one hind foot white and star in his face had on a nearly new halter, riding Bridle with hitch strap. The thief is supposed to be John Williams. is about 20 or 21 years of age. about i feet fl or 1 inches high, has a small or squint eye and crook ed month when last seen, wore a low black bat, bine knit warn us, and grey pants, and usually wears a comfort about his neck is very eonceitM The above reward will be given for tha delivery of tbe horse and thief, or &25 for either. JOHN MYERS. - P. O. adrees. KwBas Mills March 18, 186S-3p. . Indiana county, Pa. Y