Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, March 11, 1863, Image 3

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T;e'flf cars on. Central Road, at Tyrone.
9iipm. 10.23 p.m. 11.17 p m
Fjs train,
yil aia,
rsl train,
5.45 a.m.
11.33 a m. 12.10 a.m.
1.62 am.
8.15 a m. :::::: a.m.
S.30 p.m. :::::: 7.14 p.m.
7.40 p.m. 6-53 p.m. 5.59 p.m.
SSa.l train.
cf Car, Tyrone and Clearfield Branch.
- t- : 3 -va G iA m Tir Trftn 7 Aft Ti Tn
. tiSe- - P-m. Leave Tyrone, 12.15 p m.
gujsmrs Norict. Preacntng on to-mor-Thursday)
evening, in tbe Methodist E.
floret in this place ; by the Rev. J. A.Wisor.
Wcathee, etc. For one week previous to
Friday last, the weather u very moderate
Dd a o timber of rafts were put into the
streams. Oa Friday, bowt-rer, it got quite
cold, and daring Saturday some 8 or 1C inches
of snow fell, and rip to this time the hauling
has been pretty good. A considerable quanti
tv of timber was ban led to tbe streams within
the pt three or four days.
Slue. DcMORKsr'a Mie&or. or Fashioks.
This valuable qnarterly Magazine. devoted ex
clusively to fashions, for the Spring of 1FG3,
is now before oa. Each nnmber contains a
splendid colored fashion plate.as well as plates
of cloaks, children's costames, embroidery
and novelties of all kinds making in all
nearly 100 engravings, besides three loll sized
patterns. We regard the Mirror as the most
mefal fashieti magazine published, and, . in
our opinion, no lady should be without it.
Price, one dollar a-year. Address, Mme De-
tnorest, 478 Broadway, New York.
At a meet of the School board of Clearfield
borough, held at the office of the Secretary,
tbo death of oar .efficient county Superinten-
dsnt was announced, and it was unanimously
agreed that soma expression be given by this
board of the great loss to the Common Schools
of this County and the Common Scool Sys
tem, thereby sustained.
On motion, of Israel Test, Secretary, Geo.
Thorn, Michael Kittlebarger, and O. B. Mer
rill, were appointed a committee to report
resolutions expressive of the regret felt for
the loss of Jesse Broomall.
Upon the return of the Committee, the frl
lowing resolutions were adopted :
Resolved, That on the death of Jesse Broom
all, hit family lose a kind and affectionnte
father the community a worthy citizen and
tbo School System an experienced and intel
ligent advocate. '
Resolved, That the Common Schools of the
County bare, by the dispensation of Prori
dence, lost one of their warmest friends a
man ever willing and eager, to give bis time
and counsels to the cause of education and
one whose kind and gentlemanly deportment
toward the directors and teachers of the Cot n
ty endeared him to all with whom he associated
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions
be printed in each of the County papers.
laa, TST,Sec'y. Gko. Tao&x.Pres't.
A Florida lady's "Jewelry."
The war is disclosing, in a remarkable de
gree, the beauties and peculiarities of the sys
tera which basso long shamed oar civilization.
Thus, for instance, in North Carolina, not log
".2ce, a pack of bloodhounds employed in
LufcfciDg lugkiTes from bondage were captured
ly our forces; in Alabama, Mississippi, Tex.ig,
and elsewhere, uno2indicg, loyalists hare
flocked, Eiimed and scarred, into ocr lines,
Heeding witnesses of the humane tendencies
of slavery ; in Virginia, drinking cups hare
been male of the skulls of on r fallen braves,
snd finger-rings of their bones, even southern
omen clamoring therefore as orniments for
their parlor tables. More recently, still other
-discoveries of the beauties of the" "system"
bare been made j and of on of these we 2:id
the following account in the Port Royal Free
Spth :
"Atnongthe trophies of Col. Higginson's
ti;ed:tioa cp the St. Mary's river, and whioh
lave attracted much attention, is a portion of
Madame A Inertia' jewelry, brought in frcm
tiie refined little town of Woodstock. BraCi
leU, necklaces, anklets and chains of boue
Manufacture, which rival in ncique design
aevthing ever found in the bijonioirt of Patis
or London. One pretty parure of lady's wear
cade of the native wood of tie country ad
mounted with iron in particularly attractite.
A cotch is cat in the ; mid J le of a heavy hard
P'tie stick, eight feet long, of sufficient size
admit The neck, which, when inserted, a
tuaasive iron bar clamps and hold fast by a
'rorg padlock. This is an improvement on
!je Spanish garrote, which chokes outright,
and answers the same purpose as ducking un
der water until life is nearly extinct, without
the inconvenience ; of getting wet. Another
arable contrivance of Madame Alburtia's
cur both neck and beels at the same, em-
thematic of the spread eagle. A bare inscrip
tion must convince any one that a negro need
I" decked with these ornaments bat seldom to
produce a broken, slavish spirit."
ADasisg Recofsoissasc. A private let
ter from Port Royal makes the following co
lons statement: Gen. Foster took a capttin
ci thirty "men from the 10th Connecticut,
jsst before be went North," and made a recon
ooi&ance. They entered Bull's bay, north of
Clarleaton harbor, and landing there, marched
ttrocgh the enemy's picket to within lull
view of Fort Sumter, at about a mile and
bre quarters distant so near that the officers
from that part of the fort euid se them.
Tbey returned unharmed, and think there is
ery reason to believe a successfnl attack can
nvade upon the Babylon of rebeldom from
quarter deemed, unassailable."
LUty m'' f"n i isys dressed la
hmT' '" lt Wcre d:'1'd ttwere his
"oorning widow. -
An Engl-ti retr -lesn -IU pi-an. ij, ,
Anew association i just announce! in I-iori
don, styled -The Petroleum Traiftsg C'-npv
ny,"" with a capital of half a million or 11
lars,.nd power to increase to a million. The
shares narnber ten thousand, at fifty dollars
j each, fire dullars to Ik; pail on application,
I and five mure on l!m:ueat. The prosteelus
announces that "the CompaaT hare taken
over the business of the Urge-st importers, and
the co-operation of the Atlantic and Great
Western Railway is secured." The objects i
said to be to import into Europe the crude oil,
chiefly from the Pennsylvania wells, to which
end iron tank vessels, especially built for the
purpote, are to be used, two of which are now
in course of construction. It is said that three
refiners alone in Ecgland now require an annu-
al supply of five millions of gillons, anl that
the demand is constantly increasing. The
managing director, Thomas W. Kinder, Esq.,
has just returned from America.
The Army toward Peace Foli'icians
A New Hampshire captain writes to his
Iriends at home, "that he has in bis company
forty-five men, nine-tenths of whom always
voted tbe democratic ticket when at home.
So intense is their opposition to the recent
movements of some leading democrats, (adds
the captain,) that the privates would a won
shoot a" peace democrat as a rebel.'
Another New Hampshire soldier writes:
''I cannot go with the democratic convention
of New Hampshire. I hava carried their res
olutions in my pocket, and have taken pains
to get the sentiments of democrats in the reg
iment, but I couldn't fnd one that endorses
them, or that would support tUem with their
Trading witi the Enexy.
A corespondent of the Cincinnati Commer
cial says: In conversion with the rebel pris
oners captured in R-.'d river, they told me
that neatly all of last year's cotton crop in
Texas had been hauled iu wagons adi.-tance,
in some cases of four hundred miles to Mat t
moras, where tbe Southerners found a ready
market for it at large prices iu exchange for
tuerchandiae or gold. The purchasers of the
staple were invariably Eastern men. A Texas
lieutenant assured me that arms and munitions
of war bad been freely teudered to the people
of the Lone Star State in exchange lor cotton,
and that, too, by men from New i"ork,PhiU
deiphra and Boston.
Teheiblt exeecised the editors of the
"Copperhead" organ in this place, about our
army letters. Wouldn't you like to pry into
our private aSairs and get a peep at tbe origi
nals 1 But, pre-haps, "it is enough that we
assure" you that they are "genuine in every
particular," and that they were not obtained
in a claudentiM manner by some slight-of-hand
performance, bnt through a legitimate chan
nal and in a perfectly honest way. That tlory
about "borne made articles" won't avail yon
anythi ng, neighbors, as we don't occupy tbe
same kind of a boat you do.
The Risisg of the Poles. The last ac
counts from the Polish insurrection are favora
Lie to the Poles. Garibaldi aDd Tictor Hugo
have published stirring appeals, in favor of
the Polish cause, the former to the English
people, tbe latter to tbe Rnssian soldiers
Prussia has concluded a convention with Rus
sia for the suppression ol the insurrection,
but Austria refused to take any part in tiie
convention, and was accused by Russia and
Prussia of having encouraged the outbreak of
the revolution.
Got. Johssos on Slavery. In hi recen t
speech al the great Union meeting at Iniiai
apolis, Governor Andrew Johusou, of Tennes
see, declared himself unqualiSed for the poii-
cy of the government as a whole. He said ;
. '-I am for the goveroment and all mea
sures neceasary to maintain it. Is not this
government, tbe embodiment of the principles
of humao liberty, worth more than the insti
tution of slavery 1 It is bat as the dust iu the
SetEJT HtSDRED Yolcsteiss SlCC IS Camp !
Young men be warned iu time, supply your
selves with Holloway's Pills and Ointment.
Tiiey are guaranteed to cure the worst cases
of Sores. Ulcers, Scurvy, Fevers and Bowtl
Complaints. Only 25 ct. a Box or Pot. 213J
On the 25th Fehrnarv, at te residence f
Mr. E- Ale in Clearfield, bv Rv. J. H. Brat-
ten, Mr. DasiEt . Ale, to Miss Amaxda
HaarzEXL, both of Blair county.
On the 5th March, bv W. A Reed, Esq.,
Mr. Johjt M. HrcKoCK. of Pike towDhip, to
Miss Martha McKee, of "Kaox fownahip.
Oa Friday morninz. Febrnarv 2oth. 18-3. at
Lnthersbnrg, Clearfield connty. Jacket, third
son of Samuel and M. A. Araoid, aged C years,
8 months aud 4 da s.
Wboopis-c1"CH or CRorr. however ?"vre mav
be alleviated and corf d hr the use of M ilvut?
Zadee Porter1 Cuntli'.if Brifiam. TLi? invalua
ble Medieine possesses tbe extraordinary power of
relieving immediately JT Wr Hasrsr-
irjsc. uii 7Ti.rfi r n r t ? t t r -h t r ar -rit ni ,
Ti-v .ui ti,.. r if, .... tj.'i
inJ wiii h fnnJ wrr tfc. t-t. 6 it i
is not a violent remedy, bat emollient wsrmirg.
searching and effective. Caji be taken by tbe
oldest person or youngest ehiid. For sale by all
Druggists, at 13 and 25 cents per bottle. feb4
CAUTION. AH persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or in any way med
dling with the following property, namely: Five
horses, (3 bays. 1 black, and 1 gray.) four set of
harness, one buggy, one robe and one blanket
said property being in the hands of John H.Smith
agent of D. W. Smith as the same belongs to us
and is subject lo our order at anv time.
Feb 25, is63-p THOMPSON 4 PATTERSON.
4 CDITOR'S NOTICE. Tbe undersigned
Auditor appointed by tbe Orphans' Court of i
viduoiu vuKitii V v west one nunurea act lany-ioree perenes to an ; it must oe mailed from tae "KDceot publication,
hands of the Administrator of Richard Curry i jron-wood. theDcenonjj nehun,dred andseventv- ! J. R. GILMORE, 1 1 0 Tremont St Boston,
deeeased. will attend to tfee duties of his appoint ! two perches to a poit, thecos east one hundred j Charles T. Evans, at O.P. Putnam's. 632 Broad
naent and bear all parties interested at his off ce j forty-three perchos to the place of begianing. I way. Sew York-is autioriaed to reoeive sutwrrip
in Clearfield Borough, on Thursday, the 12th da; ocUiaia: haolri a&l forty-five acres aDd tijoa in that ertv. . Feb. 12. li2.
oimn:a,.i.u,i. i u c m r . .n.
Iec. I0,182. J. E. M EN ALL x, Auditor
- - 1
FLOUR A good article tor jala at the store of
fjanlfjj WM F. IKrt'LN'. Cl?arf ?34. I
The Latest Xews.
i --' -
! Heceived by Tuesday Evening's HaiL,
A telegraphic dispatch frni Utab, announ
ces that the Mormon Taberaacits had appoict-
j ed a committee who waited tin Gov. Harlir.g,
and Justices Wjit and Drake with a reijiet
j tbat they resign and leave the Tcrritoiy. Gov.
1 Harding said to the Committee : "I will not
cowardly abandon my post of duty octH it
shall ple.ise !hs President to recall me. I
may be in danger of personal violer-ce fcy re
maining, but I will not leave. I will r,rA be
driven from the territory. As this is said to
be a land of prophecy,.! too will prophecy :
If one drop of my blood is shed whilst in the
j discharge of my duties, by your ministers of
' ergeance, wiij oe avengea, ana not one
stone in your city will remain upon another."
A despatch from the army of the Potomac,
datl the 7th, announces the return of an ex
pedition into Northumberland county, Ya.,
which examined tbe jail asd Posto5Ece, but
found both empty. A foraging expedition to
Lancaster connfy captured two important reb
el mails, 1000 bushels corn, 50 borsea and
mules, ect.- Among the prisoners was Col.
Claybrook ol the rebel army, a smcgler who
had -conveyed 100,000 worth of contraband
goods into Dixie, two influential citizpns, two
clerks of tbe rebel departments at Richmond,
wirh a quantity of letters for citizens of Bal
timore, and JofLcial correspondence to par
ties in Lo.-iduu, Including Baring Brothers.;
The news from Vicksborg is cheering. It
is said all tbe canals will be a success. Tho
Mississippi is reported to be 14 feet higher
than the water in the Lake Providence canal,
which is nearly ready for use. One gisnboat
is near Yazoo City, J'za Yazoo Pass ; and iter
seems no doubt of getting onr iorc-s in the
rear of Ticksburg and cut off coinmnnicaiii'n
with Jackson. A auccessful foraging expedi
tion has rcturued with 200 mules. ISO head of
beef cattle, 30 bales of cotton. 2,000 bushels
of corn ; plenty of chickens, eg's pota
toes, etc.
In the fight at Franklin, Tennessee, our
troops are said to have faught with great valor,
and until their ammunition w.i exhausled.
Our loss in killed and wounded was about
300, and 1000 prisoners. The rebels give their
loss in kiiied and wounded at about 600. Our
force numbered about 1.-500 men and the reb- i
els had about 12.000 in the fight. !
The draft has been quietly going on in those :
counties of Michigan where the quota has not
been filled by Volunteers. Men of all classes
have been dralted without distinction.
At the "Corner Store" of Wei. Irvin,
A general' assorts ect of Dry Goois, Groceries,
Mackerel in half. quarter., and eighth barrels,'
Herring in barrels and half-barrels.
Which will be scld as low a.s nt any olher store.
JunelS.l?92. WM. IRVIN.
C?I1EUIFF'S SALES. By virtue of
3 writs of i'rnditioni ExpoHfi-x. issued out. of tbe
Court of Common I'leas of CiearSel 1 county, and
tome directed, tiere will be expo.i to Public'
aJe, at the Court House, in the boron sh of Clear
field, on Monday the Jf.th dav of March next
A. 1) ISaS. at 1 o'clock, P. M.."ihe fclloaing de
scribed Real Esuite- viz:
Al! that certain traetof latid ?n I"c:on township.
Clearfield eoanty. bvODatxi as f oiluws : Ieiriii!ug
at a Sugar Maple, thence east lot' pcrc-Le? more
or less to a post, theree smith '?-.'( porches '
more or les-s to -a Hemlock, thence irert 3 tut perch
es more or le?s to a Hemlock, thence north 4 s-3ti
perches mre or less to -fcesiniiica:. Injuudt-J bv
lands of ,Iohn 1'uBois. about ares cleared witn
log hou&e and log barn tbertOQ ereeteii treiaed. '
taken in execution, and in be sold &a tie proper
ty of Jacob tie! nett. J
Also a certain trat of land situate in Bell 1
towLLip. CicarfielJ county. ttiDLing at a white
pine eorrcr f land of J. Par-chin, thecee by aid
iarvl. ami oiher lands of G. L. Keei north 4(1 de
re west Z&i perches to a white pine corner,
thei.ee by same lands north la degrees eat Z
erches to a augnr corner, theLce by same lands
ar,d lands of Joun Patchin south 40 decrees es;
X-'-j perciei! to a white pine corner, tance bv
i a o lie of T.tiomag A. Mc(.hee & Co.. an i ctht-rs
sold as the
property of J A J. Thomas
Also a certain tract of land situate in J!ei!
. , 3
C lfl Mi i
u T,.V11 i
townsnin- Clearne'd eountv. be;nnin
pine corner of land of J. Patchin. thence
grees west perches to a white pice corner
thence by same land north CO degrees tr 1 ;
percbes To a sugar o-.er. thence by sate land
and land of John Pauhlu south 40 5e nT "t
r.r.5 perches to a white pine corner, thencrbylati
rf Th, r,1Jja r i, t r, , r -Z !
01 Lnomas a. Jlcitiee Lo- and otners. so ith oO
j..., "-'-j o '"i .j
uegrees wcm pcrctei to ue tiace of bciii- i
ning. containing 291 acres and:'; perches whL f
the usual allowa'we for roads. Ac-it bein - com-
posed of parts of three larger tracts of land war-
ranted re.pectiv.lv in the name of Nkiin 4-
Griffith, and known as Nos. 5910 and 3 if !
J , Itll C mw. 1 A' I... . t .. . . I n I 1 . . . ... .
Seized, taken iu execution, and to be sold as the t
r rof.ertv o: J. E. and James T,..
i , o," . - , '
,,. u:,, rt .fi-t , ,., t. -n-iw'iJ".J 3 i
towEtUip. t,lerut;l eountv reoo a. a certain i
rri,rr, ---ni c . pi l. , ? i
irame un.t ana fa mi.l fsteain power) the for-
,.,.(., v, .j.i, .,. f -l'llul
merof hicb u M bv iu feet. twostonesLi h. en- '
t.nu. is w o- rrt 1 v - v t -
gine House l bv feet 1 e'orv hish havmtr a -
- . J . :
ZT.l rlZt". :..A- lI .i.D's.'.:, ,'
. -
Ml feet witb circular
aws and and land 1
appurtenant nceess.ry for the use of the same, j
according to tbe Act of AswmMy in such ease ;
made ard provide,!, and especially the Act of 25th
July 1S42. eiiel. taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Char's 4 Frei'k Scbnfirrs.
Ato a certain tract of land situate in Chest
townsbin. Clearfield eountv Penn'a. eontainin?
lut 33 fterea of land. Bounded bv lands of
Pi;.. -tt - Z . ii
SlVt J?Z dbfrxV1 r!",
taoiith shop and stable erected !
Thomas Wilson
bouse and Black
thereon Seired, taken ,n execution, an?W be ;
sold as the property of Jesse t iisoa.. i
Also hy virtue of a eertais writ of Fieri ia-
r-iat. the following described real estate, to wit : !
All that certain tsact or piece of land situate i
Brady township. Clearfield county, bounded and ;
described as fuilows. to wit: Beginning at a ma- j
Tit f the r,c. Viv 1 a n ,t X John A 31 m n A mtuth AT! t
mndrwi n,t uiit 1 jd nonhM i iwki thann !
faur perches asd allowance, titled, taken in -1
execution, and to be said as tha prop.rty of Wil- !
Kim Riihfil i
SberifTs Office, February IS. Is52.
iH.sinning.iontaaning 281 aeres and i-rt perches, 7 laf ey,"'fs treet.' M. Legert
and i:.lnce-6eiCgfcpart of rr stirrers wa j A- A A' Pl RT' 'jTj'
ranted in name of Sickliu tirifith known a TSbJSh4 snth-T s observations
'os.:.SW. 1J and iVl.V-bavir, th.r,n .fJL tJ"5 ?r:,wt.h a.d development of the rea.
l v., mtii ...wv....".. a series ol arUc:es by te author of
houseViTh .bon t wo U Virol TT ,hl C?Tt fVS tbe re-
in3 sne property levied upon under K fa o 7u t' f " ?xie?d tbe; seashorelave
September Term 1; and' dnl, eondemnl by f UZ'VJ" Tf ,f.tb War;
Inqnisitior- held the 23 September 4. 1, 13"," J 1 rf n.S srrtlir.g and trutLful picture cf
,iA . : i.j , 1 the real condition of that rejion. No rains wi
T ICNSE NOTICE The following named
persons hare filed in the office of tie eierkof
tie court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield eoanty
their Petitions for License at the March Sessioa
A-l. agreeably to tie Act f A3-einbly of
March 2?tb. 155. ,etitt4 "A a Act to regaiate
tie sal . of Intoxicating Liquara.1 4e r
James Haines. Tavern. Beecajia. town'p.
llham Sehwem. Tavern, Brady township
John .cheer. Tavern, Ubiod township.
irV'1 Jo"Dit'-'n' Tavern, Clearfield Boro.
W. w. AnJerson, Tavern. Pten rownnhin
. KaJabach. Tavern. Ieraiar tml,
al. Hoffman.
Tavern, Covinrt.rn tw'p-
Tavern, Kylenown
Tavtrc. Bcsiy toirppi:..
Tavern, Lumber City.
Tavern, Tirard tMTD?fcip.
Jaeoo ianck,
-Adaa Kcsrr.
w m. Eeed,
Robert Stewart,
l'-tii. Bloom.
AVfTTi f nrrprivi'lji Ti. w
Margaret Lame &. ravern. Clearfield Bor.
Geo. Albert.
Tavern. Bradford town'o.
R- W. Moore.
Eli Fy.
I'. M. Weaver,
W. A. Masor,
1. F. Smith,
li. tioodlander,
R- I IiaiiifcS,
Eenj. Snyder,
At, ire w Cross,
Edward AlOert,
Henry Post,
F. Roussolat.
John Sulfridge.
Leopold Bronell
EliLlooin, .
W. . Wcrmll.
Tavern, Lnthersbnrg.
Tavern, Jtffern-Line.
Taveco, Cnrwensville Bjr.
Tavern, Curwtrfville.
Tavern, New MIlTport.
Tavern, Brady township.
T 1 -
ihh, narLcaus town n.
Covington tp.
Bogs township.
Boggs town?hi.
Decatur townyhip
Oirard township.
Goshen township.
Covinarion tn'ii.
Tavern, Pike township.
Tavern. pmhr r C, pt t-n
BicLari lossop, Mercastile, Clearfield Bor.
Claudius Bariaoy, MercattilB. Otvington tp.
D.T. ETZWEIUEi, Clerk.
Clearfield. Iiecember 24. 13G2.
Shot At But Missed 1!
a grand .mistake:::
that all the merchant of ccrwens-
ville were woonded. Tis trne. that I was 'shot
at- but missed," and since then I have been at the
city, and procured a very large assortment of
goods of all descriptions, which I atn disposing of
at lower rates than any other hon?e in the county.
n bad :r n ea d ::: read ::::
Best Calieo. at from la to 19 cents per yard.
Best Muslin, at from 1 5 to 39 cents per yard.
Best Delaine, at from 2-;t to 23 cents per yard
Best rugar at from 12s to 15 oec's per poond.
Best yrup at cents per gallon.
AUoiher groceries at the same rates. Boots and
Shoes, and Shoe Sliding.-?, cheap.
La3;es who wL-h to make a good investment,
shouii call and etamiae the a-reortinent of dress I
goods Merinos. Saxony plaids. Plaid Brilliants.
Ac ie. Also, Cloaks. Shawls, Hoods, Nubias.
Sontsgs, liloves, Ac, Ac.
Iee.3. IS62. J. B. THOMPSON.
TAL MONTHLY. There are periods
n the world's history marked by extraordinarv
and violent crises, saiien as the breaking forth
of a volcano, or the bursting .f a mortn on the
ooean. These crises sweep away in a moment the
landmarks of generations. They call oat fresh
talent nd give to the old new direction. It is
then that new ideas are born, new theories devel
oped. Such periods demand frcsi exponents, and
new men for expoim-lcrs.
This Continent has lately been convulsed by
as upheaving so sudden and terrible that the re
lations of all men and all clashes to each other are
violently disturbed, and people look about for the
elements with which to sway tbe storm and oi
rect the whirlwind. Jost at present, we Jo cot
know what all this is to bring forth ; but we do
know that great results must ow Iroin such ex
traordinary commotions.
At a juncture so solemn and so important, there
is a special need that tbe intellectual force of the
country should be aetive and efficient It is a
time for great minds to speak their thoughts bol i
ly.'and to take portion as the advance guard. To
this end. there is a special wanton-applied. Itis
that of an Independent Magaiiae. which shall be
pon to the first intellects f the laud, and which
shall treat the i.-sue presented, and to be presented
to the country. ia atone no way tempered by per
tizar.fhip. or ir,uenetnl by fear, favor or the hope
of reward, which shall seire and "grarrtle with
the momentous sut.jects th at the present disturbed
stte of afiairs Leave to tee furlaoe, and which
can cotoe laid a.-ide or nelecTed.
to meet this want, the uu-iersigned have fnm
Tneieed. under the editoriil charge of Charles 'i.
Lt'and. the publication of a new Ma rrarice. devot
ed ta j.TJ-::r:itnre atid National Policy.
.In Poiitiije, it will advocate, with "ail the fame
a'.JiaeomBiiwl. measures bert adapted to preserve
the outness and integrity of these United SUies.
It will n!ver yield to the idea of ar.y disruption
of this Republic, peaceably or otherwise; and it
will di-'uss with honesty and impartiality what
must be done to save it. In this department, some
ti the most eminent statesmen of the time wiil con
tribute regularly to it pages.
. In Literature, it will bs sustained bv the best
writers and ablest thinkers of this country.
Among its aUrcction wiil be presented, in an
early Eiiu.&er. a N'tw Serial of American Life.'
Ly rwchard Kio; Hall. Esq.. the vervper nlar autfeor
j te spaied to render the liter arv attractions of the
CTrvEKTAL both ferilliaut and substantial The
'jrical ordes-riptive talents of the most eminent
i,i,mti have been fromised to its pages; and
nothiog will be admitted wfcich will not be dis-
U"?JWd M"kfd eDcr?-T ?glitT, and
Ptr.srth. Avoiding every inaueuce or as-
"CIVD fif ?S cblueor "e-
reU to jlt"bUt.ons -f real merit, even from
r7;T d,ffT"E? matenally m their ytews ; the
onlv lirattatiwns reoutred beintr that of devotion
.v i - - j .i , . -i , c
to me I n;on. and the only standard of acceptance
,1 - i-
''c eielience .
a-J-ht Prtracn wtU embrace, ,n a,d-
d,t,"f t0-T100 -fearless wuiments on the
f ,he,UMes-- V'P ra.aer
'n a:l c-nrrent U.pies. and also devx.te abundant
V u . l- l menean wit ana
bvny. withontwhich there can be no perfect ex-
position of our national cbaraeter Amone those
who will contribute regularlv o this department
.. i ..." - c , .,
m ay be mentioned the name of Charles F. Itrowne
t .1 r i. i . ,,
( Artemn Wardl. from whom we shall prcenfan
i u i .1. . r .1 j
tb March numbtr. the first of an entirelv new and
. e i . , . f -,
original series of -.-ketcbesof Western Life
nd progres-
sive. without yielding to chimeras and hopes be-
r.r.T. .i ;. r .v- . -
bamlQroi3 peculiarities. In short no pains will
besr.ad Lik. itih E.i.nw.utJstn.;..
01 tne time.
TERMS : Three dollars per year, in advance
(postage paid by the Publishers Two -oopies for
S3; Three copies for S5, (postage unpaid; Eleven
coPie (Pt onpaidj. fciigle numbers
"n be Procured from an'y News-dfaler in the
r,,:,.i J... Ti.-ir:-i.ii.-i i : j
the Continental Monthl will be furnished for one
year at j4 .
Appreciating the importance of literature to
the soldier on duty, the publishers will send tha
Coktutbstai.. gratis, to any regiment in aetive
service, on application being made by its Colonel
o - Chaplain be will also receive snbacriptions
from t Vj r.. ,1 r-', r r a rnmtah lr in c. .1 ,? 1 r 1 t',.
nnli h.r4.. ..-.1.. Kn;n n,t.
t C1.4LT ! S 4 I.T ' S ALT I Jaat received IooO
i . r n . . . : 1 4 1 wn.un;n
Patent Sacks at a very low price, at the cheap
store of . K M'JcjCP .
CAUTION. All person? are hereby eaBtioned
against pnrchafii cr Tcei JUrs; with tbe fol
liwing pror-erty. Don foteest-ivo ef Joha Fan
ver in Bra-ifori t-ownship. yo wit: Wto bar mare,
ce bay horse, and two set of harn s a the same
beloDg to ns and have only been left with sail
F aaveron loan, and are subject taour order.
Jeh. n. JS63.-p. DAVII) ASKET.
TrRjirike ito.4.i CoHfAjrv. Notice is hereby
given to the stockholders in this road that an e
lectioB wiil be held at the house of Wm. Myers in
PhiitT'Sbur?, on the Firsl 51ondav of March next.
f between tie hoars of 2 and 5 o elact, P M , to e-
Iieet manager tut the ensuing Tear.
Feb. 4. 1 &53. E. F. LLOYD. See" v.
rR CALF. Came trespassing on the
PTtSlises of the jmbscriKer in jTrrw
ship, avjout the aiddle of July list, a black year
nag calf, with a white stripe along iu backhand
white faee. The owner is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pav charges aud take U -way.
or it will he sold as the law directs.
CAUTIOX. All persons are hxreov eaatioB
ed against purchasing or meddling with tae
following property, in tha possessioa of Cyrus
ihsrstin ael Ilavid Thurstin. to wit: 1 gray
horse, four years old. aa the same belongs to me
and has ben left with C i. U. Ihumias on
loan subject to my order.
January 23, 16-33. ilMOX SORAB.VCGH.- '
ijwouj .-i iuu,ii ti : one yoae ol oxen,
white, with small black spot?, as tbe same belongs
to us and is left with aaid A jjmc oa JoIlj
subject to our disposal t ady time.
CurwensTnic January 23th I3ii3. "
1 URN PIKE lvtA P. Notice is herebv given
that tbe President and Managers of the Phuips
burg and Susqnehanoa Turnpike road company
have declared a dividend of three dollars per
share cf stock, payable to the Stockholders on or
after the 10th day of March rext. By order of
the Board E. F. LLOYD, Treasurer.
rhilipsburg.Ffcb. 11th. l--5J-jd
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testa
mentary having been granted to the under
signed, npon the estate of R. B. Uegarty, late of
iiuelith township, dece ased. All rrsons indebt
ed to tbe saij fc.-tt.te are requeued to luake pay
ment, and all persons haviLir claim against tiie
same are requested to make them known withoat
ueiay. j.Mts iLLtiAl.t r. BeeearLa rp.
ROB T X. ilE'iARTY, tiueiich tp
Fehroary 4, ls63. Executors.
ALE. 'Ihe- nrdersigned is desiroas of sel
ling lis tarm situate in I'e-.n towr.sfeiD. CltarSfeli,
coutiy. ra., one uii;e iroio i eonvnle, on tbe roal
leadwg to Punxutawi;ey, containing one hun
dred acres and allowance. Sixty acres of said
tana arecieared and m atigh slate of cultivation
of which 2a acres are in meadow. There is erect
ed on the premises a comfortable 3i story dwel
ling house, a eood barn and other necessary out
boiidiags There is also a quantitv of most ex
cellent line and other timber on "the land. A
clear and indisputable title will be given Tebws
one fouith in hand, and the balance in three
equal annual payments, secured by mortgage or
judgment bends. For further information apply
to tUe subscriber residicij n the premise.
Penntp.. January 14. 13AS-3t.
SHERIFF'S S ALES. By virtue of sundry
writs ofFtrrt fanas issued out of the Courts of
Common i'leas.cf Lancaster and Clearfield coun
ties to me direeted, there will be exposed to pub
lie sale at the Court House in the borough of
vicauri'i, oa eucef iay. tae mi aay of iiarch,
A- D. e3,at 6 o'ciack A. the fallowing de
scribed real estate, to wit:
A certain tract of land situate in Beecaria tp..
Clearfield county, bounded as follows : Beginning
at a post and extending by lands of Thomas Bil
licgton south id degrees west 2ft0 perches to a
post thence by land of Herman Witmer south SS
deg west 43 perches to a post thence by lands of
Thomas Rillington corth 40 dtz west 303 nerehea
.to a post, thence north 40 deg west 207 perches to
a artgwwa. ana inence ny land or Adam Kn&n,
ea'lei -Belmont,'1 south 44 deg east 332 perches
to place of bejicnicg. contaiLicg 429 acres 10G
perches, and allowance, and having about 39 seres
cleared land with a house and tarn and out build
irgs therton.
At.sn a certain tract of land in the (aae town
ship and county aforesaid. leginning at the afore
said dogwood and extendia by the tract above
described south 50 deg west 207 perches to a post,
thenee by land of Thomas Martin north 40 dtg
west perches to a post, thence north 50 deg east
perches to post, thence by lands of Nathaniel
Riehari'xvn south 44 deg cart" 139 percbe to place
of beginning.containin2cy acres i35 perches and
ailowanae-U-ing part of tract ca.'led "Greenland "
Also s certain traetof Istvl situated on the
waters of the Clearfiell creek, ia Jordan town
ship, Cltarltld county, called ''Frederica," boun
ded as fo'lows: neinning at a mapie. thence by
laEdsof Ihotiias Riliington south :U deg west 20
I-erches t hemic k. thence bv land of Isaac Wam-
pole north 40 deg wst 34.1 pe'rehes to post, th
north oil deg east 240 serenes to a beech, th
by land of Isaac Warn pole south 40 deg east S43
perches to the place of beginning, containing 435
acres and f4 perches.
Also a certain tract of lacd situate in Jordan
township Clearfield county aforesaid, beginning
at post, thenee south .r0 deg west 215 and eight
tenth perches to post, thence by lands of E. Lrein
hani north 40 deg west S,"3 peiches to ptst or su
gar tree, thenee by land of John Sin-rer north 50
deg cast 215 and eight-tenth perches to post
thence south 4J deg east 333 perches to place of
beginning, containing 430 acres and being part
of larger tract called 'Lexington,7' survey in the
name 01 1 eier HBLn.
Atso all that pie;e of gronni situate on the
north side of the public road from Alexander's
fording to tbe village f i.len Hope, in the town
ship of Resccaria. comusenoing at a point 240 feet
from a stone on the west bank of Clearfield crwk.
thence a:.uth Cti deg west 120 fet thenee 22 deg
w et -S74 feet thence south a- deg east 103 feet,
thence north 5S deg t-ast 50 feet thence south 22
deg east 20 fetto theplaee of beginning, bound
ed east by property of James Hegarty, south by
the said public road, west fay & o2feet street and
north by oiler property field bv said Heffartv t.-
said Puseys. and having thereon a house and
stable exerted.
Alo a tract of land in the same t.wnehip,
commencing at a maple on the west bank of Clear-
neia creca, ttiecce north 4S deg west 40 perches
! F deg east 40 Perches tOStOn! a.r,4 ihe-ru-m r.,rth
deg east S perches to plaoe of beginning, c-sn-tainicg
2 acres, and bounded oa the south by the
last described premises, and havingereeted tnere
on a Saw Mill with one saw and water power ap
purtenant Also the right as conveyed by deed of James
Hegarty aDd wife, recorded in Book S. page 601
to raise the water on ail his land by a mill dam.
Also all that piece of land situate in Wood
ward township, and described as follows, to wit :
Commen-.-ing at a stone on the eastern side of the
Clearfield creek as feet therefrom, thence north
46 deg east 105 feet to a stone, thenee south 44 deg
east 105 feet to a stone, thenee south 45 deg west
1 05 feet to a stone, tfcence north 44 deg west to
tbe place of beginning, containing 1 acre bound
ed north, east and south by lands of William Al
exander, with a Grist Mill thereon erected with
two rua of burs and water power.
Also a tract of land lying on the bank of
Clearfield creek, between the said creek and the
above mentioned road leading from AUxander'a
fording to Belcina. extending S4I feet along the
bank of said creek 40 feet down the said bank
from the eomb of the dam bow erected by Charles
J. 4 Joseph Fusey, and 40 feet up therefrom.
Also the right as conveyed by deed of Wm. B.
Alexander and wife recorded in Book 8. page 603
to raise tie water en alt his land by a naif dam.
The last mectioned two tracts hari.-ig a Grist-Mill.
Saw-Mill, large Frame Dwelling House, and oth
er improvements thereon ereoted. Seiaed. taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
Charles J. Puaey.
. EDWARD PERK, Sheriff
j hcii5s G5i.e. February 21 -'
CAl TION All persons are hereby aotified
Eot to purchase cr in aay way uieidl with
the fvllowinz i,ror,ertv. now in ile'r..;,.,, ..r
1 t'i Manes vn .ue west oat a ox ioud creek (this line
1 is uoun aea oy iana 01 ju. AU;xan ier.) theneo
I svuta 6s deg west perches to stones, thence south
HB. W(X)I)S, Aftcraey a Law, Indiana. Pa
Profesional b usi c era promptly attende l to
KJ. CtiANs, Artorr.ev at Law and Real Estate
. , CtearSell. Pa. 0c adjoining hi.
residence, on Second strtet. ' May 16
W k 'CLLflTi;n' t Law, Cleax-
? . field. Pa. Oflce. with 1. J rs... t
Jfcly 5,
ROBERT J.WALLACE. Attrsey atLw n
field, Pa t'Sce in Sbaws new m v..
street, opposite Naugle s'je wJry store. Mav
HF. NAUi.LE, Watci and CJck Maker, aJ
. dealer in Watches, Jaselry. 4C. Room ia
uriaiau row, jaaraet street.
HErCEER SVTOOPE. Attorney at Law. d,.
. fitld,Pa OEm in Graham's Row. four do s
west of Gra'aaa t Boynton's s;ore. Nov. 1ft.
BK. SHOPE CabinentM'-ker. Cherry Ftreet,
. Clearfield. Pa Mtkcs to order every des
cription of Fumtare on short notice. Jan.21'63
T KRAT2ER Merchant, anl dealer in
V . Boards and Shrertea, Urafa an Produce,
irontt. above the Acaleasy, Clearfield. Pa. JJ12
"YTTALLACE 4 HALL, Attorneys at LwCle-7-v
te!d, P 1-ecember IT. t2.
A J-PATTERSON. Attomej mt Law.Carwee-
vrila, P., wHl attend to all business en
trnste te tig -care iT- v.
M.v.a.-.v i. .n ... .it.
Jan. la, is&l.
Y17ILLIAM F IRWIN. Market street. Qearfield,
J Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hariware. Queensware, Groceries, and
faUy articles generally. Sov.-l.
R. WM. CAMPBELL. fftrg hls pressloaal
services to the citixecs of Morris and adjoin
ing township Residence with J. D. leaning ia
Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 11,13.
TOHN GYELICH. MamfacmreToTan kind. t
O Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
xie aiso maxes 10 oraertoEns oa short notice, and
attends fuuerals with a hearse. AprlO.'f.
DR. R. V. WILSON. Practicing Physician.
Clearfield, Pa. Will attnd to all "profes
sional business. Ofs.ce. corner of 2d and Locust
streets. Jan. 2S, 1&63.
DR. M. WOODS, Practicing Pptsicivs, and
Examining turgeon for Pensions.
Ofice. South-west eorner of Second and Cherry
Street Ciear&el j, Pa. January 21, Is&i.
JB M "EN ALLY, Attorney at Law. ClearSeld,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. OfScein new brick building of J.Boyn
ton. 2d street, one dor south of Lanieh's Hotel.
RICH ARD MOSSOP. Iealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Dry (ioods. Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west of Jenrnil UJfict, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
LARRIMER 4 TEsI, Attorneys at Law. Clear
field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear
field and adjoining counties. August 6, 156.
jas. h. LAjtamea. Israel test.
VI 7 ALTER BARRETT, Attobjcet at Law, hav
1 r ing resigned his commission in the army,
and resumed the practice of the law. may be eon
suited on professional business at his old o5ee on
Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. All business prompt
ly attended to. February 5th, laoS.
fllHOMAS J. M'CCLLOUGR, Attorney at Law,
. Clearfield. Pa. Office, over the -Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instmmeiftgpra-' -pared
with promptness and accuracy. ".JalyS.
d. 6. bcsb. Tj.w'ccLLor&a
CoiLErrios Omcs. Cte ARFfELn. Pkkx'a.
All who have Friend and Relatives in the Ar
my and Navy should take especial care that tbev
be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment";
and where the brave -Soldiers and Sailor have
neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet
ter present can be sent them ly their Friends.
Tbey have been proved to be the Soldier's eever
failing friend in ths hur of need
Couglis aiul Colds AfTecng Troop-,
Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by
using these admirable me-liciDes. and by paying
proper attention to the iVixcctlui li:hiire a-
td-jijt J tj ciu Put or vox.
ick Se-dache and Want of Appetite,
utt ii eoimers.
Th ese feelings which so sadden kj u.u,!, ,ri.
from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira
tion, or eating and drinking whatever isunw&ole-
some, tins disturbing the healthful action of the
AJver ana Jtouiicb. these organs must be reliev
ed, if you desire to be well. The P il takea ac
cording to th print. inttrnctioDF, will quickly
produce a healUiy actian in both Liver anl Mom
aca, and as a natural consequence, a clear at-ad
aid good appetiie.
Wc&inesB cr EeMlity Induced by 0?er Patiie
Will soon disappear by the use of these invalua
ble Puis, and the Sol IKr will quickly acquire ad
ditional strength Never let the Bowels be either
confined or unduly acted wpou It laay seem
sircge, that Ho!oway8 Pills should be rseoa
menifcd for Dysentery and Flux, many persons'
supposing that they would increase tbe relaxation.
This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct
the Liver and Stomach, and thus remove ail the
acrid humors from the system. This medicine wiil
give ton and vigor to the whole organic system,
however deranged, while health and strength fol
low as a matter of course. NothiBg will up tie
relaxation of tie Bowels, go sore as this t&edifise.
Volunteers, AttenUoal-Iadlacretioiis of Yocti.
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings, can
with certainty be radically cured, if the Pillt are
taken night and morninc. and the Ointment
freely nsed as atated in the printed instrucLioti.
If treated in any other manner, tiey dry up' in
opa part to break out in another. Wberaaa this
Ointment will remove the humors from thecystem
and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man.
It will require a little perseverance in bad caes
to insure a lasting care.
For Vtnnds either o-easionei by the Baye-et
Sabre, or the Bullet, Sores or Bruises, '
To which erery Soldier or Sailor are liable, tisre
are no medicines go safe, wire, and convenient, a
Holloway a Pills and Ointment. The poor wounds
ed and almo dying sufferer might hare hiswound
dresced immediately, if he wwLi ; j-
himseifwnhthismatehlessOintmentwhich ehoald
be thrust into the wound and smeared all around
it. then covered with a piece of liuea from hi
knapsack and compressed with a handkerchief.
Tikmg. eight and morning, 6 or (4 Piiu, to eool
the system and prevent inSamnaatiea.
vET,eI;v, Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's Che-t
should be provided with these valuable remedies.
CAUTION None are genuine tmless the
words -ll-ct.w y. New Ycac iro Lsro," are
diseernable as a Wateb-vabk in erery leaf of toe
book of directing around each pot or box; tie
same may be plainly wa I? rolmko raa lkaf
to tb tiGHT. . A fcandses reward will be given
to any oe rendering soch iaformation as may lead
to the detection of any party er parties counter
feiting the medicine er vending tha same, know
ing tb em to k sparioaa.
Sold at the euanufactory of Professor Hol
low at, 64 Maiden Lane, New Yexk. and by all
respectable Drsggistj ad Dealers in Medieine.
througaowt tbo eiyiliaed w-i. in boxes at 3i
cents, 62 cents, aad $ 1 each.
There is ooittiderable aavir.g by Uklag tha
larger sites. . - "
N B. Directions for the guidance of patient
in every diaordvr arc axd w '- auc (
New lorkj Ja&uasy T,i!S3 -
1? E'?U1C1 LEIXZrSGKR. Manufae-ujer of
II kindi of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
aerssolttited wholesale or retail. .. Jan. 1,IS53
- I
t -