THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., FEB'Y 25, 1863. Ti of Cars on Central Road, at Tyrone. TlA0 ALTOOJA. TTROXS. HCST'OOO!. 11.11 p. Ill yjt train, Mail train, west"" vt train, Mail train 9.55 d m. 4.25 a.m. 11.35 a.m. 8.15 a.m. 8.30 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 10.23 p.m. 12.10 a.m." 0.53 p.m. 5.45 a.m 1.02 a.m. S.40 a.m. 7.14 p.m. 5.59 p.m. .i pr. Tyrone and ClearfleH Branch. . S Ria.9-40a m. Lear Torone, 7.40 p.m. I eave5 Ri(,e 2-53 p m Leave Tyrone, 12.15 p.m. Gopsr ton. March. This excelent Ladies jfjjaxi'ne is before ns. The "Expected Let ter" 's beantifnl steel engraving, calculated to instruct as well as am use the beholder.' Be lides the usual fashion-plate, this number .contains sixteen distinct fash ions, the "New Sewing Machine," and numerous other engra vings, and the usual variety ot interesting leading matter. MoRtSxow. On Sunday morning last snow commenced to fall, and continued with but little intermission daring the day and, on Monday morning it had attained a depth of about nine inches. At present the roads are in good condition, and our lumbermen are busy hauling timber. Should the weather continue favorable for some weeks most of the timber that is made , will reach the streams, ahicu, according to information obtained by inquiry will not be very far short of the usual supply. ' " New Post-Officbs.-A new Post-office has been established in Beccaria townhip, called rtahville, and Theodore Weld appointed Post-master. Another, at Ilegarty'9 Store in Beccaria township, called Hegarty's x roads, and Sam uel Ilegarty appointed Postmaster. Another, at Wm. McGarvey's in Chest to'vnship. called McGarvey, and Wm. McGar- vey appointed Postmaster. Another, at Fry Mill in Chest township, calti'd Westover, and S. A. Farber appointed PoMruaster. Another, at Boice's in Bnrnside township, e.itled East Ridge, and Jacob Boioe appointed Postmaster. The three last named offices are on a new route from Ansonsville in Cleat field county to Newman's Mills in Indiana county. OUR FIBST PAGE. The reader will find on the Qrst page of to day's paper, the debate in the Senate of Penn sylvania on the amendment to the Constitu tion exterding to our soldiers the privilege to vote. It is evident from the debate that the Democracy are opposed to the amendment, but not daring to come out openly against it they resorted to parliamentary tactics to defeat tl.e object of the proposition. We bespeak a care ful perusal fur this document. Also, the speech of lion. B. Cbampneys of Lancaster county, on the resolution instruct ing our members in Congress to vote against the appropriation of twenty millions of dol lars in aid of Missouri emancipation. Mr. Cliainpneys is a Democrat and a loyal citizen, and his remarks should be read by loyal men everywhere. Read the speech. Also, a synopsis of the report in reference to the frauds practiced in chartering vessels for the nse of the Goverment. We published tli -conclusion' of the committee last week. The report developes some astounding frauds, and, we hope, the guilty parties may receive the punishment they merit. "Massachusetts out in the cold, and a num berol minor articles, will also be read with interest. - ' , Am ExraAORDiJuar March. Col. Wynd ham. commanding a cavalry brigade at Fair fax Court House, in his recent to the Rappahanuoek, in three days marched a distance of about two hundred miles, or over ixty-six miles a day. Colonel Wyndham in his march had no less than four skirmishes ith guerrilla bands, killing a number and capturing seventeen prisoners. He lost only tour men, who were captured,' while strag ling, hy the rebels. Taking into considera tion the almost impassable condition of Virgi nia roads at this season of the year, Col. Wjndharn's march is one of the most remark abl on record. Rr-BF.i. Operations Ended The Louisville Journal remarks that the late repulse at Fort l' f Uon has pretty effectually put an end to II rebel operations on th Cumberland river, they appear to have abandoned that stream ," the federal gunboats and free navigation. The boats which arrived on the 13th fro n 'shville came out of theCumberland without convoy, and the Jacob Strader and the ac companying fleet left Nashville the same day attended by gunboats. ) ; : ' . r 1 ' ? ,. ' i . 1 i ) Joshua R. Giddinos, American Consul General at Montreal, bad a narrow escape on Saturday morning, February 14th. A fire broke out in the hotel where ho resides, and belore be could escape he became insensible tfora tbe effects of the vapor and smoke, and carried for safety to another part of the hotel. Ho afterwarda revived, and the next forenoon was much Improved. The books and l'pers of tbe consulate escaped uninjured. As Unexpected Pleasure. The following told hy the New Orleans correspondent of ne of the morning journals t 'Dr. Knapp, a gentleman who owns a large Plantation, recently had some northern visi 'org at his place, and, in order to show them happy bis slaves were, ordered one of nem to sing, whereupon tbe fellow struck up 'tie "Old John Browu" song, more to the a ausernent of the guests than of the host." Soldi ER8 Bee to your own health, do not nHStB, ,h Arn,y supplies; Cholera, Fever na Bowel complaint will follow your slightest "discretion. Holloway's Pills and ointment anould be in every man's knapsack. The r"iah and French troops use no other medi tines, only 2o cents per Box or Pot. 216 The Latest News. Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail. IMPORTANT NEWi FBOM VICKSBURG. j Hostilities Renewed. A dispatch from Memphis, dated Staturday the 21st, says that hostilities against VicKs burg bad commenced on Wednesday the 18th the mortar boats having been towed into position and opened a brisk fire. They were responded to by three batteries, when it was found that our position was too much exposed for effective oporation and it was chsnged after which tbe bombardment was again re newed. Later. A dispatch from Gen. Rosecrans' army,' dated Murfreesboro, Feb, 20th, says : "The capture of Vicksburg was reported to day (Friday) by Confederate officers who ap proached our lines with a flag of truce from the rebel General at Tnllahoma. Capt. Hob litzell received the Mag, and the officer in charge of the mission remarked, "Well, you have got Vicksburg at last, though you have paid dearly lor the prize." After reverting to the subject in these words, he refused to Ct A IIX I i(X All person are hereby oautioH J ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, in the possession of Cyrus X burs tin and David Tburstin, to wit : 1 gray ... . ,;!.,.. tm, ;0 , j i horse, four years old, as the same belongs to me give any particulars. The rnmor is credited-! nd hM ben ,eft with c. A. d. Thurtini on at Headquarters." A similar report was cur rent at Cairo. It needs confirmation, al though, perhaps, true. CONVICTION OF AN OFFENDER, i ' - The time and attention of the United States District Court of Philadelphia, was lust week taken up almost exclusively with the trial of Iliram D. VanVlfet, who was Indicted for em bezzling a valuable letter from the Postoffice at Easton, Pa. The letter was mailed by Da vid Gum on the 11th of April 18G2, addressed to his brother Amos Gum at Cookesville, Wis consin, and contained a draft on the Union Bank. New York, for $121 .76. Four days af ter date, the draft was paid in New York. Two of the endorsements on it were proven to be in the Defendants handwriting, as well as the letter in which it was sent to New York, and various other letters bearing on the crim inal act. Witnesses testified, on the part ol tte prisoner, that at the time the letter was mailed, ho whs at a place thirty miles distant from Easton ; but the Government had not only persons of the highest standing to prove his presence at Barnett's hotel. where the Gum letter was written, but produced a letter of the Defendant, written on the 15th, to the hotel keeper, asking him to send his valise and o vercoat to Stroudsburg, and setting forth that he had been at the house on that particular day. The evidence was so conclusive that the Jury deliberated but a short time before they rendered a verdict of guil'y. Two witnesses were brought from Wisconsin, one fiorn liil ton Head, S. C, four from New York, and upwards of twenty from Northamton, Monroe Luzerne and Wyoming counties in Pennsyl vania. The trial attracted much attention, tbe Court room being crowded from the begin ning to the end. S. B. Row, Special Agent of the Postoffice department, feir.'ted out the, offender and brought him to justice. MARRIED: On the 18th instant, by J. R. Caldwell, Esq., Mr. IIenrt S. Colorove to Miss Mary Ann Morgan all of this county. Whoopiso-cough or Crocp, however severe may ue alleviated and cured by the use of Malumf Zwioc PorterMJurative Balsam. This invalua ble Medicine possesses the extraordinary power of relieving immediately Wltooping-cousili, Iloarte 'Ji, Difficulty of Brealhiusc, llusiinex. and Tickling in tbe Throat. It loosens the Phlegm, and will be found very agreeable to the taste. It is not a violent remedy, bat emollient warming, searching and effective. Can be taken by the oldeitrion or youngest child. Por sale by all Druggists, at 13 and 2i cents per bottle. febl Fall and Winter Goods. REIZENSTEIN BROTHERS & CO. In the '-Mansion House" (Mr. Shaw'sold Stand) Clearfield, Pa., have just received a largo Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Boots. Hats. Traveling Bags. Valises and a large and well selected stock of Gents Furnishing goods. YOU Can buy your Clothing, for yourselves and your Boys iu every variety and at low cash prices by calling at the cheap Clothing Store of Keizenstcin Bro's & Co. opposite the Clourneld Co. Hank, where you WILL Save at least from 20 to 25 per cent. All kinds of Clothing and Furnishing goods, are to be had at this Store at the lowest Cash pri ces and receive well made goods. Would it not bo much better to SAVE Much valuable time by calling at onee. and lay ing in your Stock of Clothing for the Winter at this Establishment, where yeu will eer- ' tainly get the full value for your MONEY. l'wemetnbor the place. In the "Mansion House," opposite Clearfield Co. Bank. REIZENSTEIN BRO S 4 CO. fp"Grain and Furs taken in exchange at the highest market rates. J. P. KRATZER DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY-GOODS, ETC, iVoj Street ahove the Aestlemi, Has just received a general assortment of WINTER GOODS. Merinos. Delaines, Alpacas, Reps, Cobergs -Lanellas, Fttrs, Bon nrts, Ginghams. Prints Silks. 1 Cashmere, Mohair, Muslins, Coal, Ribhons, Cloths, Cassimeres, Pglinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels. Flannel, Balmoral shirts, hoop skirts, shawls, dress trim ming, bead nets. caps,"nubies, hoods, sontags. cor sets, gloves, collars, scarfs, comforts, grenadine veils, table covers. CLOTHING, Coats, pants, vesta, overcoats, gents shawls, shirts, hats, caps, under shirts and drawers, boots, shoes, gum shoes, buffalow shoes, crevaU. collars, gloves, hardware, queensware, notions, musical goods. GROCERIES, Tea, coffee, molasses, sugar, salt candles, rice, flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, candles, rasins, cur rants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vinegr, oils, varnish, alcohol, tin ware, glass ware, wood ware, stationary, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Carpet, oilcloth drugget, looking glasses, cloaks, churns, wash boards, tubs, buakets. fiat irons, pans, window blinds, wall paper, coal-oil lamps, um brellas, bed cords, knires and forks, spoons. crocks, stove blacking. AH of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and the highest market price paid for grain, wool, shipping furs, and all kinds of country produce. " J. P. KRATZER. , Clearfield , November 19, 1B62, LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office atttrampian Hills, on J-nu-ry Is:, ISS2 Pter Heffelfinger, J. Fishef, Mrs. Mary M. Zeigler. ' .; ' Persons calling for any of above letters, will lay they are advertised. A C. MOO KE, P. M. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with the fol liwing property, now in possession of John Fau ver in Bradford township, to wit: One bay mare, one bay horse, and two set of harnrss as tbe same belona to ns and have only been left with said Fauveron loan, aud are subject to our order. WM. ALBERT. Feb.ll. 1863,-p. DAVID ASKEY. PniLlPSBURG AND SUSQUEHANNA Ti'rspikk Road Com past. Notice is hereby given to tbe Stockholders in this road that an e lection will be held at the house of Wm. Myers in Pbilipsburg, on tbe First Monday of March next, between the hours of 2 and a o'clock, P M , to e lect managers for the ensuing year. Feb. 4, iat3. r ' : E. F. LLOYD, Sec'y. STRAY CALF.-Came trespassing on the premises of tbe subscriber in Lawrenoe town ship, about the middle of July last, a black year ling calf, with a white stripe along its back, and white face. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take it a way, or it will be sold as the law directs. Jan. 21, 1863-p. D. M. WELCH. loan subject to my order. January 23, 1803. SIMON RORABAUQH. CAUTION. All persons are hereby notified not to purchase or in any way meddle with the following property, now in tho possession of William A Dunlap. vis : one yoke of oxen, white, with small black spots, as the same belongs to us and is left with said W. A. Dunlap on loan, subject to our disposal at any time. THOMPSON A PATTERSON. Curwensville January 28th 1863. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testa mentary having been granted to the under signed, upon the estate of R. B. Hegarty, late of Gnclich township, dece ased. All persons indebt ed to the said estate are requested to. make pay ment, and ail persons having claims against the s.ime are requested to make tbem known without delay. J.AIES UEGAKTV. Beccaria tp. ROB'TN. HEGARTY, Uuelicb tp February 4, 1863. Executors. 1VOT1CE. The undersigned, appointed Audi, ll tor by the Orphans' court of Clearfield coun ty to make distribution of the money in the hands of Wm. Hoover, Administrator of Caesar Potter, deq'd, will attend to that duty, at the Hotel of Geo. N. Colburn in Clearfield, on Tuesday, Feb. ruury 24th, and all persons interested will attend on that day and present their claims, cr bo forev er debarred. ALFRED J, PATTERSON. February 4. 1863. Auditor. ESTATE OF THOMAS G. SNYDER, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that Letters of Administration bare been granted on the Estate of Thomas G. Snyder, late of Clearfield- county, doceased- All persons having claims against said estate will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement, and those persons indebted to the same will make im mediate payment to MARTHA E, SNYDER. Feb 4, 1863. Administratrix, liylertown, Fa SEALED PROPOSALS will be reppjved at the office of the Clearfield Creek Bridge Com pany, until the 2(lth day of February next, for the erec ion of a Toll House at the East end of the Bridge, Said building ta be one and a half stories high, and sixteen by 28' feet In dimen sions to be completed by the First day of July next. The plan and specifications ean be exam ined at the office of J. B. Graham. rToposals must be addressed to J. B. Graham, President of Clearfield Creek Bridge Company. Jan. 21, 18tf3. W. W. BETTS, Seo'y. ALU ABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned is desirous of sel ling his farm situate in Pe.n township, Clearfielc county. Pa., one mile from Pennville, on the road leading to Punxsutawney, containing one hun dred acres and allowance. Sixty acres of said land are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, of which 25 acres arcin meadow. Thero is erect ed on the premises a comfortable 1J story dwel ling house, a good barn and other necessary out buildings There is also a quantity of most ex cellent Pine and other timber on the land. A clear and indisputable title will be given Terms' one fourth in hand, and the balance in three equal annual payments, sec a red by mortgage or judgment bonds. For further information apply to tbe subscriber residing on the premises. THOMAS M. MARTIN. Penn tp., January 14, 1863-3t. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, the undersigned. Executors of Wm. Smith, deceased, will expose to publie sale at the Court House, in Clearfield, on Saturday tbe 7th day of March, the following real estate of the said de ceased, situate in Covington township. Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and desoribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stoue on the Smethport turn pike, thonce west 100 perches to a small white oak, thenee south 169 6.10 perches to stones, thence east 100 perches to a white pine, thence north 169 6.10 perches to beginning, containing.. 100 acres and allowance. Being the Central Point Hotel property, having thereon a good two story frame tavern house, and good frame barn, with a large farm cleared. Tkkms One half cash at confirmation of the sale and the balance in two equal annual pay ments with interest to be secured by bond and mortgage. MARY SMITH, ) Feb. 4, 1803. JNO. GORMONT, j Ex'rs. STATEMENT of the Clearfield County Bank for the month ending Jan. 31st, 1863. - - ASSETS. Bills discounted, : : : : : : : : 544,706 48 Pennsylvania State loans, : : : : 47,043 11 Specie, : : : : : : : : : : : 5.125 06 Dae from other banks. : .r : : : 24,258 73 Notes of other banks, :::::: 9,595 00 U. S. Demand and Legal Tender notes. 3.985 00 Checks, drafts, Ao. ::::::: 2.81695 Over drafts, ::::::::: 341 42 Furniture. :::::::::: 315 21 Expense of plate engraving. Ac. : : 764 75 United States Revenue stamps, : : : 544 84 Loss and Expenses, :;:::: 109 50 Total amount of assets, : : : LIAB1L1T18S. Capital stock, paid in, : : : : Notes in circulation, : : : : Due depositers, :::::: Due certificates of deposit, : : Due Commonwealth, : : : : : Interest and exchange, . : : Total amount of liabilities, : : $1 39,557 93 : S50.000 00 26.032 00 : 48,703 41 12.033 78 : 448 35 2.310 39 : : $139,557 93 JAMES B. GRAHAM, Cashier. Clearfield. Pa., Jan. 31, 1863. rJELIEF NOTICE The Board of Relief fc for the county of Clearfield, will meet at the Commissioners' office in Clearfield, on Thursday and Friday, the 26th and 27th days of February. A D. 1843. Tbe Board of Relief have directed that the wife of the soldier must appear before the board, and produce her sworn statement, detailing name of soldier, regiment and company, and when enlis ted ; the number of children, with age and sex of each ; the township in which they resided at the time ot enlistment, and their present residence ; and that she is without the means of support for herself and ebildrep who are dependent upon her. Two witnesses of credibility from the township in which she resides, must also be produced. hose certificate (sworn to before the Board of Relief) must set forth that the applicant is the person she represents herself to be, that the statement of the number and age of her family is true, that she is in destitute circumstances and her family in ae tual want, and that all the facts set forth in her application are correct and trae. Forms containing these requisitions can be ob tained at the Office of the Board of Relief, when application Is made and the witnesses appear. N. B. Illness of the applicant, properly preven, will excuse personal attendance ' , Feb 11, lgo3. WAf. S BRADLEY, Clork WANTED. 100 Bushels Flax Seed inex change for goods, at tbe Cheap Store or Oct. 1. 1812. J. D. THOMPSON. Curwensville.Pa NEW GOODS! At the "Corner Store of.Wm. Irvin, CURWENSVILLE, PA. A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels, Herring in barrels and half-barrels, Whioh will be sold as low as at any other store. June 18. 1862. WM. IRVIN." CLEANSE THE BLOOD. With corrupt, disordered or vitiated Blood, you must De sick all over. It may burst out iu Pimples, or Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely keep you listless, depressed and good for nothing. But you eannot have good health while your blood is impure.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purges out these impurities' and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and ex pelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a varie ty of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Scrofula or Kings' Evil. Tu mors, Ulcers. Sores, Eruptions. Pimples, Blotches, Boils. St.' Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm. Cancer or Cancerous Tumors, Sore Eyes, Female Diseases, such as Retention, Irregularity, Sup pression. Whites. Sterility, Syphilis or Veneral Diseases, Liver Complaints and Heart Diseases. Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and see for yourself the eurprising activity with which It cleanses the blood and cures the. disorders. Aver's Cherry Pectoral is so universally known to surpass every other remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Infinenca, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The world knows tbem. Ayer's Cathartic Pills for Costiveness, Dys- Jepsin. Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, aundice. Headache. Heartburn, Piles, Rheuma tism, Dropsy, Worms, and in short for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Area k Co., Lowell, Nass , and sold by C. D. Watson, Clearfield, Wm. Irvin, Curwens ville? S. Arnold, Luthersburg. Eliza Chase, Anson yille, J. C. Benner, Morrisdale, C. R. Foster. Phil ipsburg. and Dealers everywhere. May 7, 1S62. CABINET EMPORIUM! . B. K. SHOPE, CxlBlXET MAKER, 5 Would respectfully announce to the public that be has fitted up a sh jp on Cherry street, near the Episcopal church, and near Kratzcr's store, where he intends to carry on the Cabinet-mating busi ness in its different branches. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the business, and work ed as a Journeyman over six years, besides carry ing on a shop for three years, be flatters himself that he ean render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom- Having located in the Borough of Clearfield, he solicits a share of patronage, and it shall ever be his object to make to order, neat and substantial furniture such as French Bedsteads and common and French posts Cottage. Jenny Lind. and all other kinds of Bedsteads, with Teckaer's Patent fastenings -a pd Gard ner's Patent spring Bed steads. Bureaus of dif ferent kinds, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Book cases. Parlor and eentretables, Breakfast and dining ta bles and the latest im nroved Extensiontables. Work stands. Hat rack?, Toilet and Wash stands, and every other kind of furniture in his branch. He will always be prepared to furnish t or der Rocking chairs of different kinds, and cqinmon and other ohairs. He will also fur nish to order Hair, Husk, and hair and cotton top Mattresses. The above named and many other articles will be made to order for customers, on short notice, cheap for cash or exchanged for approved country pro duce. Don't forget the place, as I am prepared to furnish all articles at the most reasonable rates Maple. Cherry, Poplar, Pine, Lin wood, and ev ery other suitable lumber, will be taken in ex change for furniture. Cash will also be paid for good Lumber. B. K. SHOPE N. B. Coffins of the latest style made to order on short notice. Funerals attended whenever desirable. Clearfield. Pa Jan. 21 1862 ECE1PTS AND EXPENDITURES Ol CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR A D. 1862. Joseph Shaw, Esq.. Treasurer of Clearfield oo.nty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account with said county, from the 6th day of Jan., A.D.1862. until the 6th day of Jan., A.D.1K63. debtor. To amount from Collectors for 1862, and previous years, including percentage, $10505 26 To amount from Unseated lands for 1SC0 and 1861, 5719 98 To amount from Commissioners' books, 801 80 CKKD1T. By Election expenses, $1199 23 By Jurors wages, . 2097 95 By Assessors wages, 765 23 By Constables' returns, 174 70 By Commonwealth costs. ' 428 56 By Foxes & Wild eats, 176 54 By Fuel contract, 119 81 By Postage Jfc Stationary, 179 63 By Furniture, 162 37 By Bridge contracts, 350 00 By Merchandise. 577 49 By Court-house bell, 356 07 By Repairs, 142 43 By Printing, 279 00 By Privy contract, 190 00 ' By Prothonotary fees, 173 75 By Interest on orders, 851 66 By Office rent, 177 00 Ey Commissioners' wages, 890 87 By Com'rs' clerk, part 1861-1862, 271 43 By Agricultural, 100 00 By Sheriffs fees, 156 57 By Justices costs, 38 1 3 By Western Penitentiary, 48 56 By Inquests, 55 85 By Court crier, "- . 27 50 ' By Jail tees, ; ; 61 85 . By Courthouse vaults, ' 66 63 ' By Counsel fees. 200 00 By District Attorney's fees, 211 00 By Janitors fees, 30 00 By Refunds. 46 43 By Miscellaneous. ' 192 58 By Lithograph orders 350 00 By Court-house contract, 3425 42 By Road views, 170 75 By Auditors' wages, 180 00 By Auditors' clerk' waees. 80 00 By Percentage to collectors. 378 96 By Exonerations to collectors, 477 52. By bal.duelastTrea'satsetl'mt, 34 82 By Treasurer's p. ct. paying out 225 59 By Treasurer's p. ct. receiving 238 4t Bal due county, by Treas'r, 668 65 Total amount, . . $17027 04 $17027 04 Amount ot County, State and Militia taxes due from collectors for 1862 and previous years. Town'ps. Col'rs Names. County. State. Militia. For 1847 Jordan. - Jas. Rea, jr. $205.51 892,14 $00,00 - For 1843 Jordan. Henry Swan, 00.00 00.00 4,10 Penn. A.Spencer, ' 00,00 . 00,00 17,50 For 1849 Jordan, Wm. Wiley, 00,00 00,00 25,00 Penn, Thomas Fenton, 00,00 " 00,00 32,50 -' 1 - For 1850. Bell, . J Sunderland, 00.00 00.00 5.00 Penn, J.Davis, 00 00 00,00 30,50 For 1851. -Burnside, J. Young. 00.00 OQ.00 6.29 Jordan, D. Williams, 3,15, 8,29 7.00 For 1852. Fox, J. I. Bundy. 1,00 . 00,00 : 00.00 Fcrl333. . . Decatur, D. Kephart, '90,00 "J 8.1 T 19.50 Pike, J. Caldwell, 00,00 4.72 7,54 For 1854. ' - Jordan J.Patterson, 00.00 1,42 9,33 Pike, T. R. McClure, 2,62 For 1355. Covington, John Barrooy. 00,00 " -- - For 1356. Deoatnr, (i. Kephart, 63.89 For 1S57 Curwensv. Z. M'Naul, 00 00 Ferguson, J. Straw. 23.00 Goshen, E R. Livefgood, 12 31 Jordan. Win. Williams. 00.00) For 185. Clearfield. R. J. Wallace, 00.00 Fox. I). N. Heath. 5.0 Penn, R. Danvers, 00,00 For 1859. Fox, J M'Clellan, 00,00 For 1860. Bell. - J. A. Campbell, 00.00 Boggs, Wm. Wilson, 00.00 Fox. J. Mulklns. Graham, J. P. Nelson, 31,09 For 1861. Bell. Wm.T. Thorn. 57.65 Boggs, L. M. Lumadue. 68.23 Bradford, J. Wooldridge, Brady, Wm. Sehem Bloom. J. W. Cleaver, i.iearneld. Wm. Porter. 83.10 15.43 32.34 00.00 00.00 86 45 45.38 Cnrwensv. John Irvin, Chest, W. McGarvey, Fox. Thos. Mnlkin Graham, David M'Dowell, 90.29 iiosoen, jnaitnew late, 79 Huston, F. newitt, 64,65 Jordan, John Thompson, 00,00 Lawrence, J. J. Reed, 15-41 Penn,' M. S. Spencer. 37,03 For 1802. -Beccaria, John M'Coy, 2S5.87 Bell. J.N M'Cracken, 197.35 Boggs. J. Smeal, 96.04 Bloom. Thos. Cleaver, 77.75 Bradford, John Porter. 251.61 Brady. Sam'l Arnold, 314,52 Burnside. J. McMurray, 306,47 Clearfield, A. K. Wright, 337,74 Curwensv. J. S. Gates, 209.39 Covington B. Snyder, 51,29 Chest, A Curry, 306,53 Decatur. D. Ayers. 132.23 Ferguson, A. Ferguson, 146.86 N. Brock way, . 44.03 Jonas Martze, 63.24 R.Graham. 51.13 J. H Morzan. 168.29 Fox. Graham, Goshen, Guelieh, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, W.D.Woodward 133,31 R.Johnson. . 125.55 B. Gunsaulus, 62.34 G. Erhard. 98.64 Lawrenoe. E. Ardery, 125.05 Luinber-C. J. Kirk, 95,29 Morris, G. Ardery, 78,65 N.Waah'tn C. Ncff. . , 31.SS Penn, W.F.Johnson, 40.93 Pike, ' D. Hartsock, 298,42 Union, H. Courtney, 70.11 Woodward J. M. Chase, 57.93 00,00 16.94 111,59 00.00 2.41 12 05 2.4 26.6"4 00.00 00,00 8.61 2.TS3 15.25 34,89 7.77 12.07 00.00 00.00 8.86 36.87 -00.00 21.92 19 47 47.32 6.89 14.44 4.20 86,31 17,53 161.46 147.51 43.58 44.63 100.16 152.97 145.20 215.57 93.62 10.97 101,76 108,57 57.69 19.77 59.85 30.52 79.47 65.37 62.45 18.55 43.23 63.00 44.84 4i;i7 32.20 98.41 153.15 29.49 28.69 17,8S 1903 20,62 14 33 00.00 4.35 60,00 00,00 00,00 24,50 4,30 00.00 00.00 8 55 4,25 22.80 19.70 16.30 11.99 5.65 00.00 6.32 10.80 10.67 8,77 00.00 4.25 00.00 35.10 4.00 34.20 35.15 15.10 12.82 34.20 3697 39.42 20.43 12.10 1255 32.77 24.45 13,53 9.02 23.27 15 20 11.80 13.30 1C.62 14,25 17.32 8,28 5.70 17.33 13.77 19.-7 29.20 8.77 11,87 Total, S5136.91 2949,84 1003.84 Aggregate am't due from collectors, Aggregate am't from unseated lands Aggregate am't of judgments, etc. Aggregate am't due from Treasurer, Aggrgate due county, Outstanding county orders. $2571.74 Outstanding court-house ord. 4321.81 Outstanding county bonds, 16500 00 Indebtedness of county, 51 36.91 2667.90 1100.22 663.65 $9573.68 13322.87 Total, S233.)6,55 $23396,55 Joseph Sh aw. Esq.. Treasurer of Clearfield county, in ac't with different t'ps for Road 1860-61. debtor. To Bal. due townships last settlement. $331 83 To amount received from unseated lands 1860 and 1861. 8251 03 CREDIT. Townships. Am't pd tp's. Bal.duetp's. 1 Beocaria, . $366 36 $14 05 . Bell. . P ' 360 00 ' 43 95 Boggs, 194 44 ' 33 91 Bradford, - . 80 00 19 82" Bloom. 80 00 24 73 Brady, 370 00 68 45 , Burnside; 180 00 72 60 Chest, " 308 41 Covington, 136 54 79 12 Clearfield, 4 93 Decatur. 280 00 " 42 54 Ferguson, 20 00 21 05 Fox, 243 28 Girard, 160 00 46 19 Goshen, ' 196 12 10 78 Graham, 200 00 51 02 Guclich, 135 00 " 63 69 Huston, 1853 29 160 95 Jordan, 180 00 16 42 Karthaus, 101 43 159 23 Knox, 306 00 112 74 Lawrenoe, 193 57 13 63 Morris, 561 69 Penn, 160 00 11 14 Pike, 185 00 74 98 Union, 190 00 112 52 Woodward, 155 62 42 72 PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CARDS. Bal. due townships, 1316 23 Total, SS585 91 $85S5 91 Joscpn Shaw, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield courty, in ac't with different tp's for School for ltWO-Gl. debtor. To balance duo tp's from last settlement $319 42 To a'mt received from unseated lands 1860 and 1861, . , . 9 CREDIT. ' ', j : Townships. Am't pd tps. Bal.duetps. Beccaria, 257 73 353 33 Bell, 338 35 115 37 Boggs, 318 49 51 90 Bradford, 125 24 19 33 Bloom, 240 47 54 Bradv, 458 12 25 85 Burnside, 269 85 53 55 Chest, 105 23 270 83 , Covington . i 451 05 ' ; 117 43 I Clearfield, 5 31 Decatur, 644 83 . Ferguson, 7 33 36 99 Fox. 198 83 ' 2 27 Girard, 187 82 51 01 Go.-hen, 310 73 35 57 ' Graham, 392 34 '19 62 Guelieh, 310.45 33 24 , Huston, 761 79 890 83 Jordan. 207 38 Karthaus, 107 97 157 74 Knox, 542 18 . 78 33 Lawrence, 329 35 22 77 Morris, 443 56 Penn, 234 50 15 54 . Pike, 238 51 2 56 . . Union, 134 10 69 12 Woodward'. 247 89 15 05 Bal. due town'ps, 2479 77 . Total. $10049 27 $10049 27 We, the Commissioners of Clearfield county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the accounts of Joseph Shaw, Esq., Trea surer of the County of Clearfield for the year A. D. 1862. do certify that we find the accounts of Jo seph Shaw, Esq., as follows: The amount due from all sources to be Nine thousand Five hun dred and Seventy-three dollars and ' Sixty-eight cents We also find the amount of outstanding orders to be Twenty-three thousand Three hun dred and Ninety-six dollars and Fifty-five cents, of which Sixteen thousand Five hundred dollars are Court-house bonds. Witness our hands this 22d day of January A. D. 1863. SAMUEL C. THOMPSON, - JACOB KUNTJS, Attest, ' THOMAS DOUGHERTY, Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk; . Comm'rs. We, the Auditors of Clearfield eounty, having examined the accounts of Joseph Shaw, Esq . Treasurer or the County of Clearfield for the year A. D. 1862, do report that the accounts are as fol low : The amount due the Road Fund by the Treasurer is One thousand Three hundred ad Sixteen dollars and Twenty-three cents. Tne a mountdue the School Fund is Two thousand Four hundred and Seventy-nine dollars ar,d Seventy seven cents. The amount of outstanding orders is Twenty-three thousand Throe hundred and Ninety-six dollars and Fifty-Irve eonts of which Sixteen thousand FiTe hundred dollars are court house bonds. Witness one hands this 22d day of January A. D. 1863. B, C. BOWMAN. c C.S.WORRELL. Attest. . r : . H-WOODWARD. 1. -Wb, S Bradley, Clsrk. - Auditors. H B. WOODS. Attornev at Law. Tnrl;n. p. Professional btrslaese promptly attends l to FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Manafacturer of 11 kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Ja. 1, 1363 I" , J- CRANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate i. Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Offiee adjoining his residence, on Second strset. Majl. , M. M'CULLOUGII, Attorney at Law, Clew . field Pa. Office, with L. J Crans Esq., oa fr""" fetweU. . . juiT 3, 1861. - ROBERT J. WALLACE. AttoraTy aTUwTcielr' field. Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle's jewelry store. May 26. F. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, io. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HBUCHER SWOOPETAttorney at Law. Clear . field. Pa. OfEct inGraham's Row. fourdoo s west of Graham & lioynton's store. Nov. 10. . BK. SHOPE. Cabinent M ker. Cherry Street, . Clearfield. Pa Makes to order every des cription of Furniture on short notice. Jan.21'63 J P. KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce. Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. Jjl2 WALLACE A HALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear field, Pa December 17. 1862. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. ::;::;;; JOHN Q. UALL. A J. PATTERSON, Attornej at Law. Cnrwens- vtlle, Pa., will attend to all business en trusted to- his care. Office opposite tho New Methodist Church. Jan. 15. 1862. ' VrriLLIAM F. I RW IN, Morkeistreet, Clearfield, 1 V Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domcstio Mer chandise, Hardware, Queeusware, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. DK. WM. CAMPBELL, offers hiaproressional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships Residence with J. D. Denning in Ky lertown, Clearfield county. May 11,1859. JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of Cabincf-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funeras with a hearse. Aprl0,'5. K. R. V. WILSON. Practicing Physician, Clearfield, Pa. Will attend to all "profes sional business. Office, corner of 2d and Locust streets. jan. 23, 1863. DR. M. WOODS, Practicing Physicias, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions. Office. South-west corner of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, lt03. JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. . Ph. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Otficein new brick building of J.Boyn ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich's Hotel. ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mcstic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal Ojfic, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LARRIMER & TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their Care in Clear, field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856. JAS. H. LARRIMEU. ISRAEL TEST. "VITALTER BARRETT, Attokjisv at Law, hav T I ing resigned his commission in the army, and resumed the practice of the law, may be con sulted on professional business at his old office on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. All business prompt ly Tatteuded to. - . February 5th, 1863. mHOMAS J. M'CULLOUGU, Attorney at Law, L Clearfield, Pa. Office, over the "Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. d. c. bcbh. :::::: : T.j.M'ccLLovoa BUSH A M'CULLOCGH'S COLI.KCTIOS OVVICK, ClBARFIBLD, Pbsm'A. i FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE BRAVE SOLDIERS AiD SAILORS. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends and Relatives in the Ar my and Navy should take especial care that they be amply supplied with those Pills and Ointment ; and where the brave Soldieis and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet ter present can be sent them by their Friends. They have been proTed to be the Soldier's uever failiug friend in the hour of need. Coughs and Colds Affecting Troops, Will be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper altentiou to the Directions which are at tached to each Pot or Box. Eick He.dache and "Want of Appetite, Inciden tal to fcoldiers. These feelings which so sadden us usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira tion, or eating and drinking whatever is unwhole some, thus disturbing the healthful action of the Liver and Stomach. These organs must be reliev ed, if you desire to be well. Tba P lis taken ao cording to the printeu instructions, will quickly produce a healthy aotion in both Liver and Stom ach, and as a natural eossequence, a clear head and good appetite. Weakness or Debility Induced by Over Fatigue Will soon disappear by the use of these invalua ble Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire ad ditional strength. Never let the Bowels be either confined or unduly acted upon . It may seem strange, that Holloway's Pills should be recom mended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the Liver and Stomach, and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength fol low as a matter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of tbe Bowels so sure as this mediclae. Volunteers, Attention !-Indiscretioni of Yonth. Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings, can With certainty be radically cured, if the P(ll are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed instructions. If treated in any other manner, they dry up in one part to break out in another- Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system, and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man. It will require a little perseverance in bad QaseA te insure a lasting cure. . . . . , For Wounds either occasioned by the Bayonet. Sabre, or the Bullet, Sorea or Bruises, To which every Soldier or Sailor are liable, there are no modieines so safe, Bure. and convenient, as Holloway's Bills and Ointment. Thepeor wounds ed and almosPBying sufferer might have hiswound dreisei immediately, if he would oly provide himself with this matohlessOintment,whwh should bo thrust into the wound and smeared all around it. then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and compressed with a handkerchief. Taking, night and morning, 6 ot S Pill, to cool tbe system and prevent inflammation. Every Soldier's Knapsack, and Soman's Chest should bo provided with valuable remedies, X'0' Sne are genuine unless the words "Holloway, New Ycwc asd Lohdow." are discernable a Water-mark in every leaf of tne book of directions around each pot or box ; the same ray be plainly seen by holding the leap to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may load to the detection of any party or parties counter feiting the medioines or vending the same, know ing them to be spurious. Soid at tie aanufaetory of Professor Hol WWAr, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medioines. throaghoat the civilised world, in boxes at 25. cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.- ' ' - There is considerable saviag by taking the larger sizes. . 7 N B. Directioas for the guidance of patients In every disorder are affixed to each box. Sew York, Januaiy 7, ls53. m' iy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers