THE JOURNAL, i CLEARFIELD, FA., FEB'Y 11. 1863. Tim of Cats on Central Bo ad, at Tyrone. Aw .v-- a a nw. -" 9.j5pm. 10.23 p.m. 11.17 p.m 4.25 a.m. :::::: 5.45 a.m. 11.35 a m. 12.10 a.m. 1-02 a.m. Express, f tit train, Mail train, Eirre; p-t trail- Hail trim THE PENNSYLVANIA TGI5. Is tub Ses. r tied joint res and Representatives in Congr-ss to vote for tbe repeal of tbe duty levied on papt-r, was ' passed. Also a bill to incorporate the Xorth- i At th e "Corner Store" of Wm. Irvin, 8.15 am. 8.30 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 8.58 p.m. 6.40 a m. 7.14 p.m. 5.53 p.m. Titri of Car, Tyrone and Clearfield Branch. ,? Ridge-9-0" m- Leave Torone, 7.40 p.m. jye 's' p,idg-2.55 p m. Leave Tyrone, 12.15 p.m. j,IlIErfjjaD. The relief board will be in rsjiuif11 Thursday and Friday, the 26th and fsrs of February. See advertisement. IT. B- B. Tours came to hand too late for publics tifin last week and hence, its We shall be pleased to bear from joa again. ' By reference to onr advertising columns, it ' will be seen that Walter Barrett, Esq., has re mimed the practice of law.' Persons having bnsinees in onr Courts should give him a call. Lost. On Saturday last, between Cnrwens ville and Clearfield, a Misses black and white birred Plaid dress, and a pair of gloves and sleeve buttons. The finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving the articles at tbe Store of Richard Mossop in this place. Ssow. Some six or eight inches of snow fell in this region, since onr last issue, which lid tbe effect of creating quit a stir among our lnmbermen, and quite a quantity of tim ber was got to the streams. On Mondy, how rrer, the atmosphere moderated, and at pres eot the ground is bare in many places. Mas Killed. We have ben informed that George D. Bancy of Lancaster county, was killed in Woodward township, Clearfield coun ty, on Friday the 30th of January, whilst en gzed in felling timber. He cut down a pine tree which, in falling, canght a sappling and broke it down th sappling striking Mr. B. on the top o! the head with sufficient force to cause Instant death. His remains were sent to his friends in Lancaster county. Tee Tossace of the Penxstlvasia Rail road. The late anneal report to the stock In. Uiers of this company contains the follow ing : During the eight yearn the Company's ri'iid has been in operation to Pittsburgh, its transportation has steadily increased from 2-V,000 tons in IS- to tons in 1X62, a result which provt-s that whatever may have been the defects of the policy of the CompaDy.ii has not failed tol-trgely develope the vst internal resources of tho Commun wealth. while it has preferred and imrnens?!y increased Lcr trafEc irnb ber sister States. NS7LVANIA X.'SGISI..Ttnn. r ANTED.-I0O Bushels Flax Seed inex sate, on Februarv 3d. a inllHni ' change for good. at th Cheap Store of , ,. . , ". , .Oct. 1.1, ,2 J. 1. THOMPSON. Curwensville.Pa i jlutions. instructing o;:r Senators ! . XEW GOODS! western navigation company. Is ths HocseJ was read in place, joint resolutions instructing our Senators in Congress to oppose the pis- t sage of a law appropri !ing t-venty millions of! dollars to compensate the owners of emanci-1 pated slaves in Missouri. AUo an act to se- j enre to citizens freedom of speech and of the j press, and that protection for persons and property to which. the Constitution entitles them. Is the Senate, on February 4th, a bill for the payment of the io'en-sr on the State deht was read and passed. Is the Hocse, a resolu tion was offered, which was laid over, setting forth tbat the existing war has been perverted from its legitimate and constitutional object into a ruthless crusade against slavery, and declaring that until the administration re cedes from its nncrstitutional, irflamatory and despotic proclamation of January 1st, 1S63, and returns to a policy, in the conduct of the war, sanctioned by the Constitution, by justice, by patriotism and humanity, it can have no further claims upon the loyal Sate of Pennsylvania for men or other means of carjingon the war. Anoint resolution was read in place, expressing our confidence in our National Ad ministration, and pledging our sup port to the meaxnres adopted for the sup pression of the rebellion. Also joint resolu tions proposing an amendment to the Consti tution, so as to extend the right of suffrage to soldiers in actual military service. Ik the Senate, on February 6th, a bill was passed authurizii g the Lebigh navigation company to extend their railroad from White House to Mauch Chunck. Is the House, a supplement to the act to secure the right of married women was passed. Also an act to fix and equalize tbe commission of county treasurers in certain counties. Also an act to authorize cemetery companies to make in vestments in State stocks or Government Mocks. aftTOROI-OGICAL QuaCRV ATIoXS TOR J.VSTA- t. 163. Mean temperature in the morning, 111 degrees; at noon, Si degrees; in even ing. 29 degrees; of the whole month from three daily observations, 20 degrees. The Mercury was tbe lowest on the morning of the lth. one degree below Zjto and the highest ifi the 25th at coon, 4S degrees. Snow on light except on th.;23th, about 12 inches. Kain on 4 days, with a moderate ri 'od alcnt the 13th.. TLr Scids mostly bare ni little snow for htulignp fo fbe 2th. January goes oct with the ground lightly cov ered with snow,and the roads reasonably good ir hauling lumber but more snow needed. No very cold weather yet this winter, but the r u is have not been b.idly broken np. A very smilt amount of ice has been made in the river CC VX( N SCHCCL EXroST. F?'k.w will be found a brief ynopsis of the Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools. Pennsylvania is proud of her sys-t-a of Common Schools, and we always turn i!h curious interest to the report wtich annu- -J" sets forth tbe progress and prosperity of tf :s system. Among the curiosities of the report this year is,' that in the year 1861 the Scriptures were no! read in 4,-545 wchools. in tee year 1S02 they were not read in 1,725, t.owjn a decrease in 1562 over that of 1SS1, -?2 and proving that the Gospel is spread i'J m the benighted regions of Pennsylvania. Ti.e decrease in the cost of each pupil per month, including teacher's salary, fuel and coutip.yei.cies, ot 1852 in comparison to that "! 11, is four cents. In 1861 it cost for tich pnpil on an average, per month, 5-3 cents, l?o2 43 centa. There has been a decrease of rr.sle teachers in 1862, in comparison to the termer year, of 562, while in the same period Hie increase of female teachers was 645. Of rure the war has had some infiuence on this r"'-t; and it speaks wll for the patriotism the profession of teaching. During the 7t 1562, the average decrease in the salaries ' tachers was. female, per month, $1.16 Inl, d;tto, SI. 87. When we consider the ra?e inadequacy of the pay of teachers, tbe fact t V. f f ha YrATlaA svf livtnw I... 3 increased, we mast deplore this reduc- THE REBELS S ABLY OFF The New Orleans Delia of January 23th, contains the following important paragraph : 'We are daily receiving accounts across the lines of the dreadfu 1 condition of things in rebeldom. The soldiers are only kept from open mutiny and insubordination by the prom ises hell out that jf ic trill be made within ninety duyt. Tbe army is very tired of tbe war, and would accopt peace on any terms which would restore them to their homes again. The people, too, even in Mississippi, openly express a wish that the Yankees would come along and end the farce. The demoral ization among tbe Louisiana and Arkansas troops at Port Hudson is represented to be extreme, and thousands would desert if an opportunity offered. The conscription is found to be a very slow aud also a very dangerous business. The people in the country kill every officer wbo comes around bunting conscripts. At least twenty have been killed in the perfor mance of this kind of duty. The people will not serve as conscripts if they can avoid it, and the swamps and hiding-places of Louisiana are full of fugitives helween the ages of 16 aiii oO. iut a relic' will the cowing of the Union troops be to these. Provisions, clo thing, and all the necessaries of life are very carce,ar!d everybody is miserable, except the heartless speculators and the more heartless leaders. It is said that if the supply of salt was cut otf for three months, it would crush the rebellion. Salt m:ght save the Union." CUKWEXSVILLE, Pa. A general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. Herring in barrels and half-barrels, Which will be soli as low as at any other store. June 18. 1362. V WM. IRVIN. CLEAAsU TJIK BLOOD. With corrupt, disordered or vitiated Blood, you must be sick all over. It may burst out in Pimples, or Sores, or in some active dieae. or It may merely keep you listless, depressed and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while your Mood is impure. Ayer's Sariaparilla purges out these impurities and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous action, restoring the health and ex pelling disease. Hence it rapidly cures a varie ty of complaints which are caused by impurity of the blood, such as Scrofula or Kingi' Evil. Tu mors, Ulcers. Sores Emptier. Pimpies. Blotches. Boils. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Palt Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm. Cancer or Uancerous Tmnors, f'ore Kyes. Female Diseases, such as Retention, Irregularity, sup pression, Whites. Sterility, Syphilis or Veneral Diseases. Liver Complaints and Heart Diseases. Try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and see for yourself the eurprising aetivity with which it cleanses the blood and cures the disorders. Aver's Chebrt Pectoral is so universally known to surpass every other remedy for the care of Coughs, Colds. Indaenza, Hoarseness, Croup. Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease, that it is useless here to recount the evidence of its virtues. The world .knows them. ' Aver"s Cathabtic Pills for Costiveness, Dys pepsia. Indigetion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, jaundice. Headache. Heartburn. Piles. Rheuma tism, Dropsy, Worms, and in short for all the purposes of a purgative medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver 4 Co., Lowell, Xass., and sold by C. D. Watson, Clearfield. Wm. Irvin, Curwens vi'le. S. Arnold. Luthersburg. Eliza Chase. Anson ville. J. C. Bc-nner, Morrisdale, C. R. Foster. Philip-burg, and Dealers everywhere. May 7. ISS2. CABINET E3D70B1TJ1I ! B. K. SIIOPE, CABINET MAKER, - 7 Would respectfully to the public that he has fitted np a sh.p on Cherry street, near the Episeopal church, and near Kratzer's sfore. where he intends to carry on the Cabinet-making busi ness in its different branches. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the business, and work ed as a Journeyman over six years, besides carry ing on a shop for three years, ho flatters himself that he ean render satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. Having located in the Borough of Clearfield, he solicits a share of patronage, and it shall ever be his object to make to order, neat and substantial furniture such as pfce, T. R. McCIare, 2,62 . For 1S55. Covington, John Earmoy, 00,00 For 1356. Decatur, i. Eephart. 63.89 ForlS57 Curwenrv. Z. M'Xaol. 00 m rergoson. J. Straw, 23 00 oshen, E R. Livergood, 12 fl Jordan. W,a. Williams. 00.00 For 1853. Clearfield Tt J Wn mm ox. Penn, Fox, Bell. Boggs. ' Fox. Graham, Bell, Bogss. D. i. Heath. 5.00 R. Danvers, 00,00 For 1359. J. M'Clellan. C0.00 For 1S60. J A. Campbell, Ofl.fM) Wm. Wilson, oa.Oi) J. Mulkins, 21. ia J. P. .Nelson, 31,09 For 1561. Wm. T. Thorp, 57.65 T, NT T.nm aA it a OJ t"iiora, J. wooldndge, 88.10 I.rady, Wm.Schem 15.43 'oom. J. W. Cleaver, Clearfield, Wm. Porter. Curwensv. John Irvin. Chest, W. MeGarvey, Fox. Thos. Mulkics Graham, David M'Dowell, 90 29 Ooshen, Matthew Tate, 79 Huston, F Hewitt, 61.65 Jordan. John Thompson. 00 00 Lawrence, J. J. Reed, 15-41 Penn, M. S. Spencer. 37,03 For 136?. ieccaria, John M'Coy. 235.87 00,00 16,94 111,59 00.00 2.41 12.05 2.45 2V64 00.00 00,00 17.S5 19.0S 20.62 14-3S 00.00 Furs! Furs! Furs! ATI kinds of Furs wanted by the sabscriber. such as Mink. Coon, Red Fox. Grey Fox. Cross Fox, Musk rat, Elack Eear. Otter. Also. DeerSkins. Hides and Pelts. For which the hjj?het ri riV. trill q i . J aithcr in r, la a n . : t the cheap cash stare of R. MOS'.)P, 00,00 1 December 3. 1S2. , Clearfield. i oo.oo 00.00 24,50 2.S5 4,30 32.3-1 00.00 00.00 56 45 45.33 J-N M Cracken. 197.35 147.54 J. Mneal. Bell, Bggs, Bloom. Thos. Cleaver, Bradford, John Porter, Brady. Saml Arnold, Burnside. J. MeMarrav, Clearfield. A. K. Wright, Curwensv. J. S. Gates, Covington B. Snyder, Chest, A Curry, Decatur. D. Avers. A. Ferguson, N. Brock way, Jonas Martte, R. Graham, J. H Morgan 8.61 2-TS 15.25 31.39 7.77 1207 00.00 00.00 8.P6 36.87 00.00 21 .92 19 47 47;?2 6.89 14.14 4.20 86.31 17,53 161.46 r erguson, Fox. Graham. Goshen, Gnelich. Huton, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox. Lawrence 96.04 77.75 251.61 314,52 306.47 337,74 209.39 51,29 20.53 132,23 115,S6 44.0.3 63.24 51.13 168,29 W.D.Woodward 13.131 R. Johnson, B. Gur.sanlus, G. Erhard. E. ArJerv. i-rawr-v. i . Kirk, Morris. G Arderv, N.Wash'tn C. Neff. Penn, W. F, Johnson, Pike, D Hartsock. I:nion, H. Courtney, Vr'oodward J. M. Chase, 125.55 62.34 93.64 125.05 95.29 73.65 31,83 40.93 2?8.42 70.11 57,93 43.58 44.63 100.16 152.97 145.20 215.57 93.62 10.97 101.76 108.57 57.69 19.77 59.85 30.52 79.47 65.37 62.45 13.55 48.23 89.00 44.84 41.17 32.20 93.41 153.15 29. i 23,69 00.00 00.00 8.55 4.25 22.80 19.70 16.30 11.99 5.65 00.00 6.32 10,80 10.67 00,00 4.25 00.00 35.10 4,00 34.20 35.15 15.10 12.82 34.20 36.y7 39.43 20,43 12.10 12 55 32.77 24.45 13,52 9.02 23.27 15 20 U.KO 13.30 16,62 14,25 17.32 8.28 5.70 17.33 13,77 1947 29.20 8.77 11,37 Total, ?il36.9l 2mS4 1003.84 French Bedsteads and common and French posts Cottage. Jenny Li ai. and all other kinds of Bedsteads, with T e c kn e r's Patent fastenings a n d Gard He will always l:e prepared tofnrnishtoor der Rocking chairs r,f different kinds, and common and other chairs. He will also fur nish to order Hair. Husk, ners Patent spring Bed-! and hair and cotton too steads. Bureaus of dif-I Mattresses. The above ferent kinds. Sideboards, named and many other i ararooes, uook cases. articU es will be made to order for customers, on Breakfast and dining ta- short notice, chean for Parlor and centretables. - ' . litlV7t 1 111 - i roved Extensiontables. Work stands, flat racks. Toilet and Wash stands, and every other kind of furniture in his branch. tioa. "fte total cost of tuition in 1S61 was $1,436, 3 00, in 1862, $1,367,181 S3, showing a de crease from 1861 of $68,851 67. The average cntnber of mills on the dollar of school tax, 'a 1851, waa 5.40, in 1862 , 4.75, showing a decrease in the latter year of .6-5. Total cost cf system, inclndiDg whole amount of tax Wd and state appropriation in 1861, bnt "elusive of $46,302 77 paid to Philadelphia ad embraced in this item tbat year, $2,342, 134 67; total cost of system, including whole aoont of tax levied andStatj appropriation a 152, $2,227,154 91, showing a decrease jwnlSSl, $115,019 76. In Warren county, Uriua Indian tribe, "Corn Planter lndi ""V'tbat annually receive an appropriation rrthe education of its youth. ifcese ar a few of the facts gleaned from cursory examination of the report of the s"Prinundent of Common Schoolt for thai Jar ending June 2, 1862. DEFENCE OF EEY- I. J. STI52. Shiiti'nsbi rg, Pa., Fel, 5, 1SC3. To the E.iit,r of Th Ta-jj : Sir : The fol -lowing lerter, which I hve received from Cap tain Palmer since his return, will explain it self. The story of my betrayal of him Is known, as also the facts of my arrest and imprison ment on that charge, with which, however,two others were connected. Yon will oblige by publishing this very im portant'test imony to my fidelity to Captain P. I am preparing a defeLce in lull, which I will send you iu a few days. If I have suffered wrongfully, the s itistaction of having been uselul in the service of my country, even for one brief auspicious week, has been something to me. The week ol rebel despotism in Mary land, anil the rout of the invader, have mark ed an epoch in ray life, as in the history of the "great rebellion." I am sitisficd. ''All's well that ends well." Very respectfully, 1. J. Stixe. Germastow.v, Jan. 23, 1S63- Rev. I. J. Stine. Shippcnsbnrg, Pa. i Dear Sir: I. take the eailiest opportunity, after my return from rebeldom, to write to yon. Nothing daring ray confinement in the Confederate prisons, caused me more regret than the report tbat you had been arrested and imprisoned on the charge of having betrayed me into rebel cap tivity; and I take much pleasure in saying that there Dever existed the slightest founda tion in fact for the charge referred to. The services you rendered our army at the time of the invasion of Pennsylvania were of the most important and useful character; and in my opinion, there is not a more loyal man in the State than yourself. Allow rae to add, that, for the disicterested nessyou manifesteddoringyour imprisonment and since your release on parole, in not men tioning any of the particnlrrs connected with ray capture, preferring rather to sutler awhile longer under the imputation of being guilty, in the hope of my return, than to imperil my safety by attracting further attention to my case, you have my profound gratitude. I have wiitten to the Secretary ol War, re qnesting him to discharge you from your pa role. Yon are at liberty to nse this letter in any way you may see fit for the vindication of your character. Yours, respectfully, Wm. J. Palmer, Captain Commanding Anderson Troop. cash or exchanged for approved country pro duce. Don't forget the place, as I am prepared to furnish all articles at the most reasonable rates Maple. Cherry. Poplar. Pine. Linwood. and ev ery other suitable lumber, will be taken in ex change for furniture. Cash will also be paid for goon uimoer. p. k. clJ.VrE B. CofBr.g of the latest stvle made to order on short notice. Funerals attended whenever desirable. Cltarfi.ld. Pa., Jan. 21 1 S62 RECEIPTS AND EXPEXDITTKCS OF CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FUR A D. 1S62. Joseph Shaw. Esq.. Treasurer of C!earSe!d county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account with said county, from the 6th dav of Jan., A.D.1S62. until the 6th day of Jan., A.D.1363. DEBTOR To amount from Collectors for 1S62, and previous years, including percentago. 510505 26 To amountfrom Unseated lands forlSoO and 1861. 5719 93 To amount from Commissioners' books, 801 0 CREDIT. By Election expenses, S1199 23 Ky Jo roi-s wages, 2097 95 By Assessors wages, "65 23 By Constables' returns, 174 70 By Commonwealth costs 428 56 By Foxes A Wild cats. 176 54 By Fuel contract. 119 SI By Postage Jfc Stationary, 179 63 By Furniture. 162 37 By llridge contracts, 250 00 By Merchandise. 577 49 By Court-house bell. 36 07 By Repairs, 142 43 By Printing. 279 00 By Privy contract. li)0 00 By Prorhorotary fees, 173 75 By Interest odorderi, S51 65 By Office rent, 177 00 By Commissioners' wages, 8,-0 87 By Com'rs" clerk. park 1361-1S62, 271 43 By Agricultural. 100 00 By SherifFs fees, 156 57 By Justices cost3, 33 13 By Western Penitentiary, 43 56 By Inquests, 55 85 By Court crier, 27 50 By Jail tees, 61 85 By Court house vaults, 66 63 By Counsel fees. 200 00 By District Attorney's fees, 211 00 By Janitors fees, 30 00 By Refunds. 46 43 By Miscellaneous. . 192 56 By Lithograph orders 350 00 By Court-houae contract, 3435 42 By Road views, 170 75 By Auditors' wages, ISO 00 By Auditors' clerk" wages, SO 00 By Percentage to collectors. 375 95 By Exonerations to collectors, 477 52 A?5Tegate am't due from collectors, Aggregate anvt from unseated lands Aggregate am't of judgments, etc. Aggregate am't due from Treasurer, Aggrgate due county, Outstanding county orders. 52571.74 Outstanding court-house ord. 4324.81 Outstanding county bonds. 16500 00 Indebtedness of countv. S3136.91 2507.90 1100.22 668.65 THE ARMY MOVING! SJ573.6S 13822.87 Total, 23396.55 23396,55 J.sf.phShw.Esi .Treasurer of ClearEeld countv, in ac t with different t'ps for Road 1850-61. DEBT9R. To Bal. due townships last settlement. $334 83 Toaraoupt received from unseated lands 15o0 aud 1861. 8251 03 CREDIT. Townships. Am't pd tp's. Bal.dnetp's. Beccaria, 3; 35 5 44 05 Bell. 350 00 43 95 Bocgs, 194 44 38 91 Bradford, 80 00 19 82 Bloom. 80 00 . 24 73 Brady, 370 00 58 45 Burnside, 180 00 72 60 Chest, 30.3 41 Covington, 136 54 79 12 Clearfield, 4 93 Decatur. 230 00 42 54 Ferguson, 20 00 21 05 Fox, 243 23 Oirard, 130 00 46 19 Goshen. "2 12 10 73 Graham, 200 00 61 02 Guelicb, 135 00 53 69 Huston, 1353 29 160 95 Jordan, 130 00 16 42 Karthaus, 104 43 159 23 Knox, 366 00 112 74 . Lawrence, 193 57 13 63 Morris, 561 69 Penn. 160 00 11 14 Pike, 135 00 74 a3 Union, 190 00 112 52 Woodward. 155 62 42 72 Bal . due townships, 1316 23 - Total, S3535 91 585 AND NEW GOODS ARRIVING ! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods ' AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received and opening, a carefully selected stock of Fall and Winter goods, consisting cf DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Hardware, Queensware, GROCERIES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS. BOOTS, SHOES, CATS AND CAPS. BUCKETS AND BASKETS, School Books and Stationary, NAILS AND SALT, And a great variety of other useful articles, all of which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex changed for approved produce. Go to tbe "cheap cash store" if you want to buy goods at fair prices. Nov. 12, 1362. WM F. IRWIN. Seriously Wounded!! All tho Merchants In the neighborhood of Cur wensville, because I have brought on and opened a large and well assorted -stocK of NEW GOODS, which I am selling at extremely low prices for cash. My stock embraces all the variety usually kept in a country store, and selected with an eye to suit these WARTIMES. I will not, here attempt to enumerate all the arti cles I keep ; and their fabulousiy low prices ... v. : r - 1 . , 1 - ... , x oiigui uo out aitcr you win nave seen and examined for yourselves, you wi'l exclaim, in in? language 01 tne yueen of the touta "HALF HAS NOT BEEN TOLD " I will merely say, ooiue and see for yourselves , ior 1 leei suiisaed mat 1 can suit your tastes as wen as your purses Lumber and all kinds of produce also taken in exchange for goods. Curwensville. Oet. 22. 1862. - J. F. IRVIN. FB0FESSI0NAL ft BUSINESS CASUS. HILWOODS, Attorney at Law. Indiana. P. . Professional business promptly attendei to TREPEErcK LEITZINGER. Maaufacturer "of L II kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Ta. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail. Jan. 1, 1863 LJ. CRANS Attornev at Law and Real Estat . Agent, Clearfield. K. OCea adjoining hi residence, on t-econd str xr 14 May 16. W mC1LL0H' Att0"ey t Law, Clear- 6'f Fa- OSce. with L. .1 Crans. Eso , on Se.03Strct. JclSfil T7ILLI A M A. WALLACE. Attorn -t t- Clearfield. Pa. fffiee. 'idioinirV hi. 1 dence on Second street. vpt. 1. ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Naugle's Jewelry store. Mav 26. HF. N AUG LE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Ac. Room in Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10, HBUcTlER SWOOrE. Attorney at LaClcar . field, Pa. OSct inGraham's Row. four do west of Graham A Beynton's store. Nov.'lO. BK. SUOPE. Cabinect Maker. Cherry Street, Clearfield. Pa Makes to order everv des cription of Furuitureon short notice. Jan.2U63 TP KRATZER Merchant, and dealer in . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce 1-ront St. above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa, (jl 3 A J. PATTERSON. Attorne at Law. Cnrwens- V yjlle, Pa , will attend to all business en- irusiea to his care. Methodist Church. UtSoe opposite tbe New Jan. 15, 1862. A riLLIAM F-IRW IN, Market.rreet, Clearfield, t Pa-, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware., Groceries, aud fumily articles generally. Nov. 10. DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1, 1S59. JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer cf all kinds t Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. Ife also makes to order Coffins on short no'ice, ac i attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'59. Joseph Shaw. Esq .Treasurer of Clearfield eourty, iu u 1 wuu amerent rp s ior cnaoi lor isou-01 DEBTOR. Jo balance due tp s from last settlement S319 42 lo a mt received from unseated lands lsoO and 1S61, 9729 85 CREDIT. Townships. Am'tpdtps. Eal.duetps Beecaria, Bell, Boggs. Bradford, Bloom, Brady, Burnside, Chest Covington Clearfield, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, Goshen, Graham, Guelich, Huston, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Pike, Union, Wood ward. 257 73 3-S 35 313 49 125 34 240 47 453 12 269 85 105 23 151 05 5 31 644 83 7 S3 193 83 187 82 310 73 392 34 310 45 761 79 207 33 107 97 542 18 329 35 413 56 234 50 233 51 134 10 247 89 Bl. due town'ps, 2479 77 Total. S 10049 27 353 33 115 37 51 90 19 33 54 25 85 53 55 270 83 117 43 36 93 2 27 51 01 35 57 19 62 33 24 fedO 83 157 74 78 33 22 77 15 54 23 56 69 12 15 05 By bal. due last Trea's atsetl'mt, 31 82 By Treasurer's p. ct. paying out 225 59 By Treasurer's p. ct. receiving 233 41 Bal duocounty, byTreas'r. 663 65 Total amount. $17027 04 S17027 04 DIED: In Pike township, on Friday, February 5th, Lavexia, youngest daughter of Jonathan and Rachael Hartshorn, aged 1-3 years. When told br ber mother a few hocrs before ber death that she wonld have to die, she called the family to her bedside and bid them all an affectionate farewell. B. Amount of County, State and Militia taxes due from collectors for 1S62 and previous years. Town'ps. Col'rs Names. County. State. Militia. or 1S47 Jas.Rerv.jr. 5205.51 592,14 SOO.OO For 1843 Henry Swan, 00.G0 - 00.00 A. Spencer, 00,00 00.00 For 1849 Wm. Wiley, . 00.00 00.00 Thomas Fenton. 00.00 00,00 For 1S50. J Sunderland, 00.00 00.00 J. Davis, 00 00 00,00 iorl!;l. Burnside, J. Young. 00.00 00.00 Jordan, D. Williams, 3.15 8.29 tor lba2. J. I. Bundy. 1,00 00 00 For 1353. D. Kephart, 1)0,00 13.17 J. Caldwell, Oo.OO 4.72 For 1354 J. Patterson, 00,00 1,42 Jordan. Jordan. Penn. Jordan, Penn, Bell, Penn, Fox, Decatur, Pike, Jordan. S 10049 27 We, the Commissioners of Clearfield county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the acoounts of Joeph Shaw, Esq., Trea surer of the County of Clearneld for the year A. a. iwj, ao certify that we find the accounts of Jo-r seph Shaw, Esq, as follows: The amount due from all sources to be Nine thousand Five hun dred and Seventy-three dollars and Sixty-eight cents We also find the amount of outstanding orders to be TweEty-three thousand Three hun dred and Ninety-six dollars and Fifty-five cents, of which Sixteen thousand Five hundred dollars are Court-house bonds. Witness our hands this 22d day of January A. D. 1353. SAMUEL C, THOMPSON, JACOB KUNTZ, Attest, THOMAS DOUGHERTY, Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk, t Comm'rs. We, the Auditors of Clearfield county, having examined the aecounts of Joseph Shaw, Esq . Treasurer of the County of Clearfield for the year A. D. 1862. do report that the accounts are as fol lows : The amount due the Road Fond by the Treasurer is One thousand Three hundred and Sixteen dollars and Twenty-three cents. The a mountdae the School Fund is Two thousand Four hundred and Seventy-nine dollars and Seventv- 6.29 1 seven cents. The amount of outstanding orders 7.00 j is Twenty-three thousand Three hundred and t Ninety-six dollars and Fifty-five cents of which 00.00 ; Sixteen thousand Five hundred dollars are court I house bonds. Witness our hands this 22d day of 19.50 : January A. D. 1363. B.C.BOWMAN. 7,54 ! O. S. WORRELL. ; Mitnt. H WOODWARD. 9 83' Wm. S Bradley. Clerk. Auditor 4,10 17,50 25,00 32,50 5,00 30,50 Shot At But Missed !! A GRAND MISTAKE!!! THAT ALL THE MERCHANTS OF CURWENS ville were wounded. 'Tis true, that I was -'shot at, but missed," and since then I have been at tbe city, and procured a very large assortment of goods of all descriptions, which I am disposing of at lower rates than any other house in the county. READ.'.' HEAD!.'.' READ.'!.'! : Best Calico, at from 15 to 19 cents per yard. Best Muslin, at from 15 to 30 cents per yard. Best Delaine, at from 20 to 23 cents per yard. CLOTHING AT REDUCED PRICES!!! Best Sugar at from I2i to 15 cents per pound. Best Syrup at 87 cents per gallon. All other groceries at the same rates. Boots and Shoes, and Shoe findings, cheap. Ladle! who wish to make a good investment, should call and examine the assortment of dress goods Merinos. Saxony plaids, Flaid Brilliants, Ac, ic. Also. Cloaks, Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Gloves, Ac., Ac. Dee. 3. 1362. J. D. TH0.M?S0N. ' Fall and Winter Goods. KEIZENSTEIN BROTHERS & CO. In the -Mansion House" (Mr. Shaw'sold Stan!) Clearfield, Pa., have just received a large Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Boots. Hats. Traveling T-ags. Valises atd a large and well selected stock ufGenta Furnishing goods. "YOU Can huy your Clothing, for yourselves and your Boys in every variety aud at low cash prices by calling at the cheap Clothing Store of Reizenstein Bro's A Co. opposite UiQ Cle&rfield Co. Bank, where yon WILL Save at least from 20 to 25 per cert. All kinds cf "CJoUung and furnishing gocds. are to be had at this Store at the lowest Cash pri ces and receive well made goods Wouid it net be wuidi better to SAVE Much valuable time by calling at encc. and lay ing in yonr r-roK or doming tor trie v,'ioter ut this Establishment- where you will cer tainly get the fall value fvr your MONEY. Remember the place. In the "Mansion House." opposite Clearfield Co. Bank. HP'Grain and Furs taken in exchange at the highest market rates. J. P. KRATZER, DEALER IN F0EEIGN ATTD DOMESTIC DRY-0003S, ETC, Front Street oftove th ArsAemy. Has just received a general assortment of WINTER GOODS. DR. R. V. WILSON, Practicing PbysicMn. Clearfield. Pa. Will attend ta all profes sional business. Office, corner of 2d and Locust BtJocti. . Jan. 23, la03. DR. M. WOODS, PnACTicma Phtshhas, and Examining Surgeon for Pensions, Office. South-west corner "of Second and Cherry Street, Clearfitld, Pa. January 21, 1863. JB M 'EN ALLY, Attorney nt Law. Clearfield. . Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. OScain new hriek building of J. Bovn ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanieh s Hotel. RICHARD MOSSOP. Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Bacon, Liquors, ic. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Journal Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. LARP.IMER k TEST, Attorneys t Law. Clear field. Pa. Will attend pruiuptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6. 1856. JAS. H. LAKRIXER.. ISRAEL TEST. "ITT ALL ACE A II ALL, Attorneys at Law, Clear- field, Pa. December 17, 1862. William a. Wallace. :::::::: jom a. hall. Mr. Wallace will be at heme on Saturday Feb. 14. rnFIOMAS J. M CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, J Clearfield, Pa. Office, over the "Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July a d. o. bcsh. :::::::: T.j.'crLLocfi BUSH A M'CULLOUGH S. Collf.ctrix Office. Claii field. Pxsx'a. Merinos, Del-tines, Alpacas, Reps. Cobergs Lanellas, Furs, Boniut, Ginghams. 1-riti la . Silks. Cashmere, 31 oh air. Muslins, Cloths. Cassimeres, Sstioetts, Tweeds, Jeans Flannels. Cloak. Ribbon-, Flannel, Balmoral shirts, hoop skirt3, shawls, dress trim ming, head nets, caps, nubies, hoods, soctags, cor sets, gloves, collars, scarfs, comforts, grenadine veils, table covers. CLOTHING, Coats, pants, vests, overcoats, gents shawls, shirts, hats, caps, under shirts and drawers, boots, shoes, gum shoes, buffalow shoes, crevats. collars, gloves, Hardware, queensware, notions, musical goods. GRO C ER JES, Tea, coffee, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice', flour, bacon, fish, tobacco, candles, rasics, ear rants, spices, crackers, wines, brandies, vinegr, oils, varnish, alcohol, tin ware, glass ware, wood ware, stationary. ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ' Carpet, oilcloth drugget, looking glasses, cloaks, churns, wash boards, tubs, backets, fiatirons, pans, window blinds, wall paper, coal-oil lamps, um brella, bed cords, k nives and forks, spoons. crocks, stove blacking. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms, and the highest market price paid for grain, wood, shipping furs, and alt kinds of eountrr produce. J-P. KRATZER. Clearfield . November 19. 1S62. FLOUR A good article tor sale at the store of 'JaniS WM F- IRWIN. Clearfield. .' FRIENDS AND RELATIVES OF THE UUAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. All who have Friends and Relatives in the Ar my and Navy should take especial care that they be auiply supplied with these- Pills and OintmeBt ; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailor have neglected to provide themselves with them, no bet ter present can Le sent them by their Friends. They have beeu proved to be the Soldier's sever failing friend in the hour of reed Coughs and C0.IJ3 Affecting Troops, Will be speedily relieved arl effectually cured bv using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the DirecUna nhicit we at taclled to each Pot or Box. Sick Eeidaeie a'li 'Wart of Ap-jetlte, Inciden tal to boldien. These feelings which so sadden u? nually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspira tion, or eating and drinking whatever is unwhole some, thus disturbing the healthful action of the Liver and Stomach. These organs trust be reliev ed, if you desire to be well. The P Us taken ac cording to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both Liver and Stom ach, and as a natural eoasequeiiee. a clear head ac-J good a.r.pctitc TTeakEcss or re'-jlli!y Indeed sj Cter rtijno W ill soon disappear by the use of these invalua ble Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire ad ditional strength Never let tho Bowch) be either ' confined or unduly acted upon It may seem strangc.that Hoiloway's Pills should be recom lueuded for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct the Liver and Stomach, and thus remove aH the acrid humor from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to tbe whole organic system, however deranged, while health and strength fol low as a matter of course. " Kothicg will stop tho relaxation of the Bowels to sure as this medicine. Veluntee't, Attention !-Ind?oretioai of Tonth. Sores and Ulcers. Blotches and Swellings, can with certainty be radically cured, if the Pills are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed instructions. If treated In any other manner, they dry up in one part to break out in another. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system, and leave the Patient a healthy and vigorous man' It will require a little perseverance in bad eases to insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either o-casioned by the Bsyone Sabre, or the Ballet, Sorea or Braises, To which every Soldier or Sailor are liable, there are no medicines so safe, sure, and convenient, as Holloway'a Pills and Ointment. The'poor wounds edacd almost d vine sufferer mirrht hi V.i.-w. dreeJ immediately, If be would only provide himself with this matchlessOintmeat-which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it. then covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack and com r.resfcd with Lmv. 1. : r lalting, night and morning, 6 or 8 Pills, to cool the system and prevent inflammation. Every Soldier's Knanitak unii ko . m . should be provided wiih these valuable remedies. CAUTION. None are ePTn:n u.t v words -Hollowat. New Ycrk n t.-.k discernible as a Water-it arbt in every leaf of toe book of directions around eac'o not nrhn- i. same may be plainly seen by holdiso tsb lkas to tub light A handsome reward will be given w auj uuc reuuenng sucn loiormation as may load to the detection of anv narrv riuriiiimnnt. feiting the medicines or vending th un. k... ing them to be spurious. ' , Sold at the manufactory of Prnfcaanr nr,-,. tow at, 86 Maiden Lane, New York, and by ail respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civilized world. In hni n cents, 2 cents, and 8-1 each. There is considerable saving by takics the larger size. . x B Directions forth guidance of patients la every disorder are aXxed to each box. New York. J.nuaiy 7, 183 ly I. j nr I