UL - f BYS. X EOW. CLEARFIELD, PA.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1862. VOL. 9.-NO. 14. m fr.4'TED.All -finds of grain willbe taen f in pavment of debts doe me. for which the i.yhestniaret prices will be given. Ito-11. JAMKS B GRAHAM. D K.LITCH'S MEDIC I NES. A fresh sup ply of tbese invaluable Family Medicines rt for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting f 7Vr Curer ; Rrstorative, a great cure for colds and cough; and Auti'Bitioiu Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and re highly approved. : Trv them. , ... TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned hav ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm of .tioore it EUweiler, and having made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by i:rict personal attention to business to merit a eontinuence of the same. March 26, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILEK. PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constantl on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Ceutreycounty, a fall stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders. Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar. Kice, Molasses. Ac. Alto, Li quors of all kinds, Tobacco. Segar's, Snuff, 4c; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms Give hiiu a call, and try his articles. Itnar211 UOBEKT LLOYD. lODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOR 1863. Great Litebart asd Pictorial Year '. The publisher of Oodcy's Lady's Book, thank ful to that public wbiuh has enabled Lim to pub lish a maguzine fur tbo last 33 years of a larger circulation than any "n America, has made an ar rangement with the most popular anthorefs in tbia country Mario Uarlamd. authoress of Alouo.' Hidden Path." '-Moss Side,"' '-Nemesis," and Miriam." who will furnish a story forevery num ber of the Lady's Book for 1S(53. This alone will place the Lady's Book in a literary point of view far ahead of any o trier magazine. . Marion Ilar land writes for no ether publication. Our other favorite writers will all continue to furcUh arti cles throughout the year. Sixty-Sixth ami Sixty-rvruth volumes of Go dey's Lady's Book for 13fl3, will contain nearly 13u0 pages of Reading matter, 24 pages of Music. 12 Double Extension Colored Fashion Plates, equal to 24 of other magazines, over 1200 wood engrav ings. 14 steel engravings of beautiful subjects. 7H0 articles by trie best authors in America. And all these will be given in 1A3, at prices fur which tea our extremely low club rates. The oldest, the best, and tbo cheapest magazine in America is the Godey's Lady's Book. The im merse increase in the circulation of Uodey (hav ing trebled itself in the last 4 years; is a convinc ing proof of the superiority of the work, if the vork itself was not sufficient evidence. And when it is considered that not a bribe in the shape of a premium has ever been offered, it shows that Go dey'i Lady's Book stands first in the hearts of A merican ladies, who sul-scribe for the sake of the took and not the premium. The Literature of the Lady's Book is by the first writers in America, and has always been remark able for its high literary and moral character. Clergymen recommend the Book, and it can he read aloud in the family circle. The matter is far superior to that of any other magazine, having a kaikby and instructive tone. Eight specialities that no other magazine ha, and only found in Goiley, to wit: Original .Ma lic," "Model Cottages, with diagrams." -Drawing Lessons," -Original Health Department," -'Children's Department," ' Chemistry for the Young,"' Horticultural Department." and '-Double Kxten ton Fashion-plates" Godey's great speciality, arparallcled and unapproached. Competition lira! in this department. Our imitators have a kandoned the attempt. Of Steel engraving, the press have unanimous ly pronounced Godey's the best ever published by any magazine of the world. You may look iu Tsin for 14 such steel engravings as were publish ed during the year lSb2. and those for 1S53 will surpau tLem. Other magazines do not go to the xpense of original designs for their steel engrav ing!. The Double Fashion-plate has from Z to 7 full length fashions on each plate. Other maga zine give but two. Godey is the only work in the world thr.t gives these immense plates, which cost $10.C0 more than the old style. These fashions icsy be relied on as correct. They are always the latest styles, and hence ladies arc not subject to ridicule for weaving old fashions, wheu they v sit the liirc cities Godey Wood engraving Xovelties. Of these w give double the nuiuher of any other inaga iiue. to matter what its price may be. Colored embroidery patterns and lingerie. Ev ery number contains patterns of somo article for lady to work ottoman, backs of chairs, slip pers, etc Among the articles to be continued, and which bsts been appreciated, will be Gardening for the Ladies. Mr. H. A. Brcer. the celebrated Horti culturist of thiscity, will assist in this department fJur Musical Department. Three dollars' worth of Music is given every vear; and if it were only for the music alone, the Lady's Book would bo ebeap at the price we ass for it. In the various numbers for 1863. will be found JisgracisforChildren'sand Ladies' dresses ; chil artu' amples for learning ; the newest designs ur iQdow curtains, broderie anglaise. slippers canned, caps, cloaks, evening-dresses fan-y arti eies, headdresses, Lair-dressing, robes de cham bie. carriage dresses, brides' dresses, wreaths, mantillas, walking-dresses, morning-dresses, ri sing habits, collars, chemisettes, understeeves. patchwork, embroidery patterns, and crochet and aottiug work. Our designs are received semi monthly from our agents in France. England, and Otrmary. and every new pattern of any portion f a ldy-3 dress appears first in the Lady's Book, j frawing "mall its variety, useful to the beginner and the proficient. Fashions from the establish ment of the celebrated -'Brodie" will be in every umher. AUo gives Model cottages. ! Uodey' invaluable receipts upon every subject, ladispiable to every family, worth more than the whole cost of the Book, and a grat saving of ipene to all those who take the book. Godey's Lady s Book is also used as a premium at nearly ery Agricultural exhibition in the United States another testimony of its worth. tend ui your orders soon. The best plan of absenting is to send your money direct to the publisher We recognize no subscription that is ot sent direct to ourselves. If you pay your ;oiOEty to any association, you must look to it for joar books. We will not supply s copy of the Lady's book unless the money is sent direct to us. 1T' no aSenta ff whose acts we are respon tibie. r Terms Cash ixAdvaxce. One copy one year, 3 Two copies one year. SS Three copies one Tar. $6 Four copies one year. $7. Five copies one year, and en extra copy to the person sending the club, making six copies. SlU Eight copies ?k an etra copy to the person sending toe club, making nine copies, SI a. Eleven cop ies one year, and an extra copy to the person send ng the club, making twelve copies. $20. Any Prn having sect a club will have the privilege adding one or more copies at the same club fates, ihe above Terms cannot be deviated from, o matter how many are ordered - How to Remit. Procure a draft if possible ; if ot. send Treasury r Ban notes; but let it be a natter known only to yourself ; the fewer you let wto the secret the more certainty there is of jourmoney coiuicg to hand. If you send gold, reUetroii:iJ iutbe letter; otherwise it is apt ZfZll" cf th" nveloie. Be careful and pay m,J?Br 'tter- Address ' I . DEY, Stt CkwftBBtStfMt, PWP4, TCOM ATS HEART. 'Tis a sad truth, yet 'tis a truth That does not need the proving. We give our hearts away unasked. '; . And are not loved for loviug. Striving towinalittlo back . For all we feel, we hide it. And lips that tremble with their love, In trembling have denied it. We. foolish, deem the kiss and smile, But life and loves beginning ; While he who- wius our hearts away, . Is satisfied with winning. On thinking that we have not fouud The right one for our mating, We go on till our hair is white. And eyes are blind with waiting. The best of us. until we die, ' Is less a saint than woman ; - And while wo pray for love divine, Our hearts yearn for the human. MAtvY THORIiE'S GOTJSIIT. "Miry, I am astonished !" Of course, the grave elder sister w.is astonished. In truth, and in fact, she lived in a chronic state of amazement ; for Mary Thome was always do ing something to astonish Iter irietids and rel atives. Miss Kutli could hardly credit the ev iJence of her own senses, in the hazy glow of the August morning, when she came out of the cleamatis shadows ot the little south porch, and discovered that yonder moving ob ject, half way upamong the unhrageotis branch es of the huge old pear tree, was not a spray ol leaves, nor yet a russet plumed robin, nor a cluster ol sun-checked pe.irs swinging in the blue empj ream, but Miss M'.iry Throne, com fortably perched in the crooks of the gnarled tree, her curia all flecked with the silted rain of sunshine that came down through the shift ing canopy of leaves, and a book in her l.ip. ! dou't care!" - said tho little damsel, luigliitig saucy defiance. "It's the nicest pla.ee in the world up here; feel just like a bird, with the leaves fluttering against my face and the wind blowing so softly and I intend to stay here ? Wouldn't you like to come tip here, Kutliy? it's easily done; just put your foot on th:it knot, and " Ruth, who Was thirty, and weighed a him dred and sixty pounds,bris'.Ied up with amaze ment. Mary Throne, are yon crrzy Comedown this instant !" 1 shan't," said naughty Mary, tossing the silky shower of curls away from ber forehead, and glancing down with eyes that shone and sparkled like two blue jewels. "But we are going " "Yea, I understand. You aro all going in triumphal procession to the depot, to lender an ovation to the great Professor La Place, the wisest, sagestand gra idest of mankind, to whom the Throne family have the nnotterable honor ol being second cousins, and to escoit him solem til j to a mouth's sj nrn at Throne Hill. O, dear !" ejaculated Mary, "I wish I could run away somewhere and hide. I hate this paragon of prim precision ! I shan't mar ry him if asks, and I mean to behave so badly that he won't dieam of it! No, I am not going with you. I hate ho close barouche, and it's too warm to ride on horseback. J shall sta at home !" And Miss Mary settled herself so snugly with one tiny slippered foot swinging down, and her pretty head close to a nest of blue speckled bird's eggs, that Kutli gave it up with a sigh ol despair. "Well, then, have it your own wny, you in corrigible romp! I wish you weren't too big to be shut up in a dark closet, or have your ears well boxed!" "It is a pity, isn't it," said Mary, demurely. "Of course it : is, Mary; if Cousin. Tom Eradley comes tins morning, be sure and ex plain to him why we are absent, und behave like a young, lady mind " "All right," said Mary, d inntlessly. I al ways liked Tom ! we used to have grand romps together when w were children." She sat there in th old pear tree, prettier than any Uomadryad that ever might have haunted the mossy old veteran of the garden, her cheek touched with sunshine and carmine, her dimpled lips apart, now reading a line or two from the boob in her lap, now looking up, rapt in girlish reverie, into the blue sky as it sparkled through ever moving leaves, and now breaking into a soft little warble of song that made the very robins themselves put their heads to one side t listen. The carriage had driven away long since she had watched it beyond the curve of the winding road ; the dark mantle of shadow was slowly following the creeping sun-glow across the velvet lawn below, and the old church spire among the far-off woods had chimed out elev en. And still Mary Thi one sat there in tba forked branches of the giant pear tree ! ; Snddenly there floated up into the leafy sanctuary, a pungent, aromatic ordor, which made her lean curiously forward, shading her eyes with oue hand, the better to penetrate the greets foliage below. Not the late month ly roses, Dot the amethyst borders of helio trope, nor the spicy geraniums, none of these blossoms distilled that peculiar smell ! ' ' "My . patience !" said little ; Mary ,' "it's a cigar." ' A cigar it was, and the owner thereof she could just see a white linen cat and a tall head covered with : black, wavy carls stood on the porch steps, quietly smoking, and iu-dalgiogin-a lengthened view of the garden slopes: ': " - ; ." " ' ", ".. . - . "That's Tom Bradley," said Miry to her self. . , , . . . "Now, if he thinks I'm coming down out of this delicious cool place to sit up straight in thi hot parlors, he's mistaken! ; Tom !" she called out in a silver accent of Imperative summons, and then burst into rnr ry Wnghter at the evident amazement with which the stranger gazed rotin 1 him. vainly trying to conjecture whence the call had pro ceeded. - -rou dear, stupid Cousin Tom,' she ejac- tilited, "don't stare off towards the cabbage bed ! Look straight up here I you m iy come up if you please. There's plenty of room for both. You are Cousin Tom, aren't you she continued, as a sudden misgiving crossed her mini. -Of course, I am ; and you are Mary, I suppose 7" Mary herself! Up with you, Tom catch hold of this branch there. - Now shake hands you saccy fellow, I didn't say you might kiss me !" Well, I couldn't help it and, besides, aren't we cousins ?" said Mr Tom, swinging himself comfortably into a branch just above Mary. "Why, Tom, how yoa have changed!" e j tculated the young ' lady," pushing back the curls with one hand, that sh might the better view her playmate of childhood's days. "Tour hair never curled so before; and what a nice moustache you've got. I shouldn't have known you, Tom !" ' 'No," said Tom roguishly. "And you've grown so tall ! I declare, Tom you're splendid." The gentleman laughed. "I could return the compliment if I dared ! But where are all the rest of my relations 7 The house below is as empty as a haunted hall." ' "All gone to welcome that horrid, poky old Prof. La Place, who has graciously indicated his willingness ta p-ss a few weeks with us. Tom, I do hate that man !"' . "Hate him, what for?" '-O, I don't know;. I'm sure he is a snuff dried, conceited old wretch, and I'll wager a box of gloves lie wears spectacles!" " "Notis-.-nse, Mary ! why, he's only twenty six!" "1 don't care I know he's rheumatic and wears spectacles for all that. And Tom, now if you'll never bteathe a word of this " , "I wont, upon my honor," said Tom. "Well, then, papa has actually got the idea into his dear oi l head that I should make a nice wile for tho professor, and and " Mary turned away with crimson indignation flashing n her cheeks. : It is too bad of you to laugh, Tom. I never, never will marry the man!" . "I wouldn't if I were you," consoled Tom. "But, cousin Mary, wait and see the man be fore yon decide. He may be quite a decent fellow." ' "No!" said Mary, shaking her head and biting hr cherry lips firmly; I h-ite him be forehand !" "What a spiteful little pussy you are," said her companion laughing. No, indeed, Tom, I'm not!" and the blue eyes became misty. "I love papa and Until dearly and I love almost everybody ! I like you Tom, but I hate Prof. L Place! And I want you to promise. Tom, that you'll stand my friend, and not all w him to tease me into walks or rides, or tete-a-tetes of any kind! Will you " Would he ? If she bad asked him to prectp-. itute himself out of the pear tree Uwn th stone steps lielow, with those Mue eyes fixed on his, he'd have done it ! Any man of taste woul 1. I promiso !'.' he said ; and they shook hands on :.' What a cosy place for a chat that gnarled old tree. ws! And (when they had talked over everything they, could Ihink of, it was the mot natural thing in the world that Tom should recover the book which hud slipped do n into a uet-wurk of thiti7 boughs, and read poetry to h'a pretty cousin in the deep rLiisi cal voice that maidens love to listen to ! And Mary sat there, watching the jetty curls blow ing to and fro ou his broad white brow, and the long, black lashes almost touching his ol ive cheek. And she thought how very, very handsome Cousin Tm was, and how much he had changed in the ten years that had elapsed since she had seen him; and she wondered whether Tom was engaged to any pretty girl somehow she hoped not ! Now, why could' tit Tom have been rich like that Prof. La Place, iustead ol a poor young medical student and". And when the large black eyes were sud denly lilted to hers, Mary felt as though he had read every thought ol ber miud, and blush ed scarlet; . . .. .-..: "Come Tom," she enattcred, to hide her confusion, "we've been up here long enough, ilelp me down, and I'll show you the old sun dial that we used to heap up with buttercups when we were children." v ' What a tiny, insignificant, little Mary she felt, leaning on the 'arm of that tall cousin. And how nice it was to have the stately head bent down so courteously to catch her soft ac centsfor somehow Mary- had .forgotten ber iQcinest, nd grown wonderoasly sby ! A rumble of wheels it was the returning carriage, and Mary clung to Tom's arm. - "The awful professor!" she whispered. "Now, Cousin Tom, be sure you stand by me through everything." t . ''To my life's end !" was the whispered an swer; and Mary lelt herself crimsoning much as she strove to repress the tell-tale blood. But there was no one in the . barouche, save Mr. Thorne and Ruth, as it drew up on the grand sweep, beside the two cousins. "Where is the Professor 7' questioned Miss Mary. "ITe was not at the depot," said MissKuth "and" ' .' ' But Mr. Thorne had sprang from the car riage, and clasped both the strangers hands in iiis. ' "La Place ! is it possible 7 Why, we have just been looking for you at Mill Stat on?" "lam sory to have inconvenienced yon, sir," was the reply ; .but I came by the way of Wharton, and walked over this morning." 'Never mind, now, so you are safely here," exclaimed the old gentleman. "Kuih, my dear Mary let me introduce you to your cousin, Prot. La Place !" Mary bad dropped his arm and stood dis mayed. : "You told me you were cousin Tom !" "So I am cousin Tom ! that is my name and relationship. Now, Mary," and the black eyes sparkled brimful of deprecating archness, "don't be angry because I don't snuff, nor wear spectacles! I beg the other Cousin Tom's pardon,, whoever he is ; but I am rery glad he isn't here. Mary be just and don't hate Cousin Tom, because his other name hap pens to be La Place !" 'He need not have been so apprehensive, for, in their twilight walk beside the sun dial that very evening she confessed that she did not find Prof. L i Place such a terrible ogre, after all; quite the conttary, iu fact. And he succeeded in convincing her that h liked his impulsive little cousin Mary all the better for those pear tree confidences ! ,iui no uouoi, ii was a very perplexing thing to have two Cousin Toms : and so, about six months subsequently, Miss Mary contrived to obviate that inconvenience by allowing oue of them to assume a nearer relationship, and in spite of all her asseverations to the contrary, slio is Mrs. Prof. La Place. "For it's a solemn fact in this world, that, whenever a girl says she "never, never," will do a thing, she is pretty sure to go and do it the first chance she gets, and Mary is no ex ceptiou to the general rule ! . ... . The Walled Lake in Iowa. The wonderful Walled Lake is situated in tho central part of Wright county, Iowa. The shape of the lake is oval. It is about two miles In lengrtfand one wide, in the widest part, comprising an area .of some 2)00 acres. The wall inclosing this area is over six miles in length, and is built or compos -d of stone varying iu size liom boulders of two tons weight down to small pebbles, and is inter mixed with earth. The top ofthe wall is uni form in heijjbt above the water in all parrs, which makes its height to vary on the land side according to the tinevenness if tho coun try, from two to twelve feet in height. In the highest part the wall measures from ten to twelve feet thick at the base, and from fur to six at the top, inclining each way, outward tid inward. , There is no outlet, but tho lake frequently rises and flws over the top ofthe wall. The like at the deepest part Is about ten feet in depth, and abounds with large and fine fish, such as pike, pickerel, bass, perch, &c. The water is clar as crystal, and there is no bubbling or agitation to indicate any large spring or feeders.' Wild towl of all kinds are plenty upon its bosom." At the north end are two small groves of about ten ucres each, no timber being near.' It has the appearance of having been waited np by human hands, and looks like a huge fortiess, yet there aie no rocks in that vicinity for ' miles around. There are no visible signs of the' lake being the result of volcanic action ; the bed being perfectly smooth and the border of regular form. The lake is seventeen miles from Boon river on the west,' eight miles from Iowa on the east, and about one hundred miles from Cedar Itupids. It is one of the greatest won ders ol the West, and has already been visited by hundreds of curiosity seekers. An Old Soldier. Thomas Stewart,' aged ninety-two 'years, '"of East Newton, Ohio, was a private in the 101st Ohio Regiment, and took part .in the battle of Perryville, where ho was complimented for his bravery and soldier ly bearing. ' lie has four sons, two grandsons, and three sons-in-law at present in the army. Ha was born" in 1770, at Lichfield," Conn., where his' father now resides, aged one hun dred and twenty two years. - '' , Bill came running into the bouse the other day, and asked eagerly, "where does charity begin 7" "At home", we replied, in the words of the proverb. . Not by a good deal," re joined Bill; "it b-?gins at sea.' (C.) ., A Cleveland paper says that the people of that town are osing mouse-traps, old jack knives and shirt buttons for small change. - .. Why are girls after a certain age called wo men 7 Becaoa thay begin to tooo the men. : EMAJfCIPATIOir-ABOLITIOJT. ' These words are sometimes used Inter "cnangeably, but they are by no means synony mous. We are considering them now, of course, as they apply to slaves and slavery. The first applies to a person, or to persons the other to si ivery as a system.' . , The Presidnnt in his proclamation does not propose to abolish slavery , but only to eman cipate certain slaves. . Ills authority, under the war power reaches persons, but does hot touch laws'. They remain as they were. . lis hs power under the laws t war, and also by express statute, to confiscate the property of a rebel, a horse, for example ; but how, absurd would it be to say that his doing so interfered with tho abstract right of all men to own horses! A rebel may lose his horso t;day by confisca tion ; hut ho has a perfect right to buy another to morrow, if he choses, or is able, to .do so. Just so it is in the case before us. If every slave in Virginia or South Carolina should be set free on the first day of Januaty next, the people of those States may immediately pur chase another set, if they can find them ; for the laws authorizing them to do so remain as they were. They cannot, however, re-enslave the persons emancipated, because the procla mation expressly declares that, they shall be "forever free" ' While, therefore, the abstract right to hold slaves reinins intact, practically that proclama tion will work an abolition of Slavery. But if has nothing to do with laws ; it Impinges upon no reserved rights of States ; but simply lays its hand npon a certain kind of property which it finds existing, and which gives strength, aid and comfort to the enemies of the country, to persons who have by their own act renounced their allegiance to the govern ment, cut themselves off from all claim to its protection, and placed themselves in the atti tude of active enemies. The freedom which it gives to another set of persons is but an un avoidable incident in the procedure. : However right, and just, and proper, aboli tionism may be in itself, or however wrong, unjust and mischievous it matters not which view we may take of it it has nothing to do with the question before us. A man might, therefore, with consistency argue that Slavery is right in itself, and that It is in perfect ac cordance with the divine law, and yet argue that' . inasmuch as it constitutes the main strength of this great rebellion, it is the duty of the government to strike it down as a means of national salvation. We must in all honesty admit, that, how ever desirable it may lie to abolish Slavery, this Proclamation of which we are speaking does not do it. It only emancipates certain persons found in a specified condition ; yet it gees as far as the President has a right to go ; still its practical effect will be the abolition of the system. He has not interfered with the slave codes even of insurgents States- They stand as they did ; and all the talk we have had among the opposition about violating the Con stitution, and invading the reserved rights of the States, is mere bosh. The President has laid his hand upon what certain persons once claimed as rights, personal rights, but which are rights no longer ; and this he did, not as a policy in peace, but as a necssity in war. "Results of the Corinth Battle. Gen. Resencranz has handed in a long and graphic account of the battle of Corinth. The results of the battle briefly stated are : "We fought the combined rebel force of Mississip pi, commanded by Van Dorn, Price, Loveil, Villipigne and Rust in person numbering, ac cording to their own authority, 38,000 men. We signally defeated them, with little more than half their numbers, and they fled, leav ing their dead and wounded on the field. The enemy's loss in killed was 1,423 officers and ! tueti ; uieirioss in wounuea, taxing iue gen eral average, amounts to 5,652. We took 2,218 prisoners, anion.; whom are 137 field officers, captains and subalterns, representing 53 regi ments of infantry, "6 regiments of cavalry, 13 i batteries of artillery, and 7 battalions mak ing 39 regiments, 9 battalions, and 13 batter ies, besides seperate companies. We took also fourteen stands of colors, two pieces of attil- lery, 3,500 stand of arms, 1,500 round of am- j munition, and a large lot of accoutrements.; The enemy blew np several wagons between Corinth and Cbewalla, and beyond Chewalta ' many ammunition wagons and carriages were ; destroyed, aud the ground was strewn with tents,' officers mess chests, and small arms. . We parstied tnem forty miles in force and six- j ty miles with cavalry. Our loss was 315 kil- led, 1.812 wounded, 232 prisoners and mis sing, it. is sua .the enemy was demoralized and alarmed at our advance. Tbey set fire to tho stores at Tupellb, but finding that we were not so close upon them, extinguished the fire and removed the public stores, excepting two car-loads of bacon, which they destroyed. It is said when the . mother of Washington was asked how she had formed the character of her son, - she replied that she had early en deavored to teach him three things.obedierice, dilligence, and truth. No better advice can be given by any parent. " :; ' "A doctor and military officer became enam ored of the same lady.' A friend asked which of the two suitors she intended to favor. She replied "that it was difficult to determine, they were both snob killing creatarM." ' A WAENIKO FK0M PAES03 B30WUX0W. In a letter to the Philadelphia Prut, Mr. Brownlow remarks ; There exists a deep-laid scheme to defeat thisiovernment at the North, and tiie pro gramme of treason is widening and deepening daily, whilst the leaders at the South are kept posted in all these movements of Northern traitors. - These allies of Jeff. Davis are be coming more bold every day, and more fierce and out spoken in their advocacy of treason. They have their newspapers in Iowai Mince, sota, Wisconsin," Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, and other States, pen etratingall the various ramifications of socie ty, and talk out treason, rank and infamous. They have grown insolent since the fall elec tions, and now wage war against the Govern men in a defiant tone. And what is strange, the Government tamely submits to their hos tility. That many of these papers are in the Southern Confederacy, I have no doubt, and hence the game of treai-on is a deep one, well played out. The Louisville papers speak of the arrest of a man in that city, by Gen. Boyle, who had in bis possession $156,000, which he alleged was the money of loyal persons In Augusta, Georgia, who had employed him to bring it North and deposit it in bank' for them ! Will -any sane man believe one word of this story J That amount of money would sustain half a dozen of these tory papers at the North for another year. ' - :" I repeat, a deep game is being played ont by the South and ber Northern allies, and I warn all true men, of all parties, against their machinations. Backed up with that infamous organization, the Knights of the Golden Cir cle,' these traitors have now got a net-work; spread over the entire nation, so minute in details, and so inexplicable in its natnre. that even the devil, with all his arts and subtlety, could not elude th -ir grasp. Northern Dem ocrats are falling into it by thousands. Thou sands of them are honest, and deceived, hav ing do idea of the extent and purpose of the conspiracy they are goting into. Thousands of these voters are acting in good faith towards the Federal Government, and if they had tho most disl ant idta that they are going gradually, but certainly, into the victorious camps of Jeff. Davis, tbey would indignantly cease to be co-workers with such traitors as are bow leading them astray. Mr. Editor, warn the honest masses aganst falling into tbo webtheee vile leaders have wo ven for them, and exort them, while they may, to extricate themselves from the abyss of ruin into which they are unconsciously plun ging themselves and their conntry 1 " 1 "War Fbazes." Josh Billings takes a lo- gikal vu of war frizes : "Ou to Richmond," that is tu sa, if the k ca sed rebels will allow it. . "Paralel lines," are them kind of lines that cever kum tugether. . j "Militara necesita" 10 ofisers, and agaloa of whiska, to every 8 privates. ' "Onlnce the dogs of war; but muzzle the darn kritters, if yea don't somebody will get hurt." j ; "War of exterminashun" (bisfraze belongs holey tu the komisara department. ': "Advanse Gard" this is a gard tha hav fa hav in our arma to keep our fellers from pitch in intu the enema Iruntwards. : ... "Rere Gard" this is a gard tha hav tu hav tu keep our fellers, when tba are surrounded, from pitchin iutu tho enema backwards. "Au I quiet on the Putterniuck' this show wbat'parfek subjeckahun our fellers ar under. .Militara straterga" trying - tu reduce a' swamp by ketchin the bilyous fever out of it. "Pickets" these are chaps that ar cent ont tu borry turbacker ot the enama, and to see If the kussed rebels has. got a pass. Wheee the Ivoby comes raoM. About 80, years ago, some oue made the discovery that the ice-fields ef Siberia contained an immense number of fossils of elephants and mastedons., Where they came from, or how they got there,, is a problem which perhaps may never.be) solved ; their existence, however, was no chi mera, and as ivory is one of the most valuable commodities ol trade in all nations, some util itarian Englishmen conceived the idea of turn ing these vestiges of a former epoch to profit-' able account. Accordingly, about the year 1835, Thompson, Bonner & Co., a rich London firm, fitted out an expedition to seek for Ivory in Siberian ice. Novel and increditable as it seemed, the expedition was crowned with sue-, cess. The ship returned to England richly; laden with the choicest ivory ; and even at tb t present time, although the world knows little' about it, the ivory market is mainly supplied, from the ice fields of Siberia. - j Scbstitcb.es roR CoTToa. The Govern ment now uses for twine, for postal purposes,' flax instead of cotton. The material is stron ger and safer than cotton twine, and a hun dred yards more to the pound is produced. The railroads are also using thin iron roofs for their passenger cars instead of cotton, and bass wood shavings instead of cotton for their' packing. Gradually, If the war goes on'. King' Cotton may have to take) his place behind the throne instead of npon U, as monarch of all be surreys..- Wool and: fiat at fast gstnlaf In tha rae tar mattery. -. nr