Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, November 19, 1862, Image 3

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    TUB journal:
J 7
CLEARFIELD, PA., XOY11 19, 1862,1 J
Tune of Cars leaving Tyrone Station.
Trough Exp
; Fit train,
' Mail trin,
w,T tram,
' Troujh Exp
fxit trini
Mail train,
8.40 p m.. . 9.07 p.m.
9.50 pn ,
2.12 am .
9.13 a.m.
1.20 p.m.
z z :C-.'
6.28 a.m.
6.56 p.m.
5.03 p.m.
' I. a.m. .
7.45 a.m'
10.50 a.m.
.-. -
7.50 a m.
8.05 p.m.
6.45 p.m. :
8.13 a.m.
11.40 a.m.
7.13 a.m.
6 01 p.m. ;
3 15 p.m.
2.30 p ru.
1.20 p.m
"57 , ..: does not ston between Huntinzdon
r tram.
iitnniit The way train onl j runs between
: M,l lw" ;at4. ., Enoch Lewis. Genl Supt.
those two P"
g-jjaisaTOX, C. Nor. 7th 1862.
To DeL Livisostox, Esq. Sir: Your
. ulterofthe 5th inst., is received. 'In reply,
Ihtr to inform yoa that a Law firm of two or
,aore persons, having bat one place of bus!-.
ne, which is common to all, are required to
uke out bat one license, Provided ; 1st, That
a legal and bona fide partnership exists, and
'not merely an arrangement or understanding
,j w hich to evade the full effect of the license
law. 2d, That the parties on no occasion
transact business on private account,' in the
'branch for which , the firm puiports to have
been organized. , I am, very respectfully,
4 ' C. F. Estee, Acting Commissioner. ,
Disastrous Fire The stable connected with
the Kinnear Hotel at Franklin, Venango coun
tv, was entirely consumed by Are on Tuesday
the 11th. Fifteen horsos, some of them very
valuable, with a large amount ot grain and
hay, and several vehicles and other property,
were destroyed. Adjoining property was con
iderably injured, as well as the furniture of
the hotel. There; was no insurance and the
loss fulls heavily on Mr. Steel, as veil as Mrs.
Kinnear, the owner of the premises. , , .
.. SiriciKB. One of those lamentaUlo suicides
which sometimes throw a gloom on an entire
'neighborhood, occurred in Ferguson's Valley,
Iffflin county, on Saturday morning the 8th
liy which a moat estimable lady ended her ca
reer on earth, having committed the fatal act
by hanging herself. The death of her husband,
followed by. that of ., a beloved daughter, had
pre) ed deeply on her mind, ar.d no doubt led
iiiT to 'commit the deed In a moment of insan
ely, for she was deeply Imbued wilh religious
Rulings. """'" ' "'
Drowsed. On last Tuesday morning the
ll'h as some boatmen were about entering the
lock at Lock, Haven, they found themselves
nusbtete open one of the gates, and on search
ing for the obstruction, they dragged firth
Hie lifeless body of Mr. Sea eid tlu lock ten
der, which had been sticking in one of the
whickcts. The ' corpse was ; drawn ashore,
and a coroner's .inquest held. Mr. Scheid
was an oldand highly respected citizen, prompt
aud attentive in the performance of hes duties,
and leaves a large circle of relatives and
iriesds to mourn his decease.
A Good Df.edv A worthy, industrious, but
pmr man, having a sick wife (not out of bed
for 3 mtnths) and flvo helpless children, the
oldest only 0 years of age, was among tho mi
litis recently drafted in Chester county. Three
days, he made fruitless efforts to obtain a sub
stitute, offering his all a cow, two pigs, and
slut of chickens. But substituted rated high
er. A good neighbor, becoming acquainted
wilh these facts, made known the. case, and
l'ur fiiends procurod him a substitute for the
sura ol threo hundred dnll.trs. This is a deed
worthy of record. We might , mention ,any.
such which' the draft has broaght jout. J -i
Gis. Bbagg, in his official rejHjtt ,to the
Confederate Government, says that but 1,500
Kectuckians joined hi in in bis lute raid into
kat State; I hat the people hesitated to take
Confederate scrip, and that he was charged
three prices for supplies. ; ' ' ' ' "
Tiir excavs'ions of Cheviot Fllll.i, England,
have led lotlie discovery of the very pcrlect
reniaini of several lints, composed of blocks of
the vasaliic stone of the district."' .They be
long to a veiy remote period of the British his
tory. Remains of beads and other glass orna
ments, flint arrowheads and broken pottery
have been recovered. Remains of iron clay
luveslso been round, from which it would ap
par that tho smelting ot iron was understood
bj our Celtic forefathers at a far earlier period
thD is generally supposed. -r
Tiu Great SrevK.Ns Battert. This ves
1, designed mainly for harbor deience, and
hich has been on hand for a number of years.
still progressing towards that perfection
bich its enterprizing projector Contemplated
t the beginning. His object is to render it
sbsolutely invulnerable to any projectiles yet
known io warfare, and at the aanit time to
give it an offenMve power which no vessel in
the world could safely encounter; The, expe
riments sie carried on privately; but it is said
that it will oon be ready to take its place a-
inong the marine' wonders of this wonderful
WaTCUTHK Tories! One of the means a
J"pted by the secession sympathizers in the
democratic party has been to create an impres
"on that those who were called upon to op
pose the national administration was the Con
'ervaiiva Pkrty I Auother was to raise the cry
&t the Union papers, speaking of these al
most undisguised . traitors, meant al who to
led with them". It was thus they boped to lead
h masses Into the support of measures bor
dering on revolution, asd then to make terms
'th the Southern cutthroats. ,' It was by these
niean that civil war was introduced into the
Border States against the 'will of a majority,
and calm as the surface appears, a spark may
kindle it in Pennsylvania. .. A tory editor in a
A-'ghboring county but a few weeks ago cal
on the " democracy" to arm themselves,
and we know that in some localities in this
county several nests' of Southern sympathi
sers nave already done so. We -say again,
wtch thc Tories,1 and on the first attempt
' violate tba law, sea that it it enforced.
A4ruou- Gazette. ? ; -. . -1 t .
KF"Advice to Topers don't let yoor tpii-
its go down. .,.; ; ; ' ..' !
d-R ulers wield the people, schoolmasters
wield the rulers.'. ' -' '
' tt"When the rebels ran like sheep they fled
towards Shcpherdstown.
CPromissory Notes toning the fiddle
before the performance begins.
- uGot. Wise is reported ' marching on
Torktown with 2C.000 conscripts. . '.f"
fX"Short calls are best," as the fly said
when be lighted upon the hot stove.-1
KFApples are so plenty, in Western . New
York, as to sell for fifty cents a barrel.
0Mrs. Partington wsnts to know if the
Pope sent any of his bulls to the cattle show.
QTrentice says, thsf when Bragg's army
went through Crab Orchard, it was going back
wards. '''"' :: ' ' '
D"-'6ut of darkness Cometh light," as
thc printer's devil said when he looked into an
CF"The : world has now two Popes. ., The
one supposed to be in St. Peter's as usual ;
the oftier in St. Paul. .
rr?The "Draft" is death on the lawyers
it took all but one in Tamaqua. They'll be
good fellows on a charge! .
: 17 I ( a lady's sottish husband is scolding
her, let her tie a flout -bag over bis head, and
be w ill get mealy mouthed.
' rCGen. Lee may be an officer of consider
able penetration, but he couldn't penetrate
Maryland and Pennsylvania. -
ETEducate the whole man the bead, tho
heart, the body; the bead to think, the heart
to feel, and the body to act. '
H7"Well Named LTio township, Tioga
county, Pa. It gave Cochran and Ross each
".34 votes "totber fellers" none ! ',.
DAdvice to Cincinnati should any of the
Rebel crew succeed In effecting an enteratico
into your city, pork their eyes ont.
(HP" 1 1 the threatened increased scarcity bl
I change should occur, it is feared that even the
niui'D will find it difficult to gain its quarters.
Clf hunger, as they say, "can eat through
a stone wall," we should think that bravery
could eat through Stonewall Jackson and bis
army. :
ffThey say that too many Minors are en
listed in thc army, but Vanity Fair says that
the Minors do a great deal better tbau some
of the Majors.
- Q"In one of the papers there is an account
of the marriage, b' the Rev. John Gaites, of
Mr. John Post, to Miss Sophia Rails. If this
match don't make a fence of the first quality
we should like to know what will.
"E7"Every State of Jeff Davis' new nation,
which Mr. Gladstone thinks is established, has
the United States flag now waving over some
portion of it, and one, Florida, is entirely un
der the control of tho United States author
ities. ; -
The Settlers ix tub Oregon Gold Re
gion. In September there were in the Pow
der river valley, Oregon, forty thousand set
tiers. On the 1st of August there wre not
one hundred white men in that rich, auriferous
valley. About that time fifty -three started for
this valley, and seventeen of the number were
killed by Indians belore reaching it.. The
diggings there are siid to be very rich in
gold.'; ;-' - ' ' : ';
A Loyal Octoroox Sextime.nt is Virgisia.
Baltimore, Nov. . 8 : 18G2. About ' three
miles fo the eastward of Ft-quier Sulpher
Springs, in Virginia, along a range of hills of
considerable fertility, there is a large settle
ment of octoroons, well to-do in this world,
and an' industrious people. Its origin was in
this, wise : A number, of poor whiter, after
much scuffling, managed to acquire a few acres
each of the hilly region in question, and took
to themselves mulatto women for wives. The
present generation, some three removes down,
are so white that it is difficult to detect any
trace of African blood in their veins. About
the time of Pope's occupntion of that country,
one of these settlers got into our lines and
was arrested as a spy, and he had hard work
to prove the contrary. The whole settlement
is for the Union. I have this account from one
of ourquartermasters, who visited these people
and bought 'largely from them. Cor. N. Y.
Evtuing Tosl. -
On the Gth inst., by Rev. L. Creighton, Mr.
L. R. Merbkll, of Clearfield, to Miss Sallie
A. Gearuart, of Bradford tp., Clearfield Co.
On the 9tb, . by Emanuel Ililtebrand, Esq.,
Mr. Isaiah RoRABAiGit, of Chest lp-, Clear
fluid Co., to Miss Mast Go a lt e r, of India ua co.
' ' " DIED: ' '' "'..".".'
In Karlhans towusbip, on the 10th inst., of
cronp, Sarah, daughter of Roland and Ame
lia Kanady, aged 2 years 11 mo's, and 10 days.
At Glen Hope, Nov. 7th inst.. Sam'l Walk
er Keagt, of Consumption, aged 84 years.
In Lawrence township, on the 13th inst.,
William W.,, infant son of J. W. & A. E.
Thompson, aged 1 days.; As vernal flwers
that scent the morn, But wither in the rising
day ; Thus lovely wss this inlant's dawn, Thus
swiftly fled its life away. lie died belore his
inlantsoul. Had ever burnt with wrong de
sires ; Had ever spurned at heaven's control.
Or ever quenched its sacred fires.. .
is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion have been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of, Wm. Pennington, late of the United
States Army, deo'd. A U persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment without
delay, and those baving elaims against the same
will present them - dnly authenticated for settle
Aug. 13. 1332. - - Administrator.
CAUTION.i-Al! persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing three certain bonds,
given about two years ago by John Thompson
and Thomas J. Thompson to John Jordan, of Jor
dan township, and are now of record. - The un
dersigned not having received value for the said
bonds, hereby gives notice that he will not pay
the same unless compelled by due process of law
Oct 9, 1762-p. r.v ; ;, JOHX.TUOMrsOX .
NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given to all per
sons knowing themselves indebted in any
w7JP I,sa,lla Cross, late of the Borough of New
Washington deceased, to make immediate pay
ment, and those baving elaims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for settle
"l?1 , DAVID S. PLOTNER, Actuary.
iNew Washington, September 1. 1862. S 10. f
L?iVTC,"',;'' :? ' ; ! CHARLES HOLES.
Is The undersigned having located in the bor
ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied
by & Welch as a jewelry shop.) are prepared to
do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms.
The cash will positively be expected when the
work is delivered. We are confident that we can
not be excelled by any workmen in town or county.
Come one! come all tetlieSisrn of the Bi Watik.
April 9,'62-ly-pd.
The Firm lately doing business nnder the
title of J. i J. F, lrvin. has been mutually dis
solved this day. The Books and Accounts are all
left in the hands of i. F. Irvin for collection and
settlement.. Also the Books of John Irvin.
, . : , ..'... , JOHN IRVIN,
Oct. 22. 1352. ; . ; .-V J. F. IRVIN.:
N.B. The business will still be conducted by J.
F- Irvin. who will be glad to see all his old cus
tomers at any ?, time. See his advertisement in
another column. i X .. i t . j.
an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of
Clearfield county, there will be exposed to pub
lic sale at the public House of D. S. Plotner, in the
Borough of New Washington, on Friday the 14th
day of November next, at 2 o'clock p. m. A cer
tain tract of land in Burnside township, late the
estate of Hannah Young, deceased. Containing
100 acres more or less, bounded by lands of John
Patchen, Jacob Young. George H. NefT. and Rob
ert Owens. Terms one third cash, and the bal
ance in one and two years with interest.
Oct. 15, 1862 WM. FEATH. Trustee.
The undersigned has now on hand, at his Furni
ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield. Pa., a short
distance west of Lite's foundry, a large slock of
manufactured out of the best materials,, finished
in a very superior manner, and which he will sell
LOW FOR CASH. His long experience In the bu
sincss makes him feel confident that bis chairs are
made in a substantial and workmanlike manner,
and will stand the test of trial. - Persons wishing
to purchase chairs should call at once and get.
them while they can be bad at the lowest rates.
Feb 27, 1861. , JOUN IKOUTMAN.
ing of the Stockholders in the -Clearfield Gas
Company" incorporated by the Legislature of
Pennsylvania wilt be held at the office of Thomas
J.M'Cullough, Esq.. in the Borough of Clearfield,
on Saturday the Sth dsy of November 18H2, be
tween tbe hours of 2 and 5 o'clock, p. in., for the
purpose of organizing said company, and electing
five managers to servei until the first Monday in
January. A. D. 1303. ' A punctual attendance is
requested. Jonathan Boy nton,
A.K. Wright, Wm. L. Moore,
James T. Leonard, W. A. Wallace,'
Wm. F Irwin, J. B. M'Enally,
Isae Johnson. G. L Reed,
'James Wrigley, John F. Weaver,
Richard Shaw, R. V. Wilson,
John L. Cuttle, Richard Mossop,
L. J. Crans. M. A. Frank.
M E. Woods. Robert Mitchell.
Clearfield, Oct. 29, 1962 John M'Pherson.
Fall arid Winter Goods
Just received and opening, a carefully selected
stock of Fall and Winter goods, consisting cf -
Hardware, Queensware,
a it o c, e it i e sr.
School Books and Stationary, -
V . . '. NAILS AND SALT, ' ' ','.;"T
And a great variety of other useful articles, all cf
which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex
changed for approved produce.
Go to tbe "cheap eash store" if yoa want to bay
goods at fair prices.
Nov. 12, 1862. ' ' WM F. IRWIN. ;
fno nnn male r female agents to
OvJJjJvI" sell Lloyd's new steel plate coun
ty colored Map of the United States, Canadas, and
new Brunswick. -
. From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1862 ;
cost 820.H00 to engrave it and one year's time.
Superior to any SIO map ever made by Colton
or Mitchell, and sells at the low price of fifty
cents ; 370,000 names are engraved on this map.
It is not only a County Map, bat it is also a
of the United States and Canadas combined in one,
giving ' every Railroad Station and distances be
tween. ,
Guarantee any woman or man S3 to $5 per day,
and will take back all maps that cannot be sold
and refund the money. ''.,.:'';.
Send for SI -worth to try. Printed instructions
how to canvas well, furnished all our agents
Wanted Wholesale Agents for our Maps in ev
ery State, California, Canada, England. France
and Cuba. A fortune may be made' with a few
hundred dollars capital. No Competition.
J.T. LLOYD, No. 264 Broadway, New York.
The War Department uses our Map of Virginia,
Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost $! 00.000, on
which is marked Antietam Creek Sharpsbnrg,
Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry, Rhorers
ville, Noland's Ford, and all others on the Poto
mac, and every other place in Maryland, Virginia,
and Pennsylvania, or money refunded .
of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, is the
only authority fur Gen. Buell and the War De
partment. Money refunded to any one finding an
error in it. Price 50 cents.
. From the New Yorlt Tribune, Aug. 2.
and Pennsylvania.' This Map is very large; its
cost is but, 2i cents and it is the best which can
purchased." - -
River. From Aetual Surveys by Capts. Bart and
Wm. Bowen. Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis,
Mo , shows every man's plantation and owner's
name from St Louis to the Gulf of 'Mexico; 1,350
miles; every sand-bar, island town, landing, and
all places 20 miles back from the river colored in
counties and. States. " Price, SI in sheets. S2,
pocket form, and 2,50 on linnen, with rollers.
Ready Sept. 20..
Navt Deabtm r.NT. Washisotos. Sept. 17. 1862.
J.T. Lloth Sir: Send me your Map cf the
Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies.
Rear Admiral Charles H. - Davis., commanding
the Mississippi squadron. is authorised to purchase
as many as are required for use of that squadron.
GIDEON WELLS, Secratary of the Jiavy. .
PLASTERING. The subscriber baving lo
cated himself in tbe Borough of Clearfield,
would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do
work in the above Una, from plain to ornamental
of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat
ner. and on reasonable terms.
EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is here
by tgiren that Letters Testamentary have
been granted to the undersigned on the estate cf
James Thompson, late of Chest township, dee'd.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment without delay, and those-having
claims against the same will present them
duly authenticated for settlement to
WM. FEATn. '
Burnside township, JAMES McEWEN,
Aug. 13. 1862., vl i- V t. Executors.
FRUIT TREES. Farmers, and all others
: who are fond of good apples, are hereby in
formed that they can supply themselves with
young trees and of the very best varieties, at the
nursery of the undersigned in Lawrence township,
about 3 miles south-west of Clearfield borough
Also, a few peach trees on hand. Now, is the
best season of the year for setting ont trees.: and
persons-should avail themselves of this opporta
nity to supply themselves.
Oct. 2'J. 1362. ROBERT LAWHEAD. .
DESERTED, from the service of the United
States, John Vernon, private of Company C
5tb hegiment Penn'a Reserves, on Sunday. Sept.
14 th. just previous to the battle of Sou tb Mountain.
Also, William Jones, private of Company C 5th
Regiment, Penn'a Reserves. on Tuesday, Sept. 16,
near the battleground of Antietam. The nsual
reward will bo paid for their return to the Regi
Oct. 6, 1862. 1st Lieutenant. Com. Company.
containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under
good fence. A log house 22 by 26. plank house 16
by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buildings
thereon. Large springand spring-house con
venient to house. The land is well watered and
has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is
an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or
chard on place, all choice fruit, lt is convenient
for pasturing droves. ALSO, one containing 90 a
cres 10 cleared and under fence balance well
timbered. This land has a log house and stable
thereon. For terms apply to
October 13. ' L. J. CRANS. Clearfield.
struction upon the Piano, Melodeon and Gui
tar, and in Harmony and Singing.
Terms For pupils under six years old. $5,00,
for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ;
for all pupils over six years old. $10.00. for seyen-ty-two
lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me
lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony.
Payable, one-fourth at tbe beginning and the
balance at the end of tbe quarter.
- Vocal mnsie free to all Instrumental pupils.
Studie-t alone. $3.00 per term. .
Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. .
Oct. 1.1860. K. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher.
11 the matter of the Estate of William Smith
late of Occcaria township, Clearfield county dee d.
In tbe Orphans Court of Cleardeld eounty at
September Term A. D 18i2 ; Respecting the ap
praisement ot property claimed by. and set apart
for the widow, vis : Personal property to the a
inouut of $166.75 and Real Estate containing
about 20 acres more or less appraised at 90,00,
the Court made the-following order.
September 23rd 1862 approved unless excep
tions be filed on or before the first day of next
term. Publication to be made in one newspaper,
publUbed in Clearfield eounty, for three succes
sive weeks. JAMES WRItiLEY.
Oct. 2i. 18u2. Clerk. O. C. ;
SALE. The attention of persons desirous
of purchasing valuable Tinibor Lands is invited
to the following tracts ot land situate in Keating
township, Clinton county. Pa., known as the Lo
rain lands, viz : A certain tract being No. 3469
warranted in the name of Thomas Willing, con
taining about 1100 acres, situate on Birch Island
Run, at tbe distance of 31 miles from the river,
being well timbered with Pine and. Oak. ,. Also,
another smaller tract of land, situate at tbe mouth
of Birch Island Ran, on the west side of thc river,
containing 73 acres and allowance and having a
good rafting beach thereon. 1 For terms apply to
G. L. REED, ' r.
July 30. 186.2. J. II. GRAHAM, j ;""';
- - , . . i 1 1 1 t ;
opened for the reception of pupils (male and
female) on Monday, Nov. 10, 1862. Teimxv per ses
sion of eleven weeks: ' 1
Orthography, Reading. Writing, Primary Arith
metic and Geography, ' $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra
phy and History.- ' - S3:00 '
Algebra, Geometry,' Natural Philosophy, and
Book Keeping. . S4.00
Latin and Greek languages, ' $6.00 '
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify them
selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable
advantages. No pupil received for less than half
a session and no deduction except for protracted
sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the
term. rmaySO ' C. B. SANDFORD, Principal.
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ or
Venditioni Ex)Mnai, issued out of the Court
of Common Pleas of Centre eounty. and to me
directed,1 there will be exposed to Public Sale, at
the Court House, in tbe Borough of Bellefonte,
on Monday the 24th day of September instant,
A. D. 1862, the following desribed Real Estate,
to wit:
AH the interest of tbe said defendant Jos. J.
Lingle, being tbe undivided fourth part of all that
certain tract or portion of land situate in the town,
ship of Rush, in the county of Centre, and tbe
township of Decatur, in the county of Clearfield,
containing seventeen hundred and five acres and
allowance, being held in common with A. G. Cur
tin. D. L. Prunerand Jno. M. Hale, all of which
said premises are described by metes and bounds
in a mortgage given by the said Jos. J. Lingle to
Wm. H. blair, dated Sept. 8th 1857, and recorded
in tbe office for the recording of Deeds. Ac , in
Centre county, in Mortgage Book E. page 34, 4c
the interest aforesaid beingconfined to the prem
ises mortgaged, with the improvements and Ap
purtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold asthe property of Jos. J. Lingle.
Nov. 5. 1862. GEO. ALEXANDER. Sheriff. '
CONGRESS. The Daily Globe and the Con
gressional Globe and Appendix will be published
during the next session of Congress, to convene in
this city the first Monday iu next December.
Tbe Daily Globe will contain a full report of
the debates in both branches of Congress; also,
the news of tbe day, together with such editorial
articles as may be suggested by passing events.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix will
contain a report of all the debates of tbe session,
revised by the speakers, the Messages of the Pres
ident of the United States, the Reports of tbe
Heads of tbe Executive Departments, the Laws
passed during the session, and copious indexes to
all. They will be printed on a double royal sheet
quarto form, each sheet containing sixteen royal
quarto pages. - "' ''
Tbe Congressional Globe and Appendix pass
free through tbe mails of the United States, nn
der a joint resolution of Congress passed the 6th
of August. 1852. ,
' The next session of Congress will, probably, be
the most important one that ever met.
TERMS : For one copy of the Daily Globe du
ring the session $3 00 ' For one copy of the Con
gressional Globe and Appendix during the ses
sion S300. " ' '"
Tbe Daily Globe may be taken for one or more
months, at the rate of $1 per month. 'Subscrip
tions for The Congressional Globe and Appendix
must be for the entire session. - No attention will
be paid to anyorder unless the money accompa
ny it. ' - -
11 have, hitherto, sent the Globe to those
newspapers that copied its Prospectus, but I can
not afford to do so any longer; therefore, no news
paper need copy this Prospectus, unless I send the
money to pay for it as an advertisement
Washington City. Oct. 21,1862.- JOHNC. RIVES.
FLOUR A good article tor sale at the store of
ljanl61 . -WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. -
SALT ! SALT t SALT ! Just received 1000
Sacks of firstrate Ground Alum Salt, put up in
Patent Sacks at a very low price, at tbe eheap
Cash Store Of , - R- MOSSOP.
to the month of the Moshsnnon. An eligible
property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of
Dt19 tf. Attorney at Law, Clearield,!
DISHES AND PLATES -Jnst deceived
500doien of dishes and plates; all of which
will be sold at half prise. Wholesale dealers axe
invited to eall at the eheap Cak Store -of - .
' Oct. 22. 1862. ' R, MOSSOP;
Ta. is hereby given that Letters of Administra
tion have been granted to the undersigned, on
the estate of Benjamin Yiogling, Esq-., late of
Burnside township, dee'd. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make payment
without delay, and those having claims agaiBst
the same will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to- . . WM. FEATH,
Burnside townshih, . -JOHN YINGL1NG,
Ang.13, 1332. .. ; ' . Administrators.
DISSOLVED. The partnership heretofore
existing in the name of Lippincott, Long A
Co.. in the Mercantile business at Osceola, Clear
field county Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. Persons knowing: themselves indebted
to us. will please call and settle their account and
save trouble. , LIPPEXCOTT. LONG Jt Co.
Osceola, September 1, 1862. S 10.
The above business will be carried on by the
undersigned at tbe old1 stand, at 1 Osceola MM
Clorfield county Pa. ; Thankful for former pat
ronage, an solicit a continuance of the same by
old customers. - A. B. LOXQ & SONS:
"JVOTICE. All persons are hereby notified
i ' not to purchase or in any way meddle with
tbe following property now in possession of Dan
iel Crowell, vis; One Tbreasbing Machine, one
bay horse, one mare and colt, one two horse wag
on, one wind mill, one cultivator two plows, one
harrow, six hogs, four ton of hay in the barn and
all grain in the ground of which Daniel Crowell
had an interest in. as tbe said property has all
been purchased by me, and is left with' Daniel
Crowell on loan, subject to my disposal t any
Beocaria township. September 20th, 1862 -pd.
Fall arid Winter Goods.
In the ' Mansion House'.' (Mr. Shaw's old Stand)
Clearfield, Pa; have just received a large Stock of
Boots, Hats, Traveling Bags. Valises and a large
and well selected stuck of Gents Furnishing goods.
Can buy your Clothing, lor yourselves and your
ouys ui every variety ana at low casn prices
. by calling at. the cheap Clothing Store kf i .
, Reizenstoin Uro's & Co. opposite the )
CloirfieId Co Bank, where yon
--i '- - WILL
Save at least from 20 to 2a per cent. : All kinds of
Clothing and furnishing goods, are ' to be
had at this Store at the lowest Cash pri
. oes and receive well made ' goods. f
r-. Would it not be much- better to ?
' . ' SAVE ; . '
Much valuable time by calling at once. u4 lay
. ing in your Stock of Clothing for the Winter .
at this Establishment where you will cer
, tainly get the. full value for your
RemembeT the place. In the "Mansion Ilonsc.'
opposite Clearfield Co. Hank
LSGrain and : I'urs taken in exchange at the
highest market rates.
1. TAL MONTHLY There are periods
n the world s History marked; by extraordinary
and violent crises, sudden as the breaking forth
of a volcano, er the bursting ef a storm on the
ocean, i These crises weep away in a nioiucnt the
landmarks of generations. They call out iresh
talent, knd give to the old new direction. It is
then that pew iJcas are born, new theories devel
oped. Such periods demand fresh exponents, and
new men for expounders. " . -
This Continent has lately been convulsed by
an upheaving so sudden and - terrible that the re
lations of alt men and all classes to each other are
violently disturbed, aud people look about tor tbe
elements with . which to sway tbe storm and di
rect the whirlwind. Just at present, we do' not
know what all this is to bring lorth ; bnt we do
know that great results must dow from such ex
traordinary commotions.
At a juncture so solemn and so important.' there
is a special .need that the iutellectual force of the
country should be active' and ern?icnt. ltisa
time for great minds to speak their thoughts bold
Jy,' and to take position as tbe advance guard. To
tbisend, there is a special want unsupphed. T It id
that of an Independent Magazine, which shall be
open to the first intellects ttf .the land, and which
shall treat the issue presented, and to be presented
to the country, in atone no way tempered by par
tisanship, or influenced by fear, favor or the hope
of reward ,- which shall seize' and grapple with
tbe momentous subjects tb at the present disturbed
state of affairs heave to the surface, and which
can not be laid aside or neglected.
To meet this want, the undersigned have com
menced, under the editorial charge of Charles G.
Letand, the publication of a new Magazine, devot
ed to liiteratnre and National Policy.
In Politics,, it will advocate, with all the force
at its command, measures best adapted to preserve
the oneness and integrity of these United States.
It will never yield to tbe idcaof any disruption
of this Republic, peaceably or otherwise); and it
willdiseuss with honesty and impartiality what
mustbe done to save it. In this department, some
of tbe most eminent statesmen of the time will con
tribute regularly to its pages. .i ,
In Literature, it will be sustained by the best
writers and ablest thinkers of this country. 1 i
Among its attractions will be presented, in an
early number, a4 New Serial of American Life,"
by Richard Kimball, Esq., tbe very popular author
of "The Revelations of Wall Street," St. Legert"
Ae. A series of papers by Hon. Horace Greely,
embodying the distinguished author's observations
on the growth and development of the Grea.
West. - A series of. ; articles by the author of
'-Through the Cotton States," containing the re
sult of an extended tour in the! seashore Slave
States, just prior to the breaking out of the war,
and presenting a startling and truthful picture of
the real condition of that region.. No pains will
be spared to render the literary attractious of the
Continental both brilliant and substantial The
lyrical or descriptive talents of the most eminent
literati have been promised to its pages ; and
nothing -will be admitted which . will not be dis
tinguished by marked energy, originality, and
solid strength. Avoiding every influeuco or as
sociation partasing of. clique or coterie, it will be
open to all contributions of real merit, even from
writers differing materially in their views ; the
only limitations required being that of devotion
to the Union, and the only standard of acceptance
that of intrinsic excellence.
The Editorial Department will embrace, in ad
dition to vigorous and fearless comments on the
events of the times, genial gossip with the reador
on all current topics, and also ilevote abundant
space to those racy specimens of American wit and
humor, without which there can be no perfect ex
position of our national character Among those
who will contribute regularly to this department
may be mentioned the name of Charles F. Browne
(Art em us Ward), from whom we shall present in
the March number, the first of an entirely new and
original series of '-Sketches of Western Life " -
The Costinkstel will be liberal and progres
sive, without yielding to chimeras and hopes be
yond the grasp of the age ; and it will endeavor
to reflect the feelings and interests of tbe Ameri
can people, and to illustrate both their serious and
humorous' peculiarities. In short no pains will
be spared to make it the Representative Magazine
of the time. . , ..-.-. .
TERMS : Three dollars per year, in advance
(postage paid by the Publishers;) Two copies for
Si; Three copies for $6, (postage unpaid); Eleven
copies for $20, (postage unpaid). ' Single numbers
can be procured from any News-dealer in the
United States.? The Knickerbocker Magazine and
the Continental , onthly will be furnished for one
year at St. , . " ,. ' .... .:-.
Appreciating' the importance of literature to
the soldier on duty, the publishers will send the
Continental, gratis, to any regiment in active
service, en application oeina- made bv its Colonel
or Chaplain ; , be will also receive subscriptions
from those desiring to furnish it to soldiers in the
ranks at half tbe regular price : but in each eases
it must be mailed troro the ofiiee of publication.
J. R.GILMORE. llOlremontSU Boston.
Charles T. Evans, at G.P. Putnam's 532 Broad
way. New York, is antborlzsd to receive subscrin-
tioos in tbat city. - - - - Feb. 12. 18j.
B. WOODS. Attorner-at Law. Iwdiawa.
, Professibnal'business promptly attended to
DO. CROUCH, Pbtsici as, Cnrweuf ville, tteaa.
. field eounty, Penn'a. , . . May 14,.
I J. CHANS, Attorney at Law and Real Estate.
J. Agent, Clear fiUr Pa. . Office-adjoining his
residence, ou.Seoond. street. , : i ;; . May II.
W M. MCrLLOrGH-, Attorney atLaw, CJear
. . field. Pa. ? Offlee with: L. J' Crans, Esq.,
on aecond Street ; , . .... . Jalj SS&V V
WILLIAM " A. "WALLACE, Attorney at Eaial
Clearfield. Pa. Office, adjoining, bis reaii
dence on Second street. . . , .. Sept. 1.
ROBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
field. Pa Oflice in Shaw's new row. Market
street, opposite Nangle's jewtlry store." May 2fi. )
F. NAUGLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and
. dealer In Watches, Jewelry, Jtc. Room in
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. lOi
HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney at LawTClear
. field, Pa. Oflict in Graham's Rows fourdoo s
west of Graham A Boyntou's store NoclO.
J P.. KRATZER Merchant,' nd dealoe in
. ' Boards and Shingle Grain and Produoe.
Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa., fjlt
J. PATTERSON, Atfornej at Law. Cnrwens-
ville, Pa . wOl attend! td all business en
trusted to his care: . Oflice opposite the New
MthodisrChurch. ' Jan. 15, 1SC2.
"llflLLlAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield,
Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hard ware, Queensware, .Groceries, and.
family arriclesgencrally. , - No. Kk-,
DR. WM.' CAMPBELL, offers bhr professional
services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships. Residence with ' J. D. Denning in
Kylertown, Clearfield county. Mayll. lSa'J. ,
JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at Law, Clearfield,
. P. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. OfSoe in new brick building of J. Boya
ton, 2d street, one door south of Lanich'a Hot eh
JOHN Gl'ELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds vt
. Calinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa.
H aisc mukes to order Cofluis. on shert notice, and
attends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0,'i9.
i. ii 1 . i, . . .
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign snd Do
mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon,
Liquors, io. Room, on Market street, a few doors
ventot JonnutlOJicr,, Clearfield. Pa. Apr2J. :
LAKRIMXll A TEST, Attorneys at Law.Clear
field. Pa. : Will attend promptly to all legal
aud other business entnutod, to their care in Clear
fild and adjoining counties. " August 6. 1856V
DK. M. WOODS, tender? his'professioaal servi
ces te tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
Residence on Seeond street, opposite the oflice of
L. J . Crans, Esq.' Office, the same thai was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where he eaa
be fownd usless absenton piofessional business. '
rnHOMAS J: M CULLO UGH, Attorney at Law,
JL Clearfield, Pa. Oflice,, over tho -Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with promptness and accuracy. .July 3.
p. g. bush. : : : : : : ; : Tj.n ccu.ovaa
BUSH 4 M'CULLOUGH'S - ! -Collection
Office. Ct.ttAP.riEi.D, Vkss'a. -
. : : . ' - 1 1 '
ii Greet -Progyrtsive and Healing Remedy.
An article that presents a challenge to the world
to produce in any remedy yet invented, an equal
for the painless and rapid cure of external in
flamatory calamities, or diseases. It is good for
Painful Swellings, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds,
Rheumatism, Sore throat. Bruises, Sprains, Cats,
Tumors, Erysipelas, Warts. Sore eyes. Boils,
Chapped hands, Frosted feot. etc., etc. Give it a
trial. Price 26 cents a box; Fersala by JACOB
GOSS. iu Woodward township. March i9,'62-,
This preparation, made t lom the best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a supe
rior , nutritious . beverage, for General Debility,
Dyspepsia and all billious disorders 'Thousands
who have been compelled to abandon the use of
coffee will use this without injurious effects.. On
can contains thc strength ot two pounds of ordin
ary coffee. . Price 25 cents.
Koulo( t's Levain. The purest and best baking
powder known for making light, sweet and nu
tritious Bread and cakes.- Price 15 cents.
Manufactured by M. H' KOLLOCK, Chemist,
corner of Broad and Chestnut Su.. Phil'a. and sold
by all Druggists and Grocers. Eeb. 2:5. 1862y.
Fashionable Milliner y.
Second Street, Clearfield, Pa,,
(Opposite the residence of L. J, Crans, Esq.) '
The undersigned would respectfully inform the'
Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they ha
received an assortment of Fashionable Milline '
foods, to which they invite their attention.
We also do all kinds of millinery work on , -,
notice,, in the latest style, and on reasonable',
terms. ' ' J. A E. MITCHELL. '
May 2l,1862.-3m-pd. .' r.-.-. , , -
save money in building, and to put up styl
ish well proportioned and substantial building-'
for less money than usual, may be done by calls'
ing on A. eiunan, Architect and Designer. '
Those who intend to build either an bumble res-"
idence, or a magnificent hall for the comfort of
life, will save money by taking the advice of an '
experienced Architect, making preparations la -time,
and by obtaining the bills, drafts, estimates.
and specifications at the proper time, will cnard
against empty purses before the completion of the '
building. y ; ' ' : . : .
. The undersigned would therefore respectfully '
inform the eitizens of Clearfield and the public in
general that he is at all times prepared to execute '
jobs, in his line, on short notice, and on the most '
favorable terms: Having made his business a '
regular study with several experienced archi-
tects, and having also had long experience in the
business, he flatters himself he will be able todraw'
the best designs of every description of buildings, 1
make correct draughts of 'all Kinds of paterns, 1
models for patent rights. Ac, to . and to give en- '
tire satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their patronage. . , : '
-. People from a distance will, by sending tbe di-
mentions of the gronnd plan, with a description of
the location, scenery, and country around it, be - '
gratified with a design suitable in style and order
with the location, scenery and country, and well '
adapted for its special purpose. No charge will 1
be made it the jod should not be satisfactory. '
: Carpenters who desire to i ill firnvA In IIia I K a v. 1
retical parts of tbetr important profession may al
ways receive instructions in either of the different
branches of Architecture. Information ean at all 1
times be obtained at my office, op stairs In Shaw's '
Row, or at George Thorn's, Clearfield, Pa. '
May,7.'62.-6m. AUGUSTUS WEfTMAN. '
PUBLIC VESDCK. Tbe wndersigned win ;
expose to public sale, at his residence iu'
Woodward township, on Thursday the 27th dav
of N ovember, 1862, the following described per-'
sonal property, to wit: Nino horses, 4 colts. 5
cows, 9 head of young cattle. 25 hogs, one t-fcorse'
wagon, one Z horse spring wagon: one buggy, ono
ox cart, one timber cart, 4 timoer sleds, one pair,
twin sleds, one aleigb. chains and barnaaa, one '
steam engine ana boiler- two circular saws, one
shingle machine, 5 set of ear wheels, 20 tans of
hay, and various other articles. ' . s.
-Terms. A credit of three, six, nine and twelve
months, (en notes with approved security J will be '
given.- , :: . v. ;.. ... . '. , . , .' ,.'
- Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day. , .
Key; 5, 1862. , . f . JOHN M. CHASg;
WANTJ)..100 Bushels' Flax Seed, in az."
f change for goods, at tbe Cheap Storeof
Oct. LH62, J. P.THOMP30N, Corwen-rllle, P