Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 06, 1862, Image 3

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Time of Cart leaving Tyrone Station
. - w i T V II n V lil 5TIT VT
Trough Exp.
Fast train, ;
Mail train,
Way train,
Trough Exp.
Fast train,
Mail train,
8.40 p m
1. a.m.
7.45 a m
10.50 a m
9.07 p.m.
8.18 a.m.
11.40 a.m.
7.18 a.m.
9.50 p.m.
2.12 a.m.
9.13 a.m.
1.20 p.m.
7.50 a m.
6.28 a.m.
6.56 p.m.
5.08 p.m.
8.05 p.m. ::::::
fi.45 p.m. 6.04 p.m.
9 i m f. SO rt . in .
Way train
1.20 p.m.
av train 1 . ... . j
mi. nnt dtoD between Huntingdon
and Altoona. The way tram only fbsentw.een
thoso two points. Enoch Lewis, Gen'l bnpt.
Xew Beit. The new bell for tho Court
Tlouse reached this place last week. It is
made of the regular bell-mi-tal and has a most
excellent tone. :
Prkaciiino. By divma permission, Ilev.
Bratten of Chambersborg, will preach in tho
Lutheran Church in Clearfield Borough, on
Sunday the lth inst., at 5 o'clock in the af
ternoon. DivixE Slrvice. Dr. Litch will preach in
the Baptist Church this evening, at early candle-lighting.
Subject "Signs of the times,
or the great tribulation." The public are re
quested to attend.
Tall Oats Mr. W. D. Shircy of Bradford
township, left at the Journal office, on Mon
day last, a stalk of oats measuring 5 feet 7
inches in length, and the head 15 inches.
' This is a tall stalk ai d will be hard to beat.
The Camp Meetinq. By reference to tho
advertisement for a Camp Meeting neanMt.
-Joy Church, it will be seen that it is to be
licld on the 29th instead of the loth of Au
gust, as first announced. Unforseen circum
stances have rendered this change necessary.
Personal. During th past month we have
. sent bills to such of our subscribers as owe
more than one year. ' We desire to have all
the old accounts settledby the end of volume
8 the time mentioned in the bills sent. VVe
hope our friends will respond promptly to this
request otherwise, we will be compelled to
stop their papers and put tho bills in proper
shape for collection.
KKUfiiors. The corner stone of the Bloom
ingvjlle Lutheran Church will be laid on
Saturday the IGth August, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. Several ministers are expected to parti
cipate in the ceremonies. The members of
neighboring congregal ions, and all well dis
posed persons are cordially invited to attend;
Communion will be held on Sabbath, in tho
.School House near the ground.
I). D. Hitter, Moses Wise,
A. A. Lono, Building Com.
Hoisk Burned. Wo learn that the dwell
ing house of Benj. Spackman, on his farm in
Liwretico township, was burned on Sunday
1'ie 3d instant. It is supposed that the fire
originated from some spirks falling on the
roof from the chininuy fire having been kin
dled in It, to cook dinner, a short time previ
ous to the occurrence. The house was a good
frame building, and was worth probably eight
lui lid red dollars. The house wns occupied by
Daniel Welsh, and a large portion of his
household goods were b:n ned also. The loss
is rctber a serfons one.
Washington Pennsylvania Soldiers' Ke
lief Association." This Association, hav
ing opened an illice ut 2o. o Washington
Buildings, coiner ol 7th street and Pennsylva
nia avenue, where will be found a register ol
all Peim.-y Ivunia soldiers in or aroui.d this
city in bo.-pitals, invite tho friends of the
Mine t call, assuring them that all possible
aid will be extended in finding their sons.
Mr. Chas. L. Wells, the Register, will be
biund in the ollice. The Corresponding Sec
retary, Mr. S. T-odd Perley, will answer all
letters in regaid to sick and wounded Penn
. -Ivania soldiers, whether in or around this
citj , Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, or
New Haven. Addiess, care Box 84$, Wash
ington, D. C. J. K. Moobhead, Fres't.
J. M. Sullivan, Sec'y.
Keteortglcal Observation for July, 1362.
Mtn U mperuture Iu the morning 581;
r.oon 8b J ; evening 67j mean of the wude
day during the month, sixty nine. The
month Has mostly fair, with more or less rain
on nine days, generally light showers ; except
on the 23rd, when we were favored with a
heavy rain, but not injurious fo the crops, or
"fields. The range of the mercury was from
46 on the morning of tho 1st, to 93 at noon on
hefith ; on twenty ono days the mercury rose
to SO an 1 upwards at noon, and on four days
to 90 and upwards. The weather throughout
July was generally favorable to vegetation
moist and warm, yet at no tune was tpo heat
expressive to the Laborer. The bay is a fair
erage crop. . The wheat is mostly well
grown but will not make bushels or pounds as
J.ts sjpcararice would stem fo warrant. The
ats has a good growth, and bid fair for a
very fine crop, until near the close ot the
flionth, when many fields began to show strong
indications of rust; as alao ravages of insects.
The corn as far as I have seen, promises a fair
crop; juiy has beea larorablo tor making
"talks ; we mint depend ou the beat and mois
'ure of August for making cars. If the mer
cury ranges naar nipely at noon for ten days,
d about eighty ff 11m balance of the com
'n( iDyotb, the xoi a crop may be considered
fe to fr as the weather Is concerned.
oly baa passed with neither drouth, storm
Mood.; for whieb, I trust, wo are all duly
Uwnklul. I'Knm
fbe Governor ol Ohio has Issued orders to
"' iC5sori to have the enrollment made of
d tho ab'tfbodied men In the State, to be
''r by the 18th or August. If there be
jt eriouRh volunteers by that time drafting
F"l In commenced.
Recruiting Is going on gloriously In Mlchl
, Jt Is expected that the whole new quota
b reader to take the field In a shorter
ro than the tint four regiments were warjo
Cami1 near Harbison's Landing. V.i., I
July 27ln, 1?G2. I
Dear Row ; 'Everything is quiet a'on?
the liaes," lias been the universal report fr
the pant few days ; and, with the exception of
of reviews of the different aimy corps in as
many diff'Tent djysr there has been nothing
of interest transpiring here, within th
scope of my knowledge. There was a
Grand review of the 5th army corps. Gen.
F. J. Porter's, to which is attached the
Penn'a Reserve corps. I was not present on
the occasion, but was told that it was a mag
nificent affair iu every sense of the word. I
witnessed tho troops as they passed out of
camp, and the Reserves, notwithstanding their
decimated ranks, made u highly creditable
appearance. The troops were reviewed by
the commander-in-Chief, who, by his famili
arity with the men in the different commands,
is endearing himself more and more to them.
Confidence in him is daily increased.
The weather is exceedingly warm just now,
yet notwithstanding, the general health of the
troops is improving. But, from the elfect of
the extraordinary fatigue the men hve pass
ed through, many are necessarily forced to
give way, and fall victims to disease and
death. It is not an tinfrequent sight to wit
ness an ambulance slowly proceeding towards
the last resting place of the dead, followed by
an escort of soldiers with arms reversed ; who,
as they return to mother earth all that is
mortal of their companion ia arms, pay their
last earthly salut to the noble dead by firing
a volley over his grave. However, I am glad
to learn that the list of morMlitj' in the army
is rapidly decreasing as we are free Irom the
miasma- arising from tho numerous swamps,
tor which this section of Virginia has always
been noted.
Our army here is ready fo move at an- time
towards Richmond, but I doubt not that it
would be much more preferable, if the ranks
could be filled u,. will good, leliable men,
with some little opportunity to render them
somewhat efficient liy drill, before the wold
forward" is given. But the accounts that
come to us from the State are not as cheering as
they might be. There does not seem to be
that readiness to enlist as becomes the exigen
cies of the times, and, unless there is more
energy infused into the whole machinery of
recruiting, I fear that a resort will have to be
made to a draft. Then, woe be to the fellow
upon whose devoted head the hammer may
fall. The shortness of the time tor which the
men aie called, and the demands of patriotism
alone, should, I think, be a siillieicnt incen
tive to supply all demands. There can be no j
plausible excuse for the thousands ol young
men, 'unemployed, from enlisting in tins gh
lions cause. How many are there in Clear
field county -who might enhance their reputa
tion by enrolling themselves among the true
patriot of our country, and by their practical
zeal and energy in the common cause, entitle
themselves to th lasting gratitude of a re
deemed and I appy country. There are also
men of families married men who might,
without disadvantage to either party, in con
sideration of the shortness oi the time for
which they are asked, enlist under their na
tion's burner to redeem it from the disgrace
which is sought to be heaped upon its fair
escutcheon. When wo remember that there
are many stalwart men who barely make both
ends meet, although receiving for their labor
nominally much more than the (nice paid by
the Government, yet, the difficulty of getting
the same and the manner in which it is got,
leaves a very large preponderance in favor of
Uncle Sum, (whoso employment for the time
is constant) and in the end amounts to much
more than the former, without saying any
thing about the one months pay in advance,
$25 of the bounty, and $2 premium on his ac
ceptance. II this is not inducement enough,
I know nnt what is ; and, in addition to th.it,
if I understand it aright, State bounty is
added. Wly, there are as good men in the
field to-day, as can possibly lie in the Slate of
Pennsylvania, who'vnlisted at tho ntbivak ot
this rebellion, from patriotism alone, for 3
years, without the knowledge that they would
recieve any bounty whatever, or pay in ad
vance trusting the care of their f miilics,
while they rushed to their country's defence,
to their country, God. and the generosity of
a liberal and discriminating people. At all
events the men uie asked for, and it behooves
each and every one to consider his duty in
the premises.
It is not for me to say whether this army
will delay its advance upon the veiy heart of
the rebellion till its ranks are filled up, or not.
The present outward indications are, that it
will not ; and, if the present unemployed por
tion of the army already in the field could be
concentrated here, there need lie no fears of
the result. We are yet in hopes that only a
shoit time will elapse ere we will have an op
portunity of treading the sacred soil of the
boasted Confederate cipit.il. Gen. Pope's
operations give an entirely new turn toalfairs,
and are hailed with universal joy us the begm
ningof the new order o f things. Let none who
would like to assist in striking the last great
blow at the monster, stay away ; but leaving
behind all minor considerations, hasten to
join their brothers in arms, and share their
daugers and their glory. W. 11. B.
Camp neah Harrison's Landing, Va., I
July 20th, 18G2. f
Ma. Row. In your paper of the 231 inst.,
I find a letter signed -W. 11. II.," which con
tains a pargraph stating that one of tlit Boys
belonging to the 5th Regiment found me "ly
ing in the woods, nearly starved to death,
&c." This was a mistake. The tacts are,
that through the untiring efforts of some of
my friends in th 105th, I was brought from
beyond White Oak Swamp to this place, wnilst
many others who had been in the same Hos
pital, wore left behind the list day of
our retreat, the rain fell in torrents, and the
roads became almost imp-usable. In the
morning, one of ourljoys rigged up an ambu
lance, placed mo in it and it irted. Alter go
ing a short distance the horse became so much
fagged, that I had to be pliced in a wagon.
About this time a body of cavalry came along,
and compelled all who were able to walk, to
move on and not wait for the train then it
was that my friend was driven away from me.
Shortly after this it was deemed proper to
throw a part of tho load from the wagon. 1
was then placed in an ambulance belonging to
the Bucktail Regiment.
Upon arriving near the river, and finding
that I was In the Reserve, I sent for Mr. Huid
ekoper of tho oth, not knowing where our own
Regiment was. Ho came and had me taken
to the hospital near the river hank, where I
again joined the sick of our own Regiment.
I was much fatigued, and felt the need of
something nourishing, but who could have
jolt otherwise under the circumstances.
By giving this a place in your columns at
an early dme.you will do Justice to those who
were with me at the time referred to.
I am now able to walk about i and although
quite weak, yet, I think, that I am In a fair
w in recover. J- "'"
- .
a rtrnnklvn uanor says a lady purchased an
article In Fulton street the other day, when
rhe received the following assortment as
change for a dollar bill.: Ferry ticket, shin
plaster, counterfeit penny, car ticket, three
cent postago stamp, ono cent postage stamp
aod so Ibe cea(n t;ckct.
A Concerted Flan. In noticing the recent
stevedore liots in Cincinnati, tho Toledo Com
mercial saya : "There are positive evidences
that these riots were the result of concerted
movements, originating in New York, and in
cited by emissaries dispatched simiillaneously
to the different cities. It is understood that
ot four which left New York lor this purpose,
onj remained in this city, another went to
Cincinnaii by the Diyton and Michigan road,
and another proceeded to Chicago. This will
account, for the order and the time in which
the riots in the several cities occured.':"
These riots were to be moved to passion by
the stories ot negroes monopolizing the labor
of the free states, and thus by convulsion in
the loyal North, paralize the power ol the
government, ruin its ability for self defence,
and of course thus aid the rebellion. It may
then be safely set down as a rule, whenever a
newspaper is filled with reports of these mo
nopolies of labor by the Influx of negroes,
that the object is to create a riot and thus di
vide the people of the loyal states, and seduce
them from their allegiance to and support of
the Ui ion cause. Our. rebel adversaries are
ready lor any work, however mean, to insure
your success, and the meaner the work, the
stronger the sympathy they receive from
their friends, the dough-face Democracy in
the loyal states. Telegraph.
Root it Oct. War, sharp and decisive, is
the only means by which the Republic can
now be saved from premature death. The
remedy is severe, but emergency is desper
ate. The country is stricken down with a mala
dy the most virulent and the most dangerous.
No halt way remedies no administering of
harmless sedatives no doubtful medication
will meet the case- The application must be
vigorous and immediate. The disease must
be plucked out before it has tainted the en
tiro system. The virus must be c.tructcd be
fore it has poisoned tiie springs of our nation
al life. The skillful surgeon does not shrink
from the infliction of pain when he has a deli
cate operation to pel form . If blood flows it is be
cause the- office of the scalpel has become im
perative. If he lays open veins and arteries
it he probes down to the bone it is because
the evil must bo dislodged. If the roots of
the disorder strike deep, he cuts w ith all the
more humane severity, that it may not sprout
again. It is only the empyric who would at
tempt to cure a cancer with bread poultices,
or eradicate a tumor by the application of a
'soothing lotion." The cause of the disease
is now fully known, and there will tie no res
toration of health, till it be .rooted out of our
republican system. Chicago Tribune.
Do You Take Wafers 7" The Cleveland
Herald says: -On Saturday morning, a coun
tryman enteied a store on Ontario street for
the purpose of trading. Alter ordering w bat
he wanted, lie inquired of the clerk, '-Do you
take wafers in pay 7" "Wafers " replied the
astonished clerk. "Yes, wafers, wafers.
That's all the sort of money I've got. I took
'em of a chap down here, and he said they are
good." Well," sid the clerk, "we take all
sorts of good currency, but we haven't yet got
to taking wafers.'- Jjiit these are good ours,"
said the countryman, l-red wafers got a head
onto 'em." The clerk suddenly got an idea
as to the state of the case, asked to look at
the new cuirency, found them to bo good three
cents stamps, and decided that he did "take
wafers in pay."
New York, August 2. V letter dated the
31st says, two suspicious rebel crafts, proba
bly the Merrimac arid Young America, cast
anchor yesterday noon, oft Turkey Bend , on
the James river. Several of our gunboats
were immediately sent to the vicinity, the
Monitor making a reconnoissance, after which
the gunboat fleet, including the Galena and
Monitor and others, anchored in line of bat
tle, off Light House Point. A balloon and
eunbo.it reconnoi.ssance above and near Fort
Powhattan' discovered no rebels or earthworks
in that vicinity. A branch railroad has been
discovered from the bank of the James river,
opposite Berkley's landing, to the Peneysburg
Secession Editor Flooged. Mr. J. J.Ja
cobs, the editor of the Ashland (Ohio) Union,
was lecuntly declaiming in favor ot Seces
sion, in presence of a Lieutenant, calling the
volunteers "hired llesnians" and Mr. Linc-iln
a greater traitor thnn Davis. Finally the
Lieutenant remarked that ho received over a
hundred dollars for whipping such people, and
proceeded at once to give Jacobs a severe
The Nashau Iron Company have just finish
ed for the G jverniueiit a test plate fifteen feet
long, forty inches wide, four and a half inches
thick, and weighing ten thousand pound.
This plate is considered ball proof, and will
put to test some of the new piojectiles which
I) ive recently been invented.
(lAUTlON. My wifo Catherine having left my
J bed and board, without just cause or provo
cation, all persons ore hereby cautioned against
bnrboring or trusting ber on my aooount. as I will
not Tuy any debts contracted by her.
1 3 J EI5K1JI AT KKOSTEIll'ri,
Covington tp., July 2:1. ISO 2. pu
MILITARY NOTICE. The Captains of
the organized volunteer companion in Clear
field county nre hereby ordered to make immedi
ate returns to the Brigade Inspector, of the num
ber of members belonging to their rcopeetivo com
panies, or if broke up return them ns such.
July 2, 1862 Brigade Inspector.
ESTHAY. Came to the premises of the sub
scriber in Decatur township. Clearfield coun
ty, some time in the month of October, 1851. one
ewe sheep? since which time there has been nn in
crease of one. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges and take
them away, or they will be disposed of ns tho law
directs. 11 1. tfllOWALTEK.
July 23, 1SS2. pd.
CJTKAY COW. My cow has been missing
3 since tho 1 1h of July last. It is supposed
she went from Clearfield in the direction of the
Blue Ball and it is reported that she was seen on
the old turnpike a couple miles beyond Clearfield
bridge about the 20th. Mie is fresh, of ordinary
size, and in color a light red and white spotted.
Any person returning her or giving me informa
tion of her will bo suitably rewarded.
July XL ltf62. il.U:ll'.hy.
for the relief of the Sick and Distressed,
nfllictcd with Virulent and Chronio Diseases, and
especially diseases of tho Sexual Organs. Medi
cal advice given gratis by the Acting Surgeon.
Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea or Seminal
Weakness, and other diseases of tho Sexual Or
gans, and on the New Remedies employed in tho
Dispensary, sent In sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Address
tion, No 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a.
July 2-J, 1802. .
Grocery Store,
In N. B. corner of tho Conrad House,
Tho undersigned, havwtg purchased the gro
cery establishment of J. Jl. (lalur, would Inform
th oniienaof l'liillipsburg and vioioity, that she
ha on bund a large stock of Oronories, puoh
Hour, baooo.moIaiiMes, aui?r, tea, ooflee, rioe, pep
per, cinnamon, carbon oil, tobacoo, cigars, and
other articles kept in a store of this kind, all of
which will bo sold cheap for cash.
Juno 18, 1863-pd MAhi OALfcK.
a good article, and very cheap at the
store of
WM. F. JRWIN. Clearfield.
FLOUR. A lot of good flour on band and for
ALT! SALT!! SALT J!! A prime arti
cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent
sacKs. at S3.2.i per sacK, at the cheap cash store of
November 27. U. MUSSOP.
T ANTED. AlUinds of grain will betaken
v T in payment of debts due me. for.which the
highest inaret prices will be given.
Dec. 11. 1661. JAMES B GRAHAM.
All persons are hereby notified that the part
nership heretofore existing between J Boynton
'and W'm. A. Nevling has been dissoled by mutual
consent. The books will be left for two months
from this time iu the band of said Nevling. at
Smith's Mills, where all persons having unsettled
accounts are requested to call within that time and
settle. JON 'A BOYNTON,
July 30, 1 Sfl2.3t. WM. A. NEVLINU.
of administration having been granted to
the undersigned, on the estate of Edmuuid Ful
kiaon. late of the U. S. Army, deceased. All per
sons indebted to the said estate are hereby noti
tied to make payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
July 9 18(12. Ouelich Township.
be exposed to public sale on Saturday July.
2i, l$r2, on the premises, the following described
property, situate inBeccaria township : Bounded
on the east by lands of S. K Ilegarty. on the,south
by lands of S. Curry, on the west by lands of W.
K. Dickinson, and on the no th by the Maine
Compauy's lands, containing fifty acres with al
lowance ; thirty-five acres cleared, with a double
log house and a double log barn thereon erected,
being the property of Lyman Miles, deceased.
Sale to couimeuue at 2 o'clock, P. M. Terms made
known on day of sal e. 11. N I1EUARTY, j
July 2, 18132. Administrator.
Fashionable Millinery.
miss j. ioTmitciikli. j
Second ttreet, Clerfleld, Pa , I
(Opposite the residence of L. J. Clans. Esq )
The undersigned would respectfully inform the
Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have
received an assortment of Fashionable Millinery
'ijods. to which they invite their attention.
We also do all kinds of millinery work on thort
notice in the latest style, and on reasonable
terms. J. i E. MITCHELL.
May 21, LSo2.-3ni-pd.
A New Attraction in these Diggings !
Clothing Store,
Iu the '-Mansion House," opposite the Clearfield
Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield,
II ranch of Rrizruxtri n Bio's I Uli ?forth-Tkird
tit reft. Pkiltulrl jthia, Pa.
The undersigned respectfully announce to the
inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in
geueral. that they have opened at the above named
place the most extensive and best selected stock of
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that has ever
been exhibited in this borough, and which they
will sell 23 per cent, clifaper than clotkuig ha
ever been ."old in this art of the country.
Our stock embraces a full and complete assort
ment of all garments generally worn, made up of
good material and in tho best style aud workman
ship. A general assortment of
furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags,
trimed flannel and white shirts ; in short every
thing generally found in a well assorted store of
thi s kind. We also keep a fine assortment of
such as pocket books, portrnouies, pocKct knives,
combs, bru-hes. watch chnins and guards, violin
nnd guitar strin-rs. pistols, revolvers, gun caps,
spectacles and a great many other fancy and use
ful articles too numerou to mention, all of which
they will sell us well as the clothing
At the Lowes!; Cisb. Prices.
We invite every person in need of clothing or
of any of tho above mentioned articles, to favorus
with a call and view our goods nnd prices, and
we are confident that we can give satisfaction, so
that every person shall feel inclined to tell his
friends whero good and cheap clothing can be got.
We are constantly receiving accessions to our
stock from our own manufacturing establishment
in Philadelphia, and shall always bo supplied
with a good variety of nil articles in our line,
which shall surpuss in style, cut, workmanship,
nnd cheapness those of any other similar estab
lishment in this part of the State, nnd by fair and
honest dealings, we hope to merit a liberal share
of public patronage.
April 9, '02. REIZENSTEIN BllO'rf A CO.
centrated extract of l'a; a Sarsaparilla, so
combined with other substance; of still greater
alternative power as to afford an effective antidote
for dis nses Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. Such
a remedy is surely wa .ted by those who suffer
from Strumous complaints, and that one which
will accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this large class of our afflicted fellow
citizens. How completely this compound will do
it has been proven by experiment on many of the
wort cuscs to bo found in the following coin
plaints :
Scrofula and Scrofula com plaints. Eruptions and
Eruptive diseases, L'lcers, Pimples, Blotches, lo
inors. Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Syphilis, an' Sy
philitic affections, .Mercurial diseases. Dropsy,
Neuralgia or 'lie Dolorcux, Debility, Dyspepsia
nnd Indigestion. Erysipelas. Roso or St. Anthony's
Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints
arising from impurity of the blood
This compound will be fount. . roat promoter
of health, when taken in the spr ng , to expel the
foul humors which fester in the blood at that sea
son of the year. By tho timely expulsion of them
many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud
Multitudes can. by the aid of this remedy, spare
themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions
and ulcerous sores, through which the system
will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assist
ed to do this through the natural chnnnels of the
body by an al termtti ve tned icine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin i.. pimples, eruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed
and sluggish in the veins ; dense it whenever it
is foul, and your feelings will tell you when.
Even where no particular disorder Is felt, people
enjoy better health. and live longer. for clcrnsing
the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is
well ; but with the pubtilum of life disordered,
there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later
something must go wrong, and the great machin
ery of life is disordered or overthrown.
During late years, the publio bave been misled
by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of
Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar Most of
these have been frauds upon the sick, for thoy
not only contain little, if any sarsaparilla, but
painful disappointment has followed the use of
tho various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood
the market, until the name itself is justly despised
and has become synonomius with imposition and
cheat. Still wo call this compound Sarsaparilla,
and intend to supply such a remedy as shall res
cue the name from the load of obllqny which
rests upon it. And we think wo have ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistible by
tho ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to
Prepared by Dr .1. C. AYER A CO., Lowell,
Mass. Price 51 per bottle, 6 bottles in one pack
age S3.
0. D. Watson, Clearfield. Wm. Irvin, Curwens
v'tlle, S. Arnold, Luthereburg. Eliia Chnse, Anson-
ville.J.C. Bonner, Morriadale, C. R. Foster. Phil-
ipshurg, and Dealers everywhere
.May 7, 1S2
Bills of Exchange. Notes nnd Drafts Discounted.
Depositsreceived. Collections made, and procceda
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the
room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd.
james t. leon'aud. i. a. fusbv.
wm a. Wallace. ::::::::: : a. c. fins e v.
TO TIIE PUIJLIC The undersigned hav
ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm
of Moore A F.tweilcr, and having made largw ad
ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus
tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronage
heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by
strict personal attention to business to merit a
continuence of the same.
March 28, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILEIt.
Spring & SummerGoods
The undersigned has just received a stock of
New Goods, at his old stand in Ansouville, con
sisting of a general assortment of Spring and
Summer goods, such as boots and shoes, hats and
caps, bonnets, etc Also: a lot of flour, fi.-h, salt;
groceries of all kinds, and such other articles as
arc usually kept in country stores. Give us n call,
as we are now selling goods at the most reasonable
rates for cash or approved produce.
May 2S. Ib02. SWAN-
At tho "Corner Store" of Wm. Irvin,
A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries.
Mackerel iu half, quarter, and eighth barrels.
Herring in barrels aud half-barrels,
Which will be sold as low as at any other store.
June 18.1802. WM.1KYIN.
Silk Mantillas, and Chantilly Lace Capes.
Satin Striped Marquise,
Also, A La Parise Silk Umbrellas.
With pleasure wo again solicit the attention of
our customers, especially tne ladies.
The Countv Superinteudent will erdeavor to
meet Teachers. Directors aud Citizens utthc places
and date named, ut 'J o'clock, A. M.
Bcccaria and Guelich. September -M ami .)!. at
Chest. Ferguson and Jordan, on 4th and ith a(
Knox, on fith at New Millport.
Bloom. Lumber-city and Penn, on f th and 9th
at Pennville.
Burnside, Chest aud ashington. on 10th ami
11th, at New Washington,
Curwensvi'lo and Pike, on 12th and 13th, at
Clearfield, Goshen and Lawrence on loth ana
I6th. at Clearfield.
Bradford on 17th and lSlh, at Peters' school
house. Graham and Monis on 19tb and 20th at Kyler
town. Covington and Karthaus on 21th and 2."th near
John Reiters.
Girard on 2!Uh at Congress Hill.
Brady on 2'.!th nnd 3'Jth at Luthersburg
Union on October 1st at Welty'g.
Huston and Fos on -Id at Hickory Kingdom
Boggs on 6th at Alberts,
Decatur and Woodward on 7th and 8th atCentre.
Bell, on the 10th, at Bower.
July3iMh, ?62.-pd. JESSE BROOM ALL, Co. S.
Graham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment ot
WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch
es, to bo bad at AALOLhSf.
The American Ievor of different qualities, can
be had at NAL'GLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La
va Jctt, Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gulu Mone Alosaic, I orceiain paintings. Ac,
or single pieces at . NAL'GLE'S.
rln in gold lireast pins, kararops, noop Lar rings,
children's eardrops and ringsat NAUGLE'S.
Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil
ver holders at NAUGLE'S.
Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles n ii J guard slides at NAUGLE'S.
A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ
ent styles and Quality, gold lockets, coral neckla
ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and
all articles in hisline.on hand at NAUGLE'S.
Just receivcd.a fine assortment of Fancy and
common Clocks, aihl Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.25
to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S.
Old Gold and Silver will-be taken in exchange
for goods at NAUGLE'S.
All goods warranted as represented, or the mo
ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S.
If you wish your watches put in good repair
and warranted, take theiu to NAUGLE'S.
New Summer Goods,
Has just received another general assortment of
Summer Drv Goods.
Lawns, Cloths, Dress trimmings
Poplins, Satinets, Ribbons,
Shnllies, Cassimere. Flowers,
Cashmeres, Tweeds. Head netts,
Lavellas, Cottonades, Laces,
Ducals, Drillings, Collars.
Silks, Jeans, Undersleevee.
Prints, Muslins, Mantillas,
Yalancias, Flannels, Dusters,
Chintz, Linens, Shawls,
Ginghams, Tickings, Hosiery,
Ladies Prominadc Jackets, Bonnets
Suu Umbrellas, Carpels, Floor oil-clo;'ns, Hats
and Caps, Boots and Sho'a,
Coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, gait, candles, rioo.
epiceg, flour, tobacoo, erup, candies, essence of
coffee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, soda,
sperm and tallow candles, black tea, snleratus.
wines, maikeral. shad, salmon, ood-flsh, herring.
Clothiag, Notions, Jointed hoop skirts, Shakera.
Miirical Goons
Violins, flfos. strings, bridges, bows, keys, precep
tors, inusio paper, rosin.
Tln-waro glass-waro, drugs, lamps, bucket, tubs,
churns, brooms, wall paper, blinds, umbrellas,
baskets, sclioot books, varnish, moss, curled hair,
eoach varnish, spirits of turpeutine, load and oil,
fish oil. coal oil, glass, etc, in fact a little of every
thing usually kept in a country store
All of which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms for cash or approved oountry produce.
May 2H, 1862. J. P. KRATZKR
iLtH'K A g'lod article lor aale at the itore of
A 1 v. fFtvjfrmt
B. WOODS. Attornrv af T. T,t;n Pm.
. Professional business promptly tend-t to.
O. CROUCH, rHvsiriA5,Curwtr.Till.ner
, field county, Penn'a. ilnj It.
IJ. CRANS, Attornevat Law and Rent Ett
J. Agvnt, Clearfield. Pa. Office adjoining hi
residence, en'Second stret. May 1ft.
J M. M'CULLOUGIL Attorney ttuiw.Clxtr
) , field. Pa.' OlSoc with L.J Craus. fco.j ,
on Second Street. July 3. IGl.
VtJILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law.
Clearfield, Pa. Office. dJ"H." his rei
dence on Second street. Stj4. 1
OBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at LwCIr
j -field. Pa Otace in Shaw'a litw row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's jewtdry store May 'V
HF.NAIGLE, Watch and Clock Maker..and
. dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room ia
Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10.
HBUCHER SWOOPE. Attorney t Law.Ctvmr
field. Pa. OfF.et irG rahuiu's Row, fourdoo
west of. Graham A Boy&ton'a eture. Nor. 10
JP. KRATZKR Merchant, and '.r in
, Boards and Shingles. Grin a l Prodo-.
Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield. P. jl2
VJ. PATTERSON, Attorney at Law. t'nrweas-
ville, Pa, will attend io all business en
trusted to his care.
Methodist Church.
Office opposite the New
Jan-. 15. l-2
A 1TILLIAM F. IRWIN. Market street. Clearfirld,
Y Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer
chandise. Hard xt nre, Queensware, Gn-pri;. aud
family article generally. Nov. lt.
DR. WM. CAMPBELL, offer bis professional
services to the cititens of Morris and adjoin
ing townships.-' Residence with- J l. ' Denning ia
Ky lertow n, Clearfield county. May 11,1 by.
JB M'ENALLY, Attorney at d,aw. CleMrtiald.
i Pa. Practices in Clearfield ' an J - aJjviniu
counties. Office in now briek addition, adjoiuir.
ibe rtsidencc of Janus B. Graham. Nov. 10
JOHN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kind f
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield. P
He also makes to order Coffins, on short notiee. jii.
attends funerals with a hearse. . AprlO, iV.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and D
metio Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour. Paeon,
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, afewd-virs
wett of Jorirn-il Ojire, Clearfield, Pa. Apr-7.
I AR RIMER A'TEsT, Attorneys at Law. ( lr
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all lega
aud other business eiitrurded to their care in Clar
field and adjoining couutivs. August 6. Is.rti.
DR. M. WOODS, tender? his profusions! oerTi
cea to the citizens of Clearti.-ld and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite the office of
L. J. Crans,-Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by HoD.ti R Barrett, where he can
be found unless absent on piofcssioual business.
rpHOMAS J. M'CULLOlu. Attorney at L,
X Clearfield. Pa. OfficeVovcr the. -Clarfi-1 1
co. bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre
pared with proiuptncKS and accuracy. July ,3
v. u. ut s ii. :::::::: t.j.m'cllxoiwh
Collection Okfu k. Clkai:kikli. IV".
ply of these invaluable Family Medicine
are for sale by M. A. Frank. Cloarfield. consisting
of Pain Curer; Kf tortitt vt, a gxeatcure for cold
and cough ; and Anti-liiliott J'hyiic. They have
been thoroughly tested in this coiuuiut.it y. and
are highly approved. Tkv tiik.
IfOKHISDALE HOUSE. Tho undtrsigr
lrJL ed having taken the MorrUdule House. Mt
uate in the town of Morrisdale, riearfveld county,
respectfully solicits a share of the public patron
age. No pains or expense Mill be spared to ren
der guests comfortable. Charges moderate
April 22. !iL',1ilLl: KI(-'11Kt,s
I VAM'KI). A blacksmith, who can carry
l I ou a frhop. A single man. who can eorne
well recommended for sobriety and industry,
will be employed by the month, or the shop and
tools rented to him. The stand is vui uf the btot
iu ClcarfielJ county
Apply or adJrc
July 2, "62.
Burnside P. 0 , Clearfield co., Pa
KO I. LOCK'S D .M ) E LI ( N V O I E E E.
This preparation, made t loui the btt Jar
Coffee, is recommended by physicians us a supe
rior nutritious beverage for General Debility.
Dyspepsia and all billious disorders 'f h.usniid
who bave been compelled to abandon the n of
coffee will use this without injurious efT'-ets. On
can contaius the strength of two pound of ordin
ary coffee. Price 2.) cents.
Km. lock's Lb' VAIN . The purest and be?t baking
powder kuown for making light, sweet aud nu
tritious Bread and cukes Price Ii cent.
Manufactured by M. H. K'LI.OCK. Chini-t.
corner of Broad and Chertnut Sts. Phil'a. and ld
by all Druggists and Growers. Feb. 2'i, i-6iy
Steam Engine
A Steam Engine of the following ditneutionn. ey
lender 10 Inches in diameter of U.re and 2i fent
stroke; Slide valves witft Cast Iron bfd plate ci
th ear with force pump ; Governor, fiy wheel. ke ,
complete with Copper and other pipes; 3 boilers
.14 inches each in diameter, double flued. 16 ft
long, of good material. (JuriMt Iron); fly wh H
12 feet in diameter, about loUd li.s weight, with
oil globes and all necessary locks and wrenches
and an extra tdiaft to attach to grist mill. 1 ha
engine has bran used for running both riit aiid
saw mill successfully.
Saw Mill Paget ln-st Patent complete vtttn
Ratchet, Head blocks. 2 Circular Saws, Strap and
all necessary machinery for pawiug lnmbr
The above Engine aud Saw mill can be seen al
Grahnmton. Clearfield co . Pa Kor partinHrs
please apply to tho subscriber at Clearfield Pa
Juno 2ith, 18H2. JA. B GRAHAM.
Just received and opening, acrtrcfully sel:t I
stock of Spring and Summer goods, consisting ct
Hardware, Queensware,
G II OO Kill KS,
School Books and Stationary,
And a grnat variety of other useful articles, af! of
which will be sold tbtap f'-r cash, or
changed fur approved pio ln -e
(Jo to the -cheap cash alore ' it you war.t to buy
goods at fair prices.
Jn.JIJM.V WM f f R W I V
CofToe Esenta and Dudelij Cli at th
; 5toeof VV M IRVIN.