Till Um gasman's Journal. ... - r'r"'' r-s".' .- ijt??'rr',! nr Mritt, . now. ttOSLX UNION STATE TICKET. roft aetJirort btitnAL U 0 Ni T ft 0 M A 12. COii It It A tit .t tuna tutntt, tak sMifRt'irt nfcSfcttU, HON V ihHAH M, it OHM, h Ll'rfctt.sfe Hif.'Ntr . " AfiOUf AMLUMtM, ET(L 'flWreckidtlflge-VallaOdigltattl toliftit And pylitleian, whenever Idey find Ideinselves. liif'J fUil f'Jf Hit flfgUuiehl, feSutt ii) ft pJt?(li; ful ii (( epilheM, Th?N? i m be, Iww-- f?Vef, f'f wdieit fdey seefll lHi'S (PJ ( furli-tlilf M f"f (hit tt ii 'Ahjli"fiU(i" fl.aa (jjf)gFP'M4l glVM hi stippnft O (bi ijhffjt fifttaluMiM JMIi, Of Ide Mill eu'iflriiiig and ha dusofjail 94 ail "Abnlilb'nisl,1" Mould a Iy4l Jisfooef4t, (brewing ssidt bis parly prejudices, JucMru himself an ununndi-- Ijonal Unio-Mst, and in f4ViF nf (ha Naiional Administration carrying en vigorous wur against (he Hebels, and jininedi4taly be altiu Is declared o ba an Aboit(onist," J.ef man argue (hat Slave al)or fa detrimental o the interests of (lie white man, and conse quettly, that its diffusion should not be tn couraged, arid theati gentlemeri at once do iionrice bicn as an "Abolitionist," I)oea a man advocate the cause of Freedom oppose the extension of Slavery commend President Lincoln condemn JeQ Davis favor confl. cation of rebel property subsisting our armies upon the enemy employing contrabands to dig ditched, to throw up entrenchments, to build fortifications, or perform any other la bor that would relieve the white soldiers, and along the whole line ot Vallandigham bat leries off goes the charge of Abolition ! Ab olition !' Heretofore, these epithets were only used Ly those Brcckinrldgo-Vallandigham politi ticTans to disparage and belittle tho friends ol the National Administration, with tho hope of destroying the influence thut was being ex erted in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war. liut, since tho recent call for 500, 000 additional volunteers was issued, this cry of u Abolition" and 'Abolitlon war," seems to have been taken up with renewed vigor probably with tho view ot retarding enlist ments. It this is tho oVjoct, alt who engage In It, are treading on father dangerous I ground, as will ba seen by the following section of an Act passed by tho Pennsylvania Legislature, on April lBth, 1801 1 Ht.c 1. That If any poison or persons, be longing to or residing within this Statu, and under the protection of Its laws, shall take a commission or commission from any person, State or .Status, or other, the enemies of this HMe4 or of Urn United States of America, or who stull levy war flg mut this Staid or gov ernfnenl lhofof, or knowingly or willingly shall aid or Assist any enemies In open wnr gainst fhil State or tbo United States, by joining tholr armies, or by volutins, or pro- curing, or putxii iding older ti enlist for that ti(irios4 or by furnuhiug such einMiiien with Hfiti or fttiiMitnltioii, or any other nrtlcl' for their ni l and comrortior by carrying 011 a tiai torou currtjtpoiidofK; with (hum, or shall form, or bo In anywu.i ennouriii'd In forming. any coiublnatioim, or plot, or f.ofiKjilrary, lor h.draying thU Slati or th Unitod Status of Afuerkf (nfo th hand or )wor of any for vmi cnxmy, or any orguiii,ed or preieinted frorrf iiinent ffii? rt(u( In resulting tlm ltvs of Hi (Jolted States, or Miall glvo or seni any Intfilligofipo fo thu tfiumlui of ttiu Sf.tl or of (hit united State of Amrrle., or Mull with iutflut t(t omioso, ifttVdiit, or subvert ih (m cnuoMUt of tin httti or H10 Unitud Sl ites, tmleuoor to iiruu l ie anif fin ion hum titlerinit lhi$trHr of thit Shite or n' tin Vulti l Statu, or I ruin Ininhift titiu I'lilmtlrrr rommiiu or ' tlntlvn ot thin Stuff, about btlng tinuemd Into itrvl't, or ihnll u$ ami thrrntt or iimumtuui, ur ntfrr any bnlit, or hot a out any hoot a rt ward, with Ilia intuit tit indurt any fititua or iittitnii to atmn ltiH mid itrvtrt, or uullulraio Jrvai any tolnntrtr toiiiintnif or imnrliilloa ill' titidu vittlitltrl under tdt Inn 1 of thli Coin inn n win ftli or hit rn every person so of Muling, ami being leg-illy convicted thereof, hail be guilty of it high misdemeanor, ami IjhII b sefisnci f ftndorgl tolitury iiiirrii- onmrnt In th fnillrnthirU, at hard labor, for a tmn nut t.ttndlng tut ymrt,nnd lit fnd in any lum nut t,rtttdtnH tlrt thuunand dollar!, of but It nt Hit dlti-trtiwt of Iht rout 1 1 J'rovldrd, That thlat shtll not prohibit sny Mtlrcn from taking or rrrclvlng any Mvll oorntnlsslon for (h srkfiowleltf mehl of defd ot other ifistrti- friefllS Of tttfflngi . 1 1 i 1 i 'AotMr AKoi.fronfsri" the last Char Jlthi Jt'1'Hfiltrtt tohlrtftt bittef HKorlsl gilnsl I'iiion lMwnlo(V, denoiitit'lug him m i Atollliotiist" iti'l i "litimbygi" Ably Jofinl'flt Vr(jutioiine'l In somewhat slmllsf lHhf 'f llM'(tinflltftt;Vlllf!'llg!iOI pesl im l (fet'ltot bl'Mill MM llli0i'li llv'iil yifooUt 1 IM'I i'i will hi every oilier H';t(httHrHftFi Wb'l A(i( (fia pf mnton (h UhKM PN( IJovefiMiienfj is siip1or (0, nw of ioof clM9 lhii lla Insllintjoii of (Utfi If CMf fif M'( f fM f W 6l (Inna Ibujr ddmiiia)4tons of thasn mn, ihoy patid not b snrpled if "AbolKfonUis," Af wording fo (bir own bowng, iuiomt plunly alsur a whi, x- 1 t- r-1 -1 Mftla QsmbrU ! bar qiot of (wo pom. panius n"rly rsly for (loi fll'l ()w wa uipeufed to laava for mrrisbiiig on Friday last,' and slity uames were on ttio hiustur roll uf b otltor, Tlli liMke nuai y 2NN) men furnished by Cambria' county since (ba bieak' log out uf the war, TWEEDLEDEE AND TWEEDI.EHTTM. Below wo giva an extract Iroui the Richmond Inquirer, and another from the Clearfield Re- publican, on the financial condition of the United States Government. We do not pre tend to say that theoe editors fuel und think exactly alike; but, as their articles express the sinie Ideas, it looks very much as if they were "blowing through the same quill." Per haps, a satisfactory solution may bo found in the fact that the paragraph appeared in the Republican Just five dnys after the one in the Iwmirtr. Hero are the extracts, side by aide : From the Richmond Iw'ti- rer of July 2-tli . Tha df pruciation of north ern pupr nionoy continues and Increases. Sales of gold were innde at the Stock Ilonrd in Ualtlmore.oiiMon (Jay,at 20 per cent premium. cloingatl21nked,120bid At New York market Inrce From thrCtritrfirtd llr p ii hi i in ii. J lily 30 It, The Bhipmeiit of specie to Europe du ring the third week in July, was t 810. 000, against $1,750 during the sarneweek hist year. The total snlns were Oinde at 2(1 Oer shiomeiit since the eent The sales at the first first of January Inst Is Hoard N York, were fuadelf 30.000,000 against ftt 1191) ('. Ststes sites Kl'jfjjim.Oou (or the f! v XT!TuT'il '" ,!t9( In N.i ork rated few dsysi . . . a At l.'IOalnlj which is Mold In worth 2(1 per 2I2J percent above the eent.whllf 'the iotern filf tfllu1: I'erhapK Wtnilhe'ittthdrrrrr ihopI olfjiilli-'aht fenftife In fe dlsehiwM 3 the kbnve figures m Uifil U."ii which when Plates fa should be bebiw(properiy imdefstoo l psr; Mot OirtfiV weeh ago in pan fhst you can ll.ev coiiinitindVd a (fl(,1-loiyl2.1wort lofai-een soiopfeioiiilii. Now they Mc.ks with? IOM.f gold fstelowrf HoHieteii ,im' t l.iol.ows epieci--cohi's pMpep money, alilio' 'lon id neiuly. one. thht fates lifil pertenl todow "ttHli. nod M is no( iif,(H . . f (,uy (,r-n biat'ywf one year siiiMs ilii r7illiefiiHifb-- : "o;d p'ipr ("lrfen jiy of honeoiy uf ihfaif lliiv--'. Ii!f4ted: er'i'Oteot. mid they S'iv si!'(hjs 1 4 toofp snd in HiMt modi iii whii'ii a'dnoHioi ruidd di'lMio Yaijkaa iko.( PMlailjF ,(4( OiUipd liiidl: W J" WMW" "Id (lohlilLOilal pent M yitfiiM," Tgjtsof in J';nm yo:Ve (itiiird of ft rnsn, a few days since, who doehred lhat, if lie wms drafted, ba would rluse (0 go lo war. Wa beard of another who aoaortad lhat bo would I'Baidt (he payment of tho National MX. We also beard it jntimatod that luagus were In pioce&a of fuiinilluu, having both of these objects in view, The Government has at oil times, but es pecially when, like at present, it is attacked by lie be Is, a claim upon the personal services of every citizen, It also has a peifect light to tix bis properly to raiso means for carry ing on the war, The man who will deliber ately resist either, is repudiating bis obliga tions to the Government, and to all intents and purposes is in rebellion against its au thorities. So Then. A telegraphic dispatch received nt New York from Columbus, Ohio, states, that Tho Uev. Dr. Urooks of St. Louis, and ttev, Ii. Iloyt of Louisville, were arrested at tho house of the notorious rebel Judge Clark of Ohio. It is reported that Important papers were found on them, Implicating Vallandig ham." This is nothing more than could reasonably bo expected. The course that that 'Muuli patriot band" has pursued, ever since the breaking out of tho war, would naturally lead them Into tho rebel ranks. .Breckinridge showed his true colors long ago, and Vulhm dighatu is not far in the rear. Such are tho loaders of the so-called Democratic party." ANOTHER CALL FOR TR00P3. The Secretary of War has Issued a call for 300,000 additional men, as will bo seen by tho following pursgrapbs I r 0111 an order Issued on the 4th day of August i Ordered flrstthtta draft of three hundred thousand (ciOO.OOO) militia be Immediately callad lut'J thy service of tho United States to serve for nine mouths, unless sooner dis charged. Second, That If any State shall not by the fifteenth of Augiint furnish It quota of the it'll it (on il ;i'iO(ioo volunteer ftiithmlKod by law, tho deficiency of volunteers In lhat Slate will Iso ha nndtj up by special draft from tho fullitU. Tho I'hihdelphbi Ledger siyi"W Mo gratified learn that the near approach of tho Itmo promised for tlm Mppnrunco of tlio Stamp Currency Is bringing gradually Into tint a tuned froer supply of silver change, Yesterday and (ho day before, we understand, (hero wai mofp frpecio In circulation than for A fortnight previous, The xtamps vv 1 1 laMiori bo In use, wh"ii Mm change illliculty will no doubt fieflse, As the small silver coin aru dealt In only by weight, they him woiih littlu, if arty more, I lino (bo (lovtirrimnnt nolo, nnd ni tho dilfttruuco daily Iosxhim they will more and niorg euiiio Into circulation," ---. - THUArr wirn N0UM.--Th fiealy with (ho Ottawa of Kan km I oflie.lally Proclaimed, Their relation with tho Unl'ed Slates as an fndhiu tribe Is to terminate at the expiration iif five years, and all of (hem bo deemed and declared full eltl.ons of the United Slates. Ample provisions will bo made for their lm. provement In all that proclaim to clvlli.ed life, and as far a possiblu for die settlement or tholr reservation by Industrious whiles. 1 ho land to he sold to actual settlor at not less thflii fl 2 1 per acre. A lltMlito tM.nftMi.-The Chamtiorsbnrg 1'loin s.iy, "tuuch gtsln I left standing for lack Of harvest fiand." The same paper slated a few week since that Ihnif neighbor' hood w swarming with "niggers and work ing for much leu II1.01 white labor could be obtained, In console nop1 of which while la borer were (drown out of t-mploytiientj" fcc j 4 -aim. it f orbeMnee (o (Milot I crucify 1 loyal tueii Oof govornmeiit will tie lie ul to It self nod falihles io if high frtisf, If it slinll 111 lo employ and Improve Mil moan ad ii fcooitioindi wiidln Ide fair mum of (he lw of War, lo overcame himI mibdne II Implicable Mtid btispaiiig foe, : ; - 4 mim "T r:.J 'I'U Mobile ,dlt ttiif stale dial (leiirl lliet kidlldije Id oiooHId of lde,Kiopmnj the od'Osiie side o tne fiver, el Monroe. ie,, mi I liMitliMig (0 fisplilfe Ihe YhltM balleffe over IbMru, and pieyent snpplie teaching Ibe - --rTr- t-T-j. 1 s..t - HU bundled oy rosidonl of Arkansas followed Gen, Unci i hi way ihrougb (b ritrtlo to Ifbluna, and dumsnded thai arms be given ilium o form tlm ftrst regiment of Ar kausa yoluutues, This will be done at onou, : The lion, John A, Kson, First Assistant I'ustmastur General, having boon nominated for Congruutf by flia Itepublicau of (bo Fifth (Jisiri't(owsl) has (uudurud hi rosiguation 9 First Assistant j'oslruastur Goiioral. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE "JOURNAL". Camp jiear Harrison' Lanm.no, Va.f July 19th, lbVl Dear How : Thero eeems to be a persistent and settled determination, on the part of some would bo military tenders of the north, to And fault with every effort, or movement, which is made by either of the grand armies which have been concentrated at different points to quell the great rebellion which has now as sumed such gigantic proportions and is spread over such a vast extent of our once happy country, The prolific tirades which are con ceived and nourished In their over-fruitful bin ins, and hurled against our Generals, would, perhaps, under other circumstances entitle their authors to consideration. Judg ing from their tone, the initiated would sup pose that Napoleon in his palmiest days, was never possessed of half tho military accumeu as these self same leadeis, and one is almost led to believe that they must have some spir itual premonition of all the movements which are about to occur, in order to enable them to criticise upon tho merits of this move or (hat) und all Ibis from personal observation taken 8omewhero within tho bounds of Penn sylvania, This persistency, which at first was passed by In silence, lias at Ittigth culminated in the uiiiiiif tiikeablo end jost indignation which is everywhere manifest throughout this portion of the anny. unprincipled toon who have Siitrilhk'd all their pretended and Imitat ed patriotism upon the tili'iallowed alter of political inbitjoii, now nomine lo lake (he rein or Gcivetmnenl into (heir owe hands, flfid lo presd Ibe the manner in which the War tnii9t be conducted lo insure sncx".', These name men, it will be iitideiduod, always, mfi; Hge 10 keep iii Ibe foie ground (he peculiar Maim lo supeiioiit. of (bis miliffy eomoiaih dor or that. 11 (he erio niiiy bo j not only (0 (lie pKoibidM w (d (dose whose p ilrjof hni, a.. bllMy Mel leady ndaplafioii of uitHti fo (be end, (atifio( be doubled, h'lt to Ide pfedjudice of (he eansu In wbii b wu n rt N'ttioii have sued it 11 absorbing and yiul interM, And, why all (bis Is it beeause sihUi a ponrsu will siibsurvu die interest o our common country in (bjs ibo hour o her greatest pril I Far li.iiu j(, Jtut on dm other' band, it ijuiies only Ho rnuuil observer o see, (b it (here is in (ho wbulo niovuuiuiit a deep sualeij partisan Jealousy, cburactei jstio only of (bo political demagogue am) calculated only to fin lu 1 rasa (hu ndministratiou in the proper coiitluct of (lie war, The patriotic eibn ts and populirliy or the man who conuiunds Ibis portion o the army, bis singleness of purpose in 1 iiu (iiscuurgu ui me amy willed lie owes to bis God and tits country, seems o bo an e lenui eyesore and In direct contreventmn to tho interests of ibis class of patriot whoso 1 1 aid friends are ever on the alert for an op portunity lo msUe cftpltal, for thim, out of the present unfortunate oouditiou of tho coun try. Such conduct in times like the present, when our Government is struggling for its very existence against enemies on all sides, It is, to say the least treasonable, and soldiers have long since learned to regard those who do not give to tho Government theii hearty cooperation and support as traitors at heart, and unworthy of confidence. The soldier who has sacrificed all tho euse and comforts of home, and has offered his all, oven life itself, to avenge the insults and indignities which liavo been heaped upon bis beloved flag, expects every man, who 1.1 not standing whoiil- dcr to shoulder with him in the Held, to over look all the minor considerations of party and stand by bis country, and to concentrate all the legitimate means in bis power to the vin dicatiou of the rights of civil and religious liberty and the supremacy of the Constitution and the laws. The time haa now arrived when every man in u .it show his baud must stand or fall upon his own individual merits must either be the whole-souled friend of the Government or its deadly foe. Thero has been too much dally lug with treason in the p;ist-too much ten derness exercised towards traitors and too many ofleriugs of aid to the common cause Willi one nana, wiiiio a ciencned dagger was held in the other. Dut, it is gratifying to know that the people hav-- been watching these moves, and have at Iciicth taken tbo matter in hand. That man who seeks noui lu turn aside the current of popular opinl hi from the legitimate onject of cruolitng out this lu loultlous rebellion, Is either u fool or a mad man. Nosnnc man In the north this day, can doubt thut our c iiiso Is just, or that (hu smiles of Heaven are not upon our honest eflorts) and, with this conviction, we hive every right to expect tho undivided and Impartial tin is tauce of every honest loyal man lu this crlsl. I wotrtd not be understood as wishing to lm piitfii the motives flu n sweeping nu) which may control dm action of mu but, while we are outside (he bound of loyal State, the record of many such men bavo found their way here, and tbo Influence thereof ha been productive of evil, It has a tendency to weaken the confidence of many In thj ability of the Government to carry this war fo a sue Cessful and (loU Issue In tlmu lo prevent for eign Intervention and thereby a prolong 1 (Ion of the, war fo an Indeflluato peiiod There I no disguising (he fart, Unit we need men ol strong ln-arts, iiumodhitely, fo fill ui our serried tanks and if behooves every man to titko an interest in the mntier mid lo eu that the men are rapidly sent forward, Lo no mart who can w I ? I . I an Influence (or good stand In nuy poltiou that I susceptible of douldful Interpretation. Let our citizen In dillereiit localities bo cital to the emergen do which are now more Ihsu ever forced up on their comldernllon. Let ail Ibe means compalltde with civilization and humanity be brought Into rcipilsKlon against this rebellion and, let an unwavering confidence bo ihco In the Integrity and ability of all our lienor and wo have no four that the men, gom and true, will soon be forthcoming and then dm Vital blow will bo soon shuck that will sink thl rchrlllou so deep In IniumV that no resurrecting power will ever reach If. At present all I quiet hero, but the eroun work for another tuovo I going inpldly on and, from flppenrsftco, something decisive msy be looked for before long, A tel nolh log deffiutfe lis Irmsplrod In rogsid fo our losses, during Ibe soilc of bait I s in front of Klchmond. Without (he official dila, It I Idle (0 speculate upon the e.lenl of Idem The report are looked lor with Interest Tde bov have well recovered from (delr I (igne sod are again ready ) buf, it will oof do now fo Niy that (hey sre spoiling (or fight T he weslder da boon almost unendurable, bill within (lie Nsf few dr we dive dad eopiou nowM, Ami toe air in tooi ami piesnti Vein defy, W, II, II, :j3tii4 -. -. - A M KM (Jooiva I (inituoo.On fist mdsy evening last, savfrsl young men of Uhl go wetH bidig hi LH Mpdlgiti, when. some dorso (ame down (o dilnk, The young mon mounted averlo (hem ami lidfiu (folio, I'losonlly one ol Iht soiomI bona 10 a (rlgblaiiedi and d oil wl'll dl rldef a( 4 (ill gallop, esfiylng dim at a headlong spam through dm slrf( of Ibe eMy, No iieisua lori would Induce (ha hoisti (o s'op Ibo young MsKeppdare not dismount i and many or (bo itlly.ou o Chicago, who weieIliJoy iog the twilight on the front stoops and bluo Hie, were startled out of Ihelr propriety ami . .... .. . , . 1 . , r, j coiiiioiurti st in" apueiaiiiu 1,1 norsu, uiuan dlod and unbijdlud, ridden by a rider uncom parisoued, THE PRESIDENT DEFENDED. The following article, from the Chicago Tribune, we commend to the attention of those who have been ready to assail the Pres ident, while defending the policy and strategy of Generala who had less claims upon their confidence. Tho covert allegation in a late number of tho New York Times, that the President has thus far conducted the war, In opposition to the advice of bis Generals, and thut the disas ters id the Virginia campaign were due to his intermedd ling, is so wholly false that we wonder how the editor of that journal, who ought to have been better informed, could have permitted the charge to have place in itscolums. The truth is, and we should say to Mr. Lincoln if lie were here, the crowning fault of his Administration has been his de ference to tho opinions of Ills military advi sers, lie louna nimseir at ttie head ol tin? Government tho Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy when this war broke out. lie naturally looked to the oflicers subordi nate fo himself for Instruction and advice in mutters purely military. These men, most ol whom wire graduates of nest Point, bad 110 sympathy with him or his views. They wero mainly pailizans of the South, forming a distinct class in our nationally, separated from (he body Of the people by their depend' ettee 011 the Government, the life-long lehtife of there ofllee, nnd (ho nature of their em tiloyment, Ihey weienti Allstocracy In the heart of a Democracy, and a such weie the rdleht admirer ii not ibe qni( siipp'ter ol the cause of the Mouth. The President wa I In own into (heir hand. Wild hi tlotiae(o ilstie modesty end unwillingness lo indulge in Solfrtssorlloii, do permuted (bom omitn age Hfbiif in (heir own way, generously atti il; ol l (iff, when bo ilideied ltd Idem, (ho iHsa greemonl to di Ignorance and Ideir superior earning, III langiiatfo ha always been this 1 'l do not pretend lo know iiiiied about mili liny !uifors iii" country know (hat I nm not a soldier, lhat J am only n lawyer, If 1 hould se( up my will lit m. position to what (bey reenmnit'iid and m foi tune should lob low, I should ngf Ihvu forgiveness for my as, suraucu, fjo (hey must bo permitted logo 11he.pl, There can bo no two plan adopted, And is (bey are or ought to be expert in mil ll.iry matters, J must not jnferfoio Midi their plans," This, we say, has been (by language that fiu has always I. eld j ami a much a tvu may deprecate its ttl'ect in turning over the army and the country to the (under mercies of the men who are too f.ivorbly utlected lu our enemies, wo can but admire the modesty und patriotism, winch, lu llus crisis, subordi nates self lo considerations affecting tho pub lic weal. We have no instance to show how this disposition of the Prusi Iiiiit has worked. When the Peninsular caniiijigu was proposed, .Mr. LmicoIu was opposed to it, His plan wan for our army to go ahead in unbroken force on the line of thu enemy's retreat, and to hasten to Richmond with such speed as it might be able lo command. This as the ob vious dictate of good policy and good souse. liut the famous strategy of which we have heard so much, was shaken in his face ; tho decision of a Council of War was held up be fore him, and though he all tho while protest ed that the movement did not command the approbation uf hisj judgment, bo finally con sented that it be made, the result the coun try knows. Once more : When bis patience win exhausted by the long delay of Gen. Mc Clellan before Manitisas, lie ordered a forward movement, not only once but three several times. That was Lincoln and tho expression of his military notions. Bm. strategy came oiicb more into play 5 one excuse after anoth er was alleged, and at last the command. For ward March! was recalled, and Richmond is not taken yet. We state these things not to assail others, but to vindicate the President, who is nomi nally responsible for tho mishaps that have oc curred, lie, wo believe, is in favor of action, of earnestness, of celerity. Were he to trust to his own sound judgment and Cease to be governed by the advice of men who have thus guidcl to betray, victory would jo-tch on our banners. And wo trust that the day is not far ff In which he will vindicate himself and bo coinolu reality what ho Is ofliclally, the Com-mandcr-in Chief of our forces on land and ut sea. Uufasloiig ns be yields to ''strategy" which proves to bo only folly, ns long 11s he waits preparation that hn no results, nnd ns long ss he trusts men who do not know wheth er they want fo fight or not, just so long may wo look for repetitious Of what ha already occttrod. A llrtAvie MOf.iiKn. We clip the following very flattering notice of Lieut. 1.. F, Drenner, from the Lancaster I-Uprtm. Ho I well known to many poisons In thl county, Icing fhil brother of J. llrennor of Mocrhdalo. A correspondent, writing from Ibe bend quarters of tho army of (ho Potomac, py a Just tribute (o Lieut. Brenner, formerly uf ibis city, lie says 1 "I ha I tho honor to pass through the recent terrible s d iy batllo, un der the command of Lieut, F,. F, llrennor, formerly of your city. Von will be pleased to hear that hi t intrepid valor and heroic con. duct have elicited from the general of the di vision, (General Sykes) and all other officers, the highest encomiums, and procured for him tho distinguished stall appointment of Briga dier (Juiulei master, which, I feel It a priv i lege to say, bo honors more than thu appoint ment can honor him. "I will not p uf Icul arlo uf length, but mere ly statu that the Lieut-, being In command of a comparatively small body of troops, was so. lecfed because of bis well known antecedents to conduct tho most p'sl Hon part of the re treat, during which ho always succeeded in defeating the enemy, though at a dis idvau. tngo of three to one against him bis cool courage and llrm. soMlet ly, commanding char acter invarlablr bringing bis men out of dllll cnlhe, from which a lo.nsormind and weak' er arm never could have estt tested diem, 'III conduct da since been (he theme of general conversation, nnd It Is universally con ceded thnt among bis hmfbor ofllcer lie I cdlef among e'Ual' The Lieut., however, wild characteristic modesiyi speai Hgdily of hi action 1 I aw dim mount hi homo this morning and M id out a unpre tenuously a (be humblest soldier in (he stmy. while be wa Ide observed" of all observer," ' Lloht, llremier ha been In Ibe United 8lnfoMimy about I weiily year. He wa im or-dof ly sergeant In Tela at (he lime (he ln hltioli (reason of Twlgg miff ehdeted lhat r1l vision oflbesrmy lo die rebel, Mr, Ilren ner. like the rest of (he gallant men In Ibe HON, did not boon infiMtled wild die (reason of (deir superior oflleer, and rHteilnod (rue (0 Ide obi (dig, Our ellleh will iderefore fe. Jotnti (0 learn ldt be d mt with (hat toeogt iitiiori of In patriotism And soldierly 'uliile wdled (rue merit sdould but don not always receive, Hinut4ft F,vMr,-On HatunUy list, in Hal I I'jagle, Mr, Polly Wilson, died lo all up puaraoao, I lu r collie and shroud wufe or. doled, and th necessary arrangements for bur funeral were made, Strange o say she revived, and la doing wall, She pas butu lick for soma months, Utr age 1 about 74 year, Relief ontt Pret INTERESTING WAR NEWS. Memphis, August l.--The Bulletin fit tins morning has the lollowing tijm authentic sources among other-interesting items as to the proceedings ol the rebels : 'We have some inkling of the subject dis cussed at the conference of all the principal military leaders, held in Richmond on the 4th and 5th July. It is understood that they must lose more territory. The defensive policy was s'trongly attacked, and both Lee and Beau regard advised the Invasion of the North at three points, namely : (nun Cumberland or Williiimspoi t into Pennsylvania, from Loui.i villeand Cincinnati into Indiana and Ohio, and from Paducah and Cairo into Illinois. It is alleged that the following plan of op erations forthe remainder of the summer cam paign was agreed upon. "First, the Immediate obstruction of the Jsmos River, so as to make it mpusabld for McClellan to use it as a means for communica tion with the Fort, and for their tinnsporla tion of reinforcements and army supplies. "Second, the occupation ol Williamsburg, York (Ow n nl d the entire Peninsula. Third, the recovery ol the whole territory of Virginia, and (he suppression of the Balti more nnd Ohio railroad j for the recovery of fifew Orleans, Men phis and tho .Mississippi (Ivor and expulsion of the Federal troops from Tennessee and Kentucky. When these ob ject, have been accomplished, then Jjoo and Beauregard's plan wa proposed, "Filth, to to ike (be PoloumtJ and Ohio river at once liioirbasi of operations and frontier titie,niid (0 transfer (he seal of war lhm Vir gltila (0 Mar, land, Sixth, lo hut I upon Washington from Hied' luntid a column of (wo bundled thousand troop nd capture llnl city, Tde liberation of Itsltifufiie and tbo invasion ol (be Noitd at Ide three points named above, hoomuifig in llllll dm Invaders, IbeV hope o make lllleees sary for us lo foot p ,il Iouim lor ibo defence ol our eillos five hundred idousind lio. ps," Foiiihm MoNtiori, August U,Tliu arrival of the mail boat this hIPiiiooo brings s.ono ii nticiilar of the attack HMd by (ha rebel batteries on Geu, MtClullau' position limn opposite flaiTisuii'fc Landing, Thmiltiick was made at niidniglii wild, it is said, luirjut, luiies of Hying artillery, some being above, and soinu below the point of attack, They throw six twelve pound shell, some round ami ol hers conical, hut not one of them exploded. Their fire was intended, no doiiht, tor our camps, but many of the shot led short an I Ihiis did some little mischief among Ibe ship ping which was laving at tlm L noting and ut anchor in the river. Several vessuls and steamers were struck wiih Irignients of shell, but none, wero hurt in Iheiu, It is reported nine of our soldiers were kill ed and only three wounded. The attack being made at such a late hour of the night, and our army expecting rather an attack in Iront. caused some delay before m r guns opened fire, w hen our siege guns wore lr light lo boar upon I hem, and in les thin forty min.utcs the rebels were silenced. Tho tiring was very brisk while it continued. Many of tho ene my's shells were thrown over among or camps, but these did not explode. All those which exploded felt much short of the camps, aud this accounts for so few being injured. It is supposed that the object of tho rebels in this demonstration was to draw the Federal ounboats down the river so as lo enable their goats, including the new Mcrrimac, fo get but. It is estimated that the rebels threw over five hundred shell, which lay this mottling scattered over the field. Some lodged in the masts of vessels'. ATI that is knbwn of the elfect of on r tiring is thai tho rebels retreated, and this mor.iing the trees where they had their batteries presented a shattered appear ance, and many'are cut completely down. Jefferson City, July 28. Colonel Guitar, of the 1Mb M issouri regiment, reinforced by Lieut. Colonel Sh iflcr, und M-ijor Cloppee, ot Morrill's Horse, and Major Caldwell, of th 31 low. 1 Cavalry, G50 strong, w is attacked at Moore's Mills, seven miles east of Fulton, yesterday, bv a party of rebels under Porter and Colih, yiiiJ strong. After fighting till ut ter four o'clock , p. in., the rebels were com pletely routed, with a loss of from 7U to 100 killed nnd wounded, and one taken prisoner. Colon I Guitar reports a loss ol 15 killed and wounded. He captured the enemy's guns, ammunition, baggage, &c, in piofusiou. T'o ollicclS and men behaved splendidly. Cobb Is reported to have been killed. Colo- led Guitar resumed the pursuit last night, and will follow (hem closely. Caltto, August 'J. Advice have le-oii to celved b Gen. Strong, from Ithmmlluhl, Mo. lb it about one hundred of Coleman ' men were surrounded In Hint town by some five or six hundred rebels, lbt a sharp fli(ht was polnif on, nnd lhat our troops thought lliey could sustain themselves until reinforcements which have been sent from Capo Girardeau could reach fln-m, Letters from a rebel milt captured at Corinth on the l!Ulh u It., indicate h rebel movement on Chattanooga and Nash vllle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Adi'ntuniiriiliirt in hi 1 )! 1 1 fir , ru t , r 11 11 1 o f 11 hi, it kliflf null or riittrtfrit ttoiihlr prirr lor ltiti'iii it)iitil To insure attention, the CAflH must aoeomna. ny notlncf, as follow! All Caution with il , Stray, 81; Auditor' notljes, $1,110; Admlnis. tratort'and J-.xaoti tors' notices, 51,M), fach ; aad an oilier transient Noticri at the tains rate Other Ivertiisnien at Dl per square, for 3 or Its ini9. 110ns. iweivo nun (or icii) count a iriuaro A UIMTOirN .NOTICi:. -Notice U hereby J givMi, to 1 no heir niel Iphhi rrprxsouta tivo of Ithdiard I'urry, deo d, that tho under sliMiod hnvloif been 11 ntpolntml, bv tho orphans court of (,'hoirlloM eiMMily, to mako dhOriloithiri of ins hnianon in the hands of tlm 1 n Ml r tor to those rilltlid p, rordn It 1 will attend In that duly In ('Iron (lot I, st tlm hotel of lleorgo N Colhorn, 011 Tuesday, August IMth, nnd all inter ested will nttend 011 I tint A. J or no rorever tie 1'ATTl.ltStiN, A ud Itor. bared. Aug. rt, lr,2. J 1 M SI nu4t, ) 1 ! t 1 l ! sutmvis tnznn AnniVAL of S u J 1 1 111 0 r (i 0 o (1 h ! listing pnrslmsod our stock of Piiuimer flood lu I'hlbclelolila, i'lltshiirg and llnttlmor en tho loo( fiivufabla lrnn, e"luslvy for crtsh, w now ititna otir rtieii'M ntei urn puniiii 10 an e auiliiHlbin of our larif4sioik and lew in-lees Wn Hlllsblla edssH at retslt m any hens in the eoiinlry, Our sleek eonslstsof ,adb dress good in gretit siluty, siodi as silks, slpwi'it, met loos, ipl.iis gimtllllUlS, tinlltiit. IMWIIS, buleinS, lihliiins, bells iMfsiffy, glovws, nliiid gou'ls, Imoos, e'liiing, fwney notion, iitMfiiiiierv, 4a Urowu and Meio'lied do. Iioislliii, lltsli lilitm, lleolS Slid slioiid, a Iwrga si on It, ijuMleoitoi Wdsr, souli ns eluil.s, liiuius, sliniiu,( (weed and vesting, dais uups nnmwwru ami timmry, u ronnrius, nii, sail idows. sola lualliar, il'oi. nails, slotl. ulucs. an. Wa hopa by strict aiiulion to biiies and lew pri'ifin ie foifciva a niiorai patrnnHgo, J.el at 0010 a nod eainin our sleek and prluus. Highest mnrket prioa paid (or all sinds lumbar, Mu.M U It It A V A I It V IN Hurnsida, Clearfluld 00., Pa., Aug, 6, lHrt2. ITOH HALL--3e? arsl first rata wagon, by MKKKRLL A H10LKR. V'',f J ,near Ml. Joy Ct.sm.-h om i,,. the Wth or Aii-nst. 1 he c-horch t betwc, T "a 3 mile n t.Kh ot eiMrC-hl. n.t conn-tr.t . ith the Fast Haiti more M L. Cnnrrrcm-e July -M. J. F PUOWX. pa,tor. ISTIt A . Csme Irepairg on the prmi--i ses of the suhsoriber residing in WfitiAri township, on the 2Sth day of June Ut. a hay mare with dark mnne and tail, and aPont nine yeri old. The owner is remiextrd to rne forward prove property, pay cLargrs. and tsse her ami or she will bo sold as the law directs July 9. '62. pd. H'M. II. .KY. Fruit Cans ! Jt'ST JCKCLIVED 1000 ' FliriT CAS AT ABOUT HALF THE USUAL miCE. An J for sale by Richard Mossop, ClearCelJ, pB CI A I' TION, A II persons are hereby caution J ed against Purchovunir or uied llinz with ik ollowing property, tit. : one yoko of red an L white oxen. heal and other property, now hi r session of A 15. 1'nrrctt and in care of K. V. l'.ar rcttof Ferguson township, Hg tho same belong t 1110 ninl are suioeel lo my order : hatinE 011U been itiven to said Marrett on loan. May 2-. Iu2. WM IP. VIN KOVINION AM) UHlM LItV HTOKl:. The uniler.'iitnn I ef eoriKtanti onlin'il at htg store room hi PhilifidiUf. Ontrevenunt loll stock of Flour. Hams, shoulders hide. t',.f. fee. Tea, lnsiiir, It !, Mela iifes. A e. AUn. I, itiors of all kind, Tubacro. Kvgars, SnutT. At ; ,t of which he 1 ilfers to ourehnscri 011 th inosr s i Nidngouu toim Uiveliima chII. and trv h articles lior2l 1!IH,1;T I.IIY1 Siitfarl Sugar! Sugar! JI N l' It I I I l 10,000 POt MN ASS()UTi:i) SU(AH 1 at t:ie old rmcgj, at sun ciikap cax HTnlti: i" H, M'HSop, Cl.i; A HI I !;LI. IM A N 'J 1,11 Kill I fl I) O Al.f. N Hl U f f ,'llHl Hhlo hodil'lt lo tt VlHOi J Hull Oil. .ill Iha 111 my of I ho (nioii, fur (ha eiulilntt out of it," wioktfd riiiiiou tiuit is im iiiiiraciiiig our i,. ovod country, (omit tnol belli u shvm lh ('? tint and host ijovel oouoit Uo.l evor lo msn Men will bn tnilutiid lor any ron Ivsms ra,l niuiil hi tho tit-Id J wi iiiy-flve ilollnrs l.ounty and one months pay in ailvsneo, Clolbing, fu.,.1 and mtJiliiixl utt tioliiie o srntis. Kuci uiiinn ntlino in ii mil 11 111 s lluw.t learfluid Pa, M A'i'l lll.WuUtiKN.fai.l.hllh Ueg P V. July .'111, l)2. I'.ecruitiiiK MflWr. 1 jTA LHA HLII TIMHLK LANDS Foil V S ALL. The attention of Ierotn di-nln.tii of purchsxing valunlile 'I iniber I.iind is luvi'al to the I0II0H nig Iriiulj ut liuid ilunlu in KpsM'ii toHiinhip, Clinton county. Pa., known at the 1,. mine landn, viz : A certain Iruet liein? No. r. Krt warr'intud in the nuine of 'Ihomns Willing run- tiiiuiog about 1 ICO ueres. ciliintu on llircli iiisnd 1'iiiu, ut the distiuiee of ,'t) in ilcs f rum the rivrr, being well timbered with Pine und Oak. Also, another smaller tract uf land. fitu;ito at th tin.uth of Kirch Island Kim. on the west fide if the riv-r. containing 7't ncre.s und nllowiwice nnd having a good ratting bcaeli thereon, for terms apply to (1. L. KKf.'I). I ... July 30, 1SC2. J. 15. (i UAH A.M. j -u'" STATE OF rj:..SVLV..MA, CLEAK F1KLD COUNTY, SS. In the mtlter of tho TTT apprnifieinent of the estate tf John SRAI. Yon 112 late of P.urni-i Jo tow nihin. Clar- eld county, deceased I, James Wri;- ley. clerk of the orphan e court of the siiid count? of Clearfield, do hereby certify lhat at an orphans'' court hold at Clearfield, the 17th dnr of June A. I). 1 81 2, before the Honorable the Judges of lh gnid oourt, on motion the appraisement was ap proved .. nnd notice toull person in interc-t to come into court on the fust day of m-xt term. nnd shew come why tho s ii 1 uppiMMiji -nt shail not bo approved absolutely, to he iven bv iiul.'i- cntir.n in ono ncw.-ipappr piihl'Mhej in CI e a r fi 1 1 county, for three successive weeks In testimony whereof. I Imvo hereunto it mr band and aflixed the seal of said court, at Clear field, the 15th day of.lulv. A 1. ls;j . July ."(I. IV2. -'A.MKS Wf.lOI.KY. Cl-rk OUIMIA.NS' UOUUT S Li:.-Ky virtue f an order of the Orphans drnrt of Clearfield county. the undersigned will expose to public sa. In the ttorougli of ew Washington, on Morels? the 2th August. IS?2. nt Id o clock A. M.. th't following described real eftnte. to wit: All that certain tnet or piece of Ian 1 situ ite ir the s iid toMiishiiiof Kurndide. bounded ari l d. sertticil ns follows, to wit : Keinninr nt a post cornel on the soiith-eut end of tho John back house and John CIicckiiiiiii tnicl. ihtiiu-n aloiiitl.i lino of the sum j north 72 decrees west 1 yu perches lo a corner post, thenco liy residence of Jnr.n Ilnckhouso south IH degrees ens! M', perches to a jiost coi ner, thence by John M Quitlian's urehs south 7H degrees oust llM) perches to a t.o-t corner on the lino of llio Said backhouse tni. t. tlinics tiorlli IK degrees west H'.l perches lu Hie place of beainnllig, coiitiilnlint Ol acres and allowancs. 'I hums oc ,Si, ne half lu hand, and the re. niiiludcr In one year, to b secured by bond and mortgage HA M IK I. fKl;llIMl. July .'III. ISI52 Adul'r of John Young, deed I 1 ) S I V ' M nrx)oi) skaiumiki:. In renewing of my aoiiinlntimen with the many (rleii'U of my mediclmi, 1 ilecui it proper locu tion Ilium and (ho pubiln, generally, nn't Hi use of an article prepared und sol i by a man cull ing himself "lion. II. Keyser, 1'ilt-bury, l'a ," wle has Iha impuduueo to cull it lini3i:y's impkovf.I' i!Looi ,eak(:iii:i:. and states th at it Is made from my recipe, and. as If to Curry out a regular gaum of '-.-top J hief." ho tells ibo public that "there is a counterfeit i' the market, to see, that Inn name is over fheroik of every bnltlo".to. lionise pu blishcs Iha m-t extravngiint eertillento head'.'l "A P.lind Msn Cured"" K Had Sifru Leg Cured." do. I all""d him to nroooed in this way for nearly twlr months, knowing that those who had either u-l or sold my artiule would have nothing to do wi'h his, but I found there was a number iinncijti .tint ed with mino who wero Induced from the ab" statements to rIvo bis a trial 'I he eomefiienr was dlsapionlmn t to Ihem and injury to ine. s they would at once pronounce I.iodscy's l!l"'l Hcnrelier a humbug, without knowing that it wns the UNbV (IE NT INK It 1,00 1 1 ."KAUCIIKK which lias proved Itself to bo invaluable in ths cure of Kcroful. Cancerous formations, Cutaneous 'I'" eases. Erysipelas, lioils Pimples on the fce, lore eyes. Scald Head. Tetter affecti"'' Old "and slubloirn fleers. P. heuuis'ia Plsorders, (lyspetmla, (osivenes. Jaundice, halt Hheum. Mercurial diesse. Oen ertil debility, Liver complaint, lessor sm"" llle, Low spirits, Foul stomach. Female complaints, Together with nil other disorders from an Improper eon dlllen of lhJ elrculalory system, Asa general T-n-ie, it fTee la me most ficnlgtistit. sn-l esnn"t (all lobeueOl, where use I pet'everlng'y. and according to directions. 'M,, dBBliiotf mv teiiiilne Itbeid fesfrhsr must b careful In pnrehasliig. aseouef-f f-i ""' hlna Is Ilka iiouiiicrroit money, II en be t i"i at low prb'e which Is a aufllelenl lmo"": Willi some lo endeavor la palm II on .i - littj foij irf,in moih,m . , .- linutly for td ...iu i, ... duij.i. . t iii. n B prepuied by M i, sod M no o(hrr For sale 1.y J, It, .MeMurr-y. N and II T, ll?i.w-r.H J'", """l l!" uK good drurgi.U and s.orelj. f.e u ,gh. Mil- eeuiitry, i t i iNiini. v. n i' flulll daysl.afjf. I s 1), H, 4 T, Kliiporj. wholesale " agenU, Charrytroa. imtisua rluo Johnson, riUshurf , r , ',,a ,,M July 3D, Hrt2 ly