toe nkftmmf4mmki. QUVAnvmuv, jujv no, vm, J ha been tha (wmfideiit ,uiaf ot lllba? paopla North thai lvrrl l Institution, datfioraliaed and weakened any nation , TM belief ha also bniiniiie a political aaioin, or fundamental principle, not to bu flfnp tilwl, fu all the modern id.ilosophy t Ihu growth and economy of rilat.&a, us taught by tha most learned and profound of European wi iter or thinkers. On tha other sidu, tha aUlesiiiun and authora, who have sprung up in our alava Htatas, have boldly aesertnd arid stonily main tained that no foim of aocial organization so cured audi progress, power or atahility to a nation aa that which tha corner atonu of tha Iiolitical edilca was slavery, Thu .Southern aadera havu alwaya contondod that their pe culiar Institution wad a them tha most power tal people, considering numbers, on tho face of the glohe and that alavery, in ao arrang ing tha condition of labor that tha free male population were ever ready and able to take up anna, and at the aama time Inspire each other with a loftinoss ol bearing and a daunt less bravery never known to the menial and underling hordes, thu mud-sills and white alavcaof a free State, rendered them irrosist Iblo in war. Thla notion has been scouted by tho North as the olfspring of tho grossest ig norance and prejudico and that tho men who held it have been either pitied Tor their want of judgment and for deplorable5 stupidity , or denounced fur tho utter selfishness and im pious cruelty ol their reasonings. Tho pro. gross of events is bringing tho question to tho only decision that can bo thorough and final that of war; and in this conflict, as it has hitherto been carried on, looking with clear fight and fair judgment at tho present position ol tho two contending bouts, must it not bo aald that the power which relias upon slavery Is not 10 essentially weak and mean as some have hitherto supposed. Must wo not admit, also, that the army which is sent by freedom to tho field, and which takes whatever it has of strength ond courage from free institutions, Is not so instantly triumphant and always so irresistibly overwhelming when matched a gainst tho power of slavery, as some enthusi astic spirits have continually asserted. It is an excellent thing to havo a dispute which can never bo determined by profound writing and thinking, or tho most intermina ble arid eloquent speaking and debating, brought at last to an arbitiiment which is con clusive. There is very little sophistry in tho naked facts or war, and a most resistless con elusion follows from its iron logic' If free dom is the strongest 5 If her resources aro the largest and her endurance tho greatest ; if her army can overmatch and overcome the army of slavery, let them be brought together on tho battle lleld,nd then we shall all see and know for ourselves ; and wo may all become thoroughly pursu.ided and convinced, that such an army as our army, made up of such material and fighting for such a cause, cannot possibly be beaten. liut the .next telegraph, that brings the bloody fact of a perilous falling Lack for tho shelter of a wide swamp and a deep stream, or the bulletin that feeds our hope ol victory with the meagre assurance that our army is safe, shakes down many hasty conclusions, and we begin to ask if slavery is not also strong, and even if under somo con ditions its armies may not prove stronger than Freedom. The history of tho world is full of proofs that the truest devotion, the sincerest belief, and most eloquent professions, do not always or oftenest overcome in tho world's conflicts Keligion is good and God fights for it, but the pagan and the infidel with arms in their hands will bang, burn and crucify all tho saints and apostles. Civilization is a growth that heaven blesses, but the sturdy and fierce bar barian can pluck its weak and eliminate chil dren by the beard, and give them all with their palaces and temples to lire and sword. When men fight for so sacred a thing as Protestant Christianity they must not only trust in God, but always keep their powder dry ; and some believe that Providence is always on tho side of the tyrant and oppressor whenever he has the most cannon. The great battle may now easily enough go against the Union and tree dom ; and go for secession and slavery. All that is necessary to the utter, ignominious, and irreparable overthrow of our causo is suf ficient bad management, enough delay and hesitation, a lack of energy and sagacity in the administration, and a good supply of in capable generals. I he heavens smile on jus tica and freedom, but they frown terribly. on incompetency and stupidity. The stars in their courses may shed blessings on the Union, but they fight fiercely against blundering con ceit and headstrong folly. There have been battles gained by men with large brains Conquering heroes have not always fought for freedom or humane rights. Sometimes cause as holy as ours has been cloven in twain in tho shock of war ; and the races and nations who have conquered the world, havo not gain ed their prowess from Christianity, or their strength from r reedom. Imperial Home drew at first her mighty strength from the dugs of the wild wolf; and who shall say what terri ble power this desperate confederacy may draw from tho black breasts of slavery ? This is at least certain that if Freedom and Union cannot overcome secession and slavery, then we are the weakest; and all the outrage and suffering that have heretofore been the lot.of weak people, will bo as nothing compared with tho fate that Is in store for us, when the mon gerl black and white power is established by our side. Chicago Tribune. The nerve which never relaxes, tho eye which never blanches, and the thought which never wanders these are the true masters of victory. True politeness is as far from affecting grav Ity in the company of the merry as from laugh Jng in the presence of tho serious. Boys should be very careful how they steer their life-barks, if they would arrive without Shipwreck at the Isle of Man. Showing kindness to tho wicked and un grateful is like feeding strange dogs that will bark at you none the less. What a poor world this would be without women and newspapers! How would the news get about 7 A man cannot possess anything that is bet tcrthan a good woman, nor anything that is worse than a bad one. It is the acquisition of no contemptible scienco to know how to bear with tho ignor ance of lools. The vanity of human life Is like a river constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on. Let ns moderns appreciate our dignity ; we shall bo the venerated ancients of futuro moderns. Good habits are maintained and bad ones avoided only by constant effort. Novcr turn a blessing round to 8oe If it has a da rk sido to it. Tho religion of many la only diagovorablo fiom their lips. U ltMH Of '1 1111 JOI'MNAlit Tha ItifTsnAa'a Jm umi, Is on Wed nesday at tlfeoptir un Mini in ! v hub. If nut paid at Ilia iwniuhiuit (if tha year, t'sMll) will ha idiarged, Ai.htissmmts tl he Inserted at 11, flu p' square, for Ihrea nf lass Insertions Twtdra lines hit Ititw) polluting a square, iif every add ilb.iial insertion in iienis will l.a (iliargad, A Ufiuuiioii will ha 111 Mla to yuarly advertisers. fin 8Mliuriiliiiii taken fr,r a shorter time than els months, end no paper will le disufinliimud me 111 nil arrearages are paid, ueil til ttie npiiou or the publisher, H.J, JtOW, CJOUNTV OIHI t'TOKV TIME OF JIObDINO CO I HT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in Juno, M in March, 4th in Hept'in'r, Of each year, and continue two week If nuccssary. COUNTY ANI DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pros't .1 ti'lif a Hon. Samuel I, inn, Hullcfonto. As'te. Judges Hon. J. D. Thompson, Curwensvillo lion, .lumen l.iooin, Jorrest Sheriff. . . . I'M ward Perks. , . Clearfield Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle. , . ' Keg. A Reo. . Jnines Wrigley, . " iMstrlet Att'y, Israel Just, .... treasurer.. . Joseph Miaw. , . " Co. Surveyor, II. It. Wright, . . (lien Hope. Comnilsa'n'rs, Win. Mcrroll, . . . Clearfield. h. C. 1 hompson, . Morrisdalo. Jacob Kuntz, . . . Luthorxhuri: Auditors. . . J. li. Shiw, . . Clearfield. It. 0 liowmnn, . . Chas Worrell, . N. Washington Coroner. . . .J.W.Potter . . . Leontos Mill Co.Superind't Jcssco Lroouiall, . Curwensvillo LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townships. Names of P. (J. Names 11 f P.M. Ilccoariu, - (Hen Hope, - - J. W . Cald woll. Bell, - - - Bower, - - W M'Crackcn. 41 .... Chest, .... Thos.A. M'Uhoo, " - - Cuoh, ... - J.W Campbell. .... (Intend, .... II, L. Henderson. Rloora, - Forrest. .... James Jiloom. Hoggs, - - - Clearfield ttridgo, Jns. Forrest. lirudford, - Williams' Urove, .las. K. Watson. Brady, - - Luthcrsburg, H. II. Moore. " --- Jroutvillo, - - Chnrlos Sloppy. ' - - Jefferson Lino, - . John lleherlin. Durnsida, NewWnxliington James Oallaher. " - - - liurnsido, - W. C. Irvin. ' " ... I'utchinvillo, - - Jack Patch in. Chcut.- ... Ilurrf. - . - . (. 'I'liior. tr. Clearfield, - Cloarfield. - - - M. A. Frank Covington, rronchvillo, 1. A.daulin. - - - Korthaus, ... J. F.W. Schnarr Curwensvillo Curwensvillo, - - T. W. Fleming. Oeeiitur, -. I'liilipxhnrg, Centre county, l'a. " - - West Iieealur, - - Soph io Kndebnch Ferguson, - Marron, .... IMm. Williams. Fox, ... - Jlellcn Post Office, Klk county, l'a. liirard, - - - Leeontu' Mills, - Mignot. " - - - J:.M J Mils, - - - William Curr. Ooshcn, - - Shawavillo, - - - A. li. Shaw. Orfthnni, - - U ralminton. - - - Thos. 11. Forcee. Ouelich, - - Smith's Mills, - - A.. Fox. 1 .... Madera, Clias. J. Puscy. Huston, - - Tyler, .... Oavid Tyler. - - - l'ennficM, - - - H. Woo Iward Jordan, - - Anonville, - Kliza Ohn.o. Karthaus. - Salt Li'-k, - - (co. Ucckadorn Knox, -- New Millport, - - M. O. Stirk, Lawrence, - lireckenridge, - - J. W. Thompson Morris, - - Kylcrtown, - - - Jas. Thompson " ... Morrisdulo. ... Jug. McClelland Penn, - - - Lumber City.t - - 11 W. Sponcer. .... Grampian Hills, - A. C. Moore. Pike, .... Curwensvillo, - - T. W. Fleming. .... L'loomingvillo, - - Uenj. F. ln!o. Union, - - - l'.ockton, - - - - I). E. Iirubaker. Woodward, Jeffries, Jos. Loskctt. 6 This Post Office will do for Chest township. Will answer for Fcrgi son township. L 1 YDE IIOUSi;, RIDGWAY, PUSJIW. S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR,. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in all respects a first clas houso. FehruaYy 15. lstil. JUST FROM. THE EAST. n 1 a 11 a kFmos s o p, DEALER IN FOREIGN A NO DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, A.C., MAllKtl STIIEET, CLEARFIELD, I'A. Read the follow ng list of goo J s an I profit lli rrehy. FOR THE LADIES. Liouiis (rOOrs (J heap Cheap Cheap Ch rap Cheap Cheap Always on hand a large stock of La Goods Goods fronds mes gooas sucn as uoourg uiotn, Alpacas. Ie Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Chintz. Kerchief's, Ru bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. FOR GENTLEMKN, Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Black Casimores. Sattincts, -Cassincts, Tweed?. Plain and Fancy Vest ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc READY-MADE, Such as Coats, Pants, Vests, Under shirts, and other Flannel shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boots and Shoes, and a variety of other articles. Goods Guoils Cheap. Cheap1 Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap" Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap" Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goals 'Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods (roods Chea 'iSueh as Unbleached and Bleached ..n.i Muslins. Colored Muslin I.inon Good 1 Cheap Cheap and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc ( roods Goods Goods (Jieap Cheap Goods Cheap HARDWARE. AC u Y't. ' 'y.JIf VOU want Nails or anikpa. Mnnnrn (tOO's Goods X'."-"'l ...1... r-.i. . o. r I,. ' - ITOOU Cheap "i uiuui lums, oaw-iuiii or oincr (f0oi Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, Goods mnges, etc.. go to Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods trim,ci nu j iuiii3, juiuiier jvnives, Cheaps Shoe and Stove black ina;, Manilla Cheap1, and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Goods Goods Goods Cheap .Fens. I'owder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop;s. T I? VrtTT I, A VT, Goods Cheap Good Lilieap Goods (roods Cheap shoo Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Cheap, Solipi starch, Wall Paper orWin L.lieap dow Shades. Lamps. Lamn tnboa Good Goods Cheap or wicks, coal oil. etc . iro to Goods Goods (roods Goods (roods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods (roods Goods J heap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cncap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap C It t ip Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, White or brown sugar, hams, shoulders or sides, coffee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacK tea, buy them at Mossop's choap for cash. IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarso salt, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried apples or peaches, water or so do cracKers, call at Mossop's where you can buy choap. IF YOU WANT Port wino for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Swet wine, old Monon gahcla or rye whisKy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods (roods (roods Raisens, Figs, Prunes or dried Cur- (rood Cheap Cheap Cheap rants; filberts, cream, pecan or .. i: T? - Goods Goods Goods ftiuunu uuib, vuiiuil'.l, ijiquoriCQ or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOIT AVAXT Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap (roods Goods Goods To bnv ftnv other nrlinlo nhnm Vn Li0". . . , - x j moils ouid wk'iw luusBup, jor ne seup Goodt cheaper for cosh than any other (on,i, Cheap Cheap v',r"'i v .:.u::,,i; -y.; I'mons Cheap: Aiuvfiiioer it, laoi. apzi OU. (0r,3 Approved country pro lure of every kind taken at tliejnsnal market prices in exchange f or goods. BOG (iS TP. FARMS" FCIirsXLK.Tln'e containing 124 ncros S.i cleared and under good fence. A log house 22 by 20, plank houso Ifi by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-buil-dings thereon. Large springan J spring-house con venient to house. The land is well watered and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young or chard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing drovoa. ALSO, one containing 90 a crcs 10 cleared and under, fence balance woll timberod. This land has a log houao and stable thereon. For terms apply to 0tober l3. L. J. CRANS, Cloarfield. ' J Ml (HIT A AT ANNOt'lH'rWKrVI' 1 1 A Kncl Worth Knowing! ' ia iiitdarsinad Inform M'nld frlund' mid Ilia puhlia generally that lie lui jnut r"ulvod nd o- peiiuil, at hi nld efaiii) 0) tni'lf.-rd luwimhip, a NI,W AND W Lid Hl'IdC'J T.D KTOC'K Otf h iiAHONAii 1 ;i : a ao i s. niiriuialiiig uf Dry O00J4, Hardwar, Oniunx ware GriMifciiiiH, and all othur urlhdea usually kept in a country ulnre, nliiuli ha will di'Hpoeu of at as low rate as they can bo purchased in the uounty, and of aa good quality, if not butler, lie rospoctfully solicits nil to give him a cull and examine his stork before purchasing ehewhere, and ha feels certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW FORCEE. (m:aimii:m) houni:, cleariield, J PA. The subscriber having purchased the furniture mid intercut from If. 11. .Morrow, in said Houso, is now prepared for tho reception of trim sient ond permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will be conducted second to nono in thu uounty. He res pectfully solicits a I'll aro of public patronage. July II, IHiiO.-y. GEO. S. COLIJLRN. L O 0 K II E K K Now Summer Goods! Aftcsh arrival of Spring nnd Summer Goods at Oceola, Cleariield county, Pa. Wo havo just lecoived and arc opening a care fully delected stock of Htuplw and Fancy DRY UOOJJS A.M) MTIO.S, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswarc, DRUllS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes (warranted,) Hats and Caps (latest style,) Stationary, woojlen ware, Brooms, etc.. etc. Boat Cineinati sugar cured hams ut 121 cents per pound, plain hams, excellent quality 9 cts., shoulders 7 cts., per pound. All of which will bo sold on tho inot reason able terms for cash or approved country pro duro. May 21, 1S02. LIPP1NCOTT, LONG t CO. jVTO. 2. W'AKi: UP ! Thoundersigned would 11 resjieetfully inform the ciliuns of Cloarfield nnd vicinity, that ho continues to do a!l kinds of Blncksiiiithing on Fhort notice ami in the very b!.-it style, at the Old h'hop alongside of tho Town Hall. Edge tools of all kinds made an 1 drenfud in the bi'st manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The ptiolie will remember, that I am not in the habit of turning off jobs on account of not being able to do thorn. All ( ask is a trial, and then the public may judo of tho work for theintel vcs. Remember the '-Mid Shop" at tho Town Hall. JAMES HAFF. Clearfield Pa, August 1.1, 1801. N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmoro cannot exo cuto, will be done on vory short notice. HAKTSWICK'S DRUG STORE. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. " 'If Constantly on hand a largo'.ind woll selected stcck of " DRUCS AM) CIIK.MIUALS, Paiiits," "Oils, Varnishes, And Dye-Stufis, Paint Brushes, and Brushes of all kinds PERFUMERY AM) FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO & SEGAIIS, STATIONERY, Liquors for Medical Purposes, Including Brandy. Whiskey, Gin, Port, Sherry and Madsira Wines, Ac. TEUSSES, A largo stock constantly on hand, of the most approved make for durability and comfort. Tho Doctor will personally superintend this department of the business. May 23,1862 NEW DRUG STORE. The subscriber has opened a full and coin- Elete assortment of D K V G S in the new brick uilding which ho recently erected on the corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in tho Borough of Clearfield, where he M ill at all times bo happy to nccommodate any personwho may desire articles in hislino. The business will bo confined strictly to a DKL'G AND PRESCRIPTION BUSINESS, and no pains will be spared to rendersatisfaction. Dr. Woods, may always bo found and consulted in the "Drugstore," when not absent on profes sional business. A separate room for consulta tion is attached to the Store, where patients may be examined privately. Every article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced ptices. Terms being strictly Cash will en able them to offer inducements in the way of prices. Physicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcostand carriago. Theirorders are solici ted. Every article sold will be pure and of tho best quality. M.WOODS. Clearfield. Pa.February 13, 1861-tf. Spring Opening at 11. w. smith & cos, Of the latest and most fashionable a o o d s. T71IRST QUALITY OF PRINTS, Warranted good JL' cloth and fast colors, for sale at our formor prices to wit : 121 cents per yard. Also, a large stock of Paulina's and Zygias. the now raging meterials for travelling costumes and promenade dresses ; With a complete assortment of Ladies' Dress trim mings, Buttons, Tassels. Cords. Sk irt Braids, Ber lin Zephyr Worsted. Shetland Wool. F:mbroi dery, Silks, etc A choice lot of trimmings for Zouave's, consisting of Gimp, Silk, White Bugles, Steel Bugles, Gilt Zou aves, It lark Zouaves, etc., etc, etc. With Superior Stock of Bareges, Corus, Alpacas, Prints, Cottonades, Brilliajits, Cambrics, Denims. Lawn robes, Delano Shawls, Furn. Chocks, Handkerchiefs, Stella Shawls, Hickory stripe, Irish Linnen, Chambrays. Tweeds, Gents' superior Ginghams, Cord. Drills, Neckties, Lawns, Rep Do Laines, Black Silk Meillures. Balzorines, Handkerchiefs, Kent'y Jeans, Mozambique, Hoop skirts, Fan. Cassimero.Lace Mitts, Doylies, Chinta. Don't lose tho Opporiunity to Economise 1 Goto II W. ft. A Co's, where you will receive a superior article at asmall advanoo oncost. Men Awake!! Don't throw away your means when by going to 11. W. S. A Co's, you can get a real good articlo of a Kip Boot for $3.00. Call and see also our men's extra heavy Plough Shoos. As Tiuioa are Easing so are our Prices. I A HI IN I I.AfUlM M Hin 4 atdlliig b4 finality of iihII.iii at t il) (Unla'pur yard, Naali, M('MMJUT, ,ll,Mt CO, May VI, I OnunU Mil l'a, II M IJ( hi M V,I'nmnt J,iM0 your -4 lituid. k 'J ,e pulinniiliBr would inform Ilia ai mem of Cleurlltibl nuimty, that h kaepalunir ta rilly on band 'at the Julias l iln at ' vrono a aru;a aliaik of lime, anil will liiriiioli on roittntrt any quantity at tha tenniiiu of thu Tyrouu and l'hiliinhiirg Itailroad, Alanh IU, Innjl, WM.JI, IIOIIEIITSON. N. i, Lima onndlantly on baud at Handy KiJga Million, on IhuTyrona and Cbiarfield Railroad. NEW HTON I! W A l( i: M AN I' I A VJ'Oll V IN CLEAR FIELD, PA. Tho undersigned tukei this inethod of inforiii lug the u Id in that hu has uommuiieed the mini 11 liioliiiu nf htoue-Ware in thu Borough of t'li nr lii 11, and that ho is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Creiuu Crocks, Jugs, Jurs, Ac, at lower prh-oa, thiiu they can lie bought elm w hero Hu aolicits a share of piitron age. FREDERICK LEl'I ZING Ell. Clearfield, Pa., May 2i, IHjU-ly. h 11. i.AiTiiMN, hulks, TVTEW WATCH & J EWEEIt Y N'I'OIIE. 1 1 Thu undersigned having located in the bor ough of Cleariield, (at the shop formerly occupied by it Welch as a jewelry shop,) are prepared to do work of all kinds on the most roasonabln terms. Tho cash will positively bo expected when the work is delivered. Wo aro confident that wo can not bo excelled bynny workmen in town oreounty. Come one! come all totheSisrn of the lii W'atth. April ,'02-ly.pd, LA UCHLIN HOLES. (II.KAKFIEM) .MUSIC SCHOOL For in J struution upon tho Piano, Melodcon and tlui lar. and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils under six years obi, S'),00, for aeventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six years old, 1 0,(10. for soven-ty-two lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Mo lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, oncd'ourth at tho beginning and tho balance at the end of tho quarter. Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils. Studied ulono. $:.00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1. IWJ0. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher. WIIITTEVS COLDEN SALVE. The Great Progressive and Ileal 'i ir llt niril '; . An article that presents n challenge to tho world to produce in any remedy yet invented, an equal for tho painless, and rapid euro of external in llamatory calamities, or diseases. It is good for Painful Swellings, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scald, Rheumatism, Soro throat. Bruises, Sprains, Cuts. Tumors, Erysipelas, Wnrts. Sore eyes. Boils, Chapped hands, Frosted feet. etc.. etc. Giro it a trial. Price 2 cerits a tiox. For sal. i by JACOB GO.SS. in Woodward township. March lit, '62. C -iHAMtS !! CIIAIKS !!! CH A1KS !!!!! hOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY !! !! The undersigned has now fin hand, at bis Furni ture Rooms on .Market St., Clearfield. Pa., a short distaneo west of Litz's foundry, a large stoek of CIIAIKS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which ho will sell LOW FUR CASH. His long experience in the l u siness makes him feel confident that his chairs are made in a Hihstantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial, l'ersons wishing to purchase chairs should call at once and get them while they cun bo had at tho lowest rates. Feb 27, 1801. JOHN TROUTMAN. rilHE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will bo JL opened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday, May 19, lbo2. Tarns, per ses sion of eleven weeks: Orthography, Reading. Writing, Primary Arith metic and Geography, ?2.50 Higher Arithmetic,' English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. . . ' S3,u0 Algebra. Geometry, Natural Philosophy, and Book Keeping, St. 00 Latin and t J reek languages, $l),00 To studonts desirous of acqniring a thorough English Edacation, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil receivod for lees than half a session and no deduction except for protracted sickness. Tuition to he paid at tho close of tho term. may 30) C. B. SANDFORD, Principal. I71AKM FOItSALE.-The following described farm, situated in Decatur township. Clearfield Co., Pa. two miles and a half west of Philipsburg. on the Glen Hope road, containing one handled, aikl ticenty-one acres and allowance There are aiiout eighty-live acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation ; with a large, well finished, frame bank barn, a comfoituble hewed log house, and a well finished frame dwelling houso and other out buildings erected thereon, never failing springs of water at tho buildings, and a large and well selected assortment of bearing fruit trees. Tho wood land being well timbered and under laid with a four nnd a half loot vein of stone coal. Tho above farm affords rare inducements to pur chasers i'or further information enquire of R. D. SHOWALTER. Philipsburg. Oct. 23, 1 SCI . fim. Centre. Co. Pa. EW FllOI AND NEW GOODS! JOHN & JEItRED F. IEVIN. The undersigned givo notice that on the 13th A pril they cnterod into partnership in tho mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted y them jointly un der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvin. They inform their customers nnd the public in general that they have received from tho East and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER BKY-COODS, UKOCEItlES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, specially adapted to the wants of the community, and will sell the same at the lowest ensh prices. Also, a large assortment of Boots. Shoes, Hats nnd Caps, of the latest styles and best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasonable rates. Also, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the fines. Now is the time to purchase. Call in an,I cxamino our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel conident that wo can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as you can procure thorn elsewhere. Give us a trial- JOHN IRVIN. May 30, 1860. JERRED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to the old firm are re questcd to call and settle. may 30. . MONEY SAVED IN BUILD IN (3 ! To save money in building, nnd to put up styl ish well proportioned nnd substantial buildings for less money than usual, may be done by call ing on A. W7eitman, Architeot and Designer Thoso who intend to build cither an humble res idence, or a magnificent hall for the comfort of life, will savo money by taking tbo advice of an experienced Architect, making preparations in time, and by obtaining the bills, drafts, estimates, and specifications nt tho proper time, will guard against empty purses before tho completion of the building. The undersigned would thercforo respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and the public in general that ho is at all times prepared to execute jobs, in his line, on short notice, and on the most favorable terms. Having made his business a regular study with several experienced archi tects, and having also had long experience in the business, he flatters himself he will beablo todraw the best designs of every description of buildings, make correct draughts of all Kinds of paterns, models for patent rights. Ac, Ao . and to givo en tire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronngo. Penplo from a distaneo will, by sending tho di rnentions of tho ground plan, with a description of tho location, scenery, and country around it. be gratified with a design suitable in stylo and order with tho location, scenery nnd country, and well adapted for its special purpose. Nochnrgowill be mado if the job should not bo satisfaefory. Carpenters w ho desiro to improve in the theo retical parts of their important profession may al wuys receive instructions in either of the different branches of Architecture. Information can at all timas be obtained at my office, up stairs in Shaw's Rw, or at Oeorge Thorn's. Cloarfield. Pa. May,7,'62.-6m. AUGUSTUS WHITMAN. Flour! intiiirii-,!:!':;;;!::,,::::! Mini fur nitl, good f.Hililv li'Hir, at miali piiea, by Jmi. I (Maul, MlllUFLL Vltl'lld'.U I . . U.VL! I "A Mi.fidn.hifl Liquors, fue l. IjHjlHUhJ at Rrandle of variou kind, WliUkey, Gin, etc, Just reeeived and fr sala by Jan la, 103 M Kttltl.LL V JilGLIJl ri 1 ( IJust rreeived and oj'ttned tha vOllI vjjll the Lett atliola of BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. Also dentine, an artieb thai turpentine in many uii', allwlii h Hill (mould ehean fir rn.-l by M ERR ELL A IHGLER. I 'BLASTER! ML The subscriber having lo. ruled himself In fha R.frough of Clearfield, would Inform the publiethat ha is prepared to do work in (he abova line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man tier, and on reasonable terms. April 7. IS58. J'L,WJl? COOPER ni nlwiro !-ni",ne,i ,,ftve rc' dill U till., J cently added a very ex tensive assortment to their former largo etocK of II A K D V A It li, Which they are prepared to dispose of for ensh at prices lo suit the times. Person desirous of buy ing hardware, tdiould remember that wo can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy k toe k we havo on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of us Give us a trial. Jan. IS, 1SH2. MERRELL A BIGLER. Lamps ! Lamps !! tSaxe'S The undersigned have just received from the cast an exteusivo and varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LAMPS, ever brought into the cnuntj, which they Sffer at prices, cheaper than (hn cheapest. One advant age in buying froni us is. if the burners become loose we I'imteii them without charge Now is the time to buy. We also repair lamps and put new burners on when desired. Jan. 15, listll . MERRELL A BIGLER. IVo V Fil'inn- M ALONE Y& Co, X1 I 11 III PHILIPSBURG. PA., Would respectfully inform the citizens of Centro nnd Cleariield counties, that have just received and upened a new and very extensive stoon of TIN & COPPEK-YVAKE, S II K K T IRQ N-W A 11 K, A V A R I ET Y 0 F STO V ES. and a general assortment of articles usually kept in an establishment of the kind, which they offer chap lor cash. Approved produce taken inpay ment atiuarKct price. Jan. 15. 1S02. Now Goods. Fust received nt the "Corner Store," Curwens villo, a now and seasonable stock of goods, which will be sold upon reasonable terms. WM. IRVIN. Clover and timothy seed of a good quality, for sale low, by WM. IRVIN. Grain of nil kind, bacon and lard, for sale at the ' corner store" by WM. IRVIN. One new two-horse wagon for sale, inquire at Curwensville. of WM. 1R IN. One pair of good heavy oxen for s.ile by March 12,'62, WM. IRVIN. A New Lot of Goods. ' ,,, rMIE UNDERSIGNED having taken tho stocK JL of merchandize of the late firm of Patton, Hippie A Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE CJOODS, comprising Groceries, Drags, Quoensware, ' Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, Do Lainet, Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc,, which they offer at low prices FOIl CASH Oil HEADY PAY. Grain, PorK. Shingles and Boards. taKen in ex change for goods. We respeetfuliy nsK a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensville, Dec. 11. I1IPPLE A FAUST. N B. Tho accounts of Ptton. Hippie A Co.. are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same ns we desire to have the booKs closed. December 11, 18(51. 11IPPLE A FAUST. FURNITURE ROOMS!! Benncr & Barrett, Respectfully announco to the public that they have completed and are now occupying their new FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, fronting on the Market lot and nearly opposite the Court House. Cabinet making will bo carried on in the upper story of tho same building, in all its diffefent branches. All kinds of furniture will be kept constantly on hand, and sold cheap for Cash, or exchanged for country produce or lum ber to suit the business Their stock willconsist of PARLOR. ROCKING AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS, Ac. Tarlor, Sofa, Centre, Card, Dining, Extension and Breakfast Tables Sofas of all Kinds, Varieties and Patterns. Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Wardrobes. Ac Bedsteads Jenny Lind, High Tests, Cottage, French Fosts, Ac Mattrasses Hair. Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn husk, of tho best materials. Looking Glasses of nil rrs and sizes. Also glas ses for old frames. Also, What-nots, Wash-stands, Work-stands; Hat-racks, Ac. COFFINS jnade to order on short notice, and Hearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, Maple and Lin wood Lumber taken in exohange for work. Oct. 23, 1861. F urnitiire ! Furniture !! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good stylo and at cheap rates for cash. Ho mostly has on hand at his -Fui niture Rooms," a varied assortment of furuiture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Ward robes and Book-cases ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny-Land and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac RockingandArmOliairs, Spring-scat, Cain-bottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on band, and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair, Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a lloarso. whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. The above, and many other artiulea are furnished to customers choap for cash or exchanged fr ap proved country produce. Cherry, Maplo. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for tho busi ness, takon in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on MarKet stroeU Clear, field, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." Docember 4. 1851 JOHN GUELICH. 171 LOUR A good article tor sale at the storeof ljanl6 WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield. fllH T.NTV-I IVi: Ill NtMII D Aim. I ol' LNH AT NtfVAflirJ I to U mouth ,.f , Mo.h.nM.h An I pi-t.paity; in, ri.M...i,rtt.U I,,,,. 1 1. M r"'"", f. . II. IM I'lILIt kwiKii-f; D If, Alb -may i Um, C .rfupi P " .:' -5 TIN WAHH AT REDUCED 1'UlCI.Hf LYMAN WH HUT, Market atroct, IlarrJaburg, l'a. OffeM fur tala the UrMt lock of Tin aadRhwi Ironware in llarrl.hurg, at low ,n, constantly uu hand a general xorlinoiit uf , best pattern of Hovn .,r eookii, mul n,llllll( room. Also agent P.rthe iala of Hanfont t t..i enl I'artabU llouier. ' Store keepers will find it greatly t ihotr . torest to pure huso their supplies from ma July 2. inilm-pd, I I I XI It PROPYLAMINE, THE kw 1-i It KM El Y FOR RHEUMATISM, A NEW REMEDY 1 A CERTAIN REMEDY. J roB ACUIK RHEUMATISM CHRONIC RHMMATl-M RHEUMATISM OF EVERY KIND ; ' No Matteu How STtnoii.s. How Lou a tie . PlIorVLAMlNI! I Wll.1. CoN'yl kk T, J 1 1. 1. tl'ME IT. H7r it has done. It will do again. Dill'TORS HEAD. Dot'TOKS E X A H 1 r . I , , Toll TKTlT The hest textitnnii y. Jlest Medical Authority. Doctors know it. Patients believe it, Tifd & Trm, Pennsylvania Hoapital. (Fitnut Okkh ial 11oimtai. Rmohts ) May l, ISG0. i:ilen S.. at. 2S. aingle, tti,t was very strong. Two years ago he had an at tack of acute rheumatism, from which she waj con fined to her bed for two weeks, and aubjeqoentlv from a relapse for four more. She has been wef since then till last Saturday; while eng4ged la bouse cleaning, the took cold, had pain in her tack felt cold, but had no decided cbill. Two daj later her ankles began toiwrll which wr,,n0i. ed by swelling of the knee joints and of the bt,4,. She has dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuck les are very tender, red and painful ; both hnj aro affected, but the right is the most so. Hi,, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or. as it it now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It is a m marked typical case We will carefully match thm ease, and from time to time call your attention to tho various symptoms which present tbeoic!rt. My chief object in bringing her before you now if to call your attention to a remedy vLichhai re cently been recommended in tho treatment of rbaa matism. I mean propylamine. Dr. Awenarin f St. Petersburg, recommends it in tha highest terms having derivud great benefit from it use in 1j cases which came under his caro. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appear ed in our journals, and I propose giving it another trial. I must confers 1 am alwaya incredalons t to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunlej as specifics ; but this comes to in recommended ij highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER ! Mat 23, ISf.O. I wi'l now exhibit to you the pa tient for whom I preshribed Propylamine a&J who was then laboring under an attack of aeulo rheumatism. Sho has steadily taken it in dn of three grains, every two hours, (interrolitinjf it atniht). The day after y..n saw her, I found her much more comfortable, better than she expected to be for a week or more, judging from ber utbr attack. (The patient now walked into the rount.t Tho improvement has steadily progrerd. and you cannot fail to notice a marked change in iam appearance of her joints, which are now nearly U their natural size. Thus far our experiment wouli have seemed very successful; but 'gentlaraaa mast wait a little while before we can give a dv cided opinion as to what is to be (be result. THREE DAYS LATER!! Mat 26,18G0. This i the case of acute rbaona tism treated with propylamine, the first of thoae to which I called your attention at oar last cliai. She U still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very satistactory results. The second case to whi'a your attention was called at our last lecture. ba also continued to do well. I will now briog fore you a very characteristic case of aeul a matism, and if the result b satisfactory. good jurymen, vc shall justly rtndtrvur ... til favor of propylami nc. He is 2ii. who was admitted a fW days ago. Has had occasional rheumatic paius. but not so as to keep hit. bed. until eight days a-. The pains began in his right knee, subsequent! atTeoted the left knee, and later the juir.tsof tha upper extremities. These joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is furred ; hisskiu at present, dry, though there has been much mtit iu. His pulse is full and strong, and about 88. lie has now used propylamine tweuty-four hours. This gentlemen is what may be called a strict! v typical case ot acute rheumatism. There was ex posure to cold and wet. and this exposare is fol lowed by a feeling of coluness. severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually sloes, in the lower joints There is fever and the profuse sweatiag, sogcnerallyattendanton acute rheumatism. I did not bring this patient before you with the intention of giving you a lecture oa all the points connected with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and lo ex hibit to you this typical case, as I have eallsd it. than which there could not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We ars. therefore, avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that there may be no miigirinfrs as to which was the efficient remedy. Yea skail see the case in a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT June 9. 1860. The next of our canvaleseents is thecase ofjacuterheumatisin before you atourelin ic of May 2rth, which I then called a typical ease, and which it was remarked wasa fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy. Ilwas therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walk about as yoa see. do not hesitate to say that J hart never tern, as severe a caseof acutt rheumatism so soon restor ed to heaJth as this man has been, and vntheut b ing prepared to decide positively as to thi valuff the rente y ee have used. I feel bound to slat that in the case in vhich. ire have tried ths chloride of Propylamine, the, patUnts have gained their ktaltk much earlier than under thi treatment ordinan.f pursued. I wish, gentlemen, you would yoar selves try it, and report the results. For a full report of which the above is a eee densed extract, see the Philadelphia Mtditaland Surgical Reporter. It is a report after a fair trial by the best medical authority in this country. " makes it unnecessary tojgive numerous certifiet from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. A Speedy CmE. Ax Err etti'al Cfbe. Tbb Same Result im evert Case, Wheseteb Taia. Wherever Tried. What it bas doxb, It Will Do Acai.". Bullock & Crenshaw a firm well inown to is medical men, by whom the Elixir Propyls!0 has been introduced, have sold to us the exojuJi right to manufacture it according to the original recipe, aad wo have made arrangements of soca. magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broaden amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form, we invite your attention to the Prae Cbts talizrd pRorrLAiinE. PrRE Proptlabie Liqxip. Pure Propylamine Cosckstbated, Pubb Iodibb Propylamine, of which we are the sole manufac turers. . , jriVe claim no other virtue for the ZUx it Propylamine than is contained in Pure CryitaJ ized Chloride of Propylamine. The Elixir, is more convenient, and a.wrf HEADY FOR IMMEDIATE t'SE, AND MAT BE TAX I ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONS. T ANT ONE, EVERY ONE. WHO HAS RHKUH ATISM OF AST XI" . SOLD AT 75 CTS. A BOTTLE. Ordera may ba addressed to'PrMr''' fact arias- Co.. Office. Room No. 4. ft. ton Fourth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. Or to either of the following Wholesale Arer : Bullock A Crenshaw ; French, Richards John M. Maris A Co., Geo. 1). wof Teter T. Wright A Co.. Zwgler . ris Ferot A Co-, Philadelphia. Dec , l '