THE RAFTOIMGro M THE JOTJKML. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 25, 1862. Time of Cara leaving Tyrone Station EASTWARD. Trough Exp. Fast train, Mail train, Way train, WESTWARD. Trough Exp. Fast train, ALTOONA. WROXE. HCNT GDOS 8.40 p m. 1. a.m. 7.45 a m. 10.60 a.m. 8.07 p.m.' 8.18 a.m. 11.40 a.m. V.'lSa.m. 9.50 p.m 2.12 a.m. 9.13 a.m. 1.20 p.m 7.50 am. 7.13 a.m. 6.23 a m 8.05 p.m. ::::::. 6.56 p.m Mail train, Way train. 6.45 p.m. 6 01 p.m. 5.03 p.m. 3 15 D.m. Z.30 p.m. 1.20 p.m. The fast line does not stop between Huntingdon and Altoona. The way train only runs between those two points. Enoch Lewis, GenT Supt. THE PEOPLE'S STATE COlTVElfTIOIT. The People of Pennsylvania, who desire cor dially to unite in sustaining the National Ad ministration in its patriotic efforts to suppress a sectional and unholy rebellion against the Vnity of the Republic, and who desire to sup port, by every power of the Government, one hundred thousand heroic brethern in arms, braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve the Union of our Fathers, are re quested to select tho number of Delegates equal to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in State Couvcntion at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday, tho 17th day of July next, at eleven o'clock, on said day, to nominate Candidates for the offices of Auditor General and Survey or General, and to take such measures as may be deemed necessary to strengthen the Gov ernment in this season of common peril to a common country. . A. K. McCLURE, Chairman People's State Committee. Geo. W. Uammerslt, I 0 . Jons M. Scllivaw, ' Secretaries. The Best Book Published Godey's La dy's Book for July is before us, and contains its usual budget of uncomparable plates, be sides much interesting reading matter. This number has twenty full page engrav ings. Why don't you subscribe price, only $3 a year, in advance. We will furnish the Lady's Book and Journal, to all new subscribers, or to such as are not in arrears on our books, for $3.60 in advance, if desired. Colonel or the 84th. We learn that Sam uel M. Bowman of Columbia county, tins been commissioned Colonel of the 84th Regiment of Penn'a. Volunteers, in place of Col. Wm. G. Murray, doe'd. Maj. Walter Barrett, who, as the senior officer, was entitled to the posi tion, declined it, but was promoted and com missioned Lieut. Colonel in place of Thos. C. Macdowell, xesigncd ; and Thos. II. Craig, Adjutant of the Regiment, was commissioned Major in place of Mr. Barrett. The 84th Is one of the most renowned regf fiients In the service, and occupies nn envia ble reputation, on account of its gallant con fuct In several . hard fought battles. In the lat engagement at Port Republic it suffered rather severely 5 and, we understand, that an effort will be made to have it ordered to some post, to enable it to recruit men and Oil up to the requisite army standard. All honor to the gallant 81th. The Woikdeo Soldiers. A correspondent of the New Fork Herald pays the following deserving tribute to several gentlemen, among them Gen. Patton, who had gone to the White House to minister to the relief of the wound ed, after the battle of the Seveu Pines" : "At the White House Hon. M. F. Odell, of Acw York, and Hon. John I aiton, of Fei n ylvaui:i, were busy attending to the wants of !ie wounded. Tl.ey seemed to have over- 1 a a . . . a. jooKea tne iact tneir oieeumg country was suffering in Congress. Would that more of our representatives wouia pair on ana come to the help of the suffering soldier. They would receive the thanks and prayers of 1I10 wounded soldiers, and their children's children would rise and call them blessed. It does me good to mention such instances of godlike nature still displayed by our fallen The names of such benefactors should 1 engraved upon tablets of marble or brass as deeply as they are In the hearts of the re cipients of the acts of charily and godlike be nevolence." ' .IUlirt-roLRTH 1'ENSSTLVA.NIA V OLt'NTEERS The following is the correct list of the kill ed, wounded and missing of the Eighty-fourth regiment, P. V., in the lato affair at Port Re public, Va : Company A Patrick Burns, killed t An UionyCorrell and William H. Lowe, aliasing 5 1 nomas Coats wounded. Company B Corpora! John Snadden, mis sing. Company D Privates James B. Arbel and John Harding killed; Sergeant A. G. Thorn ton, wounded slightly Private C. C. Menell, missing. Company E Privates Silas J. Barr nnd w illiatn 1 aylor, wounded. Company F John F. Walsh. wniin.l...f t Daniel Bittler, William E. Stead, Adam Sides ami luiiis bones, missing. Company O Alfred Waters, killed War Ten Post and Simue! Drew, missing Company I rCajd. Curhy's) Thomas Ad ami and John IL Ferguson, wounded. Company K (Capt. Ogden's) Henry Ring ham, II. E.Keslernnd Ilenrv C. Owpna. 11111 ml "d the latter dangerously j Corporal Daniel O raliam and private James M'Uuire, missing. Ntw Pour Rot'TRi. In looking over the list of hew post routes recently established, wfiu.i the follow ingi ClftitjirH County--? taia Ahmuivlllo via McfJatey,s,West'ivtr,B,llo ce'sioChefrylrot. From 'William! fjrove vtd (it aluttntori lo Shirk's, J'tftrvm (VftMy- .pr'ttii Keytioldavllla Id Koekrfnle, Vltittm tiitJ I'tnmiqit Cvkulht--Vtvtn Kmlon '"nlu CnlUhsburg. Front Unllornhtirg: v hwv, JVIek let Ilia fo 'IICHy. unit WtmtH Von Froni (Jar M vU 8ulfiwet Ktderprl, rinrthlvlll, i'luii'ttter, atxl HihivIIIh, to Oil City. From CUniijjtuii via. MllUtotia and lUiifJit'i """'la Aru. Ida route above natntxl, warn procured ly tnemhfir of (Jongreaa from thin district, "n, John l'atlon, who a ever rvady and w. ,inl (0 Attend to Hie Interest of hi ponatlln. ''U, Jladeaarvei I hunk 1 tf tho plliaen IU"K tha savvral pott routes, for tits aetlva ftlou n procuring them Ihu beneflti of "o'o fUclarit mall facilities. COTTBT PE0C2EDINGS. The first week of June t. rni of our Courts, was almost exclusively devoted to Common wealth business, only one civil action having been disposed of. Below we give the matters which received tho attention of the Court : Com. vs John Lancaster. Indictment, cut ting timber. Verdict, guilty. Wallace & Test for Com. ; R. J. Wallace for Defendant. Com. rs Wesley Nevling. Indictment cut ting timber. Recognizance forfeited and re spited to next term. Test for Com. ; McEnal- ly for deft. Com. vs David Flegal and .ishbury Flegal. Indictment, malicious mischief. Verdict, not guilty, and Jacob Dialing the prosecutor, and David Flegal, each to pay half tho costs. Wallace & Test for Com. : Swoodo for deft. Com. rs Jllbert Snyder. Indictment, larceny, Verdict, not guilty, because insane at the time of the commission of the oflence. Test for Com. : Swoope for deft. Com. rs Wm. Evans and Thomas Evans. Indictment, larceny. Verdict, not guilty. Wallace & Test for Com. : Swoope for deft. Com. vs Hezekiah Lansberry Indictment, forgery. (Test having formerly been defend ants Vttorney asked lea7o to withdraw.) Ver dict, not guilty, and defendant to pay all costs. McCullotigh &McEnallyforCom.; W. A. Wal lace for deft. Com. rs B. D. Schoonover. Indictment, for gery. erdiot, guilty on the first and second counts as he stands indicted, but not on the third. Test & W. A. Wallace for Com. ; Mc- E nally for deft. The 105th Penna. Regiment. Below we publish the list of tho killed and wounded of the 105th, Col. A. A. McKnight's regiment, in the battle near the Chickahominy : Killed. Co. A M.Kirkpatrick, W. II. Lin coln. Co. B Capt. John C. Dowlinc. S. H. Mitchell, W. Johnston, N. D. Currier, B. An thony, J. Williams, W. Jackson. Co. E Lieut. John Barr, Wm. McLane, D. Wyman, N. T. Miller, Job Layton, John Diltz. llenrvl i5irs, wm. uregory, 11. Saynor. Co. F IV in. u. nison, Jas. Crock. L. Findlev. S Harris, John Laioss. Co. II John I.. v Orooves, Geo. Haslett, John Wilson, Jos. Rut ter, 11. bprague, Feter SI10011. Co. K F. R. Patterson, C. S. Adair, B. Sylvers. Woun ed. Col. A. A. McKniffht. Co. A Ser geant S. Nibler, J. Means, A. C. Little, S. F IlafHly, T. F. Adams, O. Croseman. W. C McKee, F. n. London, F. W. Grove, L. II Hatlinger. Co. B First Lieut. S. A. Craig, sergeant w . English. J. Kelsa, K Miller, A ivnsiss, J. lloueharn. L. 15. Umes. J. C. Chum oiJ, W. I os, Thomas Hilbreth, J. A-Cox. C J. Matsor, J. i'arsons, F. Win, C. S. Mc Hale, C. Miller, George Higris, M. Dowling Co. C Jacob Keeler, A. McLaughlin, A. 1 oting, F. Stevens, F. W. Mesurs, Jos. Harby Co.E Capt. G. W. Greenawalk, First Lieut C. C. Markle, Second Lieut. V. J. SliipU-y oerg 1. j. 11. oray, Ueo. tstemich, Jacob Arm strong, Bingham, Clark Branch. John Heed- path, Jos. Johnston, A. Coon, A. McMath, C Maims, John W. McCane, David Palmer, A Uillard, John Wallace. Co.F Capt. R Kirk, First Lieutenant James H. Geggil, J. M Vanhorn, T. S. Anderson. Co. G G. R. Hall, A. jNeel, 11. Ut-pp, U. tiill, V. Willard, Geo W. loung, r. C.Spencer, John Miller, J Haines, J. (Jbsier. Co. II J. Dickv, II, Burns, B. Johnston, J. Moore, J. E. Miller- P. Wensell, II. F. Burrows, William Hick, man, W. Farrer, P. Lindsay, George Britton. James Iteed, N. M. Close, W. Welsh, R. Groves. Co. K Capt. A. C. Thompson. J Anderson, J. Bothel, J. Henry F. Hudspath, J. ij roves, J. Miner, J. Feclor, G. J. Snider, J. T. Baker, B. Mcllwaine, Jas. J. Shields, Jas.M. I'tirney. .Missing. Co. E M.Misick, w. r. rritcnman. John Larimer. Co.F John W. Smith. Co. II John McCain, John Usborne, i ulton Keynolds, F. Kilgore. I he following are the killed and wounded of Company I), which left New Washington In this county, under command of Capt. Rose : Killed Lieut. Commiskey, Geo. Woods, Wm. Riddle, Wm.-Pennington, John Wilson. cnas. itoss, u. . Coot, O. Flofnew. Woun- aed Capt. Du(F, John Rorabauch, .James C'ree, J.L. I'latt, A. F.Mason, Wm. Light ner, Hm. U. McGarrev, lletirv Schaffner. John McLaughlin, John 1 inglmg. David Be John Horning, J. B. Tatlor. R. Beddell. J. R. Corbet. I). A. McCandle. B. Newe.omb. Missing M. B. Loux, S. Gatist. This reir imeni went inio me imme with 1 companies Dumocring iiis men, of which number there were 112 wounded. 41 killed and 8 missing having lost nearly one-half of its men. In Company C Abraham McLaughlin, Abraham Xoung, and Jacob fry were also wounded the latter slightly. Mr. Fry is from Burn- side township, this county. The Latest News. Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail- Gen. Butler has condemned two btirglai s to be hung in New Orleans, they having forg ed the Generals name to a permit to enter and search houses. They robbed one man of of 1885 dollars, gold watch and chain. and bo som Mn. The citizens of St. Louls In response to a teqnest of Gen. Ilalleck forwarded a large a niount of provisions to tho suffering Mississip plans near Corinth, who seem grnttfut for the favors bestowed upon tlicm. According to Klchmond paper", a bloody baftlo was fought hear Charleston on Monday a-week lasting nearly nil day. with a 1 '77 efertted. loss on both sides. The rebels were d Col. Averill's l'enn'a cavalry successfully Invaded King William and Queen counties, and destroyed a large amount of rebel prop ertyi Private property was hot molested Col. Charles Kllet, Jr., of . Tenn' tiled at Cslftt, on SnOirdny Irtsf from woundi recetved In tho tinvnt I'ttlte at Mempliln, OllHdl denpiiff lir have been received from (Jen. Mitra-iu Mfltioutirjlrm tha eVaotHttlyn of Ciiinliotliiiid Ui'p l y Hi9 rel"N, MARRIIDi On (tie 'LI A liiNt, by J, U. (UI.UHI. 1 : -1 . Mr, Jwm ''nHouiif Id MIi Ihvia J. Vir, all of I'MUtuitoii towimlilpi trssra: CAUTION,, All itroii Ara linreliv enntlun ml BKrtliibt 1111 roliHoi n or inuililllnif with I lit fiillitwlng firiijmily, now in ionediiiin of 'J'lminas V, ualiirignt, or nll tnwmiliip, to wit t I cook. utova and utennili It liHiUleads, labia, bureau, tlnok, stand, farminir uttmnila, 1 wlnno w-iiitll, as tha iHina belongi to 111 e, and have only been Wft with said Walnrlfihl on loan and subject to my orders. L. J lll'ltD. Juna 17, mi-fd ' COUNTY MEETING. ' Pursuant to previous notice, a targe and re apeciaoie concourse of people assembled at the Court Room, on Wednesday evening the loth Instant, for the purpose of selecting del egates to the People's State Convention, which is to assemble at Harrisbure, on the 18th day of July next. The meeting being called to order, on mo tion, Daniel Aters, Esq., of Decature town ship, was chosen President. John Mahafley, Esq., John W. Wright, Esq., Wm. B. Alex ander. Esq., David Adams, Sr., Wm. M. Mc Cullough Sr., Benj. Spackmaii, Jacob Rider, Sam'I Edmonson, aud John Thompson, Vice Presidents; and L. R. Merrell, A. G. Hoyt indJohn Irvin, Secretaries. ju inouon, a committee ot hve were ap pointed by the Chair, to draft resolutions ex pressive of the sense of the people assembled, to wit Messrs. A. C. Finney, Wm. Feath, John Radebacb, Isaac Hains, and S. J. Row. J. B. McEnally, Esq., was then called upon to address the meeting ;. after which the com mittee presented the following resolutions for the consideration of the meeting : Resolved, 1st. That the isdom, energy, and patriotism displayed by Abraham Lincoln in conducting our National adairs througL tho greatest difficulties and daogers that ever fell upon us as a-nation, entitle him and his ad ministration to the lasting remembrance of the American people. 2nd. That we acknowledge with gratitude the patriotic spirit and services of our fellow citizens who have come forth to sustain their countiy in this the day ol her trial. Their gallant and heroic deeds will form a glorious record in their country's history. 3rd. The great and patriotic services of the Governor of this State, and his admini stration, deserve our thanks aud hearty ap probation. 4th. In Lion. L. W. Hall, late our State Senator, we recognise a man of energy and ability, who has well performed his duty as a Representative of this Senatorial district. 6th. We endorse the course of lion. John Patton, our member of Congress as that of a conscientious, vigilant and able member. And we earnestly recommend his reuomina tion for a second term. On motion, tho report of the committee was adopted without a dissenting voice. un motion, jonn Mauattey, t,sq., was ap pointed Representative Delegate from this county to the People's State Convention. On motion, A. C. Finney, Esq., was ap pointed to confer with tho other counties composing the Senatorial and Representa tive Districts, in reference to the selection of other delegates to the State Convention, and in relation to the time and place of holding the conferee meetings. The following resolutions were then offered and unanimously adopted : Besnlved, That A. C. Finney, J. B. McEnal ly, and Win. McBride, Esqs., be Congression al delegates from this county, to meet a like number from the otherjeounties in the district, to place in nomination a candidate for Con gress. Resolved, That we hereby present Gen John Patton as the choice of Clearfield coun ty as the candidate for Congress in this dis trict, (subject to the decision of the Conferees,) to be supported by thtse who sustain the present .National Administration in its efforts to put down treason and rebellion ; and in struct our Conferees to use every honorable means to secure his re-nomination. On motion, II. B. Swoope, Esq., was re quested to address the meeting, with which request he complied. His remarks were brief, well timed, and appropriate. Alter which the meeting adjourned. REPUBLICAN COUNT! COMMITTEE. The following County Executive Committee has been appointed by the President of the last County Convention, who authorized to form it : J. 11. M'Esallt, Chairman. Clearfield. C. J. Pusey, Beccaria township, David Bell, C. M. Golf, John Blair, J. H. Arnold, William Hoover, . C. I'atchin, L. J. llurd, Joab Hider, A. J. Patterson G. W. Kline, J. S. Williams, A. W. Heath, Jona. Spackman, Thomas Graham, J. M. Katen, J. G. Cain, J. B. Hewitt, H. Swan, Henry Yotliers, M. O. Stirk, Thorns A. Tate, G. II. Lylle, William Campbell, James (iallaher, I). S. Moore, J. W. McNaul, II. B. Bailey, J. M. Chase, liell township, Bloom township, Boggs township, Brady township, Bradlord township, Burnside township, Chest township, Covington towns'p, Cnrwensville boro. Decatur township, Ferguson township, Fox township, Girard township, Goshen township, Graham township, Gtielich township, Huston township, Jordan township, Karthaus township, Knox township, Lawrence township Lumber-city boro. Morris township, New Washington, Penn township, Pike township, Union township, Woodward town'p. STILL TIIEY COMB. GOODS CIIKAPLll THAN EVL'Hi A FHESlt AKMVAL OF SpriiittSiuniner Goods I itiib aitEAP OASlt STOllB. Jus! rpnelved and Ptienlng, aearefully selected stock of Hpring and Hummer goods, consisting tf IHl .iOO)M AM) WOTIONH, rardware, Queensware, a 11 o c is a 1 ij s, Mltt'GN, OILN, PA IN 'I'M AM) GLANM, 1IUUTH, HWm, II ATH AND CAPM, 1IUOKWTS AND 11 A0K11TU, Moliool HooU ftiul Htdtloimry, HUH AND HALT, And a treat variety of other usfnl nrtlulnf, all of wliluh will ha void ohaap fnriHli, or phaiitfad for rovnd proiluua, (lo ta tha "ehesn oash star' (foods at fair price. June 11, IMflJ. , If you want ta buy AVM Y, IUWIN.' ITILOIMtA goml artlnla for iala al tha ttoraof 1 lanlnj WM- 1HWIN, CUarfUld, tXECUTORS' IOTICE.-Letters T.sta mentary on the estate of Elias Hard, late of vuen wwnsnip, deceased. Having been granted to vUO uuuereiKneu. an persons indebted to tha amd estate, are requested to make immediate payment. " persons navng cinms against the game will F'aeni meui properly authenticated for settle ment. L. J. HERD. June 4, 1862.pd. II. H.11UKD, "eento- NEW GOODS! At tne "Corner Storo" of Wm. Twin . CURWENSVILLE, TA. A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels, Herring , in barrels and half-barrels, Which will be sold as low as at anv other store. June 13, 1862. WM. IRVIN. D" It. W. W. SHAW, offers his professional services to tne citizens or Miawsville and vi cinity. All calls will be answered by the strictest attention and promptness. June 4, 1862. JUST IN TIME! Spring & Summer Goods The undersigned has iust received a struck of New Goods, at his old stand in Ansonville, con sisting of a general assortment of Spring nnd hummer goods, such as boots and shoes, hats and caps, bonnets, etc Also, a lot of flour, fish, salt, groceries of all kinds, and such other articles as are usually kept in country stores. Give us a call, as we are now selling goods at the most reasonable rates for cash or approved produce. May istiz. IL SWAN. Fashionable Millinery. MISS J. E. MITCHELL. Second Street, Clearfield, Pa,, (Opposite the residence of L. J. Crans, Esq.) The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have received an assortment of Fashionable Millinery Goods, to which they invite their attention. We also do all kinds of millinery work on short notice, in the latest style, and on reasonable terms. J. A E. MITCIIFT.T,. May 21, 18Q2.-3in-pd. CAUTION, All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, via one yoke of red and white oxen, wheat und other property, now in pos session 01 jx. u. rurreit and in care ot t,. V. Uar- rcttot Ferguson township, as the same belong to nie and ore subject to my order ; having only vecu given 10 saiu liarreu on loan. ' May 28, 8G2. WJMLIlt VIN. AT SMITH & CO S" JUST RECEIVED 1KEKCII IMPORTED WALKING COATS, Silk Mantillas, nnd Chantilly Lace Capes, SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF JJLACK LYOA'S SILK FOR DRESSES, Satin Striped Marquise, AND MOZAMBIQUES. Also, A La i'arise Silk Umbrellas. With pleasure we again solicit the attention of our customers, especially the ladies. JunelO II. W. SMITH 4 CO 1862 PUKIFY THE HLOOD Not a few of the worst disorders that atllict tnanKind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none have been found which conld equal in effect Ayer's Compound Extract of Sar- saparula. it cleanses and renovates the blood. in stills the vigor of health into the system and pur ges out the humors which make disease. It stim ulates tho healthy functions of the bodv and ex pels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood Its extraordinary virtues are not vet widely known, but when they are it will no onz. er be a question what remedy to employ in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alternative remedy Such a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought for, and now. for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effscts. Gut the trial of a single bottlo will show to the sick that it ias vir tues surpassing anythinjr thev have ever taken. Sufferers from Scrofula, Scrofulous swellings and sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it cures. Ain dtteases, l'lmvlcs. I'uxtitle. lllntrh. i es. Eruptions, iVe , are noon cleaned out nf ihu $vtem. Anthony s l ire. Jioie or Eryu'vfas, Tttter r Salt Rheum, Sralrl Head. Rimrtnnrnt.. ,V- . tnouin not ne oorne White tiru can be. smedilu etireA uy nyrr J, fi air iirirn in. 1... t t -. . Olimuts or I rneral JJixeate, M exvrlleA frnm the suxtem hu the prolomreA use of'tht t Surxnnriril- la, anil the patient is left as healthy as tf h had never had the. disease. Female Diseases are ra.1t.1ed In srrnfuvt. 1,1 tk moon., ana. are genrrallti noon cured fu tin t Kr. - . . . tract of SarsapariUa..- Price $1 per bottle, or 6 ooiiies iur t.. m. ui nn mo jjuijjur'i-a ui n laiiiny pnysic. take Averts Cathartic Pills, which are evervwhnrn I. - .11 .1.- nK..Ann r r- 1 . . . known. to be the best purgative that is offered to the American people. Price, 2j cents per Box, or 0 uuxea lor qr i . l'rcpared by Dr J. C. AYEll A CO.. Lowell, lunss.. ami soiu oy nil uruggists everywhere. C. I). Watson, Clearfield. Wm. Irvin. Cu ville, S. Arnold, Luthersburg. Elisa Chase, Anson- vme.j.u. i.enner, jiornsaaie, U. 11. Foster. 1'hil ipsburg, nnd Dealers every w here. -May 7, 1802. SECOND SUPPLY OF New Summer Goods, A T T II U O L I) r It I C E S. s J. P. KIlATZEIl. Jias just received another general assortment of bummer Dry Uoods Lawns. Cloths. Dress trimming Poplin, Satinets, Hhallieg, Casslnere, Csehmeres, ' ; Tweds, Lavellas, Coffonades, lbicnls, Drillings, Silks. ,1eans, J'rlnts, Musllti. Vnlaiiclas, Flannels, ('hints, Linens, II Ingham, Ticking, mount!, Flowers. Head tietU, Iees, Collars. I'ttdersleeves, Mantillas, Dustprs, fhawls. Hosiery, Lsdlp rrmnlnada Jacket, Honm-t Fun Viiilirellrt. Carpet. Fbmr nil elollig, II sis IHI v p, II.H. is Still Plums. tinocmm. t-tiff PH. t, tiMlnsi. SMtfxr. nun. HH.IIoS. rlnu. ppb'i-s, noiir, toliannii, yrp, ' mull en, essi-nns of poirp, pulvof lnoil utigar, frmikcr. ntrh, no.U, sptifiti n tul (Allow t'Hitille. Iilnrk lea. Htmtud. wli, iniiokfial, uliad, aliiitm, end flsli, Imrlinr llAIUlWAHK A Ijl KI..N8WAHI:, t'lotlilnj;, Notion, Jolnlnd boon skirls. Hhaker. Mimti'iL tliHiiiM Violin, flfoa, strlniia, brltt, bow, kay, preop tor, uiuslu paper, ronln, Tln-wara glaM-wara, drug, lamp, buokeU, tub, churn, brooins, wall pHper, blind, umbrelU. basket, miliool book. varnUll. mo. nurlaJ hair. ei.acb varnlsU, plrlu of turpentine, lead and oil, un on, enni on, giaM, em, in rant a lltlla ofvery. thing uiually kept in a country stora All of which Will be sold OO tha moat raaannahla teruiaforuah or approved country prnduoa. .-uajiBD. J- ) , KnATZER. PROFESSIONAL ft BUSINESS CARDS. H. Professional business promptly attended to. DO. CROUCH, Ph vsioiAS, Curwensville, Clear . field county, Penn'a. May 14. T J. CRANS. Attorney at Law and Real Estate jt. Agcnu iiearneia. m. office adjoinine 1 residence, on t-eoond street. May 16 YT M. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law, Clear- II 1 11BK1, I H. on Second Street. July 3, 1S61. -ITTILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. ILLIAM Clearfie v ciearneia, i'a. umce, adjoining his resi- dence on Second street. Sept. 1. D ODERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. Clear- XV field, Pa Office in Shaw's new row, Market street, opposite Aaugle's Jewelry store. May 26. IT F. NAT. OLE, Watch and Clock Maker, and 11 aeaier in Watches, Jewelrv. Ac. Room Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10 IT BUCIIER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law. Clear- ueiu,r a. 'u:ct inuranam s now, tourdoo s west ot urahatu & Jioynton s store. Nov. 10. T P. nniixik iiercnam. ana dealer in l) . Boards and Shingles, Grain and Produce t ront St. above the Academy, Clearfield, Pa. I jl 2 A J. PATTERSON. Attornej at Law,Cnrwens- ville, Pa., will attend to all business en trusted to his care. Office opposite the New Methodist Church. Jan. 15. 1S62. "ITT ILLIAM F. IRWIN, Market street, Clearfield, y V Pa., Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise. Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, and family articles generally. . Nov. 10. D".. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citir.ens of Morris and adjoin ing townships.. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown. Clearneld county. May 11,1 8;y. JB MENALLY, . Pa. Practices Attorney at Law, Clearfield, in Clearfield and adjoininz counties. Office in new brick addition, adjoininz me residence ot James i5..uraham. i o v. 11). TOIIN Gl ELIClf, Manufacturer of all kinds of J Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. Anrl0,'o9. R ICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic JJrr (tooda. Groceries, l lour. liucon. Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west ot Journal UJjicr, Ulearueld, fa. . April. T ARRIMER A TEsT; Attorneys at Law.Clear- JLJ field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal aud other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and ndjoining counties, August 6. 1866. JAS. H. LAKRIMKK. ISRAEL TEST. DU. M. WOODS, tender? his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office of Li. J. Crans, r.sq. Uthce, tne same that was recent ly occupied by Hon. G K Barrett, where he can be found unless absenton piofessional business. rilHOMAS J. M'CULLOITOII, Attorney at Law, I Clearfield. Pa. Office, over tho "Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. d. o. iii;sh. :::::::: t.j.m ccxlocgh BUSH A M'CULLOUOH'S Collection Opkice. Clearfield. Pess'a. CJALT! SALT!! SALT!!! A prime arti kj cle or ground alum salt, put up in patent sacs. at S3. 25 per sacK, at tho cheap cash store of November it. K. A1USSOP. Tlt.LlTCII'S MEDICI JN ES . A fresh sun JL7 ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting of Pain Carer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough ; and Ami-Bilious Phisic. They have oecn thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Tnr tiikm. TjOTICE Daniel Faust of Curwensville has X l charge of my business in my absence. He is authorized to receive and receipt for money due me. ana is tne only petson authorized to do so. Persons having business with me will please call ou mm. .lUliiN 1'AJ.IU.N. Curwensville. April 2, 18(52. HfORKlSDALE HOUSE. The undersign J.TJL ed having taken the Morrisdale House, sit uate in the town or Morrisdale, Clearfield county, respectfully solicits a share of the public natron- age. No pains or expense will be spared to ren der guests comtortable. Charges moderate. April 2, '62. OEOKOE RICHaRDS. TbIjASTEKINCjS The subscriber having lo- 1. cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield. wouki iniorm me puoucinai ne is prepared to do worn in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, In a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7. 1858. EDWIN COOPER. TJllOVISIO: AND CJItOCERY STOKE X I he undersigned keens constantl on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Centreycounty, a inn siock oi riour, jiams, houlders, Miles, Uot- fee, lea, augar. Rice, Molasses, c. Also, Li quors ot all kinds, Xobacco. r'egars, Snuff, Ac; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms, (iive him a call, and try his articles. tnarzi HUBERT LLOYD. B AMLNU AND COLLECTION OFFICE OK LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted. Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on etond street, In the room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd. james t. leomako. i : ::::::: n. a. finnev. wy a. Wallace. : ! : ! : : : : : : a. c. n nskt. rpo THE rtlHLIC The undersigned hav M. ing purchased the entire t-totk of the late firm of xvloore A Etxweilcr, and having made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers, lhankfulfor tho very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by strict personal attontiott to business to merit a continuence of the same. . March 2(1, '(12 -tf. D. F. FTZW FILER. J I'NT l K C E I V E 1) fV 4 114)1 J AT CHEAP JKWF.LRY" PTORE. O ilrahnm s Row.Clenrfield. Pa., n fine assortment ol WATCH KS JEWELRY. Aa.. Ac. to wh rh we In. vlte attention. Hold nnd Nllver hunting and open faced wntoh- , rt bo had at NAt'OLtC'M inn nmnridun i.nvKf nw 11 niaren f. n nMii..a nnn ,- . ... . M 4 . . . .. . be had st NAt.'ilI.K's Flna of Jewplrv. uch a Oamrt. Coral Ln. va Wfit, citrhiinci. tJartiPtLOnal. Flore tit na Ma aaM, tlold Htona Mosald, Porcelain pnlntings, Ao Or M0 rpi at NAI'llf K'M. 1 I i rt tfold llreflsl fins. Fardrotm. Hoot. I: tdtltdrtng ear drops and ring at NAV'tl Lli H. Hold souls, key and pencil, gold pons and sH- vvr notiir at NAIMH.I 'S. dents brtMnl pin, slmova button, aliln altll 1 1 at 11 ill minuet Htm guard id at MALULU H. A ntta assorltitont of void flnifnr rliiifi.f dlllor Knt tyla and quality, Ktdd lockfl. eornl nnckta etm, ail v tr ililiiililu. ptDiAnc, wtli guard' and an ariiiiin iu lino, on uatnl at f AVu LIS'H.' Jtlt rcetlvtd. a Una asaorttnunt of Fann coiniiion Clock, and Fancy litua-plimva, from lja m m uoiinri at AUULIS'M. Uld Hold and var will ba taken in hana "rtjoouaa JMAUULEW. All food warranted a reBrcaantad. or tha ma. refunded, at NAUULK'H. If you wish your watehea rutin good reralr and warranted, take theia ta MAUOLK H. rilLOUH. 1 at A lot nf good four an hand and for I A LRU ELL A BMLER 5 TI1E LADY'S FRIEXDGODEY SLADTS BOOKFtRl362.-Theworld sfavorite For 23 lears the Standard Marine. Pronounced ky the Press of the United Sutea, th best Lady's Ma-raiine in the World and the Cheapest. The Literature is of that kind tb&tc&a be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy ia im mense numbers are subscribers for lU llKk. The btt Lady Writers in America contribute to itspazes.and we have mme thai vrit nn Magatine. Tk Music is all original, and would eotf sents(the price of the Book) iu the music stores ; But most of it is oopvrightcd, and cannot be ob tained except in "Godey " L'Ur Ztrrt rll2-raviHs. All rfTnrU la riril n in this have Ceased, and we miw utan.l mln in tkis department, we do. manT more and infinitely better engravings thun are published in any other work. Godeq's Immense Danhlr She,t .1. nf Containing from five to seven full length Colored fashions on each plate. Other magaiinea rirm oniy two. tar Ahea.1 of ann Vnxhi .. T?,. 1 -" Godey-s lg the only work in the world that gives these immense plates, aud they are such as to have excited the wonder nf . .v. public. The publication of these plates cost 10 -000 more than Fashion-plates of the old style.and nothing but our wonderfully 1 enables us to give tbera Other magazines cannot afl'ord it We never snare money when the pub lic can be benefited. These fashions may be relied on. lresses may be made after thvm mil ik. wearer will not subject herself to ridicule. as would be the case if she visited the I.irire citi drrwH after the style of the plates given in some of our so called fofhion magazines Our II ood Emrrarinsrs.ot which wo iitwl- or three times as manv as anv ntlipr are often mistaken for steel. Thev are s.i far superior to any others. Imitations. Beware of ihprn Rnim.v ,. the Lady's Book is the original tnhlir.t;..n the cheapest. If you take (Jo.lev. other magazine. Everything that'ia nful r ornamental in a house can bo found in (Jodey. ' Vrawiu'r Lessons. No other mit?.iiin cr,r them, and we have given enough to fill several lare vol umes. Our Receipts are such as can be found r. - else. Cooking in all its variety Confectionery the Nursery the Toilet the Laundry -the Kitch en. Beceipts upon all subjects are to hn fnnrwi in the pages of the Lady's Book. W e onin'lw started this department, and have peculiar facili ties tor making it most perfect. This department alone is worm tuo price of the Book. Ladies TPorZ- Tahlr. This department eomnri- ses engravings and descriptions of every articla that a lady wears. ModeJ Cottages. No other maf.iT.inn h ft,;- epartment. lerms. Cash tn Advance. One enr.v nn Two co,ifone j-ear, 5. Three "copies one year, $(. Four copies one year. S7 Fiv one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club. ?10 Eight copies one year, and an ex tra copy to tne person sending th int. i- Eleven copies ono year, and an extra copy t tha person sending the club. S'.'O. And the tv magazine that can bo introduce! into th h.v clubs in place of the Lady's Book ia Arthur . Home Magazine. Cnecial Ci'Miue' smth other M-ma ,'. Oodey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magnzin both one year for 3 60. tiodoy's Lady's Book and Harpers Magazine both ono year for i .Sti Godey. Harper, and Arthur will all three be sent one year, on receipt of Sfi 00. Treasury Note and Notes of all solvent banks taken at rar. V. careful and pay the postage on your letter. ACiaress t,. a. IJOUEY, 323 ChsixniU St-eet, Philadelphia, Pa. VOICK TKIlf UNE-NEW VOLLMR. 11 c On the seventh of iSentember. l.-fll THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNEcommeneed th twenty-hrst year of ita existence; the THE DAI LY' TKIBUSE being some months older and THK SKM f.W EV'W TV TlilltfVl' lor more than twenty years, this hul. bored in what its conductors hae felt to be tha cause of Humanity, Justice and Freedom, endeav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppresno-l au umonunaie, to nonor ana encourage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, ta promote by nil .1 i . it . . r an menus iuo iaorni, mieiieciuai ana material ad vancement of our country. It bit aimed to r-a right rather than popular, and to e.n,oin &n.i commend to-day the truth that others may not bi willing to accept till to-morrow. In purming this course, mistakes have doubtless hwn norl and faults committed ; but, baring in all tbint; incited our readers to think and iud?e for them selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth ers conclusions, we believe we mav f,irlv r.i for this journal the credit of having qualified ita readers to detect and expose evon iu own errora. To develop hc minds of tha vounr bv th e general, thorough and practical Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry through tree grants of Public Lands to actual set tlers ana cultivators, as also throuzb tho rjrotee. tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branrh from too powerful foreign competition, are among tho aims to which this journal adhered through good and evil report, and which itstead- lastly commends to American pntrio?i?in and philanthropy. As to the Civil War now devastatin? onr coun try, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, then was ev er before known a Rebellion in the inn-mut the few against the many a Rebellion designed to raise hisrher the walls of caste and tiirhf-u ih chains of oppression. Having done all we could without a surrender ot vital prineinle tn ft vowl this War and witnessed tho lorbearanca. im.V ness, and lonff-sufl'erinz with which the Fo.lnmf Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear duty, w ith that of every other citizen to stand by the nation and its fairly cbosen ru lers, and to second with all our energies their ef forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, and the supremacy of the laws. And. though the Re. bcllion has become, through usurpation. deception, terroisra, and spoilation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, anil that the unanimous, earnest efl'orUof loyal heart a and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all questions a fleeting the objects, the scope, and du ration of this most extraordinary contest, wa d- fer to those whom the American Peonlo hm clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose una ol action Indispensable in bo grave an emer gency 111 a Crisis IlkC tha Present, our cnlnmna m:r bo largely engrossed with the current histcrv of tho War for tho Union, and with elucidations of its more striking incidents. Wo shall not. how ever, remit that attention tn Literature, to For eign Afiuirs, to Agricultural Progress, to Crop. Markets, Ac. which has already, we trust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable portion among iu cotciuporaries. Our main object is and shall ba to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from which a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely In the do main of Action but In that of Opinion also. A our facilities for acquiring information increa with years, we trust that an improvement in tha contents f our journal is perceptible, and that. In the variety and fulness of intelligence afford ed, we may still hope to make each day a critic on the Inst." In this hope, we solicit a continu ance of the generous measure of patronage hith erto accorded to our Journal. TEUiMS. I'A fLY TRlRt'NKl.lll Issues pcrannum) . . $A rF.Mt.WF.EKL (Mi Issue per annum) . . . . f .1 WEEKLY (fta Issues pr rninnm) . . $2 To Cirm Xemt.lVrcitf : Two copies for s ; fW for til 25; ten copies ti one address for f 20; nnd any lamer number at tha latter rato. For a club td lwnly, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of fni ty we send Tint D.ui,v Tntncnic gratia oti yrar. II tirit it : Three tuiple for ?j : eight oot.n. for fill, any any Urgrr number at tha rate of 91 20 ach per annum, th paper to b Hresd jr rh aubmtrlhar. To club ol Twenty, wa sand an "xfr ipy. 1 ikoiily enpl tn one adder for f 21), with oia . extra to hint who aenda ua I ho club. For aH club of Otic Hundred, Tun Dailv Tumuaa will ba aant gratl fur inio jaar, , when Urarui ran ne rroonrcd It la much f-r than ta ramIS Bank Bill, Tha naaiaof tha Yum. ' (Hlioa aud Ntata ahoa-14 In all eaaaa ba Plainly written. Payiunnt alwava la advance.. Addraaa THE TUlUVNE.No. 161 Naau at., Naw.York, ALTa good artlnla, and very cheap at tha ' atoraef WM F. IRWlK, CI.afBaM: : f- ' f .. i S i