Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 25, 1862, Image 1

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' '
BY S. J. BOW.'
VOL. a-NO. 43.
0 '. how sweet when daylizbt closes, -"When
the western sun reposes.
And the dew is on the roses,
Brothers, then how sweet to rove
Through the meadow and the grove !
0'. how sweet when toil is ending,
Day and night so softly blending,
Sweet to hear our songs ascending,
Brothers, from the starlight grove
Songs of gratitude and love!
0 ! how sweet the bells low pealing,
On the ear so softly stealing !
-Home we go with grateful feeling,
Pray to Uod who reigns above,
And, with songs of praise and love,
Sink to rest.
From the Philadelphia Press.
The annals of the crisis through which we
are passing are the most varied, the most vivid
ever written by war. The world has no par
allel to the extent and the decree of the
treachery disclosed by the lust few month's ;
but neither has it such sublime records of in
corruptible manhood. If it has its Gosport,
it has, too, its Monroe. It balances the base
Mirrender of Pensacoli by the heroic retention
of Sumter. It contrasts Lee with Lyon ; JJu
chdoan with Lincoln. It puts side by side
the raid of Ewell and the retreat of Banks
the retreat of Jackson and the advance ol
f remont.
It is to this latter operation that we wish to
can special atteution. The retreat of General
Banks has been thoroughly discussed, and has
laRen definite shape in the public mind as one
oi tne most masterly movements of the war
The "iron man's" name is already gloriously
chiselled in iron. But the advance of Gen
1 remont. having been through a region less
known and less near, has not received t hat
meed of praise to which a detailed examina
tion of the difficulties surmounted and the re
sults achieved would entitle it. The data,
though conf used, are now sufficient for us to
understand the movement ; they are scattered
over the letters of m .ny correspondents. We
give this succinct abstract of them.
At the time General Fremont received or
ders from the War Department to move to the
rescue of Banks, or the chastisement of Jack
sun, his arvy was at Franklin, in the centre of
l'eudleton county, Virginia. The place is on
ly forty-five miles south of the extreme west
ern boundary of Maryland, but between it and
that State, stretch innumerable spurs of moun
tain ridges. Pendleton county is hemmed in
on the east by the Shenandoah mountains, ou
the west by the Alleghany 5 while through it,
in every direction, run series of ridgesappro
priately described by the name of Fork Aloun
Tunis, anu outers entitled, wmi sly sarcasm,
Hull Pasture Mountains. Jackson was at this
time at Winchester, north-east of Fremont.
I remont s evident course was, therefore, to
move down in a outh-easterly direction to
Harrisonburg, make there a junction with Mc
Dowell, and intercepting Jacksou, compel hirn
to fight his way through the united forces or
Mirrender. But McDowell could not get any
respectable body there in time j and it was
impossible fur Fremont to move an Inch fur
ther south. He was already seventy miles
from his base of supplies separated from
them Ity mountain-roads ol such Impassibility
that his little army hurl been for a week with
in two days ol starvation. It was exhausted
by the forced mutches' recently hi ado td res
cue Schebck add Milroy it had tio transpor
tation adequate" for a third Of Its force, and
between over-work and tinder-rations, was in
huddle lo fiiove any here, even tinder t fie
Inert tatotable condition of travel, Besides
If moving solitli-eflXelly, the General would
he separating himself still further limit hi
sitpplle! Hit coil (dry being Utterly exhausted,
lie hi. old have to crus the Shenandoah at
Hi. difficult j"ihf, add f l?k it i.rubk-malieal
Jiihi-tioM nilli McDowell, the practical exl
H"it-le of his situation eihialled liltu, tliete
hue, Id tdimise the tedlnu alternative of en,
himiimi? thiee sides id qiMie, Instead ul
Making a short nut of the fourth, Wbdeati
believe Hut. feeetviug hi (id'i lata mi
Natofday night with In army u wmid and
Him ehaime nf t'iM.j.H(((,ti mo iifieeiiain, Fe
tumn mm Hue tiuiuHMMiMd and iligeMed
wlili (tiM li rapid pfeeisjon, hi Ildlhlle H'lh'ril
HfttKMfMui made wlili tut li emdgelli de-
sjmu, thai hi (pimp were in lull mofimi mi
hmiday mmhiug, slnplng Ibotr mmrsu due
rmnh fid f'mui.iMirif, Amid constant lulus,
Hill) food anything hut constant, nv'MF Mad
rut Hint gellmd by Ihu army traii orhlhm of
iiioiiiimwui, J,iud, hungry, skk, mm umMI'
taring will, mm immur-Mug purpose, a big,
M4fU llUHII, pUSllUi) ( t(0U lit MM Id ll'lt fr
burg, Ji.lo Hiu foHii Ihuy (railud 011 MoinLty
mill willing, hut really ton weak, for mi im".
mediate further advance, Hut thuy hull id
mily till TliuMl.iy, beginning then their mister,
ly course, Him mountain rhlgu uftur anortier
U left behind toil, privation, suticrlng, me
tdnlured patiently fur Jucksou and thu Shen
andoah vullay aru beyond, KnapancUs, louts,
lore, and all tifiriucehsury iiiifieilimcnlu are
left behind. The work l eurnuht, and thu
men earnestly bend Iheinselviis to it with
light hacks ami fight huurta lliey idkiiiiio thu
luurch, Friday uu thuin at Wurdutivvillu
on Saturday they triumphantly ntumt 011 Ihu
lidgu that overlook Ihu valley no lunged for,
o luiliid for 1 and in tho afternoon they camp,
"i the flrnt lima in months, on a plain.
Jiut (hero f no runt for them. They aru at
n Important Junction of roads 1 0110 to Win
cheater leads northeaat j onu to Straiiburg,
uthuiist. They are In the midst of the loo.
Again, thu tireless daring of this man I llav
ig accomplished, with exhausted forces, over
a hundred incredible miles in seven days, ho
yet ventures to attack Jacksou, and actually
floats his rear-guard I Cut, meanwhile, tho
I'Ulk of the rebel army passes down to Stras
'"irg in the cleverest nick of time, McDowell
flanking It on tho cast, Fremont on the west,
but ununited, unable to stay Its course.
U Is evident that no human efforts could
nave got a mile more out ot Fremont's men
than that general actually obtained ; but it Is
'lually clear that If tho junction with McDow
ell had been made a day earlier, Jsckson's
"hole force would have been captured or dis
persed. Wo may learn critical charity from
thu thwarting, by circumstances, of such in
imitable genius, when we take down our
naps and rave, amid fireside comfort, because
'Jackson is not intercepted."
Ah, the brilliant marauder's plumes are
dampened! His boasted crowing. has sub
ltA 5nt0 an 'mPtient cackle ! A race for
down the valley J Tbo rapid raid a moro
rapid retreat ! The pursuit of five thousand
men is ono thing ; being pursued by twenty
nve tnousarid quite another. An advance
brigade of McDowell meets Fremont at Stras
burg, and the united forces push on. Des
perate enough, too, to keep up with the fright
enea jaeitson ! tor bhields is on the east
side of the mountains, seeking a chance to
cross, and there is a long road yet between
C! 1 1 -! ... ... ...
oirasuurg anu onariouesviiie. The rebel is
compelled te destroy many of the stores just
captured witn such hurrahs ; prisoners taken
oy nun escape in the confusion caused by the
1 1 , . . .
uaru pressing columns m the rear, and join
our lines; and beyond Strasburg, the rear
guard is again defeated. Onward still both
parties press the recently victorious and
well-supplied rebels, and the worn and hungry
Federals. A race for the bridges ! So des
perate that that at Woodstock we save, and
that at Mount Jackson we quickly rebuild
Let it be remembered that Fremont is march
ing through a country wholly plundered by
the rebel force in front, and is distant a hun
dred and fifty miles from his depot of supplies.
JNevertheless, he fights a d wins another bat
tle, and still follows every inch of the rebel
march to Harrisonburg, lie is now beyond
all previous Federal advance, and, in com
memoration of it. adds another victory to his
Meanwhile, Shields has been keetdnz un a
paranei marcii tne oilier side or the rnoun
tains, not daring to risk the time for crossing
The ridge melts away at Harrisonburs. and as
the rebel marches down to the Shenandoah at
Port Kepublic, Shields comes in just at his
rear. i$ut he has only a handful of men in his
advance, and is thrown back to the main force.
aiter iigntirig or tierce deaperation.
Itere the game is probably ended. Jack
son holds the bridge across the Shenandoah.
and is within short distance of Charlottesville,
wnere ne win be sate. What is the result of
his raid ? lie captured some eight hundred
prisoners ; of these, two hundred have escan
ed, an t we hold at least six hundred of his
men leaving no balance in his favor. He in
jured us slightly by destruction of stores ; but
onieids has more than repaid him at Milford
and Conrad's Store s and if we had rmid a bun
dred fold dearer for the raid, it would cheaply
nave nought me exhibition of such general
snip as that ot .banks and of Fremont.
New Issue of Demand Notes. The govern
ment is about to make a new issue of demand
notes of small denominations, amounting in
the aggregate to one hundred and fifty millions
of dollars. Some objection has been made to
this currency, but experience has proved that
it is the best and the safest for the community.
Heretofore brokers made fortunes by the de
preciation of the small notes of the" different
States. So great was the discount that
wild cat currency was depreciated even ten
per cent. The discount came, of course, out
ot the pockets of the people, and the monev
dealers were made rich at their expense
Sometimes the banks issuing bills were bro
ken, and the notes became worthless. In this
way the losses of the people were consider
The new currency of the general govern
ment remedies all these evils. It is safe and
sound. It is as good as gold erervwhere
Such is the appreciation in which it is held at
the South that as soon as our armies take bos-
Stssloti of ii rebel city there is ere at anxietv
to invent 111 tiieff? demand notes, and to trt
thl ol the Confederate sliinjdasters as Soon as
possible. U ht is it lint federal paper holds
so hign a ratiitf it is because or the basis 011
which it tests, die etit tiuth and stabllitv of
the povfrtimeht, its good faith, to tho creditor,
and mammy to pay 1 lie value ol Ijie de
lnaiid tmli! is further enhanced hy the patri
otism of the people, who, lihdet fid cllctiui
Manties, will dtj'leclale them f for that would
he oulr di'?lh intf llielr own public- pie liliatid
Km ti would hate ' tu fall ultimately ii putt
All that I tM'i'dcd Id M'llt'td Ihe hmmihIv" tf
little f o(e, and id MMue nnsiiiame doubly
sine, I Id pan the Ta hill, and thai I how
at utdi nl age that few day will miiljee ft if
IN Dual pansauMj f.y o rtiriVmeuf i, ihu Hdi.
ale IHld ll'Hiau . f i n t u t. f m I i v m m mi (he
point 011 whli Ii IIm-v dihVPi It will he lintiiwi
dtalely Mailed hv IIim PieMd-dif, a a a maltef
uf i'iimii", lit Id! hill and Ihe lai HI' au itM
iniiliu will I"! b'.'iuiiMd of nvii iwii huudrnd
pillliniia ' aiiiniiiii AiTiirdi'itf to dm eah'iu
mM p,ild on Hoi ifoveiiiiiM'iit l.nii4, la four and
Hiiu.i ijii.iili iu pup I'uia 1 hut Im 11 put jt a
live iiur ridit, h 1 . I u woehl ihu have, ly Ihu
luttiilia o Urn 'I'm hill mid Ihu tun1, tim wy
ami tneuiia ot iii only faying jlm titf u uot ui
Ihu war di lt, hut of ritt.iliiig a tttiiK 1 11 fund Id
pity Ilia pi iiii-.lp a paynitdit wliii li Hill bu an
rarely liiiiiHmiud that if ia niurtdy rioiiijiiitl,
!vttii bliiiiihl tho eapniidlliires lliiuliy foot lip
four thoiiaa'id millions, miii ii in a far higher
llgiini I hau they can nvcr roach, the nmliii ilnd
products of Ihu Tax hill and Ihu (hi III' would hu
ainphi for thu payment of Ihu interest, Thus
from thu vut leaoiirotis of he couniry, from
thu dill'usioii of weultli und tho pad iotism ol
the people, a liciiieinloiu war can hu carried
o'i without nialtdial injury lo Ihu llnancus of
tho country, which would render bankrupt in
onu yuar thu greatest Power ol Kuropu, This
ia thu mciot of the aafuiy und security of the
demand notes of thu government of thu Uni
ted States a mystery which aMtonis'ies and
coiitouuds tho calculations of all thu great
financiers ol Kngland and France. JV. Y,
Sceno cabin of the New World. Littlo
boy, with a letter in thu post," eyeing old
gentlemanin blue and yallcr, and with a
large mouth, Who made that slit under
your nob, old feller V Old gentlemen Sir,
?'ou aru impudent." Little boy (suggestive
y) Careless cuss, warn't he 7 Cut a little
deeper he'd had yer bead orf."
Andrew J. Vallandlghara, represented as a
brother of tha notorious Democratic leader la
Congress, has been arrested at Clinton, Mis
souri, for marauding against Union citizens,
horse stealing, jayhawking and rascality in
W 1 1 "
The bill for tho punishment and prevention
of polygamy In the Territories, one section of
which repeals and annuls the laws and ordi
nances of Utah on this subject, bas passed the
A Man excused himself for marrying by say
ing that his friends declared that ho drank too
much for a single man. -''
Mr. Brownlovv addressed the citizens of
Philadelphia recently, at the Academy of Mu
sic, on the subject of the distracted condition
of our country. The Hall was crowded, and
the Parson was received with great applause.
Below we give an abstract of his speech, on
that occasion :
Ladies and Gentlemen : In appearing before
you mis evening, under the circumstances I
do, and with all the surroundings, I propose
10 auvise you, 111 tue outset of anything and
everjining 1 may say, ot what you will not
fail to have discovered belore I take mv seat.
iuai 1 ao not claim to present my subject with
an eloquence that charms, a diction that fas
cinates, or a style of oratory that captivates.
1 can say in good faith and in all sincerity,
that 1 regret this, knowing, as you and I do,
that there is no power on earth equal in its
influence upon the human mind to the power
and influence of oratory, when it is finished
and complete. But I have one consolation in
my attempt to address you to-tiight,and that is
that I address an appreciative audience. I have
no doubt, I know it, I feel it in my bones,
that I address an appreciative Philadelphia
auuicnce an audience here to listen to some
lacts in reference to the great rebellion and
its operations down South ; to the gigantic con
spiracy of the nineteenth century, without
parallel, in its wickedness, and its Infernal
composition, this side of hell. rAmihiuse.l
1 know what I am saying, from beginning to
end, ana I shall look more to what I say
. U ... - t ..
luan iu my manner 01 saving more, 11 you
piease, 10 me sui'ieci mailer, than to anv
studied effort at display. Mr. Brownlow then
related me manner in winch he had lost his
voice, several years ago: how his throat was
operated upon internally, by a physician in
iMew lork.and externally operated upon 'in
iue oouin ; now ne recovered his voice, at
t ... .... t. 1 ...
Cincinnati, after his release from the Knox-
vine jan. aunouie, ne said, "this cir
: 1 .. : .. : 1 . ....
cumstance ol the miraculous restoration of
my voice, to the fact that I was making war
upon this infinitely infernal rebellion, the
work of the meanest men of the Southein Con
federacy the disappointed and ambitious lead
ers, the most unmitigated scoundrels that now
ureai 11 me air 01 neaven. i ou have purer
men in your penitentiary than the leaders of
this rebellion in the South fcheersl, and I
know there are better men in hell. fCheers.l
ti e aru iu me hi 10, si 01 a leariui reoeiiion : a
rebellion without parallel, so far as its wicked
ness is concerned. It is a rebellion for which
I .1 :.l a i i
mtic ueveruiu exisi, anu uoes uot now ex
ist, even the shadow of a pretext. We are in
it because we have been plunged into it bv
the demagogues and wicked men of the South.
I don't scruple to say that you have some men
at the North, a small class, I know, who are
agitators, and have been all the time agitating
thu subject of the peculiar institution, and
have really done the slaves ot the South moro
harm than good and tho cause more harm.
Applause. While I say this, I have the
frankness as a Southern man, born and raised
in the South, witii all my interests there, with
the full expectation of living and dying there
fori purpose neither to live or die an vwheru
else. Applause. I say I have the frank
ness to say before you what 1 say at home,
and will say again, in the face of the entire
Southern community that w of the South.
and hot you of the North, brought on nil this
trouble., f Applause. Wo did it, and are
inaltily responsible for it add the gallows
will never receive Its dues until the leaders
of this rebellion are hanged, Cheers.) The
Detil Will he cheated ol his. just dues tit.dll he
lias the exquisite delight ofronaling (he lend'
ers hi hell, Cheers. r I tim here hot for Hie
purpose of pandering to any Northern feeling
or u e ltd Ice, I itm Ifei e to stale ihe whom
tllith and holding but Hid truth, What ate
the fa el 9 tu regard In Ihe origin of timbres
eul slale of thing 1 Nd longer ago than lN'jo,
we iiihied tutu a PieHdetilhl contest, we
have hemi woni to do miee In every fmiryeaM,
We hioiitiht forth Ihe candidate tipon the
liaehi and we had it port id ftmr-hme taee.
Home of it HmHiii d one iekt nd ume n
UmIIimP, J led Id m.V lot hi Mil'l'oll JImII Mud
t'.reielti a Union lieliel. a Mmd liiion IIuIimI.
a we intended it to he. We swim uiineee--lull
We laih'd to eleet imp men, and Ihe
great mader and I'mdiiau upon pup Heiiel ha
goiin, klnit.i thai Hum, im i,m y hu whs' id
ail earth, hit llm way id all Mouth, (hl, jleil
ha iu!ivuui, iniijuf lineal ttf vIoImiihu, u
iliauiihm fepeerh end liirnud lurlnrep In favor
of hi'ti.ilrtiig 1111 lm Union, I have iinthiua
haru o say id him In his itlmunuu, iimu hi
ask that yon "i'lly Ihu oTmvsol a poor old
man," l,auijlittr ami nppianau, J huolhur
member of my ticket, Whuiuvur hu to night,
Is light sido pp, marked with ruru, (Hoiious
man, wiiuiuver yon cohij serosa htm 1 aft
ludd fo Edward Everett, rAppMusu.
When 1 sum up thu whole thing, I am
brought to thu mortifying reflection that the
tickut you and 1 supported had all Its strength
in its hind legs, Laughter, Others of yon
siipportud, and did it in good faith, thu Dung
la and Johnson ticket, You, too, were un.
successful, Douglas, poor fellow, is dead a
gallant littlo man wIhti living and If ulivu to
day, hu we would bu a Brigadier General iu
(hu army, supporting the (Joverumcnt. Ap
plause Others of you supported a third
ticket 1 and buloru God, permit mo to say that
was the meanest tickut that ever was support
ed. Applause. 1 allude to thu Breckln
ridgo und Lanu Ticket t two men who loaned
themselves to this Infernal disunion party,
whose design was to break up the Govern
ment. Many of you supported that ticket,
ami yon ought to bo ashamed of it to-night.
Applause and laughter. The fourth' and
ast ticket 011 the track was known, and if
still known as tho Lincoln and Hamlin ticket.
Cheers. It your piberj have not acquainted
you with tho fact, I havo the exquisite pleas
ure of announcing to-night that your ticket
was successful cheers as I did . in 48 hours
after the polls closed, as my honored repre
sentative in Congress, Horace Maynard, on
my left, will bear me out. This reference
to Mr. Maynard elicited chuer after cheer,
which Mr. M. acknowledged, after which Mr.
Brownlow proceeded. Mr. Maynard, and
others and myself have fought them to the
bitter end, and we are still fighting, and we
intend to pursue them to the gates of hell,
and, as they enter, make mouths at them.
Laughter. As I was saying, I came out
editorially in my paper, the most widely cir
culated paper in Tennessee, and announced
that Lincoln was fairly and squarely elected
nnaer the form and law of the Constitution,
without fraud, without cheating, and that it
was the bounden duty of every good man in
North America to obey cheerfully, because
the majority, as exoressed at the ballot-box
had so said, and I declare my purpose to do
so, and at the end of four Tears, if Lincoln
didn't make the right sort of a President, to
Pick our flint and try it again. But this Se
cession party and their neighbors and disu
nion leaders had intended to break up this
Crovernment for more than thirty years, and
if they had been successful io electing Breck
inridge, and Lane, they only intended the
Government to continue for four years, during
which time it was their settled purpose to
Steal all the money in the coffers, manufacture
all the arms they could at Springfield and
other points, transport all the arms to the
South, erect fortifications, and at the expira
tion of the four years entirely disarm the
North, take charge and put an end to the
Government. Did not Pryor say upon the
floor of the House, We can get the Critten
den Compromise but we don't intend to hav
it, and we don't intend to have any other com
promise we intend to dissolve the Union t"
Mr. Brownlow referred to other evidences of
the well settled plan to destroy the Union, no
matter what the N 01th would oiler. Durimr
the eighty years the Government has existed
we of the South have had the control of it
twice to your ones. . Five of our men were
elected a second time, making forty years of
ofiice, while not a man north of Mason and
Dixon's line was ever permited to be elected
to the Presidential chair the second time, and
we seized two or three of your Northern gen
tlemen with Southern principles as soon as
they were elected. Laughter.
Mr. B. referred to the composition of the
Senate and House at the time of Mr. Lincoln's
election, as a sufficient checK upon Mr. L.
if any had been needed. He then recounted
the suflering of the Union men in East Ten-nessee-when
hanging was the daily amus ;ment
ot the Secesiouists. and he cave the names of
those who were thus executed. Keferrine to
the advance of General Negley into that sec
tion of the country he expressed the hope
that he would be reinforced so that he could
drive the devils into the Gulf of Mexico. Not
until that is done will they find the last ditch."
Concluding his narrative of the suffering en
dured by the people of Tennessee for their
devotion to the flag, be said, "I ara mortified
and humbled before God and mv conntrv.
when I know thit we have lots of men In the
North who sympathize with the rebellion.
It I had my bond with the devil for the De
duction of a dozen of the meanest and most
God-forsaken, hell deserving creatures on the
face of the earth, and if I wanted to get a
premium upon the payment, I would turn o-
ver to the devii twelve Northern men who
sympathize with secession. Cheers. Every
man of them ought to be ridden on a rail out
of Philadelphia cheers, and if you make an
appointment at one of your parks, to-morrow,
i win lead the way. fCheers.l We men of
the South who have suflered at the hands of
the Secessionists make it a personal matter
when we Und men at the North Sympathizing
wmi iue iraiiurs. fineers.i
in cloMirig, ho relerred to tho exhausted
condition ot the South, and predicted that the
contest could not last much longer. It will
come down if we have to eoerce. If we have to
snbj'igitle, or it we have to exterminate the
people of the South, and supply their places
wuu a ueuer ciass 01 men,
Tub Speech of the lion. Ed. MePhcrson, bf
Pennsylvania, In Ihe House of Hepresenta-
tlves, oil the otli bf Juhe, Is n tnastetly pro
duclloh, ai,d we regret that we t-mitiot sbtertd
it tit length befuie imp readers, lie spoke In
reply in Messrs. Vothees, of Indiana, and VaL
landlghrtiit, of Ohio. The following extract I
exceedingly Well conceived 1
Sir, I dd hot Wonder that Ihe trni,lhd,idu ia
felted tu realise that their MdlWdmlnted lawk
la as ul-iiraeldU a It i lmnlMa. N 11 Hitmi.
imy of speech hu pumtma up repented pmi
testation id pure, and lofty, und uiiim1
1 smii iifiiuapm, ean iiiitm fnmi
the pithily, (he tmtivleilutt that stud) a worM, at
sued it Hum, ts In Dm hijf hel degree until, tin
wehmmu, and unworthy, ihey ai'e IheiiM
selves md tnstdislhlu Id (Iims pimshlH'atioti,
lop, Nelmir Ihfiu, Ihuy hnlli u..l fit jtisUty
lliiiireour.il ,y arguing that it dons mil in.
viilve inlldulily tu thelp GnvmmiiMd, and by
''ny iiMig inai, in it reifutu ciia, ihuy
Will sustain It against all f'ous at homo or
abiuadi (( rerhiin tn (" What a world
of moaning is immprehunduil in this qiinliiyt
Ing ulausu, JI,,W sugusllvu o dsugui o (hose
eugagHi-of warning to tlmsu sought tu bo
Mr, 'Jhairmsii, J will not trust myself to
discuss the motive or gentlemen. J( does
hot become this place to cast, or attempt to
cast, u suspicion upon any ona's loyalty, or a
stain upon any one's patriotism, Least of all
bhould I thus iMsail a member of the AmurN
can Congress,' of whom the suspicion of even
a shade of disloyalty is an Imputation of
guiltiness equal to any and every crime, But
in times of great publia danger, when savage
foos have buuk-d for the overthrow of
thu Government, the extinction of Amer.
lean nationality, and thu degradation of
freo Institutions, ami when armed hosts,
inflamed with hute, possessed by demoniac
passions, and brutalized by slavery, are point,
ing their gleaming bayonets at the nation's
heart, and cleaving down tho sous of our
pride, is it not, to say tho least, Inopportune,
that those whoso great responsibility it is to
meet these grave events, aud save our mutch
less institutions, must withdraw themselves
from these duties to protect their reputation
from 'the fierce warfare of partisan mllignity 1
But the friends of this Administration make
no pleas, aud seek to escape no responsibility.
Tbey are willing to meet its enemies, at all
times, on all points, and as firmly and coura
geously as they have met tho armed enemies
of the country. And they will bury both In
the common, dishonored grave which the peo
ple will dig.
The rebels can well afford to give I up all
their church, cow and dinner bells to Beaure
gard, for they never go to oburch now, their
cows have all been, taken by foraging parties,
and they have no dinners to be summoned to.
The people of Sweden bis native country
have voted Ericsson a medal for his services
in connection with tho Monitor.
From theBostoa Evening Transcript, June 2
. When two influential newspapers of this
city claiming to be friendly to the present
Administration, in utter ignorance of the facts
indispensable to corect judgment, have'seen
fit to call for the removafof Mr. Stanton, and
wuen one of those journals the Daily Mver
user, has been tor weeks joining with the
New York Herald and the Boston Courier, and
with everything bitter, factious and treasona
ble, in ignorant abuse of that eminent person,
11 uccomes a matter of simple justice that he
should have the public benefit of some of the
great facts of record in his favor. We pro
pose, by a simple exhibition of authoritative
lacts, and in no spirit of mere partisan attack
aud defence, to show that it is to him, whom
the DatVy Advertiser charges with all which it
regards as error, while it credits to others all
which it regards as wisdom in the central con
duct of this war to him whom &o nianv news
papers havs attacked because, in the interest
of his country aud w ith the thanks of all their
readers, he stopped their longer doing the
work of spies in conveying information to our
enemies to him, whose noblo self-abnegation
and stern patriotism have closed his mouth
from answering a series ol falsehood!, begin
ning with the charge ot his diverting troous
from General M'Glellan and ending with tho
charge of his diverting them from General
Banks, to gratify persoual jealousy and ambi
tionthat it is to him, next certainly to the
President, that this country owes more to day
than to any other man in it.
To do ttiis we must go back to the condi
tion of affairs when he first took office. In
what we have to say of General M'CIellan we
shall draw a clear line between his plana and
acts as Commander-in-Chief and his ability
as a General at the head of an armv in the
held. W e believe him to be fully competent
wuere lie is, and we shall not cease to believe
in his eminent fitness and hope for his trium
phant success in bis present campaign, unless
lorceo oy events and by authoitative military
criticism 10 another conclusion.
It is clear that when the main direction of
this war was left to a Commander-in-Chief,
that more than purely military calculation
must occupy his mind, that he must see the
value of time In relation to national finances,
to a democratic form of government, and to
foreign inteivectiou ; in short, that he must
have some of the qualities of a great states
men as wen as all of the qualities ot a great
Ueneral. When Mr. Stanton became Secreta
ry of War, what was the posture of afiairs un
der General M'CJellan?s plan and direction?
The country was under lasting oblfgations lo
his demonstrated faculty for organization.
But it becomes necessary to state how little
else had been done, why so little had been
done, and to whom the country is indebted
for what was done in February and March, and
10 11s position uelore the world to-day.
itir. btanton came into power when foreign
iiiiervenuon seemed imminent, with 110 one
great military advantage yet followed up, and
with capital distrusting tho the national tiuan
ces, on which all depended. With the
breadth and vision of a statesman, and with
a terrible earnestness and force of will of
oromwelliun, he brought into the national
counsels, for the first time since the war be
gan, comprehensiveness, decisiveness aud t
inoiougii realization of thu valuo of timo to
this nation. lor tho first time thu national
will found expression. Some minor mistake
like his letter to the New York Tribune,
sidling tiaturany from his being thoroughly
iti earnest, Of great mistakes tin tnado none.
He foetid Gen. M'CIellan virtually directing
the whole war and responsible that no more
had been done, ami had fixed in his detenu I
nation that no advance shoul 1 ho hiade until
April. In IhU determination (leu. M'CIellan
Mtlll further fortHk'd hi 111 self by h Voto of
eight ol hi generals against four.
Mi'i Mtanloii saw at dhco that ho advance
until A pill Involved tial tonal ik'tpomleticy, A
ta levied upon n people for an immense debt
which had borm m fruit Iu victories, hot
w aider and it fall ctmpalati. distrust and a
great tall Iu national Mock, and it possible, If
not ptoname, iniMlgll Intel velitlun. TIimi,
thrtmtrh him, wa Isnmd Him lVidtdit'i or.
ilur No, 1, over (leu, M'Ub'Uan' (mud, and
against him ptotost, pdemptoiily command
lug eu advance at all points 011 Ihe 'td of i,i.
ruarvi (Jeimral M 'Chdlan was placed t tho
head of Ihu Army of (hu l'momao, and IU I , 01, 1 1
tu lie Oommamim'rtmchiul, Mr, Miuntmi slm.
iy became a real hecrulary of War, faking
iilu hi capahlu hand Ihu if I us wbleh Mr.
Cameron had tdthur utiuuarily givuu fo oin.
ers or misusud tiimsulf, Thu President had,
at last, a great right urm to hun on, and audi
was sireiigthuiiod and greater for thu other,
The movements in Ihe West under Column.
dure Fooie, whkMi sent Joy und hope through
me nation, wore made w thoiit reirurd to (Inn.
oral M'Clellan's plans, and sprang directly
from Com, Footo's communications and re.
quest to the Navy Department end Its order
io mm 1 and without further tnumeral ion it ii
only nocuHsary to say that tho series of bill-
Hunt successes during February ami March.
which threw new life into thu nation, which
gave us a ort Henry, Bowling Oieen, Gulum-
ous, jjonuison, Island No. 10 and Nashville.
which brought national stocks to par, and
which forced respect for us abroad, if it did
not prevent Intervention, and in direct contra
vention of thu plan of the Commander-in.
Chief, and against his protest. What that
plan was, were It proper to discuss It, becomes
of little consequence when we know that no
advance was to be made under it until April
aud when it was found that the Commander In
Chief had communicated none to tha other
Major Generals.
While expressing as wo havo our faith in
Gen. M'CIellan as thu commander of an army
all tho more because, as civilians, wo ate
entirely incompetent to form a judgment ot
bis military acts since be was placed at tho
bead of the army of the Potomac we are
freo to say, and we think all candid men will
agree with us, that, in the light of the trust
worthy acts we have given, it was the most
fortunate event In the history of the war
when Edwin M. Stanton became Secretary of
War, and General M'CIellan was placed where
nothing more tban purely military ability was
, We have reason to believe that nobody re
greted more tban , Mr. Stanton that the New
York Tribune attacked General McClellan.
It la almost the only newspaper on our whole
seaboard which baa attacked him, and since be
bas left for Yorktown even the Tribune's com-
plaints have mainly ceased. No one can trace
to Mr. Stanton oomnl.iinf uniinul fl..nril
McClellan as the head of
an army, and it is
simpiy cruel to connect him with the random
and ill-considered criticisms of others. What
ever his opinions may be, he is too wise and
too just to complain of a General as long as bo
kept at the head of a great army in the face ot
the enemy.
And now what are the facts as to the charg
es of diversion of troops from General Mc
Clellan, which have taken contradictory and
absurd shapes, which have had the support vt
some letters written by a few honest rdficers
In the field, with only special and limited
knowledge, as well as those of omniscient
new spaper correspoudents.of newssaoers whi.-h
have merited suppress on lor early treason
and persistent factiousness, and even of a fnw
Republican newspapers, like the Daily Jidrer-
User, which, instead of going to the proper
sources for full knowledge, have been as dog
matic, as they have been icnorant. In the tint
place, let it not be or got Ion that the President
ana Cabinet hare at their side a srierial military
uuiiskt, izen. nucncocK, if no nat been called the
Casar 0 otir army, aud whose skill as a strate
gist, aud whose powers 0 combination are com
mensurate (on the hisrhest mtlitaro authuritu
with his general culture and comprehensiveness.
And he is not the only general eminent by
nature, culture and experience, who is called
into consultation. The idoa that Mr. Stanton
alono interferes with or changes military plans
is simply absurd.
xso agreement was ever mado hv thn Pr..i.
dent or the War Department with (ln. Mc
Clellan to send to the Peninsula tha
McDowell's corps. For reasons no doubt suf
ficient to his mind, with reference to bis po
sition upon the Peninsula, bn
whole, which would have left no national sol
dier between the forts across the Potomac and
Richmond by way of Fredericksburg. A
large part of McDowell's command was, how
ever, sent to him, which was so much in ex
cess of agreement, and when the correspond
ence of the War Department on that subject
sees the light, it will bo found that the Presi
dent himself interfered to prevent the 23,000
men left to General McDowell from being
sent further in excess ot original agreement.
But for the President wisely insisting, that
for the safety of Washington and that General
McCiellan might be aided by a flank move
ment under General McDowell, all of Mc
Dowell's army would have gone to the Penin
sula. And yet Mr. Stanton has been charged with
divertiug troops from Gen. McClellan, in vio
lation of original agreement, and with bis hav
ing prevented this flank movement upon Rich
mond, which was so long delayed because
more men had been sent to Gen. McClellan
than he was entitled to by agreement. The
simple truth is, that the reduction ol General
McDowell's command, by sendiug so largo a
portion of it to Gen. McClellan, beyond agree
ment, if not in full compliance with his wishes,
caused the very derangementof original plans
which has been charged upon Mr. Stanton.
Until Gen. McDowell's force was increased,
and the disposition of troops changed, theao
lacts could not be publicly stated.
In regard to the withdrawal of troop from
General Banks it would havo been simply da
cent for the L(ti7y Advertiser, before attacking
the Government it nominally supports, and
before relying on the statements 01 an excited
officer, who only knew certain facts in rela
tion to bis own column, to have waited to learn
tho overruling military reasons and necessity
for the withdrawal, of which that officer and
the Daily Advertiser know literally nothing.
General Banks Is not in the habit of commu
nicating lo his subordinates the important
plans or thu necessities for changes of plan of
n campaign.
We are st liberty to say bs rnnch as this i
That General Banks, on a full understanding
ot tho military necessity, cheerfully Hc-j-ii-eased
iu the temporary And necessary aban
donment ol a plan, tu whoso original concep
tion and partial execution lie had the most
cordial and effoctivu support of the Secretary
ol War. And we know lurther that Mr. Start
ton was among fho last to Hp 1.1 to tho i,.r.
slty, and that IIim President himsidf Inlf rvend
rtnd wisely decided thai tho troops should bi
withdrawn. It la moreover the fctthttti4
mmessity fur the diversion of hoop from Gmi.
Banks jjrew out of and was in aid of (Ju.
Ch d hill's Wishes, und his call for tnoi troops.
Further than this we have mi tljht lo pk.
ii. 1. .. .. . . 1., ...
m w iiuvp ih 10 siy 11,1 iiipt mm 1 no m joy
'.lit lit the lavts stated In this At I lulu hv
iDtMi for wiu'Us iu our pi.i.i,,ii. and ti.oi
(htdr publication has been mado Hoimr and
necessary by thu lapsu of flmu mid by l4 most
ignorant, virulent und preststeut stu ka upon '
a (iovtdhhieut, whose lips bavu l, un r.l,.,t
against saying a word which might, uveit by
implication, injure one of Its own generals or
Ihe ciiusu in which we are all cngagod.
H u nave said that we know thrsu facts, W
suy this deliberately and on our responsibility
hs journalists and m gentlemen, Jfltbttob-
ected that the facts stand unsupported by the
names and sources of information, we can on.
y add (but the assumption of knowhulgu of
dans snd changes of plans iu tho many news
papers which tiavu for two months violently
attacked thu Secretary of War and the (gov
ernment, rests on no exhibition of authority
whatever. It will be time to name sources of
Information when any respectable authority,
so situated as to know governing facts, is pro
duced. In due timo the whole truth will sue
Gov. Johnson is enforcing bis proclamslion
In Tennessee. A Union soldier had buwi flrcd
on by a concealed foe In Mnrfreesboro, and
for this twelve secessionists wer arrested. In
cluding a brother of Mrs. Ex-Presidnt Polk.
Tho Knoxvillu Ilegisler complains that tho
Union men of a town in East Tennessee, whilo
some of Morgan's men were passing on tho
street, "threw rocks at them." Perhaps tbey
wanted to rock the rascals to sleep.
The more we learn of the retreat and fight
ing by General Banks' men, the more are wo
called upon to admiro their bravery and en
durance. Parson Brownlow says there Is only on
lofiice in the gift of Government be would liko
that of Geueral Hangman for East Tennes
see.' , ,;.', .
General Banks has received the . official
thanks of the President and Secretary of War
for bis masterly retreat to tho. Potomac.
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