(1 ? .2 . ': W i is? CLEABPIELD, JUNE 18, 1862. A "WEBBY" SAD LAMENTATION. We cut tho following from tho Knicker bocker. It is good for a laugh at any rate The last stanzas we think especially rich. "It is not that she bado me go, Acd said I'd better stop my calling, It is not that she answered "No," As lond as could be short of bawlin g ; It was not that she slammed the door, And set her nasty lap-dog on me ; Oh no ; a greater, keener grief Weighs down my heart and preys upon mo. I cannot bear to see her go. And promenade with other fellers j i cannot bear to see her walk On rainy days, 'neath their umbrellas, To see such things a going on, Excites my virtuous indignation ; It makes me swear as one might say, In vulgar phrase, "like all creation." To see her seated in a chair, With half a dozen fops about her ; And hear that fool Augustus swear He "can't exist a day without her," Tis this which makes my withered hopes Fall thick and fast like leaves in Autumn, And cause my poor heart to beat Like ayoung bear when dogs have caughthim. What if her father is the Squire, And I'm a briefless-lawyer-devil 7 She needn't cut me in the street It wouldn't hurt her to be civil. But ah ! my heart-strings are a lute On which her hand unfeeling lingers j Well be it so ! the tune is sad, But then 'tis played by Beauty's fingers. Enough 1 enough ! I'de lost the maid, My mind is bordering on distraction ; Yes, yes I'll leave this classic shade, And seek a wilder field of action ; Far in the distant Texan land, In war's proud rauKs I'll seek for glory, And then perhaps in later years My name will sound in verse and story. STJBE AND DOUBTFUL. We feel confident that few can read tho foi lowing anecdote without profit. It contains the substance of a sermon, ono hour and a half in length : A celebrated Judgo in Virginnia, was in his earlier years skeptical as to the truth of the Bible, and especially as to the reality of ex perimental religion. lie had a favorite ser vant, who accompanied him in his travels round bis circuit. As ttiey passed from court house to court house, they frequently spoko on tho subjoct of religion the servant Harry, ventured at times to remonstrate with his mas ter against his Infidelity. As tho Judge had confidence in Uarry's honesty and sincerity, he asked a great many questions as to bow be felt and what he thought on various points. Among other things, Harry told his master that bo was often sorely tempted of the devil. The Judge asked Harry to explain to him how it happened that the devil atttacked him (Har ry,) who was so pious a man, so sorely, whilst he allowed himself, who was an infidel and a sinner, to pass unnoticed and untempted. Harry asked "Are you right sure, master, that ho does let you pass without troubling you V "ies, quite sure." "Well," said Harry, "I know that there's a devil, and that he tries mo sorely sometimes." A day or two afterwards, the Judge conclud ed to go on a hunt for wild ducks on one of the streams which lay across his road home ward. Harry accompanied him. As they approached the river, they espied a flock of ducks, quietly floating on its sur face. . The judge stealthly crept up the bank and fired npon them, killing two or three, and wounding many others. lie at onco threw down his gun, and made strenuous, efforts, with the aid of clubs and stones, to secure the wounded ducks, .while he permitted the dead ones to float on, for a time unnoticed by him. Harry sat on the scat of the carriage, watch ing his master's movements with deep inter est, and when he returned he thus addressed him : "Master, while you was a splashing in the water, after them wounded ducks, and lcttm the dead ones float on, it just come into my mind why, it is that the devil troubles me so much, whilst be lets you alone. You are like tho dead ducks he's sure he's cot vou safe I'm like the wounded onos.tryin' to getaway from him, and he is afraid I'll do it; so he makes all the fuss after me and just lots you uoat on." How Me Work is Trenches. It may be a puzzle to many to conceive how our men throw up fortifications right in the face and in plain sight of tho enemy without being seri ously disturbed by them. A brief descrip tion may bo interesting, inasmncb as it can DOt bo contraband, because the work is done right under the noses of the rebels. A woking party is detailed for night duty ; with muskets slung on their backs, and sbov els and picks on their shoulders, they proceed to the selected ground. Tho white tape marks tho line of excavation, the dark lan terns are " faced to the rear"; the muskets are carefully laid aside ; the shovels are in band, and each man silently commences to dig. .Not a word is spoken; not ono spade clicks against another j each man first digs a note large enough to cover himself; ho then turns and digs to his right-hand neighbor; then tho ditch deepens and widens, and tho parapet rises. Yet all is silent ; tho relief comes ana tho weary ones retire; tho words and jests of the enemy are oiten plainly heard, while no noise from our men disturbs tho still ness save tho dull rattle of the earth, as each spadeful is thrown to tho top ; at daylight a long line of earthworks, affording complete protection to our men, greets the astonished eye of the enemy, whilo tho sharp-shooters's Dullets greet tboir ears, Frermently this work is done in open daylight, the sharp-shooters ana pickets Keeping tho enemy from annoy ingourmen. A Scene is Court. The Warren Mail gives tho following account of a rather unusual oc currence which took placo in court at that plac5 last week : When Anna J. Clements was brought in to be sentenced. Judtre John son proceeded to lecture her on tho crime of larceny nd give her some good advice. She stood bold and defiant, frequently interrupt ing him with insolent remarks. Her black eyes fairly flashed fire and vengeance. As ho closed with a two years' sentonce in the peni tentiary, sho yelled out, " Can't you give me 1 longer sentence, you d d 7" and let fly four or five stones one after tho other like lightning. The Judges ducked their hoads and dodged, barely escapod a hit. Then she bounded like a wild-cat for the Judgo, and actually got partly behind tho bench before She was seized and hold, whilo she yelled and struggled with the strength of a strong man. We never saw such desperation. She would no doubt have stabbod tho Judgo if she had been armed, and wo hoar it said that she does carry a knife. Sho is young, of medium height, finely formed, and really handsome. Isa't it strango that woman so giltod by na ture can fall so low. "' Prentice thinks the only groenburu tv bo tolerated is a tnlnt-jukp. TKRMS OF THE JOITTtNAI.. The Raftsmas's Joithnal is published on Wed nesday at SI, 50 per annuin in advance. If not paid at tho beginning of tho year, 52,00 will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at $i,uu per square, for three or less insertions Twelve lines (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 2a cents will bo charged. A aeauciion will be made to yearly advertisers. 5io subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at me option oi tne puoiisner. ti.iww.- COUNTY DIRECTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday in June, 3d " in March, 1 4th " in Sept'm'r. Of each year, and continue two week if necessary. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bcllefonte. As'to. Judges Hon. J. D. Thompson, Curwcnsville Hon. James Bloom, Forrest Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks, . . Clearfield. Prothonotary, John L. Cuttle, . . Reg. A Rcc. . James Wrigley, . . " District Att'y, Israel Test, . ... " Treasurer. . . Joseph Shaw, . . " Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, . . Glen nope. Comuiiss'n'rs, Wm. Merrell, . . . Clearfield. S. C. Thompson, . Morrisdale. Jacob Kuntz, . . . Luthersburg. Auditors. . . J. B. Shaw, . . Clearfield. B. C Bowman, . . " Chas. Worrell, . N.Washington Coroner. ... J. W. Potter . . . Lccontes Mill Co.Supcrind't Jessee Broomall, . Curwensville LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townships. Names of P.O. NamesofP.M. Bcccaria, - - Glen Hopo, - - G. W. Caldwoll. Bell, - - - Bower, - - W M'Cracken. u ----Chest, - - - - Thos.A. MGhee, " - - - Cush, - - - - J.W Campbell. .... Ostend, - - - - II. L. Henderson. Bloom, - - . Forrest. ... - James Bloom. Boggs, - - - Clearfield Bridge, - P.B.Miller. Bradford, - Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Watson. Brady, - - - Luthersburg, - - It. II. Moore. " ... Troutville, - - Charles Sloppy. " - - JefEprson Line, - John Hebcrlin. Burnside, New Washington James Gal labor. ... Burnside, - - W. C. Irvin. ... Patchinville, - - Jack Patchin. Chest,- - - - Hurd, - - - - G. Tozor, jr. Clearfield, - Clearfield, - - - M. A. Frank Covington, - Frenchvillo, - P. A. Gaulin. " - - - Karthaus, - - - J. F.W. Schnarr Curwensville Curwensville, - - T. W. Fleming. Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson, - Marron. - - - - Edm. Williams. Fox, - - - - Jlellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. Girard, - - - Leconto's Mills, - C. Mignot. " - - - Bald Hills, - - - William Carr. Goshen, - Shawsville, - - - A. B. Shaw. Graham, - - Grahamton.- - - Thos. II. Forcee. Guelich, -- Smith's Mills, - - A. G. Fox. i .... Madera, - - - - (J has. J. Pusoy Huston, - - Tyler, .... David Tyler. " - - - Pennfield, - - -H.AVoolward Jordan, - - Ansonville, - - - Eliza Chase. Karthaus, - Salt Lick, - - - Geo, Heckadorn Knox, - - - New Millport, - - M. O. Stirk, Lawrence, - Breckenridgo, - - J.W.Thompson Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - - Jas. Thompson. " - - - Morrisdale, - - - Jas. McClelland Ponn, - - - Lumber City .t - - H W. Spencer. " .... Grampian Hills, - A. C. Moore, Pike, - - - - Curwensville, - - T. W. Fleming. .... Bloomingvillc, - - Benj. F. Dale. Union, - - - Rockton, - - - - D. h. Brubakcr. Woodward, Jeffries, .... Jos. Loskett. i Tkis Post Offico will do for Chest township. mil answer for rergr-son township. IIYDE HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PEJfN'A. S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, baa ample accommodations, and is in. all respects a nrstclass nouso. rebruary 0, lml. JUST FROM T1TE EAST. RICHARD M OS SOP, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. &.O., MARKET STKEKT, CLEARFIELD, FA. Read the following list of goods and profit thtrehy. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap F9B, THE LADIES. Always on hand a large stock of La dies goods such as Coburg doth, Alpacas, Do Laines, Ginghams, Prints, Ohinu. Kerchiefs, Ru bies. Bonnets, Gloves, etc. Lrooas (roods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheapx FOR GENTLEMEN, Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap, Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Always on hand Black, Blue. Brown Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods and u rey Uloths, Jt ancy and Black Casimercs. Sattinets, Cassinets, Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Vcst ings. Shirting, etc., etc. etc. READY-MADE, Such as CoaU, Pants. Vests, Under shirts, and other Flannol shirts, Bots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Neck ties, Gum Boot3 and Shoc9.and a variety of other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins. Colored Muslins, Linen and cotton tablecloths, Oil cloth, Linen and hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, etc HARDWARE. AC. If you wantNail3 or spikes, Manure or other forks, Saw-mill or other saws, Smoothing irons. Locks, HingcB, etc., go to Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Knives and forks. Butcher Knives, Shoe and Stove blacking. Manilla and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, etc., buy them at Mossop's. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goorls Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goodt IF YOU WANT Goods Goolf Goods Goods Goods VJfeaP Shoo Last or Pegs, Palm or Fancy Cheap Cheap Soap, Starch, Wall Paper or Win uowMiades, kamps, Lamp tubes or Wicks, coal oil, etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store. IF YOU WANT Good extra family Flour, Whito or brown sugar, haras, shoulders or sides, cotlee; Imperial, Young Hyson orblacK tea, buy them at Mossop's cheap for cash. IF YOU WANT Tallow candles, fine or coarse salt, Syrup or molassos, cheese, dried apples or peaches, wator or so cio cracKers, call at Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Port wine for Medical or Sacramen tal uses, Sweet wino, old Monon gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry and Cognac brandy, buy at Mossop's cheap cash storo. IF YOU WANT Raisens, Figs, PruncB or dried Cur rants; filberts, cream, pecan or ground nuts, candies, Liquorice ; or Liquorice root, buy them at Mossop's cheap and good. IF YOU WANT To buy any other article cheap, bo sure to go to Moasop, for he cll cheaper for cash than any other , person in Clearfield county. November 27. 1801. ap2759. Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goodt Goods Goods Goods Goods. Goods Goods Goods Goods Goods Cheap Cheap Cueap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Approved country produce of every lind taken, at me usaai niurKei prices in exenange for goods BOGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. Ono containing 124 acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log house 22 by 26. plank house 16 by 18, log barn, Bmithy and all necessarv out-buil dings thereon. Large springand spring-house con venient to house. The land is well waterod and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There is an orchard of largo grafted troos. and a vounir or chard on pUca, all choice fruit. It is convenient r . . ? . j atc? . iur pasturing urovvs. , nuoy, one containing vv a cr.es 10 cleared and under fence balance well timbered.. This land has a log house and stable thoroon.: i For terms apply to j Ortober 13. j. J. (TRANS, Clea6eld. lilPORTAN T ANSoUXCEMEMT ! ! V Fact Worth Knowing! 1 The undersigned informs hisold friends and the public generally that he has just received and o pened, at hi3 old stand in Uradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Quoensware Groceries, and all othor articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in tho county, and of as good quality, if not better. Ho respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine .his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. ' jyll MATTHEW FORCEE. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The subscriber having purchased the furniture and interest from 11. II. Morrow, in said House, is now prepared for tho reception of tran sient and permanent boarders. Every depart ment connected with his establishment will bo conducted second to none in the county. He res pectfully solicits a share. of public patronage. July 11, lbGO.-y. tilAJ. iN. UUJjUUK. LOOK HERE 7 New Summer Goods ! Afresh arrival of Spring and Summer Goods at Occola, Clearileld county, Pa. Wo have just lcceived and arc opening a care fully selected stock of Staplo and Fancy DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes (warranted,) Hats and Caps (latest style,) Stationary, wooden ware, Brooms, etc.. etc. Best Cincinati sugar cured hams at 12 cents per pound, plain hams, excellent quality 9 eta., shoulders 7 cts., per pound All of which will be sold on the most reason able terms for cash or approved country pro duce. May 21, 13G2. LIPP1NCOTT, LONG & CO. 1VO. 2, WAKE UP ! Tho undersigned would 1 M respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that he continues to do all kinds of Ulacksmithing on short notice and in the very best style, at the Old Shop alongside of tho Town Hall. Edge tools of all kinds made and dressed in tho best manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The puolic will remember, that I am not in the habit of turning off jobs on account of not being able to do them. All I ask is a trial, and then the public may judge of the work for themselves. Remember the '-Old Shop" at the Town Hall. JAMES HAFF. Clearfield Pa , August 13. 1SG1. N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Passmoro cannot exe cute, will be done on very short notice. HARTSWICK'S DRUG STORE Market Street, Clearfield, Fa. Constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, And Dye-Stuffs, Paint Brushes, and Brushes of all kinds PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO & SEGARS,. STATIONERY, Liquors lor Medical Purposes, Including Brandy, Whiskey, Gin, Port, Sherry and jMadoira Wines, Ac. TRUSSES, A large stock constantly on hand, of tho most approvod make for durability and comfort. Tho Doctor will personally superintend this department of the businos3. May 23, ISO 2 NEW DRUG STORE. The subscriber has opened a full and com plete assortment of 1 R U G S in the new brick building which he recently orcctcd on the corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in tho Borough of Ulearncld. where ite will at all times bo happy to accommodate any person who may desiro articles in his line. The business will be confined strictly to a DllVd AAtl PKfcSClUPXIOa BUSINESS, and n pains will bo spared to render satisfaction Dr. Woods, may always be found and consulted in the "Drug t tore," when not absent on profes sional business. A separato room for consul ta tion is attached to the Store, where pationti way oe examined privately. Every article usually found in such an estab lishmont will bo kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced prices. 1 ernis brins strictly Cash will en able them to offer inducements in the way of prices. Physicians will be supplied at a small percent age overcoat and carriage. Thoirordcrs arosolici ted. Every article sold will bo pure and of tho best quality. M. WOODS. Clearfield, Pa.. February 13, 1861-tf. Spring Opening at H. W. SMITH & COS, Of the latest and most fashionable GOODS. I71IRST QUALITY OF PRINTS, Warranted good . cloth and fast colors, for sale at our former prices to wit : 121 cents per yard. Also, a largo stock of Pamina's and Zygias. tho now raging metcrials for travelling costumes and promenade dresses ; With a complete assortment of Ladies' Dress trim mings, Buttons, Tassels. Cords. SkirtBraids, Ber lin Zephyr Worsted, Shetland Wool, Embroi dery, Silks, etc A choice lot of trimmings for Zouave's, consisting of Gimp, Silk, : Whito Bugles, Steel Bugles, Gilt Zou aves, Blark Zouaves, etc., etc., oto. With Superior Stock of i Bareges, Cords, . Alpacas, Prints, . Cottonades, . Brilliants, Cambrics, , Denims, , Lawn robes, ,.' Delano Shawl3, Furn. Checks, Handkerchiefs, v Stella Shawls, Hickory stripo, Irish Linnon, Chambrays, Tweeds, Gents' superior Ginghams, . Cord. Drills, Neckties, Lawns,. Rep Do Laines, Black Silk Meillures, JJalzorincs, -Handkerchiefs, -Kont'y Jeans, Mosambiques, Hoop skirts. i Fan. Cassimere.Laco Mitts, Doylies, Chinta. Don't logo the Opporiunity to Economise I ' Goto II W, S. Jt Co's, where you will receive a ' superior articlo at a small advanoo on cost. . JK e n ' Awake.'! Don't throw away your means when by going to H. W. K. A Co's, you can get a real good ' article of a Kip Boot for $3.00. Call and see alo ' our men's extra heavy Plough Shoes. As Time are Baaing g are our Frioo. iT ADIES ! LADIES !! Remember we are JLJ soiling Dest quality oi canco at m cents. per yard, cash. L1PPINCOTT, LONG A CO. 31ay 31, Oceola Mills. Pa. f I M E! LIME! ! Farmers Lime your I i Lands. The subscriber would inform the farmers of Clearfield county, that he keeps con stantly on hand "at the Jones Kiln at Tyrone a large stock of lime, and will furnish on contract any quantity at the terminus of tho lyrone and Philipsburg Railroad. "' March ltf, 1S02. HM. H. li.UBJLtti.MAM... N. B. Lime constantly on hand at Sandy Ridge Station, on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. NEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY IN CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that he has commenced the nianu facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks, Jugs. Jars, $rc, at lower prices, than they can be bought elsewhere, lie solicits a share of patron age. FttkJJfclUUlv LitllZiiiNUJitt. Clearfield, Pa.. .May 2a, 1859-ly. , s Ji. LAucnLix, :::::: charles holes. TVf EW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE. 1 1 The undersigned having located in the bor ough of Clearfield, (at the shop formerly occupied by R Welch as a iewelry shop.) are prepared to do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. The cash will positively be expected when the work is delivered. We are confident that we can not be excelled by any workmen in town or county. Come, one ! come all to the Sign of the Dig W atek. April 9,'(i2-ly-pd. LAUCHLIN tr HOLES. CLEARFIELD MUSIC SCHOOL For in struction upon the Piano, Mclodeon and Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils .under six years old, $5,00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each; for all pupils over six years old, 510,00. for seventy-two lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Mc lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the balance at the end of the quarter. Vocal music free to all Instrumental pupils. Studied alone. $3.00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1. 1800. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher. WIIITTEN'S GOLDEN SALVE.--TA Great Progressive and Heating Remedy . An article that proscnts a challenge to tho world to produce in any remedy yet invented, an equal for the painless and rapid cure of external in flamatory calamities, or diseases. It is good for Painful Swellings, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds, Rheumatism, Sore throat. Bruises, Spraing, Cuts. Tumors, Erysipelas. Warts. Sore eyes. Boils, Chapped hands, Frosted feet, etc., etc. Give it a trial. Price 26 cents a box. For sala by JACOB GOSS, in Woodward township. March 19,'62. c ITAIKS !! CHAIRS !!! CHAIRS !!!!! H OW IS THE TI1IE TO BUY !! !! The undersigned has now on hand, at hia Furni ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Litz's foundry, a largo stock of CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the best materials, finished in a vcrv superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FUR CASH. His long experience in the bu siness makes him foci confident that his chairs arc made in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should call at once and get them while they can bo had at the lowest rates. Feb 27, 18G1. JOHN TROUTMAN. rTUIE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will be A opened for the reception of pupils (malo and female) on Monday. May 19, 1862. Terms, persej sion of eleven weeks: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arith metic and Geography, S2.50 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. $3,00 Algebra, Geometry, Katural Philosophy, and liooa Keeping, 4,00 Latin and Greek languages, $6,00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, thig institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session and no deduction except for protracted sickness, puition to bo paid at the close of the term. mayiUj U. IS. tsAblibVliv. Principal. F ARM FOR S ALE. The following described farm, situated in Decatur township. Clearfield Co., Pa. two miles and a half west f Philipsburg on the Glen Hope road, containing one hundred and tifciitii-one acres and allowance. There are about eighty-five acres cleared and under a good state of cultivation ; with a large, well finished, frame 6 .ink barn, a comfoitable hewed log houso, and a well finished frame dwelling houso and other out buildings erected thereon, never failing springs of water at the building, and a large and well selected assortment of bearinar fruit trees. The wood land being well timbered and under laid with a tour and a half toot vein of stone coal. Tho above farm affords rare inducements to pur chasers 1' or turtner mlormation enquire ot R. D. S1IOWALTER, Philipsburg. Oct. 23, 1S01. fim. Centre, Co. Pa. TVTEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS! H JOHN & JERKED F. IEVIN. The undersigned givo notice that on tho 13th A- pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensvillo. and that hereafter the business will bo conducted by them jointly un der the namo and firm of John & J. F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the public in general that they have received from tho East and opened at the old stand, a largo and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, &C, specially adapted to the wants of tho community, and will sell tho samo at the lowest cash prices. Also, a largo assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, of tho latest styles and best quality, all of which" they intend to sell at reasonable rates. 9i.lso, an extensive stock of the most fashionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to purchase. Call in and cxamino our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods, at as low prices and on as reasonable terms as. you can procure them elsewhere. Givo us a trial- JOHN IRVIN, May SO, 18(50. JERRED F. IRVIN. N. B. Persons indebted to tho old firm are re quested to call and settle may 30. MONEY SAVED IN BUILD IN U ! To save money in building, and to put up styl ish well proportioned and substantial buildings for less money than usual, may be done by call ing on A. Weitman, Architect and Designer Thoso who intend to build either an humble res idence, or a magnificent hall for the comfort of life, will savo money by taking tho advice of an experienced Architect, making preparations in time, and by obtaining the bills, drafts, estimates, and specifications at the proper time, will guard against empty purses before tho completion of tho building. Tho undersigned would therefore rcspoctfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and the public in ceneral that ho is at all times prepared to execute Jobs, in his line, on short notice, and on the most favorable terms. Having made his business a regular study with several . experienced archi tects, and having also had'long experience in the business, he flatters himself he will beable todraw the best designs of every description of buildings, make corroot draughts of all Kinds of paterns, models for patcntrights, Jtc, &o.. and to give en tire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronago. ... : People from a distance will, by sending the di mentions of the ground plan, with a description of tho location, scenery, and country around it, bo gratified with a design suitable in stylo and order with the location, scenery and country, and well adapted for its special purpose. No charge will bo made if the job should not bo satisfactory. Carpenters who desire to improvo in the theo retical parU of their important profession may al ways receive instructions in either of the different branches of Architecture. ' Information can at all times be obtained at my office, up stairs in Shaw's Row, or at George Thorn's, Clearfield. Pa. May,7,H52. frm. AUGUSTUS WEITMAN. Flour! Flour!!" constantly on haDd and for sale, good family flonr, at cash price, by Jan. 15. lt2- AIERKEL.LI umLtu. T iniini'O t A lotof choice Liquors, such JUKI UUl O I as Brandies of various kinds, Whiskey, Gin. etc., just received and for sale by Jan. 15. 1S02 MERUELL ir BIGLER. "I rv'l t Just received and opened tho VOai Vjlli the best article of BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. Alio Benzine, an article that supplants turpentine in many uses, all whish will be eold cheap fcr cash by MERRELL A BIGLER. Harthvare ! The undcrtdgned have re cently, added a very ex tensive assortment to their former large stocK of H A R D W ARE, Which they are prepared to dispose of for cash at prices to suit the times. Person desirous of buy ing hardware, should remember that we can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy stocK we have on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of us. Give us a trial. Jan. 15, 1832. MERRELL A BIGLER. Lamps! Lamps!! thanever! The undersigned have just received from tho east an extensive and varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LAMPS, ever brought into tho county, which they offer at prices, cheaper than tho cheapest. Ono advant age in buying from us is. if the burners becomo loose we fasten them without charge Now is the time to buy. We also repair lamps and put new burners on when desired. Jan. 15. 1SC1. MERRELL & BIGLER. XT0r T;riT-Il. MALONEY&Co, JJM I., V X 11111 PHILIPSDURG.PA., Would respectfully inform the citizens of Centre and Clearfield counties, that have just received and opened a new and very extensive stocK of TIN & COPPER-WARE, SHEETIltO X-W A II E. A VARIETY OF STOVES, and a general assortment ot articles usually kept in an establishment of the kind, which they offer chap for cash. Approved produce taken in pay ment at marKet price. Jan. 15. 1802. DR. A. M. HILLS, desires to inform his pa tients, and those who may desire his profes sional services, that owing to the press of business in his office in Clearfield, he will bo unable ot visit his usual places any more, but may always bo found at home in future. April 16-tf. N. T1-. BaiIIv fittlntr tmi nlufps Mn he erelianf- ed for Vulcanite work. New Goods. Just vi ust received at the "Corner Store." Curwens- illc, a new and seasonable stock of goods, which will be sold upon reasonable terms. WM. IRVIN. Clover and timothy seed of a good quality, for sale low, by WM. IRVIN. Grain of all kinds, bacon and lard, for sale at the "corner store" by WM. IRVIN. One new two-horfee wagon for sale, inquire at Curwensville, of WM. IRVIN. One pair of good heavy oxen for sale by March 12, 62, WM. IRVIN. A New Lot of Goods. THE UNDERSIGNED having taken tho stocK of merchandize of the late firm of Patton. Hippie & Co., havo just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drags, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Lainct, Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc,, which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, taKen in ex change for goods. We respectfuliy asK a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocK. Curwensville. Dec. 11. HIPPLE & FAUST. N B. The accounts of Patton, Hippie & Co., are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle theame as we desire to havo tho book's closed. December 11, 1861. HIPPLE L FAUST. FURNITURE ROOMS!! i ... Benncr & Barrett, Respectfully announco to the public that they havo completed and are now occupying their now FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, fronting on the Market lot and nearly opposite the Court House. Cabinet making will be carried on in the upper story of the same building, in all its different branches. All kinds of furniture will bo kept constantly on hand, and sold cheap for Cash, or exchanged for country produce or lum ber to suit tho business Their stock will consist of PARLOR. ROCKING AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS. Ac. Parlor, Sofa, Centre, Card, Dining, Extension and , . . Breakfast Tables Sofas of all Kinds, Varieties and Patterns. Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Ac. Bedsteads Jenny Lind, High Posts, Cottage, French Posts, Ac. Mattrasses Hair. Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn husk, of tho best materials. Looking Glasses of all sorts and sizes. Also glas ses for old frames. Also, What-nots, Wash-stands, Work-stands; Hat-racks, Ac. COFFINS made to order on short notice, and Hearse famished. 1 Poplar, Cherry, Maple and Lin wood Lumber taken in exchange for work. Oct. 23, IStU. Furniture ! Furniture !! JOHN GUELICH, Desires to inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased his facilities for manufacturing, tic is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may bo desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. Ho mostly has on hand at his ;Fui ritnre Rooms," a varied assortment of furniture, among which is, BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS,' Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jenny- Jjind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS. WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. RoclangandArmCliairs, Spring-seat, Cain-bottom, and Tarlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses for old frames, which will bo put in on very reasonable terms, on short notice. Ho also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order, Hair, Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattrcpses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a -llearso, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done to order. Tho above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged fr ap- L roved country produce. Cherry, Maple. Poplar, in-wood and othor Lumber suitable for tho busi ness, taken in exchango for furniture. Remember tho shop is on MarKet street, Clear field, and nearly opposite tho ' Old Jew Store." December 4. 18.11 JOHN GUELICH. TIOR; S ALE--Severt first rate wagons, by I MERRELL A BIGLER TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRi.n CRES OF LAND AT PRIVATE SALK.-ten4h to the mouth of the Moshannon. An li2able property; on reasonable terms. Inquire of H. Bl CHEU SWOOl'E, Decl9-tf. Attorney at Law, Clearfield.)? YULCANITE 13ASK ,FOIt ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Attention i especially call eTl to this article, ai a substitute for gold in inserting teeth. Many per. sons who have tr rd all kind of rnetalic ba." pre. fer this, and in thoso cases where it is applicable it will in a great measure become a substitute fur' gold, silver or platina. Its chitf advantage re cheapness, lightness and perfect adoption tu th, mouth ; it having a soft fioshy feel to the parti f the mouth with which it comes in contact. A. M. Hills is prepared to put up teeth on the Vulcanite Lase. with Goodyear's Patent Guin which is the only reliable prcporatiun. and can only be had through their regular agents. Dr. Hills will always bo found in hUo5c on Friday and Saturday, unless notice appearj to th . contrary, in the town papers, the previous wetk. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEBY FOR RHEUMATISM, A NEW REMEDY i A CERTAIN REMEDY. F0R ACUTE RHEUMATISM. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATISM OF EVERY KIND ; No Matteii How Stc bohv. How LoNtt Stasdix?- What it has done. It in 1 1 do ag.iin. Doc-rons ueai. Doctors examine. Doctors tut it. The Lest testimony. Dest JSlrdicul Authority. Doctors inow it, Palisntsleltcre it, Tried 4- Tru. Pennsylvania Hoapital. (Fkom Official. Hospital Rm-outs ) May 19, lSt0. Ellen S.. a-t. 2S, single, c9Ter was very strong. Two year." ago she l;aj an lt tack of acute rheumatism, from which she wa eon fined to her bed for two weeks, and fuls-qilf ni;T from a relapse for four more. She ha been cf since then till last Saturday; while eng.iej in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, but had no decided chill. Two di; later her ankles began to swell which wa& flow ed by swelling of the knee jointf and of the hanf1.. She has dull pain in hcrshoulders. nnd her knuck les are very tender, red and painful ; both haiiil are affected, but the right is the most no. Tui, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or. as it 'u now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It is a well marked typical caso. We will carefully watch tba case, and from time to time call your attention to the various symptoms which present themselves My chief object in bringing her before you now is to call your attention to a remedy which has re cently been rccom mended in the treatment of rheu matism. I mean propylamine . Dr. A wenarius of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms having derived great benefit from its use in 20 eases which came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appear ed in our journals, and I propose giving it unothor trial. I must confess 1 am nl waj s incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifics ; but this comes to us recommended u highly, that we are bound to gfve it a.iiil. SAME CASE FOUR DATS LATER ! May 23, 1S00. I wi'I now exhibit to ynu the pa tient for whom I preshrihed Propylamine, anj who was then laboring under an attack of acuta rheumatism. She has steadily taken it in i.tes of three grains, every two hours, (intermitting it at night). The day after 3-ou saw her. I found hr much more comfortable, better than she eipeete I to be for a week or more, judgrng from her otber attack. (Tho patient now walked i u to the rwn.) The improvement has steadily progre-sed. aud you cannot fail to notice a marked change in lli appearance of her joints, which are now nearly of their natural size. Thus far our experimnnt wouM have seemed very successtul bugentleu-.en wo must wait a little while before we can givo a do cidei opinion as to what is to bo the result. THREE DAYS LATER ! ! Mav 2G,ISt0. This is the caso of acute rher.m tisni treated with propylamine, the first of tiit-so ta which I called your attention at our last eliiiit. She is still very comfortable, and is now taking three gratns thrice doily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very satisfactory results. The second cas to whicri your attention was called at our last lecture, lim also continued to do well. I will new bring fore you a very characteristic case of acato a matism, and if the result b satisfactory, as good jurymen, ire shall jttsil ' y render our vtm..,. in Jiiroi ol propylamine.. He is a seamarr. t. 2t. who was admitted a fv days ago. Has had occasional rheumatic pain, but not so as to keep his bed. until eight dayn ago. The pains began in his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later the joint of th upper extremities. These joints are all swollen, tense and tender. His tongue is furrc J ; bisskia at present, dry, though there has been much gwent iug. His pulgc is lull and strong, and about Vo. He has now used propylamine tweuty-four hours. This gentlemen is what may bo called a striatly typical case ot acute rheumutism. There w;u ex posure to cold and wet. and this exposure is fal lowed by a feeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, in the lowrr joints There is fever and tho profuse sweatiuj, sogenerallyiittcn lant on acute rheumatism. 1 did not bring this patient before you with turn intention of giving you a lecture on all ihe point connected with rheumatism, but to ag.-iin gire trial to the new remedy we arc testing, and to ex hibit to you this typical ca-e, as I have called it, than which there could not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in quetion. We ara, therefore avoiding the use of all other medicines, even anodynes, that thero may be no misgivinci as n which was the efficient remedy. You FLail see tho case in a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FA VORARLE VERDICT. Jcxk 9. IStiO. The next of our canvaleseents i thecaso ofjacute rheumatism before you at our el in io of May 2tkh, which 1 thtsn called a typical e, and which it was remarked wasa fairoppurtuuity for tenting the worth of our new remedy. Ita therefore steadily given in three grain doses every two hours for four days. The patient hasgotalot: very nicely, and is now able to walk about as you see. do not hesitate to say that I hare never w" as severe a caseof acute rheti mitism so soon restor ed to health as this man hat brrn, and iritltont be ing prepared to decide positively as to the valve at the remedy we have usrd, I fed Ininiid to state that in the cases in which u-e have tried the chloride of Propylamine, the patient have gained their ktwUk much earlier than under tin treatment ordnmii-f pursued. I wish, gentlemen, you would yar selves try it, and report the results. For a full report of which the above is s cers densed extract, see tho Philadelphia Mediralj Sur-rical Reporter. It is a report alter a fair triw by tho bestuicdical authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary tojgive numerous certificate! from astonished doctors and rejoicing patient. A Spekdt Clue, A Effectital Ci rb, Th Samb Result is rvekt Case, Wiiesrver luir, Wiiekkvkr Third. What it iias ross. It Will Do Agaix. Eulloec A Crenshaw a firm well inown toniort medical men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has been introduced; havo sold to ns the exclusive right to manufacture it according to the original recipe, aud we havo made arrangements of aeti magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadtM amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. If you prefer to use the same remedy in another form, we "invite your attention to the Pcre Crts tal!zf.i Propylamine. Pi-re Pkoptlamixb LiQriD. Pcre Propylamine Co.vcestratei, Pine Iouip Propylamine, of which we are the solo jnarulsa turcrs. 1 , .. - f-We claim no other virtue fr the Eiuj Propylamine than is contained in Pure Crytak ieed Chloride of Propylamine. Tbe Elixir is mors coxvexiext, axd alwat ready fob immepiate css, axd m at t take accgemno to directions. by ast oxe, bt kvery oxe. who has bhecnatis of axt el" ; SOLD AT 75 CTS. A BOTTLE. Orders mav be addressed to 'Vopy 'MT. vfarturintr Co., Office, Room No. 4, S. n terr." Fourth and Chestnut ?ts , Philadelphia. . Or to cither of the fallowing hoi.iaio ullock A Crenshaw ; French, Kichards Dhn M. M.ris A Co.. Geo. D. W.therell B Job rit Ferot A Co., Philadelphia. Dee. 4, 1WI.-J 4