THE IMTiDMFl THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 18, 18G2. Time of Cars leaving Tyrone Station. . M itirwn'inAir EASTWARD. Trough Exp. Fait train, Mail train, Way train, WESTWARD. Trough Exp. Fast train, Mail train, At.TOO.1A. TIKU.1S. I 8.40 p m. 1. a.m. 7.45 a.m. 10.50 a m. 7.50 a m. 8.05 p.m. 6.45 p.m. .07 p.m. 8.18 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 7.18! 6.04 p.m. 9.50 p.m. 2.12 a.m. 9.13 a.m. 1.20 p.m. 6.28 a.m. 6.5ft p.m. 5.08 p.m. "Way train 3 15 p.m. Z.3Q p.m. 1.20 p.m. The fast lino does not stop oeiwcen iinnunguuu .1 iUi . " f ' 7 . . . and Altoona. The way train only runs Deiween those two points. Kaocii Lgwjs.Jjleji'lSupt. THE PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. The People of Pennsylvania, who desiro cor dially to unite in sustaining the National Ad ministration in its patriotic efforts to suppress tk sectional and unholy rebellion against the Unity of the Republic, and who desire to sup port, by every power of the Government, one hundred thousand heroic brethern in arras, braving disease and tfce perils of the field to preserve the Union of our Fathers, are re quested to select the number of Delegates qual to the Legislative Representation of the State, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in State Convention at Harrisbufg, on Thursday, tho 17th day of July next, at eleven o'clock, on said day, to nominate Candidates Jor the offices of Auditor General and Survey or General, and to take such measures as may le deemed necessary to strengthen the Gov ernment in this season of common peril to a common country. A. K. McCLURE, Chairman People's State Committee. UEO. W. IIammerslt, I , John M. SctLiTAN, y Secretaries. We bad a very bard rain and storm, accom panied with heavy thunder, in this section, on last Sunday night. Timber Leave. We this week publish an advertisement, offering to lease the right to cut timber on certain lands in Centre county. Persona desirous of going into the lumbering business are referred to the advertisement for particulars. Grocebt Store. By reference to our ad vertising colunis, it will be seen that. Mrs. Mary Galer, of Philipsburg has opened a well selected stock of groceries, to which she alls tbc especial attention of the citizens of that place and vicinity. New Goods. Persons wishing to purchase new and cheap goods, can be accommodated by calling at the corner store of Wni. Irvin in Curwensville. Mr. Irvin has just received a fresh supply of seasonable goods from the east, which he will sell as low as any other e--atablishment of tho kind in the country. Call and see. Foi'RTH or Jclt. The birthday of our Na tional Independence is now near at hand, and, .as yet, there baa been no move for a celebra tion in this place. We hope the citizens will take immediate steps in the premises. We see that In most of our sister counties they Intend to celebrate the day in a becoming manner, why not in Clearfield ? Let the pa triotic people of our town answer. Strawberries. Our thanks aro due to Mr. Frank Fleming of Pike township, Tor a can of most delicious strawberries. They wero a large and highly flavored berry raised from Wilson's Albany Seedlings, which is said to bo one of the most prolific bearers of the spe cies. All who are fond of Strawberries and cream, (and who is not,) should make an ef fort to procure plant of this species, as there Is no fruit that is relished more than the straw berry. Gex. M'Clellan Reinforced. Some Bri gades of McDowell's corps have embarked on transports, on the Rappahannock, for the White House, to reinforce Gen. M'Clellan. Among the regiments gone is the Ninth Pennsylvania Reserves. We presume that the main part of M'Dowell'a force has gone. Now that Fremont has driven Jackson out of the Virginia Valley, Banks corps can be spared to protect Washington. Shields' Di vision, also, will be in position to gu ird the re gion of the Rappahannock, leaving M'Dowell free to unite his forces with M'Clellan. The Folly or Tryinq to Concilliate. Rev. R.J.Breckinridge, D. D., of Kentucky, in a late speech at Cincinnatti, showed the folly of attempting to concilliate rebels. He said : "It is an error to suppose that to treat an tnemy at all, is through mercy, if that enemy is one that by every conceivable means has shut bis heart against you, ami is determined lo rnin yon. The danger becomes greater, greater and greater. I know what I am re Jerring to I know I am speaking of things that have transpired thirty years ago. I know hat lese men who seek to subvert the Con- fliimtiou pre not capable of being concilliated And the only way to treat them is to crush -them, and to crush them is the only thing to bo done." A Word in Season. A cotemporary very pertinently wonders what those young men do, who may be een strolling through the atreets until ibe midnight hour. In com menting .upon the subject, he says: "No doubt alter imbibing sundry glasses of lager, etc., they feel refreshed for any 'game' chance ay throw in .their way ; and being at the ime when nil persons of propriety are wrap ped in itheir slumbers, hey carry on their machinations with a bolder front. Would it ot be better for these young 'sparks' if they would stay at home and improve their minds ? Perhaps, however, Ihey .consider themselves 'Larned enufl for their ' " These re marks apply with the same feree, to' many of ot young men. Not content with stultifying themselves with intoxicating drinks, many of .them spend their evenings, aye, and the "small hours," too at places where they caa learn no Cood. Let them take the advice of our co temporary' make men of themselves' instead destroying their health, character, and fu prospects in return for that which they falsely call pleasure. There are many of onr young men who would be bettered by follow ifl this advice ; let them attend to it. Eubbty-Foerth Pa. Killed, John Harding, founded, A. G. Thornton, Ellis Kyler. -"wins;, au. , - C0EBESP0NDENCS OF THE "J0UENAL. Meteorological Observations for Mat, 1862. Mean temperature of the month, in the in tho morn 43 degrees ; noon, GDJ j evening 57 J j mean of the whole day 57. The mercu ry rose above 80, at noon, on the 17th 18th and 27th, respectively 81, 8G and 84. The coldest mornings were the 3rd 4th and 8th, respec tively 33, 30 and 27-lhe latter, to wit, the 8th being the lowest in the month. Smart frost on the 3rd 4th and 8tb, and very light on the 12th. Heavy showers on the 10th 21st and 28th, with very light rain on the 13th 20th 30th and 31st. The month was mostly clear and too dry for vegetation ; consequently grass, oats, &c, were very backward, until the heavy shower on tho 28th btarted all things green with new life. The prospect, at the close of the month, is very promising for an abundant crop of fruit ; but oats and grass are short, yet growing rapidly. Wheat looks well, and corn is comming up very fine. May delivers up her charge to her sister June, with all vegetation in a flourishing condition uninjured by frost, flood, or storm. Pens. Shields' Division, June 5, 18G2. Dear Friend Row : It is many days since I have had time to write, but having a chance to send this with Capt. Frick, who will be ab sent a few days on account of sickness, I con cluded to let you know where we are. We are in the valley on the Richmond side of the Shanandoali, where we expect soon to meet that old fox Jackson on his retreat. Our present position will explain why we were sent to McDowell, and we hope to be sue cessful. We left Winchester on the 11th of May, and have traveled nearly every day since, and on forced marches at that sub jecting us to many hardships. Lieut. Cal. Macdowell having resigned Major Barrett is in command of the8 4th. We got into a skir mish near Front Royal, and our Major advanc ed at the head of tho 84th like a brave soldier. We all think a great deal of him. Captains Ogden and Curby stand high in the estimation of tho Clearfield boys, and have the good o pinions of their supererior officers. I must close, as we have only stopped to rest and will again be movin- on in a short lime. If the Rebel bullets permit me to live. I will write soon again. Wo are all well and in good spirits, and willing to meet anything in the shape of rebels that may bo brought against us. I hope you will excuse my sctibbling, as my writing table consists of my knee, with my back against an oak sappling. Yours truly, D. G. Gen. Casey's Division-at the Battle of Fair Oaks. A coirespondent of the New York Times, who was with Casey's Division when it was attacked, and who has taken especial pains to come at the truth, defends that Division from the aspertions which have been cast upon it. He says : This list of over 1,100 killed and wounded, tells the story of where Casey's Division was on the day of the batllo of Fair Oaks. As he had, in lact, less than 5.000 men' actunlly in the fig lit. this list shows a percentage of over one fifth, of his command injured, not to speak of many others who sutler from contu sions and slight wounds, not bringing them under the surgeons care. I know that a large list of casualties is not always proof of desper ate fighting, but there is other evidence to prove that Gen. McCIellan's dispatch of June 1st was cruelly unjust to brave men made the victims of untoward circumstances. This I find to be the impression here, so far as I learn it, and the proof of the fact is such that the Commander-in-Chief has modified his views, though not yet, perhaps, making public acknowledgment of the fact. The simple truth is, Gen. McClellan lias re peated the same mistake he made at Williams burg, in giving to the country a hasty dis patch, based upon partial and biased state ments, before he had time to inform himself of the real facts of the case. In neither case was injustice intended, but it is our General's misfortune to be too ready to believe Ivhat comes to him from "official sources." Had he the experience of an army correspondent, he would have learned that the ex parte state ment of one General in regard to another was not a thing to swear by, or to base a report upon which should make or mar the public reputation of men who were periling life and limb in a cause as dear to them as to him. He should not forget that his lightest word of disapprobation has the force of national cen sure, and it should never be eiven hastily or carelessly. He was uot on the ground that day ; he never saw or heard from Gon. Casey in regard to his division, and depended for the impression of its conduct principally upon the statements of those whom a rigid investi tion might prove themselves the chief sinners in this affair. The writer states that Gen. Casey, with the weakest Division in tho army, had the most exposed position, being two miles from any supports, and his situation wis such as to in vite an attack ; he was there also contrary to his own judgment. - The writer further says : For from two and one-half to three hours, with a force of less than five thousand, (who were not reinforced by a single man,) Gen. Casey withstood the furious onset of at least forty thousand rebels, the flower of the South ern army. That after a desperate resistance his division retired before overwhelming num bers, is true, lhat it retired discreditably is not true, for they left a third of their little number on the battle-field, killed wounded and missing. The dead bodies of the rebels strewing the field in front of Gen. Casey's position, are silent witnesses of the of the hon orable resistance ot his division. If it is so unaccountable that Gen. Casey fell hack before the overwhelming force that attacked him. how are we to account for the fact that Gen. Couch's division and General Kearney's troops were obliged to do the same, and that it was not until the next day that our troops advanced beyond the third line of de fences, to which they were forced back ? It is true that some of Gen. Casey's troops are the proper subjects of censure, though much may be excused to raw troops, contending with great odds; but it is not just that those who so long endured the burden and heat of that day should have public dishonor added to the bitterness of defeat. Is this the reward of brave men who are to go maimed and halting through life ? Is such to be the legacy of the dead to those who survive them ? Private feelings, it is true should not be weighed against the public interest ; but let us bavo a care lest this suffer from the unjust treatment of those whose misfortune is mis judged as crime. Gen. Casey's Division should not be made a scapegoat for military blunders, the rcsponsibity for which rests elsewheie, nor should they be suffered to lightly escape censure if guilty of the conduct charged against them. As it is, Gen. Mc CIellan's dispatch has nearly used np what was left of the Division. Gen. Naglee has retired from command of the First Brigade uutil the matter is corrected, and many offi cers are proposing to resign unless they are to receive what they conceive to be justice. REPUBLICAN COUNTY COMMITTEE. The following County Executive Committee has been appointed by the President of the last County Convention, who authorized to form it : J. B. M'Enallt, Chairman, Clearfield, C. J. Pusev. Beccaria township, David Bell, C, M. Goff, John Blair, J. R. Arnold, William Hoover, S. C. Patcbin. Bell towns Bloom township, Boggs township, Brady township, Bradford township, Burnside township, Chest township, Covington towns'p, Curwensville boro. Decatur township, Ferguson township, Fox township, Girard township, Goshen township, Graham township, Guelich township, Huston township, Jordan township, Karthaus township, Knox township, Lawrence township, Lumber-city boro. Morris township, New Washington, Penn township, Pike township, Union township, Woodward town'p. J. llurd, Joab Rider, A. J. Patterson G. W. Kline, J. S. Williams, A. W. Heath, Jona. Spackman, Thomas Graham, J. M. Katen, J. G. Cain, J. B. Hewitt, II. Swan, Henry Yothers, M. O. Stirk, Thorns A. Tate, G. n. Lytle, William Campbell, James Gallaher, D. S. Moorej J. W. McNaul, II. B. Bailey, J. M. Chase, MARRIED: Near Caledonia, Pa., Juno 15th, ' IT. M. Ash, Mr. Joshua Kothrock by Rev. to Miss Ellen Yurlt. On May 23th, by Josiah Evans, Esq., Mr. Thomas Waln to Miss Eliza Nicholson, both of Penn township. On June 15th, by A. Breth, Esq., Mr. II. L. Henderson to Miss Rebecca Smith, both of Bethlehem, in this county. On June 12th instant at Daisy Hill, Wood ward Township, Mr. II. P. Williams to Miss Mart J. Erhar.d. J. W. Wright, Justice. OBITUARY. Elias llurd, who died on the 27th of May in Chest township, was one of tho oldest and most respected citizens of our coun ty having lived in it some CO years. Mr. llurd was a man of no ordinary abilities, industrious and frugal, and beloved by all his neighbors. He was a soldier during the war of 1812, was at the battle of Plattsburg, and in the memorable campaign Into Canada. The community in which he resided have lost, in him, one of its most valuable and efficient members. Peace to his remains. TRIKING TIMES IN UNION TOWN- SHIP TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ON ANDERSON'S CREEK. It seems to be the gen eral opinion of the people of Clearfield county, that nil the Wool ought to be carded in tho Whitehead Factory, in Union township. Wool carded at 5 cents per pound, when brought to the mill and taken away. All Lincoln. Doug- las. Breckinridge, and Dell men, should give the subscriber a cull, as ho is prepared to do Pulling, and every description of Manufacturing on the most reasonable terms, having served a regular time to the business. Persons will do well by holding on to their wool, as I intend to give them a call shortly. Ap30j m LAW SYKES. PURIFY THE BLOOD. Not a few of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out, none have been found which could equal in effect Aycr's Compound Extract of Sar saparilla. It cleanses and renovates the blood, in stills the vigor of health into the system and pur ges out the humors which make disease. It stim ulates the healthy functions of the body and ex pels the disorders that grow and rankle in the blood its extraordinary virtues are not yet widely known, but when they are it vrijl no long er be a question what remedy to eimploy in the great variety of afflicting diseases that require an alternative remedy Such a remedy, that could bo relied on, has long been sought for, and now. for the first time, the public have one on which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to show its effects. But the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that it has vir tues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers from Serofula, Scrofulous swellings and sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it cures. Si in diseases, Pimple, Pustules, Blotch es, Eruptions, ire , art soon cleaned out of the. system. St Anthony's Fire. Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, ifc, should not he borne while they can be speedily cured by Ayer's Saf saparilla. Syphilis or Veneral Disease ts expelleil from the system by the prolonged use of thi s Sarsaparil la, and the patient is left as healthy as if lit had never had the, disease. Female Diseases are caused bv scrofula tn the blood, anil are generally soon cured by this Ex tract of Sarsayarilla. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for S5. For all the purposes of a family physic, take Ayefs Cathartic Pills, which aro everywhere known to bo the best purgative that is offered to the American people. Price. 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr J. C. AYEIi A CO., Lowell, Mass.. and sold by all Druggists everywhere. C. D. Watson, Clearfield, Wm. Irvin, Curwens ville, S. Arnold, Luthcrsburg. Eliza Chaso, Anson ville, J. C. Benner, Morrisdale, C. 11. Foster, Phil ipsburg, and Dealers everywhere. May 7, 1862. SECOND SUPPLY OP New Summer Goodg, AT Til E OLD PRICES. J. IP. KRATZER, Has just roceived another general assortment of cummer ury uoous. Lawns, Cloths, Poplins, Satinets, Shallies, Cassimere, Cashmeres, Tweeds, Lavellas, Cottonadcs, Ducals, Drillings, Silks, . Jeans, . Prints, Muslins, Yalancias, Flannels, Chintz, Linens, Ginghams', Tickings, Dress trimmings Ribbons, Flowers, Head netts, Laces, Collars, Undersleeves, Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, Hosiery, Ladies Prominade Jackets, Bonnets Sun Umbrellas, Carpets, Floor oil-cloths, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES, coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice, spices, flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence of coffee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, soda, sperm and tallow candles, black tea, saleratus, wines, mackeral, shad, salmon, cod-fish, herring. HARDWARE A QUEENS WARE. Clothing, Notions, Jointed hoop skirts, Shakers. Musical Goods Violins, fifes, strings, bridges, bows, keys, precep- : lors, rausiu paper, rosin. Tin-ware, glass-ware, drugs, lamps, buckets, tubs, churns, brooms, wall paper, blinds, umbrellas, baskets, school books, varnish, moss, curled hair, coach varnish, spirits of turpentine, lead and oil, fish oil, coal oil, glass, etc., in facta little of every thing usually kept in a country store All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved country produce. May 28, 1862. J. P. KRATZER. CAUT10N,-All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or moddling with the following property, vii : one yoke of red and white oxen, wheat and other property, now in pos session of A. B. Barrett and in care of E. C. Bar rett of Ferguson township, as the same belong to me ana are suDjeci 10 my oraer ; naviug uuiy been given to said Barrett on loan. May 23, 1362. WM. IRVIN. W. W. SHAW, offers his professional XJ sei services to the citizens of Shawsville and vi cinity. All calls will be answered by the strictest attention and promptness. June 4, 18152. JUST IN TIME! Spring & Summer Goods The undersigned has just received a stock of New Goods, at his old Btand in Ansonville, con sisting of a general assortment of Spring and V ..... .. , i . . . . uuiuiucr gooas, sucn as doois ana snoes, hats and caps, bonnets, etc. Also, a lot of flour, fish, salt, groceries of all kinds, and such other articles ns are usually kept in country stores. Give us a call, as we are now selling goods at the most reasonablo rates for cash or approved produce. May 28. 1862. II. SWAN. Fashionable Millinery. MISS J. E. MITCHELL. Second Street, Clearfield, Pa (Opposite the residence of L. J. Crans, Esq.) The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have reoeived an assortment of Fashionablo Millinery floods, to which they invite their attention. We also do all kinds of millinery work on short notice, in tho latest stvle. and on rfinsnnhin terms. J. fc E. MITCHELL. May 21, 1362.-3m-pd. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, CLEAR FIELD COUNTY, SS: I.James Wriglcy, clerk "iv of the Orphans' Court of said county of f SEAL ) Clearfield, do hereby certify, that at an ""tt" Orphans' Court, held at Clearfield the 17th day of March, A. D. 1662, before the Honor able Judges of said court, on motion, a rule was granted upon the heirs and representatives of Johp Peter Ivider, deceased, to come into court on tho third Monday of June next, to show cause why the real estate of said deceased should not bo sold. And it was further ordered and directed that notice be given tho said heirs and persons inter ested, who are non-residents, by publication of the aforesaid rule, for tho space of three successive weeks, in tho -'Raftsman s Journal,'1 published in the borough of Clearfield. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my handand affixed the seal of said court at Clear field, the 21st day of March, A. D. 1H62. JAMES WRKJLEY, May 2?, 1862. Clerk O. C. MnilKKSniNtt MACHINES. Tho tindcr A signed wish to inform the citizens of Clear field county, that they still continue the mannfac tuje of Threshing machines, at the Bellefonte Foundry, of a superior quality, for one, two, and four horses ; also, the celebrated endless chain or tread power, for cither one or two horses, with or without shakers as may suit tho purchaser. Wo would recommend the tread power particularly to farmers who keep but two or three horses. The machine and power, with shaker can all be set on a small barn floor, and rain or shine, can bo worked to good advantage by a man and two boys, thus saving in hands as well as in horses, and doing the work as well and as fast as most men desire. Our four-horso power machines, with overshot cylinders, are certainly the best now inado; we could give numerous certificates from reliable farmers, of both Centre and Clearfield counties, as to tho good satisfaction these ma chines have given, but deem it unnecessary. All machines warranted. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. A. 1IAUPT fc CO., May 21, 1862. Bellefonte, Pa. Peter Bloom of Ansonville, is an authorized agent for the salo of machines. ' WOKTZ PLOWS It is now settled be yond question that these celebrated plows go ahead of all others, wherever introduced, in giving good satisfaction. For the convenience of our friends and former customers in Clearfield county, (to whom we are thankful for past patron age.) we give below a list of agents, from whom these plows, and also shears, can bo had : Merrell A Bigler, Clearfield,' James Watson, Williams Orove, John Holt, near Grahamton, S. S. Chapman, near Kylertown.L. Brandel, French- viiic, Jonn lleiter, Karthaus, George Heckendorn, fait iick, .j, w. iiewett. 1'ennville, Hale & Co. and Wm. Lloyd, Philipsburg, Thomns Henderson Jeffries. Henry Swan. Ansonville, Samuel Hegar ly. near men nope, Jonn tummings, iSew Wash ington. We also make the. McGarvay plows, both right anu leu nana, also lull side plows, iron kettles. -ew V orld .and Hathaway cook stoves, esz and nine plate stoves, iron fencing for cenietries. cast iron hitehmg posts, wagon spindles of all sizes threshing machines, (see advertisement). We also have for sale J. S. Marsh A CoVcelebratad grain urui ana straw ana loaacr cutters ; we are also prepared to make and fit up mill castings of any description wanted. Orders, cither directed to us by mail or through any of the above named agents, will receive prompt attention. Bellefonte, May 21, '02. A. HOUPT k CO. nj,mi'jr-s SAL.E.-By virtue of a writ of KJ V enditiom Exponas issued out of tho Court ot -Common Pleas of Centre county, and to mc directed, will be exposed to public sale at the court house in the borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday, the 21st day of June. All the undivided one-fifth part, Ac, of six cer tain tracts of land with the improvements thereon, siiuaica parity in atoms township, Clearfield county, and partly in Rush township, Centre coun ty. one tract thereof, situated in Morns town ship, Clearfield oountr. was surveyed under war rant to Petor Yarnold, and contains throe hundred and fifty acres and allowance. One tract situated as above was surveyed in the name of Jesse Yar- noid, ana contains live hundred and twenty-one acres ana allowance. One tract situated in Rush township, Centre county, was surveyed under warrant to Benj. Martin, and contains four hun dred and twenty and one-half acres and allowance One tract situated as above was surveyed under warrant to John Wcidinan, containing four hun- ureu anu ioriy-cigni acres ana seventy six perch e8 and allowance. One tract surveyed under warrant to Jacob Weidman, containing four hun dred and three acres and thirty-five perches. One tract situated as abojowas surveyed under war rant to Jacob Resh, and containing eighty acres ana iweniy-two perches, there being erected on the above described property two saw mills and several dwelling houses, with the improvements and appurtenances. Seized, taken into execu tion and to bo sold as the property of D M. Bil ger. GEORGE ALEXANDER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Bellefonte. May 22, 1862. REGISTER'S ISOTICE-Notioe is hereby given, that tho following accounts have been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of record in this office for tho inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors and all others iu any other way interested, and will bo presented to the next Or phans' court of Clearfield county, to be hold at tue isonrt House, in the Borough of Clearfield, commencing on the Third Monday of June, 18(32, for confirmation and allowance: The partial account of Jacob W. Campbell and Washington Gardiner, Executors of last will and testament of Timothy Lee late of Burnside town ship. Clearfield county, deceased. The partial account ot Joab Rider, Adminis trator of the estate of John Peter Rider, late of Covington township, Clearfield county, deceased. The Guardian account of George Wilson, guar dian of the minor children of Robert Leonard lato of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, do ceased. The account of Christopher Kxatier, Adminis trator of the estate of Anthony Kratzer, late of Pike township, Clearfield county, deceased. The acconnt of G. W. McCully, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Jacob Tipery, late of the township of Wood ward, in the county of Clear field, deceased. The account of D. J. Cathcart, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits which were of Jane Wilson, lato of the township of Chest, in the county of Clearfield, deceased. The administration account of Wm. Wallace, administrator of Robert .Butler, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, deceased. JAMES WRIGLEY, May 11, 1S62. Register. PEOFESSIONAL & BUSINESS CAEDS. HB- WOODS, Attorney at Law, Indiana, Pa . 1 rofesslonal business promptly attended to. I I k "u,,L1Ii rnvsiciAS, Curwensrillo. Clear neiu county, 1'enn a. May 14. LJ. CHANS, Attorney at . Agent. Clearfield, Pa. residence, on Second street. Law and Real Estate Office adjoining his May 1 R. -1T7- M. M'CULLOUGIl, Attorney at Law, Clear . field, Pa. Office, with L. J. Crans, Esq. on Second Street. July 3, 1K61. W ILLIAM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law Clearheld, I'a. Office, adjoining his resi 1. denee on Second street. cpt ") OBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney atLaw. Clear- 11 ncld, I'a Office in Shaw's new row. Market street, opposite Nauglo's Jewelry store. May 2(5 IT F. NAUULE, Watch and Clock Maker, and 11. dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Sc. Room Graham's row, Market street. Nov. 10. HBUCIIER SWOOPE, Attorney at Law.Clcar , field, Pa. OfEcc in Oruham's Row, fourdoo s west of Graham s Boynton's store. Nov It). J. P. KKATZEU Merchant, and dealer in Boards and Shintrles, Grain and Produee. Front St. above tho Academy, Clearfield, Pa. j!2 A J. PATTERSON, Attornev at Law. Curwens- ville, Pa., will attend to all business en ttend Offico trusted to his caro. Methodist Church. opposite the New Jan. 15, 1S62. TTTILLIAM F. IRWIN, Marketstreet, Clearfield, t) I a., Dealer in foreign and Domestic M er- chandise. Hardware, Quccnswarc, family articles generally. Groccries, and Nov. 10. D' It. WM. CAMPBELL, offers his professional services to the citizens of Morris and adjoin ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in Kylertown, Clearfield county. May 1 1, 185lJ. JB M 'EN ALLY, . Pa. Practices Attorney at Law, Clearfield, in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Offico in new brick addition, adjoining the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. TWIN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds of tt Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clearfield, Pa. He also makes to order Coffins, on short, notice, and attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO,'o'J. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors west of Jo until Office, Clearfield, Pa. Apr27. T ARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law,Clear- Lj field, I'a. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, 185(5. JAS. H. LARRI.MtK. ISKAEI. TEST. DR. M. WOODS, tender? his professional servi ces to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite the office of L.J. Crans, Esq. Office, the same that was recent ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where he can be found unless absenton professional business. 1 THOMAS J. M'CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law. . Clearfield, Pa. Office, over tho ' Clearfield co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instruments pre pared with promptness and accuracy. July 3. D. g. bush. :::::::: t.j.m'ccllough BUSH .1 M CULLOUGll'S Collbctios OrriCE, Clkarfieli), Pksk'a. SALT! SALT!! SALT !!! A prime arti cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent sacKs, at $3.25 per sacK, ut the cheap cash store of November 27. R. MOSSOP. DK. LITCII'S MEDICIN ES. A fresh sup ply of these invaluable Family Medicines are for salo by M. A. Frank, Clearfield, consisting of Pain Curer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough; and Anti-Bilious Physic. They haTe been thoroughly tested in this community, and are nigniy approvoa. ikvtiiem. TJD ICE Daniel Faust of Curwensville has 1 1 charge of ray business in my absence. He is authorized to receive and receipt for money due mc, ana is the only person authorized to do so Persons having business with me will plcaso call on him. JOHN PAH ON Curwensville, April 2, 1S62. "MTORKISDALE IIOITSE. The undersign 1TJL ed having taken the Morrisdale House, sit uate in the town of Morrisdale, Clearfield county respectfully solicits a sharo of the public patron age. No pains or expense will be spared to ren dcr guests comfortable. Charges moderate. April 2. '62. GEORGE RICHaRDS. TJLASTEKINIS The subscriber having lo- A cated himself in tho Borough of Clearfield, would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7. 1853. EDWIN COOPER 1 PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keens constantl on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Ccntreyeounty. a inn 8tocK oi l iour, llams. Shoulders, Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Kice, Molasses, Ac. Also, Li quors oi an Hinds, l ounce o. Scgars, Snuff, Ac; all of which he offers to purchasers on tho most ad vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his articles. iuar21 ROBERT LLOYD. THANKING AND COLLECTION OFFICE OF LEONARD, FINNEY & CO., CLEARFIELD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, PA. Bills of Exchange, Notes and Drafts Discounted Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds promptly remitted. 'Exchange on tho Cities con stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in the room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace, Esd. james t. Leonard. ::::::::: d. a. pinsev. win a. wallack. : : : : :::::: a. c. fi.v.vky. rtM) THE PUIILIC. The undersigned hav- JL mg purchased the entire stock of the late firui of .Moore & Etzweilcr, and having made largo ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus- toincrs. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, ho hopes by strict personal attention to business to merit a continueuce of the samo. March 26, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILER. JUST RECEIVED AT.SW, JVAUGLE'S 1ta-S:z3L CHEAP JEWELRY STORE. i&CCii Graham's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, Ac, to which we in vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and oncn faced watch es, to be had at NAUGLE S. The American Lever of different qualities, can bo had at NAUGLK S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cam en. tVra.l. I.n- va, Jett. Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac, or single pieces at NAUGLE S. Plain gold Breast pins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear rings, chHdrcn'seardropsandringsat NAUGLE'S. Gold seals, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S Gents breast nins. sleeve buttons, shirt stnt rK buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rines of differ ent styles and Quality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Kanv nd common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1,25 to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will ha t.iknn in .rehn(r for goods at NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watobes put in good repair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S. FLOUR. A lot of good flour on hand and for sale at MERRELL A BIGLER S. i mil E LADY'S FRI END GODEY'S LADYS J- BOOK FOR 1S82. The world's favorite. For 23 Years the Standard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United States, th best Lady's Magazine in tho World and the Cheapest. The Literature is of that kind that can be read aloud in the family circle, and the clergy h Im mense numbers are subscribers for the Book. 27 best Ijudy Writers in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write for no other Magazine. 2'ie Music is all original, and would cost 2i sents(the prico of the Book) iu the rausie stores ; But most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be ob tained except in -Godey ' Unr Steel Engraving. All efforts to rival u in this have ceased, and we now stand alone in this department", giving. as we do. many more and infinitely better engravings than are publi.-hed in any other work. Oodry s Immense Double Sheet Fashion-Plates. Containing from fivetoscven full length Colored onh two " each plato. Other magaiiues gi HirAheml of any F.btuustn En rope or A men rsj.Oodcy a is the only wi.rk in the world that gives these immense plates, aud ti.ey arc ourh a to havo excited the wonder of publishers and the public. The publication of tho plate cost 510. 000 more than Fashion-platen tTthe old t yl'n d nothing but our wonderfully large circulation enables us to give tbem Other magnzim- pnnnot afford it Wo never spare money when the- pnh liecan bo benefited. These f:ihionsinay be rliod on. Dresses maybe made after them, and the wearer will not subject herself to ridieulo.a would be the case if she visited the large cities dre-wo J after tho style of the plates given iu some of our so called fashiou magazine Our Wood Eilrracin?s. of which wn "irrlvl.-a or win e nice as many as any other are.otten mistaken for steel. Thev superior to any others. are so far Imitation. Beware of them. R. the Lady's Book is tho original miblieti.,n .n.l the cheapest. If you take G.hIov. you nm other magazine. Everything that "is useful or ornamental in a house can be found in Godey. u rawing lessons. Ao other magazine give them, and we have given enough to fill several large volumes. Our Receipts arc such as can bo found nowhr else. Cooking in all its variety Confectionery tho Nursery the 'loilet the Laundry -theKiieh- en. lieceipts upon all subn ets are to I. fr.n.,.1 ;n tho pages of tho Lady's l!.ok. We oriirinallv started this department, and havo peculiar facili ties for making it most perfect. This department alone is worth the price of the Look. Indies Worl Tahle. This department corn pri ses engravings and descriptions of everv 9rif,.i. that a lady wears. Model Col tit ires. No other magazine has tui department. lernis. Ca-vh tu Advance. One conv nni vor 53. Two copies one year, $5. Three copies oui year, to. l our copies one year, 57 Five copies one year, and an extra copy to tho person sending the club, 510 Eight copies one year, and ami! tra copy to the person sending the clufc.fl.i Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, 520. And the nn.'if magazine that can be introduced into the ahova clubs in place of tho Lady's Book it Arthurs Home Magazine. Special Chibbiusr inth oilier M ts"iurs Godcy's Lady's Book and Arthur's IlomeMagazino both one year for ?3 50. Godey's Lady-sB..ok and Harper's Magazine both one year for 54 50 Godey, Harper, and Arthur will all three be cent one year, on receipt of 5rt 00. T re:u-ury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address L. A. GODEY, 323 Chrsnitt Street, Philadelphia I'a. IV EW-YORIv TRIBUNE NEW VOLUME On the seventh of .September. lSrtl. THK NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE commenced the twenty-first year of its existence; the THE DAI LY TRIBUNE being gome months oi ler andTHE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat younger For more than twenty years, this journal has la bored in what its conductors have felt to bo the cause of Humanity, Justice aud Freedom, endeav oring to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and unfortunate, to honor and encourage useful exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by all means the moral, intellectual and material ad vancement of our country. It has aimed to btj right ruther than popular, and to espouse and commend to-day the truth that others may not ! willing to accept till to-morroiv. In pursuing this course, mistakes havo doubtless been uiado and faults committed; but. having in all things incited our readers to think and judge for them selves rather than adopt blindly our own or oth ers' conclusions, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal the credit of having qualified it readers to detect and expose even its own errors To develop 'he minds of the young by th e inoi general, thorough and practical Education. aud to encourage and stimulate Productive ludustry, through free grants of Public Lauds to actual set tlers and cultivators, as also through the protec tion of immature or peculiarly exposed branches from too powerful foreign competition, are among the aims to which this journal has adhered through good and evil report, and whieh itstead- lasuj' commends to American philanthropy. patriotism and As to the Civil War now devastating our coun try, we bold it to have originated in a Rebellion more wanton, wieked, inexcusable, then was ev er before known a Rebellion in the interest of the few against the many a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste and tighten tho chains of oppression. Having done all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War. and witnessed the forbearance, meek ness, and long-suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear duty, with that of every other citizen to stand by the nation ami its fairly chosen ru lers, and to second with all our energies their ef forts to uphold the Union, the Constitution, an I the supremacy of the laws. And, though the Re bellion has become, through usurpation.deceptioa. tcrroiim. and spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, aud that the unanimous, earnest effortsof loval heart and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all questions affecting the objects, the scope, and du ration of this most extraordinary contest, wo de fer to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding unify of purpo anu oi action iouspcnsaoie in so grave an emer gency Jn a crisis liae the present, our columns mntt be largely engrossed with the current history of the War lor tho Union, an 1 with elucidation of its more striking incidents. We shall not, how ever, remit thai attention to Literature, to For- gn Affairs, to Agricultural- Progress, to Crot,M. Markets. Ac. which has already, we trust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable liosition among it cotcmporancs. Our main object is and shall bo to produce a comprehensive newspaper, from whieh a careful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of tho times, not merely in the do main of Action but in that of Opinion also. Aa our facilities for acquiring information increa with years, we trust that an improvement in the contents of our journal is perceptible, and that. iu the variety and fulness of intelligence aflrd- cd, we may still hope to 4 make each day a critic on the iat." in this hope, we solicit a continu ance of the generous measure of patronage hith erto accorded to our journal. T E P. M S. DAILY TRIBUNE (551 1 issues per annum) SEMI-WEEKLY (104 issues per annum) . . WEEKLY (52 issues per annum) ...... S3 lo Clebs Scmi- WerJrlv : Iwo copies for . ; five for $11 25 : ton copies to one. atldress Ijr S20 and any larger number at the latter rate. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For club of forty weseni Tub Dailv Tribune gratis one year. Werllv : Three copies for 55 ; eight copies for S10. any any larger number at the rate of SI 2t each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber. To clubs of Twenty , we send anextra py. . Iwenty copies to one. cutaress lor S--IJ, with one extra to htm who sends us the olub. xoreah lub of One Hundred, The Dailv Tkuiusk will be sent gratis fur one year. When drafts can be procured it is mu-ui safer than to remi' Bank Bills. The came of the Po' Office and State should in all cases be plainly written. Payment always in advance.. Address THE TRIBUNE, No. l54Nassau-st., New-York. S ALT a good articlo. and vry cheap at tho store of WM F. IRWIN,' Clearfield. f i I