Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 18, 1862, Image 2

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    Raftsman's fmmral
. la a State Convention recently held at Ral
eigh, North Carolina, the Hon. John A. Gil
mer, in speaking of a bill for the taxing of
slaves to pay tho debt contracted by his State
daring the rebellion, made nso of the follow
Ing language :
"I had no hand ia bringing about this un
holv war. I was not in favor of secession, and
am not now. I love the old Union, and long
to return to its folds. I had no voice in con
tracting this debt; I have been opposed to it
all along. Notwithstanding this, I am willing
that my slaves should bo heavily taxed to
liquidate this unjust debt. Yea, I would glad
ly emancipate them all if it would restore us back
as ice were before. The slavery question is the
cause of this war, and we never shall have peace
until a gradual emancipation measure is adopt
ed." Such are the words of a Southern Slave
holder. Although, at the time, a member of
a Convention which was devising ways and
means to liquidate a debt contracted In sup
port or the rebellion ; yet it is clear, to every
candid observer, that bis heart was with the
old Union, and that he spoke like a man who
wonld sacrifice every negro ho owned rather
than the Union should bo destroyed. But,
while there are some such bold and patriotic
nes in the South, there are many in the
North who sympathise with traitors and trea
son. Such northern men are unworthy the
namo of "freemen." The masses in the
South are deceived by the leaders in the re
bellion, and therefore deserve our pity. But
the intelligent men of the North have no good
excuse for the course they pursue, and conse
quently deserve the contempt of all honest
and patriotic men j for they, like Esau of old,
would sell their "birth-right" for a "a mess of
pottage," (i. e. for a negro slave,) if tbey
eould thereby gain political distinction and
political power. They would see the Union
destroyed rather than one of their "Southern
brethern" should lose a negro, or they be de
ttrived of the emoluments of office. Not so
with Mr. Gilmer, lie foves the "old Union,"
and "longs to return to its folds." lie would
"gladly emancipate them all," (his slaves,) if
that would place North Carolina in the same
position in the Union that she enjoyed pievi
as to secession. lie says, "the Slavery
question is the cause of this war, and we shall
never have peace until a gradual emancipa
tlon measure is adopted." Let the sympa
ihisers with seceesion in the North ponder
well the wofQa of this Slaveholder. They are
evidently the promptings of a generous and
patriotic heart, that longs to be freed from tho
despotism which surrounds it. Mr. Gilmer
lias put himself boldly upon the record. There
can bo "only patriots and traitors" now, and
be places himself in the former class. Let all
Northern men imitate bis example and his
willingness to. sacrifice their all for tho sake
of the Union. Let them generously submit to
the fates of war which this rebellion for sla
very has brought upon us for the probability
is, that the free people of the North will not
soon again "bow their necks under the yoke
of any party that refuses to sustain the Ad
ministration" in tho present hour of the na
tions peril.
Provisional Govkehments South. Sena.
tor Harris' bill to establish Provisional Gov
ernments in the rebel country, as reported
from the Committee on tho Judiciary, is
amended so as to empower the President to
establish Provisional Governments for each of
the rebel States' not districts, as it originally
stood : and a clause is added providing that
the Legialat ive power shall not be so exercis
ed "to interfere with the laws and institutions
existing in such States at the time tho author
ities assumed to array the same against the
United States further than shall bo necessary
to carry into effect the provisions and purpo
set of this act." Those changes suggest some
important questions not unlikely to be discuss
ed when the bill comes under consideration
Thb DraxcT Tax or Pebnstlvahia. The
quota of Pennsylvania of the direct tax of
$20,000,000 was fixed at about $2,000,000.
Mr. Moore , the State Treasurer, and Mr. M.
McMicbael, Jr., arrived in Washington on
Wednesday the 11th June, to settle with tho
Government, and they had an interview with
the Secretary of tho Treasury, and the amount
necessary over and above tho claims of tho
State against the National Government was
paid by Mr. Moore, and the entire claim set
tled. Comihci North. The northern rebel press
try to create alarm by the assertion that if the
slaves are emancipated tbey will all come
North. These same papers, ia their advocacy
of slavery in the territories, or "popular sov
ereignty," have declared over and over again,
that northern climates were uncongenial for
negroes and slavery would not extend north
if the laws allowed it to. Which has changed
the advocates of slavery or tho climate North
and South 7
It is reported that the military authorities
of Washington have taken possession of the
Trinity Church of that city for a hospital.
The Rev. Mr. Lyle, the rector, it will be re
collected, refused to read tho Bishop's prayer
of thanksgiving for the Union victories.
Some timid people fear, if Mr. Lincoln's
gradual emancipation policy were to be car
ried into effect, the free States would be over
ran with the manumitted blacks. Tbey seem
to forget that the President's plan embraces
colonisation as well as emancipation. They
also overlook the fact that there Is a great de
mand for laborers in the Island colonies be
longing to Denmark, France, and other Euro
pean natious, and that if the former had the
opportunity they would convey the negroes
who might be freed here to those islands with
out cost to our Governmeni. This subject is
likely to tecoive some attention at Washing
ton shortly. A dispatch from there dated
June 10th, says :
Colonel Kaastotf, Charge d' Affaires of Den
mark, has addressed a letter to the Secretary
of State, upon the subject of the advantages
offered by the Island of St. Croix for the em
ploymentof persons of this country of Afri
can extraction, and negroes found on board
vesselsjcaptured by our cruisers. The island
he says, has been checked in progress for want
of manual labor, and be invites the United
States to enter into a Convention whereby the
contemplated emigration may be placed under
the protection of the two Governments. The
Governor of the Danish West Indies has also
appointed a special agent, who has arrived in
this country, to make the necessary arrange
ments. Free transportation is offered to all
who will engage to labor ou the sugar planta
tions for three years, at the same compensa
tion as is given to the native population
Recaptured Africans, being semi-savages,
must, however, undergo apprenticeships.
Secretary Seward, in replying, says he is not
authorized to accept the proposition, at this
time, for a convention. The disposition of
recaptured Africans is not, prescribed by law.
It is probable, however, that Congress may
be disposed so to modify the existing legisla
tion upon the subject as to meet the wishes of
the Danish Government, lie has submitted
copies of the correspondence to the Chairman
of the Judiciary Committed in each House of
Congress. Col. RaastotT, in response, says
the place he had furnished would be entirely
satisfactory from a Christian and humane
point of view, and would, moreover, relieve
the United States from a great moral respon
sibility and from the very largo expense
which, if he is correctly informed, is contract
ed with the present arrangements for the trans
fer of the recaptured Africans to the republic
of Liberia.
Thk Proposkd Exchange of Gem. Buck-
hkr. Tho Kentucky Delegation in Congress
waited upon the President on Wednesday to
protest against the exchange of Gen. Buck-
ner for General Prentiss, proposed by the
rebels as the sine qua non of a general or par
tial exchange of prisoners. On Thursday
morning Garret Davis introduced a resolution
into the Senate requiring General Buckner to
be delivered up to the civil authorities of Ken
tucky for trial. In a speech in support of this
motion, he described General Buckner as the
worst of scoundrels, the rebel most deserving
of punishment to hang whom he manifested
a disposition to put aside ail considerations
connected with the sufferings of our own off!
cers and soldiers in the hands of the rebels,
or with the consequences in the nature of re
taliation likely to flow from such action. Sen
ator Grimes explained the real significance of
the resolution, and the results of its adoption,
in the continued incarceration in filthy rebel
dungeons of many brave national soldiers,
whom the rebels would not exchange unless
Buckner was released. . Senator Browning
followed in the same strain. Neither Senator
could preceive how General Buckner's case
differed from that of other rebels. It is be
lieved that the Government has as yet come
to no final conclusion touching the reply to be
returned to the rebel authorities, but the
probabilities are that it will not be unfavorable
There is not one of these traitors but de
serves banging, but tho lives of our suffering
prisoners are too precious to be sacrificed for
even the purpose of punishing Buckner. Our
own men must be saved first, and then wo
will catch the rebels and punish them after
Noetic Carolina. A gentleman who had
been spending several weeks in North Caroli
na, whither he went a conservative, has re
turned a' radical. He found that the army bad
experienced a similar change of heart. A
little observation there convinces both civil
ians and soldiers tl.at the rebellion will not be
suppressed until its cause, slavery, be destroy
ed. He believes that there is very little real
loyalty in the State, but much willingness to
submit, in consequence of tho belief derived
from bitter experience, that the rebellion has
cost more than it has come to. Ho beard from
our prisoners returning from Saulsbury and
Raleigh the most deplorable accounts of star
vation and misery which tbey had witnessed
from their prison windows. From what he
saw and heard he was convinced that Gov.
Stanly already doubted as to the policy of his
proceedings, all things considered. He had
not returned any more fugitive Africans, nor
had be on the other hand, however, recinded
his order forbidding vessels from taking any
of them away.
Gen. Bdknside's Opinion. Gen. Burnside's
reports from the Peninsula, where be spent
several hours with Gen. McCIellan, are favor
able. He sees no reason why, with good
weather, onr army should not bo in Richmond
within a very few days. He does not think
that the rebels are strengthened by their
forced levies, but believes that undisciplined
numbers endanger an army which they appa
rently reinforce, as was the case at Newbern,
where the raw North Carolina militia threw
the whole rebel force into a panic. General
Burnside had an interview with the President,
Secretary of War and several Senators, in the
course of which he made a long explanatory
statement respecting the action of Governor
Stanley in the matter of closing schools and
returning fugativo slaves, which increased the
desir to hear directly from Governor Stanly
A Baltimore slave trader, who is largely en
gaged in the traffic in human flesh, testified
before the Emancipation Commissioners, on
tho 11th inst., that slaves are worth nothing
in Maryland, tho negroes are running away
so fast that their valuo sensibly depreciates.
Another Battle near Harrisonburg.
General Fremont's Headquarters, Har
risonburg, June 7, 1862. In the skirmish yes
terday, beyond the town, the rebel loss is as
certained to have been very heavy. Most of
our wounded have been brought in. Colonel
Kane, or the Bucktail, Regiment, is in the en
emy's hands. The body of Captain Haines,
of the New Jersey cavalry, has been found.
Captains Shellmire and Clark, of the same
regiment, are prisoners and not wounded.
Col. Ashby, the famous rebel cavalry leader,
is killed. This is ascertained from people
living near, and from the prisoners taken.
Major Green of his regiment was shot by Cap
tain Broderick, of the New Jersey cavalry.
Gen. Fremont's Headquarters, 8 miles
beyond Ilanisonburg, Va., June 8. Gen.
Fremont has overtaken the enemy, of whom
he has been in pursuit for a weak, and has
forced him to fight and driven him, with
heavy loss from his chosen position. He left
Harrisonburg this morning at G o'clock, and
advanced in pursuit of Jackson by the road
leading to Port Republic. On the left of the
turnpike to Stanton, seven miles beyond Har
risonburg, the advanced guard discovered tho
enemy posted in the woods, to the left and
front, apparently in force. Artillery was sent
to tho front and commenced shelling, without
eliciting any reply. Jackson having at last
been forced to make a stand with his whole
army, had completely masked his position in
the woods, and various skirmishers and caval
ry were sent lorward. lhe whole column
came rapidly up, and a line of battle, extend
ing nearly two miles, was promptly formed
under the direction of Col. Albert, chief of
the staff. Before it was completed, Gun. Stahl
with the Garibaldi Guards, became engaged
with the enemy on the extreme right, and
forced him to fall back.
At half past 12 o'clock a general advance
was ordered, and the whole line moved lor
ward. Gen. Schenck the right, and Gen.
Stahl, with all his brigade except the Garibal
di Guards, the front. Gen. Blenker, Gen.
Bohlen, and Col. Steinweickher's brigades
composed the reserve. Tho line moved down
the slopes of three hills into tho valley, and
up the opposite ascents, which at the sum
mits were covered with woods. In these
woods, and in the belts and in the heavy tim
ber beyond, tho enemy were posted. Gen.
Stahl, on the left was first engaged. Gen.Mil
roy and Gen. Schenck found tho enemy soon
after, and the battle almost immediately be
came general, ucn. btahl. after bcrivner
battery had shelled the rebel position, advanc
ed the 8th and 45th New York regiments
through the woods into an open field, on the
other side of which the enemy's right wing
was concealed in the woods. Tho 8th advanc
ed gallantly under a heavy hre, but being so
long unsupported by the 45th, and largely
outnumbered, were finally forced to retire
Col. Wietsball was severely wounded, and
the whole regiment badly cut up, losing not
less than 300, more than half of its strength
The enemy's pursuit was checked by tho ar
tillery. Gen. Stahl finally withdrew bis bri
gade to a strong position, repulsing a flank
movement and holding his wing firmly. Gen
Milroy advanced his centre, tho artillery fire
compelling the enemy to give ground. Gen.
Schenck, on the right, twice drove the rebels
who attempted to turn his position.
Along the whole line our artillery.underCol
Pilson's direction, was served with great vig
or and precision, and our final success was
largely due to its enect. The enemy sobered
moat severely. One rebel regiment lost two
thirds of its number in an attempt to capture
Wildrich's Battery, which cut them to pieces
with canister at fifty paces. The rebel batter
ies were repeatedly silenced and forced to a
bandon their positions. Col. Cluzret. with
his weak brigade, took and held the centre of
the enemy's position, and has his encampment
there to-night.
Our forces were outnumbered at all points
but have occupied tho rebel line, and forced
them to retreat. The loss is heavy on both
sides, the enemy suffering especially from ar
tillery. The Garibaldi Guards lost nearly
200. the 25th Ohio CO. The total loss is esti
mated at from 600 to 800 killed, wounded and
missing, Col. Van Gilsa,-of tho DeKalb regi
ment: Capt. Paull, of the 8th N. Y. ; Capt
Miesner, of the JWth N. Y. ; Capt. Bichute
of the 29th N. Y. ; Capt. Chas. Worth, of the
25th Ohio, and Surgeon Courtwell, of the 82d
Ohio, are all wounded. Many other officers
are wounded or killed.
The rebels fought wholly under cover, whi le
our troops were forced to advance through
open fields. The enemy's advantages of po
sition and numbers were counterbalanced
by Gen. Fremont's skillful handling of his
troops and tho coolness and determination
with which he pressed his success. Tbe fight
was furious for three hours, and continued til
nearly dark. Our army sleeps on the field of
Headquarters Armt in the Field, Camp
near Port Republic, June 8, 9 p. m. To the
Hon. 22. M. Stanton, Secretary of War : The
The army left Harrisonburg at six this morn
iug, and at half past eight my advance engag
ed the rebels about seven miles from that
place, Union Church. Thi enemy was very
advantageously posted In the timber, having
chosen his own position, forming a smaller
circle than our own, and with his troops form
ed in masses. It consisted, undoubtedly, of
Jackson's entire force. Tne battle began with
heavy firing at 11 o'clock, and lasted with
great obstinacy and violence until 4 in the af
ternoon, borne skirmishing continued from
that time until dark. Our troops fought oc
casionally under the murderous fire of greatly
superior numbers, the hottest of the small arm
fire being on tbe left wing, which, was held by
Gen. Stahl s brigade; consisting ot hve reg
ments. Bayonet and canister shot were used
freely with great effect by our men. Tbe loss
on both sides is very great, and ours is very
heavy among tho officers. A full report of
those who distinguished themselves will bo
made with partiality. I desire to say that
both officers and men behaved with splendid
gallantry, and that the service of the artillery
was admirable. We are encamped on tho
field of battle, which may be renewed at any
moment. J. C. I remont, Maj. Gen. Com
Fight between Gen. Shields' advance and Jack'
sons troops.
Lurat, Va., June 10, via Washington, June
11. Colonel Carroll, commanding tho Fourth
brigade, consisting of the Eighty-Fourth
Pennsylvania, and Eleventh Pennsylvania
Seventh Indiana, and first Virginia regiments
numbering altogether about one thousand six
hundred strong, reached Port Republic on
Sunday. A reconnoissance was mado and the
enemy found to be in town. After a skir
mish, Colonel Carroll concluded to hold the
bridge, and' ordering that it should not be
burnt, put his guns in position to command it
At 6 o'clock on Monday morning he was
opened on by some twenty heavy guns, wjiich
had been placed in position by tne enemy du
ring the night. Our forces tried to reach the
bridge repeatedly, in order to destroy it, but
tbey were met by storms of bullets, and were
obliged to retire. A large cavalry force of
the enemy then crossed tho bridge and attack
ed our troops, while their infantry followed.
Our men opposed them at every step, often
driving them back with heavy loss; but the
numbers after Gen. Tyler's Third Brigade ar
rived, were so much inferior to the enemy
theirs being at least five to one that it was
impossible to hold our position and we were
compelled to fall back, our boys fighting every
foot of the way.
After falling back some three or lour miles,
abody of cavalry wero sent to attack us, but
were received in such a manner as to compel
them to retire, when tbe engagement ended,
having lasted five hours. Our loss in killed
and wounded is not known but it is large, as
is also that of the enemy. We lost a large
number i:f prisoners. During tbe fight Col.
Carroll's horse fell with bim, injuring the Col
onel badly. Capt. Kelly, of Gen. bhield 8
stall, was badly injured inihe head. Ho re
ceived praise from all who saw him fighting.
Col. Buckley, of the 29th Ohio, was badly
wounded. His men charged three times in
order to get him, but he was carried orl by
the enemy. TLis was one of most hotly con
tested engagements of the whole war, as indi
cated by tbe loss compared with the num
bers engaged.
Headquarters Mountain Department,
Port Republic, Noon, June 9, Via Martins
di'ro, June 12. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Sec
retary of War : There was no collision with
the enemy after tbe dash last night. This
morning we renewed the march against him,
entering the woods in battle order, his cavalry
appearing on our flanks. General Blenker
had the left. General Milroy fho right, and
General Scbeck the centio, with a reserve of
General Stahl's and Bayard's Brigade. The
enemy was found to be in full retreat on Port
Republic, and our advauce found his rear
guard barely across the river, and the bridge
in names. Our advance came in so suddenly
that some of the officers remaining on this
side escaped with the loss of their horses.
Cannonading during tbe afternoon apprised
us of an engagement, and I am informed beie
that Gen. Jackson had attacked Gen. Shields
this morning, and altera severe engagement,
drove him down the river, and is now in pur
suit. I have sent an officer with a detach
ment of cavalry to open communication with
Gen. Shields.
This morning detachments were occupied
in searching the ground covered by yester-
day's action, at Cross Keys, for our remaining
dead and wounded. I am not yet fully in
formed, but think that 125 will cover loss in
killed, and 500 that in wounded. The ene
my's loss we cannot clearly ascertain, as he
was engaged during the night in carrying oil
his dead and wounded in wagons. This morn
ing, upon our march, upwards of 200 of his
dead were counted in one field, the greater
part badly mutilated by cannon shot.. Many
of his dead were also scattered through tho
woods, and many had been already buried. A
number of prisoners had been taken during
tbe pursuit.
I regret to have lost many good officers.
Gen. Stahl's brigade was in the hottest part
of tbe fight, which was the left wing, from
the beginning of the fight. The brigade lost
in officers five killed and seventeen wounded,
and one of his regiments alone, tbe 8th New
York, have buried sixty-five. The Garibaldi
Guard, next after, suffered most severely, and
following this regiment the 45th New York
and the Bucktail Rifles, of Gen. Bayard's and
Gen. Milroy's brigade. Ono of the Bucktail
companies has lost all of its officers, commis
sioned and non-comniissioned. lhe loss in
Gen. Schenck's brigade was less though he
inflicted severe loss un the enemy, principally
by artillery fire. Of my staff I lost a good
officer, killed, Capt. Nicholas Dunnka. Many
horses were killed in our batteries, which the
enemy repeatedly attempted to take, but were
repulsed by cannister firo.
l leei myself permitted to say that ail our
tioops, by their endurance of this severe
march, and their splendid conduct in the bat
tic, are entitled to the Preident's commenda
tion, and the officers throughout behaved with
great gaWantry and efficiency, which requires
that I should make particular mention of them,
and which, I trust, will receive the particular
notice of the President ; and, as soon as pos
sible, I will send in a full report, but in this
respect I am unaole to make any moro partic
ular distinction, thangtbat pointed out in the
description oi me oaiiie.
John C. Fremont, Maj. Gen. Commanding
Affairs at Memphis, Tenn.
Memphis, June 12. The city recorder was
yesterday arrested by the Provost Marshall
for causing tbe arrest of a citizen for conver
sing in the street with a Union soldier. Reb
el cavalry aro scouring the country around
Grand Junction, destroying all the cattle that
can be found. Applications to ship 6,000
bales of cotton have already been made.
Battle at Chattanooga.
Chicago, Junb 11. A private dispatch has
been received by the President of the Clnca
go Sanitary Commission, from Cairo, which
says that General Mitchell has won another
brilliant victory at Chattanooga, Tennessee
The enemy was completely routed, after two
days' hard fighting. No particulars aro given
What would the Breckinridgers do if tbey
were deprived of the material for attacking
the Administrationjof Mr. Lincoln, and it they
could not misrepresent the efforts of loyal men
to put down the rebellion and to vindicate the
Constitution? They are howling over -the
bill now a law appointing diplomatic repre
sentatives to tho Republics of Hayti and Li
beria. How candid they are and bow truthful
too! Tbey do not stato that the bill passed
the Senate with the aid of such Democrats as
Latham and McDougall, of California, or that
the general proposition was eloquently udvo
cated in former days by such statesmen as
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. They seize
upon the bill to frighten and delude the North
em people with pictures of colored diplomatic
representatives at Washington, still keeping
from public view the practice of all civilized
Governments, which cultivate relations with
colored nationalities ; and, in the midst of
this ignorant and rnthless clamor, they do not
print the fact that the opponents of this meas
ure in the House of Representatives presented
a proposition to send an American Consul
General to Hayti, thus acknowledging the
whole principle of the project which is now a
law. Such are the straits and expedients of
men who are forever sinking the patriot in tho
partisan. Philadelphia Press.
A Bushwhacker Shot in MissouRi.-The
Hannibal (Mo.) Herald informs us that Col
John Owen, a notorious rebel, who has mado
himself conspicuous in burning bridges, cars
and depots, and in firing into passenger trains
last summer and fall, was lately shot by a de
tachment of State militia, which had gone in
pursuit of him. He begged tho soldiers to
take bim prisoner, but in accordance with
Gen. Scbofield's late order, they refused to
hold bim as a prisoner, and made an end of
tbe law for him, on tbe spot.
Robert M. Palmer, minister to tbe Argen
tine Confenfederation, died at sea, April 26th
on his way home from Parana.
A brother of Judge Terry is to take a rebe
command in New Mexico. He must belong
to the Terry-tones.
Ad verttsemt-ntx set in targe type, cuts, or out of usual
sty If trill be- charged double price for spare occupied.
To insure attention, tha CASH must accomoa-
ny notices, as follows: All Cautions with SI,
Strays, $1; Auditors' notises, $1,50; Adminis
trators and executors notices, $1,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the sam rates
Other advertisements at $1 per square, for 3 cr less
inset uons. lweive lines (or less) count a square
offce Essence and
Dandelion Coffee at the
store of
CAUTION. All persons are hereby cantion
cd against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, now in possession of Thomas
V. wainright, of Bell township, to wit: 1 cook-
stove and utensils. 3 bedsteads, table, bureau,
clock, stand, farming utensils, 1 winnow-mill, as
the same belongs to ine, and have only been
left with said Wainright on loan and subject to my
orders. L.J. 1IURD.
June 17, 1362 pd.
Grocery Store,
In H. E. corner of the Conrad House,
The undersigned, havirfg purchased the gro-
ocry establishment of J. U.Galer, would inform
the citizens of rbilhpsburg and vicicity, that she
has on hand a large stock of Groceries, such as
flour, bacon, molasses, sugar, tea, coffee, rice, pep
per, cinnamon, carbon oil, tobacco, cigars, and
other articles kept in a store of this kind, all of
which will bo sold cheap for cash.
June 18, 18R2.-pd. MAKY UALEK.
At the "Corner Store" of Wm. Irvin,
A general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries,
Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels,
Herring in barrels and half-barrels,
Which will be sold as low as at any other store.
Juno 18, 1862. WM. IRVIN.
SEALKD PROPOSALS for the timber leave of
the l'oudinot Lands, situated on the south
east of tbe Susquehanna river, in Rurnsido town
ship, Centre county, containing about thirteen
thousand acres, will be received by tho hnperin
tendent of Trust, of the City of Philadelphia, at
his office, in 'Wills' Hospital, on the south side of
l,ncan Snuaro. until tlin twent v-fourth dav of
June next, and will be opened by him at three
o'clock in the afternoon of that day. in the cham
ber of the Common Council of said city, in the
presence of the Committee on .trusts and hre
Departments, and ot sach bidders as may attend.
All bias to ue adaressea to diaries uat. super
intendent of Trusts, and to be endorsed '-Proposal
for leasing Boudinot Lands.", Sueh proposals
are to specify the dnration ot tha lease asked for.
not exceeding ten years, and the price offered
per cubic foot tor squared umber, pine and oak,
and per thousand square feet board measure for
saw logs. They must also be accompanied by the
names of two responsible sureties, resident of
Philadelphia would be preferred, who aro willing
to give bonds in the amount of ten thousand dol
lars for the faithful performance of the contrnct.
The timber leave will embrace only such white
oak and white and yellow pine as shall exceed
twelve inches in diameter at the butt; bnt the
lessee will be permitted to use trees of any kind
and size, without charge, for the construction of
roads and bridges on the lands. The cutting and
measuring of timber to be under the supervision
of an agent appointed by the City. The timber
to bo cut clear ; that is after commencing on a
tract, all tho timber thereon must be cut before
proceeding to another. The measuring to be done
on the bank, and tbe price secured before launch
ing the timber.
Tho City of Philadelphia reserves the right t
enter upon the lands at all times by its agents, for
the purpose of examining into the performance
of the conditions of the lease, or for any other
purpose whatever, and also the right to explore,
dig or mine ore or coal, and to erect all kinds of
structures, and to construct all roads, railroads
and bridges necessary for mining purposes. The
City also reserves the right absolutely to reject
any or all bids, .for inadequacy of price, insuffi
ciency of sureties, or other reasons.
By ordr of the Councils of Philadelphia,
June 18, 1862. superintendent of Trusts.
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, now in possession of Freder
ick Hollopeter of Penn township : Two bay mares
and colts, on 1-year old bay colt, and one buggy,
as the same have only been left with the said
Frederick Hollopeter on loan, and subject to the
order of the undersigned.
June 11, 1S62. S. S. HOLLOPETER.
f. of Administration on the estate of O. P.
Wilder, late of Morris township, Clearfield county,
Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those havingelaims
against the same will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement. E. M. WILDER,
Juno 11,1862. Administrators
Silk Mantillas, and Chantilly Lace Capet,
Satin Striped Marquise,
Also, A La Parise Silk Umbrellas.
With pleasure we again solicit the attention of
our customers, especially the ladies.
The undersigned Executors under the Will of
Greenwood Bell, dee'd, and by authority of the
Orphans' oourt of Clearfield county, Pa., will ex
pose to sale by public vendue or outcry, at the
public house of Wm Reed, in Lumber-city,
On Friday the 18ih day of July, ji. D. 1862,
At 2 d'clock, P M., the following two pieces or
parcels of timber land, and lying on the waters
of Little Clearfield creek, about one mile from
the river, in Ferguson township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., being part of the John Hambright tract,
containing severally 144 and 114 acres with al
lowance, described as follows ;
The first piece commencing at a hemlock near
LittleClearfield creek, thence N 16 dcg.W 46 rer
ches to a post, thence north 40 degrees west 160
perches to a post, thence north 51 degrees east 123
perches to a post by a white pino, thence south 33
degrees east 209.7 perches to a post, thence south
54 degrees west 130.3 perches to place of begin
ning, containing 144 acres and allowance.
The second piece, beginning at a hemlock,
thence south 33 degrees east 130.3 perches to a
sugar, thenoe south 54 degrees west 109.7 perches
to a dogwood, thence north 38 degrees west 172
perches to a post, thence north 50 degrees east 126
perches to a. post, thence along the first tract
south 16 degrees east 46 perches to the place of
beginning, containing 114 acres and allowance.
TERMS One half cash, and the other half in
one year, secured by bond and mortgage.
DAVID BELL j Exeonto-
June 11, '62.
FLOUR A good article for sale at the storeof
fjanl6J WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield.
"7"ANTED. All finds of grain will be Uitn
in payment of debts due me. for which the
highest market prices will be piven.
Dec. 11. 1861. JAMES B GRAM. KM
"Vir A N T E D . A little girl about 10 yean old.
to raise, by a family who hare no children
of their own. An orphan preferred. For further
information inquire at the Journal office.
May 14, 1862.
mcntary on the estate of Eliaa Hard, Ut 0f
Chest township, deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to the tH
estate, are requested to make immediate payment
and persons having clrims against the same m
present them properly authenticated for H"'i
ment. L. J. HLIU), J
June 4, ISG2.pd. II. 11.11 L'KD, ( "uton.
. UO U N D CO IT RT II O lT S E. Sealed pro
posals will be received by the Coniinissioneri of
Clearfield county, until the 20th day f Jane next
for furnishing and erecting an Iron Fence, with
stone foundation and cut stone base, around three
sides of the court house lot. Price per foot mutt
be stated in proposals. Plans and specific tiont
can be seen at any time after the 9th day of June
By order of the Board, - W. S. BRADLEY. '
June 4, 1862. Clerk.
of Administration on the estate of Thoma
Cleaver, late of Bloom township. Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to tha un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc
requested to niaKe immediate payment, and per
sons baring claims against the same will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
May 2S, 1862-Ct-p. Adminintratori
mentary on the estate of Isaac Cham ben.
late of Curwensville borough, deceased, baring
been granted to the undersigned. All persons in
debted to" said estate are lequested to make im
mediate payment, and those haviiigclaims aRaiuft
the same will present them duly autheuticatei
for settlement, at the office of A.J. Patterson. Esq.
in Curwensville.
May 21, 1852.-pd.
Fourth Jr Arch Streets, Phila- JOO-v
delphia, are now offering their usual a.-ortuientof
Dry Goods, adapted to Spring Sales. FashtnnaM
Dress Silks, fashionable Spring Shawls, new a
sortment of Dress (foods, Spring Prints, DeLainea
and Ginghams. Muslins and Linens of first quality,
Cloths, C.i.ssimeres and Vestings. TabJe Linen.
Towlings and Napkins. N. U. lJIackSilks.be
low regular prices. March 12,"C2.2m.
LANDS in Chest township. Clearfield coBiitT.
Under and by virtue of the powers contained in
the last will and testament of John Mcl'herran
late of Huntingdon couuty, deceased, the subscri
bers will offer at Public Sale, at the court bouie ia
Clearfield, on Monday, June 23d. IStii. at 2 o'
clock, the following described pieces of land tii :
No. 1. Part of survey in name of Samuel Jack
son, beginning at white oak. dead, thence uu;S
4 j i east 40 perches to a hemlock, north 4i cat Isi
perches to a pine, north 83 w 224 perches to a por,
and thence south 28 east 140 perches toplacof
beginning, containing (.Snc, 65 pr. and allowance.
No. 2 Part of same survey, beginning at hem
lock named, thence north 46 east 1 10 pcrchei to
post, theuco south 451 east about 240 perchc to
tract line, thence along the same south 32 wt.t
about IIS perches to post corner, aud thence nria
45 J west 24'J perches to the place of beginuii!.
containing 150 acres and allowance.
No. 3. The residue of same survey, beginning
at post, thenoe sorth 45 east 73 perches to pine,
thence along tract line south 85 east 22t perches
to stones, and south 32 west about 2 1 1 perches u
post corner of No. 2. and thonce along the same
north 451 west about 2 to perches to place of be
ginning containing about 178 acres, about W of
which are cleared and having log house and log
barn thereon erected.
Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are well Tf mliered ; about 2
miles from Chest creek, and will bo sold parate
ly or as a whole tract.
No. 4. Part of Alei Jackson's survey, beginning
at a post corner of Martin llockenberry. tbeuca
south 371 west l(l perches to a white oak. tiier.cn
north 43 west 125 to a post, thence urth 36i e.;t
about SO perches to a post, thence north 451 wert
6 perches to a post, thence along No. 2 north T.l
east about fiG perches to a post, and thence south
50 east 132 perches to the place of beginning. -con-US
acres. This piece unimproved and timbered.
No. 5. Part of George Musscrsurvery, begiuBin
at a post corner of No. 4, thenco south 3il west
114 perehes to a chestnut oak, thonce corth 41
west 140 perches to a post, thence north 3'J1 ea.l
1121 perches to a, post, and thence along No. 2
south 451 east 140 perches to place of beginning,
containing 1H acres, about 12 acres cleared, aud
small house and barn thereon.
No. 6. Part of same survey beginning at a
chestnut on tract line, thence south 34 west )0D
perches to chestnut oak corner, thence south 4i
east 157 perches to a gum, thence north 3o ea&
100 perches to a red oak. and thence north 41
west 162 perches to place of beginning, containing
93 acres 05 perches and allowance, t'niuiproved
and timbered.
No. 7. The residuo of another tract in name of
George Musser. containing about 100 acres, bound
ed by lands of R. McPhcrran, A. McGarvey and
Terms mado known on day of sale Persons
desiring to learn the title or get further infuruia
tion in regard to the lands, can aprly to L. J
Crans, Esq., Clearfield, Pa., or
Exr'sof John McPJierran, dee'd.. Spruce Cre k,
Huntingdon Co., Pa. June 4, ls2.
A New Attraction in theso Diggings !
Clot hi 112: Store
In the ' Mansion House." opposite the Clearfield
. . ... r, . ii 1,,, .cl 1
to. lianK, (3ir. CDaw s oiu sianu,; nwi""i
Bran ch of Reiznutrin Bro" 126 North-Third
Street, Vhihulflphia, Pa.
The undersigned respectfully announce to the
inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in
general, that they have opened at the above named
place the most extensive and best solocted stock i
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that h er
been exhibited in this borough, and which the
will sell 25 per cent, cheaper than eiothtn"
ever been fold in this part of the country.
Our stock embraces a full and complete assort
nientof all garments generally worn, made up J
good material and in the best stylo and workman
ship. A general assortment of
furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling ba?,
trimed flannel and white shirts ; in short every
thing generally found in a well assorted store ox
this kind- We also keep a fine assortment of
such as pocket books, portmonies, pocicet kn!v
oomba, brushes, watch chains and guards,
and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gun carj
spectacles and a great piany other fancy arid n
ful articles too numerous to mention, all of wnic
they will sell as well as the clothing
At the Loweit Cash Prices.
We invite every person in need of clothing
of any of the above mentioned articles, to T-f .
with a call and view our goods and Pcf.s' " '
we are confident that we can give satisfcUo .
that every person shall feel inolined to w i
friends where good and cheap clothing can f 8
We ara constantly receiving 1eio.nB
stock from our own manufacturing fba
in Philadelphia, and shall always be rPP "
with a good variety of al articles in '
which shall surpass in style, out.
and cheapness those of any other '- nJ
lishment in this part of the State, and by f "
honest dealings, we hope to merit a liberal shir