I'D R I t M i W M M by s. j. now. CLEARFIELD, PA., "WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 18G2. VOL. S.-NO. 42. YIELD HOT TO DAKK DESPAIR. Hast thou one heart that lovos thee, . In this dark world of care. Whose gentle smile approves thee ? Yield not to dark despair ! One hand whose loving fingers Are pressed in thine alone? One fond, confiding bosom. Whose thoughts are all thine own? One truthful voice to guide thco, And bless thee in distress ? One breast, when thou art weary, VYhcieon thy head to rest ? Till death thy form has shroudod, And cold that heart so warm. Till death tho earth has clouded, Heed not tho passing storm. Thou hast one tie to bind thec, And little life buds rare Let love, sweat love, entwine thee, In this dark world of caae ! all snug 'THE EOWKEASTER AND THE ETJIL. AS ADVENTURE ON A FBA1RIE. What I am going to relate, happened in !Muscatine county, Iowa, midway between Jowa city, then the capital of the State, and Muscatine city, a flourishing town on the Mis sissippi, in a section of the country called tho Wspsinoenoc Settlement, from a creek hear ing that name which runs through the settle ment. It was in '52 (and that part of Iowa was then thinly settled,) that I found myself one even ing ntthe Eagle Hotel, in West Liberty, a vil lage of pome five houses, about one mile east of Wapsinoenoc creek, (Wapsi white, noe earth, noc creek ; Utterly while-earth-creek,) und situated on a beautiful prairie billow. Some half-dozen travelers and villagers were lounging in front ol the ample fire-place In the bar-room ; for though the settlers had only a few days since finished their harvest, the evenlnys were somewhat cool, and a small fire was necessary to perfect comfort talking ol their prospects, ana whether there was likely to be a large (.migration pass through to Califotnia in the spring to buy their surplus feed and other produce, when a new character burst upon the btage. As the door was flung open all eyes were fixed in a stare ofastonit.hr Tuvnt and wonder upon the new comer. The stranger was a raw-boned, lantern-jawed individual, with flaxen locks straggling about his shoulders. His long spindle legs were encased in blue jeans, and he wore a coat of the "tel pen cut," and in color what he would have denominated "but'uut," with an oii cloth cap drawn so lightly down upon his head that it had the appearance of having grown on. Then what appeared most strange and un accountable was, that he was dripping wet. Ills whitish-.eIIow ear locks were parted down to his cheeks, and streaks of dirt marked the divers ru mature water courses across his fore head, and down bis nose ; water dripped from the claw-hammer taila of his coat and from the wrist bands of the same. On his hack he carried an oil-cloth carpet-bag, securely fast ened by stout leather strops which crossed upon the breast. Marching into the middle of the room with an immense clatter of cow-hide boots, he halted and cast an inquiring glance around tho circle occupying the benches in front of the fire. Baeley, the landlord of the The poor fellow's feelings now completely mastered him, and he hid his face in his hands and sobbed like a child. His last words how ever, gave me a clue to tho mystery, and tak ing up his carpet-bag, I commenced haulii g vui sums, vests ana Handkerchiefs, all thor oughly water soaked, till at the bottom I found a carefully-rolled bundle. Mr. Yankee had now controlled his grief, and stood near, with his hands on his knees, bending over me in breathless suspense. Un rolling a hickory shirt, I found within a largo brown paper parcel, and within that a hand kerchief, carefully pinned, and within it a package done up in a newspaper. On open ing the newspaper 1 found what I had expect ed to find from the first, viz : a land warrant tor iou acres of government land, and dry. it is almost useless to attempt to describe the extravagant joy of the Yankee. The mo ment ne saw mat his land-warrant was safe and sound, be gave a perfect howl of delight, aim snaicmng it ironi my lingers, he pressed if to nis uosom, as he might have done Sarer Ann, had sho been present, and with tremen- uons strides commenced pa cing back and forth across me room. It seemed impossible for nun 10 ne still an instant. "Glory to God," he cried : "glory to the most highest! Sarer Ann, all our savin' an' scrimin' aint in vain ! Go on with your tork plan an' kalkerlato ! Take little Jed on yer Knee an- sing ! m the ev'nin' when you go out to milk, look to'rd where tho sun is goin' an' think thar I've a happy home ! Yeour I cleg's tharo ; he'll hev the land, we'll be happy yit! The steers is saved ! the shoats is all right ! the hatrer an' old Carney's bound to count ! Oh, fellers ! you see in your midst a happy head of er faiuerly you witness a joy ful human " "If you will excuse my interrupting you, sir, and il it is a fair question," sai't 1, how did you come i: to this sorry pickle ?" "Excuse the question ? Sailing, sarting. Tell yer the hull story in er minit give the hull particklers a full ackount. Jewdas! what a narrer escape that quarter section did hev." "Well, but let us have the story." "Yass, sarting, sarting. Well, gents, mv name is Feleg Snodgrass, son cf Mr. Suod' grass, from down in Maine " 'Never mind that tell us how you got so ei. "lass, sarting. Well, you see, back hur, ooui a mne ueyant IN ockyernoscofl creek, wurwalkur along as happy as a lark, lookin' aoouiover the prairies, and thinkin' heow beautiful the great All Bern' had mado the world, an' what awful taters this sile would raise, when I saw a big drove o' cattle jist one iue. i war aumirin' iieow tat an' slik they wnr, an' lookin' at their good Dints, when an "Engle" arose, nodded and said "Good even'n', sur." "How d'ye dew 1 Bo yew' the landlord o' this heouse 1" "Yes-r." "Want t know ? Reckon ye couldn't keep a feller hur, nor give him a. bito o' suthin' fur kupper, could yer ?" Yes-r." "Ye mean to say re ken bed an' break fast ?" "Yes-r." "Goldarn' glad to hear on't an' if ycou kin jist mix a tellers little suthin' hot an' strong, with a good deal o' rum in't an' but lectio water It'll do mo a mazin' sight o' good." "Yes-r." "Strong, mind ; a good deal o' licker. You've got rum V "Yes-r." While the landlord was .preparing his rum, ine stranger stood in front of the bar with pack still on his back, evidently bent on seeing that the correct thing was done in the rum and water mingling. Then having imbibed a "regular snorter," he asked tho landlord to assist in removing his pack. This being done, he was about handing his carpet-bag over to the landlord to put behind the bar, when he caught sight of an immense rent in it, and therefrom protruded tho corners of articles of clothing within it. Tho instant he made tho discovery; the carpet-bag dropped from his bands, his jaw dropped, and for a few seconds he stood the very image of despair. At length he roused himself, and striking his clenched fist against his forehead, he howled in a voice or heart-rending agony : "Ruined! ruined! ruined! TpfnfnMr lnf. d in a smash ! One hundred and fifty acres uie uesi land that ever lay out'e door, rip ped all to flinders ! Oh, Sarer Ann, little knoweit that we are a ruined, busted family ! Little thou thinkest thou art a beggar ! Oil, JerewsaJem ! Heow shall 1 ever meet yeou, in' this destruction hev bin wroughted ! Arter all our skrlmpin', an' skrewin',an' sinch n', an turnin', an' twistin' ; arter sellin' old Uarney an the steers ; arter sellin' the tew-year-old haffer an' the nine shoats ; an' arter thou, oh, Sarer . Ann, goin' to church in cali per, we'er a busted famerly ! Oh.Jcrewsa jcni! All, all lost gono in a minit ! Oh, heow, leetle Jed, an' Sarer Ann, ken I meet jeou f" This outburst from the tall Yankeo took us by surprise. We could not .imagine what ''id happened to cause . him so much alarm and grief, for tho .tears were flowing plenti fully down bis brown weather-beaten cheeks. "What Jn the world has happened to yon, B,r to cause you so much distress ? , You aro 'ertainly not., lamenting at this rate over that JCDt In your carpet-bag 7" asked I, advancing l here the Yankee stood. "Oh, no, no ! Holy Jerewsalcm, cf 'twas 0Jhin' else but that I Oh, murder, murder dasent hardly think ou't 1 There's poor, Por Sarer Ann, feelln' to proud, an' talkin' J leetle: Jed about our fine new home in the in t!0' Je9t like toe an' bcr "s,t often t0 tltfW n here, Oh, Jewdas ! Is a whole quarter scc- "oo of tho neatest land In Iowa gono to otcr-, tnaih J" I almighty great brindle bull jumped out o' the tall grass an' begin tew shake his all-fired great curly head, an' boiler, an' switch his tail, and paw tho sile over his back. 1 con cluded it best tew let on like as if I warn't afeared. an' so I begin tew whistle Hake her deown Sal, an' other good chunes, thinkin' as heow I'd slip past tho old cuss : lint iist n T gotoppeizit, ho gin a snort, and begin tew walk to'rds me, stoppin' once in a while to fetch a rake in the sile with his fore feet. I put in a few quick steps 'beout then, but was afeared tew run, cos I knowed er I did, he'd feel encouraged. Putty soon ho begin to come on the trot, an' then I let in a kinder can ter. Then he rizo tew a lope, an'seein' it wur no use a waitin' for him to quit, I jist loosened these ere legs of mine, an' come deown to my best time.. "I looked about fur suthin' tew climb, but there I war in the cussed prairie, an' not a pea stick tew be seen nearer than a mile ahead heow I did want tew stop thar an' cuss the blasted prairies. I gin a glance over my shoulder an' see the everlastin' cuss, with his nose down an' his tail up, comin' jist on the dead lay deown, an' I let my legs count an other notch. Tho chase wur nip an' tuck till I got near the creek, when I bee the bull wur niakin' a leetle gain tho best time ho wur only 'beout a hundred yards behind me. Lord, Jehossafat ! but I felt queerish when I wnr sarting he wur gainin' ; it gave me such a skeer that my heart 'peared to dissolve in dish-water, an' my legs kinder lost their feel ings so I couldn't run. But I could see ajlot of trees ahead a leetle way, an' ef I could hold out three minits longer I'd be to them. I looked back, and, tho suflerrin' Moses I ef tho bull warn t in twenty feet o' me, his eyes all green, an' his nostrils looked like ef I might put my head in 'em, an' as red as a bolt o' red flannin'. I got almost to the creek, when I found the timber-wur nil on the operzit bank from me, an' the bull s; close I could almost feel his breath on my back. I thort o' my famerly in that orful time ; sez I 'Farewell, leetle Jed, and yeou .Sarer . Ann, my gentil companion !' Jist at that instantl see a ttunip on tho bank o' the creek, an' made a spring for it, expectin' tew get on tho top on't but it happened tew be holler, an' I landed inside. I jist had room tew squzo down in it an' get rny head below the top, an' not a darn bit tew soon wur I in ; for as my topknot went deown. Mr. Bull's head camo up whack agin the stump till everything jingled. You'd better b'lieve I felt thankful I wur housed at last; an' tho old cuss of a bull, wasn't he disappinted ! Lord, heow he did rave reound that stump, switch his tail, paw tho sile, an' bcllcr I I peeped up at him, jist tew see how he wur "As I squeezed deown inter my stump agin 1 would er bet a gallin o' rum that Sarer Ann would be a widder in less'n tew hours. I tried to cipher out which would be the most becom in lor a christian, to be pizened to death by a orful great snake, or have my in'ards slung to the four winds by a cussed brindle bull. I thought of the martyrs of Amos biled in ile, Llizer smeeredwith honey, and Joseph tempt ed by Pottifer.s wife, and concluded that I ort to profit by their example an' grin an' bear it no matter how much it went agin the grain. Jin i 1 got jist then an orful bito or tew an' to save my soul couldn't help stickin' up mv head, an' the bull bein' on-hand, let drive and filled my eyes chock full of bark an' dirt; so deown I bobrd agin fur snakes. I now begin to git bites orful frequently, and in bad places; the whizzin' got louder, aud squirmed an' twisted, an' snuirmed nt a fist bin' round I ketched somethin' an' got a bite in the hand. "I held my holt on't it, and behold ! it pro ved to be nothing but a yaller jacket ! When I found I wasn't snaik bit, I felt sumthin'lift off my stumick like a bag o' shot. "Glory to God,' said I, I may live to purtect the widder and fatherless yit !' I felt for a minit as if I didn't keer for all the yaller jackets between the Mississippi and Missouri but, the blessed Jeruslm ! I hadn't seen one thar to where I see a thousand in another minit ! The hull holler of that stump got yaller with 'em. I couldn't stand it longer that way. I tried to think of soma kind o' prayer suitable to tho 'casion,and commenced 'Now I lay me down to sleep ;' but by Jewdas, I couldn't pray for cussin'. I jist swore bull or no bull, I was gom' to emigrate from that particular spot ; but every time I put my head above the stump the bull pitched at me and hit the stump jist like a maul ; he looked orful ferocious with his eyes as green an'blazin'as fire, and the loam dvoppin' from his mouth. I was bobin' up an' deown so continerously that I was 'beout half the time in the stump and half out, and at last I felt the stump begin to give way under the thumps the infernal ole brindle was givin it, and I swear my hair riz straight end. I made tip my mind to git eout o' that, some-' how pretty quick, but jist the minit I raized my head to jump eont an' run, the ole cuss came at me with his head deown an' tail up, at locomotive speed, and as I dodged deown he struck tho stump, tore it up at the roots an shot rnc eont like f wns Tnnih.Kiii in over the bank into the creek ; and arter me come stump, bull an' all. The fore feet, or one o' 'em, of the bull struck me rite on the back and I recon that's what tore the carpet bag nockin' me clean deown to the muddy bottom of the creek. "When I riz, the fust thing I seed wur the ole feller's tail, and as I couldn't swim a lick, I made a erab for it and mart h ashore. When we got thar, I let go and run one way, while the bull run the other, and that's the hull long an' short on't." IMPORTANT WAR KEWS. The Moral Character of Pigs. Some folks accuse pigs of being filthy in their habits and negligent in their appearance. But, whether food is best eaten off the ground or in a china plate, it seems to us, a mere matter of the taste and convenience, on which pigs and men may differ. They ought, then, to be judged charitably. At any rate, pigs are not nlthy enough to chew tobacco, nor to poison their breath by drinking liquor. As to the personal appearance you don't catch a pig playing the dandy, or picking his way up mud dy streets in kid slippers. Pigs have some excellent traits in their charact.-r. If one chances to wallow a little deeper in some mire hole than his fellow, and so carries off and comes in possession of more of the earth than his brethren, he never assumes an extra importance on that account; neither aro his brethern stupid enough to worship him for it. The only question seems to he, is he still a nog t ii ne is, then treat him as such. And when a hog has no merits of his own, he never puts on aiisticratic airs, nor claims nnv particular respect ou account of his family connections. They understand well the com mon sense maxim, "every tub must stand upou its own bottom." FEOM GEN. FREMONT'S ARMY The H&rrisonhurg Fight. JURBisoxBuitG, Va., June 6. The advance guard of General Fremont rerched Ilarrison- ourg this after noon at two o'clock. There. was no fighting during tho march. Jackson camped here last night and left this morning. A body of cavalry, sent on a reconnoissance four miles beyond the town, came on a large rebel force of cavalry and infantry stronarlv posted in the woods. Col. Wyndham, who had pnshod the icconnoissanec three miles further than ordered, rashly led forward the 1st New Jersey cavalry, and was driven back by a force of rebel iufantry, who were in am bush. Col. Wyndham is a prisoner. Capt. Shellmire and Capt. Haines were either kill ed, severely wounded or taken prisoners. Oapt. Charles is" missing. AH the officers acted bravely and vainly endeavored to rally ineir men. uapt. janeway gallantly attempt ed a flanking mouetnent, covered the retreat of the first battalion. lie is unhurt. II is reg iment lost 31 killed, wounded and missing. jen. uayarn, wun ine uucKtail, or Kane rifles and 1st Pennsylvania cavalry, and Chesert's Brigade, consisting of the lGth and 8th Vir- . s t m juuia, were orucreu iorward to support our forces. Chesert drove" a body of the enemy from their position, and captured their camp and some stores, without loss. The Kane rifles, numbering 123 men, found themselves opposed and flanked In the woods by four reg iments of inlantry and cavalry, and before they could be withdrawn suffered. Lieut Gol. Kane was seriously wounded and taken prisoner. Capt. Taylor was also wounded and captured. Capt. W. F. Blanchard was wound ed severely. .Iieiit. J. J. fS. Wayn was prob- aoiy Killed. After tne most gallant fighting, tno rines were uriveu back with a loss of fifty rave killed, wounded, and missing. The reb els brought up their artillery and used it. with enect. Jackson fs thought to have left the main road, and has either halted his main column for battle, or greatly strengthened his rear-guard, and posted his train, which is in confusion on the road. Headquarters Armt in the Field, Harrison-bug, June 7. Hon. E. M. Slontou, Secre tary of War : The attack upon the enemy's rear yesterday prccepitated his retreat. Their loss in killed and wounded was verv severe. ana many ot uotn were leit on the fie d Their retreat is by an almo3t impassable road, along which many wagons were left in the woods, and wagon loads of blankets, clothing ana omer equipments are piled up in all di rections. During the evening many of the reb els were killed by shells from the battery of Gen. Stahl's brigade. Gen. Ashby, who cov ered tno retreat with his whole cavalrv force and three regiments of infantry, and who ex nioited admirable skill and audacity, is among the killed. Gen. Milroy made a reconnois sance to-day about seven miles of the Port Kepublic lioad, aDd discovered a portion of the enemy encamped in the timber. J. C. Fremont, Maj. Gen. Commanding. the city was to assert the supremacy of the law and the protection of public and private property. Residents who may have fled arc exhorted to return. Merchants and others are requested to open their stores and shops, except those dealing in intoxicating liquors, who are forbidden to resume tho traffic under the penalty of having their stock destroyed. The Mayor and Common Council will continue to exercise their functions. The military au- morities are co-operating in enforcing all the proper ordinances, unless -an exigency should anse.rendering martial law imperative. It was hoped and believed, however, that nothing would occur to render tho sten necessarv. The sale of liquors have been prohibited here since December, except by tho druffcists or pnysictan's prescnptions. A fast man undertook the task of teasing an eccentric preacher. "Do you believe the story of the fatted calf ?" . "Yes," said the preach er. "Well, then was it a male or female calf that was killed. "A female," replied the Di vine, fllow do you know that ?". "Because, (looking the interrogator in the face,) I see that the male is still alive and kicking." "A pious minister after lecturing a Sunday School class in the most edifying manner, pro posed to close the exercises by singing 'Jor dan," meaning tho hymn, "On Jordan's stor my banks I stand." Tho worthy man has horrified by heating tho school strike up "Jordan am a hard road to travel I believe." gettin' on, but I kalkerlate 1 peeped deown agin orful suddent ! fori hadn't mor'n got my head up when his horns came a straddle o' it, an his skull bit the stump like a maul. That leetle incerdent convinced me that the best thing I could do was, in tho langwidgo of Squire Wheeler, to May low, watch black ducks, an' chaw poke root.' Jist as I made up my mind not tew put my head up agin, I felt tho orfulcst pain take me iu the leg I ever see, an' at the same time somethin' commeuced to whiz, whiz, down in tho bottom of the holler stump. I tried tew look deown tew see what on arth it could be, but the holler was so nar rer I couldn't get a chance to look, an' all nt once it popt into my bead that thcro wur arat tleshake in tLo stump. "When I thot of that Imado an orful plunge to git eout o' the confounded den; but, the cussed bull warn't mor'n six feet off, an' the minit he seed my head ' ho come at me f nil chisel. Tho fust I knowed I had dodged back Inter the stump agin nn' hadn't mor'n tonched tho bottom beforo I felt on orful keen bito in my leg. ' I made a rush to git out agin, but A beggar iuNew Orleans approached a well dressed citizen and held out his hand for alms. Tho citizen offered him a Confederate note. No, said tho poor fellow, taking a mournful survey of his own dilapidated dress, I have too many rags already. Dr. Chalmers once asked a woman what could be done to induce her husband toat . tend tho kirk. - "I don't know," sho replied, "unless you were to put a pipe and a pot of porter iu the pow." A gentleman, who has traveled all tho world over, states that he found a volume of Lallan Rookh, in a Mexican convent, and a volume of Burns' Poems on a battle-field in South America. Commodore Foot is a very religious man as is weir known. Somo one says that tho rebels, who arc feeling his bombs, must think he belongs to the "Hard-shell Baptists." tho cussed Infernal bull drove at mo, au' bleegcd to pop back agin. I was Gen. Wool having been assigned to tho military department embracing Maryland, Del aware, etc., has arrived at Baltimore, and ta ken charge of the department. With bay at a cent a pound and meal at tho same price, the daily cost . of keeping a horse will be 28 cents, making $1,95 per, week equal to $102,20 cents a year. The names of houses are for tho world out side, . When you read "Hose Cottago" on tho wall, think of tho thorns inside. , , -- Tho prosperous man who yields himself up to temptation bids farewell to welfare ( , , From Memphis, Tonnessee. Memphis, June 4 oclock r. m. At this hour, just as the despatch-boat isjeaving, all is quiet. All the rebel flags known to have beun flying in the city have been removed, and no difficulties have occured. Reports are current that Commodore Hollins, when he heard of the news of tho destruction of Mont gomery's fleet, burned his vessels, four in number, which were some distance below here. Over 5,000 people lined the bluffs heie, and witnessed the naval fiirht this morning. All the stores are closed, but many will be open ed to-morrow. The people seemed anxious to have trade renewed with them. Very little trouble is apprehended in holding the city. l.iarge quantities of cotton were burned, but it is said there is a great amount of sugar and uioiusses in sioro wnicii lias been secreted bv us owners, ready for shipment. One rebel regiment was stationed a milo b .-low this city, out ii nas disbanded,, and tho men, are now endeavoring to get home. Tho fleet will start at once tor V lcksburg. Tho loss of the rebels in the engagement was upwards of one hun dred Killed, Blty of who belonging to the gunboat (jren. Lovell, ere drowned. MEjirms, June 7. Since tho formal surren der of tho city yesterday, and the posting of pickets through the city, tho excitement of the people has subsided. All was quiet last tnglit. Iho only event this morning was the capture of the rebel steamer Mark Ii. Cheek, which eluded tho fleet yesterday. She was dis covered up a slough, above tho city where she nad gone lor concealment. She surrendered to .our tU2 Samson. About 1.000 rnhi-I sons were left on the cars for Grenada last night. Thomas II. Kissan was the military commandant, but ex-Senator and acting Brigadier-General G. N., Fitch, of Indiana, is now in command of the city. Since the formal surrender, at 3 v. m. yesterday, and tho post ing of pickets through the city, the excite ment among the people has subsided, and all is quiet. Tho new postmaster for Memphis is now in Cairo, and will be here soon. Memphis, Juno 6. The casualities during the late tight are estimated at from one hun dred to one hundred and fifty, including from thirty to forty wounded. Jeff, Thomson wit nessed the naval battle sitting on his horse In front of the Gayoso House. The remnant of his army, with the stampeding citizens were in the cars not far from the city, when one after another of the rebel boats were sunk, and on the flag ship taking to flight, Jeff, left Two of our mortar boatmen mauaged to elude our guard aud get on shore on Friday night. They were killed In a row of their own getting up. Tho citizens, to tho number of 2,000. re ported themselves, armed and equipped, to the Provost Marshal the same evening, to pre vent the destruction of. property by tho mob, whicb it seems they feared moro than the Fed erals. It was expected that the city would bo fired, but the prompt action of tho poaceablo citjzens and the colonel commanding, with a strong provost guard, prevented. As it was the depot of tho Mississippi and Tennessee road was broken into by a mob of men and women, but beforo they could take anything, a detachment of military arriving, they were dispersed. Tho stores in the depot were yes-j terday removed, to a placo of safety. Capt; Gains, tho provost Marshall has established his headquarters in tho Planter's Bank build ing. Col. Fitch, tho commander of the post issued a notice last ovening that the purpose of the United States ' in taking possession of Eetreat of Eeauregard. Louisville, June 9. The following de spatch has been received from General Hallock's headquarters : Tho United States forces now occupy Baldwin, Guntown, Jack son and Bolivar. The railroad renairs are pro gressing rapidly. The enemy passed last night, retreating southward irom Baldwin. It is estimated that there have been 20.000 de serters from the rebel army since it left Cor inth. These deserters are mostly from the Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arkansas regi ments. All the regiments from those States passed down closely guarded on both sides by Mississippi and Alabama troops. It is believ ed by country people that Beauregard can't enter Columbus with half of the troops hj brought away from Corinth. The whole coun try east and north of Baldwin is full of armed soldiers returning from Tennessee and Ken tucky. General Pope telegnqlis from tho advance that the prisoners who first desired to bo exchanged now want to take the oath. The enemy drove and carried off eveything for miles wound. Tho wealthiest families are destitute and starving, and the woman and children are crying for breart, the males their protectors, having been forced in the army. The enemy is represented to be greatly suf fering for food. Corinth, June 9. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, secretary of H ur. The enemy has fallen back to Mussina, titty miles bj' rail and nearly sev cnty by wagon road. General Pope estimates ine reuel loss from casualties, prisoners and deserters at over 20,000, and General Bucll at between 25.C00 and SO, 000. A person who was employed in the Confederate commissary uepariment says they had 130.000 men in Cor inth, and that now they cannot muster much over 80,000. Somo of the frosh graves on the road have been opened and found filled with arms. Many of the prisoners of war beg not to oe exchanged, saying that they pur poseiy allowed themselves to be taken. Bean regaru niuisen retreated from liaidwin, on Saturday afternoon to Okaland. 11. W. Halleck, Major General, THE JOURNAL Gen. Banks Official Report ha been published. The document is tod long for our crowded columns, and most of the Tacts have already been anticipated. The New York World docs no more than justice to tho report, and its author in the following notice: "Gen. Banks' ollicial report of his retreat down the Shenandoah valley is characteristic of the man. It is a plain.straightforward state ment of facts, without any attempt to conceal his losses or magnify those of the rneuiy. Tho opinion that we have previously express ed of tho movement is mrc than confirmed by the report, and it shows the General to !o as competent to act in tho military as fv? ha shown himself to bo in tho civil service. With less than 1,(K0 men he marched nearly sixty miles in forty-eight hours, and had thrc engagements with an enemy 2-,00 strong in the meantime. It should bo added that ot hi march of nearly sixtv miles thirty-five were? passed over in one day. II is loss wa but killed, 14-j, wounded, and 711 missing : tof.il. 005. He saved all his cuns and lost 55 war- ons out of 50l, and most of thoso worn burned to prevent their falling into the hands of thu enemy. Iho few facts tell the whole story, and stamp the "Iron Man" as no ordinary General." From South Carolina. Washington, June 10. The Navy Depart ment has received dispatches from which it appears that Commander Prentiss, of the Al batross, recently sailed up the interior waters of South Carolina to Georgetown. He cross ed the baron on the 21st with his own vessel and the Norwich. Lieutenant Commanding Duncan, and entered Winyan bay after pas sing a small deserted redoubt near the light House. An extensive fortification was observ ed on bouth Island with apparently several large guns mounted, which turned out to be quakers. This fort was found deserted. An ...i i j t. . ' i. .. - - uiuer auanuonea ioriiucauon was lound on Cat Island. On the 22d he stood ud the bav for Georgetown, entered Swampit creek, and steamed past the city's wharves. .Not bein prepared to hold the place, he abstained from making any demonstration, knowing that a contest with the artillerv and cavalrv in the place would compel him to destroy the town no auerwaras ascended tne n seaman river to a point ten miles abovo Georgetown, through a fine country and meeting with no resistance. lie brought off eighty contia bands. Tho rebels wero leaving their planta tions, driving their negroes beforo them in all directions. "The first Connecticut battery with a Penn sylvania and Massachusetts regiment under Col. Christ, started from Beaufort, S. C, on the night of the 23ult., and proceeded to Po cotalgo, where they destroyed the railroad be tween Savannah and Charleston, affor driving off" a thousand rebels who guarded it.'; They lost two killed and five wounded, and remain ed in possession of the road for two days, when tho rebels wero strongly reinforced and our troops returned to B'-'jmfort, having sttc cesifully achieved the purpose of their visit." The silk line as spun by tho worm is about the 500th part of an inch thick ; but a spider's lino is perhaps six times finer, or only the 3,000th part of an inch in diameter ; insomuch that a single pound of this attenuated sub stance might be sufficient to encompass our globe. . ' A Maine editor thus distinguishes between different sorts of patriotism: "Some deem it sweet and decorous to die for one's countrv : others regard it sweet to live for one's coun try ; and yet others bold it to bo sweeter still to live upon one's country." An eminent and witty prelate was onco ask ed if he did not think such a one followed his tionscience. "Yes." said his lordship. I think he follows it as a man does a horse and gig ho drives it first.": Fremont and M'Clellan. It is a fact which the public is not generally aware of, that .Ma jor General Fremont, by the army regulations. ranks General M'Clell.irt. They both receiv ed the appointment of Major General on thj same day. M'Clellan is a retired army cap tain, and Fremont retired lieutenant colonel in the regular army. By the army regula tions, when two officers are appointed to high rank of the same grado at the same time, tho one having the highest previous rank rank the other, and General Fremont having Iccti lieutenant colonel, and General M'Clellan only a captain, Fremont is of higher rank. Guaeding Rebels Property.-A corre spondent of the Fittsburg Gazttl) writing under date of June 10th, says : "Complaints having been male that General McClellan has placed a guard around the white house on the Pamunky. the property of tho rebel Col. Lee, allowing no ono to enter or trespass on the domain, although the building was needed for hospital purposes. The Gen eral has replied that tho surgeon in charge ha not made requisition for the building, that it would accommodate only a small number of patients, and that they get along quite as well tents." in Last Turn of the Screw of Treason. The Adjutant General of the Confederate States publishes a general order from tho rebel War Department, directing recruiting officers, duly accredited, to draft every white or mulatto male found throught the South who is able to bear arms, and who is between tho ages of twenty and fifty-five years, whether such per sons may have obtained substitutes Tor them selves or not, and willful evasion of this order is to be severelj- punished. Ratification ofthe Slave Trade Treatt. Lord Lyons called at the State Department on Monday the 9th on the occasion of the ar rival of . the British ratification of the new treaty in regard to the African slave trade. and by direction of his Government, express ed their sense of the service rendered by Mr. Seward to both countries aud to the humanity by his agency in that transaction. Labor in Demand. A dispatch from Wash ington says that tho demand for the labor of colored people is so great that sixty fugitive blacks were hired out on Saturd iv. Manr J women and children, who, it is charged, aro supported by the Government, aro receiving rations out of tho earnings of male members of their families, who aro laboring for tho Government. Vallandigham. Mr. Gurley presented a petition, in Congress last week, from six bun. drcd and thirty-three citizens of Cinciunati, Ohio, asking for tho expulsion of the Hon. L. Vallandigham from the House of Rep resentatives; the petitioners . believing him, as they declare, to be a traitor to his country and a disgrace to the State of Ohio. An old Jew who sold exclusively for cash. said that he did it for the benefit of his Deigh. bors. He did not wish to seo them "deep in debt mit him, veu dey ish got no monish to pay mit." " ' 3 ' - A public speaker should never loso sight of tho thread of his discourse : like a busv nee dle be should always have tho thread in his eye.- '" ! n . , . Alas !, how fleeting is all earth! v bliss I Did you ever meet a man ' who greatly cared for turtlo-soup after tho fourth plate full ? It is said . Jeff Davis baa lie had better find a largo course in it. taken tho field, one with a raco Tho pay of tho local toail afront. In Erio. has been reduced from $1,000 to $500 per year, i The lore that is quires facding. ' fed by presents always re Corcoran to be Released. Tho peoplo will bo delighted to hear that Col. Corcoran and his brave fellow-prisoners will bo released immediately Dy the rebel Government, and that a fair exchange will bo made for the pri vateersmen. Tho latter will bo taken to City Point to-day, under a flag of truco. Efficient Service bt Robert Small. Robert Small, the loyal South Carolinian, aud tbo steamer Planter, his prize, arc doing good service to the navy in its advance by way of Stono Inlet to Charleston. Flag-ofliccr Du pont recognizes the usefulness of both in his official dispatches Emancipation. A colony of ono hundred and fifty colored persons, mostly from Wash ington city and vicinity, are about to embark on a vessel at Alexandria direct 'for Hayti. This movement is quite encouraging to tho agents of Uayti now hero. .'. '. , Large Fire. Quebec was visited by anoth er largo firo on tho morning of Jnno 10th. One hundred bouses, principally of wood, and tho property of workmen In the ship-yards, wore bumf. ? : : ' : : ' .! . Who would make the best soldier Dry goods men ; they bavo the most drilling.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers