Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 11, 1862, Image 3

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j I
Timo of Can l?aving Tyrone Station.
Trough Exp.
Fast (rain,
Mail train,
Way train,
Trough Kxp
I'lMt traiu,
Mai! train,
9.07 p.m. 9.50 p.m.
:::::: 2.12 a.m.
8.40 p m.
1. a.m.
7.45 a in.
10.50 a.m.
8.18 a.m.
11.40 a.m.
7.18 a.m.
9.13 a.m.
1.20 p.m.
7.50 a ni. 7.18 a.m. 6.2S a.m.
8.05 p.m. :::::: fi.itjp.ru.
64i p.m. 6 01 p.m. 6.08 p.m.
3 15 p.m. 2.;:0 p in. 1.20 p.m.
War train.
1 he fast lino doos not stop between Huntingdon
and Altoona. The way train only runs imtwocn
those two points. Enoch Lewis, Gen'l Supt.
The People of Pennsylvania, who desiro cor
dially to "ii' I" sustaining the National Ad
ministration, in its patriotic efforts to suppress
a sectional and unholy rebellion against the
, rii.. nf tho Reiiuhlic. and who desire to stm-
port. y every power of tho Government, one
L .rrt thousand heroic brethein in arms.
l.ravina disaaso and tho perils of the field to
nreserre th-3 Union of our Fathers, are re-
quested to select the number of Delegates
rqtnl to (lie Legislative Representation of the
Sicte, at S'.'eh times and In such manner us
' will besf respond to the spirit of this call, to
meet in State Convention at Haw isburg, on
' Thursday, the 17th day or July next, at eleven
o'clock, on said day, to nomin ate Candidates
for the offices of Auditor General and Survey
or General, and to take such measures as may
be deemed necessary to strengthen the Gov
ernment in this season of c6mrnon peril to a
common country. A. K.McCLURE,
Ohairmaii Peopla's State Committee.
Jon M. Sullivan, Secretaries.
A Convention of the people of Clearfield Co.,
who will unite cordially in sustaining the
National Administration in this hour of our
contry't peril, will meet at fhc Court House
In Clearfield, on Wednesday evening June
18th, 1&C2, for the purpose of selecting Dele
gates to the State Convention to be held at
Ilarrisburg, on Thursday the 17th day of July
next, for the purposre of nominating candidates
for the offices of Auditor General and Survey
er General. A large attendant of the friends
of the Constitution and the Union is desired.
A. C. FissF.r.
Chairman of County Ex. Committee.
Bible Society. The Clearfield County Bi
ble Society will hold a meeting In the Court
House, on Monday evening, June ICtli, at 8
o'clock. Rev. T. D. Gotw.alt will address the
meeting. The public is invited to attend.
Geo. W. RrtEFM, Secfy.
.Arrived at IIme. James Glen of Fer
guson township, who was wounded In the
memorable fight of Drainsville, reached home
on Thursday May 20th minus the right leg,
wliioh he had amputated. Mr. Glen was a
member ofCupl. Iivin's company of the Buck
tail Regiment a braver -set of men than whom
are not fo the service.
Mail On Inst Saturday, quite a heavy
fall of hail occurr d several miles north-east
of (his place. It is said, that many of the
bail stone were about the size of black wal-
nuts, and that they fairly covered the ground
In places. The com blades, and other large
le.iled vegetation, were cut very much by
tiiem, but done very litile damage to the
growing grain crops.
.-A Donatio.. We incidentally learn, that
1Iu ladies of Bumside township, recently
made and 'presented to the Rev. Mr. Bender
of New Washington, a quilt in the form of an
American flag. It is said to bo a splendid
fl.ig, withtstars, eagfo, etc., embroidered the e
oii. The ladies of Burnside, certain-are en
titled to much credit for this exhibition of
their patriotism, and good, will towards the
Rev. Mr. Bender.
Abmi Co&respo.vde.nce. We have received
teller from our friend -C. E. L." w hich no
loubt contains some matters ! interest to his
friends in ttiis county ; but having been writ
ten in a hurry, with a pencil, on both sides if
the sheet, it has become so much defaced that
e were unable to decipher the greater part
of it. This much, however, we gather from
it that he ia well, and that the 1st Maryland
cavalry (to w hich he belongs) covered Gen.
Banks' retro it from Winchester to the Poto
mac, and now are again on tho advance up
the Shenandoah valley. Wo hope to hear
4' . - ...
ni'iii our correspondent again : and also hotur
that our friends in other portions of the great
I nion army, as it advances, will riot neglect
tj. Your letters are welcome at all times.
Horrible ArrAia. On Tuesday night of
Inst week a horrible murder was perpetrated
in the town of Bellast. Allecrheuv countv.
New York. It appear that a yountr man
named Burns waa man ied in the forenoon of j
that day, and in the evening a party of young
tiicn collected and went to his house to "horn "
him. The discordant sounds incensed Burns, i
d he rushed from the house and plunged a
long k4iife-blade through the body of one of
"ie norning party, named Rock. Burns then
'tixed the body and threw into a stream run
"irg near the house. Rock was then taken
out and carried to his home where he lingered
ln gieat agony until Friday evening, when
death put an end to his sufferings. Burns
tts arrested and is now in jail.
he terrible sickness that prevailed three
feksago, in Gen. Ilalleck's force, disabling
,r,(l incapacitating lor duty nearly one sixth
l tho army, has disappeared, and given place
,0 hygienic condition in the highest degree
'a'.isfactory. The sick soldiers who were
''fought to St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati,
r'l other places, to be placed in hospitals,
aiVe hearlv all rpr.nvprerl. and are ln-intr ran.
j - J C, - -
" J returned to tbeir regiments before Cor
Our trnnni at ("lorlnth are now well ae.-
"'imatcd.and it is asserted, by good author!-
mai iney will uear tne nea oi iue
Mhern Summer better than tho Southern
Toopg themselves.
"irhow Escape of Geh. Banes. As Gen.
auks Wli paggjog through Winchester, and
"rderous volleys were Uuiog fired from win-
and house-tops, a Rebel standing in a
or way sjgQt.ed a double-barreled gun at
J0- The act was observed by a prirate in the
''MiKth, named John Clark, who, hastily
'rawing a bead," killed the assassin, and
"d ih. i , m i 1 1 , i
- 4b ucnemrs mo. J. MO vienerai euo-
lueoiIy asked bis name, and thanked him.
7 miles from Richmond, June 4, S'j2.
Mr. Row : Dear Sir Mtave lliought, tihtt
probably some of your readers miglit fev I anx
ious to road some of the particulars, of the
lata engagement at this place, and as I am at
leisure tlis morning, 1 will hastily note down
a few of the leading facts and incidents, as far
as 1 have seen, and learned them.
Our Brigade was encamped on the Rich
mond and York Rail Road about 11 miles dis
tant from Richmond. On Saturday just as wo
were partaking of some dinner we heard tho
first volleys of rifle shots, oil about 4 miles. The
firing was kept up briskly, and .our-Brigade
was called into lino in which position the- dif
ferent Regt's remained for further orders,
which soon were given .by Gen. Jameson.
Tho day was very warm, the heat oppressive,
yet we started oil in a '-Double Quick," and
kept tint pace till wo reached the scene of ac
tion. Some of tlio poor feliows gave out by
tho way, on account of the heat, but all seem"- I
ed to bo in good spirits. When we came
within one mile of tho field we met laige mini
,u"ra of wounded coming and being broueh
a,ld filers began to wear a serious as
pect. The light was luting fearfully when we
got there. - Uur Biigade, was led into the
thickest of the fight, but remained upon the
ground only a Uw hours, until it was badly
cut up
The enemy came in overpowering numbers
and broke lor our centre, trying to cut it and
flank us on the lull. They made the attack
by surprise, and drove the advance Casey's
Brigade) out of their camps almost before they
had time to get their guns and buckle on their
accoutrements. Although driven from their
ground loosing all their camp equipage and
most their clothing, they fought hard lor
every foot of ground they were compelled to
yield to a Miporior number. They were
driven from tho first rifle pits to the second
which they held, till reinforcements came un
(our Brigade,) which turned the tide, and the
rebels were in turn driven back, mostly at the
point ol.tbo buyonet. Our Artillery was ol
very little u.so. It could not be placed at the
points desired on account of the swamps and
thick woods, so fl at all the work had to be
done by the infantry, The fight lasted until
night, when we were joined by a reinforce
ment of about 40,000 men.
It wis encouraging to see our commanders'
conduct during this deadly conflict. Gen
ileintzelman was on the lie Id, cheering and
urging on bis men to deeds of greater valor
Gen. Kearney, of Mexican itnown, and who
sacriucefl one arm there, was in the hottest of
the tight, leading his column as though there
was nothing going on, although he had one or
two noises shot dead under mm. . Gen. Jaine
son our Brigadier, headed his column and
cheered his men, While the deadly missiles
were flying as thick as hail around him, kill
ing his noble charger, which fell upon him ;
but as soon as extricated he mounted the
horse of the Adjutant, and agiiu wis at the
head of his force. The 105th, with the other
regt's of the brigade, was led into the hot
test of the fire. Each explain - led his com
pany, and each seemed to vio with tho other,
in its etlectivetiess. '1 hey all stood the fire
nobly, and none fullered. Even when the odds
were against us, and most had fallen back on
the order of retreat being given, yet Jan hour
afterwards the lOotli was still on Ihe ground
lighting, and contended fearfully for every
foot of ground they were reluctantly compell
ed to yield.
Alter getting tho wounded off the field, the
dead buried, and examining the rolls, it w-as
tfsscrtained that the lOGtli lost about 190 men
of whom between 30and40 were killed,over 100
wounded, and a number missing. Twelve or
fourteen officers were killed and wounded; a-
ri'"S them Oapt. Dowling and Lieut. Craig of
.i''11'? LaVu tutf' vr 1 M"on' rC.a''1'
I jviin, vii. a ill., mow II, a in. Ill I Uliil ijicu
tenants wounded, and Lieut. Comiskey killed.
Col. McKnight was also slightly wounded. I
am glad to say, that all our officers and men
displayed courage and coolness seldom exceed
ed. Had they not done s, they would have
been driven entirely oil tho ground.
On Saturday evening the rebels held the
ground, and we had retreated about one mile.
On Sunday .morning they made smother at
tack, and tried to drive us still farther bick ;
but we had got large reinforcements and weje
now able to cope with them. The rebels were
permitted to come to within a few rods, when
two volleys were poured into them and then
"charged" upon and driven back several miles.
JJur men made sad work among them. The
woods for several miles is literally covered
with dead rebels at some places lay ing by doz
ens on a pile.
On Tuesday afternoon I went over the
ground. I saw quite a number of our own sol
diers, still laying nnbuiied on the field, but I
am confident I saw 10 rebels for every union
soldier. At the corner of a fallen wood, 1
counted 12 rebels lying on a square of 20 leet,
and many more laying close by, and numbers
of them buried. This is tin point covered
by Company H of the 105th. A little farther
on, I counted 42 dead horses lying on not over
one hall an acre of ground, with, I suppose,
not less than 60 more, scattered at little dis-'
tance around. At some places 5 and 6 horses
were laying just as tlrey had been hitched in
the Gun carriages. This is the point where
we lost our battery, and where the bdtle ra
ged Ihe most fearful, froui appearances.
1 suppose our loss will not be much less
than 4,000 that of the enemy undoubtedly, is
much larger. We are expecting an attack
hourly and if it is made the fight will be an
awful uric. The enemy appeared to have con
centrated their whole f'erce at this point.
We have had any amount of rain lately and
the roads are almost impassible. The Chick
ahominy is high, and if we should be forced
to retreat, we would have a sorry time of it, as
the bridges arc all flooded. The soldiers are
almost worn out, from exposure and over ex
ertion. Yours, A. M. M.
The Flood at Middletown. The Ilarris
burg Telegraph says : The flood in the Swatara
at Middletown, this county, has been unusual
ly severe, and resulted in the destruction of a
large amount of property. So far as known,
all the bridges over the stream excepting the
acqueduct and that of the Pennsylvania rail
road, have been swept away, while the latter
is so crippled by the destruction of two of its
piers, that it is unsafe for use. A dwelling
house and grist mill, near Hummelslown, is
reported to have been carried down the stream,
while at various other points, fences, barns
and outhouses have met with a similar disas
ter. The losi in lumber alone, at Middle
town is estimated afbetween twenty and thirty
thousand dollars, which will fall principally
upon Messrs. Zimmerman & Lescure, Daniel
jvenaig, arm .curr vbhuuut . ijm
canal dam at Jonestown was broken at several
places ; and the sudden outlet of the immense
volume of water swept everything before it.
The banks of the canal is said to be perfectly
levelled, and all the bridges, dams, houses,
&c, in its vicinity, arc either swept away, or
severely damaged. ,
Eastom. Pa.. June 67: SO p. M. The flood
in the river commenced to recede shortly af
ter noon, and at this time no further damage
is apprehended. It is impossible to arrive at
an accurate account of the damage done by
the flood, but it will amount to $10,000,000.
Ihe canals are still overflowed, and the a
iiioiint of injury they have snstaiued can only
be surmised. The canal has probably not
been very greatly damaged, and, as yet, we
havo not foamed of any injury to the dams on
the Lehigh. :
There is no donbt that mmy lives hare
been lost. Boats with their crews were swept
from their moot ings and dashed to pieces, and
many tenements with their occupants were
carried away before assistance could be ren-
dered to them. It is reported that one house,
containing a family of seven persons, was
carried away and - broken to pieces against
one oi iue bridges on the river above here.
The town of Glendon, situated a few miles
above Easton.nnd inhabited by the employees
of the furnace of that name, was wholly inun
dated. Thu tenements, oflices, furnaces, tc,
were entirely surrounded by the water, which
reached nearly to tho second stories of the
Delawark Water Gap, June 5. The fresh
et in the Delaware is very heavy, being equal
to that of 1811. Large quantities of furniture,
store goods, bridges, horses, cattle, &c, are
going down tho river. All the bridges, on
Eroadhead creek, except the railroad bridges,
are gone.
The Poconio creek, at Stroudsburg, over
flowed last night, and run through the town,
carrying sway many houses, bridges, &c.
ineuamageis very great.
rni. t i at
Received by Tuesday Evening's Mail-
Official despatches have been received from
Com. Davis, announcing the evacution of forts
Wright, Pillow and Randolph, by the rebels.
Tho Mississippi is now clear from St. Louis to
New Orleans.
By a despatch from Gon. Fremont we learn
that o.i the Gtu he was up with the retreating
rebels at Harrisonburg, and that Col. Kane's
regiment had a brisk fight with the enemy's
rear guard.
The following statement of tho casaualties
in the battle before Richmond, has been re
ceived from Gen. M'Clellan : Killed, 890;
woundedj Sfi'il ; missing, 1,222 ; total, 5,733
On tho 3d inst., bv J. R. Caldwell. Esa .Mr
David A. Wise of Ferguson township, to Miss
Kl'TU li. McLracken of Jordan township.
f-ii.i:Auni:L county, ss. notice.
I.state of Jeremiah Flynn. deceased In the
"""v. Orohan's court of Clearfield ennnlv. tit
(.SKAIj piiirch term, A. D. 1SG2, respecting the
- .
v- 0 'nppraiscroent of S.IOO.OO for the widow
viz : persona! .property to the mount of ft.r0. nd
real esfnto containing about 40 iicres, appraised at
$2.r0, tho court made tlio following order :
March 17, 1562, approved ni si. as to portion of
esrato set apart lortne widow iindcr.thc sr.uo Jaw,
and publication is ordered to be made in o'no
newspaper published in Clearfield county, for
three successive weeks, rivi'njr notice to nil nar
tics interested to come into court on orbeforo tho
first day of next term and show cause why tho an
praiscmciit should not be approved absolutely
I3y tho Court, JAMES WRIGLEV,
I JUKI FY THE JiLOOI). Not a few of the
worst disorders that afflict manKind arise
from the corruption that accumulates in the blood
Of nil the discoveries that have been mado to
purse it out. none have been found which could
equal in effect Aver s Compound Extract of Sa-r
eaparilla. It cleanses and renovates the blood, in
stills the vi;ror of health into tho system and nur-
ges out the humors which make disease. It stim
ulates tho healthy functions of the body and ex
pels tno aisomers that grow and rankle in the
oiooa its extraordinary virtues are not yet
widely kuown, but whcD they are it will no long
er be a question what remedy to cmnlov in tha
great variety oi nin icimg msuaaes mat require aa
alternative remedy Such a remedy, that could
bo relied on, has long been sought for, and now,
ior iue nrsi nme. me puonc nave one on which
they can depend. Our space kere does not admit
certificates to Rhow its effects. Hut the trial of a
single bottle will show to the sick that it hag vir
tues surpassing anything they have ever taken.
SufTerers from Scrofula, Scrofulous swellines ad
sores, try it and see the rapidity with which it
cures, tskin dixHiics. Vimnles, Fi.itutes. Blotch
es. Eruptions, !-c , are souu cleaned out vf th
tit Anthony s lure. Uosr or Jurvst nrlas. Tettnr
or Sat llheKm, Scald Headr Ringworm, re..
i . .-t . . ... ;
t'loull not i ooriie irule taeu can be. svetdilu cured
i uphill or V enernl UisMse is expelled from
the system bv tie prolonged use of this S n sanari!-
i, and the patisnt is left as healthy as if h had
wner h.ad the dn'tttf.
Female Diseases are. caused hv scrofula in the
bloo'f, and are gewrally soon cured by this Ex
tract of Sitrsaparilla. Price $1 per bottlo. or 6
bottles for 55.
For all the purposes of a family physic, take
Aier's Cathartic PilLn which are everywhere
nown to bettie oest purgative that is offered to
the Araerioan people. Price, 25 cents per Box, or
lloxes tor SI.
Prepared by Dr J. C. AYE It ir CO., Lowell.
Mass.. and sold by all Druggists everywhere.
C. I). WaUou, Clearfield, Wm. Irvin, Curwens
ville. S. Arnold, Luthersburg. Eliza Chase, Anson
villo,J. C. lienner, Morrisdale, C. It. Foster, Phil
ipsburg, and Dealers everywhere
May 7, 1S62.
Clearfield County Bank, May 5th, 1862.
Capital Stock paid in
Notes in circulation,
5s $13,505
" " 10s 9.070
1SG1, $2.1,020 being the
greatest amount since
latt statement.
Due Hanks of this State,
Total amouutof liabilities
this day, 593.701 50
Amount of liabilities 1st
March, lStia,$(J6,575 32
this being the greatest
since last statement,
Oold 4.833 18
Silver 597 52
Bills disco'ted $35,231 24
" under pro. 837 00
Personal property
S2S.050 00
22.C65 00
103 32
$5,430 70
36,071 24
309 71
Ileal estate, none.
" " for debt none.
Penn'a 5 per cent, loan, )
parval. $30,511 93,cost, J
Due from banks & bankers,
Notes of other banks,
Checks, drafts, Ac.,
Expenses, plates,
Tax paid Commonwealth,
Due depositors,
Due on certifs of deposit,
Due individuals.
Interest and exchange, '
Loss and expenses,
23,495 87
3,892 OtJ
13.119 00
3,406 97
611 05
764 75
112 20
29.992 02
3,929 25
3.987 12
4,969 79
1,487 95
Total, $93,701 50 $93,701 50
Dividend declared this day 31 per cent. $931 75
Tax on same. 83 35
Liabilities of Diroctors,
00 i
as principal, $ 7o7
as endorsers, 5,204
Liabilities of stock holders.
as principal, $7,779 61
mi nnrtnrsers. 4.933 95 I
The above statemSnt is correct to tha best of my
knowledge and belief. J. B. GRAHAM. Cas'r.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 25th May,
1362. T. J. MoCULLOUUH, Not'yPab.
T)K' W. "W. SHAW, offers his professional
U services to the citiens of Shawsvilla an.! vi
cinity. All calls will be answered by the strictest
agjonand promptness. i Juue 4. 18G2. .
WANTED. A. good, steady journeyman
Brickruoulder, lor the greater part of the
euinmer. Good wages will be paid in cash
P'y by lotter or otherwise, immcdiatel v to
May 21,lSC2.-pd. Clearfield, Pa.
" .
CAITTION, All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling with the
following property, riz : one yoke of red and
white oxen. wheat and other property, now inros-
o;raiuU vi a. n. isjirrett ana m care of li. U. liar
rettof Ferguson township, as the same belong to.
c unu nre suojcci to mv order r Bavins only
KiTVU iu uam iarren on loan.
May 23, 18G2. WM. IRVIN,
Fashionable Millinery.
Second Street, Clearfield, Pa
(Opposite the residence of L. J. Crans, Esq.)
The undersigned would respectfully inform tho
Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have
received an assortment of Fashionable Millinery
woodn, to which tbey invite their attention.
We also do all kinds of millinery work on short
notice in tho latest style, and on reasonable
tcr'"- J. A B. MITCHELL,
lay 18r,2.-3m-pd.
FIELD COCNTY.SS: I, James Wriirlev. clerk
xfTs. of the Orphans' Court of said count w of
!. A J., '.Uearneld, do hereby certify, that at an
fVOrphnns' Court, held at Clearfield the
17th day of March, A. D. 1862, before the Honor
able Judges of said court, on motion, a rule was
granted upon the heirs and representatives of
.lohr Peter Kidcr, deceased, to come into court on
tho third Monday of June next, to show cause why
the real estate of said deceased should not be sold.
And it was further ordered and directed that
notice be given the said hair. and persons inter
ested, who are non-residents, by publication of the
aforesaid rule, for tho space of threo successive
weeks, in the Kaft.sinan's Journal, " published in
the borough of Clearfield.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand'and affixed the seal of said court at Clear
field, tho 21st day of March. A. D. 13(52.
May 2, 1S62. . . Clerk 0. C.
f jTIIllESHINt; MACHINES. The under
JL signed wish to inform tho citizens of Cloar
field county, that they still continue the mannfac
tiue of Threshing machines, at the Iicllefonte
Foundry, of a superior quality, for one, two, and
four horses; aluo, the celebrated endless chain or
tread power, lor either one or two horses, with or
wuuout shakers as may suit the purchaser. Wo
would recommend the tread power particularly
to farmers who keep but two or three horses.
1 ho machine and power, with shaker can all be
set on a small barn floor, and rain or shine, can
be worked to good advantage by a man and two
ooys. mus saving in hands as well aa in horses
ana doing tho work hs well and as fast as mos
men desire. Our four-horse power machines, with
overshot cylinders, are certainly the best now
in mi e; wocoupigivo numerous certificates from
reliable farmers, of both Centre and Clearfield
counties, as to the good satisfaction these ma
chines have given, but deim it unnecessary. All
machines warranted. Orders by mail will receive
prompt attention. A. it A LPT t CO..
May 21, 1362. Pellefonte. Pa
Peter Lloom of Ansonville, is an authorized
agent lor the eale ot machines.
WTUKTX PLOWS. It is now settled be
yond question thattheso celebrated plows
go ahead of all others, wherever introduced, in
giving good satisfaction. For the convenience of
our friends and former customers in Clearfield
county, (to whom we are thankful for paat patron
age.; we give Deiow a list ot agents, trom.whoui
ineso plows. anl also shears, can bo had :
Mcrrell A Eiirler. Clearfield. Ja rnes AVa-tson
Williams Grove, John Jlolt. near Crahani ton. S
S. Chapman, near Kylertown.L. Rrandcl. French-
vino, John Koiter, Karthau. Ueorgo Hockondorn,
Salt Lick, J, YV. Ilewett. Pennville, Halo A Co.,
and Wm. Lloyd, Philipsburg. Thomas Henderson,
Jeuncs. Henry .wan, Ansouville, Samuel Jlesjir
ty. near Ulen Hope, John Cummings, New Wash
We also make the McGarvay plows, both right
unu ieu nanii. also hill side plows, iron kettles.
New World and Hathaway cook stoves. erff and
nine plate stoves, iron fencing for cenictries. cast
iron hitwhing posts, wagon spindles of all sizes.
threshing machines, (see advertisement). We also
have for sale J. S. Marsh A Co"s celebratad grain
drill and straw and fodder cutters; we are also
prepared to make and fit up mill castings of anv
description wanted. Orders, cither directed to
us oy mail or through any of the above named
;cnrs. will receive prompt attention.
Uellefonte, May 21, '62. A. HOUPT & CO.
(OllUtlrr'a NAL.K. By virtuo of a writ of
K-7 enditioni Lxponas issued out of tho Court
ot Common 1'leas of Centre county, and to me
directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho
court nouse in the borough of Bellefonte, on
ciiiuiuuy, 1110 iitiuuy ot -June.
All the undivided one-fifth part, feo., of six cer
tain tracts of land with the improvements thereon.
situated partly in Morris township, Clearfield
county, and partly in Rush township, Centre coun
ty. One tract thereof, situated in Morris towu
ship, Clearfield county, was eurveyed under war
lant to Peter Yarnold. and contains thrae hundred
and fifty acres and allowance. One tract situated
as above was surveyed in the name of Jesse Yar
nold, and contains five hundred and twentv-one
acres and allowance. One tract situated in Rush
township, Centre county, was surveyed under
warrant to Ben j. Martin, and contains four hun
dred and twenty and one-half acres and allowance.
One tract situated as above was surveyed under
warrant to John Weidman, containing four hun
dred and forty-eight acres and seventy six perch
es and allowance. One tract surveved under
warrant to Jacob Weidman, containimr four hun
dred and three acres and thirty-fiv perches. One
tract situated as above was surveyed under war
rant to Jacob Resh, and containing eighty acres
an twenty-two perches, there being erected on
the above described property two saw mills and
several dwelling houses, with tha improvements
and appurtenances. Seized, taken into execu
tion and to bo sold as the property of D M. Bil-
ger. GfcOKUE ALEXANDER, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Bellefonte, May 22, 1862.
EISTEIlS xNOTICE. Notico is hereby
V given, that tho following accounts have been
examined and passed by me, and remain filed of
record in this office for the inspection of heirs,
legatees, creditors and all others in any other way
interested, and will bo presented to the next Or
phans' court of Clearfield county, to bo held at
the Court House, in the Borough of Clearfield,
commencing on the third Monday of Juno,
ISitz. lor confirmation and allowance :
Tho partial account of Jacob W. Cainobell and
Washington Gardiner, Executors of la.st will and
testa me tit of Timothy Lee late of Burnside town
ship. Clearfield county, deceased, f
Ihe partial account ot Joab Rider, Adminis
trator of the estate of John Peter Rider, late of
Covington township, Clearfield county, deceased.
The Guardian account of George Wilson, cruar-
dian of the minor children of Robert Leonard,
late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, de
ceased. The account of Christopher Kratzer. Adminis
trator of tho estate of Anthony Kratzer. late of
Pike township. Clearfield county, deceased.
of all and singular the goods and chattels, rizbts
and credits, which were of Jacob Tipery, late of
the township of Woodward, in the county of Clear
field, deceased.
The account of D. J. Cathcart, administrator of
all and singular the goods and chattels and credits
which were of Jane V llson, late of the township
of Chest, in the county of Clearfield, deceased. .
The administration account of Wm. Wallace.
administrator of Robert Butler, late of Lawrence
townsnip, Viearneid county, deceased.
May U. 182.- t RgieUr.
ArANTED. All finds of grain will betaken
ighest market prices will be given.
Deo. 11. 13SI. JAMES 1. GRAITAM.
i mcntary on the estate of Isaac Chambers,
late of Curwensrille borough, deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims against
the same will present them duly authenticated
for settlement, at the office of A.J. Patterson. Fsq
in Curwensville. DANIEL CHAMBER"
May21.1S52.-pd. Executor.
1 Q0 EYKE & LAI)ELI onn
1 Ol)o Fourth A- Arch Streets. Phil a- I M '
delphia, are now offering their usual assortment of
Dry (joods. adapted to Spring Sales. Fashionable
Press Silks, fashionable Spring Shawls, new as
sortment of Dress Croods, Spring Prints, PeLaines
and Oinghams, Muslins ami Linens of first quality,
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting. Tahli Linens.
Towlings and Napkins. N It. Black Silks, be
low regular prices. J March 12. '62.3m.
Spring & Summer Goods
The undersigned has just received a stok of
V 1. L- .J , . . ...
iicb uitoj, aims ota siaua in ArsonrilH, con
sisting of a general assortment of Spring and
oomiuer goons, sucn as Doots and shoes, hats and
caps, bonnets, etc. Also, a lot of flour, fish. salt.
groceries of all kinds, and such other articles as
are usually kept in country stores, ti ive us a call,
as we are now selling goods at the most reasonable
rates lor cash or approved produce.
May 23. L362. . H. SWAN.
N"oV Gnnunnr flnn,lp I
ltll kJUlIllllUr ItOOILS!
Afiesh arrival of Spring and Summer Goods at
uceoia, Lleartleld county, Pa.
We have just leceived and are opening a care-
iuuy selected stocR ot Staple and b ancy
Groceries. Hardware. Queensware.
Boots and Shoes (warranted,) Hats and Caps
(laicsi style.) Mationary, wooden ware,
Brooms, etc.. etc.
Best Cincinali sugar cured hams at 12 cents per
pounu, piaiu nams, excellent quality
cts., shoulders 7 cts., per pound-
All of which will be sold on the most reason
able terms for cash or npprovedjauntry pro-
May 21, 1S62. LTPPlNCOTT, LONG & CO.
ANDERSON'S CKEEK. It seems to be th gen
eral opinion of the people of Clearfield county,
mat. an me wool ougnt to ne carded in the
Whitehead Factory, in Union township.
ool carded at 5 een-ts per pound, when brought
to tne mill and taken away. All Lincoln. Doug
las. Breckiuridge, and Bell men. should give the
subscriber a call, as he is prepared to do Fulling,
and every description of Manufacturing on th
most reasonable terms, having served a regular
time to the business. Persons will do well by
noiuing on 10 ineir wool, as 1 intend to give them
a callshortlyv lAp.JUJ LAW SYKES.
Tew Summer Goods,
Haa just received another general assortment of
summer Ury Goods.
Lawns, Cloths,
Dress trimmings
Poplins, Satinets,
Shallies, Cassimere,
Cashmeres, Tweeds.
Lavellas, Cottonades,
Ducals, Drillings,
Silks, Jeans,
Prints, Muslins,
Yalancias, Flannels,
Chintz, Linens,
Ginghams, T.ckings.
Head netts,
Ladies rrotninade Jackets. Bonnets
Sun Umbrellas, Carpets. Floor oil-cloths, Hats
and l aps, Hoots and Shoes. - :.
coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice
spices, flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence of
collee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, soda,
sperm and tallow candles, black tea, saleratus
wines, muckeral, shad, salmon, cod-fish, herring.
Clothing, Notions, Jointed hoop skirts, Shakers
Musical Goops
Yiolins, fifes, strings, bridges, bows, keys, precep
tors, mnsio paper, rosin
Tin-ware glass-ware, drugs, lamps, buckets, tubs.
churns, brooms, wall paper, blinds, umbrellas
baskets, school books, varnish, moss, curled hair.
coach varnish, spirits of turpentine, lead and oil.
nsu oil, coal oil, glass, etc.. in fact a littto of every
thing usually kept in a country store
au ot which will be sold on the most reasonable
teruis for cash or approved country produce.
May zs, J. F. KRATZER.
A New Attraction in these Diggings I
Clothing Store.
In the "Mansion House," opposite the Clearfield
Co. uank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield,
Branch of Reize-nstein Bro's 126 North-Third
btreet, l'iiladelplua, Pa.
Tho undersigned respectfullv announce to the
inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in
general, that they have opened at the above named
place tho most extensive and best selected stock of
and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that has ever
been exhibited in this borough, and which they
will sell 2.r per cent, cheaper thin clothing- has
ever been sold in this part of the country.
Our stock embraces a full and complete assort
ment of all garments generally worn, made un of
good material and in the best stvle and workman
ship. A general assortment of
furnishing goods, hats-and caps, traveling bags.
inraeu nannei ana whTte shirts; in short every
thing general ly found in a well assorted store of
this kind. We also keen a fine assortment of
such as pocket books, portmonies, poeset knives,
combs, brushes, watch chains and guards, violin
and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gun caps,
spectacles and a great many other fancy and use
ful articles too numerous to mention, all of which
they will sell as well as the clothing
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
We invite every person in need of clothinir or
of any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us
withacall and view our goods and price . and
we are confident that we can give satisfact'on. so
that every person shall feel inclined to tell his
friends where good and cheap clothing can be got.
. We are constantly receiving accessions to our
stock from our own manufacturing establishment
.TL;.'i i f, , , .. . . .
in rnuaueipnia, ana snail always be supplied
with a good varietv of all article in on r line.
which shall surpass in style, cut, workmanship,
and cheapness those of any other similar estab
lishment in this part of the State, and by fair and
bonest dealings, we hope to merit a liberal share
of public patronage.
B. WOODS, Attorney at L.w Tn,i;.. T.
Professional business promptly atieodei to.
DO. CROrCII, rnvsiciAS, Curwensville, Clear
. field county, Penn'a. May H.
j. v.u.w.. Attorney at Jw and Heal E,um
aj. Agent, iearnel.t, 1'a
UUiCo adjoining hi
Mv J.
residence, on Second etreet.
-1X7 M. M CULLOIV.H. Attorney at Law. Clear
V. field. Pa. Office, with L.J. Crans. Esq,
on Second Street.
July 3, 11.
Y17ILLIAM A. WALLACE. Attorney at Law.
Clearfield. Pa. Office, ftdioiaimr hi ri-
deuce on Second street.
YJOBERT J. WALLACE. Attorney at Law. Clear
l j field, Pa Office in Shaw's ne'w row. Market
street, opposite Naugle's jewUry store. May 2.
TT FrNAl (JI.E, Watch and Clock Mak
er. ana
I J . aeaier in Watches, Jewelry, lo. Room ia
vrrauum s row, .Market street.
Nov. ia.
H EITHER SWOOPE. Attornev at Law.Oe.r
. field. Pa. Offic inUraham s Row, fourdo
west of Graham A Boynton s store. Nov. 10.
P. KRATZER Merchant, and dealrr in"
Boards and Shingles. Orain and Prixliu
Front St. above the Academy, Clearfield. Pa. Jl 2
4 J PATTERSON. Attorney at Law. Cnrrn-
XX vine, t'a
auend to an nusines cn
Oflice opposite the Nw
Jan. 15, 162.
trusted to his care.
Methodist Church.
VyTLLIAM F. IRWIN, Market street. ClearfiflJ,
II Pa., Dealer in Foreiirn and Domestic Mer
chandise, Hardware. Queensware, Oroceries, and
lamny articles generally. Nov. 10.
fR-WM. CAMPBELL, oflerti his profe-sional
lJ services to the citizens of Morris and a Iwin-
ing townships. Residence with J. D. Denning in
Kyiertown, L'learhcld county. May 11,1 xy.
JB M ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield,
. Pa. Practices in Clearfield atid a Ijcining
1 counties. Office in new brick additi?n. adiuininir
the residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10.
JOHN OFEI.ICH, Manufacturer ef all kind of
Cabinet-ware, Market srreet. Clearfield. Pa.
He nlso makes to order nn short ni.ti- nn.l
attends funerals with a u earse. April),.!).
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestic Pry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon.
Liquors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ot Journal UJflce, Clearhcld, l'a. Apr27.
JARKIMER TIr, Attorneys at Law. Cirar
J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all local
and other business entrusted to their care in Clear -field
and adjoining counties. August 6. 1S.")V
DR. M. WOODS, tenders his professional servi
ces to the citizens of Clearrield and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite th office of
L. J. Crans. Esq. Office, the same that was recent
ly occupied by Hon. G R Barrett, where hecau
be found unless abscnton piofcssional business.
rpilOMAS.J. M CULLOUGH, Attorney at Law,
. Clearfield, l'a. Oflice. Over the ' Clearfield
co. Bank. Deeds and other legal instrument pre
pared with promptness and accuracy.- July 4.
P. c. bcsh. : : : : : : : tj Mci:ii.oi8ii
Collection Orrn e. Clkarfiklp. Pris'i.
SALT! SALT!! SALT A prime arti
cle of ground alum salt, put up in patent
eacKS. at S3. 25 per sacK, at the cheap cash strff
November 27. R. MOSSOP.
Dlt. LITCII'S .MF.DICIN ES. A frch sup
ply of these invaluable Family Medicines
are for sale by M. A. Frank, Clearrield. consisting
of Pain Cnrer; Restorative, a great cure fi.reold
and cough ; and Au.ti-Biltous 1'hy.n'c. They have
been thoroughly tested in this comiyunity, and
are highly approved. TnvTiiEM.
NOTICE Daniel Faust of Curwensville ha
charge of mv business in 111 v absence, lie is
autborized to receive and receipt fr money dun
mo, and is the only person authorized to do m.
Tersons having business with me will plan call
on him. JOHN PATToN.
Curwensville. April 2, 1S62.
ed having taken the Morrisdale House, sit
uate in the town of Morrisdale. .Clearfield county,
respectfully solicits a share of the public patron
age. No pains or expense will be spared to ren
der guests comfortable. Charges moderate.
April 2, '62. GEOiiGE RICH.tRDS.
I PLASTERING The subscriber having lo
cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield. .
would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do
work in the above line, from plain to ornamental
of any description, iu a workmanlike stjle. Also
whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man
ner. and on reasonable terms.
April 7. 1853. EDWIN COOPER.
The undersigned keeps constant! on hand
at his store room in Philipsburg, Centrycounty. a
full stork of Flour. Hams, Shoulders. Sides. Oof-
fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses. Ac. Also, Li
quors of all kinds. Tobacco. Segars. Snuff, Ac: all
of which ho ofTcis to purchasers on the most ad
vantageous terms One hi ma call, and trv hi
articles. Imar211 ROBERT LLOYD.
Bills of Exchange. Notes and Drafts Discounted.
Deposits received. Collections made, and proceeds
promptly remitted. Exchange on the Cities con
stantly on hand. Office, on Second street, in th
room lately occupied by W. A. Wallace. Esd.
james t. leon ARp. ::;:::::: i. a. pixsbv.
WW a. Wallace. :::::::::: a. c. finskt.
rrD THE PUD LIC. The undersigned hav
A ing purchased the entire stock of the late firm
of .Moore fc Etrweiler, and having made large ad
ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus
tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronag
heretofore extended to tha firm, he hopes by '
strict personal attention to business to merit a
continuence of the same.
March 2(5, '02 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILER. -
1 UST 11LCE1V i: D AT
ie. 2gb
Graham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment of
WATCHES JEWELRY, ic, 4c., to which we in
vite attention.
Gold and Silver hunting and open faced wntcL-
es. to be had at NAUGLKS. .
The American Lever of different Qualities, oaa
be had at NA L'GLE'S.
Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La
va, Jett. Carbuncle, G arnett. Opal, Florentine Mo
saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain painting. Ac.. ,
or single pieces at . NAFGLE'3.
1 lain gold Breast pins. Eardrops, ''""P Ear rings, '
children'seardropsar.d ringsat NAUGLE'S.
tioid seals, keys and peneUs, gol l pen and
ver holders at NAUGLE'S. ..'
Gents breastnins. sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob
buckles and guard slides at NAUGLE'S..
A fine assortment of gold finger rings af differ '
ent styles and aaality, gold lockets, coral neckla-' .
ceg, silver thimbles. ipectacles. watch guards, and ' .
all articles in his line, on hand at AaL'ULB.'
Just received, a fine aortment f Fanoy and
common Clocks, and Fancy Time-piees. from 1.24 '
to 15 dollars at NALULE S.
Old Gold and Silver will ba taken in ezehanre
forgoodsat 1 NAUGLE'S. .
All goods wjrranted as. represented, or tha ino-
ney refunded, at. NAUGLE'S. '
If you wish your watches put in good repair ,)
and warranted, take tbeta to NAUGLE'S.
FLO UK. A lot of pood flour on band and for -ale
t i