Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 11, 1862, Image 2

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On our first page we print an article from
the Nashville, Tennessee, Union, reviewing
Mr. Vallandigham & Co's address to the De-
moeracv of the TTnited States. Tbe writer of
the article seems to think that "unavoidable
absence on public business, prevented Cobb,
Davis, Wigtall," and others," "from - adding
their names to this newly-risen galaxy of pa
triots" who signed the address, and that "the
Southern rebel leaders are at the bottom of
it," and the real instigators ot "this damn
able attempt" at deception whilst the nation
is struggling for existence and strongly in
timates that Vallandigham and bis associates
are looked upon by the rebels as sympathis
ing with their cause, and that they are the co
workers of Breckinridge and Davis in trying
to destroy the Government and considers
the work of "killing" Secession as paramount
to the "killing of Abolition." This cer
tainly is a severe rebuke to those who aro en
deavoring to embarrass the Administration in
the vigorous prosecution of the war a rebuke
to those who are continually harping about
abolition, high taxes, and usurpations a re
buke to those who have not one word of con
demnation against the rebels, nor a word of
praise for our brave Boldiers who are pouring
out their lile's blood a "willing sacrifice" up-
the alter oi their country. Loyal men
everywhere should carefully read what this
Southern mm says in reference to the subjects
discussed in the Address, for it is evident that
he regards Davis & Co. as the instigators of
it, and Vallandigha'm and bis associates and
followers as the pliant tools of treason, who
are endeavoring to deceive the people with
the idea that "concealed treason is the es
sence of Democracy." All who love their
country are appealed to to "unite together on
the bread platform of the TJnion,"and to "sus
tain the country ,"and the Administration,"re
gardless of party politics, against all assail
ants, at home or abroad" remembering that
the'only issue' before the people of the couo
tjy is, that every man must be for the United
States or against it. There can be "only pa
triots, or traitors." Choose between them t
The Union party of the city of Baltimore
appear to have no tenderness on the subject
of emancipation. The following most une
quivocal and cheering resolution on the sub
ject, ic response to the President's Message
of March 6, was adopted unanimously at the
late Union Convention in that city :
Resolved, That we approve the wise and con-
aervative policy proposed by the President
in his message of the 6th March, 1862, and
sanctioned by Congress, tendering pecuniary
aid to such Mates as may choose, to adopt a
system of gradual emancipation ; and that it
is not only the du.li of the loyal people of
Maryland to meet the Government. in this en
deavor to relieve them in the only practical
way, from tbe evils which armed insurrection
hs bronght upon the land, thus sustaining the
Government as well against the treason of Se
cession, as against the radical and violent
projects of fanatical Abolitionists; but that it
Is likewise for the interest of all the people of
this State more especially of the slaveowners,
promptly to accept the aid thus tendered, and
remove from our midst an institution winch
has ceased to be profitable, and is now injuri
ous to our political and material interests, and
dangegpus to our peace and safety, by inaug
urating such a plan of emancipation and col
onization as will be equitable to those inter
ested, and will tend to secure the industry of
tbe State to tire white labor of the State.
Another resolution denouncing , the gross
inequality and injustice of the ratio of repre
sentation and taxation under tbe slaveholding
domination in the State, was also adopted by
the Baltimore Unionists.
The Union Sentiment of Maryland is staged
by the Frederick (Md.) correspondent ot the
Philadelphia Press, to be growing more and
more decided and sound especially since the
defeat of Col. Kenley's Baltimoreans. The
correspondent also says :
"On the negro question a great change has
come over this part of the country, and those
who were a year ago counted our most ultra
pro-slavery men, are now on tbe other side,
and do not hesitate to declare that if the ulti
matum must come at last, either to free and
arm the slaves, or to let tbe Union be dissolv
ed, they are willing that the former plan
abonld prevail. I was talking to one of the
richest and tnosi respected citizens of the
ptace to-day, and in answer to tbe question,
what he thought of the President signiog the
bill for the abolishment of slavery in the Dis
trict of Columbia, replied as follows : . Well,
sir, one year ago I was very ultra on this ques
tion, and Would not rest until I had denounced
any proposition made to free the negro any
place. I was then as good a Union man as
now. Bnt I have bad my eyes opened, and
do not hesitate to say . that I would do any
thing in my power, even to arming the negros
to crush out this rebellion." .
This is said to be but one of hundreds of in
stances of such change of views in tliBt section
of the State, and wherever tbe dear "institu
tion" is tbns surrendered, there Is an end of
Rebellion. ' '
Niw Orleans and Secession. Tho be
reavements . of the war so far as the single
city of New Orleans is concerned have a
dreadful exemplification in the appalling fact,
admitted by tfte Delia, that there are now no
fewer than two thousand four hundred orphan
Children fo tbe several asylums of tbat city.
Nothing connected with the war is so re
markable as tbe . ascendancy Mr. Lincoln
has acquired over tho public mind. Within
the last two days a question which, if left open
for discussion to be decided by the general
voice of the country, would have awakened the
fiercest animosities and most irreconcilable
fueds, has been settled by a simple declaration
of tbe President, and all parties acquiesce.
Similar proofs oi confidence have been of
frequent occurrence. When the prosecution
against Mr. Cameron for alleged arbitrary ar
rests, there was a good deal ot plain speaking
on the subject, until the President avowed the
arrests as his own, when censure and criticism
at once ceased. The neglect to give Gen.
Stone a trial caused considerable feeling in
Massachusetts and other parts of tbe country
until the Presideul stated Lis reasons for the
postponement, since when no more has been
beard on the subject. If Mr. Seward, or Mr.
Cameron Mr. Lincoln's strongest rivals in the
Chicago Convention were President nobody
supposes they would inspire the same confi
dence or be treated by the same indulgence.
But here we have a man with but a small por
tion of their public experience, placed In a
most trying position, with no precedents to
guide him, who has in ooo year gained a hold
on public confidence which has no parallel
since the days of Washington.
Tbe circumstances under which Mr. Lincoln
is called to administer the government are far
more embarrassing than those which surrouud
ed Washington, llo entered on his duties
without any of those powerful impressions in
bis favor which lilted Washington to the head
of the government without a dissenting voice.
Washington entered the Presidency with pre
vious claims on the trust and gratitude ol the
country to which Mr. Lincoln could make no
pretensions. Washington had been the pole
star of the nation's hope during the long and
trying War of Independence. Mr. Lincoln
had been a mere village lawyer,scarcely known
out ot his own State until his spirited canvass
for the U. S. Senatorship against Mr. Douglas,
in which, though a stanch partisan, he gained
tbe reputation of an able, fair-minded, and
candid debater. With this slender stock of
acquired reputation, which he damaged more
than he increased by the infelicitous
speech-making of his circuitous tour from
the place of residence to Washington, he
has won the public respect to a degree which,
considering the circumstances, is without a
parallel. Without any advantages of wealth,
birth, education, manners, personal appearan
ces, personal connections, or experience in
public life, ho has taught tbe count-ry to con
fide in him with almost implicit trust. This
is the must extraordinary moral phenomenon
ol which we have any recollection. How are
we to account lor it
Something is due a great deal is due to
the active and zealous patriotism of the loyal
States, which disposes the people to be more
candid and liberal in their judgment than the
great body of them ever in times of ordinary
party excitement. But it is not conscious for
bearance which the country has been exercis
ing toward Mr. Lincoln for the last eight
months, but sincere and hearty approval. He
has so convinced the people of the rectitude
of his intentions and the probity of bis charac
ter, that he has completely won their confi
dence, it is purely by his moral qualities
that be has gained this great ascendancy over
the public mind. He is a living exemplifica
tion of the important truth that of all the ele
ments of influence none 13 s0 powerful as char
acter. Knowledge, to bo sure, Is power, ac
cording to the adage ; so wealth is power, so
cial position is power, great capacity for po
litical intrigue is power, eloquence and bril
liant intellectual gifts are power ; but it is
much more emphatically tine tbat character
is power. Mr. Lincoln has become so strong
in the esteem of his countrymen, because he
has given evidence of a strong character held
in subordination to high moral principle, or
rather, because bis uncommon strength of
character consists in the robustness of his
moral nature. It was precisely this that con
stituted the greatness of Washington, a man
in all other respects except this, and a cau
tious, slow, sound judgment, the very anti
thesis of Mr. Lincoln. Lxcept in this com
mon element of their power there were never
two men more unlike : the one a grave, lor
mal, stately, ceremonious gentleman of the
old school, remarkable for the dignity of his
presence and bearing ; the other an ungainly,
loose-jointed man, of an easy, jovial temper
and uncouth mauners, who loves his joke and
has an inveterate habit of telling ludicrous
stories to illustrate his opinions on the grav
est subjects. Providence seems to have pro
duced these two men in the two most remark
able epochs of our history, as it to fix the at
tention of the country on the superiority of
the moral qualities to all others. 1 he ednca
tive influence of the men who conduct the
atlairs in those great crises, which can never
fade lout of remembrance, is immense. In
Washington's time tho country was less demo
caatic than now. We have descended from a
property qualification to universal suffrage.
The control of public affairs has fallen into the
hands of men who have more sympathy with
the personal habits and manners, of Mr. Lin
coin than with those of Washington, and Prov
idence adapts its lessons to the altered char
acter of the pupils. But though the vehicle
of instruction is different, the lesson is the
6ame. It is still the superiority of moral qual
ities to mere intellectual gifts in the manage
ment ot puoiic anairs and as a means or per
sonal influence. These characters illustrate
the nature ot moral excellence, as well as
prove its superiority. There is nothing in
either of that shallow impulsiveness which
runs crazy with a philanthropic idea, and
which is as inconsistent with strength and
character or moral force (although not as dis
reputable and degrading) as inability to con
trol the lower passions. Moral superiority is
always master of itself, and of its own emo
tions. It is self poised, self-subsistent, act
ing on all Important occasions deliberately and
from principle, and never from mere fanati
cal or sentimental impulses. Our excitable
people have a particular need of this lesson
We have more moral sentiment than moral
strength. A charaeter like Mr. Lincoln's
which in its best features resembles that o
Washington, tends to restrain tbe wayward
ness of our philanthropy, and, without narrow
ing our sympathies, will make us more con
siderate, circumspect, self-contained. New
York World.
"Coffee Mills." A correspondent of the
Philadelphia Press with McClellan's advance,
says in one of tbe brigades of the Union army
they had six guns of a new construction, and
terribly effective. The men designate them
"coffee mills." It is '-a heavy rifle barrel,
mounted on wheels. At tbe breech is a kind
of clock-work machinery, surrounded by a
hopper similar to the hopper, of a coffee mill ;
at the side is a crank. One man turns the
crank, while another supplies tbe hopper with
cartridges, and a third sights tho gun. By
means of a lever ho moves it laterally, or rais
es or depresses it at pleasure. Its effective
range is one and a quarter miles. It throws
two hundred and forty balls per minute, of
the size of an ordinary minie ball. When
operated with, the rebels were utterly amazed,
not knowing what to make of them. Ono of
these guns, properly worked and well supplied
with cartridges, is estimated to bo equal to a
bont three hundred men.
Important War News.
Gen. Fbemont's Headquarters,
Woodstock Va., June 2.
The enemy was driven out of Strasburg last
evening by iremont s aavanco guara, ana
have been closely pursued to-day by Fre
mont's forces, and Gen. Bayard's Cavalry Bri
gade. They have several times made stands,
and skirmishing lias been constantly going on,
but with trifling loss on both sides. Unc of
Bayard's command was killed.- The enemy
are now encamped about three miles beyond
Woodstock, we holding the village. W s have
taken about three hundred prisoners, and
more are constantly being brought in.
Gen. Fremont, after occupying Strasburg
last night, was obliged by the darkness and
tremendous storm and fatigue of his men to
delay his advance till this morning.
At six o clock the pursuit of the retreating
enemy was resumed and vigorously continued
during the day. Gen. M DowelPs advance
being a part of a brigade under Gen. Bayard,
reached Strasburg this morning, and was or
dered forward by Gen. Fremont to join in the
pursuit with the cavalry and artillery. The
enemy, to retard the pursuit, endeavored to
make a stand in . three strong positions, with
artillery, but were driven rapidly and with loss
from each. Jackson's rear guard passed
through Woodstock this afternoon. The head
of his column had reached it at unrise. Col.
Pillow, chief of artillery on Fremont's staff,
who selected with great skill the successive
positions for the batteries, is wounded by the
fall of his horse, which was shot under him
while, reconnoitering within thirty yards of the
enemy. The road and woods were strewn
with arms, stoies and clothing. A urge num
ber of prisoners have been taken. Our loss
is one killed and several wounded. Gen. Fre
mont's rapid march, combined with Gen. Mc
Dowell s movement, has wholly relieved the
Shenandoah valley and Northern Virginia.
Jackson will be overtaken and forced to
fight, or must abandon his ground entirely.
From Gen. McClellan's Department.
Jcne, 6. Two deserters, who came in this
morning, state that lien. Johnson was serious
ly, if not mortally wounded through the groin
by a Minie ball during the late battle. Gen.
G. W. Smith is now in command of the rebel
troops. Other information goes to corrobor
ate the fact. These deserters state that the
rebel loss is estimated at ten thousand killed,
wounded and missing. No material change
has taken place in the position of the enemy.
A contraband has arrived who left Rich
mond on Tuesday evening. He represents
things there as iu a terrible state of confusion
and uncertainty. No troops are i i the city,
except those doing guard duty and tending
to the sick and wounded, all being compelled
to remain outside. There were no signs of
evacuation, but, on the contrary, everything
goes to show a determined resistance on the
part of the rebels. The contrabands state that
during the fight of Sunday the house-tops, and
all elevated positions, were covered with peo
ple to witness the battle, every one expecting
to see our troops driven into the (vhickahomi-
ny, but when they saw the confederates run
ning towards the city, the greatest consterna
tion prevailed. Many of the inhabitants have
crossed the James river, expecting the city to
be occupied by our troops soon. It is rumor
ed that Gen. Magruder is going to resign, hav
ing become disgusted with the rebel military
Despatches received at the War Depart
ment on tbe 8th represent all as quiet in front
of Richmond, except occasional cannonading
at our forces employed in bridge operations, !
but which does not retard their progress.
From Gen. Fremont's Army.
Mount Jackson, June 6. The further pur
suit of Jackson has been impossible to-day,
owing to tho sudden rise ot the Shenandoah
river. A pontoon bridge, replacing the
bridge burnt by the rebels, was comple'ed,
and part of Fremont's force crossed this
morning. It rained hard all nighl and day,
and the river began to rise very rapidly and
swelled twelve feet in four hours, bringing
down great quantities of drift wood and tim
ber, which finally parted the bridge in fhe
middle. The material was all saved, and no
accidents occurcd. Four hundred prisoners
have been taken.
Gapt. Sanderson, chief commissary, has ta
ken possession ot all tbe flour mills in the val
ley, together with the grain and flour on hand.
Safeguards have been granted by the com
manding general to all the families who re
quest them, without respect to their loyalty
or disloyalty; and any soidier who violates
them, will do so under the penalty ot being
immediately shot: The weather is still un
settled, and the roads almost impassable.
Both brauches of the Shenandoah are still
June 8. News from Gen. Shields' division
states that a scouting party crossed the river
at the Columbia bridge, and, went to New
Market, and found that Jackson had retreated
through there three days ago. II is army had
been reduced to about five thousand men,
the remainder having scattered through the
mountains to save themselves. Fremont's
army had followed them all the way, captur
ing wagons, prisoners and supplies.
Fiendish Outrage in Franklin, Tenn.
The details of the outrage we are about to
narrate, come to us from a source which is a
guaranty for their accuracy, and if the char
acter of our informtnt was not unimpeacable,
we should find it difficult to believe that even
the hellish spirit of secession could have stim
ulated such a fiendish act. No greater deed
of vandalism was ever perpetrated in modern
times in a christian land, than has disgraced
certain females in Franklin, Tenn., who, with
atrocious malignity, invaded the grave-yard,
and trod down and destroyed the graves of
our brave union soldiers who had died there
in the Hospital. It seems incredible that
women, and those bearing tho name of Amer.
ican women, could become so degraded, so
lost to shame and to virtue as to unsex them
selves, and becoming infused with the spirit
of ghouls and hyenas, to vent their wicked
malice upon the hallowed graves of these
martyrs to their country's glory and honor.
When Col. Campbell, of the 69th Ohio regi
ment, stationed in the neighborhood, heard
of the crnel and shameless outrage, and had
ascertained the perpetrators, he called a meet
ing of the citizens at the Court House, which
was largely attended, and stated to them tbat
he had convened them, not to discuss political
or other differences, but to state distinctly,
that if any further outrages should be com
mitted, be would hold the prominent citizens
of the town responsible. Louisville Journal.
Important From Texas- -A
dispatch received says : " The report we
learn through a private channel in which we
confide that the nnionists of Texas will soon
be heard from. We undeistand that their ar
rangements for restoring their State to the
Union have been quietly matured, and that
they have ere this thrown the old flag to the
breeze under tho lead of Gen. Sam Houston.
Though we wish the Kansas expedition south
ward planned and organized last winter, had
been prosecuted, we cherish strong hopes that
the rebels of Texas ivill soon turn up missing,
and that Old Sam and Uncle Sam will have
possession of the State. We await tidings
with lively interest." -
From Tennessee.
Nashville, June 4. The train from Colum
bia brought here, this evening, 1,600 U.S.
prisoners of Gen. Prentiss' division, who were
taken at Pittsburg Landing. They came
from the region of Tuscaloosa and Montgom
ery, and were paroled in consequence ot the
rebelsbeing unable to feed them. They le
port that the spirit of discontent is universal
among the rebel soldiers, who are anxious to
go home, -the privates acknowledging that
they are " whipped out." Four hundred
more paroled prisoners will arrive here to
morrow. The London Times takes the following sen
sible and significant view of the aspect of af
fairs since the fall of New Orleans :
" The -capture of New Orleans makes that
easy which before would have hardly been
possible. It would have been but a mockery
to ask Lancashire to send ships to Beautort for
cotton ; but now that the great emporium of
the Mississippi and the access to millions of
acres of cotton-growing land which are now
in the power vt the Federals, it is their obvi
ous policy to declare the trade with New Or
leans open, and to let the refusal to supply cot
ton for the wants of Europe lie on the planters
who still assert their allegiance to the South
ern Republic."
From Gen. Halleok's Department.
General Pope, with forty thousand men, is
thirty miles south of Corinth, pushing the
enemy hard. He already reports ten thou
sand prisoners and deserters from the enemy,
and fifteen thousand stand of arms captured.
Thousands of the enemy are throwing away
their arms. A farmer says that when Beau
reguard learned that Colonel Elliott had cut
the railroad on his line of retreat, he became
frantic, and told his men to save themselves the
best they could. We have captured nine loco
motives, and a number of cars. One is al
ready repaired and is running to-day. Sever
al more will be in running order in two or three
Despatches have been received at the War
Department from Gen. Mitchell, dated at
il untsville, Alabama, June 6th, stating that an
expedition from his army, under command of
Gen. Nagley, had driven tho enemy, com
manded by Gen. Adams from Winchester,
through Jasper back to Chattanooga, and ut
terly defeated and routed them at that point.
B.igage, wagons, ammunitions and supplies
have fallen into our hands.
Surrender of Memphis.
Washington, June 8. Advices have been
received from commander Davis, at Memphis,
announcing a bittlo between bis fleet, aided
by Cel. Ellett's ram flotilla, and the rebel
fleet of eight gunboats and rams. The en
gagement commenced at 5.30 on the morning
of the 6th inst., and ended at seven in the
morning. The fight resulted in the capture or
sinking of seven of the rebel fleet. One
escaped by superior speed. Col. Ellett, who
is seriously but not dangerously Rounded, is
highly complimented for gallantry and skill.
Memphis surrendered immediately after the
engagement, and was placed under military
From Fensacola.
Gen. Arnold and his troops still occupy
Pensacola, and a quantity of stores, &c, have
been removed from Fort Pickens to that place.
Robol deserters are constantly coming in.
Wilson's Zouaves are throwing up fortifica
tions commanding all the land approaches.
The Vincennes lays off the city. Gen. Ar
nold is feeding the poor who are very desti
tute. Uout oUO rebel cavalry are in the
neighborhood, our pickets capt tiring some
frequently. The Navy Yard is completely de
stroyed, and some 0,000 tons of coal fired by
the rebels, is still burning.
It is said that Northern troops in hot cli
mates enjoy more robust health and perform
more work, under certain precautions as to
health, than natives. We call to mind that
Col. Totton built the Panama Railroad with
Northern laborers, after having vainly tried to
use the services of the resident population
there. Actual experience in Janiaca, under
the direction of Capt. Marryatt, and in Africa,
under Dr. Livingston, the great explorer,
has proved the ability of Northern men to
withstand the most deadly of the tropical mi
asmata. Capt. Marryatt demonstrated the u
tility of wearing fUnnel next to the skin. Dr.
Livingston proved the value of quinine as a
prophylactic. At Port Royal, our troops use
quinine with whiskey, in the proportion of
two grains of powdered quinine dissolved in
half a gill of water. This is taken in the
morning before eating, and again at night, by
troops exposed to malaria, and is said that so
far from promoting intemperance it really
gives a distaste for intoxicating drinks.
A Remedy for Small Pox. Dr. Frederick
W. Morris, resident physician of the Halifax
Visiting Dispensary, Nova Scotia, has written
a letter to the American Mwdical Times, in
which he states the "Sarracencia Purpurea,"
or Indian cup, a native phint of Nova Scotia,
is a remedy for small pox in all its forms in
twelve hours after the patient has taken the
medicine. That "howovur alarming and nu
merous the eruptions or confluent and fright
ful they may be, the peculiar action of the
medicine is such that very seldom is a scar
left to tell the story of the disease." If either
vaccine or variolous matter U washed with the
infusion of the sarracenia, they are deprived
of their contagious properties. So mild is the
medicine to the taste that it may be largely
mixed with tea and coffVe. and given to con
noisseurs in these beverages to drink without
their being aware of the admixture. The
medicine has been successfully tried in the
hospitals at Nova Scotia, and its use will be
A Father Mistaken as to the Identity of
his Son's Remains. Some time since David
Folio, of Pigeon Creek, Washington county,
Penn., went to the battle field of Fort Donel
son, and had disinterred, as he supposed, the
body of bis son, who was reported to have re
ceived a wound during the fight, of which he
afterwards died, and was buried. The body
was conveyed heme and reinterred in the
family burial-ground, at Pigeon Creek, all the
family being satisfied of the identity of the
body, except a sister of the deceased. Last
week, Mr. l'ohe was. astonished at receiving a
letter from his son, whom he supposed dead
and buried, stating that after some weeks'
treatment in the hospital, be had recovered so
far as to be able to rejoin his regiment, and
expected to take part in the next battle.
The Chickahomiuy is the stream which Cap
tain John Smith was exploring when he was
captured by the warriors of Powhattan. It is
believed he was captured somewhere near the
scene of the late battle. It will be remember
ed that its banks were in the days of John
Smith, as now, noted for marshes. Smith was
mired in a swamp when tbe savages pounced
upon him.
Gen. Fremont's Cipher When Gen Fre
mont was at the West, his most secret dis
patches to the President were sent in Magyar,
which was as good as cypher, since no traitor
knows the tongue. What a compliment to the
native tongue of Kossuth " No traitor knows
the tongue !" It Is said that there is nm rec
ord of any Hungarian being in the rebel ser
vice, though there are many in our army,
Secessionists Arrested. J udge Burch.who
has been stumping the State as a candidate
for Governor, was arrested at Rolla, Mo., on
Friday, by order of Col. Boyd, commanding
at this point, for uttering disloyal sentiments
while making a speech, which was evidently
designed to procure secession votes. Quite a
number of noisy, secessionists in St. Louis
have been arrested within a tew days, and it
seems to be the'determlnation of the Provost
Marshal General to promptly suppress disloy
alty. The Key West correspondent of the New
York Herald says the steamer Swan, captuied
by the United States brig Bainbridge is the
best prize taken in the Gulf 6ince the com
mencement of the war, as She must, vessel
and cargo bring the sura of $200,000. Her
case will be adjucated in Key West, but the
cotton will be shipped to'NewYork, as the
vessel is not capable of making the voyage.
Her capture is a most fortunate one ; a few
hours mare would have taken her into Havana.
Col. Kenly. The gallant Col. Kcnly reach
ed Baltimore on Thursday the 5th. Though
still suffering from bis wound, (a saber cut on
the head,) he is anxious to be exchanged and
resume his place in the army.
Advert i srvien tx set t m fa r jr type, cuts, or out of it. mat
it yle trill be charged do iihln pri ce. for spare occupied
To insure attention, the CASH must accompa
ny notices, as follows : All Cautions w.th SI,
Strays, $1; Auditors' notises, $1,50; Adminis
trators' and Executors' notices, $1,50, each ; and
all other transient Notices at the satn ra'es
Other advertisements at $1 per square, for 3cr less
insertions. Twelve lines (or less) count a square
CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution
ed against purchasing or meddling wilh the
following property, now in possession of Freder
ick Hollopeter of Penn township : Two bay mares
and colts. one 1-year old bay colt, and one buggy,
as the same have only been left with the ciiid
Frederick Hollopeter on loan, and subject to the
order of the undersigned.
June 11, 1S02. S. S. HOLLOPETER.
J. of Administration on the estate of 0. P.
Wilder, late of Morris township. Clenrfield county.
Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate nre requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same will present them duly authen-'
ticated for settlement. E. M. WILDER.
June 11,1962. Administrators
Silk Mantillas, and Chantilly Lace Capes,
Satin Striped Marquise,
Also, A La Parifs Silk Umbrellas.
With pleasure we again solicit tbe attention of
our customers, especially the ladies.
II. W. SMITf! t CO
TATEMENT of tin Clearfield County Bank
for the month ending May 31st, 1862.
Bills discounted, : : : : $39,109 14
Pennsylvania State loans, 23.495 87
Specie, :::::::: 4,607 49
Due from other banks, : : 7.943 27
Notesof other banks, : : : 19.5S3 00
Checks, drafts. Ac. : : : 3,52f5 CI
Overdrafts, ::::::: 61935
Furniture. ::::::: 309 71
Expense of platoengraving.Ac. 764 75
Tax paid Commonwealth, : : 112 20
Loss and Expense : : : : 21(5 14
$105.2'J2 53
Capital stock, paid in, : : S2S.050 00
Notes in circulation, : : 22 999 00
Due depositee. : : : : 47,603 33
Due individuals, : : : : 3.987 12
Interest and exchange . : 2.652 OS
5105.292 5.3
Clearfield. Pa., May 31, 1S62.
ing& Summer Goods
Just received and opening, a carefully selected
stock of .Spring and Summer goods, consisting cf
Hardware, Queensware,
School Books and Stationary,
And a great variety of other useful articles, all of
which will be sold cheap for cash, or ex
changed for approved produce.
Go to the "cheap cash store'' if you want to buy
goods at fair prices.
June 11, 1S52. WM F. IRWIN.
The undersigned Executors under tbe Will of
Greenwood Uell, dec d. and by authority of tbe
Orphans' court of Clearfield county, Pa., will ex
pose to sale .by public vendue or outcry, at the
public house of Vm Reed, in Lumber-city,
On Friday the I8;h day of July, J. V. 18G2,
At 2 d'clock, P M., the following two pieces or
parcels of timber land, anl lying on the waters
of Little Clearfield creek, about one mile from
the river, in Fergusoi township, Clearfield coun
ty, Pa., being part of the John Hambright tract,
containing severally 144 and . 114 acre with al
lowance, described as follows :
The first piece commencing at a hemlock near
LittleClearfield creek, theace N 16 deg.W 46 per
ches to a post, thence north 40 degrees west 160
perches to a post, thence north 51 degrees east 123
perches to past by a white pine, thence south 33
degrees east 209.7 perches to a post, thence south
54 derees west. 130.3 perches to place of begin
ning, containing 141 acres and allowance.
The second piece, beginning at a hemlock,
thence south 33 degrees east.LiQ.3 perches to a
sugar, thence south 54 degrees west 109.7 perches
to a dogwood, thence north 38 degrees west 172
perches to a post, thenoe north 50 degrees east 128
perches to a post, thence along the first tract
south 16 degrees east 46 perches to the plaeeof
beginning, containing 1 14 acres and allowance.
TERMS One half cash, and the other half in
one year, securtd y bond and mortgage.
Jum 11,. '62. PAVID BELI J
T j Jl I , lnndle w- '"th a white faoe
-A the has been gone about ten days A liberal
reward will be paid for her return, or for any in
formation concerning her.
May 2K '62-pd. G. R BAURETT.
rANTED. A little girl about 10 years oil
T to raise, by a family who bare no children
of their own. An orphan preforred. For further
information inquire at the Journal office.
May 14. 1862.
-J mcctary on the estate of Klia Hurd. late of
Chest township, deceased, having been grantel to
the undersigned, all persons in lebtcd to the sail
estate, are requested to make iinme liate paymen
and persons havng clrims against the same wi;l
present thcui properlv authenticated for ott!
ment. L. J. HLRI). ( r
June 4, lSG2.pd. II. H.n L'KD. teuton
ROI ND COURT IlOt'SE.-Sealed r,r
posals will be received by the Coniniis?ionrj of
Clearfield county, until the 20th day of.liinenrxt.
for furnishing and erecting an Iron Frnee. with
stone foundation and cnt stone base, around three
sides of the court house lot. Price per f.iot must
be stated in proposals. Plans and fecif.eatioci
enn be seen at any time after the 9th day of .June
I5y order of the'Board, W. S. LKAbLKY,
June 4, 1862. Uerk.
AD M I N 1 ST R A TO R'S NOTI C E.-l etter,
of Administration on the estate of Thomas
Cleaver, late of lilooin township. Clearfield coun
ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to diakc immediate pnymcnt. aud per
sons having claims against the ti.-nue will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
A. 15. DAVIS.
May 2S, ISG2-6t-p. Administrators.
-J LANDS in Chest township. Clearfield eoui.tv.
I'nder and by virtue of the powers cor.tained in
the last will and testament of John Mcl'ht'rran
late of Huntingdon county. dece;ised. the sul.-vri-bers
will oflur at ISiblic Sale, at the court hoH-'e in
Clenrfield, on Monday, June 23d. b62. at 2 o'
clock, the following described pieces of land x'n :
No. 1. Part of survey in name of Samuel Js.'k
Ftm, beginning at white oak. dead, thence south
4."J east 40 perches to a hemlock, north 45 east Is!
perches to a pine, north So w 221 perches to a posi.
and thence south 23 east 11U perches to place uf
beginning, containing 93 ac, Gi pr. and ullwn-uce.
So. 2 Part of same survey, beginning at hem
lock named, thence north 4i east 1 1 0 perches to
post, thence south 45i east about 2 10 perches t
tract line, thence along the same south 32 est
about 11 perches to post corner, and thence north
4 H west 21U perches to tbe place ot beginning,
containing li0 acres and allowance.
Xo. 3. The residue of same survey, beginning
at post, thence sorth 45 east 73 perches to pine,
thence along tract line ouih S5 east 22i perches
to stones, ami south 32 west about 216 perches t
post corner of Xo . 2. and thence along the saice
north 4oi west about 24-n perches to place of be
ginning containing :ib-,..ut 173 acres, about t'j) of
which are cleared and having log hoiue ahd lug
barn thereon erected.
Nos. 1, 2. and 3 are well tiiaberod ; about 2
miles from Chest creek, acd will bo 3old separate
ly or as a whole trnct.
No. 4. P.art of Al'x Jackson's surrey, brinrin
at a post corner of M:irtin Hockonberry. theiice
south 37 4 west 161 perches to a white oak. thenc
north 43 west 125 to a post, thence north 3'jf nt
about SS perches to a post, thence north 45$ wev-t
(5 perches to a p-ost, thence along No. 2 north J I
east about O'j parches to a post, and thence south
oO cast 132 perches to the pdjee of brgim.ii g. cou-
113 acres, f his piece utiitnprove 1 aud timbered.
No. 5. Part of George Musscrsurvery. beginning
at a post corner of No. 4. thence s uth 26 i west
114 perches to a chestnut oak, theme north 41
west 149 perches to a post, thence north 3-5 j east
1I2J perches to a poet, an 1 thence along No. t
Fouth 4oi east 140 perches tn place of beginning,
containing 93 acres, about 12 acres cdearod. and
small house and barn thereon.
No. 6. Part of same survey beginning at
chestnut on tract line, thence south 31 west ll)t
perches to chestnut oak corner, thence south 4J
east 1j" perches to a gum. thnoe north 36 ea
iutl perches to a red oak. and thence north 4.i
west 162 percbe? to place of beginning, containing
1'3 acres 65 perches and allowance. Lniuiprovod
and timbered.
No. 7. The residue ol another tract in name of
(ieTrge Musser. containing about 1 0:1 acres, bound
ed by lands of R. McPhorran, A. Mcvjarvey and
Terras made known on day of saie Torpor.,
desiring to learn the title or got further informa
tion in regard to tbe lands, can apply to L. J.
Craca, Esq.. Clearfield. Pa., or
Exr's of John MePherran, dee'd.. Spruce Creek,
Huntingdon Co., Pa. June 4. 1-sfri.
CJUERIFF'S SALES. V.j virtue or ur.lry
writs tif Venditioni Krpouas. issued oat of thi
Court of Common Pleas of CIcar5cM couat.v. r. I
tome directed, there will be exposed to PubHo
Sale, at tbe Court House, in the borough of Clear
field, on Mondav the loth day of June cext,
A. 1). IS62. at 1 o'clock, P. the following de
scribed Real Estate viz:
A certain tract of land situate in Woodward
tovvnthip. Clearfield county. Pa., containing 10
acres 17 perciios. beginning at a post in the centre
of tho road online adjoining James Alexander,
thenee by Unds of Wm. Alexander. Sr., north Z'
east l'Ji perches to an old pine stump, tbtnee south
132 perches to a white oak marked by Ferguson,
thenoe south 45 oegrecs west 61 perches toagreea
hemlock standing in the centre of SholTs lane,
thence sou'h 3i west 54 perches to a dogwood of
Samuel Shrf8s. thence by Jierd Alexander north
65 degrees west along the centre of the road 134
perches to a post :t tie angle of the road, theuo
by land of Reed Alexander north Hi degrees
west 16 perches to place of beginning, being part
of purvey in name of Mary Coniey or Council,
patented to Henry Philips, with about 70 acres
cleared, a large 2-story frame house, and log barn
thereon. Seiied.taken in execution and to be iM
as the property of Christian Shoff and Samuel
Shoff administrators of Christian ?hoff. deceased.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Decatur
township, Clearfield county. Pa . boundei on the
north by lands of George D Morgon A Co . east
by lands of John Crane and others. south by lan l
of D. J. Pruner, Ac, and others, and west by
lands of Solomon llamerslaugh, Containing about
200 acres, having about 140 acres cleared latd. a
two story log house, a log barn, and other out
buildingserected thereon. and au orchard thereea.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold a te
property of J. J. Lingleand Abraham Gom.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Ferguson
township. Clearfield ccunty. Pa .containing sixty
acres, with about twenty-two acres cleared. nJ
with house, ham. andsmall orchard, end a ijoiuicj
lands of John McCrackon. Martin Watts. Thmaa
Owen?, ami John P. Hoyt. Seized, takjn in ex
cution and to be sold as the property of G red
wood MeCraeken. .
Also a certain tract of land situate in "g
township. Clearfield county, Pa., bounded by laudi
of George lies. Samuel Powell. James Forrest ani
others, con taiuing seventy-five acres, more or lese.
about 60 acres cleared, tvern hou;j. barn. stab. e
and other out buildings thereon. Seize 1. takeo
in execution and to be sold as the property ot
Jesse Stone, executor of Alex. Stone, deceased.
Also a certain tract of land situate in Uecean
township. Clearfield county. Pa , bounded by lands
of S. K Hagertv. Lyman Miles, deed.. IbonoM
Loid and W. R." Dickinson, containing 75 acre,
more or less, about 30 acres cleared, small log
house and log barn erected thereon. Seized. taken
in execution and to be sold as tbe property ot
Anson Curry. .
Also a certain tract of land situate in Ctie.i
township, Clearfield county. Pa., containing 44
acres, bounded north by Newburg, west by toe
croek, south by Daniel Wood, with log house ani
barn, and about thirty acre cleared thereon-
Seized, taken in execution
and to be euld J
property of Salmon J. Tozer. ,
Also a certain tract of land situate in Drai.ora
township, Clearfield county. Ph.. eontamicg Be
acres, more or less, being part of a tract f
warranted in name of (ieorge Hughes, witn ib.
improvements thereon erected, feized, te
execution and to be ld as the property or
ShU,jr" - EDWARD PRXS.?henff
Jtsri5" Offise, CUarild, May Si, 12