Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 11, 1862, Image 1

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    BY S. J. EOW.
VOL. S.-AT0. 41.
Ah. don't be sorrowful, darling.
And don't be sorrowful, pray;
Taking the year together, my dear.
There isn t, more night than da !
'Ti rain weather, my darling,
Time's waves they heavily ran,
Eot taking the year together, roy dear,
There isn't more clou 1 than un '.
We are oi l folks now, my darling.
Our heads they are growing gray,
Cut taking the year all around my dear,
You will always find the May '.
We have had onr May. my darling,
And our rose long ago.
Afcd the time of year is eoming my dear.
For the silent night and the snow!
And Ood is God. my darling.
Of night as well of day ;
We feel ard know that we can go
Wherever lie leads the way.
Ah. Ood of the night, my darling
Of the night of death so grim '.
The gnte that leads out of life, good wife,
Is the gate that leaJ to Hi in !
What a SoutheraTJnion. Paper thinks of it.
From the Nashville Union, May 17.
We have been in'ending for some days to
notice a very remarkable movement of certain
Democratic Congressmen, well known as allies
nd sympathizers witli Breckinridge, Cobb,
Floyd, and Humphrey Marshall. A meeting
was held the other day by these oki party
Lacks, whose reputations are as battered and
oiled s an old harlot's, and addresses sent
forth to the United States. This formidable
pronnnciimfnto, after circulating five or six
weeks, got just fourteen signatures.
Unavoidable absence, we presume, on pub
lic business, prevented the names ol Howell
Uohb, Jeferson Davis, Jesse P. Bright, Hum
phrey Marshall, GasJavus A. Henry, WigfaH,
and Neile Brown, from adding their lustre to
this newly-risen galaxy of patiiots. So much
tor tle authorship ot this address. And now
let us M-e wliat are its provisions. The first
proposition is conceived in the very spirit of
keUiwh intolerance as far removed lrom patri
tim and genuine Democratic feeling as any
thing that can be imagined. .
The present administration was chosen by
rtJi ar4 in all its civil acts and appoint
ments has recognized, ani still does, its tealty
aud obligations to that party. There must aud
ill lc an opposition."
allatidigham and his crowd want to con
tinue in office, and get their old iriends back
again, and for this purpose "there must be op
position" to the present Administration. We
thought that, as the nation was strug
gling with a u.uty rebellion, it was the duty
of ail citizens, ithout sect or party, to fly to
the support of the officers w ho bad been put
in command of the laboring ship ol Slate, in
older to rescue Ler passengers aud save her
precious ctrgo, "No," say the fourteen, "the
last thing is to settle the question as to what
kind of a flag the shii must carry. And next,
we must have the offices. Nobody has confi
dence in us. We were turned out of off.ee lor
l ad conduct, L-ut the ship shall perish unless
we are restored."
But the address tells a monstrous falsehood
when it says that in "all its civil acts and ap
jH.iMinents, the administration has recognized
Jis fealty and obligations to party." . It is an
imptideut glaritig lie. Whom did President
Lincoln cfler to appoint Secretary of War?
Joseph licit, a Southern Democrat, w ho is in
tleea worthy of the name of Democrat". Whom
did h- ajjoifit Secretary of War ? Hon. E.
M. Stanton, another life-long Detuocrat
Whom did he nominate as Major General of
the U. S. armies George B. McCleil an, an.
other firm, unwavering Democrat. What are
General Duniont, General Buell and General
llalleck 1 Democtats nominated by President
Lincoln and confirmed by aStnate overwhelm
ingly Republican. The signers of the address
to make out the fantest shadow of a pretext
for the plot were compelled to insert a false
rood. Had we space we could enumerate
hundreds of other appointments Andrew
Johnson, as Governor of Tennessee, lor ex
ample who have ever been warm political
enemies to the President. But let us forbear,
The next proposition is a most significant
one, showing clearly that this address of the
fourteen is to tickle the ears ol Southern
To begin the great work of restoration the
ballot-box is to kill .ibolilion. The bitter wa
ters of Secession Sowed first and are fed still
from the unclean fountain of Abolitionism.
That fountain must be dried up.
"In this great work we cordially invite the
co-operation of all men of every party who are
opposed to the fell spirit of Abolition, and
who, in sincerity, desire the Constitution as it
is and the Union as it was. Let the dead past
bury its dead. Kail.. , lovers of the Union,
the Constitution, and of Liberty, to the stand
ard of the Democratic party, already in the
field aDd confided of victory. That party is
the natural and presistent enemv of Aboli
tion." Look at this attentively. What is the first
Juty of the people I To put down the rebel
lion, and restore the supremacy of the Feder- j
I laws in the revolted States. That la what !
e had thought. - That is what the loyal men
of Tennessee, and Kentucky, and Missouri,
atid Virginia, and Maryland say Johnson,
&d Campbell, and Prentice, and John M.
Botts, and Gamble, and others. Ac one word
this address say alout pulling down, and
out the Southern conspiracy. It utters
fcorehuke against the rebels. It deprecates
either bridge burning, nor wire cutting, i or
J'-Jtr.-ilu marauding, nor destroying railroad
cfs, nor any Confederate outrages. It is as
uno as the grave on the horrors now sweep
!g over devoted East Tennessee, the home of
martyr? and patriots. It condemns Dot the
"rbariy of the rebel Government towards
or gallant prisoners. It has no condemna
tion cf the infamous conscription act nor
Withering invective to pour out like molten
. T en the heads of the rebels, who are burn
,rS cotton and sugar crops, and desolating the
o-otith. Then it speaks no cheering word of
tjgratulation for our gallant and heroic sol
ars, who have left their farms, and shops,
4"d pleasant firesides, to save the Govern--ft,
and keep stp to the sublime music of
V;e Union under the flag of the Republic. It
nt even hint what every intelligent man
to be the fact, that the prime and mov
cause, the fountain Lead and cource ol
' rebellion, is a determination on the part
oi Southern officeholders and corrupt aristo
crats to destroy free government and build up
a monarchy or aristocracy on the ruins of
Democratic institutions.
The man who is ignorant of this in ignorant
of the speeches, addresses, resolutions and
newspapers ol the Cotton States for the last
twenty years. He is ignorant of the celabra
ted speech of Hon. L. W. Spratt, one of the
leading men ol South Carolina, who declared
that "Slavery cannot share a Government with
the Democracy !" "Slavery having achieved
one victory to escape Democracy at the North,
must achieve another to cscap it at the South .'"
He must Iks ignorant of the declaration of
Vice President Stephens, as reported by tbo
Sanannah Republican, that "Slavjrt" not
Democracy mark you, or tbo right of man to
rule himself but, "slavery is the chief corner
stone of our Government. The ideas of the j
4'. . . r . i .it y. ...
nameis oi uiB out r eaerai ionstituiion were
funiamentally wrong." In these declarations
of the leaders of the rebellion, which we are
obliged to cut short for want of space for
they could be extended indefinitely we find
the true cause of this hellish rebellion. It
was enmity to free Government. It was a de
termination on the part of an aristocratic
clique not to submit to the people, and be
controlled by an "ignorant majority," as we
heard John C. Breckinridge siy, at 'Hopkins-
vine, Kentucky, in the summer of 1861. As
a further proof of this, the Democratic part
was hopelessly split at Baltimore a year before
Lincoln came into power, and split by the
very ruen who issue this address. It is also
to be remarked that on the advent of Mr
Lincoln to the Presidency, the House of Rep
reseutatires, Senate and Supreme Court were
hi tue hands or toe Democratic party. Why
men, nia toe cotton wing fly offaDd set up
new oontederacy f 1 be Northern Douglas
Democracy would not be controlled by the
insolent Buchanan Democracy, aodsoadis
ruption tooK place, But this address ot the
inglorious fourteen goes on to glorify the Bu
chanan-Cotton Democracy in this grtndilo
quent manner :
"It is the only party capable of carrying on
aar; his me otiiy party wuich has ever
conducted a war to a successful issue, the on
ly party which has done it without abuse of
power, without molestation to the rights ol
8uy class of c itizens, and with due regard to
econemy. All this has been done : all this,
U need be, it is able to do again. If success,
then, in a military point of view be required,
tlie Democratic party alone can command it.
It then proceeds to say that its restoration
(that is, of themselves and company,) to pow
er is demanded by the following consider
ation :
"Economy and honesty in the public ox
penditures, now at the rate of four millions of
dollars a day demand it."
Such economy for iostance as that of Bu
chanan's Secretary of War.Johh B. Floyd,
that paragon of virtue, and such honesty as
that or isham G. Harris.
" 1 ne rapid accumulation or an enormous
and permanent public debt demand it a pub
lic ueoi already one thousand millions ol dol
lars and equal at the present rate in three
years, to England's debt of a century and
half in growth."
It is a dreadful ttiing to go m debt, isn't it,
to save the nation 7 the war shouli be car
ried on for little or nothing. In fact, it would
have been better, as Buchanan thought, to
have no war at all. Just 1st our Southern
friends alone. The "thousand million. " story
is a big,lie.
"Reducing wages, low prices, depression of
trade, decay ot business, scarcity ol work, and
impending ruin on every side demand it."
Every body knows that the "reduced wages"
etc., are ail the fault of Linco.n. The loss of
fat salaries by the Southern friends also "de
mands it," but the (ourteen are quite too mod
est to say so.
We b3v our own opinion as to the rebel
origin of this damnable attempt. The South
ern rebel leaders are at the bottom of it. Noth
ing is more certain than this to our minds.
The chiefs of th'j rebellion see that their work
is about to prove a disastrous failure, and so
they send word to this effect to their Northern
allies: "Give ns two or three free States to
vote for our men, and we will bring back the
Cotton States in solid phalanx, and hold the
offices together as before." This is certainly
the programme. Will the people see it per
formed J
Fellow.citizens, all yon wLo love your coun
try, by whatever name, you have len kinwn
in the past, let cs frowu down all such mbt-r-ably
selfish plots of partisans as this which we
have been reviewing, and, casting aside all
old party ties, unite together on the broad
platform of the Union. Away with partisan
watchwords and names at an hour when the
cation is struggling for life. Our dear mother
country is in peril, let us fly to her rescue.
Let us all be true Union men, true democrats,
true republicans, not in i partizan, but in a
national sense. We close this article with a
quotation from the last letter written by the
oold, patriotic, and lamented Douglas. Let
it be traced in letters of gold over every door
Iq the land :
"I know of no mode in which a loyal citizen
may so we'.l demonstrate his devotion to his
country as by sustaining the tlig, the Consti
tution, and the Union, under all circumstan
ces, and under every Administration, regardless
of party politics, against all assailants at home
and abroad."
Noble words ! Let them be the motto of
every loyal mau in thesj turbulent a'nd stirring
A Dumber ol flonr bands we;re recently re
coived at Fortress Monroe, marked Tgg
handle with care." They were addressed to
private parties, but some army official opened
them, when the eggs were found to be made
ot glass with long necks, and their contents
found to consist of the oil ot corn.
Five hundred contrabands are employed by
the Union army at Newbern, N. C, to dig
en'renebments outside the city. Tbey re
ceive rations and are paid regularly for their
A can ol preserved green corn, pat np eigh
teen years ago, was opened at Portlaud,
Maine, the , other day, and found it to be as
fresh and sweet, as it was kthe day it was seal
ed np.
" When a fellow is too lazy to work," saya
Sam Slick, "he paints bia name over the door,
ai d calls it a tavern or grocery, and makes the
whole neighborhood aa lazy as himself."
Particulars of ths Enjajineat.
FT , ' "
iho aaysot the battle of Richmond have
been fought, on both of which occasions our
troops have been victorious, with a heavy loss
on ooiu sides, l lie battle was opened by the
enemy making
jiision, wrucn was encamped beyond the
...Ca, on me turnpiKe leading over
lioiiom Bridge, and within t-even miles of
Richmond. The attack was made bv General
JJlli S Division, comnosed of five rebel t.ri
gades, the troops being in the most part, from
irginia, South Carolina and Georgia. A-
ooui i o clock the enemy fired three shells
into our camp, one .alter the other, at inter
ii auuiii Humiie, wnicn was prooaolv a
signal to their forces that everything was in
readiness, and which caused no'uncasiness in
our camp from the freciuencv of its occurrence
of late. Within a few minutes they cam up
on our pickets unawares, and attacked them
with great vigor and a large foice. The fight
here was disastrous. Gen. Cas.-y's troops
were foiced to retire before superior num
bers, leaving all their equipage and two bat
teries on the field. Colonel Bailv, iu endeav
oring to save bis battery, was killed.
Casey'sdivision lelf buck to the Seven Pines,
where the division of Gen. Ooucb was drawn
up behind rifle pits. The baule nged fiercely
here lor a time, when Gen. Couch fell back,
with considerable loss, a short distance, but
finally succeeded in making a successful stand
uu tue arrival of reiuforcements from Gen.
Heintzletnan, whose troops were pouring in
on the railroad as I left the field and, I leatn,
sticceded jointly in checking the enemy, and
retakingpart of the ground lostduring tbeday.
The most desperate courage was displayed
upon both sides, our regiments charging re
peatedly to the enemy, driving tbem back for
a while, when they would again in turn get
the upper hand and drive us before them. The
loss upon both sides at this point must have
been fearful, as every inch of ground was
disputed in the most desperate manner, and
was only gained by overwhelming numbers
and bypassing over the bodies of our dead
ana wounded suldiers. Our batteries at this
time were pouring into the rebel ranks a per
..Y. t .. .
c.i a.ivner oi grape ana canister, mowing
uj'mu uown in winrows. but stili thev steadi
step by step advanced till our lines commenc
. i n i .. . .1 . . . ,
cv way wuen icey cnarged upon our
batteries and succeeded in capturing seven
guua which we were unaoie to remove owing
to me uorses uaving oeen Killed. The enemy
were now in possession of our camp, and bad
turned our guns upon our retreating columns
wtnie the intantry continued to follow them
np asclasely as possible. Our men, although
compelled to fall back, did so without any
symptoms oi a panic, but still quite hastily
the enemy captured everything belonging to
Casey's division expecting what they had on
their backs, leaving them without a tent or
blanket to cover tbem. The supply of com
missary stores was very light in camp, and
all the baggage warons and officers' batrffse
naa oeen sent to tne rear two davs before
So that our loss falls principally upon the men
wijo nad leit all their effects in tliir tpnts
ltie regiments comprising Casey's brigade
are mosny comparative new troops and have
been reduced very i uch from sickness since
they have been on the Peninsula. The whole
division could not have numbered more than
6,000 eflective men, while the force of the
enemy was from thirty to fifty thousand. The
otucers ail as far as I could learn behaved
the most gallaut mauner, and their loss
large. Uen. Uas-y was in the thickest of the
fcght and was re sorted wounded, but I ft-r.
wards learned that he escaped unhurt.
Abou. four o'clock word was sent to General
Sumner to bring up his corps, which was en
camped beyond the Caickahominv. They
crossed the oridge bui.t by his troops about
three miles above Bottom't bridge, aud desiz
hated by the name of the Graoevine bridge
taking a position on Gen. Heintzleman's ritrht
Here they encountered Generals Longstreet's
hams' and Hughes s Divisions the flower of
the tebel army. The fighting was desperate,
every loot ot ground being hotly contested.
but our soldiers were two much lor tbem.
The enemy would stand manfully at a distance
of sixty yards and be fired at, but they were
afraid of the bayonet, and in every instance
trjit our men charged they were victorious
1 he loss of the enemv must have been very
heavy, as they received the concentrated fire
of our batteries lor a considerable time, be
sides the deadly volley poured into them by
our infantry. A larsre number of our killed
and wounded must have falien in their hands.
The ol ject of the enemy, was to make a strong
reconnoisance, in order to feel our position.
and, if successful, to drive us back as far as
possible. If such was the object ol the move
ment, u was eminently succcsstui, as tar as
the events of to-day are concerned.
From a prisoner I luarn that the advance of
the enemy consisted of Mississippi and North
Carolina troops, under the command of Gen.
Rhodes, and supported by 50,000 men.
As the troops under Gens. Heintzleman and
Sumner were seen coming up the railroad
and turnpike at doble quick every one seemed
to feel relieved and felt sure that now the
aay was ours, and that the enemy, although
temporarily successful, would soon be driven
back beyond our former liies. As night ap
proached the Held presented a dreadful ap
pearauce. Long lines of ambulances could be
seen conveying the dead and wounded from
the field, while those that could not obtain
conveyances were being carried by their com
rades. Most of the w ounded officers w -re
carried back to the House occupied by Gee.
Heintzleman, where their wounds were dress
ed, and every attention paid them to make
then comfortable, while ail the outhouses and
teuts were used as hospitals for those unable
to get in the bouse. Our surgeons did their
utmost to mitigate their sufferings.
About dark a train consisting of six or seven
cars was loaded with 'founded and started for
the White House, where they arrived about
10 o'clock, and the wounded carried on board
the steamers prepared for the purpose. The
steamers were provided with every conveni
ence and luxury for the wounded, with kind
and faithful female nurses. One cause of the
disaster to Gen. Casey's division was owing
to the great number of officers sick and unfit
lor duty. Some of the regiments went into
action with only one field officer, and very few
companies contained their full compliment ol
officers. The division bas suffered more from
sickness than any other on the peninsula,
from the fact "of its being compoied of troops
raised last, some of lie regiments in fact having
been in the field but a few days, while the other
divisions had an opportunity, while encamped
around Washington, to get in a measure ac
climated and accustomed to camp life.
It must be allowed that the rebels fought
with great bravery, and their loss must Lave
been severe. They again succeeded in playing
the old dode UPOn Our troovs. bv di7ilahinr a
flag of truce till they got witUin good range, 'and
itn pouring in upon them a deadly volley.
They succeeded in this way at one time in
completely silencing the fire" of our batteries.
Flushed with their seeming victory ol Sat
urday, the rebels awoke with confidence on
Sunday to follow U . their movements. nr uf
uriviDg us this time to the Cbickabominy and
oeyoDd. out they had made the unfortunate
mistake of estimating the strength of our re
serves by the weakness of our advance. Most
bitterly did they pay for their mistake. Pies-
sing eagerly forward with confidence of vic-
toiy, they were met bv the trained troor.s of
Heihtzlemau and Sunnier, whose urm'eldin?
columns checked their fierce assault, turning
the tide of battle every where azainst them.
and forcing them at the noiut of the. Intom-t
on toward Richmond. It was their turn now
to break and run, and their losses of the Sab
bath left them little cause for rejoicing over
the trifling gain of Saturday.
Terribly did the Rebels sutler on this, as
well as the previous diy, from the well direct
ed fire of our artillery, filling the groun'l with
the slain, terrible also to them were the fre
quent charges of our solid columns, pressing
them back step bv steo to the last uoint of
endurance, when thev broke and ran inclori-
rusly leaving behind them many of their men
and omcers as well as privates prisoners in our
hands. The number of these it is not yet
possible to ascertain, several davs necessarily
elapsing after every engagement before a lull
luventory can be taken.
Gen. Saxton Relieved Ey Gen.. Sigel.
Gen. Saxton is at Washington, having been
relieved of his command at Harper's Ferry by
Gen. Sigel. With 7.000 raw troons be kert
the Rebel army which had driven Gen. Banks
out of the valley at bay, and with his artillery
planted on B.olivar and the Maryland Hights
repulsed their attacks several times, and sav
ed the railroad bridge and the depot of stores.
It is believed that Jackson had not less than
20.000 there, while not more than 500 went to
Martinsburg. Tbey were commanded by Gens.
Jackson, Ewell, Taylor,Trimble, and Winder,
and consisted of Louisiana, Mississippi, Geor
gia, and Virginia troops, the best from each
State in the Rebel army. Fifty pieces of ar
tillery were counted passing through Charles
town. When Jackson saw that he was foiled
in his attempt to cross into Maryland he fairly
cried-, according to the report of a deserter.
Jackson's Force Our Retreat.
Jackson's force, it is supposed, was not far
from 30,000 strong, while Gen. Banks had but
3.500 in the field. The Second Massachusetts
guarded tbe rear and fought during the march
from Newton to Winchester, which lasted
from dark on Saturday evening till 1 o'clock
on Sunday .morning, and at dawn formed on
the ridge near Winchester, and kept the ene
my at bay three hours and a half, killing very
many more than they lost, and driving the ar
tillerymen from their guns. One Colonel ad
mitted the loss of eight field and line officers
in his regiment. ;
Stroso Abgcmext ts. Strong Bitter.
My son why is it, that when you drop your
bread and butter it is always the butter side
down f "
"I don't know. It hadn't ortcr. had it ?"
The strongest side ought to be np, and this is
the strongest butter I have ever seen."
'Hush up; it's some of your aunt's churn
"Did she churn it ? the great lazy thing."
"What, your aunt V
"o, mis nere oettur. lo mace that Door
oid woman churn it when it's stron? enough
to cnurn itsell."
. - -.
Hush, Zeb, I've eat a great deal worse
the most aristocratic houses." -
"Well, people of rank ought to eat it."
"Why people of rank"
"Cause it's rank butter."
"iou varmint, you! what makes vou talk so
smart J"
"'Cause the outter has taken the skin of my
"Zeb, don t lie! I can't throw away the
"I'll tell you, ma, what I would do with It
jveep ii to arsvr ousters, iou ought to see
the flies keel over as soon as tbey touch it
"ca, aon i aggrevaie me : out Here is a
quarter, go to the store and buy some fresh
Scddes Growth. A Yankee lad, whose
father was a "down East" farmer, went into
the barnyard to play, a short time aeo. and.
being detained a prisoner by a thunder-storm.
ne tell asleep on a b3g ot guano. The old
gentleman, when the storm was over, went
into the barnyard lo look after his son, and
met a iant eight feet hi;ib coming out of the
"Hallo! who are you ?" he cried. "What
are you doing here J"
"Why, father," squeaked the Goliah, "it's
me. Don't you know Tommy 7"
"You V exclaimed the now astonished pa
rent. "Why, Tommy, how' on earth did you
get pulled out so long in so short a time V
"Why, father," replied the boy. lookine
down upon the gaiinz old man. "I sleDt on
those bags of guano you put in the barn, and
tbem and the lightning
together has done the
Old Squire B was elected Judee of the
Inferior Coart in some county in Georgia.
When he went home, his delighted wife ex
claimed : "Now my dear, you are a Judge,
what then ami?" He replied, "The same
darn'd old fool you allers were I"
The agriculturists of England and Ireland
have sown great quantities of fiax the present
spring. It is said that Ireland will have ona
fourth of its surface covered with the plant
this year.
The citizens of Philadelphia hare subscrib
ed four millions ol dollars to. the building of
passenger railway on Pennsylvania avenue.
Washington City.
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.
Yankee many-sidedness is amply illustrated
by the proceedings of General Bitler in New-
Orleans. Tbe exjeriment going on in that
city is a ciitical one, and much will depend;
on tbe result. Here is an instarr-e in which i
the commercial metropolis of the Confederacy .
has been subjugated, and it now remains to be j
seen how far conquest and armed occupation, i
operating immediately npon the largest centre
of population in Rebeldoin, may be converted '
into an instrumentality for the restoration of ,
the former state of things by the free will of.
the eople. Our theories ot a suppressed
Union sentiment longing for safe expression, j
and of an overbearing military dyna?.ty coer
ercing reluctant communities into Secession
partisanship, are now to be put directly to the
test in one locality at least, and
tbat perhaps
1 '
the most important one. j
So far as he has progressed, General Bit- f
ler appears to have operated quite judicious- i
ly and successfully. He has a marked iudi-
viduality of character which crops out in all !
his words and actions. It is certainly a novel ;
sight to see the Colonel of a Maine regiment;
as Military Commandant ot New Orleans, and j
the city ruled by authority derived from a '
Massachusetts Uwyer in regimentals, with his !
head-quarters established in St. Charles Hotel, j
But, really, the change appears to have been '
an improvement. Oar last arrivals bring us J
an ample budget of the Commanding Gen -mi's ;
acts. He assumes the entire responsibility, !
and, as brokers say, "carriers" the entire city j
on bis shoulders. Nobody is too high or too I
low for bis attentions. He rips open the j
vaults of foreign consuls fjr money stolen :
from the Mint, and explores th- recesses of
vilest gin shops ia order to drag forth Seces- i
Mon Thugs. Tbe "ladies," who rely upon '.
the immunity of their sex to insult our orb- j
cers, he threatens with the calaboose ; and the
wife ot Gen. Beauregard, who maintains a i
quiet seclusion in her own bouse, he treats !
with the courtliest dignity. Now be discuss- j
es intetnational law with the British Consul, i
now debates finance with the representatives j
of the banks ; one day be suppresses, a news
paper, on the next he edits one ; alter compel
ling taverns and gambling houses to take a li
cense, he prohibits the churches from observ
ing a last day "in obedience to some suppos
ed proclamation of one Jefferson Davis;" he
orders the storekeepers to open their stores,
and feeds the poor with Confederate beef and
flour; he declares that bank notes, according
to the promise on their face, shall be redeem
ed in coin, and at one sweep of a general or
der, w ipes out of circulation the bogus curren
cy of the Confederacy aud the dirty shii-pIas-ters
of the shop-keepers. With the everlast
ing contraband be deals in a utmost summary
and practical way neither gasconading like
Phelps, nor usurping like Hunter. To the
former be writes, in tbe case ol "a boy" who
had come w ithin his lines, "if you have any
use for him, use him; if not, is he not like
any other vagrant about the camp " and says
his subsistence is not sufficient for unnecessa
ry men. We cannot, however, follow the gen
eral in all his multifarious acts as Commander
1 of the Gulf Department, and financier, almon
er, and care-taker generally for the munici
pality of New Orleans.
He bas, withal, a very direct way of doing
things. The Mayor of the city grows obstrep
erous, writes a long.disrespectiul letter and re
ceives ior answer, tne same day, ouiy an or
der informing him that, as late Mayor, he is
"relieved from all responsibility lor the peace
" of the city, and is suspended from the exer
" cise of acy official 1 unct ions. and committed
" to Fort Jacksou until further orders." The
City Council tenders, the, "freedom and hos
pitalities of the city " to tbe officers of the
French frigate Calinct, but they are straight
way informed, by the Major General Com
manding, that "the ofler ol the freedom of a
"captured city by the captives, would merit
" letters patent for us novelty, were there not i
"doubts of its usefulness as an invention."
He scampers about on horseback among tbe
people, and when reminded of the dangers of
assassination, tells tbem that if they did it, it
would only place General Phelps io com
maud, and if they were satisfied w ith that ar
rangement he had nothing to say. Having
provided for feeding tbe destitute, he looks
after the health of all, establishes strict reg
ulations at the quarantine grounds, and, find
ing that neither buzzards uor contractors kept
the streets sufficiently clean, he tells the May
or and Councils that merely passing resolu
tions will not do " it will not do to shift the
" responsibilty from yourselves to tbe Street
" Commissions, from thence to the contractor,
"and thence to tbe sub-contractor, and through
44 all tbe grades of civic idleness and neglect
of duty."
Trade follows in his track. Cotton is ship
ped; mails are started; commerce revives;
express lines run ; recruiting offices are open
ed ; Union candidates announce themselves j
a lawyer from Washington begins to practice
law, and, as he is the clerk ot the Provost
Court, will probably succeed in collecting j
Northern claims. Altogether this New Or- j
leans movement is one of the most curious iu j
the whole history of the war. Its legal, po- j
liticai, and domestic enects will furnish mate
rial for much pleasant study, and Dixie may,
after all, sing with joy, as well as truth, that
Picayune Butler bas indeed come to town.
Extensive Transportation Train. Some
one fond of "cariosities" has ascertained the
following facts : "An army of 600,000 men
carry on their shoulders 30,000,0u0 of pounds;
and eat 1,200,000 pounds of pro isioos, and
drink over 600,000 pounds ol water each day."
A German woman at Winsted, Conn., thinks
that "we in this country don't know anything j
about war yet." During tbe existence of a
war in Germany she was compelled to work in
a blacksmith's shop lor three years, so scarce
were men.
The loyal citizens of Charlestown, Mass..
through their Town Council, Toted ten thou
sand dollars lor the support of tbe wives and
families of those who left town on Tuesday
for the war.
Taunton and New Bedford papers chronicle
an immense catch of herrinzs this year 60,-
000 at one time and 20,000 at another. They
are so plenty that the farmers use tbem for
Who first introduced salt provision into, the
navy f Noah for be bad, Ham in the ark.
Fredericksbcrc, Va., May L'Sjh, lb62.
Dear Row : Monday morning nil was bus
tle in this division, caused by orders to "i.ull
o.RCO bk. m..c io p:4its unknown,
j Everybody knows that none but te coiticUrs
j have a premonition, in Uct, as to dc.nua-
tion yet, of course, wfe i conjectured that
; we were to raca little further into Dixie,
but, much to our disappointnici.r, weicp
on the same side of the stream formerly oc
: cupied the First Brigade, however, croJ
I the river, and traveled out about two miies
from town, whore they are at pieseut located.
I The "Bucktails" and the jth are ia the First
; brigade, and as we cuiu t get across in iividu-
i .'-" - command. ng tien-
era!, and that onlv oa important besine-s w
' tuuiM-, ium a, i communication with
them lor the present therefore, I am unable
to tell you how the C!eartk-id boys are enj- r
ing themselves in their new position. Thev
were in fine spirits, and in good health, o far
as I know, when they left camp. Previous to
vacating their old camp, I learned that sever
al of Captain livin's men were taken to the
Hospital among the number, Joseph Shirk.
G-n. Shields division, including the 61th,
reached this place on the 221 of May. I call
ed to see the boys of Captain Ogden's com
pany aud found, those who were able to bear
the fatigues of marching, in good Lsalth anl
fine spirits. The regiment is wonderfully
thinned out, and. I was informed, coalcl
scarcely ruuter ovr 5 J men. I.i v have ev-
lueuut s'eD ujucii rouga
service, as their
uronzea i ace, and in
and in Iiijf.y CjScS. tattt rfd o
nifortns abundantly testify. Yet I heard not
a word of complaint from the brave sons of
the piie woods. All were rcadv to add new
laiirels to their already w i ic spread reputation
for bravery, by rushing forward t. now deeds
of daring. Well may Clearfiell le proud of
this gallant little band, in which she i so well
represented. Th- boys of companv K speak
in high terms of the gentlemanly and soldierly
bearing of Ctpt. Ogden. I hi hoped that
the Division would have remained here until
the boys were thorougiy recruited in strength;
and received new uniiurms. I am not aware
; mat tins was the case in either inMa oze, lor
they disappeared as suddenly as thev ca'me
The movements of Jackson created a great
excitement here and consequents there has
ben quite a distribution of troops" in order to
re inforce Banks. No doubt, the traitor
Jackson hoped to catch our boys napping;
but, when it is too late lor him, "he tu ay find
Jhat be has fallen into the very 'snare which
be intended for others. It is evident that the
rebel mershcen is on its last run in Virginia
and in the madness of desperation the traitors
seern determined to do all the mischief they
can no matter what the cost to themselves
To attain this oVject, they rely more upon
the barbarous system of guerrilla warfare
than anything else. Our men have wore to
fear from this clandestine mode of sh.ootin
fhem down, than from any other; and they
are fast growing itupat ieut at the leniency of
the government, that forbids them to retali
ate in the tuot summary manner. Nothing
but the severest punishment will deter thes
malicious scoundrels from their desperate
acts, and cold-blooded assassination of our
volunteers. Onr bovs do not r.-lish th
of being struck down when least expected, by
an uuseea loe, nui are wujuig to meet
half dozen of them in t pen combat.
the weather here as a general thing, is verr
warm and sultry; and vegetation is in quite
au advanced state, and the forests have now
on their fullest and most fascinating robes.
I send you, w ith this, a copy of the-Chris-tian
Banner, a l:ttl- paper published iu Fred
ericksburg. The editor appears to be rather
on able man ; but is, no doubt, now in rather
straitened circumstances, in consequence of
the relellion. I send the paper more as a cu
riosity, than anything else.
We 1 ave quite a railroad bridge hfre now
buiit in just eleven days from the time of it
comraenctueut-which, I judge, is quick
work. Yours, W. RB.
How the modern Democrats do love the
Sold iers ! When, in Mexico, the Soldiers vot
ed generally for Shunk, the Democratic can
didate for Governor, no complaiut was made.
But, in ISol, two thirds of them voted for the
Republican Union Ticket and then, threw
Democratic Judges Lowrey, Woodward, and
Strong find out that such "out of the Dis
trict" mode of voting is unconstitutional!
Yet, they would have yon think "the Democ
racy are always tbe same" -the Democracy
are the only true fheLds of the Soldiers!"
We hope tbe boys will be home to vote bv
October next, generally and tbey will sav at
the polls what they think of such partial De
mocracy. An Unprecedented Res at Billiards. A
great game of billurds was played at Owen's
billiard saloon, Syracuse, last Wednesday.
Tbe game was of 100 points between a Mr.Wav
and Wru. Owens, the keeper of the billiard
sa!oon. Owens played caroms and discount
against his opponent's full game. 0ens mrsed
! the balls.got thein in the jam.an I retained them
: there till be hid male the iirij-recJeGte J ran
oi -jjvo points, mostly cpon a white a: d red
ball. The last play made by Mr. OJens v
a five shot and he then relinquished the cue
from sheer exhaustion. The play began at ol
and ended at 8 P. M.
The Lafayette Indiana, Journal says a por
tion of the track ol the Pittsburg, Fort Wayna
and Chicago Railroad has sunk onr of sight
three times. The space where this occurred
is about two hundred feet Jcng. After lising '
two other tracks, the company" inserted piles.
They are now driving down piles of over sixty
leet in lengf h, an I have not yet found hard
ground. This spot is supposed to have been
once occcpled by a lake, over which vegeta
tion has spread a thin crust.
"Mr. Brvn, yon say tbe witness was honest
snd intelligent. What makes yoa think so t
are you acquainted with bini T" "No, sir ; I
have never seen bim before." "Why, then,
do you come to such a conclusion "Be
cause ie takes five newspapers, and pays for
every one of them in advance."
Governor Sprague has betn elected to the
Senate of the United States by the Le;is3a-
tare of Rhode Island, lor six years from the
4tb of March next.