CLEARFIELD, JUNE 4, 1862. A CURIOUS HOO STOKY. JTbe correspondent of The Cincin nailiTimes with Gen. Mitchell's com mand is responsible for the follow ing yarn. ' The bogs in this part of the coun try are magically inclined, and all come up to breakfast to the tune of "Dixie." On every plantation, the the oldest "darky" has the honor of playing music to the hogs for about an hour every morning, and from the very moment when be commences, till the end of tbo piece, the shrill, piercing notes of the hogs are beard comming from all directions, and blending with the music of the dar ky, from the full grown sow to the smallest of the litter these notes are audible a mile distant. I can never forget when I first witnessed the scene, and for the life of me I -could not tell or make out what it meant. ' I was on my way from Shelby ville, Tenn., to lluntsrille, Ala., and being alone, I started very early, so as to overtake the army, who were a day in advance of me. Hiding up a very steep bill, I beard a shrill, sharp sound, and thought it must be a loco motive. At this time I was sur rounded by trees, on either side. The sound contiuued. Finally, I 'heard such a terrible rumbling in the woods among the trees, that I put spur to my horse and started off as fast as I could go, and the further and more swiftly I sped, the greater tbo rumbling. At last I came to the serious conclusion that 1 was "played out," and must surely fall into the bauds of the Rebels. I baited, and in less than Ave min utes I saw hogs of every grade, col or and species, making the tallest kind of tracks down the hills toward where the music came from. There were black kogs, white bogs speckl ed hogs yellow hogs and gray hogs, all running in otie direction. 1 paused for a moment and surveyed the scene, and, finally, I followed In the train, and as I decended, there stood before me a nigger, as black as ebony, blowing away on an old horn, and surrounded by at least Ave hundred attentive listeners in the shape of hogs. As I approached, the old darky saluted me with "Good morning, Massa." "Well, my friend," I remarked, "what in creation are you blowing that initmal old hoin for r" Old Ebony opened bis wide mouth, diplying at the fame time as fine a set of teeth as 1 ever looked at, and laughed as loud as lie could, aud then said t "Massa, you'se beln' from the Norf, where nono of these things is swine on." I answered, "Yes, but what does It all mean 7" "You see, massa," responded the old man. "nil those bogs thar t be fore I commenced playin' tliar wasn't one hog here, but when 1 fust blow ed this born they all started from every part of de woods an come up here. I so at dis blstiis for do Lord knows how many years, and I has brought in million of bogs wid inu sic. 1 set to play every morning at daylight alongside dis feuce, and den stop for one hour, and at do end ob de hour all massa's nogs are in from de woods. Iso a good music man, massa, I Is." "I then asked him what tune he liked best and played most to rallv the bogs ?" he responded "Dixie." Well, 1 thought to myself, can it be possible that the Southern chivalry and Southern hogs march to the same tune r Let your promtsus be sincere, and o prudently considered as not to ex ceed the reach of your ability t ho who promises more than ho can per form is false to himself ; and he who does uot perform what he has prom ised is false to his friend. Put forth all your strength In hon ring God, and doing his command mentsf for that time shall end in a blessed eternity, that is prudently and zealously spent in the service of the Supreme Being. It is stated that Beauregard is in sore want or money. Prentice can aiders that's strange when we con aider what a big chuck Buell and Grant lately gave him on the bank of Tennessee. . : A wag on seeing an old goblur try ing to swallow a cotton string, very facetiously remarked: "That was the last attempt to introduce cotton Into Turkey." A lover sees his sweetheart in everything he looks at, just as a man, bitten by a mad dog, sees dogs in bis meat, dogs in bis drink, dogs all rouna uim. "Do you know, sir, that when I left borne, my neighbors honored mo with a musical escort?" "Oh. I un derstand, you were drummed out of town." It may be a question whether an army is or is not brave, when, on being attacked at its morning meal, u reaoives at an hazards to breakait. . Col. Coffin says Opotheyoholo told him as he was starting for Fort Leavenworth, "You must bring us aown some wagons that snoot !" Disdain Dot your inferior, though poor; since he may possibly be much your superior in wisdom, and the noble endowment of the mind. The New York lawyers complain of very dull times at the bar, and say that not fifty of the three thousand there are making a living. A little boy being asked in Sunday school 'what Is the chief end o'f nan V answered t "The end what's got the bead on." Truth Is like a cork, you may keep it down while you put a pressure up on it but it is sore to come upon the urface at last. Female education Is often a gandy and tawdry setting which cambers and almost hides the Jewelry it ought to bring out. . TREASURER'S SALE OF UN SEATED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1860 and 1861. Notice is eerkbt sivix, that in pursu ance of an Aet of Assembly passed the 12th day of June, A. D. 181 5, entitled "An Act to amend an aet directing the mode of selling unseated lands, in Clear field eounty," will be exposed to Public Sale or outery, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Borough of Clearfield, on the Sec ond Monday in June, a. J). 1662 : BECCARIA TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees yOwners. Taxes Thomas Weston. 162 116 Michael Musser, $27 95 Same for '58 & '59, 25 92 Geo. D. Morgan lr Co. 58 Peter Miller, 11 99 141 43 John Miller, 29 20 58 140 Fred. Hubley, 18 21 26 80 John Bausm in, 5 39 80 61 Fred. Howman, 6 80 169 96 John Beam, 35 00 126 40 Jacob Mussersmith, 26 U9 176 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 86 43 244 144 Thomas Billington, 50 60 25 Thomas Billington, 5 19 oa w jonn witmer, 82 (JO 399 40 Henry Witmer, 82 60 231 112 Wm. Wilson, 47 82 165 40 Herman Witmer, , 34 17 251 Wm. Brown, 61 90 8 70 Sarah Billington, 105 232 Philip Wysincope, 48 03 150 60 John Wysincope, 31 06 G. L. Reed $ Co. William Miller. 88 19 Herman Haupt $ Co. 162 116 Jacob Krue. ln 67 John Gibson, 19 67 Jeremiah Mosher, 11 39 Peter Getz, 19 67 Martin Fantz, 40 02 Jacob Fantz, jr., 35 65 George Musser, 39 61 Robert Wilson, 26 02 Thomas Wilson. 8 98 433 153 David Burton. 65 90 Josiuh W. Smith. 433 153 William Grav 59 89 $. J. Sh'off. Z 13 A. Mysincope, 1 11 David Yonnkin. 50 Campbell & Turner, 10 SG Same for '56-7-8 & 9 14 40 30 Plnnkett, 0 22 Jlbram Beyers. 247 146 Jacob Krug, 61 12 Same for '56-7-8-9 82 49 433 153 John Miller, 69 89 20 E. B. llavmaker, 4 14 98 140 Michiel Fantz, 20 29 426 66 162 116 91 94 162 330 296 328 215 74 116 153 125 153 73 82 00 No 4239 3350 161 3G5G 177 433 600 BELI", TOWNSHIP Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. James U. Thompson llenrv Heck. John P. Hoyt. 118 John Nicholson, Win. Brady. 81 John Nicholson, Arthur Bell. Benjamin Gibbe, James McGhee, 439 133 Joseph Boon, Taxes $31 00 10 00 11 Of 2i 80 31 00 27 2S 15 43 9 41 4 65 4 60 11 47 89 208 234 408 413 440 429 429 219 Frampton Bell, 100 Barnhnrt Henry, 75 Sherman Jonathan, 60 Shecslev Michaol, 100 Lenden Joseph, HOGGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes James Dixon, jr. John Thomas, $9 41 Lumadut and Turner. Jihn Thomas, 22 15 Hunter and BrokenhooJ. 76 Joseph Drinker, 19 CO H. S. Wrian. 76 11. S. Drinker, 43 45 Fitch and Boynon. Wm. M'Cormick, 43 94 Nancy Boggs, . 46 86 Cram, Blakely and Perley. 41 Malcorn McDonald. 45 C6 29 41 John Beyers. 45 06 Wm. Albert $ Bra's. 132 George llootniiin, 14 07 G. W. Gear hart. 80 Walter Stewart, 6 68 George D. Morgan $ Co. 158 61 John Montgomery, 16 47 93 146 Richard Thomas 10 09 Josiah W. Smith. Thomas Smith, 21 80 75 William Monis, 43 67 John E. Shaw, 6 33 Luke Kylcr, 3 76 BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Win. Hurler 138 Nicklin A Griffith, $3 34 A. 11. Reed. Est. Nicklin A Griffith, 25 50 John Ik. Newpher. 5682 80 Josoph Forron, 10 95 6920 300 If. Leech A J.Patton 21 20 4020 478 John Nicholson, 40 47 322 Josiah W. Smith, 27 40 BRADFORD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John Porter. Blair&M'Lanehan, $22 46 Win. Ilitrhens. 62 Francis West, John Wooldridge. Aaron Levy, Wm. Sanson, Same for '58 & ?59, Abraham Graham. Isabella Jordan, Thomas Waple. Jonathan Nesbit, 5 Hall & Buck, 11 Jos. & Wm. Sanson, 7 V.B.Holt, 9 Wm. Graham, jr. 4 Moses Boggs, ( heirs) 3 George Barger, 3 61 Nehumiah Means, 5 41 205 410 76 63 Ao. No 6939 692G 129 98 250 200 200 60 156 114 100 159 100 127 85 46 100 100 14 40 10 81 3 24 3 61 8 41 41 41 20 15 60 33 BRADY TOWNSHIP, No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc Taxes Geo. Calvin- Bailey. 3574 102 54 Roberts A Fox, $8 70 lit ton Reynolds. 900 Henry Wykoff, 140 43 5877 6879 58H1 5886 Robert Ross. 195 77 Casper Stiver, 7 30 James Bloom. 5631 135 Joseph Ferron, 12 59 David 5681 135 Joseph Ferron, 12 59 Smith and Brother. 218 501 Christian Lower, 77 63 ill. Leys, heirs. 110 370 Christian Lower, 57 34 50 Samuel Ambrose, 4 66 25 Z.S.Welch, 3 11 BURNSIDE TOlVNSniP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tar Jl. K. Wriiht. 800 ' Jere. Williamson. 9.4 o James Gallaher. 424 Mary Crawford. 23 2fi Shevlev Priestley. Ill . Christian Stake, 10 86 810 Frederick Kuhn 85 24 160 Jacob Rowland. 14 63 150 John Rran. 9 7fi Sam a for ' H Jtn 91 150s EbenMcMasters. . a TCI $ game for '66-7-8-8 Ml CHEST TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. , Taxes . John Patlon. 4S3 153 John Brenneman, $87 83 Henry S. Drinker, Estate. 60 Charles Gobin, 4 29 200 Robert Fleming, 17 26 200 Isaac Richardson, 17 26 200 Jonathan Walker, 17 26 J. W. Smith. 876 Peter Horse, : 38 91 Ruth McConnell, Est. . 357 64 Hugh Bartley, 24 62 120 Joseph Piker, 8 28 271 George Page, 18 71 411 Henry Page, 28 37 234 James Noble, 16 15 James Thompson. 100 31 Henry Pole, . 20 70 36 Armstrong & Garnel, 6 39 140 Fulton, 6 22 Geddes, Marsh $ Co. 483 153 John Musser, 88 3 200 John Port, 27 60 108 . Jonathan Kephart, 22 35 60 Samuel Hagy, . 4 28 60 Nicholas Ilagy, 4 28 114 Benj. Hartshorn, 9 79 200 . Mahaffey & Mitchell, 20 70 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Frederick Karthaus. 1898 578 Morris A Stewart, $41 73 1S-99 890 Morris A Stewart, 64 09 1902 889 Morris A Stewart, 64 03 1942 545 Morris A Stewart, 39 25 J eter Jamm. 1892 200 . Morris A Stewart, 14 40 Jl. Or U. Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 13 01 EldriJge, Merrell Thompson 5370 1100 George Mead, 19 82 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Geo. D. Morgan & Co. 417 124 Tlios. P. Cope. $59 41 241 47 John Drinker, 34 29 123 John Skvron, 24 SO 408 137 Richard'Tbomas, 68 15 358 137 Jacob Downing, 51 05 203 154 Hugh Ely, 29 00 210 70 Henry Drinker, 29 96 49 Benjamin Wilson. 6 9 106 115 Joseph Hambleton, 15 17 49 41 John Skyron, 6 92 167 138 Thomas P. Cope, 23 7 46 Wm.-Montgomery, 6 49 262 01 Joseph Sanson, 37 29 78 Johu Cannon, 11 06 97 Thoa. Edmondson, 13 75 07 1VI tie oige Graff, 9 56 208 61 William Sanson, 29 C8 James M'Girk, Est. 391 159 Thomas Billington, 65 69 Peter Owens. 404 Chas. Risk, (tax) 67 44 E. II ooldridee. 211 Pat. Moore, (f tax) 80 02 Jiigler or H right. 433 John Anderson, 68 43 433 Gilbert Vanght, 68 43 Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall, 12 08 202 R.Coplin, 23 75 James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sanson, 5 80 76 99 William Sanson, 10 91 D. G. Primer & Co. 290 Eliz.fie J. Harrison, 4127 Same for '58 9 39 98 John McGirk. 211 22 William Evans, 34 29 Geo.Wilson.jr. 200 Edward Smith, 23 70 Henry Kephart. 400 Sam'l Hambleton, 56 88 Due for '68-9 1 66 90 Jacob Cox, 12 81 Ji. B. Long. COO Casper Haines, 42 66 250 Casper Haines, 35 87 Same for '58-9 20 51 300 Joseph Harrison, 42 (i6 Same for '68-9 41 37 150 Wm. Wooldridge, 2131 Same for '66 7-8-9 48 28 100 Samuel Kay, 15 80 100 Jonathan Kephart, 14 22 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Ilambright, $29 50 Jl. Moore. 108 Matthias Slough, 9 57 Charles Houston. 433 153 George Ross, 88 86 L. J. Crans. 150 S. Scott, 13 2 John P. Hoyt. 110 Adam Rigart, 3 41 74 Lewis Jordan, 6 66 60 Hiram Pussmore, 4 43 100 Benj. Hartshorn, 8 86 FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Ter. Warrantee , etc Taxes oillaman Jlartt'ood. 4200 330 Jas. Wilson, west, $9 07 1 at ham el Uaihy. 4188 200 Jns. Wilson, east 1 13 76 Win. Sam. 4188 350 Jas. Wilson, middle, 9 63 & . t'renton . 4271 495 James Wilson, 13 59 J ishu C. trench. 4271 495 Jas. Wilson. E. part, 13 59 Cfpencer and !puer. 4399 372 James Wilson. 25 57 U. S. Jjand Company. 4241 937 James Wilson, 103 07 42m 947 James Wilson, 104 17 4242 298 James Wilon, 32 79 4090 92.1 James Wilson, 101 55 1334 20 James Wilson, 2 20 153j 600 James Wilson, CG 00 Mo es Kempton. 5070 930 Wm. Powers, 68 03 Wm. II. Gordan. 4.J93 210 James Wilson, 14 80 Alex. Vial. 4J40 188 James Wilson, 12 93 Randolph H. Evans. 4276 425 James Wilson, 1161 4275 990 James Wilson, 27 23 4183 990 James Wilson, 27 23 100 B. Davenport, 7 26 GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Aoi Per Warrantees, eto.. Taxes Hood tr Co. 1923 503 108 Morris A Stewart, $16 26 A. iV W. Murray. 1931 549 116 Morris A Stewart, 35 13 1935 636 Morris A Stewart, 31 31 1936 103 Morris A Stewart, 3 23 Francis Co ml rift. 1890 254 120 Morris A Stewart. 21 39 6S65 50 ) II. drO. Sniit t. 6366 563 ( George Mead. 9 01 Peter Lamm. 3647 117 Morris A Stewart, 185 3648 47 Morris A Stewart, 70 1837 97 103 Morris A Stewart, 7 75 o. Or M. Cathervian. . 1937 77 Morris A Stewart, 2 50 J. P. Nelson. 1886 60 Morris A Stewart, 77 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes Amos B, Merrell. t 5289 330 . George Mead, $35 65 5290 483 George Mead, 52 71 6291 1100 ' George Mead, 118 82 1881 ) Tito mas Graham. 1915 J 530 Morris A Stewart, 21 60 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Wm. Wooldridge. 297 Thos. P. Cope, $20 92 149 Jhn Skyron, 11 16 John Flemming. j '$0 A. K. Wright, 18 64 207 Jasper May land, 8105 103 . James Mulligan. 7 82 , ' ' Samuel LansOerry. 100 - George Moore, 1126 -. ! .: John Cook. , 866 : Jacob Wetzell, 68 63 . ,. ., Hippie, French 4" Co. 382 Joseph Simmons, 41 63 " '. ' ' - J. Cook. 228 : Reuben Haines : 34 29 100 . Reuben Haines 15 00 ' Daniel W. Bradley. 436 114 Robert Shaw, 65 41 431 114 Uyman Gratz, 64 65 P. Opden. 100 William H. West. 7 50 145 T. Cope, 15 37 109 J. Graham; , 12 22 274 John Thomas, 57 00 348 Joseph Henry. 51 47 137 Reuben Haines, jr. 15 37 Due for '56-7-8-9 76 52 100 Charles Hall, 11 26 135 Thomas Duncan, 20 26 120 C. J. Allport, 18 00 QUELICII TOWNSHIP. Ao. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Geo. D MorsratitrCo 225 John Witmer, $50 63 31 64 PigotShaw. 2 92 236 82 , Benjamin Wilson, 22 13 305 48 George Baker, 21 58 335 lsl Benjamin Wilson, 31 42 100 ltichard Atherton, 9 37 Herman. Haupt & Co 324 84 Matthias Barto, 42 54 433 153 Edward Hand, 66 85 356 C9 Emanuel Keigert, 46 72 108 George Moore, 14 16 James MGhee Co 119 121 Christian Stake. 11 09 193 122 Matthias Young, 18 08 433 153 Christian linger, 40 72 433 153 George Musser, 40 72 237 43 Thomas Ycaler, 22 21 210 Daniel Offley, 19 64 215 75 George Baker, jr 20 4B 436 145 Timothy Paxtou, 40 97 433 153 John Burge, 40 67 216 143 John Musser, jr 20 34 438 145 Joseph Albright, 40 97 Tnciahoe Mt. PI. P R. Co 260 60 JobnMcCahan, 24 37 98 John Lampblack, 9 17 200 Daniel Fulkerson, la 00 Due for '5G-7-8-9 30 15 HUSTON TOWNSHIP No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes John B. Utto. 5673 1041 Moore A Delaney $112 44 '.674 1041 Moore A Dclnnev 112 44 5675 1041 Moore A Delaney 112 44 6060 990 Wm. Powers, 106 92 5067 8T7 Win Powers, 94 72 Wm. Pa ker. 4237 883 15 James Wilson, 95 91 17. S. . Itand Comnanu. 4235 9R6 James Wilson, 106 40 4226 OHO James Wilson, .106 92 4229 965 123 James Wilson. 104 23 Same for '38-9 75 41 4230 507 James Wilson. 64 76 hitch anA Iiotiiiton. 375 E. Shoemaker, 40 51 . Thayer & Z. Li f. ion. 4902 100 Wilhelm Willink, 10 80 5063 298 Wm Powers, 32 19 . B. Gordan. 4225 250 . James Wilson, 27 00 4236 600 , James Wilson, . 54 00 Ttr.te Sett fit'd . 5679 1041 80 Moore A Delaney 112 44 w . a. IS tier. 6077 400 Moore A D.daney 10 80 . 200 . J. G. Kidd.'r, 21 60 195 David Cald Veil. 5 27 4902 420 Wilhelm UUlink, 45 36 4236 41)0 -! JamesWil-on, 16 15 4225 740- James Wilson, V9 91 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Cooper fc Pusey, 433 153 Richard Peters, 66 01 433 153 Peter Kuhn, 60 01 433 153 Fredeilck Beatcs. 66 01 433 153 John Dunwoodie, 66 01 John Cooper, 274 Adam Kuhn. 825 EbvnezarBi-cnham. 103 eo 01 150 29 200 101 200 300 Adam Kuhn, Putchin & Swan, Benj. Young. 18 80 Same for '50 7-8 9, 42 24 David Mchechan, David Brown, , 4 58 John Putchin, Philip Lotiht, 12 20 Wm. Johnson, 9 82 Wm. Wilson, 30 60 Same lor '66-7-8 9, 61 00 John Patchin, 45 76 Same for '66-7-8 9, 91 63 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, eto. Taxes Irmertri Karthann. 1900 600 Morris A Stewart, $33 50 1U01 773 .Morris A Stewart, 126 55 1S-13 fU7 Morris A Stewart. 74 1093 200 Morris A Stewart, 29 50 Devisees of J. White, Lsa 1093 79 22 Charles Willink, 4 72 1023 88 Charles Willink , 7 21 3163) 3475 J 633 147 Ch tries Willink, 37 63 Henry 1 others. 1097 100 Charles Willink. 2 96 E. McGarveu. 856 Charles Willink, 12 69 69 Charles Willink, 89 1665 900 J.Hewes,MyorsACo 53 1 1655 957 132 do do 56 46 700 Willard, 41 30 5112 a others 398ao. A. Custard, 23 49 KNOX TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrntees, etc., Taxes Jieni. J. Moreran. 433 153 Wm. Hunter. 22 09 r itch A- Bovnton. 433 153 Isabella Jordan, 82 36 JJatuel Bansman. 200 G. & M. 20 4 Same for '50-7-8-9, 42 30 x nomas mcfJlure, 100 Jonathan Jones, 10 20 John M. Chase. 433 153 Caleb Foulke, 58 90 293 Geo. Wescott. 39 fir. 433 153 Robert Wharton, 68 90 433 153 Geo. Seaff, 68 90 300 JohnBovd. 20 an 109 Susanna Ward. 12 04 255 G. & M. McCormick, 17 85 129 John Dorsov. P. 120 Wm. II. Robertson. 12 24 600 Isaac Thompson, sr., 61 20 200 Isaac Thompson, sr., 10 21 100 Isaac Thorn nsnn r. fi 11 90 Thompson&Egelman 16 32 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc.. Taxes Filch & Bovnton. 221 Hugh Jordan. 32 28 413 John Reed, 60 31 277 G. D. Goodfellnw. 40 a MORRIS TOWNSHIP Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes Ed. Perks Co.. 421 Jesse Yarnell. ru GtOTZt D. Morgan. 282 44 Wm. Drinker, 23 31 407 92 II. S. Drinker. 33 7 143 63 Richard Thomaa. 11 R3 349 140 John Reed. 28 87 260 Michael Sonder, 21 40 170 141 Patrick Hays, 14 03 H tlliam a. Robertson, 40 John Best, ; 1 10 E. C. Bttrtnti. William " Hoover, - , 100 153 Francis Johnson, 6 56 George Slate, 400 John Huston, 33 00 R. H. Long, Trustee. 433 153 Thomas Morris, 35 82 433 153 William Morris, 35 82 433 153 Samuel Meredith, 85 82 433 153 Wiliiam Miller, 85 82 279 153 Hetty Morris, 23 08 433 153 Thos. Fitzsimmons. 35 82 433 153 George Clymer, ' 35 82 433 153 Robert Gray, 85 82 433 lo3 Patrick Moore, 35 82 433 153 Mary Morris, 85 82 433 153 Magnus Miller, 35 82 433 153 Nalbio Frazey, 35 82 M. $ J. Hujf. 170 Blair McLanaban. 6 60 Same for '58 9 14 13 J. f . Crawford. 223 Simon Gratz,- 18 43 P. Kepple. 100 John Nicholson, 8 26 Robert Thomas. 231 Christian Baker, 18 97 Henry Creamond, 50 Casper Shatner, 2 76 Same for 1858 9, 4 58 Mary fn Berter, 269 91 Joseph Hubkr, 14 88 210 143 Jacob Graff, 11 56 6 John Graff, 35 300 Peter Varnell, 24 76 406 139 Richard R. Smith, 33 67 203 Jolm.Barron, 16 77 Same for '50-7-8-9 51 51 100 J. Farlow, 9 90 96 Joxeph Potter, 6 PENN TOWNSHIP- Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc., Taxes 30 James Johnson, 3 40 PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac Per. Warrantees, eto Taxes W . C. En os. 42o2 959 85 James Wilson, S43 89 4253 884 15 James Wilson, 37 64 5778 200 John Niehorson, 9 76 4262 990 James Wilson, 35 76 6777 1020 24 John Nicholson, 45 50 28 John P. Hoyt. 3 26 344 R. A Z McNaul, 17 95 111 It. A Z. McNaul, 3 90 5779 460 John Nicholson, 24 90 450 Daniel Bailey. 13 00 UNION TOWNSHIP. Jio Ac. Per Warrantees, etc. Taxes Garttaiid Irwin.. 3587 350 Roberts A Fox. $25 72 50 Henry Bailey, 4 90 262 It. W. Moore, 32 10 196 Henry Whitehead, 4 81 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, etc. Taxes Bicler tir Reed. 433 154 John A. Vaught, $35 24 450 159 John Walls, . 37 13 John Patchin. 427 80 John Carnion, - 34 71 Chas. S. Coxe. 433 153 John Roll, 35 24 Robert J. Wallace. 153 6 Peter Henry, 4 88 Same lor '58 9 4 46 140 Hugh Ralston, 6 50 . . , Same for '68-9 7 00 Wright and Menges. 413 7 'Samuel Emlen, 32 50 Geo. D. Morgan $ Co. 330 145 John McCahen, 28 30 57 143 Mary Connelly, 4 68 m. B. Alexander $ Co. 100 Rowland EvKns, 8 12 James M' Ghee $ Co. 33 42 Pigot Shaw, 27 10 216 Sebastian Grafl. 17 56 438 73 Thomas Edmondson, 35 66 Vr. u. J lout z. 433 153 Philip Loast, 35 17 433 153 Jacob R. Howell 35 17 433 153 William Johnson, 35 17 100 63 Geore Beckham, 8 12 H m. Albert $ Bro. 121 Eli Hootman, 9 83 215 5 Thomas Neil, 17 47 100 William Wilson, 8 12 JOSEPH SHAW.Treas'r. Clearflcld,"April 2, 1802. SALE O' SEATED LANDS FOR. TAXES. in pursuance of the provisions ot an Act of Assembly passed the 29th day of April, A. D 1814. to provide for the collection n Taxes on lands whereon no uersonol property can be found and where the owner neglects or refuses to pay the Taxes assessed, 1 will expose to sale at tne commissioners' ofhee in Clear field, on the second Mondav in June A. D. 1862, (being the 9th day,) the following pieces ot land in Clearfield county, viz : List of Lands returned by Collectors BECCARIA TOWNSHIP, Acres, Owners, Taxes 216 ' James Robins, 11 66 Same for 1860-1 24 01 BELL TOWNSHIP. 300 J. & J. Thomas. '58-9 45 37 Same for 1800-1 51 15 BRADY TOWNSHIP, 26 Henry Radaker, '58 9 9 18 Same for '60-1 10 54 625 John Dubois. '58 9 7h 00 Same for '60-1 86 80 CHEST TOWNSHIP. 200 John Port, 1859 9 9 200 Mitchell & Mahaflv '69 8 6 114 Benj. Hartshorn. '59 4 05 60 Samuel Hagy, '59 1 77 60 Nicholis Hazv. '59 1 77 228 John Taeeert. '59 8 12 Same for '60-1 19 66 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP, 115 Valentine King, '59 4 02 Same for '60-1 7 47 100 Alex. M'Cullomrh '59 4 37 Same for '60-1 8 12 100 P. & A. McCarl 59 f 2 Same for '60-1 9 75 BOGGS TOWNSHIP. 160 Anthony Brine '59 4 24 Same lor 60-1 11 36 50 David Good '59 1 67 Same for '60-1 4 47 10 Enoch Gearhart 59 79 Same for 60-1 2 13 11 Enoch G. Gray '59 175 Same for '60 1 4 69 KNOX TOWNS HIP, 60 George Galer, '69 1 62 Same for '60-1 ' 8 40 PIKE TOWNSHIP, 76 Joseph Bennett, '58-9 13P90 Same for '60-1 15'27 150 Wm. Craiar '58-9 in S7 Same for '60-1 13 34 WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. 100 Abram Goss 10 32 Same for '60-1 11 37 100 Mark Stott. 10 so- Same for '60-1 11 37 JOSEPH SHAW, Treas'r. Clearfield March 2, '62. Look Here ! ! TIS WARE, AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW RATES, Lampa, Cheaper Than Ever. Baoon, Rye, Corn, and other grain, at . reasonable oricea for eaah. at piHAIItS !! cnAIKS 111 CIIA1US till! y 0W 18 THE TIME TO BUY II!! The undersigned has now on hand, at his Furni ture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield. Pa., a Bhort distance west of Lits's foundry, a large stock of CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS, manufactured out of the beet materials, finished in a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW FOR CASH. His lone eiperience in the bu s in ess make; him feel confident that his chairs are made in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should call at once and get them while they can be had at the lowest rates. Feb 27, 1861. . JOHN TROUTMAN. . 1'New Lot of Goods. THE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stocK of merchandize of the late firm of Patton. Hippie & Co., hare just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drajjn, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Muslins, De Lainei, Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc., which they offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY PAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Boards, taKen in ex change for goods. We respectfully asK "a share of patronage. Call and examine our stocn . Curwensville.. Dec. 11. HIPPLE & FAUST. N B. The accounts of Patton, Hippie & Co., are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettled accounts, to call and settle the same as we desire to have the book's closed. December 11, 1861. HIPPLE A FAUST. NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received and opening, a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summor goods, of almost ev ery description. Staple and Fancy. DKY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, Choice Groceries, HARD-WARE AND QUEENSWARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUTE . rior quality. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. Juno 2ft, 1861. WM. F. IRWIN. JUST RECEIVED AT f-fW) NAUGLK'S XtvL. CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, 'g Graham's Row, Clearfield. Pa., a fine assortment ot WATCHES JEWELRY, 4c, Ac, to which we iu vite attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had at NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral. La va, Jett. Carbuncle, Garnett. Opal, Florentine Mo saio, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. Ac. or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Breastpins, Ear drops, Hoop Ear rings, children'seardropsand ringsat NAUGLE'S. Gold seats, keys and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Genu breast pins, sleeve buttons, shirt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at , NAUGLE'S. A fine assortment of gold finger rings of differ ent styles and finality, gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver t hi in lien, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on hand at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.2o to 15 dollars at NAUGLE'S. Old Gold and Silver will be taken in exchange forgoodsat NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. f r .i . . i jrvu wisu your waicnes pui in gooii repair anu warranica. taae tnem to aAlULE S. rTJRNITUEE ROOMS!! Benner & Barrett. Respectfully announce to the public that they nave compietea ana are now occupying their new FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, fronting on the Market lot and nearly opposite the Court llOU.Se. Cuhinpt lllnkinf. trill Im onrriu.! nn in the upper story of the same building, in all its different branches. All kinds of furniture will bo kept constantly on hand, and sold cheap for Cash, or exchanged fur country produce or lum ber to suit the business Their stock will consist of PARLOR. ROCKING AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS. Ac. Parlor, Sofa, Centre, Card, Dining, Extension and ureaaiast labics Sofas of all Kinds, Varieties and patterns. Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Wardrobes, Ac. Bedsteads Jenny Lind, High Posts, Cottage, French Posts, Ac. Mattrasscs Hair. Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn uufiw me oesi materials. Looking Glasses of all sorts and sizes AUn ses for old frames. Also, What-nots, Wash-stands, ui K-Biuuuf; uai-racKs, o. COFFINS mndo to order on short notice, and Hearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, Maple and Lin wood Lumber il. I . . r- . . . i a n.c ii in BAOUUiigo lor WOfK. UCt. Zl, lSbL. Furniture ! Furniture !! JOHN CtTJKT.TDT-T. Uesires to inform his old friends and customers tnat, having enlarged his shop and increased his lacilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture mnv hn Heiir. ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash. Ho mumr nas on nana at ma -i m niture Rooms," a varied assortment of fur-nit urn. Amnnip ahiith ta 0 " " ) J1UKKAITX ami Ninrnoinnu Wardrobes and Book-cases; Centre, Sofa, Parlor. ureamast anu .fining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- nv-Jjind n n H nthpr RoHsfoaHa tS ----- vww JUVVtJVVtXVAI3i SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac RockingandArmCliairs, I'nng-seat, v,ain-noitom, ana farlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOTTTTTfJ-flT. A Q T7" Q Of every description on hand, and new glasses for oiu irames, wnicn win oe put in on very reasonable terms, on short notioo. Ho also keeps on hand, or furnishes (o order, Hair. f i r i . .1 . . . v-uru-uusK, iiair anauonon lop waitresses. COFFINS, OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. . Also, House painting done to order. Tho above, and many other articles are furnished to customers obeap for cash or exchanged for ap- nrovert nnuntrv nrmiiiAA Ph ..... M...I. T l Lin-wood and other Lumbar miiini.ii. f,,r tt,a Kiwi' ness, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shnn i a nn Marv.i m-... field, and nearly opposite the -Old Jew Store." December 4. 1831 JOHN GUELICII. TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. The RArtssrvVa Jovrjal is published en w"i nesday at 51,50 per annttm in advance If paid at the beginning of the year, 52,00 will k charged. Advertisements will be inserted at $1 00n square, for three or less insertions Twelre Iin (or less) counting a square. For every additional insertion 2i cents wiil be charged. A deduction will be made to yearly advertisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time thB six months, and no paper will be discontinued n til all arroarages are paid, except at the option J the publisher. S. J ROW COUNT V DIRECTORY TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January. J 3d Monday in June 3d " in March. 1 4th " in ScptVr Of each year, and continue two week if necestuj' COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn. Belltfocte As te.Judges Hon. J. D.Thompson. Curwnviiu iion.uames iioom, r or rent Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks. Prothonotary, John L. Cattle, Reg. A Rec. . James Wrigley, District Att'y, Israel Test, . . Treasurer. . . Joseph Shaw, . Co. Surveyor, H. R. Wright, Commiss'n'rs, Wm. Merrell, . S. V. ThoTopsoa, Jacerb Kaati, . Auditors. . . J. B. Shaw, B. C Bowman, Chas Worrell, Coroner. ... J. W. Potter Co.Superind't Jessce Broomall, Clearfield . Glen Hope . Clearfieid. Morrid:, . Lutheriburr . Clearfield. N.WasbineW.n . Leoontei Si ill . CurwenjTiU, LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Townships. Names of P.O. Narrusof P.yi iseccaria, - ulen Hope, Bell, - - - Bower, - Chest. - Cush, - - Ostend, Forrest. - G. W. Caldwell. - W M Cracken. - Thos A. M Oh, - J. W Campbell.' - It. L. Hecdfrtco. - Jatses Doom. Bloom. Botrzs. - - - Clearfield Bridire. . P. U MM!- Bradford, - Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Wa?r Brady, ... Luthersburg, - - R. H. Moore " ... Troutville, - - Charles Sloppy. - - Jefferson Line, - . John Hebrlin. Burnside, - NewWashington - James Gallahsr - w. u. Irvin. - Jack Patchin. - O. Xozer, jr. - M. A. FriLk: - P. A. liaulin. - J F.W. Scbnarr T. W. Fleming. - Burnside. " - - - Patchinville, - Chest,- - - - Hurd. - - - Clearfield, - Clearfield. - -Covington, - Frenchville, " - - - Karthaus, - - Curwensville Curwensville. - Decatur, - Philipsburc. Centre county. Pa. Ferguson. - Marron, ... - Edui. Williams. Fox, - - - - llellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. uirara, - - - Leconte s 31uls, - u. .Mignot " - - - Raid Hills, -Goshen, - - Shawsville, -Graham. - - Grahamton, Guelich, - - Smith's Mills, .... Mattera, - -fluston, - - Tyler, - -- - - Pennfield, -Jordan, - - Ansonville, -Karthaus. - Salt Lick, - Knox, New Millport, Lawrence, - Breckenridge, - William Carr. - A. B. Shaw. - Thos. H. Forest. - A. G. Fox. - Chas. J. Poser. - David Tyler. - H. Wool ward Elixa Cba. - Geo. Hckder'a - M. O. Stirk, - J . W. Thompson - Jas. Thompson Jas. .MoUleiJaud - T. W. Fleming. - Ber.j F !!. - I), t. Prubuker. - Jos. Lonkett F 'LOUR. A lot of good flour on band and for Morris, - - Kylertown. - ' ... Morrisdale. - Penn. - - - Lumber City.t - - H W. Speneer ' .... Grampian Hill. - A . fl. M.-.r. 1'iHe, .... Curwensville, - .... Bloomicgvillo. Union, - - - Hockton, - - . Woodward. Jeffries. - - - I his Tost Office wfll do for Chest township. Will answer for Fergi son township. T YDE HOUSE, RIDGH'AY, PISX.VA. S. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern style, has ample accommodations, and is in all iepeott a first class house. February ft. xrU. JUST FROM THE EAST. n i c i-i a iTi:T moss o 1; DEALER IX FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. fcC, MABKET STBtEr, CLKA BHLX.D, PA. lie.'nl the following list of and profit therehy. Cheap ( T9R THE LADIES. fiooJi Clie-in,1ray on uanrl a Iarsestock of l.a- . lteapi Cheap Cheap Ch eap Cheap. Alpacas, l baines. Ginghams. Prints, chinn Kerchiefs, No- UfuU' FOR GENTLEMEN, (rooit' ( r wills Cheap Always on hand Black. Biut. Brown Hood Uieap ana ureyuiotns, fancy and r.ln.rk (;no,l Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Casimeres. Suttinets. Casinets, Coodt Jwoejs. nam and francy est- Good ings. Shirting, etc.. etc. eto. (;no ! READY-MADE. ,GW Cheap Such as Coats, Pants. Vests. Under-Good Lheip el,irt3. aud other Flannel shirts, GooJ' Lhenp Boots. Sh Gtiatl Good Goo4t Cheap ties. Gam Boots and Shoes. and Cheap, Lheap a variety of other articles imr-cr-imr ? rrr ro fheap . . ri,iK . ,. ... Good YT"fi Muslins. Colored Muslins. Linen Y. "7 t, . . . ua.uimum, Cheap Cheap Ch Linen aud hemp towls. car pets, curtains, fringe, eto II i limp itr in Cheap If Jou want Nails or spikes. Manure Cheap1; or other forks. Saw-mill or other saws, fcmootning irons. Locks. Hinges, etc.. go to Mossop's where you can buy cheap. IF YOU WANT Cheap Knives and forks. Butcher Knives. Cheapl Shoe and Stove Macking. Manilla if; Cheap and hemp ropes. Iiik, Paper cr G Is'icup. reus, i'OWder, bhot or Lead, Cheap etc., buy them at Mossop's. Cheap ip YOU WANT Cheap gjjoe LnstorPezs. Palm or Fancy Cheap g0l,p- starch, Wall Paper or Win- Cheap Cheap Cheap, C- heap Cheap Cheap Cheap dow Shades, Lamps, Lamp tubes or nicks, coal oil. etc , go to Mossop's cheap cash store.. ueap . ..rT ... . x't. jl Good extra family Flour. White or Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap Good I Good' Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Goods Good Goods ioods Golds Goods Good Gimds Goods Goodr Goods Good' Goods Goods Goods ,(roodS brown sugar, hams, shoulders or. ' sides, coffee; Imperial, Young. .(;00,s nyson or oiacK lea, Duy tnetn. at Mossop's cheap for ca?h.. IF YOU WANT Good i Goods. Goods Tallow candles, fine or coarse suit., Good'- Cueap oyrup or molasses, cheese, dried Cheap apples or peaches, water or so- Cheap do cracKers, call at Mossop's Cheap where you can buy cheap. Cheap IF YOU WANT Cheap Port wine for Medical or Sacramn- Cheap tal uses. Sw-.-et wine, old .Minon- CA'J gahela or rye whisKy, Cherry Cheap. and Cognao brandy, buy at Cheap Mossop s cheap cash store. yaeap ,F YOU wavt Cheap Ka eap eap Good' Goods Goods Good Goods Goods Goods Good Gads Goods Goods Good J,. rants; filberts, cream, pecan or rrnnj. irieam j . ,. . Chea grouna nuis, cauaies. liquorice Q00ti Cheap l.ili ' "J" 1"y" Hoods Chav Mossop's cheap and good. Good Cheap IF YOU WANT 'Goods Cheap'0 buy any other article cheap, be Goods Chr, sure to eo to Mossop, for he sells Goods- Cheapi cheaper for. cash than any other Goods Cheap person in Clearfield county. Goods Chen November 27. 1S61. ap27 69. foods Approved country produce of every lind tale the usual market prices in exchange for go- B' OGGS TP. FARMS FOR SALE. 0 in ..... i.i.a) and BDdr good fenoe. A log house 22 by 28. plank Louse I bv 18. loir barn. mithv and all necessary out-OBll- dings thereon. Large springand spring-houe con venient to house. The land is well watered ana has sufficient wood and fencing timber. There w an orchard of large grafted trees, and a young; o chard on place, all choice fruit. It is conveo"" for nantnrin droves. .ALSO, one containing W cres 10 cleared and uader fence balance weii timbered. This land has a log house ana thereon. For tertni apply to . 433 163 Robert Rainey, 35 82 Maroh.6, 18o2. R. MO8S0P'S. ale at JdERRE fit BIGLER'S OateberlS. u. J - CKA2. ciearr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers