Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, June 04, 1862, Image 3
THE wkWT THE JOURNAL. CLEARFIELD, PA., JUNE 4, 1862. Time of Cars leaving Tyrone Station. mwnwmnnmt EASTWARD.' Trough Exp. Fast train, Mail train, Way train, WESTWARD. Trough Exp Fast train, Mail train, 8.40 p m. 1. a.m. 7.45 a m. 10.50 a.m. 9.07 p.m. 8.18 a.m. 11.40 a.m. 7.18 a.m.' 9.50 p.m. 2.12 a.m. 9.13 a.m. 1.20 p.m. 7.50 a m. 8.05 p.m. 6.45 p.m. O f ( n m. 6.28 a.m. 6.56 p m. 5.08 p.m. 6.01 p.m. Way train 2.30 p.m. 1.20 p.m. The fast line does not stop between Huntingdon A uq . a; i ........ hat wAnn and Altoona. m way im.u uu.7 those two points. Enoch Lewis, Gen 1 feupt. THE PEOPLE'S STATE CONVENTION. The People of Pennsylvania, who desire cor dially to unito in sustaining the National Ad ministration in its patriotic efforts to suppress sectional and unholy rebellion against the . Unity or the Republic, and who desire to snp i port by every power of the Government, one -bund'red thousand heroic brethern in aims, ' braving disease and the perils of the field to preserve l"8 Union of our Fathers, are re quested to select the number of Delegates equal to the Legislative Representation of the M.itt!, at such times and in such manner as will best respond to the spirit of this call, to meet in State Convention at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday, the 17th day of July next, at eleven o'clock, on said day, to nominate Candidates lor the offices of Auditor General and Survey or General, aud to take such measures as may ; be deemed necessary to strengthen the Gov ernment in this season of common peril to a - common country. A. K.McCLUUE, Chairman People's State Committee. Gr.O. VV. llAMMEBSLT, I Secre,ar,es. JOUM M. SlLLIVA.V, f""''i. Ths Season. We have had very fini grow ing whether in this section, during the past week having had light showers a majority of the days. The prospect for a good grain crop was never better, and Iruit will bo abundant .from present appearances. AoRictLTURAL M&ETINQ. The Agricultural Society of Clearfield county, will meet at the Court House, on Thnrsday evening of Court week, June 19th. A general attendance is requested. The trotting course on the Fair ground will be open to the public, during both weeks of court, for training horses. Fatal Casualtt. Mr. Nicholas Vcrbeck of Karthaus township, met with a fatal injury on Sunday the 25th of May. It appears that a blind horse had broken into his rye Held, which Mr. Verbeck went to drive out. Thi animal suddenly wheeled and kicked, hitting Mr. V. In the aide, and injuring him so seriously that he died the next day. A Gr.M. The last number of the Altoona Tribune, contains the following Item A lady (f) residing in the lower end of this comity, wiiile engaged 'in a discussion with soma Indies and gentlemen, a few days since, .on the Southern rebellion, fcc, said that "If 'President Lincoln was here, I would cut his -heart out ami cook it for my supper " Truly, a very "delicate" remark I PEOPLE S COUNTY MEETING. A Convention of tho people of Clearfleld Co., who will unite cordially in sustaining the National Administration in this hour of our coutry's pet it, will meet at tho Court House in Clearfield, on Wednesday evening June 18th, 10G2, for the purpose of selecting Dele gates to the State Convention to be held at Ilarrisburg, on Thursday the 17th day of July next, for the purpose of nominating candidates lor the offices of Auditor General and Survey er General. A large attendant of the friends of the Constitution and the Union is desired A. C. Fin net. Chairman of County Ex. Committee. Lato and-Important. By a dispatch received from Gen. M'Clel lan, we learn that the rebels attacked bis po sition on Chicohominy on Saturday the 31st May, and succeded in throwing Casey's divis ion in confusion; but neintzleman and Kear ney brought up their divisions and checked the enemy. Gens. Sedwlck'a and Richard son's divisions were then thrown across the stream, and drove the rebels back at the point of the bayonet, covering the ground with their dead. On Sunday morning th rebels renew ed the attack out were everywhere repulsed. Our loss is heavy, but that of the enemy is enormous. Gen. Banks' has again possession of Front Royal, Va. One brigade, preceded by 4 com panies of Rhode Island cavalry entered the town on Friday morning, the 30th May, at 11 o'clock, and drove the enemy out. Our loss was 8 killed, 5 wounded and 1 missing. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded is heavy, :as our cavalry cut in among them in splendid style. We captured 6 rebel officers and 150 .nien. Corinth is in possession of the Union army. The retreat of the rebels appears to have been in great haste, as the roads are strewn with knapsacks, haversacks and canteens. Their army is said to be much demoralized. They (destroyed much of the property at Corinth 'the citizens, however managed to save about '60 of the houses in the town. Two thousand 'ebel deserters were captured and brought in. The .iron steamer Patras, of London, was ptored off Charleston Bar, with 1400 kegi of powder, 50 cases of rifles, 800 bags of coffee Di a quantity of quinine. The vessel and "rgo are valued at $300,000. She had no pa Prs on board. Fulton applied steam to the great practical of the ago; Morse has brought Galvan !QJ to be the daily servant of millions of men. Newton unravelled the mazes of the stars and ?ahj their motions the mariner's guide on the trackless ocean. What these men have done in their departments, Dr. Ayer does in Medicine. He turns the great discoveries in '-cience and Physics to use in the enre of dis and makes the occult discoveries of the reat chemists available for the wants of every life. His medicines for tho low prices at '"ich they are sold, briDg within the reach of "ery mm tbe begt wf8dom an(j the best skill r odern times. IFimifigon, Del. "Statei. Correspondence of the "Raftsman's Journal." j Camp near f kepericksulro, va. I May 19th, 18G2. , Mr. Epitor : The 6th Regiment Penna. Reserves, to which the Clearfield Company belongs, is at present located near the Freder icksburg and Richmond railway, and about three miles from the first named place. We arrived hereon the 11th May, altera three day's march, from Oatlett Station. . . . I will here relate an incident that occured on oar reaching the railroad, on our way to Ma nasses, some time since. We had to remain all night at the station, and shift the best way we could for lodginz. An old wairon-bed served me that night for a bedstead. Tho night being very cold 1 placed it, perhaps, Dearer the fire than I should have done for my own personal safety; at least, when I awoke in the morning, thn greater part of the cape of my overcoat bad disappeared. ... The country, since we left the Potomac, has as sumed a far different aspect. The boys often said, if there was no better land in the Old Dominion than what they had seen, (both in the Western part and around Camp Pierpont.) they did uot think the State worth fighting for. but since we have come here, they have near ly all changed their minds in regard to Old Dixie; and 1 have heard them frequently nay "that they would not mind if Uncle Sam would give each of them a farm in this section as soon as the war is over." Fredericksburg is a town of nearly 10. 000 inhabitants, and contains some very fine bull dings. The churches in particular attract the attention of tbe soldiers not, on account ot very great desire to attend preaching but be cause they are the most prominent of all oth er edifices. Opposite Fredericksburg is Fal mouth, a small town, which oilers but little of interest to a stranger. We had a pleasant visit from Messis. John M'Gaughey and W. W. Belts, who spent a few days with us ; and I assuro you, it did us good to meet these old friends strain. 1 hey left this morning, and we wish them a safe journey to their friends at home. Yours, J. Smith's Mills, May 27, 18G2. Mr. Row : A petty officeholder, visited our neighborhood recently, who was "long and loud" in his praises of Breckinridge, i ancy Dav is, Cobb, Floyd, and other rebels; and denounced President Lincoln, his Cabinet and all other patriots, in unmeasured terms and declaring "that tho some ropo that would hang Jell Davis should hang Lincoln." The same individual also made use of the following expressions : "If the d d Douglas party would Join with us, we could belt the d d Black Republicans and sink them to h-ll." From the language used, every intelligent man will Infer that tho person alluded to is a traitor at heart, and that his sympathies are entirely with the bogus Confederacy, Are the honett men ot Clearfield county ready to follow such tory leaders 7 Yours, &c, uueucu. Official Report of Qcn. Banks. The following extract is from Gen. Banks official report to the President: My command encountered tho enemy in a constant succession of attacks, and in tho well contested engagements at Strasbnrg, M iddlu town, Newton, at a point also between these places and at Winchester, the force of the enemy was estimated at about 15,000 men, with very strong artillery and cavalry supports, while my own force consisted of two brigades, less than'4000 strong all told 1,500 cavalry, 10 larTott guns and b smooth bores, TliesUb stunt ial preservation of the entire supply train is a source of gratification. It numbered a bout five hundred wagons. On a forced mars! of fifty-three miles, thirty-five of which were performed in one day, subject to constant at tuck in frout tear and flank, accoiding to its position, by the enemy in full lorco, notwith standing the panic of teamsters and the mis chances of a river passage of more than three hundred yards, with Blunder preparations for tod ami -ferry, not more than fifty wagons wero lost." From Gen. McClellan's Department. Gen. McClellan telegraphs to the Secretary of War that the battle on the 27 lb. May, at Hanover Court House, resulted in a complete route or the enemy. It is stated that we have taken OUU prisoner, and more are coming in. The loss of the enemy is set down at 1000 Our men buiied one hundred of their dead Our loss is 6i) in killed, wounded and mis sing, of which fifty-three were killed. Tho forces opposed to us wero principally from North Carolina and. Georgia, the prisoners from th i former Stato express themselves very tired of the war. They also say that their defeat will have a demoralizing effect on the Rebel army The New York 1 1th regiment State Militia, refused to be sworn in, on reaching Harper's Ferry. They were ordered to leave and pay their expenses dome. MARRIED ! On the 29th of May, by Rev. J. M. Gallowiy, Mr. R. K. Fleoai. of Goshen tp., to Miss Ke ti e ah, daughter of Henry Irwin of Lawrence town&hip. On the same day, by tbe same, Mr. R. Born to Miss Tillie R ALSTON, Lotb of Kylertown On the 29th inst., by Rev. A. J. Bender, Mr. George Retndols, to Miss Slsan Tozer. DIED: On the 2d Jnst., Priciila B. Irwis, consort of Mr. Jacob Irwin, of Lawrence township, in the 54th year of her age. On Tuesday, May 27, in Chest township, Elias Hurd, aged 7i years and 22 days. On tho 2Cth of May, Leventine, daughter of Charles Sloppy of Brady tow nship, aged 2 years, i moutus ana iu days. In Curwensvllle on the 19th of May, Kate Emma, daughter of Levijand Elizabeth Spiece, aged 6 years, 4 months and 19 days. "The tyrant death came rushing In, La9t night his power did show ; Out of this world this child did take, Death laid its visage low. The golden bowl by death is broke, The pitcher burst in twain, The cistern wheel It felt the stroke, . The pleasant child is slain. "No more this pleasant child is seen, r To please its parents' eyo, , . Tbe tender plant so fresh and green, Is in eternity." A. B. Ranyan. DR. A. 31. HILLS, desires to inform bis pa tients, and those who niav desire his profes sional services, that owing to the prss of business in his office in Clearfield, be will be unable ot visit his usual places any more, but may always be found at home in future. April 16-tf. N. B. Badly fitting gold plates oan ba exchang ed for Vuloanite work. b. lauchi,!. :::::: charlus holes. EW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE. The undersigned havinz located in tbe bor ough of Clearfield, (at tbe shop formerly occupied bv R Welch as a iewelrv shoD.i are prepared to do work of all kinds on the most reasonable terms. Tha cash will positively ba expected when the work is delivered. We are confident that we can not be excelled by any workmen in town or oonnty. (jo me one : tome all to the &tgn of the tue wmca. 4-Ma 1mA t.Alimi.TVA. TfflT.TTR sii'ii j i,Aiijbs II Hem em her wa are selling best quality of calico at 121 cents per jru, cuen. UlTlflfUU, LUa ft W, May 21. 18C2 Oceola Mills. Pa. Dried Apples ! -Several barrels of excellent dried ap- pies on band and for sale by Jan .18, 1S62. MERRELL A BIGLER. U.I. A brindle cow, with a white face. M-A She has been gone about ten days. A liberal reward will bo paid for her return, or for any in- lurraauon concerning ner. May 21, '62-pd. G. R BARRETT. WANTED. A little girl about 10 years old, to raise, by a family w ho bare no children of their own. An orphan preferred. For further information inquire at the Journal dE09. May 14.1862. WANTED A Brickmoulder, good, steady journeyman for. tbe crreater nart of the rummer, uooa wages will be paid fncah. Ap- lijr ujr icuer or omerwise. immediately to WILLIAM JONES. May21,I8fi2.-pd. Clearfield. Pa. "1AUTION. My wife Sarnh Margaret having v iuii my oeu anu ooaru witbout any just cause or provocation, all persons ore hereby ciutioued against harboring or trusting heron my account us i win pay no uooisoi ner contracting. May 21. 1862. JOHN KLINE, Jr TTIXKCUTOR'S NOTICE.-Letters Testa- JLi mentary on the estato of Isaac Chambers, late or Curwensville borough, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against me same will present tbem duly authcutioated for settlement, at tho office of A. J. Patterson, Esq. in lurwensviuo. UAniiuu laiAMUEiKd, May 2l,lS52.-pd. Executor. CJTATK OF PENNSYLVANIA, CLEAR k5 FIELD COUNTY, SS : I. James Wriirley, clerk xU Tof the Orphans' Court of said county of ( KKAIi .ClearGeld, do hereby certify, that at an TOrphnns' Court, held at Clearfield the 17th day of March. A. V. 1652, before the Honor able Judges of said court, on motion, a rule was granted upon the heirs and representatives of Johr Peter Lider, deceased, to come into court on the third Monday of Juno next, to show cnugo why tbe real estate ot said deceased should not bo sold. And it was further ordered and directed that notice be given the said heirs and persons inter ested, who are non-residents, by publication of the aioresnid rule, for tbe space ot throe successive weeks, in the 'Raftsman a Journal,' published in me borougb of Ciearneld. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand'and affixed the senl of said court at Clear field, tbe21stday of March. A. I). 1Si2. JAMES WHIG LEY, May 2, 1862. Clerk O, C. HARTSWICK'S DRUG STORE. Karket Street, Clearfield, Fa. Constantly on hand a largo stock of ami well selected DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, And Dye-StulTs, Taint brushes, and Erushes of all kinds PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO Ik SEGARS, STATIONERY, Liquors for Medical Purposes, Including Brnmly, Whiskey, Oin, Tort, Sherry and Madeira nines, Ac. TIIUSSES, A large stock constantly on hand, of the most approved make for durability and comfort. The Doctor will personally superintend this department of the business. May 23, 18(52. HfONEY SAVED IN It UJ LI) IN i ! To 1TJL save money in building, nnd to put up styl ish well proportioned and substantial buildings for less money Uiuu usuul. may be done by call- in? on A. eitiuan. Architect and Designer. Those who intend to build either an humble res idence, or a magnificent hall for the coin fort of life, will save money by taking the advice of an experienced Architect, making preparations in time, and by obtaining tho bills, drafts, estimates, and specifications at tho proper time, will cuard against empty purses before the completion of the building. The undersigned Would therefore respectfully inform tbe citizens ot Ciearhcld and tbe public in general that ho is at all times prepared to execute jobs, in his line, on short notice, and on the most lavoraoie terms. Having made bis business a regular study with several experienced archi tects, and having aUo had long experience in the business, he flatters himself he will be able todraw the best designs of every description of buildings, make correct draughts of all Kinds of patcrns, models for patent rights, .tc., Ac., and to give en tire satislaction to all w ho may favor him with their patronage. - People from a distance will, by sending the di stentions of the ground plan, with a description of tbe location, scenery, and country around it, be gratified with a design suitable in style and order witb tbe location, scenery and country, and well adapted for its special purpose. 'o charge will be made if tbe job should not be satisfactory. Carpenter w ho desire to improve in the theo retical parte of their important profession may al ways receive instructions in either of the dinerent branches of Architecture. Information can at all times be obtained at my office, up stairs in Shaw's now, oratueorge iuorn s, ulearneld, 1 a. May,7,'62.-6m. AUGUSTUS WEITMAN. SECOND SUPPLY OP New Summer . Goods, AT THE OLD PRICES. J. P. KRATZEIt, Has lust received another general assortment of bummer jwryuooas. Lawns, Cloths, Dress trimmings Poplins, Satinets, Shallies, Cassimere, Ribbons, Flowers, Head netts, Laces, Collars. Undersleeves, Mantillas, Dusters, . Shawls, . : Hosiery, ; . Cashmeres, Tweeds. Lave! las, . Cottonades. Ducals, Drillings, Silks, Jeans, Prints, Muslins, valancias, ' flannels, Chintz, Linens, Ginghams, : ' Tickings, . Ladies Proininade Jackets. Itonnets Sun Umbrellas, Carpets, Floor oil-cloths, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. GROCERIES. t 4 ;' Coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice, spices, flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence ot coffee, pulverized sugar, crackers, starch, soda, sperm and tallow candles, black tea, saleratus, wines, mackeral, shad, salmon, cod-fish, herring. HARDWARE A QUEENSWARE. Clothing, Notions, Jointed hoop skirts, Shakers. Musical Goods Violins, fifes, strings, bridges, bows, keys, precep tors, uiusio paper, rosin. Tin-ware, glass-ware, drugs, lamps, buckets, tubs, churns, brooms, wall paper, blinds, umbrellas, baskets, school books, varnish, moss, curled nair, coach varnish, spirits of turpentine, lead and oil, fish oil, coal oil, glass, etc., in fact a little of every thing usually kept in a country store ' All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved country produce. May 28,. 1862. ' , J. P, KRATZiER,. V A Til trCV f W a . . Just rcceving and constantly on hand and for sale, good family flour, at cash price, by Jan. 15. 1362. A1EKRELL & BIGLER. TO THE PUBLIC The undersigned hav inir Purchased the entire stock nf thn lt firm of Moore A Etsweiler, and having made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to wait upon cus tomers. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to the firm, he hopes by strict personal attention to business- to merit a continuence of the same. March 2(5, '62 -tf. D. F. ETZWEILEK. 1Q0 EYRE St LANDELL, 1 QQ 101)4 Fourth V Arch Streets. Phila- JOUZ delphiu, are now offering their usual assortment of Dry Goods, adapted to Serine Sales. Fashionable Dress Silks, . fashionable Spring Shawls, new as sortment of Dress Goods, Spring Prints, DeLainea and Oinzhams.Muslins and Linens of first quality. Cloths, Cassimercs and Vestinss. Table Linens, Towlings and Napkins. N. It. Black Silks, be low regular prices. jAIarcb ll. bi.Jm. THE UMON NOW AND FOREVER t READ! HEAD!! ItEAD'.I! A New Attraction in theso Diggings ! NEW AND CIIKAP Clothing Store, In the "Mansion House," opposite the Clearfield Co. Bank, (Mr. Shaw's old stand,) Clearfield, Brunch of llr.izr.nxt fin liroi 126 North'Third street. 1'hiloftephta, I'a. The undersigned respectfully announce to tho inhabitants of Clearfield county, and the public in general, that they have opened at the above named place tbe most extensive and best selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, that has ever been exhibited in this borough, and which they will sell 2j vr rrnt. ehravrr than clolhtusr hat ever firm mid in this part ofthr country. Our stock embraces a full and complete assort ment of all garments generally worn, made up of good material and in tho best stylo and workman ship. A general asuortmcnt of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING, furnishing goods, hats and caps, traveling bags, t rimed flannel and white shirts ; in short every thing generally found in a well assorted store of this kind. We also keep a fine assortment of FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, such as pocket books, portnionies, pocKet knives, combs, brushes, watch chains and guards, violin and guitar strings, pistols, revolvers, gun caps. spectacles and a great many other fancy and.u.io ful articles too nuinerou to-mention, all of which they will sell as well as the clothing At the Lowest Cash Prices. We invite every person in need of clothing or of any of the above mentioned articles, to favor us with a call and view our goods and prices, am: we are conhdent tbnt we can give satislaction. so that every person shall feel inclined to tell his friends whero good and cheap clothing can bo got Wo aro constantly receiving accessions to our stock from our own manufacturing establishment in Philadelphia, and shall always he supplied with a good variety of all articles in our line which shall surpass in style, cut, workmanship nnd cheapness those of any other similar cstab- I ishuient in this part of tho State, and by fair and honest dealings, wo hope to morit a liberal snare of public p April 9, 'f: atronage. KEIZENSTEIN BRO S A CO. r 1ST OF RETAILERS of . Foreign and IJ Domestic Merchandize in Clearfield county for the your 1302. subject to tho payment of Licenses. NA.MK. nr.SIDr.NCE. CLASS. TO PAV Elizabeth W Wri ;ht, Bcccaria tp. 8 ,14 I. g " 14 55 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 7 5 6 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 . 7 00 00 J. W Thompson, C. J. Pusey, 00 John Robinson, 00 Win. K. Dickinson, ' " 14 " '' 14 " " It " " 14 ' " 14 " " 13 Boll , town'p. 14 i; u J 4 00 00 Jeremiah Cooper, Groom, Dickey & Oo. 00 00 00 00 00 Lyonel W- Weld, Samuel Hagcrty, .loll Robinson, 11. IS, Henderson & Co, E. W. Brady, 00 John S. Snyder, 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 8 8 14 8 14 14 00 .lames McMurry, r.urnsido tp. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ebin McMasters, J. Patchin A Son, " " Stephen Lloyd " 11. Patchin, " " ' J. R. McMurry, N. Wasibngton boro Wra. Feath, conf. ' " Juoob Nelf, distiller, " J. M. Cumminzs, " " 00 00 Win, Lumadoe, RoRgs town"p. Mathevr Forcey, Bradford town'p, 00 00 rJ. V atson, Win. Albert. ; " 14 Brady town'p. 14 14 00 A. Montgomery A Co. Abel Brooks, . 00 00 00 Jaoob Kunts, . ii it u 14 14 13 14 13 13 John Carlile, 00 R. 11. Moore, 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 Dan D. Goodlander, F K. Arnold. . ii Samuel Arnold, Win Hunter, Chest town'p. 14 " 14 Clearfield boro' 12 u 2 7 00 James Curry, 7 00 need. Weaver A Co 12 50 12 50 12 50 David Etrweiler, ." Richard Mossop, ii ii u 12 12 14 14 14 4 12 14 4 9 8 14 14 12 12 14 12 J. P. KraUor, " 12 50 Merrell A Bigler, " 7 00 7 00 7 00 J. G. Hartswick, 4i H. W. Smith A Co. Charles Watson, drugs, " 5 00 12 50 Graham, Boynton A Co , W. F. Irwin. : " M Woods A Co., drugs, " ii u 7 5 25 5 7 7 Leonard, Finney A Co. Brokers Hessenthaler A Lepold, brewers, Reizenstein, Bros. A Co., clothing, A Montgomery, Curwensvllle boro J. A J. F. Irwiu, " " 12 50 12 50 7 00 17 50 Hippie A Co ' " ;t J. D. Thompson. " " Wm. Irwin, Patent Med. " Sti'j.hen Graff, confect' ner " " 5 5 7 7 7 5 5 -.7 7 7 5 7 7 ' 7 7 7 20 7 7 7 . 7 7 7 7 7 . 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 : 7 5 00 r.d. wood win, confectioner " " 00 00 J. Baruioy, Covington town'p. 14 14 14 8 8 14 14 14 P. F, Ilegarty, 00 Francis Coudreit, " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on 00 00 00 00 00 Val. Hoffman, confect r, " Benj. Snyder, confect'r, " " J. F. Steinar, Decatur town'p. Drum .Lippencot A Co. " M Bowman A Perks, " " W.G.M'Cracken, Dist'y, Fercuson tp. Jas. Irwin, Girard town'p . 14 Agustus Leconte, " ' 14 A. B. Shaw, Goshen town'p. 14 Ellis Irwin A Son, 14 Holt, Wilson A Co. Graham town p 14 11 T. II. Forcey, Pat. Med. ; " A. G. Fox, Guelich town'p. 14 i. 14 i n 14 " " 14 Huston town'p, 14 John Miller, J A. Heearty, P. Sneerineer A Co. iavid lyler, Wm iirady. i. i. 14 " i 14 Jordan town'p, 14 " 14 Karthaus town'p. 14 14 Knox town'p' 14 II. Woodward, it. Swan, David McGeehan, R. U. Haines, Wm. S. Sankev Martin O. Stirk, J. Forrest, Lawrence town'p, 14 J. Hegarty, Lumber City, 14 Furguson, confectioner, 'v 44 8 J C.Brenner, Morris town'p, 14 S warts A Bowers, : " 14 J. C. Brenner, " ' 14 M. Steinkerchner, distl. ; " 8 Daniel Brnbaker. : Union town'p, 14 7 7 7 7 1 John M. Chase, ; Woodward town'p, 14 . J, Whiteomh A Sons, " " . 14. v. j.McCann. . " 14 Thos. Henderson, 1 " , " 14 An appeal for the regulation of such lioenses. will be held in the Commissioners' office, in Clear field, on Monday the 9th of June, 1862, where all persons interested may attend. t i G. W. SUAFFNER. wj ii, ioa.;,,; ;. : mercantile Appraiser. r t J n r n ... . . Flour! Flour!!: f f , ," 'ON. All persons ore hereby caution- following property, now in possession of -John vtaggoner, 10 wit : 1 brindle cow. 1 black cow, 1 red cow, I bay mare. 14 sheen. 3 ho.flVr ..iv. l wagon. 1 plow, I corn plow, 1 harrow, 1 windmill, i uuioer sieu, iu acres of grain in the ground- 2 oxen, and 1 stack or bay, as the same have been purchased by ns at Sheriff s sal, and have only been left with said Waggoner on loan and are sub- jebt to our order. HIPPLE A FAUST. March 6, 1802. y,. CLEARFIELD COUNTY, SS. Notice. Estate of Jeremiah Flvnn. deceased In the Urphaus court of Clearfield county, at March terra", A. D. 1S62, respecting the appraisement of S300. 00 for the widow. vi: personal property to the "mount of SjO. and real estate containing about 46 acres.appraised at SwS.io, tno court made the following order : March 17, 1S62. approved ni si. as to portion of estate set apart tor tbe widow under the S.iOO law, and publication is ordered to be made in one newspaper published in Clearfield county, for three successive weeks, giving notice to all par ties interested to come into court on or before the hrst day of next term and show cause why the ap praisement snouu not be approved absolutely. iy xne l oun, JA.ML5 li li l,L i , April 9, '62. Clerk O. C. Fashionable Millinery. MISS J. E. MITCHELL. Second Street, Clearfield, Pa,, (Opposite the residence of L. J. Crans, Esi ) The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies of Clearfield and vicinity, that they have received an assortment of Fashionable Millinery toods, to which they invite their attention. We also do all kinds of millinery work on short notice, in the latest style, and on reasonable terms. J. A E. MITCHELL. May 21, 1862-.1m-pd. rilllKC.NIHNU MACHINES. The under- JL signed wish to inform the citizens of Clear- field county, that they still continue the manafic- tuje of Threshinz machines, at the Bcllefonte Foundry, of "a superior nualitv. for one. two. nnd four horses; also, the celebrated endless chain or tread power, for either ouo or two horses, with or without shakers as may suit tbe purchaser. We would recommend the tread power particularly to furmcrs who keep but two or three horses. The machine nnd power, with thakor can all be set on a small barn floor, and rain or shine, can be worked to good advantage by a man and two boys, thus saving in linnds as well as in horses, and doing the work as well and as f;ist as most men dosiro. Our four-horse power machines, with overshot cylinders, are certainly the best now made; we could give numerous certificates from reliable farmers, of both Centre and Clearfield counties, iim to the good satisfaction these ma chines have given, but deem it unnecessary. All machines warranted. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. A. II A UPT A CO., May 21, 1S62. Bellefonte, Pa. 1 eter Bloom of Ansonville, is an authorized agent for the sale of machines. yUKlZ PLOWS. It is now scttlod be f T yond question that theso celebrated plows go ahead of all others, wherever introduced, in giving good satisfaction. For the convenience of our friends and former customers in Clearfield county, (to whom we are thankful for past patron age.) wo give below u lint of agents, from whom these plows, and also shears, can bo had : Merrell A Bigler, Clearfield, James Watson, Williams Grove, John Holt, near Grahamton, S. S. Chapman, near Kylertown.L. Brandcl. Freneh- viilc, John Kcitcr, Ivarthaus, George Hockendoni, Salt Lick, J, W. Hewett. Pennville, Hale A Co., aim in. iioyd. rmiipsburg, 1 bourns Henderson, Jeffries. Henry Swan, Ansonville, Samuel Hegar ty. near Ulcn Hope, John Cummings, New Wash ington. Wo also make tho McGarvay plows, both right ana leit bana, also lull side plows, iron kettles. New World and Hathaway cook stoves, esrz and nine plate stoves, iron fencing for cemetrics, cast iron hiuinng posts, wagon spindles ot all sizes, threshing machines, (see advertisement). Wo also have for sale J. S. Marsh A Co's celebratad grain drill and straw and fodder cutters ; we are also prepared to make nnd fit up mill- castings of any description wanted. Orders, cither directed to us by mail or through any of the above named agents, will reneive prompt attentson. Bcllefonte, May 21, '02. A. IIOUPT A CO. FJ BOLSTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby .a. given, in t tno tollowing accounts have been examined and passed by me, aud remain filed of record in this office for the inspection of heirs. legatees, creditors and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court Houxr, in the B-yough of Clearfield, commencing on the Third Monday of June, 1862. for confirmation and allowance : The partial account of Jacob W. Campbell and Washington uaruiner. Kxocutors of last will and testament of Timothy Lee late of Burnside town ship. Clearfield county, deceased. The partial account ot Joab Rider, Adminis trator of tho estate of John Peter Rider, late of Covington township, Clearfield countv. deceased. Tho Guardian account of George Wilson, guar- J : C x I . . I'll i , i . . . utuii ui me iuiuor cniiuren oi nooert ijeonaru, lato ot .Lawrence township. Clearfield county, de ceased. mo account oi v.nrisiopoer rvrarzer. Adminis trator of tho estate of Anthony Kratzer. late ui Pike township, Clearfield county, deceased. The acoonnt of G. W. McCully, Administrator of all and singular the.eoods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Jacob Tipery, late of tne township ot woodward, in the couutyof Clear- ncia, aoceased. The account of D. J. Cathcart. administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits which were of Jane Wilson, late of the township of Chest, in the county of Clearfield, deceased. Jibe administration account of wm. Wallace. administrator ot .Robert iiutler, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, deceased. JAMES WRIGLEY, May 14, 1362. Register. Spring Opening at IT. W. SMITH & CO'S, Of the latest and most fashionable GOO D Si IIRST QUALITY OF PRINTS, Warranted good ; cloth and fast colors, for sale at our former prices to wit : 124 cents per yard. Also, a large stock of Pamina's and Zyeias. the now raging meterials for travelling costumes and promenade dresses ; With a complete assortment of Ladies' Dress trim mings, Buttons, Tassels. Cords. SkirtBraids, Ber- , Iin Zephyr w orsted, Shetland Wool. Embroi dery, Silks, etc. A choice lot of trimmings . for Zouave's, consisting of Gimp, Silk, White Bugles, Steel Bugles, Gilt Zou aves, Blark Zouaves, etc. etc., etc. With Superior Stock of Bareges, . . Cords, Alpacas, Prints, Cottonades, Brilliants, Cambrics. - Denims. - Lawn robe. Delape Shawls, Furn. Checks. Handkerchiefs, Stella Shawls, Hickory stripe, Irish Linnen. Liiainorayg, jiweeus, won la' sancrior -ti i rw . . uinguams, uora, urins, jecs ties. Lawns, Rep De Laincs, Black Silk Meillures, Balzorines,' . . Handkerchiefs,' Kent y Jeans, Mozambiaues. ilooo skirts. i an. Cassimere, Lace Mitts, Dovlies. Chintz. Doa't lose the. Oppoxiujuty to Economise! U.Ota II W. b. A Co 8. Where VOU will reeeive a superior article at a small advance oncost. : j Men Awake!! - - Don't throw away your means when by going te : xi. v . o. dt co s, you can get a real good article of a kip. Loot for S3.00.-. Call . and sea also our men's extra heavy " i .! Plough Shoes. . . ' As Times are Easincr so are out Prices. jiLOUK. A lot of good flour on hand and for sale at ILERRKUL k BIGLER'S. SEAL ) WANTED. All -finds of grain will betaen in payment of detis due me. for which the highest maret prices will te given. ; Deo. 11, 1SS1. . . , , JAjfCSB GRAHAM. T in ii nrc !A ,ot tf hofw Li(ium' upq J-JllUUlo i as Brandies of various kinds. Whiskey, (tin. etc., just received and fir by Jan. 15. 1362 MERRELL A-BIG LKK. pno Oil I Ju received and opened tho VUtll VJll! the best art icl of BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. Also Benzine, an article that supplants turpentine in many uses, all whi'h will be sold cheap fcr eh by MERltELL A EIGLER. LI 31 E! L I M E ! ! -I'.jrnur Ijmm vour Lsiiuls. The subscriber would iufnrm th farmers of Clearfield countv. that ha k re a ooa- stantly on hand "at the Jones Kiln at Tyrone a. large stouk of lime, aud will furnish on contrart any quantity at the terminus of the Tyrone and Philipsburg Railroad. March 19. 1S62. WM. II. ROBERTSON. N. B. Lime constantly on hand at Sandv Ridr Station, on the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad. Hardware ! -The undersigned have re cently added a. very ex tensive assortment to their former large stocK of II A K I) W A K E, Which they are prepared ti dispose of for cash at prices to suit the times. Person desirous of buy ing hardware, should remember that we can sell cheaper than the cheapest on account of the heavy stocK we bare on hand, and therefore to their ad vantage to purchase of us. Give us a trial. Jan. 15, 1S62. . MERRELL A BliiLER. Lamps! Lamps!! -CHEAPER TH AN EVER. The undersigned have just received from tbe eait an extensive and varied assortment of the best COAL OIL LA Mrs, ever brought into the county, which they offer at prices, cheaper than the cheapest. One advant age in buying from us i. if the burners become loose we fiisten them without charze Now is the time to buy. We also repair lamps and put new burners on when desired. Jau. 15, ltill MERRELL A BIGLER. New Goods. rust received at the ' Corner Store," Curwens villo, a new and seasonable stock of roods. which will be sold upon reasonable terms. WM. IRVIN. Clover and timothy scol of a rood onalitT f,.r sale low, by WM. IRVIN. Grain o all kinds, bacon and lard, fur ! t the '"corner store" by WM. IRVIN. One new two-horse waxon for sale, innnire nt Curwcnsvillo. of U'M. IRVIN. One pair of jrool heavy oxen for a!e hv March 1262. WM. IRVIN VO. 2, WAKE FT ! The undersigned would 1 1 respectfully inform the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that ho continues to do all kinds r.f Blacksmithing ou short notice and in the very best style, at tho Old Shop alongside of the Town Hall. Edge tools of all kinds iu ad a and A re-wed in tho best manner, and warranted to give entire satisfaction. The puolic will remember, that f am not in tho habit of turninz off iobson ncconnt of not being able to do them. All I ask is a trial. and then the public may judge .f the work for themselves. Remember "tho '-Did Shop" at tha Town Hall. JAMES 11AKK. Clearfield Pa , August 13. 1 SO I . N. B. Any jobs that Mr. Pufsmore cannot cm. cute, will be done on very short notice. M.ME. DE.UOKEST'S QUARTERLY MIR-' ROR OF FASHIONS. Great improvements. the Summer number will contain Four laree and splendid Fashion-Plates, Three full-sized Paterns, comprising the new trench wait, au elegant sieve, and a Misses sack, together with nearly 100 engravings oi an tne novelties lor summer bon nets, cloaks, trimmings, children s dresses, etc , and valuable information to Milliner. Dress Mukers, Mothers, and Ladies trenerall v. present ing the largest aud best Fashion Magazine in the world, published 4 7J Broadway, .New 1 orlt. and sold everywhere at 25 eta., or sent by mail post free, on roceipt of amount. Yearly SI with tba following valuable premium. Each yearly sub scriber will be entitled to theselection of DO cents worth of plaiu patterns, from the dt.'si'Mis in the book, or from the show room, or they may be or dered aud sent by mail any time during theyear, oy paying tne postage. Splendid inducements to canvassers. Summer' number will be ready on or about the 1st of May. : NEAVDRTJG STORE." The subscriber has opened a full and com plete assortment of D It U G S in the new brick building which he recently erected on the corner of Locust and Cherry streets, in the Borouirh of Clearfield, where he will at nil times be happy to accommodate jtny personwho may desire articles in his line The business will be confined strictly to a DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION BUSINESS. and no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. JJr. vtood, may alwavs be found aud consulted. in the '"Drug Store," when not absent on profes sional business. A sejarat room fur consults tion is attached to the Store, where patients may be examined privately. Every article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly reduced pi ices. Term bt-tug strict! i (Jash willen ablethem toofter inducements in the way of prices. rnysicians win ce supplied at a small percent age overcost and carriage. Their orders are solici ted. Every article sold will be pure and of tha Lest quality. M. WOODS. ' Clearfield, l'a.. rebruary 13, l.Siil-tf. ' M P O R T A N I' A N N O V N C E M EN T ! ! A XT'.-, .l "lIT-.i 1, 17" , ,rv f JL V t it UI 111 1VI IU V II 1 II I The undersigned informs his old friends and th public generally that he has just received and o pened, at his old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods. Hardware, Queensware Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates us they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine Lis stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from biin. jyll MATTHEW FORCEE". ' N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS- JOHN & JERKED F. IRVIJ7. The undersigned give notice that on the I3th A pril they enterod into partnership in the mercan tile business in Curwensville. and that hereafter the business will be conducted by them jointly un der the name and firm of John A J F. Irvin. They inform their customers and the publio in general that they have received from the East and opened at the old stand, a large and varied stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY-OOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENS, WARE, HARDWARE, AC, AC, ? specially adapted to the wanta of tha community, and will sell the same at the lowest cash price. Also, a largo assortment of Bots, Slues, Hats and Caps, of the latest styles ajd best quality, all of which they intend to sell at reasoncble rates. Also, an extensive stock of the must fashionable , READY-MADE CLOTHING, at prices to suit the times. Now is the time to. purchase. Call in atiu examine our stock before you purchase your goods, and we feel confident that we can supply you with all kinds of goods,' at as low prices and on as re&sonableterins asyou oan procure tbem elsewhere. Give us a trial- ' . JOHN IRVIN, : ' a May 30; I860. J ERRED V. IRVIN. N. B. Tersons indebted to the old firm, are re quested to oall aHd settle my 30.